[*] Confidential Treatment has been requested for certain portions of this 


                              SPONSORSHIP AGREEMENT

This agreement ("Agreement") is entered into as of the 24th day of June, 1998
("Effective Date"), by and between Excite, Inc., a California corporation,
located at 555 Broadway, Redwood City, California 94063 ("Excite"), and
Auto-By-Tel Corporation, a California corporation, located at 18872 MacArthur
Boulevard, #200, Irvine, California 92612-1400 ("Client").


A.      Excite has obtained the right to program certain content and sell and
        display advertising on the site on the Internet maintained by Netscape
        Communications Corporation ("Netscape") located at
        http://home.netscape.com and/or other URLs or locations designated by
        Netscape (the "Excite Portion of the Netscape Site") pursuant to an
        agreement dated April 29, 1998 ("the Netcenter Agreement"), which, among
        other things, allow Netscape's users to search for and access content
        and other sites on the Internet.

B.      Within the Excite Portion of the Netscape Site, Excite plans to organize
        certain content into topical channels (each, a "Channel") and to provide
        an Internet search service ("Netscape Search").

C.      Client is engaged in the business of, among other things, (i) providing
        online information and data to prospective purchasers of motor vehicles
        through its Web site located at http://www.autobytel.com (the "Client
        Site") and facilitating the acquisition of vehicles through a network of
        dealer subscribers; (ii) offering to any such purchaser vehicle
        financing and leasing programs, insurance programs and after market
        products, and (iii) offering an incentive "rewards" based membership
        program featuring a co-branded credit card, roadside assistance and
        select retail providers (the "Mobalist" Program).

D.      Client wishes to promote its business to Netscape's users through
        promotions, content and advertising in the Excite Portion of the
        Netscape Site.

Therefore, the parties agree as follows:


        (a)    Client acknowledges that Excite's right to display promotional
               placements on the Excite Portion of the Netscape Site is
               conditioned on the Netcenter Agreement remaining in effect.
               However, Excite represents that it will, in good faith, perform
               all of its obligations under the Netcenter Agreement and do all
               other commercially 




               reasonable acts necessary to keep such Agreement in place,
               subject at all times to Netscape's rights to terminate the
               Netcenter Agreement for reasons unrelated to Excite's performance
               or breach. Therefore, subject to the Netcenter Agreement
               remaining in effect, commencing on the Launch Date (as defined
               below), Client will be promoted in the Autos Channel of the
               Excite Portion of the Netscape Site:

               (i)    A link to the Client Site (consistent with the format used
                      on similar links on the same page) will be displayed in
                      the Autos Channel home page for the duration of the term
                      of the Agreement.

               (ii)   A link to the Client Site (consistent with the format used
                      on similar links on the same page) will be displayed in
                      the "Buy A Car Online" department of the Autos Channel (or
                      a similar portion of the Autos Channel featuring
                      comparable content) for the duration of the term of the

               (iii)  A link to the Client Site (consistent with the format used
                      on similar links on the same page) will be displayed in
                      the "Take a Test Drive" department of the Autos Channel
                      (or a similar portion of the Autos Channel featuring
                      comparable content) for the duration of the term of the

               (iv)   A link to the Client Site (consistent with the format used
                      on similar links on the same page) will be displayed in
                      the "Auto Makers" promotional area in the "SUV," "Truck,"
                      "Cars" and "Luxury Cars" departments of the Autos Channel
                      (or a similar portion of the Autos Channel featuring
                      comparable content) for the duration of the term of the

        (b)    Client acknowledges that Excite's right to display content on the
               Excite Portion of the Netscape Site is conditioned on the
               Netcenter Agreement remaining in effect. Therefore, subject to
               the Netcenter Agreement remaining in effect, commencing of the
               Launch Date (as defined below), motor vehicle related content
               supplied by Client ("Client Content") will be promoted in the
               Autos Channel of the Excite Portion of the Netscape Site:

               (i)    Client Content from Bank Rate Monitor, Edmunds,
                      Auto-By-Tel, and/or AIG (subject to approval by Excite)
                      will be displayed in the Autos Channel for the duration of
                      the term of the Agreement. The selection and placement of
                      Client Content to appear in the Autos Channel will be
                      subject to Excite's discretion.

