[*] Confidential Treatment has been requested for certain portions of this 

                            DATED 23rd NOVEMBER, 1998

                               autobytel.com inc.


                          INCHCAPE AUTOMOTIVE LIMITED


                            SHARE PURCHASE AGREEMENT


                                Slaughter and May
                              35 Basinghall Street
                                 London EC2V 5DB


  1.  Interpretation                                                              1

  2.  Sale and Purchase                                                           5

  3.  Repayment of Indebtedness by the Company to ABT                             5

  4.  Consideration                                                               5

  5.  Completion                                                                  6

  6.  ABT's Warranties and Covenants                                              7

  7.  Restrictions on ABT's Business Activities                                   8

  8.  Restrictions on the activities of the Company, Inchcape and
          the Inchcape Group                                                      9

  9.  Access                                                                     10

  10. Effect of Completion                                                       10

  11. Remedies and Waivers                                                       10

  12. Restrictions on Share Transfers                                            10

  13. Further Assurance                                                          13

  14. Entire Agreement                                                           13

  15. Notices                                                                    14

  16. Announcements                                                              15

  17. Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1976                                       16

  18. Costs and Expenses                                                         16

  19. Counterparts                                                               16

  20. Time of Essence                                                            16

  21. Invalidity                                                                 16

  22. Choice of Governing Law                                                    17

  23. Jurisdiction                                                               17


  24. Agent for Service                                                          17


Schedule 1 (Completion Arrangements)                                           19

Schedule 2 (Representations and Warranties)                                    21

Schedule 3 (Ownership of the Shares)                                           24

Schedule 4 (Basic Information about the Company)                               25

Schedule 5 (List of Commitments and Liabilities of the Company)                27

THIS AGREEMENT is made on the 23rd day of November, 1998


1.    autobytel.cominc., a company incorporated in Delaware whose principal
      office is at 18872 MacArthur Boulevard, Irvine, California 92612, USA


2.    INCHCAPE AUTOMOTIVE LIMITED, a company incorporated in England under
      number 3580629 whose registered office is at 33 Cavendish Square, London
      W1M 9HF ("INCHCAPE")


(A)   Particulars of the Company (as defined in this agreement) are set out in
      Schedule 4 (Basic Information about the Company).

(B)   ABT has agreed to sell or procure the sale of, and Inchcape has agreed to
      purchase, the Shares (as defined in this agreement) on the terms and
      subject to the conditions of this agreement.

(C)   The Company has entered into a License and Services Agreement with ABT of
      even date herewith.

(D)   The business of the Company is to conduct and develop an electronic
      commerce business in connection with the sale in the Territory of new and
      used cars through the Internet.

IT IS HEREBY AGREED as follows:-


1.1   In this agreement and the Schedules to it:-

"ABT'S SOLICITORS"         means Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP;

"BOOKS AND RECORDS"        has its common law meaning and includes, without
                           limitation, all notices, correspondence, orders,
                           inquiries, drawings, plans, books of account and
                           other documents and all computer disks or tapes or
                           other machine legible programs or other records;

"BUSINESS DAY"             means a day (other than a Saturday or a Sunday) on which
                           banks are open for business in London and New York;


"BUSINESS INFORMATION"      means all information and records (whether or not
                            confidential and in whatever form held) including
                            (without limitation) all business plans and
                            forecasts, monthly financial statements and contact
                            lists of motor dealers contacted or visited by the

"BUSINESS PLAN"             means the business plan for the five year period to
                            31st December 2003 to be adopted by the Company
                            prepared by, inter alia, Inchcape and ABT and any
                            drafts thereof;

"COMPANIES ACTS"            means the Companies Act 1985, the Companies Consolidation
                            (Consequential Provisions) Act 1985, the Companies Act 1989 and
                            Part V of the Criminal Justice Act 1993;

"COMPANY"                   means Auto-by-Tel UK Limited, basic information concerning which
                            is set out in Schedule 4 (Basic Information about the Company);

"COMPLETION"                means completion of the sale and purchase of the Shares under
                            this agreement;

"COMPLETION DATE"           means the date of this agreement;

"CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS      means Business Information (other than the Business
INFORMATION"                Plan and any information contained therein) which is confidential
                            or not generally known;

"GROUP"                     means in relation to any body corporate, any
                            subsidiary undertaking for the time being of that
                            body corporate, any parent undertaking for the time
                            being of that body corporate and any subsidiary
                            undertaking for the time being of such a parent

"INCHCAPE'S SOLICITORS"     means Slaughter and May;

"INTERNET"                  means the global collection of telecommunications and information
                            computer networks known as the Internet as may be constituted
                            from time to time;

"LICENSE AND SERVICES       means the License and Services Agreement to be
AGREEMENT"                  entered into between ABT and the Company of even date herewith to
                            which is attached, inter alia, The Work Order for Initial
                            Localization Software Development;


"PERMITTED SECURITY         means a mortgage, charge or pledge of all or any of the
INTEREST"                   Shares to a credit institution authorised for the purpose of
                            deposit-taking business by the Financial Services
                            Authority pursuant to the Banking Act 1987 provided
                            that any such mortgage, charge or pledge provides
                            that the provisions of clause 12 shall be applicable
                            to such Shares if such Shares are to be foreclosed
                            upon by a mortgagee, chargee or pledgee;

"PROCEEDINGS"               means any proceeding, suit or action arising out of or in
                            connection with this agreement;

"PROPERTY"                  means freehold, leasehold or other immovable property in any part
                            of the world;

"RETAINED GROUP"            means, in relation to its subsidiaries and
                            subsidiary undertakings from time to time, any
                            holding company of ABT and all other subsidiaries or
                            subsidiary undertakings of any such holding company
                            (except of the Company);

"RTPA 1976"                 means the Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1976;

"SERVICE DOCUMENT"          has the meaning given in clause 24 (Agent for Service);

"SHARES"                    means all the issued ordinary shares of Ll each in the capital of
                            the Company;

"SHARE PURCHASE             has the meaning given to it in clause 14 (Entire
DOCUMENTS"                  Agreement);

"TAX" OR "TAXATION"         means and includes all forms of
                            taxation and statutory, governmental,
                            supra-governmental, state, principal, local
                            governmental or municipal impositions, duties,
                            contributions and levies, in each case whether of
                            the United Kingdom or elsewhere and whenever
                            imposed, and all penalties, charges, costs and
                            interest relating thereto and without limitation all
                            employment taxes and any deductions or withholdings
                            of any sort;

"TERRITORY"                 means the United Kingdom;


"WARRANTIES"                 means the representations and warranties set
                             out in Schedule 2 (Representations and
                             Warranties) given by ABT and any other
                             representations or warranties made by or on
                             behalf of ABT in this agreement or which have
                             become terms of this agreement and "WARRANTY"
                             shall be construed accordingly;

"WORKING HOURS"              means 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. (London time) on a Business

1.2   in this agreement, unless otherwise specified:-

      (A)   references to clauses, sub-clauses and Schedules are to clauses,
            sub-clauses and Schedules to, this agreement;

      (B)   a reference to any statute or statutory provision shall be construed
            as a reference to the same as it may have been, or may from time to
            time be, amended, modified or re-enacted;

      (C)   references to a "COMPANY" shall be construed so as to include any
            company, corporation or other body corporate, wherever and however
            incorporated or established;

      (D)   references to a "PERSON" shall be construed so as to include any
            individual, firm, company, government, state or agency of a state or
            any joint venture, association or partnership (whether or not having
            separate legal personality);

      (E)   references to "INDEMNIFY" and "INDEMNIFYING" any person against any
            circumstance include indemnifying and keeping him harmless from all
            actions, claims and proceedings from time to time made against that
            person and all loss or damage and all payments, costs or expenses
            made or incurred by that person as a consequence of or which would
            not have arisen but for that circumstance;

      (F)   the expressions "BODY CORPORATE", "SUBSIDIARY", "SUBSIDIARY
            UNDERTAKING" and "PARENT UNDERTAKING" shall have the meaning given
            in the Companies Acts;

      (G)   references to writing shall include any modes of reproducing words
            in a legible and non-transitory form;

      (H)   references to times of the day are to London time;

      (I)   headings to clauses and Schedules are for convenience only and do
            not affect the interpretation of this agreement;

[*] Confidential Treatment Requested. 


