[STRONG CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, INC. LOGO] AN IMPORTANT UPDATE FOR OUR FELLOW COMMON STOCKHOLDERS OF TELEPHONE AND DATA SYSTEMS, INC. We are writing one last time to ask you to VOTE AGAINST THE REINCORPORATION PROPOSAL at Telephone and Data Systems, Inc.'s ("TDS") April 27, 1998 Special Meeting and consider some important arguments. ECONOMICALLY THIS DEAL DOESN'T MAKE SENSE! As shareholders of TDS, we believe that this is a bad deal. We believe it does nothing to address the real reasons why the stock trades at a discount (the Carlson Factor) and it may actually increase the discount. The biggest thing going for the TDS proposal is that it is less onerous to TDS Stockholders than the subsidiaries' stockholders. However, since 85% of the value of TDS is represented by U.S. Cellular and Aerial, any proposal which harms those entities will be negative for the TDS share price. There is not enough value in the Telecom piece to offset declines at the subsidiary level (as the poor performance of TDS stock, since the proposal was made, demonstrates). As for hints that is only the first step, the last ten years lead us to believe that the Carlsons are not interested in growing shareholder value. PUBLIC MARKET DISCOUNT MAY WIDEN! Tracking stocks normally trade at a discount. The TDS Tracking Stocks would be unusual because they have a redemption feature. Under the reincorporation proposal, TDS has the ability to convert each share of a class of Tracking Stock into another class of Tracking Stock or Special Common Shares at a predetermined premium relative to market values. The conversion premium is 15% for the first five years and thereafter declines 1% per year until it reaches 10%. This situation is similar to the absence of class voting on mergers - the Carlson family and voting trust would be able to cause a holder of Tracking Shares to convert such shares into an entirely different investment without the consent of a single holder of such shares. While liquidity may improve for USM and Aerial, the public market discount will have to widen given TDS' ability to call the stock away at a small premium at any given time. How does TDS benefit when private market valuation becomes irrelevant for 85% of its value. As ISS as well as Goldman Sachs and Bear Stearns have noted, the issuance of tracking stock on top of the common will create a valuation nightmare. How are the Carlsons creating value for the TDS shareholders? PERPETUATION OF CONTROL IS THE THEME OF THIS PROPOSAL! This proposal is not shareholder friendly - (1) the reincorporation tried to take away key voting rights of Common Stockholders; (2) the threat to issue Tracking Stock even if the roll-up mergers do not occur; and (3) the likely negative revaluation of the subsidiaries given the Tracking Stocks' redemption feature. These proposals are designed to perpetuate Carlson control at the expense of the public shareholders. If the issue was to establish a value for TDS Telecom, a clean IPO could have been done without the baggage associated with the reincorporation. Shareholders should insist on a better deal now and not bet on the Carlsons delivering unspecified sources of value in the future. JUST VOTE NO! We believe the reincorporation proposal will hurt the TDS Common Stockholders. JUST VOTE AGAINST the reincorporation proposal. For more information contact Ann Miletti at (414) 359-3400.