ST. MARY LAND & EXPLORATION COMPANY

                          EMPLOYEE STOCK PURCHASE PLAN

                                    ARTICLE I
                            ESTABLISHMENT AND PURPOSE

     1.1  Establishment.  St.  Mary  Land  &  Exploration  Company,  a  Delaware
corporation (the "Company"),  hereby establishes an employee stock purchase plan
for  employees  of the  Company or of a  subsidiary  of the  Company,  providing
material  services to the  Company,  which shall be known as the ST. MARY LAND &

     1.2  Purpose.  The purpose of the Plan is to enhance  shareholder  value by
attracting,  retaining  and  motivating  employees  of  the  Company  and  of  a
subsidiary  of  the  Company  by  providing  them  with a  means  to  acquire  a
proprietary interest in the Company's success.

                                   ARTICLE II

     2.1  Account.  "Account"  shall  mean the  account  maintained  by the Plan
Administrator  consisting of payroll deductions with respect to such Participant
as  adjusted  for  amounts  used to  purchase  Stock  and  distributions  to the

     2.2  Base  Pay.  "Base  Pay"  shall  mean  regular  straight-time  earnings
excluding  payments  for  overtime,  shift  premium,  bonuses and other  special
payments,  commissions  and other  incentive  payments and as further defined in
Section 8.1.

     2.3 Board. "Board" shall mean the Board of Directors of the Company.

     2.4 Employee.  "Employee" means any person who is customarily employed on a
full-time or part-time  basis by the Company or a Subsidiary  Corporation and is
regularly scheduled to work more than 20 hours per week.

     2.5 Offering. "Offering" shall mean a semi-annual offering of the Company's
Stock as further described in Section 6.1.

     2.6 Offering  Commencement Date and Offering  Termination  Date.  "Offering
Commencement Date" and "Offering Termination Date" are defined in Section 6.1.

     2.7 Option.  "Option" shall mean a Participant's right to purchase Stock of
the Company as of each  Offering  Termination  Date for each  Offering  with the
accumulated payroll deductions in the Participant's Account.

     2.8  Participant.  "Participant"  shall  mean an  Employee  who  becomes  a
Participant by completing an authorization  for payroll  deduction under Section

     2.9 Plan Administrator.  "Plan Administrator" shall mean the Vice President
of Accounting and  Administration or such other person as may be designated from
time to time by the Board of the Company.

     2.10 Stock. "Stock" shall mean shares of the Company's common stock subject
to this Plan.


     2.11  Subsidiary  Corporation.  "Subsidiary  Corporation"  shall  mean  any
present or future  corporation which (i) would be a "subsidiary  corporation" of
St.  Mary Land &  Exploration  Company as that term is defined in Section 424 of
the Internal Revenue Code and (ii) is designated as a Participant in the Plan by
the Committee.

                                   ARTICLE III
                          ELIGIBILITY AND PARTICIPATION

     3.1 Initial Eligibility.  Any Employee who shall have completed one year of
continuous  employment  and who is employed by the Company on the next following
Offering  Commencement  Date shall be eligible to participate in Offerings under
the Plan which commence on or after such Offering Commencement Date.

     3.2 Leave of Absence.  For purposes of  participation in the Plan, a person
on leave of absence shall be deemed to be an Employee until his employment  with
the Company otherwise terminates.

     3.3 Restrictions on  Participation.  Notwithstanding  any provisions of the
Plan to the contrary, no Employee shall be granted an Option

          (a) if,  immediately after the grant, such Employee would own Stock or
     hold  outstanding  Options to purchase  Stock  possessing 5% or more of the
     total combined voting power or value of all classes of stock of the Company
     (for purposes of this  paragraph,  the rules of Section  424(d) of the Code
     shall apply in determining stock ownership of any Employee); or

          (b) which  permits  his rights to purchase  Stock  under all  employee
     stock  purchase  plans of the  Company  to accrue at a rate  which  exceeds
     $25,000  in fair  market  value of the Stock  (determined  at the time such
     option  is  granted)  for  each  calendar  year in  which  such  Option  is

     3.4 Commencement of  Participation.  An Employee who meets the requirements
of Section 3.1 may become a Participant  by completing  an  authorization  for a
payroll  deduction  on the form  provided  by the Company and filing it with the
Plan  Administrator  on or  before  the date set for  such  purpose  by the Plan
Administrator,  which date shall be prior to the Offering  Commencement Date for
the  Offering  (as such  terms are  defined  below).  Payroll  deductions  for a
Participant shall commence on the applicable Offering Commencement Date when his
authorization  for a payroll  deduction  becomes  effective and shall end on the
Offering  Termination  Date of the  Offering  to  which  such  authorization  is
applicable unless sooner terminated by the Participant as provided in Article X.

