
         MAY 22, 1996
         No. 11178-95

        /s/ DEAN HELLER
Dean Heller, Secretary of State

                            CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT
                          OF CERTIFICATE OF DESIGNATION

                              a Nevada corporation

         We the undersigned, GHASSAN BARAZI and THEODORE J. MAYER, do hereby

         (1) They are the President and Secretary, respectively, of VISTA LASER
CENTERS OF MICHIGAN, INC., a Nevada corporation (the "Corporation").

         (2) Pursuant to the authority granted under the Corporation's Articles
of Incorporation, the Board of Directors of said Corporation by unanimous
consent in writing effective as of April 30, 1996 adopted a resolution to amend
the Certificate of Designation Establishing the Rights and Preferences of its 5%
Series B Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock, as follows:

                  "WHEREAS, this Corporation is authorized by its Articles of
       Incorporation to issue 5,000,000 shares of preferred stock, par value
       $0.01 per share (the "Preferred Stock"); and

                  "WHEREAS, this Corporation has previously designated 200,000
       shares of its Preferred Stock as 5% Series B Cumulative Convertible
       Preferred Stock by a Certificate of Designation filed with the Nevada
       Secretary of State on November 2, 1995 as amended by a Certificate of
       Amendment filed on January 8, 1996; and

                  "WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of this Corporation is
       authorized, as to the Preferred Stock, within the limitations and
       restrictions stated in the Articles of Incorporation, to fix by
       resolution or resolutions the designation of each series of Preferred
       Stock and the powers, preferences and relative participating, optional or
       other special rights and qualifications, limitations or restrictions
       thereof, including, without limitation, such provisions as may be desired
       concerning dividends, redemption, voting, dissolution or the distribution
       of assets, conversion or exchange, and such other subjects or matters as
       may be fixed by resolution or resolutions of the Board of Directors; and
                  "WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of this Corporation desires,
       pursuant to its authority granted under the Articles of Incorporation, to
       amend the provisions of Section 5 of the Certificate of Designation;

                  "NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Section 5 of the
       Certificate of Designation Establishing the Rights and Preferences of the
       5% Series B Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock is hereby amended in
       its entirety to read as follows:

                   "Section 5. Dividends and Restrictions on Certain

                  "5.1. The holders of the shares of Series B Preferred Stock
       shall be entitled to receive, when, as and if declared by the Board of
       Directors, out of funds legally available for the payment of dividends or
       as dividends payable in Common Stock in accordance with the provisions of
       this Section 5, cumulative dividends at the annual rate of 5% per annum
       ($0.125 per share). Each of such annual dividends shall be fully
       cumulative and shall accrue (whether or not declared or permitted to be
       paid), from the first day such shares were first issued.

                  "5.2. If declared by the Board of Directors, dividends shall
       be payable annually on the last day of the month in which the corporation
       shall successfully complete an initial public offering of its securities
       with the first dividend payment date to be the last day of the month in
       which the first anniversary of such initial public offering shall occur.
       In the event any shares of Series B Preferred Stock shall be outstanding
       for more or less than the period covered by such dividend year, the
       amount of the dividend shall be prorated for such periods. Such dividends
       shall be paid to the holders of record at the close of business on the
       date specified by the Board of Directors of the Corporation at the time
       the dividend is declared (the "Record Date"); provided, however, that
       such Record Date shall be not more than 30 days nor less than 10 days
       prior to the respective dividend payment date.

                  "5.3. All dividends paid with respect to shares of the Series
       B Preferred Stock shall be paid pro rata to the holders entitled thereto.

