410 North 44th Street, Suite 700
                             Phoenix, Arizona 85008
                                 (602) 220-6666

                                  May 20, 1997

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Securities and Exchange Commission
450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20549

        Re:     Doubletree Corporation's Registration Statement
                on Form S-3 (Registration No. 333-23619)

Ladies and Gentlemen:

        Pursuant to Rule 477 promulgated under the Securities Act of 1933, as
amended, Doubletree Corporation ("Doubletree") hereby respectfully requests
that the above-referenced Registration Statement filed by Doubletree on March
28, 1997, be withdrawn, effective immediately. Doubletree requests this
withdrawal because its contractual obligations with respect to the maintenance
of the subject Registration Statement have been satisfied.

        Kindly forward a copy of the order consenting to the withdrawal of the
Registration Statement to the undersigned as soon as practicable. If you have
any questions, kindly contact Kimberly Wilkinson of Latham & Watkins at (415) 


                                        /s/ DAVID L. STIVERS

                                        David L. Stivers
                                        Senior Vice President,
                                        General Counsel and Secretary

cc:  The Nasdaq National Market
     Kimberly L. Wilkinson