(RULE 14A-101)


                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
                           Proxy Statement Pursuant to
                              Section 14(A) of the
                               Securities Exchange
                                   Act of 1934
                                (Amendment No. )

Filed by the Registrant                      /X/

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant  /  /

Check the appropriate box:

/X/  Preliminary Proxy Statement

/ /  Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule

/ /  Definitive Proxy Statement

/ /  Definitive Additional Materials

/ /  Soliciting Material Pursuant to ss.240.14a-12

                           THE JENSEN PORTFOLIO, INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

/X/  No fee required.

/ / Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

(1)  Title of each class of  securities  to which  transaction  applies:  Common
     Stock, par value $.001 per share

(2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

(3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction  computed  pursuant
     to Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is
     calculated and state how it was determined):

(4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

(5)  Total fee paid:

/ / Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

/ / Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid
previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number, or
the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

(1)  Amount Previously Paid:

(2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

(3)  Filing Party:

(4)  Date Filed:

                           The Jensen Portfolio, Inc.
                               2130 Pacwest Center
                              1211 SW Fifth Avenue
                             Portland, OR 97204-3721

                                                                   June 21, 2001

Dear Fellow The Jensen Portfolio, Inc. Shareholder:

     At The  Jensen  Portfolio,  Inc.,  we  continue  to devise  strategies  and
implement  changes to best serve our shareholders.  Last month, for example,  we
announced the implementation of a Shareholder Servicing Plan to ensure that your
needs as a shareholder of the Fund are adequately met. At the same time, we were
able to share  with  you some of the  accolades  received  from The Wall  Street
Journal,  New York Times,  Business Week, Mutual Funds,,  Black
Enterprise, and Investment Advisor regarding the performance of the Fund.

     We continue to fashion an  organization  able to outsource  critical  tasks
such as marketing and shareholder services to established experts. The following
proposals are a continuation of these efforts. A special meeting of shareholders
will be held for the Fund at 3:00 p.m.,  Pacific  Time,  on  Thursday,  July 26,
2001, at the location noted on the enclosed proxy statement.  To help you review
the  issues  you are  being  asked to  consider  and  approve,  I would  like to
highlight the proposed changes.

     Approving the Fund's Board of Directors

     The Fund is asking you to approve its Board of  Directors.  Currently,  the
Fund has six board members, three of whom work for Jensen Investment Management,
Inc.--the  Fund's  investment  adviser.  Recent law changes  require mutual fund
boards to be comprised of a majority of directors who are  independent  from the
investment  adviser.  Federal  law also  requires  that at all  times,  at least
two-thirds of the board be comprised of directors  elected by  shareholders.  In
trying to meet both of these  requirements,  the Fund's Board of  Directors  has
decided to accept the resignation of one of its directors who is employed by the
investment  adviser;  however  the  resignation  of that  director  reduces  the
percentage of directors approved by shareholders below the required  two-thirds.
As a result of these  requirements,  you are  being  asked to  approve  all five
directors that would continue to serve on the Fund's board after the shareholder

     The Ability to Manage the Fund Effectively

     The second proposal is to approve an amended investment  advisory agreement
that will eliminate the guaranteed  expense  waiver or  reimbursement  currently
provided to the Fund. Currently,  the investment adviser is contracted under the
investment  advisory  agreement to reimburse certain expenses of the Fund if the
expenses surpass certain  thresholds.  This  requirement  hinders the investment
adviser's  ability to  effectively  perform its duties of managing  the Fund and
providing  competent  management  staff. The proposed change removes the expense
reimbursement  language from the investment advisory  agreement.  The removal of
the language does not change the amount of fees currently paid to the investment
adviser, but it may change the amount of overall expenses the Fund is subject to
pay. Keep in mind,  however,  that during the last four fiscal years, the Fund's
actual  expenses  have  never  exceeded  the  limits  provided  in  the  current
investment  advisory  agreement.  Furthermore,  the management fees for the Fund
have not been modified  since the Fund was started in 1992,  and the Fund is not
proposing  an  increase in  management  fees with this  proxy.  Management  fees
support the compensation of portfolio managers and support staff, as well as the
ever more  complex  technology  and  research  needs.  The  proposed  investment
advisory  agreement will ensure that the investment adviser can continue to meet
these  needs  while  preserving  its low  management  fee below the  average for
similar  funds.  Finally,  the  investment  adviser  has  agreed to enter into a
separate  Expense Waiver and  Reimbursement  Agreement  under which it agrees to
limit the expenses of the Fund to 1.40% of the Fund's average daily net asset on
an annual basis, which is in line with the industry average. This agreement does
not require shareholder approval.

     12b-1 Fees Will Serve You

     The third proposal is designed to attract additional  shareholders in order
to spread  expenses  across a larger  asset base.  In today's  investing  world,
mutual funds must be able to reach the  broadest  spectrum of  investors.  12b-1
plans provide a method to reimburse financial intermediaries for their marketing
and distribution  expenses.  Therefore,  a maximum 12b-1 fee of 0.10% of average
daily net assets for all shares of the Fund is being proposed.

     Allowing For Cash Investments During Uneasy Times

     The last  proposal  is a proposal to  increase a  limitation  on one of the
Fund's fundamental policy.  Currently,  the Fund follows a policy that allows it
to invest up to 10% of its total assets in cash investments. As the stock market
has indicated  over the last few months,  there are times when cash  investments
would be more advisable than investing in stocks. The Fund is proposing that the
limitation for investments in cash be raised to 25% of its total assets.


     Please vote by completing,  signing and returning the enclosed proxy ballot
to us  immediately.  Or if you choose,  you may vote by  telephone.  Your prompt
response  will  help  avoid  the cost of  additional  mailings.  If you have any
questions,  please call your Customer Service  Representative at 1-800-221-4384,
Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Pacific Time.


                                            /s/ VAL JENSEN
                                            Val Jensen, President

                              EXCHANGE COMMISSION.

                           The Jensen Portfolio, Inc.
                               2130 Pacwest Center
                              1211 SW Fifth Avenue
                             Portland, OR 97204-3721

                            To be held July 26, 2001

     A Special Meeting of Shareholders  (the "Meeting") of The Jensen Portfolio,
Inc.  (the "Fund") will be held at the offices of 2130 Pacwest  Center,  1211 SW
Fifth Avenue,  Portland,  Oregon 97204-3721 on Thursday,  July 26, 2001, at 3:00
p.m., Pacific Time, for the following purposes:

(1)  To elect five  Directors of the Fund to hold office until their  respective
     successors have been duly elected and qualified;

(2)  To approve an amended  Investment  Advisory  Agreement between the Fund and
     Jensen Investment Management, Inc.;

(3)  To approve the  institution of a  Distribution  Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1
     under the Investment Company Act of 1940;

(4)  To approve a change to a  fundamental  policy of the Fund to allow the Fund
     to invest up to 25% of its assets in cash or cash equivalents;

(5)  To transact such other  business as may properly come before the Meeting or
     any adjournments thereof.

The Board of Directors of the Fund recommends that you vote in favor of each

The Board of  Directors  has fixed the close of business on June 15, 2001 as the
record  date (the  "Record  Date")  for  determining  the  shareholders  who are
entitled  to  receive  notice of the  Meeting  and to vote  their  shares at the
Meeting or any adjournments or postponements  thereof.  You are entitled to cast
one vote for each full share and a  fractional  vote for each  fractional  share
that you own on the Record Date.

                                                              /s/ GARY HIBLER
                                                              Gary W. Hibler
Portland, Oregon
June 21, 2001

     Your vote is  important.  Whether or not you intend to attend the  Meeting,
please fill in, date,  sign and promptly  return the enclosed  proxy card in the
postage paid return envelope  provided in order to avoid the additional  expense
of further proxy solicitation and to ensure that a quorum will be present at the
meeting.  Your proxy is  revocable at any time before its use. You may also vote
by telephone by calling 1-800-________.

                              Questions and Answers

What proposals am I being asked to vote on?

     You are being asked to vote on the following proposals:

1.   The election of five Directors of the Fund
2.   To approve an amended Investment Advisory Agreement
3.   To approve a Distribution Plan (12b-1 Plan)
4.   To approve an increase to the cash investment limitations of the Fund

Has the Board of Directors approved the Proposals?

     Yes. The Board of Directors  unanimously  approved these  proposals on June
     14, 2001, and recommends that you vote to approve each proposal.

Why is the Fund having a Shareholder Meeting?

     Under federal law, the Fund, as an investment company, must elect directors
     so that a majority of the directors are "independent"  directors.  The Fund
     must also obtain your approval to amend the Investment  Advisory Agreement,
     to  implement  a  Distribution  Plan  under  Rule  12b-1  and to  change  a
     fundamental  policy to increase its cash  investment  limitation  to 25% of
     Fund assets.

When will the Shareholder Meeting be held?

     A Shareholder Meeting will be held on July 26, 2001.

Why does the Fund need to revise its investment advisory agreement?

     The Investment  Company Act of 1940 requires that shareholders  approve any
     material changes to investment  advisory  agreements.  The directors of the
     Fund  agree  with  the  investment  adviser  that the  investment  advisory
     agreement  should provide the investment  adviser with more  flexibility by
     removing specific  reimbursement language from the agreement and creating a
     separate Expense Waiver and  Reimbursement  Agreement that does not require
     shareholder approval. This change will enable the Fund's investment adviser
     to manage the Fund more efficiently by allocating  additional  resources to
     technology  and  research  needs and  compensating  portfolio  managers and
     support staff.

Will the Fund pay greater management fees to the adviser?

     No. The proposed revised investment  advisory agreement is identical to the
     current  investment  advisory  agreement,  except that the  expense  waiver
     language has been removed. Under the current investment advisory agreement,
     the  investment  adviser  must  absorb  a  portion  of the  Fund  expenses,
     restricting  its  ability to  adequately  service  the Fund.  The  proposed
     revised agreement will no longer require the investment  adviser to provide
     any waiver or  reimbursement  to the Fund. Such provisions will be enforced
     under a separate  agreement.  Removing the expense waiver or  reimbursement
     language from the investment advisory agreement could require the Fund as a
     whole to pay for more of its own expenses,  but the management fees paid to
     the investment adviser will remain unchanged.  Furthermore, during the last
     four fiscal  years,  the Fund's  actual  expenses  have never  exceeded the
     limits provided in the current investment advisory agreement.

