ALLERGAN, INC.

                          SAVINGS AND INVESTMENT PLAN


NAME AND EFFECTIVE DATE                                                                       1
       1.1         Plan Name                                                                  1
       1.2         Plan Purpose                                                               1
       1.3         Plan Intended to Qualify                                                   1

       2.1         Accounts                                                                   1
       2.2         Affiliated Company                                                         1
       2.3         After Tax Deposits                                                         2
       2.4         After Tax Deposits Account                                                 2
       2.5         Anniversary Date                                                           2
       2.6         Reserved for Future Modifications                                          2
       2.7         Reserved for Future Modifications                                          2
       2.8         Before Tax Deposits                                                        2
       2.9         Before Tax Deposits Account                                                2
       2.10        Beneficiary                                                                2
       2.11        Board of Directors                                                         2
       2.12        Break in Service                                                           2
       2.13        Reserved for Future Modifications                                          2
       2.14        Code                                                                       2
       2.15        Committee                                                                  2
       2.16        Company                                                                    2
       2.17        Company Contributions                                                      3
       2.18        Company Contributions Account                                              3
       2.19        Company Stock                                                              3
       2.20        Compensation                                                               3
       2.21        Computation Period                                                         4
       2.22        Credited Service                                                           4
       2.23        Disability                                                                 5
       2.24        Reserved for Future Modifications                                          5
       2.25        Effective Date                                                             5
       2.26        Eligible Employee                                                          5
       2.27        Eligible Retirement Plan                                                   6
       2.28        Eligible Rollover Distribution                                             6
       2.29        Employee                                                                   6
       2.30        Employment Commencement Date                                               6
       2.31        ERISA                                                                      7
       2.32        Reserved for Future Modifications                                          7
       2.33        Forfeitures                                                                7
       2.34        Highly Compensated Employee                                                7
       2.35        Hour of Service                                                            9
       2.36        Investment Manager                                                         10
       2.37        Leased Employee                                                            10


       2.38        Leave of Absence                                                           11
       2.39        Normal Retirement Age                                                      12
       2.40        Participant                                                                12
       2.41        Participant Deposits                                                       12
       2.42        Period of Severance                                                        12
       2.43        Plan                                                                       12
       2.44        Plan Administrator                                                         12
       2.45        Plan Year                                                                  12
       2.46        Reemployment Commencement Date                                             12
       2.47        Rollover Account                                                           12
       2.48        Severance                                                                  12
       2.49        Severance Date                                                             13
       2.50        Sharing Deposits                                                           13
       2.51        Sponsor                                                                    13
       2.52        Stock Credit Account                                                       13
       2.53        Trust and Trust Fund                                                       13
       2.54        Trustee                                                                    13
       2.55        Reserved for Future Modifications                                          13
       2.56        Reserved for Future Modifications                                          13
       2.57        Valuation Date                                                             13
       2.58        415 Suspense Account                                                       14

ELIGIBILITY AND PARTICIPATION                                                                 15
       3.1         Participation                                                              15
       3.2         Participants in Prior Plans                                                15
       3.3         Participation in Plan prior to March 1, 1995                               15

PARTICIPANT DEPOSITS                                                                          16
       4.1         Election                                                                   16
       4.2         Amount Subject to Election                                                 16
       4.3         Limitation on Compensation Deferrals                                       17
       4.4         Provisions for Return of Excess Before Tax
                   Deposits Over $7,000                                                       19
       4.5         Provision for Recharacterization or Return
                   of Excess Deferrals by Highly Compensated                                  21
       4.6         Termination of, Change in Rate of, or
                   Resumption of Deferrals                                                    23
       4.7         Character of Deposits                                                      23
       4.8         Rollover Contributions                                                     23


TRUST FUND AND COMPANY CONTRIBUTIONS                                                          25
       5.1         General                                                                    25
       5.2         Single Trust                                                               25
       5.3         Company Contributions                                                      25
       5.4         Form of Company Contributions                                              26
       5.5         Investment of Trust Assets                                                 26
       5.6         Reserved for Future Modifications                                          27
       5.7         Irrevocability                                                             27
       5.8         Company, Committee and Trustee Not
                   Responsible for Adequacy of Trust Fund                                     28
       5.9         Certain Offers for Company Stock                                           28
       5.10        Voting of Company Stock                                                    31
       5.11        Securities Law Limitation                                                  32
       5.12        Distributions                                                              32
       5.13        Taxes                                                                      32
       5.14        Trustee Records to be Maintained                                           32
       5.15        Annual Report of Trustee                                                   32
       5.16        Appointment of Investment Manager                                          33

ACCOUNTS AND ALLOCATIONS                                                                      34
       6.1         Participants' Accounts                                                     34
       6.2         Reserved for Plan Modifications                                            34
       6.3         Allocation of Amounts Contributed by Participants                          34
       6.4         Allocation of Company Contributions and Forfeitures                        34
       6.5         Valuation of Participants' Accounts                                        34
       6.6         Valuation of Company Stock                                                 35
       6.7         Dividends, Splits, Recapitalizations, Etc.                                 35
       6.8         Stock Rights, Warrants or Options                                          35
       6.9         Reserved for Plan Modifications                                            35
       6.10        Treatment of Accounts Upon Severance                                       35
       6.11        Cash Dividends                                                             36
       6.12        Miscellaneous Allocation Rules                                             36
       6.13        Limitations on After Tax Deposits and
                   Company Contributions                                                      36
       6.14        Provision for Disposition of Excess After
                   Tax Deposits or Matching Contributions on
                   Behalf of Highly Compensated Participants                                  40

VESTING IN PLAN ACCOUNTS                                                                      43
       7.1         No Vested Rights Except as Herein Provided                                 43
       7.2         Vesting Schedule                                                           43
       7.3         Vesting of Participant Deposits                                            43


PAYMENT OF PLAN BENEFITS                                                                      44
       8.1         Withdrawals During Employment                                              44
       8.2         Distributions Upon Termination of
                   Employment or Disability                                                   47
       8.3         Distribution Upon Death of Participant                                     47
       8.4         Designation of Beneficiary                                                 48
       8.5         Distribution Rules                                                         48
       8.6         Forfeitures                                                                50
       8.7         Valuation of Plan Benefits Upon Distribution                               50
       8.8         Lapsed Benefits                                                            51
       8.9         Persons Under Legal Disability                                             51
       8.10        Additional Documents                                                       52
       8.11        Trustee-to-Trustee Transfers                                               52
       8.12        Loans to Participants                                                      52

OPERATION AND ADMINISTRATION                                                                  54
       9.1         Appointment of Committee                                                   54
       9.2         Transaction of Business                                                    54
       9.3         Voting                                                                     54
       9.4         Responsibility of Committee                                                54
       9.5         Committee Powers                                                           54
       9.6         Additional Powers of Committee                                             55
       9.7         Periodic Review of Funding Policy                                          56
       9.8         Application for Determination of Benefits                                  56
       9.9         Limitation on Liability                                                    57
       9.10        Indemnification and Insurance                                              57
       9.11        Compensation of Committee and Plan Expenses                                57
       9.12        Resignation                                                                57
       9.13        Reliance Upon Documents and Opinions                                       58

AMENDMENT AND ADOPTION OF PLAN                                                                59
       10.1        Right to Amend Plan                                                        59
       10.2        Adoption of Plan by Affiliated Companies                                   59

DISCONTINUANCE OF CONTRIBUTIONS                                                               60

TERMINATION AND MERGER                                                                        61
       12.1        Right to Terminate Plan                                                    61
       12.2        Effect on Trustee and Committee                                            61
       12.3        Merger Restriction                                                         61
       12.4        Effect of Reorganization, Transfer of
                   Assets or Change in Control                                                61


LIMITATION ON ALLOCATIONS                                                                     63
       13.1        General Rule                                                               63
       13.2        Annual Additions                                                           63
       13.3        Other Defined Contribution Plans                                           64
       13.4        Defined Benefit Plans                                                      64
       13.5        Adjustments for Excess Combined Plan
                   Fraction and Excess Annual Additions                                       64
       13.6        Compensation                                                               65
       13.7        Treatment of 415 Suspense Account Upon
                   Termination                                                                66

TOP-HEAVY RULES                                                                               67
       14.1        Applicability                                                              67
       14.2        Definitions                                                                67
       14.3        Top-Heavy Status                                                           68
       14.4        Minimum Contributions                                                      69
       14.5        Reserved for Future Modifications                                          70
       14.6        Maximum Annual Addition                                                    70
       14.7        Minimum Vesting Rules                                                      70
       14.8        Noneligible Employees                                                      70

ALIENATION OF PLAN BENEFITS                                                                   71
       15.1        General Restrictions Against Alienation                                    71
       15.2        Qualified Domestic Relations Orders                                        71

MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS                                                                      74
       16.1        No Right of Employment Hereunder                                           74
       16.2        Limitation on Company Liability                                            74
       16.3        Effect of Article Headings                                                 74
       16.4        Gender                                                                     74
       16.5        Interpretation                                                             74
       16.6        Withholding For Taxes                                                      74
       16.7        California Law Controlling                                                 74
       16.8        Plan and Trust as One Instrument                                           74
       16.9        Invalid Provisions                                                         74
       16.10       Counterparts                                                               75

                                 ALLERGAN, INC.
                          SAVINGS AND INVESTMENT PLAN

                                   ARTICLE I
                            NAME AND EFFECTIVE DATE

       1.1     Plan Name.  This document, made and entered into by Allergan,
Inc., a Delaware corporation ("Allergan"), evidences the terms of a defined
contribution plan with a cash or deferred arrangement for Eligible Employees of
Allergan and any Affiliated Companies that are authorized by the Board of
Directors to participate in the Plan, to be known hereafter as the "Allergan,
Inc. Savings and Investment Plan" (the "Plan").  The Plan shall be effective on
the day after the Spin-off Date, as that term is defined in Section 1.2, (the
"Effective Date").

       1.2     Plan Purpose.  Prior to the Effective Date of this Plan,
Eligible Employees of Allergan were eligible to participate in the SmithKline
Beckman Corporation Savings and Investment Plan (the "SKB Plan").  On or about
July 26, 1989, SmithKline Beckman Corporation distributed the stock of Allergan
to its shareholders, rendering Eligible Employees of the Company ineligible to
participate in the SKB Plan.  (The date upon which such distribution occurred
shall hereinafter be referred to as the "Spin-off Date".)  The purpose of this
Plan is to enable Eligible Employees of Allergan, and any Affiliated Companies
that are authorized by the Board of Directors to participate in the Plan, to
participate in a plan similar to the SKB Plan, to share in the growth and
prosperity of the Company and to provide Participants with an opportunity to
accumulate capital for their future economic security.  The account balances of
Eligible Employees of the Company maintained under the SKB Plan will be
transferred to this Plan.  All assets acquired under this Plan as a result of
Company Contributions, income, and other additions to the Fund under the Plan
will be administered, distributed, forfeited and otherwise governed by the
provisions of this Plan, which is to be administered by the Committee for the
exclusive benefit of Participants in the Plan and their Beneficiaries.

       1.3     Plan Intended to Qualify.  This Plan is an employee benefit plan
that is intended to qualify under Code Section 401(a) as a qualified profit
sharing plan and under Code Section 401(k) as a qualified cash or deferred
arrangement.  The provisions of this Plan are intended to comply with the
requirements of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 and subsequent legislation up to and
including the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993.  This Plan document
incorporates certain amendments which were submitted to the Internal Revenue
Service (the "IRS") pursuant to the processing of an application for issuance
by the IRS of the favorable determination letter covering the Plan, dated
January 8, 1990.

                                   ARTICLE II


       2.1     Accounts.  "Accounts" or "Participant's Accounts" shall mean the
After Tax Deposits Accounts, Before Tax Deposits Accounts, Company Contribution
Accounts, Stock Credit Accounts, and Rollover Accounts maintained for the
various Participants.

       2.2     Affiliated Company.  "Affiliated Company" shall mean (a) any
corporation, other than the Sponsor, which is included in a controlled group of
corporations (within the meaning of Section 414(b) of the Code) of which the
Sponsor is a member, (b) any trade or business, other than the Sponsor, which
is under common control (within the meaning of Section 414(c) of the Code) with
the Sponsor, (c) any entity or organization, other than the Sponsor, which is a
of an affiliated service group (within the meaning of Section 414(m) of the
Code) of which the Sponsor is a member, and (d) any entity or organization,
other than the Sponsor, which is affiliated with the Sponsor under Section
414(o) of the Code.  Any entity shall be an Affiliated Company pursuant to this
paragraph only during the period of time in which such entity has the required
relationship with the Sponsor under subparagraphs (a), (b), (c) or (d) of this
paragraph after the Effective Date of this Plan.

       2.3     After Tax Deposits.  "After Tax Deposits" shall mean those
contributions made by a Participant which represent after-tax contributions.

       2.4     After Tax Deposits Account.  "After Tax Deposits Account" of a
Participant shall mean his/her individual account in the Trust Fund in which
are held his/her After Tax Deposits and the earnings thereon.

       2.5     Anniversary Date.  "Anniversary Date" shall mean the last day of
each Plan Year.

       2.6     Reserved for Future Modifications.

       2.7     Reserved for Future Modifications.

       2.8     Before Tax Deposits.  "Before Tax Deposits" shall mean those
contributions made by a Participant which represent pre-tax contributions.

       2.9     Before Tax Deposits Account.  "Before Tax Deposits Account" of a
Participant shall mean his/her individual account in the Trust Fund in which
are held his/her Before Tax Deposits and the earnings thereon.

      2.10     Beneficiary.  "Beneficiary" or "Beneficiaries" shall mean the
person or persons last designated by a Participant as set forth in Section 8.4
or, if there is no designated Beneficiary or surviving Beneficiary, the person
or persons designated pursuant to Section 8.4 to receive the interest of a
deceased Participant in such event.

      2.11     Board of Directors.  "Board of Directors" shall mean the Board
of Directors (or its delegate) of the Sponsor as it may from time to time be

      2.12     Break in Service.  "Break in Service" shall mean, with respect
to an Employee, each period of 12 consecutive months during a Period of
Severance that commences on the Employee's Severance Date or on any anniversary
of such Severance Date.

      2.13     Reserved for Future Modifications.

      2.14     Code.  "Code" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
amended.  Where the context so requires a reference to a particular Code
section shall also refer to any successor provision of the Code to such Code

      2.15     Committee.  "Committee" or "Plan Committee" shall mean the
committee to be appointed under the provisions of Section 9.1.

      2.16     Company.  "Company" shall mean collectively the Sponsor and each
Affiliated Company that adopts this Plan in accordance with Section 10.2.

      2.17     Company Contributions.  "Company Contributions" shall mean all
amounts (whether in cash or other property, including Company Stock) paid by
the Company pursuant to Section 5.3 into the Trust Fund established and
maintained under the provisions of this Plan for the purpose of providing
benefits for Participants and their Beneficiaries.  Unless expressly stated
otherwise in this Plan, Company Contributions shall not include Participant
Before Tax or After Tax Deposits.

      2.18     Company Contributions Account.  "Company Contributions Account"
shall mean a Participant's individual account in the Trust Fund in which are
held Company Contributions and the earnings thereon.

      2.19     Company Stock.  "Company Stock" shall mean any class of stock of
the Sponsor which both constitutes "qualifying employer securities" as defined
in Section 407(d)(5) of ERISA and "employer securities" as defined in Section
409(l) of the Code.

      2.20     Compensation.  "Compensation" shall mean the amounts paid during
a Plan Year to an Employee by the Company for services rendered, including base
earnings, commissions and similar incentive compensation, cost of living
allowances earned within the United States of America, holiday pay, overtime
earnings, pay received for election board duty, pay received for jury and
witness duty, pay received for military service (annual training), pay received
for being available for work, if required (call-in premium), amounts of salary
reduction elected by the Participant under a Code Section 401(k) cash or
deferred arrangement, shift differential and premium, sickness/accident related
pay, vacation pay, vacation shift premium, and bonus amounts paid under the
following programs:

               (1)      Sales bonus,

               (2)      "Management Bonus Payments" (MBP), either in cash or in
                        restricted stock,

               (3)      Group performance sharing payments, such as the
                        "Partners for Success";

but excluding business expense reimbursements; Company gifts or the value of
Company gifts; Company stock related options and payments; employee referral
awards; flexible compensation credits paid in cash; special overseas payments,
allowances and adjustments including, but not limited to, pay for cost of
living adjustments and differentials paid for service outside of the United
States, expatriate reimbursement payments, and tax equalization payments; forms
of imputed income; long-term disability pay; payment for loss of Company car;
Company car allowance; payments for patents or for writing articles; relocation
and moving expenses; retention and employment incentive payments; severance
pay; Share Value Plan or other long-term incentive awards, bonuses or payments;
special individual recognition payments which are nonrecurring in nature,
including the "Impact Award" payments, and "Employee of the Year" payments;
tuition reimbursement; and contributions by the Company under this Plan or
distributions hereunder, any contributions or distributions pursuant to any
other plan sponsored by the Company and qualified under Section 401(a) of the
Code (other than contributions constituting salary reduction amounts elected by
the Participant under a Code Section 401(k) cash or deferred arrangement), any
payments under a health or welfare plan sponsored by the Company, or premiums
paid by the Company under any insurance plan for the benefit of Employees.  The
Compensation taken into account for determining all benefits provided under the
Plan for any Plan Year shall not exceed $150,000 as adjusted at the time and in
such manner as permitted under Code Section 401(a)(17)(B).  Notwithstanding the
foregoing, for Plan Years beginning prior to January 1, 1994, the Compensation
taken into account for determining all benefits provided under the Plan shall
not exceed $200,000 as adjusted by the Secretary of the Treasury and consistent
with the terms of the Plan at such time.  If the period for determining
Compensation used in calculating an Employee's

allocation for a Plan Year is a short Plan Year (i.e. shorter than 12 months),
the Compensation limit is an amount equal to the otherwise applicable
Compensation limit multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the
number of months in the short Plan Year, and the denominator of which is 12.
In determining the Compensation of an Employee, the rules of Code Section
414(q)(6) shall apply, except that in applying such rules, the term "family"
shall include only the spouse of the Employee and any lineal descendants of the
Employee who have not attained age 19 before the close of the Plan Year.  If,
as the result of the application of such rules the applicable Compensation
limit is exceeded, then the limitation shall be prorated among the affected
individuals in proportion to each such individual's Compensation as determined
under this Section prior to the application of this limitation.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, for purposes of applying the provisions of
Articles XI and XII, an Employee's Compensation shall be determined pursuant to
the definition of "Compensation" as set forth in Sections 13.6 or 14.2(i), as
the case may be.

      2.21     Computation Period.

               (a)      "Computation Period" shall mean the consecutive twelve
       (12) month period used for determining whether an Employee is eligible
       to participate in the Plan pursuant to Section 3.1.

               (b)      An Employee's initial Computation Period shall be the
       twelve-month period commencing on his Employment Commencement Date or
       Reemployment Commencement Date (whichever is applicable).

               (c)      An Employee's second Computation Period (and all
       subsequent Computation Periods) shall be the Plan Year that includes or
       begins on the first anniversary of such Employee's Employment
       Commencement Date or Reemployment Commencement Date (whichever is
       applicable) and each subsequent Plan Year.

      2.22     Credited Service.  "Credited Service" shall mean, with respect
to each Employee, his years and months of Credited Service determined in
accordance with the following rules:

               (a)      In the case of any Employee who was employed by the
       Company at any time prior to the Effective Date, for the period prior to
       January 1, 1989 such Employee shall be credited with Credited Service
       under this Plan equal to the period (if any) of service credited to such
       Employee under the SmithKline Beckman Savings and Investment Plan.

               (b)      In the case of any Employee who is employed by the
       Company on or after the Effective Date, an Employee shall receive
       Credited Service credit for the elapsed period of time between each
       Employment Commencement Date (or Reemployment Commencement Date) of the
       Employee and the Severance Date which immediately follows that
       Employment Commencement Date (or Reemployment Commencement Date).
       Solely for the purpose of determining an Employee's Credited Service
       under this Paragraph (b), in the case of an Employee who is employed on
       January 1, 1989, that date shall be deemed to be an Employment
       Commencement Date of the Employee (with service credit for periods prior
       to January 1, 1989 to be determined under Paragraph (a) above).  An
       Employee who is absent from work on an authorized Leave of Absence shall
       be deemed to have incurred a Severance (if any) in accordance with the
       rules of Section 2.40.

               (c)      An Employee shall receive Credited Service credit for
       periods between a Severance and his subsequent Reemployment Commencement
       Date in accordance with the following rules:

                        (i)     If an Employee incurs a Severance by reason of
               a quit, discharge, Disability, or retirement whether or not such
               a Severance occurs during an approved Leave of Absence and the
               Employee is later reemployed by the Company prior to his
               incurring a Break in Service, he shall receive Credited Service
               for the period commencing with his Severance Date and ending
               with his subsequent Reemployment Commencement Date.

                        (ii)    Other than as expressly set forth above in this
               Paragraph (c), an Employee shall receive no Credited Service
               with respect to periods between a Severance and a subsequent
               Reemployment Commencement Date.

               (d)      For all purposes of this Plan, an Employee's total
       Credited Service shall be determined by aggregating any separate periods
       of Credited Service separated by any Breaks in Service.

               (e)      An Employee shall be credited with Credited Service
       with respect to a period of employment with an Affiliated Company, but
       only to the extent that such period of employment would be so credited
       under the foregoing rules set forth in this Section had such Employee
       been employed during such period by the Company.

               (f)      Notwithstanding the foregoing, unless the Sponsor shall
       so provide by resolution of its Board of Directors, or unless otherwise
       expressly stated in this Plan, an Employee shall not receive such
       Credited Service credit for any period of employment with an Affiliated
       Company prior to such entity becoming an Affiliated Company.

               (g)      In accordance with Paragraph (f) above, an Eligible
       Employee shall receive Credited Service for any period of employment
       with Allergan Medical Optics - Lenoir facility prior to its becoming an
       Affiliated Company but only to the extent provided in Paragraph (e)
       above.  Notwithstanding anything therein to the contrary, the Employment
       Commencement Date for such Eligible Employee under Paragraph (b) shall
       mean the date the Employee was first credited with an Hour of Service
       with Allergan Medical Optics - Lenoir facility, including any date prior
       to Allergan Medical Optics - Lenoir facility becoming an Affiliated

      2.23     Disability.  "Disability" shall mean any mental or physical
condition which, in the judgment of the Committee, based on such competent
medical evidence as the Committee may require, renders an individual unable to
engage in any substantial gainful activity for the Company for which he is
reasonably fitted by education, training, or experience and which condition can
be expected to result in death or which has lasted or can be expected to last
for a continuous period of at least 12 months.  The determination by the
Committee, upon opinion of a physician selected by the Committee, as to whether
a Participant has incurred a Disability shall be final and binding on all

      2.24     Reserved for Future Modifications.

      2.25     Effective Date.  "Effective Date" shall mean the date that is
the day after the Spin-off Date (as that term is defined in Section 1.2).

      2.26     Eligible Employee.  "Eligible Employee" shall mean any United
States-based payroll Employee of the Company and any expatriate Employee of the
Company who is a United States citizen or permanent resident, but excluding any
Employee of the Company who is employed at the Sponsor's facility in Puerto
Rico, any non-resident alien, any non-regular manufacturing site

transition Employee, any independent contractor, any individual who must be
treated as a leased employee under Code Section 414(n), any temporary employee
classified as such by the Company, and any Employee covered by a collective
bargaining agreement.

      2.27     Eligible Retirement Plan.  "Eligible Retirement Plan" shall mean
an individual retirement account described in Code Section 408(a), an
individual retirement annuity described in Code Section 408(b), an annuity plan
described in Code Section 403(a), or a qualified trust described in Code
Section 401(a) that accepts an Eligible Rollover Distribution.  However, in the
case of an Eligible Rollover Distribution.  However, in the case of an Eligible
Rollover Distribution to a surviving spouse, an Eligible Retirement Plan is an
individual retirement account or individual retirement annuity.

      2.28     Eligible Rollover Distribution.  "Eligible Rollover
Distribution" shall mean any distribution, on or after January 1, 1993, of all
or any portion of the balance to the credit of the Distributee, except that an
Eligible Rollover Distribution does not include:

               (a)      any distribution that is one of a series of
      substantially equal periodic payments (not less frequently than annually)
      made for the life (or life expectancy) of the Distributee of the joint
      lives (or joint life expectancies) of the Distributee and the
      Distributee's designated beneficiary, or for a specified period of ten
      years or more;

               (b)      any distribution to the extent such distribution is
      required under Code Section 401(a)(9); and

               (c)      the portion of any distribution that is not includable
      in gross income (determined without regard to the exclusion for net
      unrealized appreciation with respect to employer securities).

