
         APR 12 1996


        /s/ DEAN HELLER

                            CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT
                          OF CERTIFICATE OF DESIGNATION

                      THE LASER EYE SITES OF MICHIGAN, INC.
                              a Nevada corporation

         We the undersigned, GHASSAN BARAZI and THEODORE J. MAYER, do hereby

         (1) They are the President and Secretary, respectively, of THE LASER
EYE SITES OF MICHIGAN, INC., a Nevada corporation (the "Corporation").

         (2) Pursuant to the authority granted under the Corporation's Articles
of Incorporation, the Board of Directors of said Corporation by unanimous
consent in writing effective as of December 12, 1995 adopted a resolution to
amend the Certificate of Designation Establishing the Rights and Preferences of
its 10% Series A Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock, as follows:

                  "WHEREAS, this Corporation is authorized by its Articles of
         Incorporation to issue 5,000,000 shares of preferred stock, par value
         $0.01 per share (the "Preferred Stock"); and

                  "WHEREAS, this Corporation has previously designated 790,000
         shares of its Preferred Stock as 10% Series A Cumulative Convertible
         Preferred Stock by a Certificate of Designation filed with the Nevada
         Secretary of State on November 2, 1995; and

                  "WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of this Corporation is
         authorized, as to the Preferred Stock, within the limitations and
         restrictions stated in the Articles of Incorporation, to fix by
         resolution or resolutions the number and designation of each series of
         Preferred Stock and the powers, preferences and relative participating,
         optional or other special rights and qualifications, limitations or
         restrictions thereof, including, without limitation, such provisions as
         may be desired concerning dividends, redemption, voting, dissolution or
         the distribution of assets, conversion or exchange, and such other
         subjects or matters as may be fixed by resolution or resolutions of the
         Board of Directors; and


                  "WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of this Corporation desires,
         pursuant to its authority granted under the Articles of Incorporation,
         to amend the provisions of Section 5.2 of the Certificate of
         Designation to increase the authorized number of shares of 10% Series A
         Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock to 1,100,000 shares, to change
         dividend payment dates on its 10% Series A Cumulative Convertible
         Preferred Stock from quarter-annually in each year to one annual
         payment date, and to add certain adjustment provisions to prevent
         dilution in the event common stock is hereafter sold by the Corporation
         as a price less than the conversion price applicable hereunder;

                  "NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Section 1 of the
         Certificate of Designation Establishing the Rights and Preferences of
         the 10% Series A Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock is hereby
         amended in its entirety to read as follows:

                           "Section 1. Designation, Number and Restrictions on
                  Issuance. The designation of the series of Preferred Stock
                  authorized by these resolutions shall be "10% Series A
                  Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock" (the "Series A
                  Preferred Stock"). The authorized number of shares
                  constituting the Series A Preferred Stock shall be One Million
                  One Hundred Thousand (1,100,000) shares. The Board of
                  Directors is further authorized, within the limitations and
                  restrictions set forth in the Articles of Incorporation or
                  stated in any resolution or resolutions of the Board of
                  Directors, to increase or decrease (but not below the number
                  of shares of such series then outstanding) the number of
                  shares of Series A Preferred Stock subsequent to the issuance
                  of shares of such series. In case the number of shares of any
                  series shall be so decreased, the shares constituting such
                  decrease shall resume the status which they had prior to the
                  adoption of these or any subsequent resolutions originally
                  fixing the number of shares of such series."

                  "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Section 2.4 of the Certificate
       of Designation Establishing the Rights and Preferences of the 10% Series
       A Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock is hereby amended be adding a
       new subsection (C) thereto to read as follows:

                           "(C) In addition to any adjustment required by the
                  provisions of subsections (A) and (B) of this Section 2.4, the
                  Conversion Ratio shall also be adjusted from time to time in
                  accordance with the provisions of this subsection (C):

                                   C-1. Certain Definitions. For the purposes of
                  this subsection (C), the following terms and provisions shall

                                        (i) "Conversion Price" shall initially
                  mean $5.00 per share of Common Stock, representing the
                  conversion price applicable to the purchase of Common Stock
                  upon conversion of Series A Preferred at the initial
                  Conversion Ratio in effect hereunder and taking the initial
                  value of each share of Series A Preferred for such purpose at
                  $5.00 per share; provided, that in the event of any adjustment
                  of the Conversion Ratio under


                  subsections (A) or (B) above, or in the event of any
                  adjustment to the Conversion Price required by the provisions
                  of this subsection (C), the Conversion Price in effect
                  thereafter shall be proportionately and equitably adjusted.

