(PRESS RELEASE)

Contact:  Robert W. Krick                           For Release:  April 30, 2003
          610-337-1000, ext. 3141                                 Immediate


VALLEY FORGE, Pa., April 30 - AmeriGas Propane, Inc., general partner of
AmeriGas Partners, L.P. (NYSE: APU), reported net income for the Partnership's
second quarter of fiscal 2003 ended March 31, 2003 of $89,876,000, or $1.80 per
limited partner unit, compared to $81,989,000, or $1.64 per limited partner
unit, in the same period last year. Results for the March 2003 quarter include a
loss of $3,023,000, or $0.06 per limited partner unit, related to a refinancing
of certain debt as previously reported.

For the three months ended March 31, 2003, retail volumes sold rose 8.3% to a
second quarter record 393.4 million gallons versus 363.4 million gallons sold in
the prior-year period. Weather was essentially normal during the recent quarter
compared to weather that was approximately 8.5% warmer than normal in the
prior-year period according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration. Earnings before interest expense, income taxes, depreciation and
amortization, equity investee income, loss on debt extinguishments and minority
interests (EBITDA) were $134,084,000 in the fiscal 2003 period compared to
$120,850,000 a year ago. Operating income was $115,547,000 in the most recently
completed quarter compared to $104,644,000 in the 2002 quarter.

Lon R. Greenberg, chairman of AmeriGas, said, "We are pleased to see improved
results in a difficult environment. Weather in the eastern portion of the
continental U. S. was colder than normal, but the western regions were
significantly warmer than normal. In this quarter, we overcame the triple
challenges of this bifurcated national weather pattern, the continued sluggish
economy adversely affecting our non-weather sensitive sales volumes, and
uncertainty in the energy markets related to international events that produced
the highest propane product cost in over a decade."

Eugene V. N. Bissell, chief executive officer of AmeriGas, added, "The
combination of higher sales volumes, together with our continued emphasis on
management of operating expenses and margins, produced improved results this
quarter. Our employees did an outstanding job serving our customers even as the
colder weather and higher commodity prices caused heating bills to increase
substantially over last winter in many areas of the country."

Revenues for the quarter were $625,546,000 versus $460,122,000 a year ago,
principally reflecting higher propane sales volumes as well as higher propane
product costs. Operating expenses rose during the quarter mainly reflecting
higher compensation, vehicle, equipment maintenance and bad debt expenses
related to higher sales volumes and higher commodity prices as well as higher
employee benefit and general insurance expenses.

                                   -- MORE --


AmeriGas Partners is the nation's largest retail propane marketer, serving
nearly 1.2 million customers from approximately 650 locations in 46 states. UGI
Corporation (NYSE:UGI), through subsidiaries, owns 51% of the Partnership and
individual unitholders own the remaining 49%.

AmeriGas Partners invites interested parties to listen to the live webcast of
management's teleconference with the financial community about second quarter
fiscal year 2003 results on Wednesday, April 30, 2003, at 4:00 PM Eastern time.
The teleconference is available online live, in audio format, at
http://www.shareholder.com/ugi/medialist.cfm. A telephonic replay of the call
can be accessed approximately two hours after the completion of the call at
888/203-1112, (International replay 719/457-0820) passcode 476376, until
midnight ET May 4, 2003.

This press release contains certain forward-looking statements which management
believes to be reasonable as of today's date only. Actual results may differ
significantly because of risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict
and many of which are beyond management's control. You should read the
Partnership's Annual Report on Form 10-K for a more extensive list of factors
that could affect results. Among them are adverse weather conditions, price
volatility and availability of propane, the capacity to transport propane to our
market areas and regional economic conditions. The Partnership undertakes no
obligation to release revisions to its forward-looking statements to reflect
events or circumstances occurring after today.

Comprehensive information about AmeriGas is available on the Internet at

AP-04                                  ###                               4/30/03

                               REPORT OF EARNINGS
           (Thousands, except per unit and where otherwise indicated)

                                                Three Months Ended           Six Months Ended            Twelve Months Ended
                                                     March 31,                   March 31,                   March 31,
                                             -------------------------   -------------------------   -------------------------
                                               2003          2002 (a)       2003         2002 (a)       2003       2002 (a)(b)
                                             -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------
  Propane                                    $   595,138   $   432,986   $ 1,005,718   $   772,134   $ 1,425,233   $ 1,155,065
  Other                                           30,408        27,136        64,859        59,373       121,717       104,886
                                             -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------
                                                 625,546       460,122     1,070,577       831,507     1,546,950     1,259,951
                                             -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------

