DATED                               10 AUGUST                            1996
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 (1)                           ALPHA MICROSYSTEMS


 (2)                       SANDERSON ELECTRONICS PLC


                               A G R E E M E N T

                        FOR THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF THE
                         ENTIRE ISSUED SHARE CAPITAL OF
                            (COMPANY NUMBER 1623460)



- --------
 1.  INTERPRETATION  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1     
 2.  SALE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5 
 3.  CONSIDERATION SHARES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7 
 4.  WARRANTIES AND LIABILITY LIMITATIONS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7 
 5.  COMPLETION  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8 
 7.  NAME  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9 
 8.  ALPHACONNECT  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 
 9.  LIABILITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 
10.  ASSIGNMENT  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 
11.  AMENDMENT AND WAIVER  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 
12.  RIGHTS CUMULATIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 
13.  TIME  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 
14.  VENDOR REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 
15.  PUBLICITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 
16.  NOTICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 
17.  COSTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 
18.  ENTIRE AGREEMENT  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 
20.  SURVIVORSHIP  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 
21.  LAW AND JURISDICTION  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 
SCHEDULE 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 
  Part 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 
  THE COMPANY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 
  Part 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 
  TRADING SUBSIDIARIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 
  Part 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 
  DORMANT SUBSIDIARIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 


SCHEDULE 2  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18         
  THE WARRANTIES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18         
PART I  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18         
  FINANCIAL/TAX WARRANTIES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18         
PART II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22         
  GENERAL WARRANTIES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22         
SCHEDULE 3  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  27         
  COMPLETION REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  27         
SCHEDULE 4  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29         
  THE PROPERTIES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29         
SCHEDULE 5  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  30         
  VENDOR PROTECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  30         

THIS AGREEMENT is made on                                   10 August 1996

(1)      ALPHA MICROSYSTEMS (a company registered in California) whose
         principal place of business is at 2722 South Fairview, Santa Ana,
         CA 92704, USA (the "Vendor"); and

(2)      SANDERSON ELECTRONICS PLC (registered in England and Wales under
         Company No 2131240) whose registered office is at Parkway House,
         Parkway Avenue, Sheffield, S9 4WA (the "Purchaser").


         1.1     In this agreement, unless the context requires otherwise:

                 "Audited Accounts"        means the audited financial
                                           statements of the Company or a
                                           Subsidiary (as appropriate) for the
                                           financial year ended on the Accounts
                                           Date comprising its individual
                                           accounts and cash flow statement and
                                           the directors' and auditors' reports;

                 "Accounts Date"           means 25 February 1996;

                 "AMB Note"                means a loan note issued by Alpha
                                           Microsystems Belgium S.A. in favour
                                           of the Company, the book value of
                                           which is (Pound)185,873.61 together
                                           with all interest and other amounts
                                           due under or in respect thereof;

                 "AMOS Agreement"          has the meaning ascribed to it
                                           in clause 7;

                 "Claim"                   any claim for breach of or
                                           non-compliance with any of the Sale
                                           Documents (including any Warranty
                                           Claim or any Indemnity Claim);

                 "Company"                 means Alpha Microsystems (Great
                                           Britain) Limited a company registered
                                           in England and Wales under number
                                           1623460 details of which are set out
                                           in Part 1 of Schedule 1;

                 "Companies Act"           means the Companies Act 1985
                                           (as amended);
                 "Completion"              means completion of the sale
                                           and purchase of the Sale Shares in
                                           accordance with clause 5;
                 "Completion Date"         means the date for Completion
                                           in accordance with clause 5;
                 "Condition"               means the condition precedent to
                                           this agreement set out in clause 2.4;
                 "Consideration Shares"    means 907,792 ordinary shares of
                                           five pence each in the Purchaser, to
                                           be issued credited as fully paid up;


                 "Disclosure Letter"       means the letter (with the
                                           attachments specified in it)
                                           identified as such, written by the
                                           Vendor to the Purchaser in agreed
                                           terms and delivered before exchange
                                           of this agreement;
                 "Dormant Subsidiaries"    means the companies detailed in Part
                                           3 of Schedule 1;
                 "Encumbrance"             means any interest or equity of
                                           any person (including, without
                                           limitation, any right to acquire,
                                           option or right of pre-emption), any
                                           mortgage, charge, pledge, lien,
                                           assignment, hypothecation, security
                                           interest, title retention or any
                                           other security agreement or
                                           arrangement affecting property of any
                                           kind (or rights in it);
                 "Group"                   means the Company and any or all of
                                           the Subsidiaries;

                 "Indemnity Claim"         means any claim under the Tax
                 "Intellectual Property"   means patents, trade marks, service
                                           marks, registered designs, utility
                                           models, applications for and rights
                                           to apply for any of the foregoing,
                                           unregistered design rights, trade
                                           marks and service marks, trade or
                                           business names and copyright, any
                                           rights in any invention, discovery or
                                           process, confidential information or
                                           knowhow, and any similar rights in
                                           any country;
                 "Inter-Company Debt"      means the amount of (Pound)388,376
                                           due from the Company to the Vendor
                                           under the terms of a promissory note;
                 "London Stock Exchange"   means the London Stock Exchange

                 "Management Accounts"     means the management accounts
                                           for the Company and the Trading
                                           Subsidiaries comprising profit and
                                           loss accounts for the period from the
                                           Accounts Date to 21 July 1996 and
                                           balance sheets as at that date as
                                           annexed to the Disclosure Letter;

                 "Name"                    means "Alpha Micro" or "Alpha
                 "Property"                means the leasehold properties
                                           detailed in Schedule 4;

                 "Purchaser Group"         means the Purchaser and any of
                                           its subsidiaries from time to time;
                 "Sale Documents"          means this agreement and the
                                           Tax Covenant and the Disclosure
                 "Sale Shares"             means the 1,723,548 ordinary shares
                                           of (Pound)1 each in the capital of
                                           the Company to be bought and sold
                                           pursuant to clause 2 (particulars of
                                           which are set out in Part 1 of
                                           Schedule 1);
                 "Pension Schemes"         means the Alpha Microsystems (GB)
                                           Limited Executive Pension Plan

                 or                        established by declaration of trust 
                 "Schemes"                 dated 1 October 1993 and the Alpha  
                                           Microsystems (GB) Limited           
                                           Contracted-out Pension Plan         
                                           established by declaration of trust 
                                           dated 6 April 1988 and including the
                                           life assurance cover provided to    
                                           those employees eligible to join    
                                           either scheme;                      