               (ii)   A module containing text and graphics links of less than
                      6K in file size, the pixel dimensions to be mutually
                      determined by the parties, featuring Client's "Mobalist"
                      program which will be displayed in the Autos Channel for



[*] Confidential Treatment Requested

                      duration of the term of the Agreement. The placement of
                      the "Mobalist" module in the Autos Channel will be subject
                      to Excite's discretion and continued positive user

               (iii)  All Client Content will link to the Client Site. The
                      "Mobalist" module will link to http://www.mobalist.com;
                      unless, upon reasonable notice, Client directs Excite to
                      link the Mobalist module to an additional or alternative

               (iv)   Client and Excite will determine mutually agreeable
                      methods for the transmission and incorporation of updates
                      to the Client Content and "Mobalist" module. Other than
                      updates to the Client Content and "Mobalist" module,
                      Client will not alter the Client Content or "Mobalist"
                      module without Excite's prior consent.

               (v)    Netscape and Excite, on the one hand, and Client, on the
                      other, will cooperate in good faith regarding the "look
                      and feel" of the "Mobalist" module, but Netscape and
                      Excite will have final decision authority over of the
                      "look and feel" of the Client Content, the "Mobalist"
                      module and the Autos Channel.

               (vi)   Client will have sole responsibility for providing, at its
                      expense, the Client Content and "Mobalist" module to


        (a)    Every [*] months, Client, at its sole expense, will supply Excite
               with up to [*] new motor vehicles to be used by Excite as
               sweepstakes prizes offered to Netscape users. The parties agree
               that the aggregate suggested manufacturer's retail price for the
               vehicle(s) selected by Excite though Client shall not exceed [*]
               in any twelve-month period.

        (b)    Client and Excite will cooperate in good faith to identify
               appropriate opportunities to promote these sweepstakes and Client
               in the Excite Portion of the Netscape Site during the term of the

        (c)    Other than the motor vehicles supplied by Client, Excite will
               assume all expenses involved in administering and promoting these

        (d)    Either party may issue press releases regarding the sweepstakes,
               the timing and wording of which will be mutually agreed upon. Any
               such press releases will 



[*] Confidential Treatment Requested

               identify Excite as the host of the sweepstakes and Client as the
               provider of the prize vehicle.


        (a)    Client acknowledges that Excite's right to display advertising on
               the Excite Portion of the Netscape Site is conditioned on the
               Netcenter Agreement remaining in effect. Therefore, subject to
               the Netcenter Agreement remaining in effect, commencing of the
               Launch Date (as defined below), Excite will display Client's
               banner advertising in rotation on the Channels on the Excite
               Portion of the Netscape Site for the term of the Agreement.

        (b)    Subject to the Netcenter Agreement remaining in effect, Excite
               guarantees the display of [*] of Client's advertising banners,
               which shall be distributed evenly and equitably per month, during
               the term of the Agreement.


        (a)    For the term of the Agreement, Excite will not enter into any
               agreement to display and shall not display on the Autos, Arts &
               Leisure, Auctions, Education, Games, Lifestyle, Real Estate or
               Shopping Channels of the Excite Portion of the Netscape Site
               content created by Excite promoting Client's "Competitors,"
               content created by Client's Competitors or promotional placements
               and/or advertising banners from Client's Competitors.

        (b)    For the purposes of this Agreement, "Competitors" means those
               merchants whose primary business is (i) the online referral of
               new motor vehicle purchase and/or leasing requests or the online
               referral of used motor vehicle purchase requests to a nationwide
               network of automobile dealers, (but does not include Excite's
               subsidiary, Classifieds2000, Inc. ("Classifieds2000")), together
               with the offering of ancillary motor vehicle products in
               connection with any such purchase or lease including financing,
               insurance and aftermarket products as well as (ii) the offering
               of a rewards-based incentive program targeted to motorists
               featuring a co-branded credit card, roadside assistance and
               select retail dealers (but does not include any rewards-based
               incentive program offered by Excite under the "Excite" brand).

        (c)    Notwithstanding the foregoing, Excite may display links to
               Client's Competitors in Excite's general directory of Web sites
               that appears on the Netscape Site, in search results displayed in
               "Jango" shopping search services, in Netscape Search results




               pages and in classified advertising listings, subject to any
               agreement entered into by Client and Classifieds2000, pursuant to
               Section 5 below.