               For purposes of this Section, "Distributee" shall mean any
Employee or former Employee receiving a distribution from the Plan.  A
Distributee also includes the Employee or former Employee's surviving spouse
and the Employee's or former Employee's spouse  or former spouse who is the
Alternate Payee under a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (as defined in
Article XV) are Distributees with regard to the interest of the spouse or
former spouse.

      2.29     Employee.  "Employee" shall mean any person who is employed by
the Sponsor or any Affiliated Company in any capacity, any portion of whose
income is subject to withholding of income tax and/or for whom Social Security
contributions are made by the Sponsor or any such Affiliated Company, as well
as any other person qualifying as a common-law employee of the Sponsor or any
such Affiliated Company.  The term Employee shall also include any leased
employee deemed to be an Employee of the Sponsor or any Affiliated Company as
provided in Sections 414(n) or (o) of the Code.

      2.30     Employment Commencement Date.

               (a)      "Employment Commencement Date" shall mean the date on
       which an Employee is first credited with an Hour of Service for the
       Sponsor or an Affiliated Company.

               (b)      Unless the Sponsor shall expressly determine otherwise,
       and except as is expressly provided otherwise in this Plan or in
       resolutions of the Board of Directors, an Employee shall not, for the
       purposes of determining his/her Employment Commencement Date, be deemed
       to have commenced employment with an Affiliated Company prior to the
       effective date on which the entity became an Affiliated Company.

      2.31     ERISA.  "ERISA" shall mean the Employee Retirement Income
Security Act of 1974, as amended from time to time, where the context so
requires, a reference to a particular ERISA section shall also refer to any
successor provision of ERISA to such ERISA section.

      2.32     Reserved for Future Modifications.

      2.33     Forfeitures.  "Forfeitures" shall mean the nonvested portion of
a Participant's benefit that is forfeited in accordance with the provisions of
Article VIII.

      2.34     Highly Compensated Employee.

               (a)      "Highly Compensated Employee" shall mean any Employee

                (i)    was a Five Percent Owner during the Determination Year
               or the Look Back Year;

                (ii)    received Compensation from an Employer in excess of
               $75,000 (as adjusted by the Secretary of Treasury) during the
               Look Back Year;

               (iii)    received Compensation from an Employer in excess of
               $50,000 (as adjusted by the Secretary of Treasury) during the
               Look Back Year and was in the "top-paid group" of Employees for
               such Look Back Year;

                (iv)    was at any time an officer during the Look Back Year
               and received Compensation greater than fifty percent (50%) of
               the amount in effect under Section 415(b)(1)(A) of the Code in
               such Look Back Year; or

                 (v)    was an Employee described in subparagraph (ii), (iii),
               or (iv) above for the Determination Year and was a member of the
               group consisting of the 100 Employees paid the greatest
               Compensation during the Determination Year.

               (b)     Determination of a Highly Compensated Employee shall be
               in accordance with the following definitions and special rules:

                 (i)    "Determination Year" shall mean the Plan Year for which
               the determination of Highly Compensated Employee is being made.

                (ii)    "Look Back Year" shall mean the twelve (12) month
               period preceding the Determination Year.
               (iii)    An Employee shall be treated as a Five Percent Owner
               for any Determination Year or Look Back Year if at any time
               during such Year such Employee was a Five Percent Owner (as
               defined in Section 14.2).

                (iv)    An Employee is in the "top-paid group" of Employees for
               any Determination Year or Look Back Year if such Employee is in
               the group consisting of the top twenty percent (20%) of the
               Employees when ranked on the basis of Compensation paid during
               such Year.

                 (v)    For purposes of this Section, no more than fifty (50)
               Employees (or, if lesser, the greater of three (3) Employees or
               ten percent (10%) of the Employees) shall be

               treated as officers.  To the extent required by Code Section
               414(q), if for any Determination Year or Look Back Year no
               officer of the Employer is described in this Section, the
               highest paid officer of the Employer for such year shall be
               treated as described in this section.  Employees who are
               excluded in determining the "top-paid group" shall also be
               excluded in determining the 10% limit referenced in the first
               sentence of this subparagraph (v).

                (vi)    If any individual is a "family member" with respect to
               a Five Percent Owner or of a Highly Compensated Employee in the
               group consisting of the ten (10) Highly Compensated Employees
               paid the greatest Compensation during the Determination Year or
               Look Back Year, then

                                (A)  such individual shall not be considered a
                        separate Employee, and

                                (B)  any Compensation paid to such individual
                        (and any applicable contribution or benefit on behalf
                        of such individual) shall be treated as if it were paid
                        to (or on behalf of) the Five Percent Owner or Highly
                        Compensated Employee.

                        For purposes of this subparagraph (vi), the term
               "family member" means, with respect to any Employee, such
               Employee's Spouse and lineal ascendants or descendants and the
               spouses of such lineal ascendants or descendants.

                (vii)   For purposes of this Section the term "Compensation"
               means Compensation as defined in Code Section 415(c)(3), as set
               forth in Section 14.2(i), without regard to the limitations of
               Code Section 401(a)(17); provided, however, the determination
               under this subparagraph (vii) shall be made without regard to
               Code Sections 125, 402(a)(8), and 401(h)(1)(B), and in the case
               of employer contributions made pursuant to a salary reduction
               agreement, without regard to Code Section 403(b).

               (viii)   For purposes of determining the number of Employees in
               the "top-paid" group under this Section, the following Employees
               shall be excluded:

                                (A)  Employees who have not completed six (6)
                        months of Credited Service,

                                (B)  Employees who normally work less than
                        17-1/2 hours per week,

                                (C)  Employees who normally work not more than
                        six (6) months during any Plan Year, and

                                (D)  Employees who have not attained age 21,

                                (E)  Except to the extent provided in Treasury
                        Regulations, Employees who are included in a unit of
                        employees covered by an agreement which the Secretary
                        of Labor finds to be a collective bargaining agreement
                        between Employee representatives and Employer, and

                                (F)  Employees who are nonresident aliens and
                        who receive no earned income (within the meaning of
                        Code Section 911(d)(2) from the Employer which
                        constitutes income from sources within the United
                        States (within the meaning of Code Section 861(a)(3)).

                     An Employer may elect to apply Subparagraphs (A) through
                     (D) above by substituting a shorter period of Credited
                     Service, smaller number of hours or months, or lower age
                     for the period of service, number of hours or months, or
                     (as the case may be) than as specified in such

                 (ix)   A former Employee shall be treated as a Highly
               Compensated Employee if

                                (A)  such Employee was a Highly Compensated
               Employee when such Employee incurred a Severance, or

                                (B)  such Employee was a Highly Compensated
               Employee at any time after attaining age fifty-five (55).

                  (x)   Code Sections 414(b), (c), (m), and (o) shall be
               applied before the application of this Section.  Also, the term
               "Employee" shall include "leased employees," within the meaning
               of Code Section 414(n), unless such leased Employee is covered
               under a "safe harbor" plan of the leasing organization and not
               covered under a qualified plan of the Employer.

                 (xi)   For the purpose of this section, the term "Employer"
               shall mean the Sponsor and any Affiliated Company.
                (xii)   Notwithstanding the foregoing, non-resident aliens
               without U.S. source income from the Employer shall be
               disregarded for all purposes in determining the Highly
               Compensated Employees of the Employer.

               (c)      Notwithstanding the foregoing, for administrative
       convenience, the Committee may establish rules and procedures for
       purposes of identifying Highly Compensated Employees, which rules and
       procedures may result in an Eligible Employee being deemed to be a
       Highly Compensated Employee for purposes of the limitations of Article
       IV and Article VI, whether or not such Eligible Employee is an
       individual described in Code Section 414(q).

      2.35     Hour of Service.

               (a)      "Hour of Service" of an Employee shall mean the

                   (i)      Each hour for which the Employee is paid by the
               Company or an Affiliated Company or entitled to payment for the
               performance of services as an Employee.

                  (ii)      Each hour in or attributable to a period of time
               during which the Employee performs no duties (irrespective of
               whether he/she has terminated his/her Employment) due to a
               vacation, holiday, illness, incapacity (including pregnancy or
               disability), layoff, jury duty, military duty or a Leave of
               Absence (if the Leave of Absence is an unpaid medical Leave of
               Absence, the Employee will accrue hours for the duration of such
               leave for the first six months of such leave), for which he/she
               is so paid or so entitled to payment, whether direct or
               indirect.  However, no such hours shall be credited to an
               Employee if (A) such Employee is directly or indirectly paid or
               entitled to payment for such hours and (B) such payment or
               entitlement is made or due under a plan maintained solely for
               the purpose of complying with applicable

               worker's compensation, unemployment compensation, or disability
               insurance laws, or is a payment which solely reimburses the
               Employee for medical or medically-related expenses incurred by

                 (iii)      Each hour for which he/she is entitled to back pay,
               irrespective of mitigation of damages, whether awarded or agreed
               to by the Company or an Affiliated Company, provided that such
               Employee has not previously been credited with an Hour of
               Service with respect to such hour under Subparagraphs (i) or
               (ii) above.

       Hours of Service under Paragraphs (a)(ii) and (a)(iii) shall be
       calculated in accordance with Department of Labor Regulation 29 C.F.R. 
       Section 2530.200b-2(b).  All Hours of Service determined under the rules
       of Paragraph (a) shall be credited to the Computation Period to which the
       payment relates, rather than the period in which it is made.

               (b)      In the event that an Employee is compensated for duties
       performed on a basis other than actual hours worked and no records of
       the Employee's actual working hours are maintained, the Employee shall
       be deemed to have completed ten (10) Hours of Service for each day, or
       portion thereof during which he/she is credited with an Hour of Service
       for the Company or an Affiliated Company.

               (c)      Unless the Company shall expressly determine otherwise,
       and except as may be expressly provided otherwise in this Plan, an
       Employee shall not receive credit for his/her Hours of Service completed
       with an Affiliated Company prior to the effective date on which the
       entity became an Affiliated Company.

      2.36     Investment Manager.  "Investment Manager" shall mean the one or
more Investment Managers, if any, that are appointed pursuant to Section 5.16
and who constitute investment managers under Section 3(38) of ERISA.

      2.37     Leased Employee.  "Leased Employee" shall mean any person (other
than an Employee of the recipient) who pursuant to an agreement between the
recipient and any other person ("leasing organization") has performed services
for the recipient (or for the recipient and related persons determined in
accordance with Code Section 414(n)(6)) on a substantially full time basis for
a period of at least one year, and such services are of a type historically
performed by employees in the business field of the recipient employer.
Contributions or benefits provided a Leased Employee by the leasing
organization which are attributable to services performed for the recipient
employer shall be treated as provided by the recipient employer.  A Leased
Employee shall not be considered an Employee of the recipient if:

               (a)      Such employee is covered by a money purchase pension
      plan providing: (i) a nonintegrated employer contribution rate of at
      least ten (10) percent of compensation, as defined in Code Section
      415(c)(3), but including amounts contributed pursuant to a salary
      reduction agreement which are excludable from the employee's gross income
      under Code Section 125, Code Section 402(a)(8), Code Section 402(h) or
      Code Section 403(b); (ii) immediate participation; and (iii) full and
      immediate vesting; and

               (b)      Leased Employees do not constitute more than 20 percent
      (20%) of the recipient's non-highly compensated workforce.

      2.38     Leave of Absence.

               (a)      "Leave of Absence" shall mean any personal leave from
       active employment (whether with or without pay) duly authorized by the
       Company under the Company's standard personnel practices.  All persons
       under similar circumstances shall be treated alike in the granting of
       such Leaves of Absence.  Leaves of Absence may be granted by the Company
       for reasons of health (including temporary sickness or short term
       disability) or public service or for any other reason determined by the
       Company to be in its best interests.

               (b)      In addition to Leaves of Absence as defined in
       Paragraph (a) above, the term Leave of Absence shall also mean a
       Maternity or Paternity Leave, as defined herein, but only to the extent
       and for the purposes required under Paragraph (c) below.  As used
       herein, "Maternity or Paternity Leave" shall mean an absence from work
       for any period (i) by reason of the pregnancy of the Employee, (ii) by
       reason of the birth of a child of the Employee, (iii) by reason of the
       placement of a child with the Employee in connection with the adoption
       of the child by the Employee, or (iv) for purposes of caring for the
       child for a period beginning immediately following the birth or
       placement referred to in clauses (ii) or (iii) above.

               (c)      Subject to the provisions of Paragraph (d) below, a
       Maternity or Paternity Leave described in Paragraph (b) above shall be
       deemed to constitute an authorized Leave of Absence for purposes of this
       Plan only to the extent consistent with the following rules:

                    (i)      For purposes of determining whether a Break in
               Service has occurred, the Severance Date of a Participant who is
               absent by reason of a Maternity or Paternity Leave shall not be
               deemed to occur any earlier than the second anniversary of the
               date upon which such Maternity or Paternity Leave commences.

                   (ii)      The Maternity or Paternity Leave shall be treated
               as a Leave of Absence solely for purposes of determining whether
               or not an Employee has incurred a Break in Service.
               Accordingly, such a Maternity or Paternity Leave shall not
               result in an accrual of Credited Service for purposes of the
               vesting provisions of this Plan or for purposes of determining
               eligibility to participate in the Plan pursuant to the
               provisions of Article III (except only in determining whether a
               Break in Service has occurred).

                  (iii)      A Maternity or Paternity Leave shall not be
               treated as a Leave of Absence unless the Employee provides such
               timely information as the Committee may reasonably require to
               establish that the absence is for the reasons listed in
               Paragraph (b) above and to determine the number of days for
               which there was such an absence.

               (d)      Notwithstanding the limitations provided in Paragraph
       (c) above, a Maternity or Paternity Leave described in Paragraph (b)
       above shall be treated as an authorized Leave of Absence, as described
       in Paragraph (a), for all purposes of this Plan to the extent the period
       of absence is one authorized as a Leave of Absence under the Company's
       standard personnel practices and thus is covered by the provisions of
       Paragraph (a) above without reference to the provisions of Paragraph (b)
       above, provided, however, that the special rule provided under this
       Paragraph (d) shall not apply if it would result in a Participant who is
       absent on a Maternity or Paternity Leave being deemed to have incurred a
       Break in Service sooner than under the rules set forth in Paragraph (c).

      2.39     Normal Retirement Age.  "Normal Retirement Age" shall mean the
Participant's sixty-fifth (65th) birthday.

      2.40     Participant.  "Participant" shall mean any Eligible Employee who
has commenced participation in the Plan pursuant to Article III and who retains
rights under the Plan.

      2.41     Participant Deposits.  "Participant Deposits" shall mean all of
a Participant's deposits to the Plan, including After Tax Deposits and Before
Tax Deposits.

      2.42     Period of Severance.  "Period of Severance" shall mean the
period of time commencing on an Employee's Severance Date and ending on the
Employee's subsequent Reemployment Commencement Date, if any.

      2.43     Plan.  "Plan" shall mean the Allergan, Inc. Savings and
Investment Plan described herein and as amended from time to time.

      2.44     Plan Administrator.  "Plan Administrator" shall mean the
administrator of the Plan, within the meaning of Section 3(16)(A) of ERISA.
The Plan Administrator shall be Allergan, Inc.

      2.45     Plan Year.  "Plan Year" shall mean the period commencing on the
Effective Date and ending on December 31, 1989 and each subsequent calendar

      2.46     Reemployment Commencement Date.  "Reemployment Commencement
Date" shall mean, in the case of an Employee who incurs a Severance and who is
subsequently reemployed by the Sponsor or an Affiliated Company, the first day
following the Severance on which the Employee is credited with an Hour of
Service for the Sponsor or Affiliated Company with respect to which he is
compensated or entitled to compensation by the Sponsor or Affiliated Company.
Unless the Sponsor shall expressly determine otherwise and except as is
expressly provided otherwise in this Plan, an Employee shall not, for the
purpose of determining his Reemployment Commencement Date, be deemed to have
commenced employment with an Affiliated Company prior to the effective date on
which such entity becomes an Affiliated Company.

      2.47     Rollover Account.  "Rollover Account" of a Participant shall be
his individual account in the Trust Fund in which are held rollover
contributions made pursuant to Section 4.8.

      2.48     Severance.  "Severance" shall mean the termination of an
Employee's employment with the Sponsor or Affiliated Company by reason of such
Employee's quit, discharge, Disability, death, retirement, or otherwise.  For
purposes of determining whether an Employee has incurred a Severance, the
following rules shall apply:

               (a)      An Employee shall not be deemed to have incurred a
       Severance (i) because of his absence from employment with the Sponsor or
       Affiliated Company by reason of any paid vacation or holiday period, or
       (ii) by reason of any Leave of Absence, subject to the provisions of
       Paragraph (b) below.

               (b)      For purposes of this Plan, an Employee shall be deemed
       to have incurred a Severance on the earlier of (i) the date on which he
       dies, resigns, is discharged, or otherwise terminates his employment
       with the Sponsor or Affiliated Company; or (ii) the date on which he is
       scheduled to return to work after the expiration of an approved Leave of
       Absence, if he does not in fact return to work on the scheduled
       expiration date of such Leave.  In no event shall an Employee's
       Severance be deemed to have occurred before the last day on which such
       Employee performs any services for the Sponsor or Affiliated Company in
       the capacity of an

       employee with respect to which he is compensated or entitled to
       compensation by the Sponsor or Affiliated Company.

               (c)      Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the case of a
       Participant who is absent by reason of a Maternity or Paternity Leave,
       the provisions of Section 2.38(c)-(d) shall apply for purposes of
       determining whether such a Participant has incurred a Break in Service
       by reason of such Leave.

      2.49     Severance Date.  "Severance Date" shall mean, in the case of any
Employee who incurs a Severance, the day on which such Employee is deemed to
have incurred said Severance as determined in accordance with the provisions of
Section 2.48, provided, however, that the special rules set forth under Section
2.38(c)-(d) shall apply with respect to determining whether a Participant on a
Maternity or Paternity Leave has incurred a Break in Service.  In the case of
any Employee who incurs a Severance as provided under Section 2.48 and who is
entitled to a subsequent payment of compensation for reasons other than future
services (e.g., as back pay for past services rendered or as payments in the
nature of severance pay), the Severance Date of such Employee shall be as of
the effective date of the Severance event (e.g., the date of his death,
effective date of a resignation or discharge, etc.), and the subsequent payment
of the aforementioned type of post-Severance compensation shall not operate to
postpone the timing of the Severance Date for purposes of this Plan.

      2.50     Sharing Deposits.  "Sharing Deposits"  of a Participant shall
mean his/her Deposits (whether Before Tax or After Tax) not in excess of five
percent (5%) of Compensation.  Sharing Deposits shall participate in
allocations of Company Contributions and Forfeitures.  For the Plan Year
beginning on the Effective Date and ending December 31, 1989, deposits made to
the SmithKline Beckman Savings and Incentive Plan and compensation earned while
participating in such plan by any Participant for the period beginning January
1, 1989 and ending on the Effective Date shall be included in Deposits and
Compensation under this Plan solely for the purpose of determining Sharing
Deposits in such Plan Year.

      2.51     Sponsor.  "Sponsor" shall mean Allergan, Inc., a Delaware
Corporation, and any successor corporation or entity.

      2.52     Stock Credit Account.  "Stock Credit Account" shall mean a
Participant's individual account in the Trust Fund attributable to amounts
transferred from such Participant's PAYSOP account in the SmithKline Beckman
Savings and Investment Plan to this Plan, if any.

      2.53     Trust and Trust Fund.  "Trust" or "Trust Fund" shall mean the
one or more trusts created for funding purposes under the Plan.

      2.54     Trustee.  "Trustee" shall mean the individual or entity acting
as a trustee of the Trust Fund.

      2.55     Reserved for Future Modifications.

      2.56     Reserved for Future Modifications.

      2.57     Valuation Date.  "Valuation Date" shall mean the date as of
which the Trustee shall determine the value of the assets in the Trust Fund for
purposes of determining the value of each Account, which shall be each business
day in accordance with rules applied in a consistent and uniform basis.  For
periods prior to March 1, 1995, the date shall be the latest day of each
calendar month.

      2.58     415 Suspense Account.  "415 Suspense Account" shall mean the
account (if any) established and maintained in accordance with the provisions
of Article XIII for the purpose of holding and accounting for allocations of
excess Annual Additions (as defined in Article XIII).

                                  ARTICLE III
                         ELIGIBILITY AND PARTICIPATION

       3.1     Participation.

               (a)      Each Eligible Employee shall be eligible to participate
       in the Plan upon the first day of the calendar month ("Eligibility
       Date") coincident with or immediately following the Employee's
       Employment Commencement Date.

               (b)      Each Eligible Employee's employment with the Company
       terminates (i) after satisfaction of the requirements of Paragraph (a),
       above, but prior to his/her Eligibility Date, or (ii) after the Employee
       has become a Participant in the Plan, the Employee shall become eligible
       to participate in the Plan immediately upon his/her Reemployment
       Commencement Date.

       3.2     Participants in Prior Plans.  Any Employee who was eligible to
participate in the SmithKline Beckman Savings and Investment Plan on the day
preceding the Spin-Off Date (as that term is defined in Section 1.2), shall
automatically be eligible to participate in the Plan on the Effective Date,
provided he/she is an Eligible Employee on that date.

       3.3     Participation in Plan Prior to March 1, 1995.  Notwithstanding
Section 3.1(a) above, prior to March 1, 1995, each Eligible Employee shall be
eligible to participate in the Plan upon the first day of the calendar month
("Eligibility Date") coincident with or immediately following the completion of
six (6) months of Credited Service.

                                   ARTICLE IV
                              PARTICIPANT DEPOSITS

       4.1     Election.

               (a)      Each Eligible Employee may elect to defer the receipt
       of a portion of his/her Compensation and to have the deferred amount
       contributed directly by the Company to the Plan as Before Tax Deposits.
       Before Tax Deposits may be made only by means of payroll deduction.

               (b)      Each Eligible Employee may elect to contribute to the
       Plan a portion of his/her Compensation as After Tax Deposits.  After Tax
       Deposits may be made only by means of payroll deduction.

               (c)      The Committee shall prescribe such procedures, either
       in writing or in practice, and provide such forms as are necessary or
       appropriate for each Participant and each Eligible Employee who will
       become a Participant to make deposits pursuant to this Article IV.
       However, an election by a Participant shall not be adopted

       4.2     Amount Subject to Election.

               (a)      Participants may elect to contribute a whole percentage
       of his/her Compensation to the Plan as Before Tax Deposits not to exceed
       ten percent (10%) and, when aggregated with the After Tax Deposits
       contributed by such Participant pursuant to Paragraph (b) below, not to
       exceed fifteen percent (15%).  Notwithstanding the foregoing, no
       Participant shall be permitted to make Before Tax Deposits to the Plan
       during any calendar year in excess of $7,000, or such larger amount as
       may be determined by the Secretary of the Treasury pursuant to Code
       Section 402(g)(2), or which exceed the limitations set forth in Section
       4.3.  For purposes of the dollar limitation, the Before Tax Deposits of
       a Participant for any taxable year is the sum of all Before Tax Deposits
       under the Plan and all salary reduction amounts under any other
       qualified cash or deferred arrangement (as defined in Code Section
       401(k)), a simplified employee pension (as defined in Code Section
       408(k) and Code Section 402(h)(1)(B)), a deferred compensation plan
       under Code Section 457, a trust described in Code Section 501(c)(18) and
       any salary reduction amount used to purchase an annuity contract under
       Code Section 403(b) whether or not sponsored by the Company but shall
       not include any amounts properly distributed as excess annual additions.

               (b)      Each Participant may elect to contribute a whole
       percentage of his/her Compensation to the Plan as After Tax Deposits not
       to exceed fifteen percent (15%) when aggregated with the amount of
       his/her Before Tax Deposits.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, no
       Participant shall be permitted to make After Tax Deposits to the Plan
       during any Plan Year which exceed the limitations set forth in Section

               (c)      The Committee shall prescribe such procedures, either
       in writing or in practice, as it deems necessary or appropriate
       regarding the maximum amount that a Participant may elect to defer and
       the timing of such an election.  These procedures shall apply to all
       individuals eligible to make an election described in Section 4.1.  The
       Committee may, at any time during a Plan Year, require the suspension,
       reduction, or recharacterization of Before Tax Deposits or the
       suspension or reduction of After Tax Deposits of any Highly Compensated
       Employee such that the limitations of Section 4.2(a) and (b) are

       4.3     Limitation on Compensation Deferrals.  With respect to each Plan
Year, Compensation Deferral Contributions by a Participant for the Plan Year
shall not exceed the limitation on contributions by or on behalf of Highly
Compensated Participants under Section 401(k) of the Code, as provided in this
Section.  In the event that Compensation Deferral Contributions under this Plan
by or on behalf of Highly Compensated Participants exceed the limitations of
this Section for any reason, either such excess contributions shall be
recharacterized as After Tax Deposits or such excess contributions, adjusted
for any income or loss allocable thereto, shall be returned to the Participant,
as provided in Section 4.5.

