(RULE 14A-101)


                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(A) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                                (Amendment No. )

Filed by the Registrant /X/

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant  / /

Check the appropriate box:

     /X/  Preliminary Proxy Statement

     / /  Confidential,  for Use of the  Commission  Only (as  permitted by Rule

     / /  Definitive Proxy Statement

     / /  Definitive Additional Materials

     / /  Soliciting Material Pursuant to ss.240.14a-12

                           THE JENSEN PORTFOLIO, INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

/X/  No fee required.

/ / Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

(1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

(2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

(3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction  computed  pursuant
     to Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is
     calculated and state how it was determined):

(4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

(5)  Total fee paid:

     / /  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

     / /  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
          Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee
          was paid  previously.  Identify  the previous  filing by  registration
          statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

(1) Amount Previously Paid:

(2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

(3) Filing Party:

(4) Date Filed:

                           The Jensen Portfolio, Inc.
                               2130 Pacwest Center
                              1211 SW Fifth Avenue
                             Portland, OR 97204-3721

                                 Proxy Statement


                         Special Meeting of Shareholders

                                  July 14, 2003

Enclosed in this package you will find:

Shareholder Letter.............................................................2

Shareholder Q&A................................................................4

Notice of Special Meeting......................................................6

Proxy Statement................................................................7

Proposal No. 1.................................................................8
          To approve the Amended and Restated  Articles of Incorporation for the
          Fund and to provide for classification of shares

Proposal No. 2................................................................10
          To approve  the Amended and  Restated  Distribution  Plan for the Fund
          pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940

Appendix A........................................................Appendix A - 1
          Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation

Appendix B........................................................Appendix B - 1
          Amended and Restated Distribution and Shareholder Servicing Plan

Proxy Card..............................................................Enclosed

                           The Jensen Portfolio, Inc.
                               2130 Pacwest Center
                              1211 SW Fifth Avenue
                             Portland, OR 97204-3721

June 6, 2003

Dear Jensen Portfolio Shareholder:

     The Jensen Portfolio has continued to attract an ever increasing  number of
new  shareholders.  As the Fund  receives  more  recognition  and  attracts  new
shareholders,  we are  better  positioned  to  continue  lowering  the  cost  of
operating  the  Fund.  Our  goal,  as  always,  is  to  enable  shareholders  to
participate  in the  ownership of  companies of the highest  quality in a mutual
fund with a low expense structure.

     We continue to fashion an  organization  able to outsource  critical  tasks
such as marketing and shareholder services to established experts. The following
proposals are a continuation of these efforts.

     |X|  To approve the Amended and Restated  Articles of Incorporation for the
          Fund to provide for classification of the shares; and

     |X|  To approve the  Amended  and  Restated  Distribution  and  Shareholder
          Servicing  Plan  for  the  Fund  pursuant  to  Rule  12b-1  under  the
          Investment Company Act of 1940

     A special meeting of  shareholders  will be held for the Fund at 5:00 p.m.,
Pacific Time, on Thursday,  July 14, 2003, at the location noted on the enclosed
proxy  statement.  To help you review the issues you are being asked to consider
and approve, I would like to highlight the proposed changes.

     Amending the Fund's Articles of Incorporation.

     The Fund's existing Articles of Incorporation  date back to the founding of
the Fund in 1992. The mutual fund  marketplace has changed  significantly in the
past 11 years  and we have  found it  appropriate  to make some  changes  to our
Articles to help make the Fund more  competitive and shareholder  friendly.  The
major change to the articles is to allow for the formation of additional classes
of shares.  We are  proposing  that two new  classes  of shares be created  with
different fee  structures and targeted  shareholders.  The two new classes are a
Class R  (Retirement)  shares  targeted  to the 401k  marketplace  and a Class I
(Institutional) shares that is targeted to institutions and individuals that are
willing to invest at least  $1,000,000.  The  addition  of these two new classes
will make the Fund more  broadly  available to new  investors  and provide for a
more  balanced mix of  shareholders.  As a current owner your shares will now be
called Class J shares.  The  character  and fee structure of Class J shares will
not change,  however the  expected  new growth from the new classes  will in the
long run help to reduce the cost of operating  the Fund and improve  performance
for all classes.

     Approving a Combined Distribution and Shareholder Servicing Plan

     With the  addition  of the two new  classes it is  necessary  to revise the
existing  Distribution  Plan and Shareholder  Servicing Plan. The revisions make
room for the new classes and add  flexibility  to the plans to make it easier to
meet the  demands of the  various  new  shareholders  coming to the Fund.  These
revisions  will not  increase  the fees  that  Class J shares  now pay under the
existing plans.

     Remember,  YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT! We want you to be part of the success of
The Jensen Portfolio.

     To vote, you may use any of the following methods:

     |X|  By Mail: Please complete, date and sign your proxy card before mailing
          it in the enclosed postage-paid envelope.

     |X|  By  telephone:  Have your  proxy  card  available.  Call the toll free
          number on the proxy card.  Enter your  control  number from your proxy
          card. Follow the simple instructions.

     |X|  By Internet:  Have your proxy card available.  Go to the website shown
          on the  proxy  card.  Follow  the  simple  instructions  found  on the

     Your prompt  response will help avoid the cost of additional  solicitation.
If you have any questions, please call 1-866-289-2462.


                                                       /s/ VAL JENSEN

                                                       Val Jensen, Chairman

                        Shareholder Questions and Answers
    Voting the Proposals under the Jensen Portfolio, Inc. Proxy Solicitation

Has the Board approved the Proposals?

          Yes. The Board  unanimously  approved these  proposals on May 12, 2003
          and May 30,  2003,  and  recommends  that  you  vote to  approve  each

Why is the Fund having a Shareholder Meeting?

          Under  state law,  the Fund must  obtain  your  approval  to amend the
          Articles of  Incorporation.  Under  federal  law, the Fund must obtain
          your approval to materially amend the Distribution Plan.

When and where will the Shareholder Meeting be held?

          The Shareholder  Meeting will be held on Monday,  July 14, 2003 at the
          Multnomah  Athletic  Club,  1849 SW Salmon  Street,  Portland,  Oregon
          97207-0390,  at 5:00 p.m., Pacific Time. At this meeting,  final votes
          are cast and ballots are  officially  tabulated.  Shareholders  do not
          need to attend the meeting in person,  because  the  proxies  named on
          your  ballot  will cast your  vote on your  behalf.  In order for your
          ballots to be counted at this  meeting  please  return your proxy card

What proposals am I being asked to vote on?

          The  Board  of  The  Jensen  Portfolio,   Inc.  is  recommending  that
          shareholders consider and approve two proposals for the Fund.

          (1)  Amend the Articles of  Incorporation  for the  classification  of

          (2)  Amend the  Distribution  Plan under  Rule  12b-1 to provide  more
               flexibility and to reflect differences between the classification
               of shares.

What is the purpose of voting to amend the Articles of Incorporation?

          Shareholder  approval  of this  proposal  would  allow  the  Fund  the
          opportunity  to offer  different  share  classes with varying  expense
          structures  to a  variety  of  shareholders.  The  purpose  of  adding
          additional  share  classes  would be to make the Fund  available  to a
          broader array of investors through a variety of distribution channels.

Will my current shares be affected by the issuance of additional share classes?

          As a current Jensen  Portfolio  shareholder,  any new share class that
          may be added in the future will not affect your  shares,  and you will
          still have the opportunity to purchase shares of the Jensen  Portfolio
          on a no-load basis.

If my shares are not affected why is my vote necessary?

          The current Articles of Incorporation of the Jensen Portfolio, Inc. do
          not  provide for more than one share  class,  so it is  necessary  for
          current shareholders of the Fund to vote on this amendment.

Would  the  addition  of a  new  share  class  offer  any  benefits  to  current

          In the long run,  multiple  classes of shares  should help broaden the
          Fund's availability,  increase assets in the Fund and ultimately lower
          the per share operating  expenses of the Fund,  which are borne by all
          investors, no matter which share class they own.

Why am I being asked to reapprove the Distribution Plan?

          The  Fund  has  combined  its  Distribution  Plan  together  with  its
          Shareholder  Servicing Plan to allow for more  flexibility  and easier
          administration  of  the  plans.  There  is  no  increase  in  fees  or
          additional costs to Class J shareholders under the combined plan.

Why should I vote on these proposals?

          As  part  owner  of  the  Fund,  it is  important  that  you  have  an
          opportunity   to  vote  on  proposed   changes  in  the   Articles  of
          Incorporation.  Lastly,  it is important that as many  shareholders as
          possible be represented in the voting process. For this reason, Jensen
          has retained the services of a professional proxy solicitor to help us
          contact all Fund shareholders. If we do not receive a ballot from you,
          it is  possible  that  you  will  receive  a call or  letter  from our
          solicitor requesting you to vote.

