EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT
                               (WILLIAM A. SMYTH)

         This Employment Agreement (the "Agreement") is made to be effective as
of the 1st day of June, 1997 and is by and between William A. Smyth, whose
address is 6839 Pinetree Lane, N.E., North Canton, Ohio 44721 ("You" or the
"Executive") and Smyth Systems, Inc., a Delaware corporation with its principal
office at 7100 Whipple Avenue, N.W., Canton, Ohio (the "Company" or "Smyth's").
Where appropriate in the context, the term "Company" shall also mean and include
the Company and its, parents, subsidiaries and affiliates.

         In consideration of the mutual agreements and promises hereinafter set
forth and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency
of which are hereby acknowledged, the Company agrees to employ You and You agree
to serve as an employee of the Company upon the following terms and conditions:

         1.       Condition Precedent.

                  This Agreement and the parties respective rights and
                  obligations set forth herein are conditioned in their entirety
                  on the filing of Articles of Merger in the State of Delaware
                  by Company and Smyth Merger Corp. ("SMC"), pursuant to which
                  SMC shall merge with and into Company in a tax free
                  reorganization pursuant to Section 368(a) of the Internal
                  Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

         2.       Term.

                  Subject to the other terms and conditions of this Agreement,
                  the initial term of Your employment hereunder (the "Term")
                  will be for the five (5) year period commencing June 1, 1997
                  and ending May 31, 2002, unless earlier terminated in
                  accordance with this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
                  Your obligations under Section 8(b) and 9 below shall survive
                  the expiration or termination of this Agreement.

         3.       Position; Duties; etc.

                  (a)      Your title shall be Senior Vice President - Customer
                           Services and it shall be Your responsibility to
                           perform all functions generally appropriate to such a
                           position at all times in a lawful and professional
                           manner which reflects positively upon the Company and
                           serves its best interests, and such other reasonable
                           duties as may be assigned by the Company's Board of
                           Directors. In this capacity, You shall report to the
                           Company's Board of Directors. You shall perform
                           substantially all of Your duties at the Smyth's
                           office located as set forth above, or at such other
                           location as is mutually agreed to by You and the
                           Company. The Company reserves the right to change
                           Your duties (provided such duties are reasonably
                           consistent with Your prior duties), Your position and
                           the person(s) to whom You report, as may be necessary
                           or appropriate and in the best interests of the

                  (b)      You will, to the best of Your abilities, effectively,
                           diligently, in good faith and with integrity, devote
                           Your full time, attention, energy and skill to the
                           fulfillment of Your duties hereunder and shall at all
                           times be promotive and supportive of the Company, its
                           products, services, management and other employees,
                           at a level of competence and effectiveness consistent
                           with the position occupied.

                  (c)      You will be subject to and will comply with such
                           policies and procedures as are from time to time
                           established for employees of the Company generally,
                           except to the extent that such policies or procedures
                           are inconsistent with the express terms of this
                           Agreement, and in those instances, the terms of this
                           Agreement shall control.

                  (d)      You shall carefully monitor all aspects of the
                           business, properties and affairs of the Company.
                           Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, it
                           shall be Your duty to notify the Company promptly
                           upon becoming aware of any matter which constitutes
                           or which might constitute a 

                           breach of any representation, warranty or covenant of
                           the Company and/or the Managing Stockholders (as such
                           terms are defined in the Merger Agreement) under that
                           certain Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated April 3,
                           1997, by and among Bristol Technology Systems, Inc.,
                           a Delaware corporation ("Bristol"), the Company, the
                           Managing Stockholders, and SMC (the "Merger
                           Agreement"). Nothing herein shall in any manner be
                           construed to limit the duties and obligations that
                           You have as a director and an officer of the Company
                           under applicable State law or the applicable articles
                           of incorporation or bylaws of the Company.

         4.       Compensation and Benefits

                  (a)      Salary. As remuneration for Your services and
                           provided You remain employed and are fulfilling Your
                           duties hereunder, during the Term the Company will
                           pay You, in accordance with Company policies, a gross
                           salary calculated at the rate of Eighty-Five Thousand
                           Dollars ($85,000) per year, payable in arrears in
                           substantially equal installments on the Company's
                           regular pay days, less any withholding of tax or any
                           amounts required by law to be withheld and less any
                           payments for fringe benefits or payments and
                           contributions as may otherwise be authorized by You
                           or required under employee benefit plans maintained
                           from time to time by the Company. Your annual salary
                           shall automatically be increased by five percent (5%)
                           at the beginning of each fiscal year during the Term.

