(To Prospectus Dated September 15, 1998)
                       ADVANTA MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST 1998-3

                [ADVANTA LOGO]                                    [ADVANTA LOGO]
             Sponsor of the Trust                                Master Servicer

    The Mortgage Loan Asset-Backed Certificates, Series 1998-3 (the
"Certificates") offered hereby will consist of two classes of floating rate
Class A Certificates, the Class A-1 Group I Floating Rate Certificates (the
"Class A-1 Certificates") and the Class A-2 Group II Floating Rate Certificates
(the "Class A-2 Certificates," together with the Class A-1 Certificates, the
"Offered Certificates"). The Certificates will also include one or more classes
of subordinate certificates (the "Subordinate Certificates"). Only the Offered
Certificates are offered hereby.
    The Certificates will represent undivided ownership interests in all monies
due as of September 1, 1998 (the "Initial Cut-Off Date") under one of two pools
(each, a "Mortgage Loan Pool," and together the "Mortgage Loan Pools") of
closed-end mortgage loans (the "Mortgage Loans") held by the Advanta Mortgage
Loan Trust 1998-3 (the "Trust"), security interests in the properties which
secure the Mortgage Loans, funds on deposit in certain trust accounts and
certain other property. In addition, the Class A-1 Certificates will also
represent an undivided ownership interest in the Pre-Funding Account (as
described below). The Trust will be created pursuant to a Pooling and Servicing
Agreement (the "Pooling and Servicing Agreement") among Advanta Mortgage Conduit
Services, Inc., in its capacity as the sponsor (the "Sponsor") of the Trust,
Advanta Mortgage Corp. USA, in its capacity as master servicer (the "Master
Servicer") of the Mortgage Loans and Bankers Trust Company of California, N.A.,
as trustee (the "Trustee"). On or prior to the Closing Date, the Sponsor will
acquire the Initial Mortgage Loans (as hereinafter defined) from the
Originators, as described herein. The obligations of the Sponsor and of the
Master Servicer with respect to the Certificates will be limited to their
respective contractual obligations under the Pooling and Servicing Agreement.
                                                  (cover continued on next page)
                              GROUP I UNDERWRITERS
              LEHMAN BROTHERS
                             J.P. MORGAN & CO.
                                         PRUDENTIAL SECURITIES INCORPORATED
                              GROUP II UNDERWRITER
                              SALOMON SMITH BARNEY
September 10, 1998
     The assets of the Trust as of the Closing Date will include two groups
(each, an "Initial Mortgage Loan Group" or "Group", and together the "Initial
Mortgage Loan Pool") of Mortgage Loans the "Initial Mortgage Loans" secured by
mortgages or deeds of trust (the "Mortgages") on one-to-four family residential
properties (the "Mortgaged Properties") to be conveyed to the Trust on the
Closing Date as well as amounts on deposit in the Pre-Funding Account and
certain other accounts. The Class A-1 Certificates will represent undivided
ownership interests in a sub-trust of Mortgage Loans having variable rates of
interest ("Group I") and the Pre-Funding Account. All of the Group I Initial
Mortgage Loans have remaining terms to maturity of 30 years or less and are
secured by Mortgages which may be either in a first or in a junior lien
position. The Class A-2 Certificates will represent undivided ownership
interests in a sub-trust of fixed rate Mortgage Loans ("Group II") with a
maximum remaining term to maturity of 30 years secured by Mortgages which may be
either in a first or in a junior lien position.
     In addition to the Initial Mortgage Loans, certain Mortgage Loans (the
"Subsequent Mortgage Loans") will be assigned to Group I from time to time
during the period (the "Pre-Funding Period") beginning on the Closing Date and
ending on November 25, 1998 (the "Pre-Funding Period Termination Date") from
funds on deposit in an account (the "Pre-Funding Account") established with the
Trustee. On the Closing Date an aggregate cash amount of approximately
$108,562,000 from the proceeds of the sale of the Class A-1 Certificates (the
"Original Pre-Funded Amount") will be deposited in the Pre-Funding Account.
     The Offered Certificates will be offered by the Underwriters from time to
time to the public in negotiated transactions or otherwise at varying prices to
be determined at the time of the related sale. Proceeds to the Sponsor are
anticipated to be approximately $998,000,000 from the sale of the Offered
Certificates before deducting expenses payable by the Sponsor, estimated to be
$500,000. The Underwriters have agreed to reimburse the Sponsor with respect to
certain of such expenses.
     The Offered Certificates are offered subject to receipt and acceptance by
the Underwriters and to the Underwriters' right to reject any order in whole or
in part and to withdraw, cancel or modify the offer without notice. It is
expected that delivery of the Offered Certificates in book-entry form will be
made on or about September 23, 1998 only through The Depository Trust Company
("DTC"), the Euroclear System ("Euroclear") and CEDEL, S.A. ("CEDEL").
     The assets of the Trust also will include a certificate guaranty insurance
policy (the "Certificate Insurance Policy") from MBIA Insurance Corporation (the
"Certificate Insurer"), which will unconditionally and irrevocably guarantee
payment of amounts due to the Owners of the Offered Certificates to the extent
described herein.
                                  [MBIA LOGO]
     There currently is no secondary market for the Offered Certificates. The
Underwriters intend to make a market in the Offered Certificates but have no
obligation to do so. There is no assurance that one will develop or, if one does
develop, that it will continue until the Offered Certificates are paid in full.
     Until 90 days from the date of this Prospectus Supplement, all dealers
effecting transactions in the Offered Certificates, whether or not participating
in this distribution, may be required to deliver a prospectus and a prospectus
supplement. This is in addition to the obligation of dealers to deliver a
prospectus and a prospectus supplement when acting as underwriters and with
respect to their unsold allotments or subscriptions.
                             AVAILABLE INFORMATION
     The Sponsor has filed a Registration Statement under the Securities Act of
1933, as amended (the "1933 Act"), with the Securities and Exchange Commission
(the "Commission") on behalf of the Trust with respect to the Offered
Certificates offered pursuant to the Prospectus dated September 15, 1998, and
this Prospectus Supplement. For further information, reference is made to the
Registration Statement and amendments thereof and to the exhibits thereto, which
are available for inspection without charge at the public reference facilities
maintained by the Commission at 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20549;
7 World Trade Center, 13th Floor, New York, New York 10048; and at The Citibank
Atrium Center, 500 West Madison Street, Suite 1400, Chicago, Illinois 60661. The
Commission maintains a site on the World Wide Web at http://www.sec.gov
containing reports, proxy materials, information statements and other items.
Copies of the Registration Statement and amendments thereof and exhibits thereto
may be obtained from the Public Reference Section of the Commission, 450 Fifth
Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20549 at prescribed rates.
     So long as the Offered Certificates are in book-entry form, monthly and
annual reports concerning the Certificates and the Trust will be sent by the
Trustee to Cede & Co., as the nominee of DTC and as registered holder of the
Offered Certificates pursuant to the Pooling and Servicing Agreement. DTC will
supply such reports to Beneficial Owners in accordance with its procedures. See
"Risk Factors," "Description of the Securities -- Form of Securities" and
"-- Reports to Securityholders" in the Prospectus. To the extent required by the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, the Trust will provide financial
information to the Owners which has been examined and reported upon, with an
opinion expressed by an independent public accountant; to the extent not so
required, such financial information will be unaudited. The Trust will be formed
to own the Mortgage Loans, and to issue the Certificates. The Trust will have no
assets or obligations prior to issuance of the Certificates and will engage in
no activities other than those described herein. Accordingly, no financial
statements with respect to the Trust are included in this Prospectus Supplement.
     The consolidated financial statements of the Certificate Insurer, a
wholly-owned subsidiary of MBIA Inc., and its subsidiaries as of December 31,
1997 and December 31, 1996 and for each of the three years in the period ended
December 31, 1997, prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles, included in the Annual Report on Form 10-K of MBIA Inc. for the year
ended December 31, 1997 and the consolidated financial statements of the
Certificate Insurer and its subsidiaries as of June 30, 1998 and for the
six-month periods ending June 30, 1998 and June 30, 1997 included in the
Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q of MBIA Inc. for the period ending June 30, 1998,
are hereby incorporated by reference into this Prospectus Supplement and shall
be deemed to be a part hereof. Any statement contained in a document
incorporated by reference herein shall be modified or superseded for purposes of
this Prospectus Supplement to the extent that a statement contained herein or in
any other subsequently filed document which also is incorporated by reference
herein modifies or supersedes such statement. Any statement so modified or
superseded shall not be deemed, except as so modified or superseded, to
constitute a part of this Prospectus Supplement.
     All financial statements of the Certificate Insurer and its subsidiaries
included in documents filed by MBIA Inc. pursuant to Section 13(a), 13(c), 14 or
15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, subsequent to the date
of this Prospectus Supplement and prior to the termination of the offering of
the Offered Certificates shall be deemed to be incorporated by reference into
this Prospectus Supplement and to be a part hereof from the respective dates of
filing such documents.

         The following summary is qualified in its entirety by reference to the
detailed information appearing elsewhere in this Prospectus Supplement and the
accompanying Prospectus. Reference is made to the Index of Principal Defined
Terms for the location in the Prospectus of the definitions of certain
capitalized terms.

Issuer                         Advanta Mortgage Loan Trust 1998-3 (the

Securities                     Offered Class A-1 Group I Floating Rate
                               Certificates (the "Class A-1 Certificates")
                               and Class A-2 Group II Floating Rate
                               Certificates (the "Class A-2 Certificates"
                               together with the Class A-1 Certificates,
                               the "Offered Certificates").

Sponsor                        Advanta Mortgage Conduit Services, Inc., a
                               Delaware corporation. The Sponsor's
                               principal executive offices are located at
                               16875 West Bernardo Drive, San Diego,
                               California 92127, and its phone number is
                               (619) 674-1800.

Master Servicer                Advanta Mortgage Corp. USA, a Delaware
                               corporation. The Master Servicer's principal
                               executive offices are located at 16875 West
                               Bernardo Drive, San Diego, California 92127.

Originators                    The Mortgage Loans to be acquired by the
                               Trust from the Sponsor will be acquired by
                               the Sponsor from either affiliated
                               originators (the "Affiliated Originators")
                               or from one or more unaffiliated originators
                               (the "Unaffiliated Originators").

                               Certain of the Mortgage Loans have been
                               acquired by the Sponsor in Bulk
                               Acquisitions. See "The Mortgage Loan Pool"

Certificate Insurer            MBIA Insurance Corporation, a New York stock
                               insurance company.

Trustee                        Bankers Trust Company of California, N.A., a
                               national banking association (the "Trustee").

Initial Cut-Off Date           September 1, 1998 (opening of business).

Subsequent Cut-Off Date        The opening of business on the first day of
                               the calendar month in which the related
                               Subsequent Transfer Date occurs (the
                               "Subsequent Cut-Off Date").

Closing Date                   September 23, 1998.

The Certificates               The Mortgage Loan Asset-Backed Certificates,
                               Series 1998-3 (the "Certificates") will
                               consist of the Offered Certificates and one
                               or more classes of subordinate certificates
                               (the "Subordinate Certificates"). The
                               Certificates will be issued pursuant to a
                               pooling and servicing agreement (the
                               "Pooling and Servicing Agreement") to be
                               dated as of September 1, 1998 among the
                               Master Servicer, the Sponsor and the
                               Trustee. Only the Offered Certificates are
                               offered hereby.

                                    The assets of the Trust as of the Closing
                                    Date will include two groups (each, an
                                    "Initial Mortgage Loan Group" or "Group",
                                    and together the "Initial Mortgage Loan
                                    Pool") of Mortgage Loans secured by
                                    mortgages or deeds of trust (the
                                    "Mortgages") on one-to-four family
                                    residential properties (the "Mortgaged
                                    Properties") to be conveyed to the Trust on
                                    the Closing Date as well as amounts on
                                    deposit in the Pre-Funding Account and
                                    certain other accounts. The Class A-1
                                    Certificates will represent undivided
                                    ownership interests in a sub-trust of
                                    Mortgage Loans having variable rates of
                                    interest ("Group I") and the Pre-Funding
                                    Account. All of the Group I Initial Mortgage
                                    Loans have remaining terms to maturity of 30
                                    years or less and are secured by Mortgages
                                    which may be either in a first or in a
                                    junior lien position. The Class A-2
                                    Certificates will represent undivided
                                    ownership interests in a sub-trust of fixed
                                    rate Mortgage Loans ("Group II") with a
                                    maximum remaining term to maturity of 30
                                    years secured by Mortgages which may be
                                    either in a first or in a junior lien

                                    The Offered Certificates are issuable in
                                    original principal amounts of $1,000 and
                                    integral multiples thereof, except that one
                                    certificate for each Class (as defined
                                    below) of Offered Certificates may be issued
                                    in a lesser amount.

Pass-Through Rates
and Balances                        $1,000,000,000 Mortgage Loan Asset-Backed
                                    Certificates, Series 1998-3, to be issued in
                                    the following Classes (each, a "Class") and
                                    original Certificate Principal Balances
                                    (each, a "Certificate Principal Balance"),
                                    as set forth below:

                                                            Pass-Through  Original Certificate
                                           Class               Rate        Principal Balance
                                    Class A-1 Certificates     (1)            $500,000,000
                                    Class A-2 Certificates     (2)            $500,000,000

                                    (1) The Class A-1 Pass-Through Rate will be
                                    equal to the lesser of (i)(a) with respect
                                    to any Payment Date which occurs on or prior
                                    to the Step-Up Payment Date, the London
                                    interbank offering rate for one-month United
                                    States dollar deposits ("LIBOR") (calculated
                                    as described under "Description of the
                                    Certificates -- Calculation of LIBOR") plus
                                    0.23% per annum or (b) with respect to any
                                    Payment Date thereafter, LIBOR plus 0.46%
                                    per annum and (ii) the Class A-1 Available
                                    Funds Cap Rate for such Payment Date. The
                                    excess, if any, of (x) the interest due on
                                    the Class A-1 Certificates on any Payment
                                    Date calculated at the lesser of (i) the
                                    Class A-1 Formula Pass-Through Rate or (2)
                                    the Group I Maximum Rate applicable to such
                                    Payment Date over (y) the interest due on
                                    the Class A-1 Certificates calculated at the
                                    Class A-1 Available Funds Cap Rate
                                    applicable to such Payment Date is the
                                    "Class A-1 Supplemental Interest Amount" for
                                    such Payment Date.

                                    If, on any Payment Date, there is a Class
                                    A-1 Supplemental Interest Amount calculated
                                    for any Payment Date, the Owners of the
                                    Subordination Certificates have agreed to
                                    pay such amount from the sources of funds
                                    specified in the Pooling and Servicing
                                    Agreement, including amounts which would
                                    otherwise be distributed to such Owners by
                                    the Trust on such Payment Date. If the full
                                    amount of any Class A-1 Supplemental
                                    Interest Amount is not paid on any Payment
                                    Date, then the unpaid amount will accrue
                                    interest at the lesser of (a) the Group I
                                    Maximum Rate or (b) the Class A-1
                                    Pass-Through Rate until such amount is paid.
                                    If the Master Servicer, acting directly or
                                    through a permitted designee, exercises its
                                    right to an optional termination of the
                                    Trust (an "Optional Termination"), none of
                                    the Class A-1 Supplemental Interest Amounts
                                    then owing will be paid in full.

                                    The Group I Maximum Rate for any Payment
                                    Date is an amount, expressed as a per annum
                                    rate, equal to (a)(i) the aggregate amount
                                    of interest due and collected (or advanced)
                                    on all of the Mortgage Loans in Group I for
                                    the related Remittance Period (using such
                                    Mortgage Loans' maximum life coupon rate)
                                    minus (ii) the aggregate of the Servicing
                                    Fee, the premium and the Trustee's Fee, in
                                    each case relating to Group I, divided by
                                    (b) the aggregate Principal Balance of the
                                    Mortgage Loans in Group I as of the
                                    beginning of such related Remittance Period,
                                    calculated on the basis of a 360-day year
                                    and the actual number of days elapsed.

                                    The Certificate Insurer does not guarantee
                                    the payment of, nor does the rating assigned
                                    to the Class A-1 Certificates address the
                                    likelihood of the payment of, any Class A-1
                                    Supplemental Interest Amount.

                                    (2) The Class A-2 Pass-Through Rate will be
                                    equal to the lesser of (i)(a) with respect
                                    to any Payment Date which occurs on or prior
                                    to the Step-Up Payment Date, LIBOR plus
                                    0.30% per annum or (b) with respect to any
                                    Payment Date thereafter, LIBOR plus 0.60%
                                    per annum and (ii) the Class A-2 Available
                                    Funds Cap Rate for such Payment Date. The
                                    excess, if any, of the (x) the interest due
                                    on the Class A-2 Certificates on any Payment
                                    Date calculated at the Class A-2 Formula
                                    Pass-Through Rate over (y) the interest due
                                    on the Class A-2 Certificates calculated at
                                    the Class A-2 Available Funds Cap Rate is
                                    the "Class A-2 Supplemental Interest Amount"
                                    (with the Class A-1 Supplemental Interest
                                    Amount and the Class A-2 Supplemental
                                    Interest amount each being referred to as a
                                    "Supplemental Interest Amount") for such
                                    Payment Date.

                                    If, on any Payment Date, there is a Class
                                    A-2 Supplemental Interest Amount calculated
                                    with respect to such Payment Date, the
                                    Owners of the Subordinate Certificates have
                                    agreed to pay

                                    such amount from the sources of funds
                                    specified in the Pooling and Servicing
                                    Agreement, including amounts that would
                                    otherwise be distributed to such Owners by
                                    the Trust on such Payment Date. If the full
                                    amount of any Class A-2 Supplemental
                                    Interest Amount is not paid on any Payment
                                    Date, or if the Master Servicer, acting
                                    directly or through a permitted designee,
                                    exercises its right to an Optional
                                    Termination, none of the Class A-2
                                    Supplemental Interest Amounts will be
                                    carried forward to subsequent months.

                                    The Certificate Insurer does not guarantee
                                    the payment of, nor does the rating assigned
                                    to the Class A-2 Certificates address the
                                    likelihood of the payment of, any Class A-2
                                    Supplemental Interest Amount.

                                    The Pooling and Servicing Agreement defines
                                    the "Class A-1 Available Funds Cap Rate," as
                                    of any Payment Date, to be an amount,
                                    expressed as a per annum rate, equal to
                                    (a)(i) the aggregate amount of interest due
                                    and collected (or advanced) on all of the
                                    Mortgage Loans in Group I for the related
                                    Remittance Period minus (ii) the aggregate
                                    of the Servicing Fee, the Trustee's Fee and
                                    the premiums due to the Certificate Insurer,
                                    in each case relating to Group I, on such
                                    Payment Date and minus (iii) commencing on
                                    the seventh Payment Date following the
                                    Closing Date, an amount equal to 0.75% per
                                    annum times the aggregate Principal Balance
                                    of the Mortgage Loans in Group I as of the
                                    beginning of such related Remittance Period,
                                    divided by (b) the aggregate Principal
                                    Balance of the Mortgage Loans in Group I
                                    immediately prior to such Payment Date
                                    calculated on the basis of a 360 day year
                                    and the actual number of days elapsed.

                                    The Pooling and Servicing Agreement defines
                                    the "Class A-2 Available Funds Cap Rate," as
                                    of any Payment Date, to be an amount,
                                    expressed as a per annum rate, equal to the
                                    (a)(i) the aggregate amount of interest due
                                    and collected (or advanced) on all of the
                                    Mortgage Loans in Group II for the related
                                    Remittance Period minus (ii) the aggregate
                                    of the Servicing Fee and the Trustee's Fee
                                    and the premiums due to the Certificate
                                    Insurer, in each case relating to Group II,
                                    on such Payment Date and minus (iii)
                                    commencing on the seventh Payment Date
                                    following the Closing Date, an amount equal
                                    to 0.75% per annum times the aggregate
                                    Principal Balance of the Mortgage Loans in
                                    Group II as of the beginning of such related
                                    Remittance Period, divided by (b) the
                                    aggregate Principal Balance of the Mortgage
                                    Loans in Group II immediately prior to such
                                    Payment Date calculated on the basis of a
                                    360 day year and the actual number of days

                                    The "Step-Up Payment Date" is the Payment
                                    Date following the calendar month in which
                                    the Clean-up Call Date occurs.

                                    The "Class A-1 Formula Pass-Through Rate"
                                    for a Payment Date is the rate described in
                                    clause (i) of the definition of

                                    "Class A-1 Pass-Through Rate" on such
                                    Payment Date.

                                    The "Class A-2 Formula Pass-Through Rate"
                                    for a Payment Date is the rate described in
                                    clause (i) of the definition of "Class A-2
                                    Pass-Through Rate" on such Payment Date.

The Mortgage Loans                  The statistical information presented in
                                    this Prospectus Supplement concerning the
                                    pools of Mortgage Loans is as of the Initial
                                    Cut-Off Date. The aggregate principal
                                    balance as of the Initial Cut-Off Date for
                                    the Group I Pool (as of such date, the
                                    "Group I Statistic Calculation Pool") is
                                    $330,919,393.34. The aggregate principal
                                    balance as of the Initial Cut-Off Date for
                                    the Group II Pool (as of such date, the
                                    "Group II Statistic Calculation Pool", with
                                    the Group I Statistic Calculation Pool and
                                    the Group II Statistic Calculation Pool
                                    being referred to as the "Statistic
                                    Calculation Pools") is $500,000,045.72. The
                                    Sponsor expects that the actual pools as of
                                    the Closing Date will represent
                                    approximately $397,000,000 in Mortgage Loans
                                    in the Group I Pool and $500,000,000 in
                                    Mortgage Loans in the Group II Pool. It is
                                    anticipated that as of the close of the
                                    Pre-Funding Period (the "Pre-Funding Period
                                    Termination Date"), the actual pools as of
                                    the Pre- Funding Period Termination Date
                                    will represent approximately $505,562,000 in
                                    Mortgage Loans in the Group I Pool and
                                    $500,000,000 in Mortgage Loans in the Group
                                    II Pool. The additional Mortgage Loans
                                    reflected as of the Closing Date will
                                    represent Mortgage Loans acquired or to be
                                    acquired by the Sponsor prior to the Closing
                                    Date. The additional Mortgage Loans
                                    reflected as of the Pre-Funding Period
                                    Termination Date represents subsequent
                                    Mortgage Loans which will be assigned to the
                                    Trustee by the Sponsor in exchange for funds
                                    in the Pre-Funding Account.

                                    In addition, with respect to the Statistic
                                    Calculation Pools as to which statistical
                                    information is presented herein, some
                                    amortization of the Mortgage Loans in such
                                    pools will occur prior to the Closing Date.
                                    Certain loans included in the Statistic
                                    Calculation Pools may prepay in full, or may
                                    be determined not to meet the eligibility
                                    requirements for the final pools and as a
                                    result may not be included in the final
                                    pools. As a result of the foregoing, the
                                    statistical distribution of such
                                    characteristics as of the Closing Date in
                                    the Mortgage Loan pools will vary somewhat
                                    from the statistical distribution of such
                                    characteristics in the Statistic Calculation
                                    Pools as presented in this Prospectus
                                    Supplement, although such variance will not
                                    be material. In the event that the Sponsor
                                    does not, as of the Closing Date, have the
                                    full amount of Mortgage Loans which the
                                    Sponsor expects to sell to the Trust on such
                                    date, (i.e., approximately $397,000,000 with
                                    respect to the Group I Pool and $500,000,000
                                    with respect to the Group II Pool) the
                                    Sponsor will reduce the size of the
                                    offering; the Sponsor does not expect that
                                    the original principal amount of any class
                                    will increase or decrease by more than 5% as
                                    a result of such non-delivery. Even if the

                                    full expected amount of Mortgage Loans is
                                    delivered, certain adjustments (plus or
                                    minus 5%) may occur among the Class sizes.

                                    During the Pre-Funding Period, the Pooling
                                    and Servicing Agreement permits the Trust to
                                    acquire up to approximately $108,562,000
                                    aggregate principal balance of Subsequent
                                    Mortgage Loans for assignment to Group I.
                                    Accordingly, the statistical characteristics
                                    of Group I will vary as of any Subsequent
                                    Cut-Off Date upon the acquisition of the
                                    Subsequent Mortgage Loans which are assigned
                                    to Group I.

                                    Unless otherwise noted, all statistical
                                    percentages in this Prospectus Supplement
                                    are measured by the aggregate principal
                                    balance of the related Mortgage Loans in the
                                    Statistic Calculation Pools.

                                    The Mortgage Loans will be predominantly
                                    home equity loans, i.e., loans used (x) to
                                    refinance an existing mortgage loan on more
                                    favorable terms, (y) to consolidate debt, or
                                    (z) to obtain cash proceeds by borrowing
                                    against the Mortgagor's equity in the
                                    related Mortgaged Property. The Mortgage
                                    Loans contained in the Statistic Calculation
                                    Pools to be sold to the Trust by the Sponsor
                                    consisted of the following number of
                                    Mortgages and the related Notes on
                                    one-to-four family residential properties,
                                    including investment properties (which may
                                    be condominiums, townhouses or homes in
                                    one-to-four family residences):

                                      Mortgage    Number of      Number
                                     Loan Pool  Mortgage Loans  of States
                                     ---------  --------------  ---------
                                      Group I       3,320          50*
                                      Group II      7,487          51*

                                      * Includes District of Columbia

                                    The Mortgage Loans contained in the
                                    Statistic Calculation Pools are secured by
                                    Mortgages of which 98.00% by aggregate
                                    principal balance are secured by first
                                    mortgages or deeds of trust and 2.00% by
                                    aggregate principal balance are secured by
                                    junior mortgages or deeds of trust. The
                                    Mortgage Loans are all closed-end mortgage
                                    loans in that the mortgagee is not required
                                    to make future advances thereunder.

                                    Less than 0.04% of the Mortgage Loans in the
                                    Statistic Calculation Pools are insured by
                                    primary mortgage insurance policies. There
                                    is no pool insurance insuring any of the
                                    Mortgage Loans.

                                    The Mortgage Loans are not guaranteed by the
                                    Sponsor, the Master Servicer, any Affiliated
                                    Originator or Unaffiliated Originator, the
                                    Trustee or any of their respective
                                    affiliates. The Mortgage Loans are required
                                    to be serviced by the Master Servicer in
                                    accordance with accepted servicing

                                    practices and with reasonable care, using
                                    that degree of skill and attention that the
                                    Master Servicer exercises with respect to
                                    comparable mortgage loans that it services
                                    for itself and others. See "Description of
                                    the Securities--Collection and Other
                                    Servicing Procedures" in the Prospectus.

Pre-Funding Account Feature         On the Closing Date, approximately
                                    $108,562,000 (the "Original Pre-Funded
                                    Amount") will be deposited in the
                                    Pre-Funding Account in the name of the
                                    Trustee on behalf of the Trust, for the
                                    benefit of the Certificate Insurer and the
                                    Owners of the Offered Certificates, from the
                                    proceeds of the sale of the Class A-1
                                    Certificates. During the period (the
                                    "Pre-Funding Period") from the Closing Date
                                    until the earlier of (i) the date on which
                                    the amount on deposit in the Pre-Funding
                                    Account is less than $100,000 or (ii) the
                                    Pre-Funding Period Termination Date, the
                                    Sponsor may deliver the Subsequent Mortgage
                                    Loans to the Trustee for assignment to Group
                                    I in exchange for a corresponding release of
                                    money from the Pre-Funding Account in an
                                    amount equal to the Principal Balance of
                                    such Subsequent Mortgage Loans as of the
                                    related Subsequent Transfer Date. Each of
                                    the Subsequent Mortgage Loans must meet the
                                    criteria set forth in the Pooling and
                                    Servicing Agreement and must be reasonably
                                    acceptable to the Certificate Insurer. The
                                    Sponsor expects that the Original Pre-Funded
                                    Amount will be reduced to less than $100,000
                                    by November 25, 1998. Any amount remaining
                                    in the Pre-Funding Account on the Payment
                                    Date which immediately follows the end of
                                    the Pre-Funding Period will be used to
                                    prepay the Class A-1 Certificates.

Capitalized Interest Account        On the Closing Date, the Trustee will be
                                    required to deposit a portion of the sale
                                    proceeds of the Certificates in an account
                                    (the "Capitalized Interest Account"). The
                                    respective amounts deposited therein will be
                                    used, as necessary, by the Trustee during
                                    the Pre-Funding Period to fund the negative
                                    arbitrage on the Pre-Funding Account monies.
                                    Any amounts remaining in the Capitalized
                                    Interest Account on the Payment Date which
                                    follows the end of the Pre-Funding Period
                                    and not used for such purposes are required
                                    to be paid directly to the Owners of the
                                    Subordinate Certificates on such Payment

Final Scheduled Payment Dates       The final scheduled Payment Date for both
                                    Class A-1 Certificates and the Class A-2
                                    Certificates is September 25, 2028 (the
                                    "Final Scheduled Payment Date"). It is
                                    expected that the actual final Payment Date
                                    for each class of Offered Certificates will
                                    occur significantly earlier than such
                                    scheduled Payment Dates; see "Prepayment and
                                    Yield Considerations."

Distributions--General              Distributions on the Certificates are
                                    required to be made on the twenty-fifth day
                                    of each calendar month, or if such day is
                                    not a business day, the next succeeding
                                    business day (each, a

                                    "Payment Date") commencing on October 26,
                                    1998, to the Owners of record (see
                                    "Description of the Certificates --
                                    General"). The Owners of record shall be
                                    such Owners of the Certificates as of the
                                    business day immediately preceding the
                                    Payment Date (each a "Record Date") in an
                                    amount equal to the product of such Owner's
                                    Percentage Interest and the amount
                                    distributed in respect of such Owner's class
                                    of such Certificates on such Payment Date.

Distributions of Interest           For each Payment Date, the interest due with
                                    respect to the Class A-1 Certificates will
                                    be the interest which has accrued thereon at
                                    the Class A-1 Pass-Through Rate from the
                                    preceding Payment Date (or from September
                                    23, 1998 in the case of the first Payment
                                    Date) to and including the day prior to the
                                    current Payment Date (the "Class A-1 Current
                                    Interest") and the interest due with respect
                                    to the Class A-2 Certificates will be the
                                    interest which has accrued thereon at the
                                    Class A-2 Pass-Through Rate from the
                                    preceding Payment Date (or from September
                                    23, 1998 in the case of the first Payment
                                    Date) to and including the day prior to the
                                    current Payment Date (the "Class A-2 Current
                                    Interest," and together with the Class A-1
                                    Current Interest, the "Current Interest
                                    Amount"). Each period referred to in the
                                    prior sentence relating to the accrual of
                                    interest is the "Accrual Period" for the
                                    related class of Offered Certificates.

                                    With respect to a Payment Date, any unpaid
                                    interest shortfalls relating to the Class
                                    A-1 Certificates from prior Accrual Periods
                                    is the "Class A-1 Interest Carry Forward
                                    Amount." With respect to a Payment Date, any
                                    unpaid interest shortfalls relating to the
                                    Class A-2 Certificates from prior Accrual
                                    Periods is the "Class A-2 Interest Carry
                                    Forward Amount," with the Class A-1 Interest
                                    Carry Forward Amount and the Class A-2
                                    Interest Carry Forward Amount being referred
                                    to as an "Interest Carry Forward Amount."

                                    The Pooling and Servicing Agreement defines
                                    the "Class A Interest Distribution Amount"
                                    for each class of Offered Certificates with
                                    respect to each Payment Date as being the
                                    Current Interest Amount with respect to such
                                    class of Offered Certificates, together with
                                    any Interest Carry Forward Amount with
                                    respect to such class. The Class A Interest
                                    Distribution Amount for the Offered
                                    Certificates does not include the amount, if
                                    any, of the Class A-1 Supplemental Interest
                                    Amount or the Class A-2 Supplemental
                                    Interest Amount.

                                    The Class A Interest Distribution Amount
                                    with respect to the Class A-1 Certificates
                                    is sometimes referred to as the "Group I
                                    Interest Distribution Amount"; the Class A
                                    Interest Distribution Amount with respect to
                                    the Class A-2 Certificates is sometimes
                                    referred to as the "Group II Interest
                                    Distribution Amount," and either the Group I
                                    Interest Distribution Amount or the Group II
                                    Interest Distribution 

                                    Amount is sometimes referred to as the
                                    related "Group Interest Distribution

                                    All calculations of interest on the Class
                                    A-1 Certificates and the Class A-2
                                    Certificates will be made on the basis of
                                    the actual number of days elapsed in the
                                    related Accrual Period, divided by 360.

Distribution of Principal           The Owners of each class of Offered
                                    Certificates will be entitled to receive
                                    certain monthly distributions of principal
                                    on each Payment Date which generally reflect
                                    collections of principal during the prior
                                    calendar month.

                                    On each Payment Date, the Class A-1
                                    Certificates will be entitled to receive
                                    100% of the Class A Principal Distribution
                                    Amount (as hereinafter defined) with respect
                                    to Group I. In addition, on the first
                                    Payment Date following the earlier to occur
                                    of (i) the Pre-Funding Period Termination
                                    Date or (ii) the date in which the amount on
                                    deposit in the Pre-Funding Account is
                                    reduced below $100,000, the holders of the
                                    Class A-1 Certificates will be entitled to
                                    receive as a distribution of principal any
                                    amount remaining in the Pre-Funding Account
                                    (after taking into account all transfers of
                                    Subsequent Mortgage Loans on or prior to
                                    such Payment Date).

                                    On each Payment Date, the Class A-2
                                    Certificates will be entitled to receive
                                    100% of the Class A Principal Distribution
                                    Amount with respect to Group II.

                                    Any loss with respect to a Liquidated
                                    Mortgage Loan (i.e., a Realized Loss) may or
                                    may not be applied to the Owners of the
                                    Class of Offered Certificates on the Payment
                                    Date which immediately follows the event of
                                    loss. However, the Owners of the Offered
                                    Certificates are entitled to receive
                                    ultimate recovery of any Realized Losses
                                    which occur in the Mortgage Loan Pool.

                                    The subordination provisions of the Trust
                                    result in a limited acceleration of
                                    principal payments to the Owners of each
                                    class of Offered Certificates. Such
                                    subordination provisions are more fully
                                    described under "Description of the
                                    Certificates -- Overcollateralization
                                    Provisions" and "Description of the
                                    Certificates -- Crosscollateralization
                                    Provisions." Such subordination provisions
                                    also have an effect on the weighted average
                                    lives of the Offered Certificates; see
                                    "Prepayment and Yield Considerations." In
                                    addition, the following discussion makes use
                                    of a number of defined terms which are
                                    defined under "Description of the
                                    Certificates -- Overcollateralization
                                    Provisions" and "Description of the
                                    Certificates -- Crosscollateralization

                                    The Pooling and Servicing Agreement defines
                                    the "Class A Principal Distribution Amount"
                                    for each Mortgage Loan Group with respect to
                                    each Payment Date as being the lesser


                           (a)      the Available Funds for the related Mortgage
                           Loan Group, plus any related Insured Payment and
                           minus the related Group Interest Distribution Amount,

                           (b)      (i)      the sum, without duplication of:

                                    (B)      the principal actually collected by
                                             the Master Servicer with respect to
                                             the Mortgage Loans in the related
                                             Mortgage Loan Group during the
                                             related Remittance Period;

                                    (C)      the Loan Balance of each Mortgage
                                             Loan in the related Mortgage Loan
                                             Group that either was repurchased
                                             by the Sponsor or an Originator or
                                             purchased by the Master Servicer or
                                             any Sub-Servicer on the related
                                             Remittance Date, to the extent such
                                             Loan Balance is actually received
                                             by the Trustee;

                                    (D)      any Substitution Amounts delivered
                                             by the Sponsor or an Originator on
                                             the related Remittance Date in
                                             connection with a substitution of a
                                             Mortgage Loan in the related
                                             Mortgage Loan Group, to the extent
                                             such Substitution Amounts are
                                             actually received by the Trustee;

                                    (E)      all Net Liquidation Proceeds
                                             actually collected by the Master
                                             Servicer with respect to the
                                             Mortgage Loans in the related
                                             Mortgage Loan Group during the
                                             related Remittance Period (to the
                                             extent such Net Liquidation
                                             Proceeds relate to principal);

                                    (F)      the amount of any Subordination
                                             Deficit with respect to the related
                                             Mortgage Loan Group for such
                                             Payment Date;

                                    (G)      the proceeds received by the
                                             Trustee from any termination of the
                                             related Mortgage Loan Group (to the
                                             extent such proceeds relate to

                                    (H)      the amount of any Subordination
                                             Increase Amount with respect to the
                                             related Mortgage Loan Group for
                                             such Payment Date to the extent of
                                             any Net Monthly Excess Cashflow
                                             available for such purpose;


                                             (ii)     the amount of any
                                                      Subordination Reduction
                                                      Amount with respect to the
                                                      related Mortgage Loan
                                                      Group for such Payment

                                    In no event will the Class A Principal
                                    Distribution Amount for any class of Offered
                                    Certificates and Payment Date (x) be less
                                    than zero or (y) be greater than the
                                    then-outstanding Certificate Principal
                                    Balance of the related class of Offered

                                    With respect to any class of Offered
                                    Certificates and Payment Date, the sum of
                                    the related Class A Interest Distribution
                                    Amount and the related Class A Principal
                                    Distribution Amount with respect to such
                                    Payment Date is the "Class A Formula
                                    Distribution Amount" for such class and
                                    Payment Date.

                                    With respect to the Class A-1 Certificates
                                    and any Payment Date, the sum of the Group I
                                    Interest Distribution Amount and the amount
                                    of the Group I Subordination Deficit, if
                                    any, is the "Group I Insured Distribution
                                    Amount." With respect to the Class A-2
                                    Certificates and any Payment Date, the sum
                                    of the Group II Interest Distribution Amount
                                    and the Group II Subordination Deficit, if
                                    any, is the "Group II Insured Distribution
                                    Amount." The Group I Insured Distribution
                                    Amount and the Group II Insured Distribution
                                    Amount are sometimes referred to as the
                                    related "Insured Distribution Amount".

                                    The actual amount distributed with respect
                                    to each class of Offered Certificates on any
                                    Payment Date is the "Class A Distribution
                                    Amount" for such class and Payment Date.

                                    A "Liquidated Mortgage Loan" is, in general,
                                    a defaulted Mortgage Loan as to which the
                                    Master Servicer has determined that all
                                    amounts that it expects to recover on such
                                    Mortgage Loan have been recovered (exclusive
                                    of any possibility of a deficiency
                                    judgment). Any loss on a Liquidated Mortgage
                                    Loan (i.e., a Realized Loss) may or may not
                                    be recovered by the Owners of the related
                                    class of Offered Certificates on the Payment
                                    Date which immediately follows the event of
                                    loss. However, the Owners of the Offered
                                    Certificates are entitled to receive
                                    ultimate recovery of any Realized Losses
                                    which occur in the related Mortgage Loan
                                    Group, receipt of which will be no later
                                    than the Payment Date occurring after such
                                    Realized Loss creates a Subordination
                                    Deficit (as described below). Such ultimate
                                    payment will be in the form of an Insured
                                    Payment if not covered through Net Monthly
                                    Excess Spread in the related Mortgage Loan
                                    Group or the other Mortgage Loan Group. A
                                    payment by the Certificate Insurer under the
                                    Certificate Insurance Policy is referred to
                                    herein as an "Insured Payment."

                                    Insured Payments do not include Realized
                                    Losses until such time as such aggregate,
                                    cumulative Realized Losses have created a
                                    Subordination Deficit, nor do Insured
                                    Payments cover the Master Servicer's failure
                                    to make Delinquency Advances until such time
                                    as the aggregate, cumulative amount of such
                                    unpaid Delinquency Advances, when added to
                                    Realized Losses, have created a
                                    Subordination Deficit.

                                    A "Subordination Deficit" with respect to a
                                    Mortgage Loan Group and Payment Date is the
                                    amount, if any, by which (x) the aggregate
                                    Certificate Principal Balance of the related
                                    Group of Offered Certificates, after taking
                                    into account all distributions to be made on
                                    such Payment Date (except for any payment to
                                    be made as to principal from the proceeds of
                                    the Certificate Insurance Policy), exceeds
                                    (y) the aggregate principal balance of the
                                    Mortgage Loans in the related Mortgage Loan
                                    Group as of the close of business on the
                                    last day of the preceding Remittance Period,
                                    including, with respect to the Class A-1
                                    Certificates only, any amounts held by the
                                    Trustee in the Pre-Funding Account.

                                    The Pooling and Servicing Agreement requires
                                    that the Class A-1 Certificate Principal
                                    Balance and the Class A-2 Certificate
                                    Principal Balance, if not previously reduced
                                    to zero, be reduced to zero on the Final
                                    Scheduled Payment Date.

Mandatory Prepayment of Class A     The Original Pre-Funded Amount of
     Certificates                   approximately $108,562,000 may be used to
                                    acquire Subsequent Mortgage Loans for Group
                                    I. In the event that on the Pre-Funding
                                    Period Termination Date, not all of the
                                    Original Pre-Funded Amounts have been used
                                    to acquire Subsequent Mortgage Loans, then
                                    the Class A-1 Certificates then entitled to
                                    receive principal will be prepaid in part on
                                    the November 25, 1998 Payment Date in
                                    accordance with the payment priorities
                                    described herein, from and to the extent of
                                    such remaining funds.

Credit Enhancement                  The Credit Enhancement provided for the
                                    benefit of the Owners of the Offered
                                    Certificates consists of (x) the
                                    overcollateralization and
                                    crosscollateralization mechanics which
                                    utilize the internal flows of the Trust and
                                    (y) the Certificate Insurance Policy.

                                    Overcollateralization and

                                    The subordination provisions of the Trust
                                    result in a limited acceleration of the
                                    Offered Certificates relative to the
                                    amortization of the Mortgage Loans in the
                                    related Group in the early months of the
                                    transaction. The accelerated amortization is
                                    achieved by the application of certain
                                    excess interest to the payment of principal
                                    of the Offered Certificates. This
                                    acceleration feature creates, with respect

                                    each Mortgage Loan Group,
                                    overcollateralization which results from the
                                    excess of the aggregate principal balances
                                    of the Mortgage Loans in the related
                                    Mortgage Loan Group over the related
                                    aggregate Certificate Principal Balance.
                                    Once the required level of
                                    overcollateralization is reached, and
                                    subject to the provisions described in the
                                    next paragraph, the acceleration feature
                                    will cease, unless necessary to maintain the
                                    required level of overcollateralization.

                                    Subject to certain floors, caps and
                                    triggers, the required level of
                                    overcollateralization with respect to a
                                    Mortgage Loan Group may increase or decrease
                                    over time. An increase would result in a
                                    temporary period of accelerated amortization
                                    of the related Offered Certificates to
                                    increase the actual level of
                                    overcollateralization to its required
                                    level; a decrease would result in a
                                    temporary period of decelerated amortization
                                    to reduce the actual level of
                                    overcollateralization to its required level.

                                    In addition to the foregoing, the Pooling
                                    and Servicing Agreement provides that such
                                    excess interest, together with certain other
                                    excess amounts, generated by one Mortgage
                                    Loan Group may be used to fund shortfalls in
                                    Available Funds due to losses in the other
                                    Mortgage Loan Group, subject to certain
                                    prior requirements of such Mortgage Loan
                                    Group, including the funding of any
                                    Subordination Increase Amount, if any.

                                    See "Description of the Certificates --
                                    Overcollateralization Provisions" and
                                    "Description of the Certificates --
                                    Crosscollateralization Provisions."

                                    The Certificate Insurance Policy.

                                    The Sponsor will obtain a certificate
                                    guaranty insurance policy (the "Certificate
                                    Insurance Policy"), with respect to the
                                    Offered Certificates which is noncancelable,
                                    in favor of the Trustee on behalf of the
                                    Owners of such Certificates. On each Payment
                                    Date, the Certificate Insurer will be
                                    required to make available to the Trustee
                                    the amount, if any, by which the Required
                                    Distributions (as defined in the Certificate
                                    Insurance Policy) exceed the Net Available
                                    Distribution Amount as of such Payment Date.
                                    The Certificate Insurance Policy does not
                                    guarantee to Owners of the Offered
                                    Certificates any specified rate of
                                    prepayments. The Certificate Insurance
                                    Policy does not cover any Civil Relief Act
                                    Shortfalls or any Supplemental Interest
                                    Amounts. See "The Certificate Insurance
                                    Policy" and "The Certificate Insurer" herein
                                    and "Description of Credit Enhancement" in
                                    the Prospectus.

Certificate Insurer                 MBIA Insurance Corporation.

Delinquency Advances,
    Compensating Interest and
    Servicing Advances              The Master Servicer will be obligated to
                                    make Delinquency Advances to the extent that
                                    such Delinquency Advances, in the Master
                                    Servicer's reasonable judgment, are
                                    recoverable from the related Mortgage Loan.
                                    Delinquency Advances are recoverable from
                                    (i) future collections on the Mortgage Loan
                                    which gave rise to the Delinquency Advance,
                                    (ii) Liquidation Proceeds for such Mortgage
                                    Loan and (iii) from certain excess cash
                                    flows not applied for any other purpose.
                                    "Delinquency Advances" are amounts deposited
                                    into an account, which the Master Servicer
                                    and/or any designee thereof, as applicable,
                                    shall establish in the name of the Trust for
                                    the benefit of the Owners of the
                                    Certificates and the Certificate Insurer, as
                                    their interests may appear (the "Principal
                                    and Interest Account") by the Master
                                    Servicer equal to the sum of the interest
                                    portions (net of the Servicing Fees and
                                    certain other administrative amounts, if
                                    any) due, but not collected with respect to
                                    delinquent Mortgage Loans during the related
                                    Remittance Period. No Delinquency Advance
                                    will be required to be made by the Master
                                    Servicer if, in the good faith judgment of
                                    the Master Servicer, such Delinquency
                                    Advance would not ultimately be recoverable
                                    from the related Mortgage Loan (any such
                                    advance, a "Nonrecoverable Delinquency
                                    Advance"); and if previously made by the
                                    Master Servicer, a Nonrecoverable
                                    Delinquency Advance will be reimbursable
                                    from any amounts in the Principal and
                                    Interest Account prior to any distributions
                                    being made to Certificateholders.

                                    The Master Servicer will also be obligated
                                    to make advances with respect to certain
                                    taxes and insurance premiums not paid by
                                    Mortgagors on a timely basis. No Servicing
                                    Advance will be required to be made by the
                                    Master Servicer, if in the good faith
                                    judgment of the Master Servicer, such
                                    Servicing Advance would not be recoverable
                                    from the related Mortgage Loan (any such
                                    advance, a "Nonrecoverable Servicing
                                    Advance"); and if previously made by the
                                    Master Servicer, a Nonrecoverable Servicing
                                    Advance will be reimbursable from any
                                    amounts in the Principal and Interest
                                    Account prior to any distribution being made
                                    to Certificateholders.

                                    In addition, the Master Servicer will also
                                    be required to deposit Compensating Interest
                                    in the Principal and Interest Account with
                                    respect to any full Prepayment received on a
                                    Mortgage Loan during the related Remittance
                                    Period out of its own funds without any
                                    right of reimbursement therefor.
                                    "Compensating Interest" is an amount equal
                                    to the difference between (x) 30 days'
                                    interest at the Mortgage Loan's coupon rate
                                    on the principal balance as of the first day
                                    of the related Remittance Period and (y) to
                                    the extent not previously advanced, the
                                    interest paid by the Mortgagor with respect
                                    to the Mortgage Loan. The Master Servicer
                                    will not be required to pay Compensating
                                    Interest with respect to any Remittance

                                    Period in an amount in excess of the
                                    aggregate Servicing Fee received by the
                                    Master Servicer for such Remittance Period.

Book-Entry Registration of the
     Offered Certificates           The Offered Certificates will initially be
                                    issued in book-entry form. Persons acquiring
                                    beneficial ownership interests in such
                                    Offered Certificates ("Beneficial Owners")
                                    may elect to hold their interests through
                                    The Depository Trust Company ("DTC"), in the
                                    United States, or CEDEL ("CEDEL") or the
                                    Euroclear System ("Euroclear"), in Europe.
                                    Transfers within DTC, CEDEL or Euroclear, as
                                    the case may be, will be in accordance with
                                    the usual rules and operating procedures of
                                    the relevant system. So long as the Offered
                                    Certificates are Book-Entry Certificates (as
                                    defined herein), such Offered Certificates
                                    will be evidenced by one or more Offered
                                    Certificates registered in the name of Cede
                                    & Co. ("Cede"), as the nominee of DTC, or in
                                    the name of one of the European
                                    Depositories. Cross-market transfers between
                                    persons holding directly or indirectly
                                    through DTC, on the one hand, and
                                    counterparties holding directly or
                                    indirectly through CEDEL or Euroclear, on
                                    the other, will be effected in DTC through
                                    Citibank N.A. ("Citibank") or Morgan
                                    Guaranty Trust Company of New York
                                    ("Morgan," and together with Citibank, the
                                    "European Depositaries"), the relevant
                                    depositories of CEDEL or Euroclear,
                                    respectively, and each a participating
                                    member of DTC. The Offered Certificates will
                                    initially be registered in the name of Cede.
                                    The interests of the Owners of such Offered
                                    Certificates will be represented by
                                    book-entries on the records of DTC and
                                    participating members thereof. No Beneficial
                                    Owner will be entitled to receive a
                                    definitive certificate representing such
                                    person's interest, except in the event that
                                    Definitive Certificates (as defined herein)
                                    are issued under the limited circumstances
                                    described herein. All references in this
                                    Prospectus Supplement to any Offered
                                    Certificates reflect the rights of
                                    Beneficial Owners only as such rights may be
                                    exercised through DTC and its participating
                                    organizations for so long as such Offered
                                    Certificates are held by DTC. See
                                    "Description of the Offered Certificates --
                                    Book-Entry Registration of the Offered
                                    Certificates" herein, and Annex I to the
                                    Prospectus, and "Description of the
                                    Certificates -- Book-Entry Registration" in
                                    the Prospectus.

Servicing Fee                       Advanta Mortgage Corp. USA will retain a
                                    Servicing Fee equal to 0.50% per annum.

Optional Termination                The Master Servicer, acting directly or
                                    through a permitted designee, will have the
                                    right to purchase from the Trust all the
                                    Mortgage Loans then held by the Trust at a
                                    price at least equal to par plus accrued
                                    interest net of the Servicing Fee and any
                                    amounts owed to the Master Servicer and the
                                    Certificate Insurer on any Remittance Date
                                    after the Remittance Period during which the
                                    outstanding aggregate Loan Balances of the
                                    Mortgage Loans in the Trust had declined to
                                    10% or less of

                                    the aggregate principal balance of the
                                    Mortgage Loans as of the Closing Date. The
                                    first such Remittance Date on which such
                                    option may be exercised is the "Clean-up
                                    Call Date".

Ratings                             It is a condition of the original issuance
                                    of the Offered Certificates that the Offered
                                    Certificates receive ratings of AAA by
                                    Standard & Poor's Ratings Group, a division
                                    of The McGraw Hill Companies ("Standard &
                                    Poor's"), and Aaa by Moody's Investors
                                    Service, Inc. ("Moody's"). A security rating
                                    is not a recommendation to buy, sell or hold
                                    securities, and may be subject to revision
                                    or withdrawal at any time by the assigning
                                    entity. The ratings issued by Standard &
                                    Poor's and Moody's on the payment of
                                    principal and interest does not cover the
                                    payment of the Class A -1 Supplemental
                                    Interest Amounts or the Class A-2
                                    Supplemental Interest Amounts. See
                                    "Prepayment and Yield Considerations" and
                                    "Ratings" herein and "Yield Considerations"
                                    in the Prospectus.

Federal Tax Aspects                 For federal income tax purposes, an election
                                    will be made to treat certain assets of the
                                    Trust as one or more REMICs. Each of the
                                    Offered Certificates and the related rights
                                    to receive Supplemental Interest Payments
                                    thereon will be comprised of (i) a "regular
                                    interest" in a REMIC, which will be treated
                                    as a debt instrument of the Trust for
                                    federal income tax purposes and (ii) the
                                    right to receive Supplemental Interest
                                    Payments having the characteristics
                                    described herein. A class of Subordinate
                                    Certificates will be designated as the
                                    "residual interest" with respect to each
                                    REMIC election made by the Trust. See
                                    "Certain Federal Income Tax Consequences"
                                    herein and in the Prospectus.

ERISA Considerations                As described under "ERISA Considerations"
                                    herein, the Offered Certificates may be
                                    purchased by employee benefit plans that are
                                    subject to ERISA provided that certain
                                    conditions are satisfied. See "ERISA
                                    Considerations" herein and in the

Legal Investment Considerations     The Offered Certificates will not constitute
                                    "mortgage related securities" for purposes
                                    of the Secondary Mortgage Market Enhancement
                                    Act of 1984 ("SMMEA"). In addition,
                                    institutions whose activities are subject to
                                    review by federal or state regulatory
                                    authorities may be or may become subject to
                                    restrictions, which may be retroactively
                                    imposed by such regulatory authorities, on
                                    the investment by such institutions in
                                    certain forms of mortgage related
                                    securities. All investors whose investment
                                    authority is subject to legal restrictions
                                    should consult their own legal advisors to
                                    determine whether, and to what extent, the
                                    Certificates will constitute legal
                                    investments for them.

Risk Factors                        For a discussion of certain factors that
                                    should be considered by prospective
                                    investors in the Offered Certificates, see
                                    "Risk Factors" herein and in the Prospectus.

Certain Legal Matters               Certain legal matters relating to the
                                    validity of the issuance of the Certificates
                                    will be passed upon by Dewey Ballantine LLP,
                                    New York, New York.

                                  RISK FACTORS

         Prospective investors in the Offered Certificates should consider the
following factors (as well as the factors set forth under "Risk Factors" in the
Prospectus) in connection with the purchase of the Offered Certificates.

         Risk of Higher Default Rates for Mortgage Loans with Balloon Payments.
10.27% of the Mortgage Loans as reflected by the Statistic Calculation Pools by
aggregate principal balance are "Balloon Loans," which have an amortization
schedule extending beyond such Mortgage Loan's maturity date, resulting in a
relatively late unamortized principal balance due in a single payment at
maturity. See "Risk Factors -- Risk of Losses Associated with Balloon Loans" in
the Prospectus.

         Nature of Security. Since the Mortgage Loans in certain cases are
secured by junior liens subordinate to the rights of the mortgagee or
beneficiary under the related senior mortgage(s) or deed(s) of trust, the
proceeds from any liquidation, insurance or condemnation proceedings will be
available to satisfy the outstanding balance of such a junior Mortgage Loan only
to the extent that the claims of such senior mortgagee(s) or beneficiary(ies)
have been satisfied in full, including any related foreclosure costs. In
addition, a junior mortgagee may not foreclose on the property securing a junior
mortgage unless it forecloses subject to the senior mortgage(s), in which case
it must either pay the entire amount due on the senior mortgage(s) to the senior
mortgagee(s) at or prior to the foreclosure sale or undertake the obligation to
make payments on the senior mortgage(s) in the event the mortgagor is in default
thereunder. In servicing junior mortgages in its portfolio, it is generally the
Master Servicer's practice to satisfy the senior mortgage(s) at or prior to the
foreclosure sale. The Master Servicer may also advance funds to keep the senior
mortgage(s) current until such time as the Master Servicer satisfies the senior
mortgage(s). The Trust will have no source of funds (and may not be permitted
under the REMIC provisions of the Code) to satisfy the senior mortgage(s) or
make payments due to the senior mortgagee(s). The Master Servicer will be
required to advance such amounts in accordance with the Pooling and Servicing

         Information is provided under "The Mortgage Loan Pool -- General" with
respect to the LTVs and the CLTVs of the Mortgage Loans, in the Statistic
Calculation Pools. As discussed in the Prospectus under "Risk Factors," the
value of the Mortgaged Properties underlying such loans could be adversely
affected by a number of factors. As a result, despite the amortization of the
junior and senior mortgage loans on such Mortgaged Properties, there can be no
assurance that the CLTVs of such loans, determined as of a date subsequent to
the origination date, will be the same or lower than the CLTVs for such loans,
determined as of the origination date.

         Even assuming that the Mortgaged Properties provided adequate security
for the Mortgage Loans, substantial delay could be encountered in connection
with the liquidation of defaulted Mortgage Loans and corresponding delays in the
receipt of such proceeds by the Trust could occur. Further, the Master Servicer
will be entitled to deduct from liquidation proceeds received in respect of a
fully liquidated Mortgage Loan all expenses incurred in attempting to recover
amounts due on such Mortgage Loan and not yet repaid, including payments to
senior mortgagees, legal fees, real estate taxes, and maintenance and
preservation expenses, thereby reducing collections available to the Trust.

         Liquidation expenses with respect to defaulted Mortgage Loans do not
vary directly with the outstanding principal balance of the loan at the time of
default. Therefore, assuming that a servicer took the same steps in realizing
upon a defaulted mortgage loan having a small remaining principal balance as it
would in the case of a defaulted mortgage loan having a larger principal
balance, the amount realized after expenses of liquidation would be smaller as a
percentage of the outstanding principal balance of the smaller mortgage loan
than would be the case with a larger loan. Because the average outstanding
principal balances of the Mortgage Loans are small relative to the size of the
loans in a typical pool of purchase-money first mortgages, realizations net of
liquidation expenses on defaulted Mortgage Loans may also be smaller as a
percentage of the principal amount of the Mortgage Loans than would such net
realizations in the case of a typical pool of purchase-money first mortgage

         Investor-owned properties represent (based solely upon statements made
by the borrowers at the time of origination of the related Mortgage Loan), as a
percentage of the aggregate principal balance of the Mortgage Loans, in the
Statistic Calculation Pools, 5.77% of the Mortgage Loans. It is possible that
the rate of delinquencies, foreclosures and losses on mortgage loans secured by
non-owner occupied properties could be higher than for loans secured by the
primary residence of the borrower.

         The Subsequent Mortgage Loans and the Pre-Funding Account. If the
principal amount of eligible Mortgage Loans available during the Pre-Funding
Period and sold to the Trust is less than 100% of the respective Original
Pre-Funded Amounts, the Sponsor will have insufficient Subsequent Mortgage Loans
to sell to the Trust for assignment to Group I on the Subsequent Transfer Dates,
thereby resulting in prepayments of principal to Owners of the Class A-1
Certificates as described herein. See "Social, Economic and Other Factors"
below. Although no assurance can be given, it is anticipated by the Sponsor that
the principal amount of Subsequent Mortgage Loans sold to the Trust will require
the application of substantially all amounts on deposit in Pre-Funding Account
and that there will be no material principal prepayment to the Owners of Offered

         Any conveyance of Subsequent Mortgage Loans is subject to the following
conditions, among others: (i) each such Subsequent Mortgage Loan must satisfy
certain representations and warranties; (ii) the Sponsor will not select such
Subsequent Mortgage Loans in a manner that it believes is adverse to the
interests of the Owners of the Offered Certificates or the Certificate Insurer;
(iii) the Sponsor will deliver certain opinions of counsel with respect to the
validity of the conveyance of such Subsequent Mortgage Loans; (iv) the
Certificate Insurer consents to such transfer; and (v) as of the Subsequent
Cut-Off Date, the Mortgage Loans at that time, including the Subsequent Mortgage
Loans to be conveyed to the Trust as of such Subsequent Cut-Off Date, will
satisfy the criteria set forth in the Pooling and Servicing Agreement.

         Each Subsequent Mortgage Loan must satisfy the eligibility criteria
referred to above at the time of its addition. However, Subsequent Mortgage
Loans may have been originated by the Originators or purchased by the Sponsor
using credit criteria different from those which were applied to the Initial
Mortgage Loans and may be of a different credit quality. Therefore, following
the transfer of Subsequent Mortgage Loans, the aggregate characteristics of the
Mortgage Loans then held in Group I may vary from those of the Initial Mortgage
Loans. See "The Mortgage Loan Pool -- Conveyance of Subsequent Mortgage Loans"

         Social, Economic and Other Factors. The ability of the Trust to invest
in Subsequent Mortgage Loans is dependent in part upon whether the Mortgagors
thereunder perform their payment and other obligations required by such
Subsequent Mortgage Loans in order that such Subsequent Mortgage Loans meet the
specified requirements for transfer on a Subsequent Cut-Off Date. The
performance by such Mortgagors may be affected as a result of a variety of
social and economic factors. Economic factors include interest rates,
unemployment levels, the rate of inflation and consumers' general perception of
economic conditions. However, the Originator is unable to determine and has no
basis to predict whether or to what extent economic or social factors will
affect the performance by such Mortgagors and the availability of Subsequent
Mortgage Loans.

         Effect of Mortgage Loan Yield on Class A-1 Pass-Through Rate and Class
A-2 Pass-Through Rate. The Class A-1 Pass-Through Rate and Class A-2
Pass-Through Rate are based upon the value of an index (one-month LIBOR) which
is different from the value of the indices applicable to the Mortgage Loans in
Group I and Group II, as described under "The Mortgage Pool -- Group I -- Group
II" (either as a result of the use of a fixed interest rate, different index,
rate determination date, rate adjustment date or rate cap or floor). The
Mortgage Loans in Group I and Group II either do not adjust (in the case of the
Group II Mortgage Loans which have fixed rates of interest) or primarily adjust
semi-annually or yearly (subject, with respect to certain Group I Mortgage
Loans, to an initial fixed-rate period of either two, three or five years) based
upon a six-month LIBOR index or a one year Constant Maturity Treasury Index
("CMT" and together with the LIBOR index, the "Indices") whereas the Class A-1
Pass-Through Rate and Class A-2 Pass-Through Rate adjust monthly based on a
one-month LIBOR index and are limited by the Class A-1 Available Funds Cap Rate
and the Class A-2 Available Funds Cap Rate, respectively (unless Supplemental
Interest Amounts (the payment of which is not insured by the Certificate Insurer
and the payment of which is not rated) are funded in full). Consequently, the
actual Class A-1 Pass-Through Rate for such Payment Date may not equal the Class
A-1 Formula Pass-Through Rate for such Payment Date and the actual Class A-2
Pass-Through Rate for such Payment Date may not equal the Class A-2 Formula
Pass-Through Rate for such Payment Date. In particular, the interest rates on
the Mortgage Loans in Group II do not adjust, and the interest rates on the
Mortgage Loans in Group I adjust less frequently than monthly, with the result
that the actual Class A-1 Pass-Through Rate may be lower than the Class A-1
Formula Pass-Through Rate and the actual Class A-2 Pass-Through Rate may be
lower than the Class A-2 Formula Pass-Through Rate for extended periods in a
rising interest rate environment. In addition, one-month LIBOR and the Indices
applicable to the Group I Mortgage Loans may respond to different economic and
market factors, and there is not necessarily any correlation between them. Thus,
it is possible, for example, that one-month LIBOR may rise during periods in
which one or more Indices are falling

or that, even if both one-month LIBOR and Indices applicable to the Group I
Mortgage Loans rise during the same period, one-month LIBOR may rise much more
rapidly than such Indices. See "Class A-1 Pass-Through Rate" and "Class A-2
Pass-Through Rate" in the Summary to this Prospectus Supplement.

         Year 2000 Issue. Many existing computer programs use only two digits to
identify a year in the date field. These programs were designed and developed
without considering the impact of the upcoming change in the century. If not
corrected, many computer applications could fail or create erroneous results by
or at the Year 2000. In connection with this issue (the "Year 2000 Issue"),
Advanta Corp. (the "Advanta Parent"), the parent company of the Affiliated
Originators and the Master Servicer, is completing the evaluation of its
systems, applications and vendor lists, and is implementing project plans to
modify existing computer programs or conversion to new programs, to the extent
necessary to address the Year 2000 Issue. In the event that Advanta Parent's
project plans are not timely or successfully completed, there can be no
assurance that the Year 2000 Issue will not have a material adverse effect on
the operations of the Affiliated Originators and the Master Servicer, including
a shut-down of operations for a period of time, which may, in turn, have a
material adverse effect on the Offered Certificates. Advanta Parent has also
initiated communications with all of its significant outside service providers
and some of its larger clients to determine the extent to which Advanta Parent
is vulnerable to those third parties' failure to remediate their own Year 2000
Issue. There can be no assurance that the systems used by outside service
providers, including sub-servicers providing services to the Master Servicer, or
other third parties upon which the Affiliated Originators' and the Master
Servicer's systems rely, will be timely converted. Further, there can be no
assurance that a failure to convert by another company, or a conversion that is
incompatible with the Affiliated Originators' and the Master Servicer's systems,
would not have a material adverse effect on the operations of the Affiliated
Originators or the Master Servicer, which may, in turn, have a material adverse
effect on the Offered Certificates. In the event that the systems or programs of
the Trustee and the Certificate Insurer are not Year 2000 compliant, there can
be no assurance that there would not be a material adverse effect on the
operations of the Trustee or the Certificate Insurer, respectively, which may,
in turn, have a material adverse effect on the Offered Certificates.

                         THE PORTFOLIO OF MORTGAGE LOANS

         The Statistic Calculation Pool includes loans which were either
originated directly by the Affiliated Originators or purchased by the Affiliated
Originators from others on a loan-by-loan basis and in either case acquired by
the Sponsor. The Sponsor also acquires loans from Unaffiliated Originators in
long-term commitments from Conduit Participants. Such loans are originated by
Unaffiliated Originators either directly or purchased by the Unaffiliated
Originators from others on a loan-by-loan basis (with an Affiliated Originator
and an Unaffiliated Originator each being referred to herein as an

         The Originators which are affiliated with the Sponsor are Advanta
Mortgage Corp. USA, Advanta National Bank, Advanta Mortgage Corp. Midatlantic,
Advanta Mortgage Corp. Midatlantic II, Advanta Mortgage Corp. Midwest, Advanta
Mortgage Corp. of New Jersey, Advanta Mortgage Corp. Northeast and Advanta
Finance Corp.


         MCA. The Sponsor acquired approximately 7.55% of the Mortgage Loans as
of the Initial Cut-Off Date from Mortgage Corporation of America ("MCA"), an
Unaffiliated Originator (such mortgage loans, the "MCA Loans"). Mortgage
Corporation of America is headquartered in Southfield, Michigan and is engaged
in originating mortgage loans through retail and wholesale channels. The MCA
Loans consist of 863 Mortgage Loans representing an aggregate principal balance
of $62,763,607.24 as of the Initial Cut-Off Date. Approximately 49.63% (by
aggregate principal balance as of the Initial Cut-Off Date) of the MCA Loans are
included in Group I and approximately 50.37% of the MCA Loans are included in
Group II. The MCA Loans are related to properties located in 37 states.

         Prior to its initial purchase of the MCA Loans, the Sponsor performed
or caused to be performed an operational review of the origination practices of

         The weighted average CLTV of the MCA Loans as of the Initial Cut-Off
Date was 79.49%; the weighted average Coupon Rate was 10.33% per annum; the
weighted average original term to stated maturity was 304 months; the weighted
average remaining term to stated maturity was 302 months and 97.87% of the MCA
Loans were secured by first mortgages.

         PAM. The Sponsor acquired approximately 9.60% of the Mortgage Loans as
of the Initial Cut-Off Date from PacificAmerica Money Center, Inc. ("PAM"), an
Unaffiliated Originator (such mortgage loans, the "PAM Loans"). PacificAmerica
Money Center, Inc. is headquartered in Woodland Hills, CA and is engaged in
originating mortgage loans through retail and wholesale channels. The PAM Loans
consist of 743 Mortgage Loans representing an aggregate principal balance of
$79,772,453.55 as of the Initial Cut-Off Date. Approximately 91.66% (by
aggregate principal balance as of the Initial Cut-Off Date) of the PAM Loans are
included in Group I and approximately 8.34% of the PAM Loans are included in
Group II. The PAM Loans are related to properties located in 41 states.

         Prior to its initial purchase of the PAM Loans, the Sponsor performed
or caused to be performed an operational review of the origination practices of

         The weighted average CLTV of the PAM Loans as of the Initial Cut-Off
Date was 85.45%, the weighted average Coupon Rate was 10.69% per annum; the
weighted average original term to stated maturity was 354 months; the weighted
average remaining term to stated maturity was 352 months and 96.35% of the PAM
Loans were secured by first mortgages.

         Goodrich & Pennington. The Sponsor acquired approximately 7.85% of the
Mortgage Loans as of the Initial Cut-Off Date from Goodrich & Pennington
Mortgage Fund, Inc. ("G&P"), an Unaffiliated Originator (such mortgage loans,
the "G&P Loans"). Goodrich & Pennington Mortgage Fund, Inc. is headquartered in
Rohnert Park, CA and is engaged in originating mortgage loans through retail and
wholesale channels. The G&P Loans consist of 546 Mortgage Loans representing an
aggregate principal balance of $65,214,568.99 as of the Initial Cut-Off Date.
Approximately 74.19% (by aggregate principal balance as of the Initial Cut-Off
Date) of the G&P Loans are included in Group I and approximately 25.81% of the
G&P Loans are included in Group II. The G&P Loans are related to properties
located in 15 states.

         Prior to its initial purchase of the G&P Loans, the Sponsor performed
or caused to be performed an operational review of the origination practices of
Goodrich & Pennington Mortgage Fund, Inc.

         The weighted average CLTV of the G&P Loans as of the Initial Cut-Off
Date was 78.26%; the weighted average Coupon Rate was 10.01% per annum; the
weighted average original term to stated maturity was 356 months; the weighted
average remaining term to stated maturity was 355 months and 99.96% of the G&P
Loans were secured by first mortgages.

         McGuire Mortgage Company. The Sponsor acquired approximately .87% of
the Mortgage Loans as of the Initial Cut-Off Date from McGuire Mortgage Company
("McGuire"), an Unaffiliated Originator (such mortgage loans, the "McGuire
Loans"). McGuire Mortgage Company is headquartered in Prairie Village, Kansas
and is engaged in originating mortgage loans through retail channels. The
McGuire Loans consist of 88 Mortgage Loans representing an aggregate principal
balance of $7,191,540.75 as of the Initial Cut-Off Date. 100% of the McGuire
Loans (by aggregate principal balance as of the Initial Cut-Off Date) are
included in Group II. The McGuire Loans are related to properties located in 13

         Prior to its initial purchase of the McGuire Loans, the Sponsor
performed or caused to be performed an operational review of the origination
practices of McGuire Mortgage Company.

         The weighted average CLTV of the McGuire Loans as of the Initial
Cut-Off Date was 80.60%; the weighted average Coupon Rate was 8.96% per annum;
the weighted average original term to stated maturity was 219 months; the
weighted average remaining term to stated maturity was 217 months and 100% of
the McGuire Loans were secured by first mortgages.

         First Street. The Sponsor acquired approximately 4.91% of the Mortgage
Loans as of the Initial Cut-Off Date from First Street Mortgage Corp. ("FSMC"),
an Unaffiliated Originator (such mortgage loans, the "FSMC Loans"). First Street
Mortgage Corp. is headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida and is engaged in
originating mortgage loans through wholesale channels. The FSMC Loans consist of
509 Mortgage Loans representing an aggregate principal balance of $40,779,693.39
as of the Initial Cut-Off Date. Approximately 18.49% (by aggregate

principal balance as of the Initial Cut-Off Date) of the FSMC Loans are included
in Group I and approximately 81.51% of the FSMC Loans are included in Group II.
The FSMC Loans are related to properties located in 21 states.

         Prior to its initial purchase of the FSMC Loans, the Sponsor performed
or caused to be performed an operational review of the origination practices of

         The weighted average CLTV of FSMC Loans as of the Initial Cut-Off Date
was 79.35%; the weighted average Coupon Rate was 9.38% per annum; the weighted
average original term to stated maturity was 326 months; the weighted average
remaining term to stated maturity was 325 months and 94.63% of the FSMC Loans
were secured by first mortgages.

         Equi-Financial, L.P. The Sponsor acquired approximately 3.25% of the
Mortgage Loans as of the Initial Cut-Off Date from Equi-Financial, L.P.
("EFLP"), an Unaffiliated Originator (such mortgage loans, the "EFLP Loans").
Equi-Financial, L.P. is headquartered in East Providence, Rhode Island and is
engaged in originating mortgage loans through wholesale channels. The EFLP Loans
consist of 368 Mortgages representing an aggregate principal balance of
$26,985,561.67 as of the Initial Cut-Off Date. Approximately 33.36% (by
aggregate principal balance as of the Initial Cut-Off Date) of the EFLP Loans
are included in Group I, and approximately 66.64% of the EFLP Loans are included
in Group II. The EFLP Loans are related to properties located in 13 states.

         Prior to its initial purchase of the EFLP Loans, the Sponsor performed
or caused to be performed an operational review of the origination practices of

         The weighted average CLTV of the EFLP Loans as of the Initial Cut-Off
Date was 81.25%; the weighted average Coupon Rate was 9.95% per annum; the
weighted average original term to stated maturity was 288 months; the weighted
average remaining term to stated maturity was 287 months and 95.67% of the EFLP
Loans were secured by first mortgages.

         The MCA Loans, the G&P Loans, the PAM Loans, the McGuire Loans, the
FSMC Loans and the EFLP Loans are collectively referred to herein as the
"Unaffiliated Originator Loans."

         All of the Mortgage Loans purchased by the Sponsor from the
Unaffiliated Originators were originated in accordance with the Sponsor's
underwriting guidelines for Unaffiliated Originators. See "Mortgage Loan Program
- -- Underwriting Guidelines" in the Prospectus.


         Owned and Managed Servicing Portfolio. The following tables set forth
information relating to the delinquency, loan loss and foreclosure experience of
the Master Servicer for its servicing portfolio, excluding certain loans
serviced by the Master Servicer that were not originated or purchased and
reunderwritten by the Sponsor or its Affiliated Originators (the "Owned and
Managed Servicing Portfolio"), of fixed and adjustable rate mortgage loans as of
June 30, 1998, and for each of the four prior years ended December 31. The Owned
and Managed Servicing Portfolio includes, but is not limited to, the Mortgage
Loans acquired on or prior to June 30, 1998, which are contained in the
Statistic Calculation Pools. In addition to the Owned and Managed Servicing
Portfolio, the Master Servicer serviced, as of June 30, 1998, approximately
127,000 mortgage loans with an aggregate principal balance as of such date of
approximately $8.2 billion; such loans were not originated by the Sponsor or its
Affiliated Originators and are being serviced for third parties on a contract
servicing basis (the "Third-Party Servicing Portfolio"). No loans in the
Third-Party Servicing Portfolio are included in the tables set forth below.