Why does the Fund need a Distribution Plan?

     The directors are aware that attracting more  shareholders to the Fund will
     help  spread  the  expenses  of  the  Fund  across  a  larger  asset  base.
     Implementing  a  Distribution  Plan will  provide  the Fund with a means to
     actively market the Fund to potential new shareholders. With a Distribution
     Plan in place,  broker-dealers  and  other  financial  institutions  can be
     reimbursed  directly  from  the  Fund's  assets  for  their  marketing  and
     distribution  expenses.  The 1940 Act  requires  shareholder  approval of a
     Distribution  Plan implemented in accordance with Rule 12b-1 under the 1940

Why should the limitation of the Fund's investments in cash or cash equivalents
be raised to 25%?

     The 1940 Act  requires  shareholder  approval  for any  changes to policies
     considered "fundamental." One of the Fund's policies limits the Fund's cash
     and cash  equivalent  investments to 10 percent of its assets.  This amount
     prevents  the  investment  adviser  from being as flexible as it would like
     when making  investment  decisions in your best interest.  Increasing  this
     limit  to 25% of  Fund's  assets  will  enhance  the  investment  adviser's
     flexibility in making investment decisions.

How do I vote my shares?

     You can vote your shares by completing and signing the enclosed proxy card,
     and mailing it in the  enclosed  postage paid  envelope.  You may also vote
     your shares by phone at 1-800-______.  If you need assistance,  or have any
     questions  regarding the proposals or how to vote your shares,  please call
     the Fund at 1-800-221-4384.

                              EXCHANGE COMMISSION.

                           The Jensen Portfolio, Inc.
                               2130 Pacwest Center
                              1211 SW Fifth Avenue
                             Portland, OR 97204-3721

                                 PROXY STATEMENT


     The Board of Directors of The Jensen Portfolio, Inc., an Oregon corporation
(the  "Fund"),  are  soliciting  your  proxy  for use at a  Special  Meeting  of
Shareholders  or any  adjournment  thereof  (the  "Meeting"),  to be held at the
offices  of The Jensen  Portfolio,  Inc.,  2130  Pacwest  Center,  1211 SW Fifth
Avenue,  Portland,  Oregon 97204-3721 on Thursday,  July 26, 2001, at 3:00 p.m.,
Pacific Time, to approve proposals that have already been approved by the Fund's
Board of Directors (the  "Board").  For your  convenience,  we have divided this
proxy statement into four parts:

                  Part 1-- An Overview
                  Part 2-- The Proposals
                  Part 3-- More on Proxy Voting
                  Part 4-- Additional Information

     Your vote is important!  You should read the entire proxy statement  before
voting. If you have any questions, please call the Fund at 1-800-221-4384.  Even
if you sign and return the accompanying  proxy card, you may revoke it by giving
written  notice of such  revocation  to the  Secretary  of the Fund prior to the
Meeting or by  delivering a  subsequently  dated proxy card or by attending  and
voting at the  Meeting  in  person.  Management  of the Fund (the  "Management")
expects  to solicit  proxies  principally  by mail,  but  Management,  or agents
appointed  by  Management,  may also  solicit  proxies by  telephone or personal
interview.  Automatic  Data  Processing,  Inc. has been retained to serve as the
Fund's proxy  solicitor.  If  solicitation  is required,  ADP will be paid proxy
solicitation fees of approximately  [$______]. The costs of solicitation will be
borne  by the  Fund.  If the  Fund  records  votes  by  telephone,  it will  use
procedures  designed  to  authenticate   shareholders'   identities,   to  allow
shareholders  to authorize the voting of their shares in  accordance  with their
instructions,  and  to  confirm  that  their  instructions  have  been  properly
recorded.  Proxies voted by telephone may be revoked at any time before they are
voted in the same manner that proxies voted by mail may be revoked.

     We began mailing this Notice of Annual  Meeting,  Proxy Statement and Proxy
Card to shareholders of record on or about June 26, 2001.

     The Fund is required by federal law to file reports,  proxy  statements and
other information with the Securities and Exchange  Commission (the "SEC").  The
SEC maintains a Website that contains  information about the Fund (
Any such proxy  material,  reports and other  information  can be inspected  and
copied at the public  reference  facilities of the SEC, 450 Fifth Street,  N.W.,
Washington  DC 20549.  Copies of such  materials can be obtained from the Public
Reference Branch, Office of Consumer Affairs and Information Services of the SEC
at 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington DC 20549, at prescribed rates.

     For a free copy of the Fund's  Annual  Report for the fiscal year ended May
31, 2000,  and the Fund's  Semi-Annual  Report for the six months ended November
30,  2000,  call  1-800-221-4384  or write to The Jensen  Portfolio  c/o Firstar
Mutual Fund Services, LLC, P.O. Box 701, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53201-0701. These
reports are also available on the SEC's Website,


     This Proxy Statement is being furnished by the Board in connection with the
solicitation of proxies by the Board of Directors for use at the Special Meeting
of its shareholders,  or any adjournment  thereof,  to be held at the offices of
The Jensen Portfolio, Inc., 2130 Pacwest Center, 1211 SW Fifth Avenue, Portland,
Oregon 97204-3721 on Thursday, July 26, 2001, at 3:00 p.m., Pacific Time.

     The Board of Directors  has fixed the close of business on June 15, 2001 as
the record date (the "Record Date") for  determining  the  shareholders  who are
entitled to notice of the Meeting and to vote their shares at the Meeting or any
adjournments or  postponements  thereof.  Shareholders  are entitled to cast one
vote for each full share and a fractional  vote for each  fractional  share they
own on the Record Date.

     The  Fund  is a  registered  investment  company  organized  as  an  Oregon
corporation.  The Fund's  mailing  address is The Jensen  Portfolio  c/o Firstar
Mutual Fund Services, LLC, P.O. Box 701, Milwaukee,  Wisconsin,  53201-0701. The
Fund commenced operations on August 3, 1992.


                                   PROPOSAL 1
                            THE ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     The  persons  named as proxies on the proxy card  enclosed  with this Proxy
Statement  intend to vote at the Meeting for the election of the nominees  named
below (the  "Nominees")  to serve as Directors of the Fund until the next annual
meeting or until their  successors  are duly elected and  qualified.  All of the
nominees are now serving on the Fund's Board.

     Three of the  Nominees--Norman  Achen, Val Jensen, and Robert Zagunis--were
previously  elected as a director  of the Fund by the Fund's  shareholders  at a
meeting  of   shareholders   held  on  September   12,   1994.   The  other  two
Nominees--Roger  Cooke and Robert  Harold-were  elected by the Board on June 25,
1999 and  September  19, 2000,  respectively.  Each Nominee has  consented to be
named in this Proxy Statement and has agreed to serve if elected. If any Nominee
should be unable to serve,  an event not now  anticipated,  the persons named as
proxies  will vote for such other  nominee as may be proposed by the  Nominating
Committee and Management.

Information Concerning Nominees

     The  following  tables set forth the ages,  positions  and offices with the
Fund,  principal  occupation or employment  during the past five years and other
directorships, if any, of each Nominee. The first table provides the information
for the independent directors.  The second table provides the information of the
interested directors as defined by the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the "1940
Act").  The Jensen  Portfolio,  Inc.  only consists of one  portfolio,  which is
overseen by all of the directors.

                              Independent Directors

- ----------------------- ------- ----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------
     Name                Age    Positions with the      Principal Occupation or Employment; Other Directorships
- ----------------------- ------- ----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------
Norman W. Achen         79      Independent Director    President of N.W. Achen Professional Corporation, a
                                since 1992              consulting firm, (1980 - present); Chairman and CEO
                                                        of the Achen Group, a healthcare investment and management
                                                        consulting firm, (1992 - 2001); Consultant of Nichols
                                                        Institute, Inc. (1981 - 1993); Director of Nichols Institute,
                                                        Inc. (1991 - 1993); Founder and Chairman of Overland Bank in
                                                        Temecula, California (1982 - 1991).
- ----------------------- ------- ----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------
Roger A. Cooke          53      Independent Director    Vice President - Regulatory and Legal Affairs of Precision
                                since 1999              Castparts Corp., an investment casting and forging
                                                        operations company, (2000 - present); Executive Vice
                                                        President - Regulatory and Legal Affairs of Fred Meyer,
                                                        Inc., a retail grocery and general merchandise company,
                                                        (1992 - 2000); Deputy General Counsel and Secretary of Pan
                                                        American World Airways, Inc. (1981 - 1990); Senior Vice
                                                        President and General Counsel of Pan American World
                                                        Airways, Inc. (1990 - 1992).
- ----------------------- ------- ----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------
Robert E. Harold        53      Independent Director    Global Brand Controller for Nike, Inc. (shoes and apparel
                                since 2000              company), (1996, 1997, 2000 - present); CFO (interim) for
                                                        Nike, Inc. (1998, 1999); Director for StoriedLearning,
                                                        Inc., an electronic learning company, (2000 - present);
                                                        Director, St. Mary's Academy, a non-profit high school,
                                                        (2000 - present).
- ----------------------- ------- ----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------

                              Interested Directors*

- ----------------------- ------- ----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------
Name                    Age     Positions with the      Principal Occupation or Employment; Other Directorships
- ----------------------- ------- ----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------
Val E. Jensen           72      Director and            Chairman and Director of Jensen Investment Management,
                                President               Inc., (1988 - present); President and Director of The
                                                        Jensen Portfolio, Inc., (1992 - present); President of
                                                        Jensen Securities Co., a registered securities brokerage
                                                        firm, (1983 - 1990); President of Charter Investment
                                                        Group, a registered securities brokerage firm, (1977 -
- ----------------------- ------- ----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------
Robert F. Zagunis       47      Director and Vice       Principal of Jensen Investment Management, Inc., 1993 -
                                President               present; Vice President of The Jensen Portfolio, 1993 -
                                                        Present; Director,, Inc. (an internet
                                                        telecommunications company), January 2001 - present;
                                                        Director, Audio & Media, Inc. (a digital audio service
                                                        provider), January 2001 - present; Vice President and Loan
                                                        Officer of The Bank of California (1987 - 1993).
- ----------------------- ------- ----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------

*The individuals in this table are each "interested  persons" of the Fund within
the meaning of the 1940 Act. Neither director receives director fees,  salaries,
pension or retirement benefits from the Fund.