Has the Board approved these proposals?

          Yes,  the Board of the Fund has reviewed  the  proposals  and believes
          they are in the best interests of the  shareholders.  They unanimously
          recommend that you vote yes for all proposals before you.

How do I cast my vote?

          For your convenience, you may vote your ballot in three ways:

          |X|  By Mail:  Please  complete,  date and sign your proxy card before
               mailing it in the enclosed postage-paid envelope.

          |X|  By Telephone:  Have your proxy card available. Call the toll free
               number on the proxy  card.  Enter your  control  number from your
               proxy card. Follow the simple instructions.

          |X|  By Internet:  Have your proxy card  available.  Go to the website
               shown on the proxy card. Follow the simple  instructions found on
               the website.

Who do I call for more information?

          As always,  if you have questions  about The Jensen  Portfolio,  Inc.,
          including  this  proxy  solicitation,  please  call  us  toll  free at
          1-866-289-2462 and one of our Investor Services  Representatives  will
          be happy to help you.

                           The Jensen Portfolio, Inc.
                               2130 Pacwest Center
                              1211 SW Fifth Avenue
                             Portland, OR 97204-3721

                    Notice of Special Meeting of Shareholders
                            To Be Held July 14, 2003

To the Shareholders:

Notice is given that a Special Meeting of Shareholders of The Jensen  Portfolio,
Inc.  will  be held at the  Multnomah  Athletic  Club,  1849 SW  Salmon  Street,
Portland,  Oregon  97207-0390 on Monday,  July 14, 2003,  at 5:00 p.m.,  Pacific
Time, for the following purposes:

     |X|  To approve the Amended and Restated  Articles of Incorporation for the
          Fund to provide for classification of shares;

     |X|  To approve the  Amended  and  Restated  Distribution  and  Shareholder
          Servicing  Plan for the Fund  shares  pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the
          Investment Company Act of 1940;

     |X|  To  transact  such other  business  as may  properly  come  before the
          Meeting or any adjournments thereof.

Shareholders  of record at the close of business on May 23, 2003 are entitled to
receive  notice of and vote at the Fund's  Special  Meeting and any  adjournment
thereof.  You are entitled to cast one vote for each share and a fractional vote
for each fractional share that you own on the record date.

                                                      /s/ ROBERT G. MILLEN

                                                      Robert G. Millen

Portland, Oregon
June 6, 2003

     Your vote is  important.  Whether or not you intend to attend the  Meeting,
please fill in, date,  sign and promptly  return the enclosed  proxy card in the
postage paid return envelope  provided or vote by telephone or by Internet using
the  instructions  on the proxy card. By voting  early,  you will help avoid the
additional  expense of further  proxy  solicitation  and to ensure that a quorum
will be present at the meeting. Your proxy is revocable at any time before use.

                           The Jensen Portfolio, Inc.
                               2130 Pacwest Center
                              1211 SW Fifth Avenue
                             Portland, OR 97204-3721

                                 Proxy Statement


     This Proxy Statement and form of proxy enclosed are furnished in connection
with a solicitation of proxies by the Board of the Jensen Portfolio,  to be held
at the  Multnomah  Athletic  Club,  1849  SW  Salmon  Street,  Portland,  Oregon
97207-0390  on Monday,  July 14,  2003,  at 5:00  p.m.,  Pacific  Time,  for the
purposes   described  in  the   accompanying   Notice  of  Special  Meetings  of
Shareholders.  For your  convenience,  we have divided this proxy statement into
four parts:

                          Part 1 -- An Overview
                          Part 2 -- The Proposals
                          Part 3 -- More on Proxy Voting
                          Part 4 -- Additional Information

     Your vote is important!  You should read the entire proxy statement  before
voting. If you have any questions, please call the Fund at 1-866-289-2462.  Even
if you sign and return the accompanying  proxy card, you may revoke it by giving
written  notice of such  revocation  to the  Secretary  of the Fund prior to the
Meeting or by  delivering a  subsequently  dated proxy card or by attending  and
voting at the Meeting in person.  Management of the Fund ("Management")  expects
to solicit proxies  principally by mail, but Management,  or agents appointed by
Management,  may also  solicit  proxies  by  telephone  or  personal  interview.
Georgeson  Shareholder  Communications,  Inc. has been  retained to serve as the
Fund's proxy  solicitor.  If  solicitation  is required,  Georgeson  Shareholder
Communications,  Inc. will be paid proxy  solicitation  fees between $20,000 and
$200,000.  The  costs  of  solicitation  will be borne  equally  by the Fund and
Management.  If the Fund records  votes by  telephone  or Internet,  it will use
procedures  designed  to  authenticate   shareholders'   identities,   to  allow
shareholders  to authorize the voting of their shares in  accordance  with their
instructions,  and  to  confirm  that  their  instructions  have  been  properly
recorded.  Proxies  voted by  telephone  or Internet  may be revoked at any time
before  they are  voted in the same  manner  that  proxies  voted by mail may be

     We began mailing this Notice of Annual  Meeting,  Proxy Statement and Proxy
Card to shareholders of record on or about June 13, 2003.

     The Fund is required by federal law to file reports,  proxy  statements and
other  information  with the Securities and Exchange  Commission  (SEC). The SEC
maintains a website that contains information about the Fund (  Any
such proxy material,  reports and other  information can be inspected and copied
at the  public  reference  facilities  of  the  SEC,  450  Fifth  Street,  N.W.,
Washington  DC 20549.  Copies of such  materials can be obtained from the Public
Reference Branch, Office of Consumer Affairs and Information Services of the SEC
at 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington DC 20549, at prescribed rates.

     A copy of the Fund's  Annual  Report for the fiscal year ended May 31, 2002
has been included with this mailing.  For an additional  free copy of the Fund's
Annual Report for the fiscal year ended May 31, 2002, and the Fund's Semi-Annual
Report for the six months ended November 30, 2002,  call (800) 992-4144 or write
to The Jensen  Portfolio  c/o U.S.  Bancorp Fund  Services,  LLC,  P.O. Box 701,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin,  53201-0701. These reports are also available on the SEC's

                              PART 1 - AN OVERVIEW

     This Proxy Statement is being furnished by the Board in connection with the
solicitation  of  proxies  by the Board for use at the  Special  Meeting  of its
shareholders,  or any adjournment  thereof, to be held at the Multnomah Athletic
Club, 1849 SW Salmon Street,  Portland,  Oregon  97207-0390 on Monday,  July 14,
2003, at 5:00 p.m., Pacific Time.

     The Board has fixed the close of  business  on May 23,  2003 as the  record
date (the "Record Date") for  determining the  shareholders  who are entitled to
notice  of  the  Meeting  and  to  vote  their  shares  at  the  Meeting  or any
adjournments or  postponements  thereof.  Shareholders  are entitled to cast one
vote for each full share and a fractional  vote for each  fractional  share they
own on the Record Date.

     The  Fund  is a  registered  investment  company  organized  as  an  Oregon
corporation. The Fund's mailing address is The Jensen Portfolio c/o U.S. Bancorp
Fund Services,  LLC, P.O. Box 701, Milwaukee,  Wisconsin,  53201-0701.  The Fund
commenced operations on August 3, 1992.

                             PART 2 - THE PROPOSALS

                                 Proposal No. 1:
          To Approve the Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation
              for the Fund to Provide for Classification of Shares

General Information

     A mutual  fund is  required  to  organize  under the laws of a state and to
create  and be  bound  by  organizational  documents  that  outline  how it will
operate.  The Fund is organized as an Oregon  corporation and is governed by its
Articles of Incorporation (the "Current Articles").  The Fund's Current Articles
now provide for the issuance of only one class of shares, with each share of the
class representing an equal proportionate interest in the Fund. The Fund's Board
of Directors (the "Board")  recommends  that its Current  Articles be amended to
permit the Board,  without further shareholder action, to cause to be authorized
one or more  additional  classes of shares with the  characteristics,  rights or
privileges  as the  Board  may  determine,  to the  extent  permitted  under the
Investment  Company Act of 1940 (the "1940 Act").  If this proposal is approved,
the Board will be provided with the ability to enhance the Fund's flexibility to
sell its  shares to the  various  categories  of  investors  present  in today's
marketplace.  Under proposals currently being considered by the Board,  issuance
of  additional  classes  will not affect your shares or your ability to purchase
shares on a no-load basis in the future.