        (a)    Client will have a right of first negotiation with
               Classifieds2000 for an exclusive sponsorship of the Classifieds
               Channel of the Excite Portion of the Netscape Site.

        (b)    Excite will not propose, solicit or negotiate offers from
               entities other than Client for any exclusive sponsorships of the
               Classifieds Channel of the Excite Portion of the Netscape Site by
               any of Client's Competitors, if at all, prior to fifteen (15)
               business days from the Effective Date.

        (c)    Classifieds2000 will negotiate with Client in good faith with
               respect to the terms and conditions under which Client would
               become the exclusive online seller of new motor vehicles
               sponsoring the Classifieds Channel of the Excite Portion of the
               Netscape Site. If Client and Classifieds2000 have not entered
               into a written sponsorship agreement by close of business on the
               fifteenth business day from the Effective Date, Excite and/or
               Classifieds2000 may enter into negotiations with any third party
               with respect to exclusive sponsorships of the Classifieds Channel
               of the Excite Portion of the Netscape Site.


        (a)    Client and Excite will use reasonable efforts to implement the
               display of the promotional placements, content and advertising
               described in the Agreement by July 1, 1998 (the "Launch Date").
               The parties recognize that the scheduled Launch Date can be met
               only if Client provides final versions of all graphics, text,
               keywords, banner advertising, promotional placements, other
               promotional media and valid URL links necessary to implement the
               promotional placements, content and advertising described in the
               Agreement (collectively, "Impression Material") to Excite five
               (5) days prior to scheduled Launch Date.

        (b)    In the event that Client fails to provide the Impression Material
               to Excite five (5)days in advance of the scheduled Launch Date,
               Excite may, at its sole discretion (i) reschedule the Launch Date
               at the earliest practicable date according to the availability of
               Excite's engineering resources after delivery of the complete
               Impression Material or (ii) commence delivery of Impressions
               based on Impression Material in Excite's possession at the time
               and/or reasonable placeholders created by Excite.



[*] Confidential Treatment Requested

        (c)    Excite will provide Client with monthly reports substantiating
               the number of impressions of Client's advertising banners,
               content and promotional placements displayed on the Excite
               Portion of the Netscape Site.

        (a)    Client will pay Excite sponsorship and advertising fees of [*]
               in the first year of the term of the Agreement. These fees will
               be paid in equal monthly installments of [*]. The first monthly
               payment will be due upon the display of the first of the
               promotional placements and advertising described in the
               Agreement. Subsequent installments will be due on a monthly basis

        (b)    Client will pay Excite sponsorship and advertising fees of [*] in
               the second year of the term of the Agreement. These fees will be
               paid in equal monthly installments of [*]. The first monthly
               payment will be due upon the first anniversary of the display of
               the first of the promotional placements and advertising described
               in the Agreement. Subsequent installments will be due on a
               monthly basis thereafter.

        (c)    Separate and apart from the sponsorship and advertising fees,
               Client will pay Excite for each "Unique Purchase Request"
               completed by users referred to the Client Site from the Excite
               Portion of the Netscape Site during the first year of the term of
               the Agreement. For the purposes of this Agreement, a "Unique
               Purchase Request" shall be a new car purchase request electronic
               form with all data fields deemed mandatory by Client completed by
               the user, which has been received by Client from Excite, and for
               which Client has not, within the previous [*] period, received a
               duplicate new car purchase request from the Excite Portion of
               the Netscape Site for the same or similar vehicle, as determined
               by the year, make and model; from the same user, as identified by
               the same name, zip code and/or the same e-mail address. Client
               will pay Excite for each Unique Purchase Request during the first
               year of the term of the Agreement as follows:

               (i)    [*] per Unique Purchase Request up to the first [*] Unique
                      Purchase Requests;

               (ii)   [*] per Unique Purchase Request for between [*] and [*]
                      Unique Purchase Requests; and




[*] Confidential Treatment Requested

               (iii)  [*] per Unique Purchase Request in excess of [*] Unique
                      Purchase Requests.