      (J)   the Schedules form part of this agreement and shall have the same
            force and effect as if expressly set out in the body of this
            agreement, and any reference to this agreement shall include the

      (K)   (i)   the rule known as the ejusdem generis rule shall not apply and
                  accordingly general words introduced by the word "other" shall
                  not be given a restrictive meaning by reason of the fact that
                  they are preceded by words indicating a particular class of
                  acts, matters or things; and

            (ii)  general words shall not be given a restrictive meaning by
                  reason of the fact that they are followed by particular
                  examples intended to be embraced by the general words.


2.1   ABT hereby agrees to sell or procure the sale of and Inchcape agrees to
      purchase the Shares with all rights attached or accruing to them at

2.2   ABT has the right to transfer or procure the transfer of legal and
      beneficial title to the Shares.

2.3   The Shares shall be free from all charges and encumbrances and from all
      other rights exercisable by or claims by third parties.


3.1   As at the date of this agreement, the Company owes [*] to ABT which
      ABT confirms is an interest free loan repayable on demand. Inchcape
      undertakes that, provided the License and Services Agreement has been
      executed and delivered, it will procure the valid repayment by the Company
      of such indebtedness, without interest, to ABT at Completion or within 2
      Business Days of Completion.

3.2   Inchcape confirms that until such time as the License and Services
      Agreement is validly terminated or, if earlier, until such time as
      Inchcape ceases to own the entire beneficial interest in [*] or more of
      the issued share capital of the Company or at least [*] of the votes
      generally exercisable at any general meeting thereof, it will provide or
      procure for the Company such finance as shall be necessary to ensure the
      adequate funding of the Company to enable it to meet its obligations under
      the License and Services Agreement.


4.1   The total consideration for the sale of the Shares to Inchcape shall be
      the payment by Inchcape of the sum of L2.00 in accordance with clause 5

4.2   In the event that, prior to the termination or expiry of the License and
      Services Agreement, Inchcape or any member of the Inchcape Group sells any
      or all of the

[*] Confidential Treatment Requested. 


      Shares or any interest therein to a third party, otherwise than pursuant
      to clause 12.8, ABT shall be entitled to receive, as additional
      consideration for the sale of the Shares pursuant to clause 2, an amount
      equal to [*] of any consideration paid pursuant to such sale. Such amount
      shall be paid no later than five days following the completion of such
      sale. If the consideration for the Shares or interest therein to be
      received pursuant to such sale is other than cash, unless otherwise agreed
      by ABT and Inchcape, an independent valuer (who shall be an
      internationally recognised investment banking or accountancy firm,
      experienced in the valuation of companies carrying on a similar business
      to that of the relevant third party) shall be appointed by Inchcape to
      assess the cash equivalent of such non-cash consideration and ABT shall be
      entitled to receive an amount equal to [*] of the amount of the cash
      equivalent so determined.

4.3   Inchcape shall notify ABT within five days following the appointment of an
      independent valuer pursuant to clause 4.2 and, in the event that ABT shall
      object to the appointment of such independent valuer within five days of
      being so notified by Inchcape, either Inchcape or ABT may request the
      President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
      to nominate a suitable independent valuer for the purpose of assessing the
      cash equivalent of the non-cash consideration referred to in clause 4.2
      who shall thereupon be appointed by Inchcape as aforesaid.

4.4   Prior to the termination or expiry of the License and Services Agreement,
      except with the prior consent in writing of ABT (such consent not to be
      unreasonably withheld or delayed), Inchcape shall not procure or permit
      any change in the constitution or reorganisation of the affairs of the
      Company the primary purpose of which is to undermine the commercial intent
      of the parties as reflected in clause 4.2 above and clause 5.2(b) of the
      License and Services Agreement. Nothing in this clause 4.4 shall be
      construed as prohibiting the carrying on of the business of the Company in
      the ordinary course. Furthermore, nothing in this clause 4.4 shall be
      construed as prohibiting the directors of the Company from declaring a
      dividend at any time or incurring borrowings for the purpose of paying
      such a dividend or as requiring ABT's prior written consent in relation


5.1   Completion shall take place immediately after signature of this agreement
      at the offices of Inchcape's Solicitors at 35 Basinghall Street, London
      EC2V 5DB.

5.2   At Completion ABT shall do those things listed in Schedule 1 (Completion

5.3   Inchcape shall not be obliged to complete this agreement unless ABT
      complies fully with the requirements of sub-clause 5.2 and Schedule 1
      (Completion Arrangements).

5.4   Payment of the amount stated in clause 4 (Consideration) in accordance
      with Schedule 1 (Completion Arrangements) shall constitute payment of the

[*] Confidential Treatment Requested. 

      for the Shares and shall discharge the obligations of Inchcape under
      clause 2 (Sale and Purchase).


6.1   ABT represents and warrants to Inchcape that each of the Warranties is
      accurate in all respects and not misleading at the date of this agreement
      and accepts that Inchcape is entering into this agreement in reliance upon
      each of the Warranties.

6.2   ABT undertakes to disclose in writing to Inchcape anything which is or may
      constitute a breach of or be inconsistent with any of the Warranties as
      soon as reasonably practicable after it comes to the notice of ABT both
      before, at the time of and after Completion.

6.3   ABT undertakes (if any claim is made against it in connection with the
      sale of the Shares to Inchcape) not to make any claim against the Company
      or any director, employee or adviser of the Company on whom it may have
      relied before agreeing to any terms of this agreement.

6.4   Each of the Warranties shall be construed as a separate and independent
      warranty and (except where expressly provided to the contrary) shall not
      be limited or restricted by reference to or inference from the terms of
      any other Warranty or any other term of this agreement.

6.5   No claim shall be brought under any of the Warranties unless the aggregate
      liability of ABT in respect of all claims thereunder exceeds [*] (in
      which event Inchcape shall be entitled to damages in respect of the full
      amount of such claims and not just the excess) provided that the total
      liability of ABT under the Warranties shall not in any event exceed
      [*]. No claim shall be brought against ABT in respect of any of the
      Warranties unless Inchcape shall have given ABT written notice of such
      claim specifying (in reasonable detail) the matter which gives rise to the
      claim, the nature of the claim (but not necessarily the amount claimed in
      respect thereof) on or before the date falling eighteen months after the
      Completion Date PROVIDED THAT the liability of ABT in respect of any such
      claim shall absolutely determine if such claim has not previously been
      satisfied, settled or withdrawn unless legal proceedings in respect
      thereof shall have been commenced against ABT within 9 months of the
      giving of the notice as aforesaid.

6.6   Upon Inchcape becoming aware of any possible claim in respect of any of
      the Warranties, Inchcape shall:

      (A)   as soon as practicable notify ABT thereof by written notice;

      (B)   subject to ABT indemnifying Inchcape in a form satisfactory to
            Inchcape against any liability, cost, damage or expense which may be
            incurred thereby, take such action and give such information, access
            and assistance as ABT may reasonably request and ABT shall be
            entitled to require Inchcape to take or


            procure to be taken such reasonable action and give such reasonable
            information and assistance in order to avoid, dispute, resist,
            mitigate, settle, compromise, defend or appeal any matter in respect
            thereof or adjudication with respect thereto and Inchcape shall make
            no, nor permit any, admission of liability, agreement, settlement or
            compromise with any third party in relation to any matter giving
            rise to such claim without the prior written consent of ABT such
            consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed and shall take
            all action to mitigate any loss suffered by it in respect of which a
            claim could be made under the Warranties.

6.7   Inchcape shall not be entitled to recover damages or otherwise obtain
      reimbursement or restitution more than once in respect of any individual
      breach of the Warranties.

6.8   Inchcape shall not be entitled to claim that any fact, matter or
      circumstance causes any of the Warranties to be breached if in relation to
      any fact, matter or circumstance forming the basis of the claim Inchcape
      or its officers or advisers had actual knowledge of it on or before the
      date of this agreement.