     Adoption of this proposal is intended to allow the Fund:

     |X|  a greater opportunity to distribute the Fund's shares;

     |X|  to maintain its  competitive  position in relation to other funds that
          have similar multi-class distribution arrangements; and

     |X|  to enable  investors to choose the  purchasing  method that best suits
          their individual situations, thereby attracting additional investments
          from current  shareholders  and new  investors by offering  investment

     To the extent  additional  classes are authorized for the Fund and the Fund
thereby  attracts  additional  investments,  use of multiple  share  classes may
result  in some  reduction  in annual  expenses  per  share  for  existing  Fund

     The  Board  expects  to  review  various   distribution   strategies   that
contemplate the use of different  classes of shares by the Fund. If shareholders
of the Fund approve this proposal,  the Board could thereafter institute a class
structure  for the Fund  allowing  it to issue  multiple  classes  of  shares to
different categories of investors. In general, the shares of each class would be
identical  in  all  respects   except  that  the  allocation  of   distribution,
administrative,  support  service  will be specific  to each  class.  This would
provide the Fund the  flexibility  to better  tailor its  methods of  marketing,
administering, and distributing shares to the needs of particular investors. For
example,  certain investors prefer to purchase shares of a mutual fund through a
financial adviser. Often that financial adviser is compensated for the advice it
provides the investor.  Many mutual funds compensate the financial  intermediary
to the extent the financial  intermediary  directs  investments into such mutual
Funds. The Fund is not available now to many of these types of investors because
it is unable to provide this compensation to financial intermediaries.

     All  classes  would  represent  the  same  interest  in the  Fund  and have
identical  voting,  dividend,  liquidation,  and other  rights,  except that the
shares of a class may be subject to special charges and expenses (including, but
not limited to, front-end and deferred sales charges,  expenses under Rule 12b-1
plans,  administration  plans,  service plans,  or other plans or  arrangements,
however  designated) as approved from time to time by the Board and, if required
by the 1940 Act or other  law,  the  shareholders  of the  affected  class.  The
charges  and  expenses  applicable  to a class of shares may  differ  from those
applicable to another  class within the Fund. If this Proposal is approved,  the
outstanding  shares of the Fund will be  redesignated  as "Class J Common Stock"
with rights and privileges identical to the Fund's existing shares.

     In addition to amending the Current  Articles to authorize  the issuance of
additional classes of shares, in this Proposal the Board is asking  shareholders
to  approve  a  restatement  of the  Fund's  Current  Articles.  The  Board  has
determined  that it is in the best interest of the Fund and its  shareholders to
amend and  restate  the  Current  Articles.  The form of  Amended  and  Restated
Articles of Incorporation (the "Proposed  Articles") is included with this proxy
statement  as Appendix A. The Fund will  remain an Oregon  corporation,  and the
Proposed  Articles will continue to be governed by Oregon law. In addition,  the
operations  of the Fund  will  remain  subject  to the 1940 Act and its  related

The Differences between the Current Articles and the Proposed Articles

     The following  discussion  summarizes the material  differences between the
Current Articles and the Proposed  Articles.  The Proposed Articles also contain
changes that are not  material and are not  described  here.  Please  review the
entire Proposed Articles before you decide how to vote on this proposal.

     Classes.  Under the Proposed  Articles,  the Board will have the ability to
classify  authorized but unissued shares of the Fund into multiple  classes with
different  sales charge and  distribution  financing  alternatives  as they deem
appropriate  and in the best interests of the Fund's  shareholders.  Proceeds of
sales of all classes of shares issued by the Fund will be invested together in a
common investment portfolio in which the Fund is invested.

     Authorized Shares of Capital Stock. The Fund is now authorized to issue 100
million shares of common stock. Under Oregon law, the Board has the authority to
decrease  or  increase  the number of shares  authorized  for  issuance  without
shareholder  approval.  If the Proposed Articles are approved,  the Fund will be
authorized  to issue five  billion  shares of common stock to be  designated  as
follows: two billion shall be designated as Class J shares, one billion shall be
designated as Class I shares,  one billion shall be designated as Class R shares
and one billion shall be left undesignated.  All authorized common shares of the
Fund  will be  issuable  at any  time  without  further  authorization  from the
shareholders.  The holder of each share of common  stock will  continue  to have
equal voting rights in relation to the holder of other shares of common stock of
the Fund.

     Voting  Rights.  If the Proposed  Articles are approved,  all shares of the
Fund  then  issued  and  outstanding  and  entitled  to   vote--irrespective  of
class--will  be voted in the aggregate and not by class on any matter  submitted
to a vote of shareholders of the Fund, except when otherwise  required by Oregon
law or the 1940 Act (in which case shares will be voted by individual  class) or
when the matter affects only a particular class (in which case only the affected
class will vote).

     Amendments.  Unless  a  corporation's  articles  of  incorporation  provide
otherwise,  an  amendment  to a  corporation's  articles  of  incorporation  are
approved  if the votes  cast in favor of the  amendment  exceed  the votes  case
against  the  amendment  at a meeting  at which a quorum is  present.  Under the
Current  Articles,  any  amendment  must  be  approved  by  a  majority  of  the
outstanding  shares of the Fund.  The Board  believes  it is in the Fund's  best
interest to change the voting threshold for approving  future  amendments to the
Fund's  Articles of  Incorporation.  Accordingly,  if the Proposed  Articles are
approved,  any future  amendment to the Proposed  Articles will require that the
votes cast in favor of the amendment exceed the votes cast against the amendment
at a meeting at which a quorum is present.

     Director and Officer  Liability  and  Indemnification.  Oregon law allows a
corporation to eliminate or limit  personal  liability of directors for monetary
damages  for  conduct  as a  director,  but the  corporation  may not  eliminate
liability for

     o    any breach of the director's duty of loyalty to the corporation or its
     o    actors or  omissions  not in good faith or which  involve  intentional
          misconduct or a knowing violation of law,
     o    any unlawful distribution to shareholders, and
     o    any transaction from which the director derived an improper benefit.

The Current Articles and Proposed Articles  eliminate  personal liability of the
Fund's directors for conduct as a director except as prohibited by Oregon law or
the 1940 Act.

     Oregon law also provides for mandatory  indemnification  (unless limited by
the corporation's  articles of  incorporation)  of directors against  reasonable
expenses incurred in connection with an action,  suit or proceeding with respect
to which the director is successful in defending. This mandatory indemnification
also extends to officers, employees and agents unless the corporation's articles
of  incorporation  provide  otherwise.  The Current  Articles  and the  Proposed
Articles provide for mandatory indemnification of directors, officers, employees
and agents against reasonable expenses incurred in a proceeding.

     In addition, a corporation is permitted to indemnify an individual made, or
threatened to be made, a party to an action, suit or proceeding,  whether civil,
criminal,  administrative,  investigative,  or other  (including  an  action  or
proceeding by or in the right of the  corporation)  because the individual is or
was an officer, director, employee or agent of the corporation against liability
(including obligations to pay a judgment, settlement, penalty, fine and expenses
of counsel) incurred in the proceeding if

     o    the person's conduct was in good faith,
     o    the person  reasonably  believed his conduct was in the best interests
          of the corporation or at least not opposed to its best interests, and
     o    in a  criminal  proceeding,  the  person  had no  reasonable  cause to
          believe his or her conduct was unlawful.

Under the Current Articles and Proposed Articles, directors, officers, employees
and agents of the Fund are and will be  indemnified  to the  fullest  extent not
prohibited by law, including the 1940 Act.

     Oregon law also permits a corporation  to grant a right of  indemnification
in respect  of any  proceeding  by or in right of the  corporation  against  the
reasonable expenses (including attorneys' fees) incurred if the person concerned
acted in good faith and in a manner the person  reasonably  believed to be in or
at least not opposed to the best  interests of the  corporation,  except that no
indemnification  may be granted is such  person is  adjudged to be liable to the
corporation  unless  permitted  by a court.  The Current  Articles  and Proposed
Articles provide for such indemnification to directors,  officers, employees and
agents of the Fund.

     An Oregon  corporation  may pay for or reimburse  the  reasonable  expenses
incurred  by  an  individual  in  defending  a  proceeding  in  advance  of  the
proceeding's  final disposition if the person receiving the advance furnishes to
the corporation (i) a written  affirmation of this or her good faith belief that
he or she has  met  the  prescribed  standard  of  conduct  and  (ii) a  written
undertaking  to repay the  advance if it is  determined  that the person did not
meet the  standard  of  conduct.  The  Current  Articles  do not provide for the
mandatory  reimbursement  or  advancement  of expenses to any person.  Under the
Proposed  Articles,  any  person  who is  made a  party  to an  action,  suit or
proceeding by reason of the fact that such person is or was a director, officer,
employee or agent of the Fund will be reimbursed for reasonable expenses (or the
Fund may pay the expenses)  incurred in advance of the final  disposition of any
proceeding  provided the person furnishes the Fund with the written  affirmation
and undertaking discussed above.

     The  indemnification  provisions of the Current  Articles will apply to any
acts of the  Fund's  officers  and  directors  committed  prior  to the time the
Proposed  Articles are approved by  shareholders  of the Fund and filed with the
Secretary of the State of Oregon.

