As filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on September 5, 2003

                                  UNITED STATES
                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM N-CSR


                   Investment Company Act file number 811-7932

                               Lindner Investments
               (Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)

               520 Lake Cook Road, Suite 381, Deerfield, IL 60015
               (Address of principal executive offices) (Zip code)

                                Robert L. Miller
               520 Lake Cook Road, Suite 381, Deerfield, IL 60015
                     (Name and address of agent for service)

               Registrant's telephone number, including area code

Date of fiscal year end: 06/30/2003

Date of reporting period:  06/30/2003

Item 1. Report to Stockholders.



                                                                   Lindner Funds
                                       Advised by Lindner Asset Management, Inc.

The views  expressed in this report and information  about the funds'  portfolio
holdings are for the period  covered by this  report,  and are subject to change
thereafter. This report must be preceded or accompanied by a prospectus.

MARKET OVERVIEW................................................................2

Letter from the Fund Managers................................................. 3
Schedule of Investments....................................................... 5

Letter from the Fund Managers................................................. 6
Schedule of Investments....................................................... 8

Letter from the Fund Manager..................................................10
Schedule of Investments.......................................................12

Letter from the Fund Managers.................................................13
Schedule of Investments.......................................................15

Letter from the Fund Managers.................................................17
Schedule of Investments.......................................................19

Letter from the Fund Manager..................................................22
Schedule of Investments.......................................................23

Statements of Assets and Liabilities..........................................24

Statements of Operations......................................................25

Statements of Changes in Net Assets...........................................26

Notes to Financial Statements.................................................28

Financial Highlights..........................................................34

Independent Auditors Report...................................................40

Market Overview
August 2003

                             LINDNER FISCAL YEAR END

Dear Shareholder:

You will notice a significant  difference in the most recent  letters to Lindner
Fund shareholders. In the past, as you will recall, our portfolio managers often
provided their outlook for the economy and the markets.  However, due to revised
and more  conservative  Securities  and Exchange  Commission  requirements  with
respect  to Fund  Financial  Reports  (under  the  Sarbanes-Oxley  Act of 2002),
forward-looking  information and/or opinions,  including general  projections of
economic  outlook,  will no  longer  be  presented  as a part  of the  portfolio
managers' letters. We believe that this report to our shareholders is within the
spirit and the rule of these new guidelines.

This year began and ended very differently. At the beginning of the fiscal year,
the equities  markets were still  absorbing an unusually large dose of bad news,
including  further  revelations  of  corporate   accounting   indiscretions  and
geopolitical  tension  prompted by North Korean nuclear  saber-rattling  and the
pending invasion of Iraq. Although these issues have not disappeared,  investors
were heartened by what appeared to be a quick U.S.  victory in Iraq,  aggressive
monetary  and fiscal  policies  to boost the economy  and avoid  deflation,  and
improving  corporate  earnings.  As the  equity  markets  enjoyed a  substantial
resurgence in the first half of 2003, investors in investment grade fixed income
instruments found it increasingly difficult to obtain attractive yields.

We  continue  to give great care in both the  selection  and  evaluation  of the
Lindner  Funds'  Sub-Advisers.  It is  instructive  to note that  Lindner  Asset
Management does not select the Lindner Funds'  portfolio  management teams based
upon their economic and market  predictions.  To as great an extent as possible,
our goal is to judge investment managers based on information that is verifiable
in the  present.  Consequently,  we place  considerable  emphasis on evidence of
professional  stability,  a clear investment  strategy,  and a proven investment
process that is implemented in a disciplined and consistent manner.  This cannot
guarantee  that a manager will  outperform.  As advisor,  however,  we prefer to
entrust our shareholders'  money to investment  organizations that fulfill these
and other key criteria.

How the markets will fare in the months and years ahead is not predictable. What
we can say with certainty,  based upon historical experience,  is that investors
who properly  diversify  their portfolio among a number of mutual funds may have
an opportunity to reduce their total portfolio risk. The Lindner family of funds
has been constructed to help our  shareholders  potentially  achieve  meaningful
diversification  across six  well-defined  funds with  different risk and return
characteristics.  This may be an opportune  time for you to review  whether your
mix of mutual funds is consistent  with your long-term  financial goals and risk

We appreciate that you have elected to invest with the Lindner Funds, and we
look forward to working on your behalf in the future.

/s/ Doug T. Valassis                         /s/ Albert A. Pisterzi
Doug T. Valassis                             Albert A. Pisterzi
Chairman & Chief Executive Officer           Chief Operating Officer
Lindner Asset Management, Inc.               Lindner Asset Management, Inc.

The above  outlook and those that follow  reflect the opinions of the  Chairman,
Chief Operating  Officer and portfolio  managers of Lindner Funds as of June 30,
2003.  They are subject to change and any  forecast  made cannot be  guaranteed.
References  to  specific   securities  or  sectors   should  not  be  considered
recommendations to buy or sell any securities. Please refer to the Annual Report
for percentages of holdings, performance information and additional disclosures.

Mutual Fund investing involves risk. Principal loss is possible.

For use only when accompanied or preceded by a prospectus.  Quasar Distributors,
LLC, Distributor. 8/2003.

Performance Summary

With an objective of long-term  capital  appreciation,  Lindner Large-Cap Growth
Fund for the first half of  calendar  2003  returned  9.73%  verssus  the 13.09%
return of its  benchmark,  the Russell  1000 Growth  Index.  For the fiscal year
ending June 30,  2003,  the Fund  returned  -3.32%  compared to the  benchmark's
return of 2.94%.

During  the  past  12  months,  the  markets  had to  contend  with  significant
geopolitical  and economic  concerns,  including  the Iraqi war,  growing  North
Korean  belligerence,  and the risk of a  worldwide  recession.  In the U.S.,  a
marginal  increase in capital  spending was  insufficient  to  compensate  for a
slowdown in consumer  spending,  which was mainly responsible for the relentless
bear market culminating in the March-April 2003 stock market lows. Disappointing
absolute  returns in the latter half of 2002 also prompted  investors to abandon
growth stocks and search for new  opportunities  in the value  sector.  However,
this turned out to be a short-lived  phenomenon,  as better returns in the first
half of  calendar  2003  prompted  a  quick  and  significant  shift  in  market
sentiment, and investors slowly started to migrate back to growth.

In the first half of calendar  2003, a  considerably  underweighted  position in
technology  stocks  (15%  to  17%  of  the  total  portfolio  versus  25% in its
benchmark)  limited the Fund's  ability to  effectively  participate in the tech
rebound. At the same time, we maintained a significantly  overweighted  position
in energy stocks,  as we expected  increasing  worldwide demand for both natural
gas and crude oil to lead to supply shrinkage and eventually drive energy prices
higher. Although our forecast for crude oil and natural gas prices was accurate,
exploration/production  and  oil  service  companies  did  not  benefit  from  a
commensurate increase in their level of activity nor participate in the market's
price/earnings ratio expansion in the first half of calendar 2003. Consequently,
these stocks underperformed.

Consumer  staples is another sector in which the fund maintained a significantly
underweighted   position.  This  strategy  adversely  affected  the  portfolio's
performance,  especially  in the third quarter of calendar  2002,  when consumer
staples staged a temporary rebound (continued on next page)

Lindner Large-Cap Growth Fund

Comparison of change in value of $10,000 invested in the Russell 1000 Growth
Index and the Lindner Large-Cap Growth Fund from June 30, 1993 to June 30, 2003.

                 Lindner Large Cap    Russell 1000
                   Growth Fund        Growth Index
6/30/93               10,000            10,000
6/30/94               10,483             9,970
6/30/95               12,045            13,009
6/30/96               14,689            16,627
6/30/97               16,525            21,837
6/30/98               16,576            28,692
6/30/99               14,312            36,514
6/30/00               15,544            45,883
6/30/01               11,994            29,287
6/30/02                7,941            21,529
6/30/03                7,677            22,162


                                     Average Annual Total Return Before Taxes*
                                                As of June 30, 2003

                                          1 Year       5 Year       10 Year
                                          ------       ------       -------
Lindner Large-Cap Growth Fund
(inception 5/24/73)                        (3.32%)    (14.27%)      (2.61%)
Russell 1000 Growth Index**                 2.94%      (5.03%)        8.28%

*    The graph above and the table below do not reflect the  deduction  of taxes
     that a shareholder would pay on distributions or the redemption of shares.
**   The Russell 1000 Growth Index  measures the  performance  of those  Russell
     1000  companies  with  higher  price-to-book  ratios and higher  forecasted
     growth values.  The Russell 1000 Growth Index is unmanaged and includes the
     reinvestment  of all  dividends,  but  does not  reflect  the  payments  of
     transaction  costs and advisory fees  associated  with an investment in the
     Fund. Note: You cannot invest directly in an index.

As of June 30,  2003,  the Fund had a  strong  focus on  consumer  discretionary
stocks  and  healthcare,  which  helped  us to offset a  portion  of our  energy
holdings.  Examples of consumer  discretionary  companies in our portfolio  that
achieved  above-average  performance are: The Gap [NYSE:  GPS],  Wal-Mart Stores
[NYSE: WMT], e-Bay, Inc. [NASDAQ NM: EBAY],  Comcast Corp. [NASDAQ:  CMCSK], and
Harman Intl. [NYSE: HAR]. Strategic healthcare portfolio holdings that performed
particularly  well include  biotech names such as Amgen,  Inc.  [NASDAQ:  AMGN],
Genentech, Inc. [NYSE: DNA], and Gilead Sciences [NASDAQ: GILD].

Among our disappointments for the first half of calendar 2003 was, as mentioned,
the overweight in the energy sector. Holdings such as BJ Services Company [NYSE:
BJS], Smith International  [NYSE: SII] and Nabors Industries,  Ltd. [AMEX: NBR],
produced  positive  earnings,  but did not  perform up to our  expectations,  as
investors  were  reluctant to pay higher  multiples.  Comcast  Corp.,  Microsoft
[NASDAQ: MSFT], which is a sizeable holding in our portfolio,  and 3M Co. [NYSE:
MMM] also did not perform to our expectations.

We believe that the best way for Lindner Large-Cap Growth Fund to produce strong
performance  is to  identify  companies  that  are  positioned  to  thrive  in a
slow-growing worldwide economic environment.  We will continue to seek companies
that exhibit the ability to increase return on capital by  accelerating  revenue
growth and not just via cost controls.  We also favor  companies that operate in
market segments that are less encumbered with excess capacity.

As we write this letter,  corporate  earnings are being  released for the second
quarter of calendar 2003, and appear to be meeting  expectations.  For the first
time in two  years,  earnings  in  aggregate  have  been  net  positive  for two
consecutive  quarters,  and  this  may  prove to be a  welcome  sign for  equity
investors.  This has been a notable element absent in other market rallies, thus
there is fundamental reason for the market to be more optimistic.

/s/ Jerome A. Castellini                       /s/ Robert S. Takazawa Jr
Jerome A. Castellini                           Robert S. Takazawa, Jr., CFA
Portfolio Manager                              Portfolio Manager
CastleArk Asset Management, LLC                CastleArk Asset Management, LLC

Investment  performance reflects voluntary fee waivers in effect. In the absence
of such waivers, total return would be reduced.