                  (b)      Bonus. With respect to each year of the Term, and
                           provided, in the sole discretion of the Board of
                           Directors of the Company, You have been employed and
                           have satisfactorily performed Your duties during the
                           entire year, You shall be eligible to earn an annual
                           bonus, payable in arrears, determined as of the end
                           of the Company's fiscal year, in an amount equal to
                           7% of the Company's pretax profits for each year
                           which are in excess of $524,000 (the "Baseline"). For
                           this purpose, pre-tax profits shall be calculated in
                           accordance with generally accepted accounting
                           principles and reduced for all interest expense paid
                           by Smyth's but shall not be reduced by (i) bonuses
                           paid pursuant to this Agreement or the Employment
                           Agreements with any of the other Managing
                           Stockholders, or (ii) in the current fiscal year
                           only, expenses paid by the Company pursuant to
                           Section 9.9 of the Merger Agreement, or (iii) any
                           management fee or similar expense paid to or charged
                           by Bristol. If the Board of Directors of the Company
                           reorganizes the Company into specific departments
                           and/or divisions, then the Baseline shall be
                           recalculated to reasonably account for such
                           reorganization. Notwithstanding anything to the
                           contrary above, the Baseline for the fiscal period
                           June 1, 1997 through December 31, 1997, shall be

         5.       Expenses.

                  The Company will reimburse You for all reasonable, ordinary
                  and necessary travel (except normal travel between home and
                  office) and other out-of-pocket expenses incurred by You for
                  the purpose of and in connection with performing Your duties,
                  subject to proper submission of substantiating documentation,
                  and subject further to all Company policies respecting expense
                  reimbursement, as the same may vary from time to time.

         6.       Employee Benefit Programs.

                  (a)      Benefit Programs. You shall be entitled to
                           participate in or receive benefits under all benefit
                           programs, arrangements or perquisites which the
                           Company maintains generally from time to time for its
                           executive employees, which benefits shall be
                           substantially similar to those benefits maintained by
                           the Company prior to the merger of SMC with and into
                           the Company.

                  (b)      Vacation. You shall be entitled to a reasonable
                           number of paid vacation days, but in any case not
                           more than four (4) weeks per year during the Term.

         7.       Consequences of Termination of Employment.

                  (a)      Death/Disability. In the event of Your death during
                           the Term, Your employment hereunder shall be
                           terminated as of the date of Your death and Your
                           designated beneficiary, or, in the absence of such
                           designation, Your estate or other legal
                           representative (collectively, the 

                           "Estate") shall be paid Your unpaid salary through
                           the date occurring on the earlier of three (3) months
                           from the date of death or the expiration of the Term
                           of this Agreement. Other death benefits that do not
                           overlap the foregoing will be determined in
                           accordance with the terms of the Company's benefits
                           programs and plans maintained from time to time by
                           the Company for its executive employees. In the event
                           You are mentally or physically disabled for a period
                           of four or more consecutive months ("disability"
                           being defined as a mental or physical impairment or
                           condition which substantially and effectively
                           prevents You from performing Your duties hereunder),
                           or for any 120 days during any twelve month period
                           during the Term, Your employment may be terminated on
                           written notice to You. In such event, Your salary
                           shall be continued for a period of two (2) months
                           following the effective date of termination. Other
                           than the salary set forth in this subsection (a), You
                           or Your estate shall not be entitled to any other
                           payment or benefit by reason of Your death or

                  (b)      Termination of Employment by the Company for Cause.
                           The Company shall have the right to terminate Your
                           employment and this Agreement for Cause and nothing
                           herein, or in any other agreement between You and the
                           Company shall prevent the Company from terminating
                           Your employment for Cause. In the event You are
                           terminated for Cause, You shall be paid Your salary
                           through the date of termination and shall be entitled
                           to those rights and benefits You may have earned
                           through the date of termination in respect of
                           benefits under any employee benefit plans or programs
                           of the Company maintained from time to time by the
                           Company for its executive employees as determined in
                           accordance with the terms of such plans or programs,
                           as the case may be. In addition, if You are
                           terminated for Cause pursuant to the provisions of
                           Section 7(c)(ii), below, then You shall also be
                           entitled to a one time severance payment due within
                           thirty (30) days of such termination, equal to Your
                           annual salary at the time of such termination, as set
                           forth in Section 4(a), above.