                                OF MORTGAGE LOANS

                      SIX MONTHS ENDING                                 Year Ending December 31,
                      -----------------      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        JUNE 30, 1998             1997                  1996                 1995                  1994
                      -----------------      ---------------       ---------------      ---------------       -----------------
                       NUMBER   DOLLAR       NUMBER   DOLLAR       NUMBER   DOLLAR      NUMBER   DOLLAR       NUMBER   DOLLAR
                        OF      AMOUNT        OF      AMOUNT        OF      AMOUNT       OF      AMOUNT        OF      AMOUNT
                       LOANS    (000)        LOANS    (000)        LOANS    (000)       LOANS    (000)        LOANS    (000)
                      -------  --------      ------   ------       ------   ------      ------   ------       ------   ------
Portfolio              91,746   $6,162,373   74,525   $4,888,936   43,303   $2,595,98   32,592   $1,797,582   26,446   $1,346,10

  30-59 days             2.56%        2.36%    3.13%        2.99%    3.07%       2.90%    2.67%        2.44%    2.01%       1.57%
  60-89 days              .84          .81     0.98         0.98     0.85        0.90     0.72         0.71     0.57        0.45
  90 days or more        1.38         1.42     1.39         1.28     1.45        1.26     1.69         1.23     1.85        1.51
                         ----         ----     ----         ----     ----        ----     ----         ----     ----        ----
Total                    4.88%        4.59%    5.50%        5.25%    5.37%       5.06%    5.08%        4.38%    4.43%       3.53%
  rate(2)                2.15%        2.31%    2.10%        2.32%    1.62%       1.92%    1.29%        1.53%    1.35%       1.38%
  properties(3)          0.70%          --     0.40%          --     0.42%         --     0.52%          --     0.47%         --


(1)      The period of delinquency is based on the number of days payments are
         contractually past due. The delinquency statistics for the period
         exclude loans in foreclosure.

(2)      "Foreclosure Rate" is the number of mortgage loans or the dollar amount
         of mortgage loans in foreclosure as a percentage of the total number of
         mortgage loans or the dollar amount of mortgage loans, as the case may
         be, as of the date indicated.

(3)      REO Properties (i.e., "real estate owned" properties -- properties
         relating to mortgages foreclosed or for which deeds in lieu of
         foreclosure have been accepted, and held by the Master Servicer pending
         disposition) percentages are calculated using the number of loans, not
         the dollar amount.

                              LOAN LOSS EXPERIENCE
                                OF MORTGAGE LOANS

                           SIX MONTHS ENDING                  Year Ending December 31,
                           -----------------   -------------------------------------------------------
                             JUNE 30, 1998        1997           1996           1995           1994
                           -----------------   ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------
                                                (Dollars in thousands)
Average amount 
  outstanding(1)              $5,501,780       $3,677,342     $2,102,643     $1,540,238     $1,225,529
Gross losses(2)               $   14,361       $   18,897     $   15,184     $   13,978     $   20,886
Recoveries(3)                 $       40       $       45     $      117     $      148     $      179
Net losses(4)                 $   14,321       $   18,852     $   15,067     $   13,830     $   20,707
Net losses as a percentage
  of average amount
  outstanding(5)                    0.52%            0.51%          0.72%          0.90%          1.69%

(1)      "Average Amount Outstanding" during the period is the arithmetic
         average of the principal balances of the mortgage loans outstanding on
         the last business day of each month during the period.

(2)      "Gross Losses" are amounts which have been determined to be
         uncollectible relating to mortgage loans for each respective period.

(3)      "Recoveries" are recoveries from liquidation proceeds and deficiency

(4)      "Net Losses" represents "Gross Losses" minus "Recoveries".

(5)      June 30, 1998 percentage has been based on annualized net losses.

                             THE MORTGAGE LOAN POOL


         The Mortgage Loans will be predominantly home equity loans, i.e., loans
used (x) to refinance an existing mortgage loan on more favorable terms, (y) to
consolidate debt, or (z) to obtain cash proceeds by borrowing against the
Mortgagor's equity in the related Mortgaged Property.

         The Mortgage Loans to be sold by the Sponsor to the Trust consisted, as
of the Initial Cut-Off Date, of 10,807 loans evidenced by promissory notes (the
"Notes") secured by Mortgages on the Mortgaged Properties, which are located in
50 states and the District of Columbia. The Mortgaged Properties securing the
Mortgage Loans consist primarily of single-family residences (which may be
detached, part of a two- to four-family dwelling, a condominium unit or a unit
in a planned unit development). The Mortgaged Properties may be owner-occupied
(which includes second and vacation homes) and non-owner occupied investment

         The Mortgage Loans will be required to satisfy the following criteria
as of the Initial Cut-Off Date: have remaining terms to maturity of no greater
than 30 years; will not be 30 or more days delinquent (except that certain
Mortgage Loans, representing in the aggregate not in excess of 0.81% of the
aggregate principal balance of all Mortgage Loans as of the Initial Cut-Off
Date, may be 30-59 days delinquent). Neither the Sponsor nor the Master Servicer
have reason to believe that the delinquency and loss experience of the Mortgage
Loans will differ in any material respect from that of the Master Servicer's
total servicing portfolio, although there can be no assurance that this will be
the case.

         Less than 14.52% of the Mortgage Loans (as a percentage of the
aggregate principal balance of all Mortgage Loans as of the Initial Cut-Off
Date) are "simple interest" or "date of payment" loans, with the remainder
"actuarial" or "pre-computed" loans. A "simple interest" loan provides that
interest which has accrued to date is paid first and the remaining payment is
applied to reduce the unpaid principal balance. An "actuarial" loan provides for
amortization of the loan over a series of fixed level monthly installments.
98.00% of the Mortgage Loans are secured by first lien mortgages on the related
Mortgaged Properties, and 2.00% of the Mortgage Loans are secured by junior
liens on the related Mortgaged Properties.

         Each Mortgage Loan in the Trust will be assigned to one of two mortgage
loan groups (the "Group I Pool", or the "Group II Pool"). Each of the Mortgage
Loans contained in the Group I Pool will be secured by a Mortgage having either
a first or junior lien position with respect to the related Mortgaged Property,
and will have a maximum remaining term to maturity of 30 years. The Mortgage
Loans contained in the Group II Pool will be secured by a Mortgage having either
a first or junior lien position with respect to the related Mortgaged Property
and will have a maximum remaining term to maturity of 30 years. The Class A-1
Certificates represent undivided ownership interests in all Mortgage Loans
contained or to be contained in the Group I Pool and the Class A-2 Certificates
represent undivided ownership interests in all Mortgage Loans contained or to be
contained in the Group II Pool.

         The CLTVs and LTVs described herein were calculated based upon the
appraised values of the related Mortgaged Properties at the time of origination
(the "Appraised Values"). In general, for purchase money loans, the CLTVs and
LTVs were calculated using the lower of the purchase price or appraised values
of the related Mortgaged Properties at the time of origination. No assurance can
be given that such appraised values of the Mortgaged Properties have remained or
will remain at their levels on the dates of origination of the related Mortgage
Loans. If property values decline such that the outstanding balances of the
Mortgage Loans, together with the outstanding balances of any Senior Liens,
become equal to or greater than the value of the Mortgaged Properties, the
actual rates of delinquencies, foreclosures and losses could be higher than
those heretofore experienced by the Master Servicer, as set forth above under
"The Portfolio of Mortgage Loans," and in the mortgage lending industry.

         Difference between Statistic Calculation Pools and Closing Date Pools.

         The statistical information presented in this Prospectus Supplement is
based on the Statistic Calculation Pools, which are computed as of the Initial
Cut-Off Date. These pools aggregated $330,919,393.34 with respect to the Group I
Pool and $500,000,045.72 with respect to the Group II Pool. The Sponsor expects
that the actual aggregate principal balance of the Initial Mortgage Loans, as of
the Closing Date, plus the aggregate principal balance of the Subsequent
Mortgage Loans, as of the Pre-Funding Period Termination Date, will represent

approximately $505,562,000 in Mortgage Loans in the Group I Pool and
$500,000,000 in Mortgage Loans in the Group II Pool. The additional Mortgage
Loans reflected as of the Pre-Funding Period Termination Date represents
Subsequent Mortgage Loans which will be assigned to the Trustee for funds in the
Pre-Funding Account.

         In addition, with respect to the Statistic Calculation Pools, some
amortization of the Mortgage Loans contained in such pools will occur prior to
the Closing Date. Moreover, certain loans included in the pools as of the
Initial Cut-Off Date may prepay in full or may be determined not to meet the
eligibility requirements for the final pools and as a result may not be included
in the final pools. As a result of the foregoing, the statistical distribution
of characteristics as of the Closing Date or as of the Pre-Funding Period
Termination Date for the Mortgage Loan pools will vary somewhat from the
statistical distribution of such characteristics based on the Statistic
Calculation Pools as of the Initial Cut-Off Date as presented in this Prospectus
Supplement, although such variance will not be material. In the event that the
Sponsor does not, as of the Closing Date, have the full amount of Mortgage Loans
which the Sponsor expects to sell to the Trust on such date, (i.e.,
approximately $397,000,000 with respect to the Group I Pool and approximately
$500,000,000 with respect to the Group II Pool) the Sponsor will reduce the size
of the offering. The Sponsor does not expect that the original principal amount
of any class will increase or decrease by more than 5% as a result of such
non-delivery. Even if the full expected amount of Mortgage Loans is delivered,
certain adjustments (plus or minus 5%) may occur between the class sizes.


         The Mortgage Loans in the Group I Pool as of the Initial Cut-Off Date
consist of 3,320 loans under which the related Mortgaged Properties are located
in 49 states and the District of Columbia, as set forth herein. The Mortgage
Loans in the Group I Statistic Calculation Pool had an aggregate principal
balance of $330,919,393.34, the minimum principal balance of any of such
Mortgage Loans was $14.56, the maximum principal balance thereof was $649,704.69
and the average principal balance of such Mortgage Loans was approximately
$99,674.52 The weighted average current Coupon Rate of the Mortgage Loans in the
Group I Statistic Calculation Pool was 10.08%. The margins for the Mortgage
Loans in the Group I Statistic Calculation Pool range from 2.12% to 11.40% and
the weighted average margin was 6.06%.

         The Mortgage Loans in the Group I Statistic Calculation Pool have
original terms to stated maturity from 96 months to 360 months, remaining terms
to stated maturity from 96 months to 360 months, a weighted average original
term to stated maturity of 358 months, a weighted average remaining term to
stated maturity of 356 months and a weighted average seasoning of 1.5 months. No
Mortgage Loan in the Group I Statistic Calculation Pool had a stated maturity
later than September 10, 2028. 99.97% of the Mortgage Loans in the Group I
Statistic Calculation Pool by aggregate principal balance require monthly
payments of principal that will fully amortize such Mortgage Loans by their
respective maturity dates.

         The weighted average CLTV of the Mortgage Loans included in the Group I
Statistic Calculation Pool was 80.51%. Approximately 99.97% of the Mortgage
Loans in the Group I Statistic Calculation Pool by aggregate principal balance
were secured by first mortgages and approximately .03% by junior mortgages.

         98.29% of the Mortgage Loans in the Group I Statistic Calculation Pool
bear interest (in some instances, following an initial fixed-rate period) at a
six-month LIBOR rate, plus a margin. 90.6% are indexed on the average of the
six-month LIBOR rates based on quotations at five major banks as set forth in
the "Money Rates" section of The Wall Street Journal, Western Edition, on the
first business day of the month; 4.28% are indexed on the average of the
six-month LIBOR rates based on quotations of major banks, as published by the
Federal National Mortgage Association ("FNMA"), on the first business day of the
month; 3.16% are indexed on the average of the six-month LIBOR rates based on
quotations at five major banks as set forth in the "Money Rates" section of The
Wall Street Journal, Western Edition, on the most recent daily quote available;
0.25% are indexed on other six-month LIBOR rates; 0.01% are indexed on the
average of the COFI 11th District Cost of Funds rates based on quotations by
calling "FHLB" out of San Francisco on the last business day of the month after
3:00 P.M. 1.17% are indexed on the one year Constant Maturity Treasury Index
published in the Wall Street Journal as a Key Interest Rate each week and 0.54%
are indexed on the weekly average of one year constant maturity treasury.

         With respect to the Mortgage Loans in the Group I Statistic Calculation
Pool, 49.59% of such Mortgage Loans bear interest at a fixed rate of interest
for a two-year period following origination, 36.54% of such Mortgage Loans bear
interest at a fixed rate of interest for a three-year period following
origination, and 11.02% of such

Mortgage Loans bear interest at a fixed rate of interest for a five year period
following origination; after such initial periods, such Mortgage Loans bear
interest at adjustable rates, as described above.

         98.29% of the loans in the Group I Statistic Calculation Pool have
semi-annual interest rate and semi-annual payment adjustment frequencies. 1.71%
of the loans in the Group I Statistic Calculation Pool have annual interest rate
and annual payment adjustment frequencies. 73.99% of the Mortgage Loans in the
Group I Statistic Calculation Pool have a periodic rate adjustment cap of 1%;
24.38% of such Mortgage Loans have a periodic rate adjustment cap of 1.5%; 1.63%
of the Mortgage Loans in the Group I Statistic Calculation Pool have a periodic
rate adjustment cap of 2%. 64.44% of the Mortgage Loans in the Group I Statistic
Calculation Pool have a lifetime cap of 7.00%; 22.69% have a lifetime cap of
6.50%; 11.55% have a lifetime cap of 6.00%. The weighted average number of
months until the next reset date is approximately 30 months. The weighted
average maximum Coupon Rate was approximately 16.84%, with maximum Coupon Rates
that range from 12.13% to 23.45%. The weighted average minimum Coupon Rate was
approximately 9.29%, with minimum Coupon Rates that range from 3.75% to 16.45%.

         The following tables describe the Group I Mortgage Loans and the
related Mortgaged Properties based upon the Group I Statistic Calculation Pool
as of the opening of business on the Initial Cut-Off Date.

                                  GROUP I POOL
                             GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION

                           Number of         Aggregate       % of Aggregate
       State             Mortgage Loans  Principal Balance  Principal Balance
       -----             --------------  -----------------  -----------------
Alabama ...............         9         $    911,844.44         0.28%
Alaska ................         4              595,145.90         0.18
Arizona ...............        88            8,291,867.50         2.51
Arkansas ..............        11              729,325.12         0.22
California ............       298           53,401,958.50        16.13
Colorado ..............       106           11,476,963.90         3.47
Connecticut ...........        33            3,575,649.21         1.08
Delaware ..............        11            1,235,560.42         0.37
District of Columbia ..         2              183,378.59         0.06
Florida ...............       213           19,213,377.01         5.81
Georgia ...............        50            4,828,558.71         1.46
Idaho .................        43            3,741,619.83         1.13
Illinois ..............       157           15,800,903.63         4.77
Indiana ...............       115            7,782,436.61         2.35
Iowa ..................        11              658,949.95         0.20
Kansas ................        17            1,355,254.66         0.41
Kentucky ..............        22            1,715,412.27         0.52
Louisiana .............        18            1,836,822.72         0.56
Maine .................        10              767,894.14         0.23
Maryland ..............        69            7,006,759.03         2.12
Massachusetts .........        37            4,265,540.98         1.29
Michigan ..............       503           37,408,091.95        11.29
Minnesota .............        21            1,933,083.37         0.58
Mississippi ...........        11              755,099.66         0.23
Missouri ..............        51            3,589,238.94         1.08
Montana ...............         8              839,915.72         0.25
Nebraska ..............         1               54,000.00         0.02
Nevada ................       107           13,023,272.30         3.94
New Hampshire .........         5              430,979.13         0.13
New Jersey ............        96           12,496,458.94         3.78
New Mexico ............        18            1,408,071.53         0.43
New York ..............        64            8,028,470.27         2.43
North Carolina ........        65            5,229,972.96         1.58
North Dakota ..........         2              154,878.00         0.05
Ohio ..................       246           17,739,092.30         5.36
Oklahoma ..............        34            2,505,097.63         0.76
Oregon ................        94           10,748,814.33         3.25
Pennsylvania ..........       152           12,625,726.87         3.82
Rhode Island ..........        16            1,541,110.50         0.47
South Carolina ........        25            2,419,054.46         0.73
South Dakota ..........         1               39,952.92         0.01
Tennessee .............        34            3,063,465.51         0.93
Texas .................        57            5,309,826.15         1.60
Utah ..................        80            9,052,279.06         2.74
Vermont ...............         3              380,330.41         0.11
Virginia ..............        49            5,168,357.97         1.56
Washington ............       164           19,664,619.54         5.93
West Virginia .........         7              458,765.03         0.14
Wisconsin .............        78            5,168,021.77         1.56
Wyoming................         4              308,123.00         0.09
                            -----         ---------------       ------
  TOTAL ..........          3,320         $330,919,393.34       100.00%
                            =====         ===============       ======

                                  GROUP I POOL
                              DISTRIBUTION OF LTVS

          Range of               Number of        Aggregate         % of Aggregate
         LTV Ratios            Mortgage Loans  Principal Balance  Principal Balance
         ----------            --------------  -----------------  -----------------
  90.01 -  95.00% ...........        14        $    1,808,059.88         0.55%
  85.01 -  90.00 ............       555            64,839,723.36        19.59
  80.01 -  85.00 ............       945            98,047,236.68        29.64
  75.01 -  80.00 ............       955            94,586,671.73        28.58
  70.01 -  75.00 ............       370            34,983,018.55        10.57
  65.01 -  70.00 ............       202            16,980,373.39         5.13
  60.01 -  65.00.............        95             8,052,463.98         2.43
  55.01 -  60.00 ............        70             4,829,416.34         1.46
  50.01 -  55.00 ............        36             2,364,531.44         0.71
  00.01 -  50.00 ............        79             4,427,897.99         1.34
                                  -----        -----------------       ------
     TOTAL ..................     3,320        $  330,919,393.34       100.00%
                                  =====        =================       ======

                                  GROUP I POOL
                              DISTRIBUTION OF CLTVS

          Range of               Number of        Aggregate         % of Aggregate
         CLTV Ratios           Mortgage Loans  Principal Balance  Principal Balance
         -----------           --------------  -----------------  -----------------
  90.01 -  95.00% ...........        14        $    1,808,059.88         0.55%
  85.01 -  90.00 ............       555            64,922,903.64        19.61
  80.01 -  85.00 ............       945            98,047,236.68        29.64
  75.01 -  80.00 ............       956            94,609,055.00        28.59
  70.01 -  75.00 ............       370            34,983,018.55        10.57
  65.01 -  70.00 ............       202            16,980,373.39         5.13
  60.01 -  65.00 ............        95             8,052,463.98         2.43
  55.01 -  60.00 ............        70             4,829,416.34         1.46
  50.01 -  55.00 ............        36             2,364,531.44         0.71
  00.01 -  50.00 ............        77             4,322,334.44         1.31
                                  -----        -----------------       ------
     TOTAL ..................     3,320        $  330,919,393.34       100.00%
                                  =====        =================       ======

                                  GROUP I POOL
                           RANGE OF JUNIOR LIEN RATIOS

          Range of               Number of        Aggregate         % of Aggregate
      Junior Lien Rates        Mortgage Loans  Principal Balance  Principal Balance
      -----------------        --------------  -----------------  -----------------
  40.001- 50.000% ...........         1        $       83,180.28        78.80%
  50.001- 60.000 ............         1                22,383.27        21.20
                                  -----        -----------------       ------
     TOTAL ..................         2        $      105,563.55       100.00%
                                  =====        =================       ======

                                  GROUP I POOL

          Range of               Number of        Aggregate         % of Aggregate
        Coupon Rates           Mortgage Loans  Principal Balance  Principal Balance
        ------------           --------------  -----------------  -----------------
  6.001 -  7.000% ...........         5        $      665,310.56         0.20%
  7.001 -  8.000 ............       108            12,964,030.34         3.92
  8.001 -  9.000 ............       532            62,921,048.76        19.01
  9.001 -  10.000 ...........       909           101,419,949.32        30.65
 10.001 -  11.000 ...........       913            85,297,771.23        25.78
 11.001 -  12.000 ...........       509            42,772,461.54        12.93
 12.001 -  13.000 ...........       242            18,046,344.30         5.45
 13.001 -  14.000 ...........        80             4,998,657.17         1.51
 14.001 -  15.000 ...........        15             1,333,489.20         0.40
 15.001 -  16.000 ...........         5               427,561.61         0.13
 16.001 -  17.000 ...........         2                72,769.31         0.02
                                  -----        -----------------       ------
     TOTAL  .................     3,320        $  330,919,393.34       100.00%
                                  =====        =================       ======

                                  GROUP I POOL

        Remaining Term           Number of        Aggregate         % of Aggregate
         to Maturity           Mortgage Loans  Principal Balance  Principal Balance
         -----------           --------------  -----------------  -----------------
    85  -     96 ............         1        $       23,955.64         0.01%
   109  -    120 ............         1               157,758.52         0.05
   121  -    132 ............         1                22,383.27         0.01
   157  -    168 ............         1                26,058.75         0.01
   169  -    180 ............        29             1,739,903.24         0.53
   217  -    228 ............         3               180,652.86         0.05
   229  -    240 ............        43             2,995,674.69         0.91
   253  -    264 ............         1                64,600.00         0.02
   277  -    288 ............         1                64,455.84         0.02
   289  -    300 ............         8               705,833.30         0.21
   325  -    336 ............         1                68,355.72         0.02
   337  -    348 ............         4               299,332.60         0.09
   349  -    360 ............     3,226           324,570,428.91        98.08
                                  -----        -----------------       ------
     TOTAL ..................     3,320        $  330,919,393.34       100.00%
                                  =====        =================       ======

                                  GROUP I POOL

          Range of               Number of         Aggregate        % of Aggregate
     Principal Balances        Mortgage Loans  Principal Balance  Principal Balance
     ------------------        --------------  -----------------  -----------------
 $      0  -    5,000 .......         1        $           14.56         0.00%
   10,001  -   15,000 .......         4                59,398.11         0.02
   15,001  -   20,000 .......        18               329,367.66         0.10
   20,001  -   25,000 .......        37               852,641.00         0.26
   25,001  -   30,000 .......        71             2,001,841.15         0.60
   30,001  -   35,000 .......        76             2,482,552.09         0.75
   35,001  -   40,000 .......       123             4,654,738.59         1.41
   40,001  -   45,000 .......       135             5,794,803.02         1.75
   45,001  -   50,000 .......       159             7,624,331.88         2.30
   50,001  -   55,000 .......       139             7,320,087.53         2.21
   55,001  -   60,000 .......       154             8,853,707.39         2.68
   60,001  -   65,000 .......       181            11,381,110.50         3.44
   65,001  -   70,000 .......       142             9,634,377.11         2.91
   70,001  -   75,000 .......       172            12,483,319.44         3.77
   75,001  -   80,000 .......       165            12,796,406.86         3.87
   80,001  -   85,000 .......       126            10,436,689.72         3.15
   85,001  -   90,000 .......       135            11,806,258.71         3.57
   90,001  -   95,000 .......       123            11,397,331.70         3.44
   95,001  -  100,000 .......       137            13,390,624.02         4.05
  100,001  -  150,000 .......       739            89,575,414.52        27.06
  150,001  -  200,000 .......       241            41,375,547.88        12.50
  200,001  -  250,000 .......       123            27,460,260.12         8.30
  250,001  -  300,000 .......        59            15,945,629.93         4.82
  300,001  -  350,000 .......        27             8,724,315.24         2.64
  350,001  -  400,000 .......        15             5,644,964.10         1.71
  400,001  -  450,000 .......         8             3,420,338.02         1.03
  450,001  -  500,000 .......         4             1,895,884.63         0.57
  500,001  -  550,000 .......         2             1,046,976.20         0.32
  550,001  -  600,000 .......         1               584,154.91         0.18
  600,001  -  650,000 .......         3             1,946,306.75         0.59
                                  -----        -----------------       ------
     TOTAL .................      3,320        $  330,919,393.34       100.00%
                                  =====        =================       ======

                                  GROUP I POOL
                         DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTY TYPES

                                         Number of         Aggregate        % of Aggregate
         Property Type                Mortgage Loans   Principal Balance  Principal Balance
         -------------                --------------   -----------------  -----------------
SF Detached/DeMin PUD ..............      2,933        $  296,657,714.51        89.65%
SF Row House/Townhouse/Condo .......        167            14,314,613.63         4.32
Two to Four Family Home ............        112            11,222,101.76         3.39
Prefabricated Single Family.........        103             7,945,782.16         2.40
Other ..............................          5               779,181.28         0.24
                                          -----        -----------------       ------
    TOTAL ..........................      3,320        $  330,919,393.34       100.00%
                                          =====        =================       ======

                                  GROUP I POOL

                                        Number of        Aggregate         % of Aggregate
       Occupancy Status               Mortgage Loans  Principal Balance  Principal Balance
       ----------------               --------------  -----------------  -----------------
Non-Investor Owned* ................      3,149       $  317,653,834.80         95.99%
Investor Owned .....................        171           13,265,558.54          4.01
                                          -----       -----------------        ------
    TOTAL ..........................      3,320       $  330,919,393.34        100.00%
                                          =====       =================        ======

- ---------------------------
* Includes vacation and second homes.

                                  GROUP I POOL
                            DISTRIBUTION OF SEASONING

          Months Elapsed               Number of        Aggregate         % of Aggregate
         Since Origination           Mortgage Loans  Principal Balance  Principal Balance
         -----------------           --------------  -----------------  -----------------
     0  -    6 ....................      3,295       $  328,586,774.35         99.29%
     7  -   12 ....................         21            2,125,653.12          0.64
    13  -   24 ....................          3              184,582.60          0.06
   157  -  168 ....................          1               22,383.27          0.01
                                         -----       -----------------        ------
      TOTAL .......................      3,320       $  330,919,393.34        100.00%
                                         =====       =================        ======

                                  GROUP I POOL

                    Range of                         Number of        Aggregate         % of Aggregate
              Maximum Coupon Rates                 Mortgage Loans  Principal Balance  Principal Balance
              --------------------                 --------------  -----------------  -----------------
         12.000    to    12.499% ................         1        $      127,751.74         0.04%
         13.000    to    13.499 .................         3               469,276.81         0.14
         13.500    to    13.999 .................        30             3,355,351.40         1.01
         14.000    to    14.499 .................        27             3,702,678.33         1.12
         14.500    to    14.999 .................       146            17,696,571.50         5.35
         15.000    to    15.499 .................       173            22,026,872.02         6.66
         15.500    to    15.999 .................       410            44,039,487.20        13.31
         16.000    to    16.499 .................       446            49,789,071.68        15.05
         16.500    to    16.999 .................       482            51,644,215.86        15.61
         17.000    to    17.499 .................       389            38,163,208.53        11.53
         17.500    to    17.999 .................       435            40,044,283.50        12.10
         18.000    to    18.499 .................       290            23,836,281.75         7.20
         18.500    to    18.999 .................       177            14,500,372.69         4.38
         19.000    to    19.499 .................       141            10,564,086.76         3.19
         19.500    to    19.999 .................        84             5,391,724.77         1.63
         20.000    to    20.499 .................        49             2,923,447.16         0.88
         20.500    to    20.999 .................        21             1,167,185.90         0.35
         21.000    to    21.499 .................         7               719,831.15         0.22
         21.500    to    21.999 .................         2               257,363.67         0.08
         22.000    to    22.499 .................         3               265,249.53         0.08
         22.500    to    22.999 .................         2               162,312.08         0.05
         23.000    to    23.499 .................         2                72,769.31         0.02
                                                      -----        -----------------       ------
             TOTAL ..............................     3,320        $  330,919,393.34       100.00%
                                                      =====        =================       ======

                                  GROUP I POOL

          Range of Minimum             Number of        Aggregate         % of Aggregate
            Coupon Rates             Mortgage Loans  Principal Balance  Principal Balance
            ------------             --------------  -----------------  -----------------
       3.500  to   3.999% .........         1        $       79,140.09          0.02%
       4.000  to   4.499 ..........        38             4,185,917.60          1.26
       4.500  to   4.999 ..........        61             6,031,556.57          1.82
       5.000  to   5.499 ..........       127            12,052,207.91          3.64
       5.500  to   5.999 ..........       157            14,351,754.05          4.34
       6.000  to   6.499 ..........        43             4,079,958.49          1.23
       6.500  to   6.999 ..........        41             3,387,990.12          1.02
       7.000  to   7.499 ..........        30             2,525,903.88          0.76
       7.500  to   7.999 ..........       377            37,834,672.84         11.44
       8.000  to   8.499 ..........        88            10,867,251.50          3.28
       8.500  to   8.999 ..........       286            33,407,585.76         10.11
       9.000  to   9.499 ..........       225            26,587,116.65          8.03
       9.500  to   9.999 ..........       405            47,768,000.84         14.44
      10.000  to  10.499 ..........       300            30,049,341.29          9.08
      10.500  to  10.999 ..........       417            40,036,638.85         12.11
      11.000  to  11.499 ..........       250            20,485,060.93          6.19
      11.500  to  11.999 ..........       194            16,731,794.32          5.06
      12.000  to  12.499 ..........       114             8,922,821.07          2.70
      12.500  to  12.999 ..........        83             5,962,112.05          1.80
      13.000  to  13.499 ..........        45             2,840,582.85          0.86
      13.500  to  13.999 ..........        24             1,469,440.34          0.44
      14.000  to  14.499 ..........         9               970,892.76          0.29
      14.500  to  14.999 ..........         2                36,883.27          0.01
      15.000  to  15.499 ..........         1               182,000.00          0.05
      16.000  to  16.499 ..........         2                72,769.31          0.02
                                        -----        -----------------        ------
         TOTAL ....................     3,320        $  330,919,393.34        100.00%
                                        =====        =================        ======

                                  GROUP I POOL
                             DISTRIBUTION OF MARGINS

           Range of               Number of        Aggregate         % of Aggregate
           Margins              Mortgage Loans  Principal Balance  Principal Balance
           -------              --------------  -----------------  -----------------
 2.01  to   3.00% ............       116        $   12,150,740.59         3.67%
 3.01  to   4.00 .............       148            16,520,777.57         4.99
 4.01  to   5.00 .............       488            50,627,912.08        15.30
 5.01  to   6.00 .............       885            90,716,792.99        27.42
 6.01  to   7.00 .............       825            81,687,299.86        24.69
 7.01  to   8.00 .............       511            50,051,038.06        15.12
 8.01  to   9.00 .............       226            18,936,655.35         5.72
 9.01  to  10.00 .............       101             8,612,950.36         2.60
10.01  to  11.00 .............        19             1,576,747.37         0.48
11.01  to  12.00 .............         1                38,479.11         0.01
                                   -----        -----------------       ------
           TOTAL .............     3,320        $  330,919,393.34       100.00%
                                   =====        =================       ======

                                  GROUP I POOL

           Next Interest                Number of         Aggregate        % of Aggregate
          Adjustment Date             Mortgage Loans  Principal Balance  Principal Balance
          ---------------             --------------  -----------------  -----------------
October, 1998 ......................        13        $    1,687,067.81          0.51%
November, 1998 .....................        25             3,042,455.08          0.92
December, 1998 .....................        19             2,083,807.65          0.63
January, 1999 ......................        13             1,875,643.65          0.57
February, 1999 .....................         7               630,104.40          0.19
March, 1999 ........................         1                65,000.00          0.02
June, 1999 .........................         2               106,726.36          0.03
July, 1999 .........................         1                74,575.39          0.02
August, 1999 .......................         1                22,383.27          0.01
September, 1999 ....................         2               320,075.92          0.10
October, 1999 ......................         1                78,673.81          0.02
December, 1999 .....................         1                39,753.64          0.01
January, 2000 ......................         6               604,344.48          0.18
February, 2000 .....................        12             1,166,418.50          0.35
March, 2000 ........................        16             1,143,408.48          0.35
April, 2000 ........................       153            15,001,849.99          4.53
May, 2000 ..........................       189            20,345,270.79          6.15
June, 2000 .........................       381            41,226,775.18         12.46
July, 2000 .........................       436            49,752,291.95         15.04
August, 2000 .......................       273            32,215,008.24          9.74
September, 2000 ....................        16             2,199,518.96          0.66
November, 2000 .....................         1                77,640.90          0.02
December, 2000 .....................         1                33,526.11          0.01
January, 2001 ......................         4               634,370.42          0.19
February, 2001 .....................        10               993,453.90          0.30
March, 2001 ........................        14             1,482,260.56          0.45
April, 2001 ........................        54             5,463,292.63          1.65
May, 2001 ..........................        86            10,472,125.88          3.16
June, 2001 .........................       308            26,390,715.37          7.97
July, 2001 .........................       529            44,576,382.05         13.47
August, 2001 .......................       310            25,149,999.99          7.60
September, 2001 ....................        64             5,502,141.60          1.66
January, 2003 ......................         1               114,512.43          0.03
February, 2003 .....................         1                66,932.29          0.02
March, 2003 ........................         2               218,223.54          0.07
April, 2003 ........................         6               592,843.13          0.18
May, 2003 ..........................        12               931,403.99          0.28
June, 2003 .........................        59             4,982,534.16          1.51
July, 2003 .........................       121            12,241,748.28          3.70
August, 2003 .......................       108            10,573,491.58          3.20
September, 2003 ....................        61             6,740,640.98          2.04
                                         -----        -----------------        ------
     TOTAL .........................     3,320        $  330,919,393.34        100.00%
                                         =====        =================        ======


         The Mortgage Loans in the Group II Pool as of the Initial Cut-Off Date
consist of 7,487 Mortgage Loans under which the related Mortgaged Properties are
located in 50 states and the District of Columbia, as set forth herein. The
Group II Statistic Calculation Pool had an aggregate principal balance of
$500,000,045.72 and the minimum principal balance of any of the Mortgage Loans
in the Group II Statistic Calculation Pool as of the Initial Cut-Off Date was
$1,343.82, the maximum principal balance thereof was $629,532.44 and the average
principal balance of such Mortgage Loans was approximately $66,782.43. The
Coupon Rates on the Mortgage Loans in the Group II Statistic Calculation Pool
ranged from 6.33% to 19.10% per annum, and the weighted average Coupon Rate of
such Mortgage Loans was 9.91% per annum. The original term to stated maturity of
the Mortgage Loans in the Group II Statistic Calculation Pool ranged from 36
months to 360 months, the remaining term to stated maturity ranged from 12
months to 360 months, the weighted average original term to stated maturity was
264 months, the weighted average remaining term to stated maturity was 262
months and the weighted average seasoning was 1.6 months. No Mortgage Loan in
the Group II Statistic Calculation Pool had a stated maturity later than
September 10, 2028. 82.95% of the Mortgage Loans in the Group II Statistic
Calculation Pool by aggregate principal balance require monthly payments of
principal that will fully amortize the Mortgage Loans by their respective
maturity dates, and 17.05% of such Mortgage Loans by aggregate principal balance
are Balloon Loans.

         The weighted average CLTV of the Mortgage Loans included in the Group
II Statistic Calculation Pool was 76.80%. The weighted average Junior Lien Ratio
(as defined below) of the Mortgage Loans in the Group II Statistic Calculation
Pool was 33.58%; the weighted average LTV was 75.03%. Approximately 96.70% of
the Mortgage Loans in the Group II Statistic Calculation Pool by aggregate
principal balance were secured by first mortgages and approximately 3.30% by
junior mortgages.

         The "Junior Lien Ratio" of a Mortgage Loan which is in a junior lien
position is equal to the ratio (expressed as a percentage) of the original
principal balance of such Mortgage Loan to the sum of (i) the original principal
balance of such Mortgage Loan and (ii) the principal balance at the time of
origination of the Mortgage Loan of any Senior Liens (computed at the time of
origination of such Mortgage Loan).

         The following tables describe the Group II Mortgage Loans and the
related Mortgaged Properties based upon the Group II Statistic Calculation Pool
as of the opening of business on the Initial Cut-Off Date.

                                  GROUP II POOL
                             GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION

                               Number of        Aggregate         % of Aggregate
           State             Mortgage Loans  Principal Balance  Principal Balance
           -----             --------------  -----------------  -----------------
Alabama....................        33        $    1,768,526.82          0.35%
Alaska.....................         2               306,040.10          0.06
Arizona....................       238            14,920,059.10          2.98
Arkansas...................        67             3,278,868.47          0.66
California.................       417            50,040,946.22         10.00
Colorado...................       150            13,175,830.88          2.64
Connecticut................        35             2,539,009.65          0.51
Delaware...................        37             2,510,599.00          0.50
District of Columbia.......        13             1,093,907.07          0.22
Florida....................       496            31,446,692.43          6.29
Georgia....................       197            13,207,917.42          2.64
Hawaii.....................        12             2,024,097.82          0.40
Idaho .....................        46             3,000,581.17          0.60
Illinois...................       235            17,034,980.25          3.41
Indiana....................       270            14,906,067.64          2.98
Iowa  .....................        62             3,242,601.35          0.65
Kansas.....................       110             6,462,167.23          1.29
Kentucky...................       132             7,449,133.38          1.49
Louisiana..................       117             6,123,295.06          1.22
Maine .....................        28             1,677,965.16          0.34
Maryland...................       182            13,946,213.37          2.79
Massachusetts..............        79             7,735,695.26          1.55
Michigan...................       748            40,983,600.53          8.20
Minnesota..................        74             4,970,172.17          0.99
Mississippi................        63             2,809,286.66          0.56
Missouri...................       230            12,281,479.43          2.46
Montana....................        12               821,712.87          0.16
Nebraska...................        47             3,004,194.92          0.60
Nevada.....................       106            10,164,894.34          2.03
New Hampshire..............         8               803,933.41          0.16
New Jersey.................       181            16,176,624.87          3.24
New Mexico.................        64             4,043,802.60          0.81
New York...................       193            14,992,229.24          3.00
North Carolina.............       256            14,947,908.74          2.99
North Dakota...............        11               363,852.64          0.07
Ohio  .....................       372            23,486,316.05          4.70
Oklahoma...................       126             6,021,706.92          1.20
Oregon.....................       140            13,827,938.38          2.77
Pennsylvania...............       498            26,077,852.09          5.22
Rhode Island...............        34             2,076,034.75          0.42
South Carolina.............       130             7,621,990.76          1.52
South Dakota...............        10               495,677.63          0.10
Tennessee..................       232            15,245,278.59          3.05
Texas .....................       299            13,942,842.17          2.79
Utah  .....................        75             5,781,798.58          1.16
Vermont....................        31             1,914,966.59          0.38
Virginia...................       272            18,317,528.81          3.66
Washington.................       160            12,450,869.06          2.49
West Virginia..............        84             4,355,943.04          0.87
Wisconsin..................        62             3,428,637.52          0.69
Wyoming....................        11               699,777.51          0.14
                                -----        -----------------        ------
      TOTAL................     7,487        $  500,000,045.72        100.00%
                                =====        =================        ======

                                  GROUP II POOL
                              DISTRIBUTION OF CLTVs

          RANGE OF                        NUMBER OF                       AGGREGATE                    % OF AGGREGATE
         CLTV RATIOS                    MORTGAGE LOANS                PRINCIPAL BALANCE               PRINCIPAL BALANCE
         -----------                    --------------                -----------------               -----------------
  90.01 -  95.00% ...........                  24                    $    1,316,628.69                       0.26%
  85.01 -  90.00 ............                 644                        47,599,388.92                       9.52
  80.01 -  85.00 ............               2,154                       163,547,734.11                      32.72
  75.01 -  80.00 ............               1,605                       118,018,234.44                      23.60
  70.01 -  75.00 ............                 961                        65,497,758.29                      13.10
  65.01 -  70.00 ............                 600                        35,204,144.10                       7.04
  60.01 -  65.00 ............                 421                        23,232,628.06                       4.65
  55.01 -  60.00 ............                 296                        14,312,045.26                       2.86
  50.01 -  55.00 ............                 189                         9,200,858.64                       1.84
  00.01 -  50.00 ............                 593                        22,070,625.21                       4.41
                                            -----                    -----------------                     --------
     TOTAL ..................               7,487                    $  500,000,045.72                      100.00%
                                            =====                    =================                     ========

                                  GROUP II POOL
                              DISTRIBUTION OF LTVs

          RANGE OF                        NUMBER OF                       AGGREGATE                    % OF AGGREGATE
         LTV RATIOS                     MORTGAGE LOANS                PRINCIPAL BALANCE               PRINCIPAL BALANCE
         ----------                     --------------                -----------------               -----------------
  90.01 -  95.00% ...........                  19                    $    1,121,006.86                       0.22%
  85.01 -  90.00 ............                 564                        44,944,205.58                       8.99
  80.01 -  85.00 ............               1,917                       156,041,929.16                      31.21
  75.01 -  80.00 ............               1,536                       115,584,210.62                      23.12
  70.01 -  75.00 ............                 927                        64,106,921.04                      12.82
  65.01 -  70.00 ............                 580                        34,706,160.26                       6.94
  60.01 -  65.00 ............                 411                        23,629,609.48                       4.73
  55.01 -  60.00 ............                 283                        13,988,478.11                       2.80
  50.01 -  55.00 ............                 186                         9,158,747.05                       1.83
  00.01 -  50.00 ............               1,064                        36,718,777.56                       7.34
                                            -----                    -----------------                     ------
    TOTAL ...................               7,487                    $  500,000,045.72                     100.00%
                                            =====                    =================                     ======

                                  GROUP II POOL
                           RANGE OF JUNIOR LIEN RATIOS

          RANGE OF                        NUMBER OF                       AGGREGATE                     % OF AGGREGATE
     ------------------                 --------------                -----------------               -----------------
   0.001-  10.000%...........                  20                    $      318,130.45                       1.93%
  10.001-  20.000............                 158                         3,584,500.59                      21.74
  20.001-  30.000............                 146                         4,668,715.91                      28.31
  30.001-  40.000............                  95                         3,969,686.42                      24.07
  40.001-  50.000............                  39                         1,504,427.45                       9.12
  50.001-  60.000............                  12                           504,454.46                       3.06
  60.001-  70.000............                   9                           392,861.47                       2.38
  70.001-  80.000............                  16                           831,554.30                       5.04
  80.001-  90.000............                   4                           610,633.57                       3.70
  90.001-  100.000...........                   2                           106,520.01                       0.65
                                              ---                    -----------------                     ------
     TOTAL ..................                 501                    $   16,491,484.63                     100.00%
                                              ===                    =================                     ======

                                  GROUP II POOL

          RANGE OF                        NUMBER OF                       AGGREGATE                     % OF AGGREGATE
        COUPON RATES                    MORTGAGE LOANS                PRINCIPAL BALANCE               PRINCIPAL BALANCE
        ------------                    --------------                -----------------               -----------------
  6.001 -  7.000% ...........                  14                    $    1,656,706.42                       0.33%
  7.001 -  8.000 ............                 315                        26,665,361.65                       5.33
  8.001 -  9.000 ............               1,531                       128,657,493.82                      25.73
  9.001 -  10.000 ...........               2,151                       159,389,791.81                      31.88
 10.001 -  11.000 ...........               1,392                        88,875,797.92                      17.78
 11.001 -  12.000 ...........                 945                        49,478,998.99                       9.90
 12.001 -  13.000 ...........                 736                        30,509,152.24                       6.10
 13.001 -  14.000 ...........                 251                         9,639,887.55                       1.93
 14.001 -  15.000 ...........                  95                         3,152,825.26                       0.63
 15.001 -  16.000 ...........                  47                         1,654,778.25                       0.33
 16.001 -  17.000 ...........                   9                           257,019.25                       0.05
 19.001 -  20.000............                   1                            62,232.56                       0.01
                                            -----                    -----------------                     ------
     TOTAL...................               7,487                    $  500,000,045.72                     100.00%
                                            =====                    =================                     ======

                                  GROUP II POOL

        REMAINING TERM                    NUMBER OF                       AGGREGATE                    % OF AGGREGATE
         TO MATURITY                    MORTGAGE LOANS                PRINCIPAL BALANCE               PRINCIPAL BALANCE
         -----------                    --------------                -----------------               -----------------
     1  -     12..............                  1                    $        2,423.18                       0.00%
    25  -     36..............                  2                            24,984.62                       0.00
    37  -     48..............                  4                            46,948.80                       0.01
    49  -     60..............                 52                         1,251,694.26                       0.25
    61  -     72..............                 15                           339,043.35                       0.07
    73  -     84..............                 63                         1,570,141.46                       0.31
    85  -     96..............                 47                         1,653,711.39                       0.33
    97  -     108.............                 14                           616,061.71                       0.12
   109  -     120.............                374                        13,709,768.38                       2.74
   121  -     132.............                  7                           372,473.38                       0.07
   133  -     144.............                 64                         2,759,375.53                       0.55
   145  -     156.............                 12                           579,587.78                       0.12
   157  -     168.............                 25                         1,044,493.33                       0.21
   169  -     180.............              2,778                       163,498,837.94                      32.71
   181  -     192.............                 10                           754,641.63                       0.15
   193  -     204.............                 15                         1,130,177.80                       0.23
   205  -     216.............                 10                           671,573.48                       0.13
   217  -     228.............                 64                         3,543,802.65                       0.71
   229  -     240.............              1,522                        98,506,345.88                      19.71
   253  -     264.............                  1                            90,000.00                       0.02
   277  -     288.............                  2                           156,057.59                       0.03
   289  -     300.............                 51                         3,762,916.73                       0.75
   313  -     324.............                  1                            81,857.71                       0.02
   325  -     336.............                  4                           161,121.72                       0.03
   337  -     348.............                 10                         1,423,434.06                       0.28
   349  -     360.............              2,339                       202,248,571.36                      40.45
                                            -----                    -----------------                     ------
     TOTAL ...................              7,487                    $  500,000,045.72                     100.00%
                                            =====                    =================                     ======

                                  GROUP II POOL

          RANGE OF                       NUMBER OF                       AGGREGATE                     % OF AGGREGATE
     ------------------                --------------                -----------------                -----------------
$      0   -     5,000.......                   2                    $        3,767.00                      0.00%
   5,001   -    10,000.......                  26                           226,133.74                      0.05
  10,001   -    15,000.......                 175                         2,363,572.62                      0.47
  15,001   -    20,000.......                 327                         5,944,497.84                      1.19
  20,001   -    25,000.......                 371                         8,529,787.77                      1.71
  25,001   -    30,000.......                 464                        12,914,338.05                      2.58
  30,001   -    35,000.......                 475                        15,601,730.24                      3.12
  35,001   -    40,000.......                 545                        20,652,174.41                      4.13
  40,001   -    45,000.......                 469                        20,121,478.40                      4.02
  45,001   -    50,000.......                 461                        22,011,699.02                      4.40
  50,001   -    55,000.......                 491                        25,801,435.95                      5.16
  55,001   -    60,000.......                 490                        28,300,894.74                      5.65
  60,001   -    65,000.......                 383                        24,046,491.50                      4.81
  65,001   -    70,000.......                 372                        25,176,521.54                      5.04
  70,001   -    75,000.......                 293                        21,254,838.83                      4.25
  75,001   -    80,000.......                 238                        18,481,536.17                      3.70
  80,001   -    85,000.......                 215                        17,788,203.57                      3.56
  85,001   -    90,000.......                 195                        17,092,778.38                      3.42
  90,001   -    95,000.......                 133                        12,336,142.22                      2.47
  95,001   -   100,000.......                 155                        15,126,515.32                      3.03
 100,001   -   150,000.......                 770                        92,233,231.33                     18.44
 150,001   -   200,000.......                 256                        43,743,302.08                      8.74
 200,001   -   250,000.......                  96                        21,263,266.14                      4.25
 250,001   -   300,000.......                  33                         9,045,573.98                      1.81
 300,001   -   350,000.......                  26                         8,546,377.47                      1.71
 350,001   -   400,000.......                  12                         4,531,544.12                      0.91
 400,001   -   450,000.......                   4                         1,695,321.28                      0.34
 450,001   -   500,000.......                   5                         2,395,550.42                      0.48
 500,001   -   550,000.......                   3                         1,580,673.05                      0.32
 550,001   -   600,000.......                   1                           561,136.10                      0.11
 600,001   -   650,000.......                   1                           629,532.44                      0.13
                                            -----                    -----------------                    ------
        TOTAL..............                 7,487                    $  500,000,045.72                    100.00%
                                            =====                    =================                    ======

                                  GROUP II POOL
                         DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTY TYPES

                                             NUMBER OF                    AGGREGATE                     % OF AGGREGATE
           PROPERTY TYPE                   MORTGAGE LOANS             PRINCIPAL BALANCE               PRINCIPAL BALANCE
- ---------------------------------          --------------             -----------------               -----------------
SF Detached/DeMin PUD ...........           6,385                    $  434,874,305.27                     86.97%
SF Row House/Townhouse/Condo.....             369                        19,715,376.74                      3.94
Two to Four Family Home .........             271                        18,432,706.12                      3.69
Prefabricated Single Family......             442                        24,150,325.45                      4.83
Other ...........................              20                         2,827,332.14                      0.57
                                            -----                    -----------------                    ------
      TOTAL                                 7,487                    $  500,000,045.72                    100.00%
                                            =====                    =================                    ======

                                  GROUP II POOL

                                          NUMBER OF                       AGGREGATE                     % OF AGGREGATE
- ----------------------------            --------------                -----------------               -----------------
Owner Occupied* ............                6,844                    $  465,310,610.19                     93.06%
Non-Owner Owned ............                  643                        34,689,435.53                       6.94
                                            -----                    -----------------                    -------
      TOTAL.................                7,487                    $  500,000,045.72                    100.00%
                                            =====                    =================                    ======

- ----------------------
* Includes vacation and second homes.

                                  GROUP II POOL
                            DISTRIBUTION OF SEASONING

       MONTHS ELAPSED                     NUMBER OF                       AGGREGATE                     % OF AGGREGATE
      -----------------                 --------------                -----------------               -----------------
       0   -   6............                7,345                    $  492,863,540.32                     98.58%
       7   -   12...........                   67                         4,652,141.08                      0.93
      13   -   24...........                    8                           851,876.95                      0.17
      25   -   36...........                    2                           126,129.94                      0.03
      37   -   48...........                    1                            19,791.80                      0.00
      73   -   84...........                    1                            22,390.08                      0.00
      85   -   96...........                   22                           635,628.14                      0.13
      97   -   108..........                   25                           562,050.61                      0.11
     109   -   120..........                    8                           153,034.49                      0.03
     121   -   132..........                    5                            72,719.41                      0.01
     133   -   144..........                    3                            40,742.90                      0.01
                                            -----                    -----------------                    ------
      TOTAL ................                7,487                    $  500,000,045.72                    100.00%
                                            =====                    =================                    ======


         During the Pre-Funding Period, the Pooling and Servicing Agreement
permits the Trust to acquire up to approximately $108,562,000 aggregate
principal balance of Subsequent Mortgage Loans for assignment to Group I.
Accordingly, the statistical characteristics of Group I will vary as of any
Subsequent Cut-Off Date upon the acquisition of the Subsequent Mortgage Loans
which are assigned to Group I.


         The weighted average life of, and, if purchased at other than par, the
yield to maturity on an Offered Certificate will be directly related to the rate
of payment of principal of the Mortgage Loans in the related Mortgage Loan
Group, including for this purpose voluntary payment in whole or in part of
Mortgage Loans in the Mortgage Loan Group prior to stated maturity (a
"Prepayment"), liquidations due to defaults, casualties and condemnations, and
repurchases of Mortgage Loans in the related Mortgage Loan Group by the Sponsor,
the Originators or the Master Servicer. The actual rate of principal prepayments
on pools of mortgage loans is influenced by a variety of economic, tax,
geographic, demographic, social, legal and other factors and has fluctuated
considerably in recent years. In addition, the rate of principal prepayments may
differ among pools of mortgage loans at any time because of specific factors
relating to the mortgage loans in the particular pool, including, among other
things, the age of the mortgage loans, the geographic locations of the
properties securing the loans and the extent of the mortgagors' equity in such
properties, and changes in the mortgagors' housing needs, job transfers and

         The timing of changes in the rate of prepayments may significantly
affect the actual yield to investors, even if the average rate of principal
prepayments is consistent with the expectations of investors. In general, the
earlier the payment of principal of the Mortgage Loans the greater the effect on
an investor's yield to maturity. As a result, the effect on an investor's yield
of prepayments occurring at a rate higher (or lower) than the rate anticipated
by the investor during the period immediately following the issuance of the
Offered Certificates will not be offset by a subsequent like reduction (or
increase) in the rate of principal prepayments. Investors must make their own
decisions as to the appropriate prepayment assumptions to be used in deciding
whether to purchase any of the Offered Certificates. The Sponsor makes no
representations or warranties as to the rate of prepayment or the factors to be
considered in connection with such determination.


         If purchased at other than par, the yield to maturity on an Offered
Certificate will be affected by the rate of the payment of principal of the
Mortgage Loans in the related Mortgage Loan Group. If the actual rate of
payments on the Mortgage Loans in the related Mortgage Loan Group is slower than
the rate anticipated by an investor who purchases an Offered Certificate of the
related class at a discount, the actual yield to such investor will be lower
than such investor's anticipated yield. If the actual rate of payments on the
Mortgage Loans in the related Mortgage Loan Group is faster than the rate
anticipated by an investor who purchases an Offered Certificate of the related
class at a premium, the actual yield to such investor will be lower than such
investor's anticipated yield.

         All of the Mortgage Loans in Group I are adjustable rate mortgage
loans. As is the case with conventional fixed rate mortgage loans, adjustable
rate mortgage loans may be subject to a greater rate of principal prepayments in
a declining interest rate environment. For example, if prevailing interest rates
fall significantly, adjustable rate mortgage loans could be subject to higher
prepayment rates than if prevailing interest rates remain constant because the
availability of fixed-rate mortgage loans at competitive interest rates may
encourage mortgagors to refinance their adjustable rate mortgage loans to "lock
in" a lower fixed interest rate. However, no assurance can be given as to the
level of prepayments that the Mortgage Loans will experience. 82.67% of the
Mortgage Loans in the Group I Statistic Calculation Pool by aggregate principal
balance had prepayment penalties.

         The Mortgage Loans in Group II are fixed-rate mortgage loans. The rate
of prepayments with respect to conventional fixed rate mortgage loans has
fluctuated significantly in recent years. In general, if prevailing interest
rates fall significantly below the interest rates on fixed rate mortgage loans,
such mortgage loans are likely to be subject to higher prepayment rates than if
prevailing rates remain at or above the interest rate on such mortgage loans.
However, the monthly payment on mortgage loans similar to the Mortgage Loans is
often smaller than the monthly payment on a purchase-money first mortgage loan.
Consequently, a decrease in the interest rate payable as a result of a
refinancing would result in a relatively small reduction in the amount of the
Mortgagor's monthly payment, as a result of the relatively small loan balance.
Conversely, if prevailing interest rates rise appreciably above the interest
rates on fixed rate mortgage loans, such mortgage loans are likely to experience
a lower prepayment rate than if prevailing rates remain at or below the interest
rates on such mortgage loans. 81.06% of the Mortgage Loans in the Group II
Statistic Calculation Pool by aggregate principal balance had prepayment

         The Final Scheduled Payment Dates for the Offered Certificates have
been calculated assuming that the Mortgage Loan in the related Mortgage Loan
Group having the latest maturity amortizes according to its terms. The

Final Scheduled Payment Dates for the Offered Certificates have been calculated
based on 0% CPR with no Monthly Excess Cashflow used to make accelerated
payments of principal to the owners of the related Offered Certificates and on
the assumption specified below in this section.

         "Weighted average life" refers to the average amount of time that will
elapse from the date of issuance of a security until each dollar of principal of
such security will be repaid to the investor. The weighted average life of the
Offered Certificates of each class will be influenced by the rate at which
principal payments on the Mortgage Loans in the related Mortgage Loan Pool are
paid, which may be in the form of scheduled amortization, accelerated
amortization or prepayments (for this purpose, the term "prepayment" includes
Prepayments and liquidations due to default) or as a result of an early
termination of the Trust.

         The model used in this Prospectus Supplement is a prepayment assumption
(the "Prepayment Assumption") which represents an assumed rate of prepayment
each month relative to the then outstanding principal balance of a pool of
mortgage loans for the life of such mortgage loans. The "100% Prepayment
Assumption" assumes a conditional prepayment rate of 3% per annum of the then
outstanding principal balance of the Mortgage Loans in the first month of the
life of the Mortgage Loans and an additional 1.55% (precisely, 17/11%) per annum
in each month thereafter until the twelfth month. Beginning in the twelfth month
and in each month thereafter during the life of the Mortgage Loans, the 100%
Prepayment Assumption assumes a conditional prepayment rate of 20% per annum
each month. As used in the table below, 0% Prepayment Assumption assumes
prepayment rates equal to 0% of the Prepayment Assumption, i.e., no prepayments
on the synthetic mortgage loans having the characteristics described below.
Correspondingly, 100% Prepayment Assumption assumes prepayment rates equal to
100% of the Prepayment Assumption, and so forth. The Prepayment Assumption does
not purport to be a historical description of prepayment experience or a
prediction of the anticipated rate of prepayment of any pool of mortgage loans,
including the related Mortgage Loans. The Sponsor believes that no existing
statistics of which it is aware provide a reliable basis for holders of Offered
Certificates to predict the amount or the timing of receipt of prepayments on
the Mortgage Loans.

         The tables below were prepared on the basis of the assumptions in the
following paragraph and there are discrepancies between the characteristics of
the actual Mortgage Loans and the characteristics of the Mortgage Loans assumed
in preparing the tables. Any such discrepancy may have an effect upon the
percentages of the Certificate Principal Balances outstanding and the weighted
average lives of the Offered Certificates set forth in the tables. In addition,
since the actual Mortgage Loans in each Mortgage Loan Group have characteristics
which differ from those assumed in preparing the tables set forth below, the
distributions of principal on the Offered Certificates may be made earlier or
later than as indicated in the tables.

         For the purpose of the tables below, it is assumed that:

                  (i)      the Mortgage Loans consist of mortgage loans having
                           the characteristics set forth below,

                  (ii)     the Closing Date is September 23, 1998,

                  (iii)    distributions on the Certificates are made on the
                           25th day of each month regardless of the day on which
                           the payment actually occurs, commencing on October
                           25, 1998 in accordance with the priorities described

                  (iv)     all prepayments are prepayments in full and include
                           30 days' interest thereon,

                  (v)      no early termination of the Trust occurs, unless
                           otherwise specified,

                  (vi)     no Mortgage Loan is ever delinquent,

                  (vii)    the assumed levels of one-month LIBOR, six-month
                           LIBOR, and 1 year CMT are 5.575%, 5.519% and 4.891%,

                  (viii)   Offered Certificates have the respective pass-through
                           rates and original principal balances as set forth
                           herein, and

                  (ix)     all of the Subsequent Mortgage Loans are delivered to
                           the Trust by the Closing Date.

                              PREPAYMENT SCENARIOS

                             ----------    -----------    ------------    -----------    ----------     -----------    ------------
Group I Pool(1)..............  0.00%          10.00%         20.00%          25.00%         30.00%         40.00%         50.00%
Group II Pool(2) ............  0.00%          50.00%        100.00%         120.00%        150.00%        200.00%        250.00%

- ------------------------

(1)      As a conditional prepayment rate (CPR) percentage.
(2)      As a percentage of the Prepayment Assumption.

                   [Remainder of Page Intentionally Left Blank]

                          REPRESENTATIVE MORTGAGE LOANS


                                        ORIGINAL       REMAINING
                          GROSS          TERM TO        TERM TO        MONTHS TO                                      PERIODIC
     PRINCIPAL           COUPON         MATURITY        MATURITY        COUPON                                       CAP (FIRST
      BALANCE             RATE          (MONTHS)        (MONTHS)      ADJUSTMENT           INDEX         MARGIN      RESET DATE)
      -------            ------         --------        --------      -----------          -----         ------      -----------
 $195,700,628.51        10.239%           360             358            22            6 Month LIBOR      6.589%        2.930%
  147,292,076.60        10.214            357             356            35            6 Month LIBOR      6.120         3.107
   36,714,021.16         9.712            354             353            59            6 Month LIBOR      4.192         1.343
       56,598.02        10.375            360             355             1            6 Month LIBOR      6.875         1.000
    2,449,675.76         9.916            360             356             2            6 Month LIBOR      6.613         1.415
    4,417,915.34        10.477            357             354             3            6 Month LIBOR      6.925         1.437
    2,804,258.49         9.809            360             358             4            6 Month LIBOR      6.611         1.522
    2,723,058.76         9.082            360             359             5            6 Month LIBOR      6.084         1.439
      492,600.27         9.687            360             359             6            6 Month LIBOR      6.073         1.609
       32,495.91        14.500            300             132             1             1 Year CMT        4.370         2.000
    5,417,313.78         9.513            347             343            21             1 Year CMT        5.692         2.049
    1,899,357.40         9.426            360             358            34             1 Year CMT        5.252         2.739

 (SUBSEQUENT                                       RESET
- ------------      --------       ----------      ---------
   1.199%          16.898%         9.901%       Semi-Annual
   1.061           17.077          9.095        Semi-Annual
   1.035           16.650          8.177        Semi-Annual
   1.000           17.375          6.875        Semi-Annual
   1.500           16.416          9.916        Semi-Annual
   1.447           16.940         10.222        Semi-Annual
   1.476           16.257          9.581        Semi-Annual
   1.393           16.065          8.713        Semi-Annual
   1.314           16.687          8.839        Semi-Annual
   2.000           19.500         14.500          Annual
   1.972           15.404          6.030          Annual
   2.000           15.794          8.363          Annual


                                        ORIGINAL       REMAINING
                          GROSS          TERM TO        TERM TO        MONTHS TO                                      PERIODIC
     PRINCIPAL           COUPON         MATURITY        MATURITY        COUPON                                       CAP (FIRST
      BALANCE             RATE          (MONTHS)        (MONTHS)      ADJUSTMENT           INDEX         MARGIN      RESET DATE)
      -------            ------         --------        --------      -----------          -----         ------      -----------
 $ 54,406,594.15        10.239%           360             360            24            6 Month LIBOR      6.589%        2.930%
   40,948,566.65        10.214            357             357            36            6 Month LIBOR      6.120         3.107
   10,206,839.20         9.712            354             354            60            6 Month LIBOR      4.192         1.343

 (SUBSEQUENT                                       RESET
- ------------      --------       ----------      ---------
   1.199%          16.898%         9.901%       Semi-Annual
   1.061           17.077          9.095        Semi-Annual
   1.035           16.650          8.177        Semi-Annual

                          REPRESENTATIVE MORTGAGE LOANS


                           GROSS       ORIGINAL AMORTIZATION      REMAINING TERM          BALLOON
                          COUPON         TERM TO MATURITY           TO MATURITY            TERM            AMORTIZATION
PRINCIPAL BALANCE          RATE              (MONTHS)                (MONTHS)            (MONTHS)             METHOD
- -----------------          ----              --------                --------            --------             ------
$ 86,805,364.26           10.521%              360                     178                 180               Balloon
   1,057,279.22           10.738                73                      58                 N/A              Level Pay
  17,967,845.43            9.956               120                     112                 N/A              Level Pay
  83,960,345.95            9.813               178                     177                 N/A              Level Pay
 110,354,488.78            9.643               238                     237                 N/A              Level Pay
   4,669,574.98            9.514               298                     297                 N/A              Level Pay
 195,185,101.38            9.790               360                     359                 N/A              Level Pay

         The following tables set forth the percentages of the initial principal
amount of the Offered Certificates that would be outstanding after each of the
dates shown, based on prepayment scenarios described in the table entitled
"Prepayment Scenarios". The percentages have been rounded to the nearest 1%.


      DATES        SCENARIO 1     SCENARIO 2     SCENARIO 3      SCENARIO 4      SCENARIO 5      SCENARIO 6      SCENARIO 7
      -----        ----------     ----------     ----------      ----------      ----------      ----------      ----------
     09/15/98         100%           100%           100%            100%            100%            100%            100%
     09/15/99          96             86             76              71              66              57              47
     09/15/00          95             76             59              51              44              31              20
     09/15/01          94             67             46              37              29              16               7
     09/15/02          94             60             36              28              21              12               6
     09/15/03          93             53             29              21              15               7               3
     09/15/04          92             47             23              16              10               4               1
     09/15/05          91             41             18              12               7               2               0
     09/15/06          90             37             14               9               5               1               0
     09/15/07          89             33             11               6               3               0               0
     09/15/08          88             29              9               5               2               0               0
     09/15/09          87             26              7               3               1               0               0
     09/15/10          86             23              6               2               1               0               0
     09/15/11          84             20              4               2               0               0               0
     09/15/12          82             18              3               1               0               0               0
     09/15/13          80             16              3               1               0               0               0
     09/15/14          78             14              2               0               0               0               0
     09/15/15          75             12              1               0               0               0               0
     09/15/16          72             10              1               0               0               0               0
     09/15/17          69              9              1               0               0               0               0
     09/15/18          65              8              0               0               0               0               0
     09/15/19          61              7              0               0               0               0               0
     09/15/20          57              5              0               0               0               0               0
     09/15/21          51              5              0               0               0               0               0
     09/15/22          46              4              0               0               0               0               0
     09/15/23          40              3              0               0               0               0               0
     09/15/24          33              2              0               0               0               0               0
     09/15/25          26              1              0               0               0               0               0
     09/15/26          17              1              0               0               0               0               0
     09/15/27           8              0              0               0               0               0               0
     09/15/28           0              0              0               0               0               0               0

Weighted            20.93           7.65           4.03            3.18            2.59            1.82            1.34
Average Life

Weighted            20.84           7.04           3.69            2.93            2.37            1.68            1.24
Average Life

 (1)     To Maturity
 (2)     To 10% Call

         The weighted average life of each indicated class of Offered
Certificates has been determined by (i) multiplying the amount of each principal
payment by the number of years from the date of issuance to the related Payment
Date, (ii) adding the results and (iii) dividing the sum of the initial
respective Certificate Principal Balance for the related Offered Certificates as
of the Closing Date.


      DATES        SCENARIO 1     SCENARIO 2     SCENARIO 3      SCENARIO 4      SCENARIO 5      SCENARIO 6      SCENARIO 7
     --------      ----------     ----------     ----------      ----------      ----------      ----------      ----------

     09/15/98         100%           100%           100%            100%            100%            100%            100%
     09/15/99          95             89             82              79              75              68              61
     09/15/00          93             78             64              58              50              39              28
     09/15/01          91             68             49              43              34              23              14
     09/15/02          89             60             38              32              24              14               7
     09/15/03          87             52             30              24              16               8               3
     09/15/04          85             45             23              17              11               4               1
     09/15/05          82             39             18              13               7               2               0
     09/15/06          79             34             14               9               5               1               0
     09/15/07          76             30             11               7               3               0               0
     09/15/08          73             26              8               5               2               0               0
     09/15/09          69             22              6               3               1               0               0
     09/15/10          66             19              5               2               1               0               0
     09/15/11          61             16              3               2               0               0               0
     09/15/12          57             13              2               1               0               0               0
     09/15/13          39              8              1               0               0               0               0
     09/15/14          36              7              1               0               0               0               0
     09/15/15          34              6              0               0               0               0               0
     09/15/16          31              5              0               0               0               0               0
     09/15/17          27              4              0               0               0               0               0
     09/15/18          24              3              0               0               0               0               0
     09/15/19          23              2              0               0               0               0               0
     09/15/20          21              2              0               0               0               0               0
     09/15/21          19              1              0               0               0               0               0
     09/15/22          17              1              0               0               0               0               0
     09/15/23          15              1              0               0               0               0               0
     09/15/24          12              0              0               0               0               0               0
     09/15/25          10              0              0               0               0               0               0
     09/15/26           7              0              0               0               0               0               0
     09/15/27           3              0              0               0               0               0               0
     09/15/28           0              0              0               0               0               0               0

Weighted            14.78           6.86           4.10            3.50            2.84            2.14            1.70
Average Life

Weighted            14.75           6.63           3.86            3.25            2.64            1.99            1.57
Average Life

 (1)     To Maturity
 (2)     To 10% Call

         The weighted average life of each indicated class of Offered
Certificates has been determined by (i) multiplying the amount of each principal
payment by the number of years from the date of issuance to the related Payment
Date, (ii) adding the results and (iii) dividing the sum of the initial
respective Certificate Principal Balance for the related Offered Certificates as
of the Closing Date.

                                 USE OF PROCEEDS

         The Sponsor will cause the Trust to acquire the Mortgage Loans (other
than the Subsequent Mortgage Loans) concurrently with the sale of the Offered
Certificates. The Pre-Funding Account and the Capitalized Interest Account will
be funded from a portion of the proceeds of the sale of the Offered
Certificates. The net proceeds from the sale of the Offered Certificates will be
paid over to the Originators in consideration of the transfer of the Mortgage
Loans. Such amount will be determined as a result of the pricing of the Offered
Certificates through the offering described in this Prospectus Supplement. The
net proceeds to be received from the sale of the Mortgage Loans will be added to
the Originators' general funds and will be available for general corporate
purposes, including the repayment of debt and the purchase of new mortgage


         The Sponsor, Advanta Mortgage Conduit Services, Inc., is a direct
subsidiary of Advanta Mortgage Corp. USA, the Master Servicer, and is an
indirect subsidiary of Advanta Corp., a Delaware corporation ("Advanta Parent"),
a publicly-traded company with its principal executive offices located in Spring
House, Pennsylvania with assets as of June 30, 1998 in excess of $3.1 billion.
Advanta Parent, through its subsidiaries (including the Master Servicer) has
managed assets (including mortgage loans) in excess of $10.4 billion as of June
30, 1998. See "The Sponsor and the Transferor" in the Prospectus.

         As of June 30, 1998, the Master Servicer and its subsidiaries were
servicing approximately 91,700 Mortgage Loans in the Owned and Managed Servicing
Portfolio representing an aggregate outstanding principal balance of
approximately $6.2 billion, and approximately 127,000 mortgage loans in the
Third-Party Servicing Portfolio representing an aggregate outstanding principal
balance of approximately $8.2 billion. See "The Master Servicer" in the

         As of June 30, 1998, the Sponsor or its affiliates have issued, and the
Master Servicer services, 38 issues of mortgage pass-through securities with an
original balance of approximately $9.1 billion.

         The Master Servicer understands the implications of the Year 2000 Issue
with respect to internal operations as well as external interactions with other
third-party business entities. The Master Servicer is currently evaluating the
impact of the Year 2000 Issue, and is implementing project plans to modify
existing computer programs or conversions to new programs, to the extent
necessary to address the Year 2000 Issue. The Master Servicer's review includes
all systems, applications and vendor lists. See "Risk Factors -- Year 2000
Issue" herein.

         The Master Servicer may resign or be removed, only in accordance with
the terms of the Pooling and Servicing Agreement. No removal or resignation
shall become effective until the Trustee or a successor servicer shall have
assumed the Master Servicer's responsibilities and obligations in accordance
therewith. See "The Pooling and Servicing Agreement -- Removal and Resignation
of the Master Servicer" in the Prospectus.

         The Master Servicer has the right, but not the obligation, to purchase
from the Trust any Mortgage Loan which is in default or is "in imminent danger
of being in" default.

         The Master Servicer may not assign its obligations under the Pooling
and Servicing Agreement, in whole or in part, unless it shall have first
obtained the written consent of the Trustee and the Certificate Insurer, which
consent is required not to be unreasonably withheld; provided, however, that any
assignee must meet the eligibility requirements for a successor servicer set
forth in the Pooling and Servicing Agreement. See "The Pooling and Servicing
Agreement -- Removal and Resignation of the Master Servicer" in the Prospectus.

         The Master Servicer may enter into Sub-Servicing Agreements with
qualified Sub-Servicers with respect to the servicing of all or any portion of
the Mortgage Loans. The Pooling and Servicing Agreement will provide that
affiliates of the Master Servicer which are qualified to service mortgage loans
are qualified Sub-Servicers. No Sub-Servicing Agreements discharge the Master
Servicer from its servicing obligations. See "Mortgage Loan Program --
Sub-Servicers" in the Prospectus.

         Upon removal or resignation of the Master Servicer, the Trustee may
solicit bids for a successor servicer and, pending the appointment of a
successor Master Servicer as a result of soliciting such bids, will be required
to serve as Master Servicer. If the Trustee is unable to obtain a qualifying bid
and is prevented by law from acting as servicer, the Trustee will be required to
appoint, or petition a court of competent jurisdiction to appoint, an eligible
successor. Any successor is required to be a housing and home finance
institution, bank or mortgage servicing institution which is acceptable to the
Trustee and the Certificate Insurer and shall assume all or any part of the
responsibilities, duties or liabilities of the Master Servicer.

         The Offered Certificates will not represent an interest in or
obligation of, nor are the Mortgage Loans guaranteed by, the Sponsor, the Master
Servicer, Advanta Parent or the Trustee, nor will they be insured or guaranteed
by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (the "FDIC") or any other
governmental agency or instrumentality.

                         DESCRIPTION OF THE CERTIFICATES


         Persons in whose name a Certificate is registered in the Register
maintained by the Trustee are the "Owners" of the Certificates. For so long as
the Offered Certificates are in book-entry form with DTC, the only "Owner" of
the Offered Certificates as the term "Owner" is used in the Pooling and
Servicing Agreement will be Cede. No person acquiring a beneficial interest in
an Offered Certificate (a "Beneficial Owner") will be entitled to receive a
definitive certificate representing such person's interest in the Trust, except
in the event that Physical Certificates are issued under limited circumstances
set forth in the Pooling and Servicing Agreement. All references herein to the
Owners of Offered Certificates shall mean and include the rights of Beneficial
Owners, as such rights may be exercised through DTC and its participating
organizations, except as otherwise specified in the Pooling and Servicing
Agreement. See "Description of the Securities -- Form of Securities" in the

         Each class of Offered Certificates will evidence the right to receive
on each Payment Date the Class A Distribution Amount for such class of Offered
Certificates, in each case until the related Certificate Principal Balance has
been reduced to zero. The Owners of the class of Subordinate Certificates will
be entitled to receive distributions of residual Net Monthly Excess Cashflow not
required for other purposes pursuant to the Pooling and Servicing Agreement.


         Subject to certain conditions, the Sponsor may, on certain dates (the
"Subsequent Transfer Dates") specified in certain transfer agreements entered
into after the Closing Date (the "Subsequent Transfer Agreements"), deliver to
the Trust loans eligible to become Subsequent Mortgage Loans on the next
following Payment Date, in exchange, on such Payment Date, for monies released
to the Sponsor from the Pre-Funding Account.

         Upon assignment of any Mortgage Loan to the Trust by the Sponsor during
the Pre-Funding Period, the Trustee shall release to the Sponsor an amount equal
to the Principal Balance thereof as of the related Subsequent Cut-Off Date from
amounts then on deposit in the Pre-Funding Account.


         The Pooling and Servicing Agreement will require that the Trustee
create and maintain a certificate account (the "Certificate Account"). See
"Description of the Securities -- Payments on Mortgage Loans; Deposits to
Certificate Account" in the Prospectus.

