Oracle Alliance Agreement (the "Agreement") is between Oracle Corporation
("Oracle") and the Alliance Member identified below. The terms of this Agreement
shall apply to each Program license granted and to all services provided by
Oracle under this Agreement, which will be identified on one or more Order

1.1   "Commencement Date" means the date on which the Programs are delivered by
      Oracle, or if no delivery is necessary, the Effective Date set forth on
      the relevant Order Form.
1.2   "Designated System" shall mean the computer hardware and operating system
      designated on the relevant Order Form or Sublicense report for use in
      conjunction with a Sublicensed Program, Development License, or Marketing
      Support License.
1.3   "Documentation" means the user guides and manuals for installation and use
      of the Program software. Documentation is provided in CD-ROM or bound
      form, whichever is generally available.
1.4   "Order Form" shall mean the document in hard copy or electronic form by
      which the Alliance Member orders Program licenses, Sublicenses, and
      services, and which is agreed to by the parties. The Order Form shall
      reference the Effective Date of this Agreement.
1.5   "Program" shall mean the software in object code form distributed by
      Oracle for which the Alliance Member is granted a license or grants a
      Sublicense pursuant to this Agreement; and the media, Documentation, and
      Updates therefor.
1.6   "Sublicense Addenda" shall mean the addenda to this Agreement specifying
      additional Sublicense terms and Sublicense rates and fees for the various
      types of Sublicenses which may be granted by the Alliance Member.
1.7   "Sublicense" shall mean a nonexclusive, nontransferable right granted by
      or through the Alliance Member to an end user to use an object code copy
      of the Programs with the Value-Added Package under authority of a
      Sublicense Addendum. "Sublicensee" shall mean a third party who is granted
      a Sublicense of the Programs with the Value-Added Package for such party's
      own internal data processing purposes and not for purposes of any further
1.8   "Technical Support" means Program support provided under Oracle's policies
      in effect on the date Technical Support is ordered.
1.9   "Update" shall mean a subsequent release of a Program which Oracle makes
      generally available for Program Licenses at no additional license fee
      other than media and handling charges, provided the Alliance Member has
      ordered Technical Support for such licenses for the relevant time period.
      Updates shall not include any release, option or future product which
      Oracle licenses separately.
2.1   Development Licenses and Trial Licenses
      A. Oracle grants to the Alliance Member a nonexclusive license to use the
      Development Licenses the Alliance Member obtains under this Agreement and
      applicable Sublicense Addenda, as follows:
      1. to develop or prototype the Value-Added Package on the Designated
      System or on a backup system if the Designated System is inoperative, up
      to any applicable maximum number of designated Users or other such
      limitation as may be applicable;
      2. to demonstrate the Programs to potential Sublicensees solely in
      conjunction with the Value-Added Package;
      3. to provide training and technical support to employees and to customers
      solely in conjunction with the Value-Added Package;
      4. to use the Documentation provided with the Programs in support of the
      Alliance Member's authorized use of the Programs; and
      5. to copy the Programs for archival or backup purposes; no other copies
      shall be made without Oracle's prior written consent. All titles,
      trademarks, and copyright and restricted rights notices shall be
      reproduced in such copies. All archival and backup copies of the Programs
      are subject to the terms of this Agreement.
      B. The Alliance Member may order temporary trial licenses ("Trial
      Licenses") for its evaluation purposes only, and not for development or
      prototype purposes, for use during a period specified in the Order Form.
      Each Order Form for Trial Licenses shall clearly state the trial period
      and shall identify that the order is for a Trial License.
2.2   Marketing Support Licenses
            Oracle grants to the Alliance Member a nonexclusive license to use
      the Marketing Support Licenses the Alliance Member obtains under this
      Agreement and applicable Sublicense Addenda, as follows:
      A. to demonstrate the Programs to potential Sublicensees solely in
      conjunction with the Value-Added Package, up to any applicable maximum
      number of designated Users or other such limitation as may be applicable;
      B. to develop customized prototypes of the Value-Added Package for
      prospective Sublicensees on the Designated System if the Alliance Member
      does not receive any fees related to the development of such customized
      C. to use the Documentation provided with the Programs in support of the
      Alliance Member's authorized use of the Programs; and
      D. to copy the Programs for archival or backup purposes; no other copies
      shall be made without Oracle's prior written consent. All titles,
      trademarks, and copyright and restricted rights notices shall be
      reproduced in such copies. All archival and backup copies of the Programs
      are subject to the terms of this Agreement.
2.3   Sublicensing
      A. License to Sublicense Programs

                     [*] Confidential Treatment Requested.