Lindner Investments
Schedule of Investments - June 30, 2003
                                        Number of
                                        Shares -
  Name of Issuer and Title of Issue     of Bonds                Value
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lindner Large-Cap Growth Fund

Common Stocks (95.91%)

Aerospace/Defense (2.74%)
L-3 Communications Holdings, Inc.*           58,000            $   2,522,420
Airfreight & Logistics (1.29%)
FedEx Corp.                                  19,200                1,190,976

Airlines (2.97%)
Southwest Airlines Co.                      159,200                2,738,240

Aluminum (2.23%)
Alcoa Inc.                                   80,700                2,057,850

Application Software (2.95%)
Intuit Inc.*                                 53,100                2,364,543
SpeechWorks International Inc.*              74,300                  349,210

Biotechnology (8.33%)
Amgen Inc.*                                  46,600                3,096,104
Genentech, Inc.*                             42,600                3,072,312
Gilead Sciences, Inc.*                       27,000                1,500,660

Broadcasting & Cable (2.73%)
Comcast Corporation - Special Class A*       83,200                2,510,976

Chemicals (Diverse) (1.07%)
The Dow Chemical Company                     31,800                  984,528

Computer Hardware (3.68%)
Dell Computer Corporation*                  106,100                3,390,956

Consumer Electronics (2.41%)
Harman International Industries,
Incorporated                                 28,000                2,215,920

Diversified Banks (6.21%)
Bank of America Corporation                  37,000                2,924,110
J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.                      81,800                2,795,924

Health Care (Distributors) (2.45%)
AmerisourceBergen Corporation                32,500                2,253,875

Health Care (Medical Devices) (5.34%)
Baxter International Inc.                    75,800                1,970,800
Boston Scientific Corporation*               29,900                1,826,890
Medtronic, Inc.                              23,400                1,122,498

Hypermarkets & Supercenters (2.03%)
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.                        34,900                1,873,083

Industrial Congomerates (3.12%)
Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing
Company (3M)                                 22,300                2,876,254

Insurance Brokers (2.26%)
Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.                    76,400                2,078,080

Investment Banking & Brokerage (1.97%)
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.                21,700                1,817,375

Leisure Products (1.31%)
Mattel, Inc.                                 63,900                1,208,988

Machinery (Industrial) (2.18%)
Parker-Hannifin Corporation                  47,900                2,011,321

See Notes to Financial Statements

                                        Number of
                                        Shares -
Name of Issuer and Title of Issue       of Bonds                 Value
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Oil & Gas (Drilling Equipment) (5.77%)
GlobalSantaFe Corporation                   111,510            $   2,602,644
Nabors Industries Ltd.*F                     44,900                1,775,795
Rowan Companies, Inc.*                       41,800                  936,320

Oil & Gas (Equipment/Services) (4.87%)
BJ Services Company*                         47,300                1,767,128
Schlumberger Limited                         57,200                2,721,004

Oil & Gas (Exploration & Production) (1.93%)
Apache Corporation                           27,300                1,776,138

Personal Products (2.72%)
Avon Products, Inc.                          40,300                2,506,660

Pharmaceuticals (2.31%)
Pfizer Inc.                                  62,300                2,127,545

Reinsurance (1.57%)
RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd.F                 31,700                1,442,984

Restaurants (1.36%)
Starbucks Corporation*                       51,100                1,252,972

Retail (Apparel) (3.50%)
Chico's FAS, Inc.*                           48,600                1,023,030
The Gap, Inc.                               117,400                2,202,424

Retail (Internet) (2.60%)
EBay Inc.*                                   23,000                2,396,140

Semiconductors (4.84%)
Intel Corporation                            50,000                1,039,200
Microchip Technology Incorporated            35,526                  875,005
Texas Instruments Incorporated              144,000                2,534,400

Systems Software (4.36%)
Microsoft Corporation                       103,400                2,648,074
VERITAS Software Corporation*                47,300                1,356,091

Trade Companies & Distributors (2.81%)
Fastenal Company                             76,000                2,579,440

Total Common Stocks
(Cost $82,433,166)                                                88,316,887

Short-Term Investments (2.70%)

Lindner Government Money
Market Funda                              2,483,041                2,483,041
Total Short-Term Investments
(Cost $2,483,041)                                                  2,483,041
Total Investments (98.61%)
(Cost $84,916,207)                                                90,799,928

Excess of Other Assets over Liabilities (1.39%)                    1,280,354

Net Assets (100.00%)                                           $  92,080,282

*    Non-income producing.
a    Denotes security is affiliated. (See Note 4)
F    Foreign security.

Performance Summary

With the primary objective of long-term capital appreciation, Lindner Growth and
Income Fund returned 9.61% in the first half of calendar 2003 compared to the
8.76% return of its benchmark, a 60/40 blend of the S&P 500 and Lehman Brothers
Intermediate Government/Credit Bond Index. For the fiscal year ending June 30,
2003, the Fund returned 0.17% compared to the 4.49% return of its benchmark.

As of June 30, 2003, 87% of the Fund was allocated to equities and 13% was
invested in fixed income, which helped lower the degree of risk of the overall

Last September, the portfolio management team at Argent Capital Management
welcomed a new member, Ken Crawford, who previously was a portfolio manager with
American Century. He joined Argent's investment team and assists John Meara and
Steven Finerty in stock analysis and portfolio management.

The difficult market conditions for most of the first nine months of the fiscal
year gave way to a more positive environment in the second quarter of calendar
2003, which was characterized by increased corporate profits that were prompted,
in great part, by productivity enhancements.
Consumers also continued to support the economy, as mortgage refinancing and tax
cuts increased discretionary income.

We maintained our bottom-up approach, which focuses on companies with proven
management teams that are executing appropriate business strategies. We
particularly favor companies with high cash flows that are able to reinvest
their assets in high growth initiatives, and whose stocks are selling at
reasonable valuations. We also like companies that have the ability to execute
on a strategy of shrinking their assets when their returns are poor. We avoid
market timing or making large sector bets.

In view of our approach and the market environment, our portfolio at the end of
the period had a relatively heavier exposure to healthcare companies and to the
financial sector. We also favored the industrial sector. Our underweight
positions were in sectors with high valuations and excess capacity, including
consumer staples, telecommunications and information technology.

(continued on next page)

Lindner Growth and Income Fund

Comparison  of change in value of $10,000  invested  40% in the Lehman  Brothers
Intermediate  Government/Credit Bond Index and 60% in the S&P 500 Index with the
Lindner Growth and Income Fund from June 30, 1993 to June 30, 2003.

                   Growth & Income    S&P 500/Lehman  S&P 500
6/30/93                10,000            10,000       10,000
6/30/94                10,149            10,075       10,141
6/30/95                11,348            12,068       12,785
6/30/96                13,179            14,193       16,109
6/30/97                14,332            17,558       21,699
6/30/98                16,446            21,335       28,243
6/30/99                15,530            24,606       34,671
6/30/00                14,679            26,092       37,185
6/30/01                15,087            24,923       31,670
6/30/02                12,934            23,047       25,973
6/30/03                12,956            24,081       26,038


Average Annual Total Return Before Taxes*
As of June 30, 2003
                                           1 Year    5 Year    10 Year
                                           ------    ------    -------
Lindner Growth and Income Fund
(inception 6/22/76)                          0.17%    (4.66%)    2.62%
S&P 500 (60)/Lehman Brothers
Government/Credit Bond (40)**                4.49%     2.45%     9.18%
S&P 500 Index**                              0.25%    (1.61%)   10.04%

*    The graph above and the table below do not reflect the  deduction  of taxes
     that a shareholder would pay on distributions or the redemption of shares.

**   S&P 500 Index is a broad  based  unmanaged  index of 500  stocks,  which is
     widely recognized as  representative  of the equity market in general.  The
     Lehman Brothers Intermediate Government/Credit Bond Index is a market value
     weighted  performance  benchmark which includes  virtually every major U.S.
     Government  and  investment-grade  rated  corporate  bond with  1-10  years
     remaining  until  maturity.  The S&P 500  Index  and  the  Lehman  Brothers
     Intermediate  Government/Credit  bond Index are  unmanaged  and include the
     reinvestment  of  all  dividends,   but  do  not  reflect  the  payment  of
     transaction  costs and advisory fees  associated  with an investment in the
     Fund. Note: You cannot invest directly in an index.

One of the better performers in the Fund in the past fiscal year was Aetna, Inc.
(NYSE: AET), the third largest  healthcare  benefit company,  with operations in
healthcare,  insurance and pensions.  Our analysis  concluded that the company's
earnings power was dramatically  underestimated by the market, which was slow to
note that a new  management  team had executed,  in our opinion,  an appropriate
downsizing strategy.

Jabil Circuit,  Inc. (NYSE: JBL) also performed above  expectations.  Jabil is a
primary  beneficiary of the need for manufacturers to outsource in order to stay
competitive in a high-speed market environment.  Jabil has achieved market share
growth   by   developing   long-term   partnerships   with   leading   equipment
manufacturers,  such  as  Cisco,  Philips  and  Abbott  Laboratories.  Energizer
Holdings,  Inc.  (NYSE:  ENR), with its purchase of the  Schick-Wilkinson  razor
franchise, also delivered above-average performance.

Our sell decisions included AOL Time Warner (NYSE: AOL),  Schering-Plough (NYSE:
SGP) and Sprint PCS (NYSE:  PCS).  The timing of these sales ranged from good in
the case of Schering-Plough to disappointing in the case of AOL, who's price has
rebounded  since our sale.  Sprint PCS, which was one of our best  performers in
the fourth quarter of 2002,  unexpectedly  changed management earlier this year.
All of the  decisions  to sell  were  based  on one or more of our  strict  sell
disciplines,  prompted by a change of management,  a  deteriorating  competitive
environment or an altered business strategy.

Lindner  Growth and Income  Fund  continues  to focus on  companies  with clear,
compelling business strategies to improve returns on capital.

/s/ Steven L. Finerty                       /s/ John F. Meara
Steven L. Finerty, JD                       John F. Meara, CFA
Chairman & Portfolio Manager                President & Portfolio Manager
Argent Capital Management                   Argent Capital Management

Investment  performance reflects voluntary fee waivers in effect. In the absence
of such waivers, total return would be reduced.