         On the eighteenth day of each month (or, if such day is not a Business
Day, the immediately preceding Business Day) (the "Remittance Date") the Master
Servicer is required to withdraw from the Principal and Interest Account and
remit to the Trustee, for deposit in the Certificate Account, the Monthly
Remittance Amount. The Monthly Remittance Amount is the sum of the amounts
collected by the Master Servicer in respect of the Mortgage

Loans during the period beginning on the first day of the calendar month
immediately preceding the month in which the related Remittance Date occurs and
ending on the last day of such month (the "Remittance Period") plus any related
Loan Purchase Prices, Substitution Amounts, Delinquency Advances and
Compensating Interest, less the sum of certain amounts the Master Servicer is
permitted to withdraw from the Principal and Interest Account, as described
under "Description of the Securities -- Withdrawals from the Principal and
Interest Account."


         The Offered Certificates will be book-entry certificates (the
"Book-Entry Certificates"). The Beneficial Owners may elect to hold their
Offered Certificates through DTC in the United States, or CEDEL or Euroclear in
Europe if they are participants of such systems ("Participants"), or indirectly
through organizations which are Participants in such systems. The Book-Entry
Certificates will be issued in one or more certificates per class of Offered
Certificates which in the aggregate equal the principal balance of such Offered
Certificates and will initially be registered in the name of Cede & Co., the
nominee of DTC. CEDEL and Euroclear will hold omnibus positions on behalf of
their Participants through customers' securities accounts in CEDEL's and
Euroclear's names on the books of their respective depositaries which in turn
will hold such positions in customers' securities accounts in the depositaries'
names on the books of DTC. Citibank will act as depositary for CEDEL and Morgan
will act as depositary for Euroclear (in such capacities, individually the
"Relevant Depositary" and collectively the "European Depositaries"). Investors
may hold such beneficial interests in the Book-Entry Certificates in minimum
denominations representing principal amounts of $1,000 and in integral multiples
in excess thereof. Except as described below, no Beneficial Owner will be
entitled to receive a Definitive Certificate. Unless and until Definitive
Certificates are issued, it is anticipated that the only "Owner" of such Offered
Certificates will be Cede & Co., as nominee of DTC. Beneficial Owners will not
be Owners as that term is used in the Pooling and Servicing Agreement.
Beneficial Owners are only permitted to exercise their rights indirectly through
Participants and DTC.

         The Beneficial Owner's ownership of a Book-Entry Certificate will be
recorded on the records of the brokerage firm, bank, thrift institution or other
financial intermediary (each, a "Financial Intermediary") that maintains the
Beneficial Owner's account for such purpose. In turn, the Financial
Intermediary's Ownership of such Book-Entry Certificate will be recorded on the
records of DTC (or of a participating firm that acts as agent for the Financial
Intermediary, whose interest will in turn be recorded on the records of DTC, if
the Beneficial Owner's Financial Intermediary is not a DTC Participant and on
the records of CEDEL or Euroclear, as appropriate).

         Beneficial Owners will receive all distributions of principal of, and
interest on, the Offered Certificates from the Trustee through DTC and DTC
Participants. While such Offered Certificates are outstanding (except under the
circumstances described below), under the rules, regulations and procedures
creating and affecting DTC and its operations (the "Rules"), DTC is required to
make book-entry transfers among Participants on whose behalf it acts with
respect to such Offered Certificates and is required to receive and transmit
distributions of principal of, and interest on, such Offered Certificates.
Participants and indirect participants with whom Beneficial Owners have accounts
with respect to Offered Certificates are similarly required to make book-entry
transfers and receive and transmit such distributions on behalf of their
respective Beneficial Owners. Accordingly, although Beneficial Owners will not
possess certificates, the Rules provide a mechanism by which Beneficial Owners
will receive distributions and will be able to transfer their interest.

         Beneficial Owners will not receive or be entitled to receive
certificates representing their respective interests in the Offered
Certificates, except under the limited circumstances described below. Unless and
until Definitive Certificates are issued, Beneficial Owners who are not
Participants may transfer ownership of Offered Certificates only through
Participants and indirect participants by instructing such Participants and
indirect participants to transfer such Offered Certificates, by book-entry
transfer, through DTC for the account of the purchasers of such Offered
Certificates, which account is maintained with their respective Participants.
Under the Rules and in accordance with DTC's normal procedures, transfers of
ownership of such Offered Certificates will be executed through DTC and the
accounts of the respective Participants at DTC will be debited and credited.
Similarly, the Participants and indirect participants will make debits or
credits, as the case may be, on their records on behalf of the selling and
purchasing Beneficial Owners.

         Because of time zone differences, credits of securities received in
CEDEL or Euroclear as a result of a transaction with a Participant will be made
during subsequent securities settlement processing and dated the business day
following the DTC settlement date. Such credits or any transactions in such
securities settled during such processing will be reported to the relevant
Euroclear or CEDEL Participants on such business day. Cash received in CEDEL or
Euroclear as a result of sales of securities by or through a CEDEL Participant
(as defined below) or Euroclear Participant (as defined below) to a DTC
Participant will be received with value on the DTC settlement date but will be
available in the relevant CEDEL or Euroclear cash account only as of the
business day following settlements in DTC. For information with respect to tax
documentation procedures relating to the Certificates, see "Certain Federal
Income Tax Consequences -- Foreign Investors" and " -- Backup Withholding" in
the Prospectus and "Global Clearance, Settlement and Tax Documentation
Procedures -- Certain U.S. Federal Income Tax Documentation Requirements" in
Annex I to the Prospectus.

         Transfers between Participants will occur in accordance with DTC rules.
Transfers between CEDEL Participants and Euroclear Participants will occur in
accordance with their respective rules and operating procedures.

         Cross-market transfers between persons holding directly or indirectly
through DTC, on the one hand, and directly or indirectly through CEDEL
Participants or Euroclear Participants, on the other, will be effected in DTC in
accordance with DTC rules on behalf of the relevant European international
clearing system by the Relevant Depositary; however, such cross-market
transactions will require delivery of instructions to the relevant European
international clearing system by the counterparty in such system in accordance
with its rules and procedures and within its established deadlines (European
time). The relevant European international clearing system will, if the
transaction meets its settlement requirements, deliver instructions to the
Relevant Depositary to take action to effect final settlement on its behalf by
delivering or receiving securities in DTC, and making or receiving payment in
accordance with normal procedures for same day funds settlement applicable to
DTC. CEDEL Participants and Euroclear Participants may not deliver instructions
directly to the European Depositaries.

         DTC, which is a New York-chartered limited purpose trust company,
performs services for its Participants ("DTC Participants"), some of which
(and/or their representatives) own DTC. In accordance with its normal
procedures, DTC is expected to record the positions held by each DTC Participant
in the Book-Entry Certificates, whether held for its own account or as a nominee
for another person. In general, beneficial ownership of Book-Entry Certificates
will be subject to the rules, regulations and procedures governing DTC and DTC
Participants as in effect from time to time.

         CEDEL is incorporated under the laws of Luxembourg as a professional
depository. CEDEL holds securities for its participant organizations ("CEDEL
Participants") and facilitates the clearance and settlement of securities
transactions between CEDEL Participants through electronic book-entry changes in
accounts of CEDEL Participants, thereby eliminating the need for physical
movement of certificates. Transactions may be settled in CEDEL in any of 28
currencies, including United States dollars. CEDEL provides to its CEDEL
Participants, among other things, services for safekeeping, administration,
clearance and settlement of internationally traded securities and securities
lending and borrowing. CEDEL interfaces with domestic markets in several
countries. As a professional depository, CEDEL is subject to regulation by the
Luxembourg Monetary Institute. CEDEL Participants are recognized financial
institutions around the world, including underwriters, securities brokers and
dealers, banks, trust companies, clearing corporations and certain other
organizations. Indirect access to CEDEL is also available to others, such as
banks, brokers, dealers and trust companies that clear through or maintain a
custodial relationship with a CEDEL Participant, either directly or indirectly.

         Euroclear was created in 1968 to hold securities for participants of
Euroclear ("Euroclear Participants") and to clear and settle transactions
between Euroclear Participants through simultaneous electronic book-entry
delivery against payment, thereby eliminating the need for physical movement of
certificates and any risk from lack of simultaneous transfers of securities and
cash. Transactions may now be settled in any of 27 currencies, including United
States dollars. Euroclear includes various other services, including securities
lending and borrowing and interfaces with domestic markets in several countries
generally similar to the arrangements for cross-market transfers with DTC
described above. Euroclear is operated by the Brussels, Belgium office of Morgan
Guaranty Trust Company of New York (the "Euroclear Operator"), under contract
with Euroclear Clearance Systems S.C., a Belgian cooperative corporation (the
"Cooperative"). All operations are conducted by the Euroclear Operator, and

all Euroclear Securities clearance accounts and Euroclear cash accounts are
accounts with the Euroclear Operator, not the Cooperative. The Cooperative
establishes policy for Euroclear on behalf of Euroclear Participants. Euroclear
Participants include banks (including central banks), securities brokers and
dealers and other professional financial intermediaries. Indirect access to
Euroclear is also available to other firms that clear through or maintain a
custodial relationship with a Euroclear Participant, either directly or

         The Euroclear Operator is the Belgian branch of a New York banking
corporation which is a member bank of the Federal Reserve System. As such, it is
regulated and examined by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
and the New York State Banking Department, as well as the Belgian Banking

         Securities clearance accounts and cash accounts with the Euroclear
operator are governed by the Terms and Conditions Governing Use of Euroclear and
the related Operating Procedures of the Euroclear System and applicable Belgian
law (collectively, the "Terms and Conditions"). The Terms and Conditions govern
transfers of securities and cash within Euroclear, withdrawals of securities and
cash from Euroclear, and receipts of payments with respect to securities in
Euroclear. All securities in Euroclear are held on a fungible basis without
attribution of specific certificates to specific securities clearance accounts.
The Euroclear Operator acts under the Terms and Conditions only on behalf of
Euroclear Participants, and has no record of or relationship with persons
holding through Euroclear Participants.

         Distributions on the Book-Entry Certificates will be made on each
Payment Date by the Trustee to DTC. DTC will be responsible for crediting the
amount of such payments to the accounts of the applicable DTC Participants in
accordance with DTC's normal procedures. Each DTC Participant will be
responsible for disbursing such payment to the Beneficial Owners of the
Book-Entry Certificates that it represents and to each Financial Intermediary
for which it acts as agent. Each such Financial Intermediary will be responsible
for disbursing funds to the Beneficial Owners of the Book-Entry Certificates
that it represents.

         Under a book-entry format, Beneficial Owners of the Book-Entry
Certificates may experience some delay in their receipt of payments, since such
payments will be forwarded by the Trustee to Cede. Distributions with respect to
Offered Certificates held through CEDEL or Euroclear will be credited to the
cash accounts of CEDEL Participants or Euroclear Participants in accordance with
the relevant system's rules and procedures, to the extent received by the
Relevant Depositary. Such distributions will be subject to tax reporting in
accordance with relevant United States tax laws and regulations. Because DTC can
only act on behalf of Financial Intermediaries, the ability of a Beneficial
Owner to pledge Book-Entry Certificates, to persons or entities that do not
participate in the Depository system, or otherwise take actions in respect of
such Book-Entry Certificates, may be limited due to the lack of physical
certificates for such Book-Entry Certificates. In addition, issuance of the
Book-Entry Certificates in book-entry form may reduce the liquidity of such
Certificates in the secondary market since certain potential investors may be
unwilling to purchase Certificates for which they cannot obtain physical

         Monthly and annual reports on the Trust provided by the Trustee to
Cede, as nominee of DTC, may be made available to Beneficial Owners upon
request, in accordance with the rules, regulations and procedures creating and
affecting the Depository, and to the Financial Intermediaries to whose DTC
accounts the Book-Entry Certificates of such Beneficial Owners are credited.

         DTC has advised the Trustee that, unless and until Definitive
Certificates are issued, DTC will take any action permitted to be taken by the
holders of the Book-Entry Certificates under the Pooling and Servicing Agreement
only at the direction of one or more Financial Intermediaries to whose DTC
accounts the Book-Entry Certificates are credited, to the extent that such
actions are taken on behalf of Financial Intermediaries whose holdings include
such Book-Entry Certificates. CEDEL or the Euroclear Operator, as the case may
be, will take any action permitted to be taken by an Owner under the Pooling and
Servicing Agreement on behalf of a CEDEL Participant or Euroclear Participant
only in accordance with its relevant rules and procedures and subject to the
ability of the Relevant Depositary to effect such actions on its behalf through
DTC. DTC may take actions, at the direction of the related Participants, with
respect to some Offered Certificates which conflict with actions taken with
respect to other Offered Certificates.

         Definitive Certificates will be issued to Beneficial Owners of the
Book-Entry Certificates, or their nominees, rather than to DTC, only if (a) DTC
or the Sponsor advises the Trustee in writing that DTC is no longer willing,
qualified or able to discharge properly its responsibilities as a nominee and
depository with respect to the Book-Entry Certificates and the Sponsor or the
Trustee is unable to locate a qualified successor, (b) the Sponsor, at its sole
option, elects to terminate a book-entry system through DTC or (c) DTC, at the
direction of the Beneficial Owners representing a majority of the outstanding
Percentage Interests of the Offered Certificates, advises the Trustee in writing
that the continuation of a book-entry system through DTC (or a successor
thereto) is no longer in the best interests of Beneficial Owners.

         Upon the occurrence of any of the events described in the immediately
preceding paragraph, the Trustee will be required to notify all Beneficial
Owners of the occurrence of such event and the availability through DTC of
Definitive Certificates. Upon surrender by DTC of the global certificate or
certificates representing the Book-Entry Certificates and instructions for
re-registration, the Trustee will issue Definitive Certificates, at the
Sponsor's expense and thereafter the Trustee will recognize the holders of such
Definitive Certificates as Owners under the Pooling and Servicing Agreement.

         Although DTC, CEDEL and Euroclear have agreed to the foregoing
procedures in order to facilitate transfers of Certificates among Participants
of DTC, CEDEL and Euroclear, they are under no obligation to perform or continue
to perform such procedures and such procedures may be discontinued at any time.

         Neither the Sponsor, the Master Servicer, the Group I Certificate
Insurer nor the Trustee will have any liability for any actions taken by DTC or
its nominee, Euroclear, or CEDEL, including, without limitation, actions for any
aspect of the records relating to or payments made on account of beneficial
ownership interests in the Offered Certificates held by Euroclear, CEDEL or Cede
& Co., as nominee for DTC, or for maintaining, supervising or reviewing any
records relating to such beneficial ownership interests.


         Distributions on the Certificates are required to be made on each
Payment Date, commencing on October 26, 1998, to the Owners on each Record Date
in an amount equal to the product of such Owner's Percentage Interest and the
amount distributed in respect of such Certificateholders' class of such
Certificates on such Payment Date. See "Description of the Securities --
Distributions" in the Prospectus.

                               CREDIT ENHANCEMENT


         On each Payment Date, an amount equal to the sum of (x) the Total
Monthly Excess Spread with respect to each Mortgage Loan Group and Payment Date
plus (y) any Subordination Reduction Amount with respect to such Mortgage Loan
Group and Payment Date (such amount being the "Total Monthly Excess Cashflow"
with respect to such Mortgage Loan Group and Payment Date) with respect to each
Mortgage Loan Group will be required to be applied in the following order of

         (i)      such amount shall be used to fund any shortfall on such
                  Payment Date with respect to the related Mortgage Loan Group
                  and equal to the difference, if any, between (x) the Insured
                  Distribution Amount for the related Mortgage Loan Group for
                  such Payment Date and (y) the Available Funds with respect to
                  the related Mortgage Loan Group for such Payment Date (the
                  amount of such difference being equal to an "Available Funds
                  Shortfall" with respect to the related Mortgage Loan Group);

         (ii)     any remaining amount after the application described in (i)
                  above shall be used to fund any Available Funds Shortfall with
                  respect to the other Group for such Payment Date;

         (iii)    any portion of the Total Monthly Excess Cashflow with respect
                  to such Mortgage Loan Group remaining after the applications
                  described in clause (i) and (ii) above shall be paid to the

                  Certificate Insurer in respect of amounts owed on account of
                  any Insured Payments theretofore made with respect to the
                  related Mortgage Loan Group (any such amount so owed to the
                  Certificate Insurer and not theretofore paid, together with
                  accrued interest thereon, the "Certificate Insurer
                  Reimbursable Amount" with respect to the related Mortgage Loan
                  Group); and

         (iv)     any portion of the Total Monthly Excess Cashflow with respect
                  to such Mortgage Loan Group remaining after the application
                  described in clauses (i), (ii) and (iii) above shall be paid
                  to the Certificate Insurer in respect of any Certificate
                  Insurer Reimbursable Amount with respect to the other Mortgage
                  Loan Group.

         The amount, if any, of the Total Monthly Excess Cashflow with respect
to a Mortgage Loan Group on a Payment Date remaining after such applications is
the "Net Monthly Excess Cashflow" with respect to such Mortgage Loan Group for
such Payment Date; such amount is required to be applied in the following order
of priority on such Payment Date:

         (i)      such amount shall be used to fund the payment of any required
                  Subordination Increase Amount with respect to the related
                  Mortgage Loan Group as a portion of the distribution of the
                  Class A Principal Distribution Amount on such Payment Date;

         (ii)     any portion of the Net Monthly Excess Cashflow remaining after
                  the application described in clause (i) above shall be used to
                  make any required Subordination Increase Amount with respect
                  to the other Mortgage Loan Group; and

         (iii)    any remaining Net Monthly Cashflow may then be used to
                  reimburse the Master Servicer for certain amounts owing to it,
                  or may be otherwise applied as directed by the Owners of the
                  Subordinate Certificates.


         In general, the protection afforded by the subordination provisions and
by the Certificate Insurance Policy is protection for credit risk and not for
prepayment risk or basis risk (the risk that changes in the value of the indices
on the Mortgage Loans will not match the changes in the value of the index
applicable to calculate the interest on the Certificates). The subordination
provisions may not be adjusted, nor may a claim be made under the Certificate
Insurance Policy to guarantee or insure that any particular rate of prepayment
is experienced by the Trust.


         No later than the third Business Day prior to each Payment Date the
Trustee will be required to determine the amount for each Mortgage Loan Group
(the "Group I Available Funds" with respect to the Class A-1 Certificates and
the "Group II Available Funds" with respect to the Class A-2 Certificates) to be
on deposit in the Certificate Account on such Payment Date (after taking into
account any amounts transferred as a result of the crosscollateralization
mechanics described above). If the Group I Insured Distribution Amount for any
Payment Date exceeds the related Group I Available Funds for such Payment Date,
the Trustee will be required to draw the amount of such insufficiency from the
Certificate Insurer under the Certificate Insurance Policy. Similarly, if the
Group II Insured Distribution Amount for any Payment Date exceeds the Group II
Available Funds for such Payment Date, the Trustee will be required to draw the
amount of the insufficiency from the Certificate Insurer under the Certificate
Insurance Policy. The Pooling and Servicing Agreement provides that amounts
which cannot be distributed to the Owners of the Certificates as a result of
proceedings under the United States Bankruptcy Code or similar insolvency laws
will not be considered in determining the amount of Available Funds with respect
to any Payment Date.

         On each Payment Date, and following the making by the Trustee of all
allocations, transfers and deposits heretofore described, from amounts
(including any related Insured Payment) then on deposit in the Certificate
Account, the Trustee will be required to distribute to the Owners of each class
of Offered Certificates the Class A Distribution Amount with respect to such
class for such Payment Date.


         On the second business day preceding each Payment Date or, in the case
of the first Payment Date, on the second business day preceding the Closing Date
(each such date, an "Interest Determination Date"), the Trustee will determine
the London interbank offered rate for one-month U.S. dollar deposits ("LIBOR")
for the next Accrual Period for the Class A-1 and the A-2 Certificates on the
basis of the offered rates of the Reference Banks for one-month U.S. dollar
deposits, as such rates appear on the Reuters Screen LIBO Page, as of 11:00 a.m.
(London time) on such Interest Determination Date. As used in this section,
"business day" means a day on which banks are open for dealing in foreign
currency and exchange in London and New York City; "Reuters Screen LIBO page"
means the display designated as page "LIBO" on the Reuter Monitor Money Rates
Service (or such other page as may replace the LIBO page on that service for the
purpose of displaying London interbank offered rates of major banks); and
"Reference Banks" means leading banks selected as the Trustee and engaged in
transactions in Eurodollar deposits in the international Eurocurrency market (i)
with an established place of business in London, (ii) whose quotations appear on
the Reuters Screen LIBO Page on the Interest Determination Date in question,
(iii) which have been designated as such by the Trustee and (iv) not
controlling, controlled by, or be under common control with, the Sponsor.

         On each Interest Determination Date, LIBOR for the related Accrual
Period for the Class A-1 and the Class A-2 Certificates will be established by
the Trustee as follows:

         (a) If on such Interest Determination Date two or more Reference Banks
provides such offered quotations, LIBOR for the related Accrual Period for the
Class A-1 and the Class A-2 Certificates shall be the arithmetic mean of such
offered quotations (rounded upwards if necessary to the nearest whole multiple
of 1/16%).

         (b) If on such Interest Determination Date fewer than two Reference
Banks provide such offered quotations, LIBOR for the related Accrual Period for
the Class A-1 and the Class A-2 Certificates shall be the higher of (x) LIBOR as
determined on the previous Interest Determination Date and (y) the Reserve
Interest Rate. The "Reserve Interest Rate" shall be the rate per annum that the
Trustee determines to be either (i) the arithmetic mean (rounded upwards if
necessary to the nearest whole multiple of 1/16%) of the one-month U.S. dollar
lending rates which New York City banks selected by the Trustee are quoting on
the relevant Interest Determination Date to the principal London offices of
leading banks in the London interbank market or, in the event that the Trustee
can determine no such arithmetic mean, (ii) the lowest one-month U.S. dollar
lending rate which New York City banks selected by the Trustee are quoting on
such Interest Determination Date to leading European banks.

         The establishment of LIBOR on each Interest Determination Date by the
Trustee and the Trustee's calculation of the rate of interest applicable to the
Class A-1 and the Class A-2 Certificates for the related Accrual Period shall
(in the absence of manifest error) be final and binding. Each such rate of
interest may be obtained by telephoning the Trustee at 1-800-735-7777.


         The Trust has not and will not: (i) issue securities (except for the
Certificates); (ii) borrow money; (iii) make loans; (iv) invest in securities
for the purpose of exercising control; (v) underwrite securities; (vi) except as
provided in the Pooling and Servicing Agreement, engage in the purchase and sale
(or turnover) of investments; (vii) offer securities in exchange for property
(except Certificates for the Mortgage Loans); or (viii) repurchase or otherwise
reacquire its securities. See "Description of the Securities -- Reports To The
Securityholders" in the Prospectus for information regarding reports to the


         Overcollateralization Resulting from Cash Flow Structure. The Pooling
and Servicing Agreement requires that, on each Payment Date, certain excess cash
flows with respect to a Mortgage Loan Group, consisting of the difference
between (i) the difference between (x) the interest which is collected on the
Mortgage Loans in such Mortgage Loan Group during a Remittance Period (net of
the Servicing Fee) plus any Delinquency Advances and Compensating Interest and
(y) the sum of (I) the interest which accrues on the related Offered
Certificates during the

related Accrual Period and (II) the premiums due to the Certificate Insurer with
respect to the related Certificate Insurance Policy, and the Trustee's Fee (such
difference, the "Total Monthly Excess Spread" with respect to the related
Mortgage Loan Group), and (ii) any portion of the Total Monthly Excess Spread
which is used to cover any shortfalls in Available Funds (provided, that this
does not apply to any shortfall attributed to any Supplemental Interest Amount)
on such Payment Date in the related Mortgage Loan Group, or in the other
Mortgage Loan Group, or used to reimburse the Certificate Insurer on account of
prior Insured Payments (such excess cash flows with respect to a Mortgage Loan
Group being the "Net Monthly Excess Spread" with respect to such Mortgage Loan
Group), be applied on such Payment Date as an accelerated payment of principal
on the related Offered Certificates, but only to the limited extent hereafter

         This has the effect of accelerating the amortization of the Offered
Certificates relative to the amortization of the Mortgage Loans in the related
Mortgage Loan Group. To the extent that any Net Monthly Excess Spread is not so
used, the Pooling and Servicing Agreement provides that it will be used to
reimburse the Master Servicer with respect to any amounts owing to it, or
otherwise applied as directed by the Owners of the Subordinate Certificates.

         With respect to any Mortgage Loan Group and Payment Date, the
difference, if any, between (x) the aggregate principal balances of the Mortgage
Loans in such Mortgage Loan Group as of the close of business on the last day of
the preceding Remittance Period and (y) the aggregate Certificate Principal
Balance of the Offered Certificates issued in respect of the related Group as of
such Payment Date (and following the making of all distributions on such Payment
Date) is the "Subordinated Amount" with respect to such Mortgage Loan Group as
of such Payment Date. Pursuant to the Pooling and Servicing Agreement relating
to the Certificates, each Mortgage Loan Group's Net Monthly Excess Spread will
be applied as an accelerated payment of principal on the related class or
classes of Offered Certificates until the related Subordinated Amount has
increased to the level required with respect to the related Mortgage Loan Group.
Any amount of Net Monthly Excess Spread actually applied as an accelerated
payment of principal is a "Subordination Increase Amount." The required level of
the Subordinated Amount with respect to a Mortgage Loan Group and Payment Date
is the "Specified Subordinated Amount" with respect to such Mortgage Loan Group
and Payment Date. The Specified Subordinated Amount may, over time, decrease, or
increase, subject to certain floors, caps and triggers.

         To the extent that any Mortgage Loan Group's Net Monthly Excess Spread
is not required to be applied to the payment of a Subordination Increase Amount
on the Offered Certificates relating to such Mortgage Loan Group because the
Subordinated Amount with respect to such Mortgage Loan Group is equal to or
greater than the then Specified Subordinated Amount with respect to such
Mortgage Loan Group, such Net Monthly Excess Spread (together with the amount of
any Subordination Reduction Amount, as described in the next paragraph) is
permitted to be applied to the payment of Subordination Increase Amounts on the
class or classes of Offered Certificates relating to the other Mortgage Loan
Group, to the extent necessary to increase the Subordinated Amount with respect
to such Mortgage Loan Group to the level of its respective Specified
Subordinated Amount.

         In the event that the required level of the Specified Subordinated
Amount with respect to a Mortgage Loan Group is permitted to decrease or "step
down" on a Payment Date in the future, the Pooling and Servicing Agreement
provides that a portion of the principal which would otherwise be distributed to
the Owners of the class or classes of Offered Certificates on such Payment Date
shall be distributed to, or otherwise applied as directed by, the Owners of the
Subordinate Certificates on such Payment Date. This has the effect of
decelerating the amortization of the Offered Certificates relative to the
amortization of the Mortgage Loans in the related Mortgage Loan Group, and of
reducing the related Subordinated Amount. With respect to any Mortgage Loan
Group and Payment Date, the excess, if any, of (x) the Subordinated Amount that
would apply to the related Mortgage Loan Group on such Payment Date after taking
into account all distributions to be made on such Payment Date (except for any
distributions of related Subordination Reduction Amounts as described in this
sentence) over (y) the related Specified Subordinated Amount is the "Excess
Subordinated Amount" with respect to such Mortgage Loan Group and Payment Date.
If, on any Payment Date, the Excess Subordinated Amount is, or, after taking
into account all other distributions to be made on such Payment Date would be,
greater than zero (i.e., the Subordinated Amount is or would be greater than the
related Specified Subordinated Amount), then any amounts relating to principal
which would otherwise be distributed to the Owners of the related class or
classes of Offered Certificates on such Payment Date shall instead be used to
reimburse the Master Servicer for certain amounts owing to it, or otherwise
applied as directed by, the Owners of the Subordinate Certificates (subject to
certain other prior applications as described

below under " -- Crosscollateralization Provisions") in an amount equal to the
lesser of (x) the Excess Subordinated Amount and (y) the amount available for
distribution on account of principal with respect to the related Offered
Certificates on such Payment Date; such amount being the "Subordination
Reduction Amount" with respect to the related Mortgage Loan Group for such
Payment Date. As a technical matter regarding the cash flow structure of the
Trust, Subordination Reduction Amounts may result even prior to the occurrence
of any decrease or "step-down" in the related Specified Subordinated Amount.
This is because the Owners of the related Offered Certificates will generally be
entitled to receive 100% of collected principal, even though the related
Certificate Principal Balance will, following the accelerated amortization
resulting from the application of the Net Monthly Excess Spread, represent less
than 100% of the related Mortgage Loan Group's aggregate principal balance. In
the absence of the provisions relating to Subordination Reduction Amounts, the
foregoing may otherwise increase the Subordinated Amounts above their Specified
Subordinated Amount requirements even without the further application of any Net
Monthly Excess Spread.

         The Pooling and Servicing Agreement provides that, on any Payment Date,
all amounts collected on account of principal (other than any such amount
applied to the payment of a Subordination Reduction Amount) with respect to a
Mortgage Loan Group during the prior Remittance Period will be distributed to
the Owners of the related class of Offered Certificates on such Payment Date. If
any Mortgage Loan became a Liquidated Mortgage Loan during such prior Remittance
Period, the Net Liquidation Proceeds related thereto and allocated to principal
may be less than the principal balance of the related Mortgage Loan; the amount
of any such insufficiency is a "Realized Loss." In addition, the Pooling and
Servicing Agreement provides that the principal balance of any Mortgage Loan
which becomes a Liquidated Mortgage Loan shall thenceforth equal zero. The
Pooling and Servicing Agreement does not contain any rule which requires that
the amount of any Realized Loss be distributed to the Owners of the related
Offered Certificates on the Payment Date which immediately follows the event of
loss, i.e., the Pooling and Servicing Agreement does not require the current
recovery of losses. However, the occurrence of a Realized Loss will reduce the
Subordinated Amount with respect to the related Mortgage Loan Group, which, to
the extent that such reduction causes the Subordinated Amount to be less than
the related Specified Subordinated Amount applicable to the related Payment
Date, will require the payment of a Subordination Increase Amount on such
Payment Date (or, if insufficient funds are available on such Payment Date, or
subsequent Payment Dates, until the Subordinated Amount equals the related
Specified Subordinated Amount). The effect of the foregoing is to allocate
losses to the Owners of the Subordinate Certificates by reducing, or eliminating
entirely, payment of Monthly Excess Spread and of Subordination Reduction
Amounts which such Owners would otherwise receive.

         Overcollateralization and the Certificate Insurance Policy. The Pooling
and Servicing Agreement defines a "Subordination Deficit" with respect to a
Mortgage Loan Group and Payment Date to be the amount, if any, by which (x) the
aggregate Certificate Principal Balance of the Offered Certificates issued in
respect of the related Group as of such Payment Date, and following the making
of all distributions to be made on such Payment Date (except for any payment to
be made as to principal from proceeds of the Certificate Insurance Policy),
exceeds (y) the aggregate principal balance of the Mortgage Loans in the related
Mortgage Loan Group as of the close of business on the last day of the preceding
Remittance Period, including, with respect to the Class A-1 Certificates only,
any amounts held by the Trustee in the Pre-Funding Account. The Pooling and
Servicing Agreement requires the Trustee to make a claim for an Insured Payment
under the Certificate Insurance Policy not later than the third Business Day
prior to any Payment Date as to which the Trustee has determined that a
Subordination Deficit will occur for the purpose of applying the proceeds of
such Insured Payment as a payment of principal to the Owners of the Offered
Certificates on such Payment Date. The Certificate Insurance Policy is thus
similar to the subordination provisions described above insofar as the
Certificate Insurance Policy guarantees ultimate, rather than current, payment
of the amounts of any Realized Losses to the Owners of the related Offered
Certificates. Investors in the Offered Certificates should realize that, under
extreme loss or delinquency scenarios applicable to the related Mortgage Loan
Pool, they may temporarily receive no distributions of principal.

                             THE CERTIFICATE INSURER

          MBIA Insurance Corporation (the "Certificate Insurer") is the
principal operating subsidiary of MBIA Inc., a New York Stock Exchange listed
company (the "MBIA Inc."). MBIA Inc. is not obliged to pay the debts of or
claims against the Certificate Insurer. The Certificate Insurer is domiciled in
the State of New York and licensed to do business in and is subject to
regulation under the laws of all 50 states, the District of Columbia, the

Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands,
the Virgin Islands of the United States and the Territory of Guam. The
Certificate Insurer has two European branches, one in the Republic of France and
the other in the Kingdom of Spain. New York has laws prescribing minimum capital
requirements, limiting classes and concentration of investments and requiring
the approval of policy rates and forms. State laws also regulate the amount of
both the aggregate and individual risks that may be insured, the payment of
dividends by the Certificate Insurer, changes in control and transactions among
affiliates. Additionally, the Certificate Insurer is required to maintain
contingency reserves on its liabilities in certain amounts and for certain
periods of time.

         Effective February 17, 1998, MBIA Inc. acquired all of the outstanding
stock of Capital Markets Assurance Corporation ("CMAC") through a merger with
its parent CapMAC Holdings Inc. Pursuant to a reinsurance agreement, CMAC has
ceded all of its net insured risks (including any amounts due but unpaid from
third party reinsurers), as well as its unearned premiums and contingency
reserves, to the Certificate Insurer. MBIA Inc. is not obligated to pay the
debts of or claims against CMAC.

         The consolidated financial statements of the Certificate Insurer, a
wholly-owned subsidiary of MBIA Inc., and its subsidiaries as of December 31,
1997 and December 31, 1996 and for each of the three years in the period ended
December 31, 1997, prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles, included in the Annual Report on Form 10-K of MBIA Inc. for the year
ended December 31, 1997 and the consolidated financial statements of the
Certificate Insurer and its subsidiaries as of June 30, 1998 and for the
six-month periods ending June 30, 1998 and June 30, 1997 included in the
Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q of MBIA Inc. for the period ending June 30, 1998,
are hereby incorporated by reference into this Prospectus Supplement and shall
be deemed to be a part hereof. Any statement contained in a document
incorporated by reference herein shall be modified or superseded for purposes of
this Prospectus Supplement to the extent that a statement contained herein or in
any other subsequently filed document which also is incorporated by reference
herein modifies or supersedes such statement. Any statement so modified or
superseded shall not be deemed, except as so modified or superseded, to
constitute a part of this Prospectus Supplement.

         All financial statements of the Certificate Insurer and its
subsidiaries included in documents filed by MBIA Inc. pursuant to Section 13(a),
13(c), 14 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,
subsequent to the date of this Prospectus Supplement and prior to the
termination of the offering of the Offered Certificates shall be deemed to be
incorporated by reference into this Prospectus Supplement and to be a part
hereof from the respective dates of filing such documents.

         The tables below present selected financial information of the
Certificate Insurer determined in accordance with statutory accounting practices
prescribed or permitted by insurance regulatory authorities ("SAP") and
generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP"):

                                      DECEMBER 31,               June 30,
                                        1997                       1998
                                      ---------                 -----------
                                      (Audited)                 (Unaudited)
                                                (In millions)
Admitted Assets                       $ 5,256                     $ 6,048
Liabilities                            3,496                       3,962
Capital and Surplus                    1,760                       2,086


                                    DECEMBER 31,                  June 30,
                                       1997                        1998
                                    -----------                  ---------
                                     (Audited)                   (Unaudited)
                                                 (In millions)
Assets                                $ 5,988                     $ 6,794
Liabilities                             2,624                       2,977
Shareholder's Equity                    3,364                       3,817


         Copies of the financial statements of the Certificate Insurer
incorporated by reference herein and copies of the Certificate Insurer's 1997
year-end audited financial statements prepared in accordance with statutory
accounting practices are available, without charge, from the Certificate
Insurer. The address of the Certificate Insurer is 113 King Street, Armonk, New
York 10504. The telephone number of the Certificate Insurer is (914) 273-4545.

         The Certificate Insurer does not accept any responsibility for the
accuracy of completeness of this Prospectus Supplement or any information or
disclosure contained herein, or omitted herefrom, other than with respect to the
accuracy of the information regarding the Certificate Insurance Policy and
Certificate Insurer set forth under the headings "THE CERTIFICATE INSURER" and
"THE CERTIFICATE INSURANCE POLICY." Additionally, the Certificate Insurer makes
no representation regarding the Offered Certificates or the advisability of
investing in the Offered Certificates.

         Moody's Investor Service, Inc. rates the claims paying ability of the
Certificate Insurer "Aaa."

         Standard & Poor's Rating Services, a division of The McGraw-Hill
Companies, Inc. rates the claims paying ability of the Certificate Insurer

         Fitch IBCA, Inc. (formerly known as Fitch Investors Service, L.P.)
rates the claims paying ability of the Certificate Insurer "AAA."

         Each rating of the Certificate Insurer should be evaluated
independently. The ratings reflect the respective rating agency's current
assessment of the creditworthiness of the Certificate Insurer and its ability to
pay claims on its policies of insurance. Any further explanation as to the
significance of the above ratings may be obtained only from the applicable
rating agency.

         The above ratings are not recommendations to buy, sell or hold the
Offered Certificates and such ratings may be subject to revision or withdrawal
at any time by the rating agencies. Any downward revision or withdrawal of any
of the above ratings may have an adverse effect on the market price of the
Offered Certificates. The Certificate Insurer does not guaranty the market price
of the Offered Certificates nor does it guaranty that the ratings on the Offered
Certificates will not be revised or withdrawn.


          The following information has been supplied by Certificate Insurer for
inclusion in this Prospectus Supplement.

         The Certificate Insurer, in consideration of the payment of the premium
and subject to the terms of the Certificate Insurance Policy (the "Policy"),
thereby unconditionally and irrevocably guarantees to any Owner that an amount
equal to each full and complete Insured Payment will be received by Bankers
Trust Company of California, N.A., or its successor, as trustee for the Owners
(the "Trustee"), on behalf of the Owners, from the Certificate Insurer, for
distribution by the Trustee to each Owner of each Owner's proportionate share of
the Insured Payment. The Certificate Insurer's obligations under the Policy with
respect to particular Insured Payment shall be discharged

to the extent funds equal to the applicable Insured Payment are received by the
Trustee, whether or not such funds are properly applied by the Trustee. Insured
Payment shall be made only at the time set forth in the Policy and no
accelerated Insured Payments shall be made regardless of any acceleration of the
Offered Certificates, unless such acceleration is at the sole option of the
Certificate Insurer.

         Notwithstanding the foregoing paragraph, the Policy does not cover
shortfalls, if any, attributable to the liability of the Trust, any REMIC or the
Trustee for withholding taxes, if any, (including interest and penalties in
respect of any such liability). The Policy does not cover, and Insured Payments
do not include, any Civil Relief Act shortfalls or any Class A-1 Supplemental
Interest Amounts or Class A-2 Supplemental Interest Amounts.

         The Certificate Insurer will pay any Insured Payment that is a
Preference Amount on the Business Day following receipt on a Business Day by the
Fiscal Agent (as described below) of (i) a certified copy of the order requiring
the return of a preference payment, (ii) an opinion of counsel satisfactory to
the Certificate Insurer that such order is final and not subject to appeal,
(iii) an assignment in such form as is reasonably required by the Certificate
Insurer, irrevocably assigning to the Certificate Insurer all rights and claims
of the Owner relating to or arising under the Offered Certificates against the
debtor which made such preference payment or otherwise with respect to such
preference payment and (iv) appropriate instruments to effect the appointment of
the Certificate Insurer as agent for such Owner in any legal proceeding related
to such preference payment, such instruments being in a form satisfactory to the
Certificate Insurer; provided, that if such documents are received after 12:00
noon New York City time on such Business Day, they will be deemed to be received
on the following Business Day. Such payments shall be disbursed to the receiver
or trustee in bankruptcy named in the final order of the court exercising
jurisdiction on behalf of the Owner and not to any Owner directly unless such
Owner has returned principal or interest paid on the Offered Certificates, to
such receiver or trustee in bankruptcy, in which case such payment shall be
disbursed to such Owner.

         The Certificate Insurer will pay any other amount payable under the
Policy no later than 12:00 noon New York City time on the later of the Payment
Date on which the related Deficiency Amount is due or the third Business Day
following receipt in New York, New York on a Business Day by State Street Bank
and Trust Company, N.A., as Fiscal Agent for the Certificate Insurer or any
successor fiscal agent appointed by the Certificate Insurer (the "Fiscal Agent")
of a Notice (as described below); provided, that if such Notice is received
after 12:00 noon New York City time on such Business Day, it will be deemed to
be received on the following Business Day. If any such Notice received by the
Fiscal Agent is not in proper form or is otherwise insufficient for the purpose
of making claim under the Policy it shall be deemed not to have been received by
the Fiscal Agent for purposes of this paragraph, and the Certificate Insurer or
the Fiscal Agent, as the case may be, shall promptly so advise the Trustee and
the Trustee may submit an amended Notice.

         Insured Payments due under the Policy unless otherwise stated therein
will be disbursed by the Fiscal Agent to the Trustee on behalf of the Owners by
wire transfer of immediately available funds in the amount of the Insured
Payment less, in respect of Insured Payments related to Preference Amounts, any
amount held by the Trustee for the payment of such Insured Payment and legally
available therefor.

         The Fiscal Agent is the agent of the Certificate Insurer only and the
Fiscal Agent shall in no event be liable to Owners for any acts of the Fiscal
Agent or any failure of the Certificate Insurer to deposit or cause to be
deposited, sufficient funds to make payments due under the Policy.

         As used in the Policy, the following terms shall have the following

         "Agreement" means the Pooling and Servicing Agreement dated as of
September 1, 1998 among Advanta Mortgage Corp. USA, as Master Servicer, Advanta
Mortgage Conduit Services, Inc., as Sponsor, and Bankers Trust Company of
California, N.A., as Trustee, without regard to any amendment or supplement

         "Business Day" means any day other than (i) a Saturday or Sunday or
(ii) a day on which the Certificate Insurer is closed or banking institutions in
the State of New York, the State of California or the city in which the
principal corporate trust office of the Trustee under the Agreement is located,
are authorized or obligated by law or executive order to be closed.

         "Deficiency Amount" means the excess, if any, of Required Distributions
over the Net Available Distribution Amount.

         "Insured Payment" means (i) as of any Payment Date, any Deficiency
Amount and (ii) any Preference Amount (without duplication).

         "Notice" means the telephonic or telegraphic notice, promptly confirmed
in writing by fax substantially in the form of Exhibit A attached to the Policy,
the original of which is subsequently delivered by registered or certified mail,
from the Trustee specifying the Insured Payment which shall be due and owing on
the applicable Payment Date.

         "Owner" means each Owner (as defined in the Agreement) who, on the
applicable Payment Date, is entitled under the terms of the applicable Offered
Certificates, to payment thereunder.

         "Preference Amount" means any amount previously distributed to an Owner
on the Offered Certificates, that is recoverable and sought to be recovered as a
voidable preference by a trustee in bankruptcy pursuant to the United States
Bankruptcy Code (11 U.S.C.), as amended from time to time in accordance with a
final nonappealable order of a court having competent jurisdiction.

         "Required Distributions" means, as of any Payment Date, the sum of (i)
the Class A-1 Current Interest and the Class A-2 Current Interest, (ii) any
Class A-1 Interest Carry Forward Amount and any Class A-2 Interest Carry Forward
Amount and (iii) any Subordination Deficit as of such Payment Date.

         Capitalized terms used in the Policy and not otherwise defined in the
Policy shall have the respective meanings set forth in the Agreement as of the
date of execution of the Policy, without giving effect to any subsequent
amendment or modification to the Agreement unless such amendment or modification
has been approved in writing by the Certificate Insurer.

         Any notice under the Policy or service of process on the Fiscal Agent
may be made at the address listed below for the Fiscal Agent or such other
address as the Certificate Insurer shall specify in writing to the Trustee.

         The notice address of the Fiscal Agent is 15th Floor, 61 Broadway, New
York, New York 10006 Attention: Municipal Registrar and Paying Agency or such
other address as the Fiscal Agent shall specify to the Trustee in writing.


         The insurance provided by the Policy is not covered by the
Property/Casualty Insurance Security Fund specified in Article 76 of the New
York Insurance Law.

         The Policy is not cancelable for any reason. The premium on the Policy
is not refundable for any reason including payment, or provision being made for
payment, prior to maturity of the Offered Certificates.


         In addition to the provisions of the Pooling and Servicing Agreement
summarized elsewhere in this Prospectus Supplement and the Prospectus, there is
set forth below a summary of certain other provisions of the Pooling and
Servicing Agreement.


         The Trust will be created and established pursuant to the Pooling and
Servicing Agreement on the Closing Date. On such date, the Sponsor will cause
the Trust to acquire the Mortgage Loans, and the Trust will issue the Offered
Certificates to the Owners thereof.

         The property of the Trust shall include all money, instruments and
other property to the extent such money, instruments and other property are
subject or intended to be held in trust for the benefit of the Owners, and all
proceeds thereof, including, without limitation, (i) the Mortgage Loans, (ii)
such amounts, including Eligible Investments, as from time to time may be held
by the Trustee in the Certificate Account and by the Master Servicer in the
Principal and Interest Account (except as otherwise provided in the Pooling and
Servicing Agreement), each to be created pursuant to the Pooling and Servicing
Agreement, (iii) any Mortgaged Property, the ownership of which has been
effected on behalf of the Trust as a result of foreclosure or acceptance by the
Master Servicer of a deed in lieu of foreclosure and that has not been withdrawn
from the Trust, (iv) any insurance policies relating to the Mortgage Loans and
any rights of the Sponsor or the Affiliated Originators under any insurance
policies, (v) Net Liquidation Proceeds with respect to any Liquidated Loan and
(vi) the amounts on deposit in the Pre-Funding Account (collectively, the "Trust

         The Pooling and Servicing Agreement also establishes an account, the
"Supplemental Interest Account," which is held in trust by the Trustee, but does
not constitute a part of the Trust. The Supplemental Interest Account will hold
certain amounts and other property relating to the funding of Supplemental
Interest Amounts, if any. "Supplemental Interest Amounts" consist of the Class
A-1 Supplemental Interest Amounts and Class A-2 Supplemental Interest Amounts.

         The Trustee will hold the Certificate Insurance Policy on behalf of the
Owners of the Offered Certificates.


         Not later than the Closing Date the Sponsor will cause the Originators
to transfer the Initial Mortgage Loans pursuant to one or more Master Mortgage
Loan Transfer Agreements between the Originators and the Sponsor (the "Master
Transfer Agreements"). In the Master Transfer Agreements the Originators will
make certain representations and warranties; the Sponsor will assign its rights
to enforce such representations and warranties to the Trustee.

         Pursuant to the Pooling and Servicing Agreement, the Sponsor on the
Closing Date will cause the Trust to acquire all right, title and interest of
the Originators in each Mortgage Loan listed on the schedule delivered to the
Trustee on the Closing Date (the "Schedule of Mortgage Loans") and all their
right, title and interest in all principal collected and all interest due on
each such Mortgage Loan on or after the Initial Cut-Off Date.

         In connection with the sale of the Mortgage Loans on the Closing Date,
the Originators will be required to deliver to the Trustee a file (a "Mortgage
Loan File") consisting of, among other things, (i) the original Notes or
certified copies thereof, endorsed by the Originator thereof in blank or to the
order of the holder, (ii) originals of all intervening assignments, showing a
complete chain of title from origination to the applicable Originators, if any,
including warehousing assignments, with evidence of recording thereon, (iii)
originals of all assumption and modification agreements if any, and, unless such
Mortgage Loan is covered by a counsel's opinion as described in the next
paragraph, (iv) either: (a) the original Mortgage, with evidence of recording
thereon, (b) a true and accurate copy of the Mortgage where the original has
been transmitted for recording, until such time as the original is returned by
the public recording office or (c) a copy of the Mortgage certified by the
public recording office in those

instances where the original recorded Mortgage has been lost. The Trustee will
agree, for the benefit of the Owners, to review each such file within 90 days
after the Closing Date to ascertain that all required documents (or certified
copies of documents) have been executed and received.

         The Pooling and Servicing Agreement generally requires that there be
prepared and recorded, within 75 business days of the Closing Date (or, if
original recording information is unavailable, within such later period as is
permitted by the Pooling and Servicing Agreement) assignments of the Mortgages
from the Originators to the Trustee, in the appropriate jurisdictions in which
such recordation is necessary to perfect the lien thereof as against creditors
of or purchasers from the Originators; provided, however, that such requirements
may be waived by the Certificate Insurer under certain circumstances set forth
in the Pooling and Servicing Agreement.


         The Pooling and Servicing Agreement and each Certificate will be
construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of New York
applicable to agreements made and to be performed therein.


         The Pooling and Servicing Agreement will provide that the Trust will
terminate upon the earlier of (i) the payment to the Owners of all Certificates
of all amounts required to be paid such Owners and to the Certificate Insurer of
all amounts required to be paid to the Certificate Insurer as reimbursement for
any prior drawings on the Certificate Insurance Policy upon the latest to occur
of (a) the final payment or other liquidation (or any advance made with respect
thereto) of the last Mortgage Loan or (b) the disposition of all property
acquired in respect of any Mortgage Loan remaining in the Trust Estate and (c)
at any time when a Qualified Liquidation of the Trust Estate is effected as
described below. To effect a termination pursuant to clause (c) above, the
Owners of all Certificates then outstanding will be required (i) unanimously to
direct the Trustee on behalf of the Trust to adopt a plan of complete
liquidation, as contemplated by Section 860F(a)(4) of the Code and (ii) to
furnish to the Trustee an opinion of counsel reasonably acceptable to the
Trustee to the effect that such liquidation constitutes a Qualified Liquidation.


         By the Master Servicer. At its option, the Master Servicer acting
directly or through one or more affiliates may determine to purchase from the
Trust all of the Mortgage Loans and other property then held by the Trust, and
thereby effect early retirement of the Certificates, on any Remittance Date on
and after the Clean-up Call Date.

         Upon Loss of REMIC Status. Following a final determination by the
Internal Revenue Service, or by a court of competent jurisdiction, in each case
from which no appeal is taken within the permitted time for such appeal, or if
any appeal is taken, following a final determination of such appeal from which
no further appeal can be taken to the effect that the Trust does not and will no
longer qualify as a "REMIC" pursuant to Section 860D of the Code (the "Final
Determination"), at any time on or after the date which is 30 calendar days
following such Final Determination, (i) the Owners of a majority in Percentage
Interest represented by the Offered Certificates then outstanding may direct the
Trustee to adopt a plan of complete liquidation with respect to the Trust and
(ii) the Certificate Insurer may notify the Trustee of the Certificate Insurer's
determination to purchase from the Trust all Mortgage Loans and other property
acquired by foreclosure, deed in lieu of foreclosure, or otherwise in respect of
any Mortgage Loan then remaining in the Trust, and thereby effect the early
retirement of the Certificates. Upon receipt of such notice or direction, the
Trustee will be required to notify the Owners of the Subordinate Certificates of
the determination of the Certificate Insurer or the Owners of the Offered
Certificates to liquidate (the "Termination Notice"). The Owners of a majority
of the Percentage Interest represented by the Subordinate Certificates then
outstanding may, within 60 days from the date of receipt of the Termination
Notice (the "Purchase Option Period"), at their option, purchase from the Trust
all Mortgage Loans and all property theretofore acquired by foreclosure, deed in
lieu of foreclosure, or otherwise in respect of any Mortgage Loan then remaining
in the Trust as of the date of such purchase plus one month's interest on such
amount at the weighted average Pass-Through Rate.

         If, during the Purchase Option Period, the Owners of the Subordinate
Certificates have not exercised the option described above, then upon the
expiration of the Purchase Option Period the Certificate Insurer may purchase
the Trust Estate within 60 days after the expiration of the Purchase Option
Period or the Trustee will sell the Mortgage Loans and distribute the proceeds
of the liquidation thereof.

         Following a Final Determination, the Owners of a majority of the
Percentage Interest represented by the Subordinate Certificates then outstanding
may, at their option (and upon delivery to the Trustee and the Certificate
Insurer of an opinion of counsel experienced in Federal income tax matters to
the effect that the effect of the Final Determination is to substantially
increase the probability that the gross income of the Trust will be subject to
federal taxation), purchase from the Trust all Mortgage Loans and all property
theretofore acquired by foreclosure, deed in lieu of foreclosure, or otherwise
in respect of any Mortgage Loan then remaining in the Trust Estate at a purchase
price equal to the aggregate Certificate Principal Balance as of the date of
such purchase plus interest accrued on the Offered Certificates since the prior
Payment Date at the weighted average Pass-Through Rate net of the Servicing Fee
and less any amounts owed to the Master Servicer. The Pooling and Servicing
Agreement provides that the foregoing opinion shall be deemed satisfactory
unless a majority of the Percentage Interest of the Offered Certificates give
the Owners of the Subordinate Certificates notice that such opinion is not
satisfactory within thirty days after receipt of such opinion.


         The following discussion of certain of the material anticipated federal
income tax consequences of the purchase, ownership and disposition of the
Offered Certificates is to be considered only in connection with "Certain
Federal Income Tax Consequences" in the Prospectus. The discussion herein and in
the Prospectus is based upon laws, regulations, rulings and decisions now in
effect, all of which are subject to change. The discussion below and in the
Prospectus does not purport to deal with all federal tax consequences applicable
to all categories of investors, some of which may be subject to special rules.
Investors should consult their own tax advisors in determining the federal,
state, local and any other tax consequences to them of the purchase, ownership
and disposition of the Offered Certificates.


         The Trustee will cause one or more REMIC elections to be made with
respect to certain specified assets of the Trust for federal income tax
purposes. Qualification as a REMIC requires ongoing compliance with certain
conditions. Dewey Ballantine LLP, special tax counsel, will advise that, in its
opinion, for federal income tax purposes, assuming the REMIC elections are made
and compliance with the Pooling and Servicing Agreement, the Trust will be
treated as a REMIC for federal income tax purposes. Each of the Offered
Certificates will be a "regular interest" in a REMIC, which will be treated as a
debt instrument of the Trust for federal income tax purposes. Each of the
Offered Certificates and the related rights to receive Supplemental Interest
Payments will be comprised of (i) a "regular interest" in a REMIC and (ii) the
right to receive Supplemental Interest Payments having the characteristics
described below.

         For federal income tax purposes, regular interests in a REMIC are
treated as debt instruments issued by the REMIC on the date on which those
interests are created, and not as ownership interests in the REMIC or its
assets. Owners of Offered Certificates that otherwise report income under a cash
method of accounting will be required to report income with respect to such
Offered Certificates under an accrual method. The Offered Certificates may be
issued with "original issue discount" for federal income tax purposes. The
prepayment assumption that will be used in determining the rate of accrual of
original issue discount on the Offered Certificates is 100% of the "Prepayment
Assumption". See "Payment and Yield Considerations -- Projected Prepayments and
Yields for Offered Certificates" herein. No representation is made that any of
the Mortgage Loans will prepay at such rates or any other rate. See "Payment and
Yield Considerations -- Projected Prepayments and Yields for Offered
Certificates" herein and "Certain Federal Income Tax Consequences -- Discount
and Premium" in the Prospectus.


         The Offered Certificates possess certain special tax attributes by
virtue of the REMIC provisions of the Code. See "Certain Federal Income Tax
Consequences -- REMIC Securities -- Special Tax Attributes" in the Prospectus.
The Small Business Job Protection Act of 1996 repeals the bad debt reserve
method of accounting for mutual savings banks and domestic building and loan
associations for tax years beginning after December 31, 1995. As a result,
Section 593(d) of the Code is no longer applicable to treat REMIC regular
interests, including the Certificates, as "qualifying real property loans."


         The Beneficial Owners of the Offered Certificates and the related
rights to receive Supplemental Interest Amounts will be treated for tax purposes
as owning two separate investments: (i) the respective Offered Certificates
without the right to receive Supplemental Interest Amounts and (ii) the right to
receive the Supplemental Interest Amounts. The Owners of the respective Offered
Certificates must allocate the purchase price of their Certificates between
these two investments based on their relative fair market values. The purchase
price allocated to the first investment will be the issue price of the
respective Offered Certificates for calculating accruals of original issue
discount. See "Certain Federal Income Tax Consequences -- Discount and Premium"
in the Prospectus.

         A Beneficial Owner of an Offered Certificate and the related rights to
receive Supplemental Interest Amounts will be treated for federal income tax
purposes as having entered into a notional principal contract on the date that
it purchases its Certificate. Treasury Regulations under Section 446 of the Code
relating to notional principal contracts (the "Notional Principal Contract
Regulations") provide that taxpayers, regardless of their method of accounting,
generally must recognize the ratable daily portion of a periodic payment for the
taxable year to which that portion relates. Any Supplemental Interest Amounts
will be periodic payments. Income with respect to periodic payments under a
notional principal contract for a taxable year should constitute ordinary
income. The purchase price allocated to the right to receive the related
Supplemental Interest Amounts will be treated as a nonperiodic payment under the
Notional Principal Contract Regulations. Such a nonperiodic payment may be
amortized using several methods, including the level payment method described in
the Notional Principal Contract Regulations.

         The right to receive the Supplemental Interest Amounts will not
constitute: (i) a "real estate asset" within the meaning of Section 858(c)(5)(A)
of the Internal Revenue Code (the "Code") if held by a real estate investment
trust; (ii) a "qualified mortgage" within the meaning of Section 860G(a)(3) of
the Code or a "permitted investment" within the meaning of Section 860G(a)(5) of
the Code if held by a REMIC; or (iii) assets described in Section
7701(a)(19)(C)(xi) of the Code if held by a thrift. Moreover, other special
rules may apply to certain investors, including dealers in securities and
dealers in notional principal contracts.

         If the Master Servicer, acting directly or through a permitted
designee, exercises its right to an Optional Termination, the Supplemental
Interest Amount may not be paid in full.


         In general, foreign investors will not be subject to U.S. withholding
on income from the Supplemental Interest Amounts. See "Certain Federal Income
Tax Consequences -- Foreign Investors -- Grantor Trust Securities and REMIC
Regular Securities" in the Prospectus.

                              ERISA CONSIDERATIONS

         Section 406 of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as
amended ("ERISA") and Section 4975 of the Code prohibit a pension, profit
sharing or other employee benefit plan (the "Plans") from engaging in certain
transactions involving "plan assets" with persons that are "parties in interest"
under ERISA or "disqualified persons" under the Code with respect to the Plan
unless a statutory or administrative exemption applies to the transaction. ERISA
also imposes certain duties on persons who are fiduciaries of Plans subject to
ERISA. A violation of these "prohibited transaction" rules may generate excise
tax and other liabilities under ERISA and the Code for such persons. In
addition, investments by Plans are subject to ERISA's general fiduciary
requirements, including the requirement of investment prudence and
diversification and the requirement that a Plan's investments be made in
accordance with the documents governing the Plan.

         The United States Department of Labor (the "DOL") has issued a
regulation (the "Plan Asset Regulation") describing what constitutes the assets
of a Plan when the Plan acquires an equity interest in another entity. The Plan
Asset Regulation states that, unless an exception described in the regulation is
applicable, the underlying assets of a corporation, partnership or trust in
which a Plan makes an equity investment will be considered, for purposes of
ERISA, to be assets of the investing Plan. Pursuant to the Plan Asset
Regulation, if the assets of the Trust were deemed to be plan assets by reason
of a Plan's investment in any Offered Certificates, such plan assets would
include an undivided interest in any assets held in such Trust. Therefore, in
the absence of an exemption, the purchase, sale or holding of any Offered
Certificate by a Plan (including certain individual retirement arrangements)
subject to Section 406 of ERISA or Section 4975 of the Code might result in
prohibited transactions and the imposition of excise taxes and civil penalties.

         The DOL has issued to the Underwriters individual prohibited
transaction exemptions, (the "Exemptions"), which generally exempt from the
application of the prohibited transaction provisions of Section 406(a), Section
406(b)(1), Section 406(b)(2) and Section 407(a) of ERISA and the excise taxes
imposed pursuant to Sections 4975(a) and (b) of the Code, certain transactions
with respect to the initial purchase, the holding and the subsequent resale by
Plans of certificates in pass-through trusts that consist of certain
receivables, loans and other obligations that meet the conditions and
requirements of the Exemptions. The loans covered by the Exemptions include
mortgage loans such as the Mortgage Loans.

         Among the conditions that must be satisfied for the Exemptions to apply
are the following:

                  (1) the acquisition of the certificates by a Plan is on terms
         (including the price for the certificates) that are at least as
         favorable to the Plan as they would be in an arm's-length transaction
         with an unrelated party;

                  (2) the rights and interests evidenced by the certificates
         acquired by the Plan are not subordinated to the rights and interests
         evidenced by other certificates of the trust;

                  (3) the certificates acquired by the Plan have received a
         rating at the time of such acquisition that is one of the three highest
         generic rating categories from either Standard & Poor's, Moody's,
         Fitch's or Duff & Phelps Credit Rating Co. ("D&P");

                  (4) the Trustee is not an affiliate of any other member of the
         Restricted Group (as defined below);

                  (5) the sum of all payments made to and retained by the
         Underwriters in connection with the distribution of the certificates
         represents not more than reasonable compensation for underwriting the
         certificates; the sum of all payments made to and retained by the
         Originators and the Sponsor pursuant to the assignment of the loans to
         the Trust represents not more than the fair market value of such loans;
         the sum of all payments made to and retained by the Master Servicer or
         any sub-servicer represents not more than reasonable compensation for
         such person's services under the Pooling and Servicing Agreement and
         reimbursement of such person's reasonable expenses in connection
         therewith; and

                  (6) the Plan investing in the certificates is an "accredited
         investor" as defined in Rule 501(a)(1) of Regulation D of the
         Commission under the Securities Act.

         The Trust Estate must also meet the following requirements:

         (i) the corpus of the Trust Estate must consist solely of assets of the
type that have been included in other investment pools;

         (ii) certificates in such other investment pools must have been rated
in one of the three highest rating categories of Standard & Poor's, Moody's,
Fitch or D&P for at least one year prior to the Plan's acquisition of
certificates; and

         (iii) certificates evidencing interests in such other investment pools
must have been purchased by investors other than Plans for at least one year
prior to the Plan's acquisition of certificates.

         Moreover, the Exemptions provide relief from certain
self-dealing/conflict of interest prohibited transactions that may occur when
the Plan fiduciary causes a Plan to acquire certificates in a trust in which the
fiduciary (or its affiliate) is an obligor on the receivables held in the trust;
provided that, among other requirements, (i) in the case of an acquisition in
connection with the initial issuance of certificates, at least fifty percent of
each class of certificates in which Plans have invested is acquired by persons
independent of the Restricted Group and at least fifty percent of the aggregate
interest in the trust is acquired by persons independent of the Restricted
Group; (ii) such fiduciary (or its affiliate) is an obligor with respect to five
percent or less of the fair market value of the obligations contained in the
trust; (iii) the Plan's investment in certificates of any class does not exceed
twenty-five percent of all of the certificates of that class outstanding at the
time of the acquisition; and (iv) immediately after the acquisition, no more
than twenty-five percent of the assets of the Plan with respect to which such
person is a fiduciary are invested in certificates representing an interest in
one or more trusts containing assets sold or serviced by the same entity. The
Exemptions do not apply to Plans sponsored by the Sponsor, the Certificate
Insurer, the Underwriters, the Trustee, the Master Servicer, any other servicer,
any obligor with respect to Mortgage Loans included in the Trust constituting
more than five percent of the aggregate unamortized principal balance of the
assets in the Trust, or any affiliate of such parties (the "Restricted Group").

                  On July 21, 1997, the DOL published in the Federal Register
amendments to the Exemptions ("PTE 97-34"), which extend exemptive relief to
certain mortgage-backed and asset-backed securities transactions using
pre-funding accounts for trusts issuing pass-through certificates. With respect
to the Offered Certificates, PTE 97-34 generally allows Mortgage Loans
supporting payments to Owners of Offered Certificates, and having a value equal
to no more than 25% of the total principal amount of the Certificates being
offered by the Trust, to be transferred to the Trust within a funding period no
longer than 90 days or three months following the Closing Date instead of
requiring that all such Mortgage Loans be either identified or transferred on or
before the Closing Date. The relief will apply to the purchase, sale and holding
of the Offered Certificates, provided that the following general conditions are

         (1)  the ratio of the amount allocated to the Pre-Funding Account to
              the total principal amount of the Certificates being offered (the
              "Pre-Funding Limit") does not exceed 25%;

         (2)  all Subsequent Mortgage Loans meet the same terms and conditions
              for eligibility as the original Mortgage Loans used to create the
              Trust, which terms and conditions have been approved by Standard
              and Poor's or Moody's (the "Rating Agencies");

         (3)  the transfer of such Subsequent Mortgage Loans to the Trust during
              the Pre-Funding Period does not result in the Offered Certificates
              receiving a lower credit rating from the applicable Rating Agency
              upon termination of the Pre-Funding Period than the rating that
              was obtained at the time of the initial issuance of the Offered
              Certificates by the Trust;

         (4)  solely as a result of the use of pre-funding, the weighted average
              annual percentage interest rate (the "Average Interest Rate") for
              all of the Mortgage Loans and Subsequent Mortgage Loans in the
              Trust at

              the end of the Pre-Funding Period is not more than 100 basis
              points lower than the Average Interest Rate for the Mortgage Loans
              which were transferred to the Trust on the Closing Date;

         (5)  either:

                  (i)      the characteristics of the Subsequent Mortgage Loans
                           are monitored by an insurer or other credit support
                           provider which is independent of the Sponsor; or

                  (ii)     an independent accountant retained by the Sponsor
                           provides the Sponsor with a letter (with copies
                           provided to the Rating Agencies, the Underwriters and
                           the Trustee) stating whether or not the
                           characteristics of the Subsequent Mortgage Loans
                           conform to the characteristics described in the
                           Prospectus Supplement and/or Pooling and Servicing
                           Agreement. In preparing such letter, the independent
                           accountant must use the same type of procedures as
                           were applicable to the Mortgage Loans which were
                           transferred to the Trust as of the Closing Date;

         (6)  the Pre-Funding Period ends no later than three months or 90 days
              after the Closing Date or earlier in certain circumstances if the
              Pre-Funding Account falls below the minimum level specified in the
              Pooling and Servicing Agreement or an event of default occurs;

         (7)  amounts transferred to any Pre-Funding Account and/or Capitalized
              Interest Account used in connection with the pre-funding may be
              invested only in investments which are permitted by the Rating
              Agencies and:

                  (i)      are direct obligations of, or obligations fully
                           guaranteed as to timely payment of principal and
                           interest by, the United States or any agency or
                           instrumentality thereof (provided that such
                           obligations are backed by the full faith and credit
                           of the United States); or

                  (ii)     have been rated (or the obligor has been rated) in
                           one of the three highest generic rating categories by
                           either Standard & Poor's, Moody's, Fitch or D&P;

         (8)  the Prospectus or Prospectus Supplement describes;

                  (i)      any Pre-Funding Account and/or Capitalized Interest

                  (ii)     the duration of the Pre-Funding Period;

                  (iii)    the percentage and/or dollar amount of the
                           Pre-Funding Limit for the Pre-Funding Period that
                           will be remitted to Owners of Offered Certificates as
                           repayments of principal; and

                  (iv)     that the amounts remaining in the Pre-Funding Account
                           at the end of the Pre-Funding Period will be
                           remitted to Owners of Offered Certificates as
                           repayments of principal; and

         (9)  the Pooling and Servicing Agreement describes the permitted
              investments for the Pre-Funding Account and/or Capitalized
              Interest Account and, if not disclosed in the Prospectus or
              Prospectus Supplement, the terms and conditions for the
              eligibility of Subsequent Mortgage Loans.

         As of the Initial Cut-Off Date, there is no single Mortgage Loan
included in the Trust that constitutes more than five percent of the aggregate
unamortized principal balance of the assets of the Trust. Before purchasing an
Offered Certificate based on the Exemptions, as amended by PTE 97-34, a
fiduciary of a Plan should itself confirm (1) that such Certificate constitutes
a "certificate" for purposes of the Exemptions and (2) that the conditions and
other requirements set forth in the Exemptions would be satisfied.

         Any person purchasing an Offered Certificate paying supplemental
interest (each, a "Supplemental Interest Paying Certificate") and the related
right to receive Supplemental Interest Amounts will have acquired, for purposes

of ERISA and for federal income tax purposes, such Offered Certificate without
the right to receive the Supplemental Interest Amounts, together with the right
to receive the Supplemental Interest Amounts. The Exemptions do not apply to the
acquisition, holding or resale of the right to receive the Supplemental Interest
Amounts. Accordingly, the acquisition of the right to receive the Supplemental
Interest Amounts by a Plan could result in a prohibited transaction unless
another administrative exemption to ERISA's prohibited transaction rules is
applicable. One or more alternative exemptions may be available with respect to
certain prohibited transaction rules of ERISA that might apply in connection
with the initial purchase, holding and resale of the right to receive the
Supplemental Interest Amounts, including, but not limited to: (i) Prohibited
Transaction Class Exemption ("PTCE") 91-38, regarding investments by bank
collective investment funds; (ii) PTCE 90-1, regarding investments by insurance
company pooled separate accounts; (iii) PTCE 84-14, regarding transactions
negotiated by qualified professional asset managers; (iv) PTCE 96-23, regarding
transactions negotiated by in-house asset managers or (v) PTCE 75-1, Part II,
regarding principal transactions by broker-dealers (the "Principal Transactions
Exemption"). It is believed that the conditions of the Principal Transactions
Exemption will be met with respect to the acquisition of a right to receive the
Supplemental Interest Amounts by a Plan, so long as such Underwriter is not a
fiduciary with respect to the Plan (and is not a party in interest with respect
to the Plan by reason of being a participating employer or affiliate thereof).
Before purchasing Offered Certificates based on an administrative exemption (or
exemptions), a fiduciary of a Plan should determine whether the conditions of
such exemption (or exemptions) would be met and whether the scope of the relief
provided by such exemption (or exemptions) would cover all acts that might be
construed as prohibited transactions.

         Prospective Plan investors in the Offered Certificates should consult
with their legal advisors concerning the impact of ERISA and the Code, the
applicability of the Exemptions as amended by PTE 97-34, and the potential
consequences in their specific circumstances, prior to making an investment in
the Offered Certificates. Moreover, each Plan fiduciary should determine whether
under the general fiduciary standards of investment procedure and
diversification an investment in the Offered Certificates is appropriate for the
Plan, taking into account the overall investment policy of the Plan and the
composition of the Plan's investment portfolio.

         The sale of the Offered Certificates to a Plan is in no respect a
representation by the Sponsor or the Underwriters that this investment meets all
relevant legal requirements with respect to investments by Plans generally or by
any particular Plan or that this investment is appropriate for Plans generally
or any Particular Plan.

         In addition to the matters described above, purchasers of a Offered
Certificates that are insurance companies should consult with their counsel with
respect to the recent United States Supreme Court case interpreting the
fiduciary responsibility rules of ERISA, John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co.
v. Harris Trust and Savings Bank, 510 U.S. 86 (1993). In John Hancock, the
Supreme Court ruled that assets held in an insurance company's general account
may be deemed to be "plan assets" for ERISA purposes under certain
circumstances. Prospective purchasers using insurance company general account
assets should determine whether the decision affects their ability to make
purchases of the Offered Certificates.


         It is a condition of the original issuance of the Offered Certificates
that they receive ratings of "AAA" by Standard & Poor's and "Aaa" by Moody's.
The ratings assigned to the Offered Certificates will be based on the
claims-paying ability of the Certificate Insurer.

         Explanations of the significance of such ratings may be obtained from
Moody's, 99 Church Street, New York, New York 10007 and Standard & Poor's, 25
Broadway, New York, New York 10006. Such ratings will be the views only of such
rating agencies. There is no assurance that such ratings will continue for any
period of time or that such ratings will not be revised or withdrawn. Any such
revision or withdrawal of such ratings may have an adverse effect on the market
price of the Offered Certificates. A security rating is not a recommendation to
buy, sell or hold securities.

         The ratings assigned to the Offered Certificates do not address the
likelihood of the payment of any Supplemental Interest Amounts.

         The ratings of Moody's on home equity pass-through certificates address
the likelihood of the receipt by the Owners of all distributions to which such
Owners are entitled. Moody's rating opinions address the structural and legal
issues and tax-related aspects associated with the Certificates, including the
nature of the underlying home equity loans and the credit quality of the credit
support provider, if any. Moody's ratings on pass-through certificates do not
represent any assessment of the likelihood that principal prepayments may differ
from those originally anticipated.

         Such ratings do not address the possibility that, as a result of
principal prepayments, certificateholders may receive a lower than anticipated

         The ratings of the Certificates should be evaluated independently from
similar ratings on other types of securities. A security rating is not a
recommendation to buy, sell or hold securities and may be subject to revision or
withdrawal at any time by the assigning rating agency.

         The Sponsor has not requested a rating of the Offered Certificates
offered hereby by any rating agency other than Moody's and Standard & Poor's and
the Sponsor has not provided information relating to the Offered Certificates or
the Mortgage Loans to any rating agency other than Moody's and Standard &
Poor's. There can be no assurance as to whether any other rating agency will
rate the Offered Certificates offered hereby or, if another rating agency rates
such Offered Certificates, what rating would be assigned to such Offered
Certificates by such rating agency. Any such unsolicited rating assigned by
another rating agency to the Offered Certificates offered hereby may be lower
than the rating assigned to such Offered Certificates by Moody's and Standard &


         No class of the Offered Certificates will constitute "mortgage related
securities" for purposes of SMMEA.


         Under the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in the
Underwriting Agreement for the sale of the Class A-1 Certificates, dated
September 10, 1998 (the "Group I Underwriting Agreement"), the Sponsor has
agreed to cause the Trust to sell and the underwriters of the Class A-1
Certificates (the "Group I Underwriters") have agreed to purchase the Class A-1
Certificates. Under the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in the
Underwriting Agreement for the sale of the Class A-2 Certificates, dated
September 17, 1998 (the "Group II Underwriting Agreement," and together with the
Group I Underwriting Agreement, the "Underwriting Agreements"), the Sponsor has
agreed to cause the Trust to sell and the underwriter of the Class A-2
Certificates (the "Group II Underwriters" has agreed to purchase the Class A-2
Certificates. The Group I Underwriters and the Group II Underwriter are together
referred to as the "Underwriters").

         In the Underwriting Agreements, the Underwriters have agreed, subject
to the terms and conditions set forth therein, to purchase the entire principal
amount of the Offered Certificates in the amounts with respect to each of the
Underwriters as set forth below:

                         Underwriter                                  Principal Amount       Principal Amount
                         -----------                                    of Class A-1           of Class A-2
                                                                        Certificates           Certificates
                                                                        ------------           ------------
Salomon Smith Barney Inc. ...................................         $ 112,500,000.00       $ 500,000,000.00
Lehman Brothers Inc. ........................................           112,500,000.00             -
J.P. Morgan Securities Incorporated .........................           112,500,000.00             -
Prudential Securities Incorporated ..........................           112,500,000.00             -

         The Underwriters have agreed to reimburse the Sponsor for certain
expenses of the issuance and distribution of the Offered Certificates.