7.1   Without prejudice to the terms of the License and Services Agreement, ABT
      undertakes to procure that each member of the Retained Group of which ABT
      forms part will not, either alone or in conjunction with or on behalf of
      any other person, do any of the following things:-

      (A)   for so long as the License and Services Agreement is in force,
            either for its own account, or grant to any third party a licence
            to, use the Software, or the Business Procedures in connection with
            the operation of a Local Business in the Territory (and for the
            purposes of this clause 7.1 (A), "Software", "Business Procedures"
            and "Local Business" shall have the meaning attributed to them in
            the License and Services Agreement);

      (B)   pass on any copy of the Business Plan to any third party or disclose
            information derived therefrom concerning numbers of dealers,
            proposed charges to dealers, amounts paid to any Internet on-line or
            search engine providers and employee emoluments or Confidential
            Business Information received by it from the Company to any third
            party without such third party first having entered into a
            confidentiality agreement providing, inter alia, that such
            information shall not be used in any way for the purposes of
            competing with the Company in the Territory during a minimum period
            expiring on the earlier of 12 months following the entry into of
            such confidentiality agreement and 31 December 2000 or during such
            longer period as ABT using its reasonable endeavours is able to
            negotiate but in any event not by virtue of this provision expiring
            later than 31 March 2001.

      (C)   for so long as the License and Services Agreement is in force,
            either for its own account, or grant to any Third Party the right
            to, use the ABT Brand in


            connection with a Local Business in the Territory (and for the
            purposes of this clause 7.1 (C), "ABT Brand" and "Local Business"
            shall have the meaning attributed to them in the License and
            Services Agreement);

      (D)   neither pending nor within two years after Completion, solicit or
            entice away from the employment of the Company any person at present
            an employee of the Company; nor

      (E)   assist any other person to do any of the foregoing things.

7.2   Each undertaking contained in this clause shall be construed as a separate
      undertaking and if one or more of the undertakings is held to be against
      the public interest or unlawful or in any way an unreasonable restraint of
      trade, the remaining undertakings shall continue to bind ABT.


8.1   For the avoidance of doubt and without prejudice to the terms of the
      License and Services Agreement, nothing in this agreement shall be
      construed to prohibit Inchcape, any member of the Inchcape Group or the
      Company from competing with ABT or any member of the ABT Group outside the
      Territory provided that it or they, as the case may be, do not utilise the
      ABT Brand, Documentation, Global Brand Protocols and Software (in each
      case as defined in the License and Services Agreement) in the Territory or
      otherwise other than as permitted pursuant to the License and Services

8.2   Inchcape undertakes to procure that no information disclosed to it or to
      the Company or any of their respective directors officers employees agents
      representatives affiliates auditors or other persons acting on their
      behalf (which information is confidential and not generally known other
      than as a result of any breach of this undertaking) by ABT or any licensee
      of ABT and no analyses, compilations, studies, notes or other documents
      prepared by or for Inchcape or the Company which contain or are based upon
      such information (including, without limitation, any information which is
      the subject matter of the License and Services Agreement) shall be
      disclosed (i) to any other member of the Inchcape Group save that Inchcape
      shall be permitted to supply such information regarding the financial
      position and affairs of the Company as shall reasonably be necessary for
      the purposes of preparation of management and audited accounts of the
      Inchcape Group of which the Company is a member and otherwise as may be
      required to enable any holding company thereof to perform its legal and
      regulatory obligations or (ii) to any third party other than by the
      Company in accordance with the License and Services Agreement.

8.3   In the event that the License and Services Agreement shall be terminated
      or upon the Company ceasing to carry on business or being placed into
      liquidation, Inchcape shall procure that the name of the Company (and any
      entity controlled thereby) is changed so as no longer to include the name,
      initials, trademark, service mark or logo or any reference to the name,
      initials, trademark, service mark or logo of ABT or any

[*] Confidential Treatment Requested. 

      variation thereof or name, initials, trademark, service mark or logo that
      may reasonably be confused therewith.

9.    ACCESS

      As from the date of this agreement, Inchcape and any persons authorised by
      it will be given full access to the premises at Central Business Exchange
      II, West Wing 382-390 Midsummer Boulevard, Central Milton Keynes, MK9 2RG
      or any other premises from where the Company carries on business and all
      the Books and Records and title deeds of the Company and the directors and
      employees of the Company and the Company will be instructed to give
      promptly all information and explanations to Inchcape or any such persons
      as they may request.


      Any provision of this agreement and any other documents referred to in it
      which is capable of being performed after but which has not been performed
      at or before Completion and all Warranties and covenants and other
      undertakings contained in or entered into pursuant to this agreement shall
      remain in full force and effect notwithstanding Completion.


11.1  No delay or omission by any party to this agreement in exercising any
      right, power or remedy provided by law or under this agreement shall:-

      (A)   impair such right, power or remedy; or

      (B)   operate as a waiver thereof

11.2  The single or partial exercise of any right, power or remedy provided by
      law or under this agreement shall not preclude any other or further
      exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, power or remedy.

11.3  The rights, powers and remedies provided in this agreement are cumulative
      and not exclusive of any rights, powers and remedies provided by law.


12.1  Inchcape shall not (other than to a Group Transferee (as defined in clause
      12.8 below)) transfer, by one or more transactions, [*] or more of the
      Shares or any interest therein for a period of 365 days from the Launch
      Date (as defined in the License and Services Agreement). Subject to the
      provisions of this clause 12, Inchcape is and shall be entitled to
      transfer up to (but not including) [*] of the Shares or any interest
      therein by one or more transactions at any time after Completion.


12.2  If, without prejudice to clause 12.1 and subject to clause 12.8, prior to
      or within the one year period following the termination or expiry of the
      License and Services Agreement, Inchcape wishes to transfer any Shares or
      any interest therein (the "SALE SHARES") to a third party, Inchcape shall
      give to ABT notice in writing (a "TRANSFER NOTICE") of such desire
      together with details of any proposed third party purchaser thereof (the
      "THIRD PARTY PURCHASER"), the purchase price and other material terms
      agreed between Inchcape and the Third Party Purchaser and such Transfer
      Notice shall constitute an offer made by Inchcape to ABT to acquire the
      Sale Shares on the terms specified in the Transfer Notice. A Transfer
      Notice shall, except as hereinafter provided, be irrevocable.

12.3  On receipt of the Transfer Notice, ABT shall have the right to purchase
      all (but not some only) of the Sale Shares on the terms specified in the
      Transfer Notice by giving written notice (the "ACCEPTANCE NOTICE") to
      Inchcape within 1 month of the later of receipt of the Transfer Notice and
      the delivery to ABT of a copy of the report of any independent valuer
      appointed pursuant to clause 12.5.

12.4  ABT shall become bound to purchase the Sale Shares following the giving of
      the Acceptance Notice to Inchcape. In such event, completion of the sale
      and purchase of the Sale Shares shall take place within thirty days after
      the giving of such Acceptance Notice. At such completion the transferor
      shall deliver the Sale Shares free and clear of any liens, claims,
      options, charges, encumbrances and third party rights howsoever arising.
      ABT shall deliver, at closing, payment due from it in full in immediately
      available funds for the Sale Shares. Each of the parties shall use its
      reasonable endeavours to take or procure the taking of all such actions
      and to execute or procure the execution of such additional documents as
      are otherwise necessary or appropriate in connection therewith.


      (i)   In the event that the consideration for the Sale Shares to be
            offered by the Third Party Purchaser is other than cash, an
            independent valuer (who shall be an internationally recognised
            investment banking or accountancy firm, experienced in the valuation
            of companies carrying on a similar business to that of the Third
            Party Purchaser) shall be appointed by Inchcape to assess the cash
            equivalent of such non-cash consideration and if, pursuant to clause
            12.4, ABT shall become bound to purchase the Sale Shares, ABT shall
            deliver at closing to Inchcape an amount equal to the amount of the
            cash equivalent so determined.

