

(1)      The persons whose names and addresses are set out in Column (1) of Part
         I of the Schedule ("THE VENDORS");


(2)      HYCOR BIOMEDICAL INC., a corporation organised under the laws of the 
         State of Delaware, U.S. and having its principal place of business at
         18800 Von Karman Avenue, Irvine, California 92612-1517, U.S. ("THE

(A)      COGENT DIAGNOSTICS LIMITED is a company incorporated under the
         Companies Acts with registered number SC122739 and having its
         registered office at Orchard Brae House, 30 Queensferry Road,
         Edinburgh, EH4 2HG, U.K. ("THE COMPANY"), further details of the
         Company being set out in Part II of the Schedule;

(B)      The Vendors are the registered holders and beneficial owners of the
         numbers of Ordinary Shares of 25p each in the capital of the Company
         shown opposite their respective names in Column (2) of Part I of the

(C)      The persons named in Part II of the Schedule as the directors and
         secretary are the only directors and the secretary respectively of the

(D)      The Company has no subsidiaries or subsidiary undertakings; and

(E)      The Vendors have agreed to sell and the Purchaser has agreed to
         purchase the number of shares in the capital of the Company listed in
         Column (2) of Part I of the Schedule on the terms and conditions set
         out in this Agreement.


1.1      In this Agreement the following expressions shall, unless otherwise
         specified or the context otherwise requires, have the meanings set
         opposite them respectively:
         "Accounting Date"                  31 March 1997

                                                                   Page 1 of 47

         "Accounts"                 the audited balance sheet of the Company as
                                    at the Accounting Date, the audited profit
                                    and loss account of the Company for the
                                    accounting period ended on the Accounting
                                    Date and the directors' and auditors'
                                    reports and the notes to such accounts

         "Associate"                (a) in relation to an individual, any
                                    spouse, brother, sister or lineal ascendant
                                    or descendant and any company which is, or
                                    may be, directly or indirectly, controlled
                                    (within the meaning of section 840 of the
                                    Taxes Act 1988) by any one or more of the
                                    foregoing; and

                                    (b) in relation to a company, any subsidiary
                                    or subsidiary undertaking or holding company
                                    of such company and any other subsidiary or
                                    subsidiary undertaking of any holding
                                    company of such company

         "Business"                 the business carried on by the Company at
                                    the Completion Date being the developing,
                                    manufacturing, marketing and selling of
                                    tests/kits for diagnosis of auto-immune

         "business day"             a day, other than a Saturday or a Sunday, on
                                    which clearing banks are open for business
                                    in both Edinburgh and London

         "Claim for Taxation"       any notice, demand, assessment, letter or
                                    other document issued or action taken
                                    whereby the Company is liable or may become
                                    liable to make any payment of or in respect
                                    of Taxation (whether or not the Company is
                                    primarily liable to pay same and whether or
                                    not the Company has or may have any right of
                                    relief or reimbursement against any other
                                    person or persons) and includes, but is not
                                    limited to:-

                                                                   Page 2 of 47
                                    (a) the loss or counteracting or reduction
                                        in the amount of, or setting off against
                                        profits of, any relief, allowance,
                                        exemption or credit, which would
                                        otherwise have been available to the
                                        Purchaser and/or the Company;

                                    (b) the loss, reduction in the amount of,
                                        cancellation or set off of any right to
                                        repayment of Taxation or payment or
                                        credit which would otherwise have been
                                        available; and

                                    (c) the setting off against income, profits
                                        or gains or against any Taxation (in
                                        either case in respect of which, but for
                                        such setting off, the Company would have
                                        had a liability to Taxation in respect
                                        of which the Vendors would be liable to
                                        make a payment to the Purchaser under
                                        the Taxation Undertaking) of any relief,
                                        allowance, exemption or credit not
                                        available before Completion but which
                                        arises in respect of any event occurring
                                        after Completion;

                                    and reference to any Claim for Taxation
                                    shall include any Claim for Taxation whether
                                    made before or after Completion and whether
                                    satisfied or unsatisfied at Completion

         "Cogent Investments"       Cogent Investments Limited (Company No.
                                    SC076851), one of the Vendors

                                                                   Page 3 of 47

         "Companies Acts"           the 1985 Act, the Business Names Act 1985,
                                    the Companies Securities (Insider Dealing)
                                    Act 1985, the Companies Consolidation
                                    (Consequential Provisions) Act 1985 and the
                                    Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986
                                    , together

         "Completion"               completion of the sale and purchase of the
                                    Sale Shares by virtue of the performance by
                                    the Vendors and the Purchaser of the
                                    obligations assumed by them respectively
                                    under Clause 5

         "Completion Date"          the day on which Completion takes place
                                    being 21 July, 1997 or such later date as
                                    the Vendors and the Purchaser may agree in
                                    writing but not being a date later than 30
                                    July, 1997

         "Confidential Information" all information which is at the Completion
                                    Date confidential in relation to the
                                    Business, including, for the avoidance of
                                    doubt, all confidential business, financial,
                                    operational, customer and marketing
                                    information and trade secrets in relation to
                                    the Business

         "Consideration"            the considerable payable by the Purchaser
                                    for the Sale Shares as specified in Clause

         "Deposit"                  (pound)50,000 paid by the Purchaser to the
                                    Vendors' Solicitors to be held on behalf of
                                    the Vendors and to be set-off against the
                                    Consideration payable by the Purchaser at

         "Directors"                William David Neilly, Charles John Fairley,
                                    James Weston and Michael Gordon, each of
                                    whom is a director of the Company and a

                                                                   Page 4 of 47

         "Disclosure Letter"        a letter from the Vendors addressed to the
                                    Purchaser, disclosing matters for the
                                    purpose of Clauses 6.1 and 6.2 and delivered
                                    to, and accepted in writing with specific
                                    reference to this Agreement by, the
                                    Purchaser or the Purchaser's Solicitors (on
                                    behalf of the Purchaser) prior to the
                                    Purchaser's execution hereof

         "Employees"                Wanda Black, Nadine Grant, Angus Brown,
                                    Danielle Knight, Andrew Boyle and Moira
                                    Bisset, each of whom is an employee of the
                                    Company and a Vendor

         "Environment"              all, or any, of the following media, namely
                                    land, water (including, but not limited to,
                                    coastal and inland waters, surface waters
                                    and ground waters and water in drains and
                                    sewers) and the air (and the medium of air
                                    includes but is not limited to the air
                                    within buildings and the air within other
                                    natural or man-made structures above or
                                    below ground)

          "in the agreed terms"     with reference to any document, that it
                                    shall be in the form of a draft agreed by
                                    the relevant parties, prior to the
                                    Purchaser's execution hereof

         "Intellectual Property"    such of the following as may be owned, used
                                    or enjoyed by the Company:-

                                    patents, trade marks, service marks,
                                    registered designs, trade names, business
                                    names and applications for any of the
                                    foregoing; the right to apply for
                                    registration of any of the foregoing in any
                                    part of the world; any similar or analogous
                                    rights in any country; copyrights, design
                                    rights or any similar or analogous right in

                                                                   Page 5 of 47
                                    any country, inventions, know-how,
                                    confidential knowledge or experience
                                    available to the Company; all business and
                                    agreements relating to any of the foregoing
                                    to which the Company is entitled; drawings,
                                    blueprints, plans, specifications, formulas,
                                    data and descriptive materials, technical
                                    files and reports, designs and the benefit
                                    of all research, development and design

                                    including, without prejudice to the
                                    foregoing generality, the patents and trade
                                    marks listed in Part IV of the Schedule

         "Leasehold Property"       the property at Pentlands Science Park,
                                    Penicuik held by the Company pursuant to the

         "LIBOR"                    the percentage rate per annum for sterling
                                    deposits which appears on the display
                                    designated as page "LIBP" on the Reuter
                                    Monitor Money Rate Service as at or about
                                    11am on the business day immediately prior
                                    to the Completion Date

         "Loan Notes"               the Loan Notes to be issued, pursuant to
                                    Clause 4.2(b), by the Purchaser in part
                                    satisfaction of the Consideration, and being
                                    in the agreed terms to provide, inter alia,
                                    for repayment over a three year period (in
                                    equal yearly installments) with interest at

         "Missives"                 the missives entered into at or prior to
                                    Completion relating to the Leasehold
                                    Property comprising an offer of let, by Tods
                                    Murray WS, on behalf of The Moredun
                                    Foundation as landlord of the Leasehold
                                    Property and an acceptance of such offer, by
                                    the Vendor's Solicitors, on behalf of the
                                    Company, a brief description of the
                                    principal terms of the missives being set
                                    out in Part III of the Schedule

                                                                   Page 6 of 47

         "l985 Act"                 the Companies Acts 1985 and 1989

         "Purchaser's Solicitors"   McGrigor Donald, Erskine House, 68-73 Queen
                                    Street, Edinburgh, EH2 4NF