                  "5.4. No dividends, other than dividends payable solely in
       securities of the Corporation, shall be declared by the Board of
       Directors on any class or series of equity securities of the Corporation
       unless and until such time as all accrued and unpaid dividends on the
       Series B Preferred Stock have been paid in full or unless the Series B
       Preferred Stock has been redeemed in accordance with its terms or are
       fully converted into Common Stock of the Corporation or are otherwise
       reacquired and retired in full by the Corporation. The Corporation may
       not pay or set apart for payment, other than dividends or other
       distributions or payments payable solely in Common Stock, any other
       distributions on any shares of the Corporation's Common Stock, and may
       not purchase or otherwise redeem for cash or other tangible property,
       other than in shares of Common Stock, any shares of the Corporation's
       Common Stock or any warrants, rights or options exercisable for or
       convertible into any shares of Common Stock unless and until such time as
       the Series B Preferred Stock has been redeemed in accordance with its
       terms or are fully converted into Common Stock of the Corporation or are
       otherwise reacquired and retired in full by the Corporation.
                  "5.5(a). In the event the Corporation shall have accrued the
       payment of dividends beyond a date on which dividends would otherwise be
       declared hereunder due to the fact that the Corporation is not legally
       permitted to pay dividends in cash on all outstanding shares of Series B
       Preferred stock under the laws of the State of Nevada, the Corporation,
       at the election of its Board of Directors made at any time thereafter (so
       long as such dividends may not be paid in cash from funds legally
       available therefor), may elect to pay all cumulative accrued dividends
       otherwise due and payable in shares of Common Stock or Series B Preferred
       Stock in lieu of cash. In such event, the Corporation shall advise each
       holder of record of Series B Preferred Stock in writing on the Record
       Date, not more than 30 days nor less than 10 days prior to the respective
       dividend payment date, of the Corporation's election to make such
       interest payment in shares of the Corporation's Common Stock or Series B
       Preferred Stock. For the purposes of this Certificate, "Common Stock"
       shall mean the Corporation's Common Stock as constituted on the Record

                  "5.5(b) For any dividend payment to be made in Common Stock or
       Series B Preferred Stock as herein provided, the number of shares
       issuable for such dividend payment shall be determined by dividing the
       cumulative accrued dividend payments due on said dividend payment date by
       the Dividend Stock Value. "Dividend Stock Value" shall mean 100% of the
       Fair Market Value per share of the class or series of securities to be
       paid as dividends determined as of the applicable Record Date for the
       payment of such accrued dividends. For this purpose "Fair Market Value"
       as of any specific Record Date shall be determined by reference to the
       unweighted average closing sale prices for the class or series of
       securities to be paid as dividends during the ten days on which such
       shares are actually traded in the NASDAQ system or on a national
       securities exchange immediately prior to the Record Date upon which Fair
       Market Value is to be determined. (If for any reason closing sale prices
       are not quoted by the NASDAQ system on any such day, then the closing
       market price for such day shall be deemed the closing bid price for such
       day as reported by the National Quotation Bureau). In the event the class
       or series of securities to be paid as dividends is not actively quoted
       and traded in any securities market, the Fair Market Value thereof shall
       be determined in the exclusive discretion of the Corporation's Board of
       Directors acting in good faith."

       (3) We further certify that the number of shares constituting the series
of 5% Series B Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock, of which 200,000 shares
have been issued, is 200,000 shares. The number of shares of the corporation
outstanding and entitled to vote on this amendment to the Certificate of
Designation Establishing the Rights and Preferences of the 5% Series B
Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock is 200,000 shares of 5% Series B
Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock, and the said amendments to the
Certificate of Designation have been consented to and approved by a majority
vote of the stockholders holding at least a majority of the 5% Series B
Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock outstanding and entitled to vote thereon.
       IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have executed this instrument as of the dates set
forth below.

                                   /s/  GHASSAN BARAZI
                                   Ghassan Barazi, President

                                   /s/ THEODORE J. MAYER
                                   Theodore J. Mayer, Secretary

Province of Ontario          }
                             } s.
County of Essex              }

       On May 12, 1996, personally appeared before me, a Notary Public in and
for the jurisdiction named above, GHASSAN BARAZI, who acknowledged that he
executed the above instrument in his authorized capacity as President of VISTA
LASER CENTERS OF MICHIGAN, INC., and that by his signature on the instrument,
the entity upon behalf of which the person acted executed the instrument.

[Notary Seal]                      /s/ G. F. COUREY
                                   Signature of Notary

State of New York            }
                             } s.
County of ____________       }

       On 3rd day of May, 1996, personally appeared before me, a Notary Public,
THEODORE J. MAYER, who acknowledged that he executed the above instrument in his
authorized capacity as Secretary of VISTA LASER CENTERS OF MICHIGAN, INC., and
that by his signature on the instrument, the entity upon behalf of which the
person acted executed the instrument.

                                   /s/ MOHAN K. DANSINGHANI
                                   Signature of Notary

[Notary Stamp]

Notary Public, State of New York
       No. 01DA5039674
   Qualified in Nassau County
Commission Expires Feb. 21, 1997