         The Underwriters have informed the Sponsor that they propose to offer
the Offered Certificates for sale from time to time in one or more negotiated
transactions, or otherwise, at varying prices to be determined, in each case, at
the time of the related sale. The Underwriters may effect such transactions by
selling the Offered Certificates to or through dealers, and such dealers may
receive compensation in the form of underwriting discounts, concessions or
commissions from the Underwriters. In connection with the sale of the Offered
Certificates, the Underwriters may be deemed to have received compensation from
the Sponsor in the form of underwriting compensation. The Underwriters and any
dealers that participate with the Underwriters in the distribution of the
Offered Certificates may be deemed to be underwriters and any commissions
received by them and any profit on the resale of the Offered Certificates by
them may be deemed to be underwriting discounts and commissions under the
Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

         Advanta Mortgage Conduit Services, Inc. has agreed to indemnify the
Underwriters against certain liabilities including liabilities under the
Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

                  In connection with this offering and in compliance with
applicable law and industry practice, the Underwriters may overallot or effect
transactions which stabilize, maintain or otherwise affect the market price of
the Offered Certificates at a level above that which might otherwise prevail in
the open market, including stabilizing bids, effecting syndicate covering
transactions or imposing penalty bids. A stabilizing bid means the placing of
any bid, or the effecting of any purchase, for the purpose of pegging, fixing or
maintaining the price of a security. A syndicate covering transaction means the
placing of any bid on behalf of the underwriting syndicate or the effecting of
any purchase to reduce a short position created in connection with the offering.
A penalty bid means an arrangement that permits Salomon Smith Barney Inc., as
managing underwriter, to reclaim a selling concession from a syndicate member in
connection with the offering when Offered Certificates originally sold by the
syndicate member are purchased in syndicate covering transactions. The
Underwriters are not required to engage in any of these activities. Any such
activities, if commenced, may be discontinued at any time.

         The Sponsor has been advised by the Underwriters that the Underwriters
presently intend to make a market in the Offered Certificates, as permitted by
applicable laws and regulations. The Underwriters are not obligated, however, to
make a market in the Offered Certificates and such market-making may be
discontinued at any time at the sole discretion of the Underwriters.
Accordingly, no assurance can be given as to the liquidity of, or trading
markets for, the Offered Certificates.


         The consolidated balance sheets of MBIA Insurance Corporation and
Subsidiaries as of December 31, 1997 and December 31, 1996 and the related
consolidated statements of income, changes in shareholder's equity, and cash
flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 1997,
incorporated by reference in this Prospectus Supplement have been incorporated
herein in reliance on the report of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, independent
accountants, given on the authority of that firm as experts in accounting and

                              CERTAIN LEGAL MATTERS

         Certain legal matters relating to the validity of the issuance of the
Certificates will be passed upon by Dewey Ballantine LLP, New York, New York.

                        INDEX OF PRINCIPAL DEFINED TERMS

1933 Act.....................................................3


Accrual Period..............................................11
actuarial loan..............................................28
Advanta Parent..............................................53
Affiliated Originators.......................................4
Appraised Values............................................28
Available Funds Shortfall...................................58
Average Amount Outstanding..................................27
Average Interest Rate.......................................72


Balloon Loans...............................................21
Beneficial Owner............................................54
Beneficial Owners...........................................18
Book-Entry Certificates.....................................55
business day................................................60
Business Day................................................65


Capitalized Interest Account................................11
CEDEL....................................................2, 18
CEDEL Participants..........................................56
Certificate Account.........................................54
Certificate Insurance Policy.............................2, 17
Certificate Insurer..........................................4
Certificate Insurer......................................2, 62
Certificate Insurer Reimbursable Amount.....................59
Certificate Principal Balance................................5
Certificates..............................................1, 4
Class A Distribution Amount.................................15
Class A Formula Distribution Amount.........................14
Class A Interest Distribution Amount........................12
Class A Principal Distribution Amount.......................13
Class A-1 Available Funds Cap Rate...........................7
Class A-1 Certificates.......................................4
Class A-1 Current Interest..................................11
Class A-1 Formula Pass-Through Rate..........................8
Class A-1 Group I Certificates...............................1
Class A-1 Interest Carry Forward Amount.....................11
Class A-1 Supplemental Interest Amount.......................5
Class A-2 Available Funds Cap Rate...........................7
Class A-2 Certificates.......................................4
Class A-2 Current Interest..................................11
Class A-2 Formula Pass-Through Rate..........................8
Class A-2 Group II Certificates..............................1
Class A-2 Interest Carry Forward Amount.....................11
Class A-2 Supplemental Interest Amount.......................6
Class R Certificates.........................................4
Clean-up Call Date..........................................19
Closing Date.................................................4
Compensating Interest.......................................18
Current Interest Amount.....................................11


Date of payment loan........................................28
Deficiency Amount...........................................66
Delinquency Advances........................................17
DTC......................................................2, 18
DTC Participants............................................56


Euroclear................................................2, 18
Euroclear Operator..........................................56
Euroclear Participants......................................56
European Depositaries...................................18, 55
Excess Subordinated Amount..................................61


Final Determination.........................................68
Final Scheduled Payment Date................................11
Financial Intermediary......................................55
Fiscal Agent................................................65
Foreclosure Rate............................................26


G&P Loans...................................................24
Gross Losses................................................27
Group.....................................................2, 5
Group I...................................................2, 5
Group I Available Funds.....................................59
Group I Certificates.........................................1
Group I Insured Distribution Amount.........................14
Group I Interest Distribution Amount........................12
Group I Pool................................................28
Group I Statistic Calculation Pool...........................8
Group I Underwriters........................................75


Group I Underwriting Agreement..............................75
Group II..................................................2, 5
Group II Available Funds....................................59
Group II Certificates........................................1
Group II Insured Distribution Amount........................14
Group II Interest Distribution Amount.......................12
Group II Pool...............................................28
Group II Statistic Calculation Pool..........................8
Group II Underwriters.......................................75
Group II Underwriting Agreement.............................75
Group Interest Distribution Amount..........................12


Initial Cut-Off Date......................................1, 4
Initial Mortgage Loan Group...............................2, 5
Initial Mortgage Loan Pool...................................5
Initial Mortgage Loans.......................................2
Insured Distribution Amount.................................14
Insured Payment.............................................15
Insured Payments............................................66
Interest Carry Forward Amount...............................11
Interest Determination Date.................................60


Junior Lien Ratio...........................................40


LIBOR....................................................5, 60
Liquidated Mortgage Loan....................................15


Master Servicer..............................................1
Master Transfer Agreements..................................67
MBIA Inc....................................................62
MCA Loans...................................................23
McGuire Loans...............................................24
Moody's.................................................19, 71
Mortgage Loan File..........................................67
Mortgage Loan Pool...........................................1
Mortgage Loan Pools..........................................1
Mortgage Loans...............................................1
Mortgaged Properties......................................2, 5
Mortgages.................................................2, 5


Net Losses..................................................27
Net Monthly Excess Cashflow.................................59
Net Monthly Excess Spread...................................61
Nonrecoverable Delinquency Advance..........................17
Nonrecoverable Servicing Advance............................18
Notional Principal Contract Regulations.....................70


Offered Certificates......................................1, 4
Optional Termination.........................................6
Original Issue Discount.....................................69
Original Pre-Funded Amount...............................2, 10
Owned and Managed Servicing Portfolio.......................25


PAM Loans...................................................24
Payment Date................................................11
Plan Asset Regulation.......................................71
Pooling and Servicing Agreement...........................1, 4
pre-computed loan...........................................28
Preference Amount...........................................66
Pre-Funding Account..........................................2
Pre-Funding Limit.......................................72, 73
Pre-Funding Period.......................................2, 10
Pre-Funding Period Termination Date.......................2, 8
Prepayment Assumption...................................47, 69
Principal Transactions Exemption............................74
PTE 97-34...................................................72
Purchase Option Period......................................68


Realized Loss...............................................62
Record Date.................................................11
Reference Banks.............................................60
Relevant Depositary.........................................55
Remittance Date.............................................54
Remittance Period...........................................55
Required Distributions......................................66
Reserve Interest Rate.......................................60
residual interest...........................................20
Restricted Group............................................72
Reuters Screen LIBO page....................................60


Schedule of Mortgage Loans..................................67
simple interest loan........................................28
Specified Subordinated Amount...............................61


Standard & Poor's...........................................19
Statistic Calculation Pools..................................8
Step-Up Payment Date.........................................8
Subordinate Certificates.....................................1
Subordinated Amount.........................................61
Subordination Deficit...................................15, 62
Subordination Increase Amount...............................61
Subordination Reduction Amount..............................62
Subsequent Cut-Off Date......................................4
Subsequent Mortgage Loans....................................2
Subsequent Transfer Agreements..............................54
Subsequent Transfer Dates...................................54
Supplemental Interest Amount.................................6
Supplemental Interest Amounts...............................67
Supplemental Interest Paying Certificate....................73


Termination Notice..........................................68
Terms and Conditions........................................57
Third-Party Servicing Portfolio.............................25
Total Monthly Excess Cashflow...............................58
Total Monthly Excess Spread.................................61
Trust.....................................................1, 4
Trust Estate................................................67
Trustee...............................................1, 4, 64

Unaffiliated Originator Loans...............................25
Unaffiliated Originators.....................................4
Underwriters.............................................2, 75
Underwriting Agreements.....................................75


Weighted average life.......................................47


Year 2000 Issue.............................................23


                [ADVANTA LOGO]                                    [ADVANTA LOGO]
             Sponsor of the Trust                                Master Servicer

     This Prospectus describes certain Mortgage Loan Asset-Backed Securities
(the "Securities") that may be issued from time to time in series and certain
classes of which may be offered hereby from time to time as described in the
related Prospectus Supplement. Each series of Securities will be issued by a
separate trust (each, a "Trust"). The primary assets of each Trust will consist
of a segregated pool (a "Mortgage Pool") of conventional one- to four-family
residential mortgage loans, multi-family residential mortgage loans, mixed use
mortgage loans, revolving home equity loans or certain balances thereof secured
by mortgages primarily on one- to four-family residential properties, or
certificates of interest or participation therein (collectively, the "Mortgage
Loans"), to be acquired by such Trust from Advanta Mortgage Conduit Services,
Inc. (the "Sponsor"). The Sponsor will acquire the Mortgage Loans from one or
more affiliated or unaffiliated institutions (the "Originators"). In connection
with the establishment of certain Trusts the Sponsor may first transfer the
related Trust Estate to Advanta Conduit Receivables Inc. (the "Transferor") and
the Transferor will then transfer such Trust Estate to the related Trust. The
use of the Transferor will not affect the obligations of the Sponsor with
respect to the related Trust or the related Securities. If the Transferor is to
be involved in a particular offering the related Prospectus Supplement will
describe its role in such offering; for purposes of this Prospectus the role of
the Transferor is subsumed in the role of the Sponsor. See "The Mortgage Pools."
     The Mortgage Loans in each Mortgage Pool and certain other assets described
herein and in the related Prospectus Supplement (collectively with respect to
each Trust, the "Trust Estate") and in the related Prospectus Supplement will be
held by the related Trust for the benefit of the holders of the related series
of Securities (the "Securityholders") pursuant to a Pooling and Servicing
Agreement to the extent and as more fully described herein and in the related
Prospectus Supplement. Unless otherwise specified in the related Prospectus
Supplement, each Mortgage Pool will consist of one or more of the various types
of Mortgage Loans described under "The Mortgage Pools."
                             IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE.
     Offers of the Securities may be made through one or more different methods,
including offerings through underwriters, as more fully described under "Methods
of Distribution" and in the related Prospectus Supplement. There will be no
secondary market for any series of Securities prior to the offering thereof.
There can be no assurance that a secondary market for any of the Securities will
develop or, if it does develop, that it will offer sufficient liquidity of
investment or will continue.
     Retain this Prospectus for future reference. This Prospectus may not be
used to consummate sales of securities offered hereby unless accompanied by a
Prospectus Supplement.
               The date of this Prospectus is September 15, 1998.
(Cover continued from previous page)

         Each series of Securities will include one or more classes.  The
Securities of any particular class may represent beneficial ownership interests
in the related Mortgage Loans held by the related Trust, or may represent debt
secured by such Mortgage Loans, as described herein and in the related
Prospectus Supplement.  A series may include one or more classes of Securities
entitled to principal distributions, with disproportionate, nominal or no
interest distributions, or to interest distributions, with disproportionate,
nominal or no principal distributions.  The rights of one or more classes of
Securities of any series may be senior or subordinate to the rights of one or
more of the other classes of Securities.  A series may include two or more
classes of Securities which differ as to the timing, sequential order, priority
of payment, interest rate or amount of distributions of principal or interest
or both.  Information regarding each class of Securities of a series, and
certain characteristics of the Mortgage Loans to be evidenced by such
Securities, will be set forth in the related Prospectus Supplement.


         If so specified in the related Prospectus Supplement, the Trust Estate
for a series of Securities may include any combination of a mortgage pool
insurance policy, letter of credit, financial guaranty insurance policy,
bankruptcy bond, special hazard insurance policy, reserve fund or other form of
Credit Enhancement.  In addition to or in lieu of the foregoing, Credit
Enhancement with respect to certain classes of Securities of any series may be
provided by means of subordination, cross-support among Mortgage Assets, as
defined herein, or over-collateralization.  See "Description of Credit

         The rate of payment of principal of each class of Securities entitled
to principal payments will depend on the priority of payment of such class and
the rate of payment (including prepayments, defaults, liquidations and
repurchases of Mortgage Loans) of the related Mortgage Loans.  A rate of
principal payment lower or higher than that anticipated may affect the yield on
each class of Securities in the manner described herein and in the related
Prospectus Supplement.  The various types of Securities, the different classes
of such Securities and certain types of Mortgage Loans in a given Mortgage Pool
may have different prepayment risks and credit risks.  The Prospectus
Supplement for a series of Securities or the related Current Report on Form 8-K
will contain information as to (i) types, maturities and certain statistical
information relating to credit risks of the Mortgage Loans in the related
Mortgage Pool, (ii) the effect of certain rates of prepayment, based upon
certain specified assumptions for a series of Securities and (iii) priority of
payment and maturity dates of the Securities.  AN INVESTOR SHOULD CAREFULLY
CLASSES OF SECURITIES.  See "Yield Considerations." A Trust may be subject to
early termination under the circumstances described herein and in the related
Prospectus Supplement.

         One or more separate elections may be made to treat a Trust, or one or
more segregated pools of assets held by such Trust, as a real estate mortgage
investment conduit ("REMIC") or a Financial Asset Securitization Investment
Trust ("FASIT") for federal income tax purposes.  If applicable, the Prospectus
Supplement for a series of Securities will specify which class or classes of
the related series of Securities will be considered to be regular interests in
a REMIC or FASIT and which classes of Securities or other interests will be
designated as the residual interest in a REMIC or as high-yield interests or
the ownership interest in a FASIT.  Alternatively, a Trust may be treated as a
grantor trust or as a partnership for federal income tax purposes, or may be
treated for federal income tax purposes as a mere security device which
constitutes a collateral arrangement for the issuance of secured debt.  See
"Certain Federal Income Tax Consequences" herein.

         No dealer, salesman, or any other person has been authorized to give
any information, or to make any representations, other than those contained in
this Prospectus or the related Prospectus Supplement, and, if given or

made, such information must not be relied upon as having been authorized by the
Company or any dealer, salesman, or any other person.  Neither the delivery of
this Prospectus or the related Prospectus Supplement nor any sale made
hereunder or thereunder shall under any circumstances create an implication
that there has been no change in the information herein or therein since the
date hereof.  This Prospectus and the related Prospectus Supplement are not an
offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any security in any
jurisdiction in which it is unlawful to make such offer or solicitation.

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

CAPTION                                                              PAGE
- -------                                                              ----
Summary Of Prospectus..................................................5
Risk Factors..........................................................14
        Risks of the Mortgage Loans...................................15
The Trusts............................................................19
The Mortgage Pools....................................................26
        The Mortgage Pools............................................26
Mortgage Loan Program.................................................28
        Underwriting Guidelines.......................................29
        Qualifications of Originators.................................32
        Representations by Originators................................33
        Sub-Servicing by Originators..................................34
Description Of The Securities.........................................36
        Form of Securities............................................38
        Assignment of Mortgage Loans..................................39
        Forward Commitments; Pre-Funding..............................41
        Payments on Mortgage Loans; Deposits to Distribution Account..41
        Withdrawals from the Principal and Interest Account...........44
        Principal and Interest on the Securities......................45
        Reports to Securityholders....................................47
        Collection and Other Servicing Procedures.....................48
        Realization Upon Defaulted Mortgage Loans.....................50
Description Of Credit Enhancement.....................................52
Hazard Insurance; Claims Thereunder...................................57
        Hazard Insurance Policies.....................................57
The Sponsor And The Transferor........................................57
The Master Servicer...................................................58
The Pooling And Servicing Agreement...................................58
        Servicing and Other Compensation and Payment of Expenses;
           Originator's Retained Yield................................58
        Evidence as to Compliance.....................................59
        Removal and Resignation of the Master Servicer................59
        Termination; Retirement of Securities.........................61
        The Trustee...................................................61
Yield Considerations..................................................63
Maturity And Prepayment Considerations................................65
Certain Legal Aspects Of Mortgage Loans And Related Matters...........67
        Enforcement of the Note.......................................67
        Deeds of Trust or Mortgages...................................68
        Cooperative Loans.............................................69
        Foreclosure on Shares of Cooperatives.........................70
        Rights of Redemption..........................................71
        Environmental Legislation.....................................71
        Enforceability of Certain Provisions..........................72
        Certain Provisions of California Deeds of Trust...............72
        Applicability of Usury Laws...................................73
        Alternative Mortgage Instruments..............................73
        Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act of 1940...............73
Certain Federal Income Tax Consequences...............................74
        Grantor Trust Securities......................................74
        REMIC Securities..............................................76
        Special Tax Attributes........................................76
        Debt Securities...............................................82
        Discount and Premium..........................................82
        Backup Withholding............................................85
        Foreign Investors.............................................86
Erisa Considerations..................................................86
        Consultation With Counsel.....................................88
Legal Investment Matters..............................................89
Use Of Proceeds.......................................................90
Methods Of Distribution...............................................90
Legal Matters.........................................................91
Financial Information.................................................91
Additional Information................................................91
Index Of Principal Definitions........................................92
Annex I..............................................................A-1


                    [Rest of page intentionally left blank.]

                             SUMMARY OF PROSPECTUS

         The following summary of certain pertinent information is qualified in
its entirety by reference to the detailed information appearing elsewhere in
this Prospectus and by reference to the information with respect to each series
of Securities contained in the Prospectus Supplement to be prepared and
delivered in connection with the offering of such series.  Capitalized terms
used in this summary that are not otherwise defined shall have the meanings
ascribed thereto in this Prospectus.  An index indicating where certain terms
used herein are defined appears at the end of this Prospectus.

Securities Offered  . . . . . . . . . . .  Mortgage Loan Asset-Backed

Sponsor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Advanta Mortgage Conduit Services,
                                              Inc.  See "The Sponsor and the

Originators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  The Sponsor will acquire the
                                              Mortgage Loans from one or more
                                              institutions affiliated with the
                                              Sponsor ("Affiliated
                                              Originators") or institutions
                                              unaffiliated with the Sponsor
                                              ("Unaffiliated Originators") (the
                                              Affiliated Originators and the
                                              Unaffiliated Originators are
                                              collectively referred to as the
                                              "Originators").  The Sponsor will
                                              transfer the related Trust Estate
                                              to the related Trust.  In
                                              connection with the establishment
                                              of certain Trusts the Sponsor may
                                              first transfer the related Trust
                                              Estate to the Transferor and the
                                              Transferor will then transfer
                                              such Trust Estate to the related
                                              Trust.  The use of the Transferor
                                              will not affect the obligations
                                              of the Sponsor with respect to
                                              the related Trust or the related
                                              Securities.  If the Transferor is
                                              to be involved in a particular
                                              offering the related Prospectus
                                              Supplement will describe its role
                                              in such offering; for purposes of
                                              this Prospectus the role of the
                                              Transferor is subsumed in the
                                              role of the Sponsor.

Master Servicer . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Advanta Mortgage Corp.  USA.  See
                                              "The Master Servicer" and "The
                                              Pooling and Servicing
                                              Agreement--Removal and
                                              Resignation of the Master

Sub-Servicers . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Originators may act as Sub-Servicers
                                              for Mortgage Loans acquired by
                                              the Sponsor from such Originators
                                              unless all servicing duties
                                              relating to such Mortgage Loans
                                              have been transferred to the
                                              Master Servicer or to a
                                              third-party, unaffiliated
                                              contract servicer approved by the
                                              Master Servicer.  See "Mortgage
                                              Loan Program--Sub-Servicers."

Trustee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  The trustee (the "Trustee") for each
                                              series of Securities will be
                                              specified in the related
                                              Prospectus Supplement.

The Securities  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Issuance of Securities.

                                           Each series of Securities will be
                                              issued at the direction of the
                                              Sponsor by a separate Trust
                                              (each, a "Trust").  The primary
                                              assets of each Trust will consist
                                              of a segregated pool (each, a
                                              "Mortgage Pool") of conventional,
                                              one- to four-family residential
                                              mortgage loans or multi-family
                                              residential mortgage loans (the
                                              "Mortgage Loans") or certificates
                                              of interest or participation
                                              therein, acquired by such Trust
                                              from the Sponsor.  The Sponsor
                                              will acquire the Mortgage Loans
                                              from one or more of the
                                              Originators.  The Securities
                                              issued by any Trust may represent
                                              beneficial ownership interests in

                                              related Mortgage Loans held by
                                              the related Trust, or may
                                              represent debt secured by such
                                              Mortgage Loans, as described
                                              herein and in the related
                                              Prospectus Supplement. Securities
                                              which represent beneficial
                                              ownership interests in the
                                              related Trust will be referred to
                                              as "Certificates" in the related
                                              Prospectus Supplement; Securities
                                              which represent debt issued by
                                              the related Trust will be
                                              referred to as "Notes" in the
                                              related Prospectus Supplement.

                                        Each Trust will be established pursuant
                                              to an agreement (each, a "Trust
                                              Agreement") by and between the
                                              Sponsor and the Trustee named
                                              therein.  Each Trust Agreement
                                              will describe the related pool of
                                              assets to be held in trust (each
                                              such asset pool, the "Trust
                                              Estate"), which will include the
                                              related Mortgage Loans and, if so
                                              specified in the related
                                              Prospectus Supplement, may
                                              include any combination of a
                                              mortgage pool insurance policy,
                                              letter of credit, financial
                                              guaranty insurance policy,
                                              special hazard policy, reserve
                                              fund or other form of Credit

                                        The Mortgage Loans held by each Trust
                                              will be master serviced by the
                                              Master Servicer pursuant to a
                                              servicing agreement (each, a
                                              "Servicing Agreement") by and
                                              between the Master Servicer and
                                              the related Trustee.

                                        With respect to Securities that
                                              represent debt issued by the
                                              related Trust, the related Trust
                                              will enter into an indenture
                                              (each, an "Indenture") by and
                                              between such Trust and the
                                              trustee named on such Indenture
                                              (the "Indenture Trustee"), as set
                                              forth in the related Prospectus
                                              Supplement.  Securities that
                                              represent beneficial ownership
                                              interests in the related Trust
                                              will be issued pursuant to the
                                              related Trust Agreement.

                                        In the case of any individual Trust,
                                              the contractual arrangements
                                              relating to the establishment of
                                              the Trust, the servicing of the
                                              related Mortgage Loans and the
                                              issuance of the related
                                              Securities may be contained in a
                                              single agreement, or in several
                                              agreements which combine certain
                                              aspects of the Trust Agreement,
                                              the Servicing Agreement and the
                                              Indenture described above (for
                                              example, a pooling and servicing
                                              agreement, or a servicing and
                                              collateral management agreement).
                                              For purposes of this Prospectus,
                                              the term "Pooling and Servicing
                                              Agreement" as used with respect
                                              to a Trust means, collectively,
                                              and except as otherwise
                                              specified, any and all agreements
                                              relating to the establishment of
                                              the related Trust, the servicing
                                              of the related Mortgage Loans and
                                              the issuance of the related

                                        Securities Will Be Recourse to the
                                        Assets of the Related Trust Only.

                                        The sole source of payment for any
                                              series of Securities will be the
                                              assets of the related Trust
                                              (i.e., the related Trust Estate).
                                              The Securities will not be
                                              obligations, either recourse or
                                              non-recourse (except for certain
                                              non-recourse debt described under
                                              "Certain Federal Income Tax
                                              Consequences"), of the Sponsor,
                                              the Master Servicer, any
                                              Sub-Servicer, any Originator or
                                              any Person other than the related
                                              Trust.  In the case of Securities
                                              that represent beneficial
                                              ownership interest in the related
                                              Trust Estate, such Securities
                                              will represent the ownership of
                                              such Trust Estate; with respect

                                        Securities that represent debt issued
                                              by the related Trust, such
                                              Securities will be secured by the
                                              related Trust Estate.
                                              Notwithstanding the foregoing,
                                              and as to be described in the
                                              related Prospectus Supplement,
                                              certain types of Credit
                                              Enhancement, such as a financial
                                              guaranty insurance policy or a
                                              letter of credit, may constitute
                                              a full recourse obligation of the
                                              issuer of such Credit

                                        General Nature of the Securities as

                                        The Securities will consist of two
                                              basic types:  (i) Securities of
                                              the fixed-income type
                                              ("Fixed-Income Securities") and
                                              (ii) Securities of the equity
                                              participation type ("Equity
                                              Securities").  No Class of Equity
                                              Securities will be offered
                                              pursuant to this Prospectus or
                                              any Prospectus Supplement related
                                              hereto.  Fixed-Income Securities
                                              will generally be styled as debt
                                              instruments, having a principal
                                              balance and a specified interest
                                              rate ("Interest Rate").
                                              Fixed-Income Securities may be
                                              either beneficial ownership
                                              interests in the related Mortgage
                                              Loans held by the related Trust,
                                              or may represent debt secured by
                                              such Mortgage Loans.  Each series
                                              or class of Fixed-Income
                                              Securities may have a different
                                              Interest Rate, which may be a
                                              fixed or adjustable Interest
                                              Rate.  The related Prospectus
                                              Supplement will specify the
                                              Interest Rate for each series or
                                              class of Fixed-Income Securities,
                                              or the initial Interest Rate and
                                              the method for determining
                                              subsequent changes to the
                                              Interest Rate.

                                        A series may include one or more
                                              classes of Fixed-Income
                                              Securities ("Strip Securities")
                                              entitled (i) to principal
                                              distributions, with
                                              disproportionate, nominal or no
                                              interest distributions, or (ii)
                                              to interest distributions, with
                                              disproportionate, nominal or no
                                              principal distributions.  In
                                              addition, a series may include
                                              two or more classes of
                                              Fixed-Income Securities that
                                              differ as to timing, sequential
                                              order, priority of payment,
                                              Interest Rate or amount of
                                              distributions of principal or
                                              interest or both, or as to which
                                              distributions of principal or
                                              interest or both on any class may
                                              be made upon the occurrence of
                                              specified events, in accordance
                                              with a schedule or formula, or on
                                              the basis of collections from
                                              designated portions of the
                                              related Mortgage Pool, which
                                              series may include one or more
                                              classes of Fixed-Income
                                              Securities ("Accrual
                                              Securities"), as to which certain
                                              accrued interest will not be
                                              distributed but rather will be
                                              added to the principal balance
                                              (or nominal principal balance, in
                                              the case of Accrual Securities
                                              which are also Strip Securities)
                                              thereof on each Payment Date, as
                                              hereinafter defined and in the
                                              manner described in the related
                                              Prospectus Supplement.

                                        If so provided in the related
                                              Prospectus Supplement, a series
                                              of Securities may include one or
                                              more other classes of
                                              Fixed-Income Securities
                                              (collectively, the "Senior
                                              Securities") that are senior to
                                              one or more other classes of
                                              Fixed-Income Securities
                                              (collectively, the "Subordinate
                                              Securities") in respect of
                                              certain distributions of
                                              principal and interest and
                                              allocations of losses on Mortgage

                                        In addition, certain classes of Senior
                                              (or Subordinate) Securities may
                                              be senior to other classes of
                                              Senior (or Subordinate)
                                              Securities in respect of such
                                              distributions or losses.

                                        Equity Securities will represent the
                                              right to receive the proceeds of
                                              the related Trust Estate after
                                              all required payments have been
                                              made to the Securityholders of
                                              the related Fixed-Income
                                              Securities (both Senior
                                              Securities and Subordinate
                                              Securities), and following any
                                              required deposits to any reserve
                                              account which may be established
                                              for the benefit of the
                                              Fixed-Income Securities.  Equity
                                              Securities may constitute what
                                              are commonly referred to as the
                                              "residual interest," "seller's
                                              interest" or the "general
                                              partnership interest," depending
                                              upon the treatment of the related
                                              Trust for federal income tax
                                              purposes.  As distinguished from
                                              the Fixed-Income Securities, the
                                              Equity Securities will not be
                                              styled as having principal and
                                              interest components.  Any losses
                                              suffered by the related Trust
                                              will first be absorbed by the
                                              related class of Equity
                                              Securities, as described herein
                                              and in the related Prospectus

                                        No Class of Equity Securities will be
                                              offered pursuant to this
                                              Prospectus or any Prospectus
                                              Supplement related hereto.
                                              Equity Securities may be offered
                                              on a private placement basis or
                                              pursuant to a separate
                                              Registration Statement to be
                                              filed by the Sponsor.  In
                                              addition, the Sponsor and its
                                              affiliates may initially or
                                              permanently hold any Equity
                                              Securities issued by any Trust.

                                        General Payment Terms of Securities.

                                        As provided in the related Pooling and
                                              Servicing Agreement and as
                                              described in the related
                                              Prospectus Supplement,
                                              Securityholders will be entitled
                                              to receive payments on their
                                              Securities on specified dates
                                              (each, a "Payment Date").
                                              Payment Dates with respect to
                                              Fixed-Income Securities will
                                              occur monthly, quarterly or
                                              semi-annually, as described in
                                              the related Prospectus
                                              Supplement; Payment Dates with
                                              respect to Equity Securities will
                                              occur as described in the related
                                              Prospectus Supplement.

                                        The related Prospectus Supplement will
                                              describe a date (the "Record
                                              Date") preceding such Payment
                                              Date, as of which the Trustee or
                                              its paying agent will fix the
                                              identity of the Securityholders
                                              for the purpose of receiving
                                              payments on the next succeeding
                                              Payment Date.  Unless otherwise
                                              described in the related
                                              Prospectus Supplement, the
                                              Payment Date will be the
                                              twenty-fifth day of each month
                                              (or, in the case of quarterly-pay
                                              Securities, the twenty-fifth day
                                              of every third month; and in the
                                              case of semi-annual pay
                                              Securities, the twenty-fifth day
                                              of every sixth month) and the
                                              Record Date will be the close of
                                              business as of the last day of
                                              the calendar month that precedes
                                              the calendar month in which such
                                              Payment Date occurs.

                                        Each Pooling and Servicing Agreement
                                              will describe a period (each, a
                                              "Remittance Period") antecedent
                                              to each Payment Date (for
                                              example, in the case of
                                              monthly-pay Securities, the
                                              calendar month preceding the
                                              month in which a Payment Date
                                              occurs or such other specified
                                              period).  Unless otherwise
                                              provided in the related
                                              Prospectus Supplement,
                                              collections received on or with
                                              respect to the related Mortgage
                                              Loans during a Remittance Period
                                              will be required to be remitted
                                              by the Master Servicer to the
                                              related Trustee prior to the
                                              related Payment Date and will be
                                              used to fund payments

                                              to Securityholders on such
                                              Payment Date.  As may be
                                              described in the related
                                              Prospectus Supplement, the
                                              related Pooling and Servicing
                                              Agreement may provide that all or
                                              a portion of the principal
                                              collected on or with respect to
                                              the related Mortgage Loans may be
                                              applied by the related Trustee to
                                              the acquisition of additional
                                              Mortgage Loans during a specified
                                              period (rather than be used to
                                              fund payments of principal to
                                              Securityholders during such
                                              period) with the result that the
                                              related securities will possess
                                              an interest-only period, also
                                              commonly referred to as a
                                              revolving period, which will be
                                              followed by an amortization
                                              period.  Any such interest-only
                                              or revolving period may, upon the
                                              occurrence of certain events to
                                              be described in the related
                                              Prospectus Supplement, terminate
                                              prior to the end of the specified
                                              period and result in the earlier
                                              than expected amortization of the
                                              related Securities.

                                        In addition, and as may be described in
                                              the related Prospectus
                                              Supplement, the related Pooling
                                              and Servicing Agreement may
                                              provide that all or a portion of
                                              such collected principal may be
                                              retained by the Trustee or the
                                              Master Servicer on behalf of the
                                              Trustee (and held in certain
                                              temporary investments, including
                                              Mortgage Loans) for a specified
                                              period prior to being used to
                                              fund payments of principal to

                                        The result of such retention and
                                              temporary investment by the
                                              Trustee or the Master Servicer on
                                              behalf of the Trustee of such
                                              principal would be to slow the
                                              amortization rate of the related
                                              Securities relative to the
                                              amortization rate of the related
                                              Mortgage Loans, or to attempt to
                                              match the amortization rate of
                                              the related Securities to an
                                              amortization schedule established
                                              at the time such Securities are
                                              issued.  Any such feature
                                              applicable to any Securities may
                                              terminate upon the occurrence of
                                              events to be described in the
                                              related Prospectus Supplement,
                                              resulting in the current
                                              distribution of principal
                                              payments to the specified
                                              Securityholders and an
                                              acceleration of the amortization
                                              of such Securities.

                                        Unless otherwise specified in the
                                              related Prospectus Supplement,
                                              neither the Securities nor the
                                              underlying Mortgage Loans will be
                                              guaranteed or insured by any
                                              governmental agency or
                                              instrumentality or the Sponsor,
                                              the Master Servicer, any
                                              Sub-Servicer, the Trustee, any
                                              Originator or any of their
                                              respective affiliates.

No Investment Companies . . . . . . . . .  Neither the Sponsor nor any Trust
                                              will register as an "investment
                                              company" under the Investment
                                              Company Act of 1940, as amended
                                              (the "Investment Company Act").

Cross-Collateralization . . . . . . . . .  Unless otherwise provided in the
                                              related Pooling and Servicing
                                              Agreement and described in the
                                              related Prospectus Supplement,
                                              the source of payment for
                                              Securities of each series will be
                                              the assets of the related Trust
                                              Estate only.  However, as may be
                                              described in the related
                                              Prospectus Supplement, a Trust
                                              Estate may include the right to
                                              receive monies from a common pool
                                              of Credit Enhancement which may
                                              be available for more than one
                                              series of Securities, such as a
                                              master reserve account or a
                                              master insurance policy.
                                              Notwithstanding the foregoing,
                                              unless specifically described
                                              otherwise in the related
                                              Prospectus Supplement, no
                                              collections on

                                              any Mortgage Loans held by any
                                              Trust may be applied to the
                                              payment of Securities issued by
                                              any other Trust (except to the
                                              limited extent that certain
                                              collections in excess of amounts
                                              needed to pay the related
                                              Securities may be deposited in a
                                              common, master reserve account
                                              that provides Credit Enhancement
                                              for more than one series of

The Mortgage Pools  . . . . . . . . . . .  Unless otherwise specified in the
                                              related Prospectus Supplement,
                                              each Trust Estate will consist
                                              primarily of Mortgage Loans
                                              secured by liens on one- to
                                              four-family residential or
                                              multi-family properties
                                              ("Mortgages"), located in any one
                                              of the fifty states, the District
                                              of Columbia, Puerto Rico or any
                                              other Territories of the United
                                              States.  All Mortgage Loans will
                                              have been acquired by the related
                                              Trust from the Sponsor.  All
                                              Mortgage Loans will have been
                                              originated either by (x) one or
                                              more institutions affiliated with
                                              the Sponsor (such affiliated
                                              institutions, the "Affiliated
                                              Originators") or (y) one or more
                                              institutions not affiliated with
                                              the Sponsor (such unaffiliated
                                              institutions, the "Unaffiliated
                                              Originators").  The Mortgage
                                              Loans originated by the
                                              Affiliated Originators generally
                                              will have been originated
                                              pursuant to the standard
                                              underwriting guidelines (the
                                              "Sponsor's Guidelines") set forth
                                              in the Sponsor's guide for
                                              originators (the "Sponsor's
                                              Originator Guide"), as modified
                                              from time to time.  The Mortgage
                                              Loans originated by the
                                              Unaffiliated Originators may be
                                              originated either (i) generally
                                              pursuant to the Sponsor's
                                              Guidelines; (ii) generally
                                              pursuant to such Unaffiliated
                                              Originators' underwriting
                                              guidelines as approved by the
                                              Sponsor ("Approved Guidelines");
                                              or (iii) generally pursuant to
                                              such Originators' underwriting
                                              guidelines and purchased by the
                                              Sponsor in a bulk acquisition
                                              ("Bulk Acquisition").  See
                                              "Mortgage Loan Program." For a
                                              description of the types of
                                              Mortgage Loans that may be
                                              included in the Mortgage Pools,
                                              see "The Mortgage Pools--The
                                              Mortgage Pools."

                                        A Current Report on Form 8-K will be
                                              available to purchasers or
                                              underwriters of the related
                                              series of Securities and will
                                              generally be filed, together with
                                              the related Pooling and Servicing
                                              Agreement, with the Securities
                                              and Exchange Commission within
                                              fifteen days after the initial
                                              issuance of such series.

Forward Commitments; Pre-Funding  . . . .  A Trust may enter into an agreement
                                              (each, a "Forward Purchase
                                              Agreement") with the Sponsor
                                              whereby the Sponsor will agree to
                                              transfer additional Mortgage
                                              Loans (the "Subsequent Mortgage
                                              Loans") to such Trust following
                                              the date on which such Trust is
                                              established and the related
                                              Securities are issued.  Any
                                              Forward Purchase Agreement will
                                              require that any Mortgage Loans
                                              so transferred to a Trust conform
                                              to the requirements specified in
                                              such Forward Purchase Agreement.
                                              In addition, the Forward Purchase
                                              Agreement states that the
                                              Depositor shall only transfer the
                                              Subsequent Mortgage Loans upon
                                              the satisfaction of certain
                                              conditions including that the
                                              Depositor shall have delivered to
                                              the Certificate Insurer, the
                                              Rating Agencies and the Trustee
                                              opinions of counsel (including
                                              bankruptcy, corporate and tax
                                              opinions) with respect to the
                                              transfer of the Subsequent
                                              Mortgage Loans.  If a Forward
                                              Purchase Agreement is to be
                                              utilized, and unless otherwise
                                              specified in the related
                                              Prospectus Supplement, the
                                              related Trustee will be required
                                              to deposit in a segregated
                                              account (each, a "Pre-

                                              Funding Account") all or a
                                              portion of the proceeds received
                                              by the Trustee in connection with
                                              the sale of one or more classes
                                              of Securities of the related
                                              series; subsequently, the
                                              additional Mortgage Loans will be
                                              transferred to the related Trust
                                              in exchange for money released to
                                              the Sponsor from the related
                                              Pre-Funding Account in one or
                                              more transfers.  Each Forward
                                              Purchase Agreement will set a
                                              specified period during which any
                                              such transfers must occur.  The
                                              Forward Purchase Agreement or the
                                              related Pooling and Servicing
                                              Agreement will require that, if
                                              all monies originally deposited
                                              to such Pre-Funding Account are
                                              not so used by the end of such
                                              specified period, then any
                                              remaining monies will be applied
                                              as a mandatory prepayment of the
                                              related class or classes of
                                              Securities as specified in the
                                              related Prospectus Supplement.

Credit Enhancement  . . . . . . . . . . .  If so specified in the Prospectus
                                              Supplement, the Trust Estate with
                                              respect to any series of
                                              Securities may include any one or
                                              any combination of a letter of
                                              credit, mortgage pool insurance
                                              policy, special hazard insurance
                                              policy, bankruptcy bond,
                                              financial guaranty insurance
                                              policy, reserve fund or other
                                              type of Credit Enhancement to
                                              provide full or partial coverage
                                              for certain defaults and losses
                                              relating to the Mortgage Loans.
                                              Credit support also may be
                                              provided in the form of the
                                              related class of Equity
                                              Securities, and/or by
                                              subordination of one or more
                                              classes of Fixed-Income
                                              Securities in a series under
                                              which losses in excess of those
                                              absorbed by any related class of
                                              Equity Securities are first
                                              allocated to any Subordinate
                                              Securities up to a specified
                                              limit, cross-support among groups
                                              of Mortgage Assets or
                                              overcollateralization.  Unless
                                              otherwise specified in the
                                              related Prospectus Supplement,
                                              any mortgage pool insurance
                                              policy will have certain
                                              exclusions from coverage
                                              thereunder, which will be
                                              described in the related
                                              Prospectus Supplement, which may
                                              be accompanied by one or more
                                              separate Credit Enhancements that
                                              may be obtained to cover certain
                                              of such exclusions.  To the
                                              extent not set forth herein, the
                                              amount and types of coverage, the
                                              identification of any entity
                                              providing the coverage, the terms
                                              of any subordination and related
                                              information will be set forth in
                                              the Prospectus Supplement
                                              relating to a series of
                                              Securities.  See "Description of
                                              Credit Enhancement" and

Advances  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  As to be described in the related
                                              Prospectus Supplement, the Master
                                              Servicer may be obligated to make
                                              certain advances with respect to
                                              payments of delinquent scheduled
                                              interest and/or principal on the
                                              Mortgage Loans, but only to the
                                              extent that the Master Servicer
                                              believes that such amounts will
                                              be recoverable by it.  Any such
                                              advance made by the Master
                                              Servicer with respect to a
                                              Mortgage Loan is recoverable by
                                              it as provided herein under
                                              "Description of the
                                              Securities--Advances" either from
                                              recoveries on the specific
                                              Mortgage Loan or, with respect to
                                              any such advance subsequently
                                              determined to be nonrecoverable,
                                              out of funds otherwise
                                              distributable to the holders of
                                              the related series of Securities,
                                              which may include the holders of
                                              any Senior Securities of such

                                        As to be described in the related
                                              Prospectus Supplement, the Master
                                              Servicer may be required to pay
                                              Compensating Interest as defined
                                              hereafter under "Description of
                                              the Securities--Advances."

                                        In addition, unless otherwise specified
                                              in the related Prospectus
                                              Supplement, the Master Servicer
                                              will be required to pay all "out
                                              of pocket" costs and expenses
                                              incurred in the performance of
                                              its servicing obligations, but
                                              only to the extent that the
                                              Master Servicer reasonably
                                              believes that such amounts will
                                              be recoverable by it.  See
                                              "Description of the

Optional Termination  . . . . . . . . . .  The Master Servicer, the Sponsor,
                                              or, if specified in the related
                                              Prospectus Supplement, the
                                              holders of the related class of
                                              Equity Securities or the Credit
                                              Enhancer may at their respective
                                              option effect early retirement of
                                              a series of Securities through
                                              the purchase of the Mortgage
                                              Loans and other assets in the
                                              related Trust Estate under the
                                              circumstances and in the manner
                                              set forth herein under "The
                                              Pooling and Servicing
                                              Retirement of Securities" and in
                                              the related Prospectus

Mandatory Termination . . . . . . . . . .  The Trustee, the Master Servicer or
                                              certain other entities specified
                                              in the related Prospectus
                                              Supplement may be required to
                                              effect early retirement of a
                                              series of Securities by
                                              soliciting competitive bids for
                                              the purchase of the related Trust
                                              Estate or otherwise, under other
                                              circumstances and in the manner
                                              specified in "The Pooling and
                                              Servicing Agreement--Termination;
                                              Retirement of Securities" and in
                                              the related Prospectus

Legal Investment  . . . . . . . . . . . .  Not all of the Mortgage Loans in a
                                              particular Mortgage Pool may
                                              represent first liens.
                                              Accordingly, as disclosed in the
                                              related Prospectus Supplement,
                                              certain classes of Securities
                                              offered hereby and by the related
                                              Prospectus Supplement may not
                                              constitute "mortgage related
                                              securities" for purposes of the
                                              Secondary Mortgage Market
                                              Enhancement Act of 1984 ("SMMEA")
                                              and, if so, will not be legal
                                              investments for certain types of
                                              institutional investors under

                                        Institutions whose investment
                                              activities are subject to legal
                                              investment laws and regulations
                                              or to review by certain
                                              regulatory authorities may be
                                              subject to additional
                                              restrictions on investment in
                                              certain classes of Securities.
                                              Any such institution should
                                              consult its own legal advisors in
                                              determining whether and to what
                                              extent a class of Securities
                                              constitutes legal investments for
                                              such investors.  See "Legal
                                              Investment" herein.

ERISA Considerations  . . . . . . . . . .  A fiduciary of an employee benefit
                                              plan and certain other retirement
                                              plans and arrangements, including
                                              individual retirement accounts
                                              and annuities, Keogh plans, and
                                              collective investment funds and
                                              separate accounts in which such
                                              plans, accounts, annuities or
                                              arrangements are invested, that
                                              is subject to the Employee
                                              Retirement Income Security Act of
                                              1974, as amended ("ERISA"), or
                                              Section 4975 of the Code (each
                                              such entity, a "Plan") should
                                              carefully review with its legal
                                              advisors whether the purchase or
                                              holding of Securities could give
                                              rise to a transaction that is
                                              prohibited or is not otherwise
                                              permissible either under ERISA or
                                              Section 4975 of the Code.
                                              Investors are advised to consult
                                              their counsel and to review
                                              "ERISA Considerations" herein.

Certain Federal Income
Tax Consequences  . . . . . . . . . . . .  Securities of each series offered
                                              hereby will, for federal income
                                              tax purposes, constitute either
                                              (i) interests ("Grantor Trust
                                              Securities") in a Trust treated
                                              as a grantor trust under
                                              applicable provisions of the
                                              Code, (ii) "regular interests"
                                              ("REMIC Regular Securities") or
                                              "residual interests" ("REMIC
                                              Residual Securities") in a Trust
                                              treated as a REMIC (or, in
                                              certain instances, containing one
                                              or more REMIC's) under Sections
                                              860A through 860G of the Code,
                                              (iii) debt issued by a Trust
                                              ("Debt Securities"), (iv)
                                              interests in a Trust which is
                                              treated as a partnership
                                              ("Partnership Interests"), or, on
                                              or after September 1, 1997, (v)
                                              "regular interests" ("FASIT
                                              Regular Securities"), "high-yield
                                              interests" ("FASIT High-Yield
                                              Securities") or an ownership
                                              interest in a Trust treated as a
                                              FASIT (or, in certain
                                              circumstances containing one or
                                              more FASITs under Sections 860H
                                              through 860L of the Code.

                                        Investors are advised to consult their
                                              tax advisors and to review
                                              "Certain Federal Income Tax
                                              Consequences" herein and in the
                                              related Prospectus Supplement.

Registration of Securities  . . . . . . .  Securities may be represented by
                                              global securities registered in
                                              the name of Cede & Co.  ("Cede"),
                                              as nominee of The Depository
                                              Trust Company ("DTC"), or another
                                              nominee.  In such case,
                                              Securityholders will not be
                                              entitled to receive definitive
                                              securities representing such
                                              Holders' interests, except in
                                              certain circumstances described
                                              in the related Prospectus
                                              Supplement.  See "Description of
                                              the Securities--Form of
                                              Securities" herein.

Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Each class of Fixed-Income
                                              Securities offered pursuant to
                                              the related Prospectus Supplement
                                              will be rated in one of the four
                                              highest rating categories by one
                                              or more "national statistical
                                              rating organizations," as defined
                                              in the Securities Exchange Act of
                                              1934, as amended (the "Exchange
                                              Act"), and commonly referred to
                                              as "Rating Agencies." Such
                                              ratings will address, in the
                                              opinion of such Rating Agencies,
                                              the likelihood that the related
                                              Trust will be able to make timely
                                              payment of all amounts due on the
                                              related Fixed-Income Securities
                                              in accordance with the terms
                                              thereof.  Such ratings will
                                              neither address any prepayment or
                                              yield considerations applicable
                                              to any Securities nor constitute
                                              a recommendation to buy, sell or
                                              hold any Securities.

                                        Equity Securities will not be rated.

                                        The ratings expected to be received
                                              with respect to any Securities
                                              will be set forth in the related
                                              Prospectus Supplement.

                                  RISK FACTORS

         Investors should consider, among other things, the following factors
in connection with the purchase of the Securities.

         Limited Liquidity.  There can be no assurance that a secondary market
for the Securities of any series or class will develop or, if it does develop,
that it will provide Securityholders with liquidity of investment or that it
will continue for the life of the Securities of any series.  The Prospectus
Supplement for any series of Securities may indicate that an underwriter
specified therein intends to establish a secondary market in such Securities;
however, no underwriter will be obligated to do so.  Unless otherwise specified
in the related Prospectus Supplement, the Securities will not be listed on any
securities exchange.

         Limited Obligations.  The Securities will not represent an interest in
or obligation, either recourse or non-recourse (except for certain non-recourse
debt described under "Certain Federal Income Tax Consequences"), of the
Sponsor, the Master Servicer, any Originator (as defined herein) or any person
other than the related Trust.  The only obligations of the foregoing entities
with respect to the Securities or the Mortgage Loans will be the obligations
(if any) of the Sponsor, the related Originators and the Master Servicer
pursuant to certain limited representations and warranties made with respect to
the Mortgage Loans, the Master Servicer's servicing obligations under the
related Pooling and Servicing Agreement (including its limited obligation, if
any, to make certain advances in the event of delinquencies on the Mortgage
Loans, but only to the extent deemed recoverable) and, if and to the extent
expressly described in the related Prospectus Supplement, certain limited
obligations of the Sponsor, Master Servicer, applicable Sub-Servicer, or
another party in connection with a purchase obligation ("Purchase Obligation")
or an agreement to purchase or act as remarketing agent with respect to a
Convertible Mortgage Loan upon conversion to a fixed rate.  Notwithstanding the
foregoing, and as to be described in the related Prospectus Supplement, certain
types of Credit Enhancement, such as a financial guaranty insurance policy or a
letter of credit, may constitute a full recourse obligation of the issuer of
such Credit Enhancement.  Except as described in the related Prospectus
Supplement, neither the Securities nor the underlying Mortgage Loans will be
guaranteed or insured by any governmental agency or instrumentality, or by the
Sponsor, the Master Servicer, any Sub-Servicer, the Trustee, any Originator or
any of their respective affiliates.  Proceeds of the assets included in the
related Trust Estate for each series of Securities (including the Mortgage
Loans and any form of Credit Enhancement) will be the sole source of payments
on the Securities, and there will be no recourse to the Sponsor or any other
entity in the event that such proceeds are insufficient or otherwise
unavailable to make all payments provided for under the Securities.

         Limitations, Reduction and Substitution of Credit Enhancement.  With
respect to each series of Securities, Credit Enhancement will be provided in
limited amounts to cover certain types of losses on the underlying Mortgage
Loans.  Credit Enhancement will generally be provided in one or more of the
forms referred to herein, including, but not limited to:  a letter of credit; a
Purchase Obligation; a mortgage pool insurance policy; a special hazard
insurance policy; a bankruptcy bond; a reserve fund; a financial guaranty
insurance policy or other type of Credit Enhancement to provide partial
coverage for certain defaults and losses relating to the Mortgage Loans.
Credit Enhancement also may be provided in the form of the related class of
Equity Securities, subordination of one or more classes of Fixed-Income
Securities in a series under which losses in excess of those absorbed by any
related class of Equity Securities are first allocated to any Subordinate
Securities up to a specified limit, cross-support among Mortgage Assets and/or
overcollateralization.  See "Subordination" and "Description of Credit
Enhancement" herein.  Regardless of the form of Credit Enhancement provided,
the coverage will be limited in amount and in most cases will be subject to
periodic reduction in accordance with a schedule or formula.  Furthermore, such
Credit Enhancements may provide only very limited coverage as to certain types
of losses, and may provide no coverage as to certain other types of losses.
Generally, Credit Enhancements do not directly or indirectly guarantee to the
investors any specified rate of prepayments.  The Sponsor will generally be
permitted to reduce, terminate or substitute all or a portion of the Credit
Enhancement for any series of Securities, if the applicable Rating Agency
indicates that the then-current rating thereof will not be adversely affected.
To the extent not set forth herein, the amount and types of coverage, the
identification of any entity providing the coverage, the terms of any
subordination and related information will be set forth in the Prospectus
Supplement relating to a series of Securities.  See "Description of Credit
Enhancement" and "Subordination."


        Junior Liens.  Certain of the Mortgage Loans will be secured by junior
liens subordinate to the rights of the mortgagee or beneficiary under each
related senior mortgage or deed of trust.  As a result, the proceeds from any
liquidation, insurance or condemnation proceedings will be available to satisfy
the principal balance of a mortgage loan only to the extent that the claims, if
any, of each such senior mortgagee or beneficiary are satisfied in full,
including any related foreclosure costs.  In addition, a mortgagee secured by a
junior lien may not foreclose on the related mortgaged property unless it
forecloses subject to the related senior mortgage or mortgages, in which case
it must either pay the entire amount of each senior mortgage to the applicable
mortgagee at or prior to the foreclosure sale or undertake the obligation to
make payments on each senior mortgage in the event of default thereunder.  In
servicing junior lien loans in its portfolio, it has generally been the
practice of the Master Servicer to satisfy each such senior mortgage at or
prior to the foreclosure sale but only to the extent that it determines any
amounts so paid will be recoverable from future payments and collections on
such junior lien loans or otherwise.  The Trusts will not have any source of
funds to satisfy any such senior mortgage or make payments due to any senior
mortgagee.  See "Certain Legal Aspects of Mortgage Loans and Related

        Declining Real Estate Values.  An investment in securities such as the
Securities that generally represent beneficial ownership interests in the
Mortgage Loans or debt secured by such Mortgage Loans may be affected by, among
other things, a decline in real estate values and changes in the borrowers'
financial condition.  No assurance can be given that values of the Mortgaged
Properties have remained or will remain at their levels on the dates of
origination of the related Mortgage Loans.  If the residential real estate
market should experience an overall decline in property values such that the
outstanding balances of any senior liens, the Mortgage Loans and any secondary
financing on the Mortgaged Properties in a particular Mortgage Pool become
equal to or greater than the value of the Mortgaged Properties, the actual
rates of delinquencies, foreclosures and losses could be higher than those now
generally experienced in the nonconforming credit mortgage lending industry. 
Such a decline could extinguish the interest of the related Trust in the
Mortgaged Properties before having any effect on the interest of the related
senior mortgagee.  In addition, in the case of Mortgage Loans that are subject
to negative amortization, due to the addition to principal balance of deferred
interest ("Deferred Interest"), the principal balances of such Mortgage Loans
could be increased to an amount equal to or in excess of the value of the
underlying Mortgaged Properties, thereby increasing the likelihood of default. 
To the extent that such losses are not covered by the applicable Credit
Enhancement, holders of Securities of the series evidencing interests in the
related Mortgage Pool will bear all risk of loss resulting from default by
Mortgagors and will have to look primarily to the value of the Mortgaged
Properties for recovery of the outstanding principal and unpaid interest on the
defaulted Mortgage Loans.

        Certain Non-Conforming Credit and Non-Traditional Loans.  The Sponsor's
underwriting standards consider, among other things, a mortgagor's credit
history, repayment ability and debt service-to-income ratio, as well as the
value of the property; however, the Sponsor's Mortgage Loan program generally
provides for the origination of Mortgage Loans relating to non-conforming
credits.  For purposes hereof, "non-conforming credit" means a mortgage loan
which, based upon standard underwriting guidelines, is ineligible for purchase
by the Federal National Mortgage Association ("FNMA") or the Federal Home Loan
Mortgage Corporation ("FHLMC") due to credit characteristics that do not meet
FNMA or FHLMC guidelines, respectively.  Certain of the types of loans that may
be included in the Mortgage Pools may involve additional uncertainties not
present in traditional types of loans.  For example, certain of the Mortgage
Loans may provide for escalating or variable payments by the borrower under the
Mortgage Loan (the "Mortgagor"), as to which the Mortgagor is generally
qualified on the basis of the initial payment amount.  In some instances the
Mortgagors' income may not be sufficient to enable them to continue to make
their loan payments as such payments increase and thus the likelihood of
default will increase.

        Balloon Loans.  Certain of the Mortgage Loans may constitute "Balloon
Loans".  Balloon Loans are originated with a stated maturity of less than the
period of time of the corresponding amortization schedule.  Consequently, upon
the maturity of a Balloon Loan, the Mortgagor will be required to make a
"balloon" payment that will be significantly larger than such Mortgagor's
previous monthly payments.  The ability of such a Mortgagor to repay a Balloon
Loan at maturity frequently will depend on such borrower's ability to refinance
the Mortgage Loan.  The ability of a Mortgagor to refinance such a Mortgage
Loan will be affected by a number of factors, including the level of available
mortgage rates at the time, the value of the related Mortgaged Property, the

Mortgagor's equity in the related Mortgaged Property, the financial condition
of the Mortgagor, the tax laws and general economic conditions at the time.

         Although a low interest rate environment may facilitate the
refinancing of a balloon payment, the receipt and reinvestment by
Securityholders of the proceeds in such an environment may produce a lower
return than that previously received in respect of the related Mortgage Loan.
Conversely, a high interest rate environment may make it more difficult for the
Mortgagor to accomplish a refinancing and may result in delinquencies or
defaults.  None of the Sponsor, the Originators, the Master Servicer, any
Sub-Servicer or the Trustee will be obligated to provide funds to refinance any
Mortgage Loan, including Balloon Loans.

        ARM Loans.  ARM Loans may be underwritten on the basis of an assessment
that Mortgagors will have the ability to make payments in higher amounts after
relatively short periods of time.  In some instances, Mortgagors' income may
not be sufficient to enable them to continue to make their loan payments as
such payments increase and thus the likelihood of default will increase.

        Pay-for-Performance Mortgage Loans.  Certain of the Mortgage Loans may
constitute "Pay-for-Performance Mortgage Loans." Pay-for-Performance Mortgage
Loans are originated with a stated interest rate which may decrease if the
Mortgagor maintains a steady history of timely payments over a specified period
of time.  Any such decrease in interest rate, although generally indicative of
good performance, may result in decreased cash received by the Securityholders.

        Bankruptcy of Mortgagors.  General economic conditions have an impact
on the ability of borrowers to repay Mortgage Loans. Loss of earnings, illness
and other similar factors also may lead to an increase in delinquencies and
bankruptcy filings by borrowers.  In the event of personal bankruptcy of a
Mortgagor, it is possible that a Trust could experience a loss with respect to
such Mortgagor's Mortgage Loan.  In conjunction with a Mortgagor's bankruptcy,
a bankruptcy court may suspend or reduce the payments of principal and interest
to be paid with respect to such Mortgage Loan or permanently reduce the
principal balance of such Mortgage Loan thereby either delaying or permanently
limiting the amount received by the Trust with respect to such Mortgage Loan. 
Moreover, in the event a bankruptcy court prevents the transfer of the related
Mortgaged Property to a Trust, any remaining balance on such Mortgage Loan may
not be recoverable.

        High LTV Loans.  Certain of the Mortgage Loans may have combined
loan-to-value ratios at the time of origination in excess of 100%, generally up
to a maximum of 125% ("High LTV Loans").  As a result, the related Mortgaged
Properties may not provide adequate security for these Mortgage Loans. 
Underwriting analysis with respect to High LTV Loans relies more heavily on the
Mortgagor's creditworthiness than on the protection afforded by the security
interest alone.  Such loans are generally targeted as debt consolidation loans
for repeat or frequent borrowers with generally strong credit ratings.  For a
more detailed discussion see "Mortgage Loan Program -- Underwriting Guidelines
- -- Sponsor Guidelines" and "Certain Legal Aspects of Mortgage Loans and Related
Matters -- Enforcement of the Note".

         Additionally, there is also the risk that if the related Mortgagors
relocate, such Mortgagors will be unable to discharge the Mortgage Loans in
full from the sale proceeds of the related Mortgaged Properties and any other
funds available to these borrowers.  As a result, the costs incurred in the
collection and liquidation of High LTV Loans may be higher than with respect to
Mortgage Loans with combined loan-to-value ratios of 100% or less because the
Servicer may be required to pursue collection solely against the Mortgagor.
The Master Servicer may, in accordance with accepted servicing procedures,
pursue alternative methods to maximize proceeds therefrom, including, without
limitation, the modification of defaulted Mortgage Loans, which may include the
abatement of accrued interest or the reduction of a portion of the outstanding
Principal Balance of such defaulted Mortgage Loan.  Consequently, the losses on
such defaulted Mortgage Loans may be more severe as there is no assurance that
any proceeds will be recovered.  See "Mortgage Loans -- Underwriting Guidelines
- -- Sponsor's Guidelines."

        Mortgaged Properties.  Even assuming that the Mortgaged Properties
provide adequate security for the Mortgage Loans, substantial delays could be
encountered in connection with the liquidation of defaulted Mortgage Loans and
corresponding delays in the receipt of related proceeds by the Securityholders
could occur.  An action to foreclose on a Mortgaged Property securing a
Mortgage Loan is regulated by state statutes, rules and judicial decisions and
is subject to many of the delays and expenses of other lawsuits if

defenses or counterclaims are interposed, sometimes requiring several years to
complete.  Furthermore, in some states an action to obtain a deficiency
judgment is not permitted following a nonjudicial sale of a Mortgaged Property.
In the event of a default by a Mortgagor, these restrictions, among other
things, may impede the ability of the Master Servicer to foreclose on or sell
the Mortgaged Property or to obtain liquidation proceeds (net of expenses)
("Liquidation Proceeds") sufficient to repay all amounts due on the related
Mortgage Loan.  The Master Servicer will be entitled to deduct from Liquidation
Proceeds all expenses reasonably incurred in attempting to recover amounts due
on the related liquidated Mortgage Loan ("Liquidated Mortgage Loan") and not
yet repaid, including payments to prior lienholders, accrued Servicing Fees,
Delinquency Advances, Servicing Advances, legal fees and costs of legal action,
real estate taxes, and maintenance and preservation expenses.  In the event
that any Mortgaged Properties fail to provide adequate security for the related
Mortgage Loans and insufficient funds are available from any applicable Credit
Enhancement, Securityholders could experience a loss on their investment.

         Liquidation expenses with respect to defaulted mortgage loans do not
vary directly with the outstanding principal balance of the loan at the time of
default.  Therefore, assuming that a servicer takes the same steps in realizing
upon a defaulted mortgage loan having a small remaining principal balance as it
would in the case of a defaulted mortgage loan having a larger principal
balance, the amount realized after expenses of liquidation would be less as a
percentage of the outstanding principal balance of the smaller principal
balance mortgage loan than would be the case with a larger principal balance

         Under environmental legislation and judicial decisions applicable in
various states, a secured party that takes a deed in lieu of foreclosure, or
acquires at a foreclosure sale a mortgaged property that, prior to foreclosure,
has been involved in decisions or actions which may lead to contamination of a
property, may be liable for the costs of cleaning up the purportedly
contaminated site.  Although such costs could be substantial, it is unclear
whether they would be imposed on a holder of a mortgage note (such as a Trust)
which, under the terms of the Pooling and Servicing Agreement, is not required
to take an active role in operating the Mortgaged Properties.  See "Certain
Legal Aspects of Mortgage Loans and Related Matters--Environmental

         Certain of the Mortgaged Properties relating to Mortgage Loans may not
be noninvestor owned.  It is possible that the rate of delinquencies,
foreclosures and losses on Mortgage Loans secured by noninvestor owned
properties could be higher than for loans secured by the primary residence of
the borrower.

         Litigation.  Any material litigation relating to the Sponsor or the
Master Servicer will be specified in the related Prospectus Supplement.

         Geographic Concentration of Mortgaged Properties.  Certain geographic
regions from time to time will experience weaker regional economic conditions
and housing markets than will other regions, and, consequently, will experience
higher rates of loss and delinquency on mortgage loans generally.  The Mortgage
Loans underlying certain series of Securities may be concentrated in such
regions, and such concentrations may present risk considerations in addition to
those generally present for similar mortgage loan asset-backed securities
without such concentrations.  Information with respect to geographic
concentration of Mortgaged Properties will be specified in the related
Prospectus Supplement or related Current Report on Form 8-K.

         Legal Considerations.  Applicable state laws generally regulate
interest rates and other charges, require certain disclosures, and require
licensing of the Originators and the Master Servicer and Sub-Servicers.  In
addition, most states have other laws, public policy and general principles of
equity relating to the protection of consumers, unfair and deceptive practices
and practices that may apply to the origination, servicing and collection of
the Mortgage Loans.  Depending on the provisions of the applicable law and the
specific facts and circumstances involved, violations of these laws, policies
and principles may limit the ability of the Master Servicer to collect all or
part of the principal of or interest on the Mortgage Loans, may entitle the
borrower to a refund of amounts previously paid and, in addition, could subject
the Master Servicer to damages and administrative sanctions.  See "Certain
Legal Aspects of Mortgage Loans and Related Matters."

         The Mortgage Loans may also be subject to federal laws, including:
(i) the Federal Truth-in-Lending Act and Regulation Z promulgated thereunder
and the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act and Regulation X promulgated
thereunder, which require certain disclosures to the borrowers regarding the
terms of the Mortgage Loans; (ii) the Equal Credit Opportunity Act and
Regulation B promulgated thereunder, which prohibit

discrimination on the basis of age, race, color, sex, religion, marital status,
national origin, receipt of public assistance or the exercise of any right
under the Consumer Credit Protection Act, in the extension of credit; and (iii)
the Fair Credit Reporting Act, which regulates the use and reporting of
information related to the borrower's credit experience.  Depending on the
provisions of the applicable law and the specific facts and circumstances
involved, violations of these laws, policies and general principles of equity
may limit the ability of the Master Servicer to collect all or part of the
principal of or interest on the Mortgage Loans, may entitle the borrower to
rescind the loan or to a refund of amounts previously paid and, in addition,
could subject the Master Servicer to damages and administrative sanctions.  If
the Master Servicer is unable to collect all or part of the principal or
interest on the Mortgage Loans because of a violation of the aforementioned
laws, public policies or general principles of equity then the Trust may be
delayed or unable to repay all amounts owed to Investors.  Furthermore,
depending upon whether damages and sanctions are assessed against the Master
Servicer or an Originator, such violations may materially impact the financial
ability of the Sponsor to continue to act as Master Servicer or the ability of
an Originator to repurchase or replace Mortgage Loans if such violation
breaches a representation or warranty contained in a Pooling and Servicing

         Yield and Prepayment Considerations.  The yield to maturity of the
Securities of each series will depend on the rate of payment of principal
(including prepayments, liquidations due to defaults, and repurchases due to
conversion of adjustable-rate mortgage loans ("ARM Loans") to fixed-rate loans
or breaches of representations and warranties) on the Mortgage Loans, the
combined loan-to-value ratios of the Mortgage Loans, and the price paid by
Securityholders.  Such yield may be adversely affected by a higher or lower
than anticipated rate of prepayments on the related Mortgage Loans.  The yield
to maturity on Strip Securities or Securities purchased at premiums or
discounted to par will be extremely sensitive to the rate of prepayments on the
related Mortgage Loans.  In addition, the yield to maturity on certain other
types of classes of Securities, including Accrual Securities or certain other
classes in a series including more than one class of Securities, may be
relatively more sensitive to the rate of prepayment on the related Mortgage
Loans than other classes of Securities.

         Unless otherwise specified in the related Prospectus Supplement, the
Mortgage Loans may be prepaid in full or in part at any time; however, a
prepayment penalty or premium may be imposed in connection therewith.  Unless
so specified in the related Prospectus Supplement, such penalties will not be
property of the related Trust.  The rate of prepayments of the Mortgage Loans
cannot be predicted and is influenced by a wide variety of economic, social,
and other factors, including prevailing mortgage market interest rates, the
availability of alternative financing, local and regional economic conditions
and homeowner mobility.  Therefore, no assurance can be given as to the level
of prepayments that a Trust will experience.

         Prepayments may result from mandatory prepayments relating to unused
monies held in Pre-Funding Accounts, if any, voluntary early payments by
borrowers (including payments in connection with refinancings of the related
senior Mortgage Loan or Loans), sales of Mortgaged Properties subject to
"due-on-sale" provisions and liquidations due to default, as well as the
receipt of proceeds from physical damage, credit life and disability insurance
policies.  In addition, repurchases or purchases from a Trust of Mortgage Loans
or substitution adjustments required to be made under the Pooling and Servicing
Agreement will have the same effect on the Securityholders as a prepayment of
such Mortgage Loans.  Unless otherwise specified in the related Prospectus
Supplement, all of the Mortgage Loans contain "due-on-sale" provisions, and the
Master Servicer will be required to enforce such provisions unless (i) the
"due-on-sale" clause, in the reasonable belief of the Master Servicer, is not
enforceable under applicable law or (ii) the Master Servicer reasonably
believes that to permit an assumption of the Mortgage Loan would not materially
and adversely affect the interests of the Securityholders or of the related
Credit Enhancer, if any.  See "The Pooling and Servicing Agreement" in the
related Prospectus Supplement.

         Collections on the Mortgage Loans may vary due to the level of
incidence of delinquent payments and of prepayments.  Collections on the
Mortgage Loans may also vary due to seasonal purchasing and payment habits of

         Book-Entry Registration.  Issuance of the Securities in book-entry
form may reduce the liquidity of such Securities in the secondary trading
market since investors may be unwilling to purchase Securities for which they
cannot obtain definitive physical securities representing such Securityholders'
interests, except in certain circumstances described in the related Prospectus

         Since transactions in Securities will, in most cases, be able to be
effected only through DTC, direct or indirect participants in DTC's book-entry
system ("Direct or Indirect Participants") and certain banks, the ability of a
Securityholder to pledge a Security to persons or entities that do not
participate in the DTC system, or otherwise to take actions in respect of such
Securities, may be limited due to lack of a physical security representing the

         Securityholders may experience some delay in their receipt of
distributions of interest on and principal of the Securities since
distributions may be required to be forwarded by the Trustee to DTC and, in
such a case, DTC will be required to credit such distributions to the accounts
of its Participants which thereafter will be required to credit them to the
accounts of the applicable class of Securityholders either directly or
indirectly through Indirect Participants.  See "Description of the
Securities--Form of Securities."

         The Status of the Mortgage Loans in the Event of Bankruptcy of the
Sponsor or an Originator.  In the event of the bankruptcy of the Sponsor or an
Originator at a time when it or any affiliate thereof holds an Equity Security,
a trustee in bankruptcy of the Sponsor, an Originator, or its creditors could
attempt to recharacterize the sale of the Mortgage Loans to the related Trust
as a borrowing by the Sponsor, the Originator or such affiliate with the
result, if such recharacterization is upheld, that the Securityholders would be
deemed creditors of the Sponsor, the Originator or such affiliate, secured by a
pledge of the Mortgage Loans.  If such an attempt were successful, it could
prevent timely payments of amounts due to the Trust.

         Limitations on Interest Payments and Foreclosures.  Generally, under
the terms of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act of 1940, as amended
(the "Relief Act"), or similar state legislation, a Mortgagor who enters
military service after the origination of the related Mortgage Loan (including
a Mortgagor who is a member of the National Guard or is in reserve status at
the time of the origination of the Mortgage Loan and is later called to active
duty) may not be charged interest (including fees and charges) above an annual
rate of 6% during the period of such Mortgagor's active duty status, unless a
court orders otherwise upon application of the lender.  It is possible that
such action could have an effect, for an indeterminate period of time, on the
ability of the Master Servicer to collect full amounts of interest on certain
of the Mortgage Loans.  In addition, the Relief Act imposes limitations that
would impair the ability of the Master Servicer to foreclose on an affected
Mortgage Loan during the Mortgagor's period of active duty status.  Thus, in
the event that such a Mortgage Loan goes into default, there may be delays and
losses occasioned by the inability to realize upon the Mortgaged Property in a
timely fashion.

         Security Rating.  The rating of Securities credit enhanced through
external Credit Enhancement such as a letter of credit, financial guaranty
insurance policy or mortgage pool insurance will depend primarily on the
creditworthiness of the issuer of such external Credit Enhancement device (a
"Credit Enhancer").  Any reduction in the rating assigned to the claims-paying
ability of the related Credit Enhancer below the rating initially given to the
Securities would likely result in a reduction in the rating of the Securities.
See "Ratings" in the Prospectus Supplement.

                                   THE TRUSTS

         A Trust for any series of Securities will include the primary mortgage
assets ("Mortgage Assets") consisting of (A) a Mortgage Pool comprised of (i)
Single Family Loans, (ii) Multi-family Loans, (iii) Cooperative Loans, (iv)
Contracts, (v) Home Improvement Loans, or (vi) other loans or (B) certificates
of interest or participation in the items described in clause (A) or in pools
of such items, in each case, as specified in the related Prospectus Supplement,
together with payments in respect of such primary Mortgage Assets and certain
other accounts, obligations or agreements, in each case as specified in the
related Prospectus Supplement.

         Unless otherwise specified in the related Prospectus Supplement, the
Securities will be entitled to payment only from the assets of the related
Trust (i.e., the related Trust Estate) and will not be entitled to payments in
respect of the assets of any other related Trust Estate established by the
Sponsor, the Originators or any of their affiliates.  If specified in the
related Prospectus Supplement, certain Securities will evidence the entire
fractional undivided ownership interest in the related Mortgage Loans held by
the related Trust or may represent debt secured by the related Mortgage Loans.

         The following is a brief description of the Mortgage Assets expected
to be included in the related Trusts.  If specific information respecting the
primary Mortgage Assets is not known at the time the related series of
Securities initially is offered, information of the nature described below will
be provided in the Prospectus Supplement, and specific information will be set
forth in a report on Form 8-K to be filed with the Commission within fifteen
days after the initial issuance of such Securities (the "Detailed
Description").  A copy of the Pooling and Servicing Agreement with respect to
each Series of Securities will be attached to the Form 8-K and will be
available for inspection at the corporate trust office of the Trustee specified
in the related Prospectus Supplement.  A schedule of the Mortgage Assets
relating to such Series (the "Mortgage Asset Schedule") will be attached to the
Pooling and Servicing Agreement delivered to the Trustee upon delivery of the

         The Mortgage Loans--General.  The real properties and Manufactured
Homes, as the case may be, that secure repayment of the Mortgage Loans and
Contracts (the "Mortgaged Properties") may be located in any one of the fifty
states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico or any other Territories of the
United States.  Unless otherwise specified in the related Prospectus
Supplement, the Mortgage Loans or Contracts will be "Conventional Loans" (i.e.,
loans that are not insured or guaranteed by any governmental agency).  If
specified in the related Prospectus Supplement, Mortgage Loans with certain
loan-to-value ratios and/or certain principal balances may be covered wholly or
partially by primary mortgage insurance policies.  Generally, all of the
Mortgage Loans will be covered by standard hazard insurance policies (which may
be in the form of a blanket or forced placed hazard insurance policy).  The
existence, extent and duration of any such coverage will be described in the
applicable Prospectus Supplement.

