1 ANNUAL REPORT APRIL 30, 1999 Our clients and our portfolio managers ... contributing to the success of the ARK Funds. [LOGO] 2 ABOUT THE ANNUAL REPORT This year we'd like to say a special thank you to you, our shareholders, who have contributed directly to the success of the ARK Funds family. By placing your trust in our investment expertise, and investing in our mutual funds, you have made our growth over the past 6 years possible. Throughout this Annual Report, the spotlight is on clients like you, and the many different ways we serve you. As you will see, you are a varied group; from the individual investor who invests in an ARK equity Portfolio for retirement ... to the Cash Management client who uses our ARK money market sweep product ... to the Trust client who uses our Portfolio to diversify their trust assets ... and the employee who invests in the ARK Funds through their 401(k) plan ... our shareholders' needs and reasons for investing in the Portfolios are wide and varied. It is with commitment and enthusiasm that we dedicate ourselves to meeting our many different client needs. We enjoy our partnership with you now and look forward to working with you into the future. Table of Contents - -------------------------------------------------- Letter to Shareholders 1 Economic and Investment Review 2 The ARK Funds Family 6 Equity Portfolios Management Discussion and Analysis 9 Fixed Income Portfolios Management Discussion and Analysis 35 Money Market Portfolios Management Discussion and Analysis 51 Independent Auditor's Report 56 Statements of Net Assets 57 Statement of Assets and Liabilities 109 Statements of Operations 110 Statements of Changes in Net Assets 114 Financial Highlights 118 Notes to Financial Statements 122 Notice to Shareholders 128 3 April 30, 1999 DEAR ARK FUNDS SHAREHOLDER: I'm pleased to report another period of solid growth, business expansion and positive industry recognition. During the period from October 31, 1998 to April 30, 1999, ARK Funds' assets grew to almost $6 billion. This was done without adding any new Portfolios, which means this increase is based on solid performance and growth in assets. You'll find more information on performance inside this Annual Report. We continue to be pleased with the performance of the ARK Funds' Portfolios, and are very happy with the industry recognition we have enjoyed this fiscal year: [Bullet] The Retail Class A ARK Capital Growth Portfolio was recognized in the March 1999 issue of Kiplinger's Personal Finance Magazine. The Portfolio was included with the long-term growth stock funds featured in the article "The Winners Circle", based on its three-year annualized total return as of December 31, 1998. [Bullet] In April 1999, MUTUAL FUNDS MAGAZINE wrote an article on the ARK Equity Portfolios, featuring the ARK Capital Growth, ARK Balanced and ARK Small - -Cap Equity Portfolios. Portfolio Managers Chris Baggini, Chuck Knudsen and Gil Knight were interviewed for this article, and contributed some insightful comments about the performance and philosophy of their Portfolios. As the recognition of our fund family grows, so does our expansion throughout our marketplace. The ARK Funds are now available to individual investors in more branches throughout Pennsylvania through First Maryland Brokerage Corporation representatives. In addition, more commercial clients in Pennsylvania are now able to take advantage of our ARK Funds sweep options. This expansion in our marketplace is a direct result of the 1997 acquisition of Harrisburg-based Dauphin Deposit Bank and Trust Company by First Maryland Bancorp. As part of our efforts to keep investors well-informed, we will be issuing ARK Funds Plain English Prospectuses in September. You've no doubt heard about the new Plain English Prospectus, which is one of the more important recent developments in the mutual fund industry. The goal of the Plain English Prospectus is to make it easier to understand a mutual fund's investment objectives and risks, and the new requirements by the Securities and Exchange Commission are designed to improve mutual fund disclosure. Our new Retail Class Prospectus will include an easy-to-read introduction that provides an overview of mutual funds and why they can play an important part in an investor's investment strategy. Our hope is that better-informed investors will become ARK Fund shareholders when they better understand the investment philosophies of our various Portfolios. With the introduction of our Retail Class Plain English Prospectus in September, we will add Retail Class B shares to the ARK Maryland Tax-Free and the ARK Pennsylvania Tax-Free Portfolios. These back-end load Portfolios will broaden the choice for investors interested in alternative pricing options. We hope that you are as pleased with the ARK Funds and their performance as we are, and that they continue to help you attain your investment objectives. Our goals continue to be asset growth, increased investment choices for investors and building upon our successes. Everyone here at ARK Funds thanks you for your trust. We look forward to continuing to help you meet your financial goals. Sincerely, /s/ signature omitted William H. Cowie, Jr. CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD ARK FUNDS 1 4 ECONOMIC AND INVESTMENT REVIEW DEAR ARK FUNDS INVESTOR: When conjuring words that accurately describe global financial market behavior over the past year, one would certainly put adjectives such as "dull" or "boring" at the bottom of the list. Despite the fact that both the S&P 500 Index and the Dow Jones Industrial Average managed to finish the 12 months with returns in excess of 20%, the path to this more-than-acceptable performance could hardly be characterized as smooth, but instead almost schizophrenic. Also the strong results displayed by these averages of big company stocks belie the turmoil experienced within the broader markets. One could almost describe the events of the past year as "fear and greed.com." The U.S. bond market, too, had more than its share of sharp moves, as investors' economic assessment swung from possible worldwide recession (or worse), to recent worries that our economy may be overheating to such an extent that inflation becomes a problem. Emotions, dominated alternatively by fear, euphoria and greed, played no small role in fueling market volatility during the year. The Asian, Russian and Brazilian economic crises, combined with the Long Term Capital Management "situation," caused panic in world markets, and a corresponding "flight to quality" into U.S. Treasury securities last fall. Investors' worst fears were quelled when Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan came to the rescue with three interest rate cuts. Suddenly, all seemed right with the world, or at least right enough in the U.S., such that money came pouring back into stocks, particularly those of big, blue-chip growth companies. The market's upward climb continued to be driven by the stocks of a very select group of household names, with little regard for the lofty levels at which many were selling. More recently, as signs of economic strength have persisted beyond the expectations of many, shares of smaller and mid-cap companies have begun to participate in the market upswing, and long-ignored, deep-cyclical stocks (so-called "Value" equities) have benefited at the expense of the elite blue-chip darlings of recent years. Just how strong is our economy? As we enter the ninth (that's right, ninth) year of expansion, the U.S. economy shows few signs of slowing, but we do not think it will continue to expand at such a pace that we will experience a dramatic inflationary spiral. At this writing, Mr. Greenspan has announced a bias [PHOTO OMITTED] Jennifer W. Lambdin, CFA, is President and Chief Investment Officer of Allied Investment Advisors, Inc. She has over 20 years of investment management experience. Allied Investment Advisors, Inc. advises over $13 billion in assets. 2 5 ARK FUNDS ANNUAL REPORT APRIL 30, 1999 toward tightening interest rates, and will not hesitate to act if signs of inflation become more evident. The very strong G.D.P. growth of the first quarter of this year was due in large part to Americans doing what we do best: shopping, for everything from apparel to housing. Tax refunds and bonus payments were factors in this shopping spree, and thus the high level of spending may not be sustainable in subsequent quarters. As we enter the summer months, the rapid pace of economic growth could slow somewhat to a more sustainable level of around 3%. Corporate profit margins are shrinking in aggregate, and consumers are now spending more than they are saving. We do expect, however, that domestic economic growth will continue into the first quarter of 2000, providing a reasonable backdrop for financial market assets. It has always been our belief that having a long-term focus is essential to being a successful investor. In selecting a security for investment, we focus on a number of quantitative measures, including sales growth, return on equity, balance sheet strength, historical earnings growth and expected earnings growth. We spend a great deal of time "kicking the tires" with companies, trying to assess qualitative factors as well. We expect to be rewarded, in time, for our patience. But a new investment philosophy has emerged on the way to the Internet - -- one that fascinates us and no doubt has more than a few professors of security analysis and portfolio management at America's institutions of higher learning scratching their heads in bewilderment. This cutting-edge approach has three major premises: 1) any company whose name ends in ".com" represents a great buying opportunity; 2) valuations aren't important and 3) earnings don't matter. In fact the most compelling price/earnings multiple is one that is "Not Meaningful" ("NMF") -- there are no earnings. Just imagine: earnings aren't necessary, and if you day-trade, you can have instant gratification! Gordon Gekko ("Greed is Good") would be proud. Call us old-fashioned, but we're going to stick with our approach of buying the stocks of companies that have real earnings and the potential to grow those earnings over time. My father always told me, "You can't get something for nothing." As with most things, Dad, I think you're right. We appreciate your confidence in the ARK Funds, and look forward to serving you in the coming year. Sincerely, /s/ Signature omitted Jennifer W. Lambdin, CFA President and Chief Investment Officer Allied Investment Advisors, Inc. 3 6 STABLER COMPANIES INC.: 410(K) PLAN INVESTOR [PHOTO OMITTED] Shelley Machamer and Tom Minori of the Stabler Companies, Inc. are shown outside their headquarters in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Stabler is a producer of aggregates, construction products and work-zone traffic safety equipment, such as the roadway signs you see pictured here. Stabler Companies' employees can invest in the ARK Funds through their 401(k), which helps them to save for their retirement. 4 7 TELECORP PCS, INC.: CASH MANAGEMENT INVESTOR [PHOTO OMITTED] Bart Hawley, treasurer, is pictured in the TeleCorp PCS, Inc. headquarters located in Arlington, VA with samples of their products. TeleCorp is AT&T Wireless' largest affiliate. They provide the sate-of-the-art SunCom wireless service, which is a digital phone, voicemail and pager -- all-in-one -- and is available in such cities as New Orleans, Memphis, Little Rock, Puerto Rico and in parts of New England. TeleCorp uses our First Investment Loan Manager product (FILM), for the overnight investing of their excess funds. 5 8 THE ARK FUNDS FAMILY The ARK Funds Family offers a comprehensive range of money market, fixed income, and equity portfolios designed to meet both short and long-term needs. Whether you're looking to enhance short-term income, gain tax advantages, or achieve long-term growth, ARK Funds offers a variety of mutual fund solutions. Take a look at the ARK Funds Portfolio line-up on the opposite page. Choices ranging from money market funds, to municipal bond funds, to blue chip and international equity funds allow you to diversify your investments within one mutual fund family. Sixteen Retail Class A and six Retail Class B portfolios are available to individual investors through First Maryland Brokerage Corporation representatives, located in most branches of the First National Bank of Maryland and The York Bank & Trust Company, or by calling 1-800-ARK Fund. Stop by your local branch or call us for details. Twenty Institutional Class ARK Funds portfolios are available through FMB Trust Company to clients who establish a trust or custody relationship with FMB Trust. To contact an FMB Trust officer call 1-800-624-4116. 6 9 ARK FUNDS ANNUAL REPORT APRIL 30, 1999 [GRAPHIC OMITTED] As a rule, investments, such as stocks, with greater perceived risks also have the potential for greater returns than fixed-income investments. Keep in mind stocks also have greater price fluctuations ("volatility") and risks than fixed-income investments, which may not make them appropriate for the short-term investor or those whose primary concern is preservation of principal amount invested. If you are investing for the long-term and will not need your investment for several years in the future, then investing in an equity-based mutual fund may be appropriate. 7 10 PAUL AND LINDSAY ECKERT: RETAIL CLASS INVESTORS AND INSTITUTIONAL CLASS TRUST CLIENTS [PHOTO OMITTED] Paul and Lindsay Eckert are shown here in front of their home with their daughters Leigh and Allie. Paul and Lindsay use the ARK Funds to save for their daughters' college education as well as to manage and diversify their Trust assets. Paul may look familiar to some of you as he has been at the First National Bank of Maryland for 18 years and is now a Regional Sales Coordinator in the Bank's Metro Region. 8 11 EQUITY PORTFOLIOS Simply stated, our investment management philosophy for the Equity Portfolios is quality for the long-term. We look for superior businesses that are reasonably priced, because over the long haul, experience has shown the benefits of buying a quality company, at a fair price, versus a fair business at a bargain price. In their research, our portfolio managers look for businesses that demonstrate faster-than-average growth, strong cash flows, and returns on capital in excess of the cost of capital. We look for high-quality companies and use a bottom-up stock selection process with strict criteria. We select the stocks of companies with an expectation of superior sales, cash flow and earnings growth rates, and market and industry growth, as well as strong balance sheets and capable, shareholder-oriented management. We like companies that can earn returns on capital in excess of their cost of capital. History has become a less-than-accurate predictor of the future; thus, we place greater emphasis on meeting with management to assess each company's future. Increasingly important is the teaming of strong financials with enlightened corporate leadership, the combination necessary to thrive in today's highly competitive, rapidly evolving business environment. Our team of professionals, which includes all portfolio managers, searches for the best companies based on our specific screening criteria. Next, we assess future earnings prospects to identify the companies that can continue to generate superior sales and profit growth. We examine industry dynamics, the companies' relative positions, cost structures, margin trends, and management plans. Finally, we assess each company's current stock valuation relative to future earnings stream against history, competitors, and the S&P 500. We review a portfolio holding for sale under the following circumstances: when the price objective is achieved, when fundamentals deteriorate and make the achievement of objectives unlikely, when the stock underperforms the S&P 500 by 20% or more on a relative basis, and when a more attractive opportunity presents itself. 9 12 EQUITY PORTFOLIOS MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS BALANCED PORTFOLIO [PHOTO OMITTED] CHARLES E. KNUDSEN, CFA PORTFOLIO MANAGER Charles E. Knudsen, CFA, is a Managing Director of Allied Investment Advisors, Inc. He is the portfolio manager of the Balanced Portfolio. He has more than 11 years of investment management experience. REVIEW AND OUTLOOK The last 12 months for investors would have made a wonderful movie for Hollywood: a few scary scenes, lots of action and a happy ending. Certainly the fact that the S&P 500 Index ended the period up 21.85% presents an idyllic impression. But the streets were not paved with gold for the whole year. In fact, stocks spent the first half of the year either flat or down. It was not until the Federal Reserve stepped in and cut interest rates three times last fall that stocks rebounded from what was bordering on panic selling. However, small, mid-cap, and international stocks all trailed the huge advance that engulfed the very largest and best-known stocks. In fact, the Russell 2000 Index of small-cap stocks was actually down over 9%. The bond market's experience was exactly the opposite. The Lehman Aggregate Bond Index was up 6.27%, with nearly all of that return achieved during the first half of the year. During these tumultuous times, the ARK Balanced Portfolio was able to generate strong absolute and relative returns. First, we were able to manage our asset allocation through the market's volatility. Although it is not our intent to aggressively manage the Portfolio's mixture of stocks, bonds, and cash, last year required us to be more active than usual. Heading into last summer, the Portfolio's allocation to equities was about 66%. At that point, we became concerned about the risk profile of the stock market and began to reduce our positions until, by September, equities were just over 50%. In early October, with stocks off 30% to 50% from their highs, we began to rebuild our equity allocation back to the 65% level. These moves helped protect the Portfolio during the stock market's corrections and positioned it for the dramatic rebound that ensued. Stock selection also contributed to the Portfolio's strong returns. Our over-weighted position in technology stocks certainly helped. Some of the well-known names, like Cisco Systems and EMC, had major upward moves. In addition, several smaller, emerging companies, like Electronics For Imaging (termed the Cisco Systems of digital copiers), and Comverse Technology (which provides voice mailboxes and other enhanced 10 13 ARK FUNDS ANNUAL REPORT APRIL 30, 1999 services to wireless telecommunication companies) also were major contributors. Other sectors also helped. Healthcare (Amgen), advertising (Young and Rubicam), finance (Citigroup), CATV (Time Warner), and telecommunications (MCI WorldCom) all provided very strong returns. Some of the risks to the investment markets have changed somewhat over the past 12 months, and some remain the same. Like last year, the lofty valuation levels for stocks are a real concern. And the economic recovery, currently in its ninth year, cannot proceed forever. Unlike last year, the international turmoil has calmed and, although not a positive contributor, it has stopped being a negative. Unfortunately, a new risk has emerged instead: the Federal Reserve. Alan Greenspan has recently hinted that the Fed may have to reverse its course and bump interest rates higher if economic growth does not slow. Such a move would certainly unsettle the markets, although we doubt if they will have to make anything more than a very modest shift in policy. The good news is that earnings growth, which has been hampered by the weak international economies, is beginning to pick up, especially for multi-national companies. Mixing it all together, we do not see anything that would require a major shift in the Portfolio's asset allocation. While the stock market's ascent has been breathtaking (it has doubled in just four years) and a correction would not be surprising, we are most focused on identifying well-managed companies that are generating strong earnings growth and selling at reasonable valuations. We continue to favor technology companies, with a bent towards the telecommunication sector. Our play on the Internet is a bit more indirect than some. Rather than owning some of the high-flying, very expensive names, we are looking more towards the equipment suppliers and the cable companies. Healthcare and finance sectors are also well represented, as are several consumer sectors, such as retail and entertainment. Regardless of what lies ahead, we will continue to manage the ARK Balanced Portfolio as we always have, by looking for attractive, high-quality investment opportunities in both the bond and the stock markets that will provide our investors with attractive, long-term investment returns. Believe it or not, opportunities do still abound. [PHOTO OMITTED] 11 14 [GRAPHIC OMITTED] EQUITY PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS BALANCED PORTFOLIO CONTINUED Comparison of Change of a Value of a $100,00 Investment in the ARK Balanced Fund, Institutional Class, versus S&P 500 Composite Index, the Lehman Brothers Aggregate Bond Index, the 60/40 Hybrid of the S&P 500 and Lehman Aggregate, and the Lipper Balanced Funds Average In the printed version of the document, a line graph appears which depicts the following plot points: PERFORMANCE AS OF 4/30/99 INSTITUTIONAL CLASS: VALUE OF A $100,000 INVESTMENT 7/31/93 Apr. 94 Apr. 95 Apr. 96 Apr. 97 Apr. 98 Apr. 99 ----------------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ARK Balanced Fund, Institutional Class $100,000 $103,771 $107,663 $130,164 $140,382 $183,830 $217,232 S&P 500 Composite Index $100,000 $102,680 $120,587 $156,992 $196,429 $277,043 $337,577 Lehman Brothers Aggregate Bond Index $100,000 $ 98,354 $105,563 $114,673 $122,792 $136,201 $144,741 60/40 Hybrid of the S&P 500 and Lehman Aggregate $100,000 $100,953 $114,440 $138,679 $163,322 $209,771 $243,439 Lipper Balanced Funds Average $100,000 $101,594 $110,768 $133,066 $150,271 $189,026 $206,322 [GRAPHIC OMITTED] In the printed version of the document, a line graph appears which depicts the following plot points: RETAIL CLASS A: VALUE OF A $10,000 INVESTMENT 3/31/94 Apr. 94 Apr. 95 Apr. 96 Apr. 97 Apr. 98 Apr. 99 ----------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ARK Balanced Fund, Retail A Class $10,000 $10,059 $10,394 $12,497 $13,454 $17,580 $20,739 ARK Balanced Fund, Retail A Class, with load $ 9,525 $ 9,581 $ 9,900 $11,903 $12,815 $16,745 $19,754 S&P 500 Composite Index $10,000 $10,128 $11,894 $15,485 $19,375 $27,327 $33,298 Lehman Brothers Aggregate Bond Index $10,000 $ 9,920 $10,647 $11,566 $12,385 $13,737 $14,599 60/40 Hybrid of the S&P 500 and Lehman Aggregate $10,000 $10,045 $11,387 $13,799 $16,251 $20,872 $24,222 Lipper Balanced Funds Average $10,000 $10,026 $10,931 $13,132 $14,830 $18,654 $20,361 [GRAPHIC OMITTED] In the printed version of the document, a line graph appears which depicts the following plot points: RETAIL CLASS B: VALUE OF A $10,000 INVESTMENT 7/31/93 Apr. 94 Apr. 95 Apr. 96 Apr. 97 Apr. 98 Apr. 99 ----------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ARK Balanced Fund, Retail Class B, with CDSC $10,000 $10,377 $10,766 $13,016 $14,038 $18,383 $21,515 S&P 500 Composite Index $10,000 $10,268 $12,059 $15,699 $19,643 $27,704 $33,758 Lehman Brothers Aggregate Bond Index $10,000 $ 9,835 $10,556 $11,467 $12,279 $13,620 $14,474 60/40 Hybrid of the S&P 500 and Lehman Aggregate $10,000 $10,095 $11,444 $13,868 $16,332 $20,977 $24,344 Lipper Balanced Funds Average $10,000 $10,159 $11,077 $13,307 $15,027 $18,903 $20,632 12 15 BALANCED INSTITUTIONAL RETAIL RETAIL LEHMAN HYBRID LIPPER CLASS CLASS A CLASS B* S&P 500 AGGREGATE BENCHMARK** BALANCED ------------- ------- -------- -------- --------- ----------- -------- ONE YEAR TOTAL RETURN 18.17% 17.97% 17.58% 21.85% 6.27% 16.05% 9.15% ONE YEAR TOTAL RETURN WITH LOAD N/A 12.35% 12.58% N/A N/A N/A N/A ANNUALIZED 3 YEAR TOTAL RETURN 18.62% 18.40% 18.42% 29.07% 8.07% 20.63% 15.89% ANNUALIZED 3 YEAR TOTAL RETURN WITH LOAD N/A 16.48% 17.70% N/A N/A N/A N/A ANNUALIZED 5 YEAR TOTAL RETURN 15.92% 15.57% 15.81% 26.87% 8.03% 19.25% 15.49% ANNUALIZED 5 YEAR TOTAL RETURN WITH LOAD N/A 14.44% 15.58% N/A N/A N/A N/A ANNUALIZED TOTAL RETURN INCEPTION TO DATE 14.29% 14.20% 14.19% N/A N/A N/A N/A ANNUALIZED TOTAL RETURN INCEPTION TO DATE WITH LOAD N/A 13.13% 14.10% N/A N/A N/A N/A Past performance of the Portfolio is not predictive of future performance. Institutional Class shares were offered beginning July 16, 1993. Retail Class A shares were offered beginning March 9, 1994. Performance for Retail Class A shares reflects the deduction of the 4.75% sales charge. Retail Class B shares were offered beginning September 14, 1998. The performance reflected in the graphs begins at July 31, 1993 for Institutional Class and Retail Class B shares and at March 31, 1994 for Retail Class A shares. Performance in the graph for Retail Class B shares reflects the deduction of the 1.00% contingent deferred sales charge applied in year six. The performance reflected in the table begins at July 16, 1993 for Institutional Class and Retail Class B shares and at March 9, 1994 for Retail Class A shares. Performance in the table for Retail Class B shares with load reflects the deduction of the applicable contingent deferred sales charge. * Performance shown prior to the inception date of the Retail Class B shares represents that of the Institutional Class adjusted for the sales charge only. No adjustments have been made for Retail Class 12b-1 fees and expenses. With such adjustments, performance would be lower than shown. Actual cumulative performance since inception for Retail Class B shares is 23.13% without CDSC and 18.13% with CDSC. The performance of the S&P 500 Composite Index and Lehman Aggregate Bond Index does not include operating expenses that are incurred by the Portfolio. **Benchmark is comprised of two unmanaged indexes, weighted 60% S&P 500 Composite Index and 40% Lehman Brothers Aggregate Bond Index. The Portfolio uses a blended index as a comparison index because it is better suited to the Portfolio's objective. 13 16 EQUITY PORTFOLIOS MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS EQUITY INCOME PORTFOLIO [PHOTO OMITTED] CLYDE L. RANDALL, CFA CO-PORTFOLIO MANAGER Clyde L. Randall, CFA, is a Principal of Allied Investment Advisors, Inc. He is the co-portfolio manager of the Blue Chip Equity Portfolio and the Equity Income Portfolio. He has over 12 years of investment management experience. REVIEW AND OUTLOOK The ARK Equity Income Portfolio invests primarily in income-producing common stocks. The Portfolio seeks to provide a moderate level of current income and growth of capital. As of April 30, 1999, the Portfolio was invested in approximately 92% common stocks, 5% securities convertible into common stocks, and 3% cash. About 7% of the Portfolio was invested in the common stocks of non-U.S. companies. The Portfolio continues to have significant positions in financials, energy, and utilities, but is represented in most of the major sectors of the U.S. stock market. The ARK Equity Income Portfolio owns primarily dividend-paying stocks, so the technology allocation is small because of a lack of candidates. The Portfolio has lagged behind the broad market indices, with the Institutional Class returning 4.17% in the fiscal year because of the unprecedented dominance of technology and other growth stocks. The Portfolio's best performers were Time Warner convertible stock, Pitney Bowes and auto, healthcare and telephone stocks. These sectors had returns in excess of the market indices. Energy stocks lagged behind the market for most of the fiscal year but rebounded strongly in March and April as the price of oil recovered. The Portfolio's performance was hurt by investments in aerospace, capital equipment and finance. Many of these stocks were in the mid-capitalization range, and the market continues to favor large-capitalization stocks, even within the economically cyclical sectors, which have recently recovered. To date in calendar 1999, we have upgraded quality and capitalization and placed somewhat more emphasis on growth rather than absolute yield in making purchases. The Portfolio's relative performance has recently improved. We seek stocks that have a combination of above-average current yield and dividend growth rate, or that have an above-average yield and appear undervalued by other criteria as well. We want to own stocks that have high yields for the right reasons: they have generous, sustainable payouts and are undervalued, rather than having burdensome, unsustainable payouts and average or high valuations. Dividends have not become more popular among companies or investors over the past year, despite that over time, dividends have contributed a substantial portion of the total return of the stock market. The S&P 500 had a current yield of 5.4% at the end of 1981 and is now just under 1.3%. The index's payout ratio averaged about 50% 14 17 [PHOTO OMITTED] ALLEN J. ASHCROFT, JR. CO-PORTFOLIO MANAGER Allen J. Ashcroft, Jr. is a Principal of Allied Investment Advisors, Inc. He is the co-portfolio manager of the Blue Chip Equity Portfolio and the Equity Income Portfolio. He has more than 18 years of investment management experience. through 1993, but fell to 35% by the end of 1997. The S&P 500's dividend grew about 4.5% in 1998, just ahead of 1997's 4.0%. The payout ratio increased for the first time in seven years to 37% in 1998. Some of this trend has to do with the changing complexion of the market indices towards growth industries, and some is due to a greater emphasis by individual companies on share repurchase or investment, rather than dividends. We do not see a shift in these priorities soon, unless investors eventually question the returns from buying high-priced stock. We continue to seek investments with strong total return prospects. Last year we wrote that we had become more defensive, given the market's returns and valuation, but clearly the market marched on regardless. We have maintained the conservative posture of the ARK Equity Income Portfolio. In the recent periods when growth stocks have faltered, the relative performance of this Portfolio has been quite strong. PERFORMANCE AS OF 4/30/99 [GRAPHIC OMITTED] In the printed version of the document, a line graph appears which depicts the following plot points: Comparison of Change in the Value of a $100,000 Investment in the ARK Equity Income Fund, Institutional Class, versus the S&P 500 Composite Index, and the Lipper Equity Income Funds Average INSTITUTIONAL CLASS: VALUE OF A $100,000 INVESTMENT 11/30/96 Apr. 97 Apr. 98 Apr. 99 ----------------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ARK Equity Income Fund, Institutional Class $100,000 $104,419 $138,919 $144,711 S&P 500 Composite Index $100,000 $106,644 $150,411 $183,276 Lipper Equity Income Funds Average $100,000 $103,861 $139,350 $149,941 [GRAPHIC OMITTED] In the printed version of the document, a line graph appears which depicts the following plot points: RETAIL CLASS A: VALUE OF A $10,000 INVESTMENT 5/31/97 Apr. 98 Apr. 99 ----------------------- ------- ------- ------- ARK Equity Income Fund, Retail A Class $10,000 $12,495 $12,985 ARK Equity Income Fund, Retail, with load $ 9,525 $11,902 $12,369 S&P 500 Composite Index $10,000 $13,295 $16,200 Lipper Institutional Retail Equity Class Class A S&P 500 Income - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One Year Total Return 4.17% 3.92% 21.85% 7.60% - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One Year Total Return with Load N/A -0.98% N/A N/A - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Annualized Total Return Inception to Date 17.80% 15.87% N/A N/A - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Annualized Total Return Inception to Date with Load N/A 13.05% N/A N/A Past performance of the Portfolio is not predictive of future performance. Institutional Class shares were offered beginning November 15, 1996. Retail Class A shares were offered beginning May 9, 1997. Performance for Retail Class A shares reflects the deduction of the 4.75% sales charge. The performance reflected in the graphs begins at November 30, 1996 for the Institutional Class shares and at May 31, 1997 for the Retail Class A shares. The performance in the table begins at the inception dates. The performance of the S&P 500 Composite Index does not include operating expenses that are incurred by the Portfolio. 15 18 EQUITY PORTFOLIOS MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS [PHOTO OMITTED] J. ERIC LEO, PORTFOLIO MANAGER J. Eric Leo is a Managing Director of Equity Investments for Allied Investment Advisors, Inc. He is the portfolio manager of the Value Equity Portfolio and the Equity Index Portfolio. He has more than 25 years of investment management experience. VALUE EQUITY PORTFOLIO REVIEW AND OUTLOOK The Value Equity Portfolio Institutional Class returned 10.48% for the fiscal year ended April 30, 1999. Performance during this period lagged both the S&P 500 Index and the S&P Value Index, which appreciated 21.85% and 13.50%, respectively. This Portfolio's underperformance compared with both benchmarks is an unusual occurrence resulting from an abrupt shift to deep-cyclical stocks in the last few months of the fiscal year. The value style of investing has been out of favor for a number of years. You may recall that the ARK Value Equity Portfolio outperformed the S&P Value Index for the year ended December 31, 1998 by a very significant amount. The outperformance in 1998 was due to the hybrid nature of the Portfolio, which has a strong value bias but limited exposure to "deep-cyclical" types of stocks that have very low price-to-book value ratios but heavy dependence on economic growth and rising inflation. The ARK Value Equity Portfolio focuses on companies with growing sales, solid cash flow, and modest dependence on economic growth. This strategy has worked well in the past, especially in 1998, but not since the recent market rotation began in the first quarter of 1999. Investors became concerned that the U.S. inflation rate might rise, based on signs that depressed global economies were beginning to recover and that the U.S. economy continued to grow at a rapid pace. On top of this came the triggering event, the rapid rebound in the price of oil. The result was a rapid shift from growth stocks, especially the 50 largest in the S&P 500, into deep-value stocks, which are considered potentially economically sensitive beneficiaries of inflation. The deep value stocks and the S&P Value Index made a very strong rebound. In the month of April alone, the S&P Value Index appreciated 8.62%, significantly outpacing the ARK Value Equity Portfolio's 4.25%, which in turn outpaced the S&P 500's 3.87%. It is too early to determine if the rotation away from the growth style to the value style will continue. The companies that benefited the Portfolio's performance the most during the fiscal year were Hewlett Packard, Xerox, and Parker Hannifin, plus energy stocks in general. Energy stocks surged in the final quarter of the fiscal year after having been 16 19 ARK FUNDS ANNUAL REPORT APRIL 30, 1999 significant underperformers for most of the year. On the negative side, Network Associates, a developer of network security and management software, was our worst performer. The company's business was expected to be immune from the abrupt slowdown in the purchase of new application software by U.S. corporations as they prepared for Y2K. In fact, most companies were busy testing what systems they had and were not adding new ones. Rite Aid was another problem child and a large portfolio holding. Rite Aid's earnings disappointed investors late in the fiscal year due to overly ambitious plans to open new stores and to close old ones. The bottom line was that management "bit off more than they could chew." While we were disappointed, the basic fundamentals of the business are solid with excellent growth potential over the long term. For this reason, we added significantly to our holdings of Rite Aid. During the fiscal year, we reduced the holdings in the Portfolio from well over 100 (as a result of the merger of the Stock Portfolio with the Value Equity Portfolio on April 24, 1998) to a more manageable 76. In addition, we have significantly increased the weighting of our top 20 holdings to concentrate on the companies we have the most confidence in. We expect to do some fine-tuning in the technology and the applied technology sectors. We hope to take advantage of some of the better software companies that are deeply depressed for the same Y2K reasons that Network Associates was hurt. We are also looking at companies that are indirect beneficiaries of the Internet and its convergence with the telecommunications and entertainment industries. This convergence will have a dramatic impact on the ever-changing business environment and will result, as always, in the creation of significant risks and opportunities. The upward bias to the market is expected to remain in place for the balance of the year, but the "road is likely to get more bumpy." The tension between growth and value styles will increase market volatility as well as the opportunity to purchase some excellent companies at attractive prices. 17 20 EQUITY PORTFOLIOS MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS VALUE EQUITY PORTFOLIO CONTINUED PERFORMANCE AS OF 4/30/99 [GRAPHIC OMITTED] Comparison of Change in the Value of a $100,000 Investment in the ARK Value Equity Fund, Institutional Class, versus the S&P 500 Composite Index, and the Lipper Growth Funds Average In the printed version of the document, a line graph appears which deposits the following plot points: INSTITUTIONAL CLASS: VALUE OF A $100,000 INVESTMENT 3/31/96 Apr. 96 Apr. 97 Apr. 98 Apr. 99 ----------------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ARK Value Equity Fund, Institutional Class $100,000 $102,830 $124,692 $168,783 $186,471 S&P 500 Composite Index $100,000 $101,470 $126,959 $179,063 $218,189 Lipper Growth Funds Average $100,000 $103,220 $117,371 $163,463 $188,064 [GRAPHIC OMITTED] In the printed version of the document, a line graph appears which deposits the following plot points: RETAIL CLASS A: VALUE OF A $10,000 INVESTMENT 3/31/96 Apr. 96 Apr. 97 Apr. 98 Apr. 99 ----------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ARK Value Equity Fund, Synthetic Retail A Class $10,000 $10,283 $12,469 $16,889 $18,627 ARK Value Equity Fund, Synthetic Retail A, with load $ 9,698 $ 9,973 $12,093 $16,380 $18,065 S&P 500 Composite Index $10,000 $10,147 $12,696 $17,906 $21,819 Lipper Growth Funds Average $10,000 $10,322 $11,737 $16,346 $18,806 [GRAPHIC OMITTED] In the printed version of the document, a line graph appears which deposits the following plot points: RETAIL CLASS B: VALUE OF A $10,000 INVESTMENT 3/31/96 Apr. 96 Apr. 97 Apr. 98 Apr. 99 ----------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ARK Value Equity Fund with CDSC Retail B Class $10,000 $10,283 $12,469 $16,878 $18,242 S&P 500 Composite Index $10,000 $10,147 $12,696 $17,906 $21,819 Lipper Growth Funds Average $10,000 $10,322 $11,737 $16,346 $18,806 18 21 ARK FUNDS ANNUAL REPORT APRIL 30, 1999 INSTITUTIONAL RETAIL RETAIL LIPPER CLASS CLASS A* CLASS B* S&P 500 GROWTH - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ONE YEAR TOTAL RETURN 10.48% 10.29% 9.86% 21.85% 15.05% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ONE YEAR TOTAL RETURN WITH LOAD N/A 5.04% 4.86% N/A N/A - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANNUALIZED 3 YEAR TOTAL RETURN 21.95% 21.91% 21.72% 29.07% 21.53% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANNUALIZED 3 YEAR TOTAL RETURN WITH LOAD N/A 19.95% 21.04% N/A N/A - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANNUALIZED TOTAL RETURN INCEPTION TO DATE 22.41% 22.37% 22.18% N/A N/A - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANNUALIZED TOTAL RETURN INCEPTION TO DATE WITH LOAD N/A 20.44% 21.54% N/A N/A Past performance of the Portfolio is not predictive of future performance. For Institutional Class shares, performance presented from inception to March 29, 1998 reflects the performance of the Marketvest Equity Fund shares, which were offered beginning March 31, 1996. Retail Class A shares were offered beginning April 1, 1998. Performance for Retail Class A shares reflects the deduction of the 4.75% sales charge. Retail Class B shares were offered beginning September 14, 1998. The performance reflected in the graphs begins March 31, 1996 for Institutional Class, Retail Class A, and Retail Class B shares. Performance in the graph for Retail Class B shares reflects the deduction of the 3.00% contingent deferred sales charge applied in year four. The performance shown in the table begins at the inception date for Institutional Class shares. Performance in the table for Retail Class B shares with load reflects the deduction of the applicable contingent deferred sales charge. * Performance shown prior to the inception date of the Retail Class A and Retail Class B shares represents that of the Institutional Class adjusted for the sales charge only. No adjustments have been made for Retail Class 12b-1 fees and expenses. With such adjustments, performance would be lower than shown. Actual annualized performance since inception for Retail Class A shares is 9.85% without load and 4.98% with load. Actual cumulative performance since inception for Retail Class B shares is 23.70% without CDSC and 18.70% with CDSC. The performance of the S&P 500 Composite Index does not include operating expenses that are incurred by the Portfolio. 19 22 EQUITY PORTFOLIOS MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS EQUITY INDEX PORTFOLIO [PHOTO OMITTED] J. ERIC LEO, PORTFOLIO MANAGER J. Eric Leo is a Managing Director of Equity Investments for Allied Investment Advisors, Inc. He is the portfolio manager of the Value Equity Portfolio and the Equity Index Portfolio. He has more than 25 years of investment management experience. REVIEW AND OUTLOOK The ARK Equity Index Portfolio is managed to achieve returns similar to the S&P 500 Index. We have chosen to do this by owning the 500 names in the S&P 500 with the same weighting as they are represented in the Index. The U.S. Equity Markets have performed very well over the past 17 years and over that time S&P 500 Index Funds have become a popular low cost way of participating. The past year has found market experts breathlessly waiting for the bear market to take the leadership away from large growth companies that have been the Index's primary drivers. But, every time a correction has occurred, buyers have stepped in and raised the S&P 500 above the levels where the negative returns began. There has been rotation in and out of sectors, but the trend has been especially upward in the technology and communication services areas. Cyclical stocks have rallied as of late, breathing new life into value stocks at the expense of some of the larger growth companies. The ARK Equity Index Portfolio grew from less than $47 million to over $92 million over the past year. As the Portfolio grows, it is better able to handle cash flows and more closely match the returns of the Index. The slight outperformance can be attributed to heavy fund purchases at a time when the markets were very negative. Among the stocks owned, the largest contributors to the return were Microsoft, Cisco Systems, and Wal-Mart. The stocks with the most negative impact on returns were Disney, Coca-Cola, and Bank of America. Investors continue to wonder when this market will correct. We expect the balance of 1999 to throw as many curves as we have seen in the past with interest rate and inflation uncertainty, and the recent resignation of Robert Rubin as Treasury Secretary already making market participants nervous. However, if the past years are any guide, the S&P 500 will be a difficult index for a clever manager to beat. 20 23 [GRAPHIC OMITTED] PERFORMANCE AS OF 4/30/99 Comparison of Change in the Value of a $10,000 Investment in the ARK Equity Index Fund, Institutional Class, versus the S&P Composite Index, and the Lipper Growth Funds Average In the printed version of the document, a line graph appears which depicts the following plot points: INSTITUTIONAL CLASS: VALUE OF A $100,000 INVESTMENT 10/31/97 Apr. 98 Apr. 99 ----------------------- -------- -------- -------- ARK Equity Index Fund, Institutional Class $100,000 $122,594 $150,019 S&P 500 Composite Index $100,000 $122,489 $149,253 Lipper Growth Funds Average $100,000 $117,508 $135,193 [GRAPHIC OMITTED] In the printed version of the document, a line graph appears which depicts the following plot points: RETAIL CLASS A: VALUE OF A $10,000 INVESTMENT 11/30/97 Apr. 98 Apr. 99 ----------------------- -------- ------- ------- ARK Equity Index Fund, Retail Class A $10,000 $11,694 $14,272 ARK Equity Index Fund, Retail A, with load $ 9,525 $11,138 $13,594 S&P 500 Composite Index $10,000 $11,707 $14,265 Lipper Growth Funds Average $10,000 $11,545 $13,283 INSTITUTIONAL RETAIL LIPPER CLASS CLASS A S&P 500 GROWTH - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ONE YEAR TOTAL RETURN 22.37% 22.05% 21.85% 15.05% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ONE YEAR TOTAL RETURN WITH LOAD N/A 16.23% N/A N/A - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANNUALIZED TOTAL RETURN INCEPTION TO DATE 25.34% 28.58% N/A N/A - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANNUALIZED TOTAL RETURN INCEPTION TO DATE WITH LOAD N/A 24.42% N/A N/A Past performance of the Portfolio is not predictive of future performance. Institutional Class shares were offered beginning October 1, 1997. Retail Class A shares were offered beginning November 3, 1997. Performance for Retail Class A shares reflects the deduction of the 4.75% sales charge. The performance in the graphs begins at October 31, 1997 for the Institutional Class and at November 30, 1997 for Retail Class A shares. The performance reflected in the table begins at the inception dates. The performance of the S&P 500 Composite Index does not include operating expenses that are incurred by the Portfolio. 21 24 EQUITY PORTFOLIOS MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS BLUE CHIP EQUITY PORTFOLIO [PHOTO OMITTED] ALLEN J. ASHCROFT, JR. CO-PORTFOLIO MANAGER Allen J. Ashcroft, Jr., is a Principal of Allied Investment Advisors, Inc. He is the co-portfolio manager of the Blue Chip Equity Portfolio and the Equity Income Portfolio. He has more than 18 years of investment management experience. REVIEW AND OUTLOOK The ARK Blue Chip Equity Portfolio delivered consistent results through the fiscal year ended April 30, 1999. The Portfolio's investments were helped by a robust U.S. equity market that continued to focus on large-cap companies. This past year witnessed an extremely volatile equity environment. Our fiscal year began with the Dow Jones Industrial Average hovering slightly above the 9,000 mark. The market then peaked in July, only to drop rather precipitously to 7,300 by early October as Asian economic weakness continued and financial chaos surfaced in Russia. However, accommodating interest rate moves by the Federal Reserve once again sparked interest in equities and the Dow closed out our fiscal year at a record level. Throughout the year, the Blue Chip Equity Portfolio remained focused on its strategy of looking for large-cap companies that are dominant in their markets, have franchise characteristics with solid management teams, and a proven record of delivering above-average equity performance. This strategy prompted us to stay broadly diversified by covering each sector of the market. Although we were tempted to overweight sectors PERFORMANCE AS OF 4/30/99 [GRAPHIC OMITTED] Comparison of Change in the Value of a $100,000 Investment in the ARK Blue Chip Equity Fund, Institutional Class versus the S&P Composite Index, and the Lipper Growth Funds Average In the printed version of the document, a line graph appears which depicits the following plot points: INSTITUTIONAL CLASS: VALUE OF A $100,000 INVESTMENT 4/30/96 Apr. 97 Apr. 98 Apr. 99 ----------------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ARK Blue Chip Equity Fund, Institutional Class $100,000 $124,410 $173,353 $209,878 S&P 500 Composite Index $100,000 $125,120 $176,469 $215,028 Lipper Growth Funds Average $100,000 $113,710 $158,364 $182,198 [GRAPHIC OMITTED] In the printed version of the document, a line graph appears which depicits the following plot points: RETAIL CLASS A: VALUE OF A $10,000 INVESTMENT 5/31/96 Apr. 97 Apr. 98 Apr. 99 ----------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ARK Blue Chip Fund, Retail A Class $10,000 $11,956 $16,611 $20,092 ARK Blue Chip Fund, Retail A, with load $ 9,525 $11,388 $15,822 $19,138 S&P 500 Composite Index $10,000 $12,196 $17,201 $20,959 Lipper Growth Funds Average $10,000 $11,044 $15,381 $17,696 22 25 CLYDE L. RANDALL, CFA CO-PORTFOLIO MANAGER Clyde L. Randall, CFA, is a Principal of Allied Investment Advisors, Inc. He is the co-portfolio manager of the Blue Chip Equity Portfolio and the Equity Income Portfolio. He has over 12 years of investment management experience. that had outpaced the market, we stayed the course and several of our more cyclical equities surged at the end of the year, helping our performance outpace that of the market. As of April 30, 1999, the Portfolio's largest contributors have been Cisco, Amgen, and MCI Worldcom. Each of these companies is a leader in its respective sector of technology, healthcare, and telecommunication. Over the last year, it has been these sectors that have really been the growth engine behind this market's advance. The Portfolio was negatively affected by our weighting in consumer-related companies, which had a tough time delivering earnings growth because of pricing power. We continue with our positive bias on the equity markets. In the past, a surprisingly strong economy, relatively low interest rates, and little in the way of inflation have resulted in a favorable equity environment. We continue to look for investments in large companies with strong business franchises; however, we must be cognizant of individual equity valuations, for we have now witnessed three years of strong equity performance. INSTITUTIONAL RETAIL RETAIL LIPPER CLASS CLASS A CLASS B* S&P 500 GROWTH - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ONE YEAR TOTAL RETURN 21.07% 20.96% 20.24% 21.85% 15.05% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ONE YEAR TOTAL RETURN WITH LOAD N/A 15.20% 15.24% N/A N/A - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANNUALIZED 3 YEAR TOTAL RETURN 28.03% N/A 27.74% 29.07% 21.53% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANNUALIZED 3 YEAR TOTAL RETURN WITH LOAD N/A N/A 27.12% N/A N/A - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANNUALIZED TOTAL RETURN INCEPTION TO DATE 27.71% 27.40% 27.43% N/A N/A - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANNUALIZED TOTAL RETURN INCEPTION TO DATE WITH LOAD N/A 25.30% 26.84% N/A N/A Comparison of Change in the Value of a $100,000 Investment in the ARK Blue Chip Equity Fund, Institutional Class versus the S&P Composite Index, and the Lipper Growth Funds Average In the printed version of the document, a line graph appears which depicits the following plot points: RETAIL CLASS B: VALUE OF A $10,000 INVESTMENT 4/30/96 Apr. 97 Apr. 98 Apr. 99 ----------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ARK Blue Chip Fund, Retail B Class $10,000 $12,441 $17,335 $20,544 S&P 500 Composite Index $10,000 $12,512 $17,647 $20,503 Lipper Growth Funds Average $10,000 $11,371 $15,836 $18,220 Past performance of the Portfolio is not predictive of future performance. Institutional Class shares were offered beginning April 1, 1996. Retail Class A shares were offered beginning May 16, 1996. Performance for Retail Class A shares reflects the deduction of the 4.75% sales charge. Retail Class B shares were offered beginning July 31, 1998. The performance reflected in the graphs begins at April 30, 1996 for Institutional Class and Retail Class B shares, and at May 31, 1996 for Retail Class A shares. Performance in the graph for Retail Class B shares reflects the deduction of the 3.00% contingent deferred sales charge applied in year three. The performance shown in the table begins at April 1, 1996 for Institutional Class and Retail Class B shares and at May 16, 1996 for Retail Class A shares. Performance in the table for Retail Class B shares with load reflects the deduction of the applicable contingent deferred sales charge. * Performance shown prior to the inception date of the Retail Class B shares represents that of the Institutional Class adjusted for the sales charge only. No adjustments have been made for Retail Class 12b-1 fees and expenses. With such adjustments, performance would be lower than shown. Actual cumulative performance since inception for Retail Class B shares is 19.62% without CDSC and 14.62% with CDSC. The performance of the S&P 500 Composite Index does not include operating expenses that are incurred by the Portfolio. 