October 16, 1995

To Our Shareholders:

In recent days, our stock has been pummeled in the market.  By no
means is the stock price decline indicative of major new problems,
nor does it accurately reflect our condition and prospects for the
future.  We want you to have an update on our company's condition
and progress. 

Epitope, Inc. is in excellent condition and progressing on several
fronts.  We have had an eventful and productive calendar 1995, and
we continue to be optimistic about our future, both in Epitope
Medical Products and in Agritope.  Among the year's
accomplishments are the following:

    1.    OraSure (R) Sales:  One of the five largest US life
          insurance companies has begun using OraSure in 9
          states, and expects to use it in 19 states by December. 
          The insurer's experience with the product has been
          excellent in terms of its technical performance, and in
          terms of its acceptance and ease of use.  We are making
          the rest of the industry aware of this success and
          their reception has been very positive.

          We are targeting four primary foreign markets for sales
          and have commenced shipments to two of them.  We are
          hopeful foreign sales volume will build as users learn
          more about the product.

          SmithKline Beecham (SB), our marketing partner and the
          fourth largest pharmaceutical company in the world, has
          begun to sell OraSure for HIV screening use in markets
          where a confirmatory test is not necessary (see Western
          blot discussion below).  A full marketing of OraSure
          for professional market diagnostic use will commence
          when we receive FDA approval for our Western blot
          confirmatory test.  We have made all required FDA
          filings for this approval.

    2.    SmithKline Beecham:  We established a significant new
          business relationship when we signed our agreement with
          SmithKline Beecham on February 21, 1995.  SB has made a
          full commitment to our technology and has established
          two new operating business units to develop and market
          our diagnostic products.

          In addition to marketing OraSure for screening, and
          subsequently into the professional market with Western
          blot, we and SmithKline have prepared plans for
          advanced development of our technology for the over-
          the-counter market and for additional indications. 
          SB's Consumer Diagnostic Group will be involved in this
          work and has made a commitment to fund our research
          projects related to it.

          We know some of you have expected quick results from
          SB.  Please remember that SB has met Dr. Ferro's
          announced nine-month schedule for first sales.  We will
          report progress on significant SB developments as they

    3.    Corporate Focus:  Our management team has implemented a
          strategy to move us to profitability and growth in
          sales as soon as possible.  Accordingly, we have:

          *     Directed our Epitope Medical Products team to
                concentrate on the U.S. life insurance industry,
                specified foreign markets, and to work with SB to
                reach the domestic professional and over-the-
                counter markets.

          *     Reduced our cash requirements by merging Agrimax
                into a Florida-based flower company, and by
                selling our Vinifera subsidiary to European

          These changes have reduced our need for overhead
          support and allowed us to re-size our staff, thus
          producing future annual cash savings of more than $2
          million.  Unfortunately, our detractors in the market
          see this as retreat, when in truth it is proper
          management of an emerging, changing company.

    4.    Key Personnel Additions:  Richard George, Ph.D., joined
          us as V.P., Scientific Affairs after a distinguished
          career with the Centers for Disease Control.  Dr.
          George is internationally respected for his scientific
          work and has helped us immensely in several areas.

          Mr. Byron (Gus) Allen has joined us after a long career
          in the securities industry.  Gus is helping us develop
          our financial strategies and is vital to our
          communication with the financial community.

          Ms. Margaret Jordan and Mr. Michael Paxton joined our
          Board of Directors.  Margaret is an executive in the
          health care field and Mike is the CEO of a major
          consumer goods company.  Both are strong additions.

    5.    Agritope, Inc.:  We have moved dramatically ahead
          developing and growing transgenic fruits and
          vegetables.  Transgenic tomatoes are expected to be our
          first commercial success in this area, and we are now
          working on important business partnerships which will
          help us move these products to market.  Again, we have
          focused Agritope management on this specific category
          of activity to more quickly achieve commercial success
          and profitability.

While we did this, prices of our shares declined about 50% from
$21 3/8 at year-end to $9 7/8 at the close of business on October
10, 1995.  Typically when a company moves from development to the
fully operational phase, the shares undergo a transition as
shareholders, tired of waiting, sell.  Epitope experienced this
throughout the summer.  Then in early October, when an investment
market letter author changed his buy recommendation, the stock
price fell sharply.

After investigating ways Epitope could save money, we found that
nearly 45% of public companies no longer send quarterly reports to
shareholders.  Because other companies have changed their practice
and because our annual cost was $75,000, we also discontinued the
custom.  We report quarterly to the Securities and Exchange
Commission and issue a press release to the various news media. 
If you wish to get copies of press releases, you may call PR
Newswire's Company News On-Call and On-Call fax services at 1-800-
758-5804, extension 285632.

We applaud you for your patience and understanding.  It is
regrettable that some shareholders have not been able to withstand
the pressures of a falling stock price.  Let us assure you we are
making every effort to achieve our goals as soon as possible.

Adolph J. Ferro, Ph.D.                  Roger L. Pringle
President and CEO                       Chairman of the Board