            As further set forth in the applicable Sublicense Addenda, Oracle
      hereby grants the Alliance Member a nonexclusive, nontransferable license
      to market and grant Sublicenses as set forth in such Sublicense Addenda
      and at the rates and fees set forth in such Sublicense Addenda. The
      Alliance Member shall only have the right to Sublicense Programs pursuant
      to an effective Sublicense Addendum between the parties hereto.
            The Alliance Member shall Sublicense the Programs solely through a
      written Sublicense agreement as provided under Section 2.3.B. Upon
      Oracle's request, the Alliance Member shall provide Oracle with a copy of
      the Alliance Member's standard Sublicense agreement.
      B. Sublicense Agreement
            Every Sublicense agreement shall include, at a minimum, contractual
      provisions which:
      1. Restrict use of the Programs to object code, subject to the
      restrictions provided under the applicable Sublicense Addenda and
      consistent with the Sublicense fees payable to Oracle;
      2. prohibit (a) transfer of the Programs except for temporary transfer in
      the event of computer malfunction; (b) assignment, timesharing and rental
      of the Programs; and (c) title to the Programs from passing to the
      Sublicensee or any other party;
      3. Prohibit the reverse engineering, disassembly or decompilation of the
      Programs and prohibit duplication of the Programs except for a single
      backup or archival copy;
      4. Disclaim, to the extent permitted by applicable law, Oracle's liability
      for any damages, whether direct, indirect, incidental or consequential,
      arising from the use of the Programs;
      5. Require the Sublicensee, at the termination of the Sublicense, to
      discontinue use and destroy or return to the Alliance Member all copies of
      the Programs and Documentation;
      6. Prohibit publication of any results of benchmark tests run on the
      7. Require the Sublicensee to comply fully with all relevant export laws
      and regulations of the United States to assure that neither the Programs,
      nor any direct product thereof, are exported, directly or indirectly, in
      violation of United States law; and
      8. Specify Oracle as a third party beneficiary of the Sublicense agreement
      to the extent permitted by applicable law.
      C. Marketing/Sublicensing Practices
            In marketing and Sublicensing the Programs, the Alliance Member
      1. Not engage in any deceptive, misleading, illegal, or unethical
      practices that may be detrimental to Oracle or to the Programs;
      2. Not make any representations, warranties, or guarantees to Sublicensees
      concerning the Programs that are inconsistent with or in addition to those
      made in this Agreement or by Oracle; and
      3. Comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and
      regulations in performing its duties with respect to the Programs.
2.4   Limitations on Use
            The Alliance Member shall not use or duplicate the Programs
      (including the Documentation) for any purpose other than as specified in
      this Agreement or make the Programs available to unauthorized third
      parties. The Alliance Member shall not (a) use the Programs for its
      internal data processing or for processing customer data; (b) rent,
      electronically distribute, or timeshare the Programs or market the
      Programs by interactive cable or remote processing services or otherwise
      distribute the Programs other than as specified in this Agreement; or (c)
      cause or permit the reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of
      the Programs, except to the extent required to obtain interoperability
      with other independently created software or as specified by law.
2.5   Title
            Oracle shall retain all title, copyright, and other proprietary
      rights in the Programs and any modifications or translations thereof. The
      Alliance Member and its Sublicensees do not acquire any rights in the
      Programs other than those specified in this Agreement.
2.6   Transfer of Programs
            The Alliance Member may transfer a Development License or Marketing
      Support License within its organization upon notice to Oracle; transfers
      are subject to the terms and fees specified in Oracle's transfer policy in
      effect at the time of the transfer.
2.7   Use of Programs by Third Parties
            The Alliance Member and each Sublicensee (as the case may be) shall
      have the right to allow third parties to use each such party's licensed
      Programs for the licensee's operations so long as the applicable licensee
      ensures that use of the Programs is in accordance with the terms of this
      Agreement or the applicable Sublicense agreement.
3.1   Technical Support Services
            Technical Support services ordered by the Alliance Member will be
      provided under Oracle's Technical Support policies in effect on the date
      Technical Support is ordered.
3.2   Training Services
            Oracle will provide training services agreed to by the parties under
      the terms of this Agreement. For any on-site services requested by the
      Alliance Member, the Alliance Member shall reimburse Oracle for actual,
      reasonable travel and out-of-pocket expenses incurred.
4.1   License Fees and Sublicense Fees
            The Alliance Member may order Development Licenses or Marketing
      Support Licenses at the standard Program license fees set forth in the
      Price List or at the fees otherwise provided in a Sublicense Addendum. For
      each Sublicense granted by the Alliance Member, the Alliance Member agrees
      to pay Oracle a Sublicense fee as set forth in the applicable Sublicense
      Addenda. The Alliance Member shall not be relieved of its obligation to
      pay Sublicense fees owed to Oracle by the nonpayment of such fees by the
            The Alliance Member is free to determine unilaterally its own
      license fees to its Sublicensees. If the Alliance Member or a Sublicensee
      upgrades the Programs to a larger computer, transfers the Programs outside
      the United States and/or to another operating system, or increases the
      licensed number of Users, the Alliance Member will pay additional
      Sublicense fees to Oracle as provided under Oracle's transfer policies and
      rates in effect at the time the Program is upgraded or transferred.
4.2   Technical Support Fees

                     [*] Confidential Treatment Requested.


            Technical Support services ordered by the Alliance Member for
      Development Licenses and Marketing Support Licenses will be provided under
      Oracle's Technical Support policies and rates in effect on the date
      Technical Support is ordered.
4.3   General Payment Terms
            Except as otherwise provided in a Sublicense Addendum, all fees
      shall be due and payable 30 days from the invoice date. Fees due by the
      Alliance Member shall not be subject to set off for any claims against
      Oracle. All payments made shall be in United States currency and shall be
      made without deductions based on any taxes or withholdings, except where
      such deduction is based on Oracle's gross income. Any amounts payable by
      the Alliance Member hereunder which remain unpaid after the due date shall
      be subject to a late charge equal to 1.5% per month from the due date
      until such amount is paid. The Alliance Member agrees to pay applicable
      media and shipping charges. The Alliance Member shall issue a purchase
      order, or alternative document acceptable to Oracle, on or before the
      Effective Date of the applicable Order Form.
4.4   Taxes
            The fees listed in this Agreement do not include taxes; if Oracle is
      required to pay sales, use, property, value-added, or other taxes based on
      the licenses, Sublicenses or services granted under this Agreement or on
      the Alliance Member's or a Sublicensee's use of Programs or services, then
      such taxes shall be billed to and paid by the Alliance Member. This shall
      not apply to taxes based on Oracle's income.
5.1   Records Inspection
            The Alliance Member shall maintain adequate books and records in
      connection with activity under this Agreement. Such records shall include,
      without limitation, executed Sublicense agreements, the information
      required in or related to the Sublicense reports required under a
      Sublicense Addendum, the number of copies of Programs used or Sublicensed
      by the Alliance Member, the computers on which the Programs are installed,
      and the number of Users using the Programs. Oracle may audit the relevant
      books and records of the Alliance Member and Alliance Member's use of the
      programs. Any such audit shall be conducted during regular business hours
      at the Alliance Member's offices and shall not interfere unreasonably with
      the Alliance Member's business activities. If an audit reveals that the
      Alliance Member has underpaid fees to Oracle, the Alliance Member shall be
      invoiced for such underpaid fees.
            Audits shall be made no more than once annually.
5.2   Notice of Claim
            The Alliance Member will notify the Oracle legal department promptly
      in writing of: (a) any claim or proceeding involving the Programs that
      comes to its attention; and (b) any material change in the management or
      control of the Alliance Member.
6.1   Term
            This Agreement shall become effective on the Effective Date and
      shall be valid until the expiration or termination of all Sublicense
      Addenda hereunder, unless terminated earlier as set forth herein. If not
      otherwise specified on the Order Form, each Program license granted under
      this Agreement shall remain in effect perpetually under the terms of this
      Agreement unless the licenses or this Agreement is terminated as provided
      in this Article 6. The term of each Sublicense Addendum hereunder shall be
      as set forth in each such Addendum.
6.2   Termination by the Alliance Member
            The Alliance Member may terminate any Program license or any
      Sublicense Addenda at any time; however, termination shall not relieve the
      Alliance Member's obligations specified in Section 6.5.
6.3   Termination by Oracle
            Oracle may terminate any Program license, any Sublicense Addenda, or
      this Agreement upon written notice if the Alliance Member materially
      breaches this Agreement and fails to correct the breach within 30 days
      following written notice specifying the breach.
6.4   Force Majeure
            Neither party shall be liable to the other for failure or delay in
      the performance of a required obligation if such failure or delay is
      caused by strike, riot, fire, flood, natural disaster, or other similar
      cause beyond such party's control, provided that such party gives prompt
      written notice of such condition and resumes its performance as soon as
      possible, and provided further that the other party may terminate this
      Agreement if such condition continues for a period of one hundred eighty
      (180) days.
6.5   Effect of Termination
            Upon expiration or termination of a Sublicense Addendum or this
      Agreement, all of the Alliance Member's rights to market and Sublicense
      the Programs as set forth in such Sublicense Addendum or this Agreement
      shall cease.
            The termination of this Agreement, a Sublicense Addendum, or any
      license shall not limit either party from pursuing any other remedies
      available to it, including injunctive relief, nor shall such termination
      relieve the Alliance Member's obligation to pay all fees that have accrued
      or that are owed by the Alliance Member under a Sublicense Addendum or any
      Order Form, or that appear in a Sublicense report. The parties' rights and
      obligations under Sections 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 and Articles 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8
      shall survive termination of this Agreement. Upon termination, the
      Alliance Member shall cease using, and shall return or destroy, all copies
      of the applicable Programs.
7.1   Infringement Indemnity
            Oracle will defend and indemnify the Alliance Member against a claim
      that Programs infringe a copyright or patent or other intellectual
      property right, provided that: (a) the Alliance Member notifies Oracle in
      writing within 30 days of the claim; (b) Oracle has sole control of the
      defense and all related settlement negotiations; and (c) the Alliance
      Member provides Oracle with the assistance, information and authority
      necessary to perform Oracle's obligations under this Section. Reasonable
      out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the Alliance Member in providing such
      assistance will be reimbursed by Oracle. Oracle shall have no liability
      for any claim of infringement based on use of a superseded or altered
      release of Programs if the infringement would have been avoided by the use
      of a