23 26 EQUITY PORTFOLIOS MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS CAPITAL GROWTH PORTFOLIO [PHOTO OMITTED] CHRISTOPHER E. BAGGINI, CFA, PORTFOLIO MANAGER Christopher E. Baggini, CFA, is a Principal of Allied Investment Advisors, Inc. He is the portfolio manager of the Mid-Cap Equity Portfolio and the Capital Growth Portfolio. He has over 12 years of investment management experience. REVIEW AND OUTLOOK The last 12 months have once again provided opportunities to investors in the U.S. stock markets, while at the same time trying the patience of even the wildest bulls. As the dust clears on the ARK Capital Growth Portfolio's fiscal year ended April 30, 1999, investors clearly benefited, as the Portfolio returned nearly 30% for both the Institutional Class and the Retail Class A shares during the previous 12 months. This performance compares very favorably to our mutual fund peers and the broader market indices, including the S&P 500 Index. As always, stock picking was a critical factor in the success of the Portfolio, as investments in Amgen, Cisco, EMC, Electronics For Imaging, and Comverse Technology all advanced over 100% during the previous 12 months. Not every investment performed PERFORMANCE AS OF 4/30/99 [GRAPHIC OMITTED] Comparison of Change in the Value of a $100,000 Investment in the ARK Capital Growth Fund, Institutional Class, versus the S&P Composite Index, and the Lipper Growth Funds Average In the printed version of the document, a line graph appears which depicts the following plot points: INSTITUTIONAL CLASS: VALUE OF A $100,000 INVESTMENT Initial Investment Date 7/31/93 Apr. 94 Apr. 95 Apr. 96 Apr. 97 Apr. 98 Apr. 99 ----------------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ARK Capital Growth Fund, Institutional Class $100,000 $102,876 $106,219 $131,308 $148,982 $216,307 $280,140 S&P 500 Composite Index $100,000 $102,680 $120,587 $156,992 $196,429 $277,043 $337,577 Lipper Growth Funds Average $100,000 $104,903 $116,464 $151,473 $172,240 $239,878 $275,980 [GRAPHIC OMITTED] In the printed version of the document, a line graph appears which depicts the following plot points: RETAIL CLASS A: VALUE OF A $10,000 INVESTMENT Initial Investment Date 3/31/94 Apr. 94 Apr. 95 Apr. 96 Apr. 97 Apr. 98 Apr. 99 ----------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ARK Capital Growth Fund, Retail A Class $10,000 $ 9,951 $10,224 $12,600 $14,287 $20,701 $26,775 ARK Capital Growth Fund, Retail A, with load $ 9,525 $ 9,478 $ 9,738 $12,001 $13,608 $19,718 $25,503 S&P 500 Composite Index $10,000 $10,128 $11,894 $15,484 $19,374 $27,325 $33,296 Lipper Growth Funds Average $10,000 $10,040 $11,147 $14,497 $16,485 $22,959 $26,414 24 27 well. Shortfalls in earnings caused investments in Rite Aid, Cendant, and Disney to decline by over 40% relative to the S&P 500 Index. Throughout the last year, numerous opportunities appeared for long-term investors who were able to look past short-term issues to upgrade their portfolios. Most notably, after the 3-month correction from July 17 to October 8, while the S&P 500 declined 19.2% and the Russell 2000 Small-Cap Index declined 33%, patient investors benefited from a staggering 11 week rally of over 30% for all the major indices. As economic earnings growth becomes increasingly viewed as "too hot" or "too cold" by market watchers, we believe that opportunities will once again surface. The value of solid research in this type of environment will continue to be very important in separating long-term winning investments from the laggards. ARK FUNDS ANNUAL REPORT APRIL 30, 1999 [GRAPHIC OMITTED] In the printed version of the document, a line graph appears which depicts the following plot points: RETAIL CLASS B: VALUE OF A $10,000 INVESTMENT 4/30/96 Apr. 97 Apr. 98 Apr. 99 ----------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ARK Blue Chip Equity Fund, with CDSC Retail B Class $10,000 $12,441 $17,335 $20,544 S&P 500 Composite Index $10,000 $12,512 $17,647 $21,503 Lipper Growth Funds Average $10,000 $11,371 $15,836 $18,220 INSTITUTIONAL RETAIL RETAIL S&P 500 LIPPER CLASS CLASS A CLASS B* GROWTH - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ONE YEAR TOTAL RETURN 29.51% 29.34% 28.83% 21.85% 15.05% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ONE YEAR TOTAL RETURN WITH LOAD N/A 23.18% 23.83% N/A N/A - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANNUALIZED 3 YEAR TOTAL RETURN 28.74% 28.57% 28.51% 29.07% 21.53% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANNUALIZED 3 YEAR TOTAL RETURN WITH LOAD N/A 26.48% 27.90% N/A N/A - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANNUALIZED 5 YEAR TOTAL RETURN 22.19% 21.89% 22.06% 26.87% 20.90% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANNUALIZED 5 YEAR TOTAL RETURN WITH LOAD N/A 20.70% 21.88% N/A N/A - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANNUALIZED TOTAL RETURN INCEPTION TO DATE 19.43% 19.63% 19.32% N/A N/A - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANNUALIZED TOTAL RETURN INCEPTION TO DATE WITH LOAD N/A 18.51% 19.24% N/A N/A Past performance of the Portfolio is not predictive of future performance. Institutional Class shares were offered beginning July 16, 1993. Retail Class A shares were offered beginning March 9, 1994. Performance for Retail Class A shares reflects the deduction of the 4.75% sales charge. Retail Class B shares were offered beginning September 14, 1998. The performance reflected in the graphs begins at July 31, 1993 for Institutional Class and Retail Class B shares, and at March 31, 1994 for Retail Class A shares. Performance in the graph for Retail Class B shares reflects the deduction of the 1.00% contingent deferred sales charge applied in year six. The performance shown in the table begins at July 16, 1993 for Institutional Class and Retail Class B shares and at March 9, 1994 for Retail Class A shares. Performance in the table for Retail Class B shares with load reflects the deduction of the applicable contingent deferred sales charge. * Performance shown prior to the inception date of the Retail Class B shares represents that of the Institutional Class adjusted for the sales charge only. No adjustments have been made for Retail Class 12b-1 fees and expenses. With such adjustments, performance would be lower than shown. Actual cumulative performance since inception for Retail Class B shares is 41.88% without CDSC and 36.88% with CDSC. The performance of the S&P 500 Composite Index does not include operating expenses that are incurred by the Portfolio. 25 28 EQUITY PORTFOLIOS MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS MID-CAP EQUITY PORTFOLIO [PHOTO OMITTED] CHRISTOPHER E. BAGGINI, CFA, PORTFOLIO MANAGER Christopher E. Baggini, CFA, is a Principal of Allied Investment Advisors, Inc. He is the portfolio manager of the Mid-Cap Equity Portfolio and the Capital Growth Portfolio. He has over 12 years of investment management experience. REVIEW AND OUTLOOK Mid-cap stocks staggered through a difficult 12 months. Although the ARK Mid-Cap Equity Portfolio Institutional Class advanced almost 9%, far below the results of the large-cap market, the results compared favorably to the S&P 400 Mid-Cap Index and similarly managed mid-cap funds. Disappointing earnings growth relative to initial expectations and the large-cap companies held back the advancement of mid-cap shares. During the year mid-cap stocks went on a wild ride, declining 26% from July 17 to October 8, only to rebound over 40% the remainder of the calendar year. Investments in America Online, Comverse Technology, Biogen, Lexmark, and Best Buy paid off handsomely, while losses in the energy sector, General Nutrition, Borders Group, and Keane mitigated those gains. The market's fear of an economic recession, caused by sharp declines in most Asian countries, has most recently given way to expectations that the U.S. economy is growing too quickly. Concerns that the Federal Reserve would take action to slow the growth of the money supply and/or raise interest rates caused growth stocks to languish in February and March, only to rally in April with the report of strong earnings growth. This type of short-term price volatility is likely to continue throughout the rest of the year as additional concerns, including the effects of Y2K, permeate the markets. We expect that our ability to define and locate long-term investments during times of market duress will be tested many times over the coming months. 26 29 ARK FUNDS ANNUAL REPORT APRIL 30, 1999 PERFORMANCE AS OF 4/30/99 Comparison of Change in the Value of a $100,000 Investment in the ARK Mid-Cap Equity Fund, Institutional Class, versus the S&P 400 Mid-Cap Index, and the Lipper Mid-Cap Funds Average [GRAPHIC OMITTED] In the printed version of the document, a line graph appears which depicts the following plot points: INSTITUTIONAL CLASS: VALUE OF A $100,000 INVESTMENT 11/30/96 Apr. 97 Apr. 98 Apr. 99 ----------------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ARK Mid-Cap Equity Fund, Institutional Class $100,000 $100,671 $147,906 $160,862 S&P 400 Mid-Cap Index $100,000 $101,178 $149,613 $159,248 Lipper Mid-Cap Funds Average $100,000 $ 94,945 $135,316 $142,082 INSTITUTIONAL S&P 400 LIPPER CLASS MID-CAP MID-CAP - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ONE YEAR TOTAL RETURN 8.76% 6.44% 5.00% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANNUALIZED TOTAL RETURN INCEPTION TO DATE 22.00% N/A N/A Past performance of the Portfolio is not predictive of future performance. Institutional Class shares were offered beginning November 15, 1996. The performance reflected in the graph begins at November 30, 1996. The performance shown in the table begins at the inception date. The performance of the S&P 400 Mid-Cap Index does not include operating expenses that are incurred by the Portfolio. 27 30 EQUITY PORTFOLIOS MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS SMALL-CAP EQUITY PORTFOLIO [PHOTO OMITTED] H. GILES KNIGHT, PORTFOLIO MANAGER H. Giles Knight is a Principal of Allied Investment Advisors, Inc. He is the portfolio manager of the Small-Cap Equity Portfolio. He has more than 28 years of investment management experience. REVIEW AND OUTLOOK The ARK Small-Cap Equity Portfolio closed out the fiscal year with solid performance, gaining 9.89% for the Institutional Class, compared to a decline in the Russell 2000 Index of 9.25%. Small-company funds as a group, however, continued to lag behind the strong performance shown by larger-company stocks, particularly those involved in technology applications. Major drivers of the ARK Small-Cap Equity Portfolio's success were overweighted positions in telecommunications, technology, specialty retail, and some medical service shares. The telecommunications industry represents one of the most significant changes ever affecting global societies, and the Portfolio has participated in wireless telephony, Internet processing, and telecommunications equipment and software. Uniphase, Western Wireless, and Omnipoint have been strong wireless service and equipment performers, while Infoseek and U.S. Webb have provided Internet exposure. An important change in the market occurred in April, as the Russell 2000, a small-cap index, actually outperformed the S&P 500 Index. This means that the stock markets are broadening and investors are expected to return to smaller capitalization issues, which on a relative basis are historically undervalued. The Portfolio will continue to focus on the strongest growth industries and companies for the Millennium. 28 31 ARK FUNDS ANNUAL REPORT APRIL 30, 1999 Performance as of 4/30/99 [GRAPHIC OMITTED] Comparison of Change in the Value of a $100,000 Investment in the ARK Small-Cap Equity Fund, Institutional Class, versus the Frank Russell 2000 Index, and the Lipper Small Cap Funds Average In the printed version of the document, a line graph appears which depicts the following plot points: INSTITUTIONAL CLASS: VALUE OF A $100,000 INVESTMENT 7/31/95 Apr. 96 Apr. 97 Apr. 98 Apr. 99 ----------------------- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ARK Small-Cap Equity Fund, Institutional Class $100,000 $137,992 $105,661 $156,304 $171,762 Frank Russell 2000 Growth Index $100,000 $119,379 $103,203 $148,313 $142,722 Frank Russell 2000 Index $100,000 $117,543 $117,614 $167,482 $151,990 Lipper Small Cap Funds Average $100,000 $122,048 $119,265 $173,841 $154,527 [GRAPHIC OMITTED] In the printed version of the document, a line graph appears which depicts the following plot points: RETAIL CLASS A: VALUE OF A $10,000 INVESTMENT 5/31/96 Apr. 97 Apr. 98 Apr. 99 ----------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ARK Small-Cap Equity, Retail A Class $10,000 $7,426 $10,958 $12,016 ARK Small-Cap Equity, Retail A, with load $9,525 $7,073 $10,437 $11,446 Frank Russell 2000 Growth Index $10,000 $8,223 $11,817 $11,372 Frank Russell 2000 Index $10,000 $9,626 $13,707 $12,439 Lipper Small Cap Funds Average $10,000 $9,345 $13,622 $12,109 [PHOTO] INSTITUTIONAL RETAIL RUSSELL 2000 RUSSELL 2000 LIPPER CLASS CLASS A GROWTH SMALL CAP - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ONE YEAR TOTAL RETURN 9.89% 9.66% -3.77% -9.25% -11.11% - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ONE YEAR TOTAL RETURN WITH LOAD N/A 4.45% N/A N/A N/A - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANNUALIZED 3 YEAR TOTAL RETURN 7.57% N/A 6.13% 8.94% 7.49% - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANNUALIZED 3 YEAR TOTAL RETURN WITH LOAD N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANNUALIZED TOTAL RETURN INCEPTION TO DATE 17.57% 5.73% N/A N/A N/A - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANNUALIZED TOTAL RETURN INCEPTION TO DATE WITH LOAD N/A 4.01% N/A N/A N/A - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Past performance of the Portfolio is not predictive of future performance. Institutional Class shares were offered beginning July 13, 1995. Retail Class A shares were offered beginning May 16, 1996. Performance for Retail Class A shares reflects the deduction of the 4.75% sales charge. The performance reflected in the graphs begins at July 31, 1995 for the Institutional Class shares and at May 31, 1996 for Retail Class A shares. The performance shown in the table begins at the inception dates for the Institutional Class and the Retail Class A shares. The performance of the Frank Russell 2000 Growth Index and the Frank Russell 2000 Index does not include operating expenses that are incurred by the Portfolio. 29 32 [PHOTO OMITTED] BRETT A. HOFFACKER, CFP, PORTFOLIO MANAGER Brett A. Hoffacker, CFP, is a Principal of Allied Investment Advisors, Inc. He is the portfolio manager of the International Equity Selection Portfolio. He has over 15 years of investment management experience. EQUITY PORTFOLIOS MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS INTERNATIONAL EQUITY SELECTION PORTFOLIO REVIEW AND OUTLOOK For the fiscal year ended April 30, 1999, activity in the foreign markets continued to be dominated by the consequences of the Asian crisis that began in the summer of 1997. First and foremost, we remember the period for the bouts of extreme market volatility that circled the globe. In Asia, we have seen riots, political leadership changes, as well as instances of government intervention into the securities and currency markets. In Japan, despite economic reforms and interest rates falling to near 0%, the economy has slipped into recession. Latin America has not gone unscathed, as Brazil was finally forced to abandon currency controls and let the Real float. The effects of devaluation quickly spread to neighboring South and Central American countries. Last but not least, we saw the Russian government default on its sovereign debt. European markets, which were the bastions of strength for most of calendar year 1998, began losing momentum as falling demand from Asia and Russia were projected to cut into corporate profits. In fact, in the last quarter of 1998, the German economy contracted for the first time in three years. Another significant development in Europe was the implementation of the "Euro" on January 1, 1999. The adoption of the Euro by the 11 member countries of the European Union also formally placed the responsibility for monetary and economic policy for the member nations under control of the European Central Bank (ECB). In an effort to promote growth among members, we have already seen the ECB institute its first interest-rate cut. Most recently, European markets are dealing with the military and political situation in Kosovo. From a market perspective, it is interesting to note the change in investor sentiment surrounding foreign markets. At the beginning of the year, feelings were positive toward the European markets, which existed in an environment of corporate restructuring and favorable interest rates. Later in the year, as Europe faced economic slowing, Japanese and Asian markets began to rebound as investors anticipated 30 33 ARK FUNDS ANNUAL REPORT APRIL 30, 1999 economic improvement in the region. Investors venturing into these markets have been rewarded as pockets of recovery have been recognized and reflected in strong returns since the beginning of 1999. For our fiscal year ended April 30, 1999, the European and Asian markets as measured by the MSCI Europe and Asia Pacific Indices gained 3.41% and 18.18%, respectively. Latin American markets, while also strong since the beginning of 1999, still posted negative returns at the end of our fiscal year. During this period, we increased the number of underlying funds from six to 15 in order to diversify the ARK International Equity Selection Portfolio. Prior to the addition of these funds, the Portfolio was composed primarily of funds pursuing a value-style investment approach. To widen the scope of the Portfolio, we added growth funds and growth at a reasonable price-style funds as well as a small capitalization fund and a single-country Japan fund. We eliminated our positions in the GAM International and Hotchkis and Wiley Funds. For the year, the MSCI World (Ex - U.S.) Value Index outperformed its counterpart the MSCI Growth Index by 2.11%. This was not an across-the-board phenomenon and was attributable to the fact that holdings in the stronger performing Japanese and Asian markets were found in value funds. In fact, both styles had winners and losers as sector selection, stock picking, and currency fluctuation all were important factors in determining underlying fund returns. Rotation among equities of different market capitalizations also had dramatic effects on returns. These trends, which made it difficult to exceed the benchmark indices, are evident in the Portfolio as the list of bottom and top performers included both value and growth funds. Underlying funds negatively affecting performance were the Hotchkis and Wiley International, Harbor International Growth, GAM International, and the BT International funds. Our top-performing fund holdings were [PHOTO OMITTED] [PHOTO OMITTED] 31 34 EQUITY PORTFOLIOS MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS INTERNATIONAL EQUITY SELECTION PORTFOLIO (CONTINUED) the Artisan International, Federated International Small Company, Putnam International Growth, Europacific Growth, and Glenmede International funds. Going forward, while not ideal, foreign markets will provide ample opportunity for investors, especially if U.S. growth tapers off. Europe should benefit from continued corporate restructuring and the creation of "Euroland." In Japan, we search for signs that implementation of government reforms are translating into the early stages of recovery. The rest of Southeast Asia continues to improve as the effects of IMF loans and mandated reforms take hold. Latin American economies, which appear to be stabilizing, depend upon recovery in Brazil and strong fiscal management of the Mexican economy. The region has already been aided by the rise in the price of oil. Across the globe, a favorable interest rate environment, competition, consolidation and increased productivity will promote growth and limit inflation. As a fund of funds, we continue to manage the Portfolio by selecting funds with consistent patterns of outperformance that are appropriate with respect to foreign market conditions. Diversification and attention to fees and investment strategies are paramount to provide a complementary array of investment styles and risk/return profiles within the Portfolio's selection of funds. [PHOTO OMITTED] 32 35 ARK FUNDS ANNUAL REPORT APRIL 30, 1999 [GRAPHIC OMITTED] PERFORMANCE AS OF 4/30/99 Comparison of Change in the Value of a $100,000 Investment in the ARK International Equity Selection, Synthetic Institutional Class, versus the Morgan Stanley MSCI EAFE Index, and the Lipper International Funds Average In the printed version of the document, a line graph appears which depicts the following plot points: INSTITUTIONAL CLASS: VALUE OF A $100,000 INVESTMENT 5/31/91 Apr. 92 Apr. 93 Apr. 94 Apr. 95 Apr. 96 Apr. 97 Apr. 98 Apr. 99 ----------------------- ------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ARK International Equity Selection, Synthetic Institutional Class $100,000 $102,478 $110,574 $134,945 $138,669 $162,132 $180,826 $215,815 $214,736 Morgan Stanley MSCI EAFE Index $100,000 $ 90,553 $110,121 $128,434 $135,640 $151,103 $149,773 $178,110 $195,013 Lipper International Funds Average $100,000 $103,169 $113,465 $137,974 $136,994 $159,379 $168,671 $204,412 $211,035 [GRAPHIC OMITTED] In the printed version of the document, a line graph appears which depicts the following plot points: RETAIL CLASS A: VALUE OF A $10,000 INVESTMENT 5/31/91 Apr. 92 Apr. 93 Apr. 94 Apr. 95 Apr. 96 Apr. 97 Apr. 98 Apr. 99 ----------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ARK International Equity Selection Fund, Synthetic Retail A $10,000 $10,248 $11,057 $13,494 $13,867 $16,213 $18,083 $21,582 $21,454 ARK International Equity Selection, Retail, with load $9,850 $10,094 $10,891 $13,292 $13,659 $15,970 $17,811 $21,258 $21,132 Morgan Stanley MSCI EAFE Index $10,000 $9,055 $11,012 $12,843 $13,564 $15,110 $14,977 $17,811 $19,501 Lipper International Funds Average $10,000 $10,317 $11,347 $13,797 $13,699 $15,938 $16,867 $20,441 $21,104 INSTITUTIONAL RETAIL MSCI EAFE LIPPER CLASS CLASS A* INTERNATIONAL - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ONE YEAR TOTAL RETURN -0.50% -0.59% 9.49% 3.24% - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ONE YEAR TOTAL RETURN WITH LOAD N/A -2.12% N/A N/A - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANNUALIZED 3 YEAR TOTAL RETURN 9.82% 9.79% 8.88% 9.40% - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANNUALIZED 3 YEAR TOTAL RETURN WITH LOAD N/A 9.22% N/A N/A - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANNUALIZED 5 YEAR TOTAL RETURN 9.74% 9.72% 8.71% 8.29% - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANNUALIZED 5 YEAR TOTAL RETURN WITH LOAD N/A 9.40% N/A N/A - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANNUALIZED TOTAL RETURN INCEPTION TO DATE 10.16% 10.15% N/A N/A - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANNUALIZED TOTAL RETURN INCEPTION TO DATE WITH LOAD N/A 9.95% N/A N/A - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Past performance of the Portfolio is not predictive of future performance. Performance presented from inception to March 29, 1998 for the Institutional Class reflects the performance of the Marketvest International Equity Fund, which is the successor to a collective trust fund. The quoted performance data includes performance of the collective trust fund for the period from May 31, 1991 (inception date of the collective trust fund) to March 31, 1997, when the Fund's registration statement became effective. The collective trust fund was not registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 ("1940 Act") and therefore was not subject to certain investment restrictions imposed by the 1940 Act. If the collective trust fund had been registered under the 1940 Act, the performance may have been adversely affected. Retail Class A shares were offered beginning April 1, 1998. Performance for Retail Class A shares reflects the deduction of the 1.50% sales charge. The performance reflected in the graphs begins at May 31, 1991 for Institutional Class and Retail Class A shares. Performance shown in the table begins at May 31, 1991 for both Institutional Class and Retail Class A shares. * Performance shown prior to the inception date of the Retail Class A shares represents that of the Institutional Class adjusted for the sales charge only. No adjustments have been made for Retail Class 12b-1 fees and expenses. With such adjustments, performance would be lower than shown. Actual annualized performance since inception for Retail Class A shares is 0.34% without load and -1.03% with load. The performance of the MSCI EAFE Index does not include operating expenses that are incurred by the Portfolio. [PHOTO OMITTED] 33 36 [BLANK PAGE] 37 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND MEDICAL SYSTEM PENSION PLAN INVESTOR [PHOTO OMITTED] Dotti LaForce and Art McCombs stand in the Homer Gudelsky Building at the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore, the core component of the University of Maryland Medical System. This consumer friendly atrium features everything from a food court to a branch of Allfirst Bank (formerly known as the First National Bank of Maryland). The University of Maryland Medical Center is a pioneer in trauma care, organ transplant, cancer and AIDS research, stroke treatment, and women's and children's health. The Medical System invests in the ARK Funds for its employees' money purchase pension plan. 34 38 FIXED INCOME PORTFOLIOS Our fixed income investment management philosophy centers on four core beliefs. We believe that over a full interest-rate cycle, a portfolio of fixed income investments should provide real returns that exceed any loss of purchasing power due to inflation, exceed the specified portfolio benchmark return such as the Lipper universe, be competitive versus portfolios of similar risk, and maintain low-to-moderate principal volatility. With the understanding of each Portfolio's constraints and tolerance for risk, we employ a value approach to fixed income investing involving over- or under-weighting market sectors, industries, or yield curve segments deemed to be relatively undervalued or expensive. We undertake rigorous analysis utilizing the following components to construct a portfolio: sector selection, duration management, credit analysis, industry and issue selection, and yield curve management. The fixed income process is an actively managed, bottom-up sector selection approach, wherein risk containment is paramount. Our objective is to position the Portfolios in such a way that our sector, interest rate, yield curve, and credit analysis can add value without assuming an inordinate risk of underperformance. As part of the construction and management process, we continually test portfolios to assess and control risk. This disciplined fixed income philosophy has been in place within our organization for over 15 years, has been consistently applied, and has generated excellent results. 35 39 FIXED INCOME PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS SHORT-TERM TREASURY PORTFOLIO [PHOTO OMITTED] JAMES M. HANNAN, PORTFOLIO MANAGER James M. Hannan is a Principal of Allied Investment Advisors, Inc. He is portfolio manager of the Money Market Portfolios and the Short-Term Treasury Portfolio. He has over 10 years of investment management experience. SHORT-TERM TREASURY PORTFOLIO REVIEW AND OUTLOOK The ARK Short-Term Treasury Portfolio continued to provide a rate of return that was greater than that available from investing in a money market fund, while providing lower price volatility than a long-term bond fund. For the one-year period ending April 30, 1999, the Institutional Class returned 5.24%, while the Retail Class A returned 5.04%. During this same period, the net asset value ranged between $10.28 and $10.01. To achieve these results, we actively managed the Portfolio utilizing a conservative and highly disciplined relative-value approach that emphasizes security selection. The short-term interest rate environment during 1998 was influenced by the Federal Reserve's easing of monetary policy by 25 basis points on three separate occasions during the fall of 1998. This was the first easing of monetary policy since January 1996. The cut in short-term interest rates was in response to growing fears of a global economic recession and to "cushion the effects of increasing weakness in foreign economies." In spite of the weak global economies, the U.S. economy continued its spectacular performance of the past three years. The unemployment rate fell to a 29-year low of 4.2%; consumer prices increased by less than 2% during 1998; economic growth surged as confident consumers pushed housing starts to a record high; and consumer spending remained robust. Two-year U.S. Treasury yields averaged 4.92% for our fiscal year. The high yield was 5.64% on May 11, 1998. The low yield of 3.82% on October 15, 1998 was in response to expectations for further Federal Reserve easing of monetary policy, and a flight to quality precipitated by concerns of the Asian contagion spreading to South America. Our approach is to actively manage the Portfolio. The average maturity of the Portfolio is lengthened when we anticipate a decline in short-term interest rates. Conversely, when we anticipate a rise in interest rates, we shorten the average maturity of the Portfolio. We also examine the shape and slope of the yield curve, implied forward interest rates, and anticipated monetary policy in determining the Portfolio's average maturity. 36 40 ARK FUNDS ANNUAL REPORT APRIL 30, 1999 Currently, economic growth is too fast for the Federal Reserve to ease monetary policy and inflation is too low for it to tighten monetary policy. However, given the current strength of the economy and the improvement of foreign economies, the risk of a tightening of monetary policy has increased. Given our outlook, our strategy is to be cautious while selectively purchasing longer-dated, higher-yielding securities. As always, we will continue to utilize our conservative and disciplined active relative-value approach to managing the ARK Short-Term Treasury Portfolio. PERFORMANCE AS OF 4/30/99 Comparison of Change in the Value of a $10,000 Investment in the ARK Short-Term Treasury Fund, Retail Class A Class, versus the Lehman 1-3 Year Government Bond Index, and the Lipper Short U.S. Treasury Funds Average [GRAPHIC OMITTED] In the printed version of the document, a line graph appears which depicts the following plot points: INSTITUTIONAL CLASS: VALUE OF A $100,000 INVESTMENT 3/31/96 Apr. 96 Apr. 97 Apr. 98 Apr. 99 ----------------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ARK Short-Term Treasury Fund, Institutional Class $100,000 $100,110 $105,246 $112,066 $117,938 Lehman 1-3 Year Government Bond Index $100,000 $100,100 $106,236 $113,821 $120,548 Lipper Short U.S. Treasury Funds Average $100,000 $ 99,960 $105,338 $112,543 $118,620 RETAIL CLASS A: VALUE OF A $10,000 INVESTMENT 9/30/96 Apr. 97 Apr. 98 Apr. 99 ----------------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ARK Short-Term Treasury Fund, Retail A Class $10,000 $10,284 $10,925 $11,475 Lehman 1-3 Year Government Bond Index $10,000 $10,339 $11,077 $11,732 Lipper Short U.S. Treasury Funds Average $10,000 $10,294 $10,998 $11,592 [PHOTO OMITTED] INSTITUTIONAL RETAIL LEHMAN 1-3 LIPPER SHORT CLASS CLASS A YEAR GOV'T. U.S. TREASURY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ONE YEAR TOTAL RETURN 5.24% 5.04% 5.91% 5.40% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANNUALIZED 3 YEAR TOTAL RETURN 5.62% N/A 6.39% 5.91% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANNUALIZED TOTAL RETURN INCEPTION TO DATE 5.46% 5.57% N/A N/A ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Past performance of the Portfolio is not predictive of future performance. Institutional Class shares were offered beginning March 20, 1996. Retail Class A shares were offered beginning September 9, 1996. The performance reflected in the graphs begins at March 31, 1996 for Institutional Class and at September 30, 1996 for Retail Class A shares. The performance shown in the table begins at the inception dates for the Institutional Class and Retail Class A shares. The performance of the Lehman 1-3 Year Government Bond Index does not include operating expenses that are incurred by the Portfolio. 37 41 FIXED INCOME PORTFOLIOS MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS [PHOTO OMITTED] STEVEN M. GRADOW CO-PORTFOLIO MANAGER Steven M. Gradow is the Managing Director of Fixed Income Investments for Allied Investment Advisors, Inc. He is the portfolio manager of the Income Portfolio and co-portfolio manager of the U.S. Government Bond Portfolio and the Short-Term Bond Portfolio. He has over 15 years of investment management experience. SHORT-TERM BOND PORTFOLIO REVIEW AND OUTLOOK The past year was a tumultuous one for the short-term bond market. Domestically, the U.S. economic record was almost flawless: robust growth, 29-year low unemployment, and a benign inflation rate. Globally, however, economic deterioration in Southeast Asia and Russia gave way to a massive liquidity crisis. Investors around the world sought safety in U.S. Treasuries. Between August and October 1998, due to this flight to quality, the yield on the two-year U.S. Treasury bond declined by an impressive 120 basis points to 3.80%. Elsewhere in the short-term bond market, liquidity concerns caused corporate, mortgage, and asset-backed securities to substantially underperform U.S. Treasuries. By November 1998, the Federal Reserve provided the needed market liquidity, lowering short-term interest rates by 25 basis points on three occasions. These actions were successful in restoring market confidence. Fundamentally, the credit issues surrounding the corporate and asset-backed sectors of the U.S. bond market did not change during the liquidity crisis. Corporate issuers were in sound financial condition and the collateral underlying asset-backed securities were performing well. Our analysis revealed that these sectors were significantly undervalued versus U.S. Treasuries. As a result, the ARK Short-Term Bond Portfolio increased its exposure to selective corporate and AAA-rated asset-backed securities. As the market's confidence was restored, the "flight to quality" was reversed, with investors selling U.S. Treasuries for higher-yielding securities such as corporate issues. The sectors of the bond market that had underperformed during the global liquidity crisis were now outperforming U.S. Treasuries. The Portfolio's return was enhanced because of its 19% allocation to AAA-rated home equity asset-backed securities, as well as its 31% weighting in medium-grade corporate securities. During 1999 we 38 42 ARK FUNDS ANNUAL REPORT APRIL 30, 1999 intend to continue to add relative value through such active-sector allocation strategies. Within the corporate bond market, we determined that medium-grade corporate securities offered relative value versus high-grade corporates. The incremental yield offered by medium-grade securities over the course of the year made them more attractive from a total return perspective than more expensively priced high-grade corporate securities. Recently, U.S. interest rates have been hovering within a trading range bound by strong U.S. economic growth on the one hand and a tenuous global economic condition on the other. At its most recent Federal Open Market Committee meeting in May, the Federal Reserve changed to a "tightening bias" with regard to U.S. monetary policy. However, in light of the benign inflationary environment, we believe this trading range will continue. Given this interest rate forecast, incremental income and return will be realized in selective corporate bonds and well-structured asset-backed securities. Going forward, we will continue to employ our conservative and disciplined investment strategy of actively pursuing relative value in both sector allocation and security selection. [GRAPHIC OMITTED] PERFORMANCE AS OF 4/30/99 Comparison of Change in the Value of a $100,000 Investment in the ARK Short-Term Bond Fund, Institutional Class, versus the Lehman 1-3 Year Government Bond Index, and the Lipper Short Investment-Grade Debt Average In the printed version of the document, a line graph appears which depicts the following plot points: INSTITUTIONAL CLASS: VALUE OF A $100,000 INVESTMENT 3/31/96 Apr. 96 Apr. 97 Apr. 98 Apr. 99 ----------------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ARK Short-Term Bond Fund, Institutional Class $100,000 $ 99,970 $105,078 $111,656 $117,407 Lehman 1-3 Year Government Bond Index $100,000 $100,100 $106,236 $113,821 $120,548 Lipper Short Investment-Grade Debt Average $100,000 $100,010 $105,971 $113,081 $118,792 INSTITUTIONAL LEHMAN 1-3 LIPPER SHORT CLASS YEAR GOV'T. INV.-GRADE ------------------ ----- ----------- ---------- ONE YEAR TOTAL RETURN 5.15% 5.91% 5.05% ---- ---- ---- ANNUALIZED 3 YEAR TOTAL RETURN 5.51% 6.39% 5.87% ---- ---- ---- ANNUALIZED TOTAL RETURN INCEPTION TO DATE 5.34% N/A N/A Past performance of the Portfolio is not predictive of future performance. The performance presented from inception to March 22, 1998 reflects the performance of the Marketvest Short-Term Bond Fund shares, which were offered beginning March 31, 1996. The performance reflected in the graph and table begins at March 31, 1996. The performance of the Lehman 1-3 Year Government Bond Index does not include operating expenses that are incurred by the Portfolio. [PHOTO OMITTED] Wilmer C. Stith, III Co-Portfolio Manager Wilmer C. Stith III is a Vice President of Allied Investment Advisors, Inc. He is co-portfolio manager of the Short-Term Bond Portfolio and overseas Fixed Income trading. He has over 8 years of investment management experience. 39 43 FIXED INCOME PORTFOLIOS MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS MARYLAND AND PENNSYLVANIA TAX-FREE PORTFOLIOS [PHOTO OMITTED] Susan L. Schnaars; CFA, Portfolio Manager Susan L. Schaars, CFA, is a Principal of Allied Investment Advisors, Inc. She is the portfolio manager of the Intermediate Fixed Income Portfolio, Maryland Tax-Free Portfolio, and Pennsylvania Tax-Free Portfolio. She has 10 years of investment management experience. REVIEW AND OUTLOOK The ARK Maryland Tax-Free Portfolio Institutional Class returned 5.86% for the year ended April 30, 1999, while the Portfolio's benchmark, the Lipper Maryland Municipal Debt Funds Average, returned 5.72% for the same period. The ARK Pennsylvania Tax-Free Portfolio Institutional Class returned 5.56% for the year ended April 30, 1999, while its benchmark, the Lipper Pennsylvania Intermediate Municipal Average, returned 5.53% for the same period. Municipal interest rates have remained relatively stable amidst the relative volatility we have experienced in the U.S. Treasury market. Yields on municipal securities hovered in a 40-basis-point range during the past year, averaging around 5%, while U.S. Treasury rates have been as high as 6% and as low as 4.75% during the liquidity crisis that took place in the second half of 1998. For most of the year, the ratio of municipal yields to U.S. Treasury yields (a measure of the tax advantage of tax-exempt securities) traded at the wider end of the historical range. The flight to quality that took place in the taxable market during fall and the ever-alluring equity market, coupled with the reluctance of municipal investors to buy securities with yields below 5%, and a greater supply of bonds due to lower interest rates, made municipals an extremely attractive opportunity for most bond investors. As the flight to quality has abated and as the possibilities for a stronger economy have become more realistic, the yield ratio has fallen, resulting in outperformance by municipal securities over the past six months. During 1998, we began to lengthen the maturity of the ARK Maryland Tax-Free and the ARK Pennsylvania Tax-Free Portfolios as the yield ratio of longer maturity municipals approached, moved into, and continued to exceed the 90% of treasuries range. The municipal yield curve continues to remain steep relative to the treasury yield curve, and provides very attractive after-tax yields in longer dated securities. Supply 40 44 ARK FUNDS ANNUAL REPORT APRIL 30, 1999 should slow down as interest rates rise; however, the equity market still appears to be distracting investors who would otherwise be focused on municipals. We expect that the municipal market will continue to trade in a very narrow range until the yield ratio of municipals to treasuries declines to more normal levels. After that, municipals should trade in sympathy with the treasury market. We continue to focus new purchases in the Portfolios in securities with maturities greater than ten years. The narrow spread between AAA-rated and BBB-rated securities still exists, although it is slightly wider than several months ago, as the result of continued weak hospital profitability and concerns over credit deterioration. Where opportunities present themselves, we will take advantage of the narrow spreads and upgrade quality. We continue to have a long to intermediate term bias in the Portfolios, focusing new purchases in the 15-to-20-year sector of the yield curve. Changes to the Portfolios reflect the bias to maximize after-tax total return, while providing current income. Moderate fluctuations in principal should be expected as interest rates change. As of April 30, 1999, the effective duration of the Portfolios was 7.4 years. Effective duration is a measurement of the sensitivity of the Portfolios to changes in interest rates. As noted previously, we remain focused on maintaining a high-credit-quality profile, insulating performance if quality spreads begin to widen. [PHOTO OMITTED] [PHOTO OMITTED] 41 45 FIXED INCOME PORTFOLIOS MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS MARYLAND AND PENNSYLVANIA TAX-FREE PORTFOLIOS CONTINUED Maryland Tax-Free Performance as of 4/30/99 [GRAPHIC OMITTED] Comparison of Change in the Value of a $100,000 Investment in the ARK Maryland Tax-Free Fund, Institutional Class, versus the Lehman 7 Year Municipal Bond Index, and the Lipper Short Maryland Debt Funds Average In the printed version of the document, a line graph appears which depicts the following plot points: INSTITUTIONAL CLASS: VALUE OF A $100,000 INVESTMENT 11/30/96 Apr. 97 Apr. 98 Apr. 99 ----------------------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ARK Maryland Tax-Free Fund, Institutional Class $100,000 $100,104 $108,263 $114,607 Lehman 7 Year Municipal Bond Index $100,000 $100,106 $107,964 $115,306 Lehman 10 Year Municipal Bond Index $100,000 $100,262 $109,256 $117,068 Lipper Maryland Municipal Debt Funds Average $100,000 $ 99,896 $108,337 $114,534 [GRAPHIC OMITTED] In the printed version of the document, a line graph appears which depicts the following plot points: RETAIL CLASS A: VALUE OF A $10,000 INVESTMENT 1/31/97 Apr. 97 Apr. 98 Apr. 99 ----------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ARK Maryland Tax-Free Fund, Retail A Class $10,000 $10,022 $10,814 $11,430 ARK Maryland Tax-Free Fund, Retail A, with load $ 9,550 $ 9,571 $10,328 $11,915 Lehman 7 Year Municipal Bond Index $10,000 $10,005 $10,790 $11,524 Lehman 10 Year Municipal Bond Index $10,000 $10,032 $10,932 $11,714 Lipper maryland Municipal Debt Funds Average $10,000 $10,033 $10,880 $11,503 [PHOTO OMITTED] INSTITUTIONAL RETAIL LEHMAN LEHMAN LIPPER CLASS CLASS A 7 YEAR MUNI 10 YEAR MUNI MD MUNI ------------------- ----- ------- ----------- ------------ ------- ONE YEAR TOTAL RETURN 5.86% 5.69% 6.80% 7.15% 5.72% ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ONE YEAR TOTAL RETURN WITH LOAD N/A 0.92% N/A N/A N/A ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ANNUALIZED TOTAL RETURN INCEPTION TO DATE 6.05% 6.11% N/A N/A N/A ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ANNUALIZED TOTAL RETURN INCEPTION TO DATE WITH LOAD N/A 4.03% N/A N/A N/A ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Past performance of the Portfolio is not predictive of future performance. Institutional Class shares were offered beginning November 15, 1996. Retail Class A shares were offered beginning January 2, 1997. Performance for Retail Class A reflects the deduction of the 4.50% sales charge. The performance reflected in the graphs begins at November 30, 1996 for Institutional Class shares and at January 31, 1997 for Retail Class A shares. The performance shown in the table begins at the inception dates for the Institutional Class and Retail Class A shares. The performance of the Lehman 7 Year Municipal Bond Index and the Lehman 10 Year Municipal Bond Index does not include operating expenses that are incurred by the Portfolio. 42 46 ARK FUNDS ANNUAL REPORT APRIL 30, 1999 PENNSYLVANIA TAX-FREE PERFORMANCE AS OF 4/30/99 Comparison of Change in the Value of a $100,000 Investment in the ARK Pennsylvania Tax-Free Fund, Institutional Class, versus the Lehman 5 Year Municipal Bond Index, the Lehman 7 Year Municipal Bond Index, the Lehman 10 Year Municipal Bond Index, and the Lipper PA Intermediate Municipal Average [GRAPHIC OMITTED] In the printed version of the document, a line graph appears which depicts the following plot points: INSTITUTIONAL CLASS: VALUE OF A $100,000 INVESTMENT 3/31/96 Apr. 96 Apr. 97 Apr. 98 Apr. 99 ----------------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ARK Pennsylvania Tax-Free Fund, Institutional Class $100,000 $100,340 $104,253 $111,311 $117,500 Lehman 5 Year Municipal Bond Index $100,000 $ 99,990 $104,640 $111,692 $118,941 Lehman 7 Year Municipal Bond Index $100,000 $ 99,820 $105,170 $113,426 $121,139 Lehman 10 Year Municipal Bond Index $100,000 $ 99,650 $105,978 $115,484 $123,741 Lipper PA Intermediate Municipal Average $100,000 $ 99,620 $104,462 $112,077 $118,275 [GRAPHIC OMITTED] In the printed version of the document, a line graph appears which depicts the following plot points: RETAIL CLASS A: VALUE OF A $10,000 INVESTMENT 3/31/96 Apr. 96 Apr. 97 Apr. 98 Apr. 99 ----------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ARK Pennsylvania Tax-Free Retail A Class $10,000 $10,034 $10,425 $11,118 $11,717 ARK Pennsylvania Tax-Free A, with load $ 9,550 $ 9,582 $ 9,956 $10,617 $11,190 Lehman 5 Year Municipal Bond Index $10,000 $ 9,999 $10,464 $11,169 $11,894 Lehman 7 Year Municipal Bond Index $10,000 $ 9,982 $10,517 $11,343 $12,114 Lehman 10 Year Municipal Bond Index $10,000 $ 9,965 $10,598 $11,548 $12,374 Lipper PA Intermediate Municipal Average $10,000 $ 9,962 $10,446 $11,208 $11,827 LIPPER INSTITUTIONAL RETAIL LEHMAN LEHMAN LEHMAN INTERMEDIATE CLASS CLASS A* 5 YEAR MUNI 7 YEAR MUNI 10 YEAR MUNI MUNI ----- -------- ----------- ----------- ------------ ---- One Year TOTAL Return 5.56% 5.39% 6.49% 6.80% 7.15% 5.53% ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- One Year TOTAL Return with Load N/A 0.63% N/A N/A N/A N/A ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Annualized 3 Year TOTAL Return 5.40% 5.31% 5.96% 6.67% 7.48% 5.84% ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Annualized 3 Year TOTAL Return WITH Load N/A 3.71% N/A N/A N/A N/A ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Annualized TOTAL Return Inception to Date 5.37% 5.28% N/A N/A N/A N/A ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Annualized TOTAL Return Inception to Date WITH Load N/A 3.72% N/A N/A N/A N/A ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Past performance of the Portfolio is not predictive of future performance. Performance presented from inception to March 22, 1998, reflects the performance of the Marketvest Pennsylvania Intermediate Municipal Bond Fund shares, which were offered beginning March 31, 1996. Retail Class A shares were offered beginning March 23, 1998. Performance for Retail Class A shares reflects the deduction of the 4.50% sales charge. The performance reflected in the graphs begins at March 31, 1996 for the Institutional Class and Retail Class A shares. Performance shown in the table begins at March 31, 1996 for Institutional Class and Retail Class A shares. * Performance shown prior to the inception date of the Retail Class A shares represents that of the Institutional Class adjusted for the sales charge only. No adjustments have been made for Retail Class 12b-1 fees and expenses. With such adjustments, performance would be lower than shown. Actual annualized performance since inception for Class A shares is 4.25% without load and 0.01% with load. The performance of the Lehman 5 Year Municipal Bond Index, Lehman 7 Year Municipal Bond Index, and Lehman 10 Year Municipal Bond Index does not include operating expenses that are incurred by the Portfolio. 43 47 FIXED INCOME PORTFOLIOS MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS [PHOTO OMITTED] SUSAN L. SCHNAARS, CFA, PORTFOLIO MANAGER Susan L.Schnaars, CFA, is a principal of Allied Investment Advisors, Inc. She is the portfolio manager of the Intermediate Fixed Income Portfolio, Maryland Tax-Free Portfolio, and Pennsylvania Tax-Free Portfolio. She has 10 years of investment management experience. INTERMEDIATE FIXED INCOME PORTFOLIO REVIEW AND OUTLOOK The ARK Intermediate Fixed Income Portfolio Institutional Class returned 5.40% for the year, versus the Lehman Intermediate Government/Corporate Bond Index with a 6.36% return and the Lipper Intermediate Investment Grade Debt Funds Average with a 5.12% return. Based on our continued outlook for moderate growth and subdued inflation for most of last year, we maintained our overweightings in the spread sectors, emphasizing corporates, mortgages and asset-backed securities throughout the year. Mid-year, we had a somewhat cautious estimate for corporate profitability and domestic G.D.P., as we expected global weakness to spread to the United States. We expected that weakness abroad would begin to place pressures on our economy in the form of competition from lower-priced imports and weaker earnings for domestic companies doing business abroad. However, as interest rates fell, we continued to experience stronger-than-expected economic growth as mortgage refinancings, the wealth effect of the stock market, and lower-priced imports boosted consumer spending. The strong growth story, coupled with heightened inflation fears caused by the rise in oil prices and a very tight labor market, has provoked a negative reaction from the bond market during the first part of 1999, with interest rates headed upward. Although the Federal Reserve has confirmed that they have a neutral stance toward monetary policy, we feel that pressures may be mounting. We anticipate that growth will slow from the fast pace we have seen over the past two quarters, as higher interest rates begin to have an effect on the economy. After the dismal performance of corporates and mortgages during the second half of 1998, spreads have tightened as these sectors have rebounded from the liquidity crisis and as prepayment assumptions have slowed. The BBB-rated quality sector and the industrial and Yankee sectors were the worst performing intermediate categories for the year, while AAA-rated and utility issuers were the strongest performers. The Portfolio's weighting in lower-quality assets hurt performance, while over-exposure to the asset-backed sector boosted performance. Early in the third quarter of 1998, we purchased municipal securities for the Portfolio with the expectation that the yield ratio between 44 48 ARK FUNDS ANNUAL REPORT APRIL 30, 1999 tax-exempt municipal securities and their treasury counterparts would contract to a more normal level. Despite the volatility in the treasury market and the rise in interest rates, municipal yields have remained relatively stable, with the yield ratio returning to historical norms. This finally resulted in dramatic outperformance of the municipal sector and we took the opportunity to reverse our position. As of April 30, 1999, the effective duration of the ARK Intermediate Fixed Income Portfolio was 3.55 years. Effective duration is a tax-exempt municipal securities and their treasury counterparts would contract to a more normal level. Despite the volatility in the treasury market and the rise in interest rates, municipal yields have remained relatively stable, with the yield ratio returning to historical norms. This finally resulted in dramatic outperformance of the municipal sector and we took the opportunity to reverse our position. As of April 30, 1999, the effective duration of the ARK Intermediate Fixed Income Portfolio was 3.55 years. Effective duration is a measurement of the sensitivity of the Portfolio to changes in interest rates. We will continue to follow our core strategy and take advantage of the excess spread and value offered by the corporate, mortgage- and asset-backed sectors. [GRAPHIC OMITTED] In the printed version of the document, a line graph appears which depicts the following plot points: PERFORMANCE AS OF 4/30/99 INSTITUTIONAL CLASS: VALUE OF A $100,000 INVESTMENT Initial Investment Date 11/31/96 Apr. 97 Apr. 98 Apr. 99 ----------------------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ARK Intermediate Fixed Income Fund, Institutional $100,000 $100,267 $108,941 $114,823 Lehman Intermediate Gov't./Corp. Bond Index $100,000 $100,419 $109,386 $116,343 Lehman Intermediate Government Bond Index $100,000 $100,551 $109,279 $116,218 Lipper Intmdt. Investment Grade Debt Funds Average $100,000 $ 99,941 $109,885 $115,511 LEHMAN LEHMAN LIPPER INSTITUTIONAL INTERMEDIATE INTERMEDIATE INTERMEDIATE CLASS GOV'T./CORP. GOV'T. INV.