      (ii)  Inchcape shall notify ABT within five days following the appointment
            of an independent valuer pursuant to clause 12.5(i) and, in the
            event that ABT shall object to the appointment of such independent
            valuer within five days of being so notified by Inchcape, either
            Inchcape or ABT may request the President of the Institute of
            Chartered Accountants in England and Wales to nominate a suitable
            independent valuer for the purpose of assessing the cash

[*] Confidential Treatment Requested. 

            equivalent of the non-cash consideration referred to in clause
            12.5(i) who shall thereupon be appointed by Inchcape as aforesaid.

12.6  In the event that ABT do not exercise their pre-emption rights pursuant to
      clauses 12.2, 12.3 and 12.4 to acquire all (but not some only) of the Sale
      Shares, Inchcape shall (subject as hereinafter provided and to clause 4.2
      (deferred consideration) be entitled to transfer the Sale Shares on a bona
      fide arm's length sale for the consideration, whether cash or non-cash
      consideration and other terms and, to the Third Party Purchaser if any
      specified in the Transfer Notice PROVIDED THAT

      (A)   such transfer shall have been completed within a period of 180 days
            after the date of the Transfer Notice; and

      (B)   if, as a result of such proposed transfer (and subject to sub-clause
            (D) below) Inchcape shall cease to own the entire beneficial
            interest in [*] or more of the issued share capital of the Company
            or at least [*] of the votes generally exercisable at any general
            meeting thereof, Inchcape shall obtain ABT's prior written consent
            to such transfer, such consent not to be withheld where evidence and
            commitments are provided to the reasonable satisfaction of ABT that
            the Third Party Purchaser is financially able and willing to
            guarantee the actual and contingent payment obligations of the
            Company to ABT pursuant to the License and Services Agreement;

      (C)   if, as a result of such proposed transfer (and subject to sub-clause
            (D) below) Inchcape shall continue to own the entire beneficial
            interest in [*] or more of the issued share capital of the Company
            or at least [*] of the votes generally exercisable at any general
            meeting thereof, Inchcape shall obtain ABT's prior written consent
            to such transfer, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or
            delayed; and

      (D)   with respect to any proposed transfer of Shares permitted pursuant
            to this clause 12.6, Inchcape shall not transfer the Shares to a

      For the purposes of this clause 12.6 "COMPETITOR" means any entity either
      in or outside the Territory which provides an independent (meaning an
      entity not primarily concerned with the sale of products of the Group of
      which it is a member) Internet on-line car buying service for new and used
      cars at the time the Transfer Notice is served by Inchcape on ABT (the
      "RESTRICTED BUSINESS") (except that the definition of "competitor" shall
      not in any circumstances apply to a body corporate which holds not more
      than 10 per cent. of any class of voting shares, or securities which are
      convertible into securities which themselves carry voting rights, or
      options to acquire any class of securities which themselves carry voting
      rights in an entity carrying on the Restricted Business).

12.7  Without prejudice to clause 12.5, each of the parties hereby agrees that,
      as between themselves, all transfers provided for in this clause 12 shall
      be made only for consideration payable in cash (U.S. dollars and/or UK
      pounds sterling).


12.8  Inchcape shall be entitled at any time to transfer any of the Shares held
      by it to a company which is a member of its Group ("GROUP TRANSFEREE").
      Any Group Transferee acquiring Shares pursuant hereto shall be deemed to
      enjoy the same rights and be deemed to be subject to the same obligations
      as Inchcape under this clause 12. Inchcape shall remain a party to this
      agreement and undertakes to ABT to procure the performance by such Group
      Transferee of such obligations as if such Group Transferee were a party to
      this agreement and to indemnify ABT from and against the breach by such
      Group Transferee of any of its deemed obligations under this agreement.
      Inchcape undertakes to procure that, if any such Group Transferee is to
      cease at any time to be a member of such Group, such Group Transferee
      prior to so ceasing shall have transferred all of the Shares held by it at
      the time in question to Inchcape or to another member of such Group
      pursuant to and in accordance, mutatis mutandis, with the provisions of
      this clause 12.

12.9  For the purposes of this clause 12, "transfer" shall include, without
      limitation: sale, assignment, transfer and creating or permitting to
      subsist any mortgage, charge, pledge or lien or other security interest or
      encumbrance other than a Permitted Security Interest. Inchcape shall at
      any time be entitled to create a Permitted Security Interest in respect of
      all or any of the Shares provided that it shall have given prior written
      notice to ABT of its intention to make such mortgage, charge or pledge
      prior to effecting the same, specifying the name and address of the
      mortgagee, chargee or pledgee and representing that such mortgagee,
      chargee or pledgee has agreed that the provisions of this clause 12 shall
      be applicable to such Shares.


      ABT shall from time to time at its own cost, on being required to do so by
      Inchcape, now or at any time in the future, do or procure the doing of all
      such acts and/or execute or procure the execution of all such documents in
      a form reasonably satisfactory to Inchcape as Inchcape may reasonably
      request and consider necessary for giving full effect to this agreement
      and securing to Inchcape the full benefit of the rights, powers and
      remedies conferred upon Inchcape in this agreement.


14.1  For the purpose of this clause, "PRE-CONTRACTUAL STATEMENT" means a draft,
      agreement, undertaking, representation, warranty, promise, assurance or
      arrangement of any nature whatsoever, whether or not in writing, relating
      to the Share Purchase Documents or any of them (as defined in sub-clause
      14.2) made or given by a party to any of the Share Purchase Documents or
      any other person at any time prior to execution of the Share Purchase

14.2  This agreement, any disclosures notified by ABT to Inchcape in writing in
      relation to the Company, and any other documents referred to in this
      agreement (the "SHARE PURCHASE DOCUMENTS") constitute the whole and only
      agreement between the parties relating to the sale and purchase of the

12.10 Inchcape undertakes to procure that, during such time as it controls 50%
      or more of the Shares, no change shall be made in the rights conferred by
      the Shares and no shares in the capital of the Company shall be allotted
      or issued without the prior written consent of ABT such consent not to be
      unreasonably withheld or delayed PROVIDED THAT nothing in this clause
      shall present an increase in the authorised share capital of the Company
      or the allotment and/or issue of any additional Shares to Inchcape.


14.3  Except to the extent repeated in any of the Share Purchase Documents, the
      Share Purchase Documents supersede and extinguish any prior
      Pre-contractual Statement relating thereto.

14.4  Each party acknowledges that in entering into the Share Purchase Documents
      or any of them on the terms set out therein, it is not relying upon any
      Pre-contractual Statement which is not expressly set out therein.

14.5  None of the parties shall have any right of action against any other party
      to this agreement arising out of or in connection with any Pre-contractual
      Statement (except in the case of fraud).

14.6  This agreement may only be varied in writing signed by each of the


15.1  Any notice or other communication given or made under or in connection
      with the matters contemplated by this agreement shall be in writing (other
      than writing on the screen of a visual display unit or other similar
      device which shall not be treated as writing for the purposes of this
      clause). For the avoidance of doubt, faxes are permitted.

15.2  Any such notice or other communication shall be addressed as provided in
      sub-clause 15.3 and, if so addressed, shall be deemed to have been duly
      given or made as follows:-

      (A)   if sent by personal delivery, upon delivery at the address of the
            relevant party;

      (B)   if sent by first class post, four Business Days after the date of
            posting; and

      (C)   if sent by facsimile, when despatched;

      PROVIDED THAT if, in accordance with the above provisions, any such notice
      or other communication would otherwise be deemed to be given or made
      outside Working Hours, such notice or other communication shall be deemed
      to be given or made at the start of Working Hours on the next Business

15.3  The relevant addressee, address and facsimile number of each party for the
      purposes of this agreement, subject to sub-clause 15.4, are:-

      Name of Party       Name of addressee        Address                Facsimile No.
      -------------       -----------------        -------                -------------
      Inchcape            F.A.O. Managing          33 Cavendish Square,   0171 546 8444
      Automotive          Director                 London, W1M 9HF


      autobytel.cominc.   F.A.O. Chief Executive   11872 MacArthur        001949 225
                          Officer                  Boulevard              4401
                          and                      California 92612

      autobytel.cominc    F.A.O. Senior Resident   One Canada Square,     0171 519 7070
                          Partner, Skadden,        Canary Wharf,
                          Arps, Slate, Meagher     London E14 5DS
                          & Flom LLP

15.4   A party may notify the other parties to this agreement of a change to
       its name, relevant addressee, address or facsimile number for the
       purposes of sub-clause 15.3 PROVIDED THAT such notification shall only
       be effective on:-

      (A)   the date specified in the notification as the date on which the
            change is to take place; or

      (B)   if no date is specified or the date specified is less than five
            clear Business Days after the date on which notice is given, the
            date falling five clear Business Days after notice of any such
            change has been given.