                  (c)      Cause Defined. The Company shall have "Cause" to
                           terminate Your employment hereunder prior to the end
                           of Term for the following reasons:

                           (i)      If You commit an act of gross negligence or
                                    willful misconduct, or breach Your fiduciary
                                    duty to the Company;

                           (ii)     If the Company fails to achieve for any (2)
                                    consecutive quarters certain quarterly
                                    performance criteria (A) reasonably set by
                                    the Board of Directors of the Company at the
                                    beginning of each fiscal year, and (B) based
                                    upon the Company's performance in the prior
                                    fiscal year, which failure is not cured
                                    within the four (4) month period immediately
                                    following the second consecutive quarter;

                           (iii)    If You engage in drug or alcohol use or
                                    addiction which materially interferes with
                                    the performance of Your duties at any time;

                           (iv)     If You engage in illegal, immoral or
                                    dishonest conduct;

                           (v)      If You breach or fail to substantially
                                    perform any of the provisions of this
                                    Agreement, the Merger Agreement, ancillary
                                    or related agreements thereto, or any
                                    present or future agreement between You and
                                    the Company respecting non-competition or
                                    the ownership or protection of confidential
                                    information, inventions, patents,
                                    trademarks, copy-rights or other
                                    intellectual properties; or

                           (vi)     Your voluntary termination of employment
                                    prior to expiration of the Term.

         8.       Covenants Regarding Confidential Information and Proprietary

                  (a)      Confidential Information Defined. As used herein,
                           "Confidential Information" means all proprietary
                           information, trade secrets and any non-public
                           information, oral and written, and any document or
                           media containing such information, concerning the
                           Company or used by the Company in the operation of
                           its business, including, without limitation, any of
                           the Company's actual or prospective customers,
                           suppliers, contractors and co-venturers or concerning
                           any actual or planned discoveries, inventions,
                           developments, improvements, technology, know-how,
                           processes, products, services, businesses, business
                           opportunities, operations, activities 

                           or plans of or belonging to the Company (including,
                           without limitation, technical formulae and designs,
                           computer hardware and software, databases, original
                           works of authorship, customer lists, bills of
                           material, business plans, financial information,
                           trade secrets and other proprietary information)
                           provided that Confidential Information shall not
                           include such portion of the aforesaid information
                           which has become of hereafter becomes public
                           knowledge within the business equipment industry
                           through no fault of Your own.

                  (b)      Confidentiality. It is understood and agreed that
                           prior to and during the Term You have, and will
                           become aware of, Confidential Information, the
                           unauthorized disclosure of which may harm the
                           Company. Accordingly, You agree that, except as
                           expressly authorized by the Company or as reasonably
                           necessary in order to fulfill Your duties under this
                           Agreement, both during and after the Term, You will
                           never communicate, divulge or use for the benefit of
                           Yourself or any other person or entity, directly or
                           indirectly, any Confidential Information discovered,
                           conceived of, or disclosed, communicated or in any
                           manner obtained by You or coming into Your possession
                           prior to or during the Term. Upon termination of this
                           Agreement for whatever reason or whenever requested
                           by the Company, You will promptly deliver to the
                           Company, and shall retain no copies of, all
                           documents, media, records or other materials
                           containing Confidential Information which are in Your
                           possession or under Your control. Further, You agree
                           that You will not, during Your employment with the
                           Company, improperly use or disclose any proprietary
                           information or trade secret of any former or
                           concurrent employer, and that You will not bring onto
                           the premises of the Company any unpublished document
                           or any property belonging to any such former or
                           concurrent employer unless consented to in writing by
                           such former or concurrent employer.