-GRADE ----- ------------ ------ ---------- ONE YEAR TOTAL RETURN 5.40% 6.36% 6.35% 5.12% ---- ---- ---- ---- ANNUALIZED TOTAL RETURN INCEPTION TO DATE 6.01% N/A N/A N/A ---- ---- ---- ---- Past performance of the Portfolio is not predictive of future performance. Institutional Class shares were offered beginning November 15, 1996. The performance reflected in the graphs begins at November 30, 1996 for the Institutional Class. Performance shown in the table begins at the inception date. The performance of the Lehman Intermediate Government Bond Index and the Lehman Intermediate Government/Corporate Bond Index does not include operating expenses that are incurred by the Portfolio. 45 49 FIXED INCOME PORTFOLIOS MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS [PHOTO OMITTED] STEVEN M. GRADOW CO-PORTFOLIO MANAGER Steven M. Gradow is the Managing Director of Fixed Income Investments for Allied Investment Advisors, Inc. He is the portfolio manager of the Income Portfolio and co-portfolio manager of the U.S. Government Bond Portfolio and the Short-Term Bond Portfolio. He has over 15 years of investment management experience. U.S. GOVERNMENT BOND PORTFOLIO REVIEW AND OUTLOOK Following the pattern of the past few years, the U.S. economy has remained strong and healthy despite the contagion-caused dislocations in other parts of the world, notably Asia and more recently Latin America, and the related pause in growth on the European continent. Inflation has been notably tame throughout the period. Had it not been for the third quarter of 1998's sharp change in sentiment, followed by three successive easings by the Federal Reserve and other global monetary authorities, and subsequent improvement in investor sentiment, it might seem that the economic landscape is not much different from that of the beginning of the ARK U.S. Government Bond Portfolio's fiscal year. In fact, the United States remains "the oasis" in a world constrained by overcapacity and general economic slowdown. The U.S. bond market has increasingly adopted a domestic focus, watching the volatility of oil prices, the otherwise benign inflation outlook, strong money growth, and a neutral-biased, although perhaps less accommodating monetary policy. Accordingly, we believe that the bond market will trade in a self-correcting, narrow range over the next few months. Throughout the year, the flat shape of the yield curve has given us little incentive to extend the average maturity or duration more than slightly longer than our benchmark. At the end of April 1999, the U.S. Government Bond Portfolio's duration was 4.1 years. Returns in such narrowly traded market environments benefit from increased weightings to sectors that offer higher yields. Accordingly, throughout the year, we have maintained our relative weightings in higher-yielding corporates and AAA-rated asset-backed securities. More recently, in a tactical move, we reduced the duration profile of our corporate holdings by selling a long-term obligation and subsequently buying a medium-term obligation of the same obligor. At the same time, we increased our weighting in the mortgage-backed sector since we feel that the volatility in prepayments expectations has subsided; currently we have nearly twice the exposure to this sector compared to our benchmark. These two actions increased our overall weighting in 3-to-4-year duration instruments, maintained the Portfolio's quality at a strong AA1, and enhanced yield and return prospects. Over the next quarter, we anticipate holding duration modestly longer than our benchmark. With interest rates stabilizing over the coming months, we foresee adding modestly to our mortgage positions. 46 50 ARK FUNDS ANNUAL REPORT APRIL 30, 1999 [GRAPHIC OMITTED] In the printed version of the document, a line graph appears which depicts the following plot points: INSTITUTIONAL CLASS: VALUE OF A $100,000 INVESTMENT 3/31/96 Apr. 96 Apr. 97 Apr. 98 Apr. 99 ----------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ARK U.S. Government Bond Fund, Institutional Class $100,000 $99,480 $103,967 $113,022 $118,470 Lehman Intermediate Government/ Corporate Index $100,000 $99,650 $106,048 $115,518 $122,864 Lipper Intermediate U.S. Government Funds Average $100,000 $99,400 $105,255 $114,885 $120,940 [GRAPHIC OMITTED] In the printed version of the document, a line graph appears which depicts the following plot points: RETAIL CLASS A: VALUE OF A $10,000 INVESTMENT 3/31/96 Apr. 96 Apr. 97 Apr. 98 Apr. 99 ----------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ARK U.S. Government Bond, Retail A Class $10,000 $9,948 $10,397 $11,274 $11,830 ARK U.S. Government Bond, Retail A, with load $ 9,550 $9,500 $ 9,929 $10,767 $11,298 Lehman Intermediate Government/ Corporate Index $10,000 $9,965 $10,605 $11,552 $12,286 Lipper Intermediate U.S. Government Funds Average $10,000 $9,940 $10,525 $11,489 $12,094 LEHMAN LIPPER INSTITUTIONAL RETAIL INTERMEDIATE INTERMEDIATE CLASS CLASS A* GOV'T./CORP. U.S. GOV'T. ----- -------- ------------ ----------- ONE YEAR TOTAL RETURN 4.82% 4.93% 6.36% 5.27% ---- ---- ---- ---- ONE YEAR TOTAL RETURN WITH LOAD N/A 0.25% N/A N/A ---- ---- ---- ---- ANNUALIZED 3 YEAR TOTAL RETURN 6.00% 8.68% 7.23% 6.81% ---- ---- ---- ---- ANNUALIZED 3 YEAR TOTAL RETURN WITH LOAD N/A 7.01% N/A N/A ---- ---- ---- ---- ANNUALIZED TOTAL RETURN INCEPTION TO DATE 5.65% 8.26% N/A N/A ---- ---- ---- ---- ANNUALIZED TOTAL RETURN INCEPTION TO DATE WITH LOAD N/A 6.65% N/A N/A ---- ---- ---- ---- Past performance of the Portfolio is not predictive of future performance. Performance presented from inception to March 22, 1998 reflects the performance of the Marketvest Intermediate U.S. Government Bond Fund shares, which were offered beginning March 31, 1996. Retail Class A shares were offered beginning April 1, 1998 and performance shown for the periods indicated is higher than normally expected due to the impact of the opening of this class. Performance for Retail Class A shares reflects the deduction of the 4.50% sales charge. The performance reflected in the graphs and in the table begins at March 31, 1996 for the Institutional Class and Retail Class A shares. * Performance shown prior to the inception date of the Retail Class A shares represents that of the Institutional Class adjusted for the sales charge only. No adjustments have been made for Retail Class 12b-1 fees and expenses. With such adjustments, performance would be lower than shown. Actual annualized performance since inception for Retail Class A shares is 12.15% without load and 7.42% with load. The performance of the Lehman Intermediate Government/Corporate Index does not include operating expenses that are incurred by the Portfolio. [PHOTO OMITTED] N. BETH VOLK, CFA CO-PORTFOLIO MANAGER N. Beth Volk, is a Principal of Allied Investment Advisors, Inc. She is the co-portfolio manager of the U.S. Government Bond Portfolio and oversees credit research for the fixed income group. She has over 18 years of investment research and management experience. 47 51 FIXED INCOME PORTFOLIOS MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS INCOME PORTFOLIO [PHOTO OMITTED] STEVEN M. GRADOW PORTFOLIO MANAGER Steven M. Gradow is the Managing Director of Fixed Income Investments for Allied Investment Advisors, Inc. He is the portfolio manager of the Income Portfolio and co-portfolio manager of the U.S. Government Bond Portfolio and the Short-Term Bond Portfolio. He has over 15 years of investment management experience. REVIEW AND OUTLOOK The U.S. economy continues to experience significant growth with modest inflationary prospects. Despite the volatile dislocations witnessed in Asia and Latin America, the United States continues to be the engine of growth for the remaining world economies. With low inflation and the prospects for a slowdown of domestic activity, the financial markets should settle into a trading range with 30-year interest rates between 5.25% and 6.00%. The recent rise in oil prices and the perception of a recovery in the Asian markets should lead to further volatility. We expect Japan to have very little influence in terms of growth in 1999, as the world's second-largest economy is projected to have negative G.D.P. results for the year. Europe's growth prospects are also expected to be anemic, and therefore the U.S. trade balance is unlikely to appreciably improve. The concern for a reacceleration of inflation may weigh heavily on the market in the near term but it is unlikely, given the global backdrop, that rates have much more room to move higher. With consumer spending continuing to grow at record levels and the lowest PERFORMANCE AS OF 4/30/99 [GRAPHIC OMITTED] Comparison of Change in the Value of a $100,000 Investment in the ARK Income Fund, Retail Class A Class, versus the Lehman 1-3 Year Government Bond Index, and the Lipper Short U.S. Treasury Funds Average In the printed version of the document, a line graph appears which depicts the following plot points: INSTITUTIONAL CLASS: VALUE OF A $100,000 INVESTMENT 7/31/93 Apr. 94 Apr. 95 Apr. 96 Apr. 97 Apr. 98 Apr. 99 ----------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ARK Income Fund, Institutional Class $100,000 $99,836 $106,355 $115,353 $122,862 $136,181 $141,928 Lehman Aggregate Bond Index $100,000 $98,354 $105,563 $114,673 $122,792 $136,201 $144,741 Lipper Corporate Debt A Rated Funds Average $100,000 $97,962 $103,948 $112,170 $119,450 $132,219 $138,539 [GRAPHIC OMITTED] In the printed version of the document, a line graph appears which depicts the following plot points: RETAIL CLASS A: VALUE OF A $10,000 INVESTMENT 4/30/94 Apr. 95 Apr. 96 Apr. 97 Apr. 98 Apr. 99 ----------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ARK Income Fund, Retail A Class $10,000 $10,623 $11,488 $12,214 $13,493 $14,043 ARK Income Fund, Retail A Class $ 9,550 $10,145 $10,971 $11,664 $12,885 $13,411 Lehman Aggregate Bond Index $10,000 $10,733 $11,659 $12,485 $13,848 $14,716 Lipper Corporate Debt A Rated Funds Average $10,000 $10,611 $11,450 $12,193 $13,497 $14,142 48 52 ARK FUNDS ANNUAL REPORT APRIL 30, 1999 unemployment rate in 29 years, the outlook for U.S. financial assets remains strong. Throughout the year, we have continued to maintain an overweighting in the intermediate part of the curve, particularly in corporate securities, as we expect the curve to steepen; therefore longer-dated securities should underperform. Asset-backed securities and mortgages have been added selectively in the past few months as the dynamics of the mortgage market have improved. The Portfolio has emphasized BBB-quality corporate bonds, particularly in the telecommunication, energy and retail sectors. We expect both the corporate and mortgage sectors to outperform in 1999 as the re-valuation of risk premium in the market continues, after the severe underperformance of spread sectors in 1998. We continue to hold a modestly long interest rate exposure with the anticipation of an economic slowdown to occur early into next year. INSTITUTIONAL RETAIL RETAIL LEHMAN LIPPER CORP. CLASS CLASS A CLASS B* AGGREGATE DEBT A-RATED ----- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ONE YEAR TOTAL RETURN 4.22% 4.08% 4.07% 6.27% 4.78% ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ONE YEAR TOTAL RETURN WITH LOAD N/A -0.61% -0.85% N/A N/A ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ANNUALIZED 3 YEAR TOTAL RETURN 7.16% 6.92% 7.10% 8.07% 7.33% ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ANNUALIZED 3 YEAR TOTAL RETURN WITH LOAD N/A 5.29% 6.22% N/A N/A ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ANNUALIZED 5 YEAR TOTAL RETURN 7.29% 7.03% 7.26% 8.03% 7.31% ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ANNUALIZED 5 YEAR TOTAL RETURN WITH LOAD N/A 6.06% 6.96% N/A N/A ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ANNUALIZED TOTAL RETURN INCEPTION TO DATE 6.25% 6.91% 6.22% N/A N/A ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ANNUALIZED TOTAL RETURN INCEPTION TO DATE WITH LOAD N/A 5.93% 6.09% N/A N/A ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Past performance of the Portfolio is not predictive of future performance. Institutional Class shares were offered beginning July 16, 1993. Retail Class A shares were offered beginning April 12, 1994. Performance for Retail Class A shares reflects the deduction of the 4.50% sales charge. Retail Class B shares were offered beginning September 14, 1998. The performance reflected in the graphs begins at July 31, 1993 for the Institutional Class and Retail Class B shares, and at April 30, 1994 for Retail Class A shares. Performance in the graph for Retail Class B shares reflects the deduction of the 1.00% contingent deferred sales charge applied in year six. Performance shown in the table begins at July 16, 1993 for Institutional Class and Retail Class B shares, and at April 12, 1994 for Retail Class A shares. Performance in the table for Retail Class B shares with load reflects the deduction of the applicable contingent deferred sales charge. * Performance shown prior to the inception date of the Retail Class B shares represents that of the Institutional Class adjusted for the sales charge only. No adjustments have been made for Retail Class 12b-1 fees and expenses. With such adjustments, performance would be lower than shown. Actual cumulative performance since inception for Retail Class B shares is 0.35% without CDSC and -4.50% with CDSC. The performance of the Lehman Aggregate Bond Index does not include operating expenses that are incurred by the Portfolio. [GRAPHIC OMITTED] In the printed version of the document, a line graph appears which depicts the following plot points: Comparison of Change in the Value of a $10,000 Investment in the ARK Income Fund, Retail Class A Class, versus the Lehman 1-3 Year Government Bond Index, and the Lipper Short U.S. Treasury Funds Average RETAIL CLASS B: VALUE OF A $10,000 INVESTMENT 7/31/93 Apr. 94 Apr. 95 Apr. 96 Apr. 97 Apr. 98 Apr. 99 ----------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ARK Income Fund, Retail B Class with CDSC $10,000 $9,984 $10,636 $11,535 $12,286 $13,618 $14,072 Lehman Aggregate Bond Index $10,000 $9,835 $10,556 $11,467 $12,279 $13,620 $14,474 Lipper Corporate Debt A Rated Funds Average $10,000 $9,796 $10,395 $11,217 $11,945 $13,222 $13,854 49 53 CMD INVESTMENT GROUP, INC: RETAIL CLASS INVESTOR [PHOTO OMITTED] Vicky McAndrews, Russ Causey and Don Dolan are shown in the brand new offices of CMD Investment Group located in Baltimore. CMD provides customer support and receivables management services to the healthcare and education industries. They use the ARK Money Market Portfolio to hold their excess cash. As their business grows, they can move to a sweep account. 50 54 MONEY MARKET PORTFOLIOS Our Money Market investment management philosophy is defined by three objectives: to provide preservation of principal, to maintain daily liquidity, and to maximize current income. To achieve these objectives, we actively manage the Money Market Portfolios utilizing our conservative and highly disciplined relative-value approach, which is constantly monitored and reviewed to ensure that our shareholders' goals are realized. To provide preservation of principal, we include on our approved list only those issuers that pass our stringent credit evaluation process. The goal of the credit evaluation process is to select high-quality issuers that present minimal credit risk. The evaluation process is based on both quantitative and qualitative factors that highlight the issuer's ability to maintain its credit rating and leading industry position. Issuers are monitored and reviewed by the Allied Investment Advisors Investment Policy Committee, which is comprised of senior trust investment personnel. To provide daily liquidity, we manage our maturities and engage in overnight repurchase agreements with approved broker/dealers that have obtained the highest short-term ratings. Each repurchase agreement is collateralized by U.S. Treasury or U.S. government agency collateral. To provide high current income, we actively manage the Portfolios. We seek to take advantage of short-lived trading opportunities and market inefficiencies by employing a relative-value approach that emphasizes security selection. Each Portfolio's strategy starts with an average maturity decision. This decision is determined by a number of factors, such as analysis of our shareholders' liquidity needs, expected Federal Reserve monetary policy and yield curve, and implied forward interest-rate analysis. Upon determining the Portfolio's average maturity, we analyze each market sector to determine which sectors are cheap, thus providing value, and which sectors are expensive. Individual securities are then selected from our approved list. This in-depth analysis allows us to identify market inefficiencies and trading opportunities. 51 55 MONEY MARKET PORTFOLIOS MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS MONEY MARKET PORTFOLIOS JAMES M. HANNAN, PORTFOLIO MANAGER James M. Hannan, is a Principal of Allied Investment Advisors, Inc. He is portfolio manager of the Money Market Portfolios and the Short-Term Treasury Portfolio. He has over 10 years of investment management experience. REVIEW AND OUTLOOK This past year was another successful year for the Money Market Portfolios as each Portfolio continued to meet the investment objectives of providing preservation of principal, daily liquidity and competitive current income. Each of the Portfolios continued to grow, with the ARK Money Market Portfolio becoming our second billion-dollar portfolio. The ARK U.S. Government Money Market Portfolio, which is rated AAA by Standard & Poor's Rating Group and Aaa by Moody's Investors Service, Inc., topped the $2 billion mark during the first quarter of 1999. Total assets for the four ARK Money Market Portfolios exceeded $3.2 billion at fiscal year end. The money market interest rate environment during 1998 was influenced by the Federal Reserve's easing of monetary policy by 25 basis points on three separate occasions during the fall of 1998. This was the first easing of monetary policy since January 1996. The cut in short-term interest rates was in response to growing fears of a global economic recession and to "cushion the effects of increasing weakness in foreign economies." In spite of the weak global economies, the U.S. economy continued its spectacular performance of the past three years. The unemployment rate fell to a 29-year low of 4.2%. Consumer prices increased by less than 2% during 1998 and economic growth surged as confident consumers pushed housing starts to a record high and consumer spending remained robust. Our investment approach, which we have been utilizing since the inception of the ARK Funds in June of 1993, is to actively manage the Portfolios. We utilize a conservative and highly disciplined relative-value process. The appropriate average maturity for each Portfolio is determined by considering our shareholders' liquidity needs, expected monetary policy, the shape of the yield curve, and implied forward interest rate analysis. Commercial paper and corporate securities are purchased from only those issuers that meet our stringent credit evaluation standards. The credit quality of each 52 56 ARK FUNDS ANNUAL REPORT APRIL 30, 1999 issuer on our approved list is monitored to ensure that high credit quality is maintained. We then select individual securities after completing a relative-value analysis. We also seek to take advantage of short-lived market inefficiencies and trading opportunities. An example of our active management style with respect to average maturity decisions is apparent when reviewing the ARK U.S. Government Money Market Portfolio. This Portfolio's average maturity was increased from 44 days to 54 days during the week of October 16, 1998, as we correctly anticipated the Federal Reserve lowering short-term interest rates. This strategy enhanced the Portfolio's yield as we purchased longer-dated securities at higher yields than were available after the Federal Reserve eased monetary policy in October and November. Currently, economic growth is too fast for the Federal Reserve to ease monetary policy, and inflation is too low for it to tighten monetary policy. However, given the current strength of the economy and the improvement of foreign economies, the risk of a tightening of monetary policy has increased. Given our outlook, our strategy is to be cautious while selectively purchasing longer-dated, higher-yielding securities while maintaining our exposure to floating and variable-rate securities. As always we will continue to utilize our conservative and disciplined active relative-value approach to managing the ARK Money Market Portfolios. 53 57 MONEY MARKET PORTFOLIOS MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS MONEY MARKET PORTFOLIOS continued [PHOTO OMITTED] Money Market Portfolio Performance as of 4/30/99 [GRAPHIC OMITTED] In the printed version of the document, a line graph appears which depicts the following plot points: THIRTY-DAY YIELD COMPARISON 5/31/98 6/30/98 7/31/98 8/31/98 9/30/98 10/31/98 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- ARK Funds Money Market, Institutional 5.31 5.33 5.30 5.32 5.30 5.10 IBC/Financial Data First Tier Institutions Only 5.27 5.28 5.28 5.27 5.25 5.04 ARK Funds Money Market, Retail 5.06 5.07 5.05 5.07 5.05 4.85 IBC/Financial Data First Tier 4.91 4.92 4.92 4.91 4.90 4.70 ARK Funds Money Market, Institutional II 5.27 5.28 5.26 5.28 5.25 5.06 11/30/98 12/31/98 1/31/99 2/28/99 3/31/99 4/30/99 -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ARK Funds Money Market, Institutional 5.01 5.01 4.90 4.67 4.66 4.66 IBC/Financial Data First Tier Institutions Only 4.93 4.87 4.76 4.66 4.62 4.60 ARK Funds Money Market, Retail 4.76 4.76 4.67 4.44 4.43 4.43 IBC/Financial Data First Tier 4.59 4.53 4.41 4.28 4.23 4.21 ARK Funds Money Market, Institutional II 4.97 4.97 4.83 4.60 4.59 4.59 [GRAPHIC OMITTED] In the printed version of the document, a line graph appears which depicts the following plot points: Tax-Free Money Market Portfolio Performance as of 4/30/99 THIRTY-DAY YIELD COMPARISON 5/31/98 6/30/98 7/31/98 8/31/98 9/30/98 10/31/98 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- ARK Tax-Free Money Market, Institutional 3.42 3.24 3.02 3.02 3.19 3.01 IBC/Financial Data Tax-Free Institutions Only 3.45 3.28 3.12 3.06 3.17 3.00 ARK Tax-Free Money Market, Retail 3.17 2.99 2.77 2.77 2.94 2.76 IBC/Financial Data Tax-Free Stockbroker & General Purpose 3.18 3.02 2.86 2.81 2.91 2.75 ARK Tax-Free Money Market, Institutional II 3.38 3.20 2.98 2.98 3.15 2.97 11/30/98 12/31/98 1/31/99 2/28/99 3/31/99 4/30/99 -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ARK Tax-Free Money Market, Institutional 2.92 2.98 2.74 2.30 2.64 2.84 IBC/Financial Data Tax-Free Institutions Only 2.94 2.94 2.74 2.41 2.68 2.75 ARK Tax-Free Money Market, Retail 2.67 2.73 2.51 2.07 2.41 2.61 IBC/Financial Data Tax-Free Stockbroker & General Purpose 2.68 2.68 2.49 2.19 2.41 2.48 ARK Tax-Free Money Market, Institutional II 2.88 2.94 2.67 2.23 2.57 2.77 54 58 ARK FUNDS ANNUAL REPORT APRIL 30, 1999 U.S. Government Money Market Portfolio Performance as of 4/30/99 [GRAPHIC OMITTED] In the printed version of the document, a line graph appears which depicts the following plot points: THIRTY-DAY YIELD COMPARISON 5/31/98 6/30/98 7/31/98 8/31/98 9/30/98 10/31/98 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- ARK U.S. Government Money Market, Institutional 5.15 5.19 5.20 5.25 5.19 4.87 IBC/Financial Data Government Only Institutions Only 5.09 5.10 5.11 5.10 5.07 4.70 ARK U.S. Government Money Market, Retail 4.90 4.94 4.95 5.00 4.94 4.62 IBC/Financial Data U.S. Government & Agencies 4.88 4.89 4.89 4.89 4.86 4.57 ARK U.S. Government Money Market, Institutional II 5.11 5.15 5.16 5.21 5.15 4.83 11/30/98 12/31/98 1/31/99 2/28/99 3/31/99 4/30/99 -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ARK U.S. Government Money Market, Institutional 4.78 4.72 4.63 4.58 4.56 4.53 IBC/Financial Data Government Only Institutions Only 4.58 4.52 4.46 4.42 4.44 4.41 ARK U.S. Government Money Market, Retail 4.53 4.47 4.40 4.35 4.33 4.30 IBC/Financial Data U.S. Government & Agencies 4.47 4.41 4.32 4.26 4.24 4.20 ARK U.S. Government Money Market, Institutional II 4.74 4.68 4.56 4.51 4.49 4.46 [GRAPHIC OMITTED] In the printed version of the document, a line graph appears which depicts the following plot points: U.S. Treasury Money Market Portfolio Performance as of 4/30/99 THIRTY-DAY YIELD COMPARISON 5/31/98 6/30/98 7/31/98 8/31/98 9/30/98 10/31/98 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- ARK U.S. Treasury Money Market, Institutional 4.82 4.87 4.79 4.76 4.78 4.38 IBC/Financial Data 100% U.S. Treasury 4.63 4.64 4.62 4.61 4.59 4.24 ARK U.S. Treasury Money Market, Retail 4.57 4.62 4.54 4.51 4.53 4.13 ARK U.S. Treasury Money Market, Institutional II 4.78 4.83 4.75 4.72 4.74 4.34 11/30/98 12/31/98 1/31/99 2/28/99 3/31/99 4/30/99 -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ARK U.S. Treasury Money Market, Institutional 4.31 4.33 4.25 4.13 4.21 4.18 IBC/Financial Data 100% U.S. Treasury 4.08 4.03 3.99 3.96 4.00 3.99 ARK U.S. Treasury Money Market, Retail 4.06 4.08 4.02 3.90 3.98 3.95 ARK U.S. Treasury Money Market, Institutional II 4.27 4.29 4.18 4.06 4.14 4.11 55 59 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT The Trustees and Shareholders -- ARK Funds: We have audited the accompanying statements of net assets (in the case of Small-Cap Equity Portfolio, Statement of Assets and Liabilities and Schedule of Investments) of the Money Market Portfolio, Tax-Free Money Market Portfolio, U.S. Government Money Market Portfolio, U.S. Treasury Money Market Portfolio (collectively "Money Market Portfolios"), Short-Term Treasury Portfolio, Short-Term Bond Portfolio, Maryland Tax-Free Portfolio, Pennsylvania Tax-Free Portfolio, Income Portfolio, Intermediate Fixed Income Portfolio, U.S. Government Bond Portfolio, Balanced Portfolio, Equity Income Portfolio, Value Equity Portfolio, Equity Index Portfolio, Blue Chip Equity Portfolio, Capital Growth Portfolio, Mid-Cap Equity Portfolio, and International Equity Selection Portfolio, portfolios of ARK Funds, (the "Portfolios"), as of April 30, 1999 and the related statements of operations, statements of changes in net assets and financial highlights for each of the years or periods presented below: Money Market Portfolios, Short-Term Treasury Portfolio, Maryland Tax-Free Portfolio, Income Portfolio, Intermediate Fixed Income Portfolio, Balanced Portfolio, Equity Income Portfolio, Equity Index Portfolio, Blue Chip Equity Portfolio, Capital Growth Portfolio, Mid-Cap Equity Portfolio and Small-Cap Equity Portfolio -- statements of operations for the year ended April 30, 1999, statements of changes in net assets for each of the years or periods in the two-year period ended April 30, 1999, and the financial highlights for each of the periods presented for these Portfolios, on pages 118 through 121. Short-Term Bond Portfolio, Pennsylvania Tax-Free Portfolio, U.S. Government Bond Portfolio, Value Equity Portfolio and International Equity Selection Portfolio -- statements of operations for the year ended April 30, 1999, and statements of changes in net assets and financial highlights for the year ended April 30, 1999 and the period from March 1, 1998 to April 30, 1998. The statements of changes in net assets and financial highlights of these Portfolios for the periods ended prior to April 30, 1998 were audited by other auditors whose report dated April 16, 1998, expressed an unqualified opinion thereon. These financial statements and financial highlights are the responsibility of the Portfolios' management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements and financial highlights based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements and financial highlights are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements and financial highlights. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of April 30, 1999 by correspondence with the custodian and brokers. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements and financial highlights referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Money Market Portfolio, Tax-Free Money Market Portfolio, U.S. Government Money Market Portfolio, U.S. Treasury Money Market Portfolio, Short-Term Treasury Portfolio, Short-Term Bond Portfolio, Maryland Tax-Free Portfolio, Pennsylvania Tax-Free Portfolio, Income Portfolio, Intermediate Fixed Income Portfolio, U.S. Government Bond Portfolio, Balanced Portfolio, Equity Income Portfolio, Value Equity Portfolio, Equity Index Portfolio, Blue Chip Portfolio, Capital Growth Portfolio, Mid-Cap Equity Portfolio, Small-Cap Equity Portfolio and International Equity Selection Portfolio as of April 30, 1999, the results of their operations, the changes in their net assets and the financial highlights for each of the years or periods specified in the first paragraph above (except for the Portfolios and periods audited and reported on by others as specified above), in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. [LOGO OMITTED] Boston, Massachusetts May 28, 1999 56 60 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This report and the financial statements contained herein are submitted for the general information of the shareholders of the ARK Funds. The report is not authorized for distribution to prospective investors unless preceded or accompanied by an effective prospectus for each of the portfolios included. Shares of the portfolios are not deposits or obligations of, or guaranteed or endorsed by FMB Trust Company, N.A., any of its affiliates, or any depository institution, are not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Federal Reserve Board, or any other government agency. Investing in the shares involves investment risks including the possible loss of principal amount invested. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57 61 Investment Advisers - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Allied Investment Advisors, Inc. Baltimore, Maryland Trustees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- William H. Cowie, Jr. David D. Downes Charlotte R. Kerr George K. Reynolds III Thomas Schweizer Richard B. Seidel Administrator - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEI Investments Mutual Funds Services Oaks, Pennsylvania Distributor - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEI Investments Distribution Co. Oaks, Pennsylvania Legal Counsel - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piper & Marbury L.L.P. Baltimore, Maryland Independent Auditors - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KPMG LLP Boston, Massachusetts Custodian - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FMB Trust Company, N.A. Baltimore, Maryland This material must be preceded or accompanied by a current prospectus. AK0430(99/06) STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 [ARROW]ARK FUNDS: MONEY MARKET PORTFOLIO [PIE CHART OMITTED] [PLOT POINTS ARE AS FOLLOWS] Repurchase Agreements -- 4% Taxable Municipal Bonds -- 6% Certificates of Deposit -- 13% Commercial Paper -- 31% Asset-Backed Securities -- 2% Corporate Obligations -- 44% % of Total Portfolio Investments PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - ----------- ------------ ----------- CORPORATE OBLIGATIONS -- 43.5% BANKS -- 9.5% Chase Manhattan 9.750%, 06/15/99 $ 1,250 $ 1,256 First National Bank Chicago (A) 4.880%, 05/01/99 28,000 27,984 First Union National Bank (A) 5.020%, 05/16/99 15,000 15,000 Huntington National Bank (A) 4.900%, 05/01/99 20,000 19,992 PNC Bank (A) 4.790%, 05/01/99 5,000 5,000 4.800%, 05/01/99 15,000 14,999 4.926%, 05/13/99 11,000 10,999 --------- Total Banks $ 95,230 --------- FINANCIAL SERVICES -- 13.9% Abbey National Treasury (B) 5.720%, 06/11/99 5,000 5,000 Abbey National Treasury, MTN (B) 5.640%, 07/15/99 15,000 14,998 American Express Centurion (A) 4.950%, 05/01/99 25,000 25,000 Beta Finance, MTN 5.160%, 04/17/00 10,000 10,000 Beta Finance, MTN (A) (B) 4.975%, 05/01/99 10,000 10,000 Beta Finance, MTN (B) 5.150%, 01/13/00 10,000 10,000 Capital One Funding (A) (B) 4.890%, 05/06/99 4,000 4,000 4.890%, 05/06/99 4,100 4,100 CIT Group, MTN (A) 4.800%, 05/01/99 25,000 24,996 4.950%, 05/01/99 5,000 5,000 General Electric Engine Receivables (A) 4.908%, 05/03/99 1,140 1,140 PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - ----------- ------------ ----------- Norwest 6.000%, 08/01/99 $ 25,500 $ 25,554 --------- Total Financial Services $ 139,788 --------- Bob Sumerel Tire, LOC (A) (B) 4.920%, 05/05/99 5,250 5,250 Elsinore Properties, LOC (A) 4.920%, 05/07/99 10,000 10,000 Reynolds Road Fitness Center, Series 1998, LOC (A) (B) 4.920%, 05/06/99 6,000 6,000 Trap Rock Industry, Demand RB, LOC (A) 5.000%, 05/05/99 1,600 1,600 --------- Total Miscellaneous Business Services $ 22,850 --------- PERSONAL CREDIT INSTITUTIONS -- 8.5% Chrysler Finance 12.750%, 11/01/99 5,000 5,186 Chrysler Finance, Series P, MTN 6.440%, 06/23/99 3,000 3,003 Chrysler Finance, Series Q, MTN 6.670%, 06/21/99 5,000 5,004 General Electric Capital, MTN (A) 4.950%, 07/13/99 28,000 28,000 General Motors Acceptance 8.625%, 06/15/99 5,305 5,323 6.050%, 10/04/99 3,000 3,010 General Motors Acceptance, MTN 7.375%, 06/09/99 10,000 10,018 5.850%, 04/06/00 13,500 13,556 Xerox Credit 6.500%, 06/11/99 12,000 12,007 --------- Total Personal Credit Institutions $ 85,107 --------- SECURITY BROKERS & DEALERS -- 9.3% Bear Stearns (A) 5.030%, 05/01/99 5,000 5,000 Bear Stearns, MTN 6.075%, 09/24/99 7,000 7,027 Goldman Sachs Group, MTN (A) 5.000%, 05/11/99 10,000 10,000 Goldman Sachs Group, MTN (B) 5.310%, 02/25/00 12,000 12,000 Lehman Brothers Holdings, Series E, MTN 6.900%, 07/15/99 2,000 2,004 Merrill Lynch & Company, MTN (A) 5.410%, 06/07/99 3,000 3,011 Morgan Stanley, Dean Witter, Discover, MTN, Series I (A) 5.300%, 07/13/99 10,000 10,007 Salomon Brothers 7.125%, 08/01/99 15,000 15,048 62 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 [ARROW]MONEY MARKET PORTFOLIO (CONCLUDED) PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - ----------- ------------ ----------- Salomon Brothers, MTN 7.000%, 05/15/99 $ 1,070 $ 1,070 Salomon Smith Barney Holdings 6.500%, 03/01/00 5,900 5,951 Salomon Smith Barney Holdings, Series D, MTN 7.650%, 05/18/99 12,000 12,012 Shearson Lehman Hutton Holdings 8.950%, 01/10/00 10,000 10,204 --------- Total Security Brokers & Dealers $ 93,334 --------- Total Corporate Obligations (Cost $436,309) $ 436,309 --------- BANKS -- 2.6% Bankers Trust (A) 4.840%, 05/01/99 10,000 9,999 NationsBank (A) 4.830%, 05/01/99 9,000 8,999 Security Pacific 9.750%, 05/15/99 7,010 7,022 --------- Total Banks $ 26,020 --------- FOREIGN BANKS -- 10.0% Bayerische Hypo-Vereinsbank 5.150%, 04/20/00 20,000 19,991 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce NY 5.110%, 02/22/00 15,000 14,996 Royal Bank of Canada 5.120%, 03/21/00 5,000 4,999 Royal Bank of Canada (A) 4.805%, 05/01/99 25,000 24,997 Societe Generale 5.690%, 07/16/99 10,000 9,999 Toronto Dominion Bank NY (A) 4.790%, 05/01/99 25,000 24,994 --------- Total Foreign Banks $ 99,976 --------- Total Certificates of Deposit (Cost $125,996) $ 125,996 --------- COMMERCIAL PAPER (C) -- 31.3% Associates Financial Services 4.886%, 05/13/99 15,000 14,976 4.889%, 05/18/99 15,000 14,966 Atlantis One Funding 4.892%, 05/17/99 25,000 24,946 Ciesco LP (B) 4.902%, 05/03/99 30,000 29,992 Conagra 4.944%, 05/25/99 5,000 4,984 Corporate Asset Funding (B) 4.842%, 06/24/99 31,011 30,788 PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - ----------- ------------ ----------- Dayton Hudson 4.962%, 05/21/99 $ 5,000 $ 4,986 Delaware Funding (B) 4.839%, 05/18/99 12,060 12,032 4.869%, 07/20/99 17,067 16,885 First Data 4.863%, 05/04/99 35,000 34,986 Ford Motor Credit 4.912%, 05/03/99 35,000 34,990 Household Finance 4.922%, 05/03/99 30,000 29,992 MCI Worldcom (B) 5.078%, 05/10/99 5,000 4,994 Norfolk Southern 5.047%, 05/03/99 5,000 4,999 Standard Credit Card Master Trust 4.879%, 06/07/99 15,000 14,925 4.898%, 07/21/99 15,000 14,837 Standard Credit Card Master Trust (B) 4.879%, 07/20/99 10,000 9,893 Texas Utilities (B) 5.063%, 07/07/99 5,000 4,953 Textron Financial 4.995%, 05/20/99 5,000 4,987 --------- Total Commercial Paper (Cost $314,111) $ 314,111 --------- TAXABLE MUNICIPAL BONDS -- 6.1% CALIFORNIA -- 2.2% Oakland-Alameda County CP, LOC 4.900%, 05/03/99 14,350 14,350 Riverside County COP, LOC (A) 4.900%, 05/05/99 7,900 7,900 --------- Total California $ 22,250 --------- ILLINOIS -- 1.0% Illinois State Health Facilities RB, MBIA (A) 4.900%, 05/05/99 9,800 9,800 --------- Total Illinois $ 9,800 --------- Maryland State Health & Higher Education Facilities RB, Series A, LOC (A) 5.050%, 05/05/99 5,000 5,000 --------- Total Maryland $ 5,000 --------- NEW JERSEY -- 0.5% New Jersey State Economic Development Authority RB, LOC (A) 5.000%, 05/05/99 4,600 4,600 --------- Total New Jersey $ 4,600 --------- 58 63 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - ----------- ------------ ----------- NEW YORK -- 1.2% New York CP, FGIC 5.049%, 05/21/99 $ 12,000 $ 12,000 --------- --------- Total New York $ 12,000 --------- NORTH CAROLINA -- 0.6% Durham COP, Series B (A) 4.810%, 05/05/99 1,500 1,500 Winston-Salem COP, LOC 4.940%, 05/10/99 5,000 5,000 --------- --------- Total North Carolina $ 6,500 --------- PENNSYLVANIA -- 0.1% Pennsylvania State Economic Development Finance Authority RB, LOC (A) 5.000%, 05/06/99 525 525 --------- --------- Total Pennsylvania $ 525 --------- Total Taxable Municipal Bonds (Cost $60,675) $ 60,675 --------- ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES -- 2.2% Asset Backed Trust MRL 1996, Series A-5 (A) 4.929%, 05/15/99 9,000 9,000 Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust, Series 1999-A, Class A1 5.010%, 07/15/99 1,520 1,520 Structured Enhanced Return Trust, Series A-39, MBIA (A) (B)4.963%, 05/25 4,087 4,088 Structured Enhanced Return Trust, Series A-42, MTN (A) 4.933%, 05/25/99 7,145 7,146 --------- --------- Total Asset-Backed Securities (Cost $21,754) $ 21,754 --------- REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS -- 4.0% Goldman Sachs 4.800%, dated 04/30/99, matures 05/03/99, repurchase price $616,845 (collateralized by U.S. Treasury Bond: total market value $629,726) 617 617 4.890%, dated 04/30/99, matures 05/03/99, repurchase price $40,016,300 (collateralized by U.S. Treasury Bond: total market value $40,799,611) 40,000 40,000 --------- --------- TOTAL REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS (Cost $40,617) $ 40,617 --------- --------- MARKET DESCRIPTION VALUE (000) - ----------- ----------- Total Investments -- 99.7% (Cost $999,462) $ 999,462 =========== Other Assets and Liabilities, Net -- 0.3% $ 3,234 =========== NET ASSETS: Portfolio Shares of Institutional Class (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 527,107,454 outstanding shares of beneficial interest 527,091 Portfolio Shares of Retail Class A (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 246,490,103 outstanding shares of beneficial interest 246,480 Portfolio Shares of Retail Class B (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 22,052 outstanding shares of beneficial interest 22 Portfolio Shares of Institutional II Class (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 229,048,626 outstanding shares of beneficial interest 229,046 Undistributed net investment income 64 Distributions in excess of net realized gain on investments (7) ----------- Total Net Assets -- 100.0% $ 1,002,696 =========== Net Asset Value, Offering and Redemption Price Per Share -- Institutional Class $ 1.00 =========== Net Asset Value, Offering and Redemption Price Per Share -- Retail Class A $ 1.00 =========== Net Asset Value, Offering and Redemption Price Per Share -- Retail Class B $ 1.00 =========== Net Asset Value, Offering and Redemption Price Per Share -- Institutional II Class $ 1.00 =========== (A) Variable Rate Security. The rate reported on the Statement of Net Assets is the rate in effect on April 30, 1999. The date shown is the next scheduled reset date. (B) Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration normally to qualified institutional investors. (C) The annualized discount yield at time of purchase is shown as the rate on the Statement of Net Assets. COP--Certificate of Participation CP--Commercial Paper LOC--Securities are held in connection with a letter of credit issued by a major commercial bank or other financial institution. MTN--Medium Term Note RB--Revenue Bond The following organizations have provided underlying credit support for securities listed above, as indicated. FGIC--Financial Guaranty Insurance Corporation MBIA--Municipal Bond Insurance Association The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 59 64 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 [ARROW]ARK FUNDS: TAX-FREE MONEY MARKET PORTFOLIO [PIE CHART OMITTED] [PLOT POINT FOLLOWS] Anticipation Notes -- 7% General Obligation -- 8% Tax-Exempt Commercial Paper -- 10% Revenue Bonds -- 75% % of Total Portfolio Investments PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - ----------- ------------ ----------- MUNICIPAL BONDS & NOTES -- 99.4% ALASKA -- 0.4% Valdez, Industrial Development Authority RB, Exxon Pipeline Company Project (A) 4.200%, 05/01/99 $ 700 $ 700 ------- Total Alaska $ 700 ------- ARIZONA -- 3.9% Arizona State School District COP 4.200%, 07/30/99 1,500 1,505 Arizona State School District COP, Series A 4.100%, 07/30/99 4,500 4,507 ------- Total Arizona $ 6,012 ------- CALIFORNIA -- 6.1% California Community College Financing Authority RB, Series 1998-A24, LOC (A) 3.650%, 05/05/99 5,000 5,000 Los Angeles County, Metropolitan Transit Authority RB, AMBAC (A) 4.100%, 05/05/99 3,000 3,000 Oakland, Joint Powers Financing Authority RB, Series A-1, FSA (A) 3.900%, 05/06/99 1,400 1,400 ------- Total California $ 9,400 ------- COLORADO -- 0.8% Colorado State Educational Facilities Authority RB, Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame Project, LOC (A) 4.050%, 05/06/99 1,285 1,285 ------- Total Colorado $ 1,285 ------- DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA -- 5.0% District of Columbia GO, Series 1992 A-1, LOC (A) 4.300%, 05/01/99 400 400 PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - ----------- ------------ ----------- District of Columbia GO, Series 1992 A-2, LOC (A) 4.300%, 05/01/99 $ 200 $ 200 District of Columbia GO, Series 1992 A-3, LOC (A) 4.300%, 05/01/99 700 700 District of Columbia GO, Series 1992 A-5, LOC (A) 4.300%, 05/01/99 800 800 District of Columbia RB, National Rehabilitation Hospital, MBIA, Pre-refunded @ 102 (B) 7.100%, 11/01/99 2,500 2,596 District of Columbia TECP, National Academy of Sciences Project, AMBAC 2.950%, 09/07/99 3,000 3,000 ------- Total District of Columbia $ 7,696 ------- FLORIDA -- 7.9% Florida State Financing Commission TECP, Series A , LOC 3.050%, 08/11/99 5,050 5,050 Florida State Housing Finance Authority RB, FNMA (A) 4.000%, 05/05/99 5,235 5,235 Lee County, Housing Finance Authority RB, FNMA (A) 4.000%, 05/05/99 1,985 1,985 ------- Total Florida $12,270 ------- ILLINOIS -- 2.7% Illinois State Health Facility Authority RB, Swedish Covenant Hospital Project, AMBAC (A) 4.000%, 05/05/99 1,400 1,400 Illinois State Health Facility Authority RB, Swedish Covenant Hospital Project, Series 1995, AMBAC (A) 4.000%, 05/05/99 2,100 2,100 Illinois State Pollution Control RB, Amoco Oil Company Project (A) 4.200%, 05/01/99 710 710 ------- Total Illinois $ 4,210 ------- INDIANA -- 3.0% Allen County, Economic Development RB, Golden Years Homestead Project, LOC (A) 4.050%, 05/06/99 4,255 4,255 Hammond, Pollution Control RB, Amoco Oil Project (A) 4.200%, 05/01/99 400 400 ------- Total Indiana $ 4,655 ------- 60 65 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - ----------- ------------ ----------- IOWA -- 3.0% Iowa State Higher Education Authority RB, St. Ambrose University Project, LOC (A) 4.150%, 05/06/99 $1,200 $ 1,200 Iowa State Schools Cash Anticipation Note, FSA 3.500%, 01/28/00 3,000 3,011 Storm Lake, Private College RB, Buena Vista College Project, LOC (A) 4.150%, 05/06/99 500 500 ------- Total Iowa $ 4,711 ------- LOUISIANA -- 0.4% East Baton Rouge, Pollution Control RB, Exxon Project (A) 4.250%, 05/01/99 550 550 ------- Total Louisiana $ 550 ------- MARYLAND -- 14.7% Baltimore County, Garrison Forest School Project RB, LOC (A) 4.000%, 05/06/99 3,000 3,000 Gaithersburg RB, Asbury Methodist Hospital, Pre-refunded @ 102 (B) 7.850%, 01/01/00 2,000 2,100 Howard County BAN, Series A 3.070%, 04/14/00 1,300 1,300 Maryland State Department of Transportation RB, Pre-refunded @ 102 (B) 6.700%, 08/15/99 2,625 2,700 Maryland State Health & Higher Education Facilities Authority RB, Hospital & University Improvements, LOC (A) 3.950%, 05/05/99 1,100 1,100 Maryland State Health & Higher Education Facilities Authority RB, Pooled Loan Project, Series D, LOC (A) 3.950%, 05/06/99 5,533 5,533 Maryland State Health & Higher Education Facilities Authority RB, Series 1998-A, LOC (A) 3.850%, 05/05/99 5,000 5,000 North East Maryland Waste Disposal Authority RB, AMBAC (A) 3.750%, 05/05/99 1,060 1,060 Suburban Washington D.C. Sewer Disposal Service RB, Pre-refunded @ 102 (B) 6.700%, 07/01/99 1,000 1,025 ------- Total Maryland $22,818 ------- PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - ----------- ------------ ----------- MINNESOTA -- 4.2% Minnesota State School Districts COP, Series A, LOC 3.670%, 08/20/99 $1,500 $ 1,500 University of Minnesota, DC Trust RB, Series 1997A, LOC (A) 4.100%, 05/05/99 5,000 5,000 ------- Total Minnesota $ 6,500 ------- MISSISSIPPI -- 0.1% Jackson County RB, Chevron USA Project, Series 93 (A) 4.250%, 05/01/99 100 100 ------- Total Mississippi $ 100 ------- MISSOURI -- 3.4% Columbia RB, Series A, LOC (A) 3.900%, 05/05/99 1,000 1,000 Missouri State Development Finance Authority RB, LOC (A) 4.400%, 05/01/99 1,000 1,000 Missouri State Development Finance Authority RB, Science City Union Station, Series C, LOC (A) 4.400%, 05/01/99 300 300 Missouri State Health & Educational Facilities Authority RAN, Series G 3.500%, 04/29/00 2,000 2,005 Missouri State Health & Educational Facilities Authority RB, Washington University Project, Series B, LOC (A) 4.250%, 05/01/99 900 900 ------- Total Missouri $ 5,205 ------- MONTANA -- 0.6% Montana State Health Facilities Authority RB, FGIC (A) 4.050%, 05/06/99 1,000 1,000 ------- Total Montana $ 1,000 ------- NEVADA -- 0.6% Clark County, Airport Improvement Authority RB, Series A, MBIA (A) 3.850%, 05/05/99 900 900 ------- Total Nevada $ 900 ------- NEW YORK -- 7.2% New York City GO, MBIA (A) 4.250%, 05/01/99 400 400 New York City GO, Series B-2, LOC (A) 4.400%, 05/01/99 500 500 61 66 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 [ARROW]TAX-FREE MONEY MARKET PORTFOLIO (CONCLUDED) PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - ----------- ------------ ----------- New York City, Mass Transit Authority Demand Certificate Trust, Series 1993C, FGIC (A) 4.050%, 05/05/99 $4,000 $ 4,000 New York City, Municipal Water Finance Authority RB, Series A, FGIC (A) 4.400%, 05/01/99 300 300 New York City, Transitional Finance Authority RB, Series A-1, SPA (A) 4.000%, 05/05/99 5,000 5,000 New York City, Water & Sewer Authority RB, Series C, FGIC (A) 4.250%, 05/01/99 1,000 1,000 ------- Total New York $11,200 ------- NORTH CAROLINA -- 9.3% Charlotte, Airport Development Authority RB, Series A, MBIA (A) 3.850%, 05/05/99 6,900 6,900 City of Greensboro, Public Improvement RB, Series 94-B, LOC (A) 3.900%, 05/05/99 1,000 1,000 Durham, Water & Sewer System RB (A) 4.050%, 05/05/99 2,000 2,000 University of North Carolina RB, Chapel Hill Project,SPA (A) 3.850%, 05/05/99 1,500 1,500 Winston Salem COP, LOC (A) 3.950%, 05/06/99 3,000 3,000 ------- Total North Carolina $14,400 ------- PENNSYLVANIA -- 8.1% Bucks County, Industrial Development Authority RB, LOC (A) 3.450%, 05/05/99 2,200 2,200 Cumberland County, Municipal Authority RB, United Methodist Homes for the Aging Project, Mandatory Put @ 100, LOC (A) (C) 3.750%, 06/01/99 3,000 3,000 Lehigh County, Industrial Development Authority RB, Series A, LOC (A) 3.450%, 05/05/99 1,500 1,500 Pennsylvania State GO, Series A, Pre-refunded @ 101.5 (B) 7.000%, 05/01/00 950 999 Pennsylvania State Higher Education Facilities Authority RB, Council of Independent Colleges, Series 97-A1, LOC, Mandatory Put @ 100 (C) 3.125%, 03/01/00 2,400 2,400 PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - ----------- ------------ ----------- Pennsylvania State Higher Education Facilities Authority RB, Council of Independent Colleges, Series 97-A3, LOC, Mandatory Put @ 100 (C) 3.125%, 03/01/00 $2,500 $ 2,500 ------- Total Pennsylvania $12,599 ------- Berkeley County, South Carolina Pollution Control RB, Amoco Chemical Project (A) 4.200%, 05/01/99 1,850 1,850 South Carolina State TECP 2.900%, 05/11/99 7,000 7,000 ------- Total South Carolina $ 8,850 ------- TEXAS -- 6.1% Georgetown, Higher Education Financing Authority RB, Southwestern University Project, Series 1984, LOC (A) 3.950%, 05/05/99 3,000 3,000 Northern Central Texas RB, Dallas Methodist Hospital, MBIA (A) 4.250%, 05/01/99 200 200 Texas Municipal Gas Corporation RB, FSA (A) 4.000%, 05/05/99 4,000 4,000 Texas State Higher Education Authority RB, Series B, FGIC (A) 4.000%, 05/05/99 2,315 2,315 ------- Total Texas $ 9,515 ------- UTAH -- 1.3% Utah State Highway GO, Series 97-A, LOC 3.100%, 08/16/99 2,000 2,000 ------- Total Utah $ 2,000 ------- VERMONT -- 1.4% Vermont State Educational & Health Buildings RB, Capital Asset Financing Program, Series 1, LOC (A) 4.000%, 05/06/99 2,100 2,100 ------- Total Vermont $ 2,100 ------- Wisconsin State GO, Series G, Pre-refunded @ 101 (B) 6.750%, 05/01/99 3,465 3,500 ------- Total Wisconsin $ 3,500 ------- WYOMING -- 1.2% Lincoln County, Pollution Control RB, Exxon Project (A) 4.200%, 05/01/99 1,000 1,000 62 67 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - ----------- ------------ ----------- Sublette County, Pollution Control RB, Exxon Project (A) 4.200%, 05/01/99 $800 $ 800 -------- Total Wyoming $ 1,800 -------- (Cost $153,976) $153,976 -------- Total Investments -- 99.4% (Cost $153,976) $153,976 ======== Other Assets and Liabilities, Net -- 0.6% $ 1,004 ======== NET ASSETS: Portfolio Shares of Institutional Class (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 77,897,665 outstanding shares of beneficial interest 77,889 Portfolio Shares of Retail Class A (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 33,506,911 outstanding shares of beneficial interest 33,505 Portfolio Shares of Institutional II Class (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 43,574,868 outstanding shares of beneficial interest 43,573 Undistributed net investment income 13 ======== Total Net Assets -- 100.0% $154,980 ======== Net Asset Value, Offering and Redemption Price Per Share -- Institutional Class $ 1.00 ======== Net Asset Value, Offering and Redemption Price Per Share -- Retail Class A $ 1.00 ======== Net Asset Value, Offering and Redemption Price Per Share -- Institutional II Class $ 1.00 ======== (A) Variable Rate Security. The rate reported on the Statement of Net Assets is the rate in effect on April 30, 1999. The date shown is the next scheduled reset date. (B) Pre-refunded Security. The pre-refunded date is shown as the maturity date on the Statement of Net Assets. (C) Mandatory Put Security. The mandatory put date is shown as the maturity date on the Statement of Net Assets. BAN--Bond Anticipation Note COP--Certificate of Participation GO--General Obligation LOC--Securities are held in connection with a letter of credit issued by a major bank or other financial institution. RAN--Revenue Anticipation Note RB--Revenue Bond SPA--Standby Purchase Agreement TECP--Tax-Exempt Commercial Paper The following organizations have provided underlying credit support for securities listed above, as indicated. AMBAC--American Municipal Bond Assurance Corporation FGIC--Financial Guaranty Insurance Corporation FNMA--Federal National Mortgage Association FSA--Financial Security Assurance MBIA--Municipal Bond Insurance Association The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. [ARROW]ARK FUNDS: U.S. GOVERNMENT MONEY MARKET PORTFOLIO [PIE CHART OMITTED] [PLOT POINT FOLLOWS] Repurchase Agreements -- 36% U.S. Government Agency Obligations -- 64% % of Total Portfolio Investments PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - ----------- ------------ ----------- U.S. GOVERNMENT AGENCY OBLIGATIONS -- 64.9% Federal Farm Credit Bank 5.550%, 06/01/99 $25,000 $ 24,998 4.760%, 01/18/00 20,000 19,994 Federal Home Loan Bank 5.723%, 05/05/99 15,000 15,000 5.540%, 07/15/99 25,000 24,997 4.900%, 12/01/99 30,000 30,000 4.915%, 01/13/00 25,000 25,003 4.900%, 02/11/00 30,500 30,469 4.950%, 02/17/00 8,000 7,985 5.150%, 03/08/00 10,000 9,994 Federal Home Loan Bank (A) 4.820%, 05/01/99 39,000 38,992 4.840%, 05/01/99 25,000 25,000 4.850%, 05/01/99 25,000 25,000 4.910%, 05/01/99 30,000 29,991 4.955%, 05/01/99 50,000 49,976 4.855%, 05/05/99 25,000 24,999 Federal Home Loan Bank Discount Notes (B) 4.792%, 05/21/99 60,000 59,842 5.290%, 06/04/99 15,000 14,928 4.719%, 06/23/99 50,000 49,656 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (A) 4.885%, 05/04/99 25,000 25,000 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Discount Notes (B) 4.841%, 05/06/99 40,000 39,973 4.860%, 05/20/99 19,000 18,952 4.823%, 06/17/99 75,000 74,533 4.747%, 07/14/99 70,000 