         "Sale Shares"              the 89,775 Ordinary Shares of 25p each in
                                    the capital of the Company

         "SSAP"                     Statement of Standard Accounting Practice

         "Taxation"                 all forms of taxation, duties, imposts,
                                    charges, withholdings, contributions,
                                    impositions and levies whatsoever in the
                                    nature of taxation and whenever imposed and
                                    whether of the United Kingdom or elsewhere
                                    and but is not limited to:-

                                    (a) income tax, corporation tax, advance
                                        corporation tax, petroleum revenue tax,
                                        capital gains tax, inheritance tax,
                                        stamp duty, stamp duty reserve tax,
                                        rates, value added tax, customs and
                                        other import duties, national insurance
                                        and social security contributions; and

                                    (b) any payment whatsoever which the Company
                                        may be or become bound to make to any
                                        person, revenue, customs or fiscal
                                        authority or any other body or authority
                                        as a result of any enactment relating to
                                        taxation and any other taxes, duties,
                                        levies or imposts supplementing or
                                        replacing any of the foregoing; and

                                                                   Page 7 of 47
                                    (c) all costs, charges, interest, fines,
                                        penalties and expenses incidental or
                                        relating to any of the foregoing or
                                        relating from a failure to comply with
                                        the provision of any enactment relating
                                        to taxation

         "Taxation Undertaking"     the undertaking and indemnities given by the
                                    Vendors pursuant to Clause 7

         "Tax Warranties"           the Warranties as to the matters stated in
                                    paragraph 5 of Part V of the Schedule

         "Vendors' Solicitors"      Fyfe Ireland WS, Orchard Brae House,
                                    Queensferry Road, Edinburgh, EH4 2HG

         "U.S."                     United States of America

         "Warranties"               the statements set out in Part V of the

1.2      In this Agreement, unless otherwise specified or the context otherwise

         (a) reference to this Agreement shall include the Recitals and the
             Schedule annexed and executed as relative hereto;

         (b) words importing any gender shall include the other genders; words
             importing natural persons shall include corporations and vice
             versa; and words importing the singular only shall include the
             plural and vice versa; and

         (c) reference to any statute, regulation, directive, treaty or part
             thereof shall be construed as reference thereto as amended or
             re-enacted or as the application thereof is modified by other
             provisions from time to time (whether before or after the last date
             of execution of this Agreement), shall be construed as including
             references to any provision of which they are re-enactments
             (whether with or without modification) and shall be construed as
             including references to any order, instrument, regulation or other
             subordinate legislation made pursuant thereto.

1.3      Where there appears a reference in this Agreement to any information,
         fact or matter having been "disclosed" such reference shall (except
         where otherwise expressly provided herein) be deemed to refer to, but
         be restricted only to, such information, facts or matters of which full
         and accurate details are contained in the Disclosure Letter.

                                                                   Page 8 of 47
1.4      In construing this Agreement the ejusdem generis rule shall not apply
         and accordingly the interpretation of general words shall not be
         restricted by being preceded by words indicating a particular class of
         acts, matters or things or being followed by particular examples.

1.5      In this Agreement the headings to Clauses and Parts of the Schedule are
         inserted for convenience only and shall not affect the construction of
         this Agreement.

2.1      This Agreement is conditional, in all respects, on the Company entering
         into new service contracts with each of James Weston and Michael Gordon
         prior to Completion.

2.2      If the condition specified in Clause 2.1 is not satisfied, or waived in
         writing by the Purchaser at or prior to Completion the Purchaser may
         give written notice of withdrawal from this Agreement.

3.1      With effect from Completion, each Vendor shall sell, and the Purchaser
         shall purchase, the number of Sale Shares set opposite the name of the
         relevant Vendor in Column (2) of Part I of the Schedule.

3.2      The Sale Shares shall be sold free from any option, lien, charge or
         encumbrance and with all rights attached thereto.

3.3      Each of the Vendors hereby waives or agrees to procure the waiver of
         any pre-emption rights which may exist in relation to the Sale Shares
         pursuant to the Articles of Association of the Company or otherwise.

3.4      The Purchaser shall not be obliged to complete the purchase of any of
         the Sale Shares unless the purchase of all the Sale Shares is completed
         simultaneously but completion of the purchase of some of the Sale
         Shares shall not affect the rights of the Purchaser with respect to the

                                                                   Page 9 of 47

4.1      The consideration ("the Consideration") payable for the Sale Shares
         shall be (pound)1,795,500 in aggregate, which shall be divided equally
         amongst the Sale Shares of which (pound)858,000 shall be payable in
         cash and (pound)937,500 by the issue of Loan Notes.

4.2      The Consideration shall be met, at Completion, by:

         (a) in the case of the Employees and Michael Gordon, the payment to
             each of them (in accordance with Clause 5.5(a)) of the monetary
             amounts set out opposite their respective names in Column (3) of
             Part 1 of the Schedule; and

         (b) in the case of Cogent Investments and the Directors (other than
             Michael Gordon), the payment to each of them (in accordance with
             Clause 5.5(a)) of the monetary amount set opposite their respective
             names in Column (3) of Part 1 of the Schedule, and the issue to
             each of them of Loan Notes in the monetary amount set opposite
             their respective names in Column (3) of Part 1 of the Schedule.

4.3      The Vendors' Solicitors are hereby irrevocably authorised to receive
         the Consideration and their receipt(s) therefore shall be a full
         discharge to the Purchaser who shall not be concerned with the
         distribution thereof to and among the Vendors.

5.1      Completion of the sale and purchase of the Sale Shares shall take place
         at the offices of the Purchaser's Solicitors on the Completion Date.

5.2      At Completion the Vendors shall deliver to the Purchaser:-

         (a) duly executed transfers of the Sale Shares in favour of the
             Purchaser, or such nominee of the Purchaser as the Purchaser may
             nominate, together with the definitive certificates in respect

         (b) any power of attorney under which this Agreement or any document
             referred to herein or executed in pursuance hereof is executed on
             behalf of any of the Vendors and such other evidence as the
             Purchaser may require of the authority of any person executing on
             behalf of any of the Vendors;

         (c) such waivers, consents or documents which may be required by the
             Purchaser to vest in the Purchaser the full beneficial ownership of
             the Sale Shares and enable the Purchaser to procure them to be
             registered in the name of the Purchaser or its nominees;

                                                                  Page 10 of 47

         (d) a written waiver in the agreed terms from each Vendor in respect of
             any claims which such Vendor may have against the Company as at

         (e) the certificate of incorporation, any certificate of incorporation
             on change of name, common seal (if any), statutory and minute and
             other record books (written up to the Completion Date) and share
             certificate books of the Company together with all unused forms of
             share certificates of the Company;

         (f) a statement from the Company's bankers as at a date not more than
             two business days prior to the Completion Date confirming the sums
             due to the bank and that such sums do not exceed any debt levels
             permitted by the bank;

         (g) the Lease and all deeds and documents under the Company's control
             relating to the Leasehold Property;

         (h) a written resignation in the agreed terms from all the directors of
             the Company and Queensferry Secretaries Limited as secretary of the

         (i) a letter in the agreed terms from the auditors of the Company
             confirming they shall, on request of the Purchaser or the Company,
             resign as auditors and confirming that as at Completion no sums are
             due to the auditors by the Company in respect of outstanding
             invoices or in respect of work carried out but not invoiced; and

         (j) the service contracts entered into between the Company and each of
             James Weston and Michael Gordon pursuant to Clause 2.1.

5.3      At or prior to Completion the Vendors shall repay to the Company all
         moneys owing as at Completion by the Vendors and/or their Associates to
         the Company whether or not such sums are due for repayment, including
         any amount which may be unpaid in respect of any of the Sale Shares.

                                                                  Page 11 of 47

5.4      At Completion the Vendors shall procure transaction of the following
         business to the Purchaser's satisfaction at a meeting of the board of
         directors of the Company or by written resolution:-

         (a) approval for registration of the transfers (subject only to their
             being re-presented duly stamped) in respect of the Sale Shares and
             the entry in the register of members of the Company of the

         (b) revocation of all existing mandates for the operation of bank
             accounts and the issue of new mandates giving authority to persons
             nominated by the Purchaser;

         (c) appointment of such directors, secretary and auditors as the
             Purchaser may nominate; and

         (d) change of the registered office of the Company to Douglas House,
             Pentlands Science Park, Penicuik, Midlothian, EH26 0PZ

5.5      At Completion the Purchaser shall, subject to compliance by the Vendors
         with the obligations incumbent on them under Clauses 5.2, to 5.4

         (a)      pay the Vendors' Solicitors by telegraphic transfer of funds

                  Bank:                Bank of Scotland, 38 St Andrew's Square,
                  Sort Code:           80-31-20
                  Account Number:      00285809
                  Account Name:        Fyfe Ireland Client Account
                  the sum of (pound)808,000 and authorise the release of the
                  Deposit of (pound)50,000, to the Vendor's Solicitors, being in
                  aggregate, that cash part of the Consideration due pursuant to
                  Clauses 4.2(a) and (b) for the purchase of the Sale Shares;

         (b)      issue the Loan Notes to each of Cogent Investments and the
                  Directors (other than Michael Gordon) (the Vendors' Solicitors
                  being irrevocably authorised to receive same in terms mutatis
                  mutandis as contained in Clause 4.3) in part satisfaction of
                  the Consideration due pursuant to Clause 4.2(b) for the
                  purchase of the Sale Shares.