Required Vote on Proposal 1

     Approval of Proposal 1 requires the  affirmative  vote of a majority of the
outstanding shares of the Fund.

            The Board recommends that you vote "FOR" Proposal No. 1.

                                 Proposal No. 2:
       To Approve the Amended and Restated Distribution Plan for the Fund
         Pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940


     The Board, including a majority of the independent directors,  none of whom
has any direct or indirect  financial  interest in the proposed Plan, are asking
shareholders  of the Fund to approve an Amended and  Restated  Distribution  and
Shareholder Servicing Plan ("Restated  Distribution Plan") for the Fund pursuant
to Rule  12b-1  under  the 1940  Act.  The SEC has  interpreted  the 1940 Act as
providing that the Fund may not finance, directly or indirectly, activities that
are  primarily  intended to result in the sale of its own shares,  unless a plan
under  Rule  12b-1  for that  financing  has been  approved  by the  independent
directors and the  shareholders of the Fund. A copy of the proposed  Amended and
Restated  Distribution and Shareholder  Servicing Plan is attached to this Proxy
Statement as Appendix B.

Proposed Restated Distribution Plan

     The proposed  Restated  Distribution  Plan provides for combined payment of
marketing and shareholder servicing expenses of up to 0.25% of average daily net
assets for Class J (there are no additional costs for Class J under the Restated
Distribution  Plan) and 0.50% of  average  daily net assets for Class R. Class I
shares will have a separate Shareholder Servicing Plan under which it may assess
a fee of up to 0.10% of  average  daily net  assets.  That Plan is not guided by
Rule 12b-1 and is not discussed in this Proxy Statement.

     Payments to the Fund's distributor (the "Distributor"),  in accordance with
the  Restated  Distribution  Plan  would  be  made  pursuant  to a  distribution
agreement to be entered into by the Fund and the Distributor.  Any payments made
by the  Distributor  to other brokers or  administrators  with funds received as
compensation  under the  Restated  Distribution  Plan would be made  pursuant to
sub-agreements  entered  into  by  the  Distributor  and  each  such  broker  or
administrator.  The  Distributor  would  have the right to  select,  in its sole
discretion,  the brokers  and  administrators  to  participate  in the  Restated
Distribution  Plan and to terminate without cause and in its sole discretion any
agreement entered into by the Distributor and a broker or administrator.

     The  purpose of the  Restated  Distribution  Plan is to attract  additional
shareholders  into the Fund and thereby  help  increase  the asset levels of the
Fund.  This in turn helps to reduce the expense ratios of the Fund to the extent
that  such  expense  ratios  are  affected  by costs  that are not tied to asset
levels. This is accomplished by attracting the interest of the broadest spectrum
of financial  intermediaries  in marketing  shares of the Fund to the public.  A
Restated Distribution Plan provides a method of reimbursing such firms for their
marketing and distribution  expenses,  including  selling  commissions that they
offer to their financial consultants.

Other Provisions of the Proposed Restated Distribution Plan

     All material amendments to the proposed Restated  Distribution Plan must be
approved by a vote of the Board and the independent directors, cast in person at
a meeting  called for the  purpose  of voting on such  amendment.  The  Restated
Distribution  Plan may not be amended in order to materially  increase the costs
that the Fund may bear for  distribution  pursuant to the Restated  Distribution
Plan  without  being  approved  by the  affirmative  vote of a  majority  of the
shareholders of the Fund.

Effectiveness of the Proposed Distribution Plan

     If approved by shareholders,  the proposed Restated  Distribution Plan will
become  effective  on or  about  August  1,  2003  or  as  soon  as  practicable
thereafter,  and  will  remain  in  effect  for a period  of one  year  from its
effective  date.  It may be  continued  thereafter  if it is  approved  at least
annually  by a majority of the Fund's  Board and a majority  of the  independent
directors,  cast in person at a meeting  called for the purpose of voting on the
continuance of the Restated Distribution Plan. If the Restated Distribution Plan
is approved by shareholders at the meeting,  the Fund's Prospectus and Statement
of  Additional  Information  will be amended  or  supplemented  to  reflect  the

Evaluating the Distributor

     For so long as the  Restated  Distribution  Plan  remains  in  effect,  the
Distributor  must prepare and furnish to the Board on a quarterly basis, and the
Board will review,  a written report of the amounts  expended under the Restated
Distribution  Plan and the purpose  for which such  expenditures  were made.  In
addition, while the distribution Plan is in effect, the selection and nomination
of independent  directors will be at the discretion of the independent directors
then in office.

Comparison of Fees

     The table below  describes  the fees and expenses that you would pay if you
buy and hold shares of the different classes of the Fund.

                                SHAREHOLDER FEES
                    (fees paid directly from your investment)


                         ANNUAL FUND OPERATING EXPENSES
                  (expenses that are deducted from Fund assets)

                                              Class J    Class R     Class I
Management Fees                                0.50%      0.50%       0.50%
Distribution and Service (12b-1) Fees (1)      0.25%      0.50%        None
Other Expenses                                TBD (2)    TBD (2)     TBD (3)
Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses            TBD        TBD         TBD
                                                ===        ===         ===
- -----------------
(1)  Class J assesses a Distribution  and Shareholder  Servicing fee of 0.25% of
     average daily net assets.  Class R assesses a Distribution  and Shareholder
     Servicing fee of 0.50% of average daily net assets. Class I does not have a
     Distribution and Shareholder Servicing Plan.

(2)  Other Expenses for Classes J and R include custodian,  transfer agency, and
     other  customary  Fund  expenses  not listed  above  which are based on the
     previous year's expenses.

(3)  Other Expenses for Class I include:  (a) custodian,  transfer  agency,  and
     other customary Fund expenses not listed above which are estimated to total
     0.15% of average daily net assets; and (b) an annual shareholder  servicing
     fee of up to 0.10% of average daily net assets for Class I shares.

The Evaluation by the Board

     In  determining  to recommend the adoption of the  Distribution  Plan,  the
independent directors considered a variety of factors, including:

     |X|  The  nature  of  the   circumstances   making  a   Distribution   Plan

     |X|  The  nature  and  amount  of  expenditures,  the  relationship  of the
          expenditures  to the overall cost structure of the Fund, the nature of
          the anticipated benefits and the time it will take for the benefits to
          be achieved;

     |X|  The relationship  between the Distribution  Plan and the activities of
          any person who  finances or has  financed  distribution  of the Fund's
          shares,  including  whether  any  payments  by the Fund to such  other
          person  are  made in  such a  manner  as to  constitute  the  indirect
          financing of the distribution by the Fund;

     |X|  The  possible  benefits  of the plan to any other  person  relative to
          those expected to inure to the Fund;

     |X|  The effect of the Distribution Plan on existing shareholders; and

     |X|  Whether the  Distribution  Plan will produce the anticipated  benefits
          for the Funds and their shareholders.

     Based on its review and  consideration  of the  factors  listed  above,  in
particular  the  minimal  costs  under the  Distribution  Plan  compared  to the
expected benefits to the Fund from having more assets,  the Board concluded that
there is a  reasonable  likelihood  that the  proposed  Distribution  Plan  will
benefit the Fund and its shareholders.

Required Vote on Proposal 2

     Approval of the  Distribution  Plan  requires the  affirmative  vote of the
holders of (i) 67% of the Fund's voting securities,  as defined in the 1940 Act,
present and entitled to vote at the Meeting,  if the holders of more than 50% of
the Fund's  outstanding voting securities are present or represented by proxy at
the  Meeting or (ii) a majority  of the Fund's  outstanding  voting  securities,
whichever is less.

            The Board recommends that you vote "FOR" Proposal No. 2.

                                 Other Matters:

     The Board knows of no other  matters to be presented  at the Meeting  other
than those set forth in this Proxy  Statement.  If, however,  any other business
should properly come before the Meeting,  the persons named on the  accompanying
proxy card will vote on such matters in accordance with their best judgment.