        (d)    Separate and apart from the sponsorship and advertising fees,
               Client will pay Excite for each Unique Purchase Request completed
               by users referred to the Client Site from the Excite Portion of
               the Netscape Site during the second year of the term of the
               Agreement as follows:

               (i)    [*] per Unique Purchase Request up to the first [*] Unique
                      Purchase Requests;

               (ii)   [*] per Unique Purchase Request for between [*] and [*]
                      Unique Purchase Requests; and

               (iii)  [*] per Unique Purchase Request in excess of [*] Unique
                      Purchase Requests.

        (e)    The sponsorship fees and transaction payments are net of any
               agency commissions to be paid by Client.

        (f)    Client will provide Excite with monthly reports of the number of
               "Unique Purchase Requests." It is currently Client's goal to
               provide these reports to Excite on or about the fifth business
               day after the close of the preceding month. Client shall pay
               Excite the transaction payments within [*] days after Excite's
               receipt of Client's report of the number of "Unique Purchase
               Requests" each month. In the event that Client does not pay the
               transaction payments within [*] days after Excite's receipt of
               Client's report of the number of "Unique Purchase Requests" for
               any month, that month shall be deemed to be a "Late Payment
               Month" for the purposes of this Agreement. In the event that
               there are [*] Late Payment Months in any [*] period during the
               term of the Agreement, Client will increase by [*] the monthly
               payment otherwise due for the second and any other Late Payment
               Month that occurs in the [*] period.

        (g)    Client will provide complete reports to Excite within thirty (30)
               days of each month describing the month's transaction activity by
               users referred to the Client Site from the Excite Portion of the
               Netscape Site including, but not limited to, the total number of
               purchase requests submitted and the number of Unique Purchase
               Requests completed. Client will make good faith efforts to
               develop tracking and reporting capabilities to correlate this
               transaction information to the various promotional placements,
               content and advertising banners on the Excite Portion of the



[*] Confidential Treatment Requested

               Site in order to facilitate optimization of Client's sponsorship
               program. Client's reports will be delivered to Excite in a
               mutually agreed-upon electronic format to an email address or URL
               designated by Excite. In the event that Client does not provide
               the required reports to Excite within sixty (60) days after the
               end of any month, that month shall be deemed to be a "Late
               Reporting Month" for the purposes of this Agreement. In the event
               that there are [*] Late Reporting Months in any [*] month period
               during the term of the Agreement, Client will increase by [*] the
               monthly payment otherwise due for the second and any other Late
               Reporting Month that occurs in the [*] month period. To
               the extent that interim reports regarding the quality of the
               performance of Client's sponsorship program on the Excite Portion
               of the Netscape Site, as described in Section 9(b)(i), are
               available more frequently than quarterly, Client will make good
               faith efforts to supply such interim reports to Excite as soon as
               reasonably practical.

        (h)    Client will maintain accurate records with respect to the
               calculation of all transaction payments and reporting due under
               this Agreement. Once per year, the parties will review these
               records to verify the accuracy and appropriate accounting of all
               payments made pursuant to the Agreement. In addition, Excite may,
               upon no less than thirty (30) days prior written notice to
               Client, cause an independent Certified Public Accountant to
               inspect the records of Client reasonably related to the
               calculation of such payments during Client's normal business
               hours. The fees charged by such Certified Public Accountant in
               connection with the inspection will be paid by Excite unless the
               payments made to Excite are determined to have been less than [*]
               of the payments actually owed to Excite, in which case Client
               will be responsible for the payment of the reasonable fees for
               such inspection.


        Unless required by law, neither party will make any public statement,
        press release or other announcement relating to the terms of or
        existence of this Agreement without the prior written approval of the
        other. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the parties agree to issue an
        initial press release regarding the relationship between Excite and
        Client, the timing and wording of which will be mutually agreed upon.


        (a)    The term of this Agreement will begin on the Launch Date and will
               end at the earlier of [*] or the expiration or termination of the
               Netcenter Agreement. In the event that the Netcenter Agreement 
               expires or is terminated prior to [*]



[*] Confidential Treatment Requested


               [*] Client and Excite will negotiate in good faith to resolve
               all outstanding promotional and financial issues.