                                                                  Page 12 of 47

6.1      Cogent Investments and each of the Employees severally warrants to the
         Purchaser that, subject only to the matters disclosed in the Disclosure
         Letter, each of the Warranties contained in paragraphs 1.1 to 1.5
         (inclusive) of Part V of the Schedule is and will at Completion be true
         and accurate .

6.2      The Directors warrant to the Purchaser that, subject only to the
         matters disclosed in the Disclosure Letter, each of the Warranties is
         and will at Completion be true and accurate.

6.3      The Directors agree that the Warranties shall (mutatis mutandis) apply
         to any business of the Company carried on outside the United Kingdom
         and for the purpose of construction the references to any statutory
         provision enacted, or accounting principles applying, in the United
         Kingdom shall include references to any corresponding provision in the
         local legislation and (where relevant) to generally accepted accounting
         principles, and the references to any governmental or administrative
         authority or agency shall include references to the equivalent local
         governmental or administrative authority or agency.

6.4      If after the Purchaser shall have complied with the provisions of
         Clause 5.5 it shall be found that any of the Warranties was when given
         not true and accurate then, subject to Clause 8 (Limitation of
         Liability), Cogent Investments, the Employees and the Directors (as the
         case may be), shall, on demand, pay the Purchaser:-

         (a) the amount necessary to put the Company and/or the Purchaser, as
             the case may be, into the position which would have existed had the
             Warranty been true and accurate; and

         (b) all costs and expenses incurred by the Company and the Purchaser as
             a result of the Warranty not being true and accurate (including,
             without limitation, all costs and expenses of enforcing any
             Warranty claim) and any other loss or damage suffered by them as a
             result thereof.

6.5      Where any of the Warranties are qualified by the expression "to the
         best of the knowledge, information and belief of the Directors" or "so
         far as the Directors are aware" or any similar expressions, that
         Warranty shall be deemed to include additional statements that the
         knowledge, information and belief or awareness of any one Director
         shall be the knowledge, information and belief or awareness of all the
         Director together, that it has been made after due, diligent and
         careful enquiry.

                                                                  Page 13 of 47

7.1      The Directors undertake, subject to Clause 8 (Limitation of Liability),
         to pay the Purchaser, on demand:-

         (a) the amount of each and every liability for Taxation payable by the
             Company arising in respect of or as a consequence of any Claim for
             Taxation or any depletion in the assets of the Company as a result
             of any Claim for Taxation or any settlement of any Claim for
             Taxation; and

         (b) all costs, charges and expenses reasonably incurred by the Company
             or the Purchaser in relation to or resulting from any demands,
             actions, proceedings or claims in respect of any Claim for

7.2      For the purposes of Clauses 7.1(a) and (b):-

         (a) if a loss or counteracting of any relief, allowance, exemption or
             credit treated as an asset or taken into account in computing
             liabilities in any statutory accounts of the Company in respect of
             any financial year (and not subsequently reversed in any such
             statutory accounts prior to the Accounts or in the Accounts) which
             would otherwise have been granted or been available to the Company
             results in the Company suffering a liability to Taxation during its
             current or succeeding accounting periods that liability shall
             itself be a Claim for Taxation; and

         (b) if there is a nullifying, cancellation or set-off of a right to
             repayment of Taxation treated as an asset or taken into account in
             computing liabilities in any statutory accounts of the Company in
             respect of any financial year (and not subsequently reversed in any
             such statutory accounts prior to the Accounts or in the Accounts)
             which would otherwise have been available to the Company then the
             amount of the repayment which is lost as a result shall be a Claim
             for Taxation.

7.3      The undertaking contained in Clause 7.1 should apply only where such
         Claim for Taxation:-

         (a) is made wholly in respect of any acts, omissions or transactions
             whatsoever of the Directors or the Company occurring or entered
             into on or before Completion or, where the acts or omissions or
             transactions of the Directors or the Company occur or are entered
             into after Completion but are pursuant to the binding obligation of
             a Director or the Company arising on or before Completion; or

                                                                  Page 14 of 47
         (b) is made in respect of or results from, or is calculated by
             reference to, any actual or deemed income, profits or gains earned,
             received or accrued, or deemed to have been earned, received or
             accrued, on or before Completion; or

         (c) is made by reference to or results from any dividend or
             distribution paid or made, or deemed to have been paid or made,
             prior to Completion.

7.4      The undertaking contained in Clause 7.1 shall not apply to any Claim
         for Taxation to the extent that provision or reserve in respect thereof
         was made in Accounts.

7.5      In respect of any payment due from the Vendors under the undertaking
         contained in Clause 7.1 if the same will be or has been subject to
         Taxation, the Purchaser may demand from the Vendors such amount as will
         ensure that the net receipt, after such Taxation, to the Purchaser in
         respect of such payment is the same as it would have been were the
         payment not subject to such Taxation.
8.1      The liability of the Vendors under or in respect of the Warranties
         and/or the Taxation Undertaking shall be limited as follows:

         (a) the amount of any successful claim against the Vendors under the
             Warranties and/or the Taxation Undertaking shall be deemed to
             constitute a reduction in the Consideration;

         (b) the aggregate amount of all claims against the Vendors under the
             Warranties and/or the Taxation Undertaking shall be limited, in
             each case, to the actual amount of the Consideration received by
             that Vendor;

         (c) notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 8.1(b) the aggregate
             liability of the Directors under the Warranties (save in respect of
             the Tax Warranties ) shall not exceed (pound)500,000 and shall be
             limited in the case of each individual Director by prorating each
             claim made under the Warranties (save the Tax Warranties) among the
             Directors in the following proportions: William David Neilly
             40.45%; Charles John Fairley 40.45%; James Weston 17.15%; and
             Michael Gordon 1.95%;

                                                                  Page 15 of 47
         (d) notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 8.1(b) the aggregate
             liability of the Directors under the Tax Warranties and the
             Taxation Undertaking shall not exceed the aggregate Consideration
             received by them and shall be limited in the case of each
             individual Director by prorating each claim made under the Tax
             Warranties and the Taxation Undertaking in the proportions
             contained in Clause 8.1(c);

         (e) the Directors shall have no liability under the Warranties unless
             and until the aggregate liability of the Directors in respect of
             claims under the Warranties exceeds (pound)5,000 in which event the
             Directors shall be liable for and the Purchaser shall be entitled
             to the whole amount and not merely the excess over (pound)5,000.
             For the avoidance of doubt, this limit shall apply on an "all
             claims" basis and not on an "each and every claim" basis;

         (f) the Directors shall not be liable in respect of any single claim
             under the Warranties where the liability in respect of that claim
             does not exceed (pound)1,000; provided that for this purpose claims
             arising out of the same set of circumstances shall be aggregated;

         (g) no claim shall be brought by the Purchaser under or in respect of
             any breach of the Warranties (other than the Tax Warranties) unless
             notice in writing of such claim has been given to the Vendors not
             later than 21 July 1999. Any such claim shall (if it has not been
             previously satisfied, settled or withdrawn) be deemed to have been
             withdrawn at the expiration of a period of six months from the
             giving of such notice unless court proceedings in respect of it
             have commenced by being both issued and served on the Vendors save
             that in respect of a claim based on a liability which is a
             contingent liability or which is otherwise subject to some
             contingency such time limit of six months shall not start to run
             until such contingent liability or other contingency has

                                                                  Page 16 of 47
         (h) no claim (except in the case of a claim involving fraud, in respect
             of which no time limit shall apply) shall be brought by the
             Purchaser under or in respect of any breach of the Tax Warranties
             or the Taxation Undertaking unless notice in writing of such claim
             has been given to the Vendors not later than 21 July 2003. Any such
             claim shall (if it has not been previously satisfied, settled or
             withdrawn) be deemed to have been withdrawn at the expiration of a
             period of six months from the giving of such notice unless court
             proceedings in respect of it have commenced by being both issued
             and served on the Directors save that in respect of a claim based
             on a liability which is a contingent liability or which is
             otherwise subject to some contingency such time limit of six months
             shall not start to run until such contingent liability or other
             contingency has crystallised;

         (i) the Vendors shall have no liability under the Warranties to the
             extent that provision, reserve, or allowance has been made in
             respect of the matter to which such liability relates in the
             Accounts; and

         (j) the Vendors shall have no liability under the Warranties or the
             Taxation Undertaking;

             (i)   if such liability would not have arisen but for a voluntary
                   act, transaction or omission of the Purchaser and/or the
                   Company on or after the date of Completion where such act,
                   transaction or omission is outside the ordinary course of
                   business of the Company; or

             (ii)  to the extent that such breach or claim arises as a result of
                   any change in the accounting bases or policies in accordance
                   with which the Company values its assets or calculates its
                   liabilities or any other change in accounting practice (other
                   than a change necessary to bring such bases, policies or
                   practices into line with generally accepted accounting
                   practice); or

             (iii) in respect of any matter or thing done in consequence of the
                   execution and performance of this Agreement.

