SHARES PLEDGE


HYCOR BIOMEDICAL INC., a corporation under the laws of the State of Delaware,
U.S. and having its principal place of business at 18800 Von Karmen Avenue,
Irvine, California 92612-1517, United States ("HYCOR")


[        ] ("THE PLEDGEE")


(A)      Hycor and the Pledgee are parties to a Loan Note dated of even date
         herewith and Hycor has agreed, in security of its obligations to make
         payment under the Loan Note, to grant this Shares Pledge.

(B)      The Board of Directors of Hycor is satisfied that entering into this
         Shares Pledge is to the benefit of Hycor and for the purpose of its


1.1      In this Shares Pledge the following expressions shall, unless the
         context otherwise requires, have the meaning set opposite them

         "Cogent"          Cogent Diagnostics Limited, a company incorporated
                           under the Companies Acts with registered number 

         "Default"         is deemed to occur (a) should the Secured Liabilities
                           Liabilities not be repaid (subject to any applicable
                           grace period) pursuant to the Loan Note or (b) in the
                           event of material default in Hycor's obligations 
                           hereunder or under the Loan Note which default, if 
                           remediable, has not been so remedied within a period
                           of 30 days (or such longer period as may be stated in
                           the notice) of service of notice of default by the 
                           Pledgee specifying (in reasonable detail) the default
                           and the action required to remedy same

         "Loan Note"       the loan note for the principal sum of [ ] between
                           Hycor and the Pledgee dated of even date with this 
                           Shares Pledge

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    "Secured Liabilities"  all sums of capital and relative interest, 
                           or the outstanding balance from time to time
                           or relative interest thereon, which may be due 
                           or become due by Hycor to the Pledgee in terms of the
                           Loan Note

    "Pledged Securities"   [ ] Ordinary Shares of 25p each in the
                           capital of Cogent which are to be held subject to
                           the terms and conditions of this Shares Pledge (and
                           all other shares, benefits or rights accruing
                           pursuant to Clause 4.1(c))

1.2      In this Shares Pledge, where the context so admits any reference to a
         person shall include a body corporate, reference to the singular shall
         include the plural and vice versa, the use of the masculine provision
         shall include the feminine and reference to a Clause shall mean a
         reference to a Clause of this Shares Pledge.


2.1      Hycor, as security for the Secured Liabilities:-

         (a)    hereby assigns to the Pledgee its whole right, title, interest
                and benefit in and to the Pledged Securities; and

         (b)    undertakes to deliver to the Pledgee forthwith a duly executed
                share transfer form in respect of the Pledged Securities made 
                out in favour of the Pledgee together with the relevant Share
                Certificate and to procure the registration of the Pledgee in 
                the Register of Members of Cogent in respect of the Pledged 

2.2      The Pledgee hereby acknowledges that, notwithstanding any transfer or
         delivery to it ex facie absolutely of the Pledged Securities and any
         registration of the Pledged Securities in the name of the Pledgee or
         any person holding to the order of the Pledgee, the Pledged Securities
         are and shall truly be held by it as security for the payment of the
         Secured Liabilities on the terms and conditions of this Shares Pledge.


         Hycor hereby warrants (a) the Pledged Securities are not charged to any
         other person, and (b) Hycor has not sold, transferred or assigned, or
         agreed to sell, transfer, or assign, any interest in the Pledged
         Securities to anyone other than the Pledgee.

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4.       DEFAULT

4.1      So long as no Default shall have occurred:-

                  (a)   Hycor shall be entitled to exercise any and all voting
                  rights and other powers pertaining to the Pledged Securities
                  or any part thereof (and, if required, so direct the
                  registered holder of the Pledged Securities) for any purpose
                  not inconsistent with the terms of this Shares Pledge;

                  (b)   Subject to Clause 7 hereof Hycor shall be entitled to
                  receive and retain any and all dividends and interest paid in
                  respect of the Pledged Securities (and the Pledgee agrees to
                  execute such documents as it may from time to time consider to
                  be appropriate to give effect thereto); and

                  (c)   the Pledgee shall be entitled to receive and retain in
                  security any and all allotments, rights and benefits
                  whatsoever at any time issued by Cogent and accruing or
                  arising in respect of Pledged Securities and all stocks,
                  shares, rights, money or property accruing thereto or offered
                  at any time by way of conversion, bonus, option or otherwise
                  in respect thereof, but so that the Pledgee shall not in any
                  circumstances incur any liability whatsoever in respect of any
                  calls, instalments or otherwise in connection therewith.