                     [*] Confidential Treatment Requested.


      current unaltered release of the Programs which Oracle provides to the
      Alliance Member.
            In the event the Programs are held or are believed by Oracle to
      infringe, Oracle shall have the option, at its expense, to (a) modify the
      Programs to be noninfringing; or (b) obtain for the Alliance Member a
      license to continue using the Programs. If it is not commercially
      reasonable to perform either of the above options, then Oracle may
      terminate the license for the infringing Programs and refund the license
      fees paid for those Programs. This Section 7.1 states Oracle's entire
      liability and the Alliance Member's exclusive remedy for infringement.
7.2   Warranties and Disclaimers
      A. Program Warranty
            Oracle warrants for a period of one year from the Commencement Date
      that each unmodified Program will perform the functions described in the
      B. Media Warranty
            Oracle warrants the tapes, diskettes or other media to be free of
         defects in materials and workmanship under normal use for 90 days from
         the Commencement Date.
      C. Services Warranty
            Oracle warrants that its Technical Support and training services
      will be performed consistent with generally accepted industry standards.
      This warranty shall be valid for 90 days from performance of service.
      D. Disclaimers
            Oracle does not warrant that the Programs will operate in
      combinations other than as specified in the Documentation or that the
      operation of the Programs will be uninterrupted or error free.
      Pre-Production releases of Programs and computer-based training products
      are distributed "As Is."
            The Alliance Member shall not make any warranty on Oracle's behalf.
7.3   Exclusive Remedies
            For any breach of the warranties contained in Section 7.2 above, the
      Alliance Member's exclusive remedy, and Oracle's entire liability, shall
      A. For Programs
            The correction of Program errors that cause breach of the warranty,
      or if Oracle is unable to make the Program operate as warranted, the
      Alliance Member shall be entitled to recover the fees paid to Oracle for
      the Program license.
      B. For Media
            The replacement of defective media returned within 90 days of the
      Commencement Date.
      C. For Services
            The reperformance of the services, or if Oracle is unable to perform
      the services as warranted, the Alliance Member shall be entitled to
      recover the fees paid to Oracle for the unsatisfactory services.
7.4   Indemnification of Oracle
            The Alliance Member agrees to enforce the terms of its Sublicense
      agreements required by this Agreement so as to effect a timely cure of any
      Sublicense breach, and to notify Oracle of any known breach of such terms.
      The Alliance Member will defend and indemnify Oracle against: A. All
      claims and damages to Oracle arising from any use by the Alliance Member
      or its Sublicensees of any product not provided by Oracle but used in
      combination with the Programs if such claims would have been avoided by
      the exclusive use of the Programs; and B. All claims and damages to Oracle
      caused by the Alliance Member's failure to include the required
      contractual terms set forth in Section 2.3.B hereof in each Sublicense
7.5   Equitable Relief
            The Alliance Member acknowledges that any breach of its obligations
      with respect to proprietary rights of Oracle will cause Oracle irreparable
      injury for which there are inadequate remedies at law and that Oracle
      shall be entitled to equitable relief in addition to all other remedies
      available to it.
8.1   Nondisclosure
            By virtue of this Agreement, the parties may have access to
      information that is confidential to one another ("Confidential
      Information"). Confidential information shall be limited to the Programs,
      the terms and pricing under this Agreement, and all information clearly
      identified as confidential.
            A party's Confidential Information shall not include information
      that: (a) is or becomes a part of the public domain through no act or
      omission of the other party; (b) was in the other party's lawful
      possession prior to the disclosure and had not been obtained by the other
      party either directly or indirectly from the disclosing party; (c) is
      lawfully disclosed to the other party by a third party without restriction
      or disclosure; or (d) is independently developed by the other party. The
      Alliance Member shall not disclose the results of any benchmark tests of
      the Programs to any third party without Oracle's prior written approval.
            The parties agree to hold each other's Confidential Information in
      confidence during the term of this Agreement and for a period of two years
      after termination of this Agreement. The parties agree, unless required by
      law, not to make each other's Confidential Information available in any
      form to any third party for any purpose other than the implementation of
      this Agreement. Each party agrees to take all reasonable steps to ensure
      that Confidential Information is not disclosed or distributed by its
      employees or agents in violation of the terms of this Agreement.
8.2   Copyrights
            The Programs are copyrighted by Oracle. The Alliance Member shall
      retain all Oracle copyright notices on the Programs used by the Alliance
      Member under its Development Licenses or Marketing Support Licenses. The
      Alliance Member shall include the following on all copies of the Programs
      in software Value-Added Packages incorporating the Programs distributed by
      the Alliance Member:
      A. A reproduction of Oracle's copyright notice; or
      B. A copyright notice indicating that the copyright is vested in the
      Alliance Member containing the following
      1. A "c" in a circle and the word "copyright";
      2. The Alliance Member's name;

                     [*] Confidential Treatment Requested.


