As filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on August 28, 2003

                                  UNITED STATES
                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM N-CSR


                  Investment Company Act file number 811-03115

                                   GINTEL FUND
               (Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)

                             6 Greenwich Office Park
                          Greenwich, Connecticut 06831
               (Address of principal executive offices) (Zip code)

                              Stephen G. Stavrides
                              President & Treasurer
                                   Gintel Fund
                             6 Greenwich Office Park
                          Greenwich, Connecticut 06831
                     (Name and address of agent for service)

                                 (800) 243-5808
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

Date of fiscal year end: 12/31/02

Date of reporting period: 06/30/03

Item 1. Report to Stockholders.

                                  GINTEL FUND


                                SEMIANNUAL REPORT
                                TO SHAREHOLDERS
                                 JUNE 30, 2003

GINTEL FUND Summary of Investment Results

The investment objective is to achieve capital appreciation through investing in
equities.  The minimum initial  investment in Gintel Fund is $5,000,  except for
IRA accounts where the minimum initial  purchase is $2,000.  There is no minimum
on additional investments.

                         Summary of Investment Results
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                              Gintel Fund              S&P500      Russell 2000
                              -----------              ------      ------------
2003 (6 mos.)                       4.21%              11.75%           17.88%
2002                              -23.93%             -22.09%          -20.48%
2001                              -17.45%             -11.88%            2.49%
2000                              -34.35%              -9.10%           -3.02%
1999                               81.52%              21.04%           21.26%
1998                              -10.95%              28.58%           -2.55%
1997                               29.22%              33.35%           22.36%
1996                               31.04%              22.94%           16.49%
1995                               30.97%              37.53%           28.45%
1994                              -16.46%               1.32%           -1.82%
1993                                2.04%              10.06%           18.88%
1992                               24.68%               7.61%           18.41%
1991                               15.57%              30.40%           46.04%
1990                               -6.66%              -3.11%          -19.48%
1989                               23.81%              31.63%           16.26%
1988                               29.35%              16.56%           25.02%
1987                              -14.25%               5.25%           -8.80%
1986                               20.83%              18.67%            5.68%
1985                               20.02%              31.73%           31.05%
1984                               -2.57%               6.27%           -7.30%
1983                               34.33%              22.56%           29.13%
1982                               34.10%              20.55%           24.95%
1981(1)                             7.64%              -4.42%          -11.22%

Average Annual
Total Rate of Return
- --------------------
1-Year                            -11.08%               0.25%           -1.64%
5-Year                             -7.51%              -1.61%            0.97%
10-Year                             2.81%              10.04%            8.24%

(1) 6/10/1981-12/31/1981

Past results offer no assurance as to future performance.  The investment return
and  principal  value of an  investment  will  fluctuate,  so that an investor's
shares,  when  redeemed,  may be worth  more or less than their  original  cost.
Investment  results  are net of  expenses,  with  dividends  and  capital  gains
reinvested.  The  returns  shown do not reflect  the  deduction  of taxes that a
shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares.

The S&P 500 and Russell  2000 are  unmanaged  indexes  commonly  used to measure
performance of U.S. stocks. You cannot invest directly in an index.

Please refer to the Statement of Net Assets for Fund holdings. Fund holdings and
sector weightings are subject to change at any time and are not  recommendations
to buy or sell any security or in any sector.

The information provided herein represents the opinion of the Fund manager which
is subject to change at any time and is not  intended to be a forecast of future
events, a guarantee of future results, nor investment advice.

The Fund is  non-diversified,  meaning  it may  concentrate  its assets in fewer
individual holdings than a diversified fund. Therefore, the Fund is more exposed
to individual  stock volatility than a diversified  fund.  Mutual fund investing
involves risk; loss of principal is possible.

This  report must be preceded or  accompanied  by a  prospectus.  Please read it
carefully before you invest or send money.

Distributed by Quasar Distributors, LLC.  08/03

July 18, 2003

Dear Shareholders:

In the second quarter of 2003 the Fund's net asset value per share  increased by
1.60%,  bringing the total  increase in net asset value for the six months ended
June 30,  2003,  to  4.21%.(1)  Our cash  position at the end of the quarter was
$54,884,424, representing 88.22% of the Fund's net assets. While we outperformed
the  market  in the  first  quarter,  our  large  cash  reserves  penalized  our
investment  performance  during  the  strong  rally in the  second  quarter.  We
continue to invest  largely in what we believe are high quality  companies  with
strong balance sheets and good business franchises.

We did not  choose  to follow  the herd and  plunge  back into the stock  market
because we did not think the  underlying  fundamentals  warranted such optimism.
Consequently,  we stayed  mostly on the  sidelines,  taking  trading  profits as
opportunities  arose.  While with the benefit of hindsight we regret that we did
not  participate  more fully in the recent market  rally,  we now feel the rapid
market rise in recent months makes it vulnerable to negative surprises.

