Exhibit 3(a)xix

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                               CORPORATION BUREAU


                   Articles of Amendment-Domestic Corporation
                                  (15 Pa.C.S.)

Entity Number

                     [X]   Business Corporation (Section 1915)

                     [ ]   Nonprofit Corporation (Section 5915)

Name                                            DOCUMENT WILL BE RETURNED TO THE
                                                NAME AND ADDRESS YOU ENTER TO
ESQUIRE ASSIST                                  THE LEFT.



City              State              Zip Code

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Fee: $70                          ----------------------------------------------

                                  Filed in the Department of State on 12/20/2007

                                                  Pedro A. Cortes
                                           Secretary of the Commonwealth


     In compliance with the requirements of the applicable provisions (relating
to articles of amendment), the undersigned, desiring to amend its articles,
hereby states that:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.   The name of the corporation is:


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2.   The (a) address of this corporation's current registered office in this
     Commonwealth or (b) name of its commercial registered office provider and
     the county of venue is (the Department is hereby authorized to correct the
     following information to conform to the records of the Department):

     (a)  Number and Street         City         State         Zip        County

     (b)  Name of Commercial Registered Office Provider                   County


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3.   The statute by or under which it was incorporated: Pennsylvania Business
     Corporation Law

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4.   The date of its incorporation: DECEMBER 16, 1905

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5.   Check, and if appropriate complete, one of the following:

[X]  The amendment shall be effective upon filing these Articles of Amendment in
     the Department of State.

[ ]  The amendment shall be effective on: ____________ at ____________
                                              Date            Hour

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6.   Check one of the following:

[ ]  The amendment was adopted by the shareholders or members pursuant to 15
     Pa.C.S. Section 1914(a) and (b) or Section 5914(a).

[X]  The amendment was adopted by the board of directors pursuant to 15 Pa. C.S.
     Section 1914(c) or Section 5914(b).

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

7.   Check, and if appropriate, complete one of the following:

[ ]  The amendment adopted by the corporation, set forth in full, is as follows:

[X]  The amendment adopted by the corporation is set forth in full in Exhibit A
     attached hereto and made a part hereof.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

8.   Check if the amendment restates the Articles:

[ ]  The restated Articles of Incorporation supersede the original articles and
     all amendments thereto.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                        IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the undersigned
                                        corporation has caused these Articles of
                                        Amendment to be signed by a duly
                                        authorized officer thereof this 20th day
                                        of December, 2007.

                                                P. H. GLATFELTER COMPANY
                                                   Name of Corporation

                                                  /s/ Jeffery J. Norton

                                           V.P., General Counsel and Secretary


                                    EXHIBIT A
                              ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT
                            ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION
                            P. H. GLATFELTER COMPANY

The first paragraph of Article 5 of the Company's Articles of Incorporation, as
amended and restated and subsequently amended, is further amended to add the
following two sentences to the end of the first paragraph, effective as of the
filing of the Articles of Amendment with the Pennsylvania Department of State:

Any or all classes and series of shares, or any part thereof, may be represented
by certificates or may be uncertificated shares, provided, however, that any
shares represented by a certificate that are issued and outstanding shall
continue to be represented thereby until the certificate is surrendered to the
Corporation. The rights and obligations of the holders of shares represented by
certificates and the rights and obligations of the holders of uncertificated
shares of the same class and series shall be identical.