         9.       Covenant Not to Compete.

                  For a period of two (2) years from and after the expiration or
                  earlier termination of this Agreement, You will not, for any
                  reason whatsoever, directly or indirectly, for Yourself or on
                  behalf of or in conjunction with any other person, persons,
                  company, partnership, corporation or business of whatever

                  (a)    engage, as an officer, director, stockholder, owner,
                         partner, joint venturer, or in a managerial capacity,
                         whether as an employee, independent contractor,
                         consultant or advisor, or as a sales representative, in
                         any business selling any products or services in direct
                         competition with the current business or any related
                         business of the Company, or any business to which it is
                         reasonably foreseeable that the Company will enter,
                         within 100 miles of where the Company anywhere conducts
                         such business (the "Territory");

                  (b)    call upon any person who is, at that time, within the
                         Territory, an employee of the Company in a managerial
                         capacity for the purpose or with the intent of enticing
                         such employee away from or out of the employ of the

                  (c)    call upon any person or entity which is, at that time,
                         or which has been, within one (1) year prior to that
                         time, a customer of the Company within the Territory
                         for the purpose of soliciting or selling products or
                         services in competition with the Company within the
                         Territory; or

                  (d)    call upon any prospective acquisition candidate, on
                         Your own behalf or on behalf of any competitor, which
                         candidate was either called upon by the Company or for
                         which the Company made an acquisition analysis, for any
                         purpose other than providing products or services of
                         the Company.

                  Notwithstanding the above, the foregoing covenant shall not be
                  deemed to prohibit You from acquiring as an investment not
                  more than one percent (1%) of the capital stock of a competing
                  business whose stock is traded on a national securities
                  exchange or over-the-counter.

                  You expressly agree that the foregoing covenants impose a
                  reasonable restraint on You in light of the activities and
                  business of the Company on the date of the execution of this
                  Agreement and the current plans of the Company; but it is also
                  the intent of the Company and You that such covenants be
                  construed and enforced in accordance with the changing
                  activities and business of the Company throughout the term of
                  the covenants. The covenants in this Section 9 are severable
                  and separate, and the unenforceability of any specific
                  covenant shall not affect the provisions of any other

                  Moreover, in the event any court of competent jurisdiction
                  shall determine that the scope, time or territorial
                  restrictions set forth are unreasonable, then it is the
                  intention of the parties that such restrictions be enforced to
                  the fullest extent which the court deems reasonable, and this
                  Section 9 shall thereby be reformed. All of the covenants in
                  this section 9 shall be construed as an agreement independent
                  of any other provision of this Agreement, and the existence of
                  any claim or cause of action by You against the Company,
                  whether predicated on this Agreement or otherwise, shall not
                  constitute a defense to the enforcement by the Company of such
                  covenants. You specifically agree that the period of two (2)
                  years stated at the beginning of this Section 9 shall be
                  computed by excluding from such computation any time during
                  which You are found by a court of competent jurisdiction to
                  have been in violation of any provision of this Section 9. You
                  expressly agree that the covenants set forth in this Section 9
                  are a material and substantial part of this Agreement.

         10.      The Company.

                  For purposes of Sections 8 and 9, above, the term "Company"
                  shall include any parent, subsidiary, affiliated company or
                  business predecessor to the Company.

         11.      Equitable Relief.

                  You expressly agree that the Company may not be adequately
                  compensated by damages for a breach by You of any of the
                  covenants contained in Sections 8 and 9, and You further agree
                  that, in the event of a breach or threatened breach by You of
                  any provision of Section 8 or 9 below, the Company shall be
                  entitled to enforce the covenants contained in Section 8 or 9
                  by specific performance and to enjoin or restrain any such
                  breach or threatened breach (without the necessity of posting
                  a bond or other security in any action initiated for such
                  relief), but nothing herein shall be construed as prohibiting
                  the Company from pursuing any remedy available to the Company
                  for such breach or threatened breach.

         12.      Notices.

                  Any notice to be given under this Agreement by either party
                  shall be in writing and hand delivered (by courier or
                  otherwise) or mailed via first class mail and by certified or
                  registered mail with return receipt requested, and addressed
                  to the other party at its address at the head of this
                  Agreement or at such other address as such other party shall
                  have given notice to the first party in accordance with the
                  provisions of this Section.