      3. The date of copyright; and
      4. The words "All Rights Reserved."
            Such notices shall be placed on the Documentation, the sign-on
      screen for any software Value-Added Package incorporating the Programs,
      and the diskette or tape labels. Notwithstanding any copyright notice by
      the Alliance Member to the contrary, the copyright to the Program included
      in any such application package shall remain in Oracle. Other than as
      specified above, on any reproduction or translation of any Programs,
      Documentation, or promotional material, the Alliance Member agrees to
      reproduce Oracle's copyright notices intact.
8.3   Trademarks
            "Oracle" and any other trademarks and service marks adopted by
      Oracle to identify the Programs and other Oracle products and services
      belong to Oracle; the Alliance Member will have no rights in such marks
      except as expressly set forth herein and as specified in writing from time
      to time. The Alliance Member's use of Oracle's trademarks shall be under
      Oracle's trademark policies and procedures in effect from time-to-time.
      The Alliance Member agrees not to use the trademark "ORACLE," or any mark
      beginning with the letters "Ora," or any other mark likely to cause
      confusion with the trademark "ORACLE" as any portion of the Alliance
      Member's tradename, trademark for the Alliance Member's Value-Added
      Package, or trademark for any other products of the Alliance Member. The
      Alliance Member shall have the right to use the trademark "ORACLE" and
      other Oracle trademarks solely to refer to Oracle's Programs, products and
            The Alliance Member agrees with respect to each registered trademark
      of Oracle, to include in each advertisement, brochure, or other such use
      of the trademark, the trademark symbol "circle R" and the following
      _______________ is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation, Redwood
      City, California.
            Unless otherwise notified in writing by Oracle, the Alliance Member
      agrees, with respect to every other trademark of Oracle, to include in
      each advertisement, brochure, or other such use of the trademark, the
      symbol "TM" and the following statement:
      ____________ is a trademark of Oracle Corporation, Redwood City,
            The Alliance Member shall not market the Oracle Programs in any way
      which implies that the Oracle Programs are the proprietary product of the
      Alliance Member or of any party other than Oracle. Oracle shall not have
      any liability to the Alliance Member for any claims made by third parties
      relating to the Alliance Member's use of Oracle's trademarks.
8.4   Relationships Between Parties
            In all matters relating to this Agreement, the Alliance Member will
      act as an independent contractor. The relationship between Oracle and the
      Alliance Member is that of licensor/licensee. Neither party will represent
      that it has any authority to assume or create any obligation, express or
      implied, on behalf of the other party, nor to represent the other party as
      agent, employee, franchisee, or in any other capacity. Nothing in this
      Agreement shall be construed to limit either party's right to
      independently develop or distribute software which is functionally similar
      to the other party's product, so long as proprietary information of the
      other party is not included in such software.
8.5   Assignment
            The Alliance Member may not assign or otherwise transfer any rights
      under this Agreement without Oracle's prior written consent.
8.6   Notice
            All notices, including notices of address change, required to be
      sent hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been given
      when mailed by first class mail to the first address listed in the
      relevant Order Form (if to the Alliance Member) or to the Oracle address
      on the Order Form (if to Oracle).
            To expedite order processing, the Alliance Member agrees that Oracle
      may treat documents faxed by the Alliance Member to Oracle as original
      documents; nevertheless, either party may require the other to exchange
      original signed documents.
8.7   Governing Law/Jurisdiction
            This Agreement, and all matters arising out of or relating to this
      Agreement, shall be governed by the substantive and procedural laws of the
      State of California and shall be deemed to be executed in any state or
      federal court in San Francisco or San Mateo County, California. Oracle and
      the Alliance Member agree to submit to the jurisdiction of, and agree that
      venue is proper in, these courts in any such legal action or proceeding.
8.8   Severability
            In the event any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid
      or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this Agreement will remain
      in full force and effect.
8.9   Export
            The Alliance Member agrees to comply fully with all relevant export
      laws and regulations of the United States ("Export Law") to assure that
      neither the Programs, nor any direct product thereof, are (a) exported,
      directly or indirectly, in violation of Export Laws; or (b) are intended
      to be used for any purposes prohibited by the Export Laws, including,
      without limitation, nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons
8.10  Limitation of Liability
            In no event shall either party be liable for any indirect,
      incidental, special or consequential damages, or damages for loss of
      profits, revenue, data or use, incurred by either party or any third
      party, whether in an action in contract or tort, even if the other party
      or any other person has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
      Oracle's liability for damages hereunder shall in no event exceed the
      amount of fees paid by the Alliance Member under this Agreement, and if
      such damages result from the Alliance Member's or Sublicensee's use of the
      Program or services, such liability shall be limited to fees paid for the
      relevant Program or services giving rise to the liability.
            The provisions of this Agreement allocate the risks between Oracle
      and the Alliance Member. Oracle's pricing

                     [*] Confidential Treatment Requested.


      reflects this allocation of risk and the limitation of liability specified
8.11  Federal Government Sublicenses
            If the Alliance Member grants a Sublicense to the United States
      government, the Programs shall be provided with "Restricted Rights" and
      the Alliance Member will place a legend, in addition to the applicable
      copyright notices, on the documentation, and on the tape or diskette
      label, substantially similar to the following:
                            RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND
      "Programs delivered subject to the DOD FAR Supplement are "commercial
      computer software" and use, duplication and disclosure of the Programs
      shall be subject to the licensing restrictions set forth in the applicable
      license agreement. Otherwise, Programs delivered subject to the Federal
      Acquisition Regulations are "restricted computer software" and use,
      duplication and disclosure of the Programs shall be subject to the
      restrictions in FAR 52.227-14, Rights in Data--General, including
      Alternate III (June 1987)."
8.12  Waiver
            The waiver by either party of any default or breach of this
      Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of any other or subsequent default
      or breach. Except for actions for nonpayment or breach of Oracle's
      proprietary rights in the Programs, no action, regardless of form, arising
      out of this Agreement may be brought by either party more than two years
      after the cause of action has accrued.
8.13  Entire Agreement
            This Agreement constitutes the complete agreement between the
      parties and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous agreements or
      representations, written or oral, concerning the subject matter of this
      Agreement. This Agreement may not be modified or amended except in a
      writing signed by a duly authorized representative of each party; no other
      act, document, usage or custom shall be deemed to amend or modify this
            It is expressly agreed that the terms of this Agreement and any
      Order Form shall supersede the terms in any Alliance Member purchase order
      or other ordering document. This Agreement shall also supersede the terms
      of any unsigned or "shrinkwrap" license included in any package, media, or
      electronic version of Oracle-furnished software and any such software
      shall be licensed under the terms of this Agreement, provided that the use
      limitations contained in an unsigned ordering document shall be effective
      for the specified licenses.

