Media Contacts:                             Investor Relations:
     Michael Wilczak                             William McHale
     Infocrossing, Inc.                          Infocrossing, Inc.
     201-840-4941                                201-840-4732
     mwilczak@infocrossing.com                   wmchale@infocrossing.com

                                 CONFERENCE CALL

LEONIA, New Jersey, November 10th, 2003- Infocrossing, Inc. (NASDAQ: IFOX), a
leading provider of selective IT and business process outsourcing solutions,
announced today that its 2003 fiscal third quarter conference call will begin at
4:15PM Eastern on Thursday, November 13, 2003. The Company plans to release
financial results the morning of November 13th.

Anyone interested in participating should call 800-475-2151 when calling within
the United States or 973-582-2710 when calling internationally. There will be a
playback available until November 20, 2003. To listen to the playback, please
call 877-519-4471 when calling within the United States or 973-341-3080 when
calling internationally. Please use pass code 4306006 for the replay.

This call is being webcast by ViaVid Broadcasting and can be accessed at
Infocrossing's website at www.infocrossing.com. The webcast may also be accessed
at ViaVid's website at www.viavid.net. The webcast can be accessed until
December 13, 2003 on either site. To access the webcast, you will need to have
the Windows Media Player on your desktop. For the free download of the Media
Player please visit:
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

About Infocrossing, Inc. (http://www.infocrossing.com) Infocrossing, Inc.
(Nasdaq: IFOX) is a premier provider of a full range of Information Technology
outsourcing services, including mainframe and open system outsourcing, remote
systems and network management, business process outsourcing, and Information
Technology infrastructure consulting. With nearly 20 years of experience
managing large, mission-critical Information Technology systems, Infocrossing
assures the optimal performance, security, reliability and scalability of
customers' mainframes, distributed servers and networks, irrespective of where
the systems components are located. Infocrossing maintains strategic alliances
with leading technology providers, including IBM, Computer Associates, EMC, Sun
Microsystems, Intel, and Cisco Systems.

This release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section
21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. As such, final results
could differ from estimates or expectations due to risks and uncertainties,
including but not limited to: incomplete or preliminary information; changes in
government regulations and policies; continued acceptance of the Company's
products and services in the marketplace; competitive factors; new products;
technological changes; the Company's dependence upon third-party suppliers;
intellectual property rights; and other risks. For any of these factors, the
Company claims the protection of the safe harbor for forward-looking statements
contained in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, as amended.