                                        (ii) "Convertible Securities" shall
                  include any options, rights or warrants to subscribe for or
                  purchase Common Stock in the Corporation or any securities
                  convertible into or exchangeable for Common Stock without the
                  payment of any further consideration other than cash, if any.

                                   C-2. Certain Events Not Requiring Adjustment.

                                        (a) No adjustment of the Conversion
                  Price and Conversion Rate shall be made under the provisions
                  of this subsection (C) unless such adjustment would require an
                  increase or decrease of at least $.05 in the Conversion Price
                  per share of Common Stock (it being understood that the such
                  Conversion Price is initially $5.00 per share of Common Stock,
                  as aforesaid); provided that any adjustment(s) which by reason
                  of this clause (a) are not required to be made shall be
                  carried forward and shall be made at the time of, and together
                  with, the next subsequent adjustment hereunder which, together
                  with any adjustment(s) so carried forward, shall require an
                  increase or decrease of at least $.05 in the Conversion Price
                  then in effect hereunder.

                                        (b) Nothwithstanding anything to the
                  contrary hereinafter set forth, no adjustment to the
                  Conversion Price or to the number of shares of Common Stock
                  issuable upon conversion of Series A Preferred shares
                  hereunder will be required:

                        (i)   upon the exercise of any options or warrants to
                              purchase securities granted or issued by the
                              Corporation prior to its initial public offering
                              of securities or upon the conversion into Common
                              Stock of any shares of the Company's preferred
                              stock issued in connection with the Corporation's
                              initial public offering of securities or
                              oustanding prior to such initial public offering;

                        (ii)  upon the grant or exercise or any other options to
                              officers, directors, employees or consultants
                              which may hereafter be granted or exercised under
                              the Company's stock option plan or under any other
                              employee benefit plan of the Corporation; or

                        (iii) upon the issuance or sale of Common Stock upon
                              conversion or exchange of any Convertible
                              Securities, whether or not any adjustment in the
                              Conversion Price was made or required to be made
                              upon the issuance or sale of such Convertible

                           C-3. Adjustments. Except as provided above, in case
         of the issuance or sale by the Corporation for cash or other


         consideration of any Common Stock or Convertible Securities (and
         whether or not the right of conversion or exchange thereunder is
         immediately exercisable), in which the price per share for which Common
         Stock is issuable, either in such transaction or upon the conversion or
         exchange of such Convertible Securities, shall be less than the
         Conversion Price then in effect, then the Conversion Price to be in
         effect after any such transaction shall be reduced to a Conversion
         Price (calculated to the nearest cent) determining by dividing

                        (i) an amount equal to (a) the sum of the number of
               shares of Common Stock outstanding and issuable upon the
               conversion or exchange of all Convertible Securities outstanding
               immediately prior to the transaction, said sum to be multiplied
               by the Conversion Price then in effect, plus (b) the aggregate
               consideration to be received for the Common Stock and/or
               Convertible Securities issuable in the transaction (including any
               proceeds receivable upon the exercise of any right of conversion
               or exchange thereunder), by

                        (ii) the the sum of the number of shares of Common Stock
               outstanding and issuable upon the conversion or exchange of all
               Convertible Securities outstanding immediately after the

         Whenever any adjustment to the Conversion Price is required hereunder,
         a proportionate adjustment to the Conversion Ratio and number of shares
         of Common Stock issuable upon conversion of the Series A Preferred
         shall be made. Such adjustment shall become effective as of the date
         upon which an transaction requiring an adjustment hereunder shall take

                  On the expiration of any right, warrant or option or the
         termination of any right to convert or exchange any Convertible
         Securities which required an adjustment hereunder, the Conversion Price
         then in effect hereunder shall forthwith be readjusted to such
         Conversion Price as would have obtained (a) had the adjustments made
         upon the issuance or sale of such rights, warrants, options or
         Convertible Securities been made upon the basis of the issuance of only
         the number of shares of Common Stock theretofore actually delivered
         (and the total consideration received therefor) upon the exercise of
         such rights, warrants or options or upon the conversion or exchange of
         such Convertible Securities and (b) had adjustments been made on the
         basis of the Conversion Price as adjusted under clause (a) of this
         paragraph for all transactions (which would have affected such adjusted
         Conversion Price) made after the issuance or sale of such rights,
         warrants, options or Convertible Securities.