                 "Subsidiaries"            means the Trading Subsidiaries
                                           and the Dormant Subsidiaries;
                 "TCGA"                    means the Taxation of Chargeable
                                           Gains Act 1992;
                 "Tax"                     means within the United Kingdom,
                                           corporation tax, advance corporation
                                           tax, income tax (including income tax
                                           required to be deducted or withheld
                                           from or accounted for in respect of
                                           any payment), capital gains tax,
                                           capital transfer tax, inheritance
                                           tax, VAT, national insurance
                                           contributions, capital duty, stamp
                                           duty, stamp duty reserve tax, duties
                                           of customs and excise, any amount
                                           recoverable under Section 601 of the
                                           Taxes Act and any other taxes,
                                           levies, duties, charges, imposts or
                                           withholdings corresponding to,
                                           similar to, replaced by or replacing
                                           any of them, together with all
                                           penalties, charges and interest
                                           relating to any of them regardless of
                                           whether any such taxes, levies,
                                           duties, imposts, charges,
                                           withholding, penalties, and interest
                                           are chargeable directly or primarily
                                           against or attributable directly or
                                           primarily to the Company, or any
                                           other person and of whether any
                                           amount in respect of any of them is
                                           recoverable from any other person;
                 "Tax Authority"           means any taxing or other authority
                                           competent to impose any Tax
                 "Tax Claim"               means any claim under the Tax
                                           Covenant or the Warranties relating
                                           to Tax;
                 "Tax Covenant"            means the tax covenant in agreed
                 "Taxes Act"               means the Income and Corporation
                                           Taxes Act 1988;
                 "Trading Subsidiaries"    means the companies detailed in
                                           Part 2 of Schedule 1;
                 "VAT"                     means value added tax together
                                           with all fines, penalties, costs,
                                           charges and expenses relating to any
                                           liability to value added tax;
                 "VATA"                    means the Value Added Tax Act 1994;


                 "Vendor Group"            means the Vendor and any of its
                                           subsidiaries from time to time;
                 "Vendor's Solicitors"     means Dibb Lupton Broomhead of
                                           Fountain Precinct, Balm Green,
                                           Sheffield S1 1RZ (ref: JMW);
                 "Warranties"              means the warranties, undertakings
                                           and representations set out in
                                           Schedule 2; and
                 "Warranty Claim"          means any claim from breach of
                                           the Warranties.

         1.2     In this agreement, where the context admits:

                 1.2.1    words and phrases which are defined or referred to in
                          section 262A or Part XXVI of the Companies Act have
                          the same meanings as in the Companies Act (unless
                          otherwise expressly defined in this agreement or the
                          other Sale Documents (as the case may be));

                 1.2.2    sections 5, 6, 8 and 9 of and Schedule 1 to the
                          Interpretation Act 1978 apply in the same way as 
                          they do to Acts;

                 1.2.3    any reference to a statutory provision includes
                          reference to:

                 any order, regulation, statutory instrument
                                  or other subsidiary legislation at any time
                                  made under it and in force at the date

                 any modification, amendment, consolidation,
                                  re-enactment or replacement of it or
                                  provision of which it is a modification,
                                  amendment, consolidation, re-enactment or
                                  replacement in force at the date hereof;

                 1.2.4    reference to a clause, sub-clause, schedule or
                          paragraph is to a clause, sub-clause, schedule or a
                          paragraph of a schedule of or to this agreement

                 1.2.5    reference to the parties to this agreement includes
                          their permitted assigns and personal representatives;

                 1.2.6    section 839 of the Taxes Act applies as it applies in
                          that Act, to determine whether one person is
                          connected with another;

                 1.2.7    reference to any document being "in agreed terms" is
                          to that document in the form agreed and, for
                          identification purposes, signed by or on behalf of
                          the parties;

                 1.2.8    reference to persons includes corporations and
                          unincorporated associations and partnerships and vice
                          versa, and reference to any party to this agreement
                          comprising more than one person includes each person
                          constituting that party;

                 1.2.9    reference to any professional firm or company
                          includes any firm or company effectively succeeding
                          to the whole, or substantially the whole, of its
                          practice or business; and

                 1.2.10   headings and any descriptive notes are for ease of
                          reference only and shall not affect the construction
                          or interpretation of this agreement and the other
                          Sale Documents.

         1.3     This agreement incorporates the schedules to it.

         1.4     Reference to the "Company" shall in relation to the Warranties
                 (unless the context otherwise requires) be deemed to include
                 each, all and any Trading Subsidiary and this agreement shall
                 be construed as applying to each, all and any Trading
                 Subsidiary as if each, all and any of them were the "Company"
                 referred to in the Warranties.


         2.1     Subject to the terms of this agreement and on the basis of the
                 Warranties, the Vendor shall sell or procure the sale of free
                 from Encumbrances and the Purchaser shall purchase the Sale
                 Shares together with all rights now or after the date of this
                 agreement attaching to them (including all unpaid dividends
                 and other distributions declared or made as at the date of
                 this agreement).

         2.2     Subject to the terms of this agreement, the Vendor covenants
                 that, in relation to the Sale Shares.

                 2.2.1    the Vendor has good right to sell and transfer them;

                 2.2.2    the Purchaser will have quiet possession and
                          enjoyment of them;

                 2.2.3    they are free from Encumbrance; and

                 2.2.4    the Vendor will take any steps reasonably requested by
                          the Purchaser to perfect the Purchaser's title to

         2.3     The Vendor waives and agrees to procure the waiver of any
                 pre-emption rights which it or any third party may have
                 relating to the Sale Shares, whether conferred by the
                 Company's articles of association or otherwise.

         2.4     2.4.1    This agreement (other than in respect of the parties'
                          obligations under this clause 2.4) is conditional
                          upon the admission by the London Stock Exchange of
                          the Consideration Shares to listing and such listing
                          becoming fully effective.

                          If the Condition is not satisfied on or before 23
                          August 1996 or any other date agreed in writing by
                          the parties, this agreement shall cease to have
                          effect and neither party shall have any claim under
                          it except in respect of any breach of this clause

                 2.4.2    The Purchaser shall use its best endeavours to
                          procure that this agreement becomes unconditional.

         2.5     The Vendor agrees with the Purchaser that, during the period
                 between exchange of this agreement and Completion, it will
                 procure that no member of the Group shall:

                 2.5.1    depart from the ordinary course of the conduct of its
                          business as conducted in the financial year ending on
                          the Accounts Date;

                 2.5.2    declare, make or pay any dividend or other
                          distribution or make any other payment to the Vendor
                          (other than for goods and services in the ordinary
                          course as set out in the Disclosure Letter);

                 2.5.3    create, issue, redeem or grant any option in respect
                          of any part of its loan or share capital or agree to
                          do so; or

                 2.5.4    (other than in the ordinary course of business)
                          amend, alter, terminate or propose any amendment,
                          alteration or the termination of any material
                          contract or agreement (including any service
                          contract) to which any member of the Group is a



         3.1     The consideration for the Sale Shares is the issue and
                 allotment of the Consideration Shares, credited as fully paid

         3.2     The Consideration Shares shall be allotted to rank pari passu
                 with the ordinary shares in the capital of the Purchaser in
                 issue at the date of allotment (including the right to receive
                 all dividends and other distributions declared, made or paid
                 after the date of allotment).