        (b)    Despite Excite's performance of its obligations hereunder, Client
               may terminate this Agreement under the following limited

               (i)    Client and Excite will meet once per quarter throughout
                      the term of the Agreement to review the performance of
                      Client's sponsorship program on the Excite Portion of the
                      Netscape Site. At the quarterly meeting, refers to the
                      Client Site generated on the Excite Portion of the
                      Netscape Site will be evaluated for quality and compared
                      to an index (the "Performance Index") based on the
                      performance of refers to the Client Site from the
                      excite.com Web site (the "Excite Site"). The Parties agree
                      that the Performance Index shall use June 1998 performance
                      results of the Excite Site as its baseline, which shall be
                      deemed "100%" for the purposes of comparison to the Excite
                      Portion of the Netscape Site. Quality performance will be
                      monitored and provided by Client's independent auditors
                      (currently, Arthur Andersen).

                      This information will be shared with Excite at the
                      quarterly performance meetings.

               (ii)   In the event that purchase request quality performance
                      from the Excite Portion of the Netscape Site is materially
                      below that from the Excite Site during any ninety (90) day
                      period during the term of the Agreement, Client will
                      notify Excite in writing of the poor performance. Excite
                      will undertake commercially reasonable efforts to remedy
                      the poor performance.

               (iii)  In the first year of the term of the Agreement only, if
                      Excite's efforts do not materially improve performance
                      after a reasonable period of time after receiving Client's
                      written notice of poor performance pursuant to Section
                      9(b)(ii), then, no later than forty-five (45) days prior
                      to the end of the first year of the term of the Agreement,
                      Client can give written notice to Excite of termination of
                      the Agreement at the end of the first year due to the
                      purchase request quality performance from the Excite
                      Portion of the Netscape Site being materially below that
                      from the Excite Site. This written termination notice must
                      include supporting reports or analysis by the accredited
                      neutral third party. Client may not terminate the
                      Agreement prior to the end of the first year of the term
                      of the Agreement under Sections 9(b)(ii) or 9(b)(iii).

               (iv)   In the event that purchase request quality performance
                      from the Excite Portion of the Netscape Site is materially
                      below that from the Excite Site 



[*] Confidential Treatment Requested

                      during any ninety (90) day period during the [*]
                      [*] of the Agreement and Excite's efforts do not
                      materially improve performance after a reasonable period
                      of time after receiving Client's notice of poor
                      performance then, in any quarterly meeting in the second
                      year of the term of the Agreement, Client may give notice
                      to Excite that Excite has sixty (60) days to remedy the
                      poor performance or the Agreement will be subject to
                      termination. Should Excite not be able to remedy purchase
                      request quality performance within the sixty (60) day
                      period, Client may give Excite written notice that the
                      Agreement will be terminated in thirty (30) additional

               (v)    In the event that Client receives less than [*] Unique
                      Purchase Requests from users referred to the Client Site
                      from the Excite Portion of the Netscape Site in the first
                      year of the term of the Agreement, Client can terminate
                      the Agreement upon written notice to Excite.
                      Notwithstanding Section 7(c), within thirty (30) days of
                      any such termination, Client will pay Excite the
                      difference between (i) [*] and (ii) the amounts previously
                      paid to Excite pursuant to 7(c)(i) for the Unique Purchase
                      Requests from users referred to the Client Site from the
                      Excite Portion of the Netscape Site in the first year of
                      the term of the Agreement under the [*] minimum.

               (vi)   As soon as it becomes reasonably apparent that Client is
                      likely to pay Excite [*] for Unique Purchase Requests from
                      users referred to the Client Site from the Excite Portion
                      of the Netscape Site within the next sixty (60) days,
                      Excite and Client will meet to discuss Client's plans to
                      continue or terminate the Agreement. After that meeting,
                      Client may, in its sole discretion, give Excite written
                      notice terminating the Agreement effective thirty (30)
                      days after Client has paid to Excite [*] for Unique
                      Purchase Requests from users referred to the Client Site
                      from the Excite Portion of the Netscape Site. Once Client
                      gives written notice to Excite of its election to
                      terminate the Agreement under this Section 9(b)(vi),
                      Excite will be free to commence negotiations for
                      replacement advertising and/or sponsorships of the Excite
                      Portion of the Netscape Site with any third party,
                      including Client's Competitors.

        (c)    Either party may terminate this Agreement if the other party
               materially breaches its obligations hereunder and such breach
               remains uncured for thirty (30) days following the notice to the
               breaching party of the breach.




        (d)    All undisputed payments that have accrued prior to the
               termination or expiration of this Agreement will be payable in
               full within thirty (30) days thereof.