     The Fund's  Board held five  meetings  during the fiscal year ended May 31,
2001 and each nominee attended at least 75% of these meetings.

     The Bylaws of the Fund  provide that the Fund will  indemnify  its officers
and  Directors  on the  terms,  to the  extent  and  subject  to the  conditions
prescribed by the Oregon Business  Corporation  Act, the 1940 Act, and the rules
and regulations thereunder, and subject to such other conditions as the Board of
Directors may in its discretion impose.

     To the extent  permitted by the Oregon Business  Corporation  Act, the 1940
Act,  and the  rules  and  regulations  thereunder,  the Fund may  purchase  and
maintain  on behalf  of any  person  who may be  indemnified  under the  Bylaws,
insurance  covering any risks in respect of which he may be  indemnified  by the

Compensation of and Transactions with Executive Officers and Directors

     The following  tables describe the  compensation  paid from the Fund during
the last fiscal year to each director and Nominee.

                              Independent Directors

- ----------------------------- -------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------
       Name of Person         Total Compensation   Pension or Retirement Benefits       Estimated Annual
                                   From Fund           Accrued as Part of Fund      Benefit Upon Retirement
- ----------------------------- -------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------
Norman W. Achen                     $7,250                      None                          None
- ----------------------------- -------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------
Roger A. Cooke                      $7,250                      None                          None
- ----------------------------- -------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------
Robert E. Harold                    $6,750                      None                          None
- ----------------------------- -------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------
Louis B. Perry*                     $4,500                      None                          None
- ----------------------------- -------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------

* Louis Perry is a director emeritus as he resigned as a director of the Fund in
December 2000 and has not received  compensation  from the Fund since then.  Mr.
Perry is not a Nominee.

                              Interested Directors

- ----------------------------- -------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------
       Name of Person         Total Compensation   Pension or Retirement Benefits       Estimated Annual
                                   From Fund           Accrued as Part of Fund      Benefit Upon Retirement
- ----------------------------- -------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------
Val E. Jensen                        None                       None                          None
- ----------------------------- -------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------
Robert F. Zagunis                    None                       None                          None
- ----------------------------- -------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------

Security Ownership of Officers and Directors and Nominees

     The following tables set forth information as of May 31, 2001, with respect
to beneficial  ownership of the Fund's Common Stock, par value $0.001 per share,
by directors individually and officers and directors as a group.

                              Independent Directors

- ----------------------------- ---------------------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------
      Name of Director          Dollar Amount of Equity       Number of Shares and         Percentage of Total
                                Securities in the Fund        Nature of Beneficial        Outstanding Shares of
                                                                   Ownership                  Common Stock
- ----------------------------- ---------------------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------
Norman W. Achen                        $362,408                     16,832.7                      0.79%
- ----------------------------- ---------------------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------
Roger A. Cooke                         $257,634                     11,966.3                      0.56%
- ----------------------------- ---------------------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------
Robert E. Harold                       $ 49,091                      2,280.1                      0.11%
- ----------------------------- ---------------------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------

                          Interested Officers/Directors

- ----------------------------- --------------------------- -------------------------- --------------------------
Name of Director or Officer    Dollar Amount of Equity      Number of Shares and        Percentage of Total
                                Securities in the Fund      Nature of Beneficial       Outstanding Shares of
                                                                  Ownership                Common Stock
- ----------------------------- --------------------------- -------------------------- --------------------------
Val E. Jensen                          $ 96,957                    4,503.4                     0.21%
- ----------------------------- --------------------------- -------------------------- --------------------------
Robert F. Zagunis                      $  2,801                      130.1                     0.01%
- ----------------------------- --------------------------- -------------------------- --------------------------
Gary W. Hibler (Secretary)             $768,755                   35,706.2                     1.68%
- ----------------------------- --------------------------- -------------------------- --------------------------

                 Total For All Officers and Directors as a Group

- ----------------------------- --------------------------- -------------------------- --------------------------
                               Dollar Amount of Equity      Number of Shares and        Percentage of Total
                                Securities in the Fund      Nature of Beneficial       Outstanding Shares of
                                                                  Ownership                Common Stock
- ----------------------------- --------------------------- -------------------------- --------------------------
Total (as a group)                     $1,537,646                   71,418.8                     3.35%
- ----------------------------- --------------------------- -------------------------- --------------------------

     Directors are elected by the affirmative  vote of a plurality of the shares
present in person or by proxy at the Meeting.

      The Board of Directors recommends that you vote FOR election of each
                        of the Nominees under Proposal 1.

                                   PROPOSAL 2

General Information

     The Board, including a majority of the independent directors,  none of whom
has any direct or indirect  financial  interest in the  Advisory  Agreement,  is
asking  shareholders of the Fund to approve an amended  Advisory  Agreement (the
"Proposed  Advisory  Agreement")  with the  Fund's  investment  adviser,  Jensen
Investment Management,  Inc. (the "Adviser"). As explained in more detail below,
the  primary  change  to the  Advisory  Agreement  is to  remove  the  Adviser's
guarantee that operating expenses will not exceed certain limits. This change is
intended to give the Adviser the financial ability to serve the Fund better. The
Adviser, located at 2130 Pacwest Center, 1211 SW Fifth Avenue, Portland,  Oregon
97204-3721  serves as the  Fund's  investment  adviser  pursuant  to a  Restated
Investment  Advisory and Service  Contract  dated July 13, 1993,  (the  "Current
Advisory  Agreement").  The  Adviser  is  registered  with  the  SEC  under  the
Investment  Advisers Act of 1940. As of May 31, 2001, the Adviser managed assets
totaling  approximately  $200 million.  The Current Advisory  Agreement was last
submitted to the Fund's public shareholders for approval at the 1993 shareholder

     The Current  Advisory  Agreement  continues  in effect from year to year if
such  continuance is  specifically  approved at least annually either (i) by the
Board of Directors of the Fund, or (ii) by vote of a majority of the outstanding
voting  securities of the Fund;  provided that, in either event,  continuance is
also  approved by a majority of the Fund's  directors who are not parties to the
Current  Advisory  Agreement,  or  "interested  persons"  of the  parties to the
Current  Advisory  Agreement,  at a meeting  called for the purpose of voting on
such approval.

     As of May 31, 2001,  the officers and  directors of the Adviser,  which are
all located at 2130  Pacwest  Center,  1211 SW Fifth  Avenue,  Portland,  Oregon
97204-3721, are listed below with their ownership interest in the Adviser:

- ----------------------------- --------------------------- -------------------------- --------------------------
Name                          Position with Adviser       Principal Occupation         Percent Ownership of
                                                                                      Total Outstanding Stock
- ----------------------------- --------------------------- -------------------------- --------------------------
Val E. Jensen                 Chairman, Principal and     Chairman and Principal              36.64%
                              Director                    of the Adviser
- ----------------------------- --------------------------- -------------------------- --------------------------
Gary W. Hibler                President, Principal and    President and Principal             24.61%
                              Director                    of the Adviser
- ----------------------------- --------------------------- -------------------------- --------------------------
Robert F. Zagunis             Vice President, Principal   Vice President and                  18.93%
                              and Director                Principal of the Adviser
- ----------------------------- --------------------------- -------------------------- --------------------------
Robert G. Millen              Principal and Director      Principal of the Adviser            15.00%
- ----------------------------- --------------------------- -------------------------- --------------------------
David S. Davies               Principal, Treasurer and    Principal of the Adviser             1.67%
- ----------------------------- --------------------------- -------------------------- --------------------------

     Shareholders  must  approve any  material  change to the  Current  Advisory
Agreement.  Accordingly, at the Meeting, shareholders are being asked to approve
a Proposed  Advisory  Agreement  between  the Fund and the  Adviser.  The Board,
including  a  majority  of the  independent  directors,  approved  the  Proposed
Advisory  Agreement  at a meeting  held on June 14, 2001. A form of the Proposed
Advisory  Agreement  is  attached  as  Appendix  A.  The  Fund  will not pay any
additional advisory or management fees under the Proposed Advisory Agreement. If
approved,  the Adviser will have the same duties and  responsibilities  and will
receive the same compensation  under the Proposed Advisory  Agreement as it does
under the Fund's current investment advisory agreement. If the Proposed Advisory
Agreement is approved,  however,  the Fund may pay more in expenses (although in
each of the last four fiscal  years,  the Fund's  expenses have not exceeded the
expense levels set forth in the Current Advisory Agreement).

The Current Advisory Agreement

     Under the Current Advisory Agreement, the Adviser provides research, advice
and  supervision  with  respect to the  management  of the Fund's  portfolio  of
investments,  determines  which  securities  are to be purchased  and sold,  and
places  orders for the purchase and sale of  portfolio  securities.  The Adviser
furnishes,  for the use of the  Fund,  office  space  and all  necessary  office
facilities,  equipment and personnel for servicing the  investments of the Fund,
maintaining   its   organization   and   assisting  in   providing   shareholder
communications  and  information  services.  The Adviser  pays the  salaries and
expenses of officers and directors of the Fund who are  "interested  persons" of
the Fund.  The Adviser also pays the marketing  expenses of the Fund,  including
the cost of printing and delivering  prospectuses  to prospective  shareholders.
Messrs.  Val Jensen,  Gary Hibler and Robert Zagunis who are all officers of the
Adviser are also officers of the Fund and, subject to the authority of the Board
of Directors, are responsible for the overall management of the Fund's business.

     All other  expenses  incurred in the  operation of the Fund are paid by the
Fund.  These expenses include taxes;  interest;  brokerage fees and commissions;
fees and expenses of directors who are not "interested persons" of the Fund; SEC
filing and qualification fees and state securities law qualification  fees; fees
of the Adviser and of the transfer agent;  certain insurance  premiums;  outside
auditing  and  legal  expenses;  and  costs of  corporate  existence,  providing
investor services and corporate reports,  and holding corporate meetings;  costs
of preparing, printing and distributing prospectuses for regulatory purposes and
for  distribution to existing  shareholders of the Fund; dues and fees for trade
organizations; administrative expenses; and any extraordinary expenses.