Lindner Investments
Schedule of Investments - June 30, 2003

                                       Number of
                                        Shares -
Name of Issuer and Title of Issue       of Bonds               Value
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lindner Growth and Income Fund

Common Stocks (87.34%)

Asset Management (1.65%)
Franklin Resources, Inc.                     75,000            $   2,930,250

Communications Equipment (2.98%)
Cisco Systems, Inc.*                        317,300                5,295,737

Computer Hardware (0.84%)
International Business Machines
Corporation (IBM)                            18,000                1,485,000

Consumer Finance (2.39%)
MBNA Corporation                            204,000                4,251,360

Diverse Capital Markets (2.78%)
J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.                     144,600                4,942,428

Diverse Financial Services (2.95%)
Citigroup Inc.                              122,433                5,240,132

Diversified Banks (5.04%)
Bank of America Corporation                  71,900                5,682,257
Wells Fargo & Company                        65,000                3,276,000

Electric Utilities (1.28%)
FPL Group, Inc.                              34,000                2,272,900

Electronic Manufacturing Services (2.65%)
Jabil Circuit, Inc.*                        213,000                4,707,300

Health Care-Equipment (1.66%)
Medtronic, Inc.                              61,500                2,950,155

Health Care-Managed Care (4.56%)
Aetna Inc.                                  134,500                8,096,900

Household Products (2.65%)
Energizer Holdings, Inc.*                   150,000                4,710,000

Hypermarkets & Supercenters (1.87%)
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.                        62,000                3,327,540

Industrial Conglomerates (1.62%)
General Electric Company                    100,300                2,876,604

Insurance-Life/Health (2.08%)
Prudential Financial, Inc.                  110,000                3,701,500

Insurance-Property/Casualty (5.43%)
MBIA Inc.                                   140,000                6,825,000
SAFECO Corporation                           80,000                2,822,400

Integrated Telecommunication Services (1.09%)
SBC Communications Inc.                      76,000                1,941,800

Investment Banking & Brokerage (1.10%)
Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.                29,400                1,954,512

Machinery-Industrial (8.44%)
Dover Corporation                           134,000                4,014,640
Eaton Corporation                            59,000                4,637,990
Ingersoll-Rand CompanyF                     134,000                6,340,880

Metal Mining (0.03%)
Uranium Resources, Inc.*                  1,583,609                   47,508

See Notes to Financial Statements

                                           Number of
                                           Shares -
Name of Issuer and Title of Issue          of Bonds              Value
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Oil & Gas-Equipment/Services (2.08%)
Baker Hughes Incorporated                   110,000            $   3,692,700

Oil & Gas-Exploration/Production (0.48%)
Burlington Resources Inc.                    15,800                  854,306

Oil & Gas-Integrated (1.63%)
ChevronTexaco Corporation                    40,000                2,888,000

Packaged Foods/Meats (1.49%)
ConAgra Foods, Inc.                         112,000                2,643,200

Pharmaceuticals (9.25%)
Abbott Laboratories                         137,000                5,995,120
Johnson & Johnson                            73,000                3,774,100
Pfizer Inc.                                 195,000                6,659,250

Publishing (2.58%)
Tribune Company                              95,000                4,588,500

Railroads (1.85%)
Norfolk Southern Corporation                171,000                3,283,200

Retail-Apparel (1.71%)
The TJX Companies, Inc.                     161,000                3,033,240

Retail-Home Improvement (0.80%)
The Home Depot, Inc.                         43,100                1,427,472

Semiconductors (3.79%)
Intel Corporation                           152,600                3,171,639
Texas Instruments Incorporated              202,700                3,567,520

Services-Data Processing (1.45%)
First Data Corporation                       62,000                2,569,280

Specialty Stores (2.43%)
AutoZone, Inc.*                              16,000                1,215,520
Bed Bath & Beyond Inc.*                      80,000                3,104,800

Systems Software (3.56%)
Microsoft Corporation                       246,800                6,320,548

Thrifts & Mortgage Financing (1.15%)
Fannie Mae                                   30,000                2,023,200

Total Common Stocks
(Cost $165,909,299)                                              155,142,388

Corporate Bonds (7.12%)

Aerospace/Defense (0.69%)
Raytheon Company, 8.300%, 3/1/10         $1,000,000                1,230,154

Diverse Financial Services (1.93%)
Citicorp, 6.375%, 11/15/08                1,000,000                1,150,911
Lehman Brothers, Inc., 7.625%, 6/1/06     1,000,000                1,152,642
Merrill Lynch, 6.000%, 02/17/09           1,000,000                1,125,516

Diversified Banks (1.29%)
BankAmerica Corp/Old, 6.625%, 10/15/07    1,000,000                1,150,076

Wells Fargo Financial Inc., 5.875%,       1,000,000
8/15/08                                                            1,145,893
Lindner Investments
Schedule of Investments - June 30, 2003

                                       Number of
                                        Shares -
Name of Issuer and Title of Issue       of Bonds               Value
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Household Products (0.68%)
Procter & Gamble Co, 6.875%, 9/15/09      1,000,000   $            1,214,272

Hypermarkets & Supercenters (0.68%)
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., 6.875%, 8/10/09    1,000,000                1,205,097

Oil & Gas Refining (0.62%)
Ashland Inc., 6.625%, 2/15/08             1,000,000                1,096,577

Pharmaceuticals (1.23%)
Abbott Laboratories, 5.625%, 7/01/06      1,000,000                1,108,000
Bristol Myers, 4.750%, 10/01/06           1,000,000                1,077,141

Total Corporate Bonds
(Cost $11,240,610)                                                12,656,279

U.S. Government Agency Securities (4.82%)

FHLBS, 5.250%, 8/15/06                    1,000,000                1,102,399
FHLBS, 4.875%, 8/15/05                    1,500,000                1,609,467
FHLBS, 3.625%, 10/15/04                   2,000,000                2,062,358
FHLMC, 4.500%, 8/15/04                      500,000                  518,641
United States Treasury Note, 7.500%,
02/15/05                                  1,000,000                1,101,563
United States Treasury Note, 4.625%,
5/15/06                                   2,000,000                2,168,672

Total U.S. Government Agency
(Cost $8,106,386)                                                  8,563,100

                                       Number of
                                       Shares -
Name of Issuer and Title of Issue      of Bonds               Value

Short-Term Investments (0.85%)

Lindner Government Money
Market Funda                              1,516,155            $   1,516,155

Total Short-Term Investments
(Cost $1,516,155)                                                  1,516,155

Total Investments (100.13%)
(Cost $186,772,450)                                              177,877,922

Excess of Liabilities over Other Assets (-0.13%)                   (241,696)
Net Assets (100.00%)                                           $ 177,636,226

* Non-income producing.
a Denotes security is affiliated. (See Note 4)
F Foreign security
FHLBS = Federal Home Loan Bank System
FHLMC = Federal Home Loan Mortgage Company

See Notes to Financial Statements

Performance Summary

With an objective of long-term capital appreciation, Lindner Communications Fund
in the first half of calendar  2003  generated a 23.02%  return  compared to the
11.76% return of the S&P 500 Index. For the fiscal year ended June 30, 2003, the
Fund returned 30.40% versus the S&P 500 Index return of 0.25%.

The  telecommunications  sector was very  strong in the  second  quarter of this
year, as a positive market environment emerged following the initial hostilities
in Iraq,  and as the economy  began to show  improvement.  High  liquidity,  low
interest  rates and lower taxes on dividends were all  constructive.  It appears
the  dividend   legislation   had  an  especially   positive   effect  on  large
capitalization companies - including regional Bells and long-distance carriers -
that were already paying sizable dividends.

Low interest  rates and a receptive  bond market  during most of the fiscal year
also helped the sector.  Telecoms with balance sheet problems,  especially among
the  mid-caps,  were able to  refinance  at much  lower  rates and to extend the
maturity of their debt.  In addition,  refinancing  allowed  these  companies to
renegotiate  many of the more restrictive  terms in their covenants.  One of our
holdings that benefited from this trend was Western Wireless Corporation (Nasdaq
NM: WWCA), a leading provider of communications services in the western U.S.

The wireless industry, which we have favored for some time, continued to exhibit
strong   fundamentals  and  good  cash  flow  growth.  The  favorable  financing
environment we have experienced in recent months has resulted in successful IPOs
for the first time in several years.

(continued on next page)

Lindner Communications Fund


Comparison  of change in value of $10,000  invested in the S&P 500 Index and the
Lindner Communications Fund from August 30, 1993 to June 30, 2003.

                     Communications           S&P500

8/30/93                   10,000               10,000
6/30/94                   10,039                9,809
6/30/95                   11,294               12,366
6/30/96                   15,291               15,581
6/30/97                   17,476               20,989
6/30/98                   20,192               27,318
6/30/99                   21,932               33,536
6/30/00                   29,056               35,967
6/30/01                   17,727               30,633
6/30/02                    9,250               25,122
6/30/03                   12,062               25,185


Average Annual Total Return Before Taxes*
As of June 30, 2003

                                             1 Year    5 Year     Inception
                                             ------    ------     ---------
Lindner Communications Fund
(inception 8/30/93)                          30.40%    (9.79%)      1.92%
S&P 500 Index**                               0.25%    (1.61%)      9.84%

*    The graph above and the table below do not reflect the  deduction  of taxes
     that a shareholder would pay on distributions or the redemption of shares.

**   S&P 500 Index is a broad  based  unmanaged  index of 500  stocks,  which is
     widely recognized as  representative  of the equity market in general.  The
     S&P 500 Index is unmanaged and includes the  reinvestment of all dividends,
     but does not reflect the payments of  transaction  costs and advisory  fees
     associated with an investment in the Fund. Note: You cannot invest directly
     in an index.

One of the most important  criteria we look at is a company's ability to control
the customer.  For this reason,  we favored local  exchange  companies,  such as
regional Bells and rural  telephone  companies.  We also focused on the wireless
industry  and the  integrated  communications  players.  Among  these  were some
foreign   companies,   including   Deutsche  Telekom  (NYSE:  DT),  Bell  Canada
Enterprises  (NYSE: BCE) and Telecom Italia SpA (NYSE: TI). Our exposure to long
distance,  technology and equipment  companies was limited, in part because of a
more limited ability to protect their respective franchises.

During the last quarter,  we  fine-tuned  the  portfolio,  which we believed was
already well  positioned  to take  advantage of any rally.  Although most of our
holdings were up in the last three months, we had a few  underperformers.  Among
these were U.S.  Cellular (AMEX:  USM) and Alltel (NYSE: AT), both of which rose
less than their peers.

For  the  year,  our  disappointments  occurred  in  market  segments  where  we
considered  valuations  to  be  very  attractive,  including  the  long-distance
industry and companies such as AT&T and Sprint.  Another disappointment was that
we omitted  certain  selected,  strong-performing  stocks in areas  which we had
deemphasized, like small tech stocks.

The telecom industry is currently  growing faster than the economy,  and it also
appears to be effectively addressing its structural problems.  Compared to three
years ago, many telecom  companies  are better  positioned in regard to capacity
and have healthier balance sheets.

Lindner  Communications  Fund  continues  to  focus  on  companies  with  clear,
compelling business strategies.

/s/ Ivan Atreaga
Ivan Arteaga, CFA
Vice President & Associate Portfolio Manager
Gabelli Asset Management Company

Funds whose investments are concentrated in a specific industry or sector may be
subject to a higher  degree of market  risk than  funds  whose  investments  are

Investment  performance reflects voluntary fee waivers in effect. In the absence
of such waivers, total return would be reduced.