        (e)    The provisions of Section 12 (Confidentiality), Section 13
               (Indemnity), Section 14 (Limitation of Liability) and Section 15
               (Dispute Resolution) will survive any termination or expiration
               of this Agreement.


        (a)    Client will retain all right, title and interest in and to its
               trademarks, service marks and trade names worldwide, subject to
               the limited license granted to Excite hereunder.

        (b)    Excite will retain all right, title and interest in and to its
               trademarks, service marks and trade names worldwide, subject to
               the limited license granted to Client hereunder.

        (c)    Each party hereby grants to the other a revocable, royalty-free,
               nonexclusive, limited license to use its trademarks, service
               marks or trade names only as specifically described in this
               Agreement. All such use shall be in accordance with each party's
               reasonable policies regarding advertising and trademark usage as
               established from time to time.

        (d)    Upon the expiration or termination of this Agreement, each party
               will cease using the trademarks, service marks and/or trade names
               of the other except as the parties may agree in writing.


        (a)    Client will retain all right, title and interest in and to the
               Client Site worldwide including, but not limited to, ownership of
               all copyrights and other intellectual property rights therein.

        (b)    Client will retain all right, title and interest in and to the
               Client Content and the content of the "Mobalist" module worldwide
               (including, but not limited to, ownership of all copyrights and
               other intellectual property rights therein). Subject to the terms
               and conditions of this Agreement, Client hereby grants to Excite
               a revocable, royalty-free, non-exclusive, worldwide license to
               use, reproduce, distribute, transmit and publicly display the
               Client Content and "Mobalist" module in accordance with this
               Agreement and to sub-license the Client Content and "Mobalist"
               module to Excite's wholly-owned subsidiaries or to joint ventures



               which Excite participates for the sole purpose of using,
               reproducing, distributing, transmitting and publicly displaying
               the Client Content and "Mobalist" module in accordance with this

        (c)    Netscape and Excite will retain all right, title, and interest in
               and to the Excite Portion of the Netscape Site worldwide
               including, but not limited to, ownership of all copyrights, look
               and feel and other intellectual property rights therein.


        (a)    For the purposes of this Agreement, "Confidential Information"
               means information about the disclosing party's (or its
               suppliers') business or activities that is proprietary and
               confidential, which shall include all business, financial,
               technical and other information of a party marked or designated
               by such party as "confidential or "proprietary" or information
               which, by the nature of the circumstances surrounding the
               disclosure, ought in good faith to be treated as confidential.

        (b)    Confidential Information will not include information that (i) is
               in or enters the public domain without breach of this Agreement,
               (ii) the receiving party lawfully receives from a third party
               without restriction on disclosure and without breach of a
               nondisclosure obligation, (iii) the receiving party knew prior to
               receiving such information from the disclosing party or (iv) the
               receiving party develops independent of any information
               originating from the disclosing party.

        (c)    Each party agrees (i) that it will not disclose to any third
               party or use any Confidential Information disclosed to it by the
               other except as expressly permitted in this Agreement and (ii)
               that it will take all reasonable measures to maintain the
               confidentiality of all Confidential Information of the other
               party in its possession or control, which will in no event be
               less than the measures it uses to maintain the confidentiality of
               its own information of similar importance.

        (d)    The usage reports provided by Excite to Client hereunder will be
               deemed to be the Confidential Information of Excite. The reports
               provided to Excite under Section 7(g) will be deemed to be the
               Confidential Information of Client.

        (e)    The terms and conditions of this Agreement will be deemed to be
               Confidential Information and will not be disclosed without the
               written consent of the other party.

        (f)    The parties acknowledge that Client is in the process of
               obtaining access to data base marketing capabilities and that it
               is Client's current goal to enable such data base marketing
               capabilities on or about January 1999. The parties will cooperate
               in good 



               faith to develop a program whereby Excite may leverage
               Client's data base marketing opportunities under the following

               (i)    Excite will not have direct access to any user data
                      collected on the Client Site;

               (ii)   Excite will have the right to market Excite's own services
                      and/or products to Client's users coming through the
                      Excite Portion of the Netscape Site, by specifying a
                      profile of the target audience (e.g., male, 25 - 40 years
                      old, etc.);

               (iii)  Excite will deliver any marketing material to Client.
                      Client will then arrange for delivery of the marketing
                      material to the target audience;

               (iv)   Excite will bear all direct expenses in connection with
                      the creation and delivery of the marketing material.
                      Client will not charge Excite for usage of Client's user

               (v)    Excite's marketing plans and the results of Excite's
                      marketing efforts through Client will be "Confidential
                      Information" of Excite under this Agreement; and

               (vi)   Excite will not conduct such marketing through Client on
                      behalf of Client's Competitors.