15.5  The provisions of this clause 15 (Notices) shall not apply in relation to
      the service of Service Documents.


16.1  Subject to sub-clause 16.2, no announcement concerning the sale of the
      Shares by ABT to Inchcape or any ancillary matter shall be made by either
      party without the prior written approval of the other, such approval not
      to be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

16.2  Either party may make an announcement concerning the sale of the Shares or
      any ancillary matter if required by:-

      (A)   the law of any relevant jurisdiction; or

      (B)   any securities exchange or regulatory authority or governmental body
            or quasi-governmental department or agency to which either party is
            subject, wherever situated, including (without limitation) the
            London Stock Exchange Limited or The Panel on Takeovers and Mergers,
            whether or not the requirement has the force of law,

        in which case the party concerned shall take all such steps as are
        reasonable and practicable in the circumstances to agree the contents of
        such announcement with the other party before making such announcement.


16.3  The restrictions contained in this clause shall continue to apply after
      Completion without limit in time.


      If there is any provision of this agreement, or of any agreement or
      arrangement of which this agreement forms part, which causes or would
      cause this agreement or that agreement or arrangement to be subject to
      registration under RTPA 1976, and this agreement or that agreement or
      arrangement is not a non-notifiable agreement under RTPA 1976 then that
      provision shall not take effect until the day after particulars of this
      agreement or of that agreement or arrangement (as the case may be) have
      been furnished to the Director General of Fair Trading pursuant to section
      24 RTPA 1976.


      Except as otherwise stated in this agreement, each party shall pay its own
      costs and expenses in relation to the negotiations leading up to the sale
      of the Shares and to the preparation, execution and carrying into effect
      of this agreement and all other documents referred to in it and ABT
      confirms that no expense of whatever nature relating to the sale of the
      Shares has been or is to be borne by the Company.


      This agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, and by the
      parties on separate counterparts, but shall not be effective until each
      party has executed at least one counterpart. Each counterpart shall
      constitute an original of this agreement, but all the counterparts shall
      together constitute but one and the same instrument.


      Except as otherwise expressly provided, time is of the essence of this


      If at any time any provision of this agreement is or becomes illegal,
      invalid or unenforceable in any respect under the law of any jurisdiction,
      that shall not affect or impair:-

      (A)   the legality, validity or enforceability in that jurisdiction of any
            other provision of this agreement; or

      (B)   the legality, validity or enforceability under the law of any other
            jurisdiction of that or any other provision of this agreement.

      provided that the commercial affect of this agreement shall not be
      materially altered as a result thereof.



      This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with
      English law.


      The parties to this agreement irrevocably agree for the exclusive benefit
      of Inchcape that the courts of England are to have jurisdiction to settle
      any disputes which may arise out of or in connection with this agreement
      and that accordingly any Proceedings may be brought in the English courts.
      Nothing contained in this clause 23 shall limit the right of Inchcape to
      take Proceedings against ABT in any other court of competent jurisdiction,
      nor shall the taking of Proceedings in one or more jurisdictions preclude
      the taking of Proceedings in any other jurisdiction, whether concurrently
      or not, to the extent permitted by the law of such other jurisdiction.


24.1  ABT irrevocably appoints Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP of One
      Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5DS to be its agent for the
      service of process in England. It agrees that any writ, summons, order,
      judgment or other document relating to or in connection with any
      Proceedings ("SERVICE DOCUMENT") may be effectively served on it in
      connection with Proceedings in England and Wales by service on its agent.

24.2  Any Service Document shall be deemed to have been duly served if marked
      for the attention of the Senior Resident Partner, Skadden, Arps, Slate,
      Meagher & Flom LLP at One Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5DS or
      such other address within England or Wales as may be notified and:

      (A)   left at the specified address; or

      (B)   sent to the specified address by first class post.

      In the case of (A), the Service Document shall be deemed to have been duly
      served when it is left. In the case of (B), the Service Document shall be
      deemed to have been duly served two clear Business Days after the date of

24.3  If the agent at any time ceases for any reason to act as such, ABT shall
      appoint a replacement agent having an address for service in England or
      Wales and shall notify Inchcape of the name and address of the replacement
      agent. Failing such appointment and notification, the Company shall be
      entitled by notice to ABT to appoint a replacement agent to act on ABT's
      behalf. The provisions of this clause 24 applying to service on an agent
      apply equally to service on a replacement agent.


24.4  A copy of any Service Document served on an agent shall be sent by post to
      ABT. Failure or delay in so doing shall not prejudice the effectiveness of
      service of the Service Document.


                                   SCHEDULE 1
                            (COMPLETION ARRANGEMENTS)

At Completion:-

1.    ABT shall deliver to Inchcape or Inchcape's Solicitors a duly executed
      transfer in respect of the Shares in favour of Inchcape or such person as
      Inchcape may nominate and share certificates for the Shares in the name of
      ABT (or other relevant transferor) and any power of attorney under which
      any transfer is executed on behalf of ABT or nominee;

2.    ABT shall deliver to Inchcape (or to any person whom Inchcape may
      nominate) such of the following as Inchcape may require:-

      (A)   the statutory books (which shall be written up to but not including
            the Completion Date), the certificate of incorporation (and any
            certificate of incorporation on change of name) and common seal (if
            any) of the Company; and

      (B)   a copy of the minutes of a duly held meeting of the directors of ABT
            authorising the execution by ABT of this agreement (such copy
            minutes being certified as correct by an officer of ABT);

3.    ABT shall procure the present directors and secretary of the Company
      (other than Kevin Turnbull) to resign their offices as such and to
      relinquish any rights which they may have under any contract of employment
      with the Company or under any statutory provision including any right to
      damages for wrongful dismissal, redundancy payment or compensation for
      loss of office or unfair dismissal, such resignations to be tendered at
      the board meetings referred to in paragraph 4;

4.    ABT shall procure a board meeting of the Company to be held at which:-

      (A)   it shall be resolved that the transfers relating to the Shares
            delivered pursuant hereto shall be approved for registration and
            (subject only to the transfers being duly stamped) Inchcape (or such
            person as Inchcape may nominate) be registered as the holder of the
            Shares concerned in the register of members;

      (B)   each of the persons nominated by Inchcape shall be appointed
            directors and/or secretary, as Inchcape shall direct, such
            appointments to take effect on the Completion Date;

      (C)   the resignations of the directors and secretary referred to in
            paragraph 3 above shall be tendered and accepted so as to take
            effect at the later of Completion and the close of the meeting and
            each of the persons tendering his resignation shall deliver to the
            Company an acknowledgement executed as a deed that he has no claim
            against the Company for breach of contract, compensation for loss of
            office, redundancy or unfair dismissal or on any


      other account whatsoever and that no agreement or arrangement is
      outstanding under which the Company has or could have any obligation to

(D)   all existing instructions to banks shall continue. However, the existing
      bank mandates will be amended to reflect the appointment of new directors;

(E)   the situation of the registered office shall be changed to such address as
      Inchcape may nominate and (subject to the provisions of the Companies
      Acts) the accounting reference date shall be changed to 31st December;

(F) PricewaterhouseCoopers be appointed auditors of the Company.

ABT shall procure that minutes of the duly held board meeting, certified as
correct by the secretary of the Company and the resignations and
acknowledgements, referred to are delivered to Inchcape or Inchcape's

Inchcape shall pay the sum of L2.00 to ABT being the total consideration payable
in respect of the Shares.