69,324 4.861%, 08/06/99 15,000 14,807 Federal National Mortgage Association (A) 4.585%, 05/04/99 18,000 17,988 63 68 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 [ARROW]U.S. GOVERNMENT MONEY MARKET PORTFOLIO (CONCLUDED) PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Federal National Mortgage Association Discount Notes (B) 4.819%, 06/18/99 $35,000 $ 34,778 4.813%, 06/25/99 50,000 49,637 4.812%, 10/15/99 50,000 48,910 4.817%, 10/15/99 20,000 19,564 Federal National Mortgage Association, MTN 5.560%, 05/21/99 25,000 24,998 5.180%, 03/10/00 15,000 14,989 Federal National Mortgage Association, MTN (A) 4.795%, 06/23/99 7,000 6,997 Federal National Mortgage Association, MTN (C) 5.000%, 05/05/00 25,000 24,971 Student Loan Marketing Association (A) 4.910%, 05/01/99 25,000 24,999 5.107%, 05/04/99 20,000 19,994 5.107%, 05/04/99 25,000 24,995 5.207%, 05/04/99 25,000 24,992 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total U.S. Government Agency Obligations (Cost $1,087,225) $1,087,225 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS -- 36.6% Goldman Sachs 4.800%, dated 04/30/99, matures 05/03/99, repurchase price $2,535,949 (collateralized by U.S. Treasury Instruments: total market value $2,585,634) 2,535 2,535 4.890%, dated 04/30/99, matures 05/03/99, repurchase price $310,126,325 (collateralized by U.S. Treasury Instruments: total market value $316,200,597) 310,000 310,000 Morgan Stanley 4.890%, dated 04/30/99, matures 05/03/99, repurchase price $300,122,250 (collateralized by U.S. Treasury Instruments: total market value $308,155,808) 300,000 300,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Repurchase Agreements (Cost $612,535) $ 612,535 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARKET DESCRIPTION VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Investments -- 101.5% (Cost $1,699,760) $1,699,760 ================================================================================ Other Assets and Liabilities, Net -- (1.5%) $ (25,515) ================================================================================ NET ASSETS: Portfolio Shares of Institutional Class (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 1,428,043,550 outstanding shares of beneficial interest 1,427,946 Portfolio Shares of Retail Class A (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 104,036,003 outstanding shares of beneficial interest 104,032 Portfolio Shares of Institutional II Class (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 142,145,105 outstanding shares of beneficial interest 142,138 Undistributed net investment income 161 Distributions in excess of net realized gain on investments (32) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Net Assets -- 100.0% $1,674,245 ================================================================================ Net Asset Value, Offering and Redemption Price Per Share -- Institutional Class $ 1.00 ================================================================================ Net Asset Value, Offering and Redemption Price Per Share -- Retail Class A $ 1.00 ================================================================================ Net Asset Value, Offering and Redemption Price Per Share -- Institutional II Clas $ 1.00 ================================================================================ (A) Variable Rate Security. The rate reported on the Statement of Net Assets is the rate in effect on April 30, 1999. The date shown is the next scheduled reset date. (B) The annualized discount yield at time of purchase is shown as the rate on the Statement of Net Assets. (C) When Issued Security (total cost $24,971,000) MTN--Medium Term Note The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 64 69 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 [ARROW]ARK FUNDS: U.S. TREASURY MONEY MARKET PORTFOLIO [PIE CHART OMITTED] [PLOT POINT FOLLOWS] U.S. Treasury Notes -- 44% U.S. Treasury Bills -- 56% % of Total Portfolio Investments PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. TREASURY OBLIGATIONS -- 99.4% U.S. Treasury Bills (A) 4.444%, 05/27/99 $ 3,837 $ 3,825 4.469%, 05/27/99 28,453 28,363 4.477%, 05/27/99 2,224 2,217 4.495%, 05/27/99 75,000 74,757 4.499%, 05/27/99 1,589 1,584 4.517%, 05/27/99 1,804 1,798 4.565%, 05/27/99 2,527 2,519 4.583%, 05/27/99 2,010 2,003 4.450%, 06/10/99 14,102 14,034 4.407%, 06/17/99 11,144 11,080 4.369%, 07/22/99 8,555 8,472 4.428%, 08/12/99 3,654 3,608 4.437%, 10/07/99 7,787 7,638 4.432%, 10/14/99 10,644 10,431 4.471%, 10/14/99 6,322 6,195 4.496%, 10/21/99 4,250 4,160 4.509%, 10/21/99 61,206 59,909 4.584%, 11/12/99 7,649 7,466 U.S. Treasury Notes 6.375%, 05/15/99 50,000 50,030 6.875%, 07/31/99 120,000 120,629 7.875%, 11/15/99 25,000 25,427 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total U.S. Treasury Obligations (Cost $446,145) $446,145 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Investments -- 99.4% (Cost $446,145) $446,145 ================================================================================ Other Assets and Liabilities, Net -- 0.6% $ 2,670 ================================================================================ MARKET DESCRIPTION VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NET ASSETS: Portfolio Shares of Institutional Class (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 289,937,708 outstanding share of beneficial interest $289,914 Portfolio Shares of Retail Class A (unlimited authorization -- no par value)based on 19,632,288 outstanding shares of beneficial interest 19,631 Portfolio Shares of Institutional II Class (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 139,264,960 outstanding shares of beneficial interest 139,257 Undistributed net investment income 45 Distributions in excess of net realized gain on investments (32) ================================================================================ Total Net Assets -- 100.0% $448,815 ================================================================================ Net Asset Value, Offering and Redemption Price Per Share -- Institutional Class $ 1.00 ================================================================================ Net Asset Value, Offering and Redemption Price Per Share -- Retail Class A $ 1.00 Net Asset Value, Offering and Redemption Price Per Share -- Institutional II Class $ 1.00 (A) The annualized discount yield at time of purchase is shown as the rate on the Statement of Net Assets. The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 65 70 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 [ARROW]ARK FUNDS: SHORT-TERM TREASURY PORTFOLIO U.S. Treasury Bills -- 5% U.S. Treasury Notes -- 95% % of Total Portfolio Investments PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. TREASURY OBLIGATIONS -- 99.0% U.S. Treasury Bills 4.507%, 10/21/99 $11,442 $ 11,411 4.509%, 10/21/99 915 896 U.S. Treasury Notes 6.000%, 08/15/99 729 732 5.875%, 08/31/99 60 60 5.875%, 11/15/99 154 155 4.710%, 12/31/99 2,186 2,227 5.500%, 02/29/00 2,000 2,010 6.375%, 05/15/00 4,000 4,057 8.750%, 08/15/00 4,000 4,183 5.750%, 11/15/00 1,000 1,010 4.625%, 11/30/00 1,025 1,018 4.625%, 12/31/00 2,549 2,531 4.500%, 01/31/01 6,000 5,942 5.375%, 02/15/01 8,000 8,039 5.000%, 02/28/01 2,000 1,997 6.500%, 08/31/01 11,000 11,325 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total U.S. Treasury Obligations (Cost $47,575) $ 47,593 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Investments -- 99.0% (Cost $47,575) $ 47,593 ================================================================================ Other Assets and Liabilities, Net -- 1.0% $ 501 ================================================================================ MARKET DESCRIPTION VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NET ASSETS: Portfolio Shares of Institutional Class (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 3,398,269 outstanding shares of beneficial interest $ 34,064 Portfolio Shares of Retail Class A (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 1,396,715 outstanding shares of beneficial interest 13,986 Accumulated net realized gain on investments 26 Net unrealized appreciation on investments 18 ================================================================================ Total Net Asset -- 100.0% $ 48,094 ================================================================================ Net Asset Value, Offering and Redemption Price Per Share -- Institutional Class $10.03 ================================================================================ Net Asset Value, Offering and Redemption Price Per Share -- Retail Class A $10.03 ================================================================================ The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 66 71 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 [ARROW]ARK FUNDS: SHORT-TERM BOND PORTFOLIO [PIE CHART OMITTED] [PLOT POINT FOLLOWS] U.S. Government Agency Obligations -- 5% Repurchase Agreements -- 5% Non-Agency Mortgage- Backed Obligations -- 9% U.S. Treasury Obligations -- 14% Asset-Backed Securities -- 20% Corporate Obligations -- 46% % of Total Portfolio Investments PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. TREASURY OBLIGATIONS -- 13.6% U.S. Treasury Notes 6.000%, 06/30/99 $3,245 $ 3,253 6.250%, 04/30/01 2,000 2,043 7.875%, 08/15/01 1,000 1,058 6.500%, 08/31/01 3,550 3,655 6.250%, 10/31/01 3,000 3,077 6.000%, 07/31/02 2,000 2,045 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total U.S. Treasury Obligations (Cost $15,201) $15,131 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. GOVERNMENT AGENCY OBLIGATIONS -- 5.3% Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation 4.750%, 12/14/01 3,000 2,958 Federal National Mortgage Association 4.450%, 10/16/00 3,000 2,969 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total U.S. Government Agency Obligations (Cost $5,972) 5,927 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. GOVERNMENT MORTGAGE- BACKED OBLIGATIONS -- 0.5% Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, REMIC 6.500%, 10/15/00 298 299 Federal National Mortgage Association (A) 7.076%, 09/01/27 2 3 Federal National Mortgage Association, REMIC 8.000%, 07/25/18 235 236 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total U.S. Government Mortgage- Backed Obligations (Cost $537) $ 538 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORPORATE OBLIGATIONS -- 45.6% BANKS -- 1.0% Mellon Financial 9.250%, 08/15/01 1,000 1,071 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Banks $ ,071 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTERTAINMENT -- 4.1% Time Warner (B) 6.100%, 12/30/01 $2,000 $ 2,010 Time Warner, PAT (B) 4.900%, 07/29/99 1,000 997 Viacom 6.750%, 01/15/03 1,500 1,521 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Entertainment $ 4,528 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FINANCIAL SERVICES -- 21.6% Associates of North America 7.500%, 05/15/99 1,000 1,001 Conseco 6.400%, 02/10/03 2,000 1,942 Conseco, Mandatory Put @ 100 (C) 6.400%, 06/15/01 2,000 1,972 Ford Motor Credit 9.500%, 04/15/00 1,500 1,558 Ford Motor Credit Global Bond 5.750%, 02/23/04 1,000 987 General Motors Acceptance, MTN 6.650%, 05/24/00 2,000 2,027 Goldman Sachs (A) (B) 5.150%, 12/22/00 3,000 3,001 Goldman Sachs, MTN (A) (B) 5.100%, 02/23/00 2,000 2,000 Lehman Brothers Holdings 6.625%, 11/15/00 2,000 2,012 6.500%, 10/01/02 2,000 2,000 Lehman Brothers Holdings, MTN 6.400%, 12/27/99 1,500 1,506 Newcourt Credit 6.875%, 02/16/05 1,000 1,021 Rouse, MTN (A) 5.750%, 03/22/00 1,000 991 Spieker Properties 6.875%, 02/01/05 $2,000 1,960 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Financial Services $23,978 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL -- 17.5% AT&T 5.625%, 03/15/04 1,000 989 Cable & Wireless Communications 6.375%, 03/06/03 3,500 3,513 Coca-Cola, PAT (B) 6.000%, 03/15/01 2,000 2,008 Husky Oil, YB 6.875%, 11/15/03 3,000 2,954 Nabisco, PAT (B) 6.300%, 08/26/99 2,000 2,003 Oryx Energy 10.000%, 04/01/01 1,000 1,066 Puget Sound Energy, MTN 7.250%, 12/10/99 2,000 2,020 67 72 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 [ARROW]SHORT-TERM BOND PORTFOLIO (CONCLUDED) PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sprint Capital 5.700%, 11/15/03 1,000 $ 984 Williams 6.500%, 11/15/02 2,000 1,985 Worldcom 6.250%, 08/15/03 2,000 2,008 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Industrial $19,530 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RETAIL -- 1.4% Fred Meyer 7.375%, 03/01/05 1,500 1,547 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Retail $ 1,547 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Corporate Obligations (Cost $50,807) $50,654 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES -- 20.2% AFG Receivables Trust, Series 1996-C, Class B 6.950%, 07/15/01 587 596 AFG Receivables Trust, Series 1996-D, Class B 6.650%, 10/15/01 951 956 Contimortgage Home Equity Loan Trust, Series 1997-2, Class A4 6.770%, 01/15/12 1,616 1,636 EQCC Home Equity Loan Trust, Series 1998-1, Class A4F 6.459%, 03/15/21 1,000 1,009 EQCC Home Equity Loan Trust, Series 1999-1, Class A3F 5.915%, 03/20/29 1,000 996 Equicredit Funding Trust, Series 1996-A, Class A3 7.350%, 11/15/19 2,000 2,095 First Plus Home Loan Trust, Series 1996-4, Class A4 6.450%, 03/10/10 2,500 2,506 Greenpoint Manufactured Housing Trust, Series 1999-1, Class A2 6.010%, 08/15/15 500 500 IMC Home Equity Loan Trust, Series 1997-1, Class A3 6.820%, 10/25/11 1,475 1,493 Key Auto Finance Trust, Series 1997-1, Class B 6.400%, 04/15/04 625 633 Key Auto Finance Trust, Series 1999-1, Class A3 5.630%, 07/15/03 1,000 1,001 PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Premier Auto Trust, Series 1998-4, Class A3 5.690%, 06/08/02 $1,000 $ 1,003 The Money Store Home Equity Trust, Series 1996-C, Class A4 7.400%, 06/15/21 3,000 3,081 The Money Store Home Equity Trust, Series 1997-D, Class AF3 6.345%, 11/15/21 2,919 2,937 The Money Store Home Equity Trust, Series 1998-B, Class AF2 6.115%, 06/15/10 1,000 1,000 The Money Store Home Equity Trust, Series 1998-B, Class AF4 6.115%, 06/15/21 1,000 993 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Asset-Backed Securities (Cost $22,283) $22,435 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NON-AGENCY MORTGAGE-BACKED OBLIGATIONS -- 9.2% Advanta Mortgage Loan Trust, Series 1997-1, Class A2 7.100%, 04/25/20 1,718 1,723 Amresco Residential Securities Mortgage Loan Trust, Series 1997-3, Class A3 6.600%, 01/25/18 1,045 1,046 Green Tree Home Improvement Loan Trust, Series 1995-B, Class A 8.150%, 03/15/15 1,416 1,452 Green Tree Home Improvement Loan Trust, Series 1995-F, Class B1 6.750%, 01/15/21 2,000 1,975 Green Tree Home Improvement Loan Trust, Series 1996-F, Class HIB1 7.250%, 11/15/27 2,000 2,008 Prudential Home Mortgage Securities Trust, Series 1992-45, Class A4 6.500%, 01/25/00 735 734 Prudential Home Mortgage Securities Trust, Series 1994-5, Class A1 7.000%, 02/25/24 279 279 Prudential Home Mortgage Securities Trust, Series 1994-25, Class A7 7.500%, 08/25/24 1,000 1,024 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Non-Agency Mortgage-Backed Obligations (Cost $10,267) $10,241 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 68 73 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REPURCHASE AGREEMENT -- 4.8% First Boston 4.930%, dated 04/30/99, matures 05/03/99, repurchase price $5,372,082 (collateralized by U.S. Government Agency Instruments: total market value $5,515,053) $5,370 $ 5,370 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Repurchase Agreement (Cost $5,370) $ 5,370 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Investments -- 99.2% (Cost $110,437) $110,296 ================================================================================ Other Assets and Liabilities, Net -- 0.8% (D) $ 831 =============================================================================== NET ASSETS: Portfolio Shares of Institutional Class (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 11,176,885 outstanding shares of beneficial interest 111,173 Undistributed net investment income 62 Accumulated net realized gain on investments 33 Net unrealized depreciation on investments (141) ================================================================================ Total Net Assets-- 100.0% $111,127 ================================================================================ Net Asset Value, Offering and Redemption Price Per Share-- Institutional Class $ 9.94 ================================================================================ (A) Variable Rate Security. The rate reported on the Statement of Net Assets is the rate in effect on April 30, 1999. (B) Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securites Act of 1933. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration normally to qualified institutional investors. (C) Mandatory Put Security. The mandatory put date is shown as the maturity date on the Statement of Net Assets. (D) Other Assets and Liabilities representing greater than five percent of total net assets include the following (000): Collateral received for securities on loan $9,926 Payable upon return of securities on loan $9,926 MTN--Medium Term Note PAT--Putable Asset Trust REMIC--Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit YB--Yankee Bond The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. [ARROW] ARK FUNDS: MARYLAND TAX-FREE PORTFOLIO [PIE CHART OMITTED] [PLOT POINTS ARE AS FOLLOWS] General Obligations -- 41% % of Total Portfolio Investments Revenue Bonds -- 59% PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MUNICIPAL BONDS & NOTES -- 98.4% MARYLAND -- 93.5% Allegany County, Public Improvements GO, AMBAC 5.300%, 03/01/12 $1,190 $ 1,248 Anne Arundel County GO 5.000%, 09/01/10 1,500 1,566 Anne Arundel County, Public Improvements GO 6.000%, 09/01/06 2,560 2,864 Baltimore County, Public Improvements GO 5.000%, 08/01/11 2,500 2,609 5.500%, 06/01/16 2,000 2,100 Baltimore GO, Series B, MBIA 7.000%, 10/15/03 1,000 1,127 Baltimore, Auto Parking RB, FGIC 5.250%, 07/01/17 1,000 1,041 Baltimore, Convention Center RB, MBIA 5.000%, 09/01/09 2,000 2,097 Baltimore, Port Facilities RB, DuPont Project 6.500%, 10/01/11 1,000 1,092 Baltimore, Wastewater Project RB, Series B, FGIC 5.000%, 07/01/18 1,000 996 Baltimore, Water Project RB, Series A, FGIC 5.500%, 07/01/26 1,500 1,558 Calvert County, Pollution Control RB, Baltimore Gas & Electric Company Project 5.550%, 07/15/14 2,500 2,612 Calvert County, Public & School Improvements GO 5.750%, 01/01/11 1,900 2,050 69 74 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 [ARROW] MARYLAND TAX-FREE PORTFOLIO (CONTINUED) PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Charles County, GO 5.700%, 03/01/10 $ 750 $ 809 Cumberland RB, Series A, FGIC 5.125%, 05/01/13 1,000 1,029 Frederick County GO, Series B 6.300%, 07/01/08 2,000 2,167 Frederick County, Retirement Community RB, Buckinghams Choice 5.900%, 01/01/17 1,000 997 Frederick GO, FGIC 6.125%, 12/01/06 1,000 1,084 6.125%, 12/01/07 500 540 Gaithersburg, Hospital & Nursing Home Improvements RB, Shady Grove, FSA 6.000%, 09/01/22 1,000 1,075 Howard County, GO 5.000%, 02/15/09 3,500 3,675 Howard County, Public Improvements GO, Series A 5.200%, 02/15/04 1,000 1,055 Laurel GO, FGIC 5.000%, 10/01/07 1,000 1,057 Maryland National Parks & Planning Commission RB 5.375%, 01/15/14 1,950 2,050 Maryland State & Local Facilities Authority GO 5.000%, 08/01/09 1,000 1,054 Maryland State & Local Facilities Authority GO, Second Series AA 5.500%, 06/01/08 1,500 1,612 Maryland State & Local Facilities Authority RB 5.000%, 08/01/10 1,200 1,251 Maryland State Community Development Administration RB, Housing & Community Development 5.050%, 04/01/08 1,000 1,031 5.600%, 03/01/17 1,000 1,041 Maryland State Department of Transportation RB, Public Improvements, Pre-refunded @ 100.75 (A) 6.100%, 09/01/00 2,000 2,085 Maryland State Economic Development Corporation RB, Health Care Facilities, GNMA 4.650%, 12/20/08 905 914 PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maryland State GO 6.100%, 10/15/06 $1,500 $1,609 Maryland State Health & Higher Education Facilities Authority RB 4.750%, 11/01/14 1,600 1,588 5.125%, 07/01/20 2,000 2,017 4.750%, 05/15/33 2,000 1,862 Maryland State Health & Higher Education Facilities Authority RB, Broadmead 5.500%, 07/01/17 2,505 2,518 Maryland State Health & Higher Education Facilities Authority RB, Calvert Memorial Hospital 5.000%, 07/01/19 2,000 1,932 Maryland State Health & Higher Education Facilities Authority RB, Doctors Community Hospital 5.500%, 07/01/24 2,500 2,494 Maryland State Health & Higher Education Facilities Authority RB, Helix Health Issue, RB, AMBAC, ETM 5.000%, 07/01/27 2,500 2,526 Maryland State Health & Higher Education Facilities Authority RB, Howard County General Hospital Project 5.500%, 07/01/13 1,000 1,055 Maryland State Health & Higher Education Facilities Authority RB, Johns Hopkins Medicine, MBIA 5.000%, 07/01/19 1,500 1,492 Maryland State Health & Higher Education Facilities Authority RB, Johns Hopkins University 5.250%, 07/01/17 2,000 2,047 Maryland State Health & Higher Education Facilities Authority RB, Kennedy Krieger 5.125%, 07/01/22 2,000 1,910 Maryland State Health & Higher Education Facilities Authority RB, Loyola College Project, Series A, MBIA 5.375%, 10/01/11 950 1,008 5.375%, 10/01/26 1,500 1,534 70 75 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Higher Education Facilities Authority RB, MBIA 5.300%, 10/01/18 $ 460 $ 472 Maryland State Health & Higher Education Facilities Authority RB, Medlantic/ Helix, Series A 5.250%, 08/15/12 1,175 1,225 Maryland State Health & Higher Education Facilities Authority RB, Mercy Medical Center Project, AMBAC 5.750%, 07/01/15 2,000 2,133 Maryland State Health & Higher Education Facilities Authority RB, North Arundel Project, MBIA 6.000%, 07/01/12 500 540 Maryland State Health & Higher Education Facilities Authority RB, Peninsula Regional Medical Center Project 5.000%, 07/01/08 1,000 1,018 Maryland State Health & Higher Education Facilities Authority RB, Pickersgill Project, Series A 6.000%, 01/01/15 1,500 1,586 Maryland State Health & Higher Education Facilities Authority RB, Series A 5.250%, 08/15/11 2,000 2,098 Maryland State Health & Higher Education Facilities Authority RB, University of Maryland Medical Systems Project, Series A, Pre-refunded @ 102, FGIC (A) 7.000%, 07/01/01 1,000 1,089 Maryland State Health & Higher Education Facilities Authority RB, Upper Chesapeake Health, FSA 5.375%, 01/01/28 1,500 1,530 Maryland State Housing RB, Second Series 5.000%, 04/01/17 1,000 994 Maryland State Stadium Authority RB, AMBAC 5.500%, 03/01/12 1,000 1,065 PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maryland State Transportation Authority RB 5.750%, 07/01/15 $3,000 $ 3,071 Maryland State Transportation Authority RB, Baltimore/ Washington International Airport Project, FGIC 6.000%, 07/01/07 1,000 1,099 Maryland State Water Quality Financing Administration RB, Revolving Loan Fund, Series A 5.500%, 09/01/12 1,250 1,302 6.550%, 09/01/14 945 1,015 Montgomery County, Parking Authority RB, Silver Spring Parking Lot Project, Series A, FGIC 6.250%, 06/01/09 500 540 Montgomery County, Public Improvements GO, Series A 5.500%, 10/01/06 1,000 1,065 5.800%, 07/01/07 1,000 1,113 4.875%, 05/01/12 2,000 2,048 Montgomery County, Public Improvements GO, Series A, Pre-refunded @ 102 (A) 6.000%, 10/01/04 2,000 2,238 Prince Georges County, Public Improvements GO, MBIA 5.500%, 03/15/16 1,000 1,051 Prince Georges County, Public Improvements GO, Series A, MBIA 6.000%, 03/01/07 1,450 1,544 Prince Georges County, Solid Waste Management System RB, FSA 5.000%, 06/15/04 1,000 1,045 Prince Georges County, Water Utility Improvements GO, Stormwater Management Project 5.500%, 03/15/13 2,575 2,691 Queen Annes County, Public Facilities GO, FGIC 5.400%, 11/15/11 1,000 1,066 Queen Annes County, School & Recreational Facilities Improvements GO, FGIC 6.000%, 11/15/08 1,000 1,133 St. Mary's County, Academic & Auxiliary Facilities RB, MBIA 5.250%, 09/01/27 2,000 2,020 71 76 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 [ARROW]MARYLAND TAX-FREE PORTFOLIO (CONCLUDED) PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Auxiliary Facility & Tuition RB, Series A 5.000%, 04/01/10 $2,000 $ 2,083 University of Maryland, Loan Program RB, Second Series 6.000%, 06/01/05 500 538 University of Maryland, Medical Systems Project RB, Series A 5.500%, 04/01/10 2,000 2,140 Washington County, Public Improvements GO, MBIA 5.800%, 01/01/15 1,250 1,356 Washington, Suburban Sanitation District GO, Sewer Improvements 5.300%, 06/01/08 1,000 1,058 5.600%, 06/01/18 1,000 1,051 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Maryland $119,095 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUERTO RICO -- 4.5% Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Public Improvements GO, MBIA 6.250%, 07/01/12 1,000 1,169 4.875%, 07/01/23 2,000 1,965 Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority RB, MBIA 5.250%, 07/01/15 1,000 1,044 Puerto Rico Public Finance Authority RB, AMBAC 5.375%, 06/01/19 1,500 1,592 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Puerto Rico $ 5,770 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS -- 0.4% Austin, Utility Systems RB, Series A 9.100%, 05/15/00 310 328 Austin, Utility Systems RB, Series A, ETM 9.100%, 05/15/00 190 201 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Texas $ 529 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Municipal Bonds & Notes (Cost $120,725) $125,394 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASH EQUIVALENT -- 0.0% Dreyfus Tax-Exempt Cash Management Fund 24 24 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Cash Equivalent (Cost $24) $ 24 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Investments -- 98.4% (Cost $120,749) $125,418 ================================================================================ MARKET DESCRIPTION VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Assets and Liabilities, Net -- 1.6% 2,023 ================================================================================ NET ASSETS: Portfolio Shares of Institutional Class (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 9,306,557 outstanding shares of beneficial interest 90,106 Portfolio Shares of Retail Class A (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 3,172,691 outstanding shares of beneficial interest 32,133 Accumulated net realized gain on investments 533 Net unrealized appreciation on investments 4,669 ================================================================================ Total Net Assets -- 100.0% $127,441 ================================================================================ Net Asset Value, Offering and Redemption Price Per Share-- Institutional Class $ 10.21 ================================================================================ Net Asset Value and Redemption Price Per Share -- Retail Class A $ 10.21 ================================================================================ Maximum Offering Price Per Share -- Retail Class A (10.21 / 95.50%) $ 10.69 ================================================================================ (A) Pre-refunded Security. The pre-refunded date is shown as the maturity date on the Statement of Net Assets. ETM--Escrowed to Maturity GO--General Obligation RB--Revenue Bond The following organizations have provided underlying credit support for securities listed above, as indicated. AMBAC--American Municipal Bond Assurance Corporation FGIC--Financial Guaranty Insurance Corporation FSA--Financial Security Assurance GNMA--Government National Mortgage Association MBIA--Municipal Bond Insurance Association The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 72 77 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 [ARROW] ARK FUNDS: PENNSYLVANIA TAX-FREE PORTFOLIO [PIE CHART OMITTED] [PLOT POINTS ARE AS FOLLOWS] General Obligatories -- 26% Revenue Bonds -- 74% % of Total Portfolio Investments PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MUNICIPAL BONDS & NOTES -- 98.2% PENNSYLVANIA -- 96.2% Allegheny County GO, Series C-45, FGIC 5.100%, 10/01/07 $5,000 $ 5,256 Allegheny County, Industrial Development Authority RB, MBIA 6.800%, 03/01/15 3,500 3,811 Allegheny County, Industrial Development Authority RB, USX Project 6.100%, 01/15/18 5,255 5,524 Allegheny County, Pittsburgh International Airport RB, MBIA 5.000%, 01/01/19 5,000 4,931 Allentown, Sacred Heart Hospital RB, Series A 6.500%, 11/15/08 2,665 2,888 Bedford, Area School District GO, FSA 4.750%, 04/15/24 5,000 4,719 Bensalem Township, Recreational Facilities Improvement RB, FGIC 5.550%, 12/01/10 1,390 1,473 Bethlehem Area School Improvements RB, FGIC 5.500%, 09/01/08 3,000 3,244 Bethlehem Area School Improvements RB, Pre-refunded @ 100, MBIA (A) 5.750%, 03/01/06 1,000 1,095 5.850%, 03/01/06 1,635 1,800 Bucks County, Industrial Development Authority RB, ETM 10.000%, 05/15/19 4,775 7,724 PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Burrell, School District GO, FGIC 5.250%, 11/15/10 $4,000 $ 4,270 Chester County, Community Hospital Health & Education Authority RB, MBIA 5.625%, 07/01/10 1,675 1,796 Chester County, Health & Education Facilities Authority RB, Chester County Hospital, MBIA 5.500%, 07/01/07 965 1,040 5.625%, 07/01/09 1,985 2,119 Chester County, Health & Education Facilities Authority RB, Immaculata College 5.600%, 10/15/18 1,000 1,001 5.625%, 10/15/27 1,000 1,000 Chester County, Health & Education Facilities Authority RB, Main Line Health Systems, MBIA 5.300%, 05/15/07 3,045 3,228 Cumberland County, Messiah College Project RB, AMBAC 5.125%, 10/01/15 2,800 2,852 Dauphin County, Pinnacle Health System Project RB, MBIA 5.100%, 05/15/08 830 873 5.200%, 05/15/09 910 948 Delaware County, Catholic Health Systems East RB, Series A, AMBAC 4.875%, 11/15/14 3,910 3,915 Delaware County, Community Hospital Authority RB, AMBAC 6.000%, 12/15/20 4,000 4,135 Delaware County, Dunwoody Village Project RB 5.550%, 04/01/06 300 309 Delaware Valley, Regional Finance Authority RB, Series A 5.900%, 04/15/16 2,000 2,127 Hazleton, School District Authority RB, Series C, FGIC 5.250%, 03/01/10 3,550 3,763 Lancaster County, Hospital Authority RB, Masonic Homes Project 4.750%, 11/15/02 1,000 1,027 73 78 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 [ARROW]PENNSYLVANIA TAX-FREE PORTFOLIO (CONCLUDED) PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lehigh County, Muhlenberg Hospital Center Project RB, ETM, GOH 5.750%, 07/15/10 $1,270 $ 1,391 5.750%, 07/15/10 1,730 1,894 Lehigh County, Public Improvements Project GO, Series A, CNTY GTD 5.500%, 11/15/11 2,000 2,122 5.550%, 11/15/12 2,100 2,229 Montgomery County, Health & Higher Education Authority RB, AMBAC 5.250%, 10/01/04 2,070 2,194 5.500%, 10/01/08 1,275 1,380 Montgomery County, Health & Higher Education Authority RB, Beaver College Project, CONLEE 5.700%, 04/01/10 500 541 Norristown, School District Authority GO, FGIC 5.500%, 09/01/14 500 528 Northampton County, Higher Education Authority RB, Lehigh University, MBIA 5.750%, 08/15/03 2,710 2,917 Parkland, School District GO, FGIC 5.000%, 09/01/18 5,000 4,956 Pennsylvania Convention Center Authority RB, ETM, FGIC 6.000%, 09/01/19 4,100 4,623 Pennsylvania Intergovernmental Cooperative Authority RB, FGIC 5.500%, 06/15/11 3,300 3,486 Pennsylvania Intergovernmental Cooperative Authority RB, Philadelphia Funding Program, FGIC 5.400%, 06/15/09 4,845 5,081 Pennsylvania State Economic Development Authority RB, AMBAC 6.000%, 07/01/06 3,000 3,326 6.000%, 07/01/07 5,000 5,569 Pennsylvania State Higher Education Facilities Authority RB, AMBAC 5.000%, 06/15/19 5,000 4,962 PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pennsylvania State Higher Education Facilities Authority RB, Drexel University, MBIA 5.750%, 05/01/03 $3,535 $ 3,782 Pennsylvania State Higher Education Facilities Authority RB, Series B 5.350%, 01/01/08 3,750 3,923 Pennsylvania State Higher Education Facilities Authority RB, Temple University, First Series, MBIA 5.000%, 04/01/19 3,500 3,474 Pennsylvania State Higher Education Facilities Authority RB, University of Pennsylvania Health Services Project, Series A 5.500%, 01/01/09 3,000 3,150 Pennsylvania State Higher Education Facilities Authority RB, University of Pennsylvania Project 5.600%, 01/01/10 500 527 Pennsylvania State Hospital RB, Geisinger Health Systems 5.000%, 08/15/28 4,990 4,747 Pennsylvania State Housing Finance Agency RB, Series A 6.000%, 10/01/13 1,500 1,581 Pennsylvania State Infrastructure Investment Authority RB, Water Utility Improvements, MBIA 5.250%, 09/01/07 2,720 2,900 Pennsylvania State Public Improvements GO, Second Series 6.000%, 07/01/09 4,375 4,927 Pennsylvania State Public Improvements GO, Second Series, FGIC 5.375%, 11/15/07 5,000 5,400 Pennsylvania State Turnpike Commission RB, AMBAC 4.750%, 12/01/27 6,000 5,670 Pennsylvania State University RB, GOI 5.300%, 08/15/03 5,000 5,281 Philadelphia GO, FSA 5.000%, 03/15/28 5,000 4,869 Philadelphia, Industrial Development Authority RB 5.250%, 07/01/17 1,000 1,014 74 79 (This page left blank) 80 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Philadelphia, Industrial Development Authority RB, Franklin Institute Project 5.200%, 06/15/18 $2,100 $ 2,061 5.200%, 06/15/26 3,100 3,019 Philadelphia, Industrial Development Authority RB, Girard Estate Coal Mining Project 5.500%, 11/15/16 3,590 3,725 Philadelphia, Industrial Development Authority RB, Series A, MBIA 6.000%, 02/15/07 1,365 1,519 Philadelphia, Jefferson Health Systems RB, MBIA 5.500%, 05/15/05 1,000 1,065 Philadelphia, Justice Lease Authority RB, Series A, MBIA 7.100%, 11/15/06 4,095 4,464 Philadelphia, School District GO, Series A, MBIA 5.350%, 07/01/03 5,000 5,294 5.300%, 07/01/04 3,500 3,719 Philadelphia, Temple University Hospital RB, Series A 6.625%, 11/15/23 5,100 5,412 Philadelphia, Water & Waste RB, MBIA 6.250%, 08/01/07 3,000 3,409 6.250%, 08/01/08 2,150 2,462 Ridley Park, Taylor Hospital RB, Series A, ETM 6.000%, 12/01/05 755 809 Scranton-Lackawanna, Mercy Health Hospital Facilities RB, Series B, MBIA 5.625%, 01/01/16 2,000 2,107 Southeastern Pennsylvania Transit Authority RB, Series A, FGIC 4.750%, 03/01/29 5,000 4,706 West Shore, Holy Spirit Hospital Project RB, MBIA 5.600%, 01/01/13 500 527 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Pennsylvania $219,610 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUERTO RICO -- 2.0% Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority RB, MBIA 6.000%, 07/01/11 4,000 4,565 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Puerto Rico $ 4,565 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Municipal Bonds & Notes (Cost $218,038) $224,175 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARKET DESCRIPTION SHARES VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASH EQUIVALENT -- 0.5% Blackrock Pennsylvania Municipal Money Market 1,244 $ 1,244 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Cash Equivalent (Cost $1,244) $ 1,244 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Investments -- 98.7% (Cost $219,282) $225,419 ================================================================================ Other Assets and Liabilities, Net-- 1.3% $ 2,881 ================================================================================ NET ASSETS: Portfolio Shares of Institutional Class (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 21,943,390 outstanding shares of beneficial interest 217,691 Portfolio Shares of Retail Class A (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 373,591 outstanding shares of beneficial interest 3,809 Accumulated net realized gain on investments 663 Net unrealized appreciation on investments 6,137 ================================================================================ Total Net Asset -- 100.0% $228,300 ================================================================================ Net Asset Value, Offering and Redemption Price Per Share -- Institutional Class $ 10.23 ================================================================================ Net Asset Value and Redemption Price Per Share -- Retail Class A $ 10.22 ================================================================================ Maximum Offering Price Per Share -- Retail Class A (10.22 / 95.50%) $ 10.70 ================================================================================ (A) Pre-refunded Security. The pre-refunded date is shown as the maturity date on the Statement of Net Assets. ETM--Escrowed to Maturity GO--General Obligation RB--Revenue Bond The following organizations have provided underlying credit support for securities listed above, as indicated. AMBAC--American Municipal Bond Assurance Corporation CNTY GTD--County Guaranteed CONLEE--College Construction Loan Insurance Association FGIC--Financial Guaranty Insurance Corporation FSA--Financial Security Assurance GOH--General Obligation of Hospital GOI--General Obligation of Institution MBIA--Municipal Bond Insurance Association The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 75 81 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 [ARROW]ARK FUNDS: INTERMEDIATE FIXED INCOME PORTFOLIO [PIE CHART OMITTED] [PLOT POINTS ARE AS FOLLOWS] Preferred Stock -- 1% Repurchase Agreements -- 2% U.S. Government Agency Obligations -- 6% U.S. Government Mortgage-Backed Obligations -- 11% Asset-Backed Securities -- 11% Yankee Bonds -- 1% U.S. Treasury Obligations -- 38% Corporate Obligations -- 30% % of Total Portfolio Investments PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. TREASURY OBLIGATIONS -- 37.5% U.S. Treasury Notes 7.500%, 10/31/99 $7,000 $ 7,091 7.500%, 11/15/01 3,000 3,165 6.250%, 02/28/02 7,500 7,706 5.375%, 06/30/03 1,000 1,004 7.875%, 11/15/04 7,500 8,403 6.500%, 05/15/05 2,000 2,115 5.625%, 02/15/06 1,885 1,908 6.250%, 02/15/07 6,000 6,308 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total U.S. Treasury Obligations (Cost $37,256) $37,700 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. GOVERNMENT AGENCY OBLIGATIONS -- 5.8% Federal National Mortgage Association 6.270%, 09/20/00 2,500 2,512 6.000%, 05/15/08 3,260 3,285 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total U.S. Government Agency Obligations (Cost $5,824) $ 5,797 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. GOVERNMENT MORTGAGE- BACKED OBLIGATIONS -- 10.9% Federal Home Loan Bank 6.634%, 02/20/04 709 709 Federal National Mortgage Association 6.500%, 05/01/08 634 640 6.500%, 10/01/08 2,342 2,362 6.000%, 04/01/11 1,999 1,981 5.500%, 04/01/18 1,128 1,063 Federal National Mortgage Association, REMIC 6.250%, 07/25/08 1,590 1,598 7.000%, 07/18/18 1,223 1,225 6.000%, 11/25/28 1,368 1,369 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total U.S. Government Mortgage- Backed Obligations (Cost $10,979) $10,947 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORPORATE OBLIGATIONS -- 31.2% AT&T, MTN 6.000%, 03/15/09 $1,500 $ 1,464 Bank of New York 6.625%, 06/15/03 1,500 1,532 Cable & Wireless Communications 6.375%, 03/06/03 1,000 1,004 Columbus Southern Power, MTN 6.510%, 02/01/08 1,250 1,256 Comcast Cablevision, MTN 8.375%, 05/01/07 1,000 1,120 Conseco 6.400%, 02/10/03 1,000 971 Dillard's 6.690%, 08/01/07 1,370 1,353 Federal-Mogul 7.750%, 07/01/06 750 750 First Union 8.770%, 11/15/04 1,350 1,374 Fred Meyer 7.375%, 03/01/05 1,000 1,031 H.F. Ahmanson, Washington Mutual 9.875%, 11/15/99 1,500 1,533 Lucent Technologies 7.250%, 07/15/06 1,505 1,605 Merita Bank, YB 6.500%, 01/15/06 1,350 1,347 Merrill Lynch 7.200%, 10/15/12 1,500 1,534 National Rural Utilities, MTN 7.300%, 09/15/06 1,250 1,344 Norwest Financial 6.375%, 09/15/02 1,370 1,389 Oryx Energy 8.375%, 07/15/04 1,000 1,075 Progressive 6.600%, 01/15/04 550 562 Sara Lee, MTN 6.150%, 06/19/08 1,700 1,696 Sprint Capital 6.125%, 11/15/08 1,500 1,446 Star Bank NA-Cincinnati 6.375%, 03/01/04 1,425 1,430 Storage USA 7.125%, 11/01/03 1,000 985 Time Warner 9.125%, 01/15/13 1,225 1,488 Time Warner, PAT (A) 4.900%, 07/29/99 1,000 997 76 82 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Worldcom 7.750%, 04/01/07 $ 1,000 $ 1,077 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Corporate Obligations (Cost $31,305) $ 31,363 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES -- 10.6% EQCC Home Equity Loan Trust, Series 1999-1, Class A3F 5.915%, 03/20/29 1,525 1,519 IMC Home Equity Loan Trust, Series 1997-3, Class A4 6.840%, 10/20/13 1,000 1,006 Key Auto Finance Trust, Series 1999-1, Class A3 5.630%, 07/15/03 1,915 1,916 Premier Auto Trust, Series 1996-2, Class A4 6.575%, 10/06/00 1,154 1,161 Premier Auto Trust, Series 1998-4, Class A3 5.690%, 06/08/02 605 607 The Money Store Home Equity Trust, Series 1996-C, Class A4 7.400%, 06/15/21 1,513 1,554 The Money Store Home Equity Trust, Series 1997-D, Class A5 6.555%, 12/15/38 1,620 1,629 The Money Store Home Equity Trust, Series 1998-B, Class AF4 6.115%, 06/15/21 1,265 1,256 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Asset-Backed Securities (Cost $10,623) $ 10,648 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREFERRED CONVERTIBLE STOCK -- 0.9% SPG Properties 20,000 906 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Preferred Convertible Stock (Cost $1,012) $ 906 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REPURCHASE AGREEMENT -- 2.0% First Boston 4.930%, dated 04/30/99, matures 05/03/99, repurchase price $1,973,734 (collateralized by U.S. Government Agency Instrument: total market value $2,041,358) $ 1,973 $ 1,973 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Cost $1,973) $ 1,973 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Investments -- 98.9% (Cost $98,972) $ 99,334 ================================================================================ Other Assets and Liabilities, Net -- 1.1% (B) $ 1,085 ================================================================================ Portfolio Shares of Institutional Class (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 10,116,471 outstanding shares of beneficial interest 99,843 Undistributed net investment income 8 Accumulated net realized gain on investments 206 Net unrealized appreciation on investments 362 ================================================================================ Total Net Assets -- 100.0% $100,419 ================================================================================ Net Asset Value, Offering and Redemption Price Per Share -- Institutional Class $ 9.93 ================================================================================ (A) Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration normally to qualified institutional investors. (B) Other Assets and Liabilities representing greater than five percent of total net assets include the following (000): Collateral received for securities on loan $11,205 Payable upon return of securities on loan $11,205 MTN--Medium Term Note PAT--Putable Asset Trust REMIC--Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit YB--Yankee Bond The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 77 83 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 [ARROW]ARK FUNDS: U.S. GOVERNMENT BOND PORTFOLIO [PIE CHART OMITTED] [PLOT POINTS ARE AS FOLLOWS] Repurchase Agreements -- 2% Asset-Backed Obligations -- 5% Corporate Obligations -- 20% U.S. Treasury Obligations -- 21% Preferred Stock -- 2% U.S. Government Mortgage-Backed Obligations -- 28% U.S. Government Agency Obligations -- 22% % of Total Portfolio Investments PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. TREASURY OBLIGATIONS -- 21.5% U.S. Treasury Bonds 7.500%, 11/15/16 $ 5,000 $ 5,857 5.250%, 11/15/28 1,500 1,387 U.S. Treasury Notes 5.375%, 02/15/01 21,700 21,806 5.500%, 01/31/03 5,000 5,038 5.500%, 03/31/03 18,000 18,144 5.625%, 05/15/08 3,000 3,042 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total U.S. Treasury Obligations (Cost $55,422) $55,274 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. GOVERNMENT AGENCY OBLIGATIONS -- 21.7% Federal Home Loan Bank 5.540%, 07/15/99 15,000 15,016 5.375%, 03/02/01 10,000 10,000 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation 5.750%, 04/15/08 3,000 2,973 Federal National Mortgage Association 6.000%, 05/15/08 10,000 10,076 Federal National Mortgage Association, MTN 6.030%, 07/07/99 10,000 10,020 6.470%, 09/25/12 7,500 7,731 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total U.S. Government Agency Obligations (Cost $55,943) $55,816 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. GOVERNMENT MORTGAGE-BACKED OBLIGATIONS -- 28.4% Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation 6.000%, 03/01/13 18,536 18,391 6.250%, 01/15/20 3,000 2,988 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, REMIC 6.000%, 04/15/21 5,000 4,957 6.250%, 09/15/23 5,000 5,030 PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Federal National Mortgage Association 7.000%, 09/01/27 $ 3,420 $ 3,482 6.500%, 08/01/28 4,677 4,652 6.500%, 08/01/28 5,323 5,293 6.500%, 08/01/28 2,819 2,803 6.500%, 08/01/28 5,887 5,854 6.500%, 03/01/29 5,039 5,008 6.500%, 03/01/29 3,996 3,971 7.000%, 03/01/29 3,133 3,175 6.500%, 05/01/29 3,000 2,981 Federal National Mortgage Association, REMIC 6.500%, 10/25/23 4,671 4,696 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total U.S. Government Mortgage- Backed Obligations (Cost $73,294) $73,281 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORPORATE OBLIGATIONS -- 19.7% ENTERTAINMENT -- 1.2% Royal Caribbean Cruises, YB 8.250%, 04/01/05 3,000 3,161 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Entertainment $ 3,161 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FINANCIAL SERVICES -- 5.6% Amvescap PLC, YB 6.375%, 05/15/03 2,500 2,455 Conseco 6.400%, 02/10/03 3,000 2,914 Golden State Escrow 7.000%, 08/01/03 2,000 1,998 Green Tree Financial 10.250%, 06/01/02 2,000 2,088 Newcourt Credit 6.875%, 02/16/05 2,000 2,042 Spieker Properties LP 6.750%, 01/15/08 3,000 2,869 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Financial Services $14,366 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL -- 7.0% B.F. Goodrich 7.000%, 04/15/38 2,000 1,883 Conagra 7.375%, 02/01/05 1,000 1,034 Federal-Mogul 7.750%, 07/01/06 1,500 1,500 Husky Oil, YB 7.550%, 11/15/16 2,000 1,888 Pepsi Bottling Group (A) 7.000%, 03/01/29 2,500 2,481 Qwest Communications International (A) 7.250%, 11/01/08 1,000 1,031 Saga Petroleum A.S., YB 9.125%, 07/15/14 4,000 4,460 Tennessee Gas Pipeline 7.000%, 10/15/28 1,600 1,580 78 84 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT/SHARES(000) VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Union Electric 8.750%, 12/01/21 $ 2,000 $ 2,133 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Industrial $ 17,990 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RETAIL -- 1.3% Fred Meyer 7.375%, 03/01/05 3,200 3,300 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Retail $ 3,300 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TELEPHONES & TELECOMMUNICATIONS -- 4.6% 360 Communications 7.600%, 04/01/09 3,000 3,266 New York Telephone 9.375%, 07/15/31 3,850 4,264 Sprint Capital 6.125%, 11/15/08 2,500 2,409 6.900%, 05/01/19 2,000 1,994 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Telephones & Telecommunications $ 11,933 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Corporate Obligations (Cost $52,102) $ 50,750 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES -- 5.0% Contimortgage Home Equity Loan Trust, Series 1998-2, Class A6 6.360%, 11/15/19 2,500 2,497 Contimortgage Home Equity Loan Trust, Series 1998-1, Class A6 6.250%, 12/15/18 3,000 3,042 The Money Store Home Equity Trust, Series 1996-C, Class A4 7.400%, 06/15/21 4,000 4,108 The Money Store Home Equity Trust, Series 1997-D, Class AF3 6.345%, 11/15/21 3,336 3,356 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Asset-Backed Securities (Cost $12,915) $ 13,003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREFERRED STOCK -- 1.4% SPG Properties 80,000 3,625 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Cost $4,032) $ 3,625 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REPURCHASE AGREEMENT -- 2.4% First Boston 4.930%, dated 04/30/99, matures 05/03/99, repurchase price $6,194,285 (collateralized by U.S. Government Agency Instrument: total market value $6,381,988) $ 6,192 $ 6,192 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Repurchase Agreement (Cost $6,192) $ 6,192 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Investments -- 100.1% (Cost $259,900) $257,941 ================================================================================ Other Assets and Liabilities, Net -- (0.1%) (B) $ (372) ================================================================================ NET ASSETS: Portfolio Shares of Institutional Class (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 26,099,821 outstanding shares of beneficial interest 259,278 Portfolio Shares of Retail Class A (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 228,773 outstanding shares of beneficial interest 2,275 Undistributed net investment income 3 Accumulated net realized loss on investments (2,028) Net unrealized depreciation on investments (1,959) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Net Assets -- 100.0% $257,569 ================================================================================ Net Asset Value, Offering and Redemption Price Per Share -- Institutional Class $ 9.78 ================================================================================ Net Asset Value and Redemption Price Per Share -- Retail Class A $ 9.79 ================================================================================ Maximum Offering Price Per Share -- Retail Class A (9.79 / 95.50%) $ 10.25 ================================================================================ (A) Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration normally to qualified institutional investors. (B) Other Assets and Liabilities representing greater than five percent of total net assets include the following (000): Collateral received for securities on loan $ 39,250 Payable upon return of securities on loan $ 39,250 MTN--Medium Term Note REMIC--Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit PLC--Public Limited Company YB--Yankee Bond The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 79 85 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 [ARROW]ARK FUNDS: INCOME PORTFOLIO [PIE CHART OMITTED] [PLOT POINT ARE AS FOLLOWS] Non-Agency Mortgage-Backed Obligations -- 1% U.S. Government Agency Obligations -- 2% Repurchase Agreements -- 4% Yankee Bonds -- 5% Asset-Backed Securities -- 7% U.S. Treasury Obligations -- 19% Preferred Stock -- 1% Corporate Obligations -- 36% U.S. Government Mortgage-Backed Obligations -- 25% % of Total Portfolio Investments PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. TREASURY OBLIGATIONS -- 23.2% U.S. Treasury Bonds 10.750%, 08/15/05 $15,000 $ 19,209 6.125%, 11/15/27 600 621 5.500%, 08/15/28 1,950 1,856 U.S. Treasury Notes 6.375%, 09/30/01 5,000 5,138 7.500%, 11/15/01 5,000 5,274 6.250%, 06/30/02 20,000 20,568 5.750%, 08/15/03 5,000 5,091 7.875%, 11/15/04 20,000 22,408 7.500%, 02/15/05 2,500 2,764 4.750%, 11/15/08 2,000 1,910 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total U.S. Treasury Obligations (Cost $83,030) $ 84,839 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. GOVERNMENT AGENCY OBLIGATIONS -- 1.9% Federal National Mortgage Association 8.625%, 11/10/04 400 407 6.000%, 05/15/08 5,000 5,038 Federal National Mortgage Association, MTN 7.840%, 06/09/06 1,500 1,503 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total U.S. Government Agency Obligations (Cost $7,004) $ 6,948 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. GOVERNMENT MORTGAGE-BACKED OBLIGATIONS -- 29.5% Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation 8.500%, 11/01/01 32 33 9.000%, 01/01/02 21 23 8.000%, 01/01/08 80 85 14.750%, 03/01/10 28 34 8.500%, 09/01/26 948 998 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, GTD 9.000%, 09/15/08 28 30 12.450%, 09/15/09 9 11 PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Federal National Mortgage Association 7.000%, 02/01/26 $ 2,247 $ 2,277 7.000%, 03/01/29 1,955 1,982 Federal National Mortgage Association (A) 6.000%, 05/01/14 15,000 14,864 6.500%, 05/01/29 55,000 54,656 Federal National Mortgage Association, REMIC 9.750%, 09/25/18 356 382 6.000%, 07/18/26 10,731 10,259 Government National Mortgage Association 7.500%, 05/15/22 628 647 7.500%, 10/15/23 2,782 2,868 7.500%, 12/15/23 1,250 1,289 7.000%, 02/15/24 3,357 3,408 7.000%, 05/15/24 3,269 3,319 7.000%, 05/15/24 3,364 3,416 7.500%, 05/15/24 2,537 2,615 7.500%, 10/15/24 2,084 2,148 7.000%, 09/20/25 1,332 1,347 Government National Mortgage Association, REMIC 7.750%, 06/16/20 1,000 1,034 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total U.S. Government Mortgage- Backed Obligations (Cost $107,094) $107,725 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORPORATE OBLIGATIONS -- 43.2% BANKS -- 11.1% Bank of New York (B) 7.780%, 12/01/26 1,500 1,530 BankAmerica, Series A (B) 8.070%, 12/31/26 2,500 2,588 Crestar Financial 8.160%, 12/15/26 3,500 3,723 First National Bank Chicago (C) 4.880%, 04/13/00 10,000 9,994 First Union National Bank (C) 5.090%, 05/16/00 10,000 10,000 Mellon Capital I 7.720%, 12/01/26 2,500 2,534 NationsBank (C) 4.830%, 08/03/99 5,000 4,999 4.905%, 04/05/00 5,000 4,986 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Banks $ 40,354 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTERTAINMENT -- 3.6% Comcast Cablevision 8.875%, 05/01/17 2,000 2,393 Comcast Cablevision, MTN 8.375%, 05/01/07 2,725 