        (g)    Client will not use User Data to directly or indirectly target
               for solicitations any Excite users as a unique subset of Client's
               user data base (except as specifically provided in this Agreement
               or except to encourage the continued use of Client's own products
               and/or services) either individually or in the aggregate during
               the term of this Agreement and for a period of twelve (12) months
               following the expiration or termination of this Agreement (except
               to encourage the continued use of Client's own products and/or

        (h)    Neither party will sell, disclose, transfer or rent any user data
               obtained from users referred to the Client Site from the Excite
               Portion of the Netscape Site which could reasonably be used to
               identify a specific named individual ("Individual Data") to any
               third party nor will either party use Individual Data on behalf
               of any third party without the express permission of the
               individual user. Where user permission for dissemination of
               Individual Data to third parties has been obtained, each party
               will use commercially reasonable efforts to require the third
               party recipients of Individual Data to provide an "unsubscribe"
               feature in any email communications generated by, or on behalf
               of, the third party recipients of Individual Data.




        (i)    Notwithstanding the foregoing, each party may disclose
               Confidential Information or user data obtained from users
               referred to the Client Site from the Excite Portion of the
               Netscape Site (i) to the extent required by a court of competent
               jurisdiction or other governmental authority or otherwise as
               required by law or (ii) on a "need-to-know" basis under an
               obligation of confidentiality to its legal counsel, accountants,
               banks and other financing sources and their advisors.
               Notwithstanding the foregoing, Excite may disclose Confidential
               Information or user data obtained from users referred to the
               Client Site from the Excite Portion of the Netscape Site to
               Netscape as required under the terms of the Netcenter Agreement.


        (a)    Client will indemnify, defend and hold harmless Excite, its
               affiliates, officers, directors, employees, consultants and
               agents from any and all third party claims, liability, damages
               and/or costs (including, but not limited to, attorneys fees)
               arising from:

               (i)    The breach of any representation or covenant in this
                      Agreement; or

               (ii)   Any claim that Client's Impression Material, the Client
                      Content or the content of the "Mobalist" module infringe
                      or violate any third party's copyright, patent, trade
                      secret, trademark, right of publicity or right of privacy
                      or contain any defamatory content; or

               (iii)  Any claim arising from content displayed on the Client

               Excite will promptly notify Client of any and all such claims and
               will reasonably cooperate with Client with the defense and/or
               settlement thereof; provided that, if any settlement requires an
               affirmative obligation of, results in any ongoing liability to or
               prejudices or detrimentally impacts Excite in any way and such
               obligation, liability, prejudice or impact can reasonably be
               expected to be material, then such settlement shall require
               Excite's written consent (not to be unreasonably withheld or
               delayed) and Excite may have its own counsel in attendance at all
               proceedings and substantive negotiations relating to such claim.

        (b)    Excite will indemnify, defend and hold harmless Client, its
               affiliates, officers, directors, employees, consultants and
               agents from any and all third party claims, liability, damages
               and/or costs (including, but not limited to, attorneys fees)
               arising from:

               (i)    The breach of any representation or covenant in this
                      Agreement; or




               (ii)   Any claim arising from the Excite Portion of the Netscape
                      Site other than content or services provided by Client.

               Client will promptly notify Excite of any and all such claims and
               will reasonably cooperate with Excite with the defense and/or
               settlement thereof; provided that, if any settlement requires an
               affirmative obligation of, results in any ongoing liability to or
               prejudices or detrimentally impacts Client in any way and such
               obligation, liability, prejudice or impact can reasonably be
               expected to be material, then such settlement shall require
               Client's written consent (not to be unreasonably withheld or
               delayed) and Client may have its own counsel in attendance at all
               proceedings and substantive negotiations relating to such claim.