                                                                  Page 17 of 47
8.2      The Purchaser shall or shall procure that the Company shall reimburse
         the Vendors an amount equal to any sum paid by the Vendors under the
         Warranties and/or the Taxation Undertaking which is subsequently
         recovered by the Purchaser or the Company from any third party.

8.3      If any matter comes to the notice of the Purchaser and/or the Company
         which may result in a claim under the Warranties, the Purchaser shall:

         (a) give written notice thereof to the Vendors as soon as reasonably
             practicable specifying the nature of the claim in reasonable detail
             including details of the event or matter of default which gives
             rise to the claim, the breach that results and the amount claimed;

         (b) shall keep the Vendors reasonably informed of all matters relating
             to such claim and not settle or make any admission or agreement in
             relation to or compromise such claim without first consulting the

8.4      Nothing in this Agreement or the Taxation Undertaking shall affect the
         Purchaser's duty to mitigate its or the Company's loss.

9.1      Each of the Directors severally undertakes to the Purchaser, and the
         Company with the intent of securing to the Purchaser the full benefit
         and value of the goodwill, know-how and connections of the Company and
         as an essential part of the agreement for the purchase and sale of the
         Sale Shares, that:

         (a) he will not during the period of two years after Completion (or, if
             shorter, for so long as the Purchaser, its subsidiaries, or any
             member of the Purchaser's group, including the Company, shall
             continue the Business as a going concern) either solely or jointly
             or in partnership or association with or as director, manager,
             agent, employee, consultant, servant or representative of or for
             any other person, firm or company directly or indirectly carry on
             or be engaged or concerned or interested in any business competing
             with the Business provided that nothing contained in this Clause
             9.1(a) shall preclude any Vendor from holding any shares or loan
             capital (not exceeding 3% of the shares or loan capital of the
             class concerned then in issue) in any company competing with the
             Business whose shares are listed or dealt in on a recognised
             investment exchange;

                                                                  Page 18 of 47
         (b) he will not during the period of two years from Completion (or, if
             shorter, for so long as the Purchaser, its subsidiaries or any
             member of the Purchaser's group, including the Company, shall
             continue the Business as a going concern) directly or indirectly
             canvass, solicit or interfere with or endeavour to canvass, solicit
             or interfere with, either on his own behalf or for any other
             person, firm, company or other undertaking competing with the
             Business the custom of any person, firm, company or other
             undertaking who at any time during the period of twelve months
             prior to the Completion Date was a customer of the Company;

         (c) he will not during the period of two years from Completion (or, if
             shorter, for so long as the Purchaser, its subsidiaries or any
             member of the Purchaser's group, including the Company, shall
             continue the Business as a going concern) either on his own behalf
             or for any other person, firm, company or other undertaking
             directly or indirectly solicit or endeavour to entice away from the
             Company any person who is an employee, director, officer, agent or
             consultant of the Company at the Completion Date;

         (d) he will not following the Completion Date, directly or indirectly,
             divulge or make use of any Confidential Information, unless ordered
             to do so by a court of competent jurisdiction or in the proper
             performance of his duties as an employee of the Company; and

         (e) save in respect of James Weston and Michael Gordon he shall not
             following the Completion Date represent himself as being in any way
             connected with the Company or the Business.

9.2      Each of the Employees and Cogent Investments severally undertakes to
         the Purchaser, and the Company with the intent of securing to the
         Purchaser the full benefit and value of the goodwill, know-how and
         connections of the Company and as an essential part of the agreement
         for the purchase and sale of the Sale Shares, that, he will not,
         following the Completion Date, directly or indirectly, divulge or make
         use of any Confidential Information, unless ordered to do so by a court
         of competent jurisdiction or in the proper performance of his duties as
         an employee of the Company. Cogent Investments further undertakes to
         the Purchaser and the Company that it will not following the Completion
         Date represent itself as being in any way connected with the Company or
         the Business.

                                                                  Page 19 of 47
9.3      The Vendors acknowledge that in view of the value of the assets of the
         Company as stated in the Accounts, the level of Consideration is
         payable principally in respect of the goodwill and business connections
         and the Intellectual Property rights of and know-how and experience
         available to the Company and has been calculated, by the Purchaser, to
         reflect (a) the value, to the Purchaser, of the Intellectual Property
         rights and know-how and experience available to the Company and (b) an
         amount payable to the Vendors for agreeing to be bound, to the fullest
         extent, by the restrictions contained in Clauses 9.1 and 9.2. Each of
         the Vendors considers the restrictions contained in Clauses 9.1 and 9.2
         to be reasonable and necessary to secure to the Purchaser the full
         benefit and value of the goodwill and business connections and the
         Intellectual Property rights of and know-how and experience available
         to the Company.

9.4      The Vendors hereby jointly and severally agree at the reasonable
         request and at the cost of the Purchaser to enter into any further
         deeds and/or documents and do all such further acts or things as may be
         necessary to give effect to the said restrictions .

10.1     The Vendors shall, on Completion, make such announcements to the
         employees, agents, customers and suppliers of the Company as the
         Purchaser may reasonably require.

10.2     Subject to the provisions of Clause 10.1, neither the Purchaser nor the
         Vendors shall make any press or media announcement or issue any press
         or media statement or press or media release with respect to this
         Agreement or any matter contained herein without obtaining the prior
         written agreement of the other party to the contents thereof and the
         manner and timing of its presentation and publication.

10.3     The provisions of Clause 10.2 shall not apply to any announcement or
         circular required to be made or issued by the Purchaser so as to comply
         with its obligations as a public company in the U.S.

11.1     The Purchaser shall be entitled, without the consent of or notice to
         the Vendors, to assign or transfer in whole or in part the benefit
         and/or burden of this Agreement or any right and/or obligation of the
         Purchaser under this Agreement to any other company which at the time
         of the assignation or transfer is the holding company of the Purchaser
         or a subsidiary of the Purchaser or a subsidiary of the holding company
         of the Purchaser.

11.2     Save as provided in Clause 11.1, neither party shall be entitled
         without the prior written consent of the other to assign or transfer
         either the benefit or burden of this Agreement or any right and/or
         obligation under this Agreement.

                                                                  Page 20 of 47
11.3     This Agreement shall be binding on, and shall enure for the benefit, of
         any person to whom any right and/or obligation is assigned or
         transferred pursuant to Clauses 11.1 and/or 11.2.

12.1     Notwithstanding Completion each and every right and obligation of the
         Purchaser and the Vendors under this Agreement shall, except in so far
         as fully performed at Completion, continue in full force and effect.

12.2     Any provision of this Agreement which is expressed or intended to have
         effect on, or to continue in force after, the termination of this
         Agreement shall have such effect, or, as the case may be, continue in
         force, after such termination.

12.3     This Agreement shall be binding on the Vendors and their respective
         executors, personal representatives and successors whomsoever and,
         unless the context otherwise requires, references to the Vendors shall
         include references to such executors, personal representatives and

         The Vendors jointly and severally undertake to the Purchaser that the
         Vendors shall from time to time after Completion execute such further
         documents and do such further acts and things as the Purchaser may
         require for the purpose of vesting in it the Sale Shares and the full
         benefit of this Agreement.

14       CONSENTS
         Any consent given by a party under any provision of this Agreement
         shall be effective only in the instance and for the purpose for which
         it is given and the giving of any such consent in respect of any act or
         thing shall not operate as a waiver of any requirement on the party to
         whom the consent is given not to do that or any other act or thing at
         any time in the future without such consent.

15.1     If any provision of this Agreement shall to any extent be invalid,
         illegal or unenforceable, the validity, legality and enforceability of
         the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired
         thereby and each of the provisions of this Agreement shall be valid,
         legal and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law.

                                                                  Page 21 of 47
15.2     No failure on the part of any party to exercise, and no delay on its
         part in exercising, any right or remedy under this Agreement will
         operate as a waiver thereof, nor will any single or partial exercise of
         any right or remedy preclude any other or further exercise thereof or
         the exercise of any other right or remedy.