         4.1     The Vendor warrants to the Purchaser that each of the
                 Warranties is true and accurate in all material respects.

         4.2     The Vendor agrees with the Purchaser to waive any right it may
                 have in respect of any inaccuracy or omission in or from any
                 information or advice supplied or given by the Company and any
                 officers or employees of the Company in connection with the
                 Sale Documents, and agrees that any such advice or information
                 does not constitute a representation and that no warranty or
                 guarantee has been given in respect of its accuracy.

         4.3     The rights and remedies of the Purchaser or any amount
                 recoverable shall not be affected by Completion.

         4.4     Each of the Warranties is separate and independent and (except
                 as otherwise expressly provided) is not limited or restricted
                 by reference to or inference from the terms of any other
                 provision of this agreement.

         4.5     Where any of the Warranties is qualified by an expression such
                 as "so far as the Vendor is aware" or "to the best of the
                 knowledge information and belief of the Vendor" or any similar
                 expression, it shall be deemed to include an additional
                 statement that it has been made after enquiry of Peter White
                 and Susan Deignan (but not further or otherwise).

         4.6     The provisions of Schedule 5 shall apply to limit and regulate
                 the rights of the parties under the Sale Documents.



         Completion shall take place at the offices of the Vendor's Solicitors
         within three days of satisfaction of the Condition when each party
         shall do what is specified in Schedule 3.


         6.1     The Vendor agrees (on behalf of itself and each member of the
                 Vendor Group) with the Purchaser that the Vendor Group shall
                 not for a period of three years from Completion carry on or be
                 directly or indirectly concerned or interested in any business
                 in the United Kingdom or Eire (the "Territory") which competes
                 with the businesses of the Group as carried on at Completion
                 insofar as such businesses relate to products utilising or
                 incorporating the AMOS proprietary operating system PROVIDED
                 ALWAYS THAT this covenant shall cease to apply if the Group
                 ceases to actively market the products in the Territory.

         6.2     The Vendor undertakes to the Purchaser that it will not
                 (except as required by law) divulge or communicate to any
                 person (other than to any officer or employee of the Group who
                 needs that knowledge in the discharge of his duties) any
                 confidential information concerning the business, customers,
                 accounts, financial or contractual arrangements, transactions
                 or affairs of the Group which may be within or come to its
                 knowledge to the extent and so long as that information is
                 confidential and not in the public domain.

7.       NAME 

         7.1     The Vendor agrees that the Company may continue to use the
                 Name as part of its corporate name and in connection with the
                 Company's hardware distribution and service business only for a
                 period of up to three years after Completion subject to the
                 Vendor being able to terminate such right on three months'
                 notice (a) following the lawful termination by the Vendor of
                 the agreement dated 10 August 1996 and made between (1) the
                 Vendor and (2) the Company (pursuant to which the Vendor
                 appoints the Company as a distributor of its AMOS products)
                 (the "AMOS Agreement") (unless the AMOS Agreement is renewed or
                 replaced) or (b) if the Company commences to sell products
                 which are competitive with those being marketed by the Vendor
                 and provided that the Company may continue to use the Name
                 after the expiry of the period of three years subject to the
                 Vendor being able to terminate such right on three months'
                 notice at any time PROVIDED ALWAYS THAT the Purchaser
                 acknowledges that the right to use the Name is intended to be
                 restricted to the Territory (as defined in clause 6.1) and the
                 Purchaser agrees that the Company shall not use the Name as a
                 trading or business name 


                 outside the Territory (save to the extent reasonably necessary
                 as an incidental part of carrying on business in the

         7.2     Upon the termination of the right to use the Name in
                 accordance with clause 7.1, the Purchaser shall procure that:

                 7.2.1    the Company and any relevant subsidiary changes its
                          corporate name so that it no longer includes the Name
                          or any part or any similar words visually or

                 7.2.2    the Vendor is provided promptly following such name
                          change with a copy of the relevant change of name

                 7.2.3    no company in the Purchaser Group shall adopt a name
                          or use a business name containing the Name or any
                          part or any similar words visually or phonetically.

         7.2(A)  The Vendor agrees that its sole remedy for any breach of
                 clauses 7.1 and 7.2 shall be the right to require the Company
                 to cease using the Name and to change its corporate name in
                 accordance with clause 7.2 within 90 days of the breach.

         7.3     The Vendor agrees to grant licences to the Company in respect
                 of the following trade mark to enable the Company to use them
                 in connection with its business and to give effect to clause

                          Mark                     No.
                          ----                     ---
                          [S]                      [C]
                          ALPHA MICRO              1,156,737
                          ALPHA COBOL              1,241,903
                          ALPHALAN                 1,383,459 #

                 # Note:  currently registered in the name of the Company but
                          to be transferred to the Vendor before Completion.

         The parties agree to negotiate in good faith with a view to a member
         of the Purchaser's Group being appointed as a European distributor of
         the Vendor's software product "AlphaConnect".



         The Vendor undertakes to procure that the Group is unconditionally and
         absolutely released from all and any liability it may have under any
         guarantee, suretyship, indemnity or other obligation or arrangement
         for or in respect of the liabilities of the Vendor or any person now
         or formerly connected with the Vendor and pending such release the
         Vendor shall keep the Group and the Purchaser fully and effectually
         indemnified against all and any liability suffered or incurred by the
         Group or the Purchaser in respect thereof.

         This agreement is binding upon and shall enure for the benefit of the
         successors of the parties but shall not be assignable.

         11.1    No variation of this agreement shall be effective unless made
                 in writing and signed by all the parties.

         11.2    No waiver of any term provision or condition of this agreement
                 shall be effective except to the extent made in writing and
                 signed by the waiving party.

         11.3    No omission or delay on the part of any party in exercising
                 any right power or privilege under this agreement shall
                 operate as a waiver by it of any right to exercise it in
                 future or of any other of its rights under this agreement.

         11.4    Completion of this agreement does not constitute a waiver by
                 the Purchaser of any breach of any provision of this agreement
                 known to the Purchaser at that time.

         All rights conferred upon the Purchaser under this agreement are
         additional and without prejudice to any other rights and remedies
         available to it.

13.      TIME
         Time shall be of the essence of this agreement.



         The Purchaser shall procure that during the period of two years after
         Completion the Group shall provide to the Vendor (at the Vendor's
         cost) such information as the Vendor may reasonably request for the
         purpose of enabling the Vendor to prepare its financial and fiscal
         statements, reports and returns in respect of periods during which the
         Group was owned by the Vendor.