[*] Confidential Treatment Requested. 

                                   SCHEDULE 2
                        (REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES)

The Sellers represent and warrant to Inchcape as follows:-


      ABT is the sole beneficial owner of the Shares set opposite its name in
      Schedule 3 (Ownership of the Shares), and such shares in aggregate
      constitute the entire issued and allotted share capital of the Company.


2.1   ABT is duly incorporated and has the requisite power and authority to
      enter into and perform this agreement.

2.2   This agreement constitutes binding obligations of ABT in accordance with
      its terms.

2.3   The execution and delivery of, and the performance by ABT of its
      obligations under, this agreement is within its powers, has been duly
      authorised by all necessary action on its part and so far as it is aware
      does not, and will not, violate any provision of law or any rule,
      regulation, order, writ, judgment, decree or other determination presently
      in effect applicable to it or its constitutional documents.


      Save in respect of indebtedness of [*] referred to herein owing by
      the Company to ABT (to be repaid in accordance with clause 3 (Repayment of
      Indebtedness by the Company to ABT)), no indebtedness (actual or
      contingent) and no contract or arrangement other than at arm's length is
      outstanding between the Company and ABT or any person required to resign
      as a director of the Company pursuant to Schedule 1.


4.1   The Shares are fully paid up.

4.2   There is no agreement or commitment outstanding with or by the Company
      which calls for the allotment, issue or transfer of, or accords to any
      person the right to call for the allotment or issue of, any shares
      (including the Shares) or debentures in or securities of the Company.


5.1   There is no option, right to acquire, mortgage, charge, pledge, lien or
      other form of security or encumbrance or equity on, over or affecting the
      Shares or any of them and


      there is no agreement or commitment to give or create any and no claim has
      been made by any person to be entitled to any.

5.2   So far as ABT is aware, no option, right to acquire, mortgage, charge,
      pledge, lien (other than a lien arising by operation of law in the
      ordinary course of trading) or other form of security or encumbrance or
      equity on, over or affecting the whole or any part of the undertaking or
      assets of the Company is outstanding and there is no agreement or
      commitment to give or create any and no claim has been made by any person
      to be entitled to any.


6.1   So far as ABT is aware (having made no specific enquiry other than of
      Kevin Turnbull), the Company has no material liabilities (whether actual,
      contingent, unqualified, disputed or otherwise) including, without
      limitation, contracts, arrangements with, and commitments to, third
      parties, insurance policies and borrowings which are not disclosed by ABT
      in Schedule 5 (List of Commitments and Liabilities of the Company).

6.2   ABT has not entered into any agreement with the Company other than the
      subscription of the Shares, the memorandum and articles of association of
      the Company (as amended by written resolution dated 29th October 1998),
      the License and Services Agreement and matters concerning the indebtedness
      referred to in clause 3.1 and the indebtedness of the Company to Inchcape
      Motors International plc or Inchcape as the case may be referred to in
      paragraph 1.2 of Schedule 5.


7.1   So far as ABT is aware (having made no specific enquiry other than of
      Kevin Turnbull), no order has been made and no resolution has been passed
      for the winding up of the Company or for a provisional liquidator to be
      appointed in respect of the Company and no petition has been presented and
      no meeting has been convened for the purpose of winding up the Company.

7.2   So far as ABT is aware (having made no specific enquiry other than of
      Kevin Turnbull), no administration order has been made and no petition for
      such an order has been presented in respect of the Company and no receiver
      (which expression shall include an administrative receiver) has been
      appointed in respect of the Company or all or any of its assets.

7.3   So far as ABT is aware (having made no specific enquiry other than of
      Kevin Turnbull), no unsatisfied judgment is outstanding against the


      So far as ABT is aware (having made no specific enquiry other than of
      Kevin Turnbull), the Company is not engaged in any litigation or
      arbitration, administrative


      or criminal proceedings, whether as plaintiff, defendant or otherwise, and
      no litigation or arbitration, administrative or criminal proceedings by or
      against the Company is pending, threatened or expected and so far as ABT
      is aware (having made no specific enquiry other than of Kevin Turnbull),
      there is no fact or circumstance likely to give rise to any such
      litigation or arbitration, administrative or criminal proceedings or to
      any proceedings against any director or employee (past or present) of the
      Company in respect of any act or default for which the Company might be
      vicariously liable.


9.1   So far as ABT is aware (having made no specific enquiry other than of
      Kevin Turnbull), the Company has not committed or is liable for any
      criminal, illegal, unlawful or unauthorised act or breach of any
      obligation or duty whether imposed by or pursuant to statute, contract or

9.2   So far as ABT is aware (having made no specific enquiry other than of
      Kevin Turnbull), the Company has not received notification that any
      investigation or inquiry is being or has been conducted by any
      governmental or other body in respect of the affairs of the Company and
      ABT (having made no specific enquiry other than of Kevin Turnbull) is not
      aware of any circumstances which would give rise to such investigation or


      The Company has applied for registration as a data user and so far as ABT
      is aware (having made no specific enquiry other than of Kevin Turnbull)
      the Company has complied with the Data Protection Principles as set out in
      the Data Protection Act 1984.


      The Company not realised any taxable profits other than the invoice dated
      19th October 1998 from the Company to Inchcape or chargeable gains since
      incorporation and the Company has not engaged in any transactions or
      agreements with ABT or any member of the ABT Group other than those
      transactions and agreements referred to in Warranty 6.2 above.


                                          SCHEDULE 3
                                  (OWNERSHIP OF THE SHARES)

Name and address of, and numbers of Shares beneficially owned by, ABT

                                                               Number of
    Full name                     Registered address          Shares owned 
    ---------                     ------------------          ------------ 
    autobytel.cominc.           18872 MacArthur                     2
                                Boulevard, Irvine,
                                California 92612, USA

Name and address of registered holder of Shares in the Company

                                                               Number of
    Full name                     Registered address          Shares owned 
    ---------                     ------------------          ------------ 
    Auto-by-Tel International     18872 MacArthur                   2
    LLC                           Boulevard, Irvine,
                                  California 92612, USA


                                   SCHEDULE 4

1.    Registered number               :  03470555

2.    Date of incorporation           :  19th November, 1997

3.    Place of incorporation          :  England

4.    Address of registered office    :  One Canada Square
                                         39th Floor
                                         E14 5DS

5.    Class of company                :  Private company limited by shares

6.    Authorised share capital        :  L1,000 divided into 1000 ordinary shares of
                                         L1.00 each

7.    Issued share capital            :  2 ordinary shares of L1.00 each 

8.    Directors:
      Full name                       Usual residential address                         Nationality

      Mark Wayne Lorimer              18872 MacArthur Blvd.                             American
                                      Suite 200
                                      USA 92612

      Robert Steven Grimes            152 West 57th Street                              American
                                      24th Floor
                                      New York
                                      New York 10019

      Kevin Hugh Burgoyne             9, Cedar Grange                                   British
      Turnbull                        Harrogate
                                      N. Yorks HG2 9NY

9.    Secretary:
      Full name                       Usual residential address

      Mark Wayne Lorimer              18872 MacArthur Blvd.                             American
                                      Suite 200
                                      USA 92612


10.   Accounting reference date       :  30th November

11.   Tax residence                   :  UK

12.   Business activities             :  Electronic commerce

[*] Confidential Treatment Requested. 

                                   SCHEDULE 5

1.    Indebtedness of the Company

1.1   The Company has an interest-free loan, repayable on demand from ABT in the
      amount of [*] to be repaid in accordance with clause 3.1.

1.2   The Company has an interest-free loan, repayable on demand from Inchcape
      Motors International plc in the amount of [*] and an interest-free
      loan from Inchcape Motors International plc in the amount of [*] (as
      at 31st October, 1998) relating to payroll and other expenses for K.
      Turnbull and S. Butler who are at present on the payroll of Inchcape
      Motors International plc. On Completion, both such debts will be assigned
      by Inchcape Motors International plc to Inchcape Automotive Limited.