16.1     The rights of the Purchaser in respect of a breach of any provision of
         this Agreement shall not be affected by the giving of any time or other
         indulgence by the Purchaser to any person nor by the Purchaser
         rescinding or not rescinding this Agreement nor by any other cause
         whatsoever except a specific waiver or release by the Purchaser in
         writing and any such waiver or release shall not prejudice or affect
         any remaining rights of the Purchaser.

16.2     Notwithstanding any rule of law to the contrary, any right of
         rescission available to the Purchaser shall be in addition to and
         without prejudice to all other rights and remedies available to it,
         including, without limitation, the right to claim for monetary damages
         in the event of any breach of the terms of this Agreement by the

16.3     The rights and remedies of the Purchaser under this Agreement are
         cumulative and not exclusive of each other or of any other right or

17.1     The Purchaser and the Vendors shall each pay their own costs and
         outlays in connection with the preparation, execution and carrying into
         effect of this Agreement.

17.2     The Purchaser shall be responsible for payment of all stamp duty in
         respect of this Agreement and the carrying into effect thereof.

18.1     This Agreement (together with any documents referred to in this
         Agreement to which the Purchaser and the Vendors are parties)
         constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to
         the subject matter hereof and expressly excludes any warranty,
         condition or other undertaking implied at law or by custom and
         supersedes all previous agreements and understandings between the
         parties with respect thereto and each of the parties acknowledges and
         confirms that it does not enter into this Agreement in reliance on any
         representation, warranty or other undertaking not fully reflected in
         the terms of this Agreement (or in one of such documents).

                                                                  Page 22 of 47
18.2     No variation of this Agreement shall be effective unless made in
         writing and duly executed by both the Purchaser and the Vendors.

19.1     This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with 
         the law of Scotland.

19.2     The parties hereto submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the
         Court of Session as regards any claim, dispute or matter arising out of
         or relating to this Agreement and its implementation or effect.

20       NOTICES
20.1     Any notice or other communication to be given by one party to another
         under, or in connection with the matters contemplated by, this
         Agreement shall be communicated as follows:-

         (a)      if to the Purchaser, to:-

                  Hycor Biomedical Inc.
                  18800 Von Karman Avenue
                  California 92612-1517

                  Facsimile no: 001-714-440 2220

                  Attention: Mr R Jones

                  and copied to:-

                  McGrigor Donald
                  Erskine House
                  68-73 Queen Street
                  Edinburgh EH 2 4NF

                  Facsimile no: 0131-226 7700

                  Attention: Mr A A Orr

                                                                  Page 23 of 47
         (b)      if to the Vendors, to:-

                  Fyfe Ireland, WS
                  Orchard Brae House
                  Queensferry Road
                  Edinburgh EH4 2HG

                  Facsimile no: 0131-343 3166

                  Attention: Ms M Radcliffe

         or in either case to such other address and/or facsimile number and/or
         marked for such other attention as may from time to time be specified
         by the relevant party to the other, by notice given in accordance with
         this Clause 20, for the purposes of this Clause 20.

20.2     Any notice or other communication to be given by one party to another
         under, or in connection with the matters contemplated by, this
         Agreement shall be in writing and shall be given by letter delivered by
         hand or sent by first class prepaid recorded delivery or registered
         post or by facsimile, and shall be deemed to have been received:-

         (a) in the case of delivery by hand prior to 5 p.m. on a business day,
             when delivered and in any other case on the business day following
             the day of delivery; or

         (b) in the case of first class prepaid recorded delivery or registered
             post, on the second business day following the day of posting; or

         (c) in the case of facsimile where the transmission occurs prior to 5
             p.m. on a business day, on acknowledgement by the addressee's
             facsimile receiving equipment and in any other case on the business
             day following the day of acknowledgement by the addressee's
             facsimile receiving equipment.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF these presents consisting of this and the 23 preceding pages
are, together with the Schedule, executed, in duplicate, as follows:-

on the                  day of July 1997
in the presence of

Witness ....................................           .........................

Full name...................................


                                                                  Page 24 of 47
on the                  day of July 1997
in the presence of

Witness.....................................            ........................

Full name...................................


on the                  day of July 1997
in the presence of

Witness....................................             ........................

Full name..................................


on the                  day of July 1997
in the presence of

Witness....................................             ........................

Full name..................................


on the                  day of July 1997
in the presence of

Witness....................................             ........................

Full name..................................


                                                                  Page 25 of 47

on the                  day of July 1997
in the presence of

Witness....................................          ...........................

Full name..................................


on the                  day of July 1997
in the presence of

Witness....................................          ...........................

Full name..................................


on the                  day of July 1997
in the presence of

Witness....................................           ..........................

Full name..................................


on the                  day of July 1997
in the presence of

Witness....................................           ..........................

Full name..................................


on the                  day of July 1997
in the presence of

Witness....................................           ..........................

Full name..................................


                                                                  Page 26 of 47
on the                     July 1997 by

Director/ Attorney in the presence of:-

Witness.................................          ..............................

Full name...............................


on the                     July 1997 by

Director in the presence of:-

Witness.................................          ..............................

Full name...............................


                                                                  Page 27 of 47


                                     PART I

                                   THE VENDORS

(1)                                         (2)                                   (3)

NAMES AND ADDRESS OF                        NUMBER OF SALE SHARES                 CONSIDERATION        (IN
CASH/LOAN VENDORS                                                                 NOTES)
         WILLIAM DAVID NEILLY               25.650                                L231,750 cash
         Belmont House                                                            L281,250 Loan Notes
         The Crescent
         Dunblane FK15 0DW

         CHARLES JOHN FAIRLEY               25,650                                L231,750 cash
         15 Grant Drive                                                           L281,250 Loan Notes
         Dunblane FK15 9HD

         JAMES WESTON                       10,875                                L 98,250 cash
         7 Princes Mary Place                                                     L119,250 Loan Notes
         East Lothian  EH41 3NQ

         MICHAEL GORDON                      1,237                                L 24,740 cash
         27 Ulster Drive

         COGENT                             23,324                                L210,730 cash
         INVESTMENTS                                                              L255,750 Loan Notes
         Orchard Brae House
         30 Queensferry Road
         Edinburgh EH4 2HG

         WANDA BLACK                         1,012                                L 20,240 cash
         45 Russell Road

                                                                  Page 28 of 47

         NADINE GRANT                        1,069                                L   21,380 cash
         43 Echline Grove
         South Queensferry

         ANGUS BROWN                           393                                L    7,860 cash
         (3F1) 15 Lochrin Terrace

         DANIELLE KNIGHT                       227                                L    4,540 cash
         9 Fairway
         East Lothian
         EH41 4EW

         ANDREW BOYLE                          169                                L    3,380 cash
         9/11 Calder Drive

         MOIRA BISSET                          169                                L    3,380 cash
         5 Gilmerton Dykes Drive
                                            ----------------                      -----------------
                                            89,775                                L1,795,500

                                                                  Page 29 of 47
                                     PART II

                                   THE COMPANY

Date of incorporation:                 5 February 1990

Registered number:                     SC 122739

Registered office:                     Orchard Brae House
                                       30 Queensferry Road
                                       Edinburgh EH4 2HG

Authorised share capital:              (pound)40,000, comprising 100,000 Ordinary shares of 25p each and
                                       15,000 10% Cumulative Redeemable Preference Shares of (pound)1 each

Issued share capital:                  (pound)22,500 comprising 90,000 Ordinary Shares of 25p each

Directors:                             William David Neilly, Charles John Fairley, James Weston and
                                       Michael Gordon

Secretary:                             Queensferry Secretaries Limited

Auditors:                              KPMG
                                       Saltire Court
                                       20 Castle Terrace
                                       Edinburgh EH1 2EG

Accounting reference date:             31 March

Latest accounts filed:                 31 March 1997

Date of latest annual return:          5 February 1997

Extant registered charges:             Floating Charge dated 27 April 1993 and 
                                       registered 14 May 1993 in favour of the 
                                       Clydesdale Bank plc over the whole 
                                       undertaking and all property and assets,
                                       present and future, of the Company, 
                                       including uncalled capital, in security 
                                       of all sums due and to become due.