15.      PUBLICITY
         No announcement or disclosure in respect of the making or terms of
         this agreement shall be made or disclosed by either Party without the
         prior written consent of the other (except to the extent required by
         the law of any jurisdiction or by the rules of the London Stock
         Exchange, the Nasdaq National Market or any other regulated investment

16.      NOTICES
         16.1    Any notice or other document to be served under this agreement
                 must be in writing and may be delivered or sent by pre-paid
                 first class air mail letter post or facsimile transmission to
                 the party to be served at that party's address above or at
                 such other address or number as that party may from time to
                 time notify in writing to the other party to this agreement.
                 Any notice or other document to be served on the Vendor shall
                 be copied to the Vendor's Solicitors (for the attention of
                 Julia Wood, Andrew Darwin and Andrew Price).

         16.2    Any notice or document shall be deemed served:

                 16.2.1   if delivered, at the time of delivery provided that,
                          if delivery takes place after 5.00pm or on a
                          Saturday, Sunday or a day which is a public holiday
                          in the jurisdiction of the party to be served,
                          delivery shall be deemed to have taken place on the
                          next business day;

                 16.2.2   if posted on the fifth day after posting; and

                 16.2.3   if sent by facsimile transmission, at the time of
                          transmission if before 5.00pm on Monday to Friday
                          (other than public holidays) or otherwise on the next
                          succeeding banking business day.

         16.3    In proving service (without prejudice to any other means) it
                 shall only be necessary to prove:


                 16.3.1   by post, that the notice or document was contained in
                          an envelope properly stamped and posted as provided
                          in this clause 16;

                 16.3.2   by facsimile transmission, that the notice or
                          document was duly received by production of a copy
                          facsimile bearing the addressee's answerback code or
                          automatic record of correct transmission.

17.      COSTS

         Each party shall pay its own costs in relation to the negotiation,
         preparation, execution and implementation of this agreement.

         18.1    The Sale Documents constitute the entire agreement between the
                 parties in connection with their subject matter.

         18.2    No party has relied upon any representation or warranty except
                 as expressly set out in the Sale Documents.


         19.1    Each party unconditionally waives any rights it may have to
                 claim damages against the other on the basis of any statement
                 made by the other (whether made carelessly or not) not set out
                 or referred to in this agreement (or for breach of any
                 warranty given by the other not so set out or referred to)
                 unless such statement or warranty was made or given

         19.2    Each party unconditionally waives any rights it may have to
                 seek to rescind this agreement on the basis of any statement
                 made by the other (whether made carelessly or not) whether or
                 not such statement is set out or referred to in this agreement
                 unless such statement was made fraudulently.

         19.3    The Sale Documents supersede any prior agreements,
                 understandings and arrangements between the parties and any
                 representations (oral or written) relating to the subject
                 matter of the Sale Documents.



         This agreement shall, as to any of its provisions remaining to be
         performed in whole or in part or capable of having effect following
         Completion (or any transfer of the Sale Shares), remain in full force
         and effect despite Completion (or any transfer of the Sale Shares).

         21.1    This agreement shall be governed by and construed in all
                 respects in accordance with English law.

         21.2    The parties to this agreement irrevocably agree that the
                 English courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any
                 dispute which may arise out of or in connection with this
                 agreement and that, accordingly, any proceedings, suit or
                 action arising out of this agreement shall be brought in such

         21.3    The Vendor irrevocably appoints the Vendor's Solicitors as its
                 agent to accept service of any process to be served on them in
                 relation to this agreement or anything arising out of it.

         21.4    The rights set out in this clause 21 are in addition to any
                 other manner of service permitted by law.

IN WITNESS of which this agreement has been duly executed by the parties.

                                   SCHEDULE 1
                                     PART 1
                                  THE COMPANY

Registered number:              1623460

Date of incorporation:          13 March 1982

Registered office:              Enterprise House, 1B Roxborough Way, Foundation 
                                Park, Cannon Lane, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 3UD

Share capital:

         Authorised: (Pound)1,800,000 divided into:

                 Class                Denomination                Number    
                 -----                ------------                ------    
                 Ordinary             (Pound)1                  1,800,000   

         Issued: (Pound)1,723,548 divided into:

                 Class                Denomination                Number     
                 -----                ------------                ------     
                 Ordinary             (Pound)1                  1,723,548    

Registered holders of shares:     The Vendor           1,723,547 
                                  D J Tullio                   1

Director:                         D J Tullio

Secretary:                        S E Deignan

Accounting reference date:        28 February

Auditors:                         Ernst & Young

Charges and debentures:           Lloyds Bank plc

                                     PART 2
                              TRADING SUBSIDIARIES
A.       Sabre Business Systems (NI) Limited
         Registered in Northern Ireland no: NI 20027

         Registered office: Ratheane House, 32 Hillsborough Road, Lisburn, Co 
                            Antrim BT28 1AQ

         Authorised share capital: 50,000 ordinary shares of (Pound)1 each

         Issued share capital: (Pound)16,000

         Shareholders:         the Company

         Directors:            W C Millar, M Beatty

         Secretary:            M Beatty

B:       Sabre Business Systems Limited:
         Registered in Ireland no: 107570

         Registered office: 28 Corrig Road, Sandyford Industrial Estate,
                            Dublin 18

         Authorised share capital: IR(Pound)50,000 divided into 50,000 ordinary
                                   shares of IR(Pound)1 each

         Issued share capital: IR(Pound)17,143

         Shareholders: the Company

         Directors: S Deignan, D J Tullio

         Secretary: Elaine Museux

C:       Sabre Software Developments Limited:
         Registered in Eire no: 123325

         Registered office: 28 Corrig Road, Sandyford Industrial Estate,
                            Dublin 18

         Authorised share capital: IR(Pound)50,000 divided into 50,000 ordinary
                                   shares of IR(Pound)1 each

         Issued share capital: 20,000 ordinary shares of IR(Pound)1 each

         Shareholders: the Company - 2,500
                    Sabre Business Systems Limited - 17,500

         Directors: S Deignan, D J Tullio
         Secretary: Elaine Museux

                                     PART 3
                              DORMANT SUBSIDIARIES
Alpha Micro Systems Video Technology Limited
Registered number: 1434407

Sabre Business Systems (UK) Limited
Registered number: 1925295

Alpha Micro Limited
Registered in Eire number: 103456

                                   SCHEDULE 2
                                 THE WARRANTIES
                                     PART I
                            FINANCIAL/TAX WARRANTIES

         So far as the Vendor is aware, the Company has kept all accounts,
         books, ledgers, financial and other records required by law to be kept
         by it and these:

         1.1     have been properly maintained and are up to date in all
                 material aspects;

         1.2     are in the possession of the Company;

         1.3     contain a proper record of all matters required by law to be
                 entered in them; and

         1.4     do not contain or reflect any material inaccuracies or

         and no notice or allegation that any of them is incorrect or should be
         rectified has been received.

         The Audited Accounts:

         2.1     show a true and fair view of the assets and liabilities of the
                 Company at the Accounts Date and of its profits or losses for
                 the period ended on that date; and

         2.2     have been prepared using accounting methods, bases and
                 policies consistent with those adopted or applied in the
                 Company's audited balance sheet and profit and loss account
                 for the preceding financial year, consistently applied.