                                   ARTICLE IV

     Administration.  The Board shall be responsible for  administering the Plan
and appointing the Plan Administrator.

          (a) The Board is  authorized  to  interpret  the Plan;  to  prescribe,
     amend,  and rescind rules and regulations  relating to the Plan; to provide
     for conditions and assurances  deemed necessary or advisable to protect the
     interests of the Company  with  respect to the Plan;  and to make all other
     determinations  necessary or advisable for the  administration of the Plan.
     Determinations,  interpretations,  or  other  actions  made or taken by the
     Board with respect to the Plan and Options  granted under the Plan shall be
     final and binding and conclusive for all purposes and upon all persons.

          (b) At the discretion of the Board the Plan may be  administered  by a
     Committee of two or more non-employee Directors appointed by the Board (the
     "Committee"). The Committee shall have full power and authority, subject to
     the  limitations of the Plan and any  limitations  imposed by the Board, to
     construe,  interpret  and  administer  the Plan and to make  determinations
     which shall be final,  conclusive  and binding upon all persons,  including
     any persons  having any interests in any Options which may be granted under
     the Plan, or Stock purchased under the Plan.


          (c) Where a Committee  has been created by the Board  pursuant to this
     Article  IV,  references  in the Plan to  actions  to be taken by the Board
     shall be deemed to refer to the Committee as well,  except where limited by
     the Plan or by the Board.

          (d) No member of the Board or the  Committee  shall be liable  for any
     action or determination  made in good faith with respect to the Plan or any
     Option granted under it.

                                    ARTICLE V
                            STOCK SUBJECT TO THE PLAN

     5.1  Number.  The  maximum  number of shares of Stock which shall be issued
under the Plan,  subject to  adjustment  upon changes in  capitalization  of the
Company as provided in Section 5.2 shall be 500,000 shares.  If the total number
of shares of Stock for which Options are  exercised on any Offering  Termination
Date in accordance  with Article V exceeds the maximum number of shares of Stock
remaining  in the Plan,  the  Company  shall make a pro rata  allocation  of the
shares  available for delivery and distribution in as nearly a uniform manner as
shall be practicable and as it shall determine to be equitable,  and the balance
of payroll deductions credited to the Account of each Participant under the Plan
shall be returned to him as promptly as possible.

     5.2  Adjustment  in  Capitalization.  In the  event  of any  change  in the
outstanding  shares of Stock of the  Company  by reason of a stock  dividend  or
split, recapitalization,  reclassification, or other similar capital change, the
aggregate  number  of  shares  of  Stock  set  forth  in  Section  5.1  shall be
appropriately adjusted by the Board, whose determination shall be conclusive. In
any such case,  the  number and kind of shares of Stock that are  subject to any
Option and the Option price per share shall be proportionately and appropriately
adjusted  without any change in the  aggregate  Option price to be paid therefor
upon exercise of the Option.

                                   ARTICLE VI

     6.1  Semi-Annual  Offerings.  The Plan will be  implemented  by semi-annual
offerings of the Company's Stock (the  "Offerings")  commencing on January 1 and
July 1 of such year and  terminating  on June 30 and  December  31 of such year,
respectively.  The first Offering shall commence on January 1, 1998 and,  unless
all shares of Stock in the Plan shall have been  purchased  prior  thereto,  the
last Offering shall commence on July 1, 2017.

     As used in the Plan,  "Offering  Commencement  Date" means the January 1 or
July 1, as the  case  may be,  on  which  the  particular  Offering  begins  and
"Offering  Termination  Date" means the June 30 or December  31, as the case may
be, on which the particular Offering terminates.