                                                                  Page 30 of 47
                                    PART III

                             THE LEASEHOLD PROPERTY

                                       Douglas House
                                       Pentlands Science Park
                                       EH26 0PZ

Landlord:                              The Moredun Foundation

Tenant:                                The Company

Date of Commencement:                  1 April, 1997

Term of Lease:                         14 1/2 years

Date of Break Options:                 at 4 1/2years (30 September 2001) and 10 years (31 March 2007)

Rent:                                  Year 1(pound)25,769
                                       Year 2(pound)51,538
                                       Year 3(pound)54,769
                                       Year 4(pound)54,769
                                       Year 5(pound)58,000

Rent Reviews:                          at 4 1/2 years (30 September 2001) and 10 years (31 March 2007)

Use:                                   Use Classes 2(b) and 4(a) or (b) of the Town and Country Planning
                                       (Use Classes) (Scotland) Order 1989 being uses related to life

                                                                  Page 31 of 47
                                     PART IV

                              INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY

A.            PATENTS

(1)           European Application Number:                    88307819.8
              European Patent Number:  0306206
              Priority Date:                                  27 August 1987
              Application Date:                               24 August 1988
              Granted:                                        16 June 1993
              Title:                                          Assay Device and Method
              States in which Patent is live:                 Germany
              Renewal Fees Due (National):                    31 August 1997

(2)           European Application Number:                    94308091.1
              European Publication Number:                    0651249
              Priority Date:                                  3 November 1993
              Application Date:                               2 November 1994
              Title:                                          Analytical Device
               Status:                                        Pending Application - the Search report
                                                              has just been issued
              Designated States:                              Germany
                                                              United Kingdom
              Next Renewal Due (EPO):  30 November 1997

(3)           European Application Number:                    85301058.5
              European Patent Number:  0162533
              Priority Date:                                  20 February 1984
              Application Date:                               18 February 1985
              Granted:                                        11 September 1991
               Title:                                         The Detection of Human Cytomegalovirus
                                                              Specific IGM
              Designated States:                              Austria
              Renewal Date:                                   18 February 1998

                                                                  Page 32 of 47

(4)           Patent Number:                                  2154609
               Title:                                         HCMV Monocolonal Antibodies and their use
                                                              in infection of HCMV injection and HCMV
                                                              Specific IGM, methods of detect ING viral
              Country:                                        United Kingdom
              Next Renewal Due:                               18 February 1998

(5)           Patent Number:                                  4716104
              Application Number:                             703,535
              Filed:                                          20 February 1985
              Date of Patent:                                 29 December 1987
              Country:                                        United States of America
              Title:                                          Detecting presence of HCMV - Specific IGM
B.            TRADE MARKS

(1)           Registration Number:                            1397839
              Application Date:                               8 September 1989
              Status:                                         Registered
              Next Renewal Due:                               8 September 2006
              Mark:                                           AUTOSTAT
              Class                                           1
              Goods:                                          Chemical and biological reagents; all
                                                              included in Class 1 and for use in
                                                              connection with diagnostic kits and
                                                              analytical kits

(2)           Registration Number:                            1396548
              Application Date:                               8 September 1989
              Status:                                         Registered
              Next Renewal Due:                               8 September 2006
              Mark:                                           AUTOSTAT
              Class                                           10
              Goods:                                          Apparatus for use in diagnosis; lasers;
                                                              ultrasonic apparatus and instruments; gas
                                                              detectors; all being surgical, medical,
                                                              therapeutic, opthalmic, dental or
                                                              veterinary apparatus; parts and fittings
                                                              for all the aforesaid goods: all included
                                                              in Class 10

                                                                  Page 33 of 47
                                     PART V

                                 THE WARRANTIES

1.         THE VENDORS
1.1        Each Vendor has full power and authority to enter into and perform
           the Agreement and the Agreement when executed will constitute binding
           obligations on each Vendor.

1.2        The Vendors are entitled to sell and transfer to the Purchaser the
           full legal and beneficial ownership of the Sale Shares free from all
           liens, charges and encumbrances on the terms of the Agreement,
           without the consent of any third party.

1.3        The Vendors, and their Associates, do not have any rights or
           interests, directly or indirectly, in any businesses other than those
           now carried on by the Company which are or are likely to be, or
           become, competitive with the business of the Company, save as the
           registered holder or beneficial owner of any class of securities of
           any company which is dealt in on a recognised investment exchange (as
           defined in section 207(1) of the Financial Services Act 1986) and in
           respect of which a Vendor, with his Associates, holds and is
           beneficially interested in less than 3 per cent of any single class
           of the securities in that company.

1.4        There is no outstanding indebtedness of any Vendor, or his 
           Associates, to the Company.

1.5        There is no outstanding indebtedness of the Company to any Vendor or
           his Associates.

2.1        The information relating to the Company in the recitals to the 
           Agreement and Part II of the Schedule is true in all respects.

2.2        The Sale Shares constitute the whole of the issued and allotted share
           capital of the Company.

2.3        There are no agreements or arrangements in force, whether legally
           binding or not, which grant to any person the right to call for the
           issue, allotment or transfer of any share or loan capital of the

                                                                  Page 34 of 47
2.4        There is not, nor is there any agreement or arrangement to create,
           any pledge, lien, charge or encumbrance on, over or affecting any of
           the Sale Shares.

2.5        The register of members, register of applications and allotments,
           minute book and other statutory books of the Company have been
           properly kept and contain an accurate and complete record of the
           matters with which they should deal and no notice or allegation, that
           any of them is incorrect or should be rectified, has been received.

2.6        All returns, particulars, resolutions and documents required by the
           Companies Acts, to be filed with the Registrar of Companies in
           respect of the Company have been duly filed and are correct in all
           material respects.

2.7        A copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company
           is attached to the Disclosure Letter and is accurate and complete in
           all respects.

2.8        The Company:

           (a) is not the holder or beneficial owner of, nor has it agreed to
               acquire, any share of loan capital of any other company (whether
               incorporated in the United Kingdom or elsewhere); and

           (b) does not have outside the United Kingdom, any branch, agency or
               place of business or any permanent establishment.

3.1        The Accounts have been prepared in accordance with the historical
           cost convention and the bases and policies of accounting, adopted for
           the purpose of preparing the Accounts, are the same as those adopted
           in preparing the audited accounts of the Company in respect of the
           last three preceding accounting periods apart from changes required
           to conform to current financial reporting standards.

3.2        The Accounts:-

           (a) give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities (including
               contingent, unqualified or undisputed liabilities) and
               commitments of the Company at the Accounting Date and the profits
               for the financial period ended on that date;

                                                                  Page 35 of 47
           (b) comply with the requirements of the Companies Acts and other
               relevant statutes;

           (c) comply with all current SSAP's and statements issued by, or with
               the approval of, the Accounting Standards Board applicable to a
               United Kingdom company;

           (d) properly reflect the financial position of the Company as at that
               date and disclose all assets of the Company to the extent
               required by the Companies Acts, applicable SSAPs and other
               relevant statutes and accounting principles and practices in the
               United Kingdom; and

           (e) to the extent required by the Companies Acts, applicable SSAPs
               and other relevant statutes and accounting principles and
               practices in the United Kingdom make proper and adequate
               provision or reserve for all liabilities and capital commitments
               of the Company outstanding at the Accounting Date, including
               contingent, unquantified or disputed liabilities.

3.3        All the accounts, books, ledgers, financial and other records of
           whatsoever kind, of the Company are in its possession, have been
           fully, properly and accurately kept and completed and give a true and
           fair view of its financial position.

4.1        Save as disclosed in the Accounts, the Company did not have any
           capital commitments outstanding at the Accounting Date and the
           Company has not, since then, other than in the ordinary and normal
           course of business, incurred or agreed to incur any capital
           expenditure or commitments or disposed of or agreed to dispose of any
           capital assets.

4.2        Since the Accounting Date the Company has not paid, made or declared
           any dividend or other distribution.

4.3        The Company has not, since the Accounting Date, repaid or become
           liable to repay any indebtedness in advance of its stated maturity.

4.4        There are no liabilities (including contingent liabilities) which are
           outstanding on the part of the Company other than those liabilities
           disclosed in the Accounts or incurred in the ordinary and proper
           course of trading.

                                                                  Page 36 of 47
4.5        None of the facilities available to the Company (full and accurate
           details of which are set out in the Disclosure Letter) is dependent
           on the guarantee or indemnity of, or any security provided by, third

4.6        So far as the Directors are aware, the amounts due from trade debtors
           as at Completion (less the amount of any relevant provision or
           reserve, determined on the same basis as that applied in the Accounts
           and disclosed in the Disclosure Letter) will be recoverable in full
           in the ordinary course of business.

4.7        No part of the amounts included in the Accounts as owing by any
           debtors is overdue by more than 60 days or has been released on terms
           that any debtor pays less that the full book value of his debt.

4.8        There is not now outstanding, in respect of the Company, any 
           guarantee or agreement for indemnity or for suretyship, given by, or
           for the benefit of, the Company.

4.9        The Company does not have outstanding, nor has it agreed to create or
           issue, any loan capital, nor has it factored any of its debts, or
           engaged in financing of a type which would not be required to be
           shown or reflected in the Accounts.