         Unless otherwise specified in the related Prospectus Supplement, all
of the Mortgage Loans in a Mortgage Pool will provide for payments to be made
monthly ("monthly pay") or bi-weekly.  The payment terms of the Mortgage Loans
to be included in a Trust will be described in the related Prospectus
Supplement and may include any of the following features or combination thereof
or other features described in the related Prospectus Supplement:

                 (a)      Interest may be payable at a Fixed Rate, or an
         Adjustable Rate (i.e., a rate that is adjustable from time to time in
         relation to an index, a rate that is fixed for a period of time and
         under certain circumstances is followed by an adjustable rate, a rate
         that otherwise varies from time to time, or a rate that is convertible
         from an adjustable rate to a fixed rate).  The specified rate of
         interest on a Mortgage Loan is its "Mortgage Rate." Changes to an
         Adjustable Rate may be subject to periodic limitations, maximum rates,
         minimum rates or a combination of such limitations.  Accrued interest
         may be deferred and added to the principal of a Mortgage Loan for such
         periods and under such circumstances as may be specified in the
         related Prospectus Supplement.  If provided for in the Prospectus
         Supplement, certain Mortgage Loans may be subject to temporary buydown
         plans ("Buydown Mortgage Loans") pursuant to which the monthly
         payments made by the Mortgagor during the early years of the Mortgage
         Loan (the "Buydown Period") will be less than the scheduled monthly
         payments on the Mortgage Loan, and the amount of any difference may be
         contributed from (i) an amount (such amount, exclusive of investment
         earnings thereon, being hereinafter referred to as "Buydown Funds")
         funded by the Originator of the Mortgage Loan or another source
         (including the Master Servicer or the related Originator and the
         builder of the Mortgaged Property) and placed in a custodial account
         (the "Buydown Account") and (ii) if the Buydown Funds are contributed
         on a present value basis, investment earnings on such Buydown Funds.

                 (b)      Principal may be payable on a level debt service
         basis to fully amortize the Mortgage Loan over its term, may be
         calculated on the basis of an assumed amortization schedule that is
         significantly longer than the original term to maturity or on an
         interest rate that is different from the Mortgage Rate, or may not be
         amortized during all or a portion of the original term.  Payment of
         all or a substantial portion of the principal may be due on maturity
         ("balloon payments").  Principal may include interest that has been
         deferred and added to the principal balance of the Mortgage Loan.

                 (c)      Monthly payments of principal and interest may be
         fixed for the life of the Mortgage Loan, may increase or decrease over
         a specified period of time ("graduated payments") or may change from
         period to period.  Mortgage Loans may include limits on periodic
         increases or decreases in the amount of monthly payments and may
         include maximum or minimum amounts of monthly payments.  Mortgage
         Loans having graduated payment provisions may provide for deferred
         payment of a portion of the interest

         due monthly during a specified period, and recoup the deferred
         interest through negative amortization during such period whereby the
         difference between the interest paid during such period and interest
         accrued during such period is added monthly to the outstanding
         principal balance.  Other Mortgage Loans sometimes referred to as
         "growing equity" mortgage loans may provide for periodic scheduled
         payment increases for a specified period with the full amount of such
         increases being applied to principal.

                 (d)      Prepayments of principal may be subject to a
         prepayment fee, which may be fixed for the life of the Mortgage Loan
         or may decline over time, and may be prohibited for the life of the
         Mortgage Loan or for certain periods ("lockout periods").  Certain
         Mortgage Loans may permit prepayments after expiration of the
         applicable lockout period and may require the payment of a prepayment
         fee in connection therewith.  Other Mortgage Loans may permit
         prepayments without payment of a fee unless the prepayment occurs
         during specified time periods.  The Mortgage Loans may include
         due-on-sale clauses which permit the mortgagee to demand payment of
         the entire Mortgage Loan in connection with the sale or certain
         transfers of the related Mortgaged Property.  Other Mortgage Loans may
         be assumable by persons meeting the then applicable underwriting
         standards of the related Originator.

                 (e)      As more fully described in the related Prospectus
         Supplement, the Mortgage Loans may consist, in whole or in part, of
         revolving home equity loans or certain balances thereof ("Revolving
         Credit Line Loans").  Interest on each Revolving Credit Line Loan,
         excluding introductory rates offered from time to time during
         promotional periods, may be computed and payable monthly on the
         average daily outstanding principal balance of such loan.  From time
         to time prior to the expiration of the related draw period specified
         in a Revolving Credit Line Loan, principal amounts on such Revolving
         Credit Line Loan may be drawn down (up to a maximum amount as set
         forth in the related Prospectus Supplement) or repaid.  If specified
         in the related Prospectus Supplement, new draws by borrowers under the
         Revolving Credit Line Loans will automatically become part of the
         Trust Estate described in such Prospectus Supplement.  As a result,
         the aggregate balance of the Revolving Credit Line Loans will
         fluctuate from day to day as new draws by borrowers are added to the
         Trust Estate and principal payments are applied to such balances and
         such amounts will usually differ each day, as more specifically
         described in the related Prospectus Supplement.  Under certain
         circumstances, under a Revolving Credit Line Loan, a borrower may,
         during the related draw period, choose an interest only payment
         option, during which the borrower is obligated to pay only the amount
         of interest which accrues on the loan during the billing cycle, and
         may also elect to pay all or a portion of the principal.  An interest
         only payment option may terminate at the end of the related draw
         period, after which the borrower must begin paying at least a minimum
         monthly portion of the average outstanding principal balance of the

         Except as otherwise described in the related Prospectus Supplement or
in the related Current Report on Form 8-K, interest will be calculated on each
Mortgage Loan pursuant to one of three methods:

                 Date of Payment Loans.  Date of Payment Loans provide that
         interest is charged to the Mortgagor at the applicable Mortgage Rate
         on the outstanding principal balance of such Note and calculated based
         on the number of days elapsed between receipt of the Mortgagor's last
         payment through receipt of the Mortgagor's most current payment.  Such
         interest is deducted from the Mortgagor's payment amount and the
         remainder, if any, of the payment is applied as a reduction to the
         outstanding principal balance of such Note.  Although the Mortgagor is
         required to remit equal monthly payments on a specified monthly
         payment date that would reduce the outstanding principal balance of
         such Note to zero at such Note's maturity date, payments that are made
         by the Mortgagor after the due date therefor would cause the
         outstanding principal balance of such Note not to be reduced to zero.
         In such a case, the Mortgagor would be required to make an additional
         principal payment at the maturity date for such Note.  On the other
         hand, if a Mortgagor makes a payment (other than a prepayment) before
         the due date therefor, the reduction in the outstanding principal
         balance of such Note would occur over a shorter period of time than it
         would have occurred had it been based on the original amortization
         schedule of such Note.

                 Actuarial Loans.  Actuarial Loans provide that interest is
         charged to the Mortgagor thereunder, and payments are due from such
         Mortgagor, as of a scheduled day of each month which is fixed at the
         time of origination.  Scheduled monthly payments made by the
         Mortgagors on the Actuarial Loans either earlier

         or later than the scheduled due dates thereof will not affect the
         amortization schedule or the relative application of such payments to
         principal and interest.

                 Rule of 78's Loans.  A Rule of 78's Loan provides for the
         payment by the related Mortgagor of a specified total amount of
         payments, payable in equal monthly installments on each due date,
         which total represents the principal amount financed and add-on
         interest in an amount calculated on the basis of the stated Mortgage
         Rate for the term of the Loan.  The rate at which such amount of
         add-on interest is earned and, correspondingly, the amount of each
         fixed monthly payment allocated to reduction of the outstanding
         principal are calculated in accordance with the "Rule of 78's." Under
         a Rule of 78's Loan, the amount of a payment allocable to interest is
         determined by multiplying the total amount of add-on interest payable
         over the term of the loan by a fraction derived as described below.

         The fraction used in the calculation of add-on interest earned each
month under a Rule of 78's Loan has as its denominator a number equal to the
sum of a series of numbers.  The series of numbers begins with one and ends
with the number of monthly payments due under the loan.  For example, with a
loan providing for 12 payments, the denominator of each month's fraction will
be 78, the sum of the series of numbers from 1 to 12.  The numerator of the
fraction for a given month is the number of original payments to stated
maturity less the number of payments made up to but not including the current
month.  Accordingly, in the example of a twelve-month loan, the numerator for
the first payment is 12, for the second payment, 11, for the third payment, 10,
and so on through the final payment, for which the numerator is 1.  The
applicable fraction is then multiplied by the total add-on interest payable
over the entire term of the loan, and the resulting amount is the amount of
add-on interest "earned" that month.  The difference between the amount of the
monthly payment by the obligor and the amount of earned add-on interest
calculated for the month is applied to principal reduction.  Rule of 78's Loans
are non-level yield instruments.  The yield in the initial months of a Rule of
78's Loan is somewhat higher than the stated Mortgage Rate (computed on an
actuarial basis) and the yield in the later months of the loan is somewhat less
than such stated Mortgage Rate.

         The Prospectus Supplement for each series of Securities or the Current
Report on Form 8-K will contain certain information with respect to the
Mortgage Loans (or a sample thereof) contained in the related Mortgage Pool;
such information, insofar as it may relate to statistical information relating
to such Mortgage Loans will be presented as of a date certain (the "Statistic
Calculation Date") which may also be the related cut-off date (the "Cut-Off
Date").  Such information will include to the extent applicable to the
particular Mortgage Pool (in all cases as of the Statistic Calculation Date)
(i) the aggregate outstanding principal balance and the average outstanding
principal balance of the Mortgage Loans, (ii) the largest principal balance and
the smallest principal balance of any of the Mortgage Loans, (iii) the types of
Mortgaged Property securing the Mortgage Loans (e.g., one- to four-family
houses, vacation and second homes, Manufactured Homes, multi-family apartments
or other real property), (iv) the original terms to stated maturity of the
Mortgage Loans, (v) the weighted average remaining term to maturity of the
Mortgage Loans and the range of the remaining terms to maturity, (vi) the
earliest origination date and latest maturity date of any of the Mortgage
Loans, (vii) the weighted average CLTV (as defined below) and the range of
CLTVs of the Mortgage Loans at origination, (viii) the weighted average
Mortgage Rate or annual percentage rate (as determined under Regulation Z) (the
"APR") and ranges of Mortgage Rates or APRs borne by the Mortgage Loans, (ix)
in the case of Mortgage Loans having adjustable rates, the weighted average of
the adjustable rates and indices, if any, (x) the aggregate outstanding
principal balance, if any, of Buy-Down Loans and Mortgage Loans having
graduated payment provisions, (xi) the amount of any mortgage pool insurance
policy, special hazard insurance policy or bankruptcy bond, if any, to be
maintained with respect to such Mortgage Pool, (xii) a description of any
standard hazard insurance required, if any, to be maintained with respect to
each Mortgage Loan, (xiii) a description of any Credit Enhancement to be
provided with respect to all or any Mortgage Loans or the Mortgage Pool, and
(xiv) the geographical distribution of the Mortgage Loans on a state-by-state
basis.  In addition, preliminary or more general information of the nature
described above may be provided in the Prospectus Supplement, and specific or
final information may be set forth in a Current Report on Form 8-K, together
with the related Pooling and Servicing Agreement, which will be filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission and will be made available to holders of the
related series of Securities within fifteen days after the initial issuance of
such Securities.

         The loan-to-value ratio (the "LTV") of a Mortgage Loan is equal to the
ratio (expressed as a percentage) of the original principal balance of such
Mortgage Loan to appraised value of the related Mortgaged Property (unless

otherwise disclosed in the related Prospectus Supplement or in the related
Current Report on Form 8-K) at the time of origination of the Mortgage Loan.
Generally, in the case where the Mortgage represents a purchase money
instrument, the lesser of (a) the appraised value or (b) the purchase price is
used to calculate the LTV.  The combined loan-to-value ratio (the "CLTV") of a
Mortgage Loan at any given time is the ratio, expressed as a percentage,
determined by dividing (x) the sum of the original principal balance of such
Mortgage Loan (unless otherwise disclosed in the related Prospectus Supplement
or in the related Current Report on Form 8-K) plus the then-current principal
balance of all mortgage loans (each, a "Senior Lien") secured by liens on the
related Mortgaged Property having priorities senior to that of the lien which
secures such Mortgage Loan, by (y) the value of the related Mortgaged Property,
based upon the appraisal or valuation (which may in certain instances include
estimated increases in value as a result of certain home improvements to be
financed with the proceeds of such Mortgage Loan) made at the time of
origination of the Mortgage Loan.  If the related Mortgagor will use the
proceeds of the Mortgage Loan to refinance an existing Mortgage Loan which is
being serviced directly or indirectly by the Master Servicer, the requirement
of an appraisal or other valuation at the time the new Mortgage Loan is made
may be waived.  Unless otherwise specified in the related Prospectus
Supplement, for purposes of calculating the CLTV of a Contract relating to a
new Manufactured Home, the value of such Manufactured Home will be no greater
than the sum of a fixed percentage of the list price of the unit actually
billed by the manufacturer to the dealer (exclusive of freight to the dealer
site) including "accessories" identified in the invoice (the "Manufacturer's
Invoice Price"), plus the actual cost of any accessories purchased from the
dealer, a delivery and set-up allowance, depending on the size of the unit, and
the cost of state and local taxes, filing fees and up to three years prepaid
hazard insurance premiums.  Unless otherwise specified herein or in the related
Prospectus Supplement, the value of a used Manufactured Home will be either (x)
the appraised value, and National Automobile Dealer's Association book value
plus prepaid taxes and hazard insurance premiums or (y) the sum of (i) the
appraised value of the land to which the Manufactured Home is attached and (ii)
the appraised value of the Manufactured Home.  The appraised value of a
Manufactured Home will be based upon the age and condition of the manufactured
housing unit and the quality and condition of the mobile home park in which it
is situated, if applicable.

         No assurance can be given that values of the Mortgaged Properties have
remained or will remain at their levels on the dates of origination of the
related Mortgage Loans.  If the residential real estate market should
experience an overall decline in property values such that the outstanding
principal balances of the Mortgage Loans (plus any additional financing by
other lenders on the same Mortgaged Properties) in a particular Pool become
equal to or greater than the value of such Mortgaged Properties, the actual
rates of delinquencies, foreclosures and losses could be higher than those now
generally experienced in the non-conforming credit mortgage lending industry.
An overall decline in the market value of residential real estate, the general
condition of a Mortgaged Property, or other factors, could adversely affect the
values of the Mortgaged Properties such that the outstanding balances of the
Mortgage Loans, together with any additional liens on the Mortgaged Properties,
equal or exceed the value of the Mortgaged Properties.  Under such
circumstances, the actual rates of delinquencies, foreclosures and losses could
be higher than those now generally experienced in the non-conforming credit
mortgage lending industry.

         Certain Mortgage Loans may be secured by junior liens ("Junior Lien
Loans") subordinate to the rights of the mortgagee under any related senior
mortgage(s).  The proceeds from any liquidation, insurance or condemnation of
Mortgaged Properties relating to Junior Lien Loans in a Mortgage Pool will be
available to satisfy the principal balance of such Junior Lien Loans only to
the extent that the claims, if any, of all related senior mortgagees, including
any related foreclosure costs, are satisfied in full.  In addition, the Master
Servicer may not foreclose on a Mortgaged Property relating to a Junior Lien
Loan unless it forecloses subject to the related senior mortgage or mortgages,
in which case it must either pay the entire amount of each senior mortgage to
the applicable mortgagee at or prior to the foreclosure sale or undertake the
obligation to make payments on each senior mortgage in the event of default
thereunder.  Generally, in servicing Junior Lien Loans in its loan portfolios,
it has been the Master Servicer's practice to satisfy each senior mortgage at
or prior to a foreclosure sale but only to the extent that it determines any
amounts so paid will be recoverable from future payments and collections on the
Mortgage Loans or otherwise.  The Trusts will not have any source of funds to
satisfy any such senior mortgage or make payments due to any senior mortgagee.
See "Certain Legal Aspects of Mortgage Loans and Related Matters--Foreclosure."

         Other factors affecting mortgagors' ability to repay Mortgage Loans
include excessive building resulting in an oversupply of housing stock or a
decrease in employment reducing the demand for units in an area; federal, state
or local regulations and controls affecting rents; prices of goods and energy;
environmental restrictions; increasing labor and material costs; and the
relative attractiveness of the Mortgaged Properties.  To the extent that losses
on the

Mortgage Loans are not covered by Credit Enhancements, such losses will be
borne by the Securityholders of the related series.

         The Sponsor will cause the Mortgage Loans comprising each Mortgage
Pool to be assigned to the Trustee named in the related Prospectus Supplement
for the benefit of the holders of the Securities of the related series.  The
Master Servicer will service the Mortgage Loans, either directly or through
Sub-Servicers, pursuant to the Pooling and Servicing Agreement and will receive
a fee for such services.  See "Mortgage Loan Program" and "The Pooling and
Servicing Agreement." With respect to Mortgage Loans serviced through a
Sub-Servicer, the Master Servicer will remain liable for its servicing
obligations under the related Pooling and Servicing Agreement as if the Master
Servicer alone were servicing such Mortgage Loans.

         Unless otherwise specified in the related Prospectus Supplement, the
only obligations of the Sponsor and the Originators with respect to a series of
Securities will be to provide (or, where the Sponsor or an Originator acquired
a Mortgage Loan from another originator, obtain from such originator) certain
representations and warranties concerning the Mortgage Loans and to assign to
the Trustee for such series of Securities the Sponsor's or Originator's rights
with respect to such representations and warranties.  See "The Pooling and
Servicing Agreement." The obligations of the Master Servicer with respect to
the Mortgage Loans will consist principally of its contractual servicing
obligations under the related Pooling and Servicing Agreement (including its
obligation to enforce the obligations of the Sub-Servicers or Originators as
more fully described herein under "Mortgage Loan Program--Qualifications of
Originators" and "The Pooling and Servicing Agreement") and its obligation, as
described in the related Prospectus Supplement, to make certain cash advances
in the event of delinquencies in payments or, with respect to Mortgage Loans,
interest shortfalls due to prepayments, in the amounts described herein under
"Description of the Securities--Advances." The obligations of a Master Servicer
to make advances will be limited to the extent, in its good faith business
judgment, such advances would be ultimately recoverable from the proceeds of
liquidation of the Mortgage Loans and further may be subject to limitations, to
the extent provided herein and in the related Prospectus Supplement.

         Single Family and Cooperative Loans.  Unless otherwise specified in
the Prospectus Supplement, single family loans will consist of mortgage loans,
deeds of trust or participation or other beneficial interests therein, secured
by first or junior liens on one- to four-family residential properties ("Single
Family Loans").  The Mortgaged Properties relating to Single Family Loans will
consist of detached or semi-detached one-family dwelling units, two- to
four-family dwelling units, townhouses, rowhouses, individual condominium units
in condominium developments, individual units in planned unit developments, and
certain mixed use and other dwelling units.  Such Mortgaged Properties may
include noninvestor owned (which includes vacation and second homes) and
investor owned investment properties.

         If so specified, the Single Family Loans may include loans or
participations therein secured by mortgages or deeds of trust on condominium
units in low- or high-rise condominium developments together with such
condominium units' appurtenant interests in the common elements of such
condominium developments.  Unless otherwise specified, the Cooperative Loans
will be secured by security interests in or similar liens on stock, shares or
membership certificates issued by cooperatives and in the related proprietary
leases or occupancy agreements granting exclusive rights to occupy specific
dwelling units in such cooperatives' buildings.

         Multi-family Loans.  Multi-family loans will consist of mortgage
loans, deeds of trust or participation or other beneficial interests therein,
secured by first or junior liens on rental apartment buildings or projects
containing five or more residential units ("Multi-family Loans").

         Mortgaged Properties that secure Multi-family Loans may include
high-rise, mid-rise and garden apartments.  Certain of the Multi-family Loans
may be secured by apartment buildings owned by Cooperatives.  In such cases,
the Cooperative owns all the apartment units in the building and all common
areas.  The Cooperative is owned by tenant-stockholders who, through ownership
of stock, shares or membership certificates in the corporation, receive
proprietary leases or occupancy agreements that confer exclusive rights to
occupy specific apartments or units.  Generally, a tenant-stockholder of a
Cooperative must make a monthly payment to the Cooperative representing such
tenant-stockholder's pro rata share of the Cooperative's payments for its
mortgage loan, real property taxes, maintenance expenses and other capital or
ordinary expenses.  Those payments are in addition to any payments of principal
and interest the tenant-stockholder must make on any loans to the tenant-

stockholder secured by its shares in the Cooperative.  The Cooperative will be
directly responsible for building management and, in most cases, payment of
real estate taxes and hazard and liability insurance.  A Cooperative's ability
to meet debt service obligations on a Multi-family Loan, as well as all other
operating expenses, will be dependent in large part on the receipt of
maintenance payments from the tenant-stockholders, as well as any rental income
from units or commercial areas the Cooperative might control.  Unanticipated
expenditures may in some cases have to be paid by special assessments on the

         Home Improvement Loans.  Unless otherwise specified in the Prospectus
Supplement, loans to make home improvements may be secured by first or junior
liens on conventional one- to four-family residential properties and
multi-family residential properties ("Home Improvement Loans").  Home
Improvement Loans may be conventional, or may be partially insured by the
Federal Housing Administration ("FHA") or another federal or state agency, as
specified in the related Prospectus Supplement.  The loan proceeds from such
Home Improvement Loans are typically disbursed to an escrow agent which,
according to guidelines established by the Originators, releases such proceeds
to the contractor upon completion of the improvements or in draws as the work
on the improvements progresses.  Costs incurred by the Mortgagor for loan
origination including origination points and appraisal, legal and title fees,
are often included in the amount financed.  In addition, Home Improvement Loans
generally provide additional security to a first or junior mortgage loan
because home improvements typically retain or increase the value of a property.

         Contracts.  Contracts will consist of manufactured housing conditional
sales contracts and installment sales or loan agreements each secured by a
Manufactured Home ("Contracts").  Contracts may be conventional, insured
partially by the FHA or partially guaranteed by the Veterans Administration, as
specified in the related Prospectus Supplement.  Unless otherwise specified in
the related Prospectus Supplement, each Contract will be fully amortizing and
will bear interest at its APR.

         Unless otherwise specified in the related Prospectus Supplement, the
"Manufactured Homes" securing the Contracts will consist of manufactured homes
within the meaning of 42 United States Code, Section 5402(6), which defines a
"manufactured home" as "a structure, transportable in one or more sections,
which in the traveling mode, is eight body feet or more in width or forty body
feet or more in length, or, when erected on site, is three hundred twenty or
more square feet, and which is built on a permanent chassis and designed to be
used as a dwelling with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the
required utilities, and includes the plumbing, heating, air conditioning, and
electrical systems contained therein; except that such term shall include any
structure which meets all the requirements of [this] paragraph except the size
requirements and with respect to which the manufacturer voluntarily files a
certification required by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and
complies with the standards established under [this] chapter."

         The related Prospectus Supplement will specify for the Contracts
contained in the related Trust, among other things, the date of origination of
the Contracts; the Mortgage Rates or the APRs on the Contracts; the Contract
Loan-to-Value Ratios; the minimum and maximum outstanding principal balances as
of the Statistic Calculation Date and the average outstanding principal
balance; the outstanding principal balances of the Contracts included in the
related Trust; and the original maturities of the Contracts and the last
maturity date of any Contract.

                               THE MORTGAGE POOLS


         Unless otherwise specified in the related Prospectus Supplement, each
Mortgage Pool will consist primarily of (i) Mortgage Loans, minus any stripped
portion of the interest payments due under the related Mortgage Note that may
have been retained by any Originator or broker ("Originator's Retained Yield"),
or any other interest retained by the Sponsor or any affiliate of the Sponsor,
evidenced by promissory notes (the "Mortgage Notes") secured by mortgages or
deeds of trust or other similar security instruments creating a lien on
single-family (i.e., one- to four-family) residential, multi-family properties
or mixed use properties, or (ii) certificates of interest or participations in
such Mortgage Notes.  The Mortgaged Properties will consist primarily of
attached or detached one-family dwelling units, two- to four-family dwelling
units, condominiums, townhouses, row houses, individual units in planned-unit
developments and certain other dwelling units, mixed use properties and the
fee, leasehold or other interests in the underlying real property.  The
Mortgaged Properties may be noninvestor owned (which includes second and
vacation homes) and investor owned investment properties.  If specified in the
related Prospectus Supplement relating to a series of Securities, a Mortgage
Pool may contain cooperative apartment loans ("Cooperative Loans") evidenced by
promissory notes ("Cooperative Notes") secured by security interests in shares
issued by cooperatives and in the related proprietary leases or occupancy
agreements granting exclusive rights to occupy specific dwelling units in the
related buildings.  In certain cases a Mortgage Loan may also be secured by the
pledge of a limited amount of collateral which is not real estate, such as
fixtures or personal property that includes, but is not limited to, furniture
and appliances.  As used herein, unless the context indicates otherwise,
"Mortgage Loans" include Cooperative Loans, "Mortgaged Properties" include
shares in the related cooperative and the related proprietary leases or
occupancy agreements securing Cooperative Notes, "Mortgage Notes" include
Cooperative Notes and "Mortgages" include security agreements with respect to
Cooperative Notes.

         Each Mortgage Loan will be selected by the Sponsor for inclusion in a
Mortgage Pool from among mortgage loans originated by one or more institutions
affiliated with the Sponsor (such affiliated institutions, the "Affiliated
Originators"), or from banks, savings and loan associations, mortgage bankers,
mortgage brokers, investment banking firms, the RTC, the FDIC and other
mortgage loan originators or purchasers not affiliated with the Sponsor (such
unaffiliated institutions, the "Unaffiliated Originators" and, collectively
with the Affiliated Originators, the "Originators"), all as described below
under "Mortgage Loan Program." The characteristics of the Mortgage Loans will
be described in the related Prospectus Supplement.  Other mortgage loans
available for acquisition by a Trust may have characteristics that would make
them eligible for inclusion in a Mortgage Pool but may not be selected by the
Sponsor for inclusion in such Mortgage Pool.

         Each Security will evidence an interest in only the related Mortgage
Pool and corresponding Trust Estate, and not in any other Mortgage Pool or any
other Trust Estate (except in those limited situations whereby certain
collections on any Mortgage Loans in a related Mortgage Pool in excess of
amounts needed to pay the related securities may be deposited in a common,
master reserve account that provides Credit Enhancement for more than one
series of Securities).


         Unless otherwise specified below or in the related Prospectus
Supplement, all of the Mortgage Loans in a Mortgage Pool will (i) have payments
that are due monthly or bi-weekly, (ii) be secured by Mortgaged Properties
located in any of the fifty states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico or
any other Territories of the United States and (iii) consist of one or more of
the following types of mortgage loans:

                 (1)      Fixed-rate, fully-amortizing mortgage loans (which
         may include mortgage loans converted from adjustable-rate mortgage
         loans or otherwise modified) providing for level monthly payments of
         principal and interest and terms at origination or modification of
         generally not more than 30 years;

                 (2)      ARM Loans having original or modified terms to
         maturity of generally not more than 30 years with a related Mortgage
         Rate that adjusts periodically, at the intervals described in the
         related Prospectus Supplement (which may have adjustments in the
         amount of monthly payments at periodic intervals) over the term of the
         mortgage loan to equal the sum of a fixed percentage set forth in the

         Mortgage Note (the "Note Margin") and an index (the "Index") to be
         specified in the related Prospectus Supplement, such as, by way of
         example:  (i) U.S. Treasury securities of a specified constant
         maturity, (ii) weekly auction average investment yield of U.S.
         Treasury bills of specified maturities, (iii) the daily Bank Prime
         Loan rate made available by the Federal Reserve Board or as quoted by
         one or more specified lending institutions, (iv) the cost of funds of
         member institutions for the Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco,
         or (v) the interbank offered rates for U.S. dollar deposits in the
         London Markets, each calculated as of a date prior to each scheduled
         interest rate adjustment date that will be specified in the related
         Prospectus Supplement.  The related Prospectus Supplement will set
         forth the relevant Index, and the related Prospectus Supplement or the
         related Current Report on Form 8-K will indicate the highest, lowest
         and weighted-average Note Margin with respect to the ARM Loans in the
         related Mortgage Pool.  If specified in the related Prospectus
         Supplement, an ARM Loan may include a provision that allows the
         Mortgagor to convert the adjustable Mortgage Rate to a fixed rate at
         some point during the term of such ARM Loan subsequent to the initial
         payment date;

                 (3)      Fixed-rate, graduated payment mortgage loans having
         original or modified terms to maturity of generally not more than 30
         years with monthly payments during the first year calculated on the
         basis of an assumed interest rate that will be lower than the Mortgage
         Rate applicable to such mortgage loan in subsequent years.  Deferred
         Interest, if any, will be added to the principal balance of such
         mortgage loans;

                 (4)      Fixed-rate, graduated payment mortgage loans having
         original or modified terms to maturity of generally not more than 30
         years with monthly payments in subsequent years that are calculated on
         the basis of an assumed interest rate that will be lower than the
         Mortgage Rate applicable to such loan in the first year or first two
         years, provided that the Mortgagor qualifies under certain positive
         criteria, including, but not limited to, a good payment history;

                 (5)      Balloon mortgage loans ("Balloon Loans"), which are
         mortgage loans having original or modified terms to maturity of
         generally 5 to 15 years as described in the related Prospectus
         Supplement, which may have level monthly payments of principal and
         interest based generally on a 10- to 30-year amortization schedule.
         The amount of the monthly payment may remain constant until the
         maturity date, upon which date the full outstanding principal balance
         on such Balloon Loan will be due and payable (such amount, the
         "Balloon Amount");

                 (6)      Modified mortgage loans ("Modified Loans"), which are
         fixed or adjustable-rate mortgage loans providing for terms at the
         time of modification of generally not more than 30 years.  Modified
         Loans may be mortgage loans which have been consolidated and/or have
         had various terms changed, mortgage loans which have been converted
         from adjustable rate mortgage loans to fixed rate mortgage loans, or
         construction loans which have been converted to permanent mortgage

                 (7)      As more fully described in the related Prospectus
         Supplement, the Mortgage Loans may consist, in whole or in part, of
         Revolving Credit Line Loans.  Interest on each Revolving Credit Line
         Loan, excluding introductory rates offered from time to time during
         promotional periods, may be computed and payable monthly on the
         average daily outstanding principal balance of such loan.  From time
         to time prior to the expiration of the related draw period specified
         in a Revolving Credit Line Loan, principal amounts on such Revolving
         Credit Line Loan may be drawn down (up to a maximum amount as set
         forth in the related Prospectus Supplement) or repaid.  If specified
         in the related Prospectus Supplement, new draws by borrowers under the
         Revolving Credit Line Loans will automatically become part of the
         Trust Estate described in such Prospectus Supplement.  As a result,
         the aggregate balance of the Revolving Credit Line Loans will
         fluctuate from day to day as new draws by borrowers are added to the
         Trust Estate and principal payments are applied to such balances and
         such amounts will usually differ each day, as more specifically
         described in the related Prospectus Supplement.  Under certain
         circumstances, under a Revolving Credit Line Loan, a borrower may,
         during the related draw period, choose an interest only payment
         option, during which the borrower is obligated to pay only the amount
         of interest which accrues on the loan during the billing cycle, and
         may also elect to pay all or a portion of the principal.  An interest
         only payment option may terminate at the end of the related draw
         period, after which the borrower must begin paying at least a minimum
         monthly portion of the average outstanding principal balance of the

                 (8)      Pay-for-Performance mortgage loans
         ("Pay-for-Performance Loans"), which are mortgage loans having
         original or modified terms to maturity of generally not more than 30
         years for which the interest rate may decrease one or more times, but
         not below a specified floor, if the Mortgagor maintains a steady
         history of timely payments over a specified period or periods of time;

                 (9)      Another type of mortgage loan described in the
         related Prospectus Supplement.

         If provided for in the related Prospectus Supplement, a Mortgage Pool
may contain either or both of the following types of mortgage loans (i) ARM
Loans which allow the Mortgagors to convert the adjustable rates on such
Mortgage Loans to a fixed rate at some point during the life of such Mortgage
Loans and (ii) fixed rate mortgage loans which allow the Mortgagors to convert
the fixed rates on such Mortgage Loans to an adjustable rate at some point
during the life of such Mortgage Loans (each such Mortgage Loan described in
(i) and (ii) above, a "Convertible Mortgage Loan").

         If provided for in the related Prospectus Supplement, certain of the
Mortgage Loans may be Buydown Mortgage Loans pursuant to which the monthly
payments made by the Mortgagor during the Buydown Period will be less than the
scheduled monthly payments on the Mortgage Loan, the resulting difference to be
made up from (i) Buydown Funds funded by the Originator of the Mortgaged
Property or another source (including the Master Servicer or the related
Originator) and placed in the Buydown Account and (ii) if the Buydown Funds are
contributed on a present value basis, investment earnings on such Buydown
Funds.  See "Description of the Securities--Payments on Mortgage Loans;
Deposits to Distribution Account." The terms of the Buydown Mortgage Loans, if
such loans are included in a Trust, will be as set forth in the related
Prospectus Supplement.

         The Sponsor will cause the Mortgage Loans constituting each Mortgage
Pool to be assigned to the Trustee named in the related Prospectus Supplement,
for the benefit of the holders of all of the Securities of a series.  The
Master Servicer named in the related Prospectus Supplement will service the
Mortgage Loans, either directly or through other mortgage servicing
institutions (Sub-Servicers), pursuant to a Pooling and Servicing Agreement and
will receive a fee for such services.  See "Mortgage Loan Program" and
"Description of the Securities." With respect to those Mortgage Loans serviced
by the Master Servicer through a Sub-Servicer, the Master Servicer will remain
liable for its servicing obligations under the related Pooling and Servicing
Agreement as if the Master Servicer alone were servicing such Mortgage Loans,
unless otherwise described in the related Prospectus Supplement.

         The Sponsor and/or certain Originators may make certain
representations and warranties regarding the Mortgage Loans, but its assignment
of the Mortgage Loans to the Trustee will be without recourse.  See
"Description of the Securities--Assignment of Mortgage Loans." The Master
Servicer's obligations with respect to the Mortgage Loans will consist
principally of its contractual servicing obligations under the related Pooling
and Servicing Agreement (including its obligation to enforce certain purchase
and other obligations of Sub-Servicers and of Originators, as more fully
described herein under "Mortgage Loan Program--Representations by Originators,"
"--Sub-Servicing by Originators" and "Description of the Securities--Assignment
of Mortgage Loans," and its obligation, if any, to make certain cash advances
in the event of delinquencies in payments on or with respect to the Mortgage
Loans and interest shortfalls due to prepayment of Mortgage Loans, in amounts
described herein under "Description of the Securities--Advances").  The
obligation of the Master Servicer to make delinquency advances will be limited
to the extent, in its good faith business judgment such delinquency advances
would be ultimately recoverable from the proceeds of liquidation of the
Mortgage Loans.  See "Description of the Securities--Advances."

                             MORTGAGE LOAN PROGRAM

         As a general matter, the Sponsor's Mortgage Loan program will consist
of the origination and packaging of Mortgage Loans relating to non-conforming
credits.  For purposes hereof, "non-conforming credit" means a mortgage loan
which, based upon standard underwriting guidelines, is ineligible for purchase
by FNMA or FHLMC due to credit characteristics that do not meet FNMA or FHLMC
guidelines, respectively.  However, certain of the Mortgage Loans will relate
to FNMA or FHLMC conforming credits.

         The Mortgagors generally will have taken out the related Mortgage
Loans for one or more of four reasons:  (i) to purchase the related Mortgaged
Property, (ii) to refinance an existing mortgage loan on more favorable terms,
(iii) to consolidate debt, or (iv) to obtain cash proceeds by borrowing against
the Mortgagor's equity in the related

Mortgaged Property; the Mortgage Loans described in (i) are commonly referred
to as purchase money loans and the Mortgage Loans described in (ii), (iii) and
(iv) on the whole are commonly referred to as home equity loans.

         It is the Sponsor's practice to solicit existing Mortgagors with
respect to the possible refinancing of their existing Mortgages.


         As more fully described below under "Qualifications of Originators"
and as may also be described in greater detail in the related Prospectus
Supplement, there are various types of Originators that may participate in the
Sponsor's Mortgage Loan Program.  Under the Sponsor's Mortgage Loan Program,
the Sponsor purchases and originates Mortgage Loans pursuant to three types of
underwriting guidelines:  (1) standard underwriting guidelines according to the
Sponsor's Originator Guide, as modified from time to time, used by Affiliated
Originators and Unaffiliated Originators ("Sponsor's Guidelines"), (2)
underwriting guidelines utilized by certain Unaffiliated Originators and
approved by the Sponsor ("Approved Guidelines"), and (3) underwriting
guidelines ("Bulk Guidelines") used by Unaffiliated Originators of portfolios
of Mortgage Loans subsequently purchased in whole or part by the Sponsor as
bulk acquisitions ("Bulk Acquisitions").  The respective underwriting
guidelines are described below.

         Sponsor's Guidelines.  The Sponsor's Guidelines are set forth in the
Sponsor's Originator Guide.  The Sponsor's Guidelines are revised continuously
based on opportunities and prevailing conditions in the nonconforming credit
residential mortgage market, as well as the expected market for the resulting

         Mortgage Loans originated by Affiliated Originators generally will,
and Mortgage Loans originated by Unaffiliated Originators may have been,
originated in accordance with the Sponsor's Guidelines as set forth in the
Sponsor's Originator Guide.  However, certain of the Mortgage Loans may be
employee or preferred customer loans with respect to which, in accordance with
such Affiliate's mortgage loan programs, no income or asset verifications were
required.  In addition, certain Originators may originate Mortgage Loans in
satisfaction of specified requirements of federal or state law applicable to
certain Originators, such as, by way of illustration, the federal Community
Reinvestment Act of 1977, which is applicable to banks; such Mortgage Loans
generally will not have been originated pursuant to the Sponsor's standard
underwriting guidelines applicable to nonconforming loans but may have been
originated pursuant to alternative guidelines applicable to such loans.  The
Sponsor will not review any Affiliated Originator mortgage loans for conformity
with the Sponsor's Guidelines set forth in the Sponsor's Originator Guide.  The
Sponsor generally will review or cause to be reviewed only a limited portion of
the Mortgage Loans in any delivery of Mortgage Loans from Unaffiliated
Originators for conformity with the Sponsor's Originator Guide.

         The following is a brief description of the Sponsor's Guidelines set
forth in the Sponsor's Originator Guide customarily and currently employed by
the Sponsor.  The Sponsor believes that these standards are consistent with
those generally used by lenders in the business of making mortgage loans based
on non-conforming credits.  The underwriting process is intended to assess both
the prospective borrower's ability to repay and the adequacy of the real
property as collateral for the loan granted.

         The Sponsor's Guidelines permit the origination and purchase of
mortgage loans with multi-tiered credit characteristics tailored to individual
credit profiles.  In general, the Sponsor's Guidelines require an analysis of
the equity in the collateral, the payment history of the borrower, the
borrower's ability to repay debt, the property type, and the characteristics of
the underlying first mortgage, if any.  A lower maximum CLTV is required for
lower gradations of credit quality and higher property values.

         The Sponsor's Guidelines permit the origination or purchase of fixed
or adjustable rate loans that either fully amortize over a period generally not
to exceed 30 years or, in the case of a balloon mortgage, generally amortize
based on a 30-year or less amortization schedule with a due date and a
"balloon" payment due prior to the 30 year period.

         The homes used for collateral to secure the loans generally may be
either noninvestor owned (which includes second and vacation homes) or investor
owned properties which, in either case are single-family residences (which may
be detached, part of a two- to four-family dwelling, a condominium unit or a
unit in a planned unit development).  The Sponsor's Guidelines generally
require that the CLTV of a Mortgage Loan not exceed 100%, after taking into
account the amount of any primary mortgage insurance applicable to such
Mortgage Loan.

         One of the Sponsor's programs specifically relates to Mortgage Loans
with combined loan-to-value ratios in excess of 100%, generally up to a maximum
of 125% (the "High LTV Program").  Under the High LTV Program, relatively more
emphasis in the underwriting analysis is placed on the borrower's payment
history and ability to repay debt, rather than on the collateral value of the
related Mortgaged Property.  High LTV Loans are generally targeted as debt
consolidation loans for repeat or frequent borrowers with generally strong
credit ratings.  Lending decisions for these loans are based on an analysis of
the prospective Mortgagor's documented cash flow and credit history
supplemented by a collateral evaluation deemed appropriate by the Sponsor.

         If a senior mortgage exists, the Sponsor may first review the senior
mortgage documentation.  If it contains open end advance or negative
amortization provisions, the maximum potential senior mortgage balance may be
used, although for certain of the Sponsor's products the current balance may be
used in calculating the CLTV which determines the maximum loan amount.  The
Sponsor's Guidelines do not permit the origination or purchase of loans where
the senior mortgage contains a provision pursuant to which the senior mortgagee
may share in any appreciation of the Mortgaged Property.

         In most cases, the value of each property proposed as security for a
mortgage loan is required to be determined by a full appraisal.  A limited
appraisal of a property, conducted on a drive-by basis or a "multiple
comparable" basis, may be utilized.  Two full appraisals are generally required
for properties valued over $500,000.

         Appraisals are required to be completed by qualified professional
appraisers.  The Sponsor evaluates the performance of appraisers and maintains
a current disapproved appraiser list.

         The Sponsor's Guidelines have provided for the origination of loans
under three general loan programs:  (i) a full verification program for
salaried or self-employed borrowers, (ii) a "lite" documentation program for
borrowers who may have income which cannot be verified by traditional methods
and (iii) a non-income verification program for salaried and self-employed
borrowers.  However, the Sponsor's Guidelines allow for certain borrowers with
existing loans to refinance such loans with either limited, or no, verification
of income.  The Sponsor may also purchase pools of loans which may include some
loans originated under a non-income verification program.  For the Sponsor's
full verification process, each mortgage applicant is required to provide, and
the Sponsor or its designee is required to verify, personal financial
information.  The applicant's total monthly obligations (including principal
and interest on each mortgage, tax assessments, other loans, charge accounts
and all other scheduled indebtedness) generally (in the absence of
countervailing considerations, such as a lower Combined Loan-to-Value Ratio or
a price adjustment) should not exceed the applicant's ability to pay.
Applicants who are salaried employees must provide current employment
information in addition to recent employment history.  The Sponsor or its
designee verify this information for salaried borrowers based on written
confirmation from employers or a combination of the most recent pay stub, the
most recent W-2 tax form and telephone confirmation from the employer.
Self-employed applicants are generally required to be self-employed in the same
field for a minimum of two years.  The self-employed applicant is generally
required to provide personal and business financial statements and signed
copies of complete federal income tax returns (including schedules) filed for
the most recent two years.  For the Sponsor's "lite" documentation program the
borrower must establish proof of cash flow trends to support the borrower's
income.  Such proof can include business bank statements or personal bank
statements.  For the Sponsor's non-income verifier program, proof of two year's
history of employment plus proof of current employment status is required.  The
applicant's debt-to-income ratio is calculated based on income as certified by
the borrower on the application and must be reasonable.

         A credit report by an independent, nationally recognized credit
reporting agency is required reflecting the applicant's complete credit
history.  The credit report should reflect all delinquencies of 30 days or
more, repossessions, judgments, foreclosures, garnishments, bankruptcies and
similar instances of adverse credit that can be discovered by a search of
public records.  Verification is required to be obtained of the senior mortgage

if any, the status and whether local taxes, interest, insurance and assessments
are included in the applicant's monthly payment.  All taxes and assessments not
included in the payment are required to be verified as current.

         In connection with purchase-money loans, the Sponsor's Guidelines
generally require (x) (i) an acceptable source of downpayment funds, (ii)
verification of the source of the downpayment funds and (iii) adequate cash
reserves or (y) adequate equity in the collateral property.

         Certain laws protect loan applicants by offering them a time frame
after loan documents are signed, termed the rescission period, during which the
applicant has the right to cancel the loan.  The rescission period must have
expired prior to funding a loan and may not be waived by the applicant except
as permitted by law.

         Unless otherwise disclosed in the related Prospectus Supplement, the
Sponsor's Guidelines generally require title insurance coverage issued by an
approved ALTA or CLTA title insurance company on each Mortgage Loan it
purchases.  The Sponsor, the related Originator and/or their assignees
generally are named as the insured.  Title insurance policies indicate the lien
position of the mortgage loan and protect the insured against loss if the title
or lien position is not as indicated.  Where title insurance is not available
with respect to a Mortgage Loan, the Sponsor's Guidelines require a property
report and title search, instead, to evidence that the title or lien position
is as indicated.

         The applicant is required to secure property insurance in an amount
sufficient to cover the new loan and any senior mortgage.  If the sum of the
outstanding first mortgage, if any, and the related mortgage loan exceeds
replacement value (the cost of rebuilding the subject property, which generally
does not include land value), insurance equal to replacement value may be
accepted.  The Sponsor or its designee is required to ensure that its name and
address is properly added to the "Mortgagee Clause" of the insurance policy.
In the event the Sponsor or the related Originator's name is added to a "Loss
Payee Clause" and the policy does not provide for written notice of policy
changes or cancellation, an endorsement adding such provision is required.

         Approved Guidelines.  The Sponsor may cause a Trust to acquire
Mortgage Loans underwritten pursuant to underwriting guidelines that may differ
from the Sponsor's Guidelines as set forth in the Sponsor's Originator Guide.
Certain of the Mortgage Loans will be acquired in negotiated transactions, and
such negotiated transactions may be governed by agreements ("Master
Commitments") relating to ongoing acquisitions of Mortgage Loans by the
Sponsor, from Originators who will represent that the Mortgage Loans have been
originated in accordance with underwriting guidelines agreed to by the Sponsor.
Certain other Mortgage Loans will be acquired from Originators that will
represent that the Mortgage Loans were originated pursuant to underwriting
guidelines determined by a mortgage insurance company acceptable to the
Sponsor.  The Sponsor will accept a certification from such insurance company
as to a Mortgage Loan's insurability in a mortgage pool as of the date of
certification as evidence of a Mortgage Loan conforming to applicable
underwriting standards.  Such certifications likely will have been issued
before the purchase of the Mortgage Loan by the Sponsor.  The Sponsor only will
perform random quality assurance reviews on Mortgage Loans delivered with such

         The underwriting standards utilized in negotiated transactions and
Master Commitments and the underwriting standards of insurance companies may
vary substantially from the Sponsor's Guidelines.  All of the underwriting
guidelines will provide an underwriter with information to evaluate either the
security for the related Mortgage Loan, which security consists primarily of
the borrower's repayment ability or the adequacy of the Mortgaged Property as
collateral, or a combination of both.  Due to the variety of underwriting
guidelines and review procedures that may be applicable to the Mortgage Loans
included in any Mortgage Pool, the related Prospectus Supplement will not
distinguish among the various underwriting guidelines applicable to the
Mortgage Loans nor describe any review for compliance with applicable
underwriting guidelines performed by the Sponsor.  Moreover, there can be no
assurance that every Mortgage Loan was originated in conformity with the
Approved Guidelines in all material respects, or that the quality or
performance of Mortgage Loans underwritten pursuant to varying guidelines as
described above will be equivalent under all circumstances.

         Bulk Guidelines.  Bulk portfolios of Mortgage Loans may be originated
by a variety of Originators under several different underwriting guidelines.
For bulk portfolios which are seasoned for a period of time, the Sponsor's
underwriting review of bulk portfolios of Mortgage Loans focuses primarily on
payment histories and estimated current values based on estimated property
appreciation or depreciation and loan amortization.  Mortgage Loans that

conform to the related Bulk Guidelines may not conform to the requirements of
either the Sponsor's Guidelines or the Approved Guidelines.  For example, the
Sponsor may purchase Mortgage Loans in bulk portfolios with Combined
Loan-to-Value Ratios in excess of that required under the Sponsor's Guidelines,
without title insurance, or with nonconforming appraisal methods such as tax
assessments.  Bulk Acquisition portfolios may be purchased servicing released
or retained.  If servicing is retained, the Originator must meet certain
minimum requirements, as modified from time to time, by the Sponsor.  The
Sponsor generally will cause the Mortgage Loans acquired in a Bulk Acquisition
to be reunderwritten on a sample basis.  Such reunderwriting may be performed
by the Sponsor, the Master Servicer or by a third party acting at the direction
of the Sponsor.

         Quality Control.  The Master Servicer maintains a quality control
department which generally reviews loans originated by Affiliated Originators.
The quality control department randomly selects a portion of the files for
underwriting review.  The Sponsor or its Affiliated Originators also cause
appraisal reviews to be performed on a random sample of loan production.

         A periodic report is distributed to senior management and the
production offices describing material exceptions to underwriting and appraisal
guidelines, legal and regulatory requirements and variances based on the
reverification process.  Appraisers demonstrating chronic errors, omissions or
large valuation errors are removed from the approved appraiser list.  Training
programs, additional audits and performance evaluations for underwriting
personnel and management are influenced by the results of the quality control

         The Sponsor generally will cause Mortgage Loans acquired from
Unaffiliated Originators to be (i) reunderwritten for the purpose of
determining whether such Mortgage Loans were originated in accordance with the
applicable underwriting guidelines, (ii) reviewed to assess the accuracy of the
appraised values, and (iii) audited to determine the accuracy of the loan
computer system as compared to the loan files.  Such process may consist of a
review of all such Mortgage Loans or may be performed on a sample basis.  Such
reunderwriting may be performed by the Sponsor, the Master Servicer or a third
party acting at the direction of the Sponsor.


         Each Originator from which a Mortgage Loan is acquired will have been
accepted by the Sponsor for participation in the Sponsor's mortgage loan
program.  Certain Unaffiliated Originators ("Conduit Participants") may be
qualified to enter into agreements to sell mortgage loans to the Sponsor
pursuant to Master Commitments which provide for the periodic purchase and sale
of loans meeting certain specified requirements.

         Loans acquired from Unaffiliated Originators other than Conduit
Participants will be acquired on a "spot" basis, or in connection with a Bulk
Acquisition.  Unless otherwise described in the related Prospectus Supplement
with respect to certain specified Unaffiliated Originators (in which case any
remedies for breach will lie only against such Unaffiliated Originator), the
Sponsor will make directly, or will guarantee compliance with, any
representations and warranties made by any Unaffiliated Originator, with
respect to the Mortgage Loans originated by it and acquired by a Trust.

         All Conduit Participants must have received a satisfactory review by
the Sponsor of its operating procedures.  All Unaffiliated Originators will
have delinquency and foreclosure rates monitored and maintained at levels
acceptable to the Sponsor.  All Unaffiliated Originators are required to
originate mortgage loans in accordance with the applicable underwriting
standards.  However, with respect to any Originator, some of the generally
applicable underwriting standards described herein and in the Sponsor's
Originator Guide may be modified or waived with respect to certain Mortgage
Loans originated by such Originators.

         The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (the "FDIC") (either in its
corporate capacity or as receiver or conservator for a depository institution)
may also be an Originator of the Mortgage Loans.  The FDIC is an independent
executive agency originally established by the Banking Act of 1933 to insure
the deposits of all banks entitled to federal deposit insurance under the
Federal Reserve Act and Federal Deposit Insurance Act.  The FDIC administers
the system of nationwide deposit insurance (mutual guaranty of deposits) for
United States Banks and, together with the United States Comptroller of the
Currency, regulates in areas related to the maintenance of reserves for certain
types of deposits, the maintenance of certain financial ratios, transactions
with affiliates and a broad range of other banking practices.

         The Sponsor monitors the Originators and the Sub-Servicers under the
control of a Federal Corporation, as well as those Originators and
Sub-Servicers that are insolvent or in receivership or conservatorship or
otherwise financially distressed.  Such Originators may not be able or
permitted to repurchase Mortgage Loans for which there has been a breach of
representation and warranty.  Moreover, any such Originator may make no
representations and warranties with respect to Mortgage Loans sold by it.  The
Federal Corporations (either in their respective corporate capacities or as
receiver for a depository institution) may also originate Mortgage Loans, in
which event neither the related Federal Corporation nor the depository
institution for which such Federal Corporation is acting as receiver may make
representations and warranties with respect to the Mortgage Loans that such
Federal Corporation sells, or such Federal Corporation may make only limited
representations and warranties (for example, that the related legal documents
are enforceable).  A Federal Corporation may have no obligation to repurchase
any Mortgage Loan for a breach of a representation and warranty.  If as a
result of a breach of representation and warranty an Originator is required to
repurchase a Mortgage Loan but is not permitted or otherwise fails to do so or
if representations and warranties are not made by an Originator, to the extent
that neither the Sponsor nor any other entity has assumed the representations
and warranties or made representations and warranties, neither the Sponsor nor
that entity will be required to repurchase such Mortgage Loan and, consequently
such Mortgage Loan will remain in the related Mortgage Pool and any related
losses will be borne by the Securityholders or by the related Credit
Enhancement, if any.  In addition, loans which are purchased either directly or
indirectly from a Federal Corporation may be subject to a contract right of
such Federal Corporation to repurchase such loans under certain limited


         Each Originator of a Mortgage Loan will act as Sub-Servicer for such
Mortgage Loan pursuant to an agreement between the Master Servicer and the
Sub-Servicer (a "Sub-Servicing Agreement") unless the servicing obligations are
released to the Master Servicer or transferred to a servicer approved by the
Master Servicer.  An Affiliated Originator of a Mortgage Loan may act as the
Sub-Servicer for such Mortgage Loan unless the other related servicing
obligations are released or transferred.  An Unaffiliated Originator acting as
a Sub-Servicer for the Mortgage Loans will be required to meet certain
additional standards with respect to its mortgage loan servicing portfolio,
GAAP tangible net worth and other specified qualifications.


         Unless otherwise specified in the related Prospectus Supplement, each
Originator will have made representations and warranties in respect of the
Mortgage Loans sold by such Originator and evidenced by a series of Securities.
Such representations and warranties generally include, among other things, that
at the time of the sale by the Originator to the Sponsor of each Mortgage Loan:
(i) the information with respect to each Mortgage Loan set forth in the
Schedules of Mortgage Loans is true and correct as of the related Cut-Off Date;
(ii) each Mortgage Loan being transferred to the Trust which is a REMIC is a
qualified mortgage under the REMIC provisions of the Code and is a Mortgage;
(iii) each Mortgaged Property is improved by a single (one- to four-) family
residential dwelling or a multi-family structure, which may include
condominiums and townhouses, units in a "planned unit development" ("PUD")
complex or a manufactured home; (iv) each Mortgage Loan had, at the time of
origination, either an attorney's certification of title or a title search or
title policy; (v) as of the related Cut-Off Date each Mortgage Loan is secured
by a valid and subsisting lien of record on the Mortgaged Property having the
priority indicated on the related Schedule of Mortgage Loans subject in all
cases to exceptions to title set forth in the title insurance policy, if any,
with respect to the related Mortgage Loan; (vi) each Originator held good and
indefeasible title to, and was the sole owner of, each Mortgage Loan conveyed
by such Originator; and (vii) each Mortgage Loan was originated in accordance
with law and is the valid, legal and binding obligation of the related

         Unless otherwise described in the related Prospectus Supplement, all
of the representations and warranties of an Originator in respect of a Mortgage
Loan will be made as of the date on which such Originator sells the Mortgage
Loan to the Sponsor; the date as of which such representations and warranties
are made thus may be a date prior to the date of the issuance of the related
series of Securities.  A substantial period of time may elapse between the date
as of which the representations and warranties are made and the later date of
issuance of the related series of Securities.

         The Sponsor will assign to the Trustee for the benefit of the holders
of the related series of Securities all of its right, title and interest in
each agreement by which it acquires a Mortgage Loan from an Originator insofar

such agreement relates to the representations and warranties made by an
Originator in respect of such Mortgage Loan and any remedies provided for
breach of such representations and warranties.  If an Originator cannot cure a
breach of any representation or warranty made by it in respect of a Mortgage
Loan that materially and adversely affects the interests of the Securityholders
in such Mortgage Loan within a time period specified in the related Pooling and
Servicing Agreement, such Originator and/or the Sponsor will be obligated to
purchase from the related Trust such Mortgage Loan at a price (the "Loan
Purchase Price") set forth in the related Pooling and Servicing Agreement which
Loan Purchase Price will be equal to the principal balance thereof as of the
date of purchase plus one month's interest at the Mortgage Rate less the
amount, expressed as a percentage per annum, payable in respect of master
servicing compensation or subservicing compensation, as applicable, and the
Originator's Retained Yield, if any, together with, without duplication, the
aggregate amount of all delinquent interest, if any, net of Servicing Advances.

         Unless otherwise specified in the related Prospectus Supplement, as to
any such Mortgage Loan required to be purchased by an Originator and/or the
Sponsor, as provided above, rather than repurchase the Mortgage Loan, the
Master Servicer may, at its sole option, remove such Mortgage Loan (a "Deleted
Mortgage Loan") from the related Trust and cause the Sponsor to substitute in
its place another Mortgage Loan of like kind (a "Qualified Replacement
Mortgage" as such term is defined in the related Pooling and Servicing
Agreement).  With respect to a Trust for which a REMIC election is to be made,
except as otherwise provided in the Prospectus Supplement relating to a series
of Securities, such substitution of a defective Mortgage Loan must be effected
within two years of the date of the initial issuance of the Securities, and may
not be made if such substitution would cause the Trust to not qualify as a
REMIC or result in a prohibited transaction tax under the Code.  Unless
otherwise specified in the related Prospectus Supplement or Pooling and
Servicing Agreement, an Unaffiliated Originator generally will have no option
to substitute for a Mortgage Loan that it is obligated to repurchase in
connection with a breach of a representation and warranty.

         The Master Servicer will be required under the applicable Pooling and
Servicing Agreement to enforce such purchase or substitution obligations for
the benefit of the Trustee and the Securityholders, following the practices it
would employ in its good faith business judgment if it were the owner of such
Mortgage Loan; provided, however, that this purchase or substitution obligation
will in no event become an obligation of the Master Servicer in the event the
Originator fails to honor such obligation.  If the Originator fails to
repurchase or substitute a loan and no breach of the Sponsor's representations
has occurred, the Originator's purchase obligation will in no event become an
obligation of the Sponsor.  Unless otherwise specified in the related
Prospectus Supplement, the foregoing will constitute the sole remedy available
to Securityholders or the Trustee for a breach of representation by an
Originator in its capacity as a seller of Mortgage Loans to the Sponsor.

         Unless otherwise described in the related Prospectus Supplement with
respect to certain Unaffiliated Originators (in which case any remedies for
breach will lie only against such Unaffiliated Originator), the Sponsor will
make directly, or will guarantee compliance with, any representations and
warranties made by any Unaffiliated Originator with respect to the Mortgage
Loans originated or purchased by it and acquired by a Trust.

         Notwithstanding the foregoing with respect to any Originator that
requests the Master Servicer's consent to the transfer of sub-servicing rights
relating to any Mortgage Loans to a successor servicer, the Master Servicer may
release such Originator from liability, under its representations and
warranties described above, upon the assumption by such successor servicer of
the Originator's liability for such representations and warranties as of the
date they were made.  In that event, the Master Servicer's rights under the
instrument by which such successor servicer assumes the Originator's liability
will be assigned to the Trustee, and such successor servicer shall be deemed to
be the "Originator" for purposes of the foregoing provisions.


         Each Originator of a Mortgage Loan will act as the Sub-Servicer for
such Mortgage Loan pursuant to a Sub-Servicing Agreement unless servicing is
released to the Master Servicer or has been transferred to a servicer approved
by the Master Servicer.  The Master Servicer may, in turn, assign such
sub-servicing to designated sub-servicers that will be qualified Originators
and may include affiliates of the Sponsor.  While such a Sub-Servicing
Agreement will be a contract solely between the Master Servicer and the
Sub-Servicer, the Pooling and Servicing Agreement pursuant to which a series of
Securities is issued will provide that, if for any reason the Master Servicer

for such series of Securities is no longer the master servicer of the related
Mortgage Loans, the Trustee or any successor Master Servicer must recognize the
Sub-Servicer's rights and obligations under such Sub-Servicing Agreement.

         Unless otherwise specified in the related Prospectus Supplement, with
the approval of the Master Servicer, a Sub-Servicer may delegate its servicing
obligations to third-party servicers, but such Sub-Servicer will remain
obligated under the related Sub-Servicing Agreement.  Each Sub-Servicer will be
required to perform the customary functions of a servicer, including collection
of payments from Mortgagors and remittance of such collections to the Master
Servicer; maintenance of hazard insurance (to the extent, if any, required by
the related Pooling and Servicing Agreement) and filing and settlement of
claims thereunder, subject in certain cases to the right of the Master Servicer
to approve in advance any such settlement; maintenance of escrow or impound
accounts of Mortgagors for payment of taxes, insurance and other items required
to be paid by the Mortgagor pursuant to the Mortgage Loan; processing of
assumptions or substitutions; attempting to cure delinquencies; supervising
foreclosures; inspecting and managing Mortgaged Properties under certain
circumstances; and maintaining accounting records relating to the Mortgage
Loans.  A Sub-Servicer also may be obligated to make advances to the Master
Servicer in respect of delinquent installments of principal and/or interest
(net of any sub-servicing or other compensation) on Mortgage Loans, as
described more fully under "Description of the Securities--Advances," and in
respect of certain taxes and insurance premiums not paid on a timely basis by
Mortgagors.  A Sub-Servicer may also be obligated to deposit amounts in respect
of Compensating Interest to the related Principal and Interest Account in
connection with prepayments of principal received and applied to reduce the
outstanding principal balance of a Mortgage Loan.  No assurance can be given
that the Sub-Servicers will carry out their advance or payment obligations, if
any, with respect to the Mortgage Loans.  Unless otherwise specified in the
related Prospectus Supplement, a Sub-Servicer may transfer its servicing
obligations to another entity that has been approved for participation in the
Sponsor's loan purchase programs, but only with the prior written approval of
the Master Servicer.

         As compensation for its servicing duties, the Sub-Servicer may be
entitled to a Base Servicing Fee.  The Sub-Servicer may also be entitled to
collect and retain, as part of its servicing compensation, any late charges or
prepayment penalties provided in the Mortgage Note or related instruments.  The
Sub-Servicer will be entitled to reimbursement for certain expenditures that it
makes, generally to the same extent that the Master Servicer would be
reimbursed under the applicable Pooling and Servicing Agreement.  See "The
Pooling and Servicing Agreement--Servicing and Other Compensation and Payment
of Expenses; Originator's Retained Yield."

         Each Sub-Servicer will be required to agree to indemnify the Master
Servicer for any liability or obligation sustained by the Master Servicer in
connection with any act or failure to act by the Sub-Servicer in its servicing
capacity.  Each Sub-Servicer is required to maintain a fidelity bond and an
errors and omission policy with respect to its officers, employees and other
persons acting on its behalf or on behalf of the Master Servicer.

         Each Sub-Servicer will be required to service each Mortgage Loan
pursuant to the terms of the Sub-Servicing Agreement for the entire term of
such Mortgage Loan, unless the Sub-Servicing Agreement is terminated earlier by
the Master Servicer or unless servicing is released to the Master Servicer.
The Master Servicer generally may terminate a Sub-Servicing Agreement
immediately upon the giving of notice upon certain stated events, including the
violation of such Sub-Servicing Agreement by the Sub-Servicer, or following a
specified period after notice to the Sub-Servicer without cause upon payment of
an amount equal to a specified termination fee calculated as a specified
percentage of the aggregate outstanding principal balance of all mortgage
loans, including the Mortgage Loans serviced by such Sub-Servicer pursuant to a
Sub-Servicing Agreement and certain transfer fees.

         The Master Servicer may agree with a Sub-Servicer to amend a
Sub-Servicing Agreement.  Upon termination of a Sub-Servicing Agreement, the
Master Servicer may act as servicer of the related Mortgage Loans or enter into
one or more new Sub-Servicing Agreements.  If the Master Servicer acts as
servicer, it will not assume liability for the representations and warranties
of the Sub-Servicer that it replaces.  If the Master Servicer enters into a new
Sub-Servicing Agreement, each new Sub-Servicer either must be an Originator,
meet the standards for becoming an Originator or have such servicing experience
that is otherwise satisfactory to the Master Servicer.  The Master Servicer may
make reasonable efforts to have the new Sub-Servicer assume liability for the
representations and warranties of the terminated Sub-Servicer, but no assurance
can be given that such an assumption will occur and, in any event, if the new
Sub-Servicer is an affiliate of the Master Servicer, the liability for such

and warranties will not be assumed by such new Sub-Servicer.  In the event of
such an assumption, the Master Servicer may in the exercise of its business
judgment release the terminated Sub-Servicer from liability in respect of such
representations and warranties.  Any amendments to a Sub-Servicing Agreement or
to a new Sub-Servicing Agreement may contain provisions different from those
described above that are in effect in the original Sub-Servicing Agreements.
However, the Pooling and Servicing Agreement for each Trust Estate will provide
that any such amendment or new agreement may not be inconsistent with such
Pooling and Servicing Agreement to the extent that it would materially and
adversely affect the interests of the Securityholders.

                         DESCRIPTION OF THE SECURITIES


         The Securities will be issued in series.  Each series of Securities
(or, in certain instances, two or more series of Securities) will be issued
pursuant to a Pooling and Servicing Agreement.  The following summaries
(together with additional summaries under "The Pooling and Servicing Agreement"
below) describe all material terms and provisions relating to the Securities
common to each Pooling and Servicing Agreement.  The summaries do not purport
to be complete and are subject to, and are qualified in their entirety by
reference to, all of the provisions of the Pooling and Servicing Agreement for
the related Trust and the related Prospectus Supplement.

         The Securities will consist of two basic types:  (i) Securities of the
fixed-income type ("Fixed-Income Securities") and (ii) Securities of the equity
participation type ("Equity Securities").  No Class of Equity Securities will
be offered pursuant to this Prospectus or any Prospectus Supplement related
hereto.  Fixed-Income Securities generally will be styled as debt instruments,
having a principal balance and a specified interest rate ("Interest Rate").
Fixed-Income Securities may be either beneficial ownership interests in the
related Mortgage Loans held by the related Trust, or may represent debt secured
by such Mortgage Loans.  Each series or class of Fixed-Income Securities may
have a different Interest Rate, which may be a fixed, variable or adjustable
Interest Rate.  The related Prospectus Supplement will specify the Interest
Rate for each series or class of Fixed-Income Securities, or the initial
Interest Rate and the method for determining subsequent changes to the Interest

         A series may include one or more classes of Fixed-Income Securities
("Strip Securities") entitled to (i) principal distributions, with
disproportionate, nominal or no interest distributions, or (ii) interest
distributions, with disproportionate, nominal or no principal distributions.
In addition, a series may include two or more classes of Fixed-Income
Securities that differ as to timing, sequential order, priority of payment,
Interest Rate or amount of distributions of principal or interest or both, or
as to which distributions of principal or interest or both on any class may be
made upon the occurrence of specified events, in accordance with a schedule or
formula, or on the basis of collections from designated portions of the related
Mortgage Pool, which series may include one or more classes of Fixed-Income
Securities ("Accrual Securities"), as to which certain accrued interest will
not be distributed but rather will be added to the principal balance (or
nominal principal balance in the case of Accrual Securities which are also
Strip Securities) thereof on each Payment Date, as hereinafter defined and in
the manner described in the related Prospectus Supplement.

         If so provided in the related Prospectus Supplement, a series of
Securities may include one or more classes of Fixed-Income Securities
(collectively, the "Senior Securities") that are senior to one or more classes
of Fixed-Income Securities (collectively, the "Subordinate Securities") in
respect of certain distributions of principal and interest and allocations of
losses on Mortgage Loans.  In addition, certain classes of Senior (or
Subordinate) Securities may be senior to other classes of Senior (or
Subordinate) Securities in respect of such distributions or losses.

         Equity Securities will represent the right to receive the proceeds of
the related Trust Estate after all required payments have been made to the
Securityholders of the related Fixed-Income Securities (both Senior Securities
and Subordinate Securities), and following any required deposits to any reserve
account that may be established for the benefit of the Fixed-Income Securities.
Equity Securities may constitute what are commonly referred to as the "residual
interest," "seller's interest" or the "general partnership interest," depending
upon the treatment of the related Trust for federal income tax purposes.  As
distinguished from the Fixed-Income Securities, the Equity Securities will not
be styled as having principal and interest components.  Any losses suffered by
the related Trust

first will be absorbed by the related class of Equity Securities, as described
herein and in the related Prospectus Supplement.

         No Class of Equity Securities will be offered pursuant to this
Prospectus or any Prospectus Supplement related hereto.  Equity Securities may
be offered on a private placement basis or pursuant to a separate Registration
Statement to be filed by the Sponsor.  In addition, the Sponsor and its
affiliates may initially or permanently hold any Equity Securities issued by
any Trust.

         General Payment Terms of Securities.  As provided in the related
Pooling and Servicing Agreement and as described in the related Prospectus
Supplement, Securityholders will be entitled to receive payments on their
Securities on specified dates ("Payment Dates").  Payment Dates with respect to
Fixed-Income Securities will occur monthly, quarterly or semi-annually, as
described in the related Prospectus Supplement; Payment Dates with respect to
Equity Securities will occur as described in the related Prospectus Supplement.

         The related Prospectus Supplement will describe a date (the "Record
Date") preceding such Payment Date, as of which the Trustee or its paying agent
will fix the identity of the Securityholders for the purpose of receiving
payments on the next succeeding Payment Date.  Unless otherwise described in
the related Prospectus Supplement, the Payment Date will be the twenty-fifth
day of each month (or, in the case of quarterly-pay Securities, the
twenty-fifth day of every third month; and, in the case of semi-annually-pay
Securities, the twenty-fifth day of every sixth month) and the Record Date will
be the close of business as of the last day of the calendar month which
precedes such Payment Date.

         The related Prospectus Supplement and the Pooling and Servicing
Agreement will describe a period (a "Remittance Period") antecedent to each
Payment Date (for example, in the case of monthly-pay Securities, the calendar
month preceding the month in which a Payment Date occurs or such other
specified period).  Unless otherwise provided in the related Prospectus
Supplement, collections received on or with respect to the related Mortgage
Loans during a Remittance Period will be required to be remitted by the Master
Servicer to the related Trustee prior to the related Payment Date and will be
used to distribute payments to Securityholders on such Payment Date.  As may be
described in the related Prospectus Supplement, the related Pooling and
Servicing Agreement may provide that all or a portion of the principal
collected on or with respect to the related Mortgage Loans may be applied by
the related Trustee to the acquisition of additional Mortgage Loans during a
specified period (rather than used to distribute payments of principal to
Securityholders during such period) with the result that the related securities
possess an interest-only period, also commonly referred to as a revolving
period, which will be followed by an amortization period.  Any such
interest-only or revolving period may, upon the occurrence of certain events to
be described in the related Prospectus Supplement, terminate prior to the end
of the specified period and result in the earlier than expected amortization of
the related Securities.

         In addition, and as may be described in the related Prospectus
Supplement, the related Pooling and Servicing Agreement may provide that all or
a portion of such collected principal may be retained by the Trustee (and held
in certain temporary investments, including Mortgage Loans) for a specified
period prior to being used to distribute payments of principal to

         The result of such retention and temporary investment by the Trustee
of such principal would be to slow the amortization rate of the related
Securities relative to the amortization rate of the related Mortgage Loans, or
to attempt to match the amortization rate of the related Securities to an
amortization schedule established at the time such Securities are issued.  Any
such feature applicable to any Securities may terminate upon the occurrence of
events to be described in the related Prospectus Supplement, resulting in the
current funding of principal payments to the related Securityholders and an
acceleration of the amortization of such Securities.

         Unless otherwise specified in the related Prospectus Supplement,
neither the Securities nor the underlying Mortgage Loans will be guaranteed or
insured by any governmental agency or instrumentality or the Sponsor, the
Master Servicer, any Sub-Servicer, the Trustee, any Originator or any of their
respective affiliates.

         Unless otherwise specified in the Prospectus Supplement with respect
to a series, Securities of each series covered by a particular Pooling and
Servicing Agreement will evidence specified beneficial ownership interest in a
separate Trust Estate created pursuant to such Pooling and Servicing Agreement.
A Trust Estate will consist of, to

the extent provided in the Pooling and Servicing Agreement:  (i) a pool of
Mortgage Loans (and the related mortgage documents) or certificates of interest
or participations therein underlying a particular series of Securities as from
time to time are subject to the Pooling and Servicing Agreement, exclusive of,
if specified in the related Prospectus Supplement, any Originator's Retained
Yield or other interest retained by the related Originator, the Sponsor or any
of its affiliates with respect to each such Mortgage Loan; (ii) certain other
assets including, without limitation, payments and collections in respect of
the Mortgage Loans due, accrued or received, as described in the related
Prospectus Supplement, on and after the related Cut-Off Date, as from time to
time are identified as deposited in respect thereof in the Principal and
Interest Account and in the related Distribution Account; (iii) property
acquired by foreclosure of the Mortgage Loans or deed in lieu of foreclosure;
(iv) hazard insurance policies and primary insurance policies, if any, and
certain proceeds thereof; and (v) any combination, as specified in the related
Prospectus Supplement, of a letter of credit, financial guaranty insurance
policy, purchase obligation, mortgage pool insurance policy, special hazard
insurance policy, bankruptcy bond, reserve fund or other type of Credit
Enhancement as described under "Description of Credit Enhancement." To the
extent that any Trust Estate includes certificates of interest or
participations in Mortgage Loans, the related Prospectus Supplement will
describe the material terms and conditions of such certificates or


         Unless otherwise specified in the related Prospectus Supplement, the
Securities of each series will be issued as physical certificates ("Physical
Certificates") in fully registered form only in the denominations specified in
the related Prospectus Supplement, and will be transferable and exchangeable at
the corporate trust office of the registrar of the Securities (the "Security
Registrar") named in the related Prospectus Supplement.  No service charge will
be made for any registration of exchange or transfer of Securities, but the
Trustee may require payment of a sum sufficient to cover any tax or other
governmental charge.

         If so specified in the related Prospectus Supplement, specified
classes of a series of Securities will be issued in uncertificated book-entry
form ("Book-Entry Securities"), and will be registered in the name of Cede, the
nominee of DTC.  DTC is a limited purpose trust company organized under the
laws of the State of New York, a member of the Federal Reserve System, a
"clearing corporation" within the meaning of the Uniform Commercial Code
("UCC") and a "clearing agency" registered pursuant to the provisions of
Section 17A of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.  DTC was
created to hold securities for its participating organizations ("Participants")
and facilitate the clearance and settlement of securities transactions between
Participants through electronic book-entry changes in their accounts, thereby
eliminating the need for physical movement of certificates.  Participants
include securities brokers and dealers, banks, trust companies and clearing
corporations and may include certain other organizations.  Indirect access to
the DTC system also is available to others such as brokers, dealers, banks and
trust companies that clear through or maintain a custodial relationship with a
Participant, either directly or indirectly ("Indirect Participant").