     For the  services  provided  by the  Adviser  under  the  Current  Advisory
Agreement,  the  Adviser  receives a monthly fee at the annual rate of 0.50 % of
the Fund's average daily net assets.  The investment  advisory fee is calculated
and accrued daily,  and the amounts of the daily accruals are paid monthly.  The
aggregate  amount of fees paid to the  Adviser  during the fiscal year ended May
31, 2001 was $186,250.

     The Current  Advisory  Agreement  provides  that, in the absence of willful
misfeasance,   bad  faith,   gross  negligence  or  general  disregard  for  its
obligations thereunder, the Adviser is not liable for any act or omission in the
course of or in  connection  with the  rendering  of services  under the Current
Advisory Agreement. The Current Advisory Agreement does not restrict the ability
of the  Adviser  to act as  investment  adviser  for any other  person,  firm or
corporation,  including other investment companies. (The Adviser does not advise
any other mutual fund at this time.)

     The Current Advisory Agreement is terminable  without penalty,  on not less
than 60 days' written  notice,  by the Board of Directors of the Fund or by vote
of the  holders of a majority  of the  Fund's  shares,  or upon not less than 60
days' written notice by the Adviser.  The Current Advisory Agreement  terminates
automatically  upon "assignment" (as defined in the 1940 Act). In addition,  the
Current  Advisory  Agreement  provides that in the event of a material change in
the management or ownership of the Adviser,  whether caused by death, disability
or otherwise,  the Fund's Board is required to meet as soon as practicable after
such event to consider whether another investment adviser should be selected for
the Fund.  In such  event,  the Current  Advisory  Agreement  may be  terminated
without any prior notice.  The Current Advisory Agreement also requires that the
Adviser  notify  the board of  Directors  of the Fund in the  event the  Adviser
learns  that it or any of its  officers or  directors  has taken any action that
results in a breach of the Adviser's covenants set forth in the Current Advisory
Agreement.  In such event the Fund's Board may  terminate  the Current  Advisory
Agreement without any prior notice.

     Under the Current  Advisory  Agreement,  the Adviser  has  guaranteed  that
operating  expenses  payable by the Fund will not exceed specified levels in any
fiscal  year.  If  the  Fund's  regular  operating  expenses  exceed  the  limit
referenced in the Current  Advisory  Agreement and reprinted  below, the Adviser
will reduce its  management  fee, or reimburse the Fund for expenses  payable to
third parties, in an amount equal to the excess. In addition, at its discretion,
the Adviser may voluntarily  reduce its management fee or reimburse the Fund, in
order to maintain the Fund's expenses at lower levels.

         Specifically, the Current Advisory Agreement reads in pertinent part as

          For purposes of the first paragraph of this Section 4, should any such
          applicable  expense  limitation  be based upon the gross income of the
          Fund, such gross income shall include, but not be limited to, interest
          on debt  securities in the Fund's  portfolio  accrued to and including
          the last day of the Fund's  fiscal  year,  the record  dates for which
          fall on or prior to the last day of such fiscal  year,  and  dividends
          from common and preferred stock in the Fund's portfolio  including all
          dividends  paid or  receivable up to and including the last day of the
          Fund's  fiscal  year,  but shall not  include  gains from the sales of

          If the Fund's regular operating expenses in any fiscal year exceed the
          applicable limit specified below (expressed as a percentage of average
          daily net assets of the Fund on an annual  basis),  the  Adviser  will
          reduce its  management fee or reimburse the Fund in an amount equal to
          the amount of the excess:

                          Average Daily Net                   Annual
                         Assets for the Year              Expense Limit
                  ---------------------------------- -------------------------
                  $     100,000 - $  10,000,000               2.00%
                  $  10,000,001 - $  15,000,000               1.75%
                  $  15,000,001 - $  25,000,000               1.50%
                  $  25,000,001 - $  50,000,000               1.25%
                  $  50,000,001 - $100,000,000                1.00%
                  $100,000,001 and above                      0.75%

          Any reduction in management fees or  reimbursement  of expenses by the
          Adviser  required  by this  Section 4 shall be  computed  and  accrued
          daily,  paid monthly and adjusted  annually on the basis of the Fund's
          average daily net assets for the year. Should two or more such expense
          limitations  be  applicable  as of the end of the last business day of
          the fiscal year, that expense  limitation which results in the largest
          reduction in the Adviser's fee shall be applicable.

     The  Adviser  has not  waived  any of its  management  fees or  voluntarily
reimbursed  the Fund for any expenses  during the last four fiscal years because
the Fund's  expenses  fell below the  annual  expense  limit  noted  above.  For
example,  for the fiscal year ended May 31,  2001,  the Fund's net assets at the
end of the period were $46,119,413 and the Fund's actual expenses were 0.95%.

Description of the Proposed Advisory Agreement

     The terms of the Proposed  Advisory  Agreement  (including  the  investment
advisory  fee) are  identical  to the terms of the Current  Advisory  Agreement,
except the Proposed  Advisory  Agreement will not require expense  reimbursement
from the Adviser.

     A copy  of  the  Proposed  Advisory  Agreement  is  attached  to the  Proxy
Statement as Appendix A. The description of the Proposed Advisory Agreement that
follows is qualified in its entirety by reference to Appendix A.

     Under the  Proposed  Advisory  Agreement,  the  Adviser  would  continue to
provide  research,  advice and supervision with respect to the management of the
Fund's portfolio of investments,  determine which securities are to be purchased
and sold,  and place orders for the  purchase and sale of portfolio  securities.
The Adviser  would also pay the  marketing  expenses of the Fund,  including the
cost of printing and delivering prospectuses to prospective  shareholders to the
extent not covered by the  Distribution  Plan (12b-1  Plan)  discussed  below in
Proposal  3. All other  expenses  incurred  in the  operation  of the Fund would
continue to be paid by the Fund.

     Under the Proposed Advisory Agreement,  the Adviser would still be entitled
to receive a monthly fee at the annual rate of 0.50% of the Fund's average daily
net assets.  The  investment  advisory fee would  continue to be calculated  and
accrued daily, and the amounts of the daily accruals are paid monthly.

     The primary  difference  between the Proposed  Advisory  Agreement  and the
Current Advisory Agreement, is that the Adviser would no longer guarantee in the
Proposed  Advisory  Agreement that certain expenses payable by the Fund will not
exceed  specified  levels in any fiscal year. The Fund will be  responsible  for
paying all expenses it incurs throughout the year, which could potentially cause
the Fund to pay more expenses than it has grown accustomed to paying.

     To address this  potential  effect of more expenses being paid by the Fund,
the Adviser has agreed to enter into a separate Expense Waiver and Reimbursement
Agreement  with  the  Fund.  Under  such an  agreement,  if the  Fund's  regular
operating  expenses  exceed  1.40% of the Fund's  average  daily net asset on an
annual basis,  the Adviser will reduce its management fee, or reimburse the Fund
for expenses  payable to third  parties,  in an amount  equal to the excess.  In
addition,  at its discretion,  the Adviser may voluntarily reduce its management
fee or reimburse  the Fund,  in order to maintain  the Fund's  expenses at lower
levels.  If the Proposed Advisory  Agreement is approved,  this separate Expense
Waiver and Reimbursement  Agreement will take effect for one year from August 1,
2001  through  July 31,  2002.  This  agreement  does not  require  approval  of

     The Proposed Advisory Agreement will be dated August 1, 2001 (or as soon as
practicable  thereafter).  The Proposed  Advisory  Agreement  would  continue in
effect for one year from August 1, 2001 and thereafter  would continue from year
to year provided such continuance is specifically approved at least annually (i)
by the vote of a  majority  of the  Fund's  outstanding  voting  securities,  as
defined in the 1940 Act,  entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting or by its Board
or (ii) by the  vote of a  majority  of the  Directors  of the  Fund who are not
parties to the contract or "interested  persons" (as defined in the 1940 Act) of
the Fund or the Adviser.  The Proposed  Advisory  Agreement is  terminable on 60
days' written  notice by any party thereto and will terminate  automatically  if

     The Proposed  Advisory  Agreement also  expressly  permits the directors to
approve an amendment  to the  Proposed  Advisory  Agreement  unless  shareholder
approval is required  under the 1940 Act.  This change to the Proposed  Advisory
Agreement  is  permitted  by  current  law and would  provide  the Fund with the
flexibility to make non-material changes to the agreement without the expense of
a shareholder vote

The Evaluation by the Board of Directors

     At a meeting held on June 14, 2001,  the  directors of the Fund  considered
information  with respect to whether the Proposed  Advisory  Agreement  with the
Adviser  was in the  best  interests  of the Fund  and its  shareholders.  After
consideration,  the directors decided to recommend that the Fund's  shareholders
vote  to  approve  the   Proposed   Advisory   Agreement.   In  coming  to  this
recommendation,  the Directors  considered a wide range of information about the
Adviser and the Fund, of the type normally  considered when determining  whether
to continue a Fund's advisory agreement as in effect from year to year.

          The Directors considered information about, among other things:

     o    the Adviser, its business organization, financial resources, personnel
          (including  particularly  those  personnel with  responsibilities  for
          providing services to the Funds), and investment process;

     o    the terms of the Proposed Advisory Agreement;

     o    the scope and quality of the services that the Adviser provides to the

     o    the Fund's investment performance and the performance of similar funds
          managed by other advisers;

     o    the advisory fee rates payable to the Adviser by the Fund and by other
          client accounts  managed by the Adviser,  and payable by similar funds
          managed by other advisers;

     o    the total  expense  ratio of the Fund and of similar  funds managed by
          other advisers;

     o    the Adviser's  practices  regarding the selection and  compensation of
          broker-dealers  that execute portfolio  transactions for the Fund, and
          the  allocation of  transactions  among the Fund and other  investment
          accounts managed by the Adviser;

     In addition to reviewing  these kinds of  information,  which the directors
regularly  consider on an annual or more  frequent  basis,  the  directors  gave
particular  consideration  to matters  relating to certain  aspects of the Fund,

     o    the fact that the advisory fee rates have not been modified  since the
          Fund  was  started  in 1992  and the  Adviser  was not  requesting  an
          increase in fees at this time;

     o    the need of the Adviser to continue  to support  the  compensation  of
          portfolio managers and support staff, as well as the ever more complex
          technology and research needs;

     o    that the Adviser has entered into an Expense Waiver and  Reimbursement
          Agreement  with the Fund  agreeing  to reduce  its  management  fee or
          reimburse  the Fund  for  expenses  that  exceed  1.40% of the  Fund's
          average  daily net asset on an annual  basis in an amount equal to the
          excess,  which is in line with the industry average; and

     o    that the Fund generally seeks to maintain low portfolio turnover.