3,052 CSC Holdings 7.875%, 02/15/18 2,500 2,562 80 86 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time Warner 7.250%, 10/15/17 $ 2,000 $ 2,060 Time Warner, PAT (B) 4.900%, 07/29/99 3,000 2,993 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Entertainment $ 13,060 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FINANCIAL SERVICES -- 11.9% American Express Centurion (C) 4.950%, 04/24/00 5,000 5,000 Golden State Escrow 7.000%, 08/01/03 2,000 1,998 7.125%, 08/01/05 2,000 1,998 Household Finance 5.875%, 02/01/09 5,000 4,762 Merrill Lynch, MTN, Series B (C) 5.040%, 03/09/00 10,000 9,991 Morgan Stanley, Dean Witter, Discover, Euro MTN, Series D (C) 5.150%, 12/19/01 7,380 7,374 Newcourt Credit 6.875%, 02/16/05 7,500 7,659 Spieker Properties LP 6.750%, 01/15/08 3,000 2,869 Storage USA 7.125%, 11/01/03 2,000 1,970 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Financial Services $ 43,621 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL -- 7.1% B.F. Goodrich 7.000%, 04/15/38 2,500 2,353 Canadian National Railway 6.450%, 07/15/06 2,000 1,995 Federal-Mogul 7.750%, 07/01/06 3,400 3,400 J Seagram & Sons 7.500%, 12/15/18 4,000 4,060 James River 6.750%, 10/01/99 2,000 2,010 Nabisco, PAT (B) 6.300%, 08/26/99 1,500 1,502 Oryx Energy 9.500%, 11/01/99 1,000 1,016 10.000%, 04/01/01 1,500 1,599 8.375%, 07/15/04 1,000 1,075 Pepsi 7.000%, 03/01/29 5,000 4,962 Tennessee Gas Pipeline 7.000%, 10/15/28 2,000 1,975 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Industrial $ 25,947 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RETAIL -- 3.6% Dillard's 5.790%, 11/15/01 2,000 1,963 7.000%, 12/01/28 3,000 2,891 PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fred Meyer 7.375%, 03/01/05 $ 5,000 $ 5,156 Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea 7.750%, 04/15/07 1,000 1,004 Kroger 7.650%, 04/15/07 2,000 2,148 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Retail $ 13,162 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TELEPHONES & TELECOMMUNICATIONS -- 4.5% 360 Communications 7.600%, 04/01/09 1,500 1,633 GTE South 6.125%, 06/15/07 2,000 1,990 New York Telephone 9.375%, 07/15/31 3,000 3,323 Qwest Communications International (B) 7.250%, 11/01/08 5,000 5,156 Sprint Capital 6.900%, 05/01/19 2,500 2,493 6.875%, 11/15/28 2,000 1,940 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Telephones & Telecommunications $ 16,535 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UTILITIES -- 1.4% Puget Sound Energy, MTN 7.250%, 12/10/99 5,000 5,050 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Utilities $ 5,050 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Corporate Obligations (Cost $156,969) $157,729 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YANKEE BONDS -- 5.5% Amvescap PLC, Series REGS 6.375%, 05/15/03 2,000 1,964 Bank of Montreal Chicago (C) 4.895%, 03/30/00 10,000 9,997 Gulf Canada Resources 8.250%, 03/15/17 2,000 1,900 Husky Oil (B) 7.550%, 11/15/16 2,100 1,982 Royal Caribbean Cruises 7.250%, 08/15/06 3,000 3,026 Saga Petroleum A.S. (B) 9.125%, 07/15/14 1,000 1,115 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Yankee Bonds (Cost $20,375) $ 19,984 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES -- 8.3% Citibank Credit Card Master Trust I, Series 1998-9, Class A 5.300%, 01/09/06 2,000 1,938 Continental Home Equity Trust, Series 1998-1, Class A6 6.580%, 12/15/18 3,000 3,042 IMC Home Equity Loan Trust, Series 1997-2, Class A3 6.940%, 11/20/11 3,408 3,432 81 87 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 [ARROW]Income Portfolio (Concluded) PRINCIPAL AMOUNT MARKET DESCRIPTION (000)/SHARES VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMC Home Equity Loan Trust, Series 1997-3, Class A4 6.840%, 10/20/13 $ 3,000 $ 3,019 L.A. Arena Funding, Series 99-1, Class A 7.656%, 12/15/26 2,000 2,000 Premier Auto Trust, Series 1996-2, Class A4 6.575%, 10/06/00 3,370 3,390 Premier Auto Trust, Series 1998-3, Class A3 5.880%, 12/08/01 2,800 2,819 The Money Store Home Equity Trust, Series 1996-C, Class A4 7.400%, 06/15/21 3,000 3,081 The Money Store Home Equity Trust, Series 1997-D, Class AF3 6.345%, 11/15/21 3,336 3,356 The Money Store Home Equity Trust, Series 1997-D, Class AF5 6.555%, 12/15/38 4,350 4,375 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Asset-Backed Securities (Cost $30,319) $ 30,452 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Non-Agency Mortgage-Backed Obligations -- 1.5% Countrywide Funding, Series 1994-4, Class A12 6.950%, 04/25/24 5,452 5,311 Residential Asset Securitization, Series 1996-A8, Class A1 8.000%, 12/25/26 85 85 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Non-Agency Mortgage-Backed Obligations (Cost $5,204) $ 5,396 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Preferred Stock -- 1.1% SPG Properties 90,000 4,078 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Preferred Stock (Cost $4,573) $ 4,078 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Repurchase Agreement -- 5.0% First Boston 4.930%, dated 04/30/99, matures 05/03/99, repurchase price $18,164,320 (collateralized by U.S. Government Agency Instrument: total market value $18,707,468) $18,157 $ 18,157 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Repurchase Agreement (Cost $18,157) $ 18,157 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARKET DESCRIPTION VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Investments -- 119.2% (Cost $432,725) $435,308 ================================================================================ Other Assets and Liabilities, Net -- (19.2%) (D) $(69,973) ================================================================================ Net Assets: Portfolio Shares of Institutional Class (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 35,351,972 outstanding shares of beneficial interest 355,866 Portfolio Shares of Retail Class A (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 840,879 outstanding shares of beneficial interest 8,631 Portfolio Shares of Retail Class B (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 27,747 outstanding shares of beneficial interest 284 Distribution in excess of net investment income (16) Accumulated net realized loss on investments (2,013) Net unrealized appreciation on investments 2,583 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Net Assets -- 100.0% $365,335 ================================================================================ Net Asset Value, Offering and Redemption Price Per Share-- Institutional Class $ 10.08 ================================================================================ Net Asset Value and Redemption Price Per Share -- Retail Class A $ 10.20 ================================================================================ Maximum Offering Price Per Share -- Retail Class A ($10.20 / 95.50%) $ 10.68 ================================================================================ Net Asset Value, Offering and Redemption Price Per Share -- Retail Class B $ 10.08 ================================================================================ (A) When Issued Security (total cost $69,725,781) (B) Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration normally to qualified institutional investors. (C) Variable Rate Security. The rate reported onthe Statement of Net Assets is the rate in effect on April 30, 1999. (D) Other Assets and Liabilities representing greater than five percent of total net assets include the following (000): Collateral received for securities on loan $ 66,927 Payable upon return of securities on loan $ 66,927 GTD--Guaranteed Mortgage Certificate MTN--Medium Term Note PAT--Putable Asset Trust REMIC--Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 82 88 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 [ARROW]ARK FUNDS: BALANCED PORTFOLIO [PIE CHART OMITTED] [PLOT POINTS ARE AS FOLLOWS] U.S. Government Agency Obligations -- 1% Asset-Backed Securities -- 2% Repurchase Agreements -- 5% U.S. Treasury Obligations -- 6% U.S. Government Mortgage -- Backed Obligations -- 9% Corporate Obligations -- 10% Non-Agency Mortgage-Backed Obligations -- 1% Common Stocks -- 66% % of Total Portfolio Investments MARKET DESCRIPTION SHARES VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMON STOCKS -- 66.1% AUTOMOTIVE -- 1.0% Borg-Warner Automotive 25,000 $ 1,419 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Automotive $ 1,419 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AEROSPACE & DEFENSE -- 0.7% Lockheed Martin 24,000 1,034 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Aerospace & Defense $ 1,034 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BANKS -- 3.8% Bank One 24,200 1,428 Chase Manhattan 20,000 1,655 Washington Mutual 30,000 1,234 Wells Fargo 29,000 1,252 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Banks $ 5,569 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BROADCASTING, NEWSPAPERS & ADVERTISING -- 3.6% Adelphia Communications, Cl A* 5,000 341 Chancellor Media, Cl A* 25,000 1,372 MediaOne Group* 20,000 1,631 Young & Rubicam* 49,375 1,966 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Broadcasting, Newspapers & Advertising $ 5,310 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT -- 5.6% Ascend Communications* 10,000 966 Cisco Systems* 17,000 1,939 Comverse Technology* 37,500 2,405 Motorola 20,000 1,603 Nokia, Cl A, ADR 18,000 1,335 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Communications Equipment $ 8,248 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft* 15,000 1,220 Networks Associates* 30,000 397 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Computer Software $ 1,617 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPUTERS & SERVICES -- 4.9% Compaq Computer 46,668 1,041 Electronics for Imaging* 50,000 2,366 EMC* 18,000 1,961 Jabil Circuit* 40,000 1,863 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Computers & Services $ 7,231 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARKET DESCRIPTION SHARES VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONGLOMERATE -- 0.8% Tyco International Limited 15,000 $ 1,219 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Conglomerate $ 1,219 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abbott Laboratories 25,000 1,211 American Home Products 25,000 1,525 Amgen* 35,000 2,150 Bristol-Myers Squibb 30,000 1,907 Schering Plough 20,000 966 Warner Lambert 30,000 2,038 Watson Pharmaceuticals* 30,000 1,215 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Drugs $11,012 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT -- 0.9% General Electric 13,000 1,372 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Electrical Equipment $ ,372 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTERTAINMENT -- 5.5% AT&T-Liberty Media, Cl A* 18,917 1,208 Carnival, Cl A 35,000 1,444 CBS 20,000 911 Mirage Resorts* 40,000 897 Time Warner 25,000 1,750 Viacom, Cl B* 25,000 1,022 Walt Disney 28,000 889 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Entertainment $ 8,121 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FINANCIAL SERVICES -- 5.0% Citigroup 35,000 2,634 Freddie Mac 30,000 1,882 Morgan Stanley, Dean Witter, Discover 20,000 1,984 Waddell & Reed Financial, Cl A 40,000 902 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Financial Services $ 7,402 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOOD, BEVERAGE & TOBACCO -- 3.6% Interstate Bakeries 40,000 890 PepsiCo 40,000 1,477 Ralston Purina Group 60,000 1,830 Seagram 20,000 1,147 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Food, Beverage & Tobacco $ 5,344 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS & APPLIANCES -- 3.4% Colgate-Palmolive 15,000 1,537 Dial 55,000 1,870 Gillette 10,000 522 Windmere-Durable Holdings 90,000 1,035 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Household Products & Appliances $ 4,964 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSURANCE -- 1.0% American International Group 12,375 1,453 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Insurance $ 1,453 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Callaway Golf 50,000 753 Mattel 40,000 1,035 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Leisure Products $ 1,788 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 83 89 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 [ARROW]BALANCED PORTFOLIO (CONTINUED) MARKET DESCRIPTION SHARES VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MACHINERY -- 0.8% Black & Decker 20,000 $ 1,135 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Machinery $ 1,135 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEDICAL PRODUCTS & SERVICES -- 0.8% Johnson & Johnson 11,600 1,131 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Medical Products & Services $ 1,131 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS SERVICES -- 3.5% Cendant* 125,000 2,250 First Data 30,000 1,273 Nielson Media Research* 40,000 1,095 USWeb* 25,000 561 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Miscellaneous Business Services $ 5,179 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OIL SERVICE -- 1.1% Halliburton 40,000 1,705 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Oil Service $ 1,705 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAPER & PAPER PRODUCTS -- 0.6% Kimberly-Clark 15,000 920 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Paper & Paper Products $ 920 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHOTOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES -- 0.7% Xerox 18,000 1,057 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Photographic Equipment & Supplies $ 1,057 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES -- 0.4% Sylvan Learning Systems* 25,000 628 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Professional Services $ 628 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RETAIL -- 3.9% Dayton Hudson 17,000 1,144 Home Depot 20,000 1,199 Linens 'N Things* 33,000 1,510 Rite Aid 40,000 933 Wal-Mart Stores 22,000 1,012 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Retail $ 5,798 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEMI-CONDUCTORS/INSTRUMENTS -- 1.2% Intel 30,000 1,836 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Semi-Conductors/Instruments $ 1,836 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TECHNOLOGY -- 0.7% American Power Conversion* 30,000 990 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Technology $ 990 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TELEPHONES & TELECOMMUNICATIONS-- 2.8% Alltel 15,000 1,012 MCI WorldCom* 23,000 1,890 Sprint PCS Group* 30,000 1,271 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Telephones & Telecommunications $ 4,173 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Cost $63,464) $97,655 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREFERRED STOCK -- 0.3% SPG Properties 8,000 363 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Preferred Stock (Cost $408) $ 363 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. TREASURY OBLIGATIONS -- 6.2% U.S. Treasury Bonds 8.000%, 11/15/21 $ 500 $ 627 6.125%, 11/15/27 60 62 5.500%, 08/15/28 60 57 5.250%, 11/15/28 500 462 U.S. Treasury Notes 7.500%, 10/31/99 2,500 2,533 7.750%, 02/15/01 1,100 1,149 7.500%, 11/15/01 1,000 1,055 7.500%, 02/15/05 500 553 6.625%, 05/15/07 2,500 2,691 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total U.S. Treasury Obligations (Cost $9,277) $ 9,189 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. GOVERNMENT AGENCY OBLIGATION -- 1.2% Federal National Mortgage Association 6.000%, 05/15/08 1,750 1,763 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total U.S. Government Agency Obligation (Cost $1,783) $ 1,763 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. GOVERNMENT MORTGAGE-BACKED OBLIGATIONS -- 8.5% Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation 8.500%, 11/01/01 17 17 9.000%, 01/01/02 25 25 9.500%, 07/01/02 4 4 6.500%, 04/01/08 736 744 8.500%, 09/01/26 105 111 Federal National Mortgage Association 10.500%, 12/01/00 2 2 7.000%, 02/01/07 234 240 7.000%, 12/01/25 794 805 7.000%, 02/01/26 479 486 6.500%, 04/01/28 545 542 6.500%, 10/01/28 508 505 6.500%, 02/11/29 1,939 1,927 6.500%, 04/01/29 2,000 1,987 Federal National Mortgage Association, REMIC 9.750%, 09/25/18 119 127 Government National Mortgage Association 7.500%, 10/15/23 821 847 7.500%, 12/15/23 833 858 7.000%, 02/15/24 972 987 7.000%, 05/15/24 981 996 7.000%, 05/15/24 1,009 1,025 Government National Mortgage Association, REMIC 7.750%, 06/16/20 300 310 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total U.S. Government Mortgage- Backed Obligations (Cost $12,325) $12,545 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 84 90 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORPORATE OBLIGATIONS -- 10.0% BANKS -- 0.9% Bank of New York (A) 7.780%, 12/01/26 $ 500 $ 510 Crestar Financial 8.160%, 12/15/26 800 851 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Banks $ 1,361 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTERTAINMENT -- 3.0% Comcast Cablevision, MTN 8.375%, 05/01/07 500 560 CSC Holdings 7.875%, 12/15/07 1,000 1,051 7.875%, 02/15/18 250 256 Royal Caribbean Cruises, YB 7.250%, 08/15/06 500 504 Time Warner 9.125%, 01/15/13 750 911 Time Warner, PAT (A) 4.900%, 07/29/99 700 698 Viacom 6.750%, 01/15/03 500 507 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Entertainment $ 4,487 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FINANCIAL SERVICES -- 2.0% Household Finance 5.875%, 02/01/09 1,000 953 Newcourt Credit 6.875%, 02/16/05 1,000 1,021 Sprint Capital 6.125%, 11/15/08 1,000 964 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Financial Services $ 2,938 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL -- 1.6% Canadian National Railway 6.900%, 07/15/28 500 491 Husky Oil, YB (A) 7.550%, 11/15/16 725 684 Hydro-Quebec, YB 7.500%, 04/01/16 375 405 J Seagram & Sons 7.500%, 12/15/18 500 508 Oryx Energy 8.125%, 10/15/05 250 268 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Industrial $ 2,356 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RETAIL -- 1.4% Dayton Hudson 6.750%, 01/01/28 550 538 Dillard's 7.000%, 12/01/28 750 723 Fred Meyer 7.375%, 03/01/05 500 516 Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea 7.750%, 04/15/07 250 251 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Retail $ 2,028 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TELEPHONES & TELECOMMUNICATIONS -- 1.1% Qwest Communications International (A) 7.250%, 11/01/08 $ 1,000 $ 1,031 MCI WorldCom 7.550%, 04/01/04 500 528 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Telephones & Telecommunications $ 1,559 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Corporate Obligations (Cost $14,707) $14,729 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES -- 1.8% Contimortgage Home Equity Loan Trust, Series 1998-2, Class A6 6.360%, 11/15/19 350 349 Contimortgage Home Equity Loan Trust, Series 1998-1, Class A4 6.280%, 01/15/13 450 455 IMC Home Equity Loan Trust, Series 1997-2, Class A3 6.940%, 11/20/11 340 343 IMC Home Equity Loan Trust, Series 1997-3, Class A4 6.840%, 10/20/13 350 352 MDC Asset Investors Trust, Series XII, Class 3 8.940%, 03/01/18 11 11 Premier Auto Trust, Series 1996-2, Class A4 6.575%, 10/06/00 494 497 The Money Store Home Equity Trust, Series 1996-C, Class A4 7.400%, 06/15/21 350 359 The Money Store Home Equity Trust, Series 1997-D, Class AF3 6.345%, 11/15/21 313 315 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Asset-Backed Securities (Cost $2,667) $ 2,681 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NON-AGENCY MORTGAGE-BACKED OBLIGATIONS -- 0.6% Countrywide Funding, Series 1994-4, Class A12 6.950%, 04/25/24 969 944 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Non-Agency Mortgage-Backed Obligations (Cost $910) $ 944 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 85 91 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 [ARROW] BALANCED PORTFOLIO (CONCLUDED) PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REPURCHASE AGREEMENT -- 4.7% First Boston 4.930%, dated 04/30/99, matures 05/03/99, repurchase price $6,977,501 (collateralized by U.S. Government Agency Instrument: total market value $7,190,303) $ 6,975 $ 6,975 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Repurchase Agreement (Cost $6,975) 6,975 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Investments -- 99.4% (Cost $112,516) $146,844 ================================================================================ Other Assets and Liabilities, Net-- 0.6% $ 957 ================================================================================ NET ASSETS: Portfolio Shares of Institutional Class (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 8,085,196 outstanding shares of beneficial interest 81,759 Portfolio Shares of Retail Class A (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 1,845,510 outstanding shares of beneficial interest 23,249 Portfolio Shares of Retail Class B (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 169,813 outstanding shares of beneficial interest 2,389 Undistributed net investment income 249 Accumulated net realized gain on investments 5,827 Net unrealized appreciation on investments 34,328 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Net Assets -- 100.0% $147,801 ================================================================================ Net Asset Value, Offering and Redemption Price Per Shar -- Institutional Class $14.64 ================================================================================ Net Asset Value and Redemption Price Per Share -- Retail Class A $14.59 ================================================================================ Maximum Offering Price Per Share -- Retail Class A ($14.59 / 95.25%) $15.32 ================================================================================ Net Asset Value, Offering and Redemption Price Per Share -- Retail Class B $14.60 ================================================================================ * Non-income producing security (A) Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration normally to qualified institutional investors. ADR--American Depository Receipt Cl--Class MTN--Medium Term Note PAT--Putable Asset Trust REMIC--Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit YB--Yankee Bond The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. [ARROW]ARK FUNDS: EQUITY INCOME PORTFOLIO [PIE CHART OMITTED] [PLOT POINTS ARE AS FOLLOWS] Real Estate Investment Trusts -- 3% Miscellaneous Business Services -- 6% Transportation -- 7% Durable goods -- 8% Chemicals & Drugs -- 11% Consumer Non-Durable -- 12% Repurchase Agreements -- 2% Financial -- 20% Energy -- 19% Technology -- 12% % of Total Portfolio Investments MARKET DESCRIPTION SHARES VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMON STOCKS -- 93.3% AEROSPACE & DEFENSE -- 4.2% Gencorp 44,500 $ 1,029 Lockheed Martin 40,000 1,723 Northrop Grumman 25,000 1,598 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Aerospace & Defense $ 4,350 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTOMOTIVE -- 3.9% Ford Motor 30,000 1,918 General Motors 25,000 2,223 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Automotive $ 4,141 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BANKS -- 11.2% Bank One 20,000 1,180 Chase Manhattan 20,000 1,655 Fleet Financial Group 54,000 2,325 PNC 40,000 2,315 Union Planters 50,000 2,141 Wells Fargo 50,000 2,159 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Banks $ 11,775 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEAUTY PRODUCTS -- 4.3% Colgate Palmolive 20,000 2,049 Johnson & Johnson 25,000 2,437 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Beauty Products $ 4,486 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHEMICALS -- 1.7% E.I. du Pont de Nemours 25,000 1,766 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Chemicals $ 1,766 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT -- 1.7% Koninklijke Philips El, New York Shares, ADR 21,000 1,793 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Communications Equipment $ 1,793 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DRUGS -- 9.3% Abbott Laboratories 66,000 3,197 American Home Products 50,000 3,050 Bristol-Myers Squibb 54,400 3,458 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Drugs $ 9,705 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 86 92 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 MARKET DESCRIPTION SHARES VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELECTRIC UTILITIES -- 4.7% Illinova 75,000 $ 1,969 New Century Energies 30,293 1,060 Unicom 50,000 1,941 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Electric Utilities $ 4,970 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENERGY -- 2.0% Halliburton 50,000 2,131 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Energy $ 2,131 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FINANCIAL SERVICES -- 3.2% CIT Group, Cl A 35,000 1,137 Waddell & Reed Financial, Cl A 100,000 2,256 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Financial Services $ 3,393 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOOD, BEVERAGE & TOBACCO -- 6.2% Bestfoods 36,000 1,807 H.J. Heinz 35,000 1,634 PepsiCo 45,000 1,662 Philip Morris 40,000 1,402 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Food, Beverage & Tobacco $ 6,505 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSURANCE -- 3.1% Chubb 25,000 1,481 Hartford Financial Services Group 30,000 1,768 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Insurance $ 3,249 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEASING & RENTING -- 2.0% Pitney Bowes 30,000 2,098 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Leasing & Renting $ 2,098 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MACHINERY -- 3.2% Emerson Electric 27,000 1,741 General Electric 15,000 1,583 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Machinery $ 3,324 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARINE TRANSPORTATION -- 1.0% Knightsbridge Tankers Limited 58,000 1,091 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Marine Transportation $01,091 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PETROLEUM & FUEL PRODUCTS -- 4.7% Consol Energy 50,000 713 Enron Oil & Gas 100,000 1,900 Shell Transport & Trading, ADR 50,000 2,272 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Petroleum & Fuel Products $ 4,885 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PETROLEUM REFINING -- 7.4% Chevron 26,000 2,594 Mobil 25,000 2,619 Texaco 40,000 2,510 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Petroleum Refining $ 7,723 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHARES/PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHOTOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES -- 1.1% Xerox 20,000 $ 1,175 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Photographic Equipment & Supplies $ 1,175 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES -- 2.0% Dun & Bradstreet 55,000 2,021 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Professional Services $ 2,021 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RAILROADS -- 2.2% Norfolk Southern 70,200 2,295 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Railroads $ 2,295 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT TRUSTS -- 3.4% Berkshire Realty 94,100 1,082 Boston Properties 36,000 1,307 Spieker Properties 30,000 1,177 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Real Estate Investment Trusts $ 3,566 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEEL & STEEL WORKS -- 1.2% Carpenter Technology 40,000 1,253 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Steel & Steel Works $ 1,253 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TECHNOLOGY -- 1.7% Rockwell International 35,000 1,807 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Technology $ 1,807 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TELEPHONES & TELECOMMUNICATIONS -- 7.9% AT&T 37,500 1,894 BellSouth 45,000 2,014 Telefonica de Espana, ADR 17,687 2,465 US WEST 35,900 1,878 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Telephones & Telecommunications $ 8,251 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Common Stocks (Cost $69,751) $97,753 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREFERRED CONVERTIBLE STOCKS -- 5.0% BANKS -- 1.3% WBK Strypes Trust 40,000 1,388 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Banks $ 1,388 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELECTRIC UTILITIES -- 2.6% Houston Industries 13,500 1,593 Nisource* 22,500 1,148 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Electric Utilities $ 2,741 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOOD, BEVERAGE & TOBACCO -- 1.1% Ralston Purina 25,000 1,162 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Food, Beverage & Tobacco $ 1,162 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Preferred Convertible Stocks (Cost $4,245) $ 5,291 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORPORATE OBLIGATIONS -- 1.0% CIT Group, MTN (A) 4.800%, 07/21/99 $1,000 999 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Corporate Obligations (Cost $1,000) $ 999 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 87 93 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 [ARROW]EQUITY INCOME PORTFOLIO (CONCLUDED) PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REPURCHASE AGREEMENT -- 1.7% First Boston 4.930%, dated 04/30/99, matures 05/03/99, repurchase price $1,802,403 (collateralized by U.S. Government Agency Instrument: total market value $1,864,508) $1,802 $ 1,802 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Repurchase Agreement (Cost $1,802) $ 1,802 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Investments -- 101.0% (Cost $76,798) $105,845 ================================================================================ Other Assets and Liabilities, Net-- (1.0%) $ (1,082) ================================================================================ NET ASSETS: Portfolio Shares of Institutional Class (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 8,393,482 outstanding shares of beneficial interest 70,906 Portfolio Shares of Retail Class A (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 303,967 outstanding shares of beneficial interest 3,720 Distribution in excess of net investment income (1) Accumulated net realized gain on investments 1,091 Net unrealized appreciation on investments 29,047 ================================================================================ Total Net Assets -- 100.0% $104,763 ================================================================================ Net Asset Value, Offering and Redemption Price Per Share -- Institutional Class $12.05 ================================================================================ Net Asset Value and Redemption Price Per Share -- Retail Class A $12.04 ================================================================================ Maximum Offering Price Per Share -- Retail Class A ($12.04 / 95.25%) $12.64 ================================================================================ * Non-income producing security. (A) Variable Rate Security. The rate reported on the Statement of Net Assets is the rate in effect on April 30, 1999. ADR--American Depository Receipt Cl--Class MTN--Medium Term Note The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. [ARROW]ARK FUNDS: VALUE EQUITY PORTFOLIO [PIE CHART OMITTED] [PLOT POINTS ARE AS FOLLOWS] Repurchase Agreements -- 2% Miscellaneous Business Services -- 6% Retail -- 7% Consumer Products -- 7% Miscellaneous -- 8% Chemicals & Drugs -- 10% Financial -- 12% Technology -- 21% Durable Goods -- 14% Durable Goods -- 14% Oil-Energy -- 13% % of Total Portfolio Investments MARKET DESCRIPTION SHARES VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMON STOCKS -- 98.4% AEROSPACE & DEFENSE -- 2.5% Lockheed Martin 150,000 $ 6,459 Raytheon Company, Cl B 100,000 7,025 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Aerospace & Defense $ 13,484 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APPAREL/TEXTILES -- 1.2% VF 123,600 $ 6,365 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Apparel/Textiles $ 6,365 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTOMOTIVE -- 0.9% TRW 120,000 5,032 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Automotive $ 5,032 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BANKS -- 4.8% Bank One 140,020 8,261 Chase Manhattan 100,000 8,275 Wells Fargo 220,000 9,501 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Banks $ 26,037 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHEMICALS -- 0.8% Monsanto 99,375 4,497 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Chemicals $ 4,497 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT -- 4.4% GTE 117,500 7,865 Motorola 200,000 16,025 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Communications Equipment $ 23,890 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPUTERS & SERVICES -- 5.8% Compaq Computer 333,108 7,432 Data General* 25,000 292 Dell Computer* 160,000 6,590 Hewlett Packard 85,000 6,704 IBM 50,000 10,459 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Computers & Services $ 31,477 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINERS & PACKAGING -- 1.3% Newell Rubbermaid 150,000 7,115 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Containers & Packaging $ 7,115 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 88 94 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 MARKET DESCRIPTION SHARES VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DRUGS -- 9.1% Abbott Laboratories 150,000 $ 7,266 American Home Products 200,000 12,200 Amgen* 300,000 18,431 Bristol-Myers Squibb 80,000 5,085 Mylan Laboratories 275,000 6,239 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Drugs $49,221 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELECTRICAL SERVICES -- 1.6% General Electric 80,000 8,440 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Electrical Services $ 8,440 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENERGY -- 1.2% Halliburton 150,400 6,411 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Energy $ 6,411 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTERTAINMENT -- 0.2% Royal Caribbean Cruises 25,000 923 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Entertainment $ 923 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FINANCIAL SERVICES -- 5.4% CIT Group, Cl A 230,000 7,475 Citigroup 190,000 14,297 Waddell & Reed Financial, Cl A 325,000 7,333 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Financial Services $29,105 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOOD, BEVERAGE & TOBACCO -- 4.9% Anheuser Busch 120,000 8,775 H.J. Heinz 62,600 2,923 Interstate Bakeries 200,000 4,450 PepsiCo 200,000 7,387 Sara Lee 135,200 3,008 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Food, Beverage & Tobacco $26,543 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GAS/NATURAL GAS -- 2.2% AGL Resources 100,000 1,819 El Paso Energy 105,212 3,867 Questar 337,800 6,144 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Gas/Natural Gas $11,830 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GLASS PRODUCTS -- 1.3% Corning 125,000 7,156 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Glass Products $ 7,156 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS -- 1.8% Colgate-Palmolive 93,800 9,609 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Household Products $ 9,609 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSURANCE -- 1.7% Allstate 90,000 3,274 Cigna 70,000 6,103 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Insurance $ 9,377 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARKET DESCRIPTION SHARES VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LUMBER & WOOD PRODUCTS -- 1.3% Weyerhaeuser 101,500 $ 6,813 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Lumber & Wood Products $ 6,813 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MACHINERY -- 3.9% Applied Materials* 75,000 4,022 Ingersoll Rand 180,600 12,495 Parker-Hannifin 100,000 4,694 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Machinery $21,211 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEASURING DEVICES -- 2.8% Honeywell 85,600 8,111 Mallinckrodt 200,000 7,012 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Measuring Devices $15,123 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEDICAL PRODUCTS & SERVICES-- 4.9% Baxter International 108,600 6,842 Becton Dickinson 300,000 11,156 Medtronic 91,400 6,575 Total Renal Care Holdings* 150,000 2,081 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Medical Products & Services $26,654 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS SERVICES-- 2.4% First Data 200,000 8,488 Networks Associates* 231,850 3,072 Sterling Software* 70,000 1,448 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Miscellaneous Business Services $13,008 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OFFICE PRODUCTS & SUPPLIES -- 1.3% Johnson Controls 92,600 6,754 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Office Products & Supplies $ 6,754 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAPER & PAPER PRODUCTS -- 0.9% Kimberly-Clark 80,000 4,905 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Paper & Paper Products $ 4,905 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PETROLEUM & FUEL PRODUCTS -- 1.1% Phillips Petroleum 120,000 6,075 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Petroleum & Fuel Products $ 6,075 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PETROLEUM REFINING -- 8.3% BP Amoco PLC, ADR 107,057 12,118 Chevron 84,400 8,419 Mobil 104,900 10,988 Sunoco 140,000 5,005 Unocal 200,000 8,313 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Petroleum Refining $44,843 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHOTOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES -- 2.3% Xerox 215,000 12,631 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Photographic Equipment & Supplies $12,631 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 95 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 [ARROW] VALUE EQUITY PORTFOLIO (CONCLUDED) SHARES/PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RETAIL -- 4.8% Albertson's 105,000 $ 5,408 Lowe's 175,000 9,231 May Department Stores 87,900 3,500 Rite Aid 325,000 7,577 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Retail $ 25,716 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RUBBER & PLASTIC -- 1.1% Goodyear Tire & Rubber 100,000 5,719 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Rubber & Plastic $ 5,719 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEMI-CONDUCTORS/INSTRUMENTS -- 4.9% Conexant Systems* 75,000 3,056 Intel 260,000 15,909 Rockwell International 150,000 7,744 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Semi-Conductors/Instruments $ 26,709 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TELEPHONES & TELECOMMUNICATIONS -- 6.4% BellSouth 230,000 10,293 E.spire Communications* 20,000 250 SBC Communications 200,000 11,200 Sprint 80,700 8,277 US WEST 84,700 4,431 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Telephones & Telecommunications $ 34,451 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSPORTATION -- 0.9% Burlington Northern Santa Fe 127,500 4,670 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Transportation $ 4,670 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Common Stocks (Cost $329,660) $531,794 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REPURCHASE AGREEMENT -- 1.9% First Boston 4.930%, dated 04/30/99, matures 05/03/99, repurchase price $10,641,415 (collateralized by U.S. Government Agency Instrument: total market value $11,015,270) $10,637 10,637 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Repurchase Agreement (Cost $10,637) $ 10,637 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Investments -- 100.3% (Cost $340,297) $542,431 ================================================================================ Other Assets and Liabilities, Net-- (0.3%) $ (1,887) ================================================================================ MARKET DESCRIPTION VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NET ASSETS: Portfolio Shares of Institutional Class (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 35,268,320 outstanding shares of beneficial interest $280,814 Portfolio Shares of Retail Class A (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 233,460 outstanding shares of beneficial interest 3,371 Portfolio Shares of Retail Class B (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 10,829 outstanding shares of beneficial interest 157 Distribution in excess of net investment income (3) Accumulated net realized gain on investments 54,071 Net unrealized appreciation on investments 202,134 ================================================================================ Total Net Assets -- 100.0% $540,544 ================================================================================ Net Asset Value, Offering and Redemption Price Per Share -- Institutional Class $15.22 ================================================================================ Net Asset Value and Redemption Price Per Share -- Retail Class A $15.22 ================================================================================ Maximum Offering Price Per Share -- Retail Class A ($15.22 / 95.25%) $15.98 ================================================================================ Net Asset Value, Offering and Redemption Price Per Share -- Retail Class B $15.16 ================================================================================ * Non-income producing security ADR--American Depository Receipt Cl--Class The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 90 96 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 [ARROW] ARK FUNDS: EQUITY INDEX PORTFOLIO [PIE CHART OMITTED] [PLOT POINTS ARE AS FOLLOWS] Cash Equivalents -- 3% Repurchase Agreements -- 3% Retail -- 6% Durable Goods --7% Miscellaneous -- 8% Chemicals & Drugs -- 10% Consumer Products -- 10% Healthcare -- 2% Technology -- 24% Financial -- 16% Oil-Energy -- 11% % of Total Portfolio Investments MARKET DESCRIPTION SHARES VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMON STOCKS -- 95.5% AEROSPACE & DEFENSE -- 0.4% Lockheed Martin 3,090 $ 133 Northrop Grumman 420 27 Raytheon Company, Cl B 2,680 188 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Aerospace & Defense $ 348 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AGRICULTURE -- 0.1% Pioneer Hi-Bred International 1,795 67 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Agriculture $ 67 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AIR TRANSPORTATION -- 0.4% AMR* 1,370 96 Delta Air Lines 1,180 75 FDX* 1,096 123 Southwest Airlines 2,432 79 US Air Group* 635 35 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Air Transportation $ 408 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AIRCRAFT -- 1.0% AlliedSignal 4,385 258 Boeing 7,830 318 General Dynamics 960 67 United Technologies 1,805 262 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Aircraft $ 905 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APPAREL/TEXTILES -- 0.1% Fruit of the Loom, Cl A* 220 2 Liz Claiborne 320 11 Russell 110 2 Springs Industries, Cl A 60 2 VF 890 46 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Apparel/Textiles $ 63 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTOMOTIVE -- 1.5% Dana 1,331 63 Eaton 570 52 Ford Motor 10,165 650 General Motors 5,270 469 Genuine Parts 1,310 39 Navistar International* 545 29 MARKET DESCRIPTION SHARES VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paccar 620 $ 35 TRW 895 38 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Automotive $ 1,375 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BANKS -- 7.0% Amsouth Bancorp 1,000 48 Bank of America 14,435 1,039 Bank of New York 6,135 245 Bank One 9,513 561 BankBoston 2,380 117 Bankers Trust New York 755 68 BB&T 2,110 84 Chase Manhattan 6,840 566 Comerica 1,232 80 Fifth Third Bancorp 2,145 154 First Union 7,939 440 Firstar 5,400 162 Fleet Financial Group 4,440 191 Golden West Financial 475 48 Huntington Bancshares 1,556 55 Keycorp 3,645 113 Mellon Bank 2,055 153 Mercantile Bancorporation 1,205 69 National City 2,580 185 Northern Trust 860 80 PNC 2,440 141 Providian Financial 1,057 136 Regions Financial 1,520 57 Republic New York 730 43 Southtrust 1,400 56 State Street 1,195 105 Summit Bancorp 1,380 58 SunTrust Banks 2,570 184 Synovus Financial 1,942 43 U.S. Bancorp 5,785 214 Union Planters 1,000 43 Wachovia 1,700 149 Washington Mutual 4,656 191 Wells Fargo 13,655 590 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Banks $ 6,468 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEAUTY PRODUCTS -- 0.2% Alberto-Culver, Cl B 170 4 Avon Products 1,960 106 International Flavors & Fragrances 860 34 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Beauty Products $ 144 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BROADCASTING, NEWSPAPERS & ADVERTISING -- 1.0% Clear Channel Communications* 2,110 147 Comcast, Cl A Special 2,925 192 Interpublic Group 1,100 85 MediaOne Group* 5,070 414 Omnicom Group 1,325 96 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Broadcasting, Newspapers & Advertising $ 934 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 91 97 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 [ARROW] EQUITY INDEX PORTFOLIO (CONTINUED) MARKET DESCRIPTION SHARES VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION -- 0.0% Centex 480 $ 18 Fluor 405 14 Foster Wheeler 120 2 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Building & Construction $ 34 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION SUPPLIES -- 0.0% Armstrong World Industries 195 11 McDermott International 160 5 Owens Corning 160 6 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Building & Construction Supplies $ 22 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHEMICALS -- 1.6% Air Products & Chemicals 1,700 80 Avery Dennison 940 64 B.F. Goodrich 585 23 E.I. du Pont de Nemours 9,085 642 Eastman Chemical 630 35 FMC* 110 7 Great Lakes Chemical 290 14 Hercules 800 30 Monsanto 5,015 227 Morton International 1,030 42 Nalco Chemical 200 7 PPG Industries 1,290 84 Praxair 1,155 60 Rohm & Haas 1,185 53 Union Carbide 1,070 56 W.R. Grace & Company* 360 6 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Chemicals $ 1,430 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT -- 1.5% 3Com* 2,885 75 Andrew* 270 4 Ascend Communications* 1,700 164 General Instrument* 1,210 44 GTE 7,735 518 Harris 385 13 ITT Industries 845 30 Nortel Networks* 5,271 359 Scientific-Atlanta 605 19 Tellabs* 1,580 173 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Communications Equipment $ 1,399 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPUTER SOFTWARE -- 3.7% Microsoft* 42,260 3,436 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Computer Software $ 3,436 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPUTERS & SERVICES -- 6.8% Apple Computer* 1,070 49 Ceridian* 1,140 42 Cisco Systems* 13,250 1,511 Compaq Computer 13,621 304 Data General* 140 2 Dell Computer* 20,540 846 EMC* 4,050 441 Gateway 2000* 1,150 76 MARKET DESCRIPTION SHARES VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hewlett Packard 8,270 $ 652 IBM 7,585 1,587 Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing 3,135 279 Seagate Technology* 1,780 50 Silicon Graphics* 1,500 19 Sun Microsystems* 6,140 367 Unisys* 1,870 59 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Computers & Services $ 6,284 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINERS & PACKAGING -- 0.2% Ball 90 5 Crown Cork & Seal 970 32 Newell Rubbermaid 2,088 99 Owens-Illinois* 925 27 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Containers & Packaging $ 163 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DRUGS -- 8.1% Abbott Laboratories 12,215 592 Allergan 540 49 Alza* 685 23 American Home Products 11,040 673 Amgen* 4,070 250 Bristol-Myers Squibb 16,500 1,049 Cardinal Health 2,375 142 Eli Lilly 9,160 674 Merck 19,820 1,392 Millipore 130 4 Pfizer 10,780 1,240 Pharmacia & Upjohn 4,000 224 Schering Plough 12,245 592 Sigma Aldrich 485 16 Warner Lambert 6,635 451 Watson Pharmaceuticals* 800 32 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Drugs $ 7,403 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELECTRICAL SERVICES -- 5.0% AES* 1,300 65 Ameren 1,010 39 American Electric Power 1,415 59 Baltimore Gas & Electric 1,155 32 Carolina Power & Light 1,125 45 Central & South West 1,570 39 Cinergy 1,160 35 Consolidated Edison 1,735 79 Dominion Resources 1,545 64 DTE Energy 1,045 43 Duke Energy 2,825 158 Edison International 2,765 68 Entergy 1,815 57 FirstEnergy 1,660 49 FPL Group 1,360 77 General Electric 27,445 2,895 GPU 975 37 New Century Energies 815 29 Niagara Mohawk Holdings* 1,130 15 Northern States Power 1,190 29 PacifiCorp 2,165 36 92 98 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 MARKET DESCRIPTION SHARES VALUE (000) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PG&E 3,080 $ 96 PP&L Resources 1,215 34 Public Service Enterprise Group 1,810 72 Reliant Energy 2,310 65 Sempra Energy 1,901 39 Southern 5,510 149 Texas Utilities 2,265 90 Unicom 1,595 62 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Electrical Services $4,557 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ENERGY -- 0.2% Halliburton 3,540 151 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Energy $ 151 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ENTERTAINMENT -- 1.9% CBS 5,600 255 King World Productions* 220 8 Mirage Resorts* 855 19 Time Warner 10,190 713 Viacom, Cl B* 5,610 229 Walt Disney 17,180 545 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Entertainment $1,769 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES -- 0.4% Browning-Ferris Industries 1,365 54 Laidlaw 1,585 10 Waste Management 5,076 287 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Environmental Services $ 351 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FINANCIAL SERVICES -- 5.7% American Express 3,660 478 Associates First Capital 5,770 256 Bear Stearns 719 34 Capital One Financial 520 90 Charles Schwab 3,197 351 Citigroup 18,744 1,410 Countrywide Credit Industries 815 37 Equifax 1,125 40 Fannie Mae 8,690 616 Franklin Resources 2,000 80 Freddie Mac 5,485 344 Household International 3,908 197 J.P. Morgan 1,415 191 Lehman Brothers Holdings 930 52 MBNA 6,455 182 Merrill Lynch 2,735 230 Morgan Stanley, Dean Witter, Discover 4,675 464 SLM Holding 1,305 56 Textron 1,235 114 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Financial Services $5,222 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FOOD, BEVERAGE & TOBACCO -- 5.2% Adolph Coors, Cl B 285 15 Anheuser Busch 3,765 275 Archer-Daniels-Midland 4,386 66 MARKET DESCRIPTION SHARES VALUE (000) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bestfoods 2,310 $ 116 Brown-Forman, Cl B 530 39 Campbell Soup 3,565 146 Coca-Cola 20,515 1,395 Coca-Cola Enterprises 3,000 104 Conagra 3,855 96 General Mills 1,250 91 H.J. Heinz 2,860 134 Hershey Foods 1,085 57 Kellogg 3,275 121 PepsiCo 11,820 437 Philip Morris 19,655 689 Quaker Oats 1,010 65 Ralston Purina Group 2,325 71 RJR Nabisco Holdings 2,550 66 Sara Lee 7,270 162 Seagram 3,080 177 Unilever NV, New York Shares, ADR 5,155 335 UST 1,365 38 Wm. Wrigley, Jr. 905 80 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Food, Beverage & Tobacco $4,775 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GAS/NATURAL GAS -- 0.5% Columbia Gas Systems 647 31 Consolidated Natural Gas 760 45 Eastern Enterprises 60 2 Enron 2,635 198 Nicor 140 5 ONEOK 80 2 Peoples Energy 100 4 Sonat 530 19 Williams 3,425 162 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Gas/Natural Gas $ 468 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GENERAL UTILITIES -- 0.1% PECO Energy 1,640 78 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total General Utilities $ 78 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GLASS PRODUCTS -- 0.1% Corning 1,815 104 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Glass Products $ 104 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOME APPLIANCES -- 0.1% National Service Industries 130 5 Sherwin-Williams 1,360 42 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Home Appliances $ 47 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOME BUILDERS -- 0.0% Pulte 120 3 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Home Builders $ 3 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOTELS & LODGING -- 0.1% Harrah's Entertainment* 1,000 22 Hilton Hotels 1,895 30 Marriott International, Cl A* 1,855 78 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Hotels & Lodging $ 130 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 93 99 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 [ARROWOMITTED] EQUITY INDEX PORTFOLIO (CONTINUED) MARKET DESCRIPTION SHARES VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS -- 2.6% Clorox 970 $ 112 Colgate-Palmolive 2,290 235 Danaher 1,040 69 Fortune Brands 1,375 54 Gillette 8,935 466 Illinois Tool Works 2,030 156 Maytag 720 49 Procter & Gamble 11,105 1,042 Raychem 415 11 Snap-On Tools 180 6 Solectron* 1,900 92 Stanley Works 425 13 Whirlpool 600 40 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Household Products $2,345 