The Effective Date of this Agreement shall be April 1, 1998.

Executed by the Alliance Member:

MedicaLogic                            Executed by Oracle Corporation:
- ----------------------------------
                                       Authorized Signature: RACHEL ROLLINS
Authorized Signature: GUY E. FIELD                           --------------
                      ------------     Name: Rachel E. Rollins
Name: Guy E. Field                           ------------------------------
      ----------------------------     Title: Contract Specialist
Title: Controller                             -----------------------------

Oracle Corporation
500 Oracle Parkway
Redwood Shores, CA  94065
(415) 506-7000
Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation.

                     [*] Confidential Treatment Requested.


                                  AMENDMENT ONE
                                     to the
                            ORACLE ALLIANCE AGREEMENT
                                MEDICALOGIC INC.
                               ORACLE CORPORATION

This document ("Amendment One") shall serve to amend the Oracle Alliance
Agreement and any amendments and addenda thereto between Medicalogic Inc. (the
"Alliance Member") and Oracle Corporation ("Oracle") dated April 1, 1998 (the
"Agreement") and any amendments or addenda thereto.

The Agreement is amended as follows:

1.   Add the following to the end of Section 2.3 B 2(a) of the Agreement:

          "However, the Alliance Member may permit a Sublicensee to transfer its
     rights under a Sublicense Agreement to: (i) any company controlling,
     controlled by, or under, control with Sublicensee; (ii) wholly owned
     subsidiary of such Sublicensee; (iii) the surviving entity of a merger
     involving Sublicensee or the purchaser of all or substantially all of the
     assets of sublicensee or the purchaser of the portion of the business in
     which the Software is used; or (iv) a management services company that
     provides management for a Sublicensee's day-to-day operations, provided
     that Sublicensee notifies Oracle in writing and the transferee remains
     subject to all limitations of the Sublicense."

2.   Notwithstanding the restrictions in the Agreement and the Runtime
     Sublicense Addendum to the Agreement (the "Addendum") with respect to
     restrictions on Sublicensee use, including in particular Section 2.3 B of
     the Agreement, and Section [.] of the Addendum, the Alliance Member may
     grant Sublicenses, pursuant to the Agreement and the Addendum, to
     management service companies or others who provide electronic medical
     record services to third parties, as long as Alliance Member charges such
     Sublicensees a Sublicense fee based on the number of Concurrent Users and
     pays to Oracle the applicable Sublicense fees as set forth in the Addendum.

3.   Notwithstanding the restrictions in the Agreement with respect to the
     rental of the Programs, including in particular Section 2.3(B)(2)(b) and
     Section 2.4(b), the Alliance Member may rent its Value Added package, which
     includes the Programs for use only as Runtime Programs as described in
     Section 1.2 of the Runtime Sublicense Addendum, to up to five (5) customers
     of the Alliance

                     [*] Confidential Treatment Requested.

     Member, provided the Alliance Member charges such customers a Sublicense
     fee based on the number of Concurrent Users and pays to Oracle a one-time
     fee in advance for such Program Sublicenses in the rented Value Added
     Package. Such Value Added Packages may only be rented once to one customer
     and may not be rented again to a different customer. Any additional rental
     arrangements shall require additional fees and approval by Oracle.

Other than the modifications set forth above, the terms and conditions of the
Agreement remain unchanged and in full force and effect.

The Effective Date of this Amendment One is April 1, 1998.


By: GUY E. FIELD                       By: NICK MARQUIS
    ------------------------------         -----------------------------------
Name: Guy E. Field                     Name: Nick Marquis
      ----------------------------           ---------------------------------
Title: Controller                      Title: Manager, Alliances Sales Support
       ---------------------------            --------------------------------

                     [*] Confidential Treatment Requested.

                           RUNTIME SUBLICENSE ADDENDUM

This document (the "Addendum") is between Oracle Corporation ("Oracle") and
Medicalogic Inc. (the "Alliance Member") and shall be governed by the terms of
the Oracle Alliance Agreement between the Alliance Member and Oracle effective
April 1, 1998 (the "Agreement") and the terms set forth below.


1.1   Sublicense Programs and Terms

            The Alliance Member may only Sublicense Runtime Programs for which
      the Alliance member has previously acquired a Supported Development
      License for the applicable Designated System. Notwithstanding any other
      provision of this Agreement, the Alliance member shall have no right to
      Sublicense Programs designated as Oracle Applications Programs, Oracle
      Express Programs, Limited Production Programs, or other Programs specified
      by Oracle from time-to-time without the prior written consent of Oracle.

            The Alliance Member shall have the right to market and grant
      Sublicenses of Runtime Programs under the conditions set forth in the
      Agreement and under the following restrictions:

      A. Sublicense Runtime Programs with the Application Program in the
      Application Package for use on Designated Systems to Sublicensees. Each
      copy of the Runtime Programs distributed shall be for the Sublicensee's
      own internal use in the Territory only on a single Designated System
      limited to a maximum number of Users; and

      B. Make and deliver to the Sublicensee a single copy of the Runtime
      Programs in the Application Package for each Sublicense granted.

            The Alliance member shall use all practical means available, both
      contractual and technical, to control the restricted use of each Runtime
      Program Sublicense. If a Sublicensee uses the Runtime Program beyond the
      limited functionality described in Section 1.2 hereof, the Alliance member
      or Distributor shall immediately notify the Sublicensee of such
      unauthorized use and if the Sublicensee fails to discontinue such
      unauthorized use following notification either terminate the Sublicense or
      forward to Oracle one hundred percent (100%) of the applicable Full Use
      standard Program license fees in effect at the time the payment is made to
      Oracle together with a written request by the Sublicensee for a Full Use
      Program license from Oracle. Oracle must approve, in writing, the
      Sublicensee's request before continued use of the Programs by the
      Sublicensee shall be deemed authorized.