     Based upon its review,  the Board of the Fund  concluded  that the Proposed
Advisory  Agreement  with  the  Adviser  is  reasonable,  fair  and in the  best
interests of the Fund and its  shareholders,  and that the fees  provided in the
Proposed  Advisory  Agreement are fair and  reasonable in light of the usual and
customary charges made by others for services of the same nature and quality.

     Approval of the Proposed Advisory  Agreement  requires the affirmative vote
of the  holders of (i) 67% of the Fund's  voting  securities,  as defined in the
1940 Act,  present and entitled to vote at the  Meeting,  if the holders of more
than 50% of the Fund's  outstanding voting securities are present or represented
by proxy at the  Meeting or (ii) a majority  of the  Fund's  outstanding  voting
securities, whichever is less.

 The Board of Directors of the Fund recommends that you vote FOR approval of the
                   amended investment advisory agreement under Proposal 2.

                                   PROPOSAL 3

General Information

     The Board, including a majority of the independent directors,  none of whom
has any direct or indirect  financial  interest in the proposed  Plan, is asking
shareholders of the Fund to approve a Distribution  Plan (the "Rule 12b-1 Plan")
for the Fund pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act. The SEC has  interpreted
the 1940 Act as providing that the Fund may not finance, directly or indirectly,
activities that are primarily  intended to result in the sale of its own shares,
unless a plan under  Rule  12b-1 for that  financing  has been  approved  by the
independent  directors and the  shareholders of the Fund. A copy of the proposed
Rule 12b-1 Plan is attached to this Proxy Statement as Appendix B.

Proposed Rule 12b-1 Plan

     The proposed Rule 12b-1 Plan provides for payment of marketing  expenses of
up to 0.10% of net assets of the Fund.  Payments to the Fund's  distributor (the
"Distributor"), in accordance with the Rule 12b-1 Plan would be made pursuant to
a distribution agreement to be entered into by the Fund and the Distributor. Any
payments made by the Distributor to other brokers or  administrators  with funds
received  as  compensation  under the Rule 12b-1 Plan would be made  pursuant to
sub-agreements  entered  into  by  the  Distributor  and  each  such  broker  or
administrator.  The  Distributor  would  have the right to  select,  in its sole
discretion, the brokers and administrators to participate in the Rule 12b-1 Plan
and to terminate  without cause and in its sole discretion any agreement entered
into by the Distributor and a broker or administrator.

     The  purpose of the Rule 12b-1 Plan is to attract  additional  shareholders
into the Fund and thereby help increase the asset levels the Fund.  This in turn
helps to reduce the expense  ratios of the Fund to the extent that such  expense
ratios  are  affected  by  costs  that are not  tied to  asset  levels.  This is
accomplished  by attracting  the interest of the broadest  spectrum of financial
intermediaries  in marketing shares of the Fund to the public. A Rule 12b-1 Plan
provides a method of reimbursing such firms for their marketing and distribution
expenses,  including  selling  commissions  that they  offer to their  financial

Other Provisions of the Proposed Rule 12b-1 Plan

     All material amendments to the proposed Rule 12b-1 Plan must be approved by
a vote of the Board and the independent  directors,  cast in person at a meeting
called for the purpose of voting on such amendment.  The Rule 12b-1 Plan may not
be amended in order to materially  increase the costs that the Fund may bear for
distribution  pursuant  to the Rule 12b-1 Plan  without  being  approved  by the
affirmative  vote of a 1940 Act Majority of the  shareholders  of the Fund.  The
proposed  Rule 12b-1 Plan may be  terminated at any time by: (a) a majority vote
of the independent Directors;  or (b) affirmative vote of the holders of (i) 67%
of the  Fund's  voting  securities,  as  defined  in the 1940 Act,  present  and
entitled to vote at the  Meeting,  if the holders of more than 50% of the Fund's
outstanding voting securities are present or represented by proxy at the Meeting
or (ii) a majority of the Fund's  outstanding  voting  securities,  whichever is

Effectiveness of the Proposed Rule 12b-1 Plan

     If approved by  shareholders,  the Rule 12b-1 Plan will become effective on
or about August 1, 2001, or as soon as practicable  thereafter,  and will remain
in effect for a period of one year from its effective  date. It may be continued
thereafter if it is approved at least annually by a majority of the Fund's Board
and a majority of the independent Directors,  cast in person at a meeting called
for the purpose of voting on the continuance of the Rule 12b-1 Plan.

Evaluating the Distributor

     For so long as the Rule 12b-1 Plan remains in effect,  the Distributor must
prepare  and  furnish  to the Board on a  quarterly  basis,  and the Board  will
review,  a written report of the amounts  expended under the Rule 12b-1 Plan and
the purpose for which such expenditures  were made. In addition,  while the Rule
12b-1 Plan is in effect,  the selection and nomination of independent  Directors
will be at the discretion of the independent Directors then in office.

The Evaluation by the Board of Directors

     In  determining  to  recommend  the  adoption of the Rule 12b-1  Plan,  the
independent Directors considered a variety of factors, including:

     o    The nature of the circumstances making a Rule 12b-1 Plan appropriate;

     o    The  nature  and  amount  of  expenditures,  the  relationship  of the
          expenditures  to the overall cost  structure of a Fund,  the nature of
          the anticipated benefits and the time it will take for the benefits to
          be achieved;

     o    The relationship between the Rule 12b-1 Plan and the activities of any
          person who finances or has financed distribution of the Fund's shares,
          including whether any payments by a Fund to such other person are made
          in such a  manner  as to  constitute  the  indirect  financing  of the
          distribution by the Fund;

     o    The  possible  benefits  of the plan to any other  person  relative to
          those expected to inure to the Fund;

     o    The effect of the Rule 12b-1 Plan on existing shareholders; and

     o    Whether the Rule 12b-1 Plan will produce the anticipated  benefits for
          the Funds and their shareholders.

     Based on its review and  consideration  of the  factors  listed  above,  in
particular  the  minimal  costs  under the  Distribution  Plan  compared  to the
expected benefits to the Fund from having more assets,  the Board concluded that
there is a  reasonable  likelihood  that the  proposed  Distribution  Plan  will
benefit the Fund and its shareholders.

     Approval  of the Rule  12b-1  Plan  requires  the  affirmative  vote of the
holders of (i) 67% of the Fund's voting securities,  as defined in the 1940 Act,
present and entitled to vote at the Meeting,  if the holders of more than 50% of
the Fund's  outstanding voting securities are present or represented by proxy at
the  Meeting or (ii) a majority  of the Fund's  outstanding  voting  securities,
whichever is less.

  The Board of Directors of the Fund recommends that you vote FOR the approval
                   of the Distribution Plan under Proposal 3.

                                   PROPOSAL 4
                       THE APPROVAL OF AN INCREASE TO THE

     The  Board  is  asking  shareholders  of the Fund to  change a  fundamental
investment  restriction  of the  Fund  to  increase  the  Fund's  limitation  of
investments  in  cash  and  cash  equivalents  (one  of the  Fund's  fundamental
investment  restrictions)  from 10% of Fund  assets to 25% of Fund  assets.  The
purpose of this change is to allow the Fund to invest more of its assets in cash
when the Adviser  determines such  investments  are more  advisable.  The Fund's
Bylaws and registration  statement,  which consists of the Fund's Prospectus and
Statement of Additional  Information,  lists the Fund's  fundamental  investment
restrictions.  Fundamental  investment  restrictions are those restrictions that
may not be changed  without the approval of the  shareholders.  The  fundamental
investment  restriction  for which the Board is  recommending a change states as

               The Fund may not...

               Retain  more  than 10  percent  of its  assets  in  "Cash or Cash
               Equivalents"  (as defined in the Fund's  Bylaws and  described in
               the prospectus under "Investment  Objective Principal  Investment
               Strategies and Primary Risks --Fundamental Investment Policies"),
               except that the proceeds of any newly  issued  shares of the Fund
               may  remain in Cash or Cash  Equivalents  for up to 30 days after

     The Bylaws and the Prospectus define "Cash or Cash Equivalents" as follows:

     o    cash held by the Fund's custodian, Firstar Bank, N.A.

     o    FDIC-insured bank deposits

     o    United States Treasury bills with a maturity of less than 90 days

     o    commercial paper with a maturity of less than 30 days and is rated A-1
          by  Standard  and Poor's  Corporation  or Prime-1 by Moody's  Investor
          Services, Inc. and

     o    demand notes of companies  whose  commercial  paper  receives the same
          ratings listed above by Moody's or S & P.

     The Board of Directors is proposing  that the  fundamental  restriction  be
changed to read as follows: The Fund may not...

          Retain   more  than  25  percent  of  its  assets  in  "Cash  or  Cash
          Equivalents"  (as defined in the Fund's  Bylaws and  described  in the
          prospectus under "Investment Objective Principal Investment Strategies
          and Primary Risks --Fundamental Investment Policies"), except that the
          proceeds of any newly issued  shares of the Fund may remain in Cash or
          Cash Equivalents for up to 30 days after receipt.

The Evaluation by the Board of Directors

     In  determining to recommend an increase in the Fund's ability to invest in
cash or cash  equivalents,  the  Board of  Directors  considered  a  variety  of
factors, including:

     o    the Adviser's management expertise;

     o    the Fund's investment  performance and fluctuating  market conditions;

     o    the absence of other temporary defensive measures used by the Fund.

     Based upon its  review and  consideration  of these  factors,  the Board of
Directors of the Fund  concluded  that the proposed  increase to the  investment
limitation in cash and cash equivalents is in the best interests of the Fund and
its  shareholders.  If approved by  shareholders,  the proposed  increase to the
fundamental  investment  restriction will become effective on or about August 1,
2001, or as soon as practicable thereafter.