Lindner Investments

Schedule of Investments - June 30, 2003
                                        Number of
                                        Shares -
Name of Issuer and Title of Issue       of Bonds               Value
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lindner Communications Fund

Common Stocks (97.20%)

Cable & Other Pay Television
Services (9.81%)
Cablevision Systems Corporation-
New York Group*                                4,581   $             95,102
Comcast Corporation*                           6,234                188,142
COX Communications, Inc.*                      1,000                 31,900
EchoStar Communications Corporation*           4,000                138,480
Liberty Media Corporation*                    29,000                335,240
UnitedGlobalCom, Inc.*                         6,400                 33,088

Communications Equipment (2.68%)
Allen Telecom Inc.*                            5,000                 82,600
Motorola, Inc.                                 6,000                 56,580
Nokia OYJ - ADR                                1,300                 21,359
Nortel Networks Corporation*F                  5,900                 15,930
Scientific-Atlanta, Inc.                       2,000                 47,680

Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers
CenturyTel, Inc.                              14,000                487,900
Cincinnati Bell Inc.*                         25,000                167,500
Citizens Communications Company*              18,000                232,020
Commonwealth Telephone Enterprises,            6,000                263,820
D&E Communications, Inc.                       5,097                 58,361
SureWest Communications                        2,000                 60,500
SCANA Corporation                              1,800                 61,704

Integrated Telecommunication Services (42.35%)
AT&T Corp.                                     5,040                 97,020
ALLTEL Corporation                             4,000                192,880
BCE Inc.F                                     11,000                254,210
BT Group plc - ADR                             1,800                 60,588
BellSouth Corporation                          7,000                186,410
Cable and Wireless plc - ADR                  14,000                 76,580
Deutsche Telekom AG - ADR                     16,000                243,200
General Communication, Inc.*                   5,000                 43,300
IDT Corporation*                               5,000                 89,500
Koninklijke KPN NV* - ADR                      5,000                 35,650
Nextel Partners, Inc.*                         9,000                 65,700
Nippon Telegraph & Telephone
Corporation - ADR                              2,400                 47,520
Philippine Long Distance Telephone
Company* - ADR                                 4,000                 43,080
Qwest Communications International            14,000                 66,920
Rogers Communications, Inc.F                  13,500                216,675
SBC Communications, Inc.                       6,000                153,300
SK Telecom Co., Ltd. - ADR                     4,000                 75,440
Sprint Corporation                            11,000                158,400
Swisscom AG - ADR                              5,000                141,700
Telecom Italia SpA. - ADR                      1,500                135,960
Telefonica, S.A. - ADR                         6,242                215,786
Telefonos de Mexico S.A. de C.V. -             2,700                 84,834
Telephone & Data Systems, Inc.                 9,000                447,300
TELUS CorporationF                             5,000                 82,500
Verizon Communications Inc.                    8,000                315,600
Vivendi Universal S.A.* - ADR                  1,000                 18,440

See Notes to Financial Statements

                                          Number of Shares
                                          Principal Amount
Name of Issuer and Title of Issue             of Bonds             Value
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Other Communication Services (1.89%)
Lockheed Martin Corporation                           1,000     $      47,570
PanAmSat Corporation*                                 6,000           110,580

Printing & Publishing (0.75%)
Media General, Inc.                                     200            11,440
R.H. Donnelley Corporation*                           1,000            36,470
The News Corporation Ltd. - ADR                         500            15,135

Radio & Television Broadcasting Stations (0.58%)
CanWest Global Communications Corp.*F                 2,800            18,340
Paxson Communications Corporation*                    5,000            29,950

Search, Detection & Navigation Equipment (1.53%)
General Motors Corporation - Class H*                10,000           128,100

Wireless Telecommunication Services (21.72%)
AT&T Wireless Services Inc.*                         16,000           131,360
America Movil S.A. de C.V. - ADR                      3,500            65,625
AO VimpelCom* - ADR                                   1,800            83,592
mmO2 plc* - ADR                                       5,000            46,150
Nextel Communications, Inc.*                         20,000           361,600
NTT DoCoMo, Inc. - ADR                                7,500           164,850
Price Communications Corporation*                     5,000            64,550
Rogers Wireless Communications, Inc.*            F   17,000           287,300
Sprint Corporation (PCS Group)*                      15,000            86,250
Telecom Italia Mobile S.p.A.F                        20,000            98,530
TeliaSonera AB - ADR                                  6,057           125,010
United States Cellular Corporation*                   6,000           152,700
Vodafone Group plc - ADR                              2,800            55,020
Western Wireless Corporation*                         8,500            98,005

Total Common Stocks
(Cost $8,951,636)                                                   8,144,526

Short-Term Investments (3.44%)

Lindner Government Money
Market Funda                                        288,159           288,159

Total Short Term Investments
(Cost $288,159)                                                       288,159

Total Investments (100.64%)
(Cost $9,239,795)                                                   8,432,685

Excess of Liabilities over Other Assets (-0.64%)                     (53,381)

Net Assets (100.00%)                                          $     8,379,304

*    Non-income producing.
a    Denotes security is affiliated. (See Note 4)
F    Foreign Security
ADR  - American Depository Receipt

Performance Summary

With an objective of capital appreciation, Lindner Small-Cap Growth Fund in the
first half of calendar 2003 generated a 15.85% return compared to the 19.33%
return of its benchmark, the Russell 2000 Growth Index. For the fiscal year
ended June 30, 2003, the Fund generated a -8.63% return versus the 0.69% return
of the Russell 2000 Growth Index.

The past year has been a tale of two markets. We started the fiscal year in a
pronounced bear environment and ended it with the strongest quarter since 1991
for small cap stocks.

A year ago, we were cautiously optimistic about small caps versus large caps.
However, as market pressures eased in the first quarter of calendar 2003, the
market began to reward risk-taking. Investors rushed into low-cost stocks that
had exhibited little or no earnings. The result was a low quality rally that
rewarded non-earning micro-caps. The same phenomenon was repeated in May,
resulting in illiquid micro-caps outperforming higher quality small caps.

As signs of an economic pickup became evident, we adjusted our portfolio to
include stocks that we believed would respond positively to improving economic
conditions. Among the stocks we acquired were cyclical companies, including EGL,
Inc. (Nasdaq: EAGL), a third-party logistics company that arranges shipments of
products all over the world, and Airgas, Inc. (NYSE: ARG), a distributor of
industrial, medical and specialty gases.

Another area we found attractive was healthcare, particularly biotechnology. In
contrast to last year, when we held no biotech stocks, 7.65% of the portfolio
was in these issues as of June 30, 2003, which is an overweight compared with
the 4.60% weighting of the Russell 2000 Growth Index. This change in our biotech
exposure was prompted by announcements from a growing number of companies that
they were poised to introduce products to the market or had obtained approvals
for new products that could represent breakthroughs.

(continued on next page)

Lindner Small-Cap Growth Fund


Comparison  of change in value of $10,000  invested in the  Russell  2000 Growth
Index and the Lindner  Small-Cap  Growth Fund from  January 24, 1994 to June 30,

                   Small-Cap Growth       Russell 2000 Growth
1/24/94                  10,000                  10,000
6/30/94                   9,580                   8,890
6/30/95                  10,953                  11,190
6/30/96                  13,768                  14,154
6/30/97                  17,204                  14,805
6/30/98                  19,826                  16,758
6/30/99                  19,848                  18,148
6/30/00                  23,075                  23,301
6/30/01                  21,557                  17,862
6/30/02                  15,637                  13,397
6/30/03                  14,288                  13,489


Average Annual Total Return Before Taxes*
As of June 30, 2003
                                           1 Year    5 Year    Inception
                                           ------    ------    ---------
Lindner Small-Cap Growth Fund
(inception 1/24/94)                         (8.63%)  (6.34%)      3.85%
Russell 2000 Growth Index**                  0.69%   (4.24%)      3.06%

*    The graph above and the table below do not reflect the  deduction  of taxes
     that a shareholder would pay on distribution or the redemption of shares.

**   The Russell 2000 Growth Index  measures the  performance  of those  Russell
     2000  companies  with  higher  price-to-book  ratios and higher  forecasted
     growth values.  The Russell 2000 Growth Index is unmanaged and includes the
     reinvestment  of all  dividends,  but  does not  reflect  the  payments  of
     transaction  costs and advisory fees  associated  with an investment in the
     Fund. Note: You cannot invest directly in an index.

In the consumer  discretionary  area, we found attractive niche players.  One of
them,  and one of our largest  holdings,  is Strayer  Education,  Inc.  (Nasdaq:
STRA),  an education  services  holding  company  that owns  Strayer  University
Online, its fastest growing division.

We did not find many attractive growth  opportunities in the financial sector in
the first half of 2003, and consequently,  we were  underweighted in financials.
We avoided REITs and utilities because of our focus on top-line growth of 15% or
better, which these businesses generally do not generate.

Among our  disappointments  was the energy  sector,  which did not  produce  the
results we had expected.  Additionally,  HPL Technologies cost us more than 1.5%
in overall performance due to their suspected fraudulent activities.

Our leading  performer was  OmniVision  Technologies,  Inc.  (Nasdaq:  OVTI),  a
company that develops and markets semiconductor imaging devices for surveillance
and digital cameras. However, we continue to underweight technology, inasmuch as
we believe  that the  fundamentals  of many tech stocks do not justify the sharp
rise in their prices.

Lindner  Small-Cap Growth Fund continues to focus on small companies with clear,
compelling business strategies.

/s/ Stephen J. Wisneski                     /s/ Roger H. Stamper
Stephen J. Wisneski, CFA                    Roger H. Stamper, CFA
Portfolio Manager                           Portfolio Manager
CastleArk Management, LLC                   CastleArk Management, LLC

Investment  performance reflects voluntary fee waivers in effect. In the absence
of such waivers, total return would be reduced.

The Fund invests in smaller  companies,  which may involve additional risks such
as limited liquidity and greater volatility.

Lindner Investments
Schedule of Investments - June 30, 2003

                                       Number of
                                       Shares -
Name of Issuer and Title of Issue      of Bonds            Value
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lindner Small-Cap Growth Fund

Common Stocks (97.01%)

Airfreight & Logistics (1.45%)
EGL, Inc.*                                    7,100        $  107,920
Apparel & Accessories (1.72%)
Quicksilver, Inc.*                            7,800           128,622

Application Software (0.60%)
EPIQ Systems, Inc.*                           2,600            44,642

Biotechnology (7.65%)
Amylin Pharmaceuticals, Inc.*                 3,800            83,182
Atrix Laboratories, Inc.*                     3,400            74,766
Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc.*                 1,600            79,904
Sepracor Inc.*                                3,100            55,893
Tanox, Inc.*                                  3,700            59,385
Telik, Inc.*                                  4,900            78,743
The Medicines Company*                        3,800            74,822
Trimeris, Inc.*                               1,400            63,952

Broadcasting & Cable (0.76%)
Spanish Broadcasting System, Inc.*            7,000            57,050

Casinos & Gaming (4.75%)
Alliance Gaming Corporation*                  7,100           134,261
Boyd Gaming Corporation*                      5,600            96,656
Shuffle Master, Inc.*                         4,200           123,438

Communications Equipment (5.99%)
Avocent Corporation*                          5,000           149,650
F5 Networks, Inc.*                            6,600           111,210
McDATA Corporation*                           6,200            90,954
NetScreen Technologies, Inc.*                 4,200            94,710

Diverse Metal/Mining (1.20%)
Massey Energy Company                         6,800            89,420

Electronic Equipment (4.47%)
FLIR Systems, Inc.*                           5,800           174,870
OSI Systems, Inc.*                            4,900            78,694
Veeco Instruments Inc.*                       4,700            80,041

Footwear (1.39%)
K-Swiss, Inc.                                 3,000           103,560

Health Care - Equipment (2.31%)
Gen-Probe Incorporated*                         900            36,783
Thoratec Corporation*                         9,100           135,590

Health Care - Facility (3.13%)
Select Medical Corporation*                   4,200           104,286
VCA Antech, Inc.*                             6,600           129,162

Health Care - Managed Care (1.80%)
AMERIGROUP Corporation*                       3,600           133,920

Health Care - Services (4.59%)
IMPAC Medical Systems, Inc.*                  2,500            52,200

See Notes to Financial Statements

                                       Number of
                                        Shares -
Name of Issuer and Title of Issue       of Bonds           Value
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Odyssey Healthcare, Inc.*                     4,700   $       173,900
VistaCare, Inc.*                              4,800           116,688

Health Care - Supplies (2.68%)
Advanced Neuromodulation Systems,             1,500            77,655
Interpore International, Inc.*                4,400            56,012
Kyphon Inc.*                                  4,400            66,528

Industrial Gases (1.32%)
Airgas, Inc.                                  5,900            98,825

Internet Software & Services (4.30%)
Altiris, Inc.*                                3,400            68,170
At Road, Inc.*                                7,700            84,084
Digital River, Inc.*                          4,700            90,710
j2 Global Communications, Inc.*               1,700            78,166

Investment Banking & Brokerage (0.74%)
Ameritrade Holding Corporation*               7,400            54,834

IT Consulting & Services (1.01%)
CACI International Inc.*                      2,200            75,460