         Under a book-entry format, Securityholders that are not Participants
or Indirect Participants but desire to purchase, sell or otherwise transfer
ownership of Securities registered in the name of Cede, as nominee of DTC, may
do so only through Participants and Indirect Participants.  In addition, such
Securityholders will receive all distributions of principal of and interest on
the Securities from the Trustee through DTC and its Participants.  Under a
book-entry format, Securityholders will receive payments after the related
Payment Date because, while payments are required to be forwarded to Cede, as
nominee for DTC, on each such date, DTC will forward such payments to its
Participants, which thereafter will be required to forward such payments to
Indirect Participants or Securityholders.  Unless and until Physical Securities
are issued, it is anticipated that the only Securityholder will be Cede, as
nominee of DTC, and that the beneficial holders of Securities will not be
recognized by the Trustee as Securityholders under the Pooling and Servicing
Agreement.  The beneficial holders of such Securities will only be permitted to
exercise the rights of Securityholders under the Pooling and Servicing
Agreement indirectly through DTC and its Participants who in turn will exercise
their rights through DTC.

         Under the rules, regulations and procedures creating and affecting DTC
and its operations, DTC is required to make book-entry transfers among
Participants on whose behalf it acts with respect to the Securities and is
required to receive and transmit payments of principal of and interest on the
Securities.  Participants and Indirect Participants with which Securityholders
have accounts with respect to their Securities similarly are required to make
book-entry transfers and receive and transmit such payments on behalf of their
respective Securityholders.

Accordingly, although Securityholders will not possess Securities, the rules
provide a mechanism by which Securityholders will receive distributions and
will be able to transfer their interests.

         Unless and until Physical Certificates are issued, Securityholders who
are not Participants may transfer ownership of Securities only through
Participants by instructing such Participants to transfer Securities, by
book-entry transfer, through DTC for the account of the purchasers of such
Securities, which account is maintained with their respective Participants.
Under the Rules and in accordance with DTC's normal procedures, transfers of
ownership of Securities will be executed through DTC and the accounts of the
respective Participants at DTC will be debited and credited.  Similarly, the
respective Participants will make debits or credits, as the case may be, on
their records on behalf of the selling and purchasing Securityholders.

         Because DTC can only act on behalf of Participants, who in turn act on
behalf of Indirect Participants and certain banks, the ability of a
Securityholder to pledge Securities to persons or entities that do not
participate in the DTC system, or otherwise take actions in respect of such
Securities may be limited due to the lack of a Physical Certificate for such

         DTC in general advises that it will take any action permitted to be
taken by a Securityholder under a Pooling and Servicing Agreement only at the
direction of one or more Participants to whose account with DTC the related
Securities are credited.  Additionally, DTC in general advises that it will
take such actions with respect to specified percentages of the Securityholders
only at the direction of and on behalf of Participants whose holdings include
current principal amounts of outstanding Securities that satisfy such specified
percentages.  DTC may take conflicting actions with respect to other current
principal amounts of outstanding Securities to the extent that such actions are
taken on behalf of Participants whose holdings include such current principal
amounts of outstanding Securities.

         Any Securities initially registered in the name of Cede, as nominee of
DTC, will be issued in fully registered, certificated form to Securityholders
or their nominees ("Physical Certificates"), rather than to DTC or its nominee
only under the events specified in the related Pooling and Servicing Agreement
and described in the related Prospectus Supplement.  Upon the occurrence of any
of the events specified in the related Pooling and Servicing Agreement and the
Prospectus Supplement, DTC will be required to notify all Participants of the
availability through DTC of Physical Certificates.  Upon surrender by DTC of
the securities representing the Securities and instruction for reregistration,
the Trustee will issue the Securities in the form of Physical Certificates, and
thereafter the Trustee will recognize the holders of such Physical Certificates
as Securityholders.  Thereafter, payments of principal of and interest on the
Securities will be made by the Trustee directly to Securityholders in
accordance with the procedures set forth herein and in the Pooling and
Servicing Agreement.  The final distribution of any Security (whether Physical
Certificates or Securities registered in the name of Cede), however, will be
made only upon presentation and surrender of such Securities on the final
Payment Date at such office or agency as is specified in the notice of final
payment to Securityholders.

         None of the Company, the Originators, the Master Servicer or the
Trustee will have any liability for any actions taken by DTC or its nominee or
Cedel or Euroclear, including, without limitation, actions for any aspect of
the records relating to or payments made on account of beneficial ownership
interests in the Securities held by Cede, as nominee for DTC, or for
maintaining, supervising or reviewing any records relating to such beneficial
ownership interests.


         At the time of issuance of a series of Securities, the Sponsor will
cause the Mortgage Loans being included in the related Trust Estate to be
assigned to the Trustee together with, unless otherwise specified in the
related Prospectus Supplement, all payments and collections in respect of the
Mortgage Loans due, accrued or received, as described in the related Prospectus
Supplement on or after the related Cut-Off Date.  If specified in the related
Prospectus Supplement, the Sponsor or any of its affiliates may retain the
Originator's Retained Yield, if any, for itself or transfer the same to others.
The Trustee will, concurrently with such assignment, deliver a series of
Securities to the Sponsor in exchange for the Mortgage Loans.  Each Mortgage
Loan will be identified in a schedule appearing as an exhibit to the related
Pooling and Servicing Agreement.  Such schedule will include, among other
things, information as to the principal balance of each Mortgage Loan as of the
Cut-Off Date, as well as information

regarding the Mortgage Rate, the currently scheduled monthly payment of
principal and interest and the maturity of the Mortgage Note.

         In connection with the establishment of certain Trusts the Sponsor may
first transfer the related Trust Estate to the Transferor and the Transferor
will then transfer such Trust Estate to the related Trust.  The use of the
Transferor will not affect the obligations of the Sponsor with respect to the
related Trust or the related Securities.  If the Transferor is to be involved
in a particular offering the related Prospectus Supplement will describe its
role in such offering; for purposes of this Prospectus the role of the
Transferor is subsumed in the role of the Sponsor.

         The related Prospectus Supplement will describe any applicable
requirements relating to the delivery of documents, such as the related Notes,
and the preparation and/or filing of transfer documentation, such as
assignments of Mortgage, in connection with the establishment of the related
Trust.  To the extent that the ratings, if any, then assigned to the unsecured
debt of the Sponsor or of the Sponsor's ultimate corporate parent are
satisfactory to the Rating Agencies, all or any portion of such document
delivery requirements and/or transfer document preparation and filing
requirements may be waived, all as to be described in the related Prospectus

         A typical provision relating to document delivery requirements would
provide that the Sponsor deliver to the Trustee a file consisting of (i) the
original Notes or certified copies thereof, endorsed by the Originator thereof
in blank or to the order of the holder, (ii) originals of all intervening
assignments, showing a complete chain of title from origination to the
applicable Originators, if any, including warehousing assignments, with
evidence of recording thereon, (iii) originals of all assumption and
modification agreements, if any, and, unless such Mortgage Loan is covered by a
counsel's opinion as described in the next paragraph, (iv) either:  (a) the
original Mortgage, with evidence of recording thereon, (b) a true and accurate
copy of the Mortgage where the original has been transmitted for recording,
until such time as the original is returned by the public recording office or
(c) a copy of the Mortgage certified by the public recording office in those
instances where the original recorded Mortgage has been lost.  To the extent
that such a file containing all or a portion of such items has been delivered
to the Trustee, the Trustee will generally be required, for the benefit of the
Securityholders, to review each such file within a specified period, generally
not exceeding 90 days, to ascertain that all required documents (or certified
copies of documents) have been executed and received.

         A typical provision relating to the preparation and filing of transfer
documentation would require the Originators to cause to be prepared and
recorded, within a specified period, generally not exceeding 75 business days
of the execution and delivery of the applicable Pooling and Servicing Agreement
(or, if original recording information is unavailable, within such later period
as is permitted by the Pooling and Servicing Agreement) assignments of the
Mortgages from the Originators to the Trustee, in the appropriate jurisdictions
in which such recordation is necessary to perfect the lien thereof as against
creditors of or purchasers from the Originators, to the Trustee; provided,
however, that if the Originators furnish to the Trustee and to the Certificate
Insurer an opinion of counsel to the effect that no such recording is necessary
to perfect the Trustee's interests in the Mortgages with respect to any of the
jurisdictions in which the related Mortgaged Properties are located, then such
recording will not be required with respect to such jurisdictions or at the
election of the Certificate Insurer, any jurisdiction.

         Unless otherwise specified in the related Prospectus Supplement, if
any such document is found to be missing or defective in any material respect,
the Trustee (or such custodian) shall promptly so notify the Sponsor, which
shall notify the related Sub-Servicer or Originator, as the case may be.  If
the Sub-Servicer or Originator does not cure the omission or defect within a
specified period, generally not exceeding 60 days after notice is given to the
Sponsor, the Sub-Servicer or Originator, as the case may be, will be obligated
to purchase on the next succeeding Remittance Date the related Mortgage Loan
from the Trustee at its Loan Purchase Price (or, if specified in the related
Prospectus Supplement, will be permitted to substitute for such Mortgage Loan
under the conditions specified in the related Prospectus Supplement).  The
Master Servicer will be obligated to enforce this obligation of the
Sub-Servicer or Originator, as the case may be, to the extent described above
under "Mortgage Loan Program--Representations by Originators." Unless otherwise
specified in the related Prospectus Supplement, neither the Master Servicer nor
the Sponsor will, however, be obligated to purchase or substitute for such
Mortgage Loan if the Sub-Servicer or Originator, as the case may be, defaults
on its obligation to do so, and there can be no assurance that a Sub-Servicer
or Originator, as the case may be, will carry out any such obligation.  Unless
otherwise specified in the related Prospectus Supplement, such purchase
obligation constitutes the sole remedy available to the Securityholders or the
Trustee for omission of, or a material defect in, a constituent document.

         The Trustee will be authorized at any time to appoint a custodian
pursuant to a custodial agreement to maintain possession of and, if applicable,
to review the documents relating to the Mortgage Loans as the agent of the
Trustee.  The identity of any such custodian to be appointed on the date of
initial issuance of the Securities will be set forth in the related Prospectus

         Pursuant to each Pooling and Servicing Agreement, the Master Servicer,
either directly or through Sub-Servicers, will service and administer the
Mortgage Loans assigned to the Trustee as more fully set forth below.


         A Trust may enter into an agreement (each, a "Forward Purchase
Agreement") with the Sponsor whereby the Sponsor will agree to transfer
additional Mortgage Loans to such Trust following the date on which such Trust
is established and the related Securities are issued.  The Trust may enter into
Forward Purchase Agreements to permit the acquisition of additional Mortgage
Loans (the "Subsequent Mortgage Loans") that could not be delivered by the
Sponsor or have not formally completed the origination process, in each case
prior to the date on which the Securities are delivered to the Securityholders
(the "Closing Date").  Any Forward Purchase Agreement will require that any
Mortgage Loans so transferred to a Trust conform to the requirements specified
in such Forward Purchase Agreement.  In addition, the Forward Purchase
Agreement states that the Depositor shall only transfer the Subsequent Mortgage
Loans upon the satisfaction of certain conditions including that the Depositor
shall have delivered to the Certificate Insurer, the Rating Agencies and the
Trustee opinions of counsel (including bankruptcy, corporate and tax opinions)
with respect to the transfer of the Subsequent Mortgage Loans.

         If a Forward Purchase Agreement is to be utilized, and unless
otherwise specified in the related Prospectus Supplement, the related Trustee
will be required to deposit in a segregated account (each, a "Pre-Funding
Account") up to 100% of the net proceeds received by the Trustee in connection
with the sale of one or more classes of Securities of the related series; the
additional Mortgage Loans will be transferred to the related Trust in exchange
for money released to the Sponsor from the related Pre-Funding Account.  Each
Forward Purchase Agreement will set a specified period (the "Funding Period")
during which any such transfers must occur; for a Trust which elects federal
income treatment as a REMIC or as a grantor trust, the related Funding Period
will be limited to three months from the date such Trust is established; for a
Trust which is treated as a mere security device for federal income tax
purposes, the related Funding Period will be limited to nine months from the
date such Trust is established.  The Forward Purchase Agreement or the related
Pooling and Servicing Agreement will require that, if all monies originally
deposited to such Pre-Funding Account are not so used by the end of the related
Funding Period, then any remaining monies will be applied as a mandatory
prepayment of the related class or classes of Securities as specified in the
related Prospectus Supplement.

         During the Funding Period, the monies deposited to the Pre-Funding
Account will either (i) be held uninvested or (ii) will be invested in
cash-equivalent investments that are rated in one of the four highest rating
categories by at least one nationally recognized statistical rating
organization and that will either mature prior to the end of the Funding
Period, or will be drawable on demand and in any event, will not constitute the
type of investment that would require registration of the related Trust as an
"investment company" under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.  On
payment dates that occur during the Funding Period, the Trustee will transfer
any earnings on the monies in the Pre-Funding Account to the Certificate
Account for distribution to the Certificateholders.

         The Pre-Funding Account will be maintained by the Trustee, which must
be a bank having combined capital and surplus, generally, of at least
$100,000,000, long-term, unsecured debt rated at least investment grade and a
long-term deposit rating of at least investment grade.


         Each Sub-Servicer servicing a Mortgage Loan pursuant to a
Sub-Servicing Agreement will establish and maintain an account (the
"Sub-Servicing Account") which generally meets the requirements set forth in
the Sponsor's Originator Guide from time to time, and is otherwise acceptable
to the Master Servicer.  A Sub-Servicing Account must be established with a
Federal Home Loan Bank or with a depository institution (including the
Sub-Servicer itself) whose accounts are insured by the National Credit Union
Share Insurance Fund or the FDIC,

provided that any such depository institution must meet certain minimum rating
criteria set forth in the Sponsor's Originator Guide.  Except as otherwise
permitted by the applicable Rating Agencies, a Sub-Servicing Account must be
segregated and may not be established as a general ledger account.

         A Sub-Servicer is required to deposit into its Sub-Servicing Account
on a daily basis all amounts described above under "Mortgage Loan
Program--Sub-Servicing by Originators" that are received by it in respect of
the Mortgage Loans, less its servicing or other compensation.  On or before the
date specified in the Sub-Servicing Agreement (which date may be no later than
the business day prior to the Determination Date referred to below or, if such
day is not a business day, the preceding business day), the Sub-Servicer must
remit or cause to be remitted to the Master Servicer all funds held in the
Sub-Servicing Account with respect to Mortgage Loans that are required to be so
remitted.  A Sub-Servicer may also be required to make such Servicing Advances
and Delinquency Advances and to pay Compensating Interest as set forth in the
related Sub-Servicing Agreement.

         The Master Servicer will deposit or will cause to be deposited into
the Principal and Interest Account on a daily basis certain payments and
collections due and accrued on or after the Cut-Off Date or received and
accrued on or after the Cut-Off Date, as described in the related Prospectus
Supplement and, as specifically set forth in the related Pooling and Servicing
Agreement, such as the following except as otherwise provided therein:

                 (i)      all payments on account of principal, including
         principal payments received in advance of the date on which the
         related monthly payment is due (the "Due Date") ("Principal
         Prepayments"), on the Mortgage Loans comprising a Trust Estate;

                 (ii)     all payments on account of interest on the Mortgage
         Loans comprising such Trust Estate, net of the portion of each payment
         thereof retained by the Sub-Servicer, if any, as its servicing or
         other compensation;

                 (iii)            all amounts received and retained, if any, in
         connection with the liquidation of any defaulted Mortgage Loan, by
         foreclosure, deed in lieu of foreclosure or otherwise ("Liquidation
         Proceeds"), including all proceeds of any special hazard insurance
         policy, bankruptcy bond, mortgage pool insurance policy, financial
         guaranty insurance policy and any title, hazard or other insurance
         policy covering any Mortgage Loan in such Mortgage Pool (together with
         any payments under any letter of credit, "Insurance Proceeds") or
         proceeds from any alternative arrangements established in lieu of any
         such insurance and described in the applicable Prospectus Supplement,
         other than proceeds to be applied to the restoration of the related
         property or released to the Mortgagor in accordance with the Master
         Servicer's normal servicing procedures (such amounts, net of related
         unreimbursed liquidation expenses and insured expenses incurred and
         unreimbursed advances of the Master Servicer or by the related
         Sub-Servicer, "Net Liquidation Proceeds");

                 (iv)     any Buydown Funds (and, if applicable, investment
         earnings thereon) required to be paid to Securityholders, as described

                 (v)      all proceeds of any Mortgage Loan in such Trust
         Estate purchased (or, in the case of a substitution, certain amounts
         representing a principal adjustment) by the Master Servicer, the
         Sponsor, any Sub-Servicer or Originator or any other person pursuant
         to the terms of the Pooling and Servicing Agreement.  See "Mortgage
         Loan Program--Representations by Originators," "--Assignment of
         Mortgage Loans" above;

                 (vi)     any amounts required to be deposited by the Master
         Servicer in connection with losses realized on investments of funds
         held in the Principal and Interest Account, as described below;

                 (vii)    any amounts required to be deposited in connection
         with the liquidation of the related Trust; and

                 (viii)   any amounts required to be transferred from the
         Distribution Account to the Principal and Interest Account.

         In addition to the Principal and Interest Account, the Sponsor shall
cause to be established and the Trustee will maintain, at the corporate trust
office of the Trustee, in the name of the Trust for the benefit of the holders
of each series of Securities, an account for the disbursement of payments on
the Mortgage Loans evidenced by each series of Securities (the "Distribution
Account").  The Principal and Interest Account and the Distribution Account
each must be maintained with a Designated Depository Institution.  A
"Designated Depository Institution" is an institution whose deposits are
insured by the Bank Insurance Fund or the Savings Association Insurance Fund of
the FDIC, the long-term deposits of which have a rating satisfactory to the
Rating Agencies and the related Credit Enhancer, if any, and which is any of
the following:  (i) a federal savings and loan association duly organized,
validly existing and in good standing under the federal banking laws, (ii) an
institution duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the
applicable banking laws of any state, (iii) a national banking association duly
organized, validly existing and in good standing under the federal banking
laws, (iv) a principal subsidiary of a bank holding company, or (v) approved in
writing by the related Credit Enhancer, if any, each Rating Agency and, in each
case acting or designated by the Master Servicer as the depository institution
for the Principal and Interest Account; provided, however, that any such
institution or association will generally be required to have combined capital,
surplus and undivided profits of at least $50,000,000.  Notwithstanding the
foregoing, the Principal and Interest Account may be held by an institution
otherwise meeting the preceding requirements except that the only applicable
rating requirement shall be that the unsecured and uncollateralized debt
obligations thereof shall be rated at a level satisfactory to one or more
Rating Agencies if such institution has trust powers and the Principal and
Interest Account is held by such institution in its trust capacity and not in
its commercial capacity.  The Distribution Account, the Principal and Interest
Account and other accounts described in the related Prospectus Supplement are
collectively referred to as "Accounts".  All funds in the Distribution Account
shall be invested and reinvested by the Trustee for the benefit of the
Securityholders and the related Credit Enhancer, if any, as directed by the
Master Servicer, in certain defined obligations set forth in the related
Pooling and Servicing Agreement ("Eligible Investments").  The Principal and
Interest Account may contain funds relating to more than one series of
Securities as well as payments received on other mortgage loans serviced or
master serviced by it that have been deposited into the Principal and Interest
Account.  All funds in the Principal and Interest Account will be required to
be held (i) uninvested, up to limits insured by the FDIC or (ii) invested in
Eligible Investments.  The Master Servicer will be entitled to any interest or
other income or gain realized with respect to the funds on deposit in the
Principal and Interest Account.

         To the extent that the ratings, if any, then assigned to the unsecured
debt of the Master Servicer or of the Master Servicer's corporate parent and
satisfactory to the Rating Agencies, the Master Servicer may be permitted to
co-mingle Mortgage Loan payments and collections with the Master Servicer's
general funds rather than required to deposit such amounts into a segregated
Principal and Interest Account.

         Unless otherwise specified in the related Prospectus Supplement, on
the day seven days preceding each Payment Date (the "Remittance Date"), the
Master Servicer will withdraw from the Principal and Interest Account and remit
to the Trustee for deposit in the applicable Distribution Account, in
immediately available funds, the amount to be distributed therefrom to
Securityholders on such Payment Date.  The Master Servicer will remit to the
Trustee for deposit into the Distribution Account the amount of any advances
made by the Master Servicer as described herein under "--Advances," any amounts
required to be transferred to the Distribution Account from a Reserve Fund, as
described under "Credit Enhancement" below, any amounts required to be paid by
the Master Servicer out of its own funds due to the operation of a deductible
clause in any blanket policy maintained by the Master Servicer to cover hazard
losses on the Mortgage Loans as described under "Hazard Insurance; Claims
Thereunder--Hazard Insurance Policies" below and any other amounts as
specifically set forth in the related Pooling and Servicing Agreement.  The
Trustee will cause all payments received by it from any Credit Enhancer to be
deposited in the Distribution Account not later than the related Payment Date.

         Unless otherwise specified in the related Prospectus Supplement, the
portion of any payment received by the Master Servicer in respect of a Mortgage
Loan that is allocable to the Originator's Retained Yield generally will not be
deposited into the Principal and Interest Account, but will not be paid over to
the parties entitled thereto as provided in the related Pooling and Servicing

         Funds on deposit in the Principal and Interest Account attributable to
Mortgage Loans underlying a series of Securities may be invested in Eligible
Investments maturing in general not later than the business day preceding the
next Payment Date.  Unless otherwise specified in the related Prospectus
Supplement, all income and gain

realized from any such investment will be for the account of the Master
Servicer.  Funds on deposit in the related Distribution Account may be invested
in Eligible Investments maturing, in general, no later than the business day
preceding the next Payment Date.

         With respect to each Buydown Mortgage Loan, the Sub-Servicer will
deposit the related Buydown Funds provided to it in a Buydown Account that will
comply with the requirements set forth herein with respect to a Sub-Servicing
Account.  Unless otherwise specified in the related Prospectus Supplement, the
terms of all Buydown Mortgage Loans provide for the contribution of Buydown
Funds in an amount equal to or exceeding either (i) the total payments to be
made from such funds pursuant to the related buydown plan or (ii) if such
Buydown Funds are to be deposited on a discounted basis, that amount of Buydown
Funds which, together with investment earnings thereon at a rate as set forth
in the Sponsor's Originator Guide from time to time, will support the scheduled
level of payments due under the Buydown Mortgage Loan.  Neither the Master
Servicer nor the Sponsor will be obligated to add to any such discounted
Buydown Funds any of its own funds should investment earnings prove
insufficient to maintain the scheduled level of payments.  To the extent that
any such insufficiency is not recoverable from the Mortgagor or, in an
appropriate case, from the related Originator or the related Sub-Servicer,
distributions to Securityholders may be affected.  With respect to each Buydown
Mortgage Loan, the Sub-Servicer will withdraw from the Buydown Account and
remit to the Master Servicer on or before the date specified in the
Sub-Servicing Agreement described above the amount, if any, of the Buydown
Funds (and, if applicable, investment earnings thereon) for each Buydown
Mortgage Loan that, when added to the amount due from the Mortgagor on such
Buydown Mortgage Loan, equals the full monthly payment which would be due on
the Buydown Mortgage Loan if it were not subject to the buydown plan.

         If the Mortgagor on a Buydown Mortgage Loan prepays such Mortgage Loan
in its entirety during the Buydown Period, the Sub-Servicer will withdraw from
the Buydown Account and remit to the Mortgagor or such other designated party
in accordance with the related buydown plan any Buydown Funds remaining in the
Buydown Account.  If a prepayment by a Mortgagor during the Buydown Period
together with Buydown Funds will result in full prepayment of a Buydown
Mortgage Loan, the Sub-Servicer will generally be required to withdraw from the
Buydown Account and remit to the Master Servicer the Buydown Funds and
investment earnings thereon, if any, which together with such prepayment will
result in a prepayment in full; provided that Buydown Funds may not be
available to cover a prepayment under certain Mortgage Loan programs.  Any
Buydown Funds so remitted to the Master Servicer in connection with a
prepayment described in the preceding sentence will be deemed to reduce the
amount that would be required to be paid by the Mortgagor to repay fully the
related Mortgage Loan if the Mortgage Loan were not subject to the buydown
plan.  Any investment earnings remaining in the Buydown Account after
prepayment or after termination of the Buydown Period will be remitted to the
related Mortgagor or such other designated party pursuant to the agreement
relating to each Buydown Mortgage Loan (the "Buydown Agreement").  If the
Mortgagor defaults during the Buydown Period with respect to a Buydown Mortgage
Loan and the property securing such Buydown Mortgage Loan is sold in
liquidation (either by the Master Servicer, the Primary Insurer, the insurer
under the mortgage pool insurance policy (the "Pool Insurer") or any other
insurer), the Sub-Servicer will be required to withdraw from the Buydown
Account the Buydown Funds and all investment earnings thereon, if any, and
remit the same to the Master Servicer or, if instructed by the Master Servicer,
pay the same to the primary insurer or the Pool Insurer, as the case may be, if
the Mortgaged Property is transferred to such insurer and such insurer pays all
of the loss incurred in respect of such default.


         The Master Servicer may, from time to time, make withdrawals from the
Principal and Interest Account for certain purposes, as specifically set forth
in the related Pooling and Servicing Agreement, which generally will include
the following except as otherwise provided therein:

                 (i)      to effect the timely remittance to the Trustee for
         deposit to the Distribution Account in the amounts and in the manner
         provided in the Pooling and Servicing Agreement and described in
         "--Payments on Mortgage Loans; Deposits to Distribution Account"

                 (ii)     to reimburse itself or any Sub-Servicer for any
         accrued and unpaid Servicing Fees and for Delinquency Advances and
         Servicing Advances as to any Mortgaged Property, out of late payments
         or collections on the related Mortgage Loan, including Liquidation
         Proceeds, Insurance Proceeds and such

         other amounts as may be collected by the Master Servicer from the
         related Mortgagor or otherwise relating to the Mortgage Loan with
         respect to which such Delinquency Advances or Servicing Advances were

                 (iii)    to reimburse itself for any Delinquency Advances or
         Servicing Advances determined in good faith to have become
         Non-Recoverable Advances, such reimbursement to be made from any funds
         in the Principal and Interest Account;

                 (iv)     to withdraw investment earnings on amounts on deposit
         in the Principal and Interest Account;

                 (v)      to pay the Sponsor or its assignee all amounts
         allocable to the Originator's Retained Yield out of collections or
         payments which represent interest on each Mortgage Loan (including any
         Mortgage Loan as to which title to the underlying Mortgaged Property
         was acquired);

                 (vi)     to withdraw amounts that have been deposited in the
         Principal and Interest Account in error;

                 (vii)    to clear and terminate the Principal and
         Interest Account in connection with the termination of the Trust
         Estate pursuant to the Pooling and Servicing Agreement, as described
         in "The Pooling and Servicing Agreement--Termination, Retirement of
         Securities"; and

                 (viii)   to invest in Eligible Investments.


         Beginning on the Payment Date in the month following the month (or, in
the case of quarterly-pay Securities, the third month following such month and
each third month thereafter or, in the case of semi-annually-pay Securities,
the sixth month following such month and each sixth month thereafter) in which
the Cut-Off Date occurs (or such other date as may be set forth in the related
Prospectus Supplement) for a series of Securities, distributions of principal
and interest (or, where applicable, of principal only or interest only) on each
class of Securities entitled thereto will be made either by the Trustee or a
paying agent appointed by the Trustee (the "Paying Agent"), to the persons who
are registered as Securityholders at the close of business on the Record Date
in proportion to their respective Percentage Interests.  Unless otherwise
specified in the related Prospectus Supplement, interest that accrues and is
not payable on a class of Securities will be added to the principal balance of
each Security of such class in proportion to its Percentage Interest.  The
undivided percentage interest (the "Percentage Interest") represented by a
Security of a particular class will be equal to the percentage obtained by
dividing the initial principal balance or notional amount of such Security by
the aggregate initial amount or notional balance of all the Securities of such
class.  Distributions will be made in immediately available funds (by wire
transfer or otherwise) to the account of a Securityholder at a bank or other
entity having appropriate facilities therefor, if such Securityholder has so
notified the Trustee or the Paying Agent, as the case may be, and the
applicable Pooling and Servicing Agreement provides for such form of payment,
or by check mailed to the address of the person entitled thereto as it appears
on the Security Register; provided, however, that the final distribution in
retirement of the Securities (other than any Book-Entry Securities) will be
made only upon presentation and surrender of the Securities at the office or
agency of the Trustee specified in the notice to Securityholders of such final


         The method of determining, and the amount of, distributions of
principal and interest (or, where applicable, of principal only or interest
only) on a particular series of Securities will be described in the related
Prospectus Supplement.  Each class of Securities (other than certain classes of
Strip Securities) may bear interest at a different interest rate (the
"Pass-Through Rate"), which may be a fixed or adjustable Pass-Through Rate.
The related Prospectus Supplement will specify the Pass-Through Rate for each
class, or in the case of an adjustable Pass-Through Rate, the initial
Pass-Through Rate and the method for determining the Pass-Through Rate.  Unless
otherwise specified in the related Prospectus Supplement, interest on the
Securities will be calculated on the basis of a 360-day year consisting of
twelve 30-day months.

         On each Payment Date for a series of Securities, the Trustee will
distribute or cause the Paying Agent to distribute, as the case may be, to each
holder of record on the Record Date of a class of Securities, an amount equal
to the Percentage Interest represented by the Security held by such holder
multiplied by such class' Distribution Amount.  The Distribution Amount for a
class of Securities for any Payment Date will be the portion, if any, of the
principal distribution amount (as defined in the related Prospectus Supplement)
allocable to such class for such Payment Date, as described in the related
Prospectus Supplement, plus, if such class is entitled to payments of interest
on such Payment Date, the interest accrued at the applicable Pass-Through Rate
on the principal balance or notional amount of such class, as specified in the
applicable Prospectus Supplement, less (unless otherwise specified in the
Prospectus Supplement) the amount of any Deferred Interest added to the
principal balance of the Mortgage Loans and/or the outstanding balance of one
or more classes of Securities on the related Due Date and any other interest
shortfalls allocable to Securityholders which are not covered by advances or
the applicable Credit Enhancement, in each case in such amount that is
allocated to such class on the basis set forth in the Prospectus Supplement.

         As may be described in the related Prospectus Supplement, the related
Pooling and Servicing Agreement may provide that all or a portion of the
principal collected on or with respect to the related Mortgage Loans may be
applied by the related Trustee to the acquisition of additional Mortgage Loans
during a specified period (rather than used to fund payments of principal to
Securityholders during such period) with the result that the related securities
will possess an interest-only period, also commonly referred to as a revolving
period, which will be followed by an amortization period.  Any such
interest-only or revolving period may, upon the occurrence of certain events to
be described in the related Prospectus Supplement, terminate prior to the end
of the specified period and result in the earlier than expected amortization of
the related Securities.

         In addition, and as may be described in the related Prospectus
Supplement, the related Pooling and Servicing Agreement may provide that all or
a portion of such collected principal may be retained by the Trustee (and held
in certain temporary investments, including Mortgage Loans) for a specified
period prior to being used to fund payments of principal to Securityholders.

         In the case of a series of Securities that includes two or more
classes of Securities, the timing, sequential order, priority of payment or
amount of distributions in respect of principal, and any schedule or formula or
other provisions applicable to the determination thereof (including
distributions among multiple classes of Senior Securities or Subordinate
Securities) of each such class shall be as provided in the related Prospectus
Supplement.  Distributions in respect of principal of any class of Securities
will be made on a pro rata basis among all of the Securities of such class.

         Except as otherwise provided in the related Pooling and Servicing
Agreement, on or prior to the third business day next preceding the Payment
Date (or such earlier day as shall be agreed by the related Credit Enhancer, if
any, and the Trustee) of the month of distribution (the "Determination Date"),
the Trustee will determine the amounts of principal and interest which will be
passed through to Securityholders on the immediately succeeding Payment Date.
If the amount in the Distribution Account is insufficient to cover the amount
to be passed through to Securityholders, the Trustee will be required to notify
the related Credit Enhancer, if any, pursuant to the related Pooling and
Servicing Agreement for the purpose of funding such deficiency.


         Unless otherwise specified in the related Prospectus Supplement, each
Servicer will be required, not later than each Remittance Date, to deposit into
the Principal and Interest Account an amount equal to the sum of the interest
portions (net of the Servicing Fees and the Originators' Retained Yield) due,
but not collected, with respect to delinquent Mortgage Loans directly serviced
by such Servicer during the prior Remittance Period, but only if, in its good
faith business judgment, such Servicer believes that such amount will
ultimately be recovered from the related Mortgage Loan.  As may be described in
the related Prospectus Supplement, such Servicer may also be required so to
advance delinquent payments of principal.  Any such amounts so advanced are
"Delinquency Advances".  The Master Servicer will be permitted to fund its
payment of Delinquency Advances on any Remittance Date from collections on any
Mortgage Loan deposited to the Principal and Interest Account subsequent to the
related Remittance Period, and will be required to deposit into the Principal
and Interest Account with respect thereto (i) collections from the Mortgagor
whose delinquency gave rise to the shortfall which resulted in such

Delinquency Advance and (ii) Net Liquidation Proceeds recovered on account of
the related Mortgage Loan to the extent of the amount of aggregate Delinquency
Advances related thereto.  A Sub-Servicer will be permitted to fund its payment
of Delinquency Advances as set forth in the related Sub-Servicing Agreement.

         A Mortgage Loan is "delinquent" if any payment due thereon is not made
by the close of business on the day such payment is scheduled to be due plus
any applicable grace period.

         Unless otherwise specified in the related Prospectus Supplement, on or
prior to each Remittance Date, each Servicer will be required to deposit in the
Principal and Interest Account with respect to any full prepayment received on
a Mortgage Loan directly serviced by such Servicer during the related
Remittance Period out of its own funds without any right of reimbursement
therefor, an amount equal to the difference between (x) 30 days' interest at
the Mortgage Loan's Mortgage Rate (less the related Base Servicing Fees and the
Originators' Retained Yield, if any) on the principal balance of such Mortgage
Loan as of the first day of the related Remittance Period and (y) to the extent
not previously advanced, the interest (less the Servicing Fee and the
Originators' Retained Yield, if any) paid by the Mortgagor with respect to the
Mortgage Loan during such Remittance Period (any such amount paid by such
Servicer, "Compensating Interest").  No Servicer shall be required to pay
Compensating Interest with respect to any Remittance Period in an amount in
excess of the aggregate related Base Servicing Fees received by such Servicer
with respect to all Mortgage Loans directly serviced by such Servicer for such
Remittance Period.

         Each Servicer will be required to pay all "out of pocket" costs and
expenses incurred in the performance of its servicing obligations, but only to
the extent that such Servicer reasonably believes that such amounts will be
recoverable by it.  Each such amount so paid will constitute a "Servicing
Advance".  Such Servicer may recover Servicing Advances to the extent permitted
by the Mortgage Loans or, if not theretofore recovered from the Mortgagor on
whose behalf such Servicing Advance was made, from Liquidation Proceeds
realized upon the liquidation of the related Mortgage Loan or, in certain
cases, from excess cash flow otherwise payable to the holders of the related
Equity Securities or prior to any distributions being made to the related

         Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Master Servicer exercises its
option, if any, to purchase the assets of a Trust Estate as described under
"The Pooling and Servicing Agreement--Termination; Retirement of Securities"
below, the Master Servicer will net from the purchase price of such amounts for
all related advances previously made by it and not theretofore reimbursed to
it.  The Master Servicer's obligation to make advances may be supported by
Credit Enhancement as described in the related Pooling and Servicing Agreement.
In the event that the provider of such support is downgraded by a Rating Agency
rating the related Securities or if the collateral supporting such obligation
is not performing or is removed pursuant to the terms of any agreement
described in the related Prospectus Supplement, the Securities may also be


         With each distribution to Securityholders of a particular class the
Trustee will forward or cause to be forwarded to each holder of record of such
class of Securities a statement or statements with respect to the related Trust
setting forth the information specifically described in the related Pooling and
Servicing Agreement, which generally will include the following as applicable
except as otherwise provided therein:

                 (i)      the amount of the distribution with respect to each
        class of Securities;

                 (ii)     the amount of such distribution allocable to
        principal, separately identifying the aggregate amount of any 
        prepayments or other recoveries of principal included therein;

                 (iii)    the amount of such distribution allocable to

                 (iv)     the aggregate unpaid Principal Balance of the
        Mortgage Loans after giving effect to the distribution of principal on 
        such Payment Date;

                 (v)      with respect to a series consisting of two or more
        classes, the outstanding principal balance or notional amount of each 
        class after giving effect to the distribution of principal on such      
        Payment Date;

                 (vi)     the amount of coverage under any letter of credit,
         mortgage pool insurance policy or other form of Credit Enhancement
         covering default risk as of the close of business on the applicable
         Determination Date and a description of any Credit Enhancement
         substituted therefor;

                 (vii)    information furnished by the Sponsor pursuant
         to section 6049(d)(7)(C) of the Code and the regulations promulgated
         thereunder to assist Securityholders in computing their market

                 (viii)   the total of any Substitution Amounts and any
         Loan Purchase Price amounts included in such distribution; and

                 (ix)     a number with respect to each class (the "Pool
         Factor") computed by dividing the principal balance of all Securities
         in such class (after giving effect to any distribution of principal to
         be made on such Payment Date) by the original principal balance of the
         Securities of such class on the Closing Date.

         Items (i) through (iii) above shall, with respect to each class of
Securities, be presented on the basis of a certificate having a $1,000
denomination.  In addition, by January 31 of each calendar year during which
Securities are outstanding, the Trustee shall furnish a report to each
Securityholder at any time during each calendar year as to the aggregate
amounts reported pursuant to (i), (ii) and (iii) with respect to the Securities
for such calendar year.  If a class of Securities are in book-entry form, DTC
will supply such reports to the Securityholders in accordance with its

         In addition, on each Payment Date the Trustee will forward or cause to
be forwarded additional information, as of the close of business on the last
day of the prior calendar month, as more specifically described in the related
Pooling and Servicing Agreement, which generally will include the following as
applicable except as otherwise provided therein:

                 (i)      the total number of Mortgage Loans and the aggregate
         principal balances thereof, together with the number, percentage
         (based on the then-outstanding principal balances) and aggregate
         principal balances of Mortgage Loans (a) 30-59 days delinquent, (b)
         60-89 days delinquent and (c) 90 or more days delinquent;

                 (ii)     the number, percentage (based on the then-outstanding
         principal balances), aggregate Mortgage Loan balances and status of
         all Mortgage Loans in foreclosure proceedings (and whether any such
         Mortgage Loans are also included in any of the statistics described in
         the foregoing clause (i));

                 (iii)    the number, percentage (based on the then-outstanding
         principal balances) and aggregate Mortgage Loan balances of all
         Mortgage Loans relating to Mortgagors in bankruptcy proceedings (and
         whether any such Mortgage Loans are also included in any of the
         statistics described in the foregoing clause (i));

                 (iv)     the number, percentage (based on the then-outstanding
         principal balances) and aggregate Mortgage Loan balances of all
         Mortgage Loans relating to the status of any Mortgaged Properties as
         to which title has been taken in the name of, or on behalf of the
         Trustee (and whether any such Mortgage Loans are also included in any
         of the statistics described in the foregoing clause (i)); and

                 (v)      the book value of any real estate acquired through
         foreclosure or grant of a deed in lieu of foreclosure.


         Acting directly or through one or more Sub-Servicers as provided in
the related Pooling and Servicing Agreement, the Master Servicer, is required
to service and administer the Mortgage Loans in accordance with the Pooling and
Servicing Agreement and with reasonable care, and using that degree of skill
and attention that the Master Servicer exercises with respect to comparable
mortgage loans that it services for itself or others.

         The duties of the Master Servicer include collecting and posting of
all payments, responding to inquiries of Mortgagors or by federal, state or
local government authorities with respect to the Mortgage Loans, investigating
delinquencies, reporting tax information to Mortgagors in accordance with its
customary practices and accounting for collections and furnishing monthly and
annual statements to the Trustee with respect to distributions and making
Delinquency Advances and Servicing Advances to the extent described in the
related Pooling and Servicing Agreement.  The Master Servicer is required to
follow its customary standards, policies and procedures in performing its
duties as Master Servicer.

         The Master Servicer (i) is authorized and empowered to execute and
deliver, on behalf of itself, the Securityholders and the Trustee or any of
them, any and all instruments of satisfaction or cancellation, or of partial or
full release or discharge and all other comparable instruments, with respect to
the Mortgage Loans and with respect to the related Mortgaged Properties; (ii)
may consent to any modification of the terms of any Note not expressly
prohibited by the Pooling and Servicing Agreement if the effect of any such
modification (x) will not materially and adversely affect the security afforded
by the related Mortgaged Property or the timing of receipt of any payments
required thereunder (in each case other than as permitted by the related
Pooling and Servicing Agreement); and (y) will not cause a Trust which is a
REMIC to fail to qualify as a REMIC.

         The related Pooling and Servicing Agreement will require the Master
Servicer to follow such collection procedures as it follows from time to time
with respect to mortgage loans in its servicing portfolio that are comparable
to the Mortgage Loans; provided that the Master Servicer is required always at
least to follow collection procedures that are consistent with or better than
standard industry practices.  The Master Servicer may in its discretion (i)
waive any assumption fees, late payment charges, charges for checks returned
for insufficient funds, prepayment fees, if any, or the fees which may be
collected in the ordinary course of servicing the Mortgage Loans, (ii) if a
Mortgagor is in default or about to be in default because of a Mortgagor's
financial condition, arrange with the Mortgagor a schedule for the payment of
delinquent payments due on the related Mortgage Loan; provided, however, the
Master Servicer shall generally not be permitted to reschedule the payment of
delinquent payments more than one time in any twelve consecutive months with
respect to any Mortgagor or (iii) modify payments of monthly principal and
interest on any Mortgage Loan becoming subject to the terms of the Relief Act
in accordance with the Master Servicer's general policies of the comparable
mortgage loans subject to such Relief Act.

         When a Mortgaged Property (other than Mortgaged Property subject to an
ARM Loan) has been or is about to be conveyed by the Mortgagor, the Master
Servicer will be required, to the extent it has knowledge of such conveyance or
prospective conveyance, to exercise its rights to accelerate the maturity of
the related Mortgage Loan under any "due-on-sale" clause contained in the
related Mortgage or Note; provided, however, that the Master Servicer will not
be required to exercise any such right if (i) the "due-on-sale" clause, in the
reasonable belief of the Master Servicer, is not enforceable under applicable
law or (ii) the Master Servicer reasonably believes that to permit an
assumption of the Mortgage Loan would not materially and adversely affect the
interests of Securityholders or the related Credit Enhancer or jeopardize
coverage under any primary insurance policy or applicable Credit Enhancement
arrangements.  In such event, the Master Servicer will be required to enter
into an assumption and modification agreement with the person to whom such
Mortgaged Property has been or is about to be conveyed, pursuant to which such
person becomes liable under the Mortgage Note and, unless prohibited by
applicable law or the related documents, the Mortgagor remains liable thereon.
If the foregoing is not permitted under applicable law, the Master Servicer
will be authorized to enter into a substitution of liability agreement with
such person, pursuant to which the original Mortgagor is released from
liability and such person is substituted as Mortgagor and becomes liable under
the Mortgage Note.  The assumed loan must conform in all respects to the
requirements, representations and warranties of the Pooling and Servicing

         An ARM Loan may be assumed if such ARM Loan is by its terms assumable
and if, in the reasonable judgment of the Master Servicer or the Sub-Servicer,
the proposed transferee of the related Mortgaged Property establishes its
ability to repay the loan and the security for such ARM Loan would not be
impaired by the assumption.  If a Mortgagor transfers the Mortgaged Property
subject to an ARM Loan without consent, such ARM Loan may be declared due and
payable.  Any fee collected by the Master Servicer or Sub-Servicer for entering
into an assumption or substitution of liability agreement will be retained by
the Master Servicer or Sub-Servicer as additional servicing compensation unless
otherwise set forth in the related Prospectus Supplement.  See "Certain Legal
Aspects of Mortgage Loans and Related Matters--Enforceability of Certain
Provisions" herein.

         The Master Servicer will have the right under the Pooling and
Servicing Agreement to approve applications of Mortgagors seeking consent for
(i) partial releases of Mortgages, (ii) alterations and (iii) removal,
demolition or division of Mortgaged Properties.  No application for consent may
be approved by the Master Servicer unless:  (i) the provisions of the related
Mortgage Note and Mortgage have been complied with; (ii) the credit profile of
the related Mortgage Loan after any release is consistent with the Sponsor's
Originator Guide then applicable to such Mortgage Loan; and (iii) the lien
priority of the related Mortgage is not reduced.


         The Master Servicer shall foreclose upon or otherwise comparably
effect the ownership of Mortgaged Properties relating to defaulted Mortgage
Loans as to which no satisfactory arrangements can be made for collection of
delinquent payments and which the Master Servicer has not purchased pursuant to
the related Pooling and Servicing Agreement (such Mortgage Loans, "REO
Property").  In connection with such foreclosure or other conversion, the
Master Servicer shall exercise such of the rights and powers vested in it, and
use the same degree of care and skill in their exercise or use, as prudent
mortgage lenders would exercise or use under the circumstances in the conduct
of their own affairs, including, but not limited to, making Servicing Advances
for the payment of taxes, amounts due with respect to Senior Liens, and
insurance premiums.  Unless otherwise provided in the related Prospectus
Supplement, the Master Servicer shall sell any REO Property within 23 months of
its acquisition by the Trust.  The Pooling and Servicing Agreements generally
will permit the Master Servicer to cease further collection and foreclosure
activity if the Master Servicer reasonably determines that such further
activity would not increase collections or recoveries to be received by the
related Trust with respect to the related Mortgage Loan.  In addition, any
required advancing may be permitted to cease at this point.

         Notwithstanding the generality of the foregoing provisions, the Master
Servicer will be required to manage, conserve, protect and operate each REO
Property for the Securityholders solely for the purpose of its prompt
disposition and sale as "foreclosure property" within the meaning of Section
860G(a)(8) of the Code or to prevent the receipt by the Trust of any "income
from non-permitted assets" within the meaning of Section 860F(a)(2)(B) of the
Code or any "net income from foreclosure property" which is subject to taxation
under the REMIC Provisions.  Pursuant to its efforts to sell such REO Property,
the Master Servicer shall either itself or through an agent selected by the
Master Servicer protect and conserve such REO Property in the same manner and
to such extent as is customary in the locality where such REO Property is
located and may, incident to its conservation and protection of the interests
of the Securityholders, rent the same, or any part thereof, as the Master
Servicer deems to be in the best interest of the Securityholders for the period
prior to the sale of such REO Property.  The Master Servicer shall take into
account the existence of any hazardous substances, hazardous wastes or solid
wastes, as such terms are defined in the Comprehensive Environmental Response
Compensation and Liability Act, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of
1976, or other federal, state or local environmental legislation, on a
Mortgaged Property in determining whether to foreclose upon or otherwise
comparably convert the ownership of such Mortgaged Property.

         The Master Servicer shall determine, with respect to each defaulted
Mortgage Loan, when it has recovered, whether through trustee's sale,
foreclosure sale or otherwise, all amounts it expects to recover from or on
account of such defaulted Mortgage Loan, whereupon such Mortgage Loan shall
become a Liquidated Mortgage Loan.  A Mortgage Loan which is "charged-off",
i.e., as to which the Master Servicer ceases further collection and/or
foreclosure activity as a result of a determination that such further actions
will not increase collections or recoveries to be received by the related Trust
is also a "Liquidated Mortgage Loan."

         If a loss is realized on a defaulted Mortgage Loan or REO Property
upon the final liquidation thereof that is not covered by any applicable form
of Credit Enhancement or other insurance, the Securityholders will bear such
loss.  However, if a gain results from the final liquidation of an REO Property
that is not required by law to be remitted to the related Mortgagor, the Master
Servicer will be entitled to retain such gain as additional servicing
compensation unless the related Prospectus Supplement provides otherwise.  For
a description of the Master Servicer's obligations to maintain and make claims
under applicable forms of Credit Enhancement and insurance relating to the
Mortgage Loans, see "Description of Credit Enhancement" and "Hazard Insurance;
Claims Thereunder; Hazard Insurance Policies."


         A Senior/Subordinate Series of Securities will consist of one or more
classes of Senior Securities and one or more classes of Subordinate Securities,
as specified in the related Prospectus Supplement.  Unless otherwise specified
in the related Prospectus Supplement, only the Senior Securities will be
offered hereby.  Subordination of the Subordinate Securities of any
Senior/Subordinate Series of Securities will be effected by the following
method, unless an alternative method is specified in the related Prospectus
Supplement.  In addition, certain classes of Senior (or Subordinate) Securities
may be senior to other classes of Senior (or Subordinate) Securities, as
specified in the related Prospectus Supplement, in which case the following
discussion is qualified in its entirety by reference to the related Prospectus
Supplement with respect to the various priorities and other rights as among the
various classes of Senior Securities or Subordinate Securities, as the case may

         With respect to any Senior/Subordinate Series of Securities, the total
amount available for distribution on each Payment Date, as well as the method
for allocating such amount among the various classes of Securities included in
such series, will be as set forth in the related Prospectus Supplement.
Generally, the amount available for contribution will be allocated first to
interest on the Senior Securities of such series, and then to principal of the
Senior Securities up to the amounts determined as specified in the related
Prospectus Supplement, prior to allocation to the Subordinate Securities of
such series.

         In the event of any Realized Losses (as defined below) on Mortgage
Loans not in excess of the limitations described below, other than
Extraordinary Losses, the rights of the Subordinate Securityholders to receive
distributions with respect to the Mortgage Loans will be subordinate to the
rights of the Senior Securityholders.  With respect to any defaulted Mortgage
Loan that becomes a Liquidated Mortgage Loan, through foreclosure sale,
disposition of the related Mortgaged Property if acquired by deed in lieu of
foreclosure, "charged-off" or otherwise, the amount of loss realized, if any
(as more fully described in the related Pooling and Servicing Agreement, a
"Realized Loss"), will equal the portion of the stated principal balance
remaining, after application of all amounts recovered (net of amounts
reimbursable to the Master Servicer for related advances and expenses) towards
interest and principal owing on the Mortgage Loan.  With respect to a Mortgage
Loan the principal balance of which has been reduced in connection with
bankruptcy proceedings, the amount of such reduction will be treated as a
Realized Loss.

         Except as noted below, all Realized Losses will be allocated to the
Subordinate Securities of the related series, until the Principal Balance (as
defined in the related Prospectus Supplement) of such Subordinate Securities
thereof has been reduced to zero.  Any additional Realized Losses will be
allocated to the Senior Securities (or, if such series includes more than one
class of Senior Securities, either on a pro-rata basis among all of the Senior
Securities in proportion to their respective outstanding Principal Balances or
as otherwise provided in the related Prospectus Supplement).

         With respect to certain Realized Losses resulting from physical damage
to Mortgaged Properties that are generally of the same type as are covered
under a special hazard insurance policy, the amount thereof that may be
allocated to the Subordinate Securities of the related series may be limited to
an amount (the "Special Hazard Amount") specified in the related Prospectus
Supplement.  See "Description of Credit Enhancement--Special Hazard Insurance
Policies." If so, any Special Hazard Losses in excess of the Special Hazard
Amount will be allocated among all outstanding classes of Securities of the
related series, either on a pro-rata basis in proportion to their outstanding
Security Principal Balances, regardless of whether any Subordinate Securities
remain outstanding, or as otherwise provided in the related Prospectus
Supplement.  The respective amounts of other specified types of losses
(including Fraud Losses and Bankruptcy Losses) that may be borne solely by the
Subordinate Securities may be similarly limited to an amount (with respect to
Fraud Losses, the "Fraud Loss Amount" and with respect to Bankruptcy Losses,
the "Bankruptcy Loss Amount"), and the Subordinate Securities may provide no
coverage with respect to certain other specified types of losses, as described
in the related Prospectus Supplement, in which case such losses would be
allocated on a pro-rata basis among all outstanding classes of Securities.

         Any allocation of a Realized Loss (including a Special Hazard Loss) to
a Security in a Senior/Subordinate Series will be made by reducing the Security
Principal Balance thereof as of the Payment Date following the calendar month
in which such Realized Loss was incurred.

         In lieu of the foregoing provisions, subordination may be effected in
the following manner, or in any other manner described in the related
Prospectus Supplement.  The rights of the holders of Subordinate Securities to
receive any or a specified portion of distributions with respect to the
Mortgage Loans may be subordinated to the extent of the amount set forth in the
related Prospectus Supplement (the "Subordinate Amount").  As specified in the
related Prospectus Supplement, the Subordinate Amount may be subject to
reduction based upon the amount of losses borne by the holders of the
Subordinate Securities as a result of such subordination, a specified schedule
or such other method of reduction as such Prospectus Supplement may specify.
If so specified in the related Prospectus Supplement, additional credit support
for this form of subordination may be provided by the establishment of a
reserve fund for the benefit of the holders of the Senior Securities (which
may, if such Prospectus Supplement so provides, initially be funded by a cash
deposit by the Originator) into which certain distributions otherwise allocable
to the holders of the Subordinate Securities may be placed; such funds would
thereafter be available to cure shortfalls in distributions to holders of the
Senior Securities.


         Unless otherwise expressly provided and described in the applicable
Prospectus Supplement, each series of Securities shall have credit support
(referred to herein as "Credit Enhancement") comprised of one or more of the
following components.  Each component will have a monetary limit and will
provide coverage with respect to Realized Losses that are (i) attributable to
the Mortgagor's failure to make any payment of principal or interest as
required under the Mortgage Note, but not including Special Hazard Losses,
Extraordinary Losses or other losses resulting from damage to a Mortgaged
Property, Bankruptcy Losses or Fraud Losses (any such loss, a "Defaulted
Mortgage Loss"); (ii) of a type generally covered by a special hazard insurance
policy (as defined below) (any such loss, a "Special Hazard Loss"); (iii)
attributable to certain actions which may be taken by a bankruptcy court in
connection with a Mortgage Loan, including a reduction by a bankruptcy court of
the principal balance of or the Mortgage Rate on a Mortgage Loan or an
extension of its maturity (any such loss, a "Bankruptcy Loss"); and (iv)
incurred on defaulted Mortgage Loans as to which there was fraud in the
origination of such Mortgage Loans (any such loss, a "Fraud Loss").  Losses
occasioned by war, civil insurrection, certain governmental actions, nuclear
reaction and certain other risks ("Extraordinary Losses") will not be covered
unless otherwise specified.  To the extent that the Credit Enhancement for any
series of Securities is exhausted, the Securityholders will bear all further
risks of loss not otherwise insured against.

         As set forth below and in the applicable Prospectus Supplement, Credit
Enhancement may be provided with respect to one or more classes of a series of
Securities or with respect to the Mortgage Assets in the related Trust.  Credit
Enhancement may be in the form of (i) the subordination of one or more classes
of Subordinate Securities to provide credit support to one or more classes of
Senior Securities as described under "Subordination," (ii) the use of a
mortgage pool insurance policy, special hazard insurance policy, bankruptcy
bond, reserve fund, letter of credit, financial guaranty insurance policy,
other third party guarantees, another method of Credit Enhancement described in
the related Prospectus Supplement, or the use of a cross-support feature or
overcollateralization, or (iii) any combination of the foregoing.  Unless
otherwise specified in the Prospectus Supplement, any Credit Enhancement will
not provide protection against all risks of loss and will not guarantee
repayment of the entire principal balance of the Securities and interest
thereon.  If losses occur that exceed the amount covered by Credit Enhancement
or are not covered by the Credit Enhancement, holders of one or more classes of
Securities will bear their allocable share of deficiencies.  If a form of
Credit Enhancement applies to several classes of Securities, and if principal
payments equal to the aggregate principal balances of certain classes will be
distributed prior to such distributions to the classes, the classes that
receive such distributions at a later time are more likely to bear any losses
that exceed the amount covered by Credit Enhancement.

         The amounts and type of Credit Enhancement arrangement as well as the
provider thereof, if applicable, with respect to each series of Securities will
be set forth in the related Prospectus Supplement.  To the extent provided in
the applicable Prospectus Supplement and the Pooling and Servicing Agreement,
the Credit Enhancement arrangements may be periodically modified, reduced and
substituted for based on the aggregate outstanding principal balance of the
Mortgage Loans covered thereby.  See "Description of Credit
Enhancement--Reduction or Substitution of Credit Enhancement." If specified in
the applicable Prospectus Supplement, Credit Enhancement for a series of
Securities may cover one or more other series of Securities.

         The descriptions of any insurance policies or bonds described in this
Prospectus or any Prospectus Supplement and the coverage thereunder do not
purport to be complete and are qualified in their entirety by reference to the
actual forms of such policies, copies of which are available upon request.

         Letter of Credit.  If any component of Credit Enhancement as to any
series of Securities is to be provided by a letter of credit (the "Letter of
Credit"), a bank (the "Letter of Credit Bank") will deliver to the Trustee an
irrevocable Letter of Credit.  The Letter of Credit may provide direct coverage
with respect to the related Securities or, if specified in the related
Prospectus Supplement, support the Sponsor's or any other person's obligation
pursuant to a Purchase Obligation to make certain payments to the Trustee with
respect to one or more components of Credit Enhancement.  The Letter of Credit
Bank, as well as the amount available under the Letter of Credit with respect
to each component of Credit Enhancement, will be specified in the applicable
Prospectus Supplement.  The Letter of Credit will expire on the expiration date
set forth in the related Prospectus Supplement, unless earlier terminated or
extended in accordance with its terms.  On or before each Payment Date, either
the Letter of Credit Bank or the Trustee (or other obligor under a Purchase
Obligation) will be required to make the payments specified in the related
Prospectus Supplement after notification from the Trustee, to be deposited in
the related Distribution Account, if and to the extent covered, under the
applicable Letter of Credit.

         Mortgage Pool Insurance Policies.  Any mortgage pool insurance policy
("Mortgage Pool Insurance Policy") obtained by the Sponsor for each related
Trust Estate will be issued by the Pool Insurer named in the related Prospectus
Supplement.  Each Mortgage Pool Insurance Policy will, subject to limitations
specified in the related Prospectus Supplement described below, cover Defaulted
Mortgage Losses in an amount equal to a percentage specified in the related
Prospectus Supplement (or in a Current Report on Form 8-K) of the aggregate
principal balance of the Mortgage Loans on the Cut-Off Date.  As set forth
under "Maintenance of Credit Enhancement," the Master Servicer will use
reasonable efforts to maintain the Mortgage Pool Insurance Policy and to
present claims thereunder to the Pool Insurer on behalf of itself, the Trustee
and the Securityholders.  The Mortgage Pool Insurance Policies, however, are
not blanket policies against loss (typically, such policies do not cover
Special Hazard Losses, Fraud Losses and Bankruptcy Losses), since claims
thereunder may only be made respecting particular defaulted Mortgage Loans and
only upon satisfaction of certain conditions precedent described below due to a
failure to pay irrespective of the reason therefor.

         Special Hazard Insurance Policies.  Any insurance policy covering
Special Hazard Losses (a "Special Hazard Insurance Policy") obtained by the
Sponsor for a Trust Estate will be issued by the insurer named in the related
Prospectus Supplement.  Each Special Hazard Insurance Policy will, subject to
limitations described in the related Prospectus Supplement, protect holders of
the related series of Securities from (i) losses due to direct physical damage
to a Mortgaged Property other than any loss of a type covered by a hazard
insurance policy or a flood insurance policy, if applicable, and (ii) losses
from partial damage caused by reason of the application of the co-insurance
clauses contained in hazard insurance policies.  See "Hazard Insurance; Claims
Thereunder." A Special Hazard Insurance Policy will not cover Extraordinary
Losses.  Aggregate claims under a Special Hazard Insurance Policy will be
limited to a maximum amount of coverage, as set forth in the related Prospectus
Supplement or in a Current Report on Form 8-K.  A Special Hazard Insurance
Policy will provide that no claim may be paid unless hazard and, if applicable,
flood insurance on the Mortgaged Property securing the Mortgage Loan has been
kept in force and other protection and preservation expenses have been paid by
the Master Servicer.

         Subject to the foregoing limitations, in general a Special Hazard
Insurance Policy will provide that, where there has been damage to property
securing a foreclosed Mortgage Loan (title to which has been acquired by the
insured) and to the extent such damage is not covered by the hazard insurance
policy or flood insurance policy, if any, maintained by the Mortgagor or the
Master Servicer or the Sub-Servicer, the insurer will pay the lesser of (i) the
cost of repair or replacement of such property or (ii) up on transfer of the
property to the insurer, the unpaid principal balance of such Mortgage Loan at
the time of acquisition of such property by foreclosure or deed in lieu of
foreclosure, plus accrued interest at the Mortgage Rate to the date of claim
settlement and certain expenses incurred by the Master Servicer or the
Sub-Servicer with respect to such property.  If the property is transferred to
a third party in a sale approved by the issuer of the Special Hazard Insurance
Policy (the "Special Hazard Insurer"), the amount that the Special Hazard
Insurer will pay will be the amount under (ii) above reduced by the net
proceeds of the sale of the property.

         As indicated under "Description of the Securities--Assignment of
Mortgage Loans" above and to the extent set forth in the related Prospectus
Supplement, coverage in respect of Special Hazard Losses for a series of
Securities may be provided, in whole or in part by a type of special hazard
instrument other than a Special Hazard Insurance Policy or by means of the
special hazard representation of the Sponsor.

         Bankruptcy Bonds.  In the event of a personal bankruptcy of a
Mortgagor, it is possible that the bankruptcy court may establish the value of
the Mortgaged Property of such Mortgagor at an amount less than the
then-outstanding, principal balance of the Mortgage Loan secured by such
Mortgaged Property (a "Deficient Valuation").  The amount of the secured debt
then could be reduced to such value, and, thus, the holder of such Mortgage
Loan would become an unsecured creditor to the extent the outstanding principal
balance of such Mortgage Loan exceeds the value assigned to the Mortgaged
Property by the bankruptcy court.  In addition, certain other modifications of
the terms of a Mortgage Loan can result from a bankruptcy proceeding, including
a reduction in the amount of the monthly payment on the related Mortgage Loan
or a reduction in the mortgage interest rate (a "Debt Service Reduction"; Debt
Service Reductions and Deficient Valuations, collectively referred to herein as
"Bankruptcy Losses").  See "Certain Legal Aspects of Mortgage Loans and Related
Matters--Anti-Deficiency Legislation and Other Limitations on Lenders." Any
bankruptcy bond ("Bankruptcy Bond") to provide coverage for Bankruptcy Losses
for proceedings under the federal Bankruptcy Code obtained by the Sponsor for a
Trust Estate will be issued by an insurer named in the related Prospectus
Supplement.  The level of coverage under each Bankruptcy Bond will be set forth
in the applicable Prospectus Supplement or in a Current Report on Form 8-K.

         Reserve Funds.  If so provided in the related Prospectus Supplement,
the Sponsor will deposit or cause to be deposited in an account (a "Reserve
Fund") any combination of cash, one or more irrevocable letters of credit or
one or more Eligible Investments in specified amounts, amounts otherwise
distributable to Subordinate Securityholders or the owners of any Originator's
Retained Yield, or any other instrument satisfactory to the Rating Agency or
Agencies, which will be applied and maintained in the manner and under the
conditions specified in such Prospectus Supplement.  In the alternate or in
addition to such deposit to the extent described in the related Prospectus
Supplement, a Reserve Fund may be funded through application of all or a
portion of amounts otherwise payable on any related Subordinate Securities from
the Originator's Retained Yield or otherwise.  In addition, with respect to any
series of Securities as to which Credit Enhancement includes a Letter of
Credit, if so specified in the related Prospectus Supplement, under certain
circumstances the remaining amount of the Letter of Credit may be drawn by the
Trustee and deposited in a Reserve Fund.  Amounts in a Reserve Fund may be
distributed to Securityholders, or applied to reimburse the Master Servicer for
outstanding advances or may be used for other purposes, in the manner and to
the extent specified in the related Prospectus Supplement.  A Trust Estate may
contain more than one Reserve Fund, each of which may apply only to a specified
class of Securities or to specified Mortgage Assets.

         Financial Guaranty Insurance Policies.  If so specified in the related
Prospectus Supplement, a financial guaranty insurance policy or surety bond
("Financial Guaranty Insurance Policy") may be obtained and maintained for each
class or series of Securities.  The issuer of any Financial Guaranty Insurance
Policy (a "Financial Guaranty Insurer") will be described in the related
Prospectus Supplement.  A copy of any such Financial Guaranty Insurance Policy
will be attached as an exhibit to the related Prospectus Supplement.

         Unless otherwise specified in the related Prospectus Supplement, a
Financial Guaranty Insurance Policy will unconditionally and irrevocably
guarantee to Securityholders that an amount equal to each full and complete
insured payment will be received by an agent of the Trustee (an "Insurance
Paying Agent") on behalf of Securityholders, for distribution by the Trustee to
each Securityholder.  The "insured payment" will be defined in the related
Prospectus Supplement, and will generally equal the full amount of the
distributions of principal and interest to which Securityholders are entitled
under the related Pooling and Servicing Agreement plus any other amounts
specified therein or in the related Prospectus Supplement (the "Insured

         Financial Guaranty Insurance Policies may apply only to certain
specified classes, or may apply at the Mortgage Asset level and only to
specified Mortgage Assets.

         The specific terms of any Financial Guaranty Insurance Policy will be
as set forth in the related Prospectus Supplement.  Financial Guaranty
Insurance Policies may have limitations including (but not limited to)
limitations on the insurer's obligation to guarantee the obligations of the
Originators to repurchase or substitute for any

Mortgage Loans, Financial Guaranty Insurance Policies will not guarantee any
specified rate of prepayments and/or to provide funds to redeem Securities on
any specified date.

         Subject to the terms of the related Pooling and Servicing Agreement,
the Financial Guaranty Insurer may be subrogated to the rights of each
Securityholder to receive payments under the Securities to the extent of any
payment by such Financial Guaranty Insurer under the related Financial Guaranty
Insurance Policy.

         Other Insurance, Guarantees and Similar Instruments or Agreements.  If
specified in the related Prospectus Supplement, a Trust may include in lieu of
some or all of the foregoing or in addition thereto third party guarantees, and
other arrangements for maintaining timely payments or providing additional
protection against losses on all or any specified portion of the assets
included in such Trust, paying administrative expenses, or accomplishing such
other purpose as may be described in the Prospectus Supplement.  The Trust may
include a guaranteed investment contract or reinvestment agreement pursuant to
which funds held in one or more accounts will be invested at a specified rate.
If any class of Securities has a floating interest rate, or if any of the
Mortgage Assets has a floating interest rate, the Trust may include an interest
rate swap contract, an interest rate cap agreement or similar contract
providing limited protection against interest rate risks.

         Cross Support.  If specified in the Prospectus Supplement, the
beneficial ownership of separate groups of assets included in a Trust may be
evidenced by separate classes of the related series of Securities.  In such
case, credit support may be provided by a cross-support feature which requires
that distributions be made with respect to one class of Securities may be made
from excess amounts available from other asset groups within the same Trust
which support other classes of Securities.  The Prospectus Supplement for a
series that includes a cross-support feature will describe the manner and
conditions for applying such cross-support feature.

         If specified in the Prospectus Supplement, the coverage provided by
one or more forms of credit support may apply concurrently to two or more
separate Trusts.  If applicable, the Prospectus Supplement will identify the
Trusts to which such credit support relates and the manner of determining the
amount of the coverage provided thereby and of the application of such coverage
to the identified Trusts.

         Overcollateralization.  If specified in the Prospectus Supplement,
subordination provisions of a Trust may be used to accelerate to a limited
extent the amortization of one or more classes of Securities relative to the
amortization of the related Mortgage Loans.  The accelerated amortization is
achieved by the application of certain excess interest to the payment of
principal of one or more classes of Securities.  This acceleration feature
creates, with respect to the Mortgage Loans or groups thereof, over
collateralization which results from the excess of the aggregate principal
balance of the related Mortgage Loans, or a group thereof, over the principal
balance of the related class of Securities.  Such acceleration may continue for
the life of the related Security, or may be limited.  In the case of limited
acceleration, once the required level of overcollateralization is reached, and
subject to certain provisions specified in the related Prospectus Supplement,
such limited acceleration feature may cease, unless necessary to maintain the
required level of overcollateralization.

         Maintenance of Credit Enhancement.  To the extent that the applicable
Prospectus Supplement does not expressly provide for Credit Enhancement
arrangements in lieu of some or all of the arrangements mentioned below, the
following paragraphs shall apply.

         If a form of Credit Enhancement has been obtained for a series of
Securities, the Sponsor will be obligated to exercise its best reasonable
efforts to keep or cause to be kept such form of credit support in full force
and effect throughout the term of the applicable Pooling and Servicing
Agreement, unless coverage thereunder has been exhausted through payment of
claims or otherwise, or substitution therefor is made as described below under
"Reduction or Substitution of Credit Enhancement."

         In lieu of the Sponsor's obligation to maintain a particular form of
Credit Enhancement, the Sponsor may obtain a substitute or alternate form of
Credit Enhancement.  If the Master Servicer obtains such a substitute form of
Credit Enhancement, it will maintain and keep such form of Credit Enhancement
in full force and effect as provided herein.  Prior to its obtaining any
substitute or alternate form of Credit Enhancement, the Sponsor will obtain
written confirmation from the Rating Agency or Agencies that rated the related
series of Securities that the substitution or

alternate form of Credit Enhancement for the existing Credit Enhancement will
not adversely affect the then-current ratings assigned to such Securities by
such Rating Agency or Agencies.

         The Master Servicer, on behalf of itself, the Trustee and
Securityholders, will provide the Trustee information required for the Trustee
to draw under a Letter of Credit or Financial Guaranty Insurance Policy, will
present claims to each Pool Insurer, to the issuer of each Special Hazard
Insurance Policy or other special hazard instrument, to the issuer of each
Bankruptcy Bond and will take such reasonable steps as are necessary to permit
recovery under such Letter of Credit, Financial Guaranty Insurance Policy,
Purchase Obligation, insurance policies or comparable coverage respecting
defaulted Mortgage Loans or Mortgage Loans which are the subject of a
bankruptcy proceeding.  Additionally, the Master Servicer will present such
claims and take such steps as are reasonably necessary to provide for the
performance by another party of its Purchase Obligation.  As set forth above,
all collections by the Master Servicer under any Purchase Obligation, any
Mortgage Pool Insurance Policy, or any Bankruptcy Bond and, where the related
property has not been restored, any Special Hazard Insurance Policy, are to be
deposited initially in the Principal and Interest Account and ultimately in the
Distribution Account, subject to withdrawal as described above.  All draws
under any Letter of Credit or Financial Guaranty Insurance Policy will be
deposited directly in the Distribution Account.

         If any property securing a defaulted Mortgage Loan is damaged and
proceeds, if any, from the related hazard insurance policy or any applicable
Special Hazard Instrument are insufficient to restore the damaged property to a
condition sufficient to permit recovery under any applicable form of Credit
Enhancement, the Master Servicer is not required to expend its own funds to
restore the damaged property unless it determines (i) that such restoration
will increase the proceeds to one or more classes of Securityholders on
liquidation of the Mortgage Loan after reimbursement of the Master Servicer for
its expenses and (ii) that such expenses will be recoverable by it through
Liquidation Proceeds or Insurance Proceeds.  If recovery under any applicable
form of Credit Enhancement is not available because the Master Servicer has
been unable to make the above determinations, has made such determinations
incorrectly or recovery is not available for any other reason, the Master
Servicer is nevertheless obligated to follow such normal practices and
procedures (subject to the preceding sentence) as it deems necessary or
advisable to realize upon the defaulted Mortgage Loan and in the event such
determination has been incorrectly made, is entitled to reimbursement of its
expenses in connection with such restoration.

         Reduction or Substitution of Credit Enhancement.  Unless otherwise
specified in the related Prospectus Supplement, the amount of credit support
provided pursuant to any of the Credit Enhancements (including, without
limitation, a Mortgage Pool Insurance Policy, Financial Guaranty Insurance
Policy, Special Hazard Insurance Policy, Bankruptcy Bond, Letter of Credit, or
any alternative form of Credit Enhancement) may be reduced under certain
specified circumstances.  In addition, if so described in the related
Prospectus Supplement, any formula used in calculating the amount or degree of
Credit Enhancement may be changed without the consent of the Securityholders
upon written confirmation from each Rating Agency then rating the Securities
that such change will not adversely affect the then-current rating or ratings
assigned to the Securities.  In most cases, the amount available pursuant to
any Credit Enhancement will be subject to periodic reduction in accordance with
a schedule or formula on a nondiscretionary basis pursuant to the terms of the
related Pooling and Servicing Agreement as the aggregate outstanding principal
balance of the Mortgage Loans declines.  Additionally, in certain cases, such
credit support (and any replacements therefor) may be replaced, reduced or
terminated upon the written assurance from each applicable Rating Agency that
the then-current rating of the related series of Securities will not be
adversely affected.  Furthermore, in the event that the credit rating of any
obligor under any applicable Credit Enhancement is downgraded, the credit
rating of the related Securities may be downgraded to a corresponding level,
and, unless otherwise specified in the related Prospectus Supplement, the
Sponsor thereafter will not be obligated to obtain replacement credit support
in order to restore the rating of the Securities, and also will be permitted to
replace such credit support with other Credit Enhancement instruments issued by
obligors whose credit ratings are equivalent to such downgraded level and in
lower amounts which would satisfy such downgraded level, provided that the
then-current, albeit downgraded, rating of the related series of Securities is
maintained.  Where the credit support is in the form of a Reserve Fund, a
permitted reduction in the amount of Credit Enhancement will result in a
release of all or a portion of the assets in the Reserve Fund to the Sponsor,
the Master Servicer, one or more Originators or such other person that is
entitled thereto.  Any assets so released will not be available to fund
distribution obligations in future periods.