                         Part 3 - More on Proxy Voting:

Record Date

     Only  shareholders  of record of the Fund at the close of  business  on the
Record Date, May 23, 2003, are entitled to receive notice of the Meeting and may
vote  at  the   Meeting.   As  of  the  close  of  business  on  May  23,  2003,
69,296,589.1740  shares of Common Stock of the Fund were issued and outstanding.
Each share is entitled to one vote at the Meeting and each  fractional  share is
entitled to a fractional  vote.  To the  knowledge of the Fund, no person is the
beneficial  owner of more than 5% of the Fund's  outstanding  shares,  except as

- ----------------------------------- ------------------- ------------------------
Fund Name and                                            Percent of Outstanding
Shareholder Name and Address        No. of Shares Owned      Shares Owned
- ----------------------------------- ------------------- ------------------------
Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.            31,164,728.663             44.97%
Reinvest Account
Special Custody Account
for the Benefit of Customers
Attn: Mutual Funds
101 Montgomery Street
San Francisco, CA  94104-4122

- ----------------------------------- ------------------- ------------------------
National Financial Services LLC       11,615,760.501             16.76%
Custody for the benefit
of its Customers
Attn: Mutual Funds Department,
5th Floor
One World Financial Center
200 Liberty Street
New York, NY  10281-1003

- ----------------------------------- ------------------- ------------------------
Pershing LLC                           6045,544.643              8.72%
Attn:  Wing Liang
Mutual Fund Trading Manager
P.O. Box 2052
Jersey City, NJ 07303-2052

- ----------------------------------- ------------------- ------------------------
JP Morgan Chase Trust                 5,648,470.196              8.15%
For the Benefit of Federal
Reserve Employee Benefit System
Thrift Plan
Attn:  Claudette Anthony
3 Chase Metrolich Center, 5th Floor
Brooklyn, NY  11245-0001
- ----------------------------------- ------------------- ------------------------

Voting of Proxies

     Whether you expect to be personally  present at the Meeting or not,  please
vote your proxy.  You may submit the proxy:  (1) by mail,  by marking,  signing,
dating  and  returning  the  enclosed  proxy card in the  enclosed  postage-paid
envelope;  (2) by  telephone  at the number  shown on the proxy card;  or (3) by
Internet as shown on the proxy card.  Properly executed proxies will be voted as
you instruct. If no choice is indicated, proxies will be voted "FOR" Proposals 1
and 2 as set forth in the Notice and in the  discretion  of the persons named as
proxies  on such  matters  that  may  properly  come  before  the  Meeting.  Any
shareholder  giving a proxy has the power to  revoke it at any time  before  the
Meeting by advising the Secretary of the Fund in writing (by subsequent proxy or
otherwise) of such  revocation  at any time before it is voted,  or by attending
the Meeting and voting in person.  Attendance  by a  shareholder  at the Meeting
does not, in itself,  revoke a proxy. If not so revoked,  the shares represented
by the proxy  will be voted at the  Meeting  and any  adjournments  thereof,  as


     Under the Fund's Bylaws,  a quorum of shares will be present at the Meeting
if more than 50% of the outstanding  shares of the Fund are present in person or
by proxy.  All  proxies  that are duly signed by a  shareholder  will be counted
towards  establishing  a quorum,  regardless  of  whether  the  shareholder  has
instructed the proxy as to how to vote,  including  proxies  returned by brokers
for  shares  held by brokers as to which no voting  instructions  are  indicated
("Broker non-votes"). Broker non-votes and abstentions will have the effect of a
"No" vote on any particular proposal being presented.

     If a quorum is not present at the  Meeting for the Fund,  or if a quorum is
present  at the  Meeting  but  sufficient  votes to  approve  one or more of the
proposed items are not received, or if other matters arise requiring shareholder
attention,   the  persons  named  as  proxy  agents  may  propose  one  or  more
adjournments of the Meeting to permit further  solicitation of proxies. Any such
adjournment  will  require the  affirmative  vote of a majority of those  shares
present  at the  Meeting  or  represented  by proxy.  When  voting on a proposed
adjournment,  the  persons  named as proxy  agents  will  vote FOR the  proposed
adjournment all shares that they are entitled to vote with respect to each item,
unless  directed  to vote  AGAINST  the item,  in which case such shares will be
voted AGAINST the proposed  adjournment with respect to that item. A shareholder
vote may be taken on one or more of the items in this Proxy  Statement  prior to
such  adjournment  if  sufficient  votes have been  received and it is otherwise

                   If you do not expect to attend the Meeting,
            please sign your Proxy Card promptly and return it in the
            enclosed envelope to avoid unnecessary expense and delay.
                            No postage is necessary.

                         PART 4 - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

Submission of Certain Shareholder Proposals

     The Fund is not required to hold annual shareholder meetings.  Shareholders
wishing to submit  proposals for inclusion in a proxy statement for a subsequent
shareholder  meeting  should send their  written  proposals to Robert G. Millen,
Secretary of the Fund, c/o U.S.  Bancorp Fund  Services,  LLC, 615 East Michigan
Avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202.

Notice to Banks, Broker-Dealers and Voting Trustees and Their Nominees

     Please advise the Fund, in care of Robert G. Millen, Secretary of the Fund,
c/o U.S.  Bancorp Fund  Services,  LLC,  615 East  Michigan  Street,  Milwaukee,
Wisconsin 53202, whether other persons are beneficial owners of shares for which
proxies  are  being  solicited  and,  if so,  the  number of copies of the Proxy
Statement and Annual and/or Semi-Annual  Reports you wish to receive in order to
supply copies to the beneficial owners of the respective shares.

     Your vote is  important.  Whether or not you intend to attend the  Meeting,
please fill in, date,  sign and promptly  return the enclosed  proxy card in the
postage paid return envelope  provided or vote by telephone or by Internet using
the  instructions  on the proxy card. By voting  early,  you will help avoid the
additional  expense of further  proxy  solicitation  and to ensure that a quorum
will be present at the meeting. Your proxy is revocable at any time before use.

                                      By Order of the Board,

                                      /s/ ROBERT G. MILLEN

                                      Robert G. Millen, Secretary
June 6, 2003

                                                                      Appendix A

                           THE JENSEN PORTFOLIO, INC.

                                    ARTICLE I


 The name of the corporation is The Jensen Portfolio, Inc. (the "Corporation").

                                   ARTICLE II


     The purposes for which the Corporation is organized are:

     A. To conduct and carry on the business of an open-end  investment  company
of the management type under the Investment Company Act of 1940.

     B. To engage in any other  lawful  activity for which  corporations  may be
organized  under the Oregon  Business  Corporation  Act, as amended from time to
time (the "Act").

                                   ARTICLE III


     A. The  Corporation is authorized to issue  5,000,000,000  shares of Common

     B. The Board of Directors is authorized,  subject to limitations prescribed
by the Act, the  Investment  Company Act of 1940,  as amended from time to time,
and the rules and regulations  thereunder (the "1940 Act") and the provisions of
this Article,  to provide for the issuance of shares of Common Stock in classes,
to  establish  from time to time the  number of  shares to be  included  in each
class,  including  increases  in the  authorized  number of shares of that class
pursuant to Section  60.434(6) of the Act, and to  determine  the  designations,
relative  rights,  preferences  and  limitations  of the  shares of each  class.
Without  limiting  the  foregoing,  the  shares of each  class may be subject to
charges and expenses (including by way of example, but not by way of limitation,
redemption fees or fees for administration  plans, service plans, or other plans
or arrangements, however designated), which charges and expenses may differ from
those  applicable to another class, and all of the charges and expenses to which
a class is  subject  shall be borne by that  class  and  shall be  appropriately
reflected,  in the manner  determined by the Board of Directors,  in determining
the net asset  value of, the  amounts  payable  with  respect to  dividends  and
distributions  on, and  redemptions  or  liquidations  of the class.  Subject to
compliance  with the  requirements of the 1940 Act, the Board of Directors shall
have the  authority  to provide  that shares of any class  shall be  convertible
(automatically,  optionally  or  otherwise)  into  shares  of one or more  other
classes in accordance with the  requirements  and procedures  established by the
Board of Directors.

     C. Holders of Common Stock shall have the following rights (unless provided
otherwise by the Board of Directors  with respect to any class at the time it is
established and designated):

          (1) Voting.  On each matter  submitted to a vote of the  shareholders,
     each  holder of shares of Common  Stock  shall be  entitled to one vote for
     each share held,  irrespective of the class,  and all shares of all classes
     shall vote as a single class ("Single Class  Voting");  provided,  however,
     that (a) as to any matter  with  respect  to which a  separate  vote of any
     class is required by the Act or by the 1940 Act, such  requirement  as to a
     separate vote by that class shall apply in lieu of Single Class Voting; (b)
     if the separate  vote  requirement  referred to in clause (a) above applies
     with respect to one or more classes, then, subject to clause (c) below, the
     shares of all other classes shall vote as a single class; and (c) as to any
     matter which does not affect the interest of a particular  class,  only the
     holders of shares of the one or more affected  classes shall be entitled to

          (2) Dividends and Distributions.

               (a) The  holders of each class of Common  stock shall be entitled
          to dividends if, as and when authorized by the Board of Directors.

               (b)  No  dividend,  distribution,   subdivision,  combination  or
          reclassification  of any class of Common  Stock shall  occur  unless a
          like    dividend,    distribution,    subdivision,    combination   or
          reclassification  is made with respect to all other  classes of Common
          Stock then  outstanding;  provided  that any charges and expenses that
          apply to one or more  classes  shall be  reflected  in the  amount  of
          dividends or distributions made to those classes.