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSURANCE -- 3.4% Aetna 1,060 93 Allstate 6,410 233 American General 2,015 149 American International Group 10,273 1,206 Aon 1,220 84 Chubb 1,205 71 Cigna 1,600 140 Cincinnati Financial 1,095 44 Conseco 2,260 71 Hartford Financial Services Group 1,720 101 Humana* 790 11 Jefferson-Pilot 817 55 Lincoln National 790 76 Loews 850 62 Marsh & McLennan 2,082 159 MBIA 780 52 MGIC Investment 885 43 Progressive 570 82 Provident 1,000 39 Safeco 1,025 41 St. Paul 1,854 53 Torchmark 1,025 35 Transamerica 1,010 72 United Healthcare 1,425 80 UNUM 1,015 55 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Insurance $3,107 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDERS -- 1.4% America Online* 8,900 1,270 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Internet Service Providers $1,270 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEASING & RENTING -- 0.2% Pitney Bowes 2,180 152 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Leasing & Renting $ 152 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARKET DESCRIPTION SHARES VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEISURE PRODUCTS -- 0.1% Hasbro 1,537 $ 52 Jostens 120 3 Mattel 2,290 59 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Leisure Products $ 114 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LUMBER & WOOD PRODUCTS -- 0.2% Georgia-Pacific 725 67 Louisiana-Pacific 870 18 Weyerhaeuser 1,580 106 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Lumber & Wood Products $ 191 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MACHINERY -- 1.7% Applied Materials* 2,960 159 Baker Hughes 2,320 69 Black & Decker 725 41 Briggs & Stratton 80 5 Brunswick 480 12 Case 365 13 Caterpillar 2,885 186 Crane 210 6 Cummins Engine 110 6 Deere 1,930 83 Dover 1,610 59 Emerson Electric 3,410 220 Harnischfeger Industries 150 1 Ingersoll Rand 1,200 83 Milacron 120 3 Nacco Industries, Cl A 50 4 Pall 980 18 Parker-Hannifin 865 41 Tenneco 1,265 34 Timken 190 4 Tyco International Limited 6,828 555 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Machinery $1,602 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARINE TRANSPORTATION -- 0.2% Carnival, Cl A 4,800 198 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Marine Transportation $ 198 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEASURING DEVICES -- 0.2% Honeywell 1,010 96 KLA-Tencor* 710 35 Mallinckrodt 570 20 Perkin Elmer 385 42 Tektronix 150 4 Thermo Electron* 730 12 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Measuring Devices $ 209 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEDICAL PRODUCTS & SERVICES -- 2.4% Bausch & Lomb 440 33 Baxter International 2,245 141 Becton Dickinson 1,805 67 Biomet 885 36 Boston Scientific* 2,810 120 C.R. Bard 445 22 94 100 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 MARKET DESCRIPTION SHARES VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Columbia/HCA Healthcare 5,210 $ 129 Guidant 2,420 130 HCR Manor Care* 790 22 Healthsouth Rehabilitation* 3,110 42 Johnson & Johnson 11,170 1,089 Medtronic 4,695 338 St. Jude Medical 440 12 Tenet Healthcare* 2,265 54 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Medical Products & Services $2,235 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- METALS & MINING -- 0.1% Cyprus AMAX Minerals 280 4 Freeport-McMoran Copper & Gold, Cl B 930 14 Phelps Dodge 285 18 Reynolds Metals 355 22 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Metals & Mining $ 58 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS SERVICES -- 1.8% Adobe Systems 350 22 Autodesk 140 4 Automatic Data Processing 4,720 210 BMC Software* 1,600 69 Cabletron Systems* 470 4 Cendant* 6,816 123 Computer Associates International 4,417 189 Computer Sciences* 1,170 70 Compuware* 2,754 67 Deluxe 640 22 Ecolab 1,020 43 Electronic Data Systems 3,875 208 First Data 3,570 152 Momentum Business Applications* 40 -- Novell* 2,605 58 Oracle Systems* 11,722 317 Parametric Technology* 1,520 20 PeopleSoft* 2,000 27 Shared Medical Systems 70 4 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Miscellaneous Business Services $1,609 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISCELLANEOUS CONSUMER SERVICES -- 0.1% H&R Block 800 39 Service International 1,880 39 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Miscellaneous Consumer Services $ 78 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISCELLANEOUS TRANSPORTATION -- 0.0% Fleetwood Enterprises 110 3 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Miscellaneous Transportation $ 3 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OFFICE PRODUCTS & SUPPLIES -- 0.1% Ikon Office Solutions 640 8 Johnson Controls 675 49 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Office Products & Supplies $ 57 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARKET DESCRIPTION SHARES VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAPER & PAPER PRODUCTS -- 0.7% Bemis 160 $ 6 Boise Cascade 160 6 Champion International 765 42 Fort James 1,630 62 International Paper 2,245 120 Kimberly-Clark 4,280 262 Mead 505 21 Potlatch 90 4 Temple-Inland 450 31 Union Camp 560 44 Westvaco 490 15 Willamette Industries 1,085 51 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Paper & Paper Products $ 664 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PETROLEUM & FUEL PRODUCTS -- 0.9% Anadarko Petroleum 955 36 Apache 460 14 Atlantic Richfield 2,520 212 Burlington Resources 1,292 60 Helmerich & Payne 140 4 Kerr-McGee 344 15 Occidental Petroleum 2,655 54 Phillips Petroleum 1,910 97 Rowan* 260 4 Schlumberger 4,265 272 Union Pacific Resources Group 1,225 17 USX-Marathon Group 2,130 67 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Petroleum & Fuel Products $ 852 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PETROLEUM REFINING -- 4.8% Amerada Hess 720 41 Ashland 610 26 Chevron 5,265 525 Coastal 1,560 60 Exxon 20,230 1,680 Mobil 6,540 685 Royal Dutch Petroleum, New York Shares, ADR 17,900 1,051 Sunoco 735 26 Texaco 4,170 262 Unocal 1,905 79 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Petroleum Refining $4,435 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHOTOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES-- 0.5% Eastman Kodak 2,510 187 Polaroid 140 3 Xerox 5,180 304 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Photographic Equipment & Supplies $ 494 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRECIOUS METALS -- 0.1% Barrick Gold 2,780 56 Battle Mountain Gold 680 2 Homestake Mining 1,540 15 95 101 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 MARKET DESCRIPTION SHARES VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Newmont Mining 840 $ 20 Placer Dome Group 1,155 16 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Precious Metals $ 109 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRINTING & PUBLISHING -- 0.6% American Greetings, Cl A 355 9 Dow Jones 740 40 Gannett 2,240 159 Knight-Ridder 630 34 McGraw-Hill 1,550 86 Meredith 160 6 Moore 260 3 New York Times, Cl A 1,420 49 R.R. Donnelley & Sons 1,105 39 Times Mirror, Cl A 525 31 Tribune 940 78 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Printing & Publishing $ 534 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES -- 0.2% Dun & Bradstreet* 1,335 49 EG&G 140 4 IMS Health* 2,450 74 Paychex 1,325 68 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Professional Services $ 195 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RAILROADS -- 0.5% Burlington Northern Santa Fe 3,770 138 CSX 1,695 83 Kansas City Southern Industries 900 54 Norfolk Southern 2,775 91 Union Pacific 1,820 109 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Railroads $ 475 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT TRUST -- 0.0% Kaufman & Broad Home 120 3 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Real Estate Investment Trust $ 3 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REPAIR SERVICES -- 0.0% Ryder System 370 10 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Repair Services $ 10 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RETAIL -- 6.4% Albertson's 1,985 102 American Stores 2,155 68 Autozone* 1,190 36 Circuit City Stores 800 49 Consolidated Stores* 540 19 Costco* 1,765 143 CVS 3,040 145 Darden Restaurants 1,100 25 Dayton Hudson 3,435 231 Dillard's, Cl A 530 15 Dollar General 1,468 51 MARKET DESCRIPTION SHARES VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Federated Department Stores* 1,550 $ 72 Fred Meyer* 1,250 68 Gap 4,630 308 Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea 110 3 Harcourt General 565 27 Home Depot 12,270 735 J.C. Penney 1,830 83 Kmart* 3,830 57 Kohl's* 1,175 78 Kroger* 2,070 112 Limited 1,800 79 Longs Drug Stores 120 4 Lowe's 2,820 149 May Department Stores 2,835 113 McDonald's 10,710 454 Nike 2,115 132 Nordstrom 1,175 41 Pep Boys - Manny Moe & Jack 190 3 Reebok International 170 3 Rite Aid 1,890 44 Sears Roebuck 3,080 142 Staples* 3,675 110 Tandy 650 47 TJX 2,320 77 Toys "R" Us* 2,090 45 Tricon Global Restaurants* 1,132 73 Wal-Mart Stores 37,020 1,703 Walgreen 7,800 210 Wendy's International 635 17 Winn Dixie Stores 1,120 40 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Retail $5,913 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RUBBER & PLASTIC -- 0.4% Cooper Tire & Rubber 230 5 Dow Chemical 1,775 233 Goodyear Tire & Rubber 1,145 65 Sealed Air* 632 38 Tupperware 180 4 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Rubber & Plastic $ 345 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEMI-CONDUCTORS/ INSTRUMENTS -- 2.5% Advanced Micro Devices* 750 12 Intel 27,920 1,708 LSI Logic* 1,130 38 Micron Technology 2,000 74 National Semiconductor* 585 7 Rockwell International 1,490 77 Texas Instruments 3,245 331 Thomas & Betts 265 11 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Semi-Conductors/ Instruments $2,258 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIALTY CONSTRUCTION -- 0.1% Masco 2,480 73 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Specialty Construction $ 73 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 96 102 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 MARKET DESCRIPTION SHARES VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIALTY MACHINERY -- 0.0% Cooper Industries 910 $ 44 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Specialty Machinery $ 44 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEEL & STEEL WORKS -- 0.4% Alcan Aluminum 1,695 54 Alcoa 2,750 171 Allegheny Teledyne 1,530 34 Asarco 120 2 Bethlehem Steel* 330 3 Engelhard 1,130 22 Inco 805 15 Nucor 695 41 USX-U.S. Steel Group 415 13 Worthington Industries 290 4 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Steel & Steel Works $ 359 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TELEPHONES & TELECOMMUNICATIONS -- 9.2% Airtouch Communications* 4,620 431 Alltel 2,235 151 Ameritech 8,815 603 AT&T 27,075 1,367 Bell Atlantic 12,940 746 BellSouth 16,170 724 Century Telephone Enterprises 1,100 44 Frontier 1,285 71 Lucent Technologies 22,060 1,326 MCI WorldCom* 15,397 1,265 Nextel Communications, Cl A* 2,245 92 SBC Communications 16,225 909 Sprint 3,785 388 Sprint PCS Group* 3,267 138 US WEST 3,932 206 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Telephones & Telecommunications $ 8,461 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHOLESALE -- 0.8% McKesson HBOC 2,181 76 Motorola 4,840 388 Safeway* 3,780 204 Supervalu 580 12 Sysco 2,440 72 W.W. Grainger 755 38 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Wholesale $ 790 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Common Stocks (Cost $68,487) $87,780 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASH EQUIVALENT -- 3.0% S&P 500 Depository Receipt 20 2,725 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Cash Equivalent (Cost $2,582) $ 2,725 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REPURCHASE AGREEMENT -- 2.6% First Boston 4.930%, dated 04/30/99, matures 05/03/99, repurchase price $2,356,568 (collateralized by U.S. Government Agency Instrument: total market value $2,444,537) $2,356 $ 2,356 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Repurchase Agreement (Cost $2,356) $ 2,356 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Investments -- 101.1% (Cost $73,425) $92,861 ================================================================================ Other Assets and Liabilities, Net -- (1.1%) $ (976) ================================================================================ NET ASSETS: Portfolio Shares of Institutional Class (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 6,267,134 outstanding shares of beneficial interest 67,190 Portfolio Shares of Retail Class A (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 359,269 outstanding shares of beneficial interest 4,314 Undistributed net investment income 53 Accumulated net realized gain on investments 892 Net unrealized appreciation on investments 19,436 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Net Assets -- 100.0% $91,885 ================================================================================ Net Asset Value, Offering and Redemption Price Per Share -- Institutional Class $13.87 ================================================================================ Net Asset Value and Redemption Price Per Share -- Retail Class A $13.84 ================================================================================ Maximum Offering Price Per Share -- Retail Class A ($13.84 / 95.25%) $14.53 ================================================================================ * Non-income producing security Cl--Class The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 97 103 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 [ARROW]ARK FUNDS: BLUE CHIP EQUITY PORTFOLIO [PIE CHART OMITTED] [PLOT POINTS ARE AS FOLLOWS] Retail -- 4% Transportation -- 5% Miscellaneous -- 10% Oil-Energy -- 12% Consumer Products -- 12% Repurchase Agreements -- 3% Technology -- 22% Financial - -- 16% Chemicals & Drugs -- 16% % of Total Portfolio Investments MARKET DESCRIPTION SHARES VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMON STOCKS -- 96.3% AUTOMOTIVE -- 2.7% Ford Motor 80,000 $ 5,115 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Automotive $ 5,115 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BANKS -- 5.7% Chase Manhattan 65,000 5,379 Wells Fargo 125,000 5,398 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Banks $10,777 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHEMICALS -- 2.4% E.I. du Pont de Nemours 65,000 4,591 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Chemicals $ 4,591 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT -- 7.5% Ascend Communications* 35,000 3,382 Koninklijke Philips El, New York Shares 50,000 4,269 Motorola 55,000 4,407 Nokia, Cl A, ADR 30,000 2,226 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Communications Equipment $14,284 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPUTER SOFTWARE -- 1.9% Microsoft* 45,000 3,659 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Computer Software $ 3,659 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPUTERS & SERVICES -- 1.8% Hewlett Packard 43,000 3,392 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Computers & Services $ 3,392 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONGLOMERATE -- 2.6% Tyco International Limited 60,000 4,875 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Conglomerate $ 4,875 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DRUGS -- 13.5% Abbott Laboratories 90,000 4,359 American Home Products 70,000 4,270 Amgen* 80,000 4,915 Bristol-Myers Squibb 80,000 5,085 Pfizer 20,000 2,301 Warner Lambert 70,000 4,756 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Drugs $25,686 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARKET DESCRIPTION SHARES VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT -- 2.8% General Electric 50,000 $ 5,275 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Electrical Equipment $ 5,275 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENERGY -- 2.6% Halliburton 115,000 4,902 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Energy $ 4,902 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTERTAINMENT -- 1.8% Walt Disney 110,000 3,492 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Entertainment $ 3,492 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FINANCIAL SERVICES -- 7.6% Associates First Capital 110,000 4,874 CIT Group, Cl A 140,000 4,550 Morgan Stanley, Dean Witter, Discover 50,000 4,959 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Financial Services $14,383 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOOD, BEVERAGE & TOBACCO -- 7.6% Bestfoods 35,000 1,757 PepsiCo 120,000 4,432 Philip Morris 85,000 2,980 Ralston Purina Group 175,000 5,337 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Food, Beverage & Tobacco $14,506 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS -- 2.2% Procter & Gamble 45,000 4,222 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Household Products $ 4,222 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSURANCE -- 2.5% American International Group 40,000 4,697 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Insurance $ 4,697 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MACHINERY -- 2.6% Ingersoll Rand 70,000 4,843 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Machinery $ 4,843 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PETROLEUM REFINING -- 6.4% Exxon 45,000 3,738 Mobil 40,000 4,190 Royal Dutch Petroleum, New York Shares 70,000 4,108 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Petroleum Refining $12,036 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHOTOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES -- 2.2% Xerox 70,000 4,112 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Photographic Equipment & Supplies $ 4,112 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RAILROADS -- 2.1% Norfolk Southern 125,000 4,086 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Railroads $ 4,086 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RETAIL -- 4.3% Dayton Hudson 55,000 3,702 Home Depot 75,000 4,495 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Retail $ 8,197 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 98 104 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 SHARES/PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SEMI-CONDUCTORS/ INSTRUMENTS-- 2.0% Intel 62,000 $ 3,794 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Semi-Conductors/ Instruments $ 3,794 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STEEL & STEEL WORKS -- 3.0% Alcoa 90,000 5,603 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Steel & Steel Works $ 5,603 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TECHNOLOGY -- 2.4% Cisco Systems* 40,000 4,563 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Technology $ 4,563 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TELEPHONES & TELECOMMUNICATIONS-- 6.1% AT&T 35,000 1,768 MCI WorldCom* 55,000 4,520 SBC Communications 95,000 5,320 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Telephones & Telecommunications $ 11,608 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Common Stocks (Cost $131,276) $182,698 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CORPORATE OBLIGATION -- 0.5% CIT Group, MTN (A) 4.800%, 07/21/99 $1,000 999 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Corporate Obligation (Cost $1,000) $ 999 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REPURCHASE AGREEMENT -- 3.4% First Boston 4.930%, dated 04/30/99, matures 05/03/99, repurchase price $6,377,124 (collateralized by U.S. Government Agency Instrument: total market value $6,572,180) 6,375 6,375 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Repurchase Agreement (Cost $6,375) $ 6,375 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Investments -- 100.2% (Cost $138,651) $190,072 ==================================================================================== Other Assets and Liabilities, Net -- (0.2%) $ (419) ==================================================================================== MARKET DESCRIPTION VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NET ASSETS: Portfolio Shares of Institutional Class (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 6,486,078 outstanding shares of beneficial interest $ 91,926 Portfolio Shares of Retail Class A (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 2,842,073 outstanding shares of beneficial interest 39,033 Portfolio Shares of Retail Class B (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 158,696 outstanding shares of beneficial interest 2,893 Distribution in excess of net investment income (9) Accumulated net realized gain on investments 4,389 Net unrealized appreciation on investments 51,421 ================================================================================ Total Net Assets -- 100.0% $189,653 ================================================================================ Net Asset Value, Offering and Redemption Price Per Share -- Institutional Class $20.00 ================================================================================ Net Asset Value and Redemption Price Per Share -- Retail Class A $19.98 ================================================================================ Maximum Offering Price Per Share -- Retail Class A ($19.98 / 95.25%) $20.98 ================================================================================ Net Asset Value, Offering and Redemption Price Per Share -- Retail Class B $19.93 ================================================================================ * Non-income producing security (A) Variable Rate Security. The rate reported on the Statement of Net Assets is the rate in effect on April 30, 1999. ADR--American Depository Receipt Cl--Class MTN--Medium Term Note The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 99 105 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 [ARROW]ARK FUNDS: CAPITAL GROWTH PORTFOLIO [PIE CHART OMITTED] [PLOT POINTS ARE AS FOLLOWS] Repurchase Agreements -- 2% Oil-Energy -- 4% Miscellaneous Business Services -- 5% Consumer Products -- 6% Retail -- 8% Telephones & Telecommunications -- 8% Chemicals & Drugs -- 10% Miscellaneous -- 12% Transportation -- 1% Technology -- 28% Financial -- 16% % of Total Portfolio Investments MARKET DESCRIPTION SHARES VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMON STOCKS -- 97.9% AUTOMOTIVE -- 1.2% Borg-Warner Automotive 25,000 $ 1,419 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Automotive $ 1,419 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BANKS -- 5.1% Bank One 20,000 1,180 Chase Manhattan 31,000 2,565 Wells Fargo 50,000 2,159 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Banks $ 5,904 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BROADCASTING, NEWSPAPERS & ADVERTISING -- 5.6% MediaOne Group* 50,000 4,078 Young & Rubicam* 60,000 2,389 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Broadcasting, Newspapers & Advertising $ 6,467 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT -- 14.9% Ascend Communications* 10,000 966 Cisco Systems* 30,000 3,422 Comverse Technology* 37,500 2,405 Motorola 55,000 4,407 Nokia, Cl A, ADR 45,000 3,338 Nortel Networks* 38,000 2,591 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Communications Equipment $17,129 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPUTER SOFTWARE -- 2.4% Legato Systems* 35,000 1,415 Microsoft* 16,000 1,301 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Computer Software $ 2,716 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPUTERS & SERVICES -- 9.2% Compaq Computer 50,000 1,116 Electronics for Imaging* 75,000 3,548 EMC* 20,000 2,179 Jabil Circuit* 55,000 2,561 Lexmark International Group, Cl A* 10,000 1,235 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Computers & Services $10,639 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARKET DESCRIPTION SHARES VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONGLOMERATE -- 1.1% Tyco International Limited 15,000 $ 1,219 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Conglomerate $ 1,219 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DRUGS -- 10.4% American Home Products 30,000 1,830 Amgen* 64,000 3,932 Bristol-Myers Squibb 40,000 2,542 Schering Plough 20,000 966 Warner Lambert 40,000 2,718 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Drugs $11,988 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT -- 1.5% General Electric 16,000 1,688 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Electrical Equipment $ 1,688 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTERTAINMENT -- 0.9% Carnival, Cl A 25,000 1,031 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Entertainment $ 1,031 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FINANCIAL SERVICES -- 10.4% Associates First Capital 20,000 886 Freddie Mac 38,000 2,385 Merrill Lynch 20,000 1,679 Morgan Stanley, Dean Witter, Discover 27,500 2,728 Paine Webber Group 30,000 1,408 State Street 20,000 1,750 Waddell & Reed Financial, Cl A 50,000 1,128 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Financial Services $11,964 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOOD, BEVERAGE & TOBACCO -- 3.1% PepsiCo 55,000 2,032 Ralston Purina Group 50,000 1,525 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Food, Beverage & Tobacco $ 3,557 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GAS/NATURAL GAS -- 2.8% Williams 67,500 3,189 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Gas/Natural Gas $ 3,189 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS -- 1.8% Colgate-Palmolive 7,000 717 Dial 40,000 1,360 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Household Products $ 2,077 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSURANCE -- 1.0% American International Group 10,000 1,174 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Insurance $ 1,174 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDERS -- 0.6% America Online* 5,000 714 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Internet Service Providers $ 714 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEDICAL PRODUCTS & SERVICES-- 2.2% Baxter International 12,500 788 Guidant 15,000 805 Johnson & Johnson 10,000 975 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Medical Products & Services $ 2,568 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100 106 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 SHARES/PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS SERVICES -- 2.1% Cendant* 75,000 $ 1,350 Nielson Media Research* 40,000 1,095 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Miscellaneous Business Services $ 2,445 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES -- 0.4% Razorfish* 10,000 435 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Professional Services $ 435 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RETAIL -- 8.2% Dayton Hudson 40,000 2,693 Home Depot 25,000 1,498 Linens 'N Things* 35,000 1,601 Office Depot* 75,000 1,650 Rite Aid 85,000 1,982 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Retail $ 9,424 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEMI-CONDUCTORS/INSTRUMENTS -- 4.0% Intel 50,000 3,059 Texas Instruments 15,000 1,532 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Semi-Conductors/Instruments $ 4,591 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TELEPHONES & TELECOMMUNICATIONS -- 8.2% Alltel 35,000 2,360 MCI WorldCom* 25,000 2,055 Rhythms Netconnections* 20,000 1,650 Sprint PCS Group* 40,000 1,695 Winstar Communications* 35,000 1,702 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Telephones & Telecommunications $ 9,462 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TESTING LABORATORIES -- 0.8% Medimmune* 18,000 992 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Testing Laboratories $ 992 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Common Stocks (Cost $77,725) $112,792 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REPURCHASE AGREEMENT -- 2.4% First Boston 4.930%, dated 04/30/99, matures 05/03/99, repurchase price $2,747,985 (collateralized by U.S. Government Agency Instrument: total market value $2,849,297) $2,747 2,747 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Repurchase Agreement (Cost $2,747) $ 2,747 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARKET DESCRIPTION VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Investments -- 100.3% (Cost $80,472) $115,539 ================================================================================ Other Assets and Liabilities, Net -- (0.3%) $ (300) ================================================================================ NET ASSETS: Portfolio Shares of Institutional Class (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 4,811,827 outstanding shares of beneficial interest 57,336 Portfolio Shares of Retail Class A (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 1,239,889 outstanding shares of beneficial interest 16,773 Portfolio Shares of Retail Class B (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 116,185 outstanding shares of beneficial interest 2,032 Accumulated net realized gain on investments 4,031 Net unrealized appreciation on investments 35,067 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Net Assets -- 100.0% $115,239 ================================================================================ Net Asset Value, Offering and Redemption Price Per Share -- Institutional Class $18.71 ================================================================================ Net Asset Value and Redemption Price Per Share -- Retail Class A $18.58 ================================================================================ Maximum Offering Price Per Share -- Retail Class A ($18.58 / 95.25%) $19.51 ================================================================================ Net Asset Value, Offering and Redemption Price Per Share -- Retail Class B $18.61 ================================================================================ * Non-income producing security ADR--American Depository Receipt Cl--Class The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 101 107 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 [ARROW]ARK FUNDS: MID-CAP EQUITY PORTFOLIO [PIE CHART OMITTED] [PLOT POINTS ARE AS FOLLOWS] Consumer Products -- 3% Transportation -- 4% Telephones & Telecommunications -- 4% Oil-Energy -- 5% Chemicals & Drugs -- 6% Utilities -- 7% Retail -- 9% Miscellaneous -- 11% Building & Construction -- 2% Technology -- 19% Financial -- 16% Miscellaneous Business Services -- 14% % of Total Portfolio Investments MARKET DESCRIPTION SHARES VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMON STOCKS -- 100.1% AEROSPACE & DEFENSE -- 0.8% Cordant Technologies 2,800 $129 Hubbell, Cl B 3,816 182 Lear* 4,100 188 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Aerospace & Defense $499 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AGRICULTURE -- 0.2% Dole Food 3,550 113 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Agriculture $113 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AIRCRAFT -- 0.8% Gulfstream Aerospace* 5,000 244 Sundstrand 3,780 271 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Aircraft $515 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APPAREL/TEXTILES -- 0.8% Albany International 1,183 29 Jones Apparel Group* 5,400 178 Shaw Industries 9,300 169 WestPoint Stevens* 3,200 110 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Apparel/Textiles $486 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTOMOTIVE -- 0.9% Borg-Warner Automotive 600 34 Federal Signal 2,882 71 Federal-Mogul 3,350 147 Kaydon 2,200 74 Meritor Automotive 3,600 76 Modine Manufacturing 1,250 39 Superior Industries International 1,155 29 Teleflex 1,700 74 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Automotive $544 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BANKS -- 8.5% Associated Banc 4,875 177 Astoria Financial 4,000 200 CCB Financial 2,200 127 Charter One Financial 12,000 375 City National 2,700 104 Dime Bancorp 8,000 184 First Security 12,893 245 MARKET DESCRIPTION SHARES VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Tennessee National 9,000 $ 388 First Virginia Banks 4,750 237 Hibernia, Cl A 10,800 144 Keystone Financial 2,700 87 Marshall & Ilsley 8,700 609 Mercantile Bancorp 12,200 695 Mercantile Bankshares 5,075 188 North Fork Bancorporation 10,000 225 Old Kent Financial 7,670 362 Pacific Century Financial 4,000 87 Provident Financial Group 3,500 147 Sovereign Bancorp 11,600 158 TCF Financial 6,500 188 Wilmington Trust 1,900 117 Zions Bancorp 5,400 360 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Banks $5,404 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BROADCASTING, NEWSPAPERS & ADVERTISING -- 1.9% Chris-Craft Industries* 2,586 122 Snyder Communications* 5,000 147 TCA Cable TV 2,500 125 Young & Rubicam* 20,000 796 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Broadcasting, Newspapers & Advertising $1,190 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION -- 0.6% Jacobs Engineering Group* 1,175 46 Martin Marietta Materials 5,000 309 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Building & Construction $ 355 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHEMICALS -- 1.4% Airgas* 6,000 70 Cabot 3,000 81 Crompton & Knowles 4,200 85 Dexter 1,000 41 Fuller (H.B.) 590 40 IMC Global 8,500 212 Lubrizol 2,900 80 RPM 3,890 55 Solutia 8,000 195 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Chemicals $ 859 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT -- 5.2% ADC Telecommunications* 9,900 473 Comverse Technology* 22,500 1,443 FORE Systems* 8,200 277 Molex 9,452 305 QUALCOMM* 4,200 840 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Communications Equipment $3,338 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPUTER SOFTWARE -- 2.8% Citrix Systems* 6,200 263 Informix* 8,000 58 Intuit* 5,000 431 Legato Systems* 7,700 311 Networks Associates* 12,000 159 Rational Software* 7,500 222 Siebel Systems* 6,600 254 Sterling Software* 5,200 108 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Computer Software $1,806 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 102 108 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 MARKET DESCRIPTION SHARES VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPUTERS & SERVICES -- 8.5% American Power Conversion* 7,000 $ 231 Avnet 3,675 156 Diebold 3,854 93 Electronics for Imaging* 35,000 1,656 Jabil Circuit* 25,000 1,164 Keane* 4,800 119 Lexmark International Group, Cl A* 4,700 580 Quantum* 10,900 195 SCI Systems* 4,200 160 Solectron* 10,000 485 Sterling Commerce* 7,000 219 Storage Technology* 7,522 145 Symbol Technologies 4,318 206 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Computers & Services $5,409 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONCRETE & MINERAL PRODUCTS-- 0.4% Ferro 1,575 44 Southdown 2,800 179 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Concrete & Mineral Products $ 223 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINERS & PACKAGING -- 0.1% Longview Fibre 2,200 29 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Containers & Packaging $ 29 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DRUGS -- 5.3% Agouron Pharmaceutical* 2,000 118 Amgen* 16,000 983 Biogen* 6,800 646 Carter-Wallace 2,400 42 Centocor* 5,800 257 Chiron* 13,064 263 Forest Laboratories* 4,368 194 Genzyme* 8,024 303 ICN Pharmaceuticals 5,000 165 Mylan Laboratories 9,087 206 Perrigo* 3,050 23 Sepracor* 1,650 139 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Drugs $3,339 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELECTRICAL SERVICES -- 6.6% Allegheny Energy 8,729 297 CMS Energy 7,800 343 Conectiv 6,687 160 DPL 10,000 179 Energy East 7,300 193 Florida Progress 6,100 235 Hawaiian Electric Industries 1,475 52 Idacorp 1,650 52 Illinova 3,100 81 Interstate Energy 5,500 158 Ipalco Enterprises 4,742 109 Kansas City Power & Light 3,250 87 LG&E 7,150 156 Minnesota Power & Light 3,650 77 Montana Power 5,000 373 Nevada Power 2,000 52 MARKET DESCRIPTION SHARES VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New England Electric System 3,300 $ 163 Nisource 8,700 241 OGE Energy 6,106 145 Pinnacle West Capital 5,000 194 Potomac Electric Power 6,150 180 Puget Sound Energy 4,200 104 Scana 5,550 130 TECO Energy 9,372 200 Wisconsin Energy 8,000 215 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Electrical Services $4,176 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTERTAINMENT -- 0.2% International Game Technology 6,600 117 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Entertainment $ 117 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE -- 0.4% Allied Waste Industries* 13,000 230 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Environmental Service $ 230 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FINANCIAL SERVICES -- 4.5% A.G. Edwards & Sons 6,818 239 Bear Stearns 5,343 249 E*trade Group* 8,500 982 FINOVA Group 3,750 181 Greenpoint Financial 6,700 234 Paine Webber Group 12,450 584 T. Rowe Price 11,000 415 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Financial Services $2,884 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOOD, BEVERAGE & TOBACCO -- 2.0% Dean Foods 2,075 74 Dreyer's Grand Ice Cream 1,300 18 Flowers Industries 5,656 120 Hormel Foods 3,800 140 IBP 4,650 94 Interstate Bakeries 5,200 116 Lancaster Colony 1,848 55 McCormick 4,250 129 Suiza Foods* 2,500 94 Tyson Foods 13,010 269 Universal Foods 2,400 50 Vlasic Foods International* 2,500 20 Whitman 5,300 87 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Food, Beverage & Tobacco $1,266 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FORESTRY -- 0.1% Rayonier 1,100 50 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Forestry $ 50 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GAS/NATURAL GAS -- 1.6% AGL Resources 2,150 39 El Paso Energy 8,518 313 KeySpan Energy 10,000 267 MCN 4,100 82 National Fuel & Gas 1,425 62 Questar 5,800 105 Utilicorp United 4,425 108 Washington Gas Light 2,000 47 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Gas/Natural Gas $1,023 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 103 109 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 [ARROW]MID-CAP EQUITY PORTFOLIO (CONTINUED) MARKET DESCRIPTION SHARES VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL UTILITY -- 0.2% Mid American Energy Holdings* 4,350 $ 140 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total General Utility $ 140 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOME BUILDER -- 0.2% Clayton Homes 11,701 130 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Home Builder $ 130 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOTELS & LODGING -- 0.3% Circus Circus Enterprises* 7,500 158 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Hotels & Lodging $ 158 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE & FIXTURES -- 0.4% Leggett & Platt 11,700 270 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Household Furniture & Fixtures $ 270 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOUSEHOLD PRODUCT -- 0.5% Dial 10,200 347 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Household Product $ 347 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSURANCE -- 3.9% Aflac 20,260 1,099 AMBAC 5,000 302 American Financial Group 4,500 163 HSB Group 1,350 51 Old Republic International 7,350 144 PMI Group 1,700 95 Provident 9,500 374 Reliastar Financial 6,500 239 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Insurance $2,467 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEASING & RENTING -- 0.3% Comdisco 7,500 197 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Leasing & Renting $ 197 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEISURE PRODUCTS -- 0.4% Callaway Golf 5,500 83 Electronic Arts* 3,750 191 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Leisure Products $ 274 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LUMBER & WOOD PRODUCTS -- 0.2% Timber Group 5,000 129 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Lumber & Wood Products $ 129 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MACHINERY -- 0.8% Donaldson 2,200 49 Flowserve 2,137 40 Kennametal 1,600 42 Mark IV Industries 2,615 47 Pentair 1,574 74 Smith International* 3,500 157 SPX 1,500 98 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Machinery $ 507 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MANUFACTURING -- 0.1% Trinity Industries 2,000 70 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Manufacturing $ 70 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARKET DESCRIPTION SHARES VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEDICAL PRODUCTS & SERVICES -- 3.7% Beckman Coulter 1,250 $ 60 Bergen Brunswig, Cl A 8,112 154 Cardinal Health 3,984 238 Covance* 2,950 65 Dentsply International 3,900 102 First Health Group, Cl A* 2,800 46 Health Management Associates, Cl A* 16,125 252 Lincare Holdings* 3,200 95 Omnicare 5,000 120 McKesson HBOC 5,000 175 Pacificare Health Systems, Cl B* 2,153 172 Steris* 5,300 94 Stryker 7,500 459 Sybron International* 7,800 216 Total Renal Care Holdings* 6,500 90 Trigon Healthcare* 1,500 48 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Medical Products & Services $2,386 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- METALS & MINING -- 0.5% Minerals Technologies 900 49 Vulcan Materials 5,925 283 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Metals & Mining $ 332 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS SERVICES -- 5.2% AC Nielsen* 3,000 84 Apollo Group, Cl A* 5,000 124 Cambridge Technology Partners* 4,500 65 Cintas 7,300 502 Concord EFS* 7,000 234 Convergys* 21,200 395 Fiserv* 5,012 294 Litton Industries* 2,350 147 Nova* 5,500 143 Ogden 2,000 52 Paychex 7,299 373 Reynolds & Reynolds, Cl A 4,100 94 Robert Half International* 6,600 158 Sotheby's Holdings, Cl A 3,300 141 Stewart Enterprises, Cl A 5,000 99 Sungard Data Systems* 8,600 275 Viad 4,900 162 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Miscellaneous Business Services $3,342 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISCELLANEOUS MANUFACTURING -- 0.4% Gtech* 1,000 26 Hillenbrand Industries 4,850 228 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Miscellaneous Manufacturing $ 254 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MOTORCYCLES, BICYCLES & PARTS -- 1.0% Harley-Davidson 10,860 648 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Motorcycles, Bicycles & Parts $ 648 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OFFICE FURNITURE & FIXTURES -- 0.3% Herman Miller 5,900 118 Hon Industries 2,400 65 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Office Furniture & Fixtures $ 183 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 104 110 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 MARKET DESCRIPTION SHARES VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAPER & PAPER PRODUCTS -- 0.5% Bowater 2,650 $ 142 Chesapeake 1,050 34 Consolidated Papers 4,500 136 PH Glatfelter 1,800 23 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Paper & Paper Products $ 335 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PETROLEUM & FUEL PRODUCTS -- 2.1% BJ Services* 5,200 139 Ensco International 8,000 148 Global Marine* 12,575 187 KN Energy 3,450 71 Noble Affiliates 2,900 93 Noble Drilling* 10,000 196 Ocean Energy* 7,000 65 Tidewater 3,355 89 Transocean Offshore 9,600 285 Valero Energy 3,300 74 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Petroleum & Fuel Products $ 1,347 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PETROLEUM REFINING -- 1.0% Lyondell Petrochemical 4,000 78 Murphy Oil 2,400 113 Tosco 11,800 316 Ultramar Diamond Shamrock 4,800 111 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Petroleum Refining $ 618 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRINTING & PUBLISHING -- 1.2% A.H. Belo, Cl A 7,200 156 Banta 1,200 26 Houghton Mifflin 1,380 62 Lee Enterprises 1,850 53 Media General, Cl A 1,100 57 Scholastic* 600 28 Standard Register 1,200 37 Wallace Computer Services 1,900 44 Washington Post, Cl B 550 316 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Printing & Publishing $ 779 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RETAIL -- 9.1% Abercrombie & Fitch, Cl A* 3,400 323 Barnes & Noble* 4,800 167 Bed Bath & Beyond* 10,000 357 Best Buy* 14,600 697 BJ's Wholesale Club* 6,000 159 Borders Group* 7,000 101 Brinker International* 4,849 134 CBRL Group 3,500 71 Dollar Tree Stores* 3,500 128 Family Dollar Stores 8,900 215 Fastenal 1,650 79 General Nutrition* 4,400 73 Hannaford Brothers 2,450 107 Lands' End* 1,350 52 Micro Warehouse* 400 7 Office Depot* 30,634 674 OfficeMax* 7,000 71 Outback Steakhouse* 5,700 204 MARKET DESCRIPTION SHARES VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Premark International 4,600 $ 169 Rite Aid 25,000 583 Ross Stores 2,550 117 Saks* 10,280 291 Sbarro 850 22 Staples* 10,000 300 Starbucks* 13,000 480 Tiffany & Company 1,850 155 Warnaco Group 3,350 89 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Retail $ 5,825 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RUBBER & PLASTIC -- 0.8% Carlisle 1,200 59 Hanna 2,124 34 Sonoco Products 6,050 156 Weatherford International* 7,000 237 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Rubber & Plastic $ 486 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEMI-CONDUCTORS/INSTRUMENTS-- 6.1% Altera* 7,000 506 Analog Devices* 13,000 457 Atmel* 7,200 131 Cadence Design Systems* 16,000 217 Cypress Semiconductor* 6,250 64 Linear Technology 12,400 705 Maxim Integrated Products* 9,500 532 Synopsys* 6,000 283 Teradyne* 5,250 248 Vitesse Semiconductor* 5,500 255 Xilinx* 11,000 502 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Semi-Conductors/Instruments $ 3,900 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIALTY MACHINERY -- 0.2% Tecumseh Products, Cl A 950 58 York International 2,100 87 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Specialty Machinery $ 145 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEEL & STEEL WORKS -- 0.3% AK Steel Holding 3,500 91 Carpenter Technology 1,100 34 Precision Castparts 1,050 45 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Steel & Steel Works $ 170 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TELEPHONES & TELECOMMUNICATIONS -- 3.7% Aliant Communications 1,450 64 Century Telephone Enterprises 6,862 276 Cincinnati Bell 9,200 208 Comsat 2,050 67 Rhythms Netconnections* 10,000 825 Telephone & Data Systems 3,100 186 Winstar Communications* 15,000 729 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Telephones & Telecommunications $ 2,355 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TESTING LABORATORIES -- 0.7% Medimmune* 4,000 221 Quintiles Transnational* 6,300 256 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Testing Laboratories $ 477 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 105 111 STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS/SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS APRIL 30, 1999 [ARROW]MID-CAP EQUITY PORTFOLIO (CONCLUDED) SHARES/ PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSPORTATION SERVICES-- 2.0% Airborne Freight 2,900 $ 93 Alaska Airgroup* 1,000 44 Alexander & Baldwin 1,900 41 CNF Transportation 2,400 105 Comair 7,500 165 GATX 2,550 88 Harsco 2,500 82 JB Hunt Transport Services 2,100 44 Kansas City Southern Industries 9,700 578 Pittston Services 1,600 42 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Transportation Services $ 1,282 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WATER UTILITY -- 0.2% American Water Works 5,600 159 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Water Utilities $ 159 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHOLESALE -- 0.2% US Foodservice* 3,750 158 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Wholesale $ 158 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Common Stocks (Cost $47,383) $63,725 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REPURCHASE AGREEMENT -- 0.0% First Boston 4.930%, dated 04/30/99, matures 05/03/99, repurchase price $6,314 (collateralized by U.S. Government Agency Instrument: total market value $10,652) $ 6 6 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Repurchase Agreement (Cost $6) $ 6 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Investments -- 100.1% (Cost $47,389) $63,731 ================================================================================ Other Assets and Liabilities, Net -- (0.1%) $ (83) ================================================================================ NET ASSETS: Portfolio Shares of Institutional Class (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 4,329,268 outstanding shares of beneficial interest 41,512 Distribution in excess of net investment income (6) Accumulated net realized gain on investments 5,800 Net unrealized appreciation on investments 16,342 ================================================================================ Total Net Assets-- 100.0% $63,648 ================================================================================ Net Asset Value, Offering and Redemption Price Per Share-- Institutional Class $ 14.70 ================================================================================ * Non-income producing security Cl--Class The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. [ARROW]ARK FUNDS: SMALL-CAP EQUITY PORTFOLIO [PIE CHART OMITTED] [PLOT POINTS ARE AS FOLLOWS] Repurchase Agreements -- 4% Healthcare -- 6% Consumer Cyclicals -- 7% Chemicals & Drugs -- 8% Miscellaneous -- 16% Computers & Services -- 2% Technology -- 40% Miscellaneous Business Services -- 17% % of Total Portfolio Investments MARKET DESCRIPTION SHARES VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMON STOCKS -- 97.2% BROADCASTING, NEWSPAPERS & ADVERTISING -- 0.1% Worldgate Communications* 1,000 $ 28 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Broadcasting, Newspapers & Advertising $ 28 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION -- 4.8% Stolt Comex Seaway S.A.