                                   ARTICLE VII
                               PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS

     7.1 Amount of Deduction.  At the time a Participant files his authorization
for payroll deduction,  deductions shall be made from his Base Pay in accordance
with such  authorization  on each payday  which  falls on or after the  Offering
Commencement Date and on or before the Offering Termination Date during the time
he is a Participant at the rate of not less than 1% and not more than 15% of his
Base Pay during the Offering.  In the case of a part-time hourly Employee,  such
Employee's  Base Pay during an Offering shall be determined by multiplying  such
Employee's  hourly  rate of Base  Pay  during  the  Offering  by the  number  of
regularly scheduled hours of work for such Employee during such Offering.

     7.2 Participant's  Account.  All payroll  deductions made for a Participant
shall be credited to his Account under the Plan. A Participant  may not make any
separate cash payment into such Account.


     7.3  Changes in Payroll  Deductions.  A  Participant  may  discontinue  his
participation  in the Plan as  provided  in  Article X or on one  occasion  only
during the Offering  period may elect to decrease the  percentage of Base Pay of
his  contributions  to his Account by filing with the Plan  Administrator  a new
payroll  deduction  authorization,  but no other  change  can be made  during an

     7.4 Leave of Absence.  If a  Participant  goes on a leave of absence,  such
Participant shall have the right to elect either: (a) to withdraw the balance in
his or her Account pursuant to Section 9.2 or (b) to remain a Participant in the
Plan  authorizing  deductions  to be made from  payments  by the  Company to the
Participant during such leave of absence, if any.

                                  ARTICLE VIII
                               GRANTING OF OPTION

     8.1 Number of Option Shares. On the Commencement  Date of each Offering,  a
Participant shall be deemed to have been granted an Option to purchase shares of
the Stock of the Company equal to (i) that percentage of the Employee's Base Pay
which he has elected to have  withheld (but not in any case less than 1% or more
than 15%)  multiplied by (ii) the  Employee's  Base Pay during the period of the
Offering  (iii) divided by the lesser of 85% of the market value of Stock on the
applicable  Offering  Commencement Date or 85% of the market value of each share
of Stock on the applicable  Offering  Termination  Date. The market value of the
Stock shall be determined  as provided in paragraphs  (a) and (b) of Section 8.2
below. An Employee's  Base Pay during the six-month  period of an Offering shall
be determined by multiplying his normal weekly Base Pay rate (as adjusted during
the Offering  period) by 26 or the hourly rate by 1,040;  provided  that, in the
case of a part-time hourly  Employee,  the Employee's Base Pay during the period
of an Offering shall be determined by multiplying  such  Employee's  hourly Base
Pay rate by the number of regularly  scheduled  hours of work for such  Employee
during such Offering.

     8.2 Option Price.  The option price of each share of Stock  purchased  with
payroll  deductions made during such annual  Offering for a Participant  therein
shall be the lower of:

          (a) 85% of the closing price of the Stock on the Offering Commencement
     Date or the nearest  prior  business day on which  trading  occurred on the
     NASDAQ National Market System; or

          (b) 85% of the closing price of the Stock on the Offering  Termination
     Date or the nearest  prior  business day on which  trading  occurred on the
     NASDAQ National Market System.  If the Stock of the Company is not admitted
     to trading on any of the aforesaid  dates for which  closing  prices of the
     Stock are to be determined, then reference shall be made to the fair market
     value of the Stock on that date,  as  determined  on such basis as shall be
     established or specified for the purpose by the Board.

                                   ARTICLE IX
                               EXERCISE OF OPTION

     9.1 Automatic  Exercise.  A Participant's  Option for the purchase of Stock
with payroll  deductions  made during any  Offering  will be deemed to have been
exercised  automatically  on the Offering  Termination  Date  applicable to such
Offering  for the  purchase  of the  number of full  shares  of Stock  which the
accumulated  payroll deductions in his Account at that time will purchase at the
applicable  option price (but not in excess of the number of shares of Stock for
which Options have been granted to the Participant pursuant to Section 8.1).

     9.2 Withdrawal of Account. By written notice to the Plan Administrator,  at
any time prior to the Offering  Termination  Date applicable to any Offering,  a
Participant may elect to withdraw all the accumulated  payroll deductions in his
Account at such time.

     9.3 Fractional Shares.  Fractional shares will not be issued under the Plan
and any accumulated  payroll  deductions  which would have been used to purchase
fractional  shares will be returned to any  Participant  promptly  following the
Offering Termination Date, without interest,  unless the Participant has elected
to  participate in the next following  Offering,  in which case such  deductions
shall be retained in the  Participant's  Account and applied to the  purchase of
shares of Stock in such Offering.