Costs and expenses:
  Cost of sales - propane                        349,327       214,492       577,621       400,131       783,185       616,960
  Cost of sales - other                           11,334        10,122        26,406        23,670        50,119        41,574
  Operating and administrative expenses          133,923       116,368       254,869       229,484       473,194       406,544
  Depreciation                                    17,435        15,372        33,909        30,441        65,461        55,132
  Amortization                                       996         1,116         2,013         2,233         3,891        15,596
  Equity investee (income) loss                      106          (282)         (144)         (512)           80          (512)
  Other (income), net                             (3,122)       (1,710)       (4,058)       (1,316)       (6,857)       (4,988)
                                             -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------
                                                 509,999       355,478       890,616       684,131     1,369,073     1,130,306
                                             -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------
Operating income                                 115,547       104,644       179,961       147,376       177,877       129,645
Loss on extinguishments of debt                   (3,023)           --        (3,023)         (752)       (3,023)         (752)
Interest expense                                 (21,884)      (22,011)      (44,583)      (44,757)      (87,665)      (85,309)
                                             -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------
Income before income taxes                        90,640        82,633       132,355       101,867        87,189        43,584
Income tax (expense) benefit                         320           322            62          (216)          (62)         (294)
Minority interests                                (1,084)         (966)       (1,629)       (1,265)       (1,359)         (786)
                                             -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------
Net income                                   $    89,876   $    81,989   $   130,788   $   100,386   $    85,768   $    42,504
                                             ===========   ===========   ===========   ===========   ===========   ===========
General partner's interest in net income     $       899   $       820   $     1,308   $     1,004   $       858   $       425
                                             ===========   ===========   ===========   ===========   ===========   ===========
Limited partners' interest in net income     $    88,977   $    81,169   $   129,480   $    99,382   $    84,910   $    42,079
                                             ===========   ===========   ===========   ===========   ===========   ===========
Net income per limited partner unit - basic
  and diluted                                $      1.80   $      1.64   $      2.62   $      2.05   $      1.72   $      0.90
                                             ===========   ===========   ===========   ===========   ===========   ===========
Average limited partner units outstanding:
  Basic                                           49,433        49,385        49,433        48,385        49,421        46,600
                                             ===========   ===========   ===========   ===========   ===========   ===========
  Diluted                                         49,491        49,493        49,483        48,476        49,482        46,645
                                             ===========   ===========   ===========   ===========   ===========   ===========


  Retail gallons sold (millions) (c)               393.4         363.4         717.6         643.7       1,061.4         937.5
  EBITDA (d)                                 $   134,084   $   120,850   $   215,739   $   179,538   $   247,309   $   199,861
  Distributable cash flow (d)                    106,095        93,433       159,321       122,834       139,025        94,212
  Capital expenditures:
    Maintenance capital expenditures               6,105         5,406        11,835        11,947        20,619        20,340
    Growth capital expenditures                   11,602         6,812        21,433        14,840        39,334        25,576

(a)   Certain operating and administrative expenses associated with PPX(R) have
      been reclassified to cost of sales to conform to the current period

(b)   Pro forma net income and net income per limited partner unit for the
      twelve months ended March 31, 2002 as if SFAS No. 142, "Goodwill and Other
      Intangible Assets," had been adopted at the beginning of that period would
      have been $54,290 and $1.15, respectively.

(c)   Retail gallons sold in the 2003 three-, six-, and twelve-month periods
      include certain bulk gallons previously reflected in wholesale gallons.
      Prior-period gallon amounts have been adjusted to conform to the current
      period classification.



                               REPORT OF EARNINGS
           (Thousands, except per unit and where otherwise indicated)


(d)   EBITDA (earnings before interest expense, income taxes, depreciation and
      amortization, equity investee income, loss on debt extinguishments and
      minority interests) and distributable cash flow (EBITDA less interest
      expense and maintenance capital expenditures) should not be considered as
      alternatives to net income (as indicators of operating performance) or as
      alternatives to cash flow (as measures of liquidity or ability to service
      debt obligations) and are not measures of performance or financial
      condition under accounting principles generally accepted in the United
      States. Management believes EBITDA is a meaningful non-GAAP financial
      measure used by analysts and lenders for evaluating the Partnership's
      operating performance and ability to meet loan covenants. In addition,
      EBITDA is sometimes useful for comparing operating results of companies
      within the propane industry. Management believes distributable cash flow
      is a meaningful non-GAAP measure for evaluating the Partnership's ability
      to declare and pay the Minimum Quarterly Distribution. The Partnership's
      definitions of EBITDA and distributable cash flow may be different from
      those used by other companies. Weather significantly impacts demand for
      propane and profitability because many customers use propane for heating
      purposes. Due to the seasonal nature of the Partnership's propane
      business, EBITDA and distributable cash flow for interim periods are not
      necessarily indicative of amounts to be expected for a full year. The
      following table includes a reconciliation of operating income to EBITDA
      and distributable cash flow for all periods presented:

                                       Three Months Ended             Six Months Ended             Twelve Months Ended
                                            March 31,                     March 31,                     March 31,
                                     ------------------------      ------------------------      ------------------------
                                       2003           2002           2003           2002           2003           2002
                                     ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
Operating income                     $ 115,547      $ 104,644      $ 179,961      $ 147,376      $ 177,877      $ 129,645
Depreciation                            17,435         15,372         33,909         30,441         65,461         55,132
Amortization                               996          1,116          2,013          2,233          3,891         15,596
Equity investee (income) loss              106           (282)          (144)          (512)            80           (512)
                                     ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
EBITDA                                 134,084        120,850        215,739        179,538        247,309        199,861
Interest expense                       (21,884)       (22,011)       (44,583)       (44,757)       (87,665)       (85,309)
Maintenance capital expenditures        (6,105)        (5,406)       (11,835)       (11,947)       (20,619)       (20,340)
                                     ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
Distributable cash flow              $ 106,095      $  93,433      $ 159,321      $ 122,834      $ 139,025      $  94,212
                                     =========      =========      =========      =========      =========      =========