     Approval of the proposed increase to the investment  limitation in cash and
cash  equivalents  from 10% of Fund  assets to 25% of Fund assets  requires  the
affirmative vote of the holders of (i) 67% of the Fund's voting  securities,  as
defined in the 1940 Act,  present and  entitled to vote at the  Meeting,  if the
holders of more than 50% of the Fund's outstanding voting securities are present
or  represented  by  proxy  at the  Meeting  or (ii) a  majority  of the  Fund's
outstanding voting securities, whichever is less.

         The Board of Directors of the Fund recommends that you vote FOR
          approval of a change to a fundamental restriction to increase
             the investment limitation in cash and cash equivalents
         from 10% of Fund assets to 25% of Fund assets under Proposal 4.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

     The Board of  Directors  knows of no other  matters to be  presented at the
Meeting other than those set forth in this Proxy  Statement.  If,  however,  any
other business should properly come before the Meeting, the persons named on the
accompanying  proxy card will vote on such matters in accordance with their best

Part 3 - More on Proxy Voting:

Record Date

     Only  shareholders  of record of the Fund at the close of  business  on the
Record Date,  June 15, 2001,  are entitled to receive  notice of the Meeting and
may  vote  at the  Meeting.  As of the  close  of  business  on June  15,  2001,
___________shares  of Common Stock,  par value $.001 per share, of the Fund were
issued and  outstanding.  Each share is  entitled to one vote at the Meeting and
each fractional  share is entitled to a fractional vote. To the knowledge of the
Fund,  no  person  is the  beneficial  owner  of  more  than  5% of  the  Fund's
outstanding shares, except as follows:

- ------------------------------- -------------------- -------------------------------------------
Fund Name and                   No. of Shares Owned  Percent of Outstanding Shares Owned
Shareholder Name and Address
- ------------------------------- -------------------- -------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------- -------------------- -------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------- -------------------- -------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------- -------------------- -------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------- -------------------- -------------------------------------------


     Under the Fund's Bylaws,  a quorum of shares will be present at the Meeting
if more than 50% of the outstanding  shares of the Fund are present in person or
by proxy.  All  proxies  that are duly signed by a  shareholder  will be counted
towards  establishing  a quorum,  regardless  of  whether  the  shareholder  has
instructed the proxy as to how to vote,  including  proxies  returned by brokers
for  shares  held by brokers as to which no voting  instructions  are  indicated
("Broker non-votes"). Broker non-votes and abstentions will have the effect of a
"No" vote on any particular proposal being presented.

     If a quorum is not present at the  Meeting for the Fund,  or if a quorum is
present  at the  Meeting  but  sufficient  votes to  approve  one or more of the
proposed items are not received, or if other matters arise requiring shareholder
attention,   the  persons  named  as  proxy  agents  may  propose  one  or  more
adjournments of the Meeting to permit further  solicitation of proxies. Any such
adjournment  will  require the  affirmative  vote of a majority of those  shares
present  at the  Meeting  or  represented  by proxy.  When  voting on a proposed
adjournment,  the  persons  named as proxy  agents  will  vote FOR the  proposed
adjournment all shares that they are entitled to vote with respect to each item,
unless  directed  to vote  AGAINST  the item,  in which case such shares will be
voted AGAINST the proposed  adjournment with respect to that item. A shareholder
vote may be taken on one or more of the items in this Proxy  Statement  prior to
such  adjournment  if  sufficient  votes have been  received and it is otherwise

                   If you do not expect to attend the Meeting,
            please sign your Proxy Card promptly and return it in the
            enclosed envelope to avoid unnecessary expense and delay.
                            No postage is necessary.


Submission of Certain Shareholder Proposals

     The Fund is not required to hold annual shareholder meetings.  Shareholders
wishing to submit  proposals for inclusion in a proxy statement for a subsequent
shareholder  meeting  should send their  written  proposals  to Gary W.  Hibler,
Secretary of the Fund, c/o Firstar Mutual Fund Services,  LLC, 615 East Michigan
Avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202.

Notice to Banks, Broker-Dealers and Voting Trustees and Their Nominees

     Please advise the Fund,  in care of Gary W. Hibler,  Secretary of the Fund,
c/o Firstar  Mutual Fund  Services,  LLC, 615 East Michigan  Street,  Milwaukee,
Wisconsin 53202, whether other persons are beneficial owners of shares for which
proxies  are  being  solicited  and,  if so,  the  number of copies of the Proxy
Statement and Annual and/or Semi-Annual  Reports you wish to receive in order to
supply copies to the beneficial owners of the respective shares.

 Your vote is important. Whether or not you intend to attend the Meeting, please
 fill in, date, sign and promptly return the enclosed proxy card in the postage
    paid return envelope provided in order to avoid the additional expense of
 further proxy solicitation and to ensure that a quorum will be present at the
meeting.  Your proxy is revocable at any time before its use. You may also vote
                            by phone by calling 1-800-_________.

                                           By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                           Gary W. Hibler, Secretary
June 21, 2001

                                                                     APPENDIX A

                          INVESTMENT ADVISORY AGREEMENT

                               AMENDED & RESTATED


                           THE JENSEN PORTFOLIO, INC.



     This Agreement is entered into, effective August 1, 2001, as an amended and
restated  Investment  Advisory and Service  Contract of the Restated  Investment
Advisory  and  Service  Contract  previously  dated  July 13,  1993,  which  was
previously  dated July 31, 1992, by and between THE JENSEN  PORTFOLIO,  INC., an
Oregon  corporation (the "Fund"),  and JENSEN  INVESTMENT  MANAGEMENT,  INC., an
Oregon corporation (the "Adviser").

     In consideration of the mutual covenants contained in this Agreement, it is
hereby agreed as follows:

     1. The Fund hereby  employs the  Adviser to act as its  investment  adviser
and, as such, to manage the  investment  and  reinvestment  of the assets of the
Fund  in  accordance  with  the  Fund's  investment  objectives,   policies  and
limitations, and to administer the Fund's affairs to the extent requested by the
Fund,  subject to the supervision of the Board of Directors of the Fund, for the
period and upon the terms set forth in this Agreement. Investment of funds shall
be subject to all applicable  restrictions of the Articles of Incorporation  and
Bylaws  of the Fund as may,  from time to time,  be in force and all  applicable
provisions of the Investment Company Act of 1940, or any successor  statute,  as
amended from time to time (the "1940 Act").

     The  Adviser  agrees to:  (a)  furnish  the  investment  advisory  services
specified  above;  (b)  furnish,  for the use of the Fund,  office space and all
necessary  office   facilities,   equipment  and  personnel  for  servicing  the
investments  of the Fund;  and (c) permit any of its officers  and  employees to
serve, without compensation,  as directors or officers of the Fund if elected to
such  positions.  The Adviser  shall pay the salaries  and fees,  if any, of all
officers  of the Fund  and of all  directors  of the  Fund  who are  "interested
persons"  (as  defined in the 1940 Act) of the Fund or of the Adviser and of all
personnel  of the Fund or Adviser  performing  services  relating  to  research,
statistical and investment activities.

     The Adviser shall,  on behalf of the Fund,  maintain the Fund's records and
books of account  (other than those  maintained  by the Fund's  transfer  agent,
registrar,  custodian and shareholder servicing agent). All books and records so
maintained  shall be the  property of the Fund and,  upon  request,  the Adviser
shall surrender to the Fund any of such books and records requested.

     The investment policies and all other actions of the Fund are, and shall at
all times be,  subject to the control and direction of the Board of Directors of
the Fund. In acting under this  Agreement,  the Adviser shall be an  independent
contractor and shall not be an agent of the Fund.

     With respect to services performed in connection with the purchase and sale
of portfolio securities on behalf of the Fund, the Adviser may place transaction
orders for the Fund's  account with brokers or dealers  selected by the Adviser.
In  connection  with the selection of such brokers or dealers and the placing of
such orders, the Adviser shall not be deemed to have acted unlawfully or to have
breached any duty,  created by this Agreement or otherwise,  solely by reason of
its having caused the Fund to pay a broker or dealer an amount of commission for
effecting a securities transaction in excess of the amount of commission another
broker or dealer  would have  charged  for  effecting  that  transaction  if the
Adviser  has  determined  in good  faith  that the net price to the Fund of such
transaction  was  reasonable  in  relation  to  the  net  price  for  comparable
transactions engaged in by similarly situated investors.

     2. For the services and  facilities to be furnished,  the Fund shall pay to
the Adviser monthly  compensation equal to an annual rate of 0.50 percent of the
Fund's average daily net assets.  The daily net asset value of the Fund shall be
computed  in the  manner and at the times set forth in the  Fund's  Articles  of
Incorporation. On any day that the Fund's net asset value is not calculated, the
net asset value for such day shall be deemed to be the net asset value as of the
close of  business  on the last day on which such  calculation  was made for the
purposes  of the  foregoing  computations.  Except  as  hereinafter  set  forth,
compensation under this Agreement shall be calculated and accrued daily, and the
amounts of the daily accruals shall be paid monthly.  Such calculations shall be
made by  applying  1/365th of the annual rate to the Fund's net asset value each
day determined as of the close of business on that day.

     For the  month  and year in  which  this  Agreement  becomes  effective  or
terminates,  there shall be an appropriate  proration on the basis of the number
of days that the Agreement is in effect during the month and year, respectively.

     The  services  of the  Adviser  under this  Agreement  are not to be deemed
exclusive,  and the Adviser  shall be free to render  similar  services or other
services  to  others,  including  other  investment  companies,  so  long as its
services under this Agreement are not impaired by the delivery of such services.