         3.1     The Company is the owner of and has good and marketable title
                 to all assets included in the Audited Accounts and all assets
                 which have been acquired by the Company since the Accounts
                 Date (except for current assets disposed of by the Company in
                 the ordinary course of its business).

         3.2     No asset of the Company nor any of its undertaking, goodwill
                 or uncalled capital is subject to any Encumbrance or any
                 agreement or commitment to give or create any Encumbrance.

         3.3     No asset is shared by the Company with any other person and
                 the Company does not depend for its business upon, or use, any
                 assets, facilities or services owned or supplied by the

         4.1     So far as the Vendor is aware, save to the extent that the
                 Company has made provision for bad or doubtful debts, each of
                 the debts owed to the Company is good and collectable in the
                 ordinary course of business.

         4.2     The Company has not factored or discounted any of its debts or
                 agreed to do so.

         Since the Accounts Date:

         5.1     the Company has carried on business in the ordinary and usual

         5.2     the Company has not borrowed or raised any money or taken any
                 financial facility;

         5.3     the Company has paid its debts in accordance with its normal

         5.4     the Company has not entered into, or agreed to enter into, any
                 capital commitments in excess of L10,000 in aggregate;

         5.5     no share or loan capital has been issued or agreed to be
                 issued by the Company and no option has been granted for any
                 such issue;

         5.6     no distribution of capital or income has been declared, made
                 or paid in respect of any share capital of the Company;

         5.7     the business of the Company has not been materially adversely
                 affected by the loss of any important customer;

         5.8     no Encumbrance has been created over any part of the assets of
                 the Company;

         5.9     there has been no resolution of or consent by the members of
                 the Company or any class of them; and

         5.10    the Company has not acquired or disposed of or agreed to
                 acquire or dispose of:

                 5.10.1   any business;

                 5.10.2   any asset (except current assets bought or sold in
                          the ordinary course of business).

         The Management Accounts have been prepared with reasonable care and
         using the accounting methods, bases and policies used in the
         preparation of the Audited Accounts, consistently applied.

         Proper provision or reserve has been made in the Audited Accounts for
         all Tax liable to be assessed on the Company whether as principal,
         agent or trustee or for which it is accountable in respect of income,
         profits or gains earned, accrued or received on or before the Accounts
         Date or in respect of any event



         on or before the Accounts Date including distributions made down to
         such date or provided for in the Audited Accounts and proper provision
         has been made in the Audited Accounts for deferred Tax in accordance
         with SSAP 15.

         The Company has, within the requisite time limits, duly made all
         returns to the Inland Revenue and any other relevant United Kingdom or
         other Tax Authorities all such returns were and remain complete and
         accurate in all material respects and were made on the proper bases
         and are not the subject of any dispute with the relevant authorities
         and the Tax computations in respect of all periods up to and including
         February 1995 have been agreed with all relevant authorities.

         The Company has duly paid all Tax which it has become liable to pay
         and is under no liability to pay any fine, penalty, surcharge or
         interest in connection with any claim for Tax.

         The Company has properly operated the Pay As You Earn and National
         Insurance systems deducting Tax as required by law from all payments
         made, or treated as made, to employees and former employees of the
         Company and has accounted to the Inland Revenue, DSS or Contributions
         Agency (as the case may be) for all Tax so deducted and all Tax
         chargeable on benefits provided for employees of the Company.

11.      VAT
         11.1    The Company is a registered and taxable person for the
                 purposes of VAT and no such registration is subject to any
                 condition imposed by or agreed with HM Customs and Excise.

         11.2    The Company has complied in all material respects with all
                 statutory provisions, rules, regulations, orders and
                 directions and made all necessary returns in relation to VAT
                 and, within the prescribed time limits, has provided all
                 necessary information and documents to HM Customs and Excise
                 and paid all amounts due to the proper person.

         11.3    The Company has at all times kept materially complete, correct
                 and up-to-date records, invoices and other documents required
                 for the purposes of VAT.

         11.4    The Company is not liable to any interest, penalty or
                 surcharge in respect of VAT.

         11.5    The Company is not and has not at any time been a member of a
                 group of companies for VAT purposes.

         The Company is a close company within the meaning of section 414 of
         the Taxes Act.

13.      RESIDENCE
         The Company is and always has been resident in the United Kingdom for
         the purposes of the Taxes Act.

         14.1    The Disclosure Letter contains particulars of all elections
                 made by the Company under Section 247 of the Taxes Act and
                 such election was in force prior to Completion.

         14.2    The Disclosure Letter contains particulars of all arrangements
                 and agreements relating to group relief (as defined by Section
                 402 of the Taxes Act) to which the Company is or has (within
                 the period of six years) been a party and all claims by the
                 Company for group relief were, when made valid and have been
                 or will be allowed in full by way of relief from corporation

         14.3    The Company has not acquired any asset from any other Company
                 then belonging to the same group of companies as the Company
                 within the meaning of section 170 of the TCGA.


                                    PART II
                               GENERAL WARRANTIES
         Upon and subject to completion of the transactions specified in
         Schedule 3, there will be no amounts due to the Vendor or any person
         now or formerly connected with the Vendor other than in the ordinary
         and proper course of trading.

         (Save for the Inter-Company Debt and for liabilities arising from
         trading in the ordinary course of business) there is no outstanding
         debt or other liability (actual or contingent) owing by the Company to
         the Vendor or any person now or formerly connected with it, nor is
         there any debt owing to the Company by the Vendor or any such person.

         So far as the Vendor is aware, the acquisition of the Sale Shares by
         the Purchaser:

         3.1     will not cause the Company to lose the benefit of any right it
                 presently enjoys; and

         3.2     will not relieve any person of any contractual obligation to
                 the Company or enable any person to determine any obligation
                 by or to the Company or any right enjoyed by the Company or to
                 exercise any right under any agreement with or otherwise in
                 respect of, the Company.

4.       OPTIONS ETC
         No person has the right (whether exercisable now or in the future and
         whether contingent or not) to call for the allotment, issue, sale or
         transfer of any share or loan capital of the Company under any option
         or other agreement (including conversion rights and rights of

         The particulars of the Company and the Subsidiaries in Schedule 1 are
         complete and accurate.

         The Sale Shares represent the entire issued share capital of the
         Company and there are no options or other agreements outstanding which
         call for the issue of or accord to any person the right to call for
         the issue of any shares in the capital of the Company.

         7.1     The copy of the memorandum and articles of association of each
                 member of the Group attached to the Disclosure Letter is true
                 and complete and includes or has attached to it a copy of
                 every such resolution or agreement as is referred to in
                 section 380 Companies Act 1985.

         7.2     Each member of the Group has at all times carried on its
                 business and affairs in all material respects in accordance
                 with its Memorandum and Articles of Association.