Machinery - Construction/Farming (1.03%)
Oshkosh Truck Corporation                     1,300            77,116

Machinery - Industrial (1.77%)
ESCO Technologies Inc.*                       3,000           132,000

Oil & Gas - Drilling (2.34%)
Grey Wolf, Inc.*                             19,400            78,376
Unit Corporation*                             4,600            96,186

Oil & Gas - Equipment/Services (1.55%)
Key Energy Services, Inc.*                   10,800           115,776

Oil & Gas - Exploration & Production (2.04%)
Evergreen Resources, Inc.*                    2,800           152,068

Oil & Gas - Integrated (0.81%)
Tesoro Petroleum Corporation*                 8,800            60,544

Pharmaceuticals (2.40%)
American Pharmaceutical Partners, Inc.*       3,200           108,480
Connetics Corporation*                        4,700            70,359

Photographic Products (1.25%)
Lexar Media, Inc.*                            9,800            93,492

Regional Banks (3.35%)
East West Bancorp, Inc.                       2,700            97,578
UCBH Holdings, Inc.                           5,300           152,004

Restaurants (3.29%)
P.F. Chang's China Bistro, Inc.*              2,300           113,183
Panera Bread Company*                         3,300           132,000

Retail - Apparel (3.44%)
Chico's FAS, Inc.*                            5,800           122,090
Hot Topic, Inc.*                              5,000           134,550

Lindner Investments
Schedule of Investments - June 30, 2003

                                       Number of
                                        Shares -
Name of Issuer and Title of Issue       of Bonds           Value
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Retail - Internet (1.47%)
Netflix Inc.*                                 4,300   $       109,865

Semiconductors (3.50%)
Integrated Circuit Systems, Inc.*             2,900            91,147
Power Integrations, Inc.*                     3,900            94,848
Zoran Corporation*                            3,900            74,919

Services - Data Processing (1.13%)
Alliance Data Systems Corporation*            3,600            84,240

Services - Diversified/Commercial (5.09%)
Portfolio Recovery Associates, Inc.*          3,700           115,403
Strayer Education, Inc.                       2,000           158,900
The Corporate Executive Board Company*        2,600           105,378

Services - Environmental (3.45%)
Stericycle, Inc.*                             3,500           134,680
Waste Connections, Inc.*                      3,500           122,675

Specialty Stores (7.24%)
Aaron Rents, Inc.                             3,600            92,880
Guitar Center, Inc.*                          4,600           133,400
Movie Gallery, Inc.*                          3,900            71,955
Regis Corporation                             2,700            78,435
Rent-A-Center, Inc.*                            700            53,067
Tractor Supply Company*                       2,300           109,825

Total Common Stocks
(Cost $5,689,851)                                           7,236,737

                                       Number of
                                       Shares -
Name of Issuer and Title of Issue      of Bonds            Value
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Short-Term Investments (1.60%)

Lindner Government Money Market Fund a      119,409      $    119,409
Total Short-Term Investments
(Cost $119,409)                                               119,409

Total Investments (98.61%)
(Cost $5,809,260)                                           7,356,146

Excess of Other Assets over                                   103,910
Liabilities (1.39%)

Net Assets (100.00%)                                     $  7,460,056

*Non-income producing.
a Denotes security is affiliated. (See Note 4)

See Notes to Financial Statements

Performance Summary

With the primary  objective of long-term  capital  appreciation in both bull and
bear markets,  Lindner  Market  Neutral Fund returned 2.71% in the first half of
calendar  2003  compared to a 0.56% return of its  benchmark,  the 90-day T-Bill
Index.  For the fiscal  year  ending  June 30,  2003,  the Fund  returned  3.24%
compared to the benchmark's return of 1.29%.

Effective  July 1, 2003,  Standish  Mellon,  the  sub-advisor  of Lindner Market
Neutral Fund, was reorganized into The Boston Company Asset Management  (TBCAM).
Both TBCAM and Standish Mellon share the same parent company,  Mellon  Financial
Corporation.  This reorganization was strategically engineered to take advantage
of the significant  distribution  potential of TBCAM, and will have no effect on
either the portfolio management team or its investment process.

During the past twelve  months,  worldwide  financial  markets  continued  to be
afflicted by high volatility, which caused different sectors in the U.S. to move
in and out of favor in somewhat dramatic fashion.  To effectively  address these
trends,  our Fund  maintained  rigorous  risk control and tight  sector  hedging
strategies.  However,  this did not limit our ability to take  advantage  of the
numerous  opportunities  presented  by the markets.  Our research  enabled us to
scale-back  or sell  short  stocks  we  considered  to be  overvalued  and build
positions in  underperforming  stocks.  Our research  also was  instrumental  in
recognizing,  at an early stage,  a number of companies - especially in cyclical
industries - that had significant potential to benefit from an economic rebound.

In response to the highly  volatile  environment of the past twelve months,  our
Fund has remained  fully hedged,  keeping the net  long/short  position close to
zero. We limited the portfolio's technology exposure, as the return potential of
this sector  relative to  volatility  did not justify  establishing  significant
exposure.  Our  investment  strategy  favored a reduction of both long and short
positions in consumer  shares because of their poor  performance,  and a gradual
increase in healthcare stocks, which were strong performers.

(continued on next page)

Lindner Market Neutral Fund

Comparison of change in value of $10,000 invested in the 90-Day T-Bill Index and
the Lindner Market  Neutral Fund from February 11, 1994  (inception) to June 30,

                   Market Neutral     90 day T-Bill
                   --------------     -------------
2/11/94                 10,000          10,000
6/30/94                 10,243          10,156
6/30/95                 10,253          10,704
6/30/96                 12,657          11,267
6/30/97                 10,324          11,849
6/30/98                  9,283          12,460
6/30/99                  9,682          13,031
6/30/00                 11,546          13,729
6/30/01                 11,844          14,452
6/30/02                 11,004          14,759
6/30/03                 11,361          14,950


Average Annual Total Return Before Taxes*
As of June 30, 2003
                                            1 Year      5 Year      Inception
                                            ------      ------      ---------
Lindner Market Neutral Fund
(inception 2/11/94)                          3.24%      4.12%          1.37%
90-Day T-Bill Index**                        1.29%      3.71%          4.36%

*    The graph above and the table below do not reflect the  deduction  of taxes
     that a shareholder would pay on distribution or the redemption of shares.

**   The 90-day  Treasury Bills contract  trades on the  International  Monetary
     Market (IMM) of the Chicago Mercantile  Exchange (CME) with a face value of
     $1,000,000.  The 90-day  Treasury Bills Index is unmanaged and includes the
     reinvestment  of the  dividends,  but  does not  reflect  the  payments  of
     transactions  costs and advisory fees  associated with an investment in the

In the beginning of calendar  2003,  the Fund also  increased its  allocation to
ADRs to nearly  10% of the  portfolio  in both long and  short  positions.  ADRs
enabled us to take  advantage of the potential  offered by foreign  markets in a
cost effective fashion, without exposing the Fund to currency risk

During the past year, our focus on P/E ratios and other  indicators  enabled the
fund  to  sell  biotech,  life  science  and  equipment  stocks  at a time  when
investors'  expectations  for these  sectors  remained  very high.  Within a few
months,  when these stocks lost considerable value, the Fund successfully bought
back shares of selected companies and started to re-build long positions.

One major disappointment in the past six months was the dramatic rebound in tech
stocks.  Our short positions in companies with weak and  deteriorating  earnings
experienced the greatest return, outperforming our long positions considerably.

The Lindner Market Neutral Fund will continue to maintain its focus on achieving
positive returns via a combination of long and short strategies.

/s/ Sean Fitzgibbon                    /s/ David Cameron
Sean Fitzgibbon, CFA                   David Cameron, CFA
Portfolio Manager                      Portfolio Manager, Chief Equity Officer
The Boston Company Asset Management    The Boston Company Asset Management

Investment  performance reflects voluntary fee waivers in effect. In the absence
of such waivers, total return would be reduced. Investment in the Lindner Market
Neutral  Fund is  different  than an  investment  in a  3-month  Treasury  bill.
Treasury  Bills are backed by the full  faith and credit of the U.S.  Government
and have a fixed rate of return.  Fund holdings  and/or sector  allocations  are
subject to change at any time.

Although  a fund's  potential  gain is  limited to the amount of which it sold a
security  short,  its potential  loss is limited only by the maximum  attainable
price of the security  less the price at which the security was sold short.  The
portfolio  manager will apply investment  techniques and risk analyses in making
investment decisions,  but there can be no guarantee that these will produce the
desired  results.  Please refer to the prospectus  for further  details on risks
associated with investing in the Fund.

Lindner Investments
Schedule of Investments - June 30, 2003

                                    Number of Shares
                                    Principal Amount
Name of Issuer and Title of Issue       of Bonds             Value
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lindner Market Neutral Fund

Common Stocks (93.02%)

Chemicals (0.96%)
BASF AG - ADR                                   1,750        $   74,585
Commercial Services (2.66%)
First Data Corporation                          1,150            47,656
Tribune Company                                 1,600            77,280
Viacom Inc.*                                    1,900            82,954

Communication Services (2.79%)
COX Communications, Inc.*                       3,100            98,890
Verizon Communications Inc.                     1,000            39,450
Vodafone Group Plc - ADR                        4,050            79,583

Communications (2.19%)
ADTRAN, Inc.*                                     800            41,032
Juniper Networks, Inc.*                         3,300            40,821
NetScreen Technologies, Inc.*                   1,600            36,080
UTStarcom, Inc.*                                1,500            53,355

Consumer Cyclicals (8.89%)
Applebee's International, Inc.                  1,800            56,574
Brinker International, Inc.*                    1,400            50,428
Electronic Arts Inc.*                           1,250            92,487
Lowe's Companies, Inc.                            850            36,508
Nordstrom, Inc.                                 2,950            57,584
Ruby Tuesday, Inc.                              1,700            42,041
Staples, Inc.*                                  4,200            77,070
Steven Madden, Ltd.*                            3,550            77,532
The Children's Place Retail Stores,             3,100            61,566
The Gap, Inc.                                   5,200            97,552
The Yankee Candle Company, Inc.*                1,900            44,118

Consumer Staples (9.88%)
Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc.                      1,850            33,577
CVS Corporation                                 3,600           100,908
Dean Foods Company*                             1,950            61,425
Delta and Pine Land Company                     2,300            50,554
Duane Reade Inc.*                               5,400            79,650
Energizer Holdings, Inc.*                       2,050            64,370
Fortune Brands, Inc.                            1,750            91,350
General Mills, Inc.                             1,200            56,892
Imperial Tobacco Group plc - ADR                1,100            39,831
Kellogg Company                                 2,250            77,333
Sensient Technologies Corporation               1,850            42,531
Tesco plc - ADR                                 3,300            35,818
The Dial Corporation                            1,900            36,955

Drugs & Devices (12.38%)
Altana AG - ADR                                   550            34,100
Amgen Inc.*                                     1,550           102,982
Beckman Coulter, Inc.                           2,250            91,440
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.*                     1,300            71,955
Boston Scientific Corporation*                    950            58,045
Invitrogen Corporation*                         1,900            72,903
Pfizer Inc.                                     3,480           118,842
Sanofi-Synthelabo S.A. - ADR                    1,500            43,725

See Notes to Financial Statements

                                        Number of
                                         Shares -
                                     Principal Amount
Name of Issuer and Title of Issue        of Bonds            Value

SICOR Inc.*                                     3,500   $        71,190
St. Jude Medical, Inc.*                           800            46,000
STERIS Corporation*                             4,650           107,369
Varian Medical Systems, Inc.*                   1,300            74,841
Watson Pharmaceuticals, Inc.*                   1,800            72,666