          (3)  Liquidation.  On dissolution and liquidation of the  Corporation,
     whether voluntary or involuntary, the holders of each class of Common Stock
     shall be  entitled  to  receive,  pro  rata,  any  remaining  assets of the
     Corporation;  provided  that any charges and expenses  that apply to one or
     more  classes  shall be reflected  in the amount of  distributions  made to
     those classes.

     D. There is hereby established (i) a class of shares of Common Stock of the
Corporation,  designated  "Class J Common  Stock," to  consist of  2,000,000,000
shares  of  Common  Stock,  (ii) a  class  of  shares  of  Common  Stock  of the
Corporation,  designated  "Class I Common  Stock," to  consist of  1,000,000,000
shares of  Common  Stock,  and  (iii) a class of  shares of Common  Stock of the
Corporation,  designated  "Class R Common  Stock," to  consist of  1,000,000,000
shares of Common Stock.  Upon filing of these  Amended and Restated  Articles of
Incorporation with the Secretary of State of the State of Oregon,  each share of
Common  Stock then  outstanding  shall  become one fully paid and  nonassessable
share of Class J Common Stock.  Prior to the issuance by the  Corporation of any
shares of a class of Common Stock other than Class J Common Stock, any reference
by the  Corporation or its officers,  directors,  employees or agents to "Common
Stock" shall be deemed a reference to Class J Common Stock.

     E. The shares of Class I Common Stock and Class R Common  Stock  classified
hereby shall have the relative rights, preferences, and limitations as set forth
elsewhere in these  Articles  with respect to Common Stock  generally,  shall be
subject to the charges and expenses  imposed by the Board of Directors  pursuant
to a plan adopted under Rule 18f-3 (or successor or similar provision) under the
1940 Act and disclosed in the registration  statement of the Corporation on Form
N-1A (or any successor form) filed with the Securities and Exchange  Commission,
including the Corporation's  prospectus and Statement of Additional  Information
as amended from time to time,  in effect at the time such shares are issued (the
"Registration Statement").

                                   ARTICLE IV

                             DIVIDENDS; REDEMPTIONS

     A. Except as otherwise  provided in this Article, a shareholder may require
the  Corporation  to redeem  all or any part of shares of the  Corporation  upon
deposit of the shares for  redemption,  in the manner and in accordance with the
conditions prescribed by the Board of Directors. Shares deposited for redemption
shall be redeemed by the  Corporation at the redemption  price for the shares as
determined in the manner set out in this Article.

     B. The redemption price per share shall be the net asset value per share of
that class,  as  determined by or under the direction of the Board of Directors,
less the redemption fee or other charge, if any, fixed by the Board of Directors
in  accordance  with the 1940  Act.  The net  asset  value  per  share  shall be
determined on all days on which the New York Stock Exchange is open for business
and at such other  time or times as the Board of  Directors  designates,  unless
such determination is suspended.

     C. Net asset value per share of a class shall be determined by dividing the
value of the net assets of that class  (the  value of the  securities  and other
assets  attributable  to that class less the  liabilities  attributable  to that
class)  by the  total  number  of  shares  of  that  class  outstanding,  all as
determined  by or under the  direction of the Board of  Directors in  accordance
with generally accepted accounting principles and the 1940 Act.

     D. The Board of Directors may suspend the  determination of net asset value
for all or any part of any period (i) during  which the New York Stock  Exchange
is closed other than customary weekend and holiday  closings,  (ii) during which
trading on the New York Stock  Exchange is  restricted,  (iii)  during  which an
emergency  exists as a result of which (a) the  disposal by the  Corporation  of
investments  owned  by it  is  not  reasonably  practicable  or  (b)  it is  not
reasonably  practicable for the Corporation fairly to determine the value of its
assets,  or  (iv) as the  federal  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  or any
successor  governmental  authority  may by order  permit for the  protection  of
shareholders of the Corporation. Whenever the Board of Directors, by declaration
or resolution,  has suspended the  determination  of net asset value pursuant to
this Article,  the right of any shareholder to require the Corporation to redeem
shares shall be likewise  suspended,  despite deposit before suspension.  When a
suspension is in effect, any shareholder may withdraw  certificates from deposit
or may leave them on deposit,  in which case the  redemption  price shall be the
net asset value next determined after the suspension is terminated.

     E. In  determining  for the purposes of this Article the total value of the
assets of the  Corporation,  investments and any other assets of the Corporation
shall be  valued  in the  manner  determined  from  time to time by the Board of

     F. The right of any holder of shares redeemed by the Corporation to receive
dividends  or  distributions  thereon  and all other  rights of such holder with
respect to such shares shall  terminate when the redemption  price of the shares
is determined,  except for the right of the holder to receive (i) the redemption
price of the shares  from the  Corporation  in  accordance  with the  provisions
hereof and (ii) any dividend or  distribution to which the holder had previously
become  entitled  as the  record  holder of shares  on the  record  date for the
dividend or distribution.

     G. Payment of the redemption price by the Corporation may be made either in
cash or in securities or other assets at the time owned by the  Corporation,  or
partly in cash and partly in securities or other assets at the time owned by the
Corporation.  Any  payment  to be made in  securities  or  other  assets  of the
Corporation shall be the value used in determining the redemption price.

     H. The  obligation  of the  Corporation  to redeem its shares  hereunder is
conditional upon the ability of the Corporation to comply with the provisions of
the Act relating to distributions to shareholders by means of share redemptions.
The right to redeem shall  terminate  upon adoption of a plan of  liquidation or
dissolution of the Corporation by the Board of Directors.

     I. The Corporation, either directly or through an agent, may repurchase its
shares, out of funds legally available  therefor,  upon the terms and conditions
and  for the  consideration  as the  Board  of  Directors  deems  advisable,  by
agreement  with the owner at a price not exceeding the net asset value per share
as  determined  by the Board of  Directors  at the time or times as the Board of
Directors  designates,  and the  Corporation  may take all  other  steps  deemed
necessary or advisable in connection therewith.

     J. The Corporation,  pursuant to resolution of the Board of Directors,  may
cause the  Corporation,  upon the terms set forth in the  resolution and in this
Article, to redeem at net asset value the shares of any holder whose shares have
a current  net  asset  value of less  than a  minimum  amount  that the Board of
Directors may determine from time to time. No such redemption  shall be effected
unless  the  Corporation  has given the  holder at least 30 days'  notice of its
intention  to redeem such  shares and an  opportunity  to purchase a  sufficient
number of additional  shares to bring the  aggregate  current net asset value of
the holder's shares to such minimum  amount.  Upon redemption of shares pursuant
to this  section,  the  Corporation  shall  promptly  cause  payment of the full
redemption  price to be made to the holder of the shares so  redeemed,  less any
redemption charge that may be imposed by the Corporation in connection with such
redemption   and  described  in  the   Corporation's   Registration   Statement.
Notwithstanding   any  other   provision  of  this  Article,   if   certificates
representing such shares have been issued, the redemption price need not be paid
by the  Corporation  until the  certificates  are  presented  in proper form for
transfer to the Corporation or the agent of the  Corporation  appointed for that
purpose;  however,  the redemption  shall be effective,  in accordance  with the
resolution  of the  Board  of  Directors,  regardless  of  whether  or not  such
presentation has been made.

     K. The Board of  Directors  may delegate any of its powers and duties under
this  Article  with  respect  to  appraisal  of  assets  and   liabilities   and
determination  of  net  asset  value  or  with  respect  to  suspension  of  the
determination of net asset value to an officer of the Corporation, the custodian
or depository of the Corporation's  assets, or to the investment  adviser of the

     L. The  obligations set forth in this Article may be suspended or postponed
as permitted pursuant to the 1940 Act.

     M. Except as provided in the next sentence of this Article IV.M,  shares of
any class hereafter issued which are redeemed,  exchanged, or otherwise acquired
by the Corporation  shall return to the status of authorized and unissued shares
of that  class.  Upon the  redemption,  exchange,  or other  acquisition  by the
Corporation of all outstanding  shares of any class hereafter issued, all shares
of that class  shall  return to the status of  authorized  and  unissued  shares
without  designation as to class, and all provisions of these Articles  relating
to that class shall  cease to be of further  effect and shall cease to be a part
of these Articles.