In recent years in the face of an unstable  economic  environment,  we pursued a
disciplined  and highly  conservative  course of  action.  At the end of 1999 we
called the stock  market  bubble for what it was,  yet it has shown a remarkable
resiliency  despite many shocks and unsettling events.  Nevertheless,  we do not
want to get frozen or locked  indefinitely into a preconceived state of mind. In
the future we are  prepared to become more  aggressive  and expect to use future
market corrections to take more meaningful positions in equities.

Once again we thank our shareholders for their continuing  loyalty and patience.
As always,  please call to talk if you have any  questions  you would like us to


/s/ Robert M. Gintel                                    /s/ Edward F. Carroll
- --------------------                                    ---------------------
Robert M. Gintel                                        Edward F. Carroll
Chairman                                                Investment Manager

(1) The returns  shown do not reflect the  deduction of taxes that a shareholder
would pay on Fund distributions or the redemptions of Fund shares.

GINTEL FUND Statement of Net Assets                          As of June 30, 2003

Number of Shares                                           Cost*    Market Value
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              Common Stocks**

              Financial (2.66%)
    20,000    American Express Company                   $746,950       $836,200
    30,000    SouthTrust Corporation                      784,419        816,000

              Innovative Science/Technology (2.34%)
    35,000    E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company       1,499,425      1,457,400

              Energy (1.88%)
    25,000    Exxon Mobil Corporation                     878,880        897,750
    10,000    ENSCO International Incorporated            270,964        269,000

              Consumer Products (1.40%)
    15,000    Colgate-Palmolive Company                   796,146        869,250

              Pharmaceuticals (1.37%)
    25,000    Pfizer Inc.                                 775,500        853,750

              Retail/Pharmacy (1.21%)
    25,000    Walgreen Co.                                796,652        752,500

              Mail Systems/Technology (0.62%)
    10,000    Pitney Bowes Inc.                           335,917        384,100

              Technology (0.28%)
    10,000    Texas Instruments Incorporated              178,775        176,000

              Medical Instruments (0.25%)
   555,000*** Milestone Scientific Inc.                   590,520        158,175

              Imputed Brokerage Commission on
              Securities Owned                             37,000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              Total Common Stocks (12.01%)               7,691,148     7,470,125
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

See notes to financial statements.

GINTEL FUND Statement of Net Assets (continued)              As of June 30, 2003

Principal Amount                                    Cost*           Market Value
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            Short Term Obligations

$4,309,000  GE Capital Corp. Commercial Paper
            1.20%, due 07/01/03                 4,309,000             4,309,000
14,007,000  U.S. Treasury Bill
            1.18%, due 07/03/03                14,006,315            14,006,315
14,006,000  U.S. Treasury Bill
            1.22%, due 07/10/03                14,003,444            14,003,444
12,006,000  U.S. Treasury Bill
            1.25%, due 07/17/03                12,001,731            12,001,731
11,026,000  U.S. Treasury Bill
            1.17%, due 08/14/03                11,013,333            11,013,333

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
          Total Short-Term Obligations (88.94%)55,333,823            55,333,823

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            Total Investments (100.95%)       $63,024,971            62,803,948
            Liabilities in Excess of Other Assets (-0.95%)             (591,829)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            Net Assets Applicable to Outstanding Shares (100.00%)   $62,212,119

            Net Asset Value Per Share -- based on 6,983,281 shares
            of beneficial interest (offering and redemption price)        $8.91

*    Cost basis for federal income tax purposes.
**   Fund holdings and sector  weightings  are subject to change at any time and
     are not recommendations to buy or sell any security or any sector.
***  Non-income producing investments.

See notes to financial statements.

GINTEL FUND Statement of Operations       For the Six Months Ended June 30, 2003
Investment Income:
     Interest Income                              $266,330
     Dividend Income                                78,250
     Miscellaneous Income                           18,187

         Total Investment Income                                         362,767

     Administrative expense                        361,835
     Investment advisory fees                      311,872
     Other expenses                                 29,008

         Total Expenses                                                  702,715

Net investment (loss)                                                  (339,948)

Net realized gain on investments                 3,222,257
Net increase in unrealized depreciation
     of investments                              (300,130)
Net gain on investments                                                2,922,127

Net increase in net assets resulting from operations                  $2,582,179
See notes to financial statements.