        (a)    The parties agree that any breach of either of the parties'
               obligations regarding trademarks, service marks or trade names,
               confidentiality and/or User Data would result in irreparable
               injury for which there is no adequate remedy at law. Therefore,
               in the event of any breach or threatened breach of a party's
               obligations regarding trademarks, service marks or trade names or
               confidentiality, the aggrieved party will be entitled to seek
               equitable relief in addition to its other available legal
               remedies in a court of competent jurisdiction.




        (b)    In the event of disputes between the parties arising from or
               concerning in any manner the subject matter of this Agreement,
               other than disputes arising from or concerning trademarks,
               service marks or trade names, confidentiality and/or User Data,
               the parties will first attempt to resolve the dispute(s) through
               good faith negotiation. In the event that the dispute(s) cannot
               be resolved through good faith negotiation, the parties will
               refer the dispute(s) to a mutually acceptable mediator.

        (c)    In the event that disputes between the parties arising from or
               concerning in any manner the subject matter of this Agreement,
               other than disputes arising from or concerning trademarks,
               service marks or trade names, confidentiality and/or User Data,
               cannot be resolved through good faith negotiation and mediation,
               the parties will refer the dispute(s) to the American Arbitration
               Association for resolution through binding arbitration by a
               single arbitrator pursuant to the American Arbitration
               Association's rules applicable to commercial disputes.

16.     GENERAL

        (a)    Assignment. Neither party may assign this Agreement, in whole or
               in part, without the other party's written consent (which will
               not be unreasonably withheld), except that no such consent will
               be required in connection with (i) a merger, reorganization or
               sale of all, or substantially all, of such party's assets or (ii)
               either party's assignment and/or delegation of its rights and
               responsibilities hereunder to a wholly-owned subsidiary or joint
               venture in which the assigning party holds an interest. Any
               attempt to assign this Agreement other than as permitted above
               will be null and void.

        (b)    Governing Law. This Agreement will be governed by and construed
               in accordance with the laws of the State of California,
               notwithstanding the actual state or country of residence or
               incorporation of Excite or Client.

        (c)    Notice. Any notice under this Agreement will be in writing and
               delivered by personal delivery, express courier, confirmed
               facsimile, confirmed email or certified or registered mail,
               return receipt requested, and will be deemed given upon personal
               delivery, one (1) day after deposit with express courier, upon
               confirmation of receipt of facsimile or email or five (5) days
               after deposit in the mail. Notices will be sent to a party at its
               address set forth in this Agreement or such other address as that
               party may specify in writing pursuant to this Section.

        (d)    No Agency. The parties are independent contractors and will have
               no power or authority to assume or create any obligation or
               responsibility on behalf of each other. 



               This Agreement will not be construed to create or imply any
               partnership, agency or joint venture.

        (e)    Force Majeure. Any delay in or failure of performance by either
               party under this Agreement will not be considered a breach of
               this Agreement and will be excused to the extent caused by any
               occurrence beyond the reasonable control of such party including,
               but not limited to, acts of God, power outages and governmental

        (f)    Severability. In the event that any of the provisions of this
               Agreement are held to be unenforceable by a court or arbitrator,
               the remaining portions of the Agreement will remain in full force
               and effect.

        (g)    Entire Agreement. This Agreement is the complete and exclusive
               agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter
               hereof, superseding any prior agreements and communications (both
               written and oral) regarding such subject matter. This Agreement
               may only be modified, or any rights under it waived, by a written
               document executed by both parties.

        (h)    Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts,
               each of which will serve to evidence the parties' binding

Auto-By-Tel Corporation                      Excite, Inc.

By:     /s/ Anne Benvenuto                   By:     /s/ Tod C. Harmon
        -------------------------                    -------------------------
Name:   Anne Benvenuto                       Name:   Tod C. Harmon            
        -------------------------                    -------------------------
Title:  Senior V.P., Marketing               Title:  Dir. Financial Planning  
        -------------------------                    -------------------------
Date:   June 25, 1998                        Date:   June 29, 1998
        -------------------------                    -------------------------

18872 MacArthur Blvd., #200                  555 Broadway
Irvine, California  92612-1400               Redwood City, California  94063
949-225-4500 (Voice)                         650-566-6000 (Voice)
949-662-1323 (Fax)                           650-566-6030 (Fax)