     9.4  Transferability of Option.  During a Participant's  lifetime,  Options
held by such Participant shall be exercisable only by that Participant.

     9.5  Delivery  of Stock.  As  promptly as  practicable  after the  Offering
Termination Date of each Offering, the Company will deliver to each Participant,
as appropriate, the Stock purchased upon exercise of his Option.

                                    ARTICLE X

     10.1 In General.  As indicated in Section 9.2, a  Participant  may withdraw
payroll deductions  credited to his Account under the Plan at any time by giving
written  notice  to  the  Plan   Administrator  of  the  Company.   All  of  the
Participant's  payroll  deductions  credited to his Account  will be paid to him
promptly  after  receipt of his  notice of  withdrawal,  and no further  payroll
deductions  will be made from his pay during such Offering.  The Company may, at
its option,  treat any  attempt to borrow by an Employee on the  security of his
accumulated  payroll  deductions as an election,  under Section 9.2, to withdraw
such deductions.

     10.2 Effect on Subsequent  Participation.  A Participant's  withdrawal from
any Offering will not have any effect upon his eligibility to participate in any
succeeding Offering or in any similar plan which may hereafter be adopted by the

     10.3  Termination of  Employment.  Upon  termination  of the  Participant's
employment for any reason,  including  retirement  (but excluding death while in
the employ of the Company) prior to the Offering  Termination  Date, the payroll
deductions credited to his Account will be returned to him or in the case of his
death to the person or persons entitled thereto under Section 19.1.

     10.4  Termination  of  Employment  Due to Death.  Upon  termination  of the
Participant's  employment  because of his death,  his  beneficiary as defined in
Section 19.1, or if none is designated, his estate shall have the right to elect
by written  notice given to the Plan  Administrator  of the Company prior to the
earlier of the Offering  Termination  Date or the  expiration  of a period of 60
days commencing with the date of the death of the Participant either:

          (a)  to  withdraw  all  of  the  payroll  deductions  credited  to the
     Participant's Account under the Plan, or

          (b) to exercise the Participant's  Option for the purchase of Stock on
     the Offering  Termination Date next following the date of the Participant's
     death for the  purchase  of the  number of full  shares of Stock  which the
     accumulated payroll deductions in the Participant's  Account at the date of
     the  Participant's  death will purchase at the applicable option price, and
     any excess in such  Account will be returned to said  beneficiary,  without

     In the event that no such written notice of election shall be duly received
by the office of the Plan  Administrator of the Company,  the beneficiary  shall
automatically be deemed to have elected,  pursuant to paragraph (b), to exercise
the Participant's Option.

     10.5 Leave of Absence. A Participant on leave of absence shall,  subject to
the election made by such Participant  pursuant to Section 7.4, continue to be a
Participant in the Plan so long as such Participant remains an Employee.


                                   ARTICLE XI

     11.1 Payment of Interest.  No interest will be paid or allowed on any money
paid into the Plan or  credited  to the  Account of any  Participant,  including
money which is  distributed  to an Employee or his  beneficiary  pursuant to any
provision of this Plan.

                                   ARTICLE XII
                             NO RIGHT TO EMPLOYMENT

     Nothing in the Plan shall  interfere  with or limit in any way the right of
the Company or a Subsidiary  Corporation to terminate any Employee's  employment
at any time, nor confer upon any Employee any right to continue in the employ of
the Company or a Subsidiary Corporation.

                                  ARTICLE XIII
                          AMENDMENT, MODIFICATION, AND
                             TERMINATION OF THE PLAN

     The  Board  may at any time  terminate  and from  time to time may amend or
modify the Plan. Any amendment or  modification  of the Plan by the Board may be
accomplished without approval of the shareholders of the Company,  except in the
event that shareholder approval of such amendment or modification is required by
any law or regulation governing the Company.

     No amendment,  modification, or termination of the Plan shall in any manner
adversely  affect any  outstanding  Option under the Plan without the consent of
the Participant holding the Option.