         13.      Non-Waiver of Rights.

                  The failure to enforce, at any time, any of the provisions of
                  this Agreement or to require, at any time, performance by the
                  other party of any of the provisions hereof shall in no way be
                  construed to be a waiver of such provisions or to affect
                  either the validity of this Agreement, or any part hereof, or
                  the right of either party thereafter to enforce each and every
                  provision in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Any
                  waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall be valid only
                  if in writing signed by the party so waiving, and no waiver of
                  a provision hereof in any given instance shall operate as a
                  waiver of such provision in any other instance or the waiver
                  of any other provision of this Agreement.

         14.      Severability.

                  The invalidity or inability to enforce any particular
                  provision of this Agreement shall not affect the other
                  provisions hereof, and this Agreement shall be construed in
                  all respects as if such invalid or unenforceable provision
                  were omitted.

         15.      Assignment.

                  This Agreement shall be binding upon, and shall inure to the
                  benefit of, You and the Company and their respective
                  executors, administrators, heirs, successors and permitted
                  assigns. This Agreement shall not be assignable by You, in
                  whole, or in part, without the written consent of the Company.

         16.      Governing Law.

                  The validity, interpretation and construction hereof shall be
                  governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with the
                  laws of the State of Delaware, excepting any rule thereof
                  which would refer such matters to the law of any other

         17.      Miscellaneous.

                  This Agreement embodies the entire agreement of the parties
                  with respect to the matters within its scope and supersedes
                  any prior oral or written agreements and understandings of the
                  parties respecting same. This Agreement shall not be
                  modifiable except in writing signed by both parties hereto,
                  and the provisions hereof shall override any contrary or
                  conflicting provisions in any acknowledgment, invoice or other
                  document unilaterally issued by either party. The headings
                  contained in this Agreement have been inserted solely for
                  convenience of reference and shall be of no force or effect in
                  the construction or interpretation of the provisions of this
                  Agreement. This Agreement may be executed in several
                  counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but
                  all of which together shall constitute one and the same
                  instrument. The remedies available to the Company for breach
                  of this Agreement shall be cumulative, and nothing herein
                  shall prevent the Company from pursuing any such remedies,
                  whether inconsistent or otherwise.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this Agreement to be
executed on its behalf by its duly authorized representative, and You have
signed this Agreement, as of the day and year first above written.

                                    William A. Smyth

                                    SMYTHS SYSTEMS, INC., a
                                    Delaware corporation

                                    By: ______________________________________
                                    Its: _____________________________________

                               (WILLIAM A. SMYTH)

and entered into as of this 22nd day of May, 1997, by and between William A.
Smyth, whose address is 6839 Pinetree Lane, N.E., North Canton, Ohio 44721
("You" or the "Executive") and Smyth Systems, Inc., a Delaware corporation with
its principal office at 7100 Whipple Avenue, N.W., Canton, Ohio (the "Company"
or "Smyth's").


         WHEREAS, You and the Company entered into that certain Employment
Agreement on April 3, 1997 (the "Employment Agreement").

         WHEREAS, You and the Company each now desire to amend the Employment
Agreement pursuant to the terms and conditions provided below.

         NOW THEREFORE, In consideration of the mutual agreements and promises
hereinafter set forth and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt
and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the You and the Company agree
to amend the Employment Agreement as follows:

         1.       Compensation and Benefits - Bonus. The first sentence of
                  Section 4(b) of the Employment Agreement shall be amended and
                  restated in its entirety, as follows:

                  "With respect to the first two (2) years only during the Term,
                  and provided, in the sole discretion of the Board of Directors
                  of the Company, You have been employed and have satisfactorily
                  performed Your duties during the entire year, You shall be
                  eligible to earn an annual bonus, payable in arrears,
                  determined as of the end of the Companys fiscal year, in an
                  amount equal to five percent (5%) of the Company's pre-tax
                  profits for each year which are in excess of $524,000 (the

         2.       The Employment Agreement. Except as expressly amended herein,
                  the terms and conditions of the Employment Agreement shall
                  remain in full force and effect.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this Amendment to be
executed on its behalf by its duly authorized representative, and You have
signed this Amendment, as of the day and year first above written.

                                    William A. Smyth

                                    SMYTH SYSTEMS, INC., a
                                    Delaware corporation

                                    By: ______________________________________
                                    Its: _____________________________________