     3. The Fund shall pay all of its expenses other than those expressly stated
to be payable by the Adviser.  The expenses  payable by the Fund shall  include,
without  limitation:  (a) interest and taxes; (b) brokerage fees and commissions
and other costs in connection with the purchase or sale of portfolio securities;
(c) fees and  expenses  of its  directors  other than those who are  "interested
persons" (as defined in the 1940 Act) of the Fund or the Adviser;  (d) legal and
audit  expenses;   (e)  transfer  agent  expenses  and  expenses  for  servicing
shareholder  accounts;  (f)  expenses  of  computing  the net asset value of the
shares  of the Fund and the  amount of its  dividends;  (g)  custodian  fees and
expenses; (h) administrative fees and expenses; (i) fees and expenses related to
the registration  and  qualification of the Fund and its shares for distribution
under state and federal  securities  laws;  (j) expenses of printing and mailing
reports,  notices and proxy  materials to shareholders of the Fund; (k) the cost
of issuing share  certificates,  if  certificates  are issued;  (l) expenses for
reports,  membership dues and other dues in the Investment  Company Institute or
any similar  trade  organization;  (m)  expenses of  preparing  and  typesetting
prospectuses; (n) expenses of printing and mailing prospectuses sent to existing
shareholders;  (o) such nonrecurring  expenses as may arise,  including expenses
incurred in actions,  suits or  proceedings to which the Fund is a party and the
legal  obligation that the Fund may have to indemnify its officers and directors
in  respect  thereto;  (p) the  organizational  costs of the Fund and other Fund
expenses  that  are  capitalized;   (q)  insurance  premiums;  (r)  expenses  of
maintaining the Fund's  corporate  existence,  providing  investor  services and
corporate reports,  and holding corporate meetings;  and (s) such other expenses
as the  directors of the Fund may,  from time to time,  determine to be properly
payable by the Fund.

     The Adviser may, but has no  obligation  to, pay any or all of the expenses
of the Fund that are payable by the Fund. In such event, the Fund shall promptly
reimburse the Adviser for all such expenses so paid by the Adviser. With respect
to organizational expenses of the Fund paid or advanced by the Adviser, the Fund
shall  reimburse  the Adviser such  amounts in equal  monthly  payments  over 60
months beginning on the date the  registration  statement filed by the Fund with
the Securities and Exchange Commission was first declared  effective;  provided,
however, that all such organizational expenses then remaining unreimbursed shall
be reimbursed in full at the end of the first month in which the Fund's  average
daily net assets exceed $50,000,000.

     4. In the absence of willful  misfeasance,  bad faith,  gross negligence or
reckless  disregard  of  obligations  or  duties  hereunder  on the  part of the
Adviser,  the Adviser  shall not be subject to  liability  to the Fund or to any
shareholder  of the Fund for any act or omission in the course of, or  connected
with,  rendering  services  under this  Agreement  or for any losses that may be
sustained by the Fund or its  shareholders  in the purchase,  holding or sale of
any security.

     5. Subject to all  applicable  statutes and  regulations,  it is understood
that  directors,  officers or agents of the Fund are or may be interested in the
Adviser as officers,  directors,  agents, shareholders or otherwise and that the
officers, directors, shareholders and agents of the Adviser may be interested in
the Fund as officers, directors, agents, shareholders or otherwise.

     6. The Adviser  shall have the right to grant the use of a name  similar to
the Fund's name to another investment company or business enterprise without the
approval of the Fund's  shareholders  and shall have the right to withdraw  from
the Fund the use of the Fund's name. However,  the Adviser may not withdraw from
the  Fund  the  use  of  the  Fund's  name  without  submitting  to  the  Fund's
shareholders the question of whether the shareholders  wish the Fund to continue
this Agreement.

     7. This Amended and Restated  Agreement  became effective on August 1, 2001
and shall  continue in force from year to year  thereafter,  but only as long as
such  continuance  is  specifically  approved  at least  annually  in the manner
required by the 1940 Act.

     This  Agreement  shall   automatically   terminate  in  the  event  of  its
assignment,  and may be terminated at any time without payment of any penalty by
the Fund or by the Adviser on 60 days'  written  notice to the other party.  The
Fund may effect  termination by action of its Board of Directors or by vote of a
majority of the  outstanding  shares of the common stock of the Fund (as defined
in the 1940 Act),  accompanied by the  appropriate  notice.  In the event of the
death or disability of any of the principal officers of the Adviser,  or if, for
any other reason,  there is a material  change in the management or ownership of
the  Adviser,  the Board of  Directors  of the Fund shall be required to meet as
soon as  practicable  after such event to consider  whether  another  investment
adviser should be selected for the Fund. If the Fund's Board determines, at such
meeting,  that  this  Agreement  should be  terminated,  this  Agreement  may be
terminated  without the payment of any  penalty and without any  required  prior
notice; provided,  however, that any change in the ownership of the Adviser that
constitutes an assignment (within the meaning of the 1940 Act) shall require the
automatic termination of this Agreement.

     This  Agreement  may be terminated at any time by the Board of Directors of
the Fund or by vote of a majority of the  outstanding  shares of common stock of
the Fund, and such  termination  shall be without the payment of any penalty and
without any required prior notice,  if it shall have been established by a court
of  competent  jurisdiction  that the  Adviser or any officer or director of the
Adviser has taken any action that  results in a breach of the  covenants  of the
Adviser set forth in this Agreement.  In addition,  the Adviser agrees to inform
the Board of Directors  of the Fund if the Adviser  learns that it or any of its
officers  or  directors  has taken any  action  that  results in a breach of the
Adviser's  covenants set forth in this Agreement.  The Board of Directors of the
Fund shall meet as soon as practicable  after it receives such  notification  to
consider whether another  investment adviser should be selected for the Fund. If
the Fund's Board  determines,  at such meeting,  that this  Agreement  should be
terminated,  this Agreement may be terminated without the payment of any penalty
and without any required prior notice.

     Termination of this Agreement  shall not affect the right of the Adviser to
receive payments on any unpaid balance of the compensation  described in Section
2 earned prior to such termination.

     8. If any  provision of this  Agreement  shall be held or made invalid by a
court  decision,  statute,  rule or otherwise,  the remainder of this  Agreement
shall not thereby be affected.

     9. Any notice  under this  Agreement  shall be in  writing,  addressed  and
delivered or mailed, postage prepaid, to the other party at such address as such
other party may designate for the receipt of such notice.

     10. If any  action or suit is  instituted  to  enforce  or  interpret  this
Agreement,  the  prevailing  party shall be  entitled to recover  from the other
party,  in addition to all other rights and  remedies,  the  prevailing  party's
reasonable attorney fees at trial and on appeal.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the Fund and the Adviser have caused this Agreement to
be executed as of the date first written above.


By ____________________________________       By _______________________________
         President                                         President

                                                                     APPENDIX B

                                DISTRIBUTION PLAN
                                (Rule 12b-1 Plan)
                           THE JENSEN PORTFOLIO, INC.

                                DISTRIBUTION PLAN
                                  (12b-1 Plan)

     The following  Distribution  Plan (the "Plan") has been adopted pursuant to
Rule 12b-1 under the Investment  Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "Act"), by
the Jensen Portfolio,  Inc. (the "Fund"),  an Oregon  corporation.  The Plan has
been  approved  by a majority  of the Fund's  Board of  Directors,  including  a
majority of the  Directors  who are not  interested  persons of the Fund and who
have no direct or indirect financial interest in the operation of the Plan or in
any Rule 12b-1  Agreement (as defined  below) (the  "Disinterested  Directors"),
cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose of voting on such Plan.

     In approving the Plan, the Board of Directors  determined  that adoption of
the  Plan  would  be  prudent  and in the  best  interests  of the  Fund and its
shareholders.  Such approval by the Board of Directors included a determination,
in the  exercise  of its  reasonable  business  judgment  and  in  light  of its
fiduciary  duties,  that  there is a  reasonable  likelihood  that the Plan will
benefit the Fund and its shareholders.

         The provisions of the Plan are as follows:


     The Fund  will pay  Quasar  Distributors,  LLC  (the  "Distributor"),  as a
principal  underwriter  of the Fund's  shares,  and/or any Recipient (as defined
below) a distribution  fee of up to 0.10% of the average daily net assets of the
Fund in connection  with the promotion and  distribution  of Fund shares and the
provision of personal services to shareholders,  including,  but not necessarily
limited  to,  advertising,  compensation  to  underwriters,  dealers and selling
personnel,  the printing and mailing of  prospectuses to other than current Fund
shareholders,  and the  printing  and mailing of sales  literature.  The Fund or
Distributor may pay all or a portion of these fees to any registered  securities
dealer,  financial institution or any other person (the "Recipient") who renders
assistance  in  distributing  or promoting  the sale of shares,  or who provides
certain shareholder  services,  pursuant to a written agreement (the "Rule 12b-1
Agreement"),  a form of which is attached  hereto as Appendix A with  respect to
the Fund.  Payment of these fees shall be made monthly  promptly  following  the
close of the month. If the  Distributor  and/or any Recipient is due more monies
for its services  rendered than are  immediately  payable because of the expense
limitation  under  Section 1 of this Plan,  the unpaid  amount  shall be carried
forward  from period to period while the Plan is in effect until such time as it
is paid. The Distributor and/or any Recipient shall not, however, be entitled to
charge the Fund(s) any  interest,  carrying or finance fees in  connection  with
such carried forward amounts.


     (a) No Rule 12b-1  Agreement shall be entered into with respect to the Fund
and no payments shall be made pursuant to any Rule 12b-1 Agreement,  unless such
Rule  12b-1  Agreement  is in  writing  and the form of  which  has  first  been
delivered  to and  approved  by a vote of a  majority  of the  Fund's  Board  of
Directors,  and of the  Disinterested  Directors,  cast in  person  at a meeting
called for the purpose of voting on such Rule 12b-1 Agreement.  The form of Rule
12b-1  Agreement  relating  to the Fund  attached  hereto as Appendix A has been
approved by the Fund's Board of Directors as specified above.

     (b) Any Rule 12b-1 Agreement shall describe the services to be performed by
the Recipient  and shall  specify the amount of, or the method for  determining,
the compensation to the Recipient.

     (c) No Rule 12b-1 Agreement may be entered into unless it provides (i) that
it may be terminated  with respect to the Fund at any time,  without the payment
of any penalty,  by vote of a majority of the  shareholders  of such Fund, or by
vote of a majority  of the  Disinterested  Directors,  on not more than 60 days'
written notice to the other party to the Rule 12b-1 Agreement,  and (ii) that it
shall automatically terminate in the event of its assignment.