               (a)      The Compensation Deferral Contributions by Participants
       for a Plan Year shall satisfy the Actual Deferral Percentage Test set
       forth in (i) below, or, to the extent not precluded by applicable
       regulations, the alternative Actual Deferral Percentage test set forth
       in (ii) below:

                  (i)     The average Actual Deferral Percentage for the Highly
               Compensated Participants shall not be more than the average
               Actual Deferral Percentage of all other Participants multiplied
               by 1.25, or

                 (ii)     The excess of the average Actual Deferral Percentage
               for the Highly Compensated Participants over the average Actual
               Deferral Percentage for all other Participants shall not be more
               than two (2) percentage points (or such lesser percentage as the
               Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe to prevent the
               multiple use of the alternative limitation set forth in this
               Section 4.3(a)(ii) with respect to any Highly Compensated
               Participants), and the average Actual Deferral Percentage for
               the Highly Compensated Participants shall not be more than the
               average Actual Deferral Percentage of all other Participants
               multiplied by 2.0.

                (iii)     In the event the test under (i) above cannot be
               satisfied, the Committee shall determine if the use of the
               alternative test under (ii) above is available under regulations
               relating to the multiple use of the alternative limitation, as
               prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury under Code Section
               401(m)(2)(A).  If the Committee determines that the alternative
               test is not available, either the Actual Deferral Percentage or
               the Average Contribution Percentage (as defined in Section 6.13)
               for Highly Compensated Participants eligible to participate in
               this Plan and a plan of the Company or an Affiliated Company
               that is subject to the limitations of Section 401 (k) and (m) of
               the Code including, if applicable, this Plan, shall be reduced
               in accordance with, and to the extent necessary to satisfy, the
               requirements of regulations issued under Code Section 401(m).

                  (b)     Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Plan,
       for the purposes of the limitations of this Section 4.3 and Section 4.6
       only, the following definitions shall apply:

                  (i)     "Actual Deferral Percentage" shall mean, with respect
               to the group of Highly Compensated Participants and the group of
               all other Participants for a Plan Year, the ratio, calculated
               separately for each Participant in such group, of the amount of
               the Participant's Compensation Deferral Contribution for such
               Plan Year, to such Participant's Compensation for such Plan
               Year, in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary
               of the Treasury under Code Section 401(k).  To the extent
               determined by the Committee and in accordance with regulations
               issued by the Secretary of the Treasury, qualified nonelective
               contributions on behalf of a Participant that satisfy the
               requirements of Code Section 401(k)(3)(c)(ii) may also be taken
               into account for the purpose of determining the Actual Deferral
               Percentage of

               such Participant.  For purposes of computing the Actual Deferral
               Percentage, an Eligible Employee who would be a Participant but
               for the failure to make Before Tax Deposits shall be treated as
               a Participant on whose behalf no Before Tax Deposits are made.

                 (ii)     "Highly Compensated Participant" shall mean for any
               Plan Year any Participant who is a Highly Compensated Employee.

                (iii)     "Participant" shall mean any Eligible Employee who
               satisfied the requirements under Section 3.1 during the Plan
               Year, whether or not such Eligible Employee has elected to
               contribute to the Plan for such Plan Year.

                 (iv)     "Compensation Deferral Contributions" shall mean
               amounts contributed to the Plan by a Participant as Before Tax
               Deposits pursuant to Section 4.2(a), including excess Before Tax
               Deposits (as defined in Section 4.4(a)) of Highly Compensated
               Participants but excluding (1) excess Before Tax Deposits of all
               other Participants that arise solely from Before Tax Deposits
               made under this Plan or plans of the Company, (2) Before Tax
               Deposits that are taken into account in the Average Contribution
               Percentage test (as defined in Section 6.13) provided that the
               Actual Deferral Percentage test is satisfied both with and
               without exclusions of these Before Tax Deposits, and (3) any
               deferrals properly distributed as excess Annual Additions.
               Compensation Deferral Contributions may include, at the election
               of the Company, any Company Contributions which meet the
               requirements for such inclusion under Code Section 401(k)(3)(C).

                  (v)     "Compensation" shall mean compensation as described

                         (1)    Compensation means compensation determined by
                 the Company in accordance with the requirements of Code
                 Section 414(s) and the Regulations thereunder.

                         (2)    For purposes of this Section 4.3, Compensation
                 may, at the Company's election, include amounts which are
                 excludable from a Participant's gross income under Code
                 Section 125 (pertaining to cafeteria plans) and Code Section
                 402(e)(3) (pertaining to 401(k) salary reductions).  The
                 Company may change its election provided such change does not
                 discriminate in favor of Highly Compensated Employees.

                         (3)    Compensation taken into account for any Plan
                 Year shall not exceed $150,000 as adjusted at the time and in
                 such manner as permitted under Code Section 401(a)(17)(B).
                 Notwithstanding the foregoing, for Plan Years beginning before
                 January 1, 1994, 414(s) Compensation as defined under Code
                 Section 414(s) taken into account for any Plan Year shall not
                 exceed $200,000 as adjusted in such manner as permitted under
                 Code Section 415(d) and shall be determined as of the first
                 day of such Plan Year.

               (c)      In the event that as of the last day of a Plan Year
       this Plan satisfies the requirements of Sections 401(k), 401(a)(4) or
       410(b) of the Code only if aggregated with one or more other plans which
       include arrangements under Code Section 401(k), then this Section 4.3
       shall be applied by determining the Actual Deferral Percentages of
       Participants as if all such plans were a single plan, in accordance with
       regulations prescribed by the Secretary

       of the Treasury under Section 401(k) of the Code.  Plans may be
       considered one plan for purposes of satisfying Section 401(k) only if
       they have the same Plan Year.

               (d)      For the purposes of this Section 4.3, the "Actual
       Deferral Percentage" for any Highly Compensated Participant who is a
       Participant under two or more Code Section 401(k) arrangements of the
       Company shall be determined by taking into account the Highly
       Compensated Participant's compensation under each such arrangement and
       contributions under each such arrangement which qualify for treatment
       under Code Section 401(k), in accordance with regulations prescribed by
       the Secretary of the Treasury under Section 401(k) of the Code.  If the
       arrangements have different Plan Years, this subsection shall be applied
       by treating all such arrangements ending with or within the same
       calendar year as a single arrangement.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,
       certain plans shall be treated as separate plans if mandatorily
       disaggregated pursuant to Regulations under Code Section 401(k).

               (e)      If a Participant is a Five Percent Owner as defined in
       Section 14.2(b) or a Highly Compensated Employee in the group consisting
       of the ten (10) Highly Compensated Employees paid the greatest
       Compensation during the Determination Year or Look Back Year, the Actual
       Deferral Percentage for such Participant shall be determined by
       combining the Compensation Deferral Contributions and Compensation of
       the Participant and all eligible family members as defined in Section
       2.34(b)(vi).  The family members of such Participant shall be
       disregarded as separate employees in determining the Actual Deferral
       Percentage for the Highly Compensated Participants and all other

               (f)      For purposes of the Actual Deferral Percentage test,
       Compensation Deferral Contributions must be made before the last day of
       the twelve-month period immediately following the Plan Year to which
       such contributions relate.

               (g)      The determination and treatment of Compensation
       Deferral Contributions and the Actual Deferral Percentage of any
       Participant shall satisfy such other requirements as may be prescribed
       by the Secretary of the Treasury.

               (h)      The Committee shall keep or cause to have kept such
       records as are necessary to demonstrate that the Plan satisfies the
       requirements of Code Section 401(k) and (m) and the regulations
       thereunder, in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary
       of the Treasury.

       4.4     Provisions for Return of Excess Before Tax Deposits Over $7,000.

               (a)      In the event that due to error or otherwise, an amount
       of a Participant's Compensation in excess of the $7,000 limitation
       (after application of any necessary adjustment) described in Section
       4.2(a) is deferred under this Plan in any calendar year pursuant to such
       Participant's Compensation deferral agreement (but without regard to
       amounts deferred under any other plan) the excess Before Tax Deposits,
       if any, together with income allocable to such amount shall be returned
       to the Participant (after withholding applicable federal, state and
       local taxes due on such amounts) on or before the first April 15
       following the close of the calendar year in which such excess
       contribution is made; provided, however, if there is a loss allocable to
       the excess Before Tax Deposits, the amount distributed shall be the
       amount of the excess as adjusted to reflect such loss.  Any Company
       Contributions allocated to the Participant's Sharing Deposits pursuant
       to Section 6.4(b) which are attributable to any excess Before Tax
       Deposits by a Participant, and any income or loss

       allocable to such Company Contributions, shall either be returned to the
       Company or applied to reduce future Company Contributions by the

               (b)      The amount of income or loss attributable to any excess
       Before Tax Deposits described in Paragraph (a) above shall be equal to
       the sum of the following:

                 (i)    The income or loss allocable to the Participant's
               Before Tax Deposits Account for the Plan Year multiplied by a
               fraction, the numerator of which is the excess Before Tax
               Deposits as determined under Paragraph (a) above, and the
               denominator of which is the balance of the Participant's Before
               Tax Deposits Account as of the last day of the Plan Year,
               without  regard to any income or loss allocable to such Account
               during the Plan Year; and

                (ii)    The amount of allocable income or loss for the Gap
               Period using the "safe harbor" method set forth in regulations
               prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury under Code Section
               402(g).  Under the "safe harbor" method, such allocable income
               or loss is equal to 10% of the amount calculated under Section
               4.4(b)(i) above, multiplied by the number of calendar months
               from the last day of the Plan Year until the date of
               distribution of the Participant's excess Before Tax Deposits.  A
               distribution on or before the 15th of the month is treated as
               made on the last day of the preceding month, a distribution
               after the 15th of the month is treated as made on the first day
               of the next month.

               (c)      For the purpose of this Section 4.4, "Gap Period" shall
       mean the period between the last day of the Plan Year and the date of
       distribution of any excess Before Tax Deposits.

               (d)      In accordance with procedures as may be established,
       either in writing or in practice, by the Committee, not later than March
       1 of a calendar year a Participant may submit a claim to the Committee
       in which he certifies in writing the specific amount of his Before Tax
       Deposits for the preceding calendar year which, when added to amounts
       deferred for such calendar year under other plans or arrangements
       described in Section 401(k), 408(k) or 403(b) of the Code, will cause
       the Participant to exceed the $7,000 limitation as described in Section
       4.2(a) for such preceding calendar year.  Notwithstanding the amount of
       the Participant's Before Tax Deposits under the Plan for such preceding
       calendar year, the Committee shall treat the amount specified by the
       Participant in his claim as a Before Tax Deposit in excess of the $7,000
       limitation (after application of any necessary adjustment) for such
       calendar year and return it to the Participant in accordance with
       Section 4.4(a) above.  A Participant is deemed to notify the Committee
       of any excess Before Tax Deposits that arise by taking into account only
       those Before Tax Deposits made to this Plan and other plans of the

               (e)      Any Before Tax Deposits in excess of the $7,000
       limitation (after application of any necessary adjustment) described in
       Section 4.2(a) which are distributed to a Participant in accordance with
       this Section, shall to the extent required by regulations issued by the
       Secretary of the Treasury be treated as Annual Additions under Article
       XIII for the Plan Year for which the excess Before Tax Deposits were
       made, unless such amounts are distributed no later than the first April
       15th following the close of the Participant's taxable year.

               (f)      The Committee shall not be liable to any Participant
       (or his/her Beneficiary, if applicable) for any losses caused by a
       mistake in calculating the amount of any Participant's excess Before Tax
       Deposits or the income or losses attributable thereto.

       4.5     Provision for Recharacterization or Return of Excess Deferrals
by Highly Compensated Participants.  The provisions of this Section 4.5 shall
be applied after implementation of the provisions of Section 4.4.

               (a)      The Committee shall determine in accordance with the
       procedures set forth in Section 4.3, as soon as is reasonably possible
       following the close of each Plan Year, the extent (if any) to which
       deferral treatment under Code Section 401(k) may not be available for
       Compensation Deferral Contributions on behalf of any Highly Compensated
       Participants.  If, pursuant to these determinations by the Committee, a
       Highly Compensated Participant's Compensation Deferral Contributions are
       not eligible for tax- deferral treatment then, as determined by the
       Committee, either (1) any excess Compensation Deferral Contributions
       shall be recharacterized as After Tax Deposits in accordance with
       regulations issued under Code Section 401(k), or (2) any excess
       Compensation Deferral Contributions together with any income or loss
       allocable thereto shall be returned to the Highly Compensated
       Participant (after withholding applicable federal, state, and local
       taxes due on such amounts).  Such return or recharacterization shall be
       made within the first two and one-half (2-1/2) months following the
       close of the Plan Year for which such excess deferrals were made,
       provided however, that if any excess deferrals and income or loss
       allocable thereto are, due to error or otherwise, not returned by such
       date, such amounts as are required to be returned shall be returned not
       later than the end of the first Plan Year following the Plan Year for
       which such excess deferrals were made.

               (b)      For purposes of satisfying the Actual Deferral
       Percentage test of Section 4.3(a), the amount of any excess Compensation
       Deferral Contributions by a Highly Compensated Participant shall be
       determined by the Committee by application of the leveling method set
       forth in Treasury Regulation Section 1.401(k)-1(f)(2) under which the
       Deferral Percentage of the Highly Compensated Participant who has the
       highest such percentage for such Plan Year is reduced to the extent
       required (i) to enable the Plan to satisfy the Actual Deferral
       Percentage test, or (ii) to cause such Highly Compensated Participant's
       Deferral Percentage to equal the Deferral Percentage of the Highly
       Compensated Participant with the next highest Deferral Percentage.  The
       process shall be repeated until the Plan satisfies the Actual Deferral
       Percentage test.  For each Highly Compensated Participant, the amount of
       excess Compensation Deferral Contributions shall be equal to the total
       Compensation Deferral Contributions made or deemed to be made by such
       Highly Compensated Participant (determined prior to the application of
       the foregoing provisions of this Paragraph (b)) minus the amount
       determined by multiplying the Highly Compensated Participant's Deferral
       Percentage (determined after application of the foregoing provisions of
       this Paragraph (b)) by his Compensation.

                 (c)    The Determination and correction of excess Compensation
         Deferral Contributions of a Highly Compensated Participant whose
         Actual Deferral Percentage must be determined under the family
         aggregation rules referenced in Section 4.3(e) shall be allocated
         among the family members in proportion to the Compensation Deferral
         Contributions of each family member that is combined to determine the
         combined Actual Deferral Percentage.

               (d)      The amount of income or loss attributable to any excess
       Compensation Deferral Contributions by a Highly Compensated Participant
       for a Plan Year shall be equal to the sum of the following:

                  (i)   The income or loss allocable to the Highly Compensated
               Participant's Compensation Deferral Contribution Accounts for
               the Plan Year multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which
               is the excess Compensation Deferral Contribution as determined
               under Section 4.3, and the denominator of which is the balance
               of the Highly Compensated Participant's Compensation Deferral
               Contribution Accounts as of the last day of the Plan Year
               without regard to any income or loss allocable to such Accounts
               during the Plan Year; and

                 (ii)   The amount of allocable income or loss for the Gap
               Period using the "safe harbor" method set forth in the
               regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury under
               Code Section 401(k).  Under the "safe harbor" method, such
               allocable income or loss is equal to 10% of the amount
               calculated under Section 4.5(d)(i) above, multiplied by the
               number of calendar months from the last day of the Plan Year
               until the date of distribution of the Participant's excess
               Compensation Deferral Contribution.  A distribution on or before
               the 15th of the month is treated as made on the last day of the
               preceding month, a distribution after the 15th of the month is
               treated as made on the first day of the next month.

               (e)      For the purpose of this Section 4.5 the following shall

                  (i)   "Compensation Deferral Contribution Accounts" shall
               mean the Participant's Before Tax Deposits Account and shall
               mean any other accounts of the Participant to which Company
               Contributions have been allocated where such Company
               Contributions have been included as Compensation Deferral
               Contributions pursuant to Section 4.3(b)(iv).

                 (ii)   "Gap Period" shall mean the period beginning with the
               last day of the Plan Year and the date of distribution of any
               excess Compensation Deferral Contributions.

               (f)      For purposes of this Section, the amount of
       Compensation Deferral Contributions by a Participant who is not a Highly
       Compensated Participant for a Plan Year shall be reduced by any Before
       Tax Deposits which have been distributed to the Participant under
       Section 4.4, in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary
       of the Treasury under Section 401(k) of the Code.

               (g)      In the event that the Committee determines that an
       amount to be deferred pursuant to the Compensation deferral agreement
       provided in Section 4.1 would cause the Company contributions under this
       and any other tax-qualified retirement plan maintained by the Company to
       exceed the applicable deduction limitations contained in Code Section
       404, or to exceed the maximum Annual Addition determined in accordance
       with Article XIII, the Committee may treat such amount in accordance
       with the rules set forth above in Section 4.5(a).

               (h)      The Committee shall not be liable to any Participant
       (or his/her Beneficiary, if applicable) for any losses caused by a
       mistake in calculating the amount of any Participant's excess
       Compensation Deferral Contribution or the income or losses attributable

               (i)      To the extent required by regulations under Section
       401(k) or 415 of the Code, any excess Compensation Deferral
       Contributions with respect to a Highly Compensated Participant shall be
       treated as Annual Additions under Article XIII for the Plan Year for
       which the excess Compensation Deferral Contributions were made,
       notwithstanding the distribution of such excess in accordance with the
       provisions of this Section.

       4.6     Termination of, Change in Rate of, or Resumption of Deferrals.

               (a)      A Participant shall be limited to changing the rate or
       form of investment of Before Tax Deposits or After Tax Deposits to once
       a month, in 1% increments, (once in any three (3) month period prior to
       March 1, 1995).  Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Participant shall
       change the rate of such Deposits as may be required pursuant to Section

               (b)      The right of a Participant to make Deposits shall cease
       during any Period of Severance.

               (c)      Any change in rate or form of investment of Before Tax
       Deposits or After Tax Deposits made by a Participant pursuant to
       subparagraph (a) above shall be effective in accordance with the
       following rules: (1) If the Participant properly notifies the Plan
       Administrator of such change on or before the fifteenth day of any month
       (or such later date authorized by the Committee), such change shall be
       effective on the first day of the following month.  (2) If the
       Participant properly notifies the Plan Administrator after the fifteenth
       day of any month (or such later date authorized by the Committee) but on
       or before the last day of such month, such change shall be effective on
       the first day of the second month following such month.

       4.7     Character of Deposits.  Before Tax Deposits shall be treated as
Company Contributions for purposes of Code Sections 401(k) and 414(h).  After
Tax Deposits shall not constitute "qualified voluntary employee contributions"
under Code Section 219 (relating to the deductibility of those amounts).

       4.8     Rollover Contributions.

               (a)      Pursuant to procedures as the Committee may prescribe
       (either in writing or practice), a Participant may make a Rollover
       Contribution to the Plan.  "Rollover Contribution" shall mean a
       contribution by a Participant as the result of a distribution from
       another "qualified trust" (as defined in Code Section 401) which is
       exempt from tax under Code Section 501, but only if such contribution:

                  (i)       Is received by the Committee not later than 60 days
               after the distribution was received by the Participant; or

                 (ii)       Is the result of a trustee-to-trustee transfer of
               assets between two (2) or more qualified plans, and the
               transaction satisfies the requirements of Section 12.3; or

                (iii)       Is the result of a transfer of assets from an
               individual retirement arrangement or annuity (as defined in Code
               Section 408) and such individual retirement arrangement or
               annuity was created solely from a distribution or distributions
               from a qualified plan; or

                 (iv)       Is an "Eligible Rollover Distribution".

               (b)      A Rollover Contribution shall not be considered a
       Participant Deposit.

               (c)      A Participant's Rollover Contribution made pursuant the
       rules of this Section 4.8 shall be held in a separate Rollover Account
       for the Employee.  This Rollover Account will not share in allocations
       of Company Contributions or Forfeitures under Section 6.4.

                                   ARTICLE V

       5.1     General.  All contributions made under the Plan and investments
made and property of any kind or character acquired with any such funds or
otherwise contributed, and all income, profits, and proceeds derived therefrom,
shall be held in Trust and shall be held and administered by the Trustee in
accordance with the provisions of the Plan and Trust Agreement.

       5.2     Single Trust.  Assets of the Trust shall be held in a separate
fund which shall consist of the Trust Fund.  Individual Participant interests
in the Trust Fund shall be reflected in the Accounts maintained for the
Participants.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Trust Fund shall be treated
as a single trust for purposes of investment and administration, and nothing
contained herein shall require a physical segregation of assets for any fund or
for any Account maintained under the Plan.

       5.3     Company Contributions.  The Company shall contribute to the Plan
in accordance with the following rules:

               (a)      Effective March 1, 1995 and subject to the limitations
         of Article XIII and to the extent that the Company has current or
         accumulated profits, the Company shall contribute monthly out of
         current or accumulated profits an amount which, when added to
         available forfeitures provided under Section 8.2 resulting from the
         terminations during the month, is equal to:

               (i)      75% of each Participant's Sharing Deposits for the
         previous month which are not in excess of two percent (2%) of such
         Participant's Compensation.

               (ii)     50% of each Participant's Sharing Deposits for the
         previous month which are in excess of two percent (2%) of such
         Participant's Compensation but not in excess of three percent (3%) of
         such Participant's Compensation.

               (iii)    25% of each Participant's Sharing Deposits for the
         previous month which are in excess of three percent (3$) of such
         Participant's Compensation.

       In addition to the foregoing, the Company shall contribute an amount
sufficient to satisfy the reinstatement and plan expense requirements of
Section 6.4(a)(i) and (ii).  When a Participant's contributions are suspended
pursuant to Section 8.1, no Company Contributions shall be made for such

               (b)      Prior to March 1, 1995 and subject to the limitations
       of Article XIII and to the extent that the Company has current or
       accumulated profits, the Company shall contribute monthly out of current
       or accumulated profits an amount which, when added to available
       forfeitures provided under Section 8.2 resulting from terminations
       during the month, is equal to 50% of each Participant's Sharing Deposits
       for the previous month plus an amount sufficient to satisfy the
       reinstatement and plan expense requirements of Section 6.4(a)(i) and
       (ii).  When a Participant's contributions are suspended pursuant to
       Section 8.1, no Company Contributions shall be made for such

               (c)      The Board of Directors, acting upon the advice and
       direction of the Committee, may authorize and direct that the Company
       Contribution (expressed as a

       percentage of Participants' Sharing Deposits in subparagraph (a) above)
       be changed from  time to time from a minimum of 0% to a maximum of 100%.

       5.4     Form of Company Contributions.  The Company's contributions to
the Trust Fund shall be paid in cash, property, or Company Stock as the Company
may from time to time determine.

       5.5     Investment of Trust Assets.

               (a)      The manner in which assets of the Trust will be
       invested shall be chosen by the Committee at its discretion, although
       the Committee may delegate the management to one or more Investment
       Managers appointed pursuant to Section 5.16.  Notwithstanding the
       foregoing, all Company Contributions contributed on or after the
       Effective Date shall be invested in Company Stock except to the extent
       invested pursuant to Section 5.5(e).  Company Contributions made under
       the SKB Plan and transferred to this Plan shall be invested at the
       discretion of the Committee.

               (b)      The Committee may establish separate investment funds
       under the Plan, with each fund representing an investment alternative
       available to Participants for the investment of their Accounts as
       provided in Section 5.4(c) and (d) below.  Each Participant shall have a
       subaccount under the Plan corresponding to the Participant's interest
       which is allocated to each investment fund.  Each such subaccount may be
       valued separately.  The Committee may, at its discretion, establish
       alternative investment funds or eliminate any previously established
       funds, including but not limited to the following types of investment

                    (i)      The Interest Income Fund investing in group
               annuity contracts with major insurance companies.

                   (ii)      The Balanced Fund investing in common stocks,
               bonds, government securities and similar types of investments.

                  (iii)      The Equity Fund investing in a mutual fund which
               may invest in equity securities, bonds, preferred stocks, and
               interest-bearing cash investments.

                   (iv)      The Company Stock Fund consisting exclusively of
               Company Stock.

Notwithstanding the establishment of separate investment funds, up to one
hundred percent (100%) of the assets of the Plan may be invested in Company

               (c)      A Participant may elect the investment fund to which
       his or her Before Tax Deposits or After Tax Deposits are invested under
       the Plan or may change such elections pursuant to Section 4.6(a).  Such
       elections shall be limited to the investment funds currently offered by
       the Committee and currently available to Participants pursuant to
       Paragraph (b) above.  A Participant shall effect such an election by
       properly completing and submitting the form authorized by the Committee
       for this purpose.