Early Cyclicals (5.49%)
BorgWarner, Inc.                                1,300            83,720
British Airways Plc* - ADR                      2,550            65,280
Harman International Industries,                  600            47,484
Johnson Controls, Inc.                            550            47,080
NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD - ADR                     4,050            76,748
The Black & Decker Corporation                    950            41,277
Whirlpool Corporation                           1,050            66,885

Energy (6.52%)
Anadarko Petroleum Corporation                  1,200            53,364
BP PLC - ADR                                    1,700            71,434
Chesapeake Energy Corporation                   4,950            49,995
ConocoPhillips                                  1,150            63,020
Halliburton Company                             1,600            36,800
Pogo Producing Company                          1,150            49,162
Transocean Inc.*                                2,700            59,319
Universal Compression Holdings, Inc.*           1,800            37,548
Valero Energy Corporation                       1,350            49,046
Varco International, Inc.*                      2,000            39,200

Financial Services (12.27%)
Ambac Financial Group, Inc.                       850            56,313
Anglo Irish Bank Corporation plc -                350            30,725
Bank of America Corporation                       950            75,079
Banknorth Group, Inc.                           2,850            72,732
Citigroup Inc.                                  1,000            42,800
HBOS plc - ADR                                  1,400            54,370
Investors Financial Services Corp.              2,600            75,426
Knight Trading Group, Inc.*                     7,200            44,784
Morgan Stanley                                    900            38,475
New York Community Bancorp, Inc.                2,866            83,372
Prudential Financial, Inc.                      1,900            63,935
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.                     700            58,625
U.S. Bancorp                                    2,550            62,475
Wachovia Corporation                            1,850            73,926
Washington Mutual, Inc.                         1,300            53,690
Wells Fargo & Company                           1,400            70,560

Forest Products (0.65%)
Louisiana-Pacific Corporation*                  4,700            50,948

Health Care Services (6.10%)
AdvancePCS*                                     1,750            66,903
AmerisourceBergen Corporation                     900            62,415
Coventry Health Care, Inc.*                     1,450            66,932
Fisher Scientific International,                3,250           113,425
Omnicare, Inc.                                  1,650            55,753
Triad Hospitals, Inc.*                          1,400            34,748
WellPoint Health Networks Inc.*                   900            75,870

Independent Exploration (0.15%)
Uranium Resources, Inc.*                      383,341            11,500

Lindner Investments
Schedule of Investments - June 30, 2003

                                        Number of
                                         Shares -
                                     Principal Amount
Name of Issuer and Title of Issue        of Bonds            Value
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lindner Market Neutral Fund
Industrial Machinery (7.98%)
Chicago Bridge & Iron Company N.V.              2,000   $        45,360
Danaher Corporation                             1,100            74,855
Deere & Company                                 1,550            70,835
Eaton Corporation                               1,200            94,332
Ingersoll-Rand CompanyF                         1,800            85,176
L-3 Communications Holdings, Inc.*              1,350            58,712
Northrop Grumman Corporation                      650            56,088
PACCAR Inc.                                     1,350            91,206
United Technologies Corporation                   650            46,039

Industrial Services (1.65%)
Burlington Northern Santa Fe                    1,300            36,972
FedEx Corp.                                       600            37,218
Republic Services, Inc.*                        2,400            54,408

IT Services (0.64%)
ManTech International Corporation*              2,600            49,868

Miscellaneous Utilities (0.95%)
E. ON AG - ADR                                  1,450            74,313

Property & Casualty (0.81%)
Old Republic International Corporation          1,850            63,399

REITS (6.25%)
Boston Properties, Inc.                         1,250            54,750
CarrAmerica Realty Corporation                  2,200            61,182
CBL & Associates Properties, Inc.               1,200            51,600
General Growth Properties, Inc.                   900            56,196
Kilroy Realty Corporation                       2,000            55,000
Liberty Property Trust                          1,650            57,090
Parkway Properties, Inc.                          900            37,845
The Macerich Company                            1,500            52,695
Vornado Realty Trust                            1,400            61,040

Software (1.13%)
SAP AG - ADR                                    1,750            51,135
Synopsys , Inc.*                                  600            37,110

Specialty Technology (0.64%)
CANNON INC. - ADR                               1,100            50,215

Systems (2.04%)
Hewlett-Packard Company                         3,300            70,290
International Business
Machines Corporation (IBM)                        450            37,125
McDATA Corporation*                             3,500            51,345

Total Common Stocks
(Cost $7,522,496)                                             7,258,940

Short-Term Investments (7.33%)

Lindner Government Money
Market Funda                                  571,652           571,652

Total Short-Term Investments
(Cost $571,652)                                                 571,652

See Notes to Financial Statements

                                         Number of
                                         Shares -
Name of Issuer and Title of Issue        of Bonds             Value
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total Investments (100.35%)
(Cost $8,094,148)                                            $ 7,830,592

Cash Deposits with Broker for
Sold Short (2.90%)                                              226,430

Receivable from Brokers for Securities
Sold Short (88.48%)                                            6,904,636

Securities Sold Short (-92.22%)                               (7,196,195)

Excess of Other Assets over Liabilities (0.49%)                   38,210
Net Assets (100.00%)                                           7,803,673

Schedule of Securities Sold Short

Abbott Laboratories                           (2,200)           (96,272)
Affymetrix, Inc.                              (3,600)           (70,956)
Allergan, Inc.                                (1,200)           (92,520)
Allied Irish Banks plc - ADR                  (1,200)           (35,892)
Ashland Inc.                                  (1,500)           (46,020)
ASML Holding N.V.F                            (5,650)           (54,014)
Aventis S.A. - ADR                              (850)           (46,495)
Baker Hughes Incorporated                     (1,300)           (43,641)
Banc One Corporation                          (2,350)           (87,373)
BB&T Corporation                              (2,500)           (85,750)
BEA Systems, Inc.                             (5,300)           (57,558)
Big 5 Sporting Goods Corporation              (2,600)           (32,578)
BOC Group plc - ADR                           (2,800)           (73,472)
Boyd Gaming Corporation                       (3,850)           (66,451)
BRE Properties, Inc.                          (1,800)           (59,760)
Brooks Automation, Inc.                       (3,600)           (40,824)
Brown-Forman Corporation                      (1,550)          (121,861)
Burlington Resources Inc.                     (1,050)           (56,774)
Canadian National Railway CompanyF              (700)           (33,782)
Cardinal Health, Inc.                         (1,300)           (83,590)
Cephalon, Inc.                                (1,750)           (72,030)
Charles River Laboratories International,     (2,200)           (70,796)
Check Point Software Technologies Ltd.    F   (1,100)           (21,505)
CIENA Corporation                            (14,150)           (73,439)
Cincinnati Financial Corporation              (1,650)           (61,198)
Cintas Corporation                            (1,650)           (58,476)
Clear Channel Communications, Inc.            (1,800)           (76,302)
Commerce Bancshares, Inc.                     (1,200)           (46,740)
Commercial Net Lease Realty                   (2,250)           (38,790)
Cousins Properties, Inc.                      (2,200)           (61,380)
Cummins Inc.                                  (1,100)           (39,479)
Diageo plc - ADR                                (900)           (39,384)
Diagnostic Products Corporation               (2,700)          (110,835)
Dover Corporation                             (3,000)           (89,880)
Dow Jones & Company, Inc.                     (2,450)          (105,423)
Eaton Vance Corp.                             (1,400)           (44,240)
Emerson Electric Co.                          (1,350)           (68,985)
ENI S.p.A. - ADR                                (900)           (68,436)
Essex Property Trust, Inc.                    (1,000)           (57,250)
Fastenal Company                              (1,300)           (44,122)
Fiat S.p.A. - ADR                             (4,800)           (34,464)
Fifth Third Bancorp                           (1,350)           (77,409)
Flagstar Bancorp, Inc.                        (3,400)           (83,130)
Galyan's Trading Company                      (5,000)           (71,700)
Genuine Parts Company                         (1,700)           (54,417)
Genzyme Corporation                           (2,050)           (85,690)
Goodrich Corporation                          (3,300)           (69,300)
H.J. Heinz Company                            (2,500)           (82,450)

Lindner Investments
Schedule of Investments - June 30, 2003

                                        Number of
                                         Shares -
                                     Principal Amount
Name of Issuer and Title of Issue        of Bonds             Value
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lindner Market Neutral Fund

Schedule of Securities Sold Short (Continued)

Helmerich & Payne, Inc.                       (1,500)   $       (43,800)
Hitachi, LTD. - ADR                           (1,000)           (42,300)
HON INDUSTRIES Inc.                           (1,900)           (57,950)
Honeywell International Inc.                  (2,800)           (75,180)
Hormel Foods Corporation                      (3,950)           (93,615)
IMS Health Incorporated                       (5,050)           (90,850)
Invacare Corporation                          (2,300)           (75,900)
IVAX Corporation                              (2,100)           (37,485)
J. Jill Group Inc.                            (3,200)           (53,888)
KeyCorp                                       (1,650)           (41,695)
Kohl's Corporation                            (1,000)           (51,380)
Lincare Holdings Inc.                         (2,400)           (75,624)
Lincoln National Corporation                  (1,200)           (42,756)
Lloyds TSB Group plc - ADR                    (1,200)           (34,812)
Manor Care, Inc.                              (5,250)          (131,303)
Manufactured Home Communities, Inc. (1,100)                     (38,621)
Matsushita Electric Industrial
Co., Ltd. - ADR                               (4,300)           (43,215)
McCormick & Company, Incorporated             (2,200)           (59,840)
Media General, Inc.                             (700)           (40,040)
Medicis Pharmaceutical Corporation            (1,400)           (79,380)
Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing
Company (3M)                                    (600)           (77,388)
Nasdaq - 100 Index Trading Stock              (3,600)          (107,820)
Nautica Enterprises, Inc.                     (2,700)           (34,641)
Nestle S.A. - ADR                               (700)           (36,110)
New Century Financial Corporation             (1,700)           (74,205)
Noble Energy, Inc.                            (1,300)           (49,140)
Ohio Casualty Corporation                     (3,000)           (39,540)
Panera Bread Company                          (1,700)           (68,000)
Parker-Hannifin Corporation                   (2,350)           (98,677)
Performance Food Group Company                (2,100)           (77,700)
Pharmaceutical Product
Development, Inc.                             (3,200)           (91,936)
Pioneer Natural Resources Company             (1,700)           (44,370)
Post Properties, Inc.                         (1,900)           (50,350)
Powell Industries, Inc.                       (2,550)           (37,332)
ProLogis Trust                                (1,400)           (38,220)
RadioShack Corporation                        (3,900)          (102,609)
Rayonier Inc.                                 (1,050)           (34,650)
Realty Income Corporation                     (1,900)           (72,352)
Roche Holding AG - ADR                          (550)           (43,142)
RWE AG - ADR                                  (2,600)           (78,523)
Ryanair Holdings plc - ADR                    (1,800)           (80,820)
Saks Incorporated                             (4,100)           (39,770)
Schering-Plough Corporation                   (3,800)           (70,680)
Smith International, Inc.                     (1,300)           (47,762)
Snap-on Incorporated                          (2,550)           (74,027)
SPDR Trust Series 1                             (350)           (34,171)
Summit Properties Inc.                        (2,500)           (51,625)
Sun Microsystems, Inc.                       (24,400)          (112,240)
Sunoco, Inc.                                  (1,450)           (54,723)
Swisscom AG - ADR                             (2,500)           (70,850)
Teekay Shipping CorporationF                  (1,000)           (42,900)
The Boeing Company                            (1,700)           (58,344)
The Charles Schwab Corporation                (6,350)           (64,072)
The Cheesecake Factory Incorporated           (1,750)           (62,807)
The Clorox Company                            (1,900)           (81,035)
The Coca-Cola Company                         (1,500)           (69,615)
See Notes to Financial Statements
                                        Number of
                                         Shares -
                                     Principal Amount
Name of Issuer and Title of Issue        of Bonds             Value
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Schedule of Securities Sold Short (Continued)

The Commerce Group, Inc.                      (1,750)   $       (63,350)
The Gillette Company                          (3,200)          (101,952)
The Reynolds & Reynolds Company               (1,100)           (31,416)
The ServiceMaster Company                     (3,500)           (37,450)
The Stanley Works                             (2,900)           (80,040)
The Talbots, Inc.                             (1,500)           (44,175)
Valley National Bancorp                       (2,760)           (72,726)
Walgreen Co.                                  (3,700)          (111,370)
Waste Management, Inc.                        (1,950)           (46,976)
Webster Financial Corporation                   (850)           (32,130)
* Non-income producing.
a Denotes security is affiliated. (See Note 4)
F Foreign Security.
ADR - American Depository Receipt.