     (d) Any Rule 12b-1  Agreement shall continue in effect for a period of more
than  one  year  from  the date of its  execution  only if such  continuance  is
specifically  approved at least annually by a vote of a majority of the Board of
Directors,  and of the  Disinterested  Directors,  cast in  person  at a meeting
called for the purpose of voting on such Rule 12b-1 Agreement.


     The Distributor shall provide to the Board of Directors,  and the Directors
shall  review at least  quarterly,  a written  report  of all  amounts  expended
pursuant to the Plan. This report shall include the identity of the Recipient of
each payment and the purpose for which the amounts were  expended and such other
information as the Board of Directors may reasonably request.


     The Plan shall become  effective on August 1, 2001 or as  determined by the
Board of Directors  immediately  upon  approval by the vote of a majority of the
Board of Directors,  the  Disinterested  Directors,  cast in person at a meeting
called for the purpose of voting on the  approval of the Plan,  and by vote of a
majority of the shareholders of the Fund. The Plan shall continue in effect with
respect  to the Fund for a period of one year  from its  effective  date  unless
terminated  pursuant  to its terms.  Thereafter,  the Plan shall  continue  with
respect  to the Fund  from  year to year,  provided  that  such  continuance  is
approved at least  annually  by a vote of a majority of the Board of  Directors,
and of the Disinterested  Directors,  cast in person at a meeting called for the
purpose of voting on such  continuance.  The Plan, or any Rule 12b-1  Agreement,
may be terminated with respect to the Fund at any time, without penalty,  on not
more than sixty (60) days' written notice by a majority vote of  shareholders of
such Fund, or by vote of a majority of the Disinterested Directors.


     During  the  period  in which  the Plan is  effective,  the  selection  and
nomination of those Directors who are Disinterested  Directors of the Fund shall
be committed to the discretion of the Disinterested Directors.


     All  material  amendments  of the Plan  shall be in  writing  and  shall be
approved  by a  vote  of a  majority  of  the  Board  of  Directors,  and of the
Disinterested  Directors,  cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose of
voting on such amendment.  In addition,  the Plan may not be amended to increase
materially the amount to be expended by the Fund hereunder  without the approval
by a majority vote of shareholders of the Fund affected thereby.


     The Fund shall preserve  copies of the Plan,  any Rule 12b-1  Agreement and
all reports  made  pursuant to Section 3 for a period of not less than six years
from the date of this Plan,  any such Rule 12b-1  Agreement or such reports,  as
the case may be, the first two years in an easily accessible place.

                                   Appendix A

                          Rule 12b-1 Related Agreement

Quasar Distributors, LLC
615 East Michigan Street
Suite 200
Milwaukee, WI 53202


[Recipient's Name and Address]

Ladies and Gentlemen:

     This letter will confirm our  understanding  and agreement  with respect to
payments to be made to you pursuant to a Distribution  Plan (the "Plan") adopted
by The Jensen  Portfolio,  Inc.  (the  "Fund")  pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the
Investment  Company  Act of 1940,  as  amended  (the  "Act").  The Plan and this
related  agreement (the "Rule 12b-1 Agreement") have been approved by a majority
of the Board of  Directors  of the Fund,  including  a majority  of the Board of
Directors who are not  "interested  persons" of the Fund, as defined in the Act,
and who have no direct or indirect  financial  interest in the  operation of the
Plan  or  in  this  or  any  other  Rule  12b-1  Agreement  (the  "Disinterested
Directors"),  cast in person  at a  meeting  called  for the  purpose  of voting
thereon.  Such approval included a determination by the Board of Directors that,
in the  exercise  of its  reasonable  business  judgment  and  in  light  of its
fiduciary  duties,  there is a reasonable  likelihood that the Plan will benefit
the Fund's shareholders.

     1. To the extent you provide  distribution  and  marketing  services in the
promotion of the Fund's shares and/or services to Fund  shareholders,  including
furnishing  services  and  assistance  to your  customers  who invest in and own
shares, including, but not limited to, answering routine inquiries regarding the
Fund and assisting in changing account designations and addresses,  we shall pay
you a fee as described on Schedule A. We reserve the right to increase, decrease
or discontinue the fee at any time in our sole discretion upon written notice to

     You agree that all  activities  conducted  under this Rule 12b-1  Agreement
will be conducted in accordance  with the Plan, as well as all applicable  state
and federal laws,  including the Act, the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
Securities Act of 1933 and any applicable  rules of the National  Association of
Securities Dealers, Inc.

     2. At the end of each month,  you shall furnish us with a written report or
invoice  detailing  all  amounts  payable  to you  pursuant  to this Rule  12b-1
Agreement and the purpose for which such amounts were expended. In addition, you
shall furnish us with such other information as shall reasonably be requested by
the Board of Directors,  on behalf of the Fund, with respect to the fees paid to
you pursuant to this Rule 12b-1 Agreement.

     3. We  shall  furnish  to the  Board of  Directors,  for its  review,  on a
quarterly  basis, a written report of the amounts  expended under the Plan by us
and the purposes for which such expenditures were made.

     4.  This  Rule  12b-1  Agreement  may be  terminated  by the  vote of (a) a
majority of shareholders,  or (b) a majority of the Disinterested  Directors, on
60 days' written notice, without payment of any penalty. In addition,  this Rule
12b-1  Agreement will be terminated by any act which  terminates the Plan or the
Distribution  Agreement between the Fund and us and shall terminate  immediately
in the event of its  assignment.  This Rule 12b-1 Agreement may be amended by us
upon written  notice to you,  and you shall be deemed to have  consented to such
amendment  upon  effecting  any  purchases  of shares for your own account or on
behalf of any of your customer's accounts following your receipt of such notice.

     5. This Rule 12b-1 Agreement shall become effective on the date accepted by
you and shall  continue in full force and effect so long as the  continuance  of
the Plan and this Rule 12b-1  Agreement are approved at least annually by a vote
of the Board of Directors of the Fund and of the Disinterested  Directors,  cast
in  person  at  a  meeting  called  for  the  purpose  of  voting  thereon.  All
communications  to us  should be sent to the above  address.  Any  notice to you
shall be duly given if mailed or faxed to you at the  address  specified  by you

Quasar Distributors, LLC                       Accepted:
on behalf of The Jensen Portfolio, Inc.
                                               (Dealer or Service Provider Name)
James Schoenike, President                     ________________________________
                                               (Street Address)


                                               (Telephone No.)

                                               (Facsimile No.)

                                                (Name and Title)

                                   Schedule A
                                     to the
                          Rule 12b-1 Related Agreement

     For all services  rendered  pursuant to the Rule 12b-1 Agreement,  we shall
pay you a fee calculated as follows:

Fee of ___% [which shall not exceed ___%] of the average daily net assets of the
Fund  (computed  on an annual  basis)  which are owned of record by your firm as
nominee for your  customers  or which are owned by those  customers of your firm
whose  records,  as maintained by the Fund or its agent,  designate your firm as
the customer's dealer or service provider of record.

We shall make the  determination  of the net asset  value,  which  determination
shall be made in the manner specified in the Fund's current prospectus,  and pay
to you, on the basis of such  determination,  the fee  specified  above,  to the
extent permitted under the Plan.

                           The Jensen Portfolio, Inc.
                               2130 Pacwest Center
                              1211 SW Fifth Avenue
                             Portland, OR 97204-3721

                                   PROXY CARD

Thursday, July 26, 2001, at
3:00 p.m., Pacific Time.

                           VOTE THIS PROXY CARD TODAY!

This proxy is solicited by the Board of Directors of The Jensen Portfolio,  Inc.
(the "Fund").  The undersigned holder of shares of the Fund hereby appoints Gary
W. Hibler and Robert F. Zagunis,  attorneys with full powers of substitution and
revocation,  to  represent  the  undersigned  and  to  vote  on  behalf  of  the
undersigned  all shares of the Fund that the  undersigned is entitled to vote at
the  Special  Meeting of  Shareholders  of the Fund to be held at offices of The
Jensen  Portfolio,  Inc., 2130 Pacwest Center,  1211 SW Fifth Avenue,  Portland,
Oregon  97204-3721 at the date and time indicated above and at any postponements
or adjournments  thereof.  The undersigned  hereby  acknowledges  receipt of the
enclosed Notice of Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement and hereby  instructs said
attorneys and proxies to vote said shares as indicated  herein.  Every  properly
signed proxy will be voted in the manner  specified  thereon and, in the absence
of specification,  will be treated as GRANTING  authority to vote FOR all of the
items.  In their  discretion,  the proxies are  authorized to vote on such other
business  as may  properly  come  before the Annual  Meeting.  A majority of the
proxies present and acting at the Annual Meeting in person or by substitute (or,
if only one shall be so present,  then that one) shall have and may exercise all
of the  power  and  authority  of  said  attorneys  or  proxies  hereunder.  The
undersigned hereby revokes any proxy previously given.

                             FOLD AND DETACH HERE

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

To elect Directors to hold office until the next Annual Meeting.
01) Norman W. Achen                      03) Robert E. Harold                   05) Robert F. Zagunis
(Independent Director)                   (Independent Director)                 (Interested Director)

02) Roger A. Cooke                       04) Val E. Jensen
(Independent Director)                   (Interested Director)

                FOR ALL                              WITHHOLD ALL                          FOR ALL EXCEPT
                  |_|                                     |_|                                    |_|

To withhold authority to vote, mark "For All Except" and write the Nominee's
number on the line below:

- -----------------------------------

To approve a revised Investment Advisory Agreement between the Fund and Jensen Investment Management, Inc.
                  FOR                                   AGAINST                                ABSTAIN
                  |_|                                     |_|                                    |_|

To approve a Distribution Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940.
                  FOR                                   AGAINST                                ABSTAIN
                  |_|                                     |_|                                    |_|

To approve an increase to the investment limitation in cash and cash equivalents from 10% of Fund assets to 25% of Fund assets.
                  FOR                                   AGAINST                                ABSTAIN
                  |_|                                     |_|                                    |_|

                          PLEASE SIGN IN THE BOX BELOW

Please sign exactly as your name appears on this Proxy. If Joint owners,  EITHER
may sign this Proxy. When signing as attorney, executor, administrator, trustee,
guardian or corporate officer, please give title.


Signature (JOINT OWNERS) (Date)