                                   ARTICLE XIV

     14.1 Acquisition.

          (a) In the  event  that an  acquisition  occurs  with  respect  to the
     Company,  the Company may, but shall not be required to, cancel an Offering
     and all Options  outstanding as of the effective date of such  acquisition,
     whether  or not such  Options  are then  exercisable.  In that  event,  the
     payroll  deductions  credited to the Account of each  Participant  shall be
     returned to him. If the Company does not elect to cancel the Offering, such
     Offering shall terminate on the day immediately prior to the effective date
     of  the  Acquisition  and  such  date  shall  be  considered  the  Offering
     Termination Date for the Offering.

          (b) For  purposes of this  section,  an  "acquisition"  shall mean any
     transaction in which substantially all of the Company's assets are acquired
     or in which a controlling  amount of the Company's  outstanding  shares are
     acquired,  in each case by a single person or entity or an affiliated group
     of persons and entities. For purposes of this section, a controlling amount
     shall mean more than fifty percent of the issued and outstanding  shares of
     Stock of the Company.  The Company shall have the above option to cancel an
     Offering and all Options  regardless of how the acquisition is effectuated,
     whether  by  direct  purchase,   through  a  merger  or  similar  corporate
     transaction, or otherwise.

          (c) Where the Company  does not exercise its option under this Section
     14.1 the  remaining  provisions  of this  Article XIV shall  apply,  to the
     extent applicable.

     14.2  Merger  or  Consolidation.  If the  Company  shall  be the  surviving
corporation  in any merger or  consolidation,  any Offering shall pertain to and
apply to the  securities  to which a holder  of the  number  of  shares of Stock
subject to the Option would have been entitled in such merger or  consolidation,
provided that the Company shall not be considered the surviving  corporation for
purposes hereof if the Company is the survivor of a reverse triangular merger.


     14.3 Other Transactions. A dissolution or a liquidation of the Company or a
merger and  consolidation in which the Company is not the surviving  corporation
(the Company shall not be  considered  the  surviving  corporation  for purposes
hereof if the Company is the  survivor  of a reverse  triangular  merger)  shall
cause every Offering outstanding hereunder to terminate as of the effective date
of such dissolution,  liquidation,  merger or consolidation.  In that event, the
payroll deductions credited to the Account of each Participant shall be returned
to him.

                                   ARTICLE XV
                             SECURITIES REGISTRATION

     15.1 Securities  Registration.  In the event that the Company shall deem it
necessary or desirable to register under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended,
or any other applicable statute,  any Options or any Stock with respect to which
an Option may be or shall have been granted or exercised, or to qualify any such
Options or Stock under the  Securities  Act of 1933,  as  amended,  or any other
statute,  then the  Participant  shall  cooperate with the Company and take such
action as is necessary to permit  registration or  qualification of such Options
or Stock.

     15.2 Representations.  Unless the Company has determined that the following
representation is unnecessary,  each person  participating in an Offering may be
required by the  Company,  as a condition to the issuance of the shares of Stock
pursuant  to such  Offering to make a  representation  in writing (i) that he is
acquiring such shares for his own account for investment and not with a view to,
or for sale in connection  with, the distribution of any part thereof within the
meaning of the  Securities  Act of 1933,  and (ii) that  before any  transfer in
connection with the resale of such shares, he will obtain the written opinion of
counsel for the Company,  or other counsel acceptable to the Company,  that such
shares may be transferred  without  registration  thereof.  The Company may also
require  that  the  certificates   representing   such  shares  contain  legends
reflecting  the  foregoing.  To the  extent  permitted  by  law,  including  the
Securities Act of 1933, nothing herein shall restrict the right of a Participant
to sell the shares received in an open market transaction.

                                   ARTICLE XVI
                                 TAX WITHHOLDING

     Whenever  shares of Stock are to be issued  pursuant  to an  Offering,  the
Company  shall have the power to require the  recipient of the Stock to remit to
the  Company  an  amount  sufficient  to  satisfy  federal,   state,  and  local
withholding tax requirements, if any.

                                  ARTICLE XVII

     To the extent  permitted  by law,  each  person who is or shall have been a
member  of the  Board  or the  Committee  and the  Plan  Administrator  shall be
indemnified  and held harmless by the Company  against and from any loss,  cost,
liability,  or expense that may be imposed upon or reasonably incurred by him in
connection  with or resulting  from any claim,  action,  suit,  or proceeding to
which he may be a party or in which he may be  involved  by reason of any action
taken or failure to act under the Plan and  against and from any and all amounts
paid by him in settlement thereof,  with the Company's approval,  or paid by him
in satisfaction of judgment in any such action, suit, or proceeding against him,
provided he shall give the Company an opportunity, at its own expense, to handle
and  defend  the same  before he  undertakes  to handle and defend it on his own
behalf.  The foregoing  right of  indemnification  shall not be exclusive of any
other rights of  indemnification to which such persons may be entitled under the
Company's  certificate  of  incorporation  or  bylaws,  as a matter  of law,  or
otherwise, or any power that the Company or a Subsidiary Corporation may have to
indemnify them or hold them harmless.