1.2   Runtime Programs

            For the purposes of this Addendum, "Runtime Program(s)" shall mean
      Programs which shall be limited to use solely for the purpose of executing
      an unmodified standard version of the Alliance Member's Application
      Program. Runtime Programs may not be use to build or modify reports or
      applications. "Full Use Programs" shall mean unaltered versions of the
      Programs with all functions intact.

1.3   Value-Added Package

            For the purposes of this Addendum, "Application Program(s)" shall
      mean the Alliance Member's value-added application software, described in
      the attached Application Package Attachment with which the Runtime
      Programs are to be coupled. "Application Package(s)" shall mean the
      Runtime Programs coupled with the Application Programs. For purposes of
      the Agreement, the Application Program shall be regraded as the Alliance
      member's Value-Added Package.

1.4   Trial Sublicenses

            The Alliance Member and its Distributors shall be entitled to grant,
      at no charge, up to a maximum combined total of ten (10) temporary Trial
      Sublicenses of the Application Package at any one time. Such Sublicenses
      shall be for evaluation purposes only and shall be for a period not to
      exceed thirty (30) days. The Alliance Member shall pay Oracle Sublicense
      fees for any Trial Sublicenses in excess of thirty (30) days. Each such
      Trial Sublicense shall be Sublicensed under a Sublicense agreement which
      provides for such trial use.

1.5   Distributors

            Oracle grants the Alliance Member the right to appoint third parties
      ("Distributors") to market and Sublicense the Runtime Programs in the
      Territory, under the terms of the Agreement and this Addendum. However,
      Distributors shall have no right to make copies of the Programs for
      Sublicensing and shall obtain all such Programs from the Alliance Member.
      Each Distributor shall execute a written agreement with the Alliance
      Member binding the Distributor to provisions substantially similar to
      those contained in Sections 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5,
      7.2.D, 7.5, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.5, 8.7, 8.9, 8.10, and 8.11 of the Agreement
      and to those contained in Sections 1 (except 1.5), 3, 4, 5, and 6 of this
      Addendum. Each obligation of the Alliance Member under such provisions
      shall also be applicable to each Distributor. Each Distributor agreement
      shall also contain any other provisions necessary for the Alliance Member
      to satisfy its commitments under the Agreement. The Alliance Member shall
      notify Oracle promptly in writing of the appointment of each such

            In addition, the Alliance Member shall keep executed Distributor
      agreements and records of the Distributor information required under the
      Alliance Member's Sublicense reports, and shall allow Oracle to inspect
      such information as specified under the Agreement. The Alliance Member
      will defend and indemnify Oracle against all damages to Oracle caused by
      the Distributors' failure to include the

                     [*] Confidential Treatment Requested.

      required contractual terms set forth in Section 2.3.B of the Agreement in
      each Sublicense agreement. The Alliance Member agrees to enforce the terms
      of its Distributor agreements required under this Section so as to effect
      a timely cure of any Distributor breach, and to notify Oracle of any known
      breach of such terms.

1.6   Documentation

            The Alliance Member shall be responsible for providing documentation
      for Sublicensees. The Alliance Member shall have the right to incorporate
      portions of the Documentation into the Alliance Member's documentation,
      subject to the provisions of Section 8.2 of the Agreement.


2.1   Sublicense Fees and Rate

            For each copy of the Programs Sublicensed by the Alliance Member or
      its Distributor in the Application package, the Alliance Member agrees to
      pay Oracle a Sublicense fee equal to [*] percent ([*]%) of the applicable
      license fee for each such Program, as specified in the applicable Price
      List and Alliance Member Price List supplement to such Price List in
      effect at the time the applicable Programs are Sublicensed.

            As further specified in Section 6 of this Addendum, Sublicense fees
      shall be due and payable within twenty (20) days of the last day of each
      month. The Alliance Member shall not be relieved of its obligation to pay
      Sublicense fees owed to Oracle by the nonpayment of such fees by the

            On or after each anniversary during the Term of this Addendum,
      Oracle may amend the Sublicense fee percentage rate set forth above based
      on Oracle's then-current standard Sublicense fee percentage rate schedule
      and the actual amount of Sublicense fees received by Oracle hereunder.

2.2   Price List for Sublicenses

            Notwithstanding any other provision of the Agreement, the applicable
      Price List for determining Sublicense fees shall be the standard Price
      List in effect at the time the Application Package is Sublicensed.

            Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, if the
      Alliance Member issues a written Sublicense quote and such quote is
      accepted by the applicable Sublicensee, for a period of ninety (90) days
      after the date of submission of the quote to the Sublicensee, the
      Sublicense fee applicable to the Programs identified in the quote shall be
      based on the Price List in effect on such date.

2.3   Users

            The Sublicense fees for a Program shall be based and priced on the
      applicable User Level for the maximum number of Users for such Program, as
      specified in the Price List. The Alliance Member shall have the right to
      Sublicense Programs on any User basis specified in the Price List in
      effect at the time the applicable Program is Sublicensed.


            This Addendum shall become effective on the Effective Date of this
      Addendum and shall be valid for three (3) years (the "Term") from the
      Effective Date, unless terminated as provided in the Agreement. Any
      renewal of this Addendum shall be subject to renegotiation of terms and

            Unless the expiration or termination is for default by the Alliance
      Member, the Alliance Member may continue using the release of the Programs
      then in the Alliance Member's possession on the Designated Systems for
      which Development Licenses were granted, solely for the purpose of
      continuing technical support for Sublicenses granted prior to termination.
      Such continued use of the Programs shall be subject to all the provisions
      of this Agreement, including, without limitation, payment of the Technical
      Support Fees specified herein.


            The Alliance Member shall have the right to market and grant
      Sublicenses of Programs in the United States only (the "Territory").


5.1   Technical Support for Sublicensees

      A. Installation

            The Alliance Member or its Distributors will be responsible for any
      assistance needed to install the Application Package at Sublicensee sites.

      B. Sublicensing Support

            The Alliance Member is responsible for providing all technical
      support, training and consultations to its Sublicensees and Distributors.
      In consideration of the payments specified in Section 5.2, the Alliance
      Member shall have the right to use the Oracle Technical Support services
      acquired for its Supported Development Licenses to provide technical
      support services to its Sublicensees as further set forth in the
      Agreement. The Alliance Member shall continuously maintain Oracle
      Technical Support services for the Development Licenses during the period
      during which the Alliance Member provides technical support services to
      any Sublicensees. Any questions from the Alliance Member's Alliance
      Member's Sublicensees or Distributors will be referred by Oracle to the
      Alliance Member.