         So far as the Vendor is aware, the Company has conducted its business
         in all material respects in accordance with all laws statutes
         regulations or directives of the European Union applicable in the
         United Kingdom (including those made or issued pursuant to the
         Treaties of Rome, Paris and Maastricht) and any relevant foreign

         So far as the Vendor is aware, all necessary licences, consents,
         permits and authorities (public and private) have been obtained by the
         Company to enable the Company to carry on its business effectively in
         the places and in the manner in which that business is now carried on,
         and so far as the Vendor is aware, they are all valid and subsisting
         and there is no reason why any of them should be suspended, cancelled
         or revoked.

         No criminal prosecution or arbitration or litigation proceedings or
         dispute resolution procedures are pending or threatened by or against
         the Company (or, so far as the Vendor is aware, any of its officers or
         employees in relation to their duties with the Company or for which it
         may be vicariously liable) and so far as the Vendor is aware there are
         no facts likely to give rise to any such prosecution litigation,
         arbitration or dispute.

         The Company does not have outstanding:

         11.1    any loan, loan capital or other liability in the nature of
                 borrowings (including but not limited to acceptance credits,
                 unmatured bills or other commercial paper) which will or may
                 result in the Company being liable to make any payment or
                 incur any other liability;

         11.2    any guarantee, indemnity, suretyship or other arrangement
                 under which the Company is or may become liable for any
                 obligation of any other person (other than another member of
                 the Group);

         11.3    any factoring or similar agreement;

         11.4    any indebtedness except trade creditors in the ordinary course
                 of business;

         11.5    any bond.

         The Company has received no notice to repay any monies or liabilities
         which are repayable on demand and so far as the Vendor is aware no
         default or event has occurred entitling any person (with or without
         giving any formal notice and whether immediately or after expiry of
         any notice) to demand or accelerate repayment, appoint a receiver or
         take other action to protect security granted to it by the Company.

         13.1    No receiver or administrative receiver has been appointed in
                 respect of the Company or any of the assets or undertaking of
                 the Company.

         13.2    No administration order has been made and no petition has been
                 presented for such an order in respect of the Company.

         13.3    No meeting has been convened at which a resolution will be
                 proposed, no resolution has been passed, no petition has been
                 presented that remains undischarged and no order has been made
                 for the winding-up of the Company.

         13.4    No unsatisfied judgment, order or award is outstanding against
                 the Company.

         13.5    No written demand under section 123(1)(a) of the Insolvency
                 Act 1986 made against the Company remains outstanding.

         13.6    No distress or execution has been levied on, or other process
                 commenced against, any asset of the Company.

         13.7    No voluntary arrangement has been proposed under section 1 of
                 the Insolvency Act 1986 in respect of the Company.

14.      INSURANCE
         14.1    Particulars of all the insurance policies maintained by the
                 Company at the date of this agreement are disclosed in the
                 Disclosure Letter.

         14.2    All premiums due in respect of those insurance policies have
                 been fully paid and the next renewal date for each of such
                 insurances is as specified in the Disclosure Letter.

         14.3    As far as the Vendor is aware all those insurance policies are
                 currently in full force and effect and there are no
                 circumstances which may lead to liability under any such
                 insurances being avoided by the insurers.

         14.4    No claim is outstanding under any of the insurances and, so
                 far as the Vendor is aware no circumstances exist which are
                 likely to give rise to any such claim.

15.      CONTRACTS
         15.1    The Company is not party to any material subsisting agreement
                 entered into otherwise than by way of bargain at arms length
                 in the ordinary and proper course of its business.

         15.2    So far as the Vendor is aware, there are no facts, matters or
                 circumstances which are likely to result in any material claim
                 being made under or pursuant to any guarantee, warranty or
                 penalty provision in any contract entered into by the Company.

         16.1    The Company is the sole beneficial owner of or has a valid
                 licence to use the Intellectual Property used by it in its

         16.2    Except for copyrights, the Company owns no Intellectual
                 Property other than that detailed in the Disclosure Letter.

         16.3    Except as specified in the agreements disclosed in the
                 Disclosure Letter:

                 16.3.1   no person has been authorised to make any use
                          whatsoever of any Intellectual Property owned by the

                 16.3.2   the Company has not been authorised to make any use
                          of any Intellectual Property owned by any other 

         16.4    The Intellectual Property Rights in the SWORDS software
                 product are owned by the Group free from Encumbrances.

         17.1    Material particulars are contained in the Disclosure Letter of
                 all current contracts of service with or other terms of
                 employment of directors and other employees of the Company and
                 of all current consultancy agreements or contracts for
                 services with the Company.

         17.2    No director or employee of the Company has given notice
                 terminating his contract of employment or is under notice of

         17.3    The Company has not entered into, agreed to or undertaken any
                 legally binding obligation to take effect at any time on or
                 after the Accounts Date to alter the rates of remuneration of
                 or to make any bonus or incentive payments or provided any
                 benefits in kind or any payments under a profit sharing scheme
                 to or on behalf of any of its directors or employees at any
                 future date.

         18.1    (Except for the Scheme and for the national insurance scheme)
                 there are no pension schemes to which the Company contributes
                 for or in respect of any of the employees or officers of the

         18.2    The persons listed in the Disclosure Letter are the only
                 employees or officers of the Company who are members of the

         18.3    The Disclosure Letter details the current contribution rates
                 payable by the Company to the Scheme in relation to such
                 employees or officers.

         18.4    The Scheme is exempt approved within the meaning of Chapter I
                 of Part XIV of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988.

         19.1    The Company does not have any subsidiary company or subsidiary
                 undertaking (other than the Subsidiaries).

         19.2    Each of the Dormant Subsidiaries is dormant (within the
                 meaning of section 250 of the Companies Act 1985) and has no
                 assets or liabilities (actual or contingent) other than as
                 detailed in its Audited Accounts.



         19.3    Each of the Subsidiaries is a wholly owned subsidiary of the
                 company and there are no options or other agreements
                 outstanding which call for the issue of or accord to any
                 person the right to call for the issue of any shares in the
                 capital of the Subsidiaries.

20.      PROPERTY
         20.1    The Company does not have any interest in any freehold or
                 leasehold property, other than the Properties.

         20.2    So far as the Vendor is aware, the Company is not actually or
                 contingently liable as (or as guarantor of) an original
                 contracting party to any lease of freehold property.

         So far as the Vendor is aware, the information given in the Disclosure
         Letter is true and accurate in all material respects, is fairly
         presented and is not misleading because of any omission or ambiguity
         or for any other reason.