                                    ARTICLE V

                        DETERMINATION OF NET ASSET VALUE

     Any determination  made in good faith and, so far as accounting matters are
involved,  in accordance with generally accepted  accounting  principles,  by or
pursuant  to the  direction  of the Board of  Directors,  as to:  the amount and
allocation of the assets,  liabilities,  income,  expense,  gain, or loss of the
Corporation;  the amount of any  reserves  or charges  set up and the  propriety
thereof;  the time of or purpose for creating such reserves or charges; the use,
alteration, or cancellation of any reserves or charges (whether or not any debt,
obligation,  or  liability  for which such  reserves or charges  shall have been
created,  shall  have been paid or  discharged,  or shall be then or  thereafter
required to be paid or  discharged);  the price or closing bid or asked price of
any investment owned or held by the  Corporation;  the amortized or market value
of any investment or fair value of any other asset of the Corporation;  the fair
market  value of assets  accepted as  consideration  for  shares;  the number of
shares of the Corporation outstanding;  the estimated expense to the Corporation
in connection with purchases of its shares; the ability to liquidate investments
in an  orderly  fashion;  the  extent to which it is  practicable  to  deliver a
cross-section  of the  securities  held in any portfolio of the  Corporation  in
payment  for any  shares  pertaining  to that  portfolio;  or any other  matters
relating to the issue,  sale,  purchase,  or other acquisition or disposition of
investments or shares of the Corporation shall be final and conclusive and shall
be binding upon the  Corporation and all holders of its shares,  past,  present,
and future;  and shares of the  Corporation are issued and sold on the condition
and understanding that any and all such  determinations  shall be binding as set
forth above.

                                   ARTICLE VI

                               DIRECTOR LIABILITY

     No  director  of  the  Corporation   shall  be  personally  liable  to  the
Corporation or its  shareholders for monetary damages for conduct as a director,
provided  that this Article  shall not eliminate the liability of a director for
any act or omission for which such  elimination  of  liability is not  permitted
under the Act or the 1940 Act. No amendment  to the Act that further  limits the
acts or omissions for which  elimination of liability is permitted  shall affect
the  liability of a director  for any act or omission  which occurs prior to the
effective date of the amendment.

                                   ARTICLE VII


     The  Corporation  shall  indemnify to the fullest  extent not prohibited by
law,  including  the Act and the 1940 Act, any person who is made, or threatened
to be made, a party to an action, suit or proceeding,  whether civil,  criminal,
administrative,   investigative,   or  other  (including  an  action,  suit,  or
proceeding  by or in the right of the  Corporation),  by reason of the fact that
such person is or was a director,  officer, employee or agent of the Corporation
or a fiduciary within the meaning of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act
of 1974 with respect to any employee benefit plan of the Corporation,  or serves
or served at the request of the Corporation as a director,  officer, employee or
agent,  or as a fiduciary of an employee  benefit plan, of another  corporation,
partnership,  joint venture,  trust, or other enterprise.  The Corporation shall
pay for or reimburse the reasonable  expenses incurred by any such person in any
such  proceeding in advance of the final  disposition  of the  proceeding if the
person sets forth in writing (i) the person's  good faith belief that the person
is  entitled  to  indemnification  under  this  Article  and (ii)  the  person's
agreement to repay all advances if it is ultimately  determined  that the person
is not  entitled to  indemnification  under this  Article.  No amendment to this
Article that limits the  Corporation's  obligation to indemnify any person shall
have any effect on such  obligation for any act or omission that occurs prior to
the  later of the  effective  date of the  amendment  or the date  notice of the
amendment is given to the person.  This Article shall not be deemed exclusive of
any  other  provisions  for   indemnification  or  advancement  of  expenses  of
directors,  officers, employees, agents, and fiduciaries that may be included in
any  statute,  bylaw,  agreement,  general  or  specific  action of the Board of
Directors, vote of shareholders, or other document or arrangement.

                                  ARTICLE VIII

                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS

     The  Corporation  shall  not be  required  to hold  an  annual  meeting  of

                                                                      Appendix B

                             JENSEN PORTFOLIO, INC.

                              Amended and Restated
                                  (12b-1 Plan)

     The following  Distribution and Shareholder Servicing Plan (the "Plan") has
been adopted pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as
amended  (the  "Act"),  by  Jensen  Portfolio,  Inc.  (the  "Fund"),  an  Oregon
corporation,  on behalf of the classes  described on Schedule A (the "Classes").
The Plan has been  approved  by a  majority  of the Fund's  Board of  Directors,
including a majority of the Directors who are not interested persons of the Fund
and who have no direct or indirect  financial  interest in the  operation of the
Plan or in any Rule 12b-1  Agreement  (as  defined  below)  (the  "Disinterested
Directors"),  cast in person at a meeting  called  for the  purpose of voting on
such Plan.

     In approving the Plan, the Board of Directors  determined  that adoption of
the  Plan  would  be  prudent  and in the  best  interests  of the  Fund and its
shareholders.  Such approval by the Board of Directors included a determination,
in the  exercise  of its  reasonable  business  judgment  and  in  light  of its
fiduciary  duties,  that  there is a  reasonable  likelihood  that the Plan will
benefit the Fund and its shareholders.

     The provisions of the Plan are as follows:


     The Fund  will pay  Quasar  Distributors,  LLC  (the  "Distributor"),  as a
principal  underwriter of the Fund's  shares,  a  distribution  and  shareholder
servicing fee of the percentage of the average daily net assets of each Class of
the  Fund as  provided  on  Schedule  A in  connection  with the  promotion  and
distribution  of  Fund  shares  and  the  provision  of  personal   services  to
shareholders,   including,   but  not  necessarily   limited  to,   advertising,
compensation to underwriters,  dealers and selling  personnel,  the printing and
mailing  of  prospectuses  to other  than  current  Fund  shareholders,  and the
printing  and  mailing of sales  literature.  The  Distributor  may pay all or a
portion of these fees to any registered securities dealer, financial institution
or any other person (the "Recipient") who renders  assistance in distributing or
promoting  the sale of shares,  or who provides  certain  shareholder  services,
pursuant to a written agreement (the "Rule 12b-1 Agreement"), a form of which is
attached  hereto as  Appendix A with  respect to the Fund.  To the extent not so
paid by the Distributor such amounts may be retained by the Distributor. Payment
of these fees shall be made monthly  promptly  following the close of the month.
If the  Distributor  and/or any  Recipient  is due more monies for its  services
rendered than are immediately  payable because of the expense  limitation  under
this Section of the Plan, the unpaid amount shall be carried forward from period
to  period  while  the Plan is in  effect  until  such  time as it is paid.  The
Distributor  and/or any Recipient shall not, however,  be entitled to charge the
Fund any  interest,  carrying or finance  fees in  connection  with such carried
forward amounts.


     (a) No Rule 12b-1  Agreement shall be entered into with respect to the Fund
and no payments shall be made pursuant to any Rule 12b-1 Agreement,  unless such
Rule  12b-1  Agreement  is in  writing  and the form of  which  has  first  been
delivered  to and  approved  by a vote of a  majority  of the  Fund's  Board  of
Directors,  and of the  Disinterested  Directors,  cast in  person  at a meeting
called for the purpose of voting on such Rule 12b-1 Agreement.  The form of Rule
12b-1  Agreement  relating  to the Fund  attached  hereto as Appendix A has been
approved by the Fund's Board of Directors as specified above.

     (b) Any Rule 12b-1 Agreement shall describe the services to be performed by
the Recipient  and shall  specify the amount of, or the method for  determining,
the compensation to the Recipient.

     (c) No Rule 12b-1 Agreement may be entered into unless it provides (i) that
it may be terminated  with respect to the Fund at any time,  without the payment
of any penalty,  by vote of a majority of the  shareholders  of such Fund, or by
vote of a majority  of the  Disinterested  Directors,  on not more than 60 days'
written notice to the other party to the Rule 12b-1 Agreement,  and (ii) that it
shall automatically terminate in the event of its assignment.

     (d) Any Rule 12b-1  Agreement shall continue in effect for a period of more
than  one  year  from  the date of its  execution  only if such  continuance  is
specifically  approved at least annually by a vote of a majority of the Board of
Directors,  and of the  Disinterested  Directors,  cast in  person  at a meeting
called for the purpose of voting on such Rule 12b-1 Agreement.


     The Distributor shall provide to the Board of Directors,  and the Directors
shall  review at least  quarterly,  a written  report  of all  amounts  expended
pursuant to the Plan. This report shall include the identity of the Recipient of
each payment and the purpose for which the amounts were  expended and such other
information as the Board of Directors may reasonably request.


     The Plan shall become effective  immediately upon approval by the vote of a
majority of the Board of Directors, and of the Disinterested Directors,  cast in
person at a meeting  called  for the  purpose of voting on the  approval  of the
Plan. The Plan shall continue in effect with respect to the Fund for a period of
one year from its  effective  date  unless  terminated  pursuant  to its  terms.
Thereafter,  the Plan shall continue with respect to the Fund from year to year,
provided  that such  continuance  is approved  at least  annually by a vote of a
majority of the Board of Directors, and of the Disinterested Directors,  cast in
person at a meeting  called for the purpose of voting on such  continuance.  The
Plan, or any Rule 12b-1 Agreement, may be terminated with respect to the Fund at
any time, without penalty, on not more than sixty (60) days' written notice by a
majority  vote of  shareholders  of such Fund,  or by vote of a majority  of the
Disinterested Directors.