         Each Mortgage Loan will be required to be covered by a hazard
insurance policy (as described below).  The following is only a brief
description of certain insurance policies and does not purport to summarize or
describe all of the provisions of these policies.  Such insurance is subject to
underwriting and approval of individual Mortgage Loans by the respective
insurers.  The descriptions of any insurance policies described in this
Prospectus or any Prospectus Supplement and the coverage thereunder do not
purport to be complete and are qualified in their entirety by reference to such
forms of policies, sample copies of which are available from the Trustee upon


         Generally, the terms of the Mortgage Loans, except the High LTV Loans,
require each Mortgagor to maintain a hazard insurance policy for the Mortgage
Loan.  The High LTV Program requires a hazard insurance policy for each
Mortgage Loan at the time of origination but does not track hazard insurance
after origination.  Additionally, the Pooling and Servicing Agreement will
generally require the Master Servicer to cause to be maintained with respect to
each Mortgage Loan, except for certain High LTV Loans, a hazard insurance
policy with a generally acceptable carrier that provides for fire and extended
coverage relating to such Mortgage Loan in an amount not less than the least of
(i) the outstanding principal balance of the Mortgage Loan, (ii) the minimum
amount required to compensate for damage or loss on a replacement cost basis or
(iii) the full insurable value of the premises.

         If a Mortgage Loan at the time of origination relates to a Mortgaged
Property in an area identified in the Federal Register by the Federal Emergency
Management Agency as having special flood hazards, the Master Servicer will
generally be required to maintain with respect thereto a flood insurance policy
in a form meeting the requirements of the then-current guidelines of the
Federal Insurance Administration with a generally acceptable carrier in an
amount representing coverage, and which provides for recovery by the Master
Servicer on behalf of the Trust of insurance proceeds relating to such Mortgage
Loan of not less than the least of (i) the outstanding principal balance of the
Mortgage Loan, (ii) the minimum amount required to compensate for damage or
loss on a replacement cost basis, (iii) the maximum amount of insurance that is
available under the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973.  Pursuant to the
related Pooling and Servicing Agreement, the Master Servicer will be required
to indemnify the Trust out of the Master Servicer's own funds for any loss to
the Trust resulting from the Master Servicer's failure to maintain such flood

         In the event that the Master Servicer obtains and maintains a blanket
policy insuring against fire with extended coverage and against flood hazards
on all of the Mortgage Loans, then, to the extent such policy names the Master
Servicer as loss payee and provides coverage in an amount equal to the
aggregate unpaid principal balance on the Mortgage Loans without co-insurance,
and otherwise complies with the requirements of the Pooling and Servicing
Agreement, the Master Servicer shall be deemed conclusively to have satisfied
its obligations with respect to fire and hazard insurance coverage under the
Pooling and Servicing Agreement.  Such blanket policy may contain a deductible
clause, in which case the Master Servicer will be required, in the event that
there shall not have been maintained on the related Mortgaged Property a policy
complying with the Pooling and Servicing Agreement, and there shall have been a
loss that would have been covered by such policy, to deposit in the Principal
and Interest Account from the Master Servicer's own funds the difference, if
any, between the amount that would have been payable under a policy complying
with the Pooling and Servicing Agreement and the amount paid under such blanket

                         THE SPONSOR AND THE TRANSFEROR

         The Sponsor, Advanta Mortgage Conduit Services, Inc., was incorporated
in the State of Delaware in April, 1993.  It is a direct subsidiary of the
Master Servicer, Advanta Mortgage Corp.  USA, in addition to Advanta Mortgage
Corp.  Midatlantic, Advanta Mortgage Corp., Midatlantic II, Advanta Mortgage
Corp.  Midwest, Advanta Mortgage Corp.  of New Jersey, Advanta Mortgage Corp.
Northeast and Advanta Finance Corp.  The Sponsor was organized for the purpose
of the purchase and securitization of Mortgage Loans.

         The Sponsor maintains its principal office at 16875 West Bernardo
Drive, San Diego, California 92127.  Its telephone number is (619) 674-1800.

         The Transferor, Advanta Conduit Receivables Inc., was incorporated in
the State of Delaware in March, 1994.  It is a direct subsidiary of the
Sponsor, and was formed as a special purpose finance subsidiary to facilitate
certain issuances of Securities.  The use of the Transferor will not affect the
obligations of the Sponsor with respect to the related Trust or the related
Securities.  If the Transferor is to be involved in a particular offering the
related Prospectus Supplement will describe its role in such offering; for
purposes of this Prospectus the role of the Transferor is subsumed in the role
of the Sponsor.

         The Transferor maintains its principal office at 16875 West Bernardo
Drive, San Diego, California 92127.

                              THE MASTER SERVICER

         Unless otherwise specified in the related Prospectus Supplement,
Advanta Mortgage Corp.  USA will act as the Master Servicer for a series of

         Advanta Mortgage Corp.  USA was acquired by Advanta Corp., a Delaware
corporation ("Advanta Parent") in September, 1986 and is an indirect subsidiary
of Advanta Parent.  The Master Servicer is an affiliate of Advanta National
Bank, a national banking association domiciled in Delaware, and the parent of
Advanta Mortgage Corp.  Midatlantic, Advanta Mortgage Corp.  Midatlantic II,
Advanta Mortgage Corp.  Midwest, Advanta Mortgage Corp.  of New Jersey, Advanta
Mortgage Corp.  Northeast and Advanta Finance Corp.  Advanta Mortgage Corp.
USA is a Delaware corporation incorporated in 1983.  It is a nationwide
servicer of first and junior mortgage loans.  Advanta Mortgage Corp.  USA has
centralized servicing functions located in San Diego, California.  This
provides for economies of scale and a depth of appraisal, attorney and realtor
contacts throughout the country.


         As described above under "Description of the Securities--General,"
each series of Securities will be issued pursuant to a Pooling and Servicing
Agreement as described in that section.  The following summaries describe
certain additional provisions common to each Pooling and Servicing Agreement.


         Each servicer, whether the Master Servicer or any Sub-Servicer (either
the Master Servicer or any Sub-Servicer being a "Servicer"), will retain a fee
in connection with its servicing activities for each series of Securities equal
to the percentage per annum specified in the related Prospectus Supplement or
Current Report on Form 8-K (the "Base Servicing Fee"), generally payable
monthly with respect to each Mortgage Loan directly serviced by such Servicer
at one-twelfth the annual rate, of the then-outstanding principal amount of
each such Mortgage Loan as of the first day of each calendar month.  The Master
Servicer acting as master servicer with respect to Mortgage Loans being
serviced directly by a Sub-Servicer will retain a fee equal to the percentage
per annum specified in the related Prospectus Supplement or Current Report on
Form 8-K ("Master Servicing Fee"), generally payable monthly on one-twelfth the
annual rate, of the then-outstanding principal amount of each such Mortgage
Loan as of the first day of each calendar month.  The Base Servicing Fees and
the Master Servicing Fee are collectively referred to as the "Servicing Fee."

         In addition to the Base Servicing Fee, each Servicer will generally be
entitled under the Pooling and Servicing Agreement to retain additional
servicing compensation in the form of prepayment charges, release fees, bad
check charges, assumption fees, modification fees, late payment charges, or any
other servicing-related fees, Net Liquidation Proceeds not required to be
deposited in the Principal and Interest Account pursuant to the Pooling and
Servicing Agreement, and similar items.

         Unless otherwise specified in the related Prospectus Supplement, the
Master Servicer will pay or cause to be paid certain ongoing expenses
associated with each Trust Estate and incurred by it in connection with its
responsibilities under the Pooling and Servicing Agreement, including, without
limitation, payment of any fee or other amount payable in respect of any
alternative Credit Enhancement arrangements, payment of the fees and
disbursements of the Trustee or accountant, any custodian appointed by the
Trustee, the Security Registrar and any Paying Agent, and payment of expenses
incurred in enforcing the obligations of Sub-Servicers and Originators.  The

Master Servicer may be entitled to reimbursement of expenses incurred in
enforcing the obligations of Sub-Servicers and Originators under certain
limited circumstances.  In addition, as indicated in the preceding section, the
Master Servicer will be entitled to reimbursements for certain expenses
incurred by it in connection with Liquidated Mortgage Loans and in connection
with the restoration of Mortgaged Properties, such right of reimbursement being
prior to the rights of Securityholders to receive any related Liquidation
Proceeds (including Insurance Proceeds).

         The Prospectus Supplement for a series of Securities will specify if
there will be any Originator's Retained Yield retained.  Any such Originator's
Retained Yield will be a specified portion of the interest payable on each
Mortgage Loan in a Mortgage Pool.  Any such Originator's Retained Yield will be
established on a loan-by-loan basis and the amount thereof with respect to each
Mortgage Loan in a Mortgage Pool will be specified on an exhibit to the related
Pooling and Servicing Agreement.  Any Originator's Retained Yield in respect of
a Mortgage Loan will represent a specified portion of the interest payable
thereon and will not be part of the related Trust Estate.  Any partial recovery
of interest in respect of a Mortgage Loan will be allocated between the owners
of any Originator's Retained Yield and the holders of classes of Securities
entitled to payments of interest as provided in the Prospectus Supplement and
the applicable Pooling and Servicing Agreement.


         Each Pooling and Servicing Agreement will require the Master Servicer
to deliver annually to the Trustee and any Credit Enhancer, an officers'
certificate stating, as to each signer thereof, that (i) a review of the
activities of the Master Servicer during such preceding year and of performance
under the related Pooling and Servicing Agreement has been made under such
officers' supervision, and (ii) to the best of such officers' knowledge, based
on such review, the Master Servicer has fulfilled all its obligations under the
related Pooling and Servicing Agreement for such year, or, if there has been a
default in the fulfillment of any such obligations, specifying each such
default known to such officers and the nature and status thereof including the
steps being taken by the Master Servicer to remedy such defaults.

         Each Pooling and Servicing Agreement will require the Master Servicer
to cause to be delivered to the Trustee and any Credit Enhancer a letter or
letters of a firm of independent, nationally recognized certified public
accountants reasonably acceptable to the Credit Enhancer, if applicable,
stating that such firm has, with respect to the Master Servicer's overall
servicing operations (i) performed applicable tests in accordance with the
compliance testing procedures as set forth in Appendix 3 of the Audit Guide for
Audits of HUD Approved Nonsupervised Mortgagees or (ii) examined such
operations in accordance with the requirements of the Uniform Single
Attestation Program for Mortgage Bankers, and in either case stating such
firm's conclusions relating thereto.

         Copies of the annual accountants' statement and the annual statement
of officers of the Master Servicer may be obtained by Securityholders without
charge upon written request to the Master Servicer.


         Unless otherwise specified in the related Prospectus Supplement, each
Pooling and Servicing Agreement will provide that the Master Servicer may not
resign from its obligations and duties thereunder, except in connection with a
permitted transfer of servicing, unless such duties and obligations are no
longer permissible under applicable law or are in material conflict by reason
of applicable law with any other activities of a type and nature presently
carried on by it.  No such resignation will become effective until the Trustee
has assumed the Master Servicer's obligations and duties under the Pooling and
Servicing Agreement.  The Trustee, the Securityholders or a Credit Enhancer, if
applicable, will have the right, pursuant to the related Pooling and Servicing
Agreement, to remove the Master Servicer upon the occurrence of any of (a)
certain events of insolvency, readjustment of debt, marshalling of assets and
liabilities or similar proceedings regarding the Master Servicer and certain
actions by the Master Servicer indicating its insolvency or inability to pay
its obligations; (b) the failure of the Master Servicer to perform any one or
more of its material obligations under the Pooling and Servicing Agreement as
to which the Master Servicer shall continue in default with respect thereto for
a specified period, generally of sixty (60) days, after notice by the Trustee
or any Credit Enhancer (if required by the Pooling and Servicing Agreement) of
said failure; or (c) the failure of the Master Servicer to cure any breach of
any of its representations and warranties set forth in the Pooling and
Servicing Agreement which materially and adversely affects the interests of the
Securityholders or any Credit

Enhancer, for a specified period, generally of thirty (30) days after the
Master Servicer's discovery or receipt of notice thereof.

         The Pooling and Servicing Agreement may also provide that the related
Credit Enhancer may remove the Master Servicer upon the occurrence of any of
certain events including:

                 (i)      with respect to any Payment Date, if the total
         available funds with respect to the Mortgage Loans Group will be less
         than the related distribution amount on the class of credit-enhanced
         securities in respect of such Payment Date; provided, however, that
         the Credit Enhancer generally will have no right to remove the Master
         Servicer pursuant to the provision described in this clause (i) if the
         Master Servicer can demonstrate to the reasonable satisfaction of the
         Credit Enhancer that such event was due to circumstances beyond the
         control of the Master Servicer;

                 (ii)     the failure by the Master Servicer to make any
         required Servicing Advance;

                 (iii)    the failure of the Master Servicer to perform one or
         more of its material obligations under the Pooling and Servicing
         Agreement; or

                 (iv)     the failure by the Master Servicer to make any
         required Delinquency Advance or to pay any Compensating Interest;

provided, however, that prior to any removal of the Master Servicer by the
related Credit Enhancer pursuant to clauses (i), (ii) or (iii) above the Master
Servicer shall first have been given by the related Credit Enhancer notice of
the occurrence of one or more of the events set forth in clauses (i) or (ii)
above and the Master Servicer shall not have remedied, or shall not have taken
action satisfactory to such Credit Enhancer to remedy, such event or events
within a specified period, generally 30 days (60 days with respect to clause
(iii)) after the Master Servicer's receipt of such notice; and provided,
further that in the event of the refusal or inability of the Master Servicer to
make any required Delinquency Advance or to pay any Compensating Interest as
described in clause (iv) above, such removal shall be effective (without the
requirement of any action on the part of such Credit Enhancer or of the
Trustee) not later than a shorter specified period, generally not in excess of
five business days, following the day on which the Trustee notifies an
authorized officer of the Master Servicer that a required Delinquency Advance
or to pay any Compensating Interest has not been received by the Trustee.


         The Trustee, the Sponsor and the Master Servicer may at any time and
from time to time, with the prior approval of the related Credit Enhancer, if
required, but without the giving of notice to or the receipt of the consent of
the Securityholders, amend a Pooling and Servicing Agreement, and the Trustee
will be required to consent to such amendment, for the purposes of (x) (i)
curing any ambiguity, or correcting or supplementing any provision of such
Pooling and Servicing Agreement which may be inconsistent with any other
provision of the Pooling and Servicing Agreement, (ii) in connection with a
Trust making REMIC elections, if accompanied by an approving opinion of counsel
experienced in federal income tax matters, removing the restriction against the
transfer of a REMIC residual security to a Disqualified Organization (as such
term is defined in the Code) or (iii) complying with the requirements of the
Code and the regulations proposed or promulgated thereunder; provided, however,
that such action shall not, as evidenced by an opinion of counsel delivered to
the Trustee, materially and adversely affect the interests of any
Securityholder (without its written consent) or (y) such other purposes set
forth in the related Pooling and Servicing Agreement.

         Unless otherwise specified in the related Prospectus Supplement, each
Pooling and Servicing Agreement may also be amended by the Trustee, the Sponsor
and the Master Servicer at any time and from time to time, with the prior
written approval of the related Credit Enhancer, if required, and not less than
a majority of the Percentage Interest represented by each related class of
Securities then outstanding, for the purpose of adding any provisions or
changing in any manner or eliminating any of the provisions of such Pooling and
Servicing Agreement or of modifying in any manner the rights of the
Securityholders thereunder; provided, however, that no such amendment shall (a)
change in any manner the amount of, or delay the timing of, payments which are
required to be distributed

to any Securityholders without the consent of the holder of such Security or
(b) change the aforesaid percentages of Percentage Interest which are required
to consent to any such amendments, without the consent of the holders of all
Securities of the class or classes affected then outstanding.


         Unless otherwise specified in the related Prospectus Supplement, each
Pooling and Servicing Agreement will provide that a Trust will terminate upon
the earlier of (i) the payment to the Securityholders of all Securities issued
by the Trust from amounts other than those available under, if applicable, the
related Credit Enhancement of all amounts required to be paid to such
Securityholders upon the later to occur of (a) the final payment or other
liquidation (or any advance made with respect thereto) of the last Mortgage
Loan in the Trust Estate or (b) the disposition of all property acquired in
respect of any Mortgage Loan remaining in the Trust Estate, (ii) any time when
a Qualified Liquidation (as defined in the Code) of the Trust Estate (if the
related Trust is a REMIC) is effected.  In no event, however, will the trust
created by the Pooling and Servicing Agreement continue beyond the expiration
of 21 years from the death of the survivor of certain persons named in such
Pooling and Servicing Agreement.  Written notice of termination of the Pooling
and Servicing Agreement will be given to each Securityholder, and the final
distribution will be made only upon surrender and cancellation of the
Securities at an office or agency appointed by the Trustee that will be
specified in the notice of termination.  If the Securityholders are permitted
to terminate the trust under the applicable Pooling and Servicing Agreement, a
penalty may be imposed upon the Securityholders based upon the fee that would
be foregone by the Master Servicer because of such termination.

         Any purchase of Mortgage Loans and property acquired in respect of
Mortgage Loans evidenced by a series of Securities shall be made at the option
of the Master Servicer, the Sponsor or, if applicable, the holder of the REMIC
Residual Securities at the price specified in the related Prospectus
Supplement.  The exercise of such right will effect earlier than expected
retirement of the Securities of that series, but the right of the Master
Servicer, the Sponsor or, if applicable, such holder to so purchase is, unless
otherwise specified in the applicable Prospectus Supplement, subject to the
aggregate principal balance of the Mortgage Loans for that series as of any
Remittance Date being less than the percentage specified in the related
Prospectus Supplement of the aggregate principal balance of the Mortgage Loans
at the Cut-Off Date for that series.  The Prospectus Supplement for each series
of Securities will set forth the amounts that the holders of such Securities
will be entitled to receive upon such earlier than expected retirement.  If a
REMIC election has been made, the termination of the related Trust Estate will
be effected in a manner consistent with applicable federal income tax
regulations and its status as a REMIC.


         The Trustee under each Pooling and Servicing Agreement will be named
in the related Prospectus Supplement.  Each Pooling and Servicing Agreement
will provide that the Trustee shall be under no obligation to exercise any of
the rights or powers vested in it by the Pooling and Servicing Agreement at the
request or direction of any of the Securityholders, unless such Securityholders
shall have offered to the Trustee reasonable security or indemnity against the
costs, expenses and liabilities which might be incurred by it in compliance
with such request or direction.

         The Trustee may execute any of the trusts or powers granted by each
Pooling and Servicing Agreement or perform any duties thereunder either
directly or by or through agents or attorneys, and the Trustee will not be
responsible for any misconduct or negligence on the part of any agent or
attorney appointed and supervised with due care by it thereunder.

         Pursuant to each Pooling and Servicing Agreement, the Trustee will not
be liable for any action it takes or omits to take in good faith which it
reasonably believes to be authorized by an authorized officer of any person or
within its rights or powers under the Pooling and Servicing Agreement.

         Unless otherwise described in the related Prospectus Supplement, each
Pooling and Servicing Agreement will permit the removal of the Trustee upon the
occurrence and continuance of one of the following events:

                 (1)      the Trustee shall fail to distribute to the
         Securityholders entitled thereto on any Payment Date amounts available
         for distribution in accordance with the terms of the Pooling and
         Servicing Agreement; or

                 (2)      the Trustee shall default in the performance of, or
         breach, any covenant or agreement of the Trustee in the Pooling and
         Servicing Agreement, or if any representation or warranty of the
         Trustee made in the Pooling and Servicing Agreement or in any
         certificate or other writing delivered pursuant thereto or in
         connection therewith shall prove to be incorrect in any material
         respect as of the time when the same shall have been made, and such
         default or breach shall continue or not be cured for the period then
         specified in the related Pooling and Servicing Agreement after the
         Trustee shall have received notice specifying such default or breach
         and requiring it to be remedied; or

                 (3)      a decree or order of a court or agency or supervisory
         authority having jurisdiction for the appointment of a conservator or
         receiver or liquidator in any insolvency, readjustment of debt,
         marshalling of assets and liabilities or similar proceedings, or for
         the winding-up or liquidation of its affairs, shall have been entered
         against the Trustee, and such decree or order shall have remained in
         force undischarged or unstayed for the period then specified in the
         related Pooling and Servicing Agreement; or

                 (4)      a conservator or receiver or liquidator or
         sequestrator or custodian of the property of the Trustee is appointed
         in any insolvency, readjustment of debt, marshalling of assets and
         liabilities or similar proceedings of or relating to the Trustee or
         relating to all or substantially all of its property; or

                 (5)      the Trustee shall become insolvent (however
         insolvency is evidenced), generally fail to pay its debts as they come
         due, file or consent to the filing of a petition to take advantage of
         any applicable insolvency or reorganization statute, make an
         assignment for the benefit of its creditors, voluntarily suspend
         payment of its obligations, or take corporate action for the purpose
         of any of the foregoing.

         If an event described above occurs and is continuing, then, and in
every such case (i) the Sponsor, (ii) the Securityholders (on the terms set
forth in the related Pooling and Servicing Agreement), or (iii) if there is a
Credit Enhancer, such Credit Enhancer may, whether or not the Trustee has
resigned, immediately, concurrently with the giving of notice to the Trustee,
and without delay, appoint a successor Trustee pursuant to the terms of the
Pooling and Servicing Agreement.

         No Securityholder will have any right to institute any proceeding,
judicial or otherwise, with respect to a Pooling and Servicing Agreement or any
Credit Enhancement, if applicable, or for the appointment of a receiver or
trustee, or for any other remedy under the Pooling and Servicing Agreement,

                 (1)      such Securityholder has previously given written
         notice to the Sponsor and the Trustee of such Securityholder's
         intention to institute such proceeding;

                 (2)      the Securityholders of not less than 25% of the
         Percentage Interests represented by certain specified classes of
         Securities then outstanding shall have made written request to the
         Trustee to institute such proceeding;

                 (3)      such Securityholder or Securityholders have offered
         to the Trustee reasonable indemnity, against the costs, expenses and
         liabilities to be incurred in compliance with such request;

                 (4)      the Trustee for the period specified in the related
         Pooling and Servicing Agreement, generally not in excess of 60 days
         after receipt of such notice, request and offer of indemnity, has
         failed to institute such proceeding;

                 (5)      as long as such action affects any credit-enhanced
         class of Securities outstanding, the related Credit Enhancer has
         consented in writing thereto; and

                 (6)      no direction inconsistent with such written request
         has been given to the Trustee during such specified period by the
         Securityholders of a majority of the Percentage Interests represented
         by certain specified classes of Securities.

         No one or more Securityholders will have any right in any manner
whatever by virtue of, or by availing themselves of, any provision of the
Pooling and Servicing Agreement to affect, disturb or prejudice the rights of
any other Securityholder of the same class or to obtain or to seek to obtain
priority or preference over any other Securityholder of the same class or to
enforce any right under the Pooling and Servicing Agreement, except in the
manner provided in the Pooling and Servicing Agreement and for the equal and
ratable benefit of all of the Securityholders of the same class.

         In the event the Trustee receives conflicting or inconsistent requests
and indemnity from two or more groups of Securityholders, each representing
less than a majority of the applicable class of Securities, the Trustee in its
sole discretion may determine what action, if any, shall be taken,
notwithstanding any other provision of the Pooling and Servicing Agreement.

         Notwithstanding any other provision in the Pooling and Servicing
Agreement, the Securityholder of any Security has the right, which is absolute
and unconditional, to receive distributions to the extent provided in the
Pooling and Servicing Agreement with respect to such Security or to institute
suit for the enforcement of any such distribution, and such right shall not be
impaired without the consent of such Security.

         Either (i) the Securityholders of a majority of the Percentage
Interests represented by certain specified classes of Securities then
outstanding or (ii) if there is a Credit Enhancer, such Credit Enhancer may
direct the time, method and place of conducting any proceeding for any remedy
available to the Sponsor with respect to the Certificates or exercising any
trust or power conferred on the Trustee with respect to such Certificates;
provided that:

                 (1)      such direction shall not be in conflict with any rule
         of law or with a Pooling and Servicing Agreement;

                 (2)      the Sponsor or the Trustee, as the case may be, shall
         have been provided with indemnity satisfactory to them; and

                 (3)      the Sponsor or the Trustee, as the case may be, may
         take any other action deemed proper by the Trustee which is not
         inconsistent with such direction; provided, however, that the Sponsor
         or the Trustee, as the case may be, need not take any action which
         they determine might involve them in liability or may be unjustly
         prejudicial to the Securityholders not so directing.

         The Trustee will be liable under the Pooling and Servicing Agreement
only to the extent of the obligations specifically imposed upon and undertaken
by the Trustee therein.  Neither the Trustee nor any of the directors,
officers, employees or agents of the Trustee will be under any liability on any
Security or otherwise to any Account, the Sponsor, the Master Servicer or any
Securityholder for any action taken or for refraining from the taking of any
action in good faith under a Pooling and Servicing Agreement, or for errors in
judgment; provided, however, that such provision shall not protect the Trustee
or any such person against any liability which would otherwise be imposed by
reason of negligent action, negligent failure to act or willful misconduct in
the performance of duties or by reason of reckless disregard of obligations and
duties thereunder.

                              YIELD CONSIDERATIONS

         The yield to maturity of a Security will depend on the price paid by
the holder for such Security, the Pass-Through Rate on any such Security
entitled to payments of interest (which Pass-Through Rate may vary if so
specified in the related Prospectus Supplement) and the rate of payment of
principal on such Security (or the rate at which the notional amount thereof is
reduced if such Security is not entitled to payments of principal) and other

         Each month the interest payable on an actuarial type of Mortgage Loan
will be calculated as one-twelfth of the applicable Mortgage Rate multiplied by
the principal balance of such Mortgage Loan outstanding as of a specified day,
usually the first day of the month prior to the month in which the Payment Date
for the related series of Securities occurs, after giving effect to the payment
of principal due on such day, subject to any Deferred Interest.  With respect
to date of payment Mortgage Loans, interest is charged to the Mortgagor at the
Mortgage Rate on the outstanding principal balance of such Note and calculated
based on the number of days elapsed between receipt of the Mortgagor's last
payment through receipt of the Mortgagor's most current payments.  The amount
of such payments with respect to each Mortgage Loan distributed (or accrued in
the case of Deferred Interest or Accrual Securities) either monthly, quarterly
or semi-annually to holders of a class of Securities entitled to payments of
interest will be similarly calculated on the basis of such class' specified
percentage of each such payment of interest (or accrual in the case of Accrual
Securities) and will be expressed as a fixed, adjustable or variable
Pass-Through Rate payable on the outstanding principal balance or notional
amount of such Security, calculated as described herein and in the related
Prospectus Supplement.  Holders of Strip Securities or a class of Securities
having a fixed Pass-Through Rate that varies based on the weighted average
Mortgage Rate of the underlying Mortgage Loans will be affected by
disproportionate prepayments and repurchases of Mortgage Loans having higher
Net Mortgage Rates or rates applicable to the Strip Securities, as applicable.

         The effective yield to maturity to each holder of fixed-rate
Securities entitled to payments of interest will be below that otherwise
produced by the applicable Pass-Through Rate and purchase price of such
Security because, while interest will accrue on each Mortgage Loan from the
first day of each month, the distribution of such interest will be made on the
25th day (or, if such day is not a business day, the next succeeding business
day) of the month (or, in the case of quarterly-pay Securities, the
twenty-fifth day of every third month, or, in the case of semi-annual-pay
Securities, the twenty-fifth day of every sixth month) following the month of

         A class of Securities may be entitled to payments of interest at a
fixed Pass-Through Rate specified in the related Prospectus Supplement, a
variable Pass-Through Rate or adjustable Pass-Through Rate calculated based on
the weighted average of the Mortgage Rates (net of Servicing Fees and any
Originator's Retained Yield (each, a "Net Mortgage Rate")) of the related
Mortgage Loans for the designated periods preceding the Payment Date if so
specified in the related Prospectus Supplement, or at such other variable rate
as may be specified in the related Prospectus Supplement.

         As will be described in the related Prospectus Supplement, the
aggregate payments of interest on a class of Securities, and the yield to
maturity thereon, will be effected by the rate of payment of principal on the
Securities (or the rate of reduction in the notional balance of Securities
entitled only to payments of interest) and, in the case of Securities
evidencing interests in ARM Loans, by changes in the Net Mortgage Rates on the
ARM Loans.  See "Maturity and Prepayment Considerations" below.  The yield on
the Securities also will be effected by liquidations of Mortgage Loans
following Mortgagor defaults and by purchases of Mortgage Loans required by the
Pooling and Servicing Agreement in the event of breaches of representations
made in respect of such Mortgage Loans by the Sponsor, the Originators, the
Master Servicer and others, or repurchases due to conversions of ARM Loans to a
fixed interest rate.  See "Mortgage Loan Program--Representations by
Originators" and "Descriptions of the Securities--Assignment of Mortgage Loans"
above.  In general, if a class of Securities is purchased at initial issuance
at a premium and payments of principal on the related Mortgage Loans occur at a
rate faster than anticipated at the time of purchase, the purchaser's actual
yield to maturity will be lower than that assumed at the time of purchase.
Conversely, if a class of Securities is purchased at initial issuance at a
discount and payments of principal on the related Mortgage Loans occur at a
rate slower than that assumed at the time of purchase, the purchaser's actual
yield to maturity will be lower than that originally anticipated.  The effect
of principal prepayments, liquidations and purchases on yield will be
particularly significant in the case of a series of Securities having a class
entitled to payments of interest only or to payments of interest that are
disproportionately high relative to the principal payments to which such class
is entitled.  Such a class likely will be sold at a substantial premium to its
principal balance, if any, and any faster than anticipated rate of prepayments
will adversely affect the yield to holders thereof.  In certain circumstances,
rapid prepayments may result in the failure of such holders to recoup their
original investment.  In addition, the yield to maturity on certain other types
of classes of Securities, including Accrual Securities or certain other classes
in a series including more than one class of Securities, may be relatively more
sensitive to the rate of prepayment on the related Mortgage Loans than other
classes of Securities.

         The timing of changes in the rate of principal payments on or
repurchases of the Mortgage Loans may significantly affect an investor's actual
yield to maturity, even if the average rate of principal payments experienced
over time is consistent with an investor's expectation.  In general, the
earlier a prepayment of principal on the underlying Mortgage Loans or a
repurchase thereof, the greater will be the effect on an investor's yield to
maturity.  As a result, the effect on an investor's yield of principal payments
and repurchases occurring at a rate higher (or lower) than the rate anticipated
by the investor during the period immediately following the issuance of a
series of Securities would not be fully offset by a subsequent like reduction
(or increase) in the rate of principal payments.

         The Mortgage Rates on certain ARM Loans subject to negative
amortization adjust monthly and their amortization schedules adjust less
frequently.  During a period of rising interest rates as well as immediately
after origination (initial Mortgage Rates are generally lower than the sum of
the Indices applicable at origination and the related Note Margins) the amount
of interest accruing on the principal balance of such Mortgage Loans may exceed
the amount of the minimum scheduled monthly payment thereon.  As a result, a
portion of the accrued interest on negatively amortizing Mortgage Loans may
become Deferred Interest that will be added to the principal balance thereof
and will bear interest at the applicable Mortgage Rate.  The addition of any
such Deferred Interest to the principal balance will lengthen the weighted
average life of the Securities evidencing interests in such Mortgage Loans and
may adversely affect yield to holders thereof depending upon the price at which
such Securities were purchased.  In addition, with respect to certain ARM Loans
subject to negative amortization, during a period of declining interest rates,
it might be expected that each minimum scheduled monthly payment on such a
Mortgage Loan would exceed the amount of scheduled principal and accrued
interest on the principal balance thereof, and since such excess will be
applied to reduce such principal balance, the weighted average life of such
Securities will be reduced and may adversely affect yield to holders thereof
depending upon the price at which such Securities were purchased.

         For each Mortgage Pool, if all necessary advances are made and if
there is no unrecoverable loss on any Mortgage Loan and if the related Credit
Enhancer is not in default under its obligations or other Credit Enhancement
has not been exhausted, the net effect of each distribution respecting interest
will be to pass-through to each holder of a class of Securities entitled to
payments of interest an amount which is equal to one month's interest (or, in
the case of quarterly-pay Securities, three month's interest or, in the case of
semi-annually-pay Securities, six months' interest) at the applicable
Pass-Through Rate on such class' principal balance or notional balance, as
adjusted downward to reflect any decrease in interest caused by any principal
prepayments and the addition of any Deferred Interest to the principal balance
of any Mortgage Loan.  "Description of the Securities--Principal and Interest
on the Securities."

         With respect to certain of the ARM Loans, the Mortgage Rate at
origination may be below the rate that would result if the index and margin
relating thereto were applied at origination.  Under the Sponsor's underwriting
standards, the Mortgagor under each Mortgage Loan will be qualified on the
basis of the Mortgage Rate in effect at origination.  The repayment of any such
Mortgage Loan may thus be dependent on the ability of the Mortgagor to make
larger level monthly payments following the adjustment of the Mortgage Rate.


         As indicated above under "The Mortgage Pools," the original terms to
maturity of the Mortgage Loans in a given Mortgage Pool will vary depending
upon the type of Mortgage Loans included in such Mortgage Pool.  The Prospectus
Supplement for a series of Securities will contain information with respect to
the types and maturities of the Mortgage Loans in the related Mortgage Pool.
Unless otherwise specified in the related Prospectus Supplement, all of the
Mortgage Loans may be prepaid without penalty in full or in part at any time.
The prepayment experience with respect to the Mortgage Loans in a Mortgage Pool
will affect the maturity, average life and yield of the related series of

         With respect to Balloon Loans, payment of the Balloon Amount (which,
based on the amortization schedule of such Mortgage Loans, may be a substantial
amount) will generally depend on the Mortgagor's ability to obtain refinancing
of such Mortgage Loan or to sell the Mortgaged Property prior to the maturity
of the Balloon Loan.  The ability to obtain refinancing will depend on a number
of factors prevailing at the time refinancing or sale is required, including,
without limitation, real estate values, the Mortgagor's financial situation,
prevailing mortgage loan interest rates, the Mortgagor's equity in the related
Mortgaged Property, tax laws and prevailing general

economic conditions.  Unless otherwise specified in the related Prospectus
Supplement, neither the Sponsor, the Master Servicer, nor any of their
affiliates will be obligated to refinance or repurchase any Mortgage Loan or to
sell the Mortgaged Property.

         A number of factors, including homeowner mobility, economic
conditions, enforceability of due-on-sale clauses, mortgage market interest
rates and the availability of mortgage funds, affect prepayment experience.
Unless otherwise specified in the related Prospectus Supplement, the Mortgage
Loans will generally contain due-on-sale provisions permitting the mortgagee to
accelerate the maturity of the Mortgage Loan upon sale or certain transfers by
the Mortgagor of the underlying Mortgaged Property.  Unless the related
Prospectus Supplement indicates otherwise, the Master Servicer will generally
enforce any due-on-sale clause to the extent it has knowledge of the conveyance
or proposed conveyance of the underlying Mortgaged Property and it is entitled
to do so under applicable law; provided, however, that the Master Servicer will
not take any action in relation to the enforcement of any due-on-sale provision
which would adversely affect or jeopardize coverage under any applicable
insurance policy.  Certain ARM Loans may be assumable under certain conditions
if the proposed transferee of the related Mortgaged Property establishes its
ability to repay the Mortgage Loan and, in the reasonable judgment of the
Master Servicer or the related Sub-Servicer, the security for the ARM Loan
would not be impaired or might be improved by the assumption.  The extent to
which ARM Loans are assumed by purchasers of the Mortgaged Properties rather
than prepaid by the related Mortgagors in connection with the sales of the
Mortgaged Properties will affect the weighted average life of the related
series of Securities.  See "Description of the Securities--Collection and Other
Servicing Procedures" and "Certain Legal Aspects of the Mortgage Loans and
Related Matters--Enforceability of Certain Provisions" for a description of
certain provisions of the Pooling and Servicing Agreement and certain legal
developments that may affect the prepayment experience on the Mortgage Loans.

         There can be no assurance as to the rate of prepayment of the Mortgage
Loans.  The Sponsor is not aware of any reliable, publicly available statistics
relating to the principal prepayment experience of diverse portfolios of
mortgage loans such as the Mortgage Loans over an extended period of time.  All
statistics known to the Sponsor that have been compiled with respect to
prepayment experience on mortgage loans indicates that while some mortgage
loans may remain outstanding until their stated maturities, a substantial
number will be paid prior to their respective stated maturities.

         Although the Mortgage Rates on ARM Loans will be subject to periodic
adjustments, such adjustments will, unless otherwise specified in the related
Prospectus Supplement, (i) not increase or decrease such Mortgage Rates by more
than a fixed percentage amount on each adjustment date, (ii) not increase such
Mortgage Rates over a fixed percentage amount during the life of any ARM Loan
and (iii) be based on an index (which may not rise and fall consistently with
mortgage interest rates) plus the related Note Margin (which may be different
from margins being used at the time for newly originated adjustable rate
mortgage loans).  As a result, the Mortgage Rates on the ARM Loans in a
Mortgage Pool at any time may not equal the prevailing rates for similar, newly
originated adjustable rate mortgage loans.  In certain rate environments, the
prevailing rates on fixed-rate mortgage loans may be sufficiently low in
relation to the then-current Mortgage Rates on ARM Loans that the rate of
prepayment may increase as a result of refinancings.  There can be no certainty
as to the rate of prepayments on the Mortgage Loans during any period or over
the life of any series of Securities.

         As may be described in the related Prospectus Supplement, the related
Pooling and Servicing Agreement may provide that all or a portion of the
principal collected on or with respect to the related Mortgage Loans may be
applied by the related Trustee to the acquisition of additional Mortgage Loans
during a specified period (rather than used to fund payments of principal to
Securityholders during such period) with the result that the related securities
possess an interest-only period, also commonly referred to as a revolving
period, which will be followed by an amortization period.  Any such
interest-only or revolving period may, upon the occurrence of certain events to
be described in the related Prospectus Supplement, terminate prior to the end
of the specified period and result in the earlier than expected amortization of
the related Securities.

         In addition, and as may be described in the related Prospectus
Supplement, the related Pooling and Servicing Agreement may provide that all or
a portion of such collected principal may be retained by the Trustee (and held
in certain temporary investments, including Mortgage Loans) for a specified
period prior to being used to fund payments of principal to Securityholders.

         The result of such retention and temporary investment by the Trustee
of such principal would be to slow the amortization rate of the related
Securities relative to the amortization rate of the related Mortgage Loans, or
to attempt to match the amortization rate of the related Securities to an
amortization schedule established at the time such Securities are issued.  Any
such feature applicable to any Securities may terminate upon the occurrence of
events to be described in the related Prospectus Supplement, resulting in the
current funding of principal payments to the related Securityholders and an
acceleration of the amortization of such Securities.

         Under certain circumstances, the Master Servicer, the Sponsor or, if
specified in the related Prospectus Supplement, the holders of the REMIC
Residual Securities or the Credit Enhancer may have the option to purchase the
Mortgage Loans in a Trust Estate.  See "The Pooling and Servicing
Agreement--Termination; Retirement of Securities."


         The following discussion contains summaries of certain legal aspects
of mortgage loans that are general in nature.  Because such legal aspects are
governed in part by applicable state law (which laws may differ substantially),
the summaries do not purport to be complete nor to reflect the laws of any
particular state nor to encompass the laws of all states in which the Mortgaged
Properties may be situated.  The summaries are qualified in their entirety by
reference to the applicable federal and state laws governing the Mortgage


         The Mortgage Loans will be represented by a Note and an accompanying
Mortgage.  Pursuant to the Note, the Mortgagor is personally liable to repay
the indebtedness evidenced by the Mortgage Loan; pursuant to the Mortgage, such
indebtedness is secured by a lien on the related Mortgaged Property.


         Pursuant to the Note, the related Mortgagor is personally liable to
repay the indebtedness evidenced by the Mortgage Loan.  In certain states, the
lender on a note secured by a lien on real property has the option of bringing
a personal action against the borrower on the debt without first exhausting
such security; however, in some of these states the lender, following judgment
on such personal action, may be deemed to have elected a remedy and may be
precluded from exercising remedies with respect to the related property
security.  Consequently, the practical effect of the election requirement, in
those states permitting such election, is that lenders will usually proceed
against the property first rather than bringing a personal action against the
borrower on the Note.

         Certain states have imposed statutory prohibitions that limit the
remedies of a beneficiary under a deed of trust or a mortgagee under a
mortgage.  In some states, including California, statutes limit the right of
the beneficiary or mortgagee to obtain a deficiency judgment against the
borrower following foreclosure.  A deficiency judgment is a personal judgment
against the former borrower equal in most cases to the difference between the
amount due to the lender and the net amount realized upon the public sale of
the real property.  In the case of a Mortgage Loan secured by a property owned
by a trust where the Mortgage Note is executed on behalf of the trust, a
deficiency judgment against the trust following foreclosure or sale under a
deed of trust, even if obtainable under applicable law, may be of little value
to the mortgagee or beneficiary if there are no trust assets against which such
deficiency judgment may be executed.  Other statutes require the beneficiary or
mortgagee to exhaust the security afforded under a deed of trust or mortgage by
foreclosure in an attempt to satisfy the full debt before bringing a personal
action against the borrower.  Finally, in certain other states, statutory
provisions limit any deficiency judgment against the former borrower following
a foreclosure to the excess of the outstanding debt over the fair value of the
property at the time of the public sale.  The purpose of these statutes is
generally to prevent a beneficiary or mortgagee from obtaining a large
deficiency judgment against the former borrower as a result of low or no bids
at the judicial sale.

         In addition to laws limiting or prohibiting deficiency judgments,
numerous other federal and state statutory provisions, including the federal
bankruptcy laws and state laws affording relief to debtors, may interfere with
or affect the ability of the secured mortgage lender to realize upon collateral
or enforce a deficiency judgment.  For

example, with respect to federal bankruptcy law, a court with federal
bankruptcy jurisdiction may permit a debtor through his or her Chapter 11 or
Chapter 13 rehabilitative plan to cure a monetary default in respect of a
mortgage loan on a debtor's residence by paying arrearages within a reasonable
time period and reinstating the original mortgage loan payment schedule even
though the lender accelerated the mortgage loan and final judgment of
foreclosure had been entered in state court (provided no sale of the residence
had yet occurred) prior to the filing of the debtor's petition.  Some courts
with federal bankruptcy jurisdiction have approved plans, based on the
particular facts of the reorganization case, that effected the curing of a
mortgage loan default by paying arrearages over a number of years.

         Courts with federal bankruptcy jurisdiction also have indicated that
the terms of a mortgage loan secured by property of the debtor may be modified.
These courts have allowed modifications that include reducing the amount of
each monthly payment, changing the rate of interest, altering the repayment
schedule, forgiving all or a portion of the debt and reducing the lender's
security interest to the value of the residence, thus leaving the lender a
general unsecured creditor for the difference between the value of the
residence and the outstanding balance of the loan.

         Certain states have imposed general equitable principles upon judicial
foreclosure.  These equitable principles are generally designed to relieve the
borrower from the legal effect of the borrower's default under the related loan
documents.  Examples of judicial remedies that have been fashioned include
judicial requirements that the lender undertake affirmative and expensive
actions to determine the causes for the borrower's default and the likelihood
that the borrower will be able to reinstate the loan.  In some cases, lenders
have been required to reinstate loans or recast payment schedules in order to
accommodate borrowers who are suffering from temporary financial disabilities.
In other cases, such courts have limited the right of the lender to foreclose
if the default under the loan is not monetary, such as the borrower failing to
adequately maintain the property or the borrower executing a second deed of
trust affecting the property.

         Certain tax liens arising under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
amended, may in certain circumstances provide priority over the lien of a
mortgage or deed of trust.  In addition, substantive requirements are imposed
upon mortgage lenders in connection with the origination and the servicing of
mortgage loans by numerous federal and some state consumer protection laws.
These laws include, by example, the federal Truth-in-Lending Act, Real Estate
Settlement Procedures Act, Equal Credit Opportunity Act, Fair Credit Billing
Act, Fair Credit Reporting Act and related statutes and state laws, such as the
California Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.  These laws and regulations
impose specific statutory liabilities upon lenders who originate mortgage loans
and fail to comply with the provisions of the law.  In some cases, this
liability may affect assignees of the mortgage loans.


         The Mortgage Loans will be secured by either deeds of trust or
mortgages, depending upon the prevailing practice in the state in which the
Mortgaged Property subject to a Mortgage Loan is located.  In some states, a
mortgage creates a lien upon the real property encumbered by the mortgage.  In
other states, the mortgage conveys legal title to the property to the mortgagee
subject to a condition subsequent (i.e., the payment of the indebtedness
secured thereby).  The mortgage is not prior to the lien for real estate taxes
and assessments and other charges imposed under governmental police powers.
Priority between mortgages depends on their terms in some cases or on the terms
of separate subordination or intercreditor agreements, and generally on the
order of recordation of the mortgage in the appropriate recording office.
There are two parties to a mortgage, the mortgagor, who is the borrower and
homeowner, and the mortgagee, who is the lender.  Under the mortgage
instrument, the mortgagor delivers to the mortgagee a note or bond and the
mortgage.  In the case of a land trust, there are three parties because title
to the property is held by a land trustee under a land trust agreement of which
the borrower is the beneficiary; at origination of a mortgage loan, the
borrower executes a separate undertaking to make payments on the mortgage note.
Although a deed of trust is similar to a mortgage, a deed of trust has three
parties; the borrower-homeowner called the trustor (similar to a mortgagor), a
lender (similar to a mortgagee) called the beneficiary, and a third-party
grantee called the trustee.  Under a deed of trust, the borrower grants the
property, irrevocably until the debt is paid, in trust, generally with a power
of sale, to the trustee to secure payment of the obligation.  The trustee's
authority under a deed of trust and the mortgagee's authority under a mortgage
are governed by law, the express provisions of the deed of trust or mortgage,
and, in some cases, the directions of the beneficiary.


         If specified in the Prospectus Supplement relating to a series of
Securities, the Mortgage Loans also may consist of Cooperative Loans evidenced
by Cooperative Notes secured by security interests in shares issued by
cooperatives, which are private corporations that are entitled to be treated as
housing cooperatives under federal tax law, and in the related proprietary
leases or occupancy agreements granting exclusive rights to occupy specific
dwelling units in the cooperatives' buildings.  The security agreement will
create a lien upon, or grant a title interest in, the property which it covers,
the priority of which will depend on the terms of the particular security
agreement as well as the order of recordation of the agreement in the
appropriate recording office.  Such a lien or title interest is not prior to
the lien for real estate taxes and assessments and other charges imposed under
governmental police powers.

         Each cooperative owns in fee or has a leasehold interest in all the
real property and owns in fee or leases the building and all separate dwelling
units therein.  The cooperative is directly responsible for property management
and, in most cases, payment of real estate taxes, other governmental
impositions and hazard and liability insurance.  If there is a blanket mortgage
or mortgages on the cooperative apartment building or underlying land, as is
generally the case, or an underlying lease of the land, as is the case in some
instances, the cooperative, as property mortgagor, or lessee, as the case may
be, also is responsible for meeting these mortgage or rental obligations.  A
blanket mortgage is ordinarily incurred by the cooperative in connection with
either the construction or purchase of the cooperative's apartment building or
the obtaining of capital by the cooperative.  The interest of the occupant
under proprietary leases or occupancy agreements as to which that cooperative
is the landlord generally is subordinate to the interest of the holder of a
blanket mortgage and to the interest of the holder of a land lease.  If the
cooperative is unable to meet the payment obligations (i) arising under a
blanket mortgage, the mortgagee holding a blanket mortgage could foreclose on
that mortgage and terminate all subordinate proprietary leases and occupancy
agreements or (ii) arising under its land lease, the holder of the landlord's
interest under the land lease could terminate it and all subordinate
proprietary leases and occupancy agreements.  Also, a blanket mortgage on a
cooperative may provide financing in the form of a mortgage that does not fully
amortize, with a significant portion of principal being due in one final
payment at maturity.  The inability of the cooperative to refinance a mortgage
and its consequent inability to make such final payment could lead to
foreclosure by the mortgagee.  Similarly, a land lease has an expiration date
and the inability of the cooperative to extend its term or, in the alternative,
to purchase the land could lead to termination of the cooperative's interest in
the property and termination of all proprietary leases and occupancy
agreements.  In either event, a foreclosure by the holder of a blanket mortgage
or the termination of the underlying lease could eliminate or significantly
diminish the value of any collateral held by the lender who financed the
purchase by an individual tenant-stockholder of cooperative shares or, in the
case of the Mortgage Loans, the collateral securing the Cooperative Loans.

         The cooperative is owned by tenant-stockholders who, through ownership
of stock or shares in the corporation, receive proprietary leases or occupancy
agreements that confer exclusive rights to occupy specific units.  Generally, a
tenant-stockholder of a cooperative must make a monthly payment to the
cooperative representing such tenant-stockholder's pro rata share of the
cooperative's payments for its blanket mortgage, real property taxes,
maintenance expenses and other capital or ordinary expenses.  An ownership
interest in a cooperative and accompanying occupancy rights are financed
through a cooperative share loan evidenced by a promissory note and secured by
an assignment of and a security interest in the occupancy agreement or
proprietary lease and a security interest in the related cooperative shares.
The lender generally takes possession of the share certificate and a
counterpart of the proprietary lease or occupancy agreement and a financing
statement covering the proprietary lease or occupancy agreement and the
cooperative shares is filed in the appropriate state and local offices to
perfect the lender's interest in its collateral.  Subject to the limitations
discussed below, upon default of the tenant-stockholder, the lender may sue for
judgment on the promissory note, dispose of the collateral at a public or
private sale or otherwise proceed against the collateral or tenant-stockholder
as an individual as provided in the security agreement covering the assignment
of the proprietary lease or occupancy agreement and the pledge of cooperative
shares.  See "Foreclosure on Shares of Cooperatives" below.


         Foreclosure of a deed of trust is generally accomplished by a
non-judicial trustee's sale (private sale) under a specific provision in the
deed of trust and state laws which authorize the trustee to sell the property
upon any

default by the borrower under the terms of the note or deed of trust.  Beside
the nonjudicial remedy, a deed of trust may be judicially foreclosed.  In
addition to any notice requirements contained in a deed of trust, in some
states, the trustee must record a notice of default and within a certain period
of time send a copy to the borrower trustor and to any person who has recorded
a request for a copy of notice of default and notice of sale.  In addition, the
trustee must provide notice in some states to any other individual having an
interest of record in the real property, including any junior lienholders.  If
the deed of trust is not reinstated within a specified period, a notice of sale
must be posted in a public place and, in most states, published for a specific
period of time in one or more local newspapers.  In addition, some state laws
require that a copy of the notice of sale be posted on the property and sent to
all parties having an interest of record in the real property.

         Foreclosure of a mortgage is generally accomplished by judicial
action.  Generally, the action is initiated by the service of legal pleadings
upon all parties having an interest of record in the real property.  Delays in
completion of the foreclosure may occasionally result from difficulties in
locating necessary parties.  Judicial foreclosure proceedings are often not
contested by any of the applicable parties.  If the mortgagee's right to
foreclose is contested, the legal proceedings necessary to resolve the issue
can be time-consuming.

         In some states, the borrower-trustor has the right to reinstate the
loan at any time following default until shortly before the trustee's sale.  In
general, in such states, the borrower, or any other person having a junior
encumbrance on the real estate, may, during a reinstatement period, cure the
default by paying the entire amount in arrears plus the costs and expenses
incurred in enforcing the obligation.

         In the case of foreclosure under either a mortgage or a deed of trust,
the sale by the referee or other designated officer or by the trustee is a
public sale.  However, because of the difficulty a potential buyer at the sale
would have in determining the exact status of title and because the physical
condition of the property may have deteriorated during the foreclosure
proceedings, it is uncommon for a third party to purchase the property at a
foreclosure sale unless there is a great deal of economic incentive for the new
purchaser to purchase the subject property at the sale.  Rather, it is common
for the lender to purchase the property from the trustee or referee for a
credit bid less than or equal to the unpaid principal amount of the mortgage or
deed of trust, accrued and unpaid interest and the expense of foreclosure.
Generally, state law controls the amount of foreclosure costs and expenses,
including attorneys' fees, which may be recovered by a lender.  Thereafter,
subject to the right of the borrower in some states to remain in possession
during the redemption period, the lender will assume the burdens of ownership,
including obtaining hazard insurance and making such repairs at its own expense
as are necessary to render the property suitable for sale.  The lender will
commonly obtain the services of a real estate broker and pay the broker's
commission in connection with the sale of the property.  Depending upon market
conditions, the ultimate proceeds of the sale of the property may not equal the
lender's investment in the property and, in some states, the lender may be
entitled to a deficiency judgment.  Any loss may be reduced by the receipt of
any mortgage insurance proceeds.


         The cooperative shares and proprietary lease or occupancy agreement
owned by the tenant-stockholder and pledged to the lender are, in almost all
cases, subject to restrictions on transfer as set forth in the cooperative's
certificate of incorporation and by-laws, as well as in the proprietary lease
or occupancy agreement.  The proprietary lease or occupancy agreement, even
while pledged, may be cancelled by the cooperative for failure by the tenant
stockholder to pay rent or other obligations or charges owed by such
tenant-stockholder, including mechanics' liens against the cooperative
apartment building incurred by such tenant-stockholder.  Commonly, rent and
other obligations and charges arising under a proprietary lease or occupancy
agreement that are owed to the cooperative are made liens upon the shares to
which the proprietary lease or occupancy agreement relates.  In addition, the
proprietary lease or occupancy agreement generally permits the cooperative to
terminate such lease or agreement in the event the borrower defaults in the
performance of covenants thereunder.  Typically, the lender and the cooperative
enter into a recognition agreement that, together with any lender protection
provisions contained in the proprietary lease, establishes the rights and
obligations of both parties in the event of a default by the tenant-stockholder
on its obligations under the proprietary lease or occupancy agreement.  A
default by the tenant-stockholder under the proprietary lease or occupancy
agreement usually will constitute a default under the security agreement
between the lender and the tenant-stockholder.

         The recognition agreement generally provides that, in the event that
the tenant-stockholder has defaulted under the proprietary lease or occupancy
agreement, the cooperative will take no action to terminate such lease or
agreement until the lender has been provided with notice of and an opportunity
to cure the default.  The recognition agreement typically provides that if the
proprietary lease or occupancy agreement is terminated, the cooperative will
recognize the lender's lien against proceeds from a sale of the cooperative
apartment, subject, however, to the cooperative's right to sums due under such
proprietary lease or occupancy agreement or sums that have become liens on the
shares relating to the proprietary lease or occupancy agreement.  The total
amount owed to the cooperative by the tenant-stockholder, which the lender
generally cannot restrict and does not monitor, could reduce the amount
realized upon a sale of the collateral below the outstanding principal balance
of the Cooperative Loan and accrued and unpaid interest thereon.

         Recognition agreements generally also provide that in the event of a
foreclosure on a Cooperative Loan, the lender must obtain the approval or
consent of the cooperative as required by the proprietary lease before
transferring the cooperative shares or assigning the proprietary lease.
Generally, the lender is not limited in any rights it may have to dispossess
the tenant-stockholder.

         In New York, foreclosure on the cooperative shares is accomplished by
public sale in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of the UCC and the
security agreement relating to those shares.  Article 9 of the UCC requires
that a sale be conducted in a "commercially reasonable" manner.  Whether a sale
has been conducted in a "commercially reasonable" manner will depend on the
facts in each case.  In determining commercial reasonableness, a court will
look to the notice given the debtor and the method, manner, time, place and
terms of the sale and the sale price.  Generally, a sale conducted according to
the usual practice of banks selling similar collateral will be considered
reasonably conducted.

         Article 9 of the UCC provides that the proceeds of the sale will be
applied first to pay the costs and expenses of the sale and then to satisfy the
indebtedness secured by the lender's security interest.  The recognition
agreement, however, generally provides that the lender's right to reimbursement
is subject to the right of the cooperative corporation to receive sums due
under the proprietary lease or occupancy agreement.  If there are proceeds
remaining, the lender must account to the tenant-stockholder for the surplus.
Conversely, if a portion of the indebtedness remains unpaid, the
tenant-stockholder is generally responsible for the deficiency.  See
"Anti-Deficiency Legislation and Other Limitations on Lenders" below.


         In some states, after sale pursuant to a deed of trust or foreclosure
of a mortgage, the borrower and foreclosed junior lienors or other parties are
given a statutory period in which to redeem the property from the foreclosure
sale.  In some states, redemption may occur only upon payment of the entire
principal balance of the loan, accrued interest and expenses of foreclosure.
In other states, redemption may be authorized if the former borrower pays only
a portion of the sums due.  The effect of a statutory right of redemption is to
diminish the ability of the lender to sell the foreclosed property.  The rights
of redemption would defeat the title of any purchaser subsequent to foreclosure
or sale under a deed of trust.  Consequently, the practical effect of the
redemption right is to force the lender to maintain the property and pay the
expenses of ownership until the redemption period has expired.  In some states,
there is no right to redeem property after a trustee's sale under a deed of


         Certain states impose a statutory lien for associated costs on
property that is the subject of a cleanup action by the state on account of
hazardous wastes or hazardous substances released or disposed of on the
property.  Such a lien generally will have priority over all subsequent liens
on the property and, in certain of these states, will have priority over prior
recorded liens including the lien of a mortgage.  In some states, however, such
a lien will not have priority over prior recorded liens of a deed of trust.  In
addition, under federal environmental legislation and under state law in a
number of states, a secured party which takes a deed in lieu of foreclosure or
acquires a mortgaged property at a foreclosure sale or assumes active control
over the operation or management of a property so as to be deemed an "owner" or
"operator" of the property may be liable for the costs of cleaning up a
contaminated site.  Although such costs could be substantial, it is unclear
whether they would be imposed on a lender (such as a Trust Estate) secured by
residential real property.  In the event that title to a Mortgaged Property
securing a Mortgage

Loan in a Trust Estate was acquired by the Trust and cleanup costs were
incurred in respect of the Mortgaged Property, the holders of the related
series of Securities might realize a loss if such costs were required to be
paid by the Trust.


         Unless the Prospectus Supplement indicates otherwise, generally all of
the Mortgage Loans contain due-on-sale clauses.  These clauses permit the
lender to accelerate the maturity of the loan if the borrower sells, transfers
or conveys the property.  The enforceability of these clauses has been the
subject of legislation or litigation in many states including California, and
in some cases the enforceability of these clauses was limited or denied.
However, the Garn-St.  Germain Depository Institutions Act of 1982 (the
"Garn-St.  Germain Act") preempts state constitutional, statutory and case law
that prohibits the enforcement of due-on-sale clauses and permits lenders to
enforce these clauses in accordance with their terms, subject to certain
limited exceptions.  The Garn-St.  Germain Act does "encourage" lenders to
permit assumption of loans at the original rate of interest or at some other
rate less than the average of the original rate and the market rate.

         The Garn-St.  Germain Act also sets forth nine specific instances in
which a mortgage lender covered by the Garn-St.  Germain Act may not exercise a
due-on-sale clause, notwithstanding the fact that a transfer of the property
may have occurred.  These include intra-family transfers, certain transfers by
operation of law, leases of fewer than three years and the creation of a junior
encumbrance.  Regulations promulgated under the Garn-St.  Germain Act also
prohibit the imposition of a prepayment penalty upon the acceleration of a loan
pursuant to a due-on-sale clause.

         The inability to enforce a due-on-sale clause may result in a mortgage
loan bearing an interest rate below the current market rate being assumed by a
new home buyer rather than being paid off, that may have an impact upon the
average life of the Mortgage Loans and the number of Mortgage Loans that may be
outstanding until maturity.

         Upon foreclosure, courts have imposed general equitable principles.
These equitable principles generally are designed to relieve the borrower from
the legal effect of his defaults under the loan documents.  Examples of
judicial remedies that have been fashioned include judicial requirements that
the lender undertake affirmative and expensive actions to determine the causes
for the borrower's default and the likelihood that the borrower will be able to
reinstate the loan.  In some cases, courts have substituted their judgment for
the lender's judgment and have required that lenders reinstate loans or recast
payment schedules in order to accommodate borrowers who are suffering from
temporary financial disability.  In other cases, courts have limited the right
of the lender to foreclose if the default under the mortgage instrument is not
monetary, such as the borrower failing to adequately maintain the property or
the borrower executing a second mortgage or deed of trust affecting the
property.  Finally, some courts have been faced with the issue of whether or
not federal or state constitutional provisions reflecting due process concerns
for adequate notice require that borrowers under deeds of trust or mortgages
receive notices in addition to the statutorily prescribed minimum.  For the
most part, these cases have upheld the notice provisions as being reasonable or
have found that the sale by a trustee under a deed of trust, or under a
mortgage having a power of sale, does not involve sufficient state action to
afford constitutional protections to the borrower.


         Most institutional lenders in California use a form of deed of trust
that confers on the beneficiary the right both to receive all proceeds
collected under any hazard insurance policy and all awards made in connection
with any condemnation proceedings, and to apply such proceeds and awards to any
indebtedness secured by the deed of trust, in such order as the beneficiary may
determine, provided, however, that California law prohibits the beneficiary
from applying insurance and condemnation proceeds to the indebtedness secured
by the deed of trust unless the beneficiary's security has been impaired by the
casualty or condemnation, and, if such security has been impaired, permits such
proceeds to be so applied only to the extent of such impairment.  Thus, in the
event improvements on the property are damaged or destroyed by fire or other
casualty, or in the event the property is taken by condemnation, and, as a
result thereof, the beneficiary's security is impaired, the beneficiary under
the underlying first deed of trust will have the prior right to collect any
insurance proceeds payable under a hazard insurance policy and any award of
damages in connection with the condemnation and to apply the same to the
indebtedness secured

by the first deed of trust.  Proceeds in excess of the amount of indebtedness
secured by a first deed of trust will, in most cases, be applied to the
indebtedness of a junior deed of trust.

         Another provision typically found in the forms of deed of trust used
by most institutional lenders in California obligates the trustor to pay before
delinquency all taxes and assessments on the property and, when due, all
encumbrances, charges and liens on the property which appear prior to the deed
of trust, to provide and maintain fire insurance on the property, to maintain
and repair the property and not to commit or permit any waste thereof, and to
appear in and defend any action or proceeding purporting to affect the property
or the rights of the beneficiary under the deed of trust.  Upon a failure of
the trustor to perform any of these obligations, the beneficiary is given the
right under the deed of trust to perform the obligation itself, at its
election, with the trustor agreeing to reimburse the beneficiary for any sums
expended by the beneficiary on behalf of the trustor.  All sums so expended by
the beneficiary become part of the indebtedness secured by the deed of trust.


         Title V of the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary
Control Act of 1980, enacted in March 1980 ("Title V"), provides that state
usury limitations shall not apply to certain types of residential first
mortgage loans originated by certain lenders after March 31, 1980.  A similar
federal statute was in effect with respect to mortgage loans made during the
first three months of 1980.  The Office of Thrift Supervision is authorized to
issue rules and regulations and to publish interpretations governing
implementation of Title V.  The statute authorized any state to reimpose
interest rate limits by adopting, before April 1, 1983, a law or constitutional
provision which expressly rejects application of the federal law.  In addition,
even where Title V is not so rejected, any state is authorized by the law to
adopt a provision limiting discount points or other charges on mortgage loans
covered by Title V.  Certain states have taken action to reimpose interest rate
limits or to limit discount points or other charges.

         As indicated above under "Mortgage Loan Program--Representations by
Originators," each Originator of a Mortgage Loan will have represented that
such Mortgage Loan was originated in compliance with then applicable state
laws, including usury laws, in all material respects.  However, the Mortgage
Rates on the Mortgage Loans will be subject to applicable usury laws as in
effect from time to time.


         Alternative mortgage instruments, including ARM Loans and early
ownership mortgage loans, originated by non-federally chartered lenders have
historically been subjected to a variety of restrictions.  Such restrictions
differed from state to state, resulting in difficulties in determining whether
a particular alternative mortgage instrument originated by a state-chartered
lender was in compliance with applicable law.  These difficulties were
alleviated substantially as a result of the enactment of Title VIII of the
Garn-St.  Germain Act ("Title VIII").  Title VIII provides that:
notwithstanding any state law to the contrary, state-chartered banks may
originate alternative mortgage instruments in accordance with regulations
promulgated by the Comptroller of the Currency with respect to origination of
alternative mortgage instruments by national banks; state-chartered credit
unions may originate alternative mortgage instruments in accordance with
regulations promulgated by the National Credit Union Administration with
respect to origination of alternative mortgage instruments by federal credit
unions; and all other non-federally chartered housing creditors, including
state-chartered savings and loan associations, state-chartered savings banks
and mutual savings banks and mortgage banking companies, may originate
alternative mortgage instruments in accordance with the regulations promulgated
by the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, predecessor to the Office of Thrift
Supervision, with respect to origination of alternative mortgage instruments by
federal savings and loan associations.  Title VIII provides that any state may
reject applicability of the provisions of Title VIII by adopting, prior to
October 15, 1985, a law or constitutional provision expressly rejecting the
applicability of such provisions.  Certain states have taken such action.


         Under the terms of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act of
1940, as amended (the "Relief Act"), a Mortgagor who enters military service
after the origination of such Mortgagor's Mortgage Loan (including a Mortgagor
who was in reserve status and is called to active duty after origination of the
Mortgage Loan), may not be charged interest (including fees and charges) above
an annual rate of 6% during the period of such Mortgagor's

active duty status, unless a court orders otherwise upon application of the
lender.  The Relief Act applies to Mortgagors who are members of the Army,
Navy, Air Force, Marines, National Guard, Reserves, Coast Guard, and officers
of the U.S. Public Health Service assigned to duty with the military.  Because
the Relief Act applies to Mortgagors who enter military service (including
reservists who are called to active duty) after origination of the related
Mortgage Loan, no information can be provided as to the number of loans that
may be affected by the Relief Act.  Application of the Relief Act would
adversely affect, for an indeterminate period of time, the ability of the
Master Servicer to collect full amounts of interest on certain of the Mortgage
Loans.  Any shortfall in interest collections resulting from the application of
the Relief Act or similar legislation or regulations, which would not be
recoverable from the related Mortgage Loans, would result in a reduction of the
amounts distributable to the holders of the related Securities, and would not
be covered by advances, any Letter of Credit or any other form of Credit
Enhancement provided in connection with the related series of Securities.  In
addition, the Relief Act imposes limitations that would impair the ability of
the Master Servicer to foreclose on an affected Mortgage Loan during the
Mortgagor's period of active duty status, and, under certain circumstances,
during an additional three month period thereafter.  Thus, in the event that
the Relief Act or similar legislation or regulations apply to any Mortgage Loan
which goes into default, there may be delays in payment and losses on the
related Securities in connection therewith.  Any other interest shortfalls,
deferrals or forgiveness of payments on the Mortgage Loans resulting from
similar legislation or regulations may result in delays in payments or losses
to Securityholders of the related series.



         The following is a general discussion of the material anticipated
federal income tax consequences to investors of the purchase, ownership and
disposition of the Securities offered hereby.  The discussion is based upon
laws, regulations, rulings and decisions now in effect, all of which are
subject to change.  The discussion below does not purport to deal with all
federal tax consequences applicable to all categories of investors, some of
which may be subject to special rules.  Investors should consult their own tax
advisors in determining the federal, state, local and any other tax
consequences to them of the purchase, ownership and disposition of the
Securities.  For purposes of this discussion, references to a "Securityholder"
or a "Holder" are to the beneficial owner of a Security.

         The following discussion addresses securities of three general types:
(i) securities ("Grantor Trust Securities") representing interests in a Trust
Estate (a "Grantor Trust Estate") which the Sponsor will covenant not to elect
to have treated as a real estate mortgage investment conduit (REMIC); (ii)
securities ("REMIC Securities") representing interests in a Trust Estate, or a
portion thereof, which the Sponsor will covenant to elect to have treated as a
REMIC under sections 860A through 860G of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
amended (the "Code"); and (iii) securities ("Debt Securities") that are
intended to be treated for federal income tax purposes as indebtedness secured
by the underlying Mortgage Loans.  This Prospectus does not address the tax
treatment of partnership interests or interests in a FASIT.  Such a discussion
will be set forth in the related Prospectus Supplement for any Trust issuing
Securities characterized as partnership interests or interests in a FASIT.  The
Prospectus Supplement for each series of Securities will indicate whether a
REMIC or FASIT election (or elections) will be made for the related Trust
Estate and, if a REMIC or FASIT election is to be made, will identify all
"regular interests" and "residual interests" in the REMIC or all "regular
interests," "high-yield interests" or "ownership interest" in the FASIT.
Pursuant to the Small Business Job Protection Act of 1996, enacted on August
20, 1996 (the "1996 Act"), a FASIT election can be made on or after September
1, 1997.

         The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 adds provisions to the Code that
require the recognition of gain upon the "constructive sale of an appreciated
financial position." A constructive sale of an appreciated financial position
occurs if a taxpayer enters into certain transactions or series of such
transactions with respect to a financial instrument that have the effect of
substantially eliminating the taxpayer's risk of loss and opportunity for gain
with respect to the financial instrument.  These provisions apply only to
Classes of Certificates that do not have a principal balance.


         With respect to each series of Grantor Trust Securities, Dewey
Ballantine, special tax counsel to the Sponsor, will deliver its opinion to the
Sponsor that (unless otherwise limited in the related Prospectus Supplement)

the related Grantor Trust Estate will be classified as a grantor trust and not
as a partnership or an association taxable as a corporation.  Accordingly, each
Holder of a Grantor Trust Security will generally be treated as the owner of an
interest in the Mortgage Loans included in the Grant or Trust Estate.

         For purposes of the following discussion, a Grantor Trust Security
representing an undivided equitable ownership interest in the principal of the
Mortgage Loans constituting the related Grantor Trust Estate, together with
interest thereon at a pass-through rate, will be referred to as a "Grantor
Trust Fractional Interest Security." A Grantor Trust Security representing
ownership of all or a portion of the difference between interest paid on the
Mortgage Loans constituting the related Grantor Trust Estate and interest paid
to the Holders of Grantor Trust Fractional Interest Securities issued with
respect to such Grantor Trust Estate will be referred to as a "Grantor Trust
Strip Security."

                 Special Tax Attributes

         Unless otherwise disclosed in a related Prospectus Supplement, Dewey
Ballantine, special tax counsel to the Sponsor, will deliver its opinion to the
Sponsor that (a) Grantor Trust Fractional Interest Securities will represent
interests in (i) "loans . .  . secured by an interest in real property" within
the meaning of section 7701(a)(19)(C)(v) of the Code; and (ii) "obligations
(including any participation or certificate of beneficial ownership therein)
which . . . are principally secured by an interest in real property" within the
meaning of section 860G(a)(3)(A) of the Code; and (b) interest on Grantor Trust
Fractional Interest Securities will be considered "interest on obligations
secured by mortgages on real property or on interests in real property" within
the meaning of section 856(c)(3)(B) of the Code.  In addition, the Grantor
Trust Strip Securities will be "obligations (including any participation or
certificate of beneficial ownership therein) . . . principally secured by an
interest in real property" within the meaning of section 860G(a)(3)(A) of the

         The 1996 Act repeals the bad debt reserve method of accounting for
mutual savings banks and domestic building and loan associations for tax years
beginning after December 31, 1995.  As a result, section 593(d) of the Code is
no longer applicable to treat the Certificates as "qualifying real property

         Taxation of Holders of Grantor Trust Securities

         Holders of Grantor Trust Fractional Interest Securities generally will
be required to report on their federal income tax returns their respective
shares of the income from the Mortgage Loans (including amounts used to pay
reasonable servicing fees and other expenses but excluding amounts payable to
Holders of any corresponding Grantor Trust Strip Securities) and, subject to
the limitations described below, will be entitled to deduct their shares of any
such reasonable servicing fees and other expenses.  If a Holder acquires a
Grantor Trust Fractional Interest Security for an amount that differs from its
outstanding principal amount, the amount includible in income on a Grantor
Trust Fractional Interest Security may differ from the amount of interest
distributable thereon.  See "Discount and Premium," below.  Individuals holding
a Grantor Trust Fractional Interest Security directly or through certain
pass-through entities will be allowed a deduction for such reasonable servicing
fees and expenses only to the extent that the aggregate of such Holder's
miscellaneous itemized deductions exceeds 2% of such Holder's adjusted gross
income.  Further, Holders (other than corporations) subject to the alternative
minimum tax may not deduct miscellaneous itemized deductions in determining
alternative minimum taxable income.

         Holders of Grantor Trust Strip Securities generally will be required
to treat such Securities as "stripped coupons" under section 1286 of the Code.
Accordingly, such a Holder will be required to treat the excess of the total
amount of payments on such a Security over the amount paid for such Security as
original issue discount and to include such discount in income as it accrues
over the life of such Security.  See "--Discount and Premium," below.

         Grantor Trust Fractional Interest Securities may also be subject to
the coupon stripping rules if a class of Grantor Trust Strip Securities is
issued as part of the same series of Securities.  The consequences of the
application of the coupon stripping rules would appear to be that any discount
arising upon the purchase of such a Security (and perhaps all stated interest
thereon) would be classified as original issue discount and includible in the
Holder's income as it accrues (regardless of the Holder's method of
accounting), as described below under "--Discount and Premium." The coupon
stripping rules will not apply, however, if (i) the pass-through rate is no
more than 100 basis points lower than the gross rate of interest payable on the
underlying Mortgage Loans and (ii) the difference

between the outstanding principal balance on the Security and the amount paid
for such Security is less than 0.25% of such principal balance times the
weighted average remaining maturity of the Security.

         Sales of Grantor Trust Securities

         Any gain or loss recognized on the sale of a Grantor Trust Security
(equal to the difference between the amount realized on the sale and the
adjusted basis of such Grantor Trust Security) will be capital gain or loss,
except to the extent of accrued and unrecognized market discount, which will be
treated as ordinary income, and in the case of banks and other financial
institutions except as provided under section 582(c) of the Code.  The adjusted
basis of a Grantor Trust Security will generally equal its cost, increased by
any income reported by the seller (including original issue discount and market
discount income) and reduced (but not below zero) by any previously reported
losses, any amortized premium and by any distributions of principal.

         Grantor Trust Reporting

         The Trustee will furnish to each Holder of a Grantor Trust Fractional
Interest Security with each distribution a statement setting forth the amount
of such distribution allocable to principal on the underlying Mortgage Loans
and to interest thereon at the related Pass-Through Rate.  In addition, within
a reasonable time after the end of each calendar year, based on information
provided by the Master Servicer, the Trustee will furnish to each Holder during
such year such customary factual information as the Master Servicer deems
necessary or desirable to enable Holders of Grantor Trust Securities to prepare
their tax returns and will furnish comparable information to the Internal
Revenue Service (the "IRS") as and when required to do so by law.


         If provided in a related Prospectus Supplement, an election will be
made to treat a Trust Estate as a REMIC under the Code.  Qualification as a
REMIC requires ongoing compliance with certain conditions.  With respect to
each series of Securities for which such an election is made, Dewey Ballantine,
special tax counsel to the Sponsor, will deliver its opinion to the Sponsor
that (unless otherwise limited in the related Prospectus Supplement), assuming
compliance with the Pooling and Servicing Agreement, the Trust Estate will be
treated as a REMIC for federal income tax purposes.  A Trust Estate for which a
REMIC election is made will be referred to herein as a "REMIC Trust." The
Securities of each class will be designated as "regular interests" in the REMIC
Trust except that a separate class will be designated as the "residual
interest" in the REMIC Trust.  The Prospectus Supplement for each series of
Securities will state whether Securities of each class will constitute a
regular interest (a REMIC Regular Security) or a residual interest (a REMIC
Residual Security).