               (d)      Once a month (once in any 3 month period prior to March
       1, 1995), a Participant may elect to transfer amounts accrued in such
       Participant's Before Tax Deposits Account, After Tax Deposits Account,
       or Rollover Account among any of the investment funds currently offered
       by the Committee and currently available to the Participant, provided,
       however, the total amount transferred shall be in increments of  1% of
       the amount accrued in such accounts.  A Participant shall effect such a
       transfer by properly completing and

       submitting the application authorized by the Committee for this purpose,
       or in such manner authorized by the Committee.  Such a transfer shall
       occur no later than the first day of the month following the month in
       which such application or other authorized request for transfer is
       deemed perfected.  An application for transfer shall be deemed perfected
       in a month if such application is properly completed and submitted to
       the Plan Administrator on or before the fifteenth day of such month (or
       such later date authorized by the Committee), otherwise such application
       shall be deemed perfected in the following month.

               (e)      Notwithstanding the requirement of Paragraph (a) above
       that all Company Contributions be invested in the Company Stock Fund,
       any Participant who is an Employee of the Company on or after the date
       he or she attains age 55 may elect that (i) all amounts allocated to his
       or her Company Contribution Account which are held in the Company Stock
       Fund and (ii) all future Company Contributions that may be allocated to
       his or her Company Contribution Account, be invested in any of the
       investment funds currently offered by the Committee and currently
       available to the Participant.  A Participant shall make any election,
       and may change any election, at such times and in accordance with the
       requirements imposed by Section 5.5(c) and (d) above.

               (f)      A Participant's Stock Credit Account shall remain
       invested in the Company Stock Fund until such time as the Participant's
       Stock Credit Account is distributed pursuant to Sections 8.2 or 8.3.

               (g)      Amounts invested in any one of the investment funds
       shall not share in gains and losses experienced by any other fund.

               (h)      Notwithstanding the establishment of separate
       investment funds within the Trust, the Trust shall at all times
       constitute a single trust.

       5.6     Reserved for Future Modifications.

       5.7     Irrevocability.  The Company shall have no right or title to,
nor interest in, the contributions made to the Trust Fund, and no part of the
Trust Fund shall revert to the Company except that on or after the Effective
Date funds may be returned to the Company as follows:

               (a)      In the case of a Company Contribution which is made by
       a mistake of fact, at the Company's written request that contribution
       may be returned to the Company within one (1) year after it is made.

               (b)      All Company Contributions to the Trust are hereby
       conditioned upon the Plan satisfying all of the requirements of Code
       Section 401(a).  If the Plan does not qualify, at the Company's written
       election the Plan may be revoked and all such contributions may be
       returned to the Company within one year after the date of Internal
       Revenue Service denial of the qualification of the Plan.  Upon such a
       revocation the affairs of the Plan and Trust shall be terminated and
       wound up as the Company shall direct.

               (c)      All Company Contributions to the Plan are conditioned
       upon the deductibility of those contributions under Code Section 404.
       To the extent a deduction is disallowed, at the Company's written
       request the contribution may be returned to the Company within one year
       after the disallowance.

               (d)      In the event that the Plan is terminated when there are
       amounts remaining in the Suspense Account, the excess funds may revert
       to the Company to the extent provided in Section 13.7.

       5.8     Company, Committee and Trustee Not Responsible for Adequacy of
Trust Fund.

               (a)      The Company, Committee, and the Trustee shall not be
       liable or responsible for the adequacy of the Trust Fund to meet and
       discharge any or all payments and liabilities hereunder.  All Plan
       benefits will be paid only from the Trust assets, and neither the
       Company, the Committee nor the Trustee shall have any duty or liability
       to furnish the Trust with any funds, securities or other assets except
       as expressly provided in the Plan.

               (b)      Except as required under the Plan or Trust or under
       Part 4 of Subtitle B of Title I of ERISA, the Company shall not be
       responsible for any decision, act or omission of the Trustee, the
       Committee, or the Investment Manager (if applicable), and shall not be
       responsible for the application of any moneys, securities, investments
       or other property paid or delivered to the Trustee.

       5.9     Certain Offers for Company Stock.  Notwithstanding any other
provision of this Plan to the contrary, in the event an offer shall be received
by the Trustee (including but not limited to a tender offer or exchange offer
within the meaning of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as from time to time
amended and in effect) to acquire any or all shares of Company Stock held by
the Trust (an "Offer"), the discretion or authority to sell, exchange or
transfer any of such shares shall be determined in accordance with the
following rules:

               (a)      The Trustee shall have no discretion or authority to
       sell, exchange or transfer any of such stock pursuant to such Offer
       except to the extent, and only to the extent, that the Trustee is timely
       directed to do so in writing by each Participant with respect to any of
       such shares that are allocated to such Participant's Accounts.

               Upon timely receipt of such instructions, the Trustee shall,
       subject to the provisions of Paragraphs (c) and (m) of this Section,
       sell, exchange or transfer pursuant to such Offer, only such shares as
       to which such instructions were given.  The Trustee shall use its best
       efforts to communicate or cause to be communicated to each Participant
       the consequences of any failure to provide timely instructions to the

               In the event, under the terms of an Offer or otherwise, any
       shares of Company Stock tendered for sale, exchange or transfer pursuant
       to such Offer may be withdrawn from such Offer, the Trustee shall follow
       such instructions respecting the withdrawal of such securities from such
       Offer in the same manner and the same proportion as shall be timely
       received by the Trustee from the Participants entitled under this
       Paragraph to give instructions as to the sale, exchange or transfer of
       securities pursuant to such Offer.

               (b)      In the event that an Offer for fewer than all of the
       shares of Company Stock held by the Trustee in the Trust shall be
       received by the Trustee, each Participant shall be entitled to direct
       the Trustee as to the acceptance or rejection of such Offer (as provided
       by Paragraph (a) of this Section) with respect to the largest portion of
       such Company Stock as may be possible given the total number or amount
       of shares of Company Stock the Plan may sell, exchange or transfer
       pursuant to the Offer based upon the instructions received by the
       Trustee from all other Participants who shall timely instruct the
       Trustee pursuant to this Paragraph to sell, exchange or transfer such
       shares pursuant to such Offer, each on a pro rata basis in accordance
       with the maximum number of shares each such Participant would have

       been permitted to direct under Paragraph (a) had the Offer been for all
       shares of Company Stock held in the trust.
               (c)      In the event an Offer shall be received by the Trustee
       and instructions shall be solicited from Participants in the Plan
       pursuant to Paragraph (a) of this Section regarding such Offer, and
       prior to termination of such Offer, another Offer is received by the
       Trustee for the securities subject to the first Offer, the Trustee shall
       use its best efforts under the circumstances to solicit instructions
       from the Participants to the Trustee (i) with respect to securities
       tendered for sale, exchange or transfer pursuant to the first Offer,
       whether to withdraw such tender, if possible, and, if withdrawn, whether
       to tender any securities so withdrawn for sale, exchange or transfer
       pursuant to the second Offer and (ii) with respect to securities not
       tendered for sale, exchange or transfer pursuant to the first Offer,
       whether to tender or not to tender such securities for sale, exchange or
       transfer pursuant to the second Offer.  The Trustee shall follow all
       such instructions received in a timely manner from Participants in the
       same manner and in the same proportion as provided in Paragraph (a) of
       this Section.  With respect to any further Offer for any Company Stock
       received by the Trustee and subject to any earlier Offer (including
       successive Offers from one or more existing offerors), the Trustee shall
       act in the same manner as described above.

               (d)      With respect to any Offer received by the Trustee, the
       Trustee shall distribute, at the Company's expense, copies of all
       relevant material including but not limited to material filed with the
       Securities and Exchange Commission with such Offer or regarding such
       Offer, and shall seek confidential written instructions from each
       Participant who is entitled to respond to such Offer pursuant to
       Paragraphs (a) or (b).  The identities of Participants, the amount of
       Company Stock allocated to their Accounts, and the Compensation of each
       Participant shall be determined from the list of Participants delivered
       to the Trustee by the Committee which shall take all reasonable steps
       necessary to provide the Trustee with the latest possible information.

               (e)      The Trustee shall distribute and/or make available to
       each Participant who is entitled to respond to an Offer pursuant to
       Paragraph (a), (b), or (c) an instruction form to be used by each such
       Participant who wishes to instruct the Trustee.  The instruction form
       shall state that (i) if the Participant fails to return an instruction
       form to the Trustee by the indicated deadline, the Company Stock with
       respect to which heor she is entitled to give instructions will not be
       sold, exchanged or transferred pursuant to such Offer, (ii) the
       Participant will be a named fiduciary (as described in Paragraph (j)
       below) with respect to all shares for which he or she is entitled to
       give instructions, and (iii) the Company acknowledges and agrees to
       honor the confidentiality of the Participant's instructions to the

               (f)      Each Participant may choose to instruct the Trustee in
       one of the following two ways: (i) not to sell, exchange or transfer any
       shares of Company Stock for which he is entitled to give instructions,
       or (ii) to sell, exchange or transfer all Company Stock for which heor
       she is entitled to give instructions.  The Trustee shall follow up with
       additional mailings and postings of bulletins, as reasonable under the
       time constraints then prevailing, to obtain instructions from
       Participants not otherwise responding to such requests for instructions.
       Subject to Paragraph (c), the Trustee shall then sell, exchange or
       transfer shares according to instructions from Participants, except that
       shares for which no instructions are received shall not be sold,
       exchanged or transferred.

               (g)      The Company shall furnish former Participants who have
       received distributions of Company Stock so recently as to not be
       shareholders of record with the information given to Participants
       pursuant to Paragraphs (d), (e), and (f) of this Section.  The

       Trustee is hereby authorized to sell, exchange or transfer pursuant to
       an Offer any such Company Stock in accordance with appropriate
       instructions from such former Participants.

               (h)      Neither the Committee nor the Trustee shall express any
       opinion or give any advice or recommendation to any Participant
       concerning the Offer, nor shall they have any authority or
       responsibility to do so.  The Trustee has no duty to monitor or police
       the party making the Offer; provided, however, that if the Trustee
       becomes aware of activity which on its face reasonably appears to the
       Trustee to be materially false, misleading, or coercive, the Trustee
       shall demand promptly that the offending party take appropriate
       corrective action.  If the offending party fails or refuses to take
       appropriate corrective action, the Trustee shall communicate with
       affected Participants in such manner as it deems advisable.

               (i)      The Trustee shall not reveal or release a Participant's
       instructions to the Company, its officers, directors, employees, or
       representatives.  If some but not all Company Stock held by the Trust is
       sold, exchanged, or transferred pursuant to an Offer, the Company, with
       the Trustee's cooperation, shall take such action as is necessary to
       maintain the confidentiality of Participant's records including, without
       limitation, establishment of a security system and procedures which
       restrict access to Participant records and retention of an independent
       agent to maintain such records.  If an independent record keeping agent
       is retained, such agent must agree, as a condition of its retention by
       the Company, not to disclose the composition of any Participant Accounts
       to the Company, its officers, directors, employees, or representatives.
       The Company acknowledges and agrees to honor the confidentiality of
       Participants' instructions to the Trustee.

               (j)      Each Participant shall be a named fiduciary (as that
       term is defined in ERISA Section 402(a)(2)) with respect to Company
       Stock allocated to his or her Accounts under the Plan solely for
       purposes of exercising the rights of a shareholder with respect to an
       Offer pursuant to this Section 5.9 and voting rights pursuant to Section

               (k)      Reserved for future plan modifications.

               (l)      To the extent that an Offer results in the sale of
       Company Stock in the Trust, the Committee shall instruct the Trustee as
       to the investment of the proceeds of such sale.

               (m)      In the event a court of competent jurisdiction shall
       issue to the Plan, the Company or the Trustee an opinion or order, which
       shall, in the opinion of counsel to the Company or the Trustee,
       invalidate, in all circumstances or in any particular circumstances, any
       provision or provisions of this Section regarding the determination to
       be made as to whether or not Company Stock held by the Trustee shall be
       sold, exchanged or transferred pursuant to an Offer or cause any such
       provision or provisions to conflict with securities laws, then, upon
       notice thereof to the Company or the Trustee, as the case may be, such
       invalid or conflicting provisions of this Section shall be given no
       further force or effect.  In such circumstances the Trustee shall have
       no discretion as to whether or not Company Stock held in the Trust shall
       be sold, exchanged, or transferred unless required under such order or
       opinion, but shall follow instructions received from Participants, to
       the extent such instructions have not been invalidated by such order or
       opinion.  To the extent required to exercise any residual fiduciary
       responsibility with respect to such sale, exchange or transfer, the
       Trustee shall take into account in exercising its fiduciary judgment,
       unless it is clearly imprudent to do so, directions timely received from
       Participants, as such directions are most indicative of what action is
       in the best interests of Participants.  Further, the Trustee, in
       addition to taking into consideration any relevant financial factors
       bearing on any such decision, shall take into consideration any relevant
       nonfinancial factors, including, but not

       limited to, the continuing job security of Participants as employees of
       the Sponsor or any Affiliated Company, conditions of employment,
       employment opportunities and other similar matters, and the prospect of
       the Participants and prospective Participants for future benefits under
       the Plan.

      5.10     Voting of Company Stock.  Notwithstanding any other provision of
the Plan to the contrary, the Trustee shall have no discretion or authority to
vote Company Stock held in the Trust on any matter presented for a vote by the
stockholders of the Company except in accordance with timely directions
received by the Trustee from either the Committee or Participants, depending on
who has the right to direct the voting of such stock as provided in the
following provisions of this Section 5.10.

               (a)      (1)  All Company Stock held in the Trust Fund shall be
               voted by the Trustee as the Committee directs in its absolute
               discretion, except as provided in this Section 5.10(a).

                        (2)  If the Sponsor has a registration-type class of
               securities (as defined in Section 409(e)(4) of the Code), then
               with respect to all corporate matters, each Participant shall be
               entitled to direct the Trustee as to the voting of all Company
               Stock allocated and credited to his Accounts.

                        (3)  If the Sponsor does not have a registration-type
               class of securities (as defined in Section 409(e)(4) of the
               Code), then only with respect to such matters as the approval or
               disapproval of any corporate merger or consolidation,
               recapitalization, reclassification, liquidation, dissolution,
               sale of substantially all assets of trade or business, or such
               similar transactions as may be prescribed in Treasury
               Regulations, each Participant shall be entitled to direct the
               Trustee as to the voting of all Company Stock allocated and
               credited to the his Accounts.

               (b)      All Participants entitled to direct such voting shall
       be notified by the Sponsor, pursuant to its normal communications with
       shareholders, of each occasion for the exercise of such voting rights
       within a reasonable time before such rights are to be exercised.  Such
       notification shall include all information distributed to shareholders
       either by the Sponsor or any other party regarding the exercise of such
       rights.  Such Participants shall be so entitled to direct the voting of
       fractional shares (or fractional interests in shares), provided,
       however, that the Trustee may, to the extent possible, vote the combined
       fractional shares (or fractional interests in shares) so as to reflect
       the aggregate direction of all Participants giving directions with
       respect to fractional shares (or fractional interests in shares).  To
       the extent that a Participant shall fail to direct the Trustee as to the
       exercise of voting rights arising under any Company Stock credited to
       his Accounts, such Company Stock shall not be voted.  The Trustee shall
       maintain confidentiality with respect to the voting directions of all

               (c)      Each Participant shall be a named fiduciary (as that
       term is defined in ERISA Section 402(a)(2)) with respect to Company
       Stock for which he has the right to direct the voting under the Plan but
       solely for the purpose of exercising voting rights pursuant to this
       Section 5.10 or certain Offers pursuant to Section 5.9.

               (d)      In the event a court of competent jurisdiction shall
       issue an opinion or order to the Plan, the Company or the Trustee, which
       shall, in the opinion of counsel to the Company or the Trustee,
       invalidate under ERISA, in all circumstances or in any particular
       circumstances, any provision or provisions of this Section regarding the
       manner in which Company stock held in the Trust shall be voted or cause
       any such provision or provisions to

       conflict with ERISA, then, upon notice thereof to the Company or the
       Trustee, as the case may be, such invalid or conflicting provisions of
       this Section shall be given no further force or effect.  In such
       circumstances the Trustee shall nevertheless have no discretion to vote
       Company Stock held in the Trust unless required under such order or
       opinion but shall follow instructions received from Participants, to the
       extent such instructions have not been invalidated.  To the extent
       required to exercise any residual fiduciary responsibility with respect
       to voting, the Trustee shall take into account in exercising its
       fiduciary judgment, unless it is clearly imprudent to do so, directions
       timely received from Participants, as such directions are most
       indicative of what is in the best interests of Participants.  Further,
       the Trustee, in addition to taking into consideration any relevant
       financial factors bearing on any such decision, shall take into
       consideration any relevant nonfinancial factors, including, but not
       limited to, the continuing job security of Participants as employees of
       the Company or any of its subsidiaries, conditions of employment,
       employment opportunities and other similar matters, and the prospect of
       the Participants and prospective Participants for future benefits under
       the Plan.

      5.11     Securities Law Limitation.  Neither the Committee nor the
Trustee shall be required to engage in any transaction, including without
limitation, directing the purchase or sale of Company Stock, which either
determines in its sole discretion might tend to subject itself, its members,
the Plan, the Company, or any Participant or Beneficiary to a liability under
federal or state securities laws.

      5.12     Distributions.  Money and property of the Trust shall be paid
out, disbursed, or applied by the Trustee for the benefit of Participants and
Beneficiaries under the Plan in accordance with directions received by the
Trustee from the Committee.  Upon direction of the Committee, the Trustee may
pay money or deliver property from the Trust for any purpose authorized under
the Plan.  The Trustee shall be fully protected in paying out money or
delivering property from the Trust from time to time upon written order of the
Committee and shall not be liable for the application of such money or property
by the Committee.

               The Trustee shall not be required to determine or to make any
investigation to determine the identity or mailing address of any person
entitled to benefits hereunder and shall have discharged its obligation in that
respect when it shall have sent checks or other property by first-class mail to
such persons at their respective addresses as may be certified to it by the

       5.13    Taxes.  If the whole or any part of the Trust, or the proceeds
thereof, shall become liable for the payment of any estate, inheritance, income
or other tax, charge, or assessment which the Trustee shall be required to pay,
the Trustee shall have full power and authority to pay such tax, charge, or
assessment out of any moneys or other property in its hands for the account of
the person whose interests hereunder are so liable, but at least ten (10) days
prior to making any such payment, the Trustee shall mail notice to the
Committee of its intention to make such payment.  Prior to making any transfers
or distributions of any of the Trust, the Trustee may require such releases or
other documents from any lawful taxing authority as it shall deem necessary.

      5.14     Trustee Records to be Maintained.  The Trustee shall keep
accurate and detailed accounts of all investments, receipts, disbursements, and
other transactions hereunder, and all accounts, books, and records relating
thereto shall be open to inspection and audit at all reasonable times by any
person designated by the Company (subject to the provisions of Section 5.9(i)).

      5.15     Annual Report of Trustee.  Promptly following the close of each
Plan Year (or such other period as may be agreed upon between the Trustee and
Committee), or promptly after receipt

of a written request from the Company, the Trustee shall prepare for the
Company a written account which will enable the Company to satisfy the annual
financial reporting requirements of ERISA, and which will set forth among other
things all investments, receipts, disbursements, and other transactions
effected by the Trustee during such Plan Year or during the period from the
close of the last Plan Year to the date of such request.  Such account shall
also describe all securities and other investments purchased and sold during
the period to which it refers, the cost of acquisition or net proceeds of sale,
the securities and investments held as of the date of such account, and the
cost of each item thereof as carried on the books of the Trustee.  All accounts
so filed shall be open to inspection during business hours by the Company, the
Committee, and by Participants and Beneficiaries of the Plan (subject to the
provisions of Section 5.9(i)).

       5.16    Appointment of Investment Manager.  From time to time the
Committee, in accordance with Section 9.6 hereof, may appoint one or more
Investment Managers who shall have investment management and control over
assets of the Trust not invested or to be invested in Company Stock.  The
Committee shall notify the Trustee of such assets of the appointment of the
Investment Manager.  In the event more than one Investment Manager is
appointed, the Committee shall determine which assets shall be subject to
management and control by each Investment Manager and shall also determine the
proportion in which funds withdrawn or disbursed shall be charged against the
assets subject to each Investment Manager's management and control.  As shall
be provided in any contract between an Investment Manager and the Committee,
such Investment Manager shall hold a revocable proxy with respect to all
securities which are held under the management of such Investment Manager
pursuant to such contract (except for Company Stock), and such Investment
Manager shall report the voting of all securities subject to such proxy on an
annual basis to the Committee.

                                   ARTICLE VI
                            ACCOUNTS AND ALLOCATIONS

       6.1     Participants' Accounts.  In order to account for the allocated
interest of each Participant in the Trust Fund, there shall be established and
maintained for each Participant (making such form of contribution) a Before Tax
Deposits Account, a After Tax Deposits Account, a Company Contribution Account,
a Stock Credit Account, and a Rollover Account.

       6.2     Reserved for Plan Modifications.

       6.3     Allocation of Amounts Contributed by Participants.  All After
Tax Deposits and Before Tax Deposits contributed by a Participant shall be
allocated to the separate Account established and maintained for that
Participant for such form of contributions.  Such contributions shall be paid
by the Company to the Trustee as soon as practicable, but in no event later
than thirty (30) days after such amounts are withheld from the Participants'

       6.4     Allocation of Company Contributions and Forfeitures.  Within 30
days of the last day of each month, Company Contributions made pursuant to
Section 5.3 for such month and Forfeitures which occurred during such month
shall be allocated as follows:

               (a)        (i)   All Company Contributions for such month shall
               first be used to restore the Accounts of Participants rehired
               during such month pursuant to the rules of Section 8.6 but only
               after all Forfeitures occurring during such month are so

                         (ii)   If any Forfeitures remain after application of
               subparagraph (i), such funds shall be allocated to the Company
               Contribution Accounts of Participants to the extent necessary to
               correct insufficient allocations made to such Accounts in prior
               months discovered during the Plan Year to which such Forfeitures
               are attributable.  Any Company Contributions which remain after
               the application of subparagraph (i) may be used to pay Plan
               expenses.  The determination of the extent to which such
               contributions shall be used to pay Plan expenses shall be made
               at the sole discretion of the Committee.

                        (iii)   Any Company Contributions and Forfeitures which
               remain after the application of subparagraphs (i) and (ii) above
               shall be allocated to the Company Contribution Accounts of all
               Participants who made Sharing Deposits during such month, in an
               amount equal to the percentages provided in Section 5.3(a) (or
               such percentage established by the Board of Directors pursuant
               to Section 5.3(c)) of the Sharing Deposits for such month of
               each such Participant.

               (b)      The allocations of Company Contributions under this
       Section 6.4 shall be made after any allocations required by Sections 6.5
       and 13.5 have been made.

       6.5     Valuation of Participants' Accounts.  Within sixty (60) days
after each Valuation Date the Trustee shall value the assets of the Trust on
the basis of fair market values.  Company Stock held by the Trust shall be
valued in accordance with Section 6.6.  If separate investment funds are
maintained under the Trust pursuant to Section 5.4(b) then each such fund shall
be valued separately so that gains or losses of the various funds shall not be
commingled.  Upon receipt of these valuations from the Trustee, the Committee
shall revalue the Accounts and subaccounts (as established pursuant to Section
5.4(b)), if any, of each Participant as of the applicable Valuation

Date so as to reflect, among other things, a proportionate share in any
increase or decrease in the fair market value of the assets in the Trust Fund,
determined by the Trustee as of that date as compared with the value of the
assets in the Trust Fund as of the immediately preceding Valuation Date.

       6.6     Valuation of Company Stock.  Company Stock held by the Trust
shall be valued according to the following rules:

               (a)      In the case of Company Stock that is publicly traded on
       a national securities exchange, such stock shall be valued by reference
       to the closing price of such stock on such exchange on the last trading
       day of the month for which such stock is being valued.

               (b)      In the case of Company Stock that is not publicly
       traded on a national securities exchange, such stock shall be valued as
       of the first day of each Plan Year, or such other time as established by
       the Committee, by determining the fair market value of such stock
       through the use of an independent appraiser.  Such fair market valuation
       shall be used to determine the valuation of each Participant's Company
       Stock Account on each Valuation Date in such Plan Year pursuant to
       Section 6.5.

       6.7     Dividends, Splits, Recapitalizations, Etc.  Any Company Stock
received by the Trustee as a stock split, dividend, or as a result of a
reorganization or other recapitalization of the Company shall be allocated in
the same manner as the Company Stock to which it is attributable is then

       6.8     Stock Rights, Warrants or Options.

               (a)      In the event any rights, warrants, or options are
       issued on Company Stock held in the Trust Fund, the Trustee shall
       exercise them for the acquisition of additional Company Stock as
       directed by the Committee to the extent that cash is then available in
       the Trust Fund.