* 125,000 1,562 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Building & Construction $ 1,562 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION SUPPLIES -- 1.2% Mobile Mini* 30,000 388 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Building & Construction Supplies $ 388 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHEMICALS -- 6.0% NL Industries 50,000 591 Wellman 50,000 716 Witco Chemical 34,900 665 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Chemicals $ 1,972 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT -- 9.4% Digital Microwave* 50,000 637 DM Management* 20,000 475 Omnipoint* 50,000 887 P-Com* 59,000 345 Polycom* 30,000 733 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Communications Equipment $ 3,077 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPUTERS & SERVICES -- 0.1% Proxicom* 1,000 22 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Computers & Services $ 22 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DRUGS -- 2.5% Sigma Aldrich 25,000 812 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Drugs $ 812 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOOD, BEVERAGE & TOBACCO -- 1.1% Robert Mondavi* 10,000 362 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Food, Beverage & Tobacco $ 362 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS & APPLIANCES -- 2.4% Windmere-Durable Holdings 70,000 805 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Household Products & Appliances $ 805 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 106 112 SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS APRIL 30, 1999 MARKET DESCRIPTION SHARES VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSURANCE -- 4.2% Healtheon* 15,000 $ 679 Total Renal Care Holdings* 50,000 694 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Insurance $ 1,373 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDERS -- 0.4% Easynet Group PLC 15,000 126 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Internet Service Providers $ 126 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MACHINERY -- 1.4% Secom General* 21,760 44 Wyman-Gordon* 30,000 420 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Machinery $ 464 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEASURING DEVICES -- 5.5% Uniphase* 15,000 1,821 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Measuring Devices $ 1,821 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEDICAL PRODUCTS & SERVICES-- 1.9% Laser Vision Centers* 15,000 632 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Medical Products & Services $ 632 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS SERVICES-- 14.9% Ikon Office Solutions 50,000 603 Jack Henry & Associates 25,000 825 Landmark Systems* 5,000 57 Marimba* 100 6 Nielson Media Research* 53,533 1,465 Remedy* 25,000 437 Security Dynamics Technology* 20,000 435 Sotheby's Holdings, Cl A 25,000 1,066 Ziff-Davis - ZDNet* 300 11 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Miscellaneous Business Services $ 4,905 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAPER & PAPER PRODUCTS -- 1.3% Buckeye Technologies* 30,000 435 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Paper & Paper Products $ 435 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PETROLEUM & FUEL PRODUCTS -- 1.5% Cal Dive International* 15,000 480 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Petroleum & Fuel Products $ 480 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRINTING & PUBLISHING -- 1.8% Onhealth Network* 17,500 265 Ziff-Davis* 20,000 316 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Printing & Publishing $ 581 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES -- 0.1% Net Perceptions* 1,000 26 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Professional Services $ 26 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RUBBER & PLASTIC -- 1.1% U.S. Plastic Lumber 40,000 370 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Rubber & Plastic $ 370 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEMI-CONDUCTORS/INSTRUMENTS -- 10.5% Dallas Semiconductor 10,000 425 Dupont Photomasks* 16,500 722 MMC Networks * 50,000 1,228 SHARES/ PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nvidia* 35,000 $ 639 Transwitch* 10,000 440 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Semi-Conductors/Instruments $ 3,454 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TECHNOLOGY -- 1.0% Multex.com* 7,500 323 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Technology $ 323 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TELEPHONES & TELECOMMUNICATIONS -- 20.4% Aerial Communications* 50,000 400 E.spire Communications* 25,000 313 Electric Lightwave* 30,000 420 Globalstar Telecommunications Limited* 20,000 403 Intermedia Communications of Florida* 35,000 1,127 ITC Deltacom* 15,000 375 Optibase Limited* 145,000 1,015 Shared Technologies Cellular* 25,000 278 Tele Centro Oeste Celular Participacoes S.A., ADR* 40,000 145 Telecomunicacoes de Sao Paulo Participacoes, ADR* 20,000 500 Telesystem International Wireless* 25,000 491 Western Wireless, Cl A* 30,000 1,232 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Telephones & Telecommunications $ 6,699 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHOLESALE -- 3.6% Airgas* 100,000 1,175 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Wholesale $ 1,175 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Common Stocks (Cost $29,967) $31,892 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOREIGN PREFERRED STOCK -- 0.0% Sparta Pharmaceuticals (A)* 10,000 13 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Foreign Preferred Stock (Cost $95) $ 13 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REPURCHASE AGREEMENT -- 3.8% First Boston 4.930%, dated 04/30/99, matures 05/03/99, repurchase price $1,230,065 (collateralized by U.S. Government Agency Instruments: total market value $1,274,820) $ 1,230 1,230 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Repurchase Agreement (Cost $1,230) $ 1,230 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Investments -- 101.0% (Cost $31,292) $33,135 ================================================================================ * Non-income producing security (A) Security valued in good faith based on guidelines established by the Board of Trustees. ADR--American Depository Receipt Cl--Class The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 107 113 STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS APRIL 30, 1999 [ARROW]ARK FUNDS: INTERNATIONAL EQUITY SELECTION PORTFOLIO [PIE CHART OMITTED] [PLOT POINTS ARE AS FOLLOWS] Repurchase Agreements -- 5% % of Total Portfolio Investments Mutual Funds -- 95% MARKET DESCRIPTION SHARES VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MUTUAL FUNDS -- 95.1% American Advantage International Equity Fund 110,183 $ 2,036 American Century 20th International Growth Fund 181,893 1,837 American Funds Europacific Growth Fund 65,573 2,065 Artisan International Fund 72,940 1,346 BT Institutional International Equity Fund 131,070 1,794 Federated International Small Company Fund 22,894 499 Fidelity Diversified International Fund 104,633 1,995 Glenmede International Institutional Portfolio 112,557 1,977 Harbor International Fund 50,370 2,011 Harbor International Growth Fund 25,345 482 Janus Overseas Fund 83,728 1,791 Montgomery International Growth Fund 93,973 1,765 Putnam International Growth Fund 95,198 2,020 Scudder Japan Fund 121,359 1,272 Templeton Foreign Fund 105,335 1,065 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Mutual Funds (Cost $22,722) $23,955 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRINCIPAL MARKET DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (000) VALUE (000) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REPURCHASE AGREEMENT -- 4.9% First Boston 4.930%, dated 04/30/99, matures 05/03/99, repurchase price $1,230,885 (collateralized by U.S. Government Agency Instruments: total market value $1,267,023) $ 1,230 $ 1,230 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Repurchase Agreement (Cost $1,230) $ 1,230 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Investments -- 100.0% (Cost $23,952) $25,185 ================================================================================ Other Assets and Liabilities, Net -- (0.0%) $ (3) ================================================================================ NET ASSETS: Portfolio Shares of Institutional Class (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 2,122,483 outstanding shares of beneficial interest 21,400 Portfolio Shares of Retail Class A (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 133,981 outstanding shares of beneficial interest 1,514 Undistributed net investment income 8 Accumulated net realized gain on investments 1,027 Net unrealized appreciation on investments 1,233 ================================================================================ Total Net Assets -- 100.0% $25,182 ================================================================================ Net Asset Value, Offering and Redemption Price Per Share -- Institutional Class $ 11.16 ================================================================================ Net Asset Value and Redemption Price Per Share -- Retail Class A $ 11.16 ================================================================================ Maximum Offering Price Per Share -- Retail Class A ($11.16 / 98.50%) $ 11.33 ================================================================================ The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 108 114 STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES (000) FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1999 SMALL CAP EQUITY PORTFOLIO --------- Assets: Investments at market value (cost $31,292) $ 33,135 Receivable for investment securities sold 3,195 Other assets 19 --------- Total Assets 36,349 --------- Liabilities: Payable for investment securities purchased 3,465 Other liabilities 74 --------- Total Liabilities 3,539 --------- Net assets: Portfolio shares of Institutional Class (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 2,415,692 outstanding shares of beneficial interest 24,531 Portfolio shares of Retail Class A (unlimited authorization -- no par value) based on 178,557 outstanding shares of beneficial interest 2,201 Distributions in excess of net investment income (95) Accumulated net realized gain on investments 4,330 Net unrealized appreciation on investments 1,843 -------- Total Net Assets $ 32,810 ======== Net Asset Value, Offering and Redemption Price Per Share -- Institutional Class $ 12.65 ======== Net Asset Value and Redemption Price Per Share -- Retail Class A $ 12.59 ======== Maximum Offering Price Per Share -- Retail Class A ($12.59 / 95.25%) $ 13.22 ======== The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 109 115 STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS (000) FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1999 TAX-FREE U.S. GOVERNMENT U.S. TREASURY SHORT-TERM MONEY MARKET MONEY MARKET MONEY MARKET MONEY MARKET TREASURY PORTFOLIO PORTFOLIO PORTFOLIO PORTFOLIO PORTFOLIO ------------ ------------ --------------- ------------- ---------- Investment Income: Dividends $ -- $ -- $ -- $ -- $ -- Interest 42,281 5,165 87,637 21,172 2,357 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Total Investment Income 42,281 5,165 87,637 21,172 2,357 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Expenses: Administrator Fees 1,019 204 2,169 559 57 Less: Waiver of Administrator Fees -- -- -- -- -- Investment Advisory Fees 1,959 392 4,172 1,076 152 Less: Waiver of Investment Advisory Fees (1,097) (251) (1,836) (258) -- Custodian Fees 128 32 242 79 8 Transfer Agency Fees 78 16 167 43 4 Professional Fees 43 5 95 17 2 Registration Fees 160 32 122 37 12 Distribution Fees--Retail Class A 541 69 229 70 57 Less: Waiver of Distribution Fees-- Retail Class A -- -- -- -- (22) Distribution Fees--Retail Class B -- -- -- -- -- Distribution Fees-- Institutional II Class 204 52 180 138 -- Printing Fees 107 21 241 68 6 Trustee Fees 8 1 17 4 -- Amortization of Deferred Organization Costs 1 1 1 1 3 Miscellaneous Fees 22 7 95 14 3 Shareholder Servicing Fees-- Institutional Class 592 127 2,142 431 44 Less: Waiver of Shareholder Servicing Fees-- Institutional Class (325) (71) (1,176) (239) (26) Shareholder Servicing Fees-- Retail Class A 325 41 137 42 22 Less: Waiver of Shareholder Servicing Fees-- Retail Class A (195) (25) (82) (25) (22) Shareholder Servicing Fees-- Retail Class B -- -- -- -- -- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Total Expenses 3,570 653 6,915 2,057 300 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Net Investment Income 38,711 4,512 80,722 19,115 2,057 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Net Realized Gain (Loss) on Investments 10 -- (1) 18 246 Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) on Investments -- -- -- -- (140) ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments 10 -- (1) 18 106 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Net Increase in Net Assets Resulting from Operations $38,721 $ 4,512 $80,721 $19,133 $ 2,163 ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= SHORT-TERM MARYLAND PENNSYLVANIA INTERMEDIATE U.S. GOVERNMENT BOND TAX-FREE TAX-FREE FIXED INCOME BOND PORTFOLIO PORTFOLIO PORTFOLIO PORTFOLIO PORTFOLIO ---------- --------- ------------ ------------ --------------- Investment Income: Dividends $ -- $ -- $ -- $ 79 $ 325 Interest 8,020+ 5,984 10,957 5,805+ 16,533+ ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Total Investment Income 8,020 5,984 10,957 5,884 16,858 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Expenses: Administrator Fees 171 152 289 122 344 Less: Waiver of Administrator Fees -- -- -- -- -- Investment Advisory Fees 984 762 1,443 564 1,986 Less: Waiver of Investment Advisory Fees (66) (188) -- (103) (238) Custodian Fees 33 18 38 21 48 Transfer Agency Fees 13 12 22 9 26 Professional Fees 14 5 24 4 27 Registration Fees 10 7 9 12 16 Distribution Fees--Retail Class A -- 86 9 -- 3 Less: Waiver of Distribution Fees-- Retail Class A -- (14) (2) -- -- Distribution Fees--Retail Class B -- -- -- -- -- Distribution Fees-- Institutional II Class -- -- -- -- -- Printing Fees 19 16 35 13 39 Trustee Fees 1 1 3 1 3 Amortization of Deferred Organization Costs 8 1 11 2 8 Miscellaneous Fees 6 8 11 6 8 Shareholder Servicing Fees-- Institutional Class 197 133 328 141 396 Less: Waiver of Shareholder Servicing Fees-- Institutional Class (118) (61) (161) (68) (195) Shareholder Servicing Fees-- Retail Class A -- 43 5 -- 1 Less: Waiver of Shareholder Servicing Fees-- Retail Class A -- (43) (5) -- (1) Shareholder Servicing Fees-- Retail Class B -- -- -- -- -- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Total Expenses 1,272 938 2,059 724 2,471 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Net Investment Income 6,748 5,046 8,898 5,160 14,387 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Net Realized Gain (Loss) on Investments 360 897 1,627 601 (243) Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) on Investments (402) 484 1,420 (1,060) (1,367) ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments (42) 1,381 3,047 (459) (1,610) ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Net Increase in Net Assets Resulting from Operations $ 6,706 $ 6,427 $11,945 $ 4,701 $12,777 ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= INCOME PORTFOLIO --------- Investment Income: Dividends $ 355 Interest 22,424+ ------- Total Investment Income 22,779 ------- Expenses: Administrator Fees 452 Less: Waiver of Administrator Fees -- Investment Advisory Fees 2,086 Less: Waiver of Investment Advisory Fees (313) Custodian Fees 64 Transfer Agency Fees 35 Professional Fees 16 Registration Fees 22 Distribution Fees--Retail Class A 24 Less: Waiver of Distribution Fees-- Retail Class A (4) Distribution Fees--Retail Class B 1 Distribution Fees-- Institutional II Class -- Printing Fees 48 Trustee Fees 3 Amortization of Deferred Organization Costs 1 Miscellaneous Fees 16 Shareholder Servicing Fees-- Institutional Class 510 Less: Waiver of Shareholder Servicing Fees-- Institutional Class (237) Shareholder Servicing Fees-- Retail Class A 12 Less: Waiver of Shareholder Servicing Fees-- Retail Class A (12) Shareholder Servicing Fees-- Retail Class B -- ------- Total Expenses 2,724 ------- Net Investment Income 20,055 ------- Net Realized Gain (Loss) on Investments (1,205) Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) on Investments (4,352) ------- Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments (5,557) ------- Net Increase in Net Assets Resulting from Operations $14,498 ======= + Includes income from securities lending program. See Notes to the Financial Statements for additional information. The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 110 & 111 116 STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS (000) FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1999 EQUITY VALUE EQUITY BLUE CHIP CAPITAL BALANCED INCOME EQUITY INDEX EQUITY GROWTH PORTFOLIO PORTFOLIO PORTFOLIO PORTFOLIO PORTFOLIO PORTFOLIO --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- Investment Income: Dividends $ 711 $ 2,908 $ 9,285 $ 913 $ 1,789 $ 579 Interest 3,036 212 911 52 380 150 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Total Investment Income 3,747 3,120 10,196 965 2,169 729 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Expenses: Administrator Fees 164 134 769 88 182 110 Less: Waiver of Administrator Fees -- -- -- (60) -- -- Investment Advisory Fees 821 724 5,914 135 981 592 Less: Waiver of Investment Advisory Fees (114) (62) (769) (95) (140) (42) Custodian Fees 29 14 94 37 30 3 Transfer Agency Fees 13 10 59 7 14 8 Professional Fees 7 4 60 5 10 5 Registration Fees 16 11 10 19 28 15 Distribution Fees-- Retail Class A 79 14 9 10 259 69 Less: Waiver of Distribution Fees -- Retail Class A (30) (5) (4) (4) (142) (26) Distribution Fees-- Retail Class B 4 -- -- -- 6 3 Distribution Fees -- Institutional II Class -- -- -- -- -- -- Printing Fees 17 14 84 11 20 12 Trustee Fees 1 1 8 1 2 1 Amortization of Deferred Organization Costs 2 2 9 2 3 2 Miscellaneous Fees 9 4 23 8 22 7 Shareholder Servicing Fees -- Institutional Class 159 150 884 97 138 100 Less: Waiver of Shareholder Servicing Fees-- Institutional Class (65) (64) (379) (97) (53) (38) Shareholder Servicing Fees-- Retail Class A 30 5 4 4 71 26 Less: Waiver of Shareholder Servicing Fees-- Retail Class A (30) (5) (4) (4) (71) (26) Shareholder Servicing Fees-- Retail Class B 1 -- -- -- 2 1 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Total Expenses 1,113 951 6,771 164 1,362 822 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Net Investment Income (Loss) 2,634 2,169 3,425 801 807 (93) ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Net Realized Gain on Investments 6,985 1,092 54,074 1,263 4,389 4,150 Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) on Investments 12,888 580 (2,152) 14,031 25,069 19,500 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments 19,873 1,672 51,922 15,294 29,458 23,650 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations $22,507 $ 3,841 $55,347 $16,095 $30,265 $23,557 ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= MID CAP SMALL-CAP INTERNATIONAL EQUITY EQUITY EQUITY SELECTION PORTFOLIO PORTFOLIO PORTFOLIO --------- --------- ---------------- Investment Income: Dividends $ 591 $ 44 $ 606 Interest 25 145 79 ------- ------- ------- Total Investment Income 616 189 685 ------- ------- ------- Expenses: Administrator Fees 72 36 47 Less: Waiver of Administrator Fees -- -- -- Investment Advisory Fees 445 222 233 Less: Waiver of Investment Advisory Fees (33) (3) (36) Custodian Fees 25 23 15 Transfer Agency Fees 6 3 4 Professional Fees 3 1 4 Registration Fees 10 8 10 Distribution Fees-- Retail Class A -- 8 5 Less: Waiver of Distribution Fees -- Retail Class A -- (3) (2) Distribution Fees-- Retail Class B -- -- -- Distribution Fees -- Institutional II Class -- -- -- Printing Fees 7 4 5 Trustee Fees 1 -- -- Amortization of Deferred Organization Costs 2 -- 2 Miscellaneous Fees 5 2 1 Shareholder Servicing Fees -- Institutional Class 83 39 52 Less: Waiver of Shareholder Servicing Fees-- Institutional Class (34) (16) (24) Shareholder Servicing Fees-- Retail Class A -- 3 2 Less: Waiver of Shareholder Servicing Fees-- Retail Class A -- (3) (2) Shareholder Servicing Fees-- Retail Class B -- -- -- ------- ------- ------- Total Expenses 592 324 316 ------- ------- ------- Net Investment Income (Loss) 24 (135) 369 ------- ------- ------- Net Realized Gain on Investments 5,867 4,402 1,446 Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) on Investments (961) (1,611) (3,646) ------- ------- ------- Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments 4,906 2,791 (2,200) ------- ------- ------- Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations $ 4,930 $ 2,656 $(1,831) ======= ======= ======= The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 112 & 113 117 STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS (000) FOR THE YEAR OR PERIOD INDICATED MONEY MARKET TAX-FREE MONEY U.S. GOVERNMENT MONEY U.S. TREASURY MONEY PORTFOLIO MARKET PORTFOLIO MARKET PORTFOLIO MARKET PORTFOLIO ----------------------- ---------------------- ----------------------- ---------------------- 5/1/98 5/1/97 5/1/98 5/1/97 5/1/98 5/1/97 5/1/98 5/1/97 to 4/30/99 to 4/30/98 to 4/30/99 to 4/30/98 to 4/30/9 to 4/30/98 to 4/30/9 to 4/30/98 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- OPERATIONS: Net Investment Income $ 38,711 $ 28,442 $ 4,512 $ 4,841 $ 80,722 $ 72,156 $ 19,115 $ 18,700 Net Realized Gain (Loss) on Investments 10 (12) -- -- (1) (2) 18 (45) Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) on Investments -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---------- -------- -------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- -------- Net increase (Decrease) in Net Assets from Operations 38,721 28,430 4,512 4,841 80,721 72,154 19,133 18,655 ---------- -------- -------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- -------- Distributions to Shareholders: Net Investment Income Institutional Class (19,775) (14,677) (2,499) (3,344) (69,381) (66,224) (12,857) (13,110) Retail Class A (10,377) (9,312) (732) (808) (4,222) (1,590) (1,205) (1,281) Retail Class B -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Institutional II Class (8,559) (4,453) (1,281) (688) (7,109) (4,316) (5,053) (4,309) Net Capital Gains Institutional Class -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Retail Class A -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Retail Class B -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---------- -------- -------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- -------- Total Distributions (38,711) (28,442) (4,512) (4,840) (80,712) (72,130) (19,115) (18,700) ---------- -------- -------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- -------- Capital Share Transactions: Institutional Class: Shares Issued 971,963 678,729 97,664 129,030 2,187,318 2,467,089 374,307 483,164 Shares Issued in Conjunction with Acquisition of the ARK Pennsylvania Tax-Free Portfolio -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Shares Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 9 -- -- -- 6 21 6 6 Shares Redeemed (671,287) (771,203) (110,212) (107,675) (2,045,108) (2,432,072) (347,083) (446,375) ---------- -------- -------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- -------- Total Institutional Class Share Transactions 300,685 (92,474) (12,548) 21,355 142,216 35,038 27,230 36,795 ---------- -------- -------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- -------- Retail Class A: Shares Issued 181,887 436,117 66,991 84,889 448,117 160,166 41,393 69,512 Shares Issued in Conjunction with Acquisition of the ARK Pennsylvania Tax-Free Portfolio -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Shares Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 10,182 8,342 730 806 -- -- 874 852 Shares Redeemed (133,624) (385,100) (59,358) (77,046) (422,346) (81,900) (57,939) (48,733) ---------- -------- -------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- -------- Total Retail Class A Share Transactions 58,445 59,359 8,363 8,649 25,771 78,266 (15,672) 21,631 ---------- -------- -------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- -------- Retail Class B: Shares Issued 22 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Shares Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Shares Redeemed -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---------- -------- -------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- -------- Total Retail Class B Share Transactions 22 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---------- -------- -------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- -------- Institutional II Class: Shares Issued 547,301 248,051 146,937 80,395 668,319 470,456 375,294 247,477 Shares Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Shares Redeemed (400,547) (228,716) (132,836) (67,649) (617,804) (416,112) (330,888) (216,118) ---------- -------- -------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- -------- Total Institutional II Class Share Transactions 146,754 19,335 14,101 12,746 50,515 54,344 44,406 31,359 ---------- -------- -------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- -------- Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets from Shareholder Transactions 505,906 (13,780) 9,916 42,750 218,502 167,648 55,964 89,785 ---------- -------- -------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- -------- Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets 505,916 (13,792) 9,916 42,751 218,511 167,672 55,982 89,740 Net Assets: Beginning of period 496,780 510,572 145,064 102,313 1,455,734 1,288,062 392,833 303,093 ---------- -------- -------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- -------- End of period $1,002,696 $496,780 $154,980 $145,064 $1,674,245 $1,455,734 $448,815 $392,833 ========== ======== ======== ======== ========== ========== ======== ======== Shares Issued and Redeemed: Institutional Class: Shares Issued 971,963 678,729 97,664 129,030 2,187,318 2,467,089 374,307 483,164 Shares Issued in Conjunction with Acquisition of the ARK Pennsylvania Tax-Free Portfolio -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Shares Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 9 -- -- -- 6 21 6 6 Shares Redeemed (671,287) (771,203) (110,212) (107,675) (2,045,108) (2,432,072) (347,083) (446,375) ---------- -------- -------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- -------- Total Institutional Class share Transactions 300,685 (92,474) (12,548) 21,355 142,216 35,038 27,230 36,795 ---------- -------- -------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- -------- Retail Class A: Shares Issued 181,887 436,117 66,991 84,889 448,117 160,166 41,393 69,512 Shares Issued in Conjunction with Acquisition of the ARK Pennsylvania Tax-Free Portfolio -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Shares Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 10,182 8,342 730 806 -- -- 874 852 Shares Redeemed (133,624) (385,100) (59,358) (77,046) (422,346) (81,900) (57,939) (48,733) ---------- -------- -------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- -------- Total Retail Class A share Transactions 58,445 59,359 8,363 8,649 25,771 78,266 (15,672) 21,631 ---------- -------- -------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- -------- Retail Class B: Shares Issued 22 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Shares Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Shares Redeemed -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---------- -------- -------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- -------- Total Retail Class B share Transactions 22 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---------- -------- -------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- -------- Institutional II Class: Shares Issued 547,301 248,051 146,937 80,395 668,319 470,456 375,294 247,477 Shares Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Shares Redeemed (400,547) (228,716) (132,836) (67,649) (617,804) (416,112) (330,888) (216,118) ---------- -------- -------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- -------- Total Institutional II Class share Transactions 146,754 19,335 14,101 12,746 50,515 54,344 44,406 31,359 ---------- -------- -------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- -------- Net Increase (Decrease) in share Transactions 505,906 (13,780) 9,916 42,750 218,502 167,648 55,964 89,785 ========== ======== ======== ======== ========= ========= ======== ======== SHORT-TERM SHORT-TERM MARYLAND TREASURY PORTFOLIO BOND PORTFOLIO TAX-FREE PORTFOLIO ----------------------- ------------------------------------ ----------------------- 5/1/98 5/1/97 5/1/98 3/1/98 3/1/97 5/1/98 5/1/97 to 4/30/99 to 4/30/98 to 4/30/99 to 4/30/98 to 2/28/98 to 4/30/99 to 4/30/98 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- OPERATIONS: Net Investment Income $ 2,057 $ 2,103 $ 6,748 $ 1,200 $ 8,182 $ 5,046 $ 4,673 Net Realized Gain (Loss) on Investments 246 62 360 1 (317) 897 541 Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) on Investments (140) 357 (402) (172) 584 484 2,461 ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Net increase (Decrease) in -- -- Net Assets from Operations 2,163 2,52 6,706 1,029 8,449 6,427 7,675 ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Distributions to Shareholders: Net Investment Income Institutional Class (1,396) (1,221) (6,738) (1,203) (8,140) (3,855) (3,834) Retail Class A (661) (882) -- -- -- (1,192) (838) Retail Class B -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Institutional II Class -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Net Capital Gains Institutional Class (154) (25) -- -- -- (598) (466) Retail Class A (73) (18) -- -- -- (189) (121) Retail Class B -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Total Distributions (2,284) (2,146) (6,738) (1,203) (8,140) (5,834) (5,259) ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Capital Share Transactions: Institutional Class: Shares Issued 12,880 4,390 28,513 3,424 25,180 20,695 11,869 Shares Issued in Conjunction with Acquisition of the ARK Pennsylvania Tax-Free Portfolio -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Shares Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 294 30 3,946 690 4,387 638 502 Shares Redeemed (3,926) (1,242) (52,969) (5,815) (42,510) (9,967) (10,974) ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Total Institutional Class Share Transactions 9,248 3,178 (20,510) (1,701) (12,943) 11,366 1,397 ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Retail Class A: Shares Issued 3,506 2,600 -- -- -- 12,753 22,144 Shares Issued in Conjunction with Acquisition of the ARK Pennsylvania Tax-Free Portfolio -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Shares Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 735 900 -- -- -- 1,381 959 Shares Redeemed (4,613) (12,215) -- -- -- (7,150) (6,023) ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Total Retail Class A Share Transactions (372) (8,715) -- -- -- 6,984 17,080 ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Retail Class B: Shares Issued -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Shares Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Shares Redeemed -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Total Retail Class B Share Transactions -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Institutional II Class: Shares Issued -- -- -- -- -- -- Shares Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions -- -- -- -- -- -- Shares Redeemed -- -- -- -- -- -- ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Total Institutional II Class Share Transactions -- -- -- -- -- -- ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets from Shareholder Transactions 8,876 (5,537) (20,510) (1,701) (12,943) 18,350 18,477 ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets 8,755 (5,161) (20,542) (1,875) (12,634) 18,943 20,893 Net Assets: Beginning of period 39,339 44,500 131,669 133,544 146,178 108,498 87,605 ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- End of period $48,094 $39,339 $111,127 $131,669 $133,544 $127,441 $108,498 ======= ======= ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== Shares Issued and Redeemed: Institutional Class: Shares Issued 1,278 436 2,855 349 2,528 2,015 1,168 Shares Issued in Conjunction with Acquisition of the ARK Pennsylvania Tax-Free Portfolio -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Shares Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 29 3 395 69 441 62 49 Shares Redeemed (389) (123) (5,301) (594) (4,263) (974) (1,081) ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Total Institutional Class share Transactions 918 316 (2,051) (176) (1,294) 1,103 136 ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Retail Class A: Shares Issued 346 259 -- -- -- 1,241 2,179 Shares Issued in Conjunction with Acquisition of the ARK Pennsylvania Tax-Free Portfolio -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Shares Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 73 90 -- -- -- 134 94 Shares Redeemed (457) (1,217) -- -- -- (695) (591) ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Total Retail Class A share Transactions (38) (868) -- -- -- 680 1,682 ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Retail Class B: Shares Issued -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Shares Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Shares Redeemed -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Total Retail Class B share Transactions -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Institutional II Class: Shares Issued -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Shares Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Shares Redeemed -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Total Institutional II Class share Transactions -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Net Increase (Decrease) in share Transactions 880 (552) (2,051) (176) (1,294) 1,783 1,818 ======= ======= ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== PENNSYLVANIA INTERMEDIATE FIXED TAX-FREE PORTFOLIO INCOME PORTFOLIO -------------------------------------- ------------------------ 5/1/98 3/1/98 3/1/97 5/1/98 5/1/97 to 4/30/99 to 4/30/98 to 2/28/98 to 4/30/99 to 4/30/98 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- OPERATIONS: Net Investment Income $ 8,898 $ 1,346 $ 9,075 $ 5,160 $ 4,721 Net Realized Gain (Loss) on Investments 1,627 384 1,985 601 356 Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) on Investments 1,420 (3,114) 2,425 (1,060) 1,393 -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- Net increase (Decrease) in Net Assets from Operations 11,945 (1,384) 13,485 4,701 6,470 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Distributions to Shareholders: Net Investment Income Institutional Class (8,692) (1,421) (9,058) (5,150) (4,723) Retail Class A (120) (11) (530) -- -- Retail Class B -- -- -- -- -- Institutional II Class -- -- -- -- -- Net Capital Gains Institutional Class (1,246) (85) -- (464) (206) Retail Class A (18) -- -- -- -- Retail Class B -- -- -- -- -- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- Total Distributions (10,076) (1,517) (9,588) (5,614) (4,929) -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- Capital Share Transactions: Institutional Class: Shares Issued 27,331 1,992 23,203 30,623 17,828 Shares Issued in Conjunction with Acquisition of the ARK Pennsylvania Tax-Free Portfolio -- 24,789 -- -- -- Shares Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 1,331 5 17 926 303 Shares Redeemed (21,218) (4,056) (53,188) (14,545) (11,670) -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- Total Institutional Class Share Transactions 7,444 22,730 (29,968) 17,004 6,461 -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- Retail Class A: Shares Issued 2,081 216 -- -- -- Shares Issued in Conjunction with Acquisition of the ARK Pennsylvania Tax-Free Portfolio -- 2,600 -- -- -- Shares Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 127 10 -- -- -- Shares Redeemed (980) (218) -- -- -- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- Total Retail Class A Share Transactions 1,228 2,608 -- -- -- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- Retail Class B: Shares Issued -- -- -- -- -- Shares Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions -- -- -- -- -- Shares Redeemed -- -- -- -- -- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- Total Retail Class B Share -- -- -- -- Transactions -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- Institutional II Class: -- -- -- -- -- Shares Issued Shares Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions -- -- -- -- -- Shares Redeemed -- -- -- -- -- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- Total Institutional II Class Share Transactions -- -- -- -- -- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets from Shareholder Transactions 8,672 25,338 (29,968) 17,004 6,461 -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets 10,541 22,437 (26,071) 16,091 8,002 Net Assets: Beginning of period 217,759 195,322 221,393 84,328 76,326 -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- End of period $228,300 $217,759 $195,322 $100,419 $84,328 ======== ======== ======== ======== ======= Shares Issued and Redeemed: Institutional Class: Shares Issued 2,654 207 2,308 3,043 1,782 Shares Issued in Conjunction with Acquisition of the ARK Pennsylvania Tax-Free Portfolio -- 2,427 -- -- -- Shares Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 129 1 2 91 30 Shares Redeemed (2,058) (409) (5,265) (1,449) (1,168) -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- Total Institutional Class share Transactions 725 2,226 (2,955) 1,685 644 -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- Retail Class A: Shares Issued 202 21 -- -- -- Shares Issued in Conjunction with Acquisition of the ARK Pennsylvania Tax-Free Portfolio -- 253 -- -- -- Shares Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 12 1 -- -- -- Shares Redeemed (95) (21) -- -- -- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- Total Retail Class A share Transactions 119 254 -- -- -- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- Retail Class B: Shares Issued -- -- -- -- -- Shares Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions -- -- -- -- -- Shares Redeemed -- -- -- -- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- Total Retail Class B share Transactions -- -- -- -- -- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- Institutional II Class: Shares Issued -- -- -- -- -- Shares Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions -- -- -- -- -- Shares Redeemed -- -- -- -- -- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- Total Institutional II Class share Transactions -- -- -- -- -- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- Net Increase (Decrease) in share Transactions 844 2,480 (2,955) 1,685 644 ======== ======== ======== ======== ======= The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements 114 & 115 118 STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS (000) FOR THE YEAR OR PERIOD INDICATED U.S. GOVERNMENT INCOME BALANCED BOND PORTFOLIO PORTFOLIO PORTFOLIO ------------------------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- 5/1/98 3/1/98 3/1/97 5/1/98 5/1/97 5/1/98 5/1/97 to 4/30/99 to 4/30/98 to 2/28/98 to 4/30/99 to 4/30/98 to 4/30/99 to 4/30/98 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Operations: Net Investment Income (Loss) $ 14,387 $ 2,684 $ 18,55 $ 20,055 $ 16,979 $ 2,634 $ 2,314 Net Realized Gain (Loss) on Investments (243) 86 (923) (1,205) 3,238 6,985 10,217 Net Change in Unrealized Appreciati (Depreciation) on Investments (1,367) (325) 2,239 (4,352) 7,153 12,888 13,045 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- from Operations 12,777 2,445 19,871 14,498 27,370 22,507 25,576 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Net Investment Income Institutional Class (14,354) (2,684) (18,542) (19,650) (16,640) (2,218) (2,071) Retail Class A (44) -- -- (442) (324) (383) (233) Retail Class B -- -- -- (5) -- (8) -- Institutional II Class -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Net Capital Gains Institutional Class -- -- -- (135) -- (4,969) (8,182) Retail Class A -- -- -- (3) -- (903) (1,083) Retail Class B -- -- -- -- -- (17) -- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Total Distributions (14,398) (2,684) (18,542) (20,235) (16,964) (8,498) (11,569) -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Institutional Class: Shares Issued 30,771 6,075 69,240 68,793 95,431 26,622 15,826 Shares Issued in Conjunction with Acquisition of the Ark Stock Portfolio -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Shares Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 4,327 758 5,185 13,474 10,893 7,142 10,175 Shares Redeemed (43,799) (5,543) (70,231) (42,508) (37,186) (23,947) (18,845) -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Total Institutional Class Share Transactions (8,701) 1,290 4,194 39,759 69,138 9,817 7,156 -------- -------- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Retail Class A: Shares Issued 2,454 30 -- 2,761 3,976 12,311 9,134 Shares Issued in Lieu of Distributions 41 -- -- 406 324 1,262 1,316 Shares Redeemed (250) -- -- (1,331) (1,719) (3,919) (2,832) -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Total Retail Class A Share Transactions 2,245 30 -- 1,836 2,581 9,654 7,618 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Retail Class B: Shares Issued -- -- -- 309 -- 2,436 -- Shares Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions -- -- -- 4 -- 25 -- Shares Redeemed -- -- -- (29) -- (72) -- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Total Retail Class B Share Transactions -- -- -- 284 -- 2,389 -- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets from Shareholder Transactions (6,456) 1,320 4,194 41,879 71,719 21,860 14,774 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets (8,077) 1,081 5,523 36,142 82,125 35,869 28,781 36,265 Net Assets: Beginning of period 265,646 264,565 259,042 329,193 247,068 111,932 83,151 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- End of period $257,569 $265,646 $264,565 $365,335 $329,193 $147,801 $111,932 ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== Shares Issued and Redeemed: Institutional Class: Shares Issued 3,103 618 7,072 6,702 9,322 1,998 1,229 Shares Issued in Conjunction with Acquisition of the Ark Stock Portfolio -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Shares Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 436 77 529 1,311 1,072 529 848 Shares Redeemed (4,418) (564) (7,146) (4,115) (3,679) (1,756) (1,497) -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Total Institutional Class share Transactions (879) 131 455 3,898 6,715 771 580 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Retail Class A: Shares Issued 247 3 -- 266 387 900 716 Shares Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 4 -- -- 39 32 94 110 Shares Redeemed (25) -- -- (129) (167) (291) (224) -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Total Retail Class A share Transactions 226 3 -- 176 252 703 602 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Retail Class B: Shares Issued -- -- -- 30 -- 173 -- Shares Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions -- -- -- 1 -- 2 -- Shares Redeemed -- -- -- (3) -- (5) -- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Total Retail Class B share Transactions -- -- -- 28 -- 170 -- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Net Increase (Decrease) in share Transactions (653) 134 455 4,102 6,967 1,644 1,182 ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== EQUITY INCOME VALUE EQUITY PORTFOLIO PORTFOLIO ----------------------- ------------------------------------ 5/1/98 5/1/97 5/1/98 3/1/98 3/1/97 to 4/30/99 to 4/30/98 to 4/30/99 to 4/30/98 to 2/28/98 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Operations: Net Investment Income (Loss) $ 2,169 $ 2,547 $ 3,425 $ 652 $ 6,834 Net Realized Gain (Loss) on Investments 1,092 9,065 54,074 5,752 80,123 Net Change in Unrealized Appreciati (Depreciation) on Investments 580 15,858 (2,152) 19,421 71,490 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- from Operations 3,841 27,470 55,347 25,825 158,447 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Net Investment Income Institutional Class (2,101) (2,505) (3,675) (512) (6,768) Retail Class A (68) (43) (12) -- -- Retail Class B -- -- -- -- -- Institutional II Class -- -- -- -- -- Net Capital Gains Institutional Class (5,723) (9,335) (29,764) (1,196) (59,362) Retail Class A (208) (225) (110) -- -- Retail Class B -- -- (1) -- -- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Total Distributions (8,100) (12,108) (33,562) (1,708) (66,130) -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Institutional Class: Shares Issued 4,716 9,302 18,207 6,964 81,207 Shares Issued in Conjunction with Acquisition of the Ark Stock Portfolio -- -- -- 44,621 -- Shares Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 5,770 9,363 31,209 765 32,139 Shares Redeemed (11,908) (11,250) (179,386) (8,420) (169,398) -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Total Institutional Class Share Transactions (1,422) 7,415 (129,970) 43,93 (56,052) -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Retail Class A: Shares Issued 961 3,410 3,997 228 -- Shares Issued in Lieu of Distributions 270 267 63 -- -- Shares Redeemed (858) (330) (917) -- -- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Total Retail Class A Share Transactions 373 3,347 3,143 228 -- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Retail Class B: Shares Issued -- -- 156 -- -- Shares Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions -- -- 1 -- -- Shares Redeemed -- -- -- -- -- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Total Retail Class B Share Transactions -- -- 157 -- -- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets from Shareholder Transactions (1,049) 10,762 (126,670) 44,158 (56,052) -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets (5,308) 26,124 (104,885) 68,275 36,265 Net Assets: Beginning of period 110,071 83,947 645,429 577,154 540,889 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- End of period $104,763 $110,071 $540,544 $645,429 $577,154 ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== Shares Issued and Redeemed: Institutional Class: Shares Issued 399 767 1,284 470 6,184 Shares Issued in Conjunction with Acquisition of the Ark Stock Portfolio -- -- -- 3,061 -- Shares Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 498 810 2,260 53 2,486 Shares Redeemed (1,018) (930) (12,501) (586) (12,877) -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Total Institutional Class share Transactions (121) 647 (8,957) 2,998 (4,207) -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Retail Class A: Shares Issued 80 278 279 16 -- Shares Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions 23 23 5 -- -- Shares Redeemed (73) (27) (66) -- -- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Total Retail Class A share Transactions 30 274 218 16 -- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Retail Class B: Shares Issued -- -- 11 -- -- Shares Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions -- -- -- -- -- Shares Redeemed -- -- -- -- -- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Total Retail Class B share Transactions -- -- 11 -- -- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Net Increase (Decrease) in share Transactions (91) 921 (8,728) 3,014 (4,207) ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 116 119 STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS (000) FOR THE YEAR OR PERIOD INDICATED EQUITY INDEX BLUE CHIP EQUITY CAPITAL GROWTH MID-CAP EQUITY SMALL-CAP EQUITY INTERNATIONAL EQUITY PORTFOLIO PORTFOLIO PORTFOLIO PORTFOLIO PORTFOLIO SELECTION PORTFOLIO - ----------------- ------------------- ------------------ ----------------- ----------------- --------------------------- 5/1/98 10/1/97 5/1/98 5/1/97 5/1/98 5/1/97 5/1/98 5/1/97 5/1/98 5/1/97 5/1/98 3/1/98 4/1/97 to to to to to to to to to to to to to 4/30/99 4/30/98 4/30/99 4/30/98 4/30/99 4/30/98 4/30/99 4/30/98 4/30/99 4/30/98 4/30/99 4/30/99 2/28/98 - ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- $ 801 $ 283 $ 807 $ 671 $ (93) $00,041 $ 24 $ 123 $ (135) $ (64) $ 369 $ (34) $ 652 1,263 420 4,389 3,473 4,150 6,670 5,867 4,248 4,402 4,416 1,446 48 1,296 14,031 5,405 25,069 21,036 19,500 11,791 (961) 10,632 (1,611) 4,818 (3,646) 2,20 2,674 - ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- 16,095 6,108 30,265 25,180 23,557 18,502 4,930 15,003 2,656 9,170 (1,831) 2,21 4,622 - ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- (763) (242) (613) (448) -- (113) (30) (129) -- -- (350) -- (931) (24) (3) (233) (202) -- (14) -- -- -- -- (11) -- -- -- -- (1) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- (765) -- (2,118) (302) (2,133) (5,271) (2,330) (2,376) (732) (1,266) (573) -- (746) (26) -- (1,065) -- (549) -- -- -- (57) -- (20) -- -- -- -- (15) (186) (9) (1,458) -- -- -- (93) -- -- -- - ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- (1,578) (245) (4,045) (1,138) (2,691) (6,856) (2,360) (2,505) (789) (1,359) (954) -- (1,677) - ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- 36,359 40,712 55,745 19,277 34,103 14,093 12,969 19,182 4,108 4,789 6,844 3,794 50,153 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1,408 240 2,439 541 2,133 5,377 2,343 2,415 689 1,198 863 -- 1,439 (10,344) (1,184) (13,286) (3,952) (13,384) (12,745) (9,514) (5,874) (3,317) (3,721) (22,764) (360) (18,679) - ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- 27,423 39,768 44,898 15,866 22,852 6,725 5,798 15,723 1,480 2,266 (15,057) 3,434 32,913 - ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- 3,230 1,420 12,673 25,471 6,681 7,125 -- -- 587 541 1,486 13 -- 50 4 1,265 388 538 1,472 -- -- 57 93 31 -- -- (283) (107) (8,656) (4,308) (2,746) (1,717) -- -- (406) (307) (16) -- -- - ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- 2,997 1,317 5,282 21,551 4,473 6,880 -- -- 238 327 1,501 13 -- - ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -- -- 2,968 -- 2,136 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 16 -- 8 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- (91) -- (112) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -- -- 2,893 -- 2,032 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- 30,420 41,085 53,073 37,417 29,357 13,605 5,798 15,723 1,718 2,593 (13,556) 3,447 32,913 - ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- 44,937 46,948 79,293 61,459 50,223 25,251 8,368 28,221 3,585 10,404 (16,341) 5,665 35,858 46,948 -- 110,360 48,901 65,016 39,765 55,280 27,059 29,225 18,821 41,523 35,858 -- - ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- $91,885 $46,948 $189,653 $110,360 $115,239 $65,016 $63,648 $55,280 $32,810 $29,225 $25,182 $41,523 $35,858 ======= ======= ======== ======== ======== ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= 3,026 4,019 3,145 1,297 2,106 1,020 961 1,536 369 449 631 333 4,943 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 115 22 139 36 131 433 177 200 63 124 83 -- 140 (804) (111) (741) (270) (822) (923) (726) (480) (324) (345) (2,199) (32) (1,777) - ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- 2,337 3,930 2,543 1,063 1,415 530 412 1,256 108 228 (1,485) 301 3,306 - ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- 255 132 721 1,746 410 504 -- -- 53 50 132 1 -- 4 -- 72 26 33 119 -- -- 5 10 3 -- -- (22) (10) (501) (289) (175) (123) -- -- (36) (29) (2) -- -- - ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- 237 122 292 1,483 268 500 -- -- 22 31 133 1 -- - ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -- -- 163 -- 122 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- (5) -- (6) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -- -- 159 -- 116 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- 2,574 4,052 2,994 2,546 1,799 1,030 412 1,256 130 259 (1,352) 302 3,306 ======= ======= ======== ======== ======== ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= 117 120 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS FOR A SHARE OUTSTANDING THROUGHOUT THE YEAR OR PERIOD INDICATED REALIZED AND DISTRIBU- DISTRIBU- NET ASSET UNREALIZED TIONS TIONS VALUE, NET GAINS OR FROM NET FROM NET ASSET TOTAL BEGINNING INVESTMENT (LOSSES) ON INVESTMENT CAPITAL VALUE, END RETURN OF PERIOD INCOME INVESTMENTS INCOME GAINS OF PERIOD (A) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ----------------------- MONEY MARKET PORTFOLIO - ----------------------- INSTITUTIONAL CLASS 1999 $1.00 0.05 -- (0.05) -- $1.00 5.17% 1998 1.00 0.05 -- (0.05) -- 1.00 5.55 1997 1.00 0.05 -- (0.05) -- 1.00 5.36 1996 1.00 0.06 -- (0.06) -- 1.00 5.78 1995 1.00 0.05 -- (0.05) -- 1.00 5.13 RETAIL CLASS A 1999 $1.00 0.05 -- (0.05) -- $1.00 4.91% 1998 1.00 0.05 -- (0.05) -- 1.00 5.25 1997 1.00 0.05 -- (0.05) -- 1.00 5.03 1996 1.00 0.05 -- (0.05) -- 1.00 5.44 1995 (2) 1.00 0.05 -- (0.05) -- 1.00 4.69 RETAIL CLASS B 1999 (3 $1.00 0.01 -- (0.01) -- $1.00 3.86%* INSTITUTIONAL II CLASS 1999 $1.00 0.05 -- (0.05) -- $1.00 5.11% 1998 1.00 0.05 -- (0.05) -- 1.00 5.47 1997 1.00 0.05 -- (0.05) -- 1.00 5.25 1996(4) 1.00 0.04 -- (0.04) -- 1.00 4.33+ - -------------------------------- TAX-FREE MONEY MARKET PORTFOLIO - -------------------------------- INSTITUTIONAL CLASS 1999 $1.00 0.03 -- (0.03) -- $1.00 2.99% 1998 1.00 0.03 -- (0.03) -- 1.00 3.45 1997 1.00 0.03 -- (0.03) -- 1.00 3.29 1996 1.00 0.04 -- (0.04) -- 1.00 3.61 1995(1) 1.00 0.03 -- (0.03) -- 1.00 3.24 RETAIL CLASS A 1999 $1.00 0.03 -- (0.03) -- $1.00 2.74% 1998 1.00 0.03 -- (0.03) -- 1.00 3.16 1997 1.00 0.03 -- (0.03) -- 1.00 3.01 1996 1.00 0.03 -- (0.03) -- 1.00 3.53 1995(5) 1.00 0.03 -- (0.03) -- 1.00 2.74 INSTITUTIONAL II CLASS 1999 $1.00 0.03 -- (0.03) -- $1.00 2.94% 1998 1.00 0.03 -- (0.03) -- 1.00 3.37 1997 1.00 0.03 -- (0.03) -- 1.00 3.19 1996(6) 1.00 0.02 -- (0.02) -- 1.00 2.62+ - --------------------------------------- U.S. GOVERNMENT MONEY MARKET PORTFOLIO - --------------------------------------- INSTITUTIONAL CLASS 1999 $1.00 0.05 -- (0.05) -- $1.00 5.00% 1998 1.00 0.05 -- (0.05) -- 1.00 5.42 1997 1.00 0.05 -- (0.05) -- 1.00 5.22 1996 1.00 0.05 -- (0.05) -- 1.00 5.64 1995(1) 1.00 0.05 -- (0.05) -- 1.00 5.00 RETAIL CLASS A 1999 $1.00 0.05 -- (0.05) -- $1.00 4.75% 1998(7) 1.00 0.04 -- (0.04) -- 1.00 5.19* INSTITUTIONAL II CLASS 1999 $1.00 0.05 -- (0.05) -- $1.00 4.95% 1998 1.00 0.05 -- (0.05) -- 1.00 5.33 1997 1.00 0.05 -- (0.05) -- 1.00 5.12 1996(6) 1.00 0.04 -- (0.04) -- 1.00 4.11+ RATIO RATIO OF NET OF EXPENSES RATIO OF INVESTMENT TO AVERAGE NET ASSETS EXPENSES INCOME NET ASSETS END OF TO AVERAGE TO AVERAGE (EXCLUDING PERIOD(000) NET ASSETS NET ASSETS WAIVERS) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------- MONEY MARKET PORTFOLIO - ----------------------- INSTITUTIONAL CLASS 1999 $ 527,132 0.38% 5.01% 0.60% 1998 226,439 0.33 5.41 0.50 1997 318,919 0.28 5.23 0.43 1996 348,343 0.25 5.62 0.44 1995 277,859 0.20 5.13 0.46 RETAIL CLASS A 1999 $ 246,496 0.62% 4.79% 0.85% 1998 188,048 0.62 5.13 0.85 1997 128,693 0.59 4.92 0.83 1996 104,703 0.58 5.25 0.77 1995 (2) 51,081 0.45 4.88 0.97 RETAIL CLASS B 1999 (3 $ 22 1.30%* 3.76%* 1.44%* INSTITUTIONAL II CLASS 1999 $ 229,046 0.43% 4.97% 0.57% 1998 82,293 0.41 5.33 0.55 1997 62,960 0.38 5.14 0.53 1996(4) 28,790 0.36* 5.37* 0.55* - -------------------------------- TAX-FREE MONEY MARKET PORTFOLIO - -------------------------------- INSTITUTIONAL CLASS 1999 $ 77,896 0.36% 2.95% 0.60% 1998 90,446 0.32 3.39 0.51 1997 69,091 0.28 3.23 0.44 1996 74,739 0.22 3.54 0.45 1995(1) 64,112 0.22 3.21 0.47 RETAIL CLASS A 1999 $ 33,509 0.60% 2.66% 0.85% 1998 25,144 0.61 3.11 0.86 1997 16,495 0.55 2.97 0.84 1996 16,179 0.34 3.33 0.90 1995(5) 2,491 0.75 2.68 2.94 INSTITUTIONAL II CLASS 1999 $ 43,575 0.41% 2.87% 0.57% 1998 29,474 0.40 3.31 0.56 1997 16,727 0.38 3.14 0.54 1996(6) 9,387 0.33* 3.35* 0.58* - -------------------------------------- U.S. GOVERNMENT MONEY MARKET PORTFOLIO - -------------------------------------- INSTITUTIONAL CLASS 1999 $1,428,064 0.40% 4.86% 0.59% 1998 1,285,840 0.35 5.29 0.49 1997 1,250,778 0.32 5.10 0.43 1996 1,043,758 0.31 5.45 0.44 1995(1) 651,113 0.25 5.09 0.47 RETAIL CLASS A 1999 $ 104,037 0.64% 4.62% 0.84% 1998(7) 78,265 0.67* 4.98* 0.87* INSTITUTIONAL II CLASS 1999 $ 142,144 0.45% 4.76% 0.56% 1998 91,629 0.44 5.21 0.55 1997 37,284 0.42 5.01 0.53 1996(6) 17,027 0.41* 5.25* 0.56* The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 118 121 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS FOR A SHARE OUTSTANDING THROUGHOUT THE YEAR OR PERIOD INDICATED REALIZED AND DISTRIBU- DISTRIBU- NET ASSET UNREALIZED TIONS TIONS VALUE, NET GAINS OR FROM NET FROM NET ASSET TOTAL BEGINNING INVESTMENT (LOSSES) ON INVESTMENT CAPITAL VALUE, END RETURN OF PERIOD INCOME INVESTMENTS INCOME GAINS OF PERIOD (A) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------- U.S. TREASURY MONEY MARKET PORTFOLIO - ----------------------------------- INSTITUTIONAL CLASS 1999 $ 1.00 0.04 -- (0.04) -- $ 1.00 4.58% 1998 1.00 0.05 -- (0.05) -- 1.00 5.08 1997 1.00 0.05 -- (0.05) -- 1.00 5.00 1996 1.00 0.05 -- (0.05) -- 1.00 5.32 1995(1) 1.00 0.05 -- (0.05) -- 1.00 4.60 RETAIL CLASS A 1999 $ 1.00 0.04 -- (0.04) -- $ 1.00 4.33% 1998 1.00 0.05 -- (0.05) -- 1.00 4.77 1997 1.00 0.05 -- (0.05) -- 1.00 4.71 1996(8) 1.00 0.02 -- (0.02) -- 1.00 1.82+ INSTITUTIONAL II CLASS 1999 $ 1.00 0.04 -- (0.04) -- $ 1.00 4.53% 1998 1.00 0.05 -- (0.05) -- 1.00 4.99 1997 1.00 0.05 -- (0.05) -- 1.00 4.89 1996(6) 1.00 0.04 -- (0.04) -- 1.00 3.87+ - ------------------------------ SHORT-TERM TREASURY PORTFOLIO - ------------------------------ INSTITUTIONAL CLASS 1999 $10.05 0.48 0.03 (0.48) (0.05) $10.03 5.24% 1998 9.96 0.53 0.10 (0.53) (0.01) 10.05 6.48 1997 9.96 0.50 -- (0.49) (0.01) 9.96 5.13 1996(9) 10.00 0.06 (0.04) (0.06) -- 9.96 0.16+ RETAIL CLASS A 1999 $10.05 0.47 0.03 (0.47) (0.05) $10.03 5.04% 1998 9.96 0.52 0.09 (0.51) (0.01) 10.05 6.23 1997(10) 9.95 0.27 0.03 (0.28) (0.01) 9.96 3.39+ - --------------------------- SHORT-TERM BOND PORTFOLIO - --------------------------- INSTITUTIONAL CLASS 1999 $ 9.95 0.51 (0.01) (0.51) -- $ 9.94 5.15% 1998 9.96 0.09 (0.01) (0.09) -- 9.95 0.82+ 1998++ 9.95 0.57 0.01 (0.57) -- 9.96 5.98 1997++(11) 10.00 0.49 (0.05) (0.49) -- 9.95 4.49+ - ---------------------------- MARYLAND TAX-FREE PORTFOLIO - ---------------------------- INSTITUTIONAL CLASS 1999 $10.14 0.45 0.14 (0.45) (0.07) $10.21 5.86% 1998 9.87 0.47 0.33 (0.47) (0.06) 10.14 8.15 1997(12) 10.00 0.22 (0.13) (0.22) -- 9.87 0.89+ RETAIL CLASS A 1999 $10.14 0.43 0.14 (0.43) (0.07) $10.21 5.69% 1998 9.87 0.44 0.34 (0.45) (0.06) 10.14 7.91 1997(13) 9.96 0.13 (0.07) (0.15) -- 9.87 0.63+ - -------------------------------- PENNSYLVANIA TAX-FREE PORTFOLIO - -------------------------------- INSTITUTIONAL CLASS 1999 $10.14 0.41 0.15 (0.41) (0.06) $10.23 5.56% 1998 10.28 0.07 (0.14) (0.07) -- 10.14 (0.66)+ 1998++ 10.09 0.40 0.19 (0.40) -- 10.28 6.68 1997++(11) 10.00 0.40 0.09 (0.40) -- 10.09 5.03+ RETAIL CLASS A 1999 $10.13 0.39 0.15 (0.39) (0.06) $10.22 5.39% 1998 (14) 10.26 0.04 (0.13) (0.04) -- 10.13 (0.94)+ RATIO RATIO OF NET OF EXPENSES RATIO OF INVESTMENT TO AVERAGE NET ASSETS EXPENSES INCOME NET ASSETS PORTFOLIO END OF TO AVERAGE TO AVERAGE (EXCLUDING TURNOVER PERIOD(000) NET ASSETS NET ASSETS WAIVERS) RATE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------- U.S. TREASURY MONEY MARKET PORTFOLIO - ------------------------------------- INSTITUTIONAL CLASS 1999 $289,930 0.45% 4.47% 0.59% -- 1998 262,687 0.40 4.96 0.48 -- 1997 225,924 0.37 4.88 0.43 -- 1996 275,259 0.36 5.18 0.45 -- 1995(1) 221,069 0.38 4.59 0.47 -- RETAIL CLASS A 1999 $ 19,632 0.69% 4.31% 0.84% -- 1998 35,302 0.70 4.66 0.85 -- 1997 13,673 0.64 4.62 0.83 -- 1996(8) 8,758 0.55* 4.71* 0.86* -- INSTITUTIONAL II CLASS 1999 $139,253 0.50% 4.39% 0.56% -- 1998 94,844 0.48 4.88 0.54 -- 1997 63,496 0.47 4.79 0.53 -- 1996(6) 47,220 0.47* 4.98* 0.55* -- - ------------------------------ SHORT-TERM TREASURY PORTFOLIO - ------------------------------ INSTITUTIONAL CLASS 1999 $ 34,088 0.63% 4.79% 0.72% 70.64% 1998 24,929 0.55 5.26 0.60 124.24 1997 21,563 0.55 5.11 0.60 147.86 1996(9) 18,823 0.55* (0.55)* 0.60* -- RETAIL CLASS A 1999 $ 14,006 0.82% 4.61% 1.12% 70.64% 1998 14,410 0.78 5.02 1.07 124.24 1997(10) 22,937 0.67* 5.07* 0.91* 147.86 - --------------------------- SHORT-TERM BOND PORTFOLIO - --------------------------- INSTITUTIONAL CLASS 1999 $111,127 0.97% 5.14% 1.11% 91.22% 1998 131,669 0.97* 5.14* 1.16* 108.18 1998++ 133,544 0.82 5.78 1.01 135.00 1997++(11) 146,178 0.90* 5.47* 1.08 112.00 - ---------------------------- MARYLAND TAX-FREE PORTFOLIO - ---------------------------- INSTITUTIONAL CLASS 1999 $ 95,046 0.76% 4.35% 0.99% 30.83% 1998 83,215 0.68 4.62 0.77 22.40 1997(12) 79,608 0.67* 4.95* 0.72* 11.13 RETAIL CLASS A 1999 $ 32,395 0.93% 4.18% 1.29% 30.83% 1998 25,283 0.90 4.39 1.15 22.40 1997(13) 7,997 0.91* 4.70* 1.10* 11.13 - -------------------------------- PENNSYLVANIA TAX-FREE PORTFOLIO - -------------------------------- INSTITUTIONAL CLASS 1999 $224,480 0.92% 4.01% 1.00% 43.46% 1998 215,182 0.84* 3.84* 0.91* 3.50 1998++ 195,322 0.80 4.43 1.00 57.00 1997++(11) 221,393 0.83* 4.41* 1.02* 86.00 RETAIL CLASS A 1999 $ 3,820 1.10% 3.84% 1.30% 43.46% 1998 (14) 2,577 1.01* 3.72* 1.24* 3.50 + Returns are for the period indicated and have not been annualized. ++ Period ended February 28. See Note 9 of Notes to Financial Statements regarding fund mergers. * Annualized. (A) Total return for the retail class does not include the one-time sales charge. (1) Commenced operations on June 14, 1993. (2) Commenced operations on March 2, 1994. (3) Commenced operations on January 22, 1999. (4) Commenced operations on July 21, 1995. (5) Commenced operations on March 15, 1994. (6) Commenced operations on July 28, 1995. (7) Commenced operations on July 7, 1997. (8) Commenced operations on December 15, 1995. (9) Commenced operations on March 20, 1996. (10) Commenced operations on September 9, 1996. (11) Commenced operations on April 1, 1996. (12) Commenced operations on November 18, 1996. (13) Commenced operations on January 2, 1997. (14) Commenced operations on March 23, 1998. (15) Commenced operations on July 16, 1993. (16) Commenced operations on April 12, 1994. (17) Commenced operations on September 14, 1998. (18) Commenced operations on April 1, 1998. (19) Commenced operations on March 9, 1994. (20) Commenced operations on May 9, 1997. (21) Commenced operations on October 1, 1997. (22) Commenced operations on November 3, 1997. (23) Commenced operations on May 16, 1996. (24) Commenced operations on July 31, 1998. (25) Commenced operations on July 13, 1995. (26) Commenced operations on April 1, 1997. 