2.    Assets

      The following assets were purchased and acquired by Inchcape Motors
      International p1c. The costs of the following assets will be reimbursed to
      Inchcape Motors International plc on or after Completion.


      ITEM OF HARDWARE               QUANTITY         PRICE EACH(L)         VALUE(L)
      ----------------               --------         -------------         --------
      Deskpro EP6266X with               5                 [*]                 [*]         
      monitor, keyboard, modem,
      multimedia 32mb 5dram

      Satellite Pro 480CDT with          5                 [*]                 [*] 
      modem, 32mb

      HP 670C Deskjet                    8                 [*]                 [*] 

      Laserjet 6NP                       1                 [*]                 [*] 

      Laserjet 3100                      1                 [*]                 [*] 

      Tecra 780DVD with modem            3
      and E link card                                      [*]                 [*] 

      Infocus 420 PC Projector           2                 [*]                 [*] 

      HP Scanjet 5100C                   1                 [*]                 [*] 

      HP Deskjet 720C                    1                 [*]                 [*] 

      2 laptops from Inchcape            2                 [*]                 [*] 

      Kevin Turnbull
      Keyboard                           1                 [*]                 [*] 
      Monitor                            1                 [*]                 [*] 


[*] Confidential Treatment Requested. 



      Card Station                       1                 [*]                [*] 

      Printer Switch                     2                 [*]                [*] 

      Mouse                              6                 [*]                [*] 
      SUB-TOTAL                                                               [*] 
      Brought forward total                                                   [*] 

Software/Other items                   Quantity          Price each(L)            Value(L)
- --------------------                   --------          -------------            --------
MS Office Standard                        14                  [*]                    [*] 

MS Access                                  1                  [*]                    [*] 

MS Project                                 1                  [*]                    [*] 

Corel Draw                                 1                  [*]                    [*] 

MS Schedule                                1                  [*]                    [*] 

Configuration of PC's                      1                  [*]                    [*] 

Modem Cards                                7                  [*]                    [*] 

Extra 32mb RAM                             5                  [*]                    [*] 

Network Cards                              5                  [*]                    [*] 

Cables and sundry equipment                                                          [*] 

Sub-total                                                                            [*] 
TOTAL                                                                                [*] 


3.    Summary of Employees' Contracts


                                   Date of
               Date of offer       acceptance          Starting date                      Summary of employment
Name of        of                  of                  for                                terms including annual
Employee       employment          employment          employment          Position       salary & bonus
- ------------   -------------       ------------        --------------      ----------     ----------------------------
1. Kevin       13th January,       N/A                 15th January,       Chief          [*] plus bonus in the
   Turnbull    1998                                    1998                Executive      two calendar years (i.e. 
                                                                                          1998 and 1999) of up to
                                                                                          40% of base salary; in third
                                                                                          to fifth calendar years of 

[*] Confidential Treatment Requested


- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 Date of offer       Date of        Starting date                     Summary of employment
Name of          of                  acceptance     for                               terms including annual
Employee         employment          of employment  employment          Position      salary & bonus
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                      employment, a profit share
                                                                                      of 5% of profit before tax
                                                                                      capped at [*] per
                                                                                      annum. Pension contribution
                                                                                      is 15% of base salary per
                                                                                      annum; two company cars.
                                                                                      Employment contract is 
                                                                                      terminable on six months'

                                                                                      Salary is currently being
                                                                                      paid by Inchcape Motors
                                                                                      International plc.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. Suzanne       19th March,         23rd March,    24th March,         Manager, PR   [*] plus bonus of
   Butler        1998                1998           1998                & Events      of up to 20% of base salary;
                                                                                      company car. Salary is 
                                                                                      currently being paid by
                                                                                      Inchcape Motors
                                                                                      International plc.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. Nicola        29th                30th           26th October,       Operations/   [*]. No pension
   Young         September,          September,     1998                Customer      benefits.
                 1998                1998                               service
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. Jordanna      10th May,           12th May,      18th May,           Regional      [*] plus bonus of up
   Goswell       1998                1998           1998                Training      to 20% of base salary;
                                                                        Manager       company car.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5. Jonathan      17th May,           10th July,                         Operations    [*] plus bonus of 
   Beveridge     1998                1998                               Director      up to L25,000. During
                                                                                      first year of employment, 
                                                                                      L10,000 of the potential
                                                                                      bonus payment is guaranteed;
                                                                                      pension contribution is 10%
                                                                                      of base salary per annum;
                                                                                      company car. Employment
                                                                                      contract is terminable on 
                                                                                      six months' notice.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[*] Confidential Treatment Requested




Name of           Date of offer     Date of             Starting date          Position             Summary of employment
Employee          of                acceptance          for                                         terms including annual
                  employment        of                  employment                                  salary & bonus

6. Alan           17th May,         18th May,           18th May,              Regional             [*] plus bonus of up to
   Crane          1998              1998                1998                   Sales                20% of base salary;
                                                                               Manager              company car

7. Derek          28th May,         28th May,           1st July,              Regional             [*] plus bonus of up to
   Mars           1998              1998                1998                   Training             20% of base salary;
                                                                               Manager              company car

8. Marianne       10th June,        20th June,          29th June,             Call Centre          [*] plus bonus of
   Kilsby         1998              1998                1998                   Manager              Pound 3,000 based on agreed
                                                                                                    achievement objectives

9. Nigel          16th June,        --                  --                     Regional             [*] plus bonus of up to
   White          1998                                                         Sales                20% of base salary;
                                                                               Manager              company car

10. Roger         24th June,        4th July,           17th August,           Financial            [*] plus bonus of up to
    Keith         1998              1998                1998                   Controller           20% of base salary;

11. Peter         30th June,        2nd July,           6th July,              Regional             [*] plus bonus of up to
   Bradshaw       1998              1998                1998                   Sales                20% of base salary;
                                                                               Manager              company car

12. Nick          3rd July,         6th July,           3rd August,            Regional             [*] plus bonus of up to
   Deacon         1998              1998                1998                   Sales                20% of base salary; pension 
                                                                               Manager              contribution of 5% of base 
                                                                                                    salary; company car

13. Paul          7th July,         --                  --                     Business             [*] plus bonus of up to
   Donaldson      1998                                                         Development          20% of base salary;
                                                                               Manager              company car

14. Roger         20th August,      24th August,        21st September,        Regional             [*] plus bonus of up to
   Haymer         1998              1998                1998                   Training             20% of base salary; pension
                                                                               Manager              contribution of 5% of base 
                                                                                                    salary per annum; company car

[*] Confidential Treatment Requested. 



Name of        Date of offer    Date of      Starting date   Position       Summary of employment
Employee       of               acceptance   for                            terms including annual
               employment       of           employment                     salary & bonus

15. Jonathan   4th              7th          12th October,   IT Manager     [*] plus bonus of up to
    Matthews   September,       September,   1998                           20% of base salary; pension
               1998             1998                                        contribution of 5% of base
                                                                            salary; company car
                                                                            allowance of L4,000 per annum.

16. Dharmesh   30th October,    2nd          1st             Database       [*] plus bonus of up to
    Chudasama  1998             November,    December,       Administrator  20% of base salary; pension
                                1998         1998                           contribution of 5% of base salary.

      Unless otherwise stipulated above, all employment contracts are terminable
      by either party on one month's notice in writing. Unless otherwise
      stipulated, the above employment contracts provide for pension
      contributions on terms to be agreed as and when the pension scheme is
      established. There will be a period of service requirement before
      employees will be eligible to join the proposed scheme.

4.    PAYE/National Insurance

      All liabilities in respect of PAYE and National Insurance contributions in
      respect of all employees of the Company (other than Kevin Turnbull and
      Suzanne Butler who are on the payroll of Inchcape Motors International p1c
      as at the date of this agreement) have been fully-paid and no liabilities
      in respect of PAYE and National Insurance are outstanding as at the date
      of this agreement.

5.    List of motor dealers visited and details of commitments (if any) made

      Document 5A shows the list of motor dealers who have been visited by the
      Company. Those dealers who are highlighted have made a verbal commitment
      to the Company to operate the ABT service and to reserve the appropriate
      postcode territory for the supply of new car sales. One dealer, Elt
      Brothers (AC) in the Birmingham postal district has written to the Company
      agreeing to operate the ABT service. However, the terms on which Elt
      Brothers (AC) would be involved are contingent upon a formal dealer
      agreement being signed.