               (b)      Any Company Stock acquired in this fashion shall be
       treated as Company Stock purchased by the Trustee for the net price paid
       and shall be allocated in the same manner as the funds used to purchase
       the Company Stock were or would be allocated under the provisions of
       this Plan.  Thus, if the funds used to purchase the stock consisted of
       unallocated Company Contributions, the stock would be allocated under
       the terms of Section 6.4; if the funds used consisted of the unallocated
       net income of the Trust, the stock would be allocated as provided in
       Section 6.5; and if the funds used consisted of funds previously
       allocated to the Accounts, the stock would be allocated in the manner in
       which the Accounts or subaccounts are debited and credited.

               (c)      Any rights, warrants, or options on Company Stock which
       cannot be exercised for lack of cash may, as directed by the Committee,
       be sold by the Trustee and the proceeds allocated in accordance with the
       source of the Company Stock with respect to which the rights, warrants,
       or options were issued in accordance with rules of Paragraph (b) above.

       6.9     Reserved for Plan Modifications.

      6.10     Treatment of Accounts Upon Severance.  Upon a Participant's
Severance, pending distribution of the Participant's benefit pursuant to the
provisions of Article VIII below, the Participant's Accounts shall continue to
be maintained and accounted for in accordance with all applicable provisions of
this Plan, including but not limited to the allocation of Company

Contributions and net income or loss to which the Accounts are entitled under
the applicable provisions of Sections 6.4 and 6.5 as of any Valuation Date or
other date preceding the distribution of the Participant's entire benefit under
the Plan.

      6.11     Cash Dividends.

               (a)      All cash dividends paid to the Trustee with respect to
       Company Stock that has been allocated to a Participant's Account as of
       the quarterly date on which the dividend is received by the Trustee
       shall be allocated to the Participant's Account.

               (b)      If a Participant (or Beneficiary) has a current right
       to a distribution in Company Stock pursuant to Article VIII and such
       stock has not yet been re-registered in the name of the Participants (or
       Beneficiary) as of the record date of any dividend on such stock, such
       dividend shall be distributed to the Participant (or Beneficiary).

               (c)      Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph (a) and (b)
       above, the Committee may determine, in its discretion, that cash
       dividends on such shares may be used to purchase additional shares of
       Company Stock, or in whatever other manner it deems appropriate.

      6.12     Miscellaneous Allocation Rules.

               (a)      In the event that there is more than one class of
       Company Stock to be allocated to Participants' Accounts, there shall be
       allocated to the Account of each Participant (entitled to share in
       allocations of Company Stock as of any applicable date) the portion of
       each class of Company Stock (to be allocated as of that date) which the
       amount to be allocated to the Account of the Participant bears to the
       total amount to be allocated to the Accounts of all Participants
       entitled to share in such allocation.

               (b)      Allocations of all assets other than Company Stock
       shall be made on the basis of, and expressed in terms of dollar value.
       Allocations of Company Stock shall be on the basis of the number of
       shares of Company Stock (including fractional shares) and valuations, as
       of each Valuation Date, shall be expressed in terms of number of shares
       and dollar value.

               (c)      The Committee and the Trustee shall establish such
       additional accounting procedures as may be necessary for the purpose of
       making the allocations, valuations and adjustments to Participants'
       Accounts provided for in this Article VI.  From time to time the
       Committee and Trustee may modify such additional accounting procedures
       for the purpose of achieving equitable, nondiscriminatory, and
       administratively feasible allocations among the Accounts of Participants
       in accordance with the general concepts of the Plan and the provisions
       of this Article VI.

               (d)      The Company, the Committee and Trustee do not in any
       manner or to any extent whatsoever warrant, guarantee or represent that
       the value of a Participant's Account shall at any time equal or exceed
       the amount previously contributed thereto.

      6.13     Limitations on After Tax Deposits and Company Contributions.
With respect to each Plan Year, After Tax Deposits and Matching Contributions
under the Plan for the Plan Year shall not exceed the limitations by or on
behalf of Highly Compensated Participants under Section 401(m) of the Code, as
provided in this Section.  In the event that After Tax Deposits and Matching 
Contributions under this Plan by or on behalf of Highly Compensated 
Participants for any Plan Year exceed the limitations of this Section for any
reason, such excess After Tax Deposits and 

Matching Contributions and any income or loss allocable thereto shall be 
disposed of in accordance with Section 6.14.

               (a)      The After Tax Deposits by Participants and Matching
       Contributions on behalf of Participants for a Plan Year shall satisfy
       the Average Contribution Percentage test set forth in (i) below, or, to
       the extent not precluded by applicable regulations, the alternative
       Average Contribution Percentage test set forth in (ii) below:

                         (i)    The "Average Contribution Percentage" for the
               Highly Compensated Participants shall not be more than the
               Average Contribution Percentage of all other Participants
               multiplied by 1.25, or

                        (ii)    The excess of the Average Contribution
               Percentage for the Highly Compensated Participant over the
               Average Contribution Percentage for all other Participants shall
               not be more than two (2) percentage points (or such lesser
               percentage as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe to
               prevent the multiple use of the alternative limitation set forth
               in this Section 6.13(a)(ii) with respect to any Highly
               Compensated Participant), and the Average Contribution
               Percentage for the Highly Compensated Participant shall not be
               more than the Average Contribution Percentage of all other
               Participants multiplied by 2.0.

                       (iii)    If one or more Highly Compensated Employees
               participate in both a cash or deferred arrangement and a plan
               subject to the Average Contribution Percentage test maintained
               by the Sponsor or an Affiliated Company and the sum of the
               Actual Deferral Percentage and Average Contribution Percentage
               of those Highly Compensated Employees subject to either or both
               test exceeds the Aggregate Limit, then the Average Contribution
               Percentage of those Highly Compensated Employees who also
               participate in the cash or deferred arrangement will be reduced
               (beginning with such Highly Compensated Employee whose Average
               Contribution Percentage is the highest) so that the limit is not
               exceeded.  The amount by which each Highly Compensated
               Employee's Average Contribution Percentage is reduced shall be
               treated as an Excess Aggregate Contribution.  The Actual
               Deferral Percentage and Average Contribution Percentage of the
               Highly Compensated Employee are determined after any corrections
               required to meet the Actual Deferral Percentage and Average
               Contribution Percentage tests.  Multiple use does not occur if
               both the Actual Deferral Percentage and Average Contribution
               Percentage of those Highly Compensated Employees does not exceed
               125 percent of the Actual Deferral Percentage and Average
               Contribution Percentage of all other Participants.

               (b)      For purposes of Sections 6.13 and 6.14 the following
       definitions shall apply:

                          (i)   "Average Contribution Percentage" shall mean,
               with respect to a group of Participants for a Plan Year, the
               average of the "Contribution Percentage" in such group.  The
               "Contribution Percentage" for any Participant is determined by
               dividing the sum of the Participant's After Tax Deposits and
               Matching Contributions under the Plan on behalf of such
               Participant for such Plan year by such Participant's
               Compensation for the Plan Year in accordance with regulations
               prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury under Code Section
               401(m).  Such Contribution Percentage, however, shall not
               include Matching Contributions that are forfeited either to
               correct Excess Aggregate Contributions or because the
               contribution to which they relate are excess Before Tax
               Deposits, excess After Tax Deposits, or Excess Aggregate
               Contributions.  To the extent determined by the Committee and in

               accordance with regulations issued by the Secretary of the
               Treasury under Code Section 401(m)(3), Before Tax Deposits and
               any qualified nonelective contributions, within the meaning of
               Code Section 401(m)(4)(C) on behalf of a Participant may also be
               taken into account for purposes of calculating the Contribution
               Percentage of a Participant.  However, if any Before Tax
               Deposits are taken into account for purposes of determining
               Actual Deferral Percentages under Section 4.3 then such Before
               Tax Deposits shall not be taken into account under this Section

                        (ii)    "Highly Compensated Participant" shall mean for
               any Plan Year any Participant who is a Highly Compensated

                       (iii)    "Participant" shall mean any Eligible Employee
               who satisfied the requirements under Section 3.1 during the Plan
               Year whether or not such Eligible Employee has elected to
               contribute to the Plan for such Plan Year.

                         (iv)   "Matching Contributions" shall mean the Company
               Contributions allocated to a Participant's Company Contribution
               Account pursuant to Section 6.4(a) of the Plan.

                          (v)   "Compensation" shall mean compensation as
               described below:

                                (1)      Compensation means compensation
               determined by the Company in accordance with the requirements of
               Code Section 414(s) and the Regulations thereunder.

                                (2)      For purposes of this Section 6.13,
               Compensation may, at the Company's election, include amounts
               which are excludable from a Participant's gross income under
               Code Section 125 (pertaining to cafeteria plans) and Code
               Section 402(e)(3) (pertaining to 401(k) salary reductions).  The
               Company may change its election provided such change does not
               discriminate in favor of Highly Compensated Employees.

                                (3)      Compensation taken into account for
               any Plan Year shall not exceed $150,000 as adjusted at the time
               and in such manner as permitted under Code Section
               401(a)(17)(B).  Notwithstanding the foregoing, for Plan Years
               beginning before January 1, 1994, 414(s) Compensation as defined
               under Code Section 414(s) taken into account for any Plan Year
               shall not exceed $200,000 as adjusted in such manner as
               permitted under Code Section 415(d) and shall be determined as
               of the first day of such Plan Year.

                         (vi)   "Aggregate Limit" shall mean the sum of (1) 125
               percent of the greater of the Actual Deferral Percentage of all
               Non-Highly Compensated Participants for the Plan Year or the
               Average Contribution Percentage of Non-Highly Compensated
               Participants under the Plan subject to Code Section 401(m) for
               the Plan Year beginning with or within the Plan Year of the cash
               or deferred arrangement and (2) the lesser of 200% or two plus
               the lesser of such Actual Deferral Percentage or Average
               Contribution Percentage.  "Lesser" is substituted for "greater"
               in (1) above, and "greater" is substituted for "lesser" after
               "two plus the" in (2) above if it would result in a larger
               Aggregate Limit.

                        (vii)   "Excess Aggregate Contributions" shall mean,
               with respect to any Plan Year, the excess of:

                                (1)      The aggregate After Tax Deposits and
               Matching Contributions taken into account in computing the
               numerator of the Contribution Percentage actually made on behalf
               of Highly Compensated Employees for such Plan year, over

                                (2)      The maximum After Tax Deposits and
               Matching Contributions permitted under the Average Contribution
               Percentage test as determined by reducing such Matching
               Contributions made on behalf of Highly Compensated Employees in
               order of their Contribution Percentages, beginning with the
               highest of such percentages.

                  Such determination shall be made after first determining
       excess Before Tax Deposits pursuant to Sections 4.2(a) and 4.3.

                  (viii) "Non-Highly Compensated Participant" shall mean any
               Participant who is not a Highly Compensated Employee.

               (c)      For the purposes of this Section 6.13, if two or more
       plans described in Code Section 401(a) are considered one plan for the
       purposes of Code Sections 401(m), 401(a)(4) or 410(b), the Contribution
       Percentages of Participants shall be treated as made under one plan.
       Plans may be considered one plan for purposes of satisfying Code Section
       401(m) only if they have the same Plan Year.

               (d)      For purposes of this Section 6.13, the Contribution
       Percentage for any Highly Compensated Participants who is eligible to
       have After Tax Deposits or Matching Contributions allocated to his or
       her account under two or more plans maintained by the Sponsor or an
       Affiliated Company shall be determined as if the total of such After Tax
       Deposits or Matching Contributions was made under each plan.  If a
       Highly Compensated Employee participates in two or more cash or deferred
       arrangements that have different plan years, all cash or deferred
       arrangements that have different plan years, all cash or deferred
       arrangements ending with or within the same calendar year shall be
       treated as a single arrangement.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, certain
       plans shall be treated as separate plans if mandatorily disaggregated
       pursuant to Regulations under Code Section 401(m).

               (e)      If a Participant is a Five Percent Owner as defined in
       Section 14.2(b) or a Highly Compensated Employee in the group consisting
       of the ten (10) Highly Compensated Employees paid the greatest
       Compensation during the Determination Year or Look Back Year, the
       Average Contribution Percentage for such Participant shall be determined
       by combining the After Tax Deposits, Matching Contribution and
       Compensation of the Participant and all eligible family members as
       defined in Section 2.34(b)(vi).  The family members of such Participant
       shall be disregarded as separate employees in determining the Average
       Contribution Percentage for the Highly Compensated Participants and all
       other Participants.

               (f)      For purposes of the Average Contribution Percentage
       test, After Tax Deposits shall be considered to have been made in the
       Plan Year in which contributed to the Trust.  Matching Contributions
       shall be considered made for a Plan Year if made no later than the end
       of the twelve-month period beginning on the day after the close of the
       Plan Year.

               (g)      The determination and treatment of the Contribution
       Percentage of any Participant shall satisfy such other requirements as
       may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury.

               (h)      The Committee shall keep or cause to have kept such
       records as are necessary to demonstrate that the Plan satisfies the
       requirements of Code Section 401(m) and the regulations thereunder, in
       accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury.

      6.14     Provision for Disposition of Excess After Tax Deposits or
Matching Contributions on Behalf of Highly Compensated Participants.  After
application of the provisions of Section 4.4 and 4.5, the following provisions
shall be implemented:

               (a)      The Committee shall determine, as soon as is reasonably
       possible following the close of each Plan Year, the extent (if any) to
       which contributions by or on behalf of Highly Compensated Participants
       may cause the Plan to exceed the limitations of Section 6.13 for such
       Plan Year.  If, pursuant to the determination by the Committee and as
       required by the leveling method described in paragraph (b) below,
       contributions by or on behalf of a Highly Compensated Participant may
       cause the Plan to exceed such limitations, then the Committee shall take
       the following steps:

                    (i)   First, any excess After Tax Deposits that were not
               matched by Matching Contributions, together with income or loss
               allocable to such amount (determined in accordance with (d)
               below) shall be returned to the Highly Compensated Participant.

                   (ii)   Second, if any excess remains after the provisions of
               (i) above are applied, to the extent necessary to eliminate the
               excess, Matching Contributions with respect to the Highly
               Compensated Participant, any corresponding matched After Tax
               Deposits, and any income or loss allocable thereto, shall either
               be distributed (if non-forfeitable) to the Highly Compensated
               Participant or forfeited (to the extent forfeitable under the
               Plan) on a pro-rata basis.  Amounts of excess Matching
               Contributions forfeited by Highly Compensated Participants under
               this Section 6.14, including any income or loss allocable
               thereto, shall be applied to reduce Matching Contributions by
               the Company or the Affiliated Company that made the Matching
               Contribution on behalf of the Highly Compensated Participant for
               the Plan Year for which the excess contribution was made.

                  (iii)   If administratively feasible, any amounts distributed
               pursuant to subparagraphs (i) or (ii) above shall be returned
               within two and one-half (2-1/2) months following the close of
               the Plan Year for which such excess After Tax Deposits or
               Matching Contributions were made, but in any event no later than
               the end of the first Plan Year following the Plan Year for which
               the excess After Tax Deposits or Matching Contributions were
               made.  After Tax Deposits and Matching Contributions for any
               Plan Year shall be made on the basis of the respective portions
               of such excess After Tax Deposits and Matching Contributions
               attributable to each Highly Compensated Participant.

               (b)      For purposes of satisfying the Average Contribution
       Percentage test, the amount of any excess After Tax Deposits or Matching
       Contributions by or on behalf of Highly Compensated Participants for a
       Plan Year under Section 6.13 shall be determined by application of the
       leveling method set forth in Treasury Regulation Section
       1.401(m)-1(e)(2) under which the Contribution Percentage of the Highly
       Compensated Participant who has the

       highest such percentage for such Plan Year is reduced to the extent
       required (i) to enable the Plan to satisfy the Average Contribution
       Percentage test, or (ii) to cause such Highly Compensated Participant's
       Contribution Percentage to equal the Contribution Percentage of the
       Highly Compensated Participant with the next highest Contribution
       Percentage.  This process shall be repeated until the Plan satisfies the
       Average Contribution Percentage test.  For each Highly Compensated
       Participant, the amount of excess After Tax Deposits or Matching
       Contributions shall be equal to the total After Tax Deposits or Matching
       Contributions made on behalf of such Highly Compensated Participant
       (determined prior to the application of the foregoing provisions of this
       Paragraph (b)) minus the amount determined by multiplying the Highly
       Compensated Participant's Contribution Percentage (determined after the
       application of the foregoing provisions of this Paragraph (b)) by his

               (c)     The determination and correction of excess After Tax
       Deposits and Matching Contributions made on behalf of a Highly 
       Compensated Participant whose Average Contribution Percentage must be 
       determined under the family aggregation rules referenced in Section 
       6.13(e) shall be allocated among the family members in proportion to 
       the After Tax Deposits and Matching Contributions of each family member
       that is combined to determine the combined Average Contribution 

               (d)      The amount of income or loss attributable to any excess
       After Tax Deposits or Matching Contributions, as determined under this
       Section 6.14 (the "Excess Aggregate Contribution") by a Highly
       Compensated Participant for a Plan Year shall be equal to the sum of the

                       (i)      The income or loss allocable to the Highly
               Compensated Participant's Excess Aggregate Contribution Accounts
               for the Plan Year multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of
               which is the Excess Aggregate Contribution and the denominator
               of which is the sum of the balance of the Highly Compensated
               Participant's Excess Aggregate Contribution Accounts without
               regard to any income or loss allocable to such Accounts during
               the Plan Year; and

                      (ii)      The amount of allocable income or loss for the
               Gap Period using the "safe harbor" method set forth in
               regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury under
               Code Section 401(m).  Under the "safe harbor" method, such
               allocable income or loss is equal to 10% of the amount
               calculated under Section 6.14(d)(i) above, multiplied by the
               number of calendar months from the last day of the Plan Year
               until the date of distribution of the Participant's excess After
               Tax Deposits or Matching Contributions.  A distribution on or
               before the 15th of the month is treated as made on the last day
               of the preceding month, a distribution after the 15th of the
               month is treated as made on the first day of the next month.

               (e)     For the purpose of this Section 6.14, the following
       shall apply:

                       (i)      "Excess Aggregate Contribution Accounts" shall
               mean the Participant's After Tax Deposits Account and Company
               Contribution Account.

                      (ii)      "Gap Period" shall mean the period between last
               day of the Plan Year and the date of distribution of any Excess
               Aggregate Contributions.

               (f)      Any excess After Tax Deposits and/or Matching
       Contributions distributed to a Highly Compensated Participant or
       forfeited by a Highly Compensated Participant in

       accordance with this Section 6.14, shall be treated as Annual Additions
       under Article XIII for the Plan Year for which the excess contribution
       was made.

               (g)      Neither the Committee nor the Plan Administrator shall
       be liable to any Participant (or his/her Beneficiary, if applicable) for
       any losses caused by a mistake in calculating the amount of any Excess
       Aggregate Contributions by or on behalf of a Highly Compensated
       Participant and the income or loss allocable thereto.

                                  ARTICLE VII
                            VESTING IN PLAN ACCOUNTS

       7.1     No Vested Rights Except as Herein Provided.  No Participant
shall have any vested right or interest to, or any right of payment of, any
assets of the Trust Fund, except as expressly provided in this Plan.  Neither
the making of any allocations nor the credit to any Account of a Participant
shall vest in any Participant any right, title, or interest in or to any assets
of the Trust Fund.

       7.2     Vesting Schedule.

               (a)      A Participant's interest in his/her Company
       Contribution Account shall vest in accordance with the following 

       Years of Credited Service         Vested Percentage
       -------------------------         -----------------
               Less than 3                                    0%
               3 or more                                    100%

               (b)      Notwithstanding the above, a Participant shall become
       fully vested in his or her Company Contribution Account upon the
       occurrence of any of the following events, if such Participant is then
       still an Employee:

                  (i)     Attainment of age sixty-two (62);

                 (ii)     Death;

                (iii)     Severance due to a Disability; or

                 (iv)     Occurrence of a Change of Control pursuant to Section

               (c)      Notwithstanding the above, a Participant shall at all
       times be 100% vested in all amounts transferred from the SmithKline
       Beckman Corporation Savings and Investment Plan to this Plan.

       7.3     Vesting of Participant Deposits.  A Participant shall be fully
vested at all times in the amounts allocated to his or her Before Tax Deposits
Account, After Tax Deposits Account, Stock Credit Account and Rollover Account.

                                  ARTICLE VIII
                            PAYMENT OF PLAN BENEFITS

       8.1     Withdrawals During Employment.  A Participant may withdraw, once
in any month period, amounts of at least $500 from his or her Accounts while an
Employee in accordance with the following rules:

               (a)      A Participant may, for any reason, withdraw any portion
       of the amount allocated to his After Tax Deposits Account.  A
       Participant who makes such a withdrawal shall not receive an allocation
       of Company Contributions pursuant to Section 6.4(a)(iii) with respect to
       any Sharing Deposits made by such Participant during the 6 month period
       beginning on the date of any such withdrawal.

               (b)      After withdrawing all After Tax Deposits pursuant to
       paragraph (a) above, a Participant with 3 or more years of Credited
       Service may, for any reason, withdraw any portion of the amount
       allocated to his or her Company Contribution Account that was so
       allocated 2 or more years prior to the date of such a withdrawal.

               (c)      On or after the attainment of age 59-1/2, a Participant
       may withdraw any portion of the amounts allocated to any of his or her
       Accounts except his or her Stock Credit Account.

               (d)      After withdrawing all amounts permitted pursuant to
       Paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) above, a Participant may withdraw amounts
       from his or her Before Tax Deposits Account (excluding any earnings
       attributable to such Account after December 31, 1988) and Rollover
       Account, and the vested portion of his or her Company Contribution
       Account upon incurring a hardship as determined by the Plan
       Administrator in accordance with the following procedures:

                   (i)    A hardship distribution shall be made to a
               Participant only if the Plan Administrator (or its
               representative) determines that the Participant has an immediate
               and heavy financial need and that a withdrawal from the Plan is
               necessary in order to satisfy such need.

                  (ii)    The following situations shall be "deemed" to be
               immediate and heavy financial needs:

                             (1)      Medical expenses described in Code
                      Section 213(d) incurred by the Participant, the
                      Participant's spouse, or any dependents of the
                      Participant (as defined in Code Section 152);

                             (2)      The purchase (excluding mortgage
                      payments) of a principal residence for the Participant 

                             (3)      The payment of tuition and related
                      educational fees for the next twelve (12) months of
                      post-secondary education for the Participant, his or her
                      spouse, children, or dependents;

                             (4)      The need to prevent the eviction of the
                      Participant from his or her principal residence or
                      foreclosure on the mortgage of the Participant's
                      principal residence; and

                             (5)      Any other situation deemed as immediate
                      and heavy financial needs by the Internal Revenue Service
                      through the publication of revenue rulings, notices, and
                      other documents of general applicability.

                 (iii)    In the case of the hardship withdrawal of the vested
               portion of a Participant's Company Contribution Account, the
               following situations shall also be "deemed" to be immediate and
               heavy financial needs:

                             (1)      The purchase of a primary residence for
                      the Participant or a dependent, including related
                      expenses incurred up to 3 months following the purchase;

                             (2)      Any education expense for the Participant
                      or a dependent for the current or immediately prior
                      school semester;

                             (3)      The funeral expense of a dependent; and

                             (4)      Any medical or dental expenses for the
                      Participant or his  or her dependents incurred during the
                      current or immediately prior calendar year.

                  (iv)    The determination as to whether a withdrawal from the
               Plan is necessary to satisfy an immediate and heavy financial
               need is to be made on the basis of all relevant facts and
               circumstances.  However, a withdrawal from the Plan shall be
               necessary in order to satisfy an immediate and heavy financial
               need only if:

                             (1)      The amount of the withdrawal is not in
                      excess of the amount required to relieve the financial
                      need (including amounts necessary to pay any federal,
                      state, or local income taxes or penalties reasonably
                      anticipated to result from the withdrawal) or in excess
                      of the amount that such need could not be satisfied from
                      other sources that are reasonably available to the

                             (2)      The Participant submits a signed
                      statement to the Committee, on which the Committee can
                      reasonably rely, to the extent that the need cannot be

                          (A)   Through reimbursement or compensation by
                                insurance or otherwise;

                          (B)   By reasonable liquidation of the Participant's
                                assets, to the extent such liquidation would
                                not itself cause an immediate and heavy
                                financial need;

                          (C)   By cessation of Before Tax Deposits or After
                                Tax Deposits under the Plan; or

                          (D)   By other withdrawals or distributions or
                                nontaxable (at the time of the loan) loans from
                                any plan maintained by the Company (including
                                this Plan) or any other employer, or by
                                borrowing from commercial sources on reasonable
                                commercial terms.