4.10       The Company has not received notice from any lender requiring
           repayment by the Company or intimating the enforcement of any
           security which it may hold over any assets of the Company and, so far
           as the Directors are aware, there are no circumstances likely to give
           rise to any such notice.

4.11       The Disclosure Letter contains full details of any grant, subsidy or
           financial assistance from any government department or agency or
           other authority and, so far as the Directors are aware, the Company
           has not done, nor omitted to do any act or thing which is likely to
           result in all, or part, of any such grant, subsidy or financial
           assistance becoming repayable, or being forfeited or withheld, in
           whole or in part.

5.1        There has not been any transaction, arrangement, event or omission 
           occurring after the Accounting Date:-

           (a) which has caused, or will cause, any expenditure (including any
               payment of Taxation) incurred or deemed to have been incurred for
               Taxation purposes by the Company not to qualify for all or part
               of any relief, allowance, credit or deduction for Taxation
               purposes which might be expected by the Purchaser to be available
               to the Company; or

                                                                  Page 37 of 47
           (b) which has given rise, or will give rise (i) to income or gains
               being deemed to arise to, or supplies being deemed to be made by,
               the Company for Taxation purposes, and/or (ii) to any Taxation
               otherwise being assessable or chargeable on the Company when the
               relevant income or gains do not, in fact, accrue to or the
               relevant supplies are not in fact made by, the Company; or

           (c) the Taxation treatment of which is or may become the subject of
               any dispute with the Taxation authority.

5.2        The Company has not, within the last six years:-

           (a) been the subject of any investigation by the Inland Revenue, or
               any other relevant Taxation authority; or

           (b) been the subject of any discovery by the Inland Revenue, or any
               other relevant Taxation authority; and

           the Directors are unaware of any facts or matters which are likely to
           or may lead to any such investigation or discovery.

5.3        The Accounts make full provision or reserve for all Taxation
           (including deferred Taxation) for which liability is known or could
           reasonably be estimated for any period up to and including the period
           ending on the Accounting Date.

5.4        All returns, computations and payments which should be or should have
           been, made by the Company for any Taxation purpose have been made
           within the requisite periods and are up-to-date, correct and on a
           proper bases and none of them is, or so far as the Directors are
           aware likely to be, the subject of any dispute with the Inland
           Revenue or other Taxation authorities.

5.5        The Company has duly deducted and accounted for all amounts which it
           has been obliged to deduct in respect of Taxation and, in particular,
           has properly operated the PAYE system, by deducting tax as required
           by law, for all payments made, or treated as made, to its employees
           or former employees, and accounting to the Inland Revenue for all tax
           so deducted and for all tax chargeable on benefits provided for its
           employees or former employees.

                                                                  Page 38 of 47
5.6        So far as the Directors are aware there are no facts or circumstances
           which would adversely affect the entitlement of the Company to relief
           from, credit for or right of set-off against, Taxation.

5.7        All expenditure incurred by the Company or which it may incur under
           any subsisting commitment on the provision of machinery or plant has
           qualified or will qualify (if not deductible as a trading expense of
           a trade carried on by the Company) for writing down allowances under
           the Capital Allowances Act 1990 Part II (Machinery and Plant).

5.8        The Company has not, nor has it ever been, a member of any group for
           Taxation purposes.

5.9        The Company has duly registered and is a taxable person for the
           purposes of value added tax and the Company has complied, in all
           material respects, with all statutory provisions and regulations
           relating to value added tax and has duly paid or provided for all
           amounts of value added tax for which it is liable.

5.10       The Company has never made any transfer of the kind described in
           Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992 Section 125 (transfer of assets
           at undervalue).

5.11       No income has arisen in a territory outside the United Kingdom in
           respect of which any claim under the Income and Corporation Taxes Act
           1988 Section 584 (unremittable overseas income) has been made or is
           available to the Company.

5.12       The Company has not redeemed, repaid or repurchased or agreed to 
           redeem, repay or repurchase any of its shares.

6.1        Since the Accounting Date the business of the Company has been
           continued in the ordinary and normal course, and there has been no
           deterioration in its turnover, or its financial or trading position.

                                                                  Page 39 of 47
6.2        The Company is not, nor has it agreed to become, a member of any
           joint venture, consortium, partnership or other unincorporated

6.3        The Company is not engaged in any litigation or arbitration
           proceedings, as pursuer or defender, and the Company has received no
           intimation or notification of any such proceedings pending or
           threatened, either by or against the Company and so far as the
           Directors as aware, there are no circumstances which are likely to
           give rise to any litigation or arbitration.

6.4        There is no dispute with any revenue, or other official department in
           the United Kingdom or elsewhere in relation to the affairs of the
           Company and, so far as the Directors as aware, there are no
           circumstances which are likely to give rise to any such dispute.

6.5        There are no claims pending or intimated or served, or so far as the
           Directors are aware, capable of arising, against the Company by an
           employee or workman or third party in respect of any accident or
           injury, which are not fully covered by insurance.

6.6        So far as the Directors are aware, the Company has conducted, and is
           conducting, its business in all respects in accordance with all
           applicable laws and regulations whether of the United Kingdom or
           elsewhere, holds all necessary licences or consents necessary for the
           carrying on of its business (short particulars of which are contained
           in the Disclosure Letter) and the Directors have no reason to believe
           that such licences or consents may be revoked or not renewed.

6.7        No power of attorney given by the Company is in force.

6.8        There are no outstanding authorities (express or implied) by which
           any third party may enter into any contract or commitment to do
           anything on behalf of the Company other than the ostensible or
           implied authority of directors or employees to enter into contracts
           in the normal course of their duties.

6.9        So far as the Directors are aware, the Company has not manufactured
           or sold or supplied products which are, or were, or have become, in
           any respect faulty or defective, or which do not comply in any
           material respect with any warranties or representations, expressly or
           impliedly made by it, or with all applicable regulations, standards
           and requirements in respect thereof.

                                                                  Page 40 of 47
6.10       The Company is not subject to any liability or obligation (save as
           may be implied by law) to service, repair, maintain, take back, or
           otherwise do or not do anything in respect of any goods that have
           been, or are hereafter pursuant to an existing obligation, delivered
           by it.

6.11       The Company is not a party to, nor have its profits or financial
           position during the three years prior to the last date of execution
           hereof by the Directors been affected by, any contract or arrangement
           which is not of an entirely arm's length nature.

6.12       So far as the Directors are aware, the Company has not committed, or
           omitted to do, any act or thing which could give rise to any fine or
           penalty in terms of, nor is the Company a party to any agreement,
           practice or arrangement which contravenes, any legislation, whether
           of the United Kingdom or elsewhere, relating to unfair or restrictive
           trade practices.

6.13       The Company is not a party to any contracts or agreements which are
           under notice of termination and, so far as the Directors are aware,
           there are no circumstances which may justify the serving of a notice
           of termination.

6.14       Details of all agency, distributorship, marketing, purchasing,
           manufacturing or licencing agreements or arrangements, or any
           restrictive trading or other agreement or arrangments which the
           Company is a party are disclosed in the Disclosure Letter and all
           such agreements are in full force and effect.

6.15       No diligence has been executed against the Company which remains
           undischarged, nor so far as the Directors are aware, is there any
           unfulfilled or unsatisfied decree or other court order outstanding
           against the Company.

6.16       No order has been made or petition presented or resolution passed for
           the winding-up of the Company, no order has been made, or so far as
           the Directors are aware, applied for, for the appointment of an
           administrator to the Company and no receiver or administrative
           receiver has been appointed to the Company and, so far as the
           Directors are aware, no person has taken any steps to enforce any
           charge or security interest against the Company.

                                                                  Page 41 of 47
6.17       The Company is not a party to any contract, transaction, arrangement
           or liability, which:

           (a) is outside the ordinary and proper course of business; or

           (b) is incapable of termination in accordance with its terms, by the
               Company, on thirty days notice or less without payment of
               compensation by the Company.

6.18       So far as the Directors are aware, the Company is not engaged in any
           disputes, discussions or negotiations with any customers or suppliers
           of the Company which are likely to result in such customers or
           suppliers ceasing to be customers or suppliers of the Company or
           materially altering their terms and conditions or contracts or usual
           dealings with the Company and, so far as the Directors are aware,
           there are no circumstances which are likely to give rise to any such
           disputes, negotiations or discussions.

7.1        The Missives are in full force and effect and no notice of
           termination has been issued or served and, so far as the Directors
           are aware, there are no circumstances which may give rise to a notice
           of termination being issued.

7.2        The Company has in its possession, or under its control, all deeds
           and documents (duly stamped if so required) which are necessary to
           prove title to the Leasehold Property.

7.3        The Company has no interest in any other land or premises other than
           the Leasehold Property.

7.4        There is no option, or agreement for sale, mortgage, whether fixed or
           floating, charge, lien, lease agreement or lease, condition,
           restrictive covenant, or other encumbrance in respect of the
           Leasehold Property.