119 122 123 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS FOR A SHARE OUTSTANDING THROUGHOUT THE YEAR OR PERIOD INDICATED REALIZED AND DISTRIBU- DISTRIBU- NET ASSET NET UNREALIZED TIONS TIONS VALUE, INVEST- GAINS OR FROM NET FROM NET ASSET TOTAL BEGINNING MENT (LOSSES) ON INVESTMENT CAPITAL VALUE, END RETURN OF PERIOD INCOME INVESTMENTS INCOME GAINS OF PERIOD (A) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------ INTERMEDIATE FIXED INCOME PORTFOLIO - ------------------------------------ INSTITUTIONAL CLASS 1999 $10.00 0.55 (0.02) (0.55) (0.05) $ 9.93 5.40% 1998 9.80 0.60 0.23 (0.60) (0.03) 10.00 8.65 1997(12) 10.00 0.28 (0.20) (0.28) -- 9.80 0.78+ - -------------------------------- U.S. GOVERNMENT BOND PORTFOLIO - -------------------------------- INSTITUTIONAL CLASS 1999 $ 9.85 0.54 (0.07) (0.54) -- $ 9.78 4.82% 1998 9.85 0.10 -- (0.10) -- 9.85 1.02+ 1998++ 9.82 0.67 0.03 (0.67) -- 9.85 7.40 1997++(11) 10.00 0.59 (0.18) (0.59) -- 9.82 4.18+ RETAIL CLASS A 1999 $ 9.85 0.54 (0.06) (0.54) -- $ 9.79 4.93% 1998(18) 9.88 0.81 (0.03) (0.81) -- 9.85 7.86+ - ------------------- INCOME PORTFOLIO - ------------------- INSTITUTIONAL CLASS 1999 $10.25 0.59 (0.17) (0.59) -- $10.08 4.22% 1998 9.82 0.61 0.43 (0.61) -- 10.25 10.84 1997 9.80 0.59 0.02 (0.59) -- 9.82 6.51 1996 9.60 0.61 0.20 (0.61) -- 9.80 8.46 1995(15) 9.61 0.58 0.02 (0.58) (0.03) 9.60 6.53 RETAIL CLASS A 1999 $10.37 0.58 (0.16) (0.59) -- $10.20 4.08% 1998 9.94 0.58 0.44 (0.59) -- 10.37 10.47 1997 9.91 0.59 0.01 (0.57) -- 9.94 6.32 1996 9.72 0.60 0.19 (0.60) -- 9.91 8.14 1995(16) 9.62 0.55 0.05 (0.47) (0.03) 9.72 6.45 RETAIL CLASS B 1999(17) $10.40 0.35 (0.32) (0.35) -- $10.08 0.35%+ - ------------------- BALANCED PORTFOLIO - ------------------- INSTITUTIONAL CLASS 1999 $13.24 0.28 2.03 (0.28) (0.63) $14.64 18.17% 1998 11.43 0.30 3.04 (0.30) (1.23) 13.24 30.95 1997 11.38 0.33 0.53 (0.30) (0.51) 11.43 7.85 1996 10.04 0.34 1.71 (0.34) (0.37) 11.38 20.90 1995(15) 10.16 0.33 0.03 (0.29) (0.19) 10.04 3.75 RETAIL CLASS A 1999 $13.20 0.26 2.02 (0.26) (0.63) $14.59 17.97% 1998 11.40 0.27 3.04 (0.28) (1.23) 13.20 30.67 1997 11.35 0.28 0.56 (0.28) (0.51) 11.40 7.66 1996 10.04 0.31 1.68 (0.31) (0.37) 11.35 20.23 1995(19) 10.15 0.27 0.05 (0.24) (0.19) 10.04 3.33 RETAIL CLASS B 1999(17) $12.58 0.16 2.67 (0.18) (0.63) $14.60 23.13%+ - ------------------------ EQUITY INCOME PORTFOLIO - ------------------------ INSTITUTIONAL CLASS 1999 $12.52 0.25 0.22 (0.25) (0.69) $12.05 4.17% 1998 10.67 0.31 3.06 (0.31) (1.21) 12.52 33.04 1997(12) 10.00 0.12 0.67 (0.12) -- 10.67 7.88+ RETAIL CLASS A 1999 $12.52 0.23 0.21 (0.23) (0.69) $12.04 3.92% 1998(20) 11.01 0.28 2.73 (0.29) (1.21) 12.52 28.73+ - ----------------------- VALUE EQUITY PORTFOLIO - ----------------------- INSTITUTIONAL CLASS 1999 $14.59 0.08 1.36 (0.09) (0.72) $15.22 10.48% 1998 14.00 0.01 0.62 (0.01) (0.03) 14.59 4.51+ 1998++ 11.91 0.15 3.45 (0.15) (1.36) 14.00 31.64 1997++(11) 10.00 0.14 2.10 (0.14) (0.19) 11.91 22.77+ RETAIL CLASS A 1999 $14.60 0.05 1.36 (0.07) (0.72) $15.22 10.29% 1998(18) 14.55 -- 0.05 -- -- 14.60 0.34+ RETAIL CLASS B 1999(17) $12.93 0.01 2.97 (0.03) (0.72) $15.16 23.70%+ RATIO NET RATIO OF NET OF EXPENSES ASSETS RATIO OF INVESTMENT TO AVERAGE END OF EXPENSES INCOME (LOSS) NET ASSETS PORTFOLIO PERIOD TO AVERAGE TO AVERAGE (EXCLUDING TURNOVER (000) NET ASSETS NET ASSETS WAIVERS) RATE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------ INTERMEDIATE FIXED INCOME PORTFOLIO - ------------------------------------ INSTITUTIONAL CLASS 1999 $100,419 0.77% 5.49% 0.95% 52.87% 1998 84,328 0.69 6.02 0.87 41.63 1997(12) 76,326 0.68* 5.55* 0.83* 17.18 - -------------------------------- U.S. GOVERNMENT BOND PORTFOLIO - -------------------------------- INSTITUTIONAL CLASS 1999 $255,329 0.93% 5.43% 1.10% 102.27% 1998 265,616 0.88* 6.04* 1.06* 13.77 1998++ 264,565 0.79 6.88 0.98 431.00 1997++(11) 259,042 0.85* 6.54* 1.03* 255.00 RETAIL CLASS A 1999 $ 2,240 1.12% 5.11% 1.41% 102.27% 1998(18) 30 1.05* 6.02* 1.33* 13.77 - ------------------- INCOME PORTFOLIO - ------------------- INSTITUTIONAL CLASS 1999 $356,482 0.78% 5.77% 0.94% 50.41% 1998 322,304 0.73 6.05 0.77 154.87 1997 242,966 0.68 6.19 0.68 271.60 1996 180,962 0.73 6.00 0.73 107.33 1995(15) 66,441 0.74 6.15 0.74 73.00 RETAIL CLASS A 1999 $ 8,573 0.95% 5.59% 1.24% 50.41% 1998 6,889 0.95 5.82 1.16 154.87 1997 4,102 0.89 5.96 1.09 271.60 1996 4,184 1.02 5.54 1.37 107.33 1995(16) 296 1.23 5.66 27.63 73.00 RETAIL CLASS B 1999(17) $ 280 1.70%* 4.71%* 1.79%* 50.41% - ------------------- BALANCED PORTFOLIO - ------------------- INSTITUTIONAL CLASS 1999 $118,395 0.85% 2.12% 1.00% 56.70% 1998 96,858 0.79 2.44 0.83 71.58 1997 76,987 0.74 2.79 0.74 124.22 1996 102,233 0.75 3.19 0.75 107.56 1995(15) 91,039 0.77 3.32 0.77 81.00 RETAIL CLASS A 1999 $ 26,927 1.01% 1.94% 1.40% 56.70% 1998 15,074 1.02 2.20 1.33 71.58 1997 6,164 0.96 2.56 1.19 124.22 1996 3,323 1.09 2.51 1.55 107.56 1995(19) 549 1.26 2.83 5.80 81.00 RETAIL CLASS B 1999(17) $ 2,479 1.75%* 0.99%* 1.84%* 56.70% - ------------------------ EQUITY INCOME PORTFOLIO - ------------------------ INSTITUTIONAL CLASS 1999 $101,104 0.91% 2.10% 1.04% 56.03% 1998 106,643 0.84 2.58 0.97 39.88 1997(12) 83,947 0.83* 2.47* 0.93* 34.38 RETAIL CLASS A 1999 $ 3,659 1.08% 1.93% 1.44% 56.03% 1998(20) 3,428 1.07* 2.39* 1.45* 39.88 - ----------------------- VALUE EQUITY PORTFOLIO - ----------------------- INSTITUTIONAL CLASS 1999 $536,827 1.14% 0.58% 1.34% 32.21% 1998 645,202 1.08* 0.65* 1.20* 4.34 1998++ 577,154 1.00 1.17 1.20 30.00 1997++(11) 540,889 1.05* 1.48* 1.26* 37.00 RETAIL CLASS A 1999 $ 3,553 1.31% 0.29% 1.74% 32.21% 1998(18) 227 1.26* 0.62* 1.67* 4.34 RETAIL CLASS B 1999(17) $ 164 2.07%* (0.67)%* 2.20%* 32.21% The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 120 124 REALIZED AND DISTRIBU- DISTRIBU- NET ASSET UNREALIZED TIONS TIONS VALUE, NET GAINS OR FROM NET FROM NET ASSET TOTAL BEGINNING INVESTMENT (LOSSES) ON INVESTMENT CAPITAL VALUE, END RETURN OF PERIOD INCOME INVESTMENTS INCOME GAINS OF PERIOD (A) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------- EQUITY INDEX PORTFOLIO - ----------------------- INSTITUTIONAL CLASS 1999 $11.59 0.14 2.41 (0.14) (0.13) $13.87 22.37% 1998(21) 10.00 0.08 1.58 (0.07) -- 11.59 16.71+ RETAIL CLASS A 1999 $11.57 0.11 2.40 (0.11) (0.13) $13.84 22.05% 1998(22) 9.78 0.06 1.80 (0.07) -- 11.57 19.08+ - -------------------------- BLUE CHIP EQUITY PORTFOLIO - -------------------------- INSTITUTIONAL CLASS 1999 $17.01 0.10 3.41 (0.12) (0.40) $20.00 21.07% 1998 12.39 0.14 4.70 (0.13) (0.09) 17.01 39.34 1997 10.12 0.17 2.28 (0.17) (0.01) 12.39 24.41 1996(11) 10.00 -- 0.12 -- -- 10.12 1.20+ RETAIL CLASS A 1999 $16.98 0.09 3.40 (0.09) (0.40) $19.98 20.96% 1998 12.38 0.10 4.69 (0.10) (0.09) 16.98 38.93 1997(23) 10.33 0.16 2.06 (0.16) (0.01) 12.38 21.74+ RETAIL CLASS B 1999(24) $17.07 0.01 3.28 (0.03) (0.40) $19.93 19.62%+ - ------------------------ CAPITAL GROWTH PORTFOLIO - ------------------------ INSTITUTIONAL CLASS 1999 $14.90 (0.01) 4.33 -- (0.51) $18.71 29.51% 1998 11.92 0.02 4.96 (0.04) (1.96) 14.90 45.19 1997 11.60 0.11 1.41 (0.14) (1.06) 11.92 13.46 1996 10.20 0.16 2.17 (0.16) (0.77) 11.60 23.62 1995(15) 10.19 0.14 0.16 (0.11) (0.18) 10.20 3.15 RETAIL CLASS A 1999 $14.82 (0.03) 4.30 -- (0.51) $18.58 29.34% 1998 11.87 -- 4.93 (0.02) (1.96) 14.82 44.90 1997 11.56 0.09 1.41 (0.13) (1.06) 11.87 13.39 1996 10.18 0.12 2.15 (0.12) (0.77) 11.56 23.24 1995(19) 10.18 0.08 0.18 (0.08) (0.18) 10.18 2.74 RETAIL CLASS B 1999(17) $13.53 (0.04) 5.63 -- (0.51) $18.61 41.88%+ - ------------------------ MID-CAP EQUITY PORTFOLIO - ------------------------ INSTITUTIONAL CLASS 1999 $14.11 0.01 1.16 (0.01) (0.57) $14.70 8.76% 1998 10.17 0.04 4.61 (0.04) (0.67) 14.11 46.92 1997(12) 10.00 0.03 0.17 (0.03) -- 10.17 1.98+ - -------------------------- SMALL-CAP EQUITY PORTFOLIO - -------------------------- INSTITUTIONAL CLASS 1999 $11.86 (0.05) 1.17 -- (0.33) $12.65 9.89% 1998 8.53 (0.02) 3.97 -- (0.62) 11.86 47.93 1997 14.72 (0.01) (2.97) -- (3.21) 8.53 (23.43) 1996(25) 10.00 0.09 4.72 (0.09) -- 14.72 48.34+ RETAIL CLASS A 1999 $11.83 (0.07) 1.16 -- (0.33) $12.59 9.66% 1998 8.53 (0.06) 3.98 -- (0.62) 11.83 47.57 1997(23) 15.47 (0.01) (3.72) -- (3.21) 8.53 (27.14)+ - ---------------------------------------- INTERNATIONAL EQUITY SELECTION PORTFOLIO - ---------------------------------------- INSTITUTIONAL CLASS 1999 $11.51 0.10 (0.18) (0.10) (0.17) $11.16 (0.50)% 1998 10.85 -- 0.66 -- -- 11.51 6.08+ 1998++(26) 10.00 0.15 1.12 (0.23) (0.19) 10.85 12.95+ RETAIL CLASS A 1999 $11.51 0.08 (0.17) (0.09) (0.17) $11.16 (0.59)% 1998(18) 11.40 -- 0.11 -- -- 11.51 0.96+ RATIO RATIO OF NET OF EXPENSES RATIO OF INVESTMENT TO AVERAGE NET ASSETS EXPENSES INCOME NET ASSETS PORTFOLIO END OF TO AVERAGE TO AVERAGE (EXCLUDING TURNOVER PERIOD(000) NET ASSETS NET ASSETS WAIVERS) RATE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------- EQUITY INDEX PORTFOLIO - ----------------------- INSTITUTIONAL CLASS 1999 $ 86,911 0.23% 1.20% 0.61% 34.04% 1998(21) 45,531 0.20 1.43 0.62 49.56 RETAIL CLASS A 1999 $ 4,974 0.48% 0.92% 1.00% 34.04% 1998(22) 1,417 0.45* 1.02* 1.08* 49.56 - -------------------------- BLUE CHIP EQUITY PORTFOLIO - -------------------------- INSTITUTIONAL CLASS 1999 $129,720 0.91% 0.63% 1.07% 38.78% 1998 67,060 0.81 0.96 0.89 26.32 1997 35,690 0.70 1.55 0.90 46.91 1996(11) 11,456 0.65* 1.52* 1.38* 0.97 RETAIL CLASS A 1999 $ 56,771 1.07% 0.49% 1.62% 38.78% 1998 43,300 1.04 0.71 1.50 26.32 1997(23) 13,211 0.86* 1.29* 1.25* 46.91 RETAIL CLASS B 1999(24) $ 3,162 1.84%* (0.43)%* 1.94%* 38.78% - ------------------------ CAPITAL GROWTH PORTFOLIO - ------------------------ INSTITUTIONAL CLASS 1999 $ 90,042 0.94% (0.07)% 1.04% 118.46% 1998 50,615 0.84 0.13 0.88 174.55 1997 34,170 0.39 0.92 0.85 246.14 1996 39,560 0.24 1.26 0.84 578.57 1995(15) 41,170 0.74 1.35 0.85 182.00 RETAIL CLASS A 1999 $ 23,035 1.09% (0.23)% 1.44% 118.46% 1998 14,401 1.06 (0.10) 1.37 174.55 1997 5,595 0.56 0.74 1.30 246.14 1996 2,111 0.50 1.05 1.65 578.57 1995(19) 404 1.23 0.86 9.73 182.00 RETAIL CLASS B 1999(17) $ 2,162 1.87%* (1.09)%* 1.92%* 118.46% - ------------------------ MID-CAP EQUITY PORTFOLIO - ------------------------ INSTITUTIONAL CLASS 1999 $ 63,648 1.06% 0.04% 1.18% 61.81% 1998 55,280 0.97 0.31 1.06 38.30 1997(12) 27,059 0.90* 0.65* 0.95* 14.74 - -------------------------- SMALL-CAP EQUITY PORTFOLIO - -------------------------- INSTITUTIONAL CLASS 1999 $ 30,562 1.16% (0.48)% 1.23% 733.14% 1998 27,372 0.98 (0.24) 1.02 410.72 1997 17,746 0.95 (0.12) 0.95 704.41 1996(25) 33,621 0.91* 0.60* 0.91* 286.80 RETAIL CLASS A 1999 $ 2,248 1.32% (0.64)% 1.63% 733.14% 1998 1,853 1.21 (0.46) 1.36 410.72 1997(23) 1,075 1.11* (0.13)* 1.21* 704.41 - ---------------------------------------- INTERNATIONAL EQUITY SELECTION PORTFOLIO - ---------------------------------------- INSTITUTIONAL CLASS 1999 $ 23,686 0.88% 1.04% 1.04% 101.86% 1998 41,510 0.78* (0.52)* 1.22* 0.98 1998++(26) 35,858 0.75* 1.73* 1.20* 43.00 RETAIL CLASS A 1999 $ 1,496 1.05% 0.80% 1.30% 101.86% 1998(18) 13 0.96* (0.63)* 1.19* 0.98 + Returns are for the period indicated and have not been annualized. ++ Period ended February 28. See Note 9 of Notes to Financial Statements regarding fund mergers. * Annualized. (A) Total return for the retail class does not include the one-time sales charge. (1) Commenced operations on June 14, 1993. (2) Commenced operations on March 2, 1994. (3) Commenced operations on January 22, 1999. (4) Commenced operations on July 21, 1995. (5) Commenced operations on March 15, 1994. (6) Commenced operations on July 28, 1995. (7) Commenced operations on July 7, 1997. (8) Commenced operations on December 15, 1995. (9) Commenced operations on March 20, 1996. (10) Commenced operations on September 9, 1996. (11) Commenced operations on April 1, 1996. (12) Commenced operations on November 18, 1996. (13) Commenced operations on January 2, 1997. (14) Commenced operations on March 23, 1998. (15) Commenced operations on July 16, 1993. (16) Commenced operations on April 12, 1994. (17) Commenced operations on September 14, 1998. (18) Commenced operations on April 1, 1998. (19) Commenced operations on March 9, 1994. (20) Commenced operations on May 9, 1997. (21) Commenced operations on October 1, 1997. (22) Commenced operations on November 3, 1997. (23) Commenced operations on May 16, 1996. (24) Commenced operations on July 31, 1998. (25) Commenced operations on July 13, 1995. (26) Commenced operations on April 1, 1997. 121 125 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. ORGANIZATION ARK Funds (the "Fund") is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act"), as an open-end management investment company organized as a Massachusetts business trust pursuant to a Declaration of Trust dated October 22, 1992, and amended and restated on March 19, 1993. The Fund consists of twenty separate investment Portfolios: Money Market Portfolio, Tax-Free Money Market Portfolio, U.S. Government Money Market Portfolio, U.S. Treasury Money Market Portfolio (collectively, the "money market Portfolios"), Short-Term Treasury Portfolio, Short-Term Bond Portfolio, Maryland Tax-Free Portfolio, Pennsylvania Tax-Free Portfolio, Intermediate Fixed Income Portfolio, U.S. Government Bond Portfolio, Income Portfolio, Balanced Portfolio, Equity Income Portfolio, Value Equity Portfolio, Equity Index Portfolio, Blue Chip Equity Portfolio, Capital Growth Portfolio, Mid-Cap Equity Portfolio, Small-Cap Equity Portfolio and International Equity Selection Portfolio (individually, a "Portfolio" and collectively, the "Portfolios"). The Fund may issue an unlimited number of shares of each of its Portfolios. Each Portfolio (with the exception of the Intermediate Fixed Income Portfolio, Mid-Cap Equity Portfolio, and Short-Term Bond Portfolio) offers both Institutional and Retail Class A shares. The following Portfolios also offer Retail Class B shares: Income Portfolio, Balanced Portfolio, Blue Chip Equity Portfolio, Capital Growth Portfolio, Value Equity Portfolio and Money Market Portfolio (for exchange purposes only). In addition, each money market Portfolio offers Institutional II Class shares. Institutional class shares were originally offered with the commencement of each Portfolio's operations. Retail Class A shares commenced in April 1994 for the Income Portfolio; in March 1994 for the Tax-Free Money Market Portfolio, Money Market Portfolio, Balanced Portfolio and Capital Growth Portfolio; in December 1995 for the U.S. Treasury Money Market Portfolio; in May 1996 for the Blue Chip Equity Portfolio and Small-Cap Equity Portfolio; in September 1996 for the Short-Term Treasury Portfolio; in January 1997 for the Maryland Tax-Free Portfolio; in May 1997 for the Equity Income Portfolio; in July 1997 for the U.S. Government Money Market Portfolio; in November 1997 for the Equity Index Portfolio; in March 1998 for the Pennsylvania Tax-Free Portfolio; and in April 1998 for the U.S. Government Bond Portfolio, Value Equity Portfolio and International Equity Selection Portfolio. Retail Class B shares commenced in August 1998 for the Blue Chip Equity Portfolio, in September 1998 for the Income Portfolio, Balanced Portfolio and Capital Growth Portfolio, and in January 1999 for the Money Market Portfolio.Institutional II Class shares commenced in July 1995 for the U.S. Treasury Money Market Portfolio, U.S. Government Money Market Portfolio, Money Market Portfolio and Tax-Free Money Market Portfolio. Each class of shares has equal rights as to earnings, assets and voting privileges, except that each class bears different distribution and shareholder service expenses. Each class of shares has exclusive voting rights with respect to matters that affect just that class. 2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES the preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect amounts reported therein. Although actual results could differ from these estimates, any such differences are expected to be immaterial to the net assets of the Portfolios. The following is a summary of significant accounting policies followed by the Portfolios. SECURITY VALUATION -- Securities of the Portfolios are generally valued by independent pricing services. Securities listed on a securities exchange for which market quotations are readily available are valued at the last reported sale price on the principal exchange on which they are traded on the valuation date or, if there is no such reported sale on the valuation date, at the most recently quoted bid price. Unlisted securities for which market quotations are readily available are valued at the most recently quoted bid price. Debt obligations exceeding sixty days to maturity for which market quotations are readily available are valued at the most recently quoted bid price. Debt obligations with sixty days or less to maturity may be valued at their amortized cost. When market quotations are not readily available, securities are valued at fair value as determined under procedures established and approved by the Board of Trustees. As of April 30, 1999, the only Portfolio containing securities valued using these procedures was the Small-Cap Equity Portfolio. Securities valued at fair value amounted to $13,067 and have been noted in the Schedule of Investments. 122 126 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Investment securities held by the money market Portfolios are stated at their amortized cost, which approximates market value. Under the amortized cost method, any discount or premium is amortized ratably to the maturity of the security and is included in interest income. INCOME TAXES -- It is the intention of each Portfolio to qualify as a regulated investment company and to distribute all of its taxable income. Accordingly, no provision for federal income taxes is considered necessary. NET ASSET VALUE PER SHARE -- The net asset value per share of each class of each Portfolio is calculated every business day. It is computed by dividing the total assets of each class of the Portfolio,less the class-related liabilities, by the number of outstanding shares of each class of the Portfolio. CLASSES -- Class-specific expenses are borne by the applicable class. Other expenses, income and realized and unrealized gains/losses are allocated to the respective classes on the basis of relative daily net assets. ORGANIZATIONAL COSTS -- All organizational costs associated with the start-up of the Portfolios are being amortized on a straight-line basis over a period of sixty months. If any or all of the shares representing initial capital of a Portfolio are redeemed by any holder thereof prior to the end of the amortization period, the proceeds will be reduced by the unamortized organizational cost balance in the same proportion as the number of shares redeemed bears to the initial shares outstanding immediately preceding the redemption. REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS -- Securities pledged as collateral for repurchase agreements are held by the custodian bank until maturity of the repurchase agreements. Provisions of the repurchase agreements and procedures adopted by the Board of Trustees require that the market value of the collateral, including accrued interest thereon, is sufficient in the event of default by the counterparty. If the counterparty defaults and the value of the collateral declines or if the counterparty enters an insolvency proceeding, realization of the collateral by the Portfolio may be delayed or limited. SHORT SALES -- The Portfolios may sell a security that they own "short against the box" in anticipation of a decline in the market value of that security. As collateral for this transaction, the Portfolio must deposit liquid securities with the broker/dealer through which it made the short sale. A gain, limited to the price at which the Portfolio sold the security short, or a loss, the difference between the proceeds received and the market value of the security, will be recognized upon termination of the short sale. DOLLAR ROLL TRANSACTIONS -- The Income and U.S. Government Bond Portfolios engage in dollar roll transactions with respect to mortgage-related securities issued by GNMA, Fannie Mae and FHLMC. In a dollar roll transaction, a portfolio sells a mortgage-related security to a financial institution, such as a bank or broker/dealer, and simultaneously agrees to repurchase a substantially similar (i.e., same type, coupon and maturity) security from the institution at a later date at an agreed-upon price. The mortgage-related securities that are repurchased will bear the same interest rate as those sold, but generally will be collateralized by different pools of mortgages with different prepayment histories. WHEN-ISSUED PURCHASES AND FORWARD COMMITMENTS -- Each Portfolio may purchase securities on a "when-issued" basis and may purchase or sell securities on a "forward commitment" basis. These transactions, which involve a commitment by a Portfolio to purchase or sell particular securities with payment and delivery taking place at a future date (perhaps one or two months later), permit the Portfolio to lock in a price or yield on a security it owns or intends to purchase, regardless of future changes in interest rates. When-issued and forward commitment transactions involve the risk, however, that the yield obtained in a transaction (and therefore the value of the security) may be less favorable than the yield available in the market when the securities delivery takes place. The Portfolios maintain cash, U.S. Government securities, or liquid, high-grade debt obligations in an amount sufficient to meet the purchase price in a segregated account until the settlement date. No Portfolio intends to engage in when-issued purchases and forward commitments for speculative purposes. DISTRIBUTIONS -- Dividends from net investment income are declared daily and paid monthly for the money market Portfolios, the Short-Term Treasury Portfolio, Short-Term Bond Portfolio, Maryland Tax-Free Portfolio, Pennsylvania Tax-Free Portfolio, Intermediate Fixed Income Portfolio, U.S. Government Bond Portfolio and Income Portfolio. The Equity Income Portfolio declares and pays dividends monthly; the Balanced Portfolio, Value Equity Portfolio, Equity Index Portfolio, Blue Chip Equity Portfolio and Mid-Cap Equity Portfolio declare and pay dividends quarterly; and the Capital Growth Portfolio, Small-Cap Equity Portfolio, and International Equity Selection Portfolio declare and 123 127 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS pay dividends annually from net investment income. Distributions from net capital gains, if any, are declared and paid at least annually by each Portfolio. Distributions from net investment income and net realized capital gains are determined in accordance with U.S. federal income tax regulations, which may differ from those amounts determined under generally accepted accounting principles. These book/tax differences are either temporary or permanent in nature. To the extent these differences are permanent, they are charged or credited to paid-in capital in the period that the difference arises. On the Statements of Net Assets, the following adjustments were made (000): ACCUMULATED UNDISTRIBUTED NET REALIZED NET INVESTMENT PAID-IN- PORTFOLIO GAIN (LOSS) INCOME CAPITAL - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Money Market $-- $ 1 $ (1) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tax-Free Money Market -- 1 (1) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Government Money Market -- 1 (1) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Treasury Money Market -- 1 (1) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Short-Term Bond (8) 8 -- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Income -- 1 (1) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Balanced -- 2 (2) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Equity Index -- 1 (1) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Capital Growth (74) 87 (13) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Small-Cap Equity 4 40 (44) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Value Equity, Pennsylvania Tax-Free and International Equity Selection Portfolios reclassified $7,540,467, $1,106,708, and $110,332 respectively from undistributed net investment income and accumulated net realized gain on investments to paid-in-capital. These reclassifications were associated with the Marketvest Funds that were merged into the Ark Funds on March 20 and March 27, 1998. The Marketvest Funds utilized earnings and profits distributed to shareholders on redemption of shares as a part of the dividends-paid deduction for income tax purposes. These reclassifications had no effect on net assets or net asset value per share. OTHER -- Security transactions are accounted for on the date the security is purchased or sold (trade date). Net realized capital gains and losses on the sale of investment securities are determined using the identified cost method with the exception of the money market Portfolios, for which original issue discounts and purchase premiums on securities held by the Portfolios are accreted and amortized ratably to maturity using the effective interest method. Dividend income is recognized on the ex-dividend date, and interest income is recognized using the accrual method. 3. INVESTMENT ADVISORY AND ADMINISTRATIVE FEES AND OTHER TRANSACTIONS WITH AFFILIATES Allied Investment Advisors, Inc. is the investment adviser to each of the Portfolios. Allied Investment Advisors, Inc. is an affiliate of FMB Trust Company, N.A., the Custodian and Sub-Administrator of each of the Portfolios. Pursuant to an investment advisory contract on behalf of each Portfolio, Allied Investment Advisors, Inc. is entitled to receive fees for its advisory services at the annual rates shown in the following table based on the average net assets of the Portfolio. PORTFOLIO ANNUAL RATE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Money Market .25% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tax-Free Money Market .25% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Government Money Market .25% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Treasury Money Market .25% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Short-Term Treasury .35% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Short-Term Bond .75% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maryland Tax-Free .65% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pennsylvania Tax-Free .65% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Intermediate Fixed Income .60% - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Government Bond .75% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Income .60% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Balanced .65% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Equity Income .70% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Value Equity 1.00% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Equity Index .20% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blue Chip Equity .70% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Capital Growth .70% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mid-Cap Equity .80% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Small-Cap Equity .80% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- International Equity Selection .65% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Allied Investment Advisors, Inc. has agreed to waive a portion of its fees or reimburse expenses on certain Portfolios in order to limit total operating expenses of such Portfolios. The waivers are voluntary and may be discontinued at anytime. SEI Investments Mutual Funds Services (the "Administrator") serves as administrator and transfer agent for the Fund under an Administration Agreement and Transfer Agency Agreement. The Administrator is entitled to receive an annual fee of .13% of each Portfolio's average net assets, paid monthly, for services performed under the administration agreement. The 124 128 Administrator has voluntarily agreed to waive a portion of its administrative fees on certain Portfolios in order to limit total operating expenses of such Portfolios. The waiver is voluntary and may be discontinued at anytime. Pursuant to a separate agreement between FMB Trust Company, N.A. and the Administrator, FMB Trust Company, N.A. performs sub-administration services on behalf of the Portfolios, for which it receives an annual fee, paid by the Administrator, of up to .0275% of each Portfolio's net assets. 4. DISTRIBUTION PLAN AND SHAREHOLDER SERVICES PLAN The fund's Board of Trustees has adopted An Amended and Restated Distribution and Shareholder Services Plan on behalf of Retail Class A shares of each Portfolio; a Restated Distribution and Shareholder Services Plan on behalf of Retail Class B shares of the Money Market, Income, Balanced, Value Equity, Blue Chip Equity and Capital Growth Portfolios; and An Amended and Restated Distribution and Service Plan on behalf of the Institutional II Class shares of each money market Portfolio pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act. In addition, the Board of Trustees has adopted a Shareholder Services Plan on behalf of the Institutional Class shares of the Portfolios (the "Plans"). Under the Plans, SEI Investments Distribution Co. ("SIDCO") acts as Distributor for the Fund pursuant to a Distribution Agreement on behalf of each Portfolio. The Plans permit payment of up to .75% of the average net assets of the Retail Class A, Retail Class B and Institutional II Class shares of each Portfolio. The Trustees have authorized payment of a fee to SIDCO of: .25% of the average net assets of the Retail Class A shares of each of the money market Portfolios; .30% of average net assets of the Retail Class A shares of the Maryland Tax-Free Portfolio, Pennsylvania Tax-Free Portfolio, Income Portfolio, Intermediate Fixed Income Portfolio, Short-Term Bond Portfolio, and U.S. Government Bond Portfolio; .40% of average net assets of the Retail Class A shares of the Short-Term Treasury Portfolio, Balanced Portfolio, Equity Income Portfolio, Value Equity Portfolio, Capital Growth Portfolio, Small-Cap Equity Portfolio, International Equity Selection Portfolio and Equity Index Portfolio; .55% of average net assets of the Retail Class A shares of the Blue Chip Equity Portfolio; .75% of the average net assets of the Retail Class B shares of the Money Market Portfolio, Income Portfolio, Balanced Portfolio, Value Equity Portfolio, Blue Chip Equity Portfolio and Capital Growth Portfolio; and .15% of average net assets of the Institutional II Class shares of each of the money market Portfolios. SIDCO has voluntarily agreed to waive a portion of its fee on certain Portfolios in order to limit total operating expenses of such Portfolios. The waiver is voluntary and may be discontinued at anytime. The shareholder services fees paid under the Plans are to compensate qualified intermediaries for shareholder services and account maintenance. Under the respective Plans, the Retail Class A and Retail Class B shares of a Portfolio may pay an annual fee of up to .25% of the average net assets of the respective class shares attributable to their customers and the Institutional Class shares of a Portfolio may pay anannual fee of up to .15% of the average net assets of the Institutional Class shares attributable to their customers. Currently, the Trustees have approved a fee for the Retail Class A shares of .15%, a fee for the Retail Class B shares of .25%, and a fee of 0.08% of the average net assets of the Institutional Class shares of each of the money market Portfolios; 0.11% of the average net assets of the Institutional Class shares of the ARK Intermediate Fixed Income, Pennsylvania Tax-Free and U.S. Government Bond Portfolios; 0.12% of the average net assets of the Institutional Class shares of the ARK Income and Maryland Tax-Free Portfolios; and 0.14% of the average net assets of the Institutional Class shares of the ARK Balanced, Blue Chip, Capital Growth, Equity Income, International Equity Selection, Mid-Cap Equity, Small-Cap Equity and Value Equity Portfolios. In addition, a portion of the fee is being waived for the Retail Class A shares and Institutional Class shares of each Portfolio. The waiver is voluntary and may be discontinued at anytime. A contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) is imposed on certain redemptions of Retail Class B shares. The CDSC varies depending on the number of years from the time of payment for the purchase of Retail Class B shares until the redemption of such shares. YEARS CONTINGENT DEFERRED PURCHASES MADE SALES CHARGE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First 5% Second 4% Third 3% Fourth 3% Fifth 2% Sixth 1% Seventh and Following None 125 129 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENT 5. INVESTMENT TRANSACTIONS The cost of securities purchased and the proceeds from the sale of securities, other than short-term investments, during the year ended April 30, 1999, were as follows: PURCHASES SALES PORTFOLIO (000) (000) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Short-Term Treasury $ 36,572 $ 29,896 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Short-Term Bond 88,677 104,354 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maryland Tax-Free 51,299 35,274 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pennsylvania Tax-Free 102,257 94,627 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Intermediate Fixed Income 53,233 41,305 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ U.S. Government Bond 239,949 243,830 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Income 160,029 167,366 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Balanced 80,102 64,728 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Equity Income 55,651 57,790 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Value Equity 182,844 299,150 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Equity Index 51,852 22,629 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Blue Chip Equity 100,518 51,621 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Capital Growth 121,912 97,035 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mid-Cap Equity 38,210 34,551 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Small-Cap Equity 189,426 187,412 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ International Equity Selection 34,668 46,477 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For federal income tax purposes, the cost of securities owned at April 30, 1999, was not materially different from the amounts reported for financial reporting purposes. The aggregate gross unrealized appreciation and depreciation of securities at April 30, 1999, for each Portfolio is as follows: NET UNREALIZED APPRECIATED DEPRECIATED APPRECIATION/ SECURITIES SECURITIES (DEPRECIATION) PORTFOLIO (000) (000) (000) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Short-Term Treasury $ 195 $ (177) $ 18 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Short-Term Bond 442 (583) (141) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maryland Tax-Free 4,920 (251) 4,669 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pennsylvania Tax-Free 6,938 (801) 6,137 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Intermediate Fixed Income 1,153 (791) 362 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Government Bond 1,026 (2,985) (1,959) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Income 5,534 (2,951) 2,583 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Balanced 37,549 (3,221) 34,328 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Equity Income 30,882 (1,835) 29,047 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Value Equity 213,584 (11,450) 202,134 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Equity Index 22,049 (2,613) 19,436 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blue Chip Equity 52,519 (1,098) 51,421 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Capital Growth 36,952 (1,885) 35,067 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mid-Cap Equity 19,947 (3,605) 16,342 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Small-Cap Equity 3,115 (1,272) 1,843 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- International Equity Selection 1,468 (235) 1,233 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At April 30, 1999, the following Portfolios had capital loss carryforwards and post-October losses: CAPITAL LOSS POST CARRYFORWARD OCTOBER 31, 1998 AMOUNT EXPIRATION DEFERRED LOSSES PORTFOLIO (000) DATE (000) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Money Market $ 6 2005 $-- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Government 25 2005 -- Money Market 5 2006 -- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Government 724 2005 357 Bond 919 2006 -- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. SECURITIES LENDING TRANSACTIONS In order to generate additional income, certain Portfolios may lend portfolio securities representing up to one-third of the value of total assets (which includes collateral received for securities on loan) to broker/ dealers, banks or other institutional borrowers of securities. As with other extensions of credit, there may be risks of delay in recovery of the securities or even loss of rights in the collateral should the borrower of the security fail financially. The market value of the securities on loan at April 30, 1999, income generated from the program during the year ended April 30, 1999, the collateral purchased with cash received and held at April 30, 1999, with respect to such loans were as follows (000): INCOME RECEIVED MARKET VALUE OF FROM SECURITIES PORTFOLIO LOANED SECURITIES LENDING - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Short-Term Bond 10,438 $ 20 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Intermediate Fixed Income 10,509 19 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Government Bond 37,667 52 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Income $62,753 108 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Money Other Fixed Collateral Repurchase Market Income Portfolio Agreements Instruments Securities Cash Total - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Short-Term Bond $ 3,830 $ 29 $ 6,000 $ 67 $ 9,926 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Intermediate Fixed Income 4,000 37 7,000 168 11,205 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Government Bond 10,000 50 28,860 340 39,250 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Income 34,000 172 32,401 354 66,927 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 126 130 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 7. CONCENTRATION OF CREDIT RISK The Maryland Tax-Free Portfolio and Pennsylvania Tax-Free Portfolio invest in debt instruments of municipal issuers. Although these Portfolios monitor investment concentration, the issuers' ability to meet their obligations may be affected by economic developments in a specific state or region. The Maryland Tax-Free Portfolio and Pennsylvania Tax-Free Portfolio invest in securities that include revenue bonds and general obligation bonds. At April 30, 1999, the percentage of portfolio investments by each revenue source was as follows: MARYLAND PENNSYLVANIA TAX-FREE PORTFOLIO TAX-FREE PORTFOLIO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REVENUE BONDS: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Education 12% 16% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Health Care 24 19 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transportation 6 5 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Utility 6 6 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Housing 2 3 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Facility 4 6 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Industrial -- 14 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other 4 5 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL OBLIGATIONS 42 26 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100% 100% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. FUND MERGERS On July 24, 1998, the assets of the ARK International Equity Portfolio were reorganized into the Govett International Equity Fund, a portfolio of The Govett Funds, Inc. Under the Agreement and Plan of Reorganization, 518,552 Institutional Class shares of the ARK International Equity Portfolio were exchanged for 464,675 Institutional Class shares of the Govett International Equity Fund in a tax-free exchange. The activity of the ARK International Equity Portfolio for the period May 1, 1998 to July 24, 1998, has not been reflected in these financial statements. The following ARK Portfolios were established in 1998 for the purpose of acquiring the net assets of Marketvest Funds, and on March 20, 1998, and March 27, 1998, the following Marketvest Funds were reorganized into the ARK Funds pursuant to such Agreement and Plan of Reorganization approved by the Marketvest shareholders. ARK ACQUIRING PORTFOLIO MARKETVEST ACQUIRED FUND - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Short-Term Bond Short-Term Bond U.S. Government Intermediate U.S. Government Bond Bond Value Equity Equity International Equity Selection International Equity - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Under the Agreement and Plan of Reorganization, the Marketvest Funds shares were exchanged for Institutional shares of the ARK Funds in a tax-free exchange. The value of net assets acquired, number of shares issued, and unrealized appreciation acquired were as follows: VALUE OF NET NUMBER OF UNREALIZED PORTFOLIOS ASSETS ACQUIRED SHARES ISSUE APPRECIATION - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Short-Term Bond $134,474,724 13,484,762 $ 483,752 U.S. Government Bond 265,737,020 26,918,180 170,754 Value Equity 596,269,138 41,299,581 186,298,370 International Equity Selection 38,578,490 3,365,077 4,755,196 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In addition, on March 20, 1998, the assets of the Marketvest Pennsylvania Intermediate Municipal Bond Fund were reorganized into the ARK Pennsylvania Tax-Free Portfolio. Under the Agreement and Plan of Reorganization, 18,933,932 shares of the Marketvest Pennsylvania Intermediate Municipal Bond Fund were exchanged for 18,933,932 Institutional shares of the ARK Pennsylvania Tax-Free Portfolio in a tax-free exchange. The value of the Marketvest Pennsylvania Tax-Exempt Fund's net assets combined on March 20, 1998, prior to the merger was $194,492,162. The net assets of the Portfolio immediately after the acquisition were $221,880,784. In each of the acquisitions of the net assets of the Marketvest Funds described above, the surviving entity for accounting and performance purposes was the applicable Marketvest Fund. On April 24, 1998, the net assets of the ARK Stock Portfolio were reorganized into the ARK Value Equity Portfolio. Under the Agreement and Plan of Reorganization, 4,114,786 Institutional Class shares of the ARK Stock Portfolio were exchanged for 3,061,378 Institutional Class shares of the ARK Value Equity Portfolio in a tax-free exchange. The value of the ARK Stock Portfolio's net assets combined with those of the ARK Value Equity Portfolio on April 24, 1998, was $44,621,448. The net assets of the Portfolio immediately after the acquisition was $644,230,476. The surviving entity for accounting and performance purposes was the ARK Value Equity Portfolio. 127 131 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 9. SHAREHOLDER VOTING RESULTS (UNAUDITED) At a shareholder meeting held on July 24, 1998, the shareholders of the ARK International Equity Portfolio voted to approve an Agreement and Plan of Reorganization between the ARK International Equity Portfolio and the Govett International Equity Fund. The results of the voting were as follows: INTERNATIONAL EQUITY PORTFOLIO - --------------------------------- % OF SHARES % OF SHARES SHARES VOTED VOTED OUTSTANDING ------------ ----- ----------- FOR 474,354 99.96% 88.35% AGAINST 173 0.04% 0.03% ABSTAIN 0 0.00% 0.00% 10. YEAR 2000 RISK (UNAUDITED) The Portfolios depend on the smooth functioning of computer systems in almost every aspect of their business. Like other mutual funds, businesses and individuals around the world, the Portfolios could be adversely affected if the computer systems used by their service providers do not properly process dates on and after January 1, 2000, and do not distinguish between the year 2000 and the year 1900. The Portfolios have asked their mission critical service providers whether they expect to have their computer systems adjusted for the year 2000 transition, and have sought and received assurances from such service providers that they are devoting significant resources to prevent material adverse consequences to the Portfolios. While such assurances have been received, the Portfolios and their shareholders may experience losses if these assurances prove to be incorrect or as a result of year 2000 computer difficulties experienced by issuers of portfolio securities or third parties, such as custodians, banks, broker-dealers or others with which the Portfolios do business. NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS (UNAUDITED) For the fiscal year ended April 30, 1999, each Portfolio is designating the following items with regard to distributions paid during the year. LONG TERM (20% RATE) ORDINARY CAPITAL GAINS INCOME TAX-EXEMPT DISTRIBUTIONS DISTRIBUTIONS INCOME QUALIFYING FOREIGN PORTFOLIO (TAX BASIS) (TAX BASIS) DISTRIBUTION TOTAL DIVIDENDS(1) TAX CREDIT - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tax-Free Money Market 0% 0% 100% 100% 0% 0% - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Short-Term Bond 0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 0% - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maryland Tax-Free 8% 5% 87% 100% 0% 0% - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pennsylvania Tax-Free 13% 0% 87% 100% 0% 0% - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Government Bond 0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 0% - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Value Equity 89% 11% 0% 100% 99% 0% - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- International Equity Selection 55% 45 0% 100% 0% 0% - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following portfolios changed their tax accounting period from April 30 to October 31, effective October 31, 1998: Money Market Portfolio, U.S. Government Money Market Portfolio, U.S. Treasury Money Market Portfolio, Short-Term Treasury Portfolio, Intermediate Fixed Income Portfolio, Income Portfolio, Balanced Portfolio, Equity Income Portfolio, Equity Index Portfolio, Blue Chip Equity Portfolio, Capital Growth Portfolio, Mid-Cap Equity Portfolio and Small-Cap Equity Portfolio. This change affects the tax accounting period only. A separate notice designating the character of distribution as of October 31, 1999 will be included as part of the semiannual financial statements. (1) Qualifying dividends represent dividends that qualify for the corporate dividends received deduction. 128