                   (v)    A Participant's resources shall be deemed to include
               those assets of his or her spouse and minor children that are
               reasonably available to the Participant.

                  (vi)    A Participant who makes a hardship withdrawal
               pursuant to this Section 8.1(d) shall not be permitted to make
               Before Tax Deposits or After Tax Deposits for a period of 12
               months from the date of such withdrawal unless such withdrawal
               only included amounts from such Participant's Company
               Contribution Account.

                 (vii)    A Participant who makes a hardship withdrawal
               pursuant to this Section 8.1 may not make Before Tax
               Contributions for such Participant's taxable year immediately
               following the taxable year of such hardship withdrawal that is
               in excess of the applicable limit under Code Section 402(g) for
               such immediately following taxable year less the amount of such
               Participant's Before Tax Contributions for the taxable year in
               which such Participant made the hardship withdrawal.

                (viii)    Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph (e)
               below, all hardship withdrawals shall be made in cash regardless
               of the fund from which such withdrawal is made.  The Committee
               may, at its discretion, establish written procedures whereby
               Participants may receive an estimated prepayment of a hardship
               withdrawal based on the last available valuation of such
               Participant's Accounts with a reconciling adjustment made to
               such Participant's Accounts after current valuation data is

               (e)      Except as provided in subparagraph (d)(viii) above, all
       withdrawals shall be made in cash, except to the extent any of the
       vested portion of a Participant's Account to be withdrawn is invested in
       the Company Stock Fund, then such withdrawal may be made in Company
       Stock at the election of the Participant to the extent so invested.

               (f)      Except as provided in Paragraphs (a) through (d) above,
       Participants may not receive a distribution of their benefits under the
       plan prior to termination of employment.

               (g)      Except as provided in Paragraph (d)(viii) above, all
       withdrawals shall be made to Participants as soon as reasonably
       practicable following the Valuation Date in the month for which a
       properly completed withdrawal request is deemed perfected.  All
       withdrawals shall be based on the Account balances of a Participant as
       of such Valuation Date.  If a properly completed withdrawal request is
       received by the Plan Administrator during any month and on or before the
       fifteenth day of such month, the withdrawal request shall be deemed
       perfected in such month, otherwise such withdrawal request shall be
       deemed perfected in the immediately following month.

               (h)      Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this
       Section 8.1 or Section 4.1, the following additional withdrawal
       restrictions shall apply to all Participants who are Insiders.  For the
       purpose of this Section 8.1, the term "Insider" shall mean any
       Participant who is directly or indirectly the beneficial owner of more
       than 10% of any class of any equity security (other than an exempted
       security) of the Sponsor (or the Company) which is registered pursuant
       to Section 12 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 or who is a
       "director" or an "officer" of the Sponsor or the Company as those terms
       are interpreted for the purpose of determining persons subject to
       Section 16 of such Act.

                  (i)     Any Insider who withdraws, pursuant to Paragraphs (a)
               or (b) above, any amounts allocated to his After Tax Deposits
               Account or Company Contributions Account and attributable to
               After Tax Deposits or Company Contributions made on or after the
               Effective Date shall not be permitted to contribute any After
               Tax Deposits or Before Tax Deposits for the 12 month period
               beginning on the date of any such withdrawal.

                 (ii)     Any Insider who withdraws, pursuant to Paragraph (d)
               above, any amounts allocated to his Company Contributions
               Account and attributable to Company Contributions made on or
               after the Effective Date shall not be permitted to contribute
               any After Tax Deposits or Before Tax Deposits for the 12 month
               period beginning on the date of any such withdrawal.

                (iii)     Any Insider who withdraws, pursuant to Paragraph (a)
               above, any amounts allocated to his After Tax Deposits Account
               and attributable to employee after-tax contributions from 6% to
               15% of compensation made to the SmithKline Beckman Savings and
               Investment Plan and transferred to this Plan shall not be
               permitted to contribute any After Tax Deposits or Before Tax
               Deposits for the six month period beginning on the date of the
               third such withdrawal in any such 12 month period.

                 (iv)     Any Insider who withdraws, pursuant to Paragraph (a)
               above, any amounts allocated to his After Tax Deposits Account
               and attributable to employee after-tax contributions from 1% to
               5% of compensation made to the SmithKline Beckman Savings and
               Investment Plan and transferred to this Plan shall not be
               permitted to contribute any After Tax Deposits or Before Tax
               Deposits for the six month period beginning on the date of any
               such withdrawal.

                  (v)     Any Insider who withdraws, pursuant to Paragraph (b)
               above, any amounts allocated to his Company Contributions
               Account and attributable to company matching contributions made
               to the SmithKline Beckman Savings and Investment Plan and
               transferred to this Plan shall not be permitted to contribute
               any After Tax Deposits or Before Tax Deposits for the 12 month
               period beginning on the date of any such withdrawal.

       8.2     Distributions Upon Termination of Employment or Disability.

               (a)      Subject to the provisions of Sections 8.5, if a
       Participant incurs a Severance for any reason (including Disability)
       other than death, such Participant shall (i) receive a distribution of
       his or her entire vested portion of his or her Accounts under the Plan
       or (ii) may elect to have an Eligible Rollover Distribution paid
       directly by the Trustee to the trustee of an Eligible Retirement Plan.

               (b)      Any distribution made pursuant to Paragraph (a) above
       shall be made in one lump sum distribution in cash except to the extent
       any of the vested portion of such Participant's Accounts is invested in
       the Company Stock Fund, then, to the extent so invested, such
       distribution may be made in Company Stock at the election of the

               (c)      Notwithstanding the provisions contained in the
       foregoing Subsections of this Section 8.2 or Section 8.1, any provision
       which restricts or would deny a Participant through the withholding of
       consent or the exercise of discretion by some person or persons other
       than the Participant (and where relevant, other than the Participant's
       spouse) of an alternative form of benefit, in violation of Code Section
       411(d)(6) and the regulation promulgated thereunder, is hereby amended
       by the deletion of the consent and/or discretion requirement.

       8.3     Distribution Upon Death of Participant.  In the event of the
death of a Participant, the Participant's benefit under the Plan shall be
distributed to the surviving spouse as Beneficiary (if still alive) unless the
Participant designated another Beneficiary pursuant to Section 8.4.  If the
Beneficiary is the surviving spouse of the Participant, he or she may elect to
have an Eligible

Rollover Distribution paid directly by the Trustee to the trustee of an
Eligible Retirement Plan.  Distributions to the Beneficiary pursuant to this
Section 8.3 shall be in the same form as specified in Section 8.2(b) above, as
elected by the Beneficiary.  All such distributions shall be made as soon as
practicable after the death of the Participant.  A Beneficiary may not elect to
defer such a distribution.

       8.4     Designation of Beneficiary.

               (a)      At any time, and from time to time, each Participant
       shall have the unrestricted right to designate the Beneficiary to
       receive the portion of his death benefit and to revoke any such
       designation.  Each such designation shall be evidenced by a written
       instrument signed by the Participant and filed with the Committee.

               (b)      If the Participant is married and designates a
       Beneficiary other than his spouse, said designation shall not be honored
       by the Committee unless accompanied by the written consent of said
       spouse to said designation.  Such consent (i) must designate a
       Beneficiary which may not be changed without the consent of the spouse
       (or the consent of the spouse expressly permits designation by the
       Participant without any further consent by the spouse), (ii) must
       acknowledge the effect of the designation, and (iii) must be witnessed
       by a Plan representative or a notary public.  No consent of such spouse
       shall be necessary if it is established to the satisfaction of a Plan
       representative that the consent required under this paragraph (b) cannot
       or need not be obtained because (i) there is no spouse, (ii) the spouse
       cannot be located, or (iii) there exist such other circumstances which,
       pursuant to Regulations under Code Section 417, permit a distribution to
       another Beneficiary.  Any consent of a spouse obtained pursuant to this
       paragraph (b) or any determination that the consent of the spouse cannot
       (or need not) be obtained, shall be effective only with respect to that
       spouse.  If a Participant becomes married following his designation of a
       Beneficiary other than his spouse, such designation shall be ineffective
       unless the spousal consent requirements of this paragraph are satisfied
       with respect to such spouse (subject, however, to the provisions of
       Article XV regarding Qualified Domestic Relations Orders).

               (c)      If the Participant is married and does not designate a
       Beneficiary, the Participant's spouse shall be his Beneficiary for
       purposes of this Section.  If the deceased Participant is not married
       and shall have failed to designate a Beneficiary, or if the Committee
       shall be unable to locate the designated Beneficiary after reasonable
       efforts have been made, or if such Beneficiary shall be deceased,
       distribution of the Participant's death benefit shall be made by payment
       of the deceased Participant's entire interest in the Trust to his
       personal representative in a single lump-sum payment.  In the event the
       deceased Participant is not a resident of California at the date of his
       death, the Committee, in its discretion, may require the establishment
       of ancillary administration in California.  If the Committee cannot
       locate a qualified personal representative of the deceased Participant,
       or if administration of the deceased Participant's estate is not
       otherwise required, the Committee, in its discretion, may pay the
       deceased Participant's interest in the Trust to his heirs at law
       (determined in accordance with the laws of the State of California as
       they existed at the date of the Participant's death).

       8.5     Distribution Rules.  Notwithstanding any other provisions of
this Article VIII of the Plan regarding distributions of Participant's
Accounts, the following additional rules shall apply to all such distributions.

               (a)      In no event shall any benefits under this Plan,
       including benefits upon retirement, Severance, or Disability, be paid
       (or commence to be paid) to a Participant prior

       to the "Consent Date" (as defined herein) unless the Participant
       consents in writing to the payment (or commencement of payment) of such
       benefits prior to said Consent Date.  As used herein, the term "Consent
       Date" shall mean the later of (1) the Participant's 62nd birthday, or
       (2) the Participant's Normal Retirement Age.  Notwithstanding the
       foregoing, the provisions of this Paragraph shall not apply (1)
       following the Participant's death, or (2) with respect to a lump sum
       distribution of the vested portion of a Participant's Account if the
       total amount of such vested portion does not exceed $3,500.

               (b)      Unless a Participant elects otherwise pursuant to
       Paragraph (a) above, distributions of the vested portion of a
       Participant's Accounts shall commence no later than the 60th day after
       the close of the Plan Year in which the latest of the following events
       occurs:  (1) the Participant's Normal Retirement Age; (2) the tenth
       anniversary of the year in which the Participant commenced participation
       in the Plan; or (3) the termination of the Participant's employment with
       the Company.

               (c)      Notwithstanding Paragraph (a) or (b) above,
       distributions of the entire vested portion of a Participant's Accounts
       shall be made no later than the Participant's Required Beginning Date,
       or, if such distribution is to be made over the life of such Participant
       or over the lives of such Participant and a Beneficiary (or over a
       period not extending beyond the life expectancy of such Participant and
       Beneficiary) then such distribution shall commence no later than the
       Participant's Required Beginning Date.  Required Beginning Date shall

                        (1)     For the period prior to January 1, 1989, April
               1 of the calendar year following the later of the calendar year
               in which the Participant (i) attains age 70-1/2, or (ii)
               retires; provided, however, the foregoing clause (ii) shall not
               apply with respect to a Participant who is a Five Percent Owner
               (as defined in Section 416(i) of the Code) at any time during
               the five Plan Year period ending in the calendar year in which
               the Participant attains age 70-1/2.  If the Participant becomes
               a Five Percent Owner during any Plan Year subsequent to the five
               Plan Year period referenced above, the Required Beginning Date
               under this Subparagraph (1) shall be April 1 of the calendar
               year following the calendar year in which such subsequent Plan
               Year ends.

                        (2)     For the period after December 31, 1988, April 1
               of the calendar year following the calendar year in which the
               Participant attains age 70-1/2; provided, however, if the
               Participant attains age 70-1/2 before January 1, 1988 and the
               Participant was not a Five Percent Owner (as defined in Section
               416(i) of the Code) at any time during the Plan Year ending with
               or within the calendar year in which such Participant attains
               age 66-1/2 or any subsequent Plan Year, then this Subparagraph
               (2) shall not apply and the Required Beginning Date shall be
               determined under Subparagraph (1) above.

               (d)      Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Plan,
       if a Participant dies before distribution of his or her vested benefit
       has begun in accordance with paragraph (c) above, the Participant's
       vested benefit shall be distributed to his Beneficiary within five years
       from the date of the Participant's death except that any portion of the
       Account balance meeting the following requirements shall not be subject
       to this rule:

                        (1)     A Beneficiary has been designated to receive
               the Participant's Account balance and such designation is
               effective at the Participant's death;

                        (2)     The Account balance is paid to the Beneficiary
               over the Beneficiary's life or over a period not to exceed the
               Beneficiary's life; and

                        (3)     The payments to the Beneficiary commence within
               one year of the Participant's death, or, if the Beneficiary is
               the spouse, before the time the deceased Participant would have
               attained age 70-1/2.

               (e)      All distributions under this Plan shall be made in
       accordance with the minimum distribution incidental benefit requirements
       of Code Section 401(a)(9)(G) and in accordance with all regulations
       issued under Code Section 401(a)(9).

               (f)      If it is not administratively practical to calculate
       and commence payments by the latest date specified in the rules of
       Paragraphs (b), (c) and (d) above because the amount of the
       Participant's benefit cannot be calculated, or because the Committee is
       unable to locate the Participant (or eligible Beneficiary) after making
       reasonable efforts to do so, the payment shall be made as soon as is
       administratively possible (but not more than 60 days) after the
       Participant (or Beneficiary) can be located and the amount of the
       distributable benefit can be ascertained.

       8.6     Forfeitures.

               (a)      In the event that a distribution of the entire vested
       portion of a Participant's Accounts is made to a Participant due to a
       Severance when he is not fully vested in such Accounts, the nonvested
       portion of the Participant's Account(s) shall be forfeited as of the
       Participant's Severance Date.  A Participant who incurs such a Severance
       when no portion of his or her Accounts are vested shall be deemed to
       have received a distribution pursuant to this Paragraph (a).

               (b)      In the event a Participant who receives a distribution
       pursuant to Paragraph (a) above is rehired by the Company prior to the
       date such Participant incurs five consecutive Breaks in Service, the
       amount so forfeited shall be reinstated to the Participant's Accounts as
       of the Participant's Reemployment Commencement Date (without regard to
       any interest or investment earnings on such amount).

               (c)      If a Participant incurs a Severance when partially
       vested in his Accounts and does not receive a distribution described in
       Paragraph (a), the Participant's Account shall continue to be held by
       the Trustee as provided in Section 6.10.  Thereafter, when the
       Participant incurs five consecutive Breaks in Service, the non-vested
       portion of the Participant's Accounts shall be forfeited.

               (d)      Forfeitures shall be used as provided in Section 6.4.

       8.7     Valuation of Plan Benefits Upon Distribution.  For the purpose
of any distribution of benefits under this Article VIII, the amount of such
distribution shall be based on the value of a Participant's Accounts as of the
Valuation Date in the month in which the application for such distribution is
deemed perfected.  If a properly completed distribution application is received
by the Plan Administrator during any month and on or before the fifteenth day
of such month, the distribution application shall be deemed perfected in such
month, otherwise such distribution application shall be deemed perfected in the
immediately following month.

       8.8     Lapsed Benefits.

               (a)      In the event that a benefit is payable under this Plan
       to a Participant and after reasonable efforts the Participant cannot be
       located for the purpose of paying the benefit during a period of three
       consecutive years, the Participant shall be presumed dead and the
       benefit shall, upon the termination of that three year period, be paid
       to the Participant's Beneficiary.

               (b)      If any eligible Beneficiary cannot be located for the
       purpose of paying the benefit for the following two years, then the
       benefit shall be forfeited and allocated to the Accounts of the other
       Participants for such Plan Year in accordance with Section 6.4.

               (c)      If a Participant shall die prior to receiving a
       distribution of his entire benefit under this Plan (other than a
       Participant presumed to have died as provided above), if after
       reasonable efforts an eligible Beneficiary of the Participant cannot be
       located for the purpose of paying the benefit during a period of five
       consecutive years, the benefit shall, upon expiration of such five-year
       period, be forfeited and reallocated to the Accounts of the other
       Participants in accordance with Section 6.4.

               (d)      For purposes of this Section, the term "Beneficiary"
       shall include any person entitled under Section 8.4 to receive the
       interest of a deceased Participant or deceased designated Beneficiary.
       It is the intention of this provision that during the relevant waiting
       period (two years or five years) the benefit will be distributed to an
       eligible Beneficiary in a lower priority category under Section 8.4 if
       no eligible Beneficiary in a higher priority category can be located by
       the Committee after reasonable efforts have been made.

               (e)      Notwithstanding the foregoing rules, if after such a
       forfeiture the Participant or an eligible Beneficiary shall claim the
       forfeited benefit, the amount forfeited shall be reinstated (without
       regard to any interest or investment earnings on such amount) and paid
       to the claimant as soon as practical following the claimant's production
       of reasonable proof of his or her identity and entitlement to the
       benefit (determined pursuant to the Plan's normal claim review
       procedures under Section 9.8).

               (f)      The Committee shall direct the Trustee with respect to
       the procedures to be followed concerning a missing Participant (or
       Beneficiary), and the Company shall be obligated to contribute to the
       Trust Fund any amounts necessary after the application of Section 6.4 to
       pay any reinstated benefit after it has been forfeited pursuant to the
       provisions of this Section.

       8.9     Persons Under Legal Disability.

               (a)      If any payee under the Plan is a minor or if the
       Committee reasonably believes that any payee is legally incapable of
       giving a valid receipt and discharge for any payment due him/her, the
       Committee may have the payment, or any part thereof, made to the person
       (or persons or institution) whom it reasonably believes is caring for or
       supporting the payee, unless it has received due notice of claim
       therefor from a duly appointed guardian or committee of the payee.

               (b)      Any such payment shall be a payment from the Accounts
       of the payee and shall, to the extent thereof, be a complete discharge
       of any liability under the Plan to  the payee.

      8.10     Additional Documents.

               (a)      The Committee or the Company may require satisfactory
       proof of any matter under this Plan from or with respect to any
       Employee, Participant, or Beneficiary, and no person shall be entitled
       to receive any benefits under this Plan until the required proof shall
       be furnished.

               (b)      The Committee or Trustee, or both, may require the
       execution and delivery of such documents, papers and receipts as the
       Committee or Trustee may determine necessary or appropriate in order to
       establish the fact of death of the deceased Participant and of the right
       and identity of any Beneficiary or other person or persons claiming any
       benefits under this Article VIII.

               (c)      The Committee or the Trustee, or both, may, as a
       condition precedent to the payment of death benefits hereunder, require
       an inheritance tax release and/or such security as the Committee or
       Trustee, or both, may deem appropriate as protection against possible
       liability for State or Federal death taxes attributable to any death

      8.11     Trustee-to-Trustee Transfers.  In the case of any Participant or
Participants who have terminated employment with the Company and all Affiliated
Companies and subsequently become employed by an unrelated successor employer,
the Committee, shall at the request of such Participant or Participants, direct
the Trustee to transfer the assets in the Accounts of such Participant or
Participants directly to the trustee of any retirement plan maintained by such
successor employer or employers in lieu of any distribution described in the
preceding provisions of this Article VIII but only if (i) the retirement plan
maintained by such successor employer is determined to the satisfaction of the
Committee to be qualified under Section 401 of the Code, (ii) the sponsor and
trustee of such plan consent to the transfer, and (iii) such transfer satisfies
the conditions of Section 12.3 hereof.

      8.12     Loans to Participants.  A Participant may borrow from his or her
Accounts while an Employee in accordance with the following rules:

               (a)      Subject to minimum and maximum loan requirements, a
       Participant may borrow up to 50% of his or her After Tax Deposits
       Account, Rollover Account, the vested portion of his or her Company
       Contribution Account and Before Tax Deposits Account.  Only one loan may
       be outstanding to a Participant any time.  The minimum loan amount shall
       be $1,000 and the maximum loan amount shall be $50,000.  The $50,000
       maximum loan amount shall be reduced by the excess, if any, of the
       highest outstanding balance of loans from the Plan to the Participant
       during the one-year period ending on the day before the loan is made
       over the outstanding balance of loans on the date the loan is made.

               (b)      A loan to a Participant shall be made solely from his
       or her Account(s) and shall be considered an investment directed by the
       Participant.  Loan amounts shall be funded from the Participant's
       Accounts in the following order:  (1) After Tax Deposits Account; (2)
       Rollover Account; (3) Company Contribution Account; and (4) Before Tax
       Deposits Account.  Principal repayments shall be credited to the
       Participant's Accounts in the inverse of the order used to fund the loan
       and interest payments shall be credited to the Participant's Accounts in
       direct proportion to the principal repayments.

               (c)      A loan to a Participant shall bear an interest rate
       equal to the prime rate reported in the Wall Street Journal on the last
       business day of the previous month plus one percent (1%) and shall
       remain fixed throughout the term of the loan.  Notwithstanding the

       preceding sentence, if the Committee determines that such rate is not
       reasonable or otherwise not in accordance with applicable requirements
       under the Code or ERISA, the Committee shall set an alternate interest
       rate at the time that the loan is taken.

               (d)      A loan to a Participant shall have a definite maturity
       date and repayment schedule and shall be amortized on a substantially
       level basis with repayments occurring not less frequently than
       quarterly.  Loans, other than loans made for the purpose of acquiring
       the principal residence of the Participant, shall be made for a period
       not to exceed five (5) years. Loans made for the purpose of acquiring
       the principal residence of the Participant shall be made for a period
       not to exceed fifteen (15) years.

               (e)      A loan to a Participant shall be secured by the vested
       portion of the Participant's Account(s).  No more than 50% of the
       Participant's vested Account(s) as determined on the date the loan is
       issued shall be considered by the Plan as security for a loan.  A
       Participant who borrows from the Plan hereby agrees that, unless
       expressly provided otherwise in loan documents, any such loan is
       automatically secured by 50% of his or her vested Account(s).

               (f)      A loan to a Participant shall be evidenced by a
       promissory note and/or such other documentation as required by the

               (g)      A loan to a Participant shall be treated as a
       distribution unless the entire principal amount and any interest
       accrued thereon is repaid within ninety (90) days after the occurrence
       of a Participant's Severance.  Absent repayment by the Participant, the
       Committee shall instruct the Trustee to distribute the note to the
       Participant as part of his or her distribution and the Participant's
       vested Account(s) shall be reduced to the extent of such distribution.

               (h)      The Committee shall establish the participant loan
       program and have the duty to manage and administer the participant loan
       program in accordance with the terms and provisions of this Section. 
       The Committee shall have, but not by way of limitation, the following
       discretionary powers and authority:

                       (1)      To determine the manner in which loan
                 repayments shall occur whether it be through automatic payroll
                 deductions or otherwise.

                       (2)      To establish any fees, including but not
                 limited to application fees and maintenance fees, and the
                 manner in which such fees are collected from the Participant.

                       (3)      To consider only those factors which would be
                 considered in a normal commercial setting by persons in the
                 business of making similar types of loans in establishing the
                 participant loan program.  Such factors may include the
                 applicant's credit worthiness and financial need, but may not
                 include any factor which would discriminate against
                 Participants who are not Highly Compensated Employees.  Loans
                 shall be made available to all Participants without regard to
                 a Participant's race, color, religion, sex, age or national
                 origin and shall not be made available to Participants who are
                 Highly Compensated Employees in an amount greater than the
                 amount made available to Participants who are not Highly
                 Compensated Employees.

                                   ARTICLE IX
                          OPERATION AND ADMINISTRATION

       9.1     Appointment of Committee.  There is hereby created a committee
(the "Committee") which shall exercise such powers and have such duties in
administering the Plan as are hereinafter set forth.  The Board of Directors
shall determine the number of members of such Committee.  The members of the
Committee shall be appointed by the Board of Directors and such Board shall
from time to time fill all vacancies occurring in said Committee.  The members
of the Committee shall constitute the Named Fiduciaries of the Plan within the
meaning of Section 402(a)(2) of ERISA; provided that solely for purposes of
Section 5.9 hereof, Participants shall be Named Fiduciaries with respect to
shares of Company Stock allocated to their respective Accounts and solely for
purposes of Section 5.10, Participants shall be Named Fiduciaries with respect
to shares of Company Stock allocated to their respective Accounts on matters as
to which they are entitled to provide voting directions.

       9.2     Transaction of Business.  A majority of the Committee shall
constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.  Actions of the Committee
may be taken either by vote at a meeting or in writing without a meeting.  All
action taken by the Committee at any meeting shall be by a vote of the majority
of those present at such meeting.  All action taken in writing without a
meeting shall be by a vote of the majority of those responding in writing.  All
notices, advices, directions and instructions to be transmitted by the
Committee shall be in writing and signed by or in the name of the Committee.
In all its communications with the Trustee, the Committee may, by either of the
majority actions specified above, authorize any one or more of its members to
execute any document or documents on behalf of the Committee, in which event it
shall notify the Trustee in writing of such action and the name or names of its
members so designated and the Trustee shall thereafter accept and rely upon any
documents executed by such member or members as representing action by the
Committee until the Committee shall file with the Trustee a written revocation
of such designation.