                  In case the Corporation shall modify the rights of conversion,
         exchange or exercise of any Convertible Securities, other than the
         Series A Preferred stock, for any reason other than an event that would
         require adjustment to prevent dilution, such that the consideration per
         share to be received by the Corporation after


         such modification is less than the Conversion Price in effect prior to
         such modification, the Conversion Price to be in effect after such
         modification shall be determined by multiplying the Conversion Price in
         effect immediately prior to such event by a fraction, of which the
         numerator shall be the number of shares of Common Stock outstanding and
         issuable upon the conversion or exchange of all Convertible Securities
         outstanding immediately prior to the transaction multiplied by the
         Conversion Price on the date prior to the modification plus the number
         of shares of Common Stock which the aggregate consideration receivable
         by the Corporation for the securities affected by the modification
         would purchase at the then current market price, and of which the
         denominator shall be the number of shares of Common Stock outstanding
         and issuable upon the conversion or exchange of all Convertible
         Securities outstanding immediately after such modification plus the
         number of shares of Common Stock to be issued upon conversion, exchange
         or exercise of the modified securities at the modified rate. Such
         adjustment shall become effective as of the date upon which any such
         modification shall take effect.

                  In case of the sale of any shares of Common Stock, any
         Convertible Securities, any rights or warrants to subscribe for or
         purchase, or any options for the purchase of, Common Stock or
         Convertible Securities requiring an adjustment to the Conversion Price
         hereunder, the consideration received by the Corporation therefor shall
         be deemed to be: (i) if sold for cash, the gross sales price therefor
         without deducting therefrom any expense paid or incurred by the
         Corporation or any underwriting discounts or commissions or concessions
         paid or allowed by the Corporation in connection therewith; and (ii) if
         sold for property other than cash, the current fair market value
         thereof as determined in good faith by the Board of Directors of the

         "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Section 5.2 of the Certificate of
Designation Establishing the Rights and Preferences of the 10% Series A
Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock is hereby amended in its entirety to read
as follows:

                  "5.2. If declared by the Board of Directors, dividends shall
         be payable annually on the last day of the month in which the
         corporation shall sucessfully complete an initial public offering of
         its securities with the first dividend payment date to be in the year
         1997. In the event any shares of Series A Preferred Stock shall be
         outstanding for more or less than the period covered by such dividend
         year, the amount of the dividend shall be prorated for such periods.
         Such dividends shall be paid to the holders of record at the close of
         business on the date specified by the Board of Directors of the
         Corporation at the time the dividend is declared; provided, however,
         that such record date shall be not more than 30 days nor less than 10
         days prior to the respective dividend payment date."


         (3) We further certify that the number of shares constituting the
series of 10% Series A Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock, of which 100,000
shares have been issued, is 790,000 shares. The number of shares of the
corporation outstanding and entitled to vote on this amendment to the
Certificate of Designation Establishing the Rights and Preferences of the 10%
Series A Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock is 100,000 shares of 10% Series
A Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock, and the said amendments to the
Certificate of Designation have been consented to and approved by a majority
vote of the stockholders holding at least a majority of the 10% Series A
Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock outstanding and entitled to vote thereon.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have executed this instrument as of the dates
set forth below.

                                   /s/  GHASSAN BARAZI
                                  Ghassan Barazi, President

                                   /s/  THEODORE J. MAYER
                                   Theodore J. Mayer, Secretary


Province of Ontario          }
                             } s.
County of Essex              }

         On April 4th, 1996, personally appeared before me, a Notary Public in
and for the jurisdiction named above, GHASSAN BARAZI, who acknowledged that he
executed the above instrument in his authorized capacity as President of THE
LASER EYE SITES OF MICHIGAN, INC., and that by his signature on the instrument,
the entity upon behalf of which the person acted executed the instrument.

[Notary Seal]                    /s/ G. F. COUREY
                                 Signature of Notary

State of New York            }
                             } s.
County of New York           }

         On 12/15, 1995, personally appeared before me, a Notary Public,
THEODORE J. MAYER, who acknowledged that he executed the above instrument in his
authorized capacity as Secretary of THE LASER EYE SITES OF MICHIGAN, INC., and
that by his signature on the instrument, the entity upon behalf of which the
person acted executed the instrument.

                                 /s/ JOSE M. YENKO
                                 Signature of Notary

[Notary Stamp]

          JOSE M. YENKO
NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York
       No. 31-4677999
  Qualified in New York County
Commission Expires July 31, 1996