                                   SCHEDULE 3
                            COMPLETION REQUIREMENTS
1.       The Vendor shall deliver or procure to be delivered to the Purchaser
         (where appropriate as agent for the Group):

         1.1     duly executed transfers in favour of the Purchaser or its
                 nominees of all the Sale Shares together with share
                 certificates for the Sale Shares and all issued shares in the

         1.2     the common seal and certificates of incorporation, any
                 certificates of incorporation on change of name and the
                 statutory books of the Company and the Subsidiaries made up to

         1.3     the Tax Covenant in agreed terms duly executed by each party
                 (other than the Purchaser) in escrow pending Completion;

         1.4     the written resignation in agreed terms of Mr D Tullio as a
                 director of all members of the Group with an effective waiver
                 of any statutory employment claims or rights or binding
                 acknowledgements that there are no such rights or claims;

         1.5     evidence that no charge affecting the Company, the
                 Subsidiaries or any of their assets has crystallized or become

2.       The Vendor shall procure that resolutions of the sole director of the
         Company are passed pursuant to which the director shall validly:

         2.1     appoint such persons as the Purchaser may nominate as
                 additional directors of the Company;

         2.2     approve the share transfers and vote in favour of the
                 registration of the Purchaser or its nominees as members
                 (subject only to due stamping where necessary);

         2.3     authorise the issue of share certificates to the new members;

         2.4     (if required by the Purchaser) change the registered office of
                 the Company to the place specified by the Purchaser;

         2.5     amend the mandates and authorities in respect of the Company's
                 bank accounts as the Purchaser may require;

         2.6     (if required by the Purchaser) change the accounting reference
                 date of the Company as specified by the Purchaser; and

         2.7     accept the resignation of the resigning director of the

3.       On completion of the matters set out in paragraphs l and 2, the
         Purchaser shall:

         3.1     deliver to the Vendor a counterpart of the Tax Covenant;

         3.2     procure the allotment and issue to the Vendor of the
                 Consideration Shares and the delivery of a share certificate

         3.3     procure that the Company shall settle the Inter-Company Debt

                 3.3.1    assigning to the Vendor the AMB Note;

                 3.3.2    assigning to the Vendor all of the Company's interest
                          in the Spyder licence; and

                 3.3.3    paying the sum of L200,000 in cash by credit transfer
                          to a bank account designated by the Vendor.

4.       The parties agree to procure that the Vendor and the Company shall
         enter into the AMOS Agreement.

5.       The parties agree to procure that the Vendor and the Company shall
         enter into the agreement in agreed terms relating to the trading and
         related arrangements concerning Omegon Computer Systema BV and Alpha
         Microsystems Belgium SA.

                                   SCHEDULE 4
                                 THE PROPERTIES

1.       All that property comprised in a lease between (1) Severn-Trent Water
         Authority and (2) the Vendor relating to part of the ground floor of
         building number 2 Foundation Park, Cannon Lane, Maidenhead, Berkshire,
         (1B Roxborough Way).

2.       Leasehold property at Unit 4 "The Moses Gate Workshops", Manchester
         Road, Bolton comprised in a lease dated 13 October 1993 between (1)
         the Borough Council of Bolton and (2) the Vendor.

3.       Leasehold property at Unit 5 "The Moses Gate Workshops", Manchester
         Road, Bolton comprised in a lease dated 13 October 1993 between (1)
         the Borough Council of Bolton and (2) the Vendor.

4.       Greyfriars, Leicester.

5.       McMillan House, Edgewater Office Park, Edgewater Road, Belfast BT3

6.       28 Corrig Road, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Dublin 18.

                                   SCHEDULE 5
                               VENDOR PROTECTION

1.       The provisions of this Schedule apply despite (and prevail over) any
         other provision of the Sale Documents and are in addition and without
         prejudice to the Purchaser's general legal obligation to mitigate any
         loss or damage it may suffer.

2.       The Purchaser:

         2.1     confirms that, in entering into this agreement, it relies on
                 no warranties, representations, covenants, undertakings,
                 indemnities or other information except the Warranties and the
                 Tax Covenant;

         2.2     agrees that (except as expressly set out or referred to in the
                 Disclosure Letter) no information, advice or assurances it or
                 anyone on its behalf may have received from the Vendor, its
                 advisers or anyone else on its behalf in relation to the
                 Company or otherwise in relation to this agreement or its
                 negotiations may be legally relied upon in any manner;

         2.3     waives any rights it may have in respect of any information,
                 advice or assurance it may have received other than that
                 expressly set out in the Warranties and the Tax Covenant; and

         2.4     agrees that rescission shall not be available as a remedy for
                 any breach of this agreement and agrees not to claim that

3.       The Purchaser shall not be entitled to make a Claim if and to the
         extent that:

         3.1     the facts or information upon which it is based are disclosed
                 in the Disclosure Letter;

         3.2     the facts or information upon which it is based are actually
                 known to the Purchaser at Completion (whether as a result of
                 its investigation of the Company or otherwise).

4.       The Purchaser shall not be entitled to make a Claim to the extent

         4.1     provision or reserve (including any provision or reserve in
                 respect of deferred Tax) or a note disclosing the matter to
                 which it relates (or the existence or possibility of any
                 resulting liability) has been made in the Audited Accounts;

         4.2     provision or reserve or a note disclosing the matter to which
                 it relates has been made in the Audited Accounts which is
                 insufficient by reason only of any increase in rates of Tax or
                 change in the law or published practice of any Tax Authority
                 after the date of those accounts having retrospective effect;

         4.3     it arises only as a result of the retrospective imposition of
                 Tax by a change in the interpretation of law or as a result of
                 the change or withdrawal of any previously published practice
                 or concession or as a result of a change in the practice or
                 policy of any Tax Authority made after the Accounts Date;


         4.4     it is a claim for which the Company is or may become liable as
                 a result of transactions (including distributions and dealings
                 in capital assets) entered into by the Company in the ordinary
                 course of business after the Accounts Date;

         4.5     it would not have arisen but for the failure or omission by
                 the Company to make any claim, election, surrender or
                 disclaimer, give any notice or consent or do any other thing
                 in relation to Tax, the making, giving or doing of which was
                 assumed in computing the Tax liabilities of the Company for
                 the purposes of the Audited Accounts or the voluntary making
                 of any claim election, surrender or disclaimer or voluntary
                 giving of any notice or consent by the Purchaser or the
                 Company after Completion, the giving, making or doing of which
                 was not assumed in computing those liabilities;

         4.6     it is in respect of a liability to Tax which the Company is
                 entitled not to pay or would be entitled not to pay by the
                 exercise or acceptance of any available election, right of
                 relief, credit, set-off, surrender or deduction (which relates
                 to any period, transaction or event before Completion) and
                 does not become available to the Company only as a result of
                 it being acquired by the Purchaser including for the avoidance
                 of doubt the set-off of tax losses arising in respect of any
                 period before Completion;

         4.7     it is due to any change after Completion in the accounting
                 principles, bases, policies and methods adopted by the Company
                 from those used in the preparation of the Audited Accounts;

         4.8     any tax losses, allowances, credits, set offs or reliefs which
                 may be believed to be available for carry forward by the
                 Company prove not to be so available or not to be useable.

5.       The Purchaser shall not be entitled to make a Claim to the extent that
         the matter to which it relates:

         5.1     has been or is made good or is otherwise compensated for
                 without cost;

         5.2     is recovered by the Group from insurers;

         5.3     arises as a result of the passing or amendment of any
                 legislation (including any subsidiary legislation) after
                 Completion with retrospective effect.