                                  ARTICLE XVIII
                               REQUIREMENTS OF LAW

     18.1  Requirements of Law. The granting of Options  pursuant to an Offering
and the  issuance  of shares of Stock upon the  exercise  of an Option  shall be
subject to all applicable laws, rules, and regulations, and to such approvals by
any governmental agencies or national securities exchanges as may be required.

     18.2  Governing  Law.  The Plan,  and all  agreements  hereunder,  shall be
construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of Colorado.

                                   ARTICLE XIX

     19.1  Designation  of  Beneficiary.   A  Participant  may  file  a  written
designation  of a  beneficiary  who  is to  receive  any  Stock  or  cash.  Such
designation  of  beneficiary  may be changed by the  Participant  at any time by
written  notice to the Plan  Administrator  of the Company.  Upon the death of a
Participant  and upon receipt by the Company of proof of identity and  existence
at the Participant's  death of a beneficiary validly designated by him under the
Plan, the Company shall deliver such Stock or cash to such  beneficiary.  In the
event of the death of a Participant and in the absence of a beneficiary  validly
designated under the Plan who is living at the time of such Participant's death,
the Company shall deliver such Stock or cash to the executor or administrator of
the estate of the Participant,  or if no such executor or administrator has been
appointed (to the knowledge of the Company), the Company, in its discretion, may
deliver such Stock or cash to the spouse or to any one or more dependents of the
Participant as the Company may designate.  No  beneficiary  shall,  prior to the
death of the  Participant by whom he has been designed,  acquire any interest in
the Stock or cash credited to the Participant under the Plan.

     19.2   Transferability.   Neither   payroll   deductions   credited   to  a
Participant's Account nor any rights with regard to the exercise of an Option or
to  receive  Stock  under the plan may be  assigned,  transferred,  pledged,  or
otherwise  disposed of in any way by the  Participant  other than by will or the
laws of descent  and  distribution.  Any such  attempted  assignment,  transfer,
pledge or other disposition shall be without effect, except that the Company may
treat such act as an election to withdraw funds in accordance with Section 9.2.

     19.3 Use of Funds. All payroll  deductions  received or held by the Company
under this Plan may be used by the  Company  for any  corporate  purpose and the
Company shall not be obligated to segregate such payroll deductions.

     19.4 Effect of Plan. The provisions of the Plan shall,  in accordance  with
its terms,  be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of, all successors of each
Employee in the Plan, including,  without limitation, such Employee's estate and
the executors,  administrators or trustees thereof,  heirs and legatees, and any
receiver, trustee in bankruptcy or representative of creditors of such Employee.

                                   ARTICLE XX
                             EFFECTIVE DATE OF PLAN

     The Plan shall be effective on January 1, 1998.


     THIS EMPLOYEE  STOCK PURCHASE PLAN was adopted by the Board of Directors of
St. Mary Land & Exploration  Company on September 18, 1997, to be effective upon

     The Plan requires  approval of the shareholders of the Company and shall be
submitted  to a vote for their  approval by the Board of Directors as soon as is
practicable.  If this Plan is not approved by vote of the shareholders within 12
months  after its adoption by the Board of  Directors,  it shall be void and any
Offering then in process shall terminate and all Participants  shall be returned
the balances in their  Accounts.  Participants  may retain,  however,  any Stock
already purchased  pursuant to a completed Offering and the Company shall deduct
and withhold from any amounts subsequently due and owing to the Participant such
federal,  state and local taxes as shall be required  pursuant to applicable law
based on failure of the Plan to qualify as an "employee  stock purchase plan" as
defined under Internal Revenue Code Section 423.

                               ST. MARY LAND & EXPLORATION COMPANY

                               By:    /s/ MARK A. HELLERSTEIN                   

                               Title: President and Chief Executive Officer  