       9.3     Voting.  Any member of the Committee who is also a Participant
hereunder shall not be qualified to act or vote on any matter relating solely
to himself, and upon such matter his presence at a meeting shall not be counted
for the purpose of determining a quorum.  If, at any time a member of the
Committee is not so qualified to act or vote, the qualified members of the
Committee shall be reduced below two (2), the Board of Directors shall promptly
appoint one or more special members to the Committee so that there shall be at
least one qualified member to act upon the matter in question.  Such special
Committee members shall have power to act only upon the matter for which they
were especially appointed and their tenure shall cease as soon as they have
acted upon the matter for which they were especially appointed.

       9.4     Responsibility of Committee.  The authority to control and
manage the operation and administration of the Plan, the general administration
of this Plan, the responsibility for carrying out this Plan and the authority
and responsibility to control and manage the assets of the Trust are hereby
delegated by the Board of Directors to and vested in the Committee, except to
the extent reserved to the Board of Directors, the Sponsor, or the Company.
Subject to the limitations of this Plan, the Committee shall, from time to
time, establish rules for the performance of its functions and the
administration of this Plan.  In the performance of its functions, the
Committee shall not discriminate in favor of Highly Compensated Employees.

       9.5     Committee Powers.  The Committee shall have all discretionary
powers necessary to supervise the administration of the Plan and control its
operations.  In addition to any discretionary powers and authority conferred on
the Committee elsewhere in the Plan or by law, the Committee shall have, but
not by way of limitation, the following discretionary powers and authority:

               (a)      To designate agents to carry out responsibilities
       relating to the Plan, other than fiduciary responsibilities as provided
       in Section 9.6.

               (b)      To employ such legal, actuarial, medical, accounting,
       clerical, and other assistance as it may deem appropriate in carrying
       out the provisions of this Plan, including one or more persons to render
       advice with regard to any responsibility any Named Fiduciary or any
       other fiduciary may have under the Plan.

               (c)      To establish rules and regulations from time to time
       for the conduct of the Committee's business and the administration and
       effectuation of this Plan.

               (d)      To administer, interpret, construe, and apply this Plan
       and to decide all questions which may arise or which may be raised under
       this Plan by any Employee, Participant, former Participant, Beneficiary
       or other person whatsoever, including but not limited to all questions
       relating to eligibility to participate in the Plan, the amount of
       Credited Service of any Participant, and the amount of benefits to which
       any Participant or his Beneficiary may be entitled.

               (e)      To determine the manner in which the assets of this
       Plan, or any part thereof, shall be disbursed.

               (f)      To direct the Trustee, in writing, from time to time,
       to invest and reinvest the Trust Fund, or any part thereof, or to
       purchase, exchange, or lease any property, real or personal, which the
       Committee may designate.  This shall include the right to direct the
       investment of all or any part of the Trust in any one security or any
       one type of securities permitted hereunder.  Among the securities which
       the Committee may direct the Trustee to purchase are "qualifying
       employer securities" as defined in Internal Revenue Code Section

               (g)      Subject to provisions (a) through (d) of Section 10.1,
       to make administrative amendments to the Plan that do not cause a
       substantial increase or decrease in benefit accruals to Participants and
       that do not cause a substantial increase in the cost of administering
       the Plan.

               (h)      To perform or cause to be performed such further acts
       as it may deem to be necessary, appropriate or convenient in the
       efficient administration of the Plan.

Any action taken in good faith by the Committee in the exercise of
discretionary powers conferred upon it by this Plan shall be conclusive and
binding upon the Participants and their Beneficiaries.  All discretionary
powers conferred upon the Committee shall be absolute; provided, however, that
all such discretionary power shall be exercised in a uniform and
nondiscriminatory manner.

       9.6     Additional Powers of Committee.  In addition to any
discretionary powers or authority conferred on the Committee elsewhere in this
Plan or by law, such Committee shall have the following discretionary powers
and authority:

               (a)      To appoint one or more Investment Managers pursuant to
       Section 5.16 to manage and control any or all of the assets of the Trust
       not invested or to be invested in Company Stock.

               (b)      To designate persons (other than the members of the
       Committee) to carry out fiduciary responsibilities, other than any
       responsibility to manage or control the assets of the Trust;

               (c)      To allocate fiduciary responsibilities among the
       members of the Committee, other than any responsibility to manage or
       control the assets of the Trust;

               (d)      To cancel any such designation or allocation at any
       time for any reason;

               (e)      To direct the voting of any Company Stock or any other
       security held by the Trust subject to Section 9.13 hereof; and

               (f)      To exercise management and control over Plan assets and
       to direct the purchase and sale of Company Stock for the Trust.

               Any action under this Section 9.6 shall be taken in writing, and
no designation or allocation under Subsection (a), (b) or (c) shall be
effective until accepted in writing by the indicated responsible person.

       9.7     Periodic Review of Funding Policy.  At periodic intervals the
Committee shall review the long-run and short-run financial needs of the Plan
and shall determine a funding policy for the Plan consistent with the
objectives of the Plan and the minimum funding standards of ERISA, if
applicable.  In determining such funding policy the Committee shall take into
account, at a minimum, not only the long-term investment objectives of the
Trust Fund consistent with the prudent management of the assets thereof, but
also the short-run needs of the Plan to pay benefits.  All actions taken by the
Committee with respect to the funding policy of the Plan, including the reasons
therefor, shall be fully reflected in the minutes of the Committee.

       9.8     Application for Determination of Benefits.

               (a)      The Committee may require any person claiming benefits
       under the Plan to submit an application therefor on such forms and in
       such manner as the Committee may prescribe, together with such documents
       and information as the Committee may require.  In the case of any person
       suffering from a disability which prevents him from making personal
       application for benefits, the Committee may, in its discretion, permit
       another person acting on his behalf to submit the application.

               (b)      Within ninety (90) days following receipt of an
       application and all necessary documents and information, the Committee
       shall furnish the claimant with written notice of the decision rendered
       with respect to the application.  In the case of a denial of the
       claimant's application, the written notice shall set forth:

                        (1)     The specific reasons for the denial, with
               reference to the Plan provisions upon which the denial is 

                        (2)     A description of any additional information or
               material necessary for perfection of the application (together
               with an explanation why the material or information is
               necessary); and

                        (3)     An explanation of the Plan's claim review

               (c)      A claimant who does not agree with the decision
       rendered under Section 9.8(b) hereof with respect to his application may
       appeal the decision to the Committee.  The appeal shall be made in
       writing within sixty-five (65) days after the date of notice of the
       decision with respect to the application.  If the application has
       neither been approved nor denied within the ninety (90) day period
       provided in Section 9.8(b) hereof, then the appeal shall be made within
       sixty-five (65) days after the expiration of the ninety (90) day period.
       In making his or her appeal, the claimant may request that his
       application be given full and fair review by the Committee.  The
       claimant may review all pertinent documents and submit issues and
       comments in writing.  The decision of the Committee shall be made
       promptly, and not later than sixty (60) days after the Committee's
       receipt of a request for review, unless special circumstances require an
       extension of time for processing, in which case a decision shall be
       rendered as soon as possible, but not later than one hundred twenty
       (120) days after receipt of a request for review.  The decision on
       review shall be in writing and shall include specific reasons for the
       decision, written in a manner calculated to be understood by the
       claimant with specific references to the pertinent Plan provisions upon
       which the decision is based.

       9.9     Limitation on Liability.  Each of the fiduciaries under the Plan
shall be solely responsible for its own acts and omissions and no fiduciary
shall be liable for any breach of fiduciary responsibility resulting from the
act or omission of any other fiduciary or person to whom fiduciary
responsibilities have been allocated or delegated pursuant to Section 9.6,
except as provided in Sections 405(a) and 405(c)(2)(A) or (B) of ERISA.  The
Committee shall have no responsibility over assets as to which management and
control has been delegated to an Investment Manager appointed pursuant to
Section 5.15 hereof or as to which management and control has been retained by
the Trustee.

      9.10     Indemnification and Insurance.  To the extent permitted by law,
the Company shall indemnify and hold harmless the Committee and each member
thereof, each Trustee, the Board of Directors and each member thereof, and such
other persons as the Board of Directors may specify, from the effects and
consequences of his or her acts, omissions, and conduct in his or her official
capacity in connection with the Plan and Trust.  To the extent permitted by
law, the Company may also purchase liability insurance for such persons.

      9.11     Compensation of Committee and Plan Expenses.  Members of the
Committee shall serve as such without compensation unless the Board of
Directors shall otherwise determine, but in no event shall any member of the
Committee who is an Employee receive compensation from the Plan for his or her
services as a member of the Committee.  All members shall be reimbursed for any
necessary expenditures incurred in the discharge of duties as members of the
Committee.  The compensation or fees, as the case may be, of all officers,
agents, counsel, the Trustee or other persons retained or employed by the
Committee shall be fixed by the Committee, subject to approval by the Board of
Directors.  The expenses incurred in the administration and operation of the
Plan, including but not limited to the expenses incurred by the members of the
Committee in exercising their duties, shall be paid by the Plan from the Trust
Fund, unless paid by the Company, provided, however, that the Plan and not the
Company shall bear the cost of interest and normal brokerage charges which are
included in the cost of securities purchased by the Trust Fund (or charged to
proceeds in the case of sales).  If such expenses are to be paid by the Plan
from the Trust Fund, the Committee may direct the Trustee to use forfeitures
and dividends (and to sell the shares of Company Stock that represent such
forfeitures or dividends) to pay such expenses.

      9.12     Resignation.  Any member of the Committee may resign by giving
fifteen (15) days notice to the Board of Directors, and any member shall resign
forthwith upon receipt of the written

request of the Board of Directors, whether or not said member is at that time
the only member of the Committee.

       9.13    Reliance Upon Documents and Opinions.  The members of the
Committee, the Board of Directors, the Company and any person delegated to
carry out any fiduciary responsibilities under the Plan (hereinafter a
"delegated fiduciary"), shall be entitled to rely upon any tables, valuations,
computations, estimates, certificates and reports furnished by any consultant,
or firm or corporation which employs one or more consultants, upon any opinions
furnished by legal counsel, and upon any reports furnished by the Trustee or
any Investment Manager.  The members of the Committee, the Board of Directors,
the Company and any delegated fiduciary shall be fully protected and shall not
be liable in any manner whatsoever for anything done or action taken or
suffered in reliance upon any such consultant, or firm or corporation which
employs one or more consultants, Trustee, Investment Manager, or  counsel.  Any
and all such things done or such action taken or suffered by the Committee, the
Board of Directors, the Company and any delegated fiduciary shall be conclusive
and binding on all Employees, Participants, Beneficiaries, and any other
persons whomsoever, except as otherwise provided by law.  The Committee and any
delegated fiduciary may, but are not required to, rely upon all records of the
Company with respect to any matter or thing whatsoever, and may likewise treat
such records as conclusive with respect to all Employees, Participants,
Beneficiaries, and any other persons whomsoever, except as otherwise provided
by law.

                                   ARTICLE X
                         AMENDMENT AND ADOPTION OF PLAN

     10.1      Right to Amend Plan.  The Sponsor, by resolution of the Board of
Directors, shall have the right to amend this Plan and Trust Agreement at any
time and from time to time and in such manner and to such extent as it may deem
advisable, including retroactively, subject to the following provisions:

               (a)      No amendment shall have the effect of reducing any
       Participant's vested interest in the Plan or eliminating an optional
       form of distribution.

               (b)      No amendment shall have the effect of diverting any
       part of the assets of the Plan to persons or purposes other than the
       exclusive benefit of the Participants or their Beneficiaries.

               (c)      No amendment shall have the effect of increasing the
       duties or responsibilities of a Trustee without its written consent.

               (d)      No amendment shall result in discrimination in favor of
       officers, shareholders, or other highly compensated or key employees.

The Committee shall have the right to amend the Plan, subject to the above
provisions (a) through (d), in accordance with the provisions of Section

     10.2      Adoption of Plan by Affiliated Companies.  Subject to approval
by the Board of Directors, and consistent with the provisions of ERISA, an
Affiliated Company may adopt the Plan for all or any specified group of its
Eligible Employees by entering into an adoption agreement in the form and
substance prescribed by the Committee.  The adoption agreement may include such
modification of the Plan provisions with respect to such Eligible Employees as
the Committee approves after having determined that no prohibited
discrimination or other threat to the qualification of the Plan is likely to
result.  The Board of Directors may prospectively revoke or modify an
Affiliated Company's participation in the Plan at any time and for any or no
reason, without regard to the terms of the adoption agreement, or terminate the
Plan with respect to such Affiliated  Company's Eligible Employees and
Participants.  By execution of an adoption agreement (each of which by this
reference shall become part of the Plan), the Affiliated Company agrees to be
bound by all the terms and conditions of the Plan.

                                   ARTICLE XI

               In the event the Company decides it is impossible or inadvisable
for business reasons to continue to make contributions under the Plan, it may,
by resolution of the Board of Directors, discontinue contributions to the Plan.
Upon the permanent discontinuance of contributions to the Plan and
notwithstanding any other provisions of the Plan, the rights of Participants
shall become fully vested and nonforfeitable unless replaced by a comparable
plan.  The permanent discontinuance of contributions on the part of the Company
shall not terminate the Plan as to the funds and assets then held in the Trust,
or operate to accelerate any payments of distributions to or for the benefit of
Participants or Beneficiaries, and the Trust shall continue to be administered
in accordance with the provisions hereof until the obligations hereunder shall
have been discharged and satisfied.

                                  ARTICLE XII
                             TERMINATION AND MERGER

     12.1      Right to Terminate Plan.  In the event the Board of Directors
decides it is impossible or inadvisable for business reasons to continue the
Plan, then it may, by resolution, terminate the Plan.  Upon and after the
effective date of such termination, the Company shall not make any further
contributions under the Plan.  Upon the termination or partial termination of
the Plan for any reason, the interest in the Trust of each affected Participant
shall automatically become fully vested unless the Plan is continued after its
termination by conversion of this Plan into a comparable Plan through Plan
amendment or through merger.  After the satisfaction of all outstanding
liabilities of the Plan to persons other than Participants and Beneficiaries,
all unallocated assets shall be allocated to the Accounts of Participants to
the maximum extent permitted by law.  The Trust Fund may not be fully or
finally liquidated until all assets are allocated to Accounts; alternatively
any unallocated assets may be transferred to another defined contribution plan
maintained by the Sponsor or an Affiliated Company qualified under Section 401
of the Code where such assets shall be allocated among the accounts of
Participants herein who are participants in such transferee plan.  In no event,
however, shall any part of the Plan revert to or be recoverable by the Company,
or be used for or diverted to purposes other than for the exclusive benefit of
the Participants or their Beneficiaries.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,
amounts held in the 415 Suspense Account may revert to the Company in
accordance with Section 13.7.

     12.2      Effect on Trustee and Committee.  The Trustee and the Committee
shall continue to function as such for such period of time as may be necessary
for the winding up of this Plan and for the making of distributions in the
manner prescribed by the Board of Directors at the time of termination of the

     12.3      Merger Restriction.  Notwithstanding any other provision in this
Plan, this Plan shall not in whole or in part merge or consolidate with, or
transfer its assets or liabilities to, any other plan unless each affected
Participant in this Plan would (if such other plan then terminated) receive a
benefit immediately after the merger, consolidation, or transfer which is equal
to or greater than the benefit he would have been entitled to receive
immediately before the merger, consolidation, or transfer (if the Plan had then

     12.4      Effect of Reorganization, Transfer of Assets or Change in

               (a)      In the event of a consolidation or merger of the
       Company, or in the event of a sale and/or any other transfer of the
       operating assets of the Company, any ultimate successor or successors to
       the business of the Company may continue this Plan in full force and
       effect by adopting the same by resolution of its board of directors and
       by executing a proper supplemental or transfer agreement with the

               (b)      In the event of a Change in Control (as herein
       defined), all Participants who were Participants on the date of such
       Change in Control shall become 100% vested in any amounts allocated to
       their Company Contribution Accounts on the date of such Change in
       Control and in any amounts allocated to their Company Contribution
       Accounts subsequent to the date of the Change in Control.
       Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Board of Directors may, at its
       discretion, amend or delete this Paragraph (b) in its entirety prior to
       the occurrence of any such Change in Control.  For the purpose of this
       Paragraph (b), "Change in Control" shall mean the following and shall be
       deemed to occur if any of the following events occur:

                  (i)     Any "person," as such term is used in Sections 13(d)
               and 14(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange
               Act"), is or becomes the "beneficial owner" (as defined in Rule
               13d-3 under the Exchange Act), directly or indirectly, of
               securities of the Sponsor representing 50% or more of the
               combined voting power of the Sponsor's then outstanding voting

                 (ii)     Individuals who, as of the date hereof, constitute
               the Board (the "Incumbent Board"), cease for any reason to
               constitute at least a majority of the Board, provided that any
               person becoming a director subsequent to the date hereof whose
               election, or nomination for election by the Sponsor's
               stockholders, is approved by a vote of at least a majority of
               the directors then comprising the Incumbent Board (other than an
               election or nomination of an individual whose initial assumption
               of office is in connection with an actual or threatened election
               contest relating to the election of the directors of the
               Sponsor, as such terms are used Rule 14a-11 of Regulation 14A
               promulgated under the Exchange Act) shall, for the purposes of
               this Plan, be considered as though such person were a member of
               the Incumbent Board;

                (iii)     The stockholders of the Sponsor approve a merger or
               consolidation with any other corporation, other than

                        (A)     a merger or consolidation which would result in
                        the voting securities of the Sponsor outstanding
                        immediately prior thereto continuing to represent
                        (either by remaining outstanding or by being converted
                        into voting securities of another entity) more than 50%
                        of the combined voting power of the voting securities
                        of the Sponsor or such other entity outstanding
                        immediately after such merger or consolidation, and

                        (B)     a merger or consolidation effected to implement
                        a recapitalization of the Company (or similar
                        transaction) in which no person acquires 50% or more of
                        the combined voting power of the Sponsor's then
                        outstanding voting securities; or

                 (iv)     The stockholders of the Sponsor approve a plan of
               complete liquidation of the Company or an agreement for the sale
               or other disposition by the Company of all or substantially all
               of the Company's assets.

       Notwithstanding the preceding provisions of this Paragraph (b), a Change
       in Control shall not be deemed to have occurred (1) if the "person"
       described in the preceding provisions of this Paragraph is an
       underwriter or underwriting syndicate that has acquired the ownership of
       50% or more of the combined voting power of the Sponsor's then
       outstanding voting securities solely in connection with a public
       offering of the Sponsor's securities or (2) if the "person" described in
       the preceding provisions of this Paragraph is an employee stock
       ownership plan or other employee benefit plan maintained by the Company
       that is qualified under the provisions of the Employee Retirement Income
       Security Act of 1974, as amended.

                                  ARTICLE XIII
                           LIMITATION ON ALLOCATIONS

     13.1      General Rule.

               (a)      Subject to Sections 13.3 through 13.6 hereof, the total
       Annual Additions under this Plan to a Participant's Accounts for any
       Limitation Year shall not exceed the lesser of:

                        (1)     Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000), or if
               greater, one-fourth of the defined benefit dollar limitation set
               forth in Section 415(b)(1) of the Code as in effect for the
               Limitation Year; or

                        (2)     Twenty-five percent (25%) of the Participant's
               Compensation, from the Company for the Limitation Year.  For
               purposes of this Article XIII, the "Limitation Year" shall mean
               the Plan Year.

               (b)      For the purpose of this Article XIII and XIV only, the
       term "Company" shall mean the Sponsor and any Affiliated Company whether
       or not such Affiliated Company has adopted the Plan pursuant to Section
       8.2.  Solely for purposes of this Article XI, an entity shall be
       considered an Affiliated Company by reference to Code Section 415(h).

     13.2      Annual Additions.  For purposes of Section 13.1, the term
"Annual Additions" shall mean with respect to a Participant, for any Limitation
Year with respect to this Plan and each other defined contribution plan, within
the meaning of Code Section 415(k), maintained by the Company ("Defined
Contribution Plan"), the sum of the amounts determined under Sections 13.2(a),
(b), (c), (d), (e) and (f) hereof:

               (a)      All amounts contributed or deemed contributed by the

               (b)      All amounts contributed by the Participant.

               (c)      Forfeitures allocated to such Participant.

               (d)      Any amounts allocated to an account established under a
       pension or annuity plan to provide medical benefits with respect to a
       Participant after retirement under Section 401(h) of the Code.

               (e)      Any amounts allocated for such Plan Year which amounts
       are derived from contributions paid or accrued after December 31, 1985,
       in taxable years ending after such date, which are attributable to post
       retirement medical or life insurance benefits allocated to the separate
       account of a key employee (as defined in Code Section 416(i) under Code
       Section 419A(d)(1).

               (f)      Excess deferral amounts determined pursuant to Sections
       4.5 and 6.14.

               (g)      Excess deferral amounts determined pursuant to Section
       4.4 to the extent such amounts are distributed after the first April
       15th following the close of the Participant's taxable year.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, Sections 13.2(d) and 13.2(e) above shall not be
included in any amount treated as an Annual Addition for purposes of applying
the limitations contained in Section 13.1(a)(2) above.

A Participant's Rollover Contributions shall not be considered Annual

     13.3      Other Defined Contribution Plans.  If the Company maintains any
other Defined Contribution Plan, then each Participant's Annual Additions under
such Defined Contribution Plan shall be aggregated with the Participant's
Annual Additions under this Plan for the purposes of applying the limitations
of Section 13.1.

     13.4      Defined Benefit Plans.  If a Participant in this Plan has also
been a participant in a defined benefit plan (as defined in Section 415(k) of
the Code) maintained by the Company ("Defined Benefit Plan"), then in addition
to the limitation contained in Section 13.1 hereof, the sum of the "Defined
Benefit Fraction," as defined in Section 13.4(a) hereof, and the "Defined
Contribution Fraction," as defined in Section 13.4(b) hereof, for any
Limitation Year shall not exceed 1.0.

               (a)      "Defined Benefit Fraction" shall mean a fraction, the
       numerator of which is the total projected benefit of a Participant under
       all Defined Benefit Plans expressed as either an annual straight life
       annuity or a qualified joint and survivor annuity providing the maximum
       permissible survivor benefit (determined as of the close of the
       Limitation Year), and the denominator of which is the lesser of (1) the
       maximum dollar amount otherwise allowable for such Limitation Year under
       Section 415(b)(1)(A) of the Code times 1.25 or (2) the percentage of
       compensation limit under Section 415(b)(1)(B) of the Code for such
       Limitation Year times 1.4.

               (b)      "Defined Contribution Fraction" shall mean a fraction,
       the numerator of which is the sum of the Participant's Annual Additions
       to this Plan and all other Defined Contribution Plans as of the end of a
       Limitation Year, and the denominator of which is the sum, determined for
       such Limitation Year and each prior Limitation Year of the Participant's
       service with the Company of the lesser of (1) the maximum dollar Annual
       Addition under Section 415(c)(1)(A) of the Code (determined without
       regard to Section 415(c)(6) of the Code) which could have been made for
       the Limitation Year times 1.25 or (2) the amount determined under the
       percentage of compensation limit for such Limitation Year under Section
       415(c)(1)(B) of the Code times 1.4.  In computing the Defined
       Contribution Fraction under this Section 11.4(b) with respect to any
       Limitation Year ending after December 31, 1982, the special transition
       rule provided in Section 415(e)(6) of the Code shall be applicable.

     13.5      Adjustments for Excess Combined Plan Fraction and Excess Annual
Additions.  To the extent that the Annual Additions on behalf of any
Participant in a Limitation Year to this Plan and all other Defined
Contribution Plans exceed the limitations set forth in Sections 13.1 through
13.3 hereof, then excess Annual Additions shall be eliminated in accordance
with the following rules and in the following order:

               (a)      If the Annual Additions on behalf of a Participant in a
       Limitation Year to the Plan and all other Defined Contribution Plans
       would cause the sum of the Defined Contribution Fraction and Defined
       Benefit Fraction to exceed 1.0 as determined under Section 13.4 hereof,
       the excess shall be eliminated by first applying the provisions such
       other Defined Benefit Plans that are applicable to reduce the Annual
       Addition or annual benefit

       under such other plans (except to the extent that this may be prohibited
       by law or by the terms of such plans).