5.2   Technical Support Fees

            For Technical Support services for Sublicensees, each year the
      Alliance Member agrees to pay Oracle annual Technical Support Fees for
      each Runtime Program Sublicensed under this Addendum, a previous Alliance
      Member Addendum, or previous distribution agreement between the parties
      hereto where the Sublicensee received technical support services for such
      Runtime Program during the applicable support period from the Alliance
      Member. Annual Technical Support Fees for a Program shall be equal to the
      applicable Technical Support Percentage Rate specified below,
      corresponding to the highest Technical Support Services level specified
      below for any Development License used under this Addendum, of the
      cumulative Sublicense fees accrued to Oracle for a Sublicensed Program
      supported by the Alliance Member.

      Technical Support          Technical Support
      Services Level             Percentage Rate
      --------------             ---------------
      Bronze                           [*]%

                     [*] Confidential Treatment Requested.


      Silver                           [*]%
      Gold                             [*]%

            Upon December 31 of each year, the Alliance Member shall provide
      Oracle a report setting forth all of the Alliance Members' Sublicenses and
      those Sublicensed Programs which were supported by the Alliance Member
      during the calendar year. The report shall also include the applicable
      Technical Support Fees due and payable to Oracle for such calendar year.
      The Alliance Member shall provide Oracle with payment of all Technical
      Support Fees for such calendar year required under the applicable December
      31 report with such report in the form of a check made out in the amount
      of such fees. All Technical Support Fees paid to Oracle are noncancelable
      and nonrefundable.

            On or after each anniversary during the Term of this Addendum,
      Oracle may amend the Technical Support Percentage Rates set forth above
      based on Oracle's then-current standard Technical Support percentage rate


            Within twenty (20) days of the last day of each and every month, the
      Alliance Member shall send Oracle a report detailing for that month:

      A. For each Sublicensed Application Package shipped during the prior
      month, Sublicensee name, address, make/model and operating system of the
      Designated System, date of shipment, Runtime Programs shipped, maximum
      number of licensed Users, whether the Sublicense is a Trial Sublicense,
      and total Sublicense fees and Technical Support Fees due to Oracle;

      B. For each Application Program licensed to end-users to be used with
      previously installed software licensed by Oracle in conjunction with the
      Application Program, Sublicensee name, address, make/model and operating
      system of the computer, and date of installation; and

      C. The Distributor agreements executed during the prior month, including
      names and addresses of the Distributors.

            The Alliance Member shall require its Distributors to report this
      information to the Alliance Member on a monthly basis and will include it
      in the report for the month in which the Alliance Member received the
      information. The Alliance Member shall provide Oracle with payment of all
      fees required under the monthly report with such report in the form of a
      check made out in the amount of such fees.


            During the Term, the Alliance Member may order production release
      versions of Oracle off-the-shelf Programs available as production release
      as of the Effective Date of this Addendum and listed on the Price List in
      effect as of such date. The license fee for Development Licenses shall be
      equal to Oracle's standard list license fees in effect when an order is
      placed. The Alliance Member shall have the right to order Programs for use
      as Marketing Support Licenses at no further charge to the Alliance Member.
      The Alliance Member may obtain Technical Support services from Oracle for
      such Programs under Oracle's applicable Technical Support fees and
      policies in effect when such services are ordered.

The Effective Date of this Addendum shall be April 1, 1998.

Executed by the Alliance Member:       Executed by Oracle Corporation:
Medicalogic, Inc.
Authorized Signature: GUY E. FIELD     Authorized Signature: RACHEL ROLLINS
                      ------------                           --------------
Name: Guy E. Field                     Name: Rachel E. Rollins
      ----------------------------           ------------------------------
Title: Controller                      Title: Contract Specialist
       ---------------------------            -----------------------------

Oracle Corporation
500 Oracle Parkway
Redwood Shores, CA  94065
(415) 506-7000
Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation.

                     [*] Confidential Treatment Requested.



Name of Application Program and Application Package which the Alliance Member
will be Sublicensing under the Agreement (may not contain the trademarks
"Oracle" or "Ora" or any portion thereof):


Description of Application Package:

Logician is an Electronic Medical Records program which runs under Microsoft
Windows. It supports the entry and retrieval of patient medical information
within a single medical clinic or across separate clinics within a healthcare


Registration -- supports the entry of patient demographic information. Chart --
supports the entry and retrieval of patient medical records. Desktop -- supports
the workflow tasks of a clinic's staff. Scheduling -- supports the scheduling of
patient appointments. Inquiry/Reports -- supports general queries and reports
across a set of patient records. LinkLogic -- used for the import and export of
data through Electronic
  ** see Modules continued below Functions and Objectives

     Functions and Objectives:

Logician supports all the clinical data and workflow needs of a medical clinic.

** Modules continued:

Data Interfaces (EDI).

ClinicLink -- permits Logician databases at separate clinics to be accessed as a
single logical, organization-wide database of patient and configuration
Setup -- used to configure Logician's features.

Various knowledgebases -- datasets and associated rules to aid in the delivery
of healthcare. For example, ConsultLogic is a knowledgebase module which aids in
determining what medical tests need to be performed in a given situation.

                     [*] Confidential Treatment Requested.

                                  AMENDMENT ONE
                                     to the
                           RUNTIME SUBLICENSE ADDENDUM
                                     to the
                            ORACLE ALLIANCE AGREEMENT
                                 MEDICALOGIC INC
                               ORACLE CORPORATION

This document ("Amendment One") shall serve to amend the Runtime Sublicense
Addendum dated April 1, 1998 (the "Addendum") to the Oracle Alliance Agreement
between Medicalogic Inc. (the "Alliance Member") and Oracle Corporation
("Oracle") dated April 1, 1998 (the "Agreement").

The parties agree to amend the Addendum as follows:

1.   In the first sentence of Section 1.4, delete the words "ten (10)" and
     replace them with the words "one hundred (100)."

2.   Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in Section 2.1 of the
     Addendum, for each copy of the Oracle Server Program Sublicensed by the
     Alliance or its Distributor as part of the Logician Application Package,
     the Alliance Member agrees to pay Oracle the applicable Sublicense fee,
     stated in the table below, of the applicable license fee for each such
     Program, as specified in the applicable Price List in effect at the time
     the applicable Programs are Sublicensed.

