VOTE BY PHONE CONFIRMATION LETTER (WRITTEN) VOTE CONFIRMATION (Shareholder name & address of record) PUTNAM INVESTMENT GRADE MUNICIPAL TRUST II Meeting of Shareholders October 31, 1996 Account: Shares: Votes Received: (list proposal as on proxy card) (FOR) (AGAINST) (ABSTAIN) Dear Shareholder: In connection with the above-referenced Meeting of Shareholders, this notice will confirm that your [common or preferred] shares have been voted as indicated in accordance with your telephone instructions. If any of the information is incorrect, please call 1-800-735-3428 immediately, and in any event no later than 5:00 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time on October 30, 1996. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, (Solicitation Agent) s:\proxy\working\solicit\IGM2phco