               (b)      If, after the application of Paragraph (a) above,
       excess Annual Additions on behalf of any Participant remain, such excess
       shall be eliminated by reducing the allocation to the Participant's
       Account by the amount of the excess and treating such amount as a
       forfeiture under Section 5.3 hereof and reallocating such amount
       proportionately to the Accounts of other Participants receiving
       allocations for the Limitation Year up to the limits set forth in
       Sections 13.1 through 13.3 hereof.  The allocation to the Participant's
       Account shall be reduced in the following order until such excess is Tax
       Deposits that are not Sharing Deposits, After Tax Deposits and Before
       Tax Deposits that are Sharing Deposits and Company Contributions on a
       pro-rata basis.

               (c)      After each Participant's Account has been credited
       under Paragraph (b) with an amount bringing his Account up to his
       maximum Annual Addition (determined under the provisions of this Article
       XIII), any remaining excess Annual Addition shall be transferred and
       credited to a 415 Suspense Account established for the purpose of this
       Section 13.5.

               (d)      Any amounts held in the 415 Suspense Account shall be
       treated as Company contributions and allocated to the Accounts of
       Participants as of the last day of the next succeeding Plan Year in
       accordance with the allocation formula applicable to Company
       contributions provided in Section 6.4.  The 415 Suspense Account shall
       be exhausted before any Company contributions shall be allocated to the
       Accounts of Participants subsequent to the date upon which any residue
       excess Annual Addition as described in Paragraph (c) is credited to the
       415 Suspense Account.

     13.6      Compensation.  For purposes of this Article XIII, Compensation
shall mean a Participant's earned income, wages, salaries, fees for
professional services, and other amounts received (without regard to whether or
not an amount is paid in cash) for personal services actually rendered in the
course of employment with the Company maintaining the Plan to the extent that
the amounts are includable in gross income (including, but not limited to,
commissions paid to salespeople, compensation for services on the basis of a
percentage of profits, commissions on insurance premiums, tips, bonuses, fringe
benefits, and reimbursements or other expense allowances under a nonaccountable
plan as described in Regulation Section 1.62-2(c)), and shall exclude the

               (a)      Company contributions to a plan of deferred
       compensation which are not included in a Participant's gross income for
       the taxable year in which contributed, Company contributions under a
       simplified employee pension plan to the extent such contributions are
       deductible by the Participant, or any distributions from a plan of
       deferred compensation;

               (b)      Amounts realized from the exercise of a non-qualified
       stock option, or when restricted stock (or property) held by the
       Participant becomes freely transferable, or is no longer subject to a
       substantial risk of forfeiture;

               (c)      Amounts realized in the sale, exchange or other
       disposition of stock acquired under a qualified stock option;

               (d)      Other amounts which received special tax benefits, or
       contributions made by the Company (whether or not under a salary
       reduction agreement) toward the purchase of an annuity contract
       described in Code Section 403(b) (whether or not the contributions are
       actually excludable from the gross income of the Employee).

               (e)      Any contribution for medical benefits (within the
       meaning of Section 419(f)(2) of the Code) after termination of
       employment which is otherwise treated as an Annual Addition; and

               (f)      Any amount otherwise treated as an Annual Addition
       under Section 415(l)(1) of the Code.

               Compensation for any Limitation Year is the compensation
actually paid or made available during such year, provided, however, that the
compensation taken into account for purposes of this Article XIII and Article
XIV shall be limited in accordance with Code Section 401(a)(17) and related
regulations to $200,000 (or such amount as is adjusted by the Secretary of

     13.7      Treatment of 415 Suspense Account Upon Termination.  In the
event the Plan shall terminate at a time when all amounts in the 415 Suspense
Account have not been allocated to the Accounts of the Participants, the 415
Suspense Account amounts shall be applied as follows:

               (a)      The amount in the 415 Suspense Account shall first be
       allocated, as of the Plan termination date, to Participants in
       accordance with the allocation formula applicable to Company
       contributions provided under Section 6.4.

               (b)      If, after those allocations have been made, any further
       residue funds remain in the 415 Suspense Account, the residue may revert
       to the Company in accordance with applicable provisions of the Code,
       ERISA, and the regulations thereunder.

                                  ARTICLE XIV
                                TOP-HEAVY RULES

     14.1      Applicability.  Notwithstanding any provision in this Plan to
the contrary, and subject to the limitations set forth in Section 14.8, the
requirements of Sections 14.4, 14.5, 14.6 and 14.7 shall apply under this Plan
in the case of any Plan Year in which the Plan is determined to be a Top-Heavy
Plan under the rules of Section 14.3.  For the purpose of this Article XIV and
XIII only, the term "Company" shall mean the Sponsor and any Affiliated Company
whether or not such company has adopted the Plan pursuant to Section 10.2.

     14.2      Definitions.  For purposes of this Article XIV, the following
special definitions and definitional rules shall apply:

               (a)      The term "Key Employee" means any Employee or former
       Employee who, at any time during the Plan Year or any of the four
       preceding Plan Years, is or was:

                    (i)   An officer of the Company having an annual
               Compensation greater than 50% of the amount in effect under Code
               Section 415(b)(1)(A) for the Plan Year; provided, however, for
               such purposes no more than 50 Employees (or, if lesser, the
               greater of three Employees or 10% of the Employees) shall be
               treated as officers;

                   (ii)   One of the ten Employees having annual Compensation
               from the Company of more than the limitation in effect under
               Code Section 415(c)(1)(A) and owning (or considered as owning
               within the meaning of Code Section 318) the largest interests in
               the Company.  For this purpose, if two Employees have the same
               interest in the Company, the Employee having greater annual
               Compensation from the Company shall be treated as having a
               larger interest;

                  (iii)   A Five Percent Owner of the Company; or

                   (iv)   A One Percent Owner of the Company having an annual
               Compensation from the Company of more than $150,000.

               (b)      The term "Five Percent Owner" means any person who owns
       (or is considered as owning within the meaning of Code Section 318) more
       than 5% of the outstanding stock of the Company or stock possessing more
       than 5% of the total combined voting power of all stock of the Company.

               (c)      The term "One Percent Owner" means any person who would
       be described in Paragraph (b) if "1%" were substituted for "5%" each
       place where it appears therein.

               (d)      The term "Non-Key Employee" means any Employee who is
       not a Key Employee.

               (e)      The term "Determination Date" means, with respect to
       any plan year, the last day of the preceding plan year.  In the case of
       the first plan year of any plan, the term "Determination Date" shall
       mean the last day of that plan year.

               (f)      The term "Aggregation Group" means (i) each plan of the
       Company in which a Key Employee is a Participant, and (ii) each other
       plan of the Company which enables any plan described in clause (i) to
       meet the requirements of Code Sections 401(a)(4) or 410.  Any plan not
       required to be included in an Aggregation Group under the preceding
       rules may be treated

       as being part of such group if the group would continue to meet the
       requirements of Code Sections 401(a)(4) and 410 with the plan being
       taken into account.

               (g)      For purposes of determining ownership under Paragraphs
       (a), (b) and (c) above, the following special rules shall apply: (i)
       Code Section 318(a)(2)(C) shall be applied by substituting "5%" for
       "50%", and (ii) the aggregation rules of Subsections (b), (c) and (m) of
       Code Section 414 shall not apply, with the result that the ownership
       tests of this Section 14.2 shall apply separately with respect to each
       Affiliated Company.

               (h)      The terms "Key Employee" and "Non-Key Employee" shall
       include their Beneficiaries, and the definitions provided under this
       Section 14.2 shall be interpreted and applied in a manner consistent
       with the provisions of Code Section 416(i) and the regulations

               (i)      For purposes of this Article XIV, an Employee's
       Compensation shall be determined in accordance with the rules of Section

     14.3      Top-Heavy Status.

               (a)      The term "Top-Heavy Plan" means, with respect to any
       Plan Year:

                   (i)    Any defined benefit plan if, as of the Determination
               Date, the present value of the cumulative accrued benefits under
               the plan for Key Employees exceeds 60% of the present value of
               the cumulative accrued benefits under the plan for all
               Employees; and

                  (ii)     Any defined contribution plan if, as of the
               Determination Date, the aggregate of the account balances of Key
               Employees under the plan exceeds 60% of the aggregate of the
               account balances of all Employees under the plan.

       In applying the foregoing provisions of this Paragraph (a), the
       valuation date to be used in valuing Plan assets shall be (A) in the
       case of a defined benefit plan, the same date which is used for
       computing costs for minimum funding purposes, and (B) in the case of a
       defined contribution plan, the most recent valuation date within a
       12-month period ending on the applicable Determination Date.

               (b)      Each plan maintained by the Company required to be
       included in an Aggregation Group shall be treated as a Top-Heavy Plan if
       the Aggregation Group is a Top-Heavy Group.

               (c)      The term "Top-Heavy Group" means any Aggregation Group
       if the sum (as of the Determination Date) of (i) the present value of
       the cumulative accrued benefits for Key Employees under all defined
       benefit plans included in the group, and (ii) the aggregate of the
       account balances of Key Employees under all defined contribution plans
       included in the group exceeds 60% of a similar sum determined for all
       Employees.  For purposes of determining the present value of the
       cumulative accrued benefit of any Employee, or the amount of the account
       balance of any Employee, such present value or amount shall be increased
       by the aggregate distributions made with respect to the Employee under
       the plan during the five year period ending on the Determination Date.
       The preceding prior distribution rule shall also apply to distributions
       under a terminated plan that, if it had not been terminated, would have
       been required to be included in an Aggregation Group; provided, however,
       any rollover contribution or similar transfer initiated by the Employee
       and made after December 31, 1983, to a plan shall not be taken into
       account with respect to the transferee plan for purposes of determining

       such plan is a Top-Heavy Plan (or whether any Aggregation Group which
       includes such plan is a Top-Heavy Group).

               (d)      If any individual is a Non-Key Employee with respect to
       any plan for any plan year, but the individual was a Key Employee with
       respect to the plan for any prior plan year, any accrued benefit for the
       individual (and the account balance of the individual) shall not be
       taken into account for purposes of this Section 14.3.

               (e)      If any individual has not performed services for the
       Company at any time during the five year period ending on the
       Determination Date, any accrued benefit for such individual (and the
       account balance of the individual) shall not be taken into account for
       purposes of this Section 14.3

               (f)      In applying the foregoing provisions of this Section,
       the accrued benefit of a Non-Key Employee shall be determined (i) under
       the method, if any, which is used for accrual purposes under all plans
       of the Company and any Affiliated Companies, or (ii) if there is no such
       uniform method, as if such benefit accrued not more rapidly than the
       slowest accrual rate permitted under Code Section 411(b)(1)(C).

               (g)      For all purposes of this Article XIV, the definitions
       provided under this Section 14.3 shall be applied and interpreted in a
       manner consistent with the provisions of Code Section 416(g) and the
       Regulations thereunder.

     14.4      Minimum Contributions.  For any Plan Year in which the Plan is
determined to be a Top-Heavy Plan, the minimum Company Contributions for that
year shall be determined in accordance with the rules of this Section 14.4.

               (a)      Except as provided below, the minimum contribution
       (including for Plan Years beginning after December 31, 1984, amounts
       deferred under a cash or deferred arrangement under Code Section 401(k))
       for each Non-Key Employee shall be not less than 3% of his compensation.
       For purposes of satisfying the minimum contribution requirement, Before
       Tax Deposits and Matching Contributions as defined in Section
       6.13(b)(iv) shall not be taken into account.

               (b)      Subject to the following rules of this Paragraph (b),
       the percentage set forth in Paragraph (a) above shall not be required to
       exceed the percentage at which contributions (including for Plan Years
       beginning after December 31, 1984, amounts deferred under a cash or
       deferred arrangement under Code Section 401(k)) are made (or are
       required to be made) under the Plan for the year for the Key Employee
       for whom the percentage is the highest for the year.  This determination
       shall be made by dividing the contributions for each Key Employee by so
       much of his total compensation for the Plan Year as does not exceed the
       applicable Compensation limit.  For purposes of this Paragraph (b), all
       defined contribution plans required to be included in an Aggregation
       Group shall be treated as one plan.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the
       exceptions to Paragraph (a) as provided under this Paragraph (b) shall
       not apply to any plan required to be included in an Aggregation Group if
       the plan enables a defined benefit plan to meet the requirements of Code
       Sections 401(a)(4) or 410.

               (c)      The Participant's minimum contribution determined under
       this Section 14.4 shall be calculated without regard to any Social
       Security benefits payable to the Participant.

               (d)      In the event a Participant is covered by both a defined
       contribution and a defined benefit plan maintained by the Company, both
       of which are determined to be Top-Heavy Plans,

       the Company shall satisfy the minimum benefit requirements of Code
       Section 416 by providing (in lieu of the minimum contribution described
       in Paragraph (a) above) a minimum benefit under the defined benefit plan
       so as to prevent the duplication of required minimum benefits hereunder.

     14.5      Reserved for Future Modifications.

     14.6      Maximum Annual Addition.

               (a)      Except as set forth below, for any Plan Year in which
       the Plan is determined to be a Top-Heavy Plan, the rules of Section
       13.4(b) and (c) shall be applied by substituting "1.0" for "1.25".

               (b)      The rule set forth in Paragraph (a) above shall not
       apply if (i) the minimum contribution requirement of Section 14.4(a)
       above would be satisfied after substituting "4%" for "3%" where it
       appears therein, and (ii) the Plan would not be a Top-Heavy Plan if
       "90%" were substituted for "60%" each place it appears in Section

               (c)      The rules of Paragraph (a) shall not apply with respect
       to any Employee as long as there are no (i) Company Contributions
       (including amounts deferred under a cash or deferred arrangement under
       Code Section 401(k)), forfeitures, or voluntary nondeductible
       contributions allocated to the Employee under a defined contribution
       plan maintained by the Company, or (ii) accruals by the Employee under a
       defined benefit plan maintained by the Company.

     14.7      Minimum Vesting Rules.

               (a)      For any Plan Year in which it is determined that the
       Plan is a Top-Heavy Plan, the vesting schedule of the Plan shall be
       changed to that set forth below (unless the Plan's vesting schedule
       otherwise provides for vesting at a rate at least as rapid as that set
       forth below):

               Number of Full Years of                                   Nonforfeitable
               Credited Service                                          Percentage    
               -----------------------                                   --------------
               Less than 3 years                                                  0%
               3 or more                                                        100%

               (b)      If the Plan ceases to be a Top-Heavy Plan, the vesting
       schedule of the Plan shall (for such Plan Years as the Plan is not a
       Top-Heavy Plan) revert to that provided in Section 7.2 (the "Regular
       Vesting Schedule").  If such reversion to the Regular Vesting Schedule
       is deemed to constitute a vesting schedule change that is attributable
       to a Plan amendment (within the meaning of Code Section 411(a)(10)),
       then such reversion to said Regular Vesting Schedule shall be subject to
       the requirements of Code Section 411(a)(10) of this Plan.  For such
       purposes, the date of the adoption of such deemed amendment shall be the
       Determination Date as of which it is determined that the Plan has ceased
       to be a Top-Heavy Plan.

     14.8      Noneligible Employees.  The rules of this Article XIV shall not
apply to any Employee included in a unit of employees covered by a collective
bargaining agreement between employee representatives and one or more employers
if retirement benefits were the subject of good faith bargaining between such
employee representatives and the employer or employers.

                                   ARTICLE XV
                          ALIENATION OF PLAN BENEFITS

     15.1      General Restrictions Against Alienation.

               (a)      The interest of any Participant or his Beneficiary in
       the income, benefits, payments, claims or rights hereunder, or in the
       Trust Fund, shall not in any event be subject to sale, assignment,
       hypothecation, or transfer.  Each Participant and Beneficiary is
       prohibited from anticipating, encumbering, assigning, or in any manner
       alienating his or her interest under the Trust Fund, and is without
       power to do so, except as may be permitted in connection with providing
       security for a loan from the Plan to the Participant pursuant to the
       provisions of this Plan as it may be amended from time to time.  The
       interest of any Participant or Beneficiary shall not be liable or
       subject to his debts, liabilities, or obligations, now contracted, or
       which may hereafter be contracted, and such interest shall be free from
       all claims, liabilities, or other legal process now or hereafter
       incurred or arising.  Neither the interest of a Participant or
       Beneficiary, nor any part thereof, shall be subject to any judgment
       rendered against any such Participant or Beneficiary.  Notwithstanding
       the foregoing, a Participant's or Beneficiary's interest in the Plan may
       be subject to the enforcement of a Federal tax levy made pursuant to
       Code Section 6331 or the collection by the United States on a judgment
       resulting from an unpaid tax assessment.

               (b)      In the event any person attempts to take any action
       contrary to this Article XV, such action shall be null and void and of
       no effect, and the Company, the Committee, the Trustee and all
       Participants and their Beneficiaries, may disregard such action and are
       not in any manner bound thereby, and they, and each of them, shall
       suffer no liability for any such disregard thereof, and shall be
       reimbursed on demand out of the Trust Fund for the amount of any loss,
       cost or expense incurred as a result of disregarding or of acting in
       disregard of such action.

               (c)      The foregoing provisions of this Section shall be
       interpreted and applied by the Committee in accordance with the
       requirements of Code Section 401(a)(13) and ERISA Section 206(d) as
       construed and interpreted by authoritative judicial and administrative
       rulings and regulations.

     15.2      Qualified Domestic Relations Orders.  The rules set forth in
Section 15.1 above shall not apply with respect to a "Qualified Domestic
Relations Order" as described below.

               (a)      A "Qualified Domestic Relations Order" is a judgment,
       decree, or order (including approval of a property settlement agreement)

                    (i)   Creates or recognizes the existence of an Alternate
               Payee's right to, or assigns to an Alternate Payee the right to,
               receive all or a portion of the benefits payable under this Plan
               with respect to a Participant,

                   (ii)   Relates to the provision of child support, alimony
               payments, or marital property rights to a spouse, former spouse,
               child or other dependent of a Participant,

                  (iii)   Is made pursuant to a State domestic relations law
               (including a community property law), and

                   (iv)   Clearly specifies:  (A) the name and last known
               mailing address (if any) of the Participant and the name and
               mailing address of each Alternate Payee covered by the order (if
               the Plan Administrator does not have reason to know that address
               independently of the order); (B) the amount or percentage of the
               Participant's benefits to be paid to each Alternate Payee, or
               the manner in which the amount or percentage is to be
               determined; (C) the number of payments or period to which the
               order applies; and (D) each plan to which the order applies.

       For purposes of this Section 15.2, "Alternate Payee" means any spouse,
       former spouse, child or other dependent of a Participant who is
       recognized by a domestic relations order as having a right to receive
       all, or a portion of, the benefits payable with respect to the

               (b)      A domestic relations order is not a Qualified Domestic
       Relations Order if it requires:

                    (i)     The Plan to provide any type or form of benefit, or
               any option, not otherwise provided under the Plan;

                   (ii)     The Plan to provide increased benefits; or

                  (iii)     The payment of benefits to an Alternate Payee that
               are required to be paid to another Alternate Payee under a
               previous Qualified Domestic Relations Order.

               (c)      A domestic relations order shall not be considered to
       fail to satisfy the requirements of Paragraph (b)(i) above with respect
       to any payment made before a Participant has separated from service
       solely because the order requires that payment of benefits be made to an
       Alternate Payee:

                  (i)     On or after the date on which the Participant attains
               (or would have first attained) his earliest retirement age (as
               defined in Code Section 414(p)(4)(B));

                 (ii)     As if the Participant had retired on the date on
               which such payment is to begin under such order (but taking into
               account only the present value of accrued benefits and not
               taking into account the present value of any subsidy for early
               retirement benefits); and

                (iii)     In any form in which such benefits may be paid under
               the Plan to the Participant (other than in the form of a joint
               and survivor annuity with respect to the Alternate Payee and his
               or her subsequent spouse).

       Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Participant dies before his
       earliest retirement age (as defined in Section 414(p)(4)(B)), the
       Alternate Payee is entitled to benefits only if the Qualified Domestic
       Relations Order requires survivor benefits to be paid to the Alternate

               (d)      To the extent provided in any Qualified Domestic
       Relations Order, the former spouse of a Participant shall be treated as
       a surviving Spouse of the Participant for purposes of applying the rules
       (relating to minimum survivor annuity requirements) of Code Sections
       401(a)(11) and 417, and any current spouse of the Participant shall not
       be treated as a spouse of the Participant for such purposes.

               (e)      In the case of any domestic relations order received by
       the Plan, the Plan Administrator shall promptly notify the Participant
       and any Alternate Payee of the receipt of the order and the Plan's
       procedures for determining the qualified status of domestic relations
       orders.  Within a reasonable period after the receipt of the order, the
       Plan Administrator shall determine whether the order is a Qualified
       Domestic Relations Order and shall notify the Participant and each
       Alternate Payee of such determination.

               (f)      The Plan Administrator shall establish reasonable
       procedures to determine the qualified status of domestic relations
       orders and to administer distributions under Qualified Domestic
       Relations Orders.  During any period in which the issue of whether a
       domestic relations order is a Qualified Domestic Relations Order is
       being determined (by the Plan Administrator, by a court of competent
       jurisdiction, or otherwise), the Plan Administrator shall segregate in a
       separate account in the Plan (or in an escrow account) the amounts which
       would have been payable to the Alternate Payee during the period if the
       order had been determined to be a Qualified Domestic Relations Order.
       If within the 18 Month Period (as defined below), the order (or
       modification thereof) is determined to be a Qualified Domestic Relations
       Order, the Plan Administrator shall pay the segregated amounts (plus any
       interest thereon) to the person or persons entitled thereto.  However,
       if within the 18 Month Period (i) it is determined that the order is not
       a Qualified Domestic Relations Order, or (ii) the issue as to whether
       the order is a Qualified Domestic Relations Order is not resolved, then
       the Plan Administrator shall pay the segregated amounts (plus any
       interest thereon) to the person or persons who would have been entitled
       to the amounts if there had been no order (assuming such benefits were
       otherwise payable).  Any determination that an order is a Qualified
       Domestic Relations Order that is made after the close of the 18 Month
       Period shall be applied prospectively only.  For purposes of this
       Section 15.2, the "18 Month Period" shall mean the 18 month period
       beginning with the date on which the first payment would be required to
       be made under the domestic relations order.

                                  ARTICLE XVI
                            MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS

     16.1      No Right of Employment Hereunder.  The adoption and maintenance
of this Plan and Trust shall not be deemed to constitute a contract of
employment or otherwise between the Company and any Employee or Participant, or
to be a consideration for, or an inducement or condition of, any employment.
Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to give any Employee the right to be
retained in the service of the Company or to interfere with the right of the
Company to discharge, with or without cause, any Employee or Participant at any
time, which right is hereby expressly reserved.

     16.2      Limitation on Company Liability.  Any benefits payable under
this Plan shall be paid or provided for solely from the Plan and the Company
assumes no liability or responsibility therefor.

     16.3      Effect of Article Headings.  Article headings are for convenient
reference only and shall not be deemed to be a part of the substance of this
instrument or in any way to enlarge or limit the contents of any Article.

     16.4      Gender.  Masculine gender shall include the feminine and the
singular shall include the plural unless the context clearly indicates

     16.5      Interpretation.  The provisions of this Plan shall in all cases
be interpreted in a manner that is consistent with this Plan satisfying (a) the
requirements of Code Section 401(a) and related statutes for qualification as a
defined contribution plan and (b) the requirements of Code Section 401(k) and
related statutes for qualification as a cash or deferred arrangement.

     16.6      Withholding For Taxes.  Any payments from the Trust Fund may be
subject to withholding for taxes as may be required by any applicable federal
or state law.

     16.7      California Law Controlling.  All legal questions pertaining to
the Plan which are not controlled by ERISA shall be determined in accordance
with the laws of the State of California and all contributions made hereunder
shall be deemed to have been made in that State.

    16.8       Plan and Trust as One Instrument.  This Plan and the Trust
Agreement shall be construed together as one instrument.  In the event that any
conflict arises between the terms and/or conditions of the Trust Agreement and
this Plan, the provisions of this Plan shall control, except that with respect
to the duties and responsibilities of the Trustee, the Trust Agreement shall

     16.9      Invalid Provisions.  If any paragraph, section, sentence, clause
or phrase contained in this Plan shall become illegal, null or void or against
public policy, for any reason, or shall be held by any court of competent
jurisdiction to be incapable of being construed or limited in a manner to make
it enforceable, or is otherwise held by such court to be illegal, null or void
or against public policy, the remaining paragraphs, sections, sentences,
clauses or phrases contained in this Plan shall not be affected thereby.

     16.10     Counterparts.  This instrument may be executed in one or more
counterparts each of which shall be legally binding and enforceable.

               Allergan, Inc. hereby executes this instrument, evidencing the
terms of the Allergan, Inc. Savings and Investment Plan as restated this 30th
day of December 1994.

                                       ALLERGAN, INC.

                                       By: /s/ Susan J. Glass
                                           Assistant Secretary