          Program                                              Rate
          -------                                              ----

          Oracle Server                                        [*]%
          Oracle Server-Enterprise Edition, NT platform        [*]%
          Oracle Server-Enterprise Edition, Unix platform      [*]%

3.   In addition to the Sublicense rights granted under the Addendum and
     notwithstanding any other provision of the Agreement and the Addendum, the
     parties agree to grant the below Sublicensees the one time right to
     transfer the Sublicensed Programs to another Designated System on which
     such Sublicensed Programs are available in production release as of the
     Effective Date of the Amendment. Such transfer shall be at no additional
     charge provided: (i) the Sublicensee has maintained Oracle Technical
     Support services for the Sublicensed Programs from the Effective Date of
     the Order Form; and (ii) the Sublicensee maintains the same user level on
     the new Designated System. All transfers of the Sublicensed Programs shall
     take place prior to

                     [*] Confidential Treatment Requested.

     December 31, 1999 and all subsequent transfer after such date shall be
     subject to Oracle's transfer fees and policies in effect at the time of

    Alligns - Minneapolis, MN
    North Memorial - Minneapolis, MN
    Providence Health Systems - Portland, OR
    Riverside Physicians Services - Norfolk, VA
    New York University - NY, NY
    Sentara - Richmond, VA
    Arizona Medical Clinic - Phoenix, AZ
    Wakeforest University - Wakeforest, NC
    Merrit Care - Fargo, ND
    Memorial - Houston, TX

4.   In Section 2.1, delete the word "month" and insert the word "Quarter" and
     delete the word "monthly" and insert the word "Quarterly" in each instance
     in which such words occur.

5.   Delete the first sentence of Section 3 and insert the following:

     "This Addendum shall become effective on the Effective Date of this
     Addendum and shall be valid till December 31, 1999, unless terminated as
     provided in the Agreement."

6.   In Section 5, delete the word "month" and insert the word "Quarter" and
     delete the word "monthly" and insert the word "Quarterly" in each instance
     in which such words occur.

7.   Delete the first sentence of Section 6 and insert the following:

     "Within thirty (30) days of the last day of each quarterly period ending in
     the months of January, April, July and October (each such period, a
     "Quarter"), the Alliance Member shall send to Oracle a report detailing for
     that Quarter."

8.   In Section 6, delete the word "month" and insert the word "Quarter" and
     delete the word "monthly" and insert the word "Quarterly" in each instance
     in which such words occur.

9.   During the Term of the Addendum, if Oracle changes the CPU requirements for
     Sublicensing of Oracle Server as listed in the applicable Alliance Price
     List, the Alliance Member shall have the right to Sublicense the Oracle
     Server Program at its current rate of [*] percent ([*]%) of Net license
     fees, as stated in Section 2.1 of the Addendum.

                     [*] Confidential Treatment Requested.


Other than the modifications set forth above, the terms and conditions of the
Agreement shall remain unchanged and in full force and effect.

The Effective Date of this Amendment One is April 1, 1998.


By: GUY E. FIELD                       By: NICK MARQUIS
    ------------------------------         -----------------------------------
Name: Guy E. Field                     Name: Nick Marquis
      ----------------------------           ---------------------------------
Title: Controller                      Title: Manager, Alliances Sales Support
       ---------------------------            --------------------------------

                     [*] Confidential Treatment Requested.


MedicaLogic(R) and Logician(R) are registered trademarks and LinkLogic(TM) is a
trademark of MedicaLogic, Inc. Copyright (C) 1999 MedicaLogic, Inc. All Rights

This Manual has been created by MedicaLogic, Inc. ("MedicaLogic") for use with
the Software and/or Databases ("Software") described in this Manual. The
Software and Databases are subject to the terms of the Customer License
Agreement accompanying the Software and may be used or copied only in accordance
with the Customer License Agreement. Federal law prohibits the copying of the
Software or the Manual except as specifically allowed in the Customer License
Agreement. No part of the Software or this Manual may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, except as
provided in the Customer License Agreement or with the express written
permission of MedicaLogic, Inc.

Oracle(R) is a registered trademark and Oracle7(TM) is a trademark of the Oracle
Corporation. Copyright (C) 1994 Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

ORACLE RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the
Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of
the Department of Defense Regulations Supplement ("DFARS") 252.227-7013. Rights
in Technical Data and Computer Software (October 1988) and Federal Acquisition
Regulation ("FAR") 52.227-14, Rights in Data-General, including Alternate III
(June 1987), as applicable. Oracle Corporation, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood
City, CA 94065.

Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation. Copyright (C) 1994 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Portions of this software were designed and developed for MedicaLogic by Indius,
Inc. C++ framework libraries (C) 1993-1995 Indius, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Norton pcANYWHERE(TM) is a trademark and Symantec(R) is a registered trademark
of Symantec Corporation. Copyright (C) 1994 Symantec Corporation. All Rights

Women's Health Advisor(TM), Adult Health Advisor(TM), Arthritis Health
Advisor(TM), Pediatric Advisor(TM), Spanish/English Pediatric Advisor(TM),
Behavioral Health Advisor(TM), and Senior Health Advisor(TM) are trademarks of
Clinical Reference Systems, Ltd. Copyright (C) 1995 Clinical Reference Systems,
Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

CPT-4 and ICD-9 Databases included with this software are licensed from Context
Software Systems, Inc. Copyright (C) 1994 Context Software Systems, Inc. All
Rights Reserved.

This software incorporates SNOMED International--The Systematized Nomenclature
of Human and Veterinary Medicine, used by permission of the College of American
Pathologists. Copyright (C) 1995 College of American Pathologists. All Rights

The Medication Reference databases included with this software are licensed from
MediSpan, Inc. Copyright (C) 1995 Medi-Span, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Portions of this software are copyright (C) 1994 by VISUALTOOLS, INC. All Rights
Reserved. These are supplied for run-time use only, and are subject to the terms
of the VISUALTOOLS, INC. License Agreement.

Portions of this software are copyright (C) 1991-1994 by Arthur D. Applegate.

Portions of this software are owned by Software Fx, Inc. and are protected by
United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions. They are
supplied for run-time use only and may not be used for development purposes.

Portions of the imaging technology of this product are copyright (C) AccuSoft

Referral Guidelines text included with Logician is licensed from Dr. Paul
Ladenson. Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Dr. Paul Ladenson. All Rights Reserved.

Printed in the United States of America

                     [*] Confidential Treatment Requested.