All financial assets are held as eligible collateral for short positions

Lindner Government Money Market Fund
Performance Summary

With the primary  objective  of providing  current  income  consistent  with the
preservation  of capital and  liquidity,  Lindner  Government  Money Market Fund
returned  0.46% in the first half of  calendar  2003.  For the fiscal year ended
June 30, 2003, the Fund returned 1.15%. In both periods, we believe we succeeded
in achieving our objective of obtaining consistent and competitive returns, even
as interest rates dropped to their lowest level since 1958.

During the year ended June 30, 2003, the Federal  Reserve cut the Fed funds rate
by 75-basis  points,  with the latest 25-basis point cut lowering this benchmark
to 1.00%.  As interest rates  declined,  the short-term  yield curve  flattened,
making  it  increasingly  more  difficult  to add  value  to the  portfolio.  We
continued our strategy of purchasing  longer-term,  odd-lot  securities.  As the
latest  interest  rate cut became  priced into the yield curve toward the end of
the second quarter, we also took advantage of the overnight rate premium.

The most recent rate cut caused the yield curve to become  steeper,  and brought
some normalcy to its shape.  In response to the widening spread between long and
short rates, we maintained a barbell  strategy for our portfolio - with exposure
heaviest  around the shortest  and longest end of our maturity  range (up to 397
days). We found the most value in 11- to 13-month maturities,  and avoided the 4
to 8 month mid-range, where there appeared to be no special yield advantage.

As of June 30,  our Fund held 31% in  floating  rate  securities  obtained  at a
discount  to add value to the  portfolio.  Seizing  the  opportunity  that arose
during the recent Freddie Mac crisis,  when negative  headlines caused the yield
on the  government  agency's  securities  to rise,  we added to our  position at
attractive rates.

Our only  disappointment  has been the lackluster  economic growth that has kept
interest rates at historically low levels.

Lindner Government Money Market Fund continues to look for opportunities to
achieve competitive returns.

/s/Jeffrey Plotnik
Jeffrey Plotnik
Vice President & Portfolio Manager U.S.
Bancorp Asset Management, Inc.

The Lindner  Government  Money Market Fund had average  annual total  returns of
3.73% and 4.14% for the 5 year and since inception (7/2/96) periods.

Past performance is not predictive of future performance.  Investment return and
principal will  fluctuate so that an investors  shares,  when  redeemed,  may be
worth more or less than their original  cost.  Investment  performance  reflects
voluntary fee waivers in effect.  In the absence of such  waivers,  total return
would be reduced.

An  investment  in the Fund is neither  insured  nor  guaranteed  by the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) or any other governmental agency.  Although
the Fund seeks to preserve the value of your  investment at $1.00 per share,  it
is possible to lose money by investing in the Fund.

Lindner Investments
Schedule of Investments - June 30, 2003

                                  Number of Shares -
                                   Principal Amount
Name of Issuer and Title of Issue      of Bonds                Value
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lindner Government Money Market Fund
U.S. Government Agency Securities (74.70%)

FAMCDN, 1.200%, 8/13/2003                   $ 275,000   $           274,606

FFCB, 4.250%, 7/01/2003                       330,000               330,000
FFCB, 5.090%, 12/08/2003                      250,000               254,028
FFCB, 1.199%, 5/05/2004                     4,000,000             3,997,968

FHLB, 1.625%, 8/12/2003                       350,000               349,910
FHLB, 5.575%, 9/02/2003                       200,000               201,248
FHLB, 3.125%, 11/14/2003                      150,000               150,667
FHLB, 5.250%, 11/24/2003                      750,000               761,734
FHLB, 5.280%, 1/06/2004                       250,000               254,970
FHLB, 6.875%, 2/13/2004                       220,000               227,489
FHLB, 4.875%, 4/16/2004                       350,000               359,908
FHLBDN, 0.890%, 7/11/2003                   1,092,000             1,091,706

FHLMC, 5.990%, 12/01/2003                     260,000               264,717
FHLMCDN, 0.910%, 8/11/2003                    711,000               710,263

FNMA, 0.910%, 8/13/2003                       710,000               709,228
FNMA, 1.650%, 12/15/2003                      342,000               339,422
FNMA, 5.450%, 2/05/2004                       300,000               307,275
FNMA, 6.850%, 4/05/2004                       205,000               213,604
FNMA, 5.625%, 5/14/2004                       526,000               546,062
FNMA, 1.000%, 10/07/2004                    2,000,000             1,999,237
FNMADN, 0.950%, 7/11/2003                     600,000               600,000

Total U.S. Government Agency Securities
(Cost $13,944,042)                                               13,944,042
                                        Number of
                                         Shares -
                                     Principal Amount
Name of Issuer and Title of Issue        of Bonds              Value
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Temporary Cash Investments (26.51%)

Investment Companies (7.22%)
AIM STIC Government Obligations          $    678,958   $           678,958
Goldman Sachs Financial Square
Government Fund                               668,363               668,363

Total Investment Companies
(Cost $1,347,321)                                                 1,347,321
Repurchase Agreements (19.29%)
Lehman Brothers, 1.150%,
dated 6/30/2003, matures 7/01/2003,
repurchase price $3,600,115
(collateralized by FNMA,
6.625%: total market
value $3,672,000)                           3,600,000             3,600,000

Total Repurchase Agreements
(Cost $3,600,000)                                                 3,600,000
Total Temporary Cash Investments
(Cost $4,947,321)                                                 4,947,321

Total Investments (101.21%)
(Cost $18,891,363)*                                              18,891,363

Excess of Liabilities over Other Assets (-1.21%)                  (225,682)

                 Net Assets (100.00%)                           $18,665,681

*    Represents cost for federal income tax purposes.
FAMCDN = Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation Discount Note
FFCB = Federal Farm Credit Bureau
FHLB = Federal Home Loan Banks
FHLBDN = Federal Home Loan Banks Discount Note
FHLMC = Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation
FHLMCDN = Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Discount Note
FNMA = Federal National Mortgage Association
FNMADN = Federal National Mortgage Association Discount Note

See Notes to Financial Statements

                              Lindner Investments
                      Statements of Assets and Liabilities
                                 June 30, 2003

                                    Lindner       Lindner      Lindner          Lindner        Lindner    Government
                                   Large-Cap     Growth and  Communications    Small-Cap   Market Neutral Money Market
                                  Growth Fund   Income Fund       Fund        Growth Fund       Fund          Fund
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investment in securities at
  fair value                       $90,799,928 $ 177,877,922    $ 8,432,685    $ 7,356,146  $  7,830,592   $18,891,363
Cash                                        --            --            265             --            63            --
Receivable from Adviser                     --            --          1,924             --            --           503
Receivable for securities sold       1,486,006            --        141,713        116,283            --            --
Receivable for capital shares sold         208         3,200          1,000             --        60,000            --
Receivable from broker for
proceeds on
securities sold short                       --            --             --             --     6,904,636            --
Cash deposits with broker for
sold short                                  --            --             --             --       226,430            --
Receivable for dividends and
 interest                               44,560       402,859         11,488            559        11,393        58,959
Prepaid expenses and
 other assets                           31,209        47,440          6,634          7,038         7,483        12,310
                                   -----------   -----------      ---------      ---------    ----------    ----------
Total assets                        92,361,911   178,331,421      8,595,709      7,480,026    15,040,597    18,963,135
                                   -----------   -----------      ---------      ---------    ----------    ----------
Securities sold short,
  at fair value                             --            --             --             --     7,196,195            --
Payable for securities purchased            --            --        193,811             --            --            --
Payable for capital shares
  redeemed                              97,937       365,856             --             --         7,030       268,566
Payable to Adviser                      58,359       116,914             --          3,184         2,447            --
Accrued distribution fee                 7,770        23,570          4,420          3,790         5,660            --
Dividends payable to shareholders           --            --             --             --            --         3,144
Dividends payable on short
 positions                                  --            --             --             --        10,717            --
Accrued expenses and other
 liabilities                           117,563       188,855         18,174         12,996        14,875        25,744
                                   -----------   -----------      ---------      ---------    ----------    ----------
Total liabilities                      281,629       695,195        216,405         19,970     7,236,924       297,454
                                   -----------   -----------      ---------      ---------    ----------    ----------
Net Assets                         $92,080,282 $ 177,636,226    $ 8,379,304    $ 7,460,056  $  7,803,673   $18,665,681
                                   ===========   ===========      =========      =========    ==========    ==========
Net assets consist of:
Capital (par value, $0.01, $0.01,
$0.01, $0.01,
$0.01 and $1.00 per share and
paid-in capital, respectively)    $206,650,646 $ 352,478,583    $25,139,956    $10,533,228  $ 32,959,028   $18,665,681
Accumulated net realized (loss)
on investments
and foreign currency transactions(120,454,085)   (165,947,829)   (15,953,552)   (4,620,058)  (24,600,240)           --
Net unrealized appreciation
(depreciation) on
investments                          5,883,721   (8,894,528)      (807,100)      1,546,886     (555,115)            --
                                   -----------   -----------      ---------      ---------    ----------    -----------
Total Net Assets                   $92,080,282 $ 177,636,226    $ 8,379,304    $ 7,460,056  $  7,803,673   $18,665,681
                                   ===========   ===========      =========      =========    ==========    ===========

Shares of beneficial interest
outstanding                         13,178,433    10,009,991      1,284,691      1,438,368     1,287,523    18,665,681
Net Asset Value, Offering Price
and Redemption
Price Per Share                    $      6.99  $      17.75    $      6.52    $      5.19  $       6.06  $       1.00
                                   ===========   ===========      =========      =========    ==========    ===========

Investment in securities at cost:  $84,916,207 $ 186,772,450    $ 9,239,795    $ 5,809,260  $  8,094,148   $18,891,363
Proceeds from securities sold short:  $     -- $          --    $        --    $        --  $  6,904,636  $         --

See Notes to Financial Statements

                              Lindner Investments
                        Statements of Operations For the
                            Year Ended June 30, 2003