         5.4     would not have arisen but for a voluntary act or transaction,

                 5.4.1    could reasonably have been avoided or carried out by
                          the Purchaser (or persons deriving title from the
                          Purchaser) or the Group after Completion;

                 5.4.2    is carried out at the request of or with the
                          approval, concurrence or assistance of the Purchaser;

                 5.4.3    is provided for in, or carried out to comply with,
                          the terms of, or give effect to, this agreement.

6.       Unless the Purchaser can show that there has been fraud or deliberate
         non-disclosure by the Vendor, the Purchaser shall have no right to
         recover in respect of any Claim unless and until the aggregate
         liability of the Vendor (but for this paragraph) in respect of all
         Claims would exceed L50,000, but, if such aggregate liability should
         exceed that sum, the Vendor shall be liable for only for the amount by
         which the Claim exceeds that sum.


7.       Unless the Purchaser can show that there has been fraud or deliberate
         non-disclosure by the Vendor, the maximum liability of the Vendor in
         respect of all Claims shall not exceed (Pound)800,000.

8.       Unless the Purchaser can show that there has been fraud or deliberate
         non-disclosure by the Vendor, the Vendor shall not be liable in
         respect of any Claim unless particulars of that Claim (with sufficient
         detail to enable the Vendor to identify the basis of the Claim and the
         Purchaser's best estimate of the quantum of the Claim and how this has
         been quantified) are given in writing to the Vendor:

         8.1     in respect of any Claim other than a Tax Claim not later than
                 30 April 1998 and, in respect of any Tax Claim, not later than
                 the sixth anniversary of the Completion Date;

         8.2     unless the Claim has been notified to the Vendor as soon as is
                 reasonably practicable after the Purchaser has become aware of
                 any matter entitling it to make the Claim.

9.       Any Claim shall be unenforceable and be deemed waived unless
         proceedings in respect of it are issued and served within six months
         of the date of service of notice of that Claim on the Vendor under
         paragraph 8 unless the Vendor otherwise agrees.

10.      The Vendor shall not be liable to make any payment in respect of any
         Claim based upon a contingent liability of the Company (without
         prejudice to the Purchaser's right to establish the Vendor's liability
         in respect of that Claim) until the liability becomes an actual
         liability and is paid and the Vendor is given satisfactory evidence of
         that payment.

11.      Any benefit accruing to the Purchaser or the Company (including
         without limitation any right to reduce any liability to Tax) as a
         result of the existence of the circumstances giving rise to the Claim
         shall be quantified and its value deducted from the amount of the

12.      If the Company or the Purchaser is or becomes entitled to be
         indemnified by or to recover from any other person (including any Tax
         or other authority) in respect of a matter which would (apart from
         this paragraph) give rise to a Claim, the Purchaser shall procure

         12.1    the Vendor is notified immediately the Company or the
                 Purchaser becomes aware of the possible entitlement;

         12.2    before enforcing that Claim against the Vendor and subject to
                 the Vendor indemnifying the Purchaser to its reasonable
                 satisfaction against the costs incurred, all steps are taken
                 which the Vendor requests to enforce the indemnity or right of
                 recovery or (but only if the Vendor so chooses) the Vendor is
                 permitted (whether before or after making payment of any
                 Claim) to enforce the indemnity or right of recovery (in the
                 name of the Company or other person entitled to do so) and is
                 given all authorities and assistance as it may request to
                 enable it to do so.

13.      If the Company or the Purchaser becomes entitled to recover any sum
         from any person in respect of the subject matter of any Claim in
         respect of which the Vendor has made any payment to the Purchaser, the
         provisions of paragraph 12 of this Schedule shall apply mutatis
         mutandis to that entitlement and the Purchaser shall pay to the Vendor
         immediately the amount of the liability of the person (if any) is
         established or agreed (or permit the Vendor to retain) a sum equal to
         the lesser of:

         13.1    any amount the Company or the Purchaser is entitled to recover
                 (net of all costs and expenses reasonably and properly
                 incurred by it in pursuing the claim against the other
                 person); and

         13.2    the amount paid by the Vendor in respect of the Claim.



14.      The provisions of clauses 4 and 5 of the Tax Covenant shall apply
         mutatis mutandis in respect of a claim for breach of warranties 8 to
         14 in Schedule 2 Part I of this Agreement.

15.      Insofar as the payments made by the Vendor to the Purchaser in respect
         of Claims are less than the Consideration they shall constitute a
         repayment of and a reduction in the Consideration.

16.      The Purchaser shall (at the Vendor's cost) take such action and give
         such information and assistance as the Vendor may by notice request to
         avoid, dispute, resist, appeal or compromise any Tax Claim including
         but not limited to:

         16.1    procuring the Company or the Purchaser to apply to postpone
                 (so far as legally possible) the payment of any Tax;

         16.2    allowing the Vendor (at the Vendor's own expense) to conduct
                 all proceedings of whatever nature arising in connection with
                 the Tax Claim in question.

17.      If the Vendor takes on or takes over the conduct of any proceedings,
         the Purchaser shall procure that the Company shall provide any
         information and assistance the Vendor may reasonably require in
         connection with the preparation for and conduct of those proceedings
         including but not limited to access to all documents, records and
         personnel relevant to those proceedings.

18.      If any matter or circumstance which may give rise to a Claim comes to
         the attention of the Company or the Purchaser, the Purchaser shall
         (without prejudice to paragraph 8):

         18.1    ensure that no admission or liability or agreement or
                 compromise in relation to the matter or circumstance is made
                 without the written consent of the Vendor (not to be
                 unreasonably withheld or delayed);

         18.2    give the professional advisers of the Vendor such access to
                 the premises and personnel of the Company as it may request,
                 and afford it any opportunity it requests to examine any
                 relevant accounts, documents, records and other things in the
                 possession or control of the Company

         18.3    before enforcing any Claim against the Vendor, take reasonable
                 steps to avoid, dispute resist, appeal, compromise or defend
                 any matter which may otherwise result in a Claim and give the
                 Vendor all authorities and assistance as may be reasonably
                 requested by the Vendor to enable it to do so.

19.      The Purchaser shall not be at liberty to bring more than one Claim in
         respect of the same subject matter.  Any liability of the Vendor in
         respect of a Warranty Claim shall be in satisfaction of its liability
         under any Indemnity Claim in respect of the same facts or
         circumstances and vice versa.

Signed by   /s/ Michael J. Lowell
duly authorised on behalf of
the Vendor

Witness:  Peter White

Name:  Peter White

Address:  15 Heronsford
          WNY 9X9

Signed by    /s/ Chris Winn
duly authorised on behalf of
the Purchaser

Witness:  R.S. Pawson

Name:  Bank Top House

Address:  Beech Tree Court
          Baildon, N York