GINTEL FUND Statements of Changes in Net Assets
                                                             Six Months Ended
                                                                June 30, 2003           Year Ended
                                                                  (Unaudited)    December 31, 2002

     Net investment (loss)                                          $(339,948)           $(199,817)
     Net realized gain (loss) on investments                        3,222,257          (47,382,017)
     Net increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation/
         depreciation of investments                                 (300,130)          24,308,203
                                                                --------------       --------------
         Net increase (decrease) from operations                    2,582,179          (23,273,631)

Capital Share Transactions:
     Proceeds from shares issued                                    1,344,000            1,238,318
     Cost of shares repurchased                                    (4,413,933)         (16,150,648)
                                                                --------------       --------------
         Net (decrease) from capital share transactions            (3,069,933)         (14,912,331)

Total (decrease) in net assets                                       (487,754)         (38,185,962)
Net assets - beginning of period                                   62,699,873          100,885,834
                                                                --------------       --------------

Net assets - end of period                                        $62,212,119          $62,699,873
                                                                ==============       ==============

Net Assets Consist of:
     Capital stock                                               $113,188,990         $116,258,923
     Undistributed net investment (loss)                           (1,927,868)          (1,587,919)
     Undistributed net realized (loss)
         from security transactions                               (48,856,980)         (52,079,238)
     Unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments           (192,023)             108,107
                                                                --------------       --------------
Net assets                                                        $62,212,119          $62,699,873
                                                                ==============       ==============

See notes to financial statements.

GINTEL FUND Financial Highlights
           (Per share Income and Capital Changes)

                                            Six Months
                                              Ended                    Year Ended December 31,
                                           (Unaudited)   2002       2001        2000      1999
Net Asset Value
     Beginning of Year                         $8.55    $11.24     $13.65      $29.37    $16.18

Income (loss) from
     Investment operations
     Net investment income (loss)              (0.06)    (0.02)     (0.03)       0.03     (0.09)
     Net realized and unrealized
     gain (loss) on securities                  0.42     (2.67)     (2.35)      (7.37)    13.28
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total from Investment Income (Loss)             0.36     (2.69)     (2.38)      (7.34)    13.19
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Less: Distributions
     Net investment income                         -         -      (0.03)          -         -
     Capital gains                                 -         -          -       (8.38)        -

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Distributions                                -         -      (0.03)      (8.38)        -
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Asset Value, End of Period                 $8.91     $8.55     $11.24      $13.65    $29.37
Total Return                                    4.2%    (23.9%)    (17.5%)     (34.4%)    81.5%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ratios/Supplemental Data
Net assets, end of period
     (in thousands)                          $62,212   $62,700   $100,886    $130,443  $221,677
Ratio of operating expenses to
     average net assets                         2.2%      1.9%       2.0%        1.9%      1.9%
Ratio of net investment
     (loss) to average net assets              (1.2%)    (0.2%)     (0.1%)      (0.6%)    (0.5%)
Portfolio turnover rate                       101.7%     39.6%      32.1%       62.6%     95.3%

See notes to financial statements.

GINTEL FUND Notes to Financial Statements                          June 30, 2003

(Note A) - Organization:

The Gintel Fund (the "Fund") is a Massachusetts  business trust formed under the
laws of the Commonwealth of  Massachusetts  with authority to issue an unlimited
number of shares of beneficial interest.

(Note B) - Significant Accounting Policies:

1. Security Valuation:
Investments  in securities  are valued at the last  reported  sales price on the
last  business day of the period,  or in the absence of a recorded  sale, at the
mean of the closing bid and asked price on that date. Short-term investments are
valued at cost which approximates market value.  Securities listed on the NASDAQ
National Market are valued at the NASDAQ Official Closing Price ("NOCP").  Other
securities traded on a national securities exchange are valued at the last sales
price on the exchange where  primarily  traded.  Exchange-traded  securities for
which there were no transactions and NASDAQ-traded securities for which there is
no NOCP are valued at the last bid price. Securities for which market quotations
are not readily  available  are valued at fair value as determined in good faith
by the Board of Directors.

2. Federal Income Taxes:
It is the Fund's policy to comply with the  requirements of the Internal Revenue
Code   applicable   to  regulated   investment   companies   and  to  distribute
substantially all of its taxable income and long-term gains to its shareholders.
Therefore, only a nominal Federal income tax provision, if any, is required. The
Fund did not  distribute  any  ordinary  income for the year ended  December 31,

3. Other:
As is common in the  industry,  security  transactions  are accounted for on the
trade date.  Dividend income and  distributions  to shareholders are recorded on
the ex-dividend date.

Realized  gain or loss on security  transactions  is  determined on the basis of
first-in, first-out or specific identification.

4. Use of estimates:
The preparation of financial statements in accordance with accounting principles
generally accepted in the United States of America requires the use of estimates
and assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the financial statements and
accompanying notes. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

(Note C) - Investment Advisory Agreement:
The Fund's Investment  Advisory Agreement with Gintel Asset Management,  Inc., a
related party, provides for the annual fee of 1% based on the daily value of the
Fund's net assets.