7.5        The Company has timeously performed all of its obligations under the
           Missives, including, without limitation, the obligation to pay rent
           and the maintenance obligations.

7.6        The Company has duly and punctually performed and observed all
           obligations and conditions, agreements, statutory requirements,
           planning consents, by-laws, orders and regulations affecting the
           Leasehold Property and no notice of any breach of any such matter has
           been received.

7.7        No repairs notices have been issued in respect of the Leasehold
           Property by the landlord or any local authority and, so far as the
           Directors are aware, none are expected.

                                                                  Page 42 of 47
7.8        The use of the Leasehold Property is the permitted use for the 
           purposes of the Lease and the Town and Country Planning (Scotland)

7.9        There are no compulsory purchase notices, orders or resolutions 
           affecting the Leasehold Property.

8.1        Full particulars of each employee and officer of the Company,
           (including, without limitation, profit sharing, commission or
           discretionary bonus arrangements and period of notice) are fully and
           accurately set out in the Disclosure Letter.

8.2        No negotiations for any increase in the remuneration or benefits of
           any officer or employee of the Company are current or imminent.

8.3        Since the Accounting Date no officer of the Company, or employee, has
           given notice of his intention to resign, or is under notice of

8.4        The Company has not incurred any liability or received any claim in
           respect of any breach of any contract of service, for redundancy
           payment or for compensation for wrongful dismissal or unfair
           dismissal in respect of which any claim is outstanding and the
           Company has not received any claim in respect of such matters and the
           Directors are not aware of any circumstances which may give rise to
           such a claim.

8.5        The Company is not bound or accustomed to pay monies other than in
           respect of remuneration, or emoluments of employment, to or for the
           benefit of any officer or employee of the Company or any Associate of
           any such person.

8.6        Save as set out in the Disclosure Letter, the Company is not a party
           to and does not participate in or contribute to any scheme or
           arrangement for the provision of any pension, retirement, death,
           incapacity, sickness, disability, accident or health care benefits or
           any gratuities or ex-gratia arrangements or promises, allowances or
           other similar benefits to or for the benefit of any of its present or
           former employees, officers or any Associate of any such person.

8.7        There are no agreements or any other arrangements between the Company
           and any Trade Union or other body representing employees.

                                                                  Page 43 of 47
9          ASSET MATTERS
9.1        The Company owned, at the Accounting Date, and has good and
           marketable title to, and (except for stock subsequently sold or
           realised in the ordinary course of business) still owns and has valid
           title to, all the assets included in the Accounts and to all assets
           acquired since the Accounting Date and not subsequently sold or
           realised as aforesaid.

9.2        The Company has not created or granted, or agreed to create or grant,
           any security or any other encumbrance in respect of any of the assets
           included in the Accounts or acquired, or agreed to be acquired, since
           the Accounting Date.

9.3        The Company has adequate reserves of stocks of raw materials,
           packaging materials and finished goods in relation to its current and
           expected trading requirement.

9.4        The stock in trade of the Company is in good condition and is capable
           of being sold by it in the ordinary course of business in accordance
           with its normal prices.

9.5        The plant, machinery, equipment, vehicles and other equipment used in
           connection with Business:

           (a) are (subject to normal wear and tear) in good and safe state of
               repair and condition and satisfactory working order and, so far
               as the Directors are aware, have been regularly and properly
               maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's guidelines;

           (b) are the absolute property of the Company, save for those items
               subject of hire purchase, leasing or rental agreements listed in
               the Disclosure Letter;

           (c) are all capable of doing the work for which they were designed or

9.6        All stock in trade, and the assets and undertakings of the Company of
           an insurable nature are, and have at all time been, insured in
           amounts representing their full replacement or reinstatement value
           against fire and other risks normally insured against by persons
           carrying on the same business as that carried on by the Company.

                                                                  Page 44 of 47
9.7        The Company is now, and has at all times been, adequately covered
           against accidence, damage, insurance, third party loss (including
           product liability) loss of profits and other risks normally insured
           by persons carrying on the same business as that carried on by the

9.8        All insurances are currently in full force and effect, and so far as
           the Directors are aware, nothing has been done or omitted to be done
           which could make any policy of insurance void or voidable, or which
           will result in an increase in premium.

9.9        No claim is outstanding under any of the insurance policies and so
           far as the Directors are aware, no circumstances exist which will
           give rise to such a claim.

10.1       So far as the Directors are aware, the Directors, in relation to the
           Leasehold Property and/or the Business and the Company have complied,
           at all times and in all respects with all statutes and subordinate
           legislation, all European Community regulations and directives all
           common law and other national and local laws so far as applicable to
           the Business, all regulations, order, guidance notes, codes of
           conduct or practice, by-laws or directions of any court of competent
           authority insofar as any of the foregoing relate to health and
           safety, waste and the pollution or protection of the Environment.

10.2       All licences, permits, consents, authorisations, registrations,
           specifications, approvals, certificates or qualifications required at
           the Leasehold Property or for the carrying on of the Business have
           been obtained by the Company and are in full force and effect.

10.3       There have been no environmental audits and/or assessments
           commissioned by the Directors and/or the Company for or in relation
           to the Business of the Company and/or the Leasehold Property.
10.4       So far as the Directors are aware neither the Leasehold Property nor
           any neighbouring property is likely to become listed or referred to
           in a register of contaminated land.

11.1       All rights in respect of the Intellectual Property used or required
           by the Company in connection with its Business and which are required
           to carry on the Business are in full force and effect and are vested
           in, and beneficially owned by the Company, and no rights or licences
           have been granted by the Company in respect of Intellectual Property.

                                                                  Page 45 of 47
11.2       The Company is the sole beneficial owner of the Intellectual Property
           and in the case of the Patents and Trade Marks the Company has been
           and is registered as the sole proprietor; and said rights in respect
           of such an Intellectual Property are valid, subsisting and
           enforceable and none of them is being used, claimed, opposed or
           attacked by any other person.

11.3       The details contained in Part IV of the Schedule in respect of the
           patents and trade marks owned by the Company are true and accurate in
           all respects.

11.4       No right or licence has been granted to any person by the Company to
           use or embody, in any manner, or do anything which would or might
           otherwise infringe any of the Intellectual Property; and no act has
           been done or omission permitted, by the Company whereby the
           Intellectual Property rights or any of them have ceased or might
           cease to be valid or enforceable.

11.5       So far as the Directors are aware, the business of the Company (and
           of any licencee under a licence granted by the Company) as now
           carried on, does not, and is not likely to, infringe any Intellectual
           Property of any other person (or would not do so if the same were
           valid) or give rise to a liability to pay compensation pursuant to
           the Patents Acts 1977, Sections 40 and 41 and all licences held by
           the Company in respect of any such protection are in full force and
           effect and no claim has been made against the Company in respect of
           any infringement whatsoever.

11.6       The Company has not (save in the ordinary and normal course of
           business) disclosed or permitted to be disclosed or undertaken or
           arranged to disclose to any person other than the Purchaser any of
           its know-how, trade secrets, confidential information, price lists or
           lists of customers or suppliers.

11.7       The Company is not a party to any secrecy agreement or agreement 
           which restricts the use or disclosure of information.

11.8       So far as the Directors are aware nothing has been done or omitted by
           the Company which would enable any agreement or licence granted in
           respect of the Intellectual Property to or by the Company to be
           terminated, or which may constitute a breach of the terms of any such
           agreement or licence where such termination or breach would have an
           adverse effect on the Business of the Company. So far as the
           Directors are aware, all such agreements or licences granted by the
           Company are in full force and effect, do not contravene any statutes,
           regulations or directives, and the Company has complied with all its
           obligations under such agreements and licences.

                                                                  Page 46 of 47
12.1       So far as the Directors are aware and save as provided in the
           Agreement, after Completion (whether by reason of an existing
           agreement or arrangement or otherwise) or as a result of the proposed
           acquisition of the Sale Shares by the Purchaser:

           (a) no supplier of the Company will cease, or be entitled to cease,
               suppling the Company or may substantially reduce its supplies to
               the Company solely as a result of the sale of the Sale Shares to
               the Purchaser; and

           (b) no customer of the Company shall cease, or be entitled to cease
               solely as a result of the sale of the Sale Shares to the
               Purchaser, to deal with the Company or may substantially reduce
               its existing level of business with the Company.

12.2       Compliance with the terms of this Agreement does not and will not, so
           far as the Directors are aware, relieve any person from any
           obligation to the Company, (whether contractual or otherwise) or
           enable any person to determine any such obligation, or any right or
           benefit enjoyed by the Company, or to exercise any right, whether
           under an agreement with, or otherwise in respect of, the Company.

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