      No dealer has yet entered into a legally binding contract with the

6.    Direct Marketing programme

      A direct marketing campaign has been commenced in-house by the Company
      which targets the top car dealer groups and resulted in up to 200 direct
      mail pieces being

[*] Confidential Treatment Requested. 

      sent out. The mailing comprised a letter, corporate brochure and one
      colour advert of the Company. Each of the mailing pieces cost L0.40. This
      direct marketing campaign commenced at the beginning of September 1998 and
      continued through October 1998. This campaign will be extended through the
      November/December 1998 period to the next volume tier of car dealer
      groups. Up to 2,500 direct mail pieces will be sent out during this

7.    Public relations cost

      The Company has employed the services of a public relations agency,
      Quadrangle Communications Limited who receive a monthly retainer of [*] 
      excluding VAT. A spreadsheet for the trade launch campaign is attached as
      Document 5B.

8.    Information providers; Finance & Insurance Companies

      The Company has contacted CAP (emap National Publications Limited),
      Glass's Guides (Glass's Information Services Limited), JATO (Jato Dynamics
      Limited) and the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) with a view to
      such companies and corporation becoming involved in the capacity of
      information providers to the Company to support the information content on
      the Company's website. No formal agreement has been entered into with any
      of the parties.

      The Company is currently in discussions with certain finance and insurance
      companies who could supply services for the Company's website: GE Capital
      AFS, Capital Bank, Alliance & Leicester Bank, Citibank, General Accident,
      Eagle Star and London & General Holdings. As at the date of this
      agreement, no formal agreement has been entered into with any of these
      finance and insurance companies.

9.    Manufacturers visited

      A large number of car manufacturers have been visited by the Company but
      there are no contractual agreements sought or entered into between the
      Company and any such car manufacturers.

10.   Bank Account Details

      The Company has one current account and one premium account with [*].

      There is one standing order on the Company's Current Account whereby
      [*] In addition, the Company has issued Kevin Turnbull with a company 
      credit card (Barclaycard DD no. 706602066). The average monthly bill on 
      this credit card is [*] including VAT. Otherwise, there are no direct
      debit or standing order arrangements in relation to either of the 
      Company's accounts.

[*] Confidential Treatment Requested. 

      As at 23rd November, 1998, the cash ledger amount on the Current Account
      was [*]. As at 23rd November, 1998, the cash ledger amount on the
      Business Premium Account was [*].

11.   Data Protection Act

      The Company applied for registration under the Data Protection Act 1984 in
      the last week of August 1998 and has been granted a temporary registration
      number PX 3892703.

12.   Premises

      The Company has an outstanding liability of two months' rent for the
      months of November and December 1998 to Regus UK Limited in the amount of


IN WITNESS WHEREOF this agreement has been executed and delivered as a deed on
the day and year first before written:

Executed as a deed by                    /s/ MARK WAYNE LORIMER
autobytel.cominc. acting by              ---------------------------------------
Mark Wayne Lorimer

Executed as a deed by INCHCAPE
AUTOMOTIVE LIMITED                       ---------------------------------------



IN WITNESS WHEREOF this agreement has been executed and delivered as a deed on
the day and year first before written:

Executed as a deed by
autobytel.cominc. acting by              ---------------------------------------
Mark Wayne Lorimer

Executed as a deed by INCHCAPE           [SIG]
AUTOMOTIVE LIMITED                       ---------------------------------------

                                         /s/ R.C. WILLIAMS
[*] Confidential Treatment Requested. 
                               AUTO-BY-TEL UK LTD



[*] Confidential Treatment Requested. 

                               AUTO-BY-TEL UK LTD


[*] Confidential Treatment Requested. 

                               AUTO-BY-TEL UK LTD


[*] Confidential Treatment Requested. 

                               AUTO-BY-TEL UK LTD



[*] Confidential Treatment Requested. 
                               AUTO-BY-TEL UK LTD


[*] Confidential Treatment Requested. 
                               AUTO-BY-TEL UK LTD


[*] Confidential Treatment Requested. 
                               AUTO-BY-TEL UK LTD


[*] Confidential Treatment Requested. 
                               AUTO-BY-TEL UK LTD

[*] Confidential Treatment Requested. 

                               AUTO-BY-TEL UK LTD





     18th/19th MAY   - AUTO BUSINESS CONVENTION organised by Automotive
                     - KT to speak on the panel: 'Dawn of the digital dealer'
                     - ABT stand 6m by 2m, theme: 'car selling paradise'
                     - ABT held one-to-one press briefings

     17th SEPTEMBER - NON-STOP SHOPPING conference
                    - KT to speak on a panel: 'Home Shopping & Influence of 
                      Internet, Digital TV'

     23rd SEPTEMBER - CONGRESS 98, Automotive Management one day conference
                    - ABT have a stand 3m by 2m, 'car selling paradise' set to 
                      be used

                   - US ABT Dealer, Thomas Vann, to be on the speaking panel

     21st OCTOBER  - INCHCAPE CONFERENCE. KT to be present with the ABT stand
     27th JANUARY  - USED CARS 99 conference
                   - KT to speak: 'How is the internet being exploited and 

- ---------------------------

Phase 1: Completed: one page adverts in MotorTrader and Automotive Management 
         on 29th June.
Phase 2: (i) Adverts published are as follows:

              . MOTOR INDUSTRY MANAGEMENT - back page advert for September issue
              . MOTORTRADER - one page advert in the 24th August publication 
                (page 7)
              . AUTOMOTIVE MANAGEMENT - back page advert, 'Technology Made 
                Easy' supplement, published 7th September

         (ii)  INSERT in Automotive Management on the 5th Oct  and MotorTrader 
               insert on 19th Oct.

         (ii)  A YEARS LIST RENTAL from MotorTrader of 3,000 UK: MDs, GMs, DPs, 
               Chairman & Owners. 
         (iii) TELEMARKETING CAMPAIGN - being done by Jon Costin who joined on 
               28th Sept for 5 weeks.

         (iv)  DIRECT MARKETING CAMPAIGN = '123' campaign commences 24/08/98 
               and is successfully targeting the 123 groups after the top 40
               that we had not previously spoken to.

          (v)  MOTOR SHOW MEETING, 21st October, at the Stakis Metropole Hotel,
               Birmingham in the Norfolk Suite. The event was SMMT approved and
               commenced at 9am with hourly presentations by ABT and Thomas Vann
               (US Dealer), with the opportunity to view the website, light food
               and beverage available throughout the day. There were senior
               representatives from a large number of the top 40 Dealer Groups
               and the event which finished at 5:30 p.m.


- --------------------------------------------

          The format will be to take 3 or 4 key journalists out to Irvine. Each
          journalist selected will specialise in a different consumer area and
          therefore will receive an exclusive story - eg. an IT angle, the
          business success/profile angle, a car focus, etc.

- --------------------------------------------
1. To involve all the dealers/groups signed up to the service
2. To be held in London (venue & timing to be decided)
3. Purpose to the event:
       - To introduce the new UK site prior to the launch
       - To inform dealers about the partners we have: eg. Glass's, CAP, F&I, 
       - To outline the advertising about to commence (sneak preview of ads 
       - Information on the internet service provider deals/partnerships we 
         have struck
       - Motivate dealers and gain their enthusiasm and involvement in ABT

- ----------------------------------------------
1. To be held in London (venue & timing to be decided)
2. Purpose: - To gain maximum coverage of the ABT launch in all media - trade & 
   consumer - press, radio, TV, magazines
3. To be invited: key consumer & Trade journalists from IT, Car, Business, 
   Women's, Men's and lifestyle magazines and press

                   APRIL (TO BE CONFIRMED) 1999 - ABT "LAUNCH"

[*] Confidential Treatment Requested. 


[*] Confidential Treatment Requested. 




[*] Confidential Treatment Requested. 