     During  the  period  in which  the Plan is  effective,  the  selection  and
nomination of those Directors who are Disinterested  Directors of the Fund shall
be committed to the discretion of the Disinterested Directors.


     All  material  amendments  of the Plan  shall be in  writing  and  shall be
approved  by a  vote  of a  majority  of  the  Board  of  Directors,  and of the
Disinterested  Directors,  cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose of
voting on such amendment.  In addition,  the Plan may not be amended to increase
materially the amount to be expended by the Fund hereunder  without the approval
by a majority vote of shareholders of the Fund affected thereby.


     The Fund shall preserve  copies of the Plan,  any Rule 12b-1  Agreement and
all reports  made  pursuant to Section 3 for a period of not less than six years
from the date of this Plan,  any such Rule 12b-1  Agreement or such reports,  as
the case may be, the first two years in an easily accessible place.

                                   Schedule A
                                     to the
                                  (12b-1 Plan)

     The following classes of the Fund shall be charged the following fees under
this combined Distribution and Shareholder Servicing Plan:

  Class                                                  Fee
  -----                                                 -----
                                         (as a % of average daily net assets)
 Class J                                                0.25%
 Class R                                                0.50%

                                   Appendix A
               to the Distribution and Shareholder Servicing Plan

                          Rule 12b-1 Related Agreement


Quasar Distributors, LLC
615 East Michigan Street
Milwaukee, WI 53202

[Recipient's Name and Address]

Ladies and Gentlemen:

     This letter will confirm our  understanding  and agreement  with respect to
payments to be made to you pursuant to a Distribution and Shareholder  Servicing
Plan (the "Plan") adopted by Jensen Portfolio,  Inc. (the "Fund"),  on behalf of
the  Classes of shares  listed on Schedule A (the  "Classes"),  pursuant to Rule
12b-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "Act"). The Plan
and this related  agreement (the "Rule 12b-1 Agreement") have been approved by a
majority  of the Board of  Directors  of the Fund,  including  a majority of the
Board of Directors who are not  "interested  persons" of the Fund, as defined in
the Act, and who have no direct or indirect  financial interest in the operation
of the Plan or in this or any other Rule  12b-1  Agreement  (the  "Disinterested
Directors"),  cast in person  at a  meeting  called  for the  purpose  of voting
thereon.  Such approval included a determination by the Board of Directors that,
in the  exercise  of its  reasonable  business  judgment  and  in  light  of its
fiduciary  duties,  there is a reasonable  likelihood that the Plan will benefit
the Fund's shareholders.

1.   To the  extent you  provide  distribution  and  marketing  services  in the
     promotion  of the  Fund's  shares  and/or  services  to Fund  shareholders,
     including  furnishing  services and assistance to your customers who invest
     in and  own  shares,  including,  but not  limited  to,  answering  routine
     inquiries regarding the Fund and assisting in changing account designations
     and  addresses,  we shall  pay you a fee as  described  on  Schedule  A. We
     reserve the right to increase,  decrease or discontinue the fee at any time
     in our sole discretion upon written notice to you.

     You agree that all  activities  conducted  under this Rule 12b-1  Agreement
     will be conducted in accordance  with the Plan,  as well as all  applicable
     state and federal laws,  including the Act, the Securities  Exchange Act of
     1934, the  Securities Act of 1933 and any applicable  rules of the National
     Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.

2.   You shall furnish us with such information as shall reasonably be requested
     either by the  Directors  of the Fund or by us with respect to the services
     provided and the fees paid to you pursuant to this Rule 12b-1 Agreement.

3.   We shall furnish to the Board of Directors,  for its review, on a quarterly
     basis,  a written  report of the amounts  expended under the Plan by us and
     the purposes for which such expenditures were made.

4.   This Rule 12b-1  Agreement  may be terminated by the vote of (a) a majority
     of shareholders,  or (b) a majority of the Disinterested  Directors,  on 60
     days' written  notice,  without payment of any penalty.  In addition,  this
     Rule 12b-1  Agreement  will be terminated by any act which  terminates  the
     Plan or the  Distribution  Agreement  between  the  Fund  and us and  shall
     terminate  immediately  in the event of its  assignment.  This  Rule  12b-1
     Agreement may be amended by us upon written notice to you, and you shall be
     deemed to have  consented to such amendment upon effecting any purchases of
     shares for your own account or on behalf of any of your customer's accounts
     following your receipt of such notice.

5.   This Rule 12b-1  Agreement  shall become  effective on the date accepted by
     you and shall continue in full force and effect so long as the  continuance
     of the Plan and this Rule 12b-1 Agreement are approved at least annually by
     a vote of the  Board of  Directors  of the  Fund  and of the  Disinterested
     Directors,  cast in person at a meeting  called  for the  purpose of voting
     thereon.  All communications to us should be sent to the above address. Any
     notice to you shall be duly given if mailed or faxed to you at the  address
     specified by you below.

Quasar Distributors, LLC

James Schoenike, President


(Dealer or Service Provider Name)

(Street Address)


(Telephone No.)

(Facsimile No.)

(Name and Title)

                                   Schedule A
                                     to the
                          Rule 12b-1 Related Agreement

     For all services  rendered  pursuant to the Rule 12b-1 Agreement,  we shall
pay you a fee calculated as follows:

Fee of ___% [which shall not exceed ___%] of the average daily net assets of the
Fund  (computed  on an annual  basis)  which are owned of record by your firm as
nominee for your  customers  or which are owned by those  customers of your firm
whose  records,  as maintained by the Fund or its agent,  designate your firm as
the customer's dealer or service provider of record.

We shall make the  determination  of the net asset  value,  which  determination
shall be made in the manner specified in the Fund's current prospectus,  and pay
to you, on the basis of such  determination,  the fee  specified  above,  to the
extent permitted under the Plan.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  [FRONT OF CARD]                             THREE EASY WAYS TO VOTE YOUR PROXY

- -------------------------- ------------------------- ---------------------------
   To vote by Telephone       To vote by Internet          To vote by Mail
1)       Read the Proxy    1)       Read the Proxy   1)       Read the Proxy
     Statement and have         Statement and have        Statement.
     this Proxy card at         this Proxy card at   2)       Check the
     hand.                      hand.                     appropriate boxes on
2)       Call              2)       Go to:                the reverse side.
     1-800-690-6903.       3)       Sign and date the
3)       Enter the         3)       Enter the             Proxy card.
     14-digit number at         14-digit number at   4)       Return the Proxy
     left and follow the        left and follow the       card in the envelope
     simple instructions.       simple instructions.      provided.
- -------------------------- ------------------------- ---------------------------


****     CONTROL NUMBER:  999 999 999 999 99****

                                      OF DIRECTORS OF THE JENSEN PORTFOLIO, INC.


The undersigned hereby appoints as proxies Gary W. Hibler and Robert F. Zagunis,
and  each of them  (with  power of  substitution),  to vote  all  shares  of the
undersigned  in the Fund at the Special  Meeting of  Shareholders  to be held at
5:00 p.m.  Pacific Time, on July 14, 2003, at the Multnomah  Athletic Club, 1849
SW Salmon Street,  Portland,  Oregon 97207-0390,  and any adjournment(s) thereof
("Meeting"),  with  all the  power  the  undersigned  would  have if  personally

                                       Date ______________________________, 2003

                                      |                                        |
                    Signature (owner, joint owners, trustee, custodian, etc.)
                                             (Sign in the Box)

                    Please sign exactly as name  appears at left.  If shares are
                    held  in  the  name  of  joint  owners,  each  should  sign.
                    Attorneys-in-fact,  executors,  administrators, etc., should
                    give  full  title.   If  shareholder  is  a  corporation  or
                    partnership,  please sign in full  corporate or  partnership
                    name by authorized person.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The  shares  represented  by this  proxy  will be  voted as  instructed.  Unless
indicated to the contrary, this proxy shall be deemed to grant authority to vote
"FOR" all proposals,  and to grant  discretionary  power to vote upon such other
business as may properly come before the Meeting.

                    Please  fill in box(es) as shown  using black or blue ink or
                    number 2 pencil. |X| PLEASE DO NOT USE FINE POINT PENS.

1.   To approve the Amended and Restated  Articles of    FOR   AGAINST   ABSTAIN
     Incorporation for the Fund to provide for           [ ]     [ ]        [ ]
     classification of shares.

2.   To approve the Amended and Restated  Distribution   FOR   AGAINST   ABSTAIN
     and Shareholder Servicing Plan for the Fund         [ ]     [ ]        [ ]
     shares  pursuant  to Rule  12b-1 under the
     Investment Company Act of 1940.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------