4.2      After the occurrence of a Default, and in satisfaction of the Secured 

                  (a)   all rights of Hycor to exercise the voting rights and
                  other powers which they would otherwise be entitled to
                  exercise pursuant to Clause 4.1 (a) and to receive the
                  dividends and interest payments which they would otherwise be
                  authorised to receive and retain pursuant to Clause 4.1 (b)
                  shall cease, and, if and so long as the Pledgee is, or is
                  entitled to be, registered as the holder of the Pledged
                  Securities in the register of members of the Company all such
                  rights shall become vested in the Pledgee which shall have the
                  sole right to exercise such voting rights and to receive such
                  dividends and interest payments;

                  (b)   all dividends and interest payments which are received
                  by Hycor contrary to the provisions of Clause 4.2 (a) shall,
                  if, and for so long as the Pledgee is or is entitled to be,
                  registered as the holder of the Pledged Securities in the
                  register of members of Cogent, be received in trust for the
                  benefit of the Pledgee, shall be segregated from other funds
                  of Hycor and shall be forthwith paid over to the Pledgee;

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                  (c)   Hycor shall on demand execute and do all such transfers,
                  assurances and things which the Pledgee may from time to time
                  reasonably require for perfecting its title to any Pledged
                  Securities; and

                  (d)   the Pledgee may sell or convert into money all or any
                  part of the Pledged Securities for such consideration as the
                  Pledgee may think fit and Hycor hereby waives any pre-emption
                  rights it may have in respect of any transfer thereof whether
                  under the Articles of Cogent or otherwise.


         Upon Hycor irrevocably ceasing to be under any liability to the Pledgee
         in respect of the Secured Liabilities, or in the event of the Pledgee
         agreeing to release the Pledged Securities for any other reason, the
         Pledgee shall transfer to Hycor and Hycor shall accept the transfer of,
         all Pledged Securities then held by the Pledgee and the Pledgee shall
         co-operate (and sign all such transfers, assurances and things
         reasonably required) in procuring the registration of such Pledged
         Securities in the name of Hycor or as Hycor shall direct.


         Hycor shall on demand execute and do all such transfers, assurances and
         things which the Pledgee may reasonably require with a view to, or in
         connection with, ensuring the validity, binding effect and
         enforceability of the security hereby constituted or intended to be


         Hycor agrees that, save with the prior written consent of the Pledgee,
         it will procure that, during the period in which the Secured
         Liabilities are outstanding:

                  (a)   there will be no increase, reduction, consolidation  
                  sub-division or variation in the authorised or issued share 
                  capital of Cogent;

                  (b)   there will be no variation or abrogation of the rights
                  attached to any class or shares in the capital of Cogent;

                  (c)   no other options, warrants or rights to subscribe for or
                  be allotted shares in Cogent, shall be granted by Hycor or 

                  (d)   no amendment will be made to the Memorandum or Articles
                  of Association of Cogent;

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                  (e)   there will be no disposal of or fixed charge granted
                  over the whole, or any substantial part, of the business,
                  undertaking or assets (particularly any patent, trademark or
                  the standard operating procedures or quality manual) of
                  Cogent, whether by a single transaction or a series of
                  transactions (except in the ordinary course of business);

                  (f)   no resolution shall be passed or petition granted by
                  Hycor or Cogent for the winding-up of Cogent or the 
                  appointment of any receiver or any application made by Hycor
                  or Cogent for administration or any similar order in respect 
                  of Cogent;

                  (g)   there will be no declaration or payment of any dividend
                  or other distribution by Cogent; and

                  (h)   Cogent will continue to trade in the normal course.

8.       INDEMNITY

         Hycor will indemnify the Pledgee in respect of all liabilities and
         expenses incurred by it in good faith in the execution of any rights,
         powers or discretions vested in it pursuant hereto as a result of being
         the registered holder of the Pledged Securities or as bearer thereof.


         This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with
         the law of Scotland and Hycor herby irrevocably prorogates and submits
         to the jurisdiction of the Court of Session in Scotland. IN WITNESS
         WHEREOF these presents consisting of this, the preceding five pages are
         executed as follows:-

SUBSCRIBED for and on behalf of
on the                day of July 1997          ................................
by                                                         Director

in the presence of:-

Witness ................................

Full Name ..............................

Address ................................


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