         A REMIC Trust will not be subject to federal income tax except with
respect to income from prohibited transactions and in certain other instances
described below.  See "--Taxes on a REMIC Trust." Generally, the total income
from the Mortgage Loans in a REMIC Trust will be taxable to the Holders of the
Securities of that series, as described below.

         Regulations issued by the Treasury Department on December 23, 1992
(the "REMIC Regulations") provide some guidance regarding the federal income
tax consequences associated with the purchase, ownership and disposition of
REMIC Securities.  While certain material provisions of the REMIC Regulations
are discussed below, investors should consult their own tax advisors regarding
the possible application of the REMIC Regulations in their specific


         REMIC Regular Securities and REMIC Residual Securities will be
"regular or residual interests in a REMIC" within the meaning of section
7701(a)(19)(C)(xi) of the Code and "real estate assets" within the meaning of
section 856(c)(5)(A) of the Code.  If at any time during a calendar year less
than 95% of the assets of a REMIC Trust consist of "qualified mortgages"
(within the meaning of section 860G(a)(3) of the Code) then the portion of the
REMIC Regular Securities and REMIC Residual Securities that are qualifying
assets under those sections during such calendar year may be limited to the
portion of the assets of such REMIC Trust that are qualified mortgages.

Similarly, income on the REMIC Regular Securities and REMIC Residual Securities
will be treated as "interest on obligations secured by mortgages on real
property" within the meaning of section 856(c)(3)(B) of the Code, subject to
the same limitation as set forth in the preceding sentence.  For purposes of
applying this limitation, a REMIC Trust should be treated as owning the assets
represented by the qualified mortgages.  The assets of the Trust Estate will
include, in addition to the Mortgage Loans, payments on the Mortgage Loans held
pending distribution on the REMIC Regular Securities and REMIC Residual
Securities and any reinvestment income thereon.  REMIC Regular Securities and
REMIC Residual Securities held by a financial institution to which section 585,
586 or 593 of the Code applies will be treated as evidences of indebtedness for
purposes of section 582(c)(1) of the Code.  REMIC Regular Securities will also
be qualified mortgages with respect to other REMICs.

         The 1996 Act repeals the bad debt reserve method of accounting for
mutual savings banks and domestic building and loan associations for tax years
beginning after December 31, 1995.  As a result, section 593(d) of the Code is
no longer applicable to treat the Certificates as "qualifying real property

         Taxation of Holders of REMIC Regular Securities

         Except as indicated below in this federal income tax discussion, the
REMIC Regular Securities will be treated for federal income tax purposes as
debt instruments issued by the REMIC Trust on the date such Securities are
first sold to the public (the "Settlement Date") and not as ownership interests
in the REMIC Trust or its assets.  Holders of REMIC Regular Securities that
otherwise report income under a cash method of accounting will be required to
report income with respect to such Securities under an accrual method.  For
additional tax consequences relating to REMIC Regular Securities purchased at a
discount or with premium, see "--Discount and Premium," below.

         Taxation of Holders of REMIC Residual Securities

         Daily Portions.  Except as indicated below, a Holder of a REMIC
Residual Security for a REMIC Trust generally will be required to report its
daily portion of the taxable income or net loss of the REMIC Trust for each day
during a calendar quarter that the Holder owned such REMIC Residual Security.
For this purpose, the daily portion shall be determined by allocating to each
day in the calendar quarter its ratable portion of the taxable income or net
loss of the REMIC Trust for such quarter and by allocating the amount so
allocated among the Residual Holders (on such day) in accordance with their
percentage interests on such day.  Any amount included in the gross income or
allowed as a loss of any Residual Holder by virtue of this paragraph will be
treated as ordinary income or loss.

         The requirement that each Holder of a REMIC Residual Security report
its daily portion of the taxable income or net loss of the REMIC Trust will
continue until there are no Securities of any class outstanding, even though
the Holder of the REMIC Residual Security may have received full payment of the
stated interest and principal on its REMIC Residual Security.

         The Trustee will provide to Holders of REMIC Residual Securities of
each series of Securities (i) such information as is necessary to enable them
to prepare their federal income tax returns and (ii) any reports regarding the
Securities of such series that may be required under the Code.

         Taxable Income or Net Loss of a REMIC Trust.  The taxable income or
net loss of a REMIC Trust will be the income from the qualified mortgages it
holds and any reinvestment earnings less deductions allowed to the REMIC Trust.
Such taxable income or net loss for a given calendar quarter will be determined
in the same manner as for an individual having the calendar year as the taxable
year and using the accrual method of accounting, with certain modifications.
The first modification is that a deduction will be allowed for accruals of
interest (including any original issue discount, but without regard to the
investment interest limitation in section 163(d) of the Code) on the REMIC
Regular Securities (but not the REMIC Residual Securities), even though REMIC
Regular Securities are for non-tax purposes evidences of beneficial ownership
rather than indebtedness of a REMIC Trust.  Second, market discount or premium
equal to the difference between the total stated principal balances of the
qualified mortgages and the basis to the REMIC Trust therein generally will be
included in income (in the case of discount) or deductible (in the case of
premium) by the REMIC Trust as it accrues under a constant yield method, taking
into account the "Prepayment Assumption" (as defined in the Related Prospectus
Supplement, see "--Discount and Premium--

Original Issue Discount," below).  The basis to a REMIC Trust in the qualified
mortgages is the aggregate of the issue prices of all the REMIC Regular
Securities and REMIC Residual Securities in the REMIC Trust on the Settlement
Date.  If, however, a substantial amount of a class of REMIC Regular Securities
or REMIC Residual Securities has not been sold to the public, then the fair
market value of all the REMIC Regular Securities or REMIC Residual Securities
in that class as of the date of the Prospectus Supplement should be substituted
for the issue price.

         Third, no item of income, gain, loss or deduction allocable to a
prohibited transaction (see "--Taxes on a REMIC Trust--Prohibited Transactions"
below) will be taken into account.  Fourth, a REMIC Trust generally may not
deduct any item that would not be allowed in calculating the taxable income of
a partnership by virtue of section 703(a)(2) of the Code.  Finally, the
limitation on miscellaneous itemized deductions imposed on individuals by
section 67 of the Code will not be applied at the REMIC Trust level to any
servicing and guaranty fees.  (See, however, "--Pass-Through of Servicing and
Guaranty Fees to Individuals" below.) In addition, under the REMIC Regulations,
any expenses that are incurred in connection with the formation of a REMIC
Trust and the issuance of the REMIC Regular Securities and REMIC Residual
Securities are not treated as expenses of the REMIC Trust for which a deduction
is allowed.  If the deductions allowed to a REMIC Trust exceed its gross income
for a calendar quarter, such excess will be a net loss for the REMIC Trust for
that calendar quarter.  The REMIC Regulations also provide that any gain or
loss to a REMIC Trust from the disposition of any asset, including a qualified
mortgage or "permitted investment" (as defined in section 860G(a)(5) of the
Code) will be treated as ordinary gain or loss.

         A Holder of a REMIC Residual Security may be required to recognize
taxable income without being entitled to receive a corresponding amount of
cash.  This could occur, for example, if the qualified mortgages are considered
to be purchased by the REMIC Trust at a discount, some or all of the REMIC
Regular Securities are issued at a discount, and the discount included as a
result of a prepayment on a Mortgage Loan that is used to pay principal on the
REMIC Regular Securities exceeds the REMIC Trust's deduction for unaccrued
original issue discount relating to such REMIC Regular Securities.  Taxable
income may also be greater in earlier years because interest expense
deductions, expressed as a percentage of the outstanding principal amount of
the REMIC Regular Securities, may increase over time as the earlier classes of
REMIC Regular Securities are paid, whereas interest income with respect to any
given Mortgage Loan expressed as a percentage of the outstanding principal
amount of that Mortgage Loan, will remain constant over time.

         Basis Rules and Distributions.  A Holder of a REMIC Residual Security
has an initial basis in its Security equal to the amount paid for such REMIC
Residual Security.  Such basis is increased by amounts included in the income
of the Holder and decreased by distributions and by any net loss taken into
account with respect to such REMIC Residual Security.  A distribution on a
REMIC Residual Security to a Holder is not included in gross income to the
extent it does not exceed such Holder's basis in the REMIC Residual Security
(adjusted as described above) and, to the extent it exceeds the adjusted basis
of the REMIC Residual Security, shall be treated as gain from the sale of the
REMIC Residual Security.

         A Holder of a REMIC Residual Security is not allowed to take into
account any net loss for any calendar quarter to the extent such net loss
exceeds such Holder's adjusted basis in its REMIC Residual Security as of the
close of such calendar quarter (determined without regard to such net loss).
Any loss disallowed by reason of this limitation may be carried forward
indefinitely to future calendar quarters and, subject to the same limitation,
may be used only to offset income from the REMIC Residual Security.

         Excess Inclusions.  Any excess inclusions with respect to a REMIC
Residual Security are subject to certain special tax rules.  With respect to a
Holder of a REMIC Residual Security, the excess inclusion for any calendar
quarter is defined as the excess (if any) of the daily portions of taxable
income over the sum of the "daily accruals" for each day during such quarter
that such REMIC Residual Security was held by such Holder.  The daily accruals
are determined by allocating to each day during a calendar quarter its ratable
portion of the product of the "adjusted issue price" of the REMIC Residual
Security at the beginning of the calendar quarter and 120% of the "federal
long-term rate" in effect on the Settlement Date, based on quarterly
compounding, and properly adjusted for the length of such quarter.  For this
purpose, the adjusted issue price of a REMIC Residual Security as of the
beginning of any calendar quarter is equal to the issue price of the REMIC
Residual Security, increased by the amount of daily accruals for all prior
quarters and decreased by any distributions made with respect to such REMIC
Residual Security before the beginning of such quarter.  The issue price of a
REMIC Residual Security is the initial offering price to the public (excluding
bond houses and brokers) at which a substantial number of the REMIC Residual

Securities was sold.  The federal long-term rate is a blend of current yields
on Treasury securities having a maturity of more than nine years, computed and
published monthly by the IRS.

         In general, Holders of REMIC Residual Securities with excess inclusion
income cannot offset such income by losses from other activities.  For Holders
that are subject to tax only on unrelated business taxable income (as defined
in section 511 of the Code), an excess inclusion of such Holder is treated as
unrelated business taxable income.  With respect to variable contracts (within
the meaning of section 817 of the Code), a life insurance company cannot adjust
its reserve to the extent of any excess inclusion, except as provided in
regulations.  The REMIC Regulations indicate that if a Holder of a REMIC
Residual Security is a member of an affiliated group filing a consolidated
income tax return, the taxable income of the affiliated group cannot be less
than the sum of the excess inclusions attributable to all residual interests in
REMICS held by members of the affiliated group.  For a discussion of the effect
of excess inclusions on certain foreign investors that own REMIC Residual
Securities, see "--Foreign Investors" below.

         The Treasury Department also has the authority to issue regulations
that would treat all taxable income of a REMIC Trust as excess inclusions if
the REMIC Residual Security does not have "significant value." Although the
Treasury Department did not exercise this authority in the REMIC Regulations,
future regulations may contain such a rule.  If such a rule were adopted, it is
unclear how significant value would be determined for these purposes.  If no
such rule is applicable, excess inclusions should be calculated as discussed

         In the case of any REMIC Residual Securities that are held by a real
estate investment trust, the aggregate excess inclusions with respect to such
REMIC Residual Securities reduced (but not below zero) by the real estate
investment trust taxable income (within the meaning of section 857(b)(2) of the
Code, excluding any net capital gain) will be allocated among the shareholders
of such trust in proportion to the dividends received by such shareholders from
such trust, and any amount so allocated will be treated as an excess inclusion
with respect to a REMIC Residual Security as if held directly by such
shareholder.  Similar rules will apply in the case of regulated investment
companies, common trust funds and certain cooperatives that hold a REMIC
Residual Security.

         Pass-Through of Servicing and Guaranty Fees to Individuals.  A Holder
of a REMIC Residual Security who is an individual will be required to include
in income a share of any servicing and guaranty fees.  A deduction for such
fees will be allowed to such Holder only to the extent that such fees, along
with certain of such Holder's other miscellaneous itemized deductions exceed 2%
of such Holder's adjusted gross income.  In addition, a Holder of a REMIC
Residual Security may not be able to deduct any portion of such fees in
computing such Holder's alternative minimum tax liability.  A Holder's share of
such fees will generally be determined by (i) allocating the amount of such
expenses for each calendar quarter on a pro rata basis to each day in the
calendar quarter, and (ii) allocating the daily amount among the Holders in
proportion to their respective holdings on such day.

         Taxes on a REMIC Trust

         Prohibited Transactions.  The Code imposes a tax on a REMIC equal to
100% of the net income derived from "prohibited transactions." In general, a
prohibited transaction means the disposition of a qualified mortgage other than
pursuant to certain specified exceptions, the receipt of investment income from
a source other than a Mortgage Loan or certain other permitted investments, the
receipt of compensation for services, or the disposition of an asset purchased
with the payments on the qualified mortgages for temporary investment pending
distribution on the regular and residual interests.

         Contributions to a REMIC after the Startup Day.  The Code imposes a
tax on a REMIC equal to 100% of the value of any property contributed to the
REMIC after the "startup day" (generally the same as the Settlement Date).
Exceptions are provided for cash contributions to a REMIC (i) during the three
month period beginning on the startup day, (ii) made to a qualified reserve
fund by a Holder of a residual interest, (iii) in the nature of a guarantee,
(iv) made to facilitate a qualified liquidation or clean-up call, and (v) as
otherwise permitted by Treasury regulations.

         Net Income from Foreclosure Property.  The Code imposes a tax on a
REMIC equal to the highest corporate rate on "net income from foreclosure
property." The terms "foreclosure property" (which includes property acquired
by deed in lieu of foreclosure) and "net income from foreclosure property" are
defined by

reference to the rules applicable to real estate investment trusts.  Generally,
foreclosure property would be treated as such for a period of two years, with
possible extensions.  Net income from foreclosure property generally means gain
from the sale of foreclosure property that is inventory property and gross
income from foreclosure property other than qualifying rents and other
qualifying income for a real estate investment trust.

         Sales of REMIC Securities

         General.  Except as provided below, if a Regular or REMIC Residual
Security is sold, the seller will recognize gain or loss equal to the
difference between the amount realized in the sale and its adjusted basis in
the Security.  The adjusted basis of a REMIC Regular Security generally will
equal the cost of such Security to the seller, increased by any original issue
discount or market discount included in the seller's gross income with respect
to such Security and reduced by distributions on such Security previously
received by the seller of amounts included in the stated redemption price at
maturity and by any premium that has reduced the seller's interest income with
respect to such Security.  See "--Discount and Premium." The adjusted basis of
a REMIC Residual Security is determined as described above under "--Taxation of
Holders of REMIC Residual Securities--Basis Rules and Distributions." Except as
provided in the following paragraph or under section 582(c) of the Code, any
such gain or loss will be capital gain or loss, provided such Security is held
as a "capital asset" (generally, property held for investment) within the
meaning of section 1221 of the Code.

         Gain from the sale of a REMIC Regular Security that might otherwise be
capital gain will be treated as ordinary income to the extent that such gain
does not exceed the excess, if any, of (i) the amount that would have been
includible in the income of the Holder of a REMIC Regular Security had income
accrued at a rate equal to 110% of the "applicable federal rate" (generally, an
average of current yields on Treasury securities) as of the date of purchase
over (ii) the amount actually includible in such Holder's income.  In addition,
gain recognized on such a sale by a Holder of a REMIC Regular Security who
purchased such a Security at a market discount would also be taxable as
ordinary income in an amount not exceeding the portion of such discount that
accrued during the period such Security was held by such Holder, reduced by any
market discount includible in income under the rules described below under
"--Discount and Premium."

         If a Holder of a REMIC Residual Security sells its REMIC Residual
Security at a loss, the loss will not be recognized if, within six months
before or after the sale of the REMIC Residual Security, such Holder purchases
another residual interest in any REMIC or any interest in a taxable mortgage
pool (as defined in section 7701(i) of the Code) comparable to a residual
interest in a REMIC.  Such disallowed loss would be allowed upon the sale of
the other residual interest (or comparable interest) if the rule referred to in
the preceding sentence does not apply to that sale.  While this rule may be
modified by Treasury regulations, no such regulations have yet been published.

         Transfers of REMIC Residual Securities.  Section 860E(e) of the Code
imposes a substantial tax, payable by the transferor (or, if a transfer is
through a broker, nominee, or other middleman as the transferee's agent,
payable by that agent) upon any transfer of a REMIC Residual Security to a
disqualified organization and upon a pass-through entity (including regulated
investment companies, real estate investment trusts, common trust funds,
partnerships, trusts, estates, certain cooperatives, and nominees) that owns a
REMIC Residual Security if such pass-through entity has a disqualified
organization as a record-holder.  For purposes of the preceding sentence, a
transfer includes any transfer of record or beneficial ownership, whether
pursuant to a purchase, a default under a secured lending agreement or

         The term "disqualified organization" includes the United States, any
state or political subdivision thereof, any foreign government, any
international organization, or any agency or instrumentality of the foregoing
(other than certain taxable instrumentalities), any cooperative organization
furnishing electric energy or providing telephone service to persons in rural
areas, or any organization (other than a farmers' cooperative) that is exempt
from federal income tax, unless such organization is subject to the tax on
unrelated business income.  Moreover, an entity will not qualify as a REMIC
unless there are reasonable arrangements designed to ensure that (i) residual
interests in such entity are not held by disqualified organizations and (ii)
information necessary for the application of the tax described herein will be
made available.  Restrictions on the transfer of a REMIC Residual

Security and certain other provisions that are intended to meet this
requirement are described in the Pooling and Servicing Agreement, and will be
discussed more fully in the related Prospectus Supplement relating to the
offering of any REMIC Residual Security.  In addition, a pass-through entity
(including a nominee) that holds a REMIC Residual Security may be subject to
additional taxes if a disqualified organization is a record-holder therein.  A
transferor of a REMIC Residual Security (or an agent of a transferee of a REMIC
Residual Security, as the case may be) will be relieved of such tax liability
if (i) the transferee furnishes to the transferor (or the transferee's agent)
an affidavit that the transferee is not a disqualified organization, and (ii)
the transferor (or the transferee's agent) does not have actual knowledge that
the affidavit is false at the time of the transfer.  Similarly, no such tax
will be imposed on a pass-through entity for a period with respect to an
interest therein owned by a disqualified organization if (i) the record-holder
of such interest furnishes to the pass-through entity an affidavit that it is
not a disqualified organization, and (ii) during such period, the pass-through
entity has no actual knowledge that the affidavit is false.

         The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 adds provisions to the Code that will
apply to an "electing large partnership." If an electing large partnership
holds a Residual Certificate, all interests in the electing large partnership
are treated as held by disqualified organizations for purposes of the tax
imposed upon a pass-through entity by section 860E(e) of the Code.  An
exception to this tax, otherwise available to a pass-through entity that is
furnished certain affidavits by record holders of interests in the entity and
that does not know such affidavits are false, is not available to an electing
large partnership.

         Under the REMIC Regulations, a transfer of a "noneconomic residual
interest" to a U.S. Person (as defined below in "--Foreign Investors--Grantor
Trust Securities and REMIC Regular Securities") will be disregarded for all
federal tax purposes unless no significant purpose of the transfer is to impede
the assessment or collection of tax.  A REMIC Residual Security would be
treated as constituting a noneconomic residual interest unless, at the time of
the transfer, (i) the present value of the expected future distributions on the
REMIC Residual Security is no less than the product of the present value of the
"anticipated excess inclusions" with respect to such Security and the highest
corporate rate of tax for the year in which the transfer occurs, and (ii) the
transferor reasonably expects that the transferee will receive distributions
from the applicable REMIC Trust in an amount sufficient to satisfy the
liability for income tax on any "excess inclusions" at or after the time when
such liability accrues.  Anticipated excess inclusions are the excess
inclusions that are anticipated to be allocated to each calendar quarter (or
portion thereof) following the transfer of a REMIC Residual Security,
determined as of the date such Security is transferred and based on events that
have occurred as of that date and on the Prepayment Assumption.  See
"--Discount and Premium" and "--Taxation of Holders of REMIC Residual
Securities--Excess Inclusions."

         The REMIC Regulations provide that a significant purpose to impede the
assessment or collection of tax exists if, at the time of the transfer, a
transferor of a REMIC Residual Security has "improper knowledge" (i.e., either
knew, or should have known, that the transferee would be unwilling or unable to
pay taxes due on its share of the taxable income of the REMIC Trust).  A
transferor is presumed not to have improper knowledge if (i) the transferor
conducts, at the time of a transfer, a reasonable investigation of the
financial condition of the transferee and, as a result of the investigation,
the transferor finds that the transferee has historically paid its debts as
they come due and finds no significant evidence to indicate that the transferee
will not continue to pay its debts as they come due in the future; and (ii) the
transferee makes certain representations to the transferor in the affidavit
relating to disqualified organizations discussed above.  Transferors of a REMIC
Residual Security should consult with their own tax advisors for further
information regarding such transfers.

         Reporting and Other Administrative Matters.  For purposes of the
administrative provisions of the Code, each REMIC Trust will be treated as a
partnership and the Holders of REMIC Residual Securities will be treated as
partners.  The Trustee will prepare, sign and file federal income tax returns
for each REMIC Trust, which returns are subject to audit by the IRS.  Moreover,
within a reasonable time after the end of each calendar year, the Trustee will
furnish to each Holder that received a distribution during such year a
statement setting forth the portions of any such distributions that constitute
interest distributions, original issue discount, and such other information as
is required by Treasury regulations and, with respect to Holders of REMIC
Residual Securities in a REMIC Trust, information necessary to compute the
daily portions of the taxable income (or net loss) of such REMIC Trust for each
day during such year.  The Trustee will also act as the tax matters partner for
each REMIC Trust, either in its capacity as a Holder of a REMIC Residual
Security or in a fiduciary capacity.  Each Holder of a REMIC Residual Security,
by the acceptance of its REMIC Residual Security, agrees that the Trustee will
act as its fiduciary in the performance of any duties required of it in the
event that it is the tax matters partner.

         Each Holder of a REMIC Residual Security is required to treat items on
its return consistently with the treatment on the return of the REMIC Trust,
unless the Holder either files a statement identifying the inconsistency

or establishes that the inconsistency resulted from incorrect information
received from the REMIC Trust.  The IRS may assert a deficiency resulting from
a failure to comply with the consistency requirement without instituting an
administrative proceeding at the REMIC Trust level.  Unless otherwise specified
in the related Prospectus Supplement, the Trustee does not intend to register
any REMIC Trust as a tax shelter pursuant to section 6111 of the Code.


         In general, no special tax consequences will apply to a Holder of a
REMIC Regular Security upon the termination of a REMIC Trust by virtue of the
final payment or liquidation of the last Mortgage Loan remaining in the Trust
Estate.  If a Holder of a REMIC Residual Security's adjusted basis in its REMIC
Residual Security at the time such termination occurs exceeds the amount of
cash distributed to such Holder in liquidation of its interest, although the
matter is not entirely free from doubt, it would appear that the Holder of the
REMIC Residual Security is entitled to a loss equal to the amount of such



         With respect to each series of Debt Securities, Dewey Ballantine,
special tax counsel to the Sponsor, will deliver its opinion to the Sponsor
that (unless otherwise limited in the related Prospectus Supplement) the
Securities will be classified as debt of the Sponsor secured by the related
Mortgage Loans.  Consequently, the Debt Securities will not be treated as
ownership interests in the Mortgage Loans or the Trust.  Holders will be
required to report income received with respect to the Debt Securities in
accordance with their normal method of accounting.  For additional tax
consequences relating to Debt Securities purchased at a discount or with
premium, see "--Discount and Premium," below.

         Special Tax Attributes

         As described above, Grantor Trust Securities will possess certain
special tax attributes by virtue of their being ownership interests in the
underlying Mortgage Loans.  Similarly, REMIC Securities will possess similar
attributes by virtue of the REMIC provisions of the Code.  In general, Debt
Securities will not possess such special tax attributes.  Investors to whom
such attributes are important should consult their own tax advisors regarding
investment in Debt Securities.

         Sale or Exchange

         If a Holder of a Debt Security sells or exchanges such Security, the
Holder will recognize gain or loss equal to the difference, if any, between the
amount received and the Holder's adjusted basis in the Security.  The adjusted
basis in the Security generally will equal its initial cost, increased by any
original issue discount or market discount previously included in the seller's
gross income with respect to the Security and reduced by the payments
previously received on the Security, other than payments of qualified stated
interest, and by any amortized premium.

         In general (except as described in "--Discount and Premium--Market
Discount," below), except for certain financial institutions subject to section
582(c) of the Code, any gain or loss on the sale or exchange of a Debt Security
recognized by an investor who holds the Security as a capital asset (within the
meaning of section 1221 of the Code), will be capital gain or loss and will be
long-term or short-term depending on whether the Security has been held for
more than one year.


         A Security purchased for an amount other than its outstanding
principal amount will be subject to the rules governing original issue
discount, market discount or premium.  In addition, all Grantor Trust Strip
Securities and certain Grantor Trust Fractional Interest Securities will be
treated as having original issue discount by virtue of the coupon stripping
rules in section 1286 of the Code.  In very general terms, (i) original issue
discount is treated as a

form of interest and must be included in a Holder's income as it accrues
(regardless of the Holder's regular method of accounting) using a constant
yield method; (ii) market discount is treated as ordinary income and must be
included in a Holder's income as principal payments are made on the Security
(or upon a sale of a Security); and (iii) if a Holder so elects, premium may be
amortized over the life of the Security and offset against inclusions of
interest income.  These tax consequences are discussed in greater detail below.

         Original Issue Discount

         In general, a Security will be considered to be issued with original
issue discount equal to the excess, if any, of its "stated redemption price at
maturity" over its "issue price." The issue price of a Security is the initial
offering price to the public (excluding bond houses and brokers) at which a
substantial number of the Securities was sold.  The issue price also includes
any accrued interest attributable to the period between the beginning of the
first Remittance Period and the Settlement Date.  The stated redemption price
at maturity of a Security that has a notional principal amount or receives
principal only or that is or may be an Accrual Security is equal to the sum of
all distributions to be made under such Security.  The stated redemption price
at maturity of any other Security is its stated principal amount, plus an
amount equal to the excess (if any) of the interest payable on the first
Payment Date over the interest that accrues for the period from the Settlement
Date to the first Payment Date.

         Notwithstanding the general definition, original issue discount will
be treated as zero if such discount is less than 0.25% of the stated redemption
price at maturity multiplied by its weighted average life.  The weighted
average life of a Security is apparently computed for this purpose as the sum,
for all distributions included in the stated redemption price at maturity of
the amounts determined by multiplying (i) the number of complete years
(rounding down for partial years) from the Settlement Date until the date on
which each such distribution is expected to be made under the assumption that
the Mortgage Loans prepay at the rate specified in the related Prospectus
Supplement (the "Prepayment Assumption") by (ii) a fraction, the numerator of
which is the amount of such distribution and the denominator of which is the
Security's stated redemption price at maturity.  If original issue discount is
treated as zero under this rule, the actual amount of original issue discount
must be allocated to the principal distributions on the Security and, when each
such distribution is received, gain equal to the discount allocated to such
distribution will be recognized.

         Section 1272(a)(6) of the Code contains special original issue
discount rules directly applicable to REMIC Securities and Debt Securities.
The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 extends application of Section 1272(a)(6) to
the Grantor Trust Securities for tax years beginning after August 5, 1997.
Under these rules (described in greater detail below), (i) the amount and rate
of accrual of original issue discount on each series of Securities will be
based on (x) the Prepayment Assumption, and (y) in the case of a Security
calling for a variable rate of interest, an assumption that the value of the
index upon which such variable rate is based remains equal to the value of that
rate on the Settlement Date, and (ii) adjustments will be made in the amount of
discount accruing in each taxable year in which the actual prepayment rate
differs from the Prepayment Assumption.

         Section 1272(a)(6)(B)(iii) of the Code requires that the prepayment
assumption used to calculate original issue discount be determined in the
manner prescribed in Treasury regulations.  To date, no such regulations have
been promulgated.  The legislative history of this Code provision indicates
that the assumed prepayment rate must be the rate used by the parties in
pricing the particular transaction.  The Sponsor anticipates that the
Prepayment Assumption for each series of Securities will be consistent with
this standard.  The Sponsor makes no representation, however, that the Mortgage
Loans for a given series will prepay at the rate reflected in the Prepayment
Assumption for that series or at any other rate.  Each investor must make its
own decision as to the appropriate prepayment assumption to be used in deciding
whether or not to purchase any of the Securities.

         Each Securityholder must include in gross income the sum of the "daily
portions" of original issue discount on its Security for each day during its
taxable year on which it held such Security.  For this purpose, in the case of
an original Holder, the daily portions of original issue discount will be
determined as follows.  A calculation will first be made of the portion of the
original issue discount that accrued during each "accrual period." The Trustee
will supply, at the time and in the manner required by the IRS, to
Securityholders, brokers and middlemen information with respect to the original
issue discount accruing on the Securities.  Unless otherwise disclosed in the
related Prospectus Supplement, the Trustee will report original issue discount
based on accrual periods of one month, each

beginning on a payment date (or, in the case of the first such period, the
Settlement Date) and ending on the day before the next payment date.

         Under section 1272(a)(6) of the Code, the portion of original issue
discount treated as accruing for any accrual period will equal the excess, if
any, of (i) the sum of (A) the present values of all the distributions
remaining to be made on the Security, if any, as of the end of the accrual
period and (B) the distribution made on such Security during the accrual period
of amounts included in the stated redemption price at maturity, over (ii) the
adjusted issue price of such Security at the beginning of the accrual period.
The present value of the remaining distributions referred to in the preceding
sentence will be calculated based on (i) the yield to maturity of the Security,
calculated as of the Settlement Date, giving effect to the Prepayment
Assumption, (ii) events (including actual prepayments) that have occurred prior
to the end of the accrual period, (iii) the Prepayment Assumption, and (iv) in
the case of a Security calling for a variable rate of interest, an assumption
that the value of the index upon which such variable rate is based remains the
same as its value on the Settlement Date over the entire life of such Security.
The adjusted issue price of a Security at any time will equal the issue price
of such Security, increased by the aggregate amount of previously accrued
original issue discount with respect to such Security, and reduced by the
amount of any distributions made on such Security as of that time of amounts
included in the stated redemption price at maturity.  The original issue
discount accruing during any accrual period will then be allocated ratably to
each day during the period to determine the daily portion of original issue

         In the case of Grantor Trust Strip Securities and certain REMIC
Securities, the calculation described in the preceding paragraph may produce a
negative amount of original issue discount for one or more accrual periods.  No
definitive guidance has been issued regarding the treatment of such negative
amounts.  The legislative history to section 1272(a)(6) indicates that such
negative amounts may be used to offset subsequent positive accruals but may not
offset prior accruals and may not be allowed as a deduction item in a taxable
year in which negative accruals exceed positive accruals.  Holders of such
Securities should consult their own tax advisors concerning the treatment of
such negative accruals.

         A subsequent purchaser of a Security that purchases such Security at a
cost less than its remaining stated redemption price at maturity also will be
required to include in gross income for each day on which it holds such
Security, the daily portion of original issue discount with respect to such
Security (but reduced, if the cost of such Security to such purchaser exceeds
its adjusted issue price, by an amount equal to the product of (i) such daily
portion and (ii) a constant fraction, the numerator of which is such excess and
the denominator of which is the sum of the daily portions of original issue
discount on such Security for all days on or after the day of purchase).

         Market Discount

         A Holder that purchases a Security at a market discount, that is, at a
purchase price less than the remaining stated redemption price at maturity of
such Security (or, in the case of a Security with original issue discount, its
adjusted issue price), will be required to allocate each principal distribution
first to accrued market discount on the Security, and recognize ordinary income
to the extent such distribution does not exceed the aggregate amount of accrued
market discount on such Security not previously included in income.  With
respect to Securities that have unaccrued original issue discount, such market
discount must be included in income in addition to any original issue discount.
A Holder that incurs or continues indebtedness to acquire a Security at a
market discount may also be required to defer the deduction of all or a portion
of the interest on such indebtedness until the corresponding amount of market
discount is included in income.  In general terms, market discount on a
Security may be treated as accruing either (i) under a constant yield method or
(ii) in proportion to remaining accruals of original issue discount, if any, or
if none, in proportion to remaining distributions of interest on the Security,
in any case taking into account the Prepayment Assumption.  The Trustee will
make available, as required by the IRS, to Holders of Securities information
necessary to compute the accrual of market discount.

         Notwithstanding the above rules, market discount on a Security will be
considered to be zero if such discount is less than 0.25% of the remaining
stated redemption price at maturity of such Security multiplied by its weighted
average remaining life.  Weighted average remaining life presumably would be
calculated in a manner similar to weighted average life, taking into account
payments (including prepayments) prior to the date of acquisition of the
Security by the subsequent purchaser.  If market discount on a Security is
treated as zero under this rule, the actual amount of market discount must be
allocated to the remaining principal distributions on the

Security and, when each such distribution is received, gain equal to the
discount allocated to such distribution will be recognized.

         Securities Purchased at a Premium

         A purchaser of a Security that purchases such Security at a cost
greater than its remaining stated redemption price at maturity will be
considered to have purchased such Security (a "Premium Security") at a premium.
Such a purchaser need not include in income any remaining original issue
discount and may elect, under section 171(c)(2) of the Code, to treat such
premium as "amortizable bond premium." If a Holder makes such an election, the
amount of any interest payment that must be included in such Holder's income
for each period ending on a Payment Date will be reduced by the portion of the
premium allocable to such period based on the Premium Security's yield to
maturity.  The legislative history of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 states that
such premium amortization should be made under principles analogous to those
governing the accrual of market discount (as discussed above under "--Market
Discount").  If such election is made by the Holder, the election will also
apply to all bonds the interest on which is not excludible from gross income
("fully taxable bonds") held by the Holder at the beginning of the first
taxable year to which the election applies and to all such fully taxable bonds
thereafter acquired by it, and is irrevocable without the consent of the IRS.
If such an election is not made, (i) such a Holder must include the full amount
of each interest payment in income as it accrues, and (ii) the premium must be
allocated to the principal distributions on the Premium Security and, when each
such distribution is received, a loss equal to the premium allocated to such
distribution will be recognized.  Any tax benefit from the premium not
previously recognized will be taken into account in computing gain or loss upon
the sale or disposition of the Premium Security.

         Some Securities may provide for only nominal distributions of
principal in comparison to the distributions of interest thereon.  It is
possible that the IRS or the Treasury Department may issue guidance excluding
such Securities from the rules generally applicable to debt instruments issued
at a premium.  In particular, it is possible that such a Security will be
treated as having original issue discount equal to the excess of the total
payments to be received thereon over its issue price.  In such event, section
1272(a)(6) of the Code would govern the accrual of such original issue
discount, but a Holder would recognize substantially the same income in any
given period as would be recognized if an election were made under section
171(c)(2) of the Code.  Unless and until the Treasury Department or the IRS
publishes specific guidance relating to the tax treatment of such Securities,
the Trustee intends to furnish tax information to Holders of such Securities in
accordance with the rules described in the preceding paragraph.

         Special Election

         For any Security acquired on or after April 4, 1994, a Holder may
elect to include in gross income all "interest" that accrues on the Security by
using a constant yield method.  For purposes of the election, the term
"interest" includes stated interest, acquisition discount, original issue
discount, de minimis original issue discount, market discount, de minimis
market discount and unstated interest as adjusted by any amortizable bond
premium or acquisition premium.  A Holder should consult its own tax advisor
regarding the time and manner of making and the scope of the election and the
implementation of the constant yield method.


         Distributions of interest and principal, as well as distributions of
proceeds from the sale of Securities, may be subject to the "backup withholding
tax" under section 3406 of the Code at a rate of 31% if recipients of such
distributions fail to furnish to the payor certain information, including their
taxpayer identification numbers, or otherwise fail to establish an exemption
from such tax.  Any amounts deducted and withheld from a distribution to a
recipient would be allowed as a credit against such recipient's federal income
tax.  Furthermore, certain penalties may be imposed by the IRS on a recipient
of distributions that is required to supply information but that does not do so
in the proper manner.


         Grantor Trust Securities and REMIC Regular Securities

         Distributions made on a Grantor Trust Security or a REMIC Regular
Security to, or on behalf of, a Holder that is not a U.S.  Person generally
will be exempt from U.S. federal income and withholding taxes.  The term "U.S.
Person" means a citizen or resident of the United States, a corporation,
partnership or other entity created or organized in or under the laws of the
United States or any political subdivision thereof, an estate that is subject
to U.S. federal income tax regardless of the source of its income, or a trust
if a court within the United States can exercise primary supervision over its
administration and at least one United States fiduciary has the authority to
control all substantial decisions of the trust.  This exemption is applicable
provided (a) the Holder is not subject to U.S. tax as a result of a connection
to the United States other than ownership of the Security, (b) the Holder signs
a statement under penalties of perjury that certifies that such Holder is not a
U.S. Person, and provides the name and address of such Holder, and (c) the last
U.S. Person in the chain of payment to the Holder receives such statement from
such Holder or a financial institution holding on its behalf and does not have
actual knowledge that such statement is false.  Holders should be aware that
the IRS might take the position that this exemption does not apply to a Holder
that also owns 10% or more of the REMIC Residual Securities of any REMIC trust,
or to a Holder that is a "controlled foreign corporation" described in section
881(c)(3)(C) of the Code.

         REMIC Residual Securities

         Amounts distributed to a Holder of a REMIC Residual Security that is a
not a U.S. Person generally will be treated as interest for purposes of
applying the 30% (or lower treaty rate) withholding tax on income that is not
effectively connected with a U.S. trade or business.  Temporary Treasury
Regulations clarify that amounts not constituting excess inclusions that are
distributed on a REMIC Residual Security to a Holder that is not a U.S. Person
generally will be exempt from U.S. federal income and withholding tax, subject
to the same conditions applicable to distributions on Grantor Trust Securities
and REMIC Regular Securities, as described above, but only to the extent that
the obligations directly underlying the REMIC Trust that issued the REMIC
Residual Security (e.g., Mortgage Loans or regular interests in another REMIC)
were issued after July 18, 1984.  In no case will any portion of REMIC income
that constitutes an excess inclusion be entitled to any exemption from the
withholding tax or a reduced treaty rate for withholding.  See "--REMIC
Securities--Taxation of Holders of REMIC Residual Securities--Excess

                              ERISA CONSIDERATIONS


         Section 406 of ERISA and Section 4975 of the Code prohibit a pension,
profit sharing or other employee benefit plan (a "Plan") and certain individual
retirement arrangements from engaging in certain transactions involving "plan
assets" with persons that are "parties in interest" under ERISA or
"disqualified persons" under the Code with respect to the Plan, unless a
statutory or administrative exemption applies to the transaction.  ERISA and
the Code also prohibit generally certain actions involving conflicts of
interest by persons who are fiduciaries of such Plans or arrangements.  A
violation of these "prohibited transaction" rules may generate excise tax and
other liabilities under ERISA and the Code for such persons.  In addition,
investments by Plans are subject to ERISA's general fiduciary requirements,
including the requirement of investment prudence and diversification and the
requirement that a Plan's investments be made in accordance with the documents
governing the Plan.  Employee benefit plans that are governmental plans (as
defined in Section 3(32) of ERISA) and certain church plans (as deemed in
Section 3(33) of ERISA) are not subject to ERISA requirements.

         Certain transactions involving the Trust might be deemed to constitute
prohibited transactions under ERISA and the Code with respect to a Plan
(including an individual retirement arrangement) that purchased Securities, if
the assets of the Trust were deemed to be assets of the Plan.  Under a
regulation (the "Plan Assets Regulation") issued by the United States
Department of Labor (the "DOL"), the assets of the Trust would be treated as
plan assets of a Plan for the purposes of ERISA and the Code only if the Plan
acquired an equity interest in the Trust and none of the exceptions contained
in the Plan Assets Regulation were applicable.  An "equity interest" is defined
under the Plan Assets Regulation as an interest other than an instrument which
is treated as indebtedness

under applicable local law and which has no substantial equity features.  In
addition, in John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co. v.  Harris Trust and
Savings Bank, 114 S. Ct. 517 (1993), the United States Supreme Court ruled that
assets held in an insurance company's general account may be deemed to be "plan
assets" for ERISA purposes under certain circumstances.  Therefore, in the
absence of an exemption, the purchase, sale or holding of a Security by a Plan
(including certain individual retirement arrangements) subject to Section 406
of ERISA or Section 4975 of the Code might result in prohibited transactions
and the imposition of excise taxes and civil penalties.


         The DOL has issued to various underwriters individual prohibited
transaction exemptions (the "Underwriter Exemptions"), which generally exempt
from the application of the prohibited transaction provisions of Section
406(a), Section 406(b)(1), Section 406(b)(2) and Section 407(a) of ERISA and
the excise taxes imposed pursuant to Sections 4975(a) and (b) of the Code,
certain transactions with respect to the initial purchase, the holding and the
subsequent resale by Plans of certificates in pass-through trusts that consist
of secured receivables, secured loans and other secured obligations that meet
the conditions and requirements of the Underwriter Exemptions.  The Underwriter
Exemptions will only be available for Securities that are Certificates.

         Among the conditions that must be satisfied in order for the
Underwriter Exemptions to apply to offered certificates are the following:

                 (1)      the acquisition of the certificates by a Plan is on
         terms (including the price for the certificates) that are at least as
         favorable to the Plan as they would be in an arm's-length transaction
         with an unrelated party;

                 (2)      the rights and interests evidenced by the
         certificates acquired by the Plan are not subordinated to the rights
         and interests evidenced by other certificates of the trust;

                 (3)      the certificates acquired by the Plan have received a
         rating at the time of such acquisition that is one of the three
         highest generic rating categories from Standard & Poor's, Moody's,
         Duff & Phelps Credit Rating Co.  ("D&P") or Fitch;

                 (4)      the Trustee is not an affiliate of any other member
         of the Restricted Group (as defined below);

                 (5)      the sum of all payments made to and retained by the
         underwriters in connection with the distribution of the certificates
         represents not more than reasonable compensation for underwriting the
         certificates; the sum of all payments made to and retained by the
         originators and the sponsor pursuant to the assignment of the loans to
         the trust estate represents not more than the fair market value of
         such loans; the sum of all payments made to and retained by any
         servicer represents not more than reasonable compensation for such
         person's services under the pooling and servicing agreement and
         reimbursement of such person's reasonable expenses in connection

                 (6)      the Plan investing in the certificates is an
         "accredited investor" as defined in Rule 501(a)(1) of Regulation D of
         the Commission under the Securities Act of 1933; and

                 (7)      in the event that all of the obligations used to fund
         the trust have not been transferred to the trust on the closing date,
         additional obligations of the types specified in the prospectus
         supplement and/or pooling and servicing agreement having an aggregate
         value equal to no more than 25% of the total principal amount of the
         certificates being offered by the trust may be transferred to the
         trust, in exchange for amounts credited to the account funding the
         additional obligations, within a funding period of no longer than 90
         days or 3 months following the closing date.

         The trust estate must also meet the following requirements:

                 (i)      the corpus of the trust estate must consist solely of
         assets of the type that have been included in other investment pools;

                 (ii)     certificates in such other investment pools must have
         been rated in one of the three highest rating categories of Standard &
         Poor's, Mood''s, Fitch or D&P for at least one year prior to the
         Plan's acquisition of certificates; and

                 (iii)    certificates evidencing interests in such other
         investment pools must have been purchased by investors other than
         Plans for at least one year prior to the Plan's acquisition of

         Moreover, the Underwriter Exemptions provide relief from certain
self-dealing/conflict of interest prohibited transactions that may occur when
the Plan fiduciary causes a Plan to acquire certificates in a trust in which
the fiduciary (or its affiliate) is an obligor on the receivables held in the
trust; provided that, among other requirements, (i) in the case of an
acquisition in connection with the initial issuance of certificates, at least
fifty percent of each class of certificates in which Plans have invested is
acquired by persons independent of the Restricted Group and at least fifty
percent of the aggregate interest in the trust is acquired by persons
independent of the Restricted Group; (ii) such fiduciary (or its affiliate) is
an obligor with respect to five percent or less of the fair market value of the
obligations contained in the trust; (iii) the Plan's investment in certificates
of any class does not exceed twenty-five percent of all of the certificates of
that class outstanding at the time of the acquisition; and (iv) immediately
after the acquisition, no more than twenty-five percent of the assets of the
Plan with respect to which such person is a fiduciary are invested in
certificates representing an interest in one or more trusts containing assets
sold or serviced by the same entity.  The Underwriter Exemptions do not apply
to Plans sponsored by the Sponsor, the Underwriters, the Trustee, the Master
Servicer, any other servicer, any obligor with respect to Mortgage Loans
included in the Trust Estate constituting more than five percent of the
aggregate unamortized principal balance of the assets in the Trust Estate, or
any affiliate of such parties (the "Restricted Group").

         In addition to the Underwriter Exemptions, the DOL has issued
Prohibited Transaction Class Exemption ("PTCE") 83-1 which provides an
exemption for certain transactions involving the sale or exchange of certain
residential mortgage pool pass-through certificates by Plans and for
transactions in connection with the servicing and operation of the mortgage


         The Underwriter Exemptions will not be available for Securities which
are Notes.  However, if the Notes are treated as indebtedness without
substantial equity features, the Trust's assets would not be deemed assets of a
Plan.  If the Notes are treated as having substantial equity features, the
purchase, holding and resale of the Notes could result in a transaction that is
prohibited under ERISA or the Code.  The acquisition or holding of the Notes by
or on behalf of a Plan could nevertheless give rise to a prohibited
transaction, if such acquisition and holding of Notes by or on behalf of a Plan
were deemed to be a prohibited loan to a party in interest with respect to such
Plan.  Certain exemptions from such prohibited transaction rules could be
applicable to the purchase and holding of Notes by a Plan, depending on the
type and circumstances of the plan fiduciary making the decision to acquire
such Notes.  Included among these exemptions are:  PTCE 84-14, regarding
certain transactions effected by "qualified professional asset managers"; PTCE
90-1, regarding certain transactions entered into by insurance company pooled
separate accounts; PTCE 91-38, regarding certain transactions entered into by
bank collective investment funds; PTCE 95-60, regarding certain transactions
entered into by insurance company general accounts; and PTCE 96-23, regarding
certain transactions effected by "in-house asset managers".  Each purchaser and
each transferee of a Note that is treated as debt for purposes of the Plan
Assets Regulation may be required to represent and warrant that its purchase
and holding of such Note will be covered by one of the exemptions listed above
or by another Department of Labor Class Exemption.


         The Prospectus Supplement for each series of Securities will provide
further information which Plans should consider before purchasing the offered
Securities.  A Plan fiduciary considering the purchase of Securities should
consult its tax and/or legal advisors regarding whether the assets of the Trust
would be considered plan assets, the possibility of exemptive relief from the
prohibited transaction rules and other ERISA issues and their

potential consequences.  Moreover, each Plan fiduciary should determine whether
under the general fiduciary standards of investment prudence and
diversification, an investment in the Securities is appropriate for the Plan,
taking into account the overall investment policy of the Plan and the
composition of the Plan's investment portfolio.

                            LEGAL INVESTMENT MATTERS

         Certain classes of Securities offered hereby and by the related
Prospectus Supplement will constitute "mortgage related securities" for
purposes of the Secondary Mortgage Market Enhancement Act of 1984 ("SMMEA") so
long as they are rated in at least the second highest rating category by any
Rating Agency, and as such may be legal investments for persons, trusts,
corporations, partnerships, associations, business trusts and business entities
(including depository institutions, life insurance companies and pension funds)
created pursuant to or existing under the laws of the United States or of any
State whose authorized investments are subject to state regulation to the same
extent that, under applicable law, obligations issued by or guaranteed as to
principal and interest by the United States or any agency or instrumentality
thereof constitute legal investments for such entities.  Under SMMEA, if a
State enacted legislation on or prior to October 3, 1991 specifically limiting
the legal investment authority of any such entities with respect to "mortgage
related securities," such securities will constitute legal investments for
entities subject to such legislation only to the extent provided therein.
Certain States have enacted legislation which overrides the preemption
provisions of SMMEA.  SMMEA provides, however, that in no event will the
enactment of any such legislation affect the validity of any contractual
commitment to purchase, hold or invest in "mortgage related securities," or
require the sale or other disposition of such securities, so long as such
contractual commitment was made or such securities acquired prior to the
enactment of such legislation.

         SMMEA also amended the legal investment authority of
federally-chartered depository institutions as follows:  federal savings and
loan associations and federal savings banks may invest in, sell or otherwise
deal with "mortgage related securities" without limitation as to the percentage
of their assets represented thereby, federal credit unions may invest in such
securities, and national banks may purchase such securities for their own
account without regard to the limitations generally applicable to investment
securities set forth in 12 U.S.C.  24 (Seventh), subject in each case to such
regulations as the applicable federal regulatory authority may prescribe.

         The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council has adopted a
supervisory policy statement (the "Policy Statement"), applicable to all
depository institutions, setting forth guidelines for and significant
restrictions on investments in "high-risk mortgage securities." The Policy
Statement has been adopted by the Federal Reserve Board, the Office of the
Comptroller of the Currency, the FDIC and the Office of Thrift Supervision with
an effective date of February 10, 1992.  The Policy Statement generally
indicates that a mortgage derivative product will be deemed to be high risk if
it exhibits greater price volatility than a standard fixed rate thirty-year
mortgage security.  According to the Policy Statement, prior to purchase, a
depository institution will be required to determine whether a mortgage
derivative product that it is considering acquiring is high-risk, and if so,
that the proposed acquisition would reduce the institution's overall interest
rate risk.  Reliance on analysis and documentation obtained from a securities
dealer or other outside party without internal analysis by the institution
would be unacceptable.  There can be no assurance as to which classes of
Securities will be treated as high-risk under the Policy Statement.  In
addition, the National Credit Union Administration has issued regulations
governing federal credit union investments which prohibit investment in certain
specified types of securities, which may include certain classes of Securities.
Similar policy statements have been issued by regulators having jurisdiction
over other types of depository institutions.

         There may be other restrictions on the ability of certain investors
either to purchase certain classes of Securities or to purchase any class of
Securities representing more than a specified percentage of the investors'
assets.  The Sponsor will make no representations as to the proper
characterization of any class of Securities for legal investment or other
purposes, or as to the ability of particular investors to purchase any class of
Securities under applicable legal investment restrictions.  These uncertainties
may adversely affect the liquidity of any class of Securities.  Accordingly,
all investors whose investment activities are subject to legal investment laws
and regulations, regulatory capital requirements or review by regulatory
authorities should consult with their own legal advisors in determining whether
and to what extent the Securities of any class constitute legal investments
under SMMEA or are subject to investment, capital or other restrictions, and
whether SMMEA has been overridden in any jurisdiction applicable to such

                                USE OF PROCEEDS

         Unless otherwise specified in the related Prospectus Supplement,
substantially all of the net proceeds to be received from the sale of
Securities will be applied by the Sponsor to finance the purchase of, or to
repay short-term loans incurred to finance the purchase of, the Mortgage Loans
underlying the Securities or will be used by the Sponsor for general corporate
purposes.  The Sponsor expects that it will make additional sales of securities
similar to the Securities from time to time, but the timing and amount of any
such additional offerings will be dependent upon a number of factors, including
the volume of mortgage loans purchased by the Sponsor, prevailing interest
rates, availability of funds and general market conditions.

                            METHODS OF DISTRIBUTION

         The Securities offered hereby and by the related Prospectus
Supplements will be offered in series through one or more of the methods
described below.  The Prospectus Supplement prepared for each series will
describe the method of offering being utilized for that series and will state
the public offering or purchase price of such series and the net proceeds to
the Sponsor from such sale.

         The Sponsor intends that Securities will be offered through the
following methods from time to time and that offerings may be made concurrently
through more than one of these methods or that an offering of a particular
series of Securities may be made through a combination of two or more of these
methods.  Such methods are as follows:

                 (1)      By negotiated firm commitment or best efforts
         underwriting and public re-offering by underwriters;

                 (2)      By placements by the Sponsor with institutional
         investors through dealers; and

                 (3)      By direct placements by the Sponsor with
         institutional investors.

         In addition, if specified in the related Prospectus Supplement, a
series of Securities may be offered in whole or in part in exchange for the
Mortgage Loans (and other assets, if applicable) that would comprise the
Mortgage Pool in respect of such Securities.

         If underwriters are used in a sale of any Securities (other than in
connection with an underwriting on a best efforts basis), such Securities will
be acquired by the underwriters for their own account and may be resold from
time to time in one or more transactions, including negotiated transactions, at
fixed public offering prices or at varying prices to be determined at the time
of sale or at the time of commitment therefor.  Such underwriters may be
broker-dealers affiliated with the Sponsor whose identities and relationships
to the Sponsor will be as set forth in the related Prospectus Supplement.  The
managing underwriter or underwriters with respect to the offer and sale of a
particular series of Securities will be set forth on the cover of the
Prospectus Supplement relating to such series and the members of the
underwriting syndicate, if any, will be named in such Prospectus Supplement.

         In connection with the sale of the Securities, underwriters may
receive compensation from the Sponsor or from purchasers of the Securities in
the form of discounts, concessions or commissions.  Underwriters and dealers
participating in the distribution of the Securities may be deemed to be
underwriters in connection with such Securities, and any discounts or
commissions received by them from the Sponsor and any profit on the resale of
Securities by them may be deemed to be underwriting discounts and commissions
under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.  The Prospectus Supplement will
describe any such compensation paid by the Sponsor.

         It is anticipated that the underwriting agreement pertaining to the
sale of any series of Securities will provide that the obligations of the
underwriters will be subject to certain conditions precedent, that the
underwriters will be obligated to purchase all such Securities if any are
purchased (other than in connection with an underwriting on a best efforts
basis) and that, in limited circumstances, the Sponsor will indemnify the
several underwriters and the underwriters will indemnify the Sponsor against
certain civil liabilities, including liabilities under the Securities Act of
1933, as amended, or will contribute to payments required to be made in respect

         The Prospectus Supplement with respect to any series offered by
placements through dealers will contain information regarding the nature of
such offering and any agreements to be entered into between the Sponsor and
purchasers of Securities of such series.

         The Sponsor anticipates that the Securities offered hereby will be
sold primarily to institutional investors.  Purchasers of Securities, including
dealers, may, depending on the facts and circumstances of such purchases, be
deemed to be "underwriters" within the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933,
as amended, in connection with reoffers and sales by them of Securities.
Holders of Securities should consult with their legal advisors in this regard
prior to any such reoffer or sale.

                                 LEGAL MATTERS

         Certain legal matters will be passed upon for the Sponsor by Dewey
Ballantine, New York, New York and by the office of the general counsel of the

                             FINANCIAL INFORMATION

         The Sponsor has determined that its financial statements are not
material to the offering made hereby.  However, any prospective purchaser who
desires to review financial information concerning the Sponsor will be provided
by the Sponsor upon request with a copy of the most recent financial statements
of the Sponsor.

         A Prospectus Supplement may contain the financial statements of the
related Credit Enhancer, if any.

                             ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

         This Prospectus, together with the Prospectus Supplement for each
series of Securities, contains a summary of the material terms of the
applicable exhibits to the Registration Statement and the documents referred to
herein and therein.  Copies of such exhibits are on file at the offices of the
Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, D.C., and may be obtained at
rates prescribed by the Commission upon request to the Commission and may be
inspected, without charge, at the Commission's offices.

                         INDEX OF PRINCIPAL DEFINITIONS

Accounts  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  43
Accrual Securities  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 7, 36
Advanta Parent  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  58
Affiliated Originators  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5, 10, 26
Approved Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..  10, 29
APR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  22
ARM Loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  18
Balloon Amount  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  27
Balloon Loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..  15, 27
balloon payments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  20
Bankruptcy Bond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  54
Bankruptcy Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  52
Bankruptcy Loss Amount  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  51
Base Servicing Fee  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  58
Book-Entry Securities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  38
Bulk Acquisition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  10
Bulk Acquisitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  29
Bulk Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  29
Buydown Account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  20
Buydown Agreement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  44
Buydown Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  20
Buydown Mortgage Loans  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  20
Buydown Period  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  20
Cede  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  13
Certificates  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 6
Closing Date  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  41
CLTV  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  23
Code  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  74
Compensating Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  47
Conduit Participants  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  32
Contracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  25
Conventional Loans  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  20
Convertible Mortgage Loan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  28
Cooperative Loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  26
Cooperative Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  26
Credit Enhancement  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..  43, 52
Credit Enhancer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  19
Cut-Off Date  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  22
D&P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  87
Debt Securities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..  13, 74
Debt Service Reduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  54
Deferred Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  15
Deficient Valuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  54
Deleted Mortgage Loan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  34
Delinquency Advances  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  46
Designated Depository Institution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  43
Detailed Description  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  20
Determination Date  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  46
Direct or Indirect Participants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  19
Distribution Account  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  43
DTC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  13
Due Date  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  42


Eligible Investments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  43
Equity Securities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 7, 36
ERISA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  12
Exchange Act  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  13
Extraordinary Losses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  52
FASIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 2
FASIT High-Yield Securities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  13
FASIT Regular Securities  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  13
FDIC  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  32
FHA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  25
FHLMC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  15
Financial Guaranty Insurance Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  54
Financial Guaranty Insurer  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  54
Fixed-Income Securities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 7, 36
FNMA  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  15
Forward Purchase Agreement  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..  10, 41
Fraud Loss  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  52
Fraud Loss Amount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  51
Funding Period  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  41
graduated payments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  20
Grantor Trust Estate  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  74
Grantor Trust Securities  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..  13, 74
Holder  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  74
Home Improvement Loans  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  25
Indenture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 6
Indenture Trustee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 6
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  27
Indirect Participant  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  38
Insurance Paying Agent  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  54
Insurance Proceeds  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  42
insured payment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  54
Interest Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 7, 36
Investment Company Act  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 9
IRS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  76
Junior Lien Loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  23
Letter of Credit  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  53
Letter of Credit Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  53
Liquidated Mortgage Loan  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  17
Liquidation Proceeds  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..  17, 42
Loan Purchase Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  34
lockout periods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  21
LTV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  22
Manufactured Homes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  25
Master Commitments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  31
Master Servicer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 2
Master Servicing Fee  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  58
Modified Loans  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  27
monthly pay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  20
Mortgage Asset Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  20
Mortgage Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  19
Mortgage Loans  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 5, 26
Mortgage Notes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  26
Mortgage Pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .  1, 5
Mortgage Pool Insurance Policy  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  53
Mortgaged Properties  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..  20, 26
Mortgages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..  10, 26


Mortgagor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  15
Multi-family Loans  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  24
Net Liquidation Proceeds  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  42
Net Mortgage Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  64
Note Margin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  27
Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 6
Originators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 5, 26
Participants  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  38
Partnership Interests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  13
Pass-Through Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  45
Pay-for-Performance Loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  28
Paying Agent  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  45
Payment Date  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 8
Payment Dates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  37
Percentage Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  45
Physical Certificates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..  38, 39
Plan  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..  12, 86
Plan Assets Regulation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  86
Policy Statement  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  89
Pool Factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  48
Pool Insurer  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  44
Pooling and Servicing Agreement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 6
Pre-Funding Account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..  11, 41
Premium Security  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  85
Prepayment Assumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..  77, 83
Principal Prepayments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  42
PTCE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  88
PUD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  33
Purchase Obligation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  14
Qualified Replacement Mortgage  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  34
Realized Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  51
Record Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 8, 37
Relief Act  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..  19, 73
REMIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 2
REMIC Regular Securities  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  13
REMIC Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  76
REMIC Residual Securities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  13
REMIC Securities  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  74
Remittance Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  43
Remittance Period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 8, 37
REO Property  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  50
Reserve Fund  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  54
Restricted Group  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  88
Revolving Credit Line Loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  21
Securities  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 1
Security Registrar  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  38
Securityholders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 1
Senior Lien . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  23
Senior Securities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 7, 36
Servicer  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  58
Servicing Advance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  47
Servicing Agreement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 6
Settlement Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  77
Single Family Loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  24
SMMEA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..  12, 89
Special Hazard Amount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  51


Special Hazard Insurance Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  53
Special Hazard Insurer  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  53
Special Hazard Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  52
Sponsor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 1
Statistic Calculation Date  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  22
Strip Securities  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 7, 36
Subordinate Amount  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  52
Subordinate Securities  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 7, 36
Subsequent Mortgage Loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..  10, 41
Subservicer(s)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 2
Sub-Servicing Account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  41
Sub-Servicing Agreement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  33
Title V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  73
Title VIII  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  73
Trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .  1, 5
Trust Agreement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 6
Trust Estate  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .  1, 6
Trustee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 5
U.S. Person . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 86, 4
UCC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .  38
Unaffiliated Originators  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5, 10, 26

                                    ANNEX I


         Except in certain limited circumstances, the globally offered
Securities (the "Global Securities") will be available only in book-entry form.
Investors in the Global Securities may hold such Global Securities through any
of DTC, CEDEL or Euroclear.  The Global Securities will be tradeable as home
market instruments in both the European and U.S. domestic markets.  Initial
settlement and all secondary trades will settle in same-day funds.

         Secondary market trading between investors through CEDEL and Euroclear
will be conducted in the ordinary way in accordance with the normal rules and
operating procedures of CEDEL and Euroclear and in accordance with conventional
eurobond practice (i.e., seven calendar day settlement).

         Secondary market trading between investors through DTC will be
conducted according to DTC's rules and procedures applicable to U.S. corporate
debt obligations.

         Secondary cross-market trading between CEDEL or Euroclear and DTC
Participants holding Certificates will be effected on a
delivery-against-payment basis through the respective Depositaries of CEDEL and
Euroclear (in such capacity) and as DTC Participants.

         Non-U.S. holders (as described below) of Global Securities will be
subject to U.S. withholding taxes unless such holders meet certain requirements
and deliver appropriate U.S. tax documents to the securities clearing
organizations or their participants.


         All Global Securities will be held in book-entry form by DTC in the
name of Cede & Co.  as nominee of DTC.  Investors' interests in the Global
Securities will be represented through financial institutions acting on their
behalf as direct and indirect Participants in DTC.  As a result, CEDEL and
Euroclear will hold positions on behalf of their participants through their
Relevant Depository which in turn will hold such positions in their accounts as
DTC Participants.

         Investors electing to hold their Global Securities through DTC will
follow DTC settlement practices.  Investor securities custody accounts will be
credited with their holdings against payment in same-day funds on the
settlement date.

         Investors electing to hold their Global Securities through CEDEL or
Euroclear accounts will follow the settlement procedures applicable to
conventional eurobonds, except that there will be no temporary global security
and no "lock-up" or restricted period.  Global Securities will be credited to
the securities custody accounts on the settlement date against payment in
same-day funds.


         Since the purchaser determines the place of delivery, it is important
to establish at the time of the trade where both the purchaser's and seller's
accounts are located to ensure that settlement can be made on the desired value

         Trading between DTC Participants.  Secondary market trading between
DTC Participants will be settled using the procedures applicable to prior home
equity loan asset-backed certificates issues in same-day funds.

         Trading between CEDEL and/or Euroclear Participants.  Secondary market
trading between CEDEL Participants or Euroclear Participants will be settled
using the procedures applicable to conventional eurobonds in same-day funds.

         Trading between DTC, Seller and CEDEL or Euroclear Participants.  When
Global Securities are to be transferred from the account of a DTC Participant
to the account of a CEDEL Participant or a Euroclear Participant, the purchaser
will send instructions to CEDEL or Euroclear through a CEDEL Participant or
Euroclear Participant at least one business day prior to settlement.  CEDEL or
Euroclear will instruct the Relevant Depository, as the case may be, to receive
the Global Securities against payment.  Payment will include interest accrued
on the Global Securities from and including the last coupon payment date to and
excluding the settlement date, on the basis of the actual number of days in
such accrual period and a year assumed to consist of 360 days.  For
transactions settling on the 31st of the month, payment will include interest
accrued to and excluding the first day of the following month.  Payment will
then be made by the Relevant Depository to the DTC Participant's account
against delivery of the Global Securities.  After settlement has been
completed, the Global Securities will be credited to the respective clearing
system and by the clearing system, in accordance with its usual procedures, to
the CEDEL Participant's or Euroclear Participant's account.  The securities
credit will appear the next day (European time) and the cash debt will be
back-valued to, and the interest on the Global Securities will accrue from, the
value date (which would be the preceding day when settlement occurred in New
York).  If settlement is not completed on the intended value date (i.e., the
trade fails), the CEDEL or Euroclear cash debt will be valued instead as of the
actual settlement date.

         CEDEL Participants and Euroclear Participants will need to make
available to the respective clearing systems the funds necessary to process
same-day funds settlement.  The most direct means of doing so is to preposition
funds for settlement, either from cash on hand or existing lines of credit, as
they would for any settlement occurring within CEDEL or Euroclear.  Under this
approach, they may take on credit exposure to CEDEL or Euroclear until the
Global Securities are credited to their account one day later.

         As an alternative, if CEDEL or Euroclear has extended a line of credit
to them, CEDEL Participants or Euroclear Participants can elect not to
preposition funds and allow that credit line to be drawn upon to finance
settlement.  Under this procedure, CEDEL Participants or Euroclear Participants
purchasing Global Securities would incur overdraft charges for one day,
assuming they cleared the overdraft when the Global Securities were credited to
their accounts.  However, interest on the Global Securities would accrue from
the value date.  Therefore, in many cases the investment income on the Global
Securities earned during that one-day period may substantially reduce or offset
the amount of such overdraft charges, although the result will depend on each
CEDEL Participant's or Euroclear Participant's particular cost of funds.

         Since the settlement is taking place during New York business hours,
DTC Participants can employ their usual procedures for crediting Global
Securities to the respective European Depository for the benefit of CEDEL
Participants or Euroclear Participants.  The sale proceeds will be available to
the DTC seller on the settlement date.  Thus, to the DTC Participants a
cross-market transaction will settle no differently than a trade between two
DTC Participants.

         Trading between CEDEL or Euroclear Seller and DTC Purchaser.  Due to
time zone differences in their favor, CEDEL Participants and Euroclear
Participants may employ their customary procedures for transactions in which
Global Securities are to be transferred by the respective clearing system,
through the respective Depository, to a DTC Participant.  The seller will send
instructions to CEDEL or Euroclear through a CEDEL Participant or Euroclear
Participant at least one business day prior to settlement.  In these cases
CEDEL or Euroclear will instruct the respective Depository, as appropriate, to
credit the Global Securities to the DTC Participant's account against payment.
Payment will include interest accrued on the Global Securities from and
including the last coupon payment to and excluding the settlement date on the
basis of the actual number of days in such accrual period and a year assumed to
consist of 360 days.  For transactions settling on the 31st of the month,
payment will include interest accrued to and excluding the first day of the
following month.  The payment will then be reflected in the account of CEDEL
Participant or Euroclear Participant the following day, and receipt of the cash
proceeds in the CEDEL Participant's or Euroclear Participant's account would be
back-valued to the value date (which would be the preceding day, when
settlement occurred in New York).  In the event that the CEDEL Participant or
Euroclear Participant has a line of credit with its respective clearing system
and elects to be in debt in anticipation of receipt of the sale proceeds in its
account, the back-valuation will extinguish any overdraft incurred over that
one-day period.  If settlement is not completed on the intended value date
(i.e., the trade fails), receipt of the cash proceeds in the CEDEL
Participant's or Euroclear Participant's account would instead be valued as of
the actual settlement date.

         Finally, day traders that use CEDEL or Euroclear and that purchase
Global Securities from DTC Participants for delivery to CEDEL Participants or
Euroclear Participants should note that these trades would automatically fail
on the sale side unless affirmative action is taken.  At least three techniques
should be readily available to eliminate this potential problem:

                 (a)      borrowing through CEDEL or Euroclear for one day
          (until the purchase side of the trade is reflected in their CEDEL or
          Euroclear accounts) in accordance with the clearing system's
          customary procedures;

                 (b)      borrowing the Global Securities in the U.S. from a
          DTC Participant no later than one day prior to settlement, which
          would give the Global Securities sufficient time to be reflected in
          their CEDEL or Euroclear account in order to settle the sale side of
          the trade; or

                 (c)      staggering the value dates for the buy and sell sides
          of the trade so that the value date for the purchase from the DTC
          Participant is at least one day prior to the value date for the sale
          to the CEDEL Participant or Euroclear Participant.


         A beneficial owner of Global Securities holding securities through
CEDEL or Euroclear (or through DTC if the holder has an address outside the
U.S.) will be subject to the 30% U.S. withholding tax that generally applies to
payments of interest (including original issue discount) on registered debt
issued by U.S. Persons (as defined below), unless (i) each clearing system,
bank or other financial institution that holds customers' securities in the
ordinary course of its trade or business in the chain of intermediaries between
such beneficial owner and the U.S. entity required to withhold tax complies
with applicable certification requirements and (ii) such beneficial owner takes
one of the following steps to obtain an exemption or reduced tax rate:

                 Exemption for Non-U.S. Persons (Form W-8).  Beneficial Owners
         of Global Securities that are Non-U.S. Persons (as defined below) can
         obtain a complete exemption from the withholding tax by filing a
         signed Form W-8 (Certificate of Foreign Status).  If the information
         shown on Form W-8 changes, a new Form W-8 must be filed within 30 days
         of such change.

                 Exemption for Non-U.S. Persons with effectively connected
         income (Form 4224).  A Non-U.S. Person (as defined below), including a
         non-U.S. corporation or bank with a U.S. branch, for which the
         interest income is effectively connected with its conduct of a trade
         or business in the United States, can obtain an exemption from the
         withholding tax by filing Form 4224 (Exemption from Withholding of Tax
         on Income Effectively Connected with the Conduct of a Trade or
         Business in the United States).

                 Exemption or reduced rate for non-U.S. Persons resident in
         treaty countries (Form 1001).  Non-U.S. Persons residing in a country
         that has a tax treaty with the United States can obtain an exemption
         or reduced tax rate (depending on the treaty terms) by filing Form
         1001 (Ownership, Exemption or Reduced Rate Certificate).  If the
         treaty provides only for a reduced rate, withholding tax will be
         imposed at that rate unless the filer alternatively files Form W-8.
         Form 1001 may be filed by Certificate Owners or their agent.

                 Exemption for U.S. Persons (Form W-9).  U.S. Persons can
         obtain a complete exemption from the withholding tax by filing Form
         W-9 (Payer's Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and

                 U.S. Federal Income Tax Reporting Procedure.  The Owner of a
         Global Security or, in the case of a Form 1001 or a Form 4224 filer,
         his agent, files by submitting the appropriate form to the person
         through whom it holds (the clearing agency, in the case of persons
         holding directly on the books of the clearing agency).  Form W-8 and
         Form 1001 are effective for three calendar years and Form 4224 is
         effective for one calendar year.

         On April 22, 1996, the IRS proposed regulations relating to
withholding, backup withholding and information reporting that, if adopted in
their current form would, among other things, unify current certification
procedures and forms and clarify certain reliance standards.  The regulations
are proposed to be effective for payments made after December 31, 1997 but
provide that certificates issued on or before the date that is 60 days after
the proposed regulations are made final will continue to be valid until they
expire.  Proposed regulations, however, are subject to change prior to their
adoption in final form.

         The term "U.S. Person" means (i) a citizen or resident of the United
States, (ii) a corporation, partnership or other entity organized in or under
the laws of the United States or any political subdivision thereof, (iii) an
estate that is subject to U.S. federal income tax regardless of the source of
its income or (iv) a trust if a court within the United States can exercise
primary supervision over its administration and at least one United States
fiduciary has the authority to control all substantial decisions of the trust.
The term "Non-U.S. Person" means any person who is not a U.S. Person.  This
summary does not deal with all aspects of U.S. Federal income tax withholding
that may be relevant to foreign holders of the Global Securities.  Investors
are advised to consult their own tax advisors for specific tax advice
concerning their holding and disposing of the Global Securities.

- ------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------
                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

Available Information....................   S-3
Reports to the Certificateholders........   S-3
Incorporation of Certain Documents By
  Reference..............................   S-3
Summary..................................   S-4
Risk Factors.............................  S-21
The Portfolio of Mortgage Loans..........  S-23
The Mortgage Loan Pool...................  S-28
Prepayment and Yield Considerations......  S-46
Use of Proceeds..........................  S-53
The Sponsor and the Master Servicer......  S-53
Description of the Certificates..........  S-54
Credit Enhancement.......................  S-58
The Certificate Insurer..................  S-62
The Certificate Insurance Policy.........  S-64
The Pooling and Servicing Agreement......  S-67
Certain Federal Income Tax
  Consequences...........................  S-69
ERISA Considerations.....................  S-71
Ratings..................................  S-74
Legal Investment Considerations..........  S-75
Underwriting.............................  S-75
Experts..................................  S-76
Certain Legal Matters....................  S-76
Index of Principal Defined Terms.........  S-77
Summary of Prospectus....................     5
Risk Factors.............................    14
The Trusts...............................    19
The Mortgage Pools.......................    26
Mortgage Loan Program....................    28
Description of the Securities............    36
Subordination............................    51
Description of Credit Enhancement........    52
Hazard Insurance; Claims Thereunder......    57
The Sponsor and the Transferor...........    57
The Master Servicer......................    58
The Pooling and Servicing Agreement......    58
Yield Considerations.....................    63
Maturity and Prepayment Considerations...    65
Certain Legal Aspects of Mortgage Loans
  and Related Matters....................    67
Certain Federal Income Tax
  Consequences...........................    74
ERISA Considerations.....................    86
Legal Investment Matters.................    89
Use of Proceeds..........................    90
Methods of Distribution..................    90
Legal Matters............................    91
Financial Information....................    91
Additional Information...................    91
Index of Principal Definitions...........    92
Global Clearance, Settlement and Tax
  Documentation Procedures ..............   Annex I

- ------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------
                                 MORTGAGE LOAN
                                  TRUST 1998-3
                             $500,000,000 CLASS A-1
                             $500,000,000 CLASS A-2
                                 MORTGAGE LOAN
                           ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES
                                 SERIES 1998-3
                             PROSPECTUS SUPPLEMENT
                               SEPTEMBER 10, 1998
                              GROUP I UNDERWRITERS
                              SALOMON SMITH BARNEY
                                LEHMAN BROTHERS
                               J.P. MORGAN & CO.
                              GROUP II UNDERWRITER
                              SALOMON SMITH BARNEY
- ------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------