GINTEL FUND Notes to Financial Statements (continued)              June 30, 2003

(Note D) - Administrative Services Agreement:
The Fund's Administrative  Services Agreement provides that in consideration for
the services  provided by Gintel & Co., the Fund's  Administrator  and a related
party, and the payment by the  Administrator of substantially  all of the Fund's
expenses,  including  but not limited to  brokerage  commissions  and  operating
expenses  (but  excluding  the  Investment  Advisor's  fees,  the  fees  paid to
non-interested   Trustees,   certain  transaction  costs,  interest,  taxes  and
extraordinary  expenses),  the  Administrator  would  receive an  Administrative
Services Fee. The Administrator receives a fee of 1.25% of the first $50 million
of the average  daily net assets of the Fund,  1.125% of the next $50 million of
the average  daily net assets and 1.0% of the average daily net assets in excess
of $100 million.

(Note E) - Imputed Commissions:
The Fund provides for imputed  brokerage  commissions  to be extracted  from the
Administrative Services Fee and to be applied to the cost of securities sold and
held.  For the six  months  ended  June 30,  2003,  the Fund  estimated  imputed
brokerage commissions to be $20,000 which decreased  administrative expense, and
thereby  decreased  net  investment  loss  by  $20,000,   increased   unrealized
appreciation by $8,000, and decreased realized gains by $12,000.

(Note F) - Other Matters:
1. Investments:

Unrealized appreciation at June 30, 2003                               $341,868
Unrealized depreciation at June 30, 2003                               (525,890)
Imputed commissions on securities owned                                 (37,000)

                                                                Six Months Ended
                                                                   June 30, 2003
Purchases of securities other than short-term investments            $10,553,437
Sales of securities other than short-term investments                $16,051,802

2. Capital Stock (in shares):

                                        Six Months Ended             Year Ended
                                           June 30, 2003      December 31, 2002
                                           -------------      -----------------

Shares issued                                    154,542                143,733
Shares reinvested                                      0                      0
Shares repurchased                              (503,869)            (1,789,644)
                                                ---------            -----------
Net increase (decrease)                         (349,327)            (1,645,911)
                                                =========            ===========


The Fund's Statement of Additional  Information includes additional  information
about the Fund's officers and trustees and is available,  without  charge,  upon
request by calling 1-800-344-3092.

         Investment Advisor                                Gintel Group
    Gintel Asset Management, Inc.                U.S. Bancorp Fund Services, LLC
       6 Greenwich Office Park                             P.O. Box 701
      Greenwich, CT 06831-5197                     Milwaukee, WI 53201-0701
            203-622-6400                                   800-344-3092

Item 2. Code of Ethics.

Not applicable for semi-annual reports.

Item 3. Audit Committee Financial Expert.

Not applicable for semi-annual reports.

Item 4. Principal Accountant Fees and Services.

Not applicable for semi-annual reports.

Item 5. Audit Committee of Listed Registrants.

Not applicable to open-end investment companies.

Item 6. [Reserved]

Item 7.  Disclosure  of Proxy Voting  Policies  and  Procedures  for  Closed-End
Management Investment Companies.

Not applicable to open-end investment companies.

Item 8. [Reserved]

Item 9. Controls and Procedures.

(a)  Based on their  evaluation  of the  Registrant's  Disclosure  Controls  and
     Procedures as of a date within 90 days of the Filing Date, the Registrant's
     President and  Treasurer/CFO  have determined that the Disclosure  Controls
     and  Procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-2(c) under the Act) are designed to
     ensure that  information  required to be  disclosed  by the  Registrant  is
     recorded,  processed,  summarized and reported by the filing date, and that
     information  required to be disclosed in the report is  communicated to the
     Registrant's  management,   as  appropriate,   to  allow  timely  decisions
     regarding required disclosure.

(b)  There were no significant changes in the Registrant's  internal controls or
     in other factors that could significantly  affect these controls subsequent
     to the date of their evaluation,  and there were no corrective actions with
     regard to significant deficiencies and material weaknesses.

Item 10. Exhibits.

(a)  Not applicable for semi-annual reports.

(b)  Certifications  pursuant to Section 302 of the  Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
     Filed herewith.

(c)  Certification  pursuant to Section 906 of the  Sarbanes-Oxley  Act of 2002.
     Filed herewith.


     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the
Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be
signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

         Registrant:  Gintel Fund

         Signature and Title:  /s/ Stephen G. Stavrides
                               Stephen G. Stavrides, President

         Date:  August 28, 2003

     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the
Investment  Company  Act of  1940,  this  report  has been  signed  below by the
following  persons on behalf of the  registrant and in the capacities and on the
dates indicated.

         Registrant:  Gintel Fund

         Signature and Title:  /s/ Stephen G. Stavrides
                               Stephen G. Stavrides, Treasurer

         Date:  August 28, 2003