                                                                                             Lindner     Lindner
                                         Lindner       Lindner      Lindner        Lindner    Market   Government
                                        Large-Cap   Growth and   Communications Small-Cap    Neutral   Money Market
                                     Growth Fund   Income Fund       Fund       Growth Fund    Fund       Fund
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investment Income
Dividends*                             $   718,469  $  2,601,325 $    97,301  $      6,256 $ 121,859   $        --
Interest                                    20,230     1,221,030       2,762         1,930   129,266       359,003
                                       -----------   -----------    --------    ----------  --------   -----------
Total income                               738,699     3,822,355     100,063         8,186   251,125       359,003
                                       -----------   -----------    --------    ----------  --------   -----------
Expenses: (Note 3)
Management fees                            740,224     1,243,874      75,166        69,234    81,505        32,226
Transfer agent fees                        266,029       364,832      32,519        24,206    20,273        40,654
Legal fees                                  60,174       118,042       4,543         4,677     4,778        15,120
Audit fees                                  32,556        72,180       2,420         2,362     2,921         7,005
Administration fees                         92,528       177,696       7,547         7,288     8,151        21,484
Report printing                             39,475        55,123       3,080         3,586     1,640         2,020
Insurance expense                           35,767        63,635       3,407         3,056     2,799         7,915
Fund accounting fees                        41,791        55,020      30,569        22,859    31,491        40,028
12b-1 fees                                  37,649        76,488      17,959        17,796    19,979            --
Custodian fees                              12,767        25,400      10,856           924     2,125         3,304
Trustee fees                                26,893        53,519       2,493         1,702     2,507         5,902
Registration and regulatory fees            14,813        18,498      13,971        12,722    13,185        16,578
Dividend expense on short                       --            --          --            --   142,949            --
Other expenses                                 728           903         242            --       244           243
                                       -----------   -----------    --------    ----------  --------   -----------
Total expenses                           1,401,394     2,325,210     204,772       170,412   334,547       192,479
Expenses waived by advisor (Note 3)       (152,267)     (104,006)    (87,800)      (61,095)  (13,916)      (85,059)
                                       -----------   -----------    --------    ----------  --------   -----------
Net expenses                             1,249,127     2,221,204     116,972       109,317   320,631       107,420
                                       -----------   -----------    --------    ----------  --------   -----------
Net investment income (loss)              (510,428)    1,601,151     (16,909)     (101,131)  (69,506)      251,583
                                       -----------   -----------    --------    ----------  --------   -----------
Net realized gain (loss) on:
Investments                            (27,520,431)  (31,679,518)   (849,549)   (1,547,209) (927,600)           --
Short sale transactions                         --            --          --            --   592,137            --
                                       -----------   -----------    --------    ----------  --------   -----------
Net realized loss                      (27,520,431)  (31,679,518)   (849,549)   (1,547,209) (335,463)           --
                                       -----------   -----------    --------    ----------  --------   -----------
Change in unrealized appreciation
or depreciation on:
Investments                             23,019,264    27,693,067   2,769,094       585,136   858,101            --
Short positions                                 --            --          --            --  (224,276)           --
                                       -----------   -----------    --------    ----------  --------   -----------
Net change in unrealized
appreciation or
depreciation                            23,019,264    27,693,067   2,769,094       585,136   633,825            --
                                       -----------   -----------    --------    ----------  --------   -----------
Net realized and unrealized gain
(loss) on
investments                             (4,501,167)   (3,986,451)  1,919,545      (962,073)  298,362            --
                                       -----------   -----------    --------    ----------  --------   -----------

Net Increase (Decrease) in Net
Assets Resulting
from Operations                        $(5,011,595) $(2,385,300)  $1,902,636  $(1,063,204) $ 228,856     $251,583

* Net of withholding taxes of:         $        --  $     10,782 $     7,210  $         -- $   2,592    $       --
**Net of withholding taxes of:         $        --  $         -- $        --  $         -- $   1,755    $       --

See Notes to Financial Statements

                              Lindner Investments
                      Statements of Changes in Net Assets

                                                Lindner                   Lindner                    Lindner
                                         Large-Cap Growth Fund     Growth and Income Fund     Communications Fund
                                         ---------------------     ----------------------     -------------------
                                          For the Year Ended        For the Year Ended         For the Year Ended
                                         ---------------------     ----------------------     -------------------
                                            June 30,   June 30,    June 30,    June 30,       June 30,   June 30,
                                             2003        2002        2003        2002           2003       2002
                                             ----        ----        ----        ----           ----       ----
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:

Net investment income (loss)          $   (510,428) $(1,225,231) $  1,601,151 $   3,192,490  $   (16,909) $     44,249
Net realized loss on investments       (27,520,431) (56,436,814)  (31,679,518)  (13,961,089)    (849,549)   (3,523,118)
Net change in unrealized
or depreciation on investments          23,019,264   (7,919,979)   27,693,067   (27,963,303)   2,769,094    (4,991,267)
                                       -----------  -----------   -----------   -----------    ---------    ----------

Net increase (decrease) in
net assets from operations              (5,011,595)  (65,582,024)  (2,385,300)  (38,731,902)   1,902,636    (8,470,136)
                                       -----------  -----------   -----------   -----------    ---------    ----------

Distributions to Shareholders:
From net investment income                      --           --    (1,602,731)   (3,225,451)           --      (40,825)
From return of capital                          --           --       (51,250)           --            --      (20,741)
                                       -----------  -----------   -----------   -----------    ---------    ----------

Net decrease in net assets from
distributions to shareholders                   --           --    (1,653,981)   (3,225,451)           --      (61,566)
                                       -----------  -----------   -----------   -----------    ---------    ----------

Net Fund Share Transactions (Note 6):
Investor shares                        (15,251,181) (34,698,786)  (29,408,001)  (62,555,113)  (1,217,579)   (4,999,652)
Institutional shares                            --     (121,246)           --      (222,971)          --       (32,798)
                                       -----------  -----------   -----------   -----------    ---------    ----------

Net Decrease from Fund
Share Transactions                     (15,251,181) (34,820,032)  (29,408,001)  (62,778,084)  (1,217,579)   (5,032,450)
                                       -----------  -----------   -----------   -----------    ---------    ----------

Total Increase (Decrease) in Net       (20,262,776)(100,402,056)  (33,447,282) (104,735,437)     685,057   (13,564,152)
Net Assets at the Beginning of the
Year                                   112,343,058  212,745,114   211,083,508   315,818,945    7,694,247    21,258,399
                                       -----------  -----------   -----------   -----------    ---------    ----------

Net Assets at the End of the Year
(including accumulated undistributed net
investment income of $0 and $0 for each of the
funds, respectively)                  $ 92,080,282 $112,343,058 $  177,636,226 $ 211,083,508 $    8,379,304  7,694,247
                                      ============ ============ ============== ============= ============== ===========

See Notes to Financial Statements

                               Lindner Investments
                       Statements of Changes in Net Assets

                                         Lindner                     Lindner               Lindner Government
                                    Small-Cap Growth Fund       Market Neutral Fund        Money Market Fund
                                    ---------------------       -------------------        -----------------
                                     For the Year Ended          For the Year Ended        For the Year Ended
                                    ---------------------       ----------------------     -------------------
                                       June 30,   June 30,      June 30,    June 30,       June 30,   June 30,
                                        2003        2002          2003        2002           2003       2002
                                        ----        ----          ----        ----           ----       ----
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:

Net investment income (loss)      $   (101,131) $   (190,201) $  (69,506)    $ (155,170)  $   251,583    $ 823,103
Net realized loss on investments    (1,547,209)   (2,604,103)   (335,463)    (1,097,077)           --           --
Net change in unrealized
or depreciation on investments         585,136    (2,240,518)    633,825        408,904           --           --
                                    ----------    ----------    --------     ----------   -----------   ----------
Net increase (decrease) in net
from operations                     (1,063,204)   (5,034,822)    228,856       (843,343)      251,583      823,103
                                    ----------    ----------    --------     ----------   -----------   ----------
Distributions to Shareholders:
From net investment income                  --            --          --       (359,101)    (251,583)    (823,103)
From return of capital                      --            --          --             --           --           --

Net decrease in net assets from
distributions to shareholders               --            --          --       (359,101)    (251,583)    (823,103)

Net Fund Share Transactions (Note 6):
Investor shares                     (1,435,253)   (5,320,122)   (565,941)     (5,801,962) (13,421,683)  (8,034,967)
Institutional shares                        --      (754,546)         --             --           --           --
                                    ----------    ----------    --------     ----------   -----------   ----------
Net Decrease from Fund
Share Transactions                  (1,435,253)   (6,074,668)   (565,941)    (5,801,962)  (13,421,683)  (8,034,967)
                                    ----------    ----------    --------     ----------   -----------   ----------
Total Increase (Decrease) in Net    (2,498,457)  (11,109,490)   (337,085)    (7,004,406)  (13,421,683)  (8,034,967)
Net Assets at the Beginning of the
Year                                 9,958,513    21,068,003   8,140,758     15,145,164    32,087,364   40,122,331
                                    ----------    ----------    --------     ----------   -----------   ----------
Net Assets at the End of the Year
(including accumulated undistributed
net investment income of $0 and $0
for each of the
funds, respectively)              $  7,460,056 $   9,958,513  $7,803,673    $ 8,140,758   $18,665,681  $32,087,364
                                 ============= =============  ==========    ===========   ===========  ===========

See Notes to Financial Statements

                              Lindner Investments

                         NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

1.   Organization and Significant Accounting Policies

     Lindner  Investments,  a  Massachusetts  business trust (the  "Trust"),  is
     registered  under the  Investment  Company Act of 1940,  as amended,  as an
     open-end management  investment company. Six series are currently issued by
     the Trust: (1) Lindner Large-Cap Growth Fund, (2) Lindner Growth and Income
     Fund, (3) Lindner  Communications  Fund, (4) Lindner Small-Cap Growth Fund,
     (5) Lindner Market Neutral Fund,  and (6) Lindner  Government  Money Market
     Fund (collectively, the "Lindner Funds" or the "Funds").

     The following is a summary of significant accounting policies of the Funds.

     Use of Management Estimates
          The preparation of financial  statements in conformity with accounting
          principles generally accepted in the United States of America requires
          that management make certain estimates and assumptions that affect the
          reported   amounts  of  assets  and   liabilities  and  disclosure  of
          contingent  assets  and  liabilities  at the  date  of  the  financial
          statements.  The reported  amounts of revenues and expenses during the
          reporting period may also be affected by the estimates and assumptions
          management is required to make.  Actual  results may differ from those

     Security Valuation
          The Lindner  Large-Cap  Growth,  Lindner  Growth and  Income,  Lindner
          Communications,  Lindner Small-Cap Growth,  and Lindner Market Neutral
          Funds value investments in securities traded on a national  securities
          exchange at the last  reported  sales price as of the close of the New
          York Stock Exchange.  Securities  that are  principally  traded on the
          National   Association  of  Securities  Dealers  Automated   Quotation
          ("NASDAQ") National Market are generally valued at the NASDAQ Official
          Closing  Price  ("NOCP").  Securities  traded in the  over-the-counter
          market and listed securities for which no sale was reported are valued
          at the mean between the last reported bid and asked prices.  The value
          of foreign  securities is translated from the local currency into U.S.
          dollars at the rate of  exchange  prevailing  on the  valuation  date.
          Securities and assets for which  quotations are not readily  available
          are valued at fair value as determined pursuant to procedures approved
          by the Board of Trustees.

          Investments  held by the Lindner  Government Money Market Fund and all
          other funds that purchase  short-term fixed income securities acquired
          within 60 days to  maturity  use the  amortized  cost  method to value
          securities,  which approximates  market value,  whereby the difference
          between the original purchase cost and the maturity value of the issue
          are amortized over the holding period of the security.

     Investment Income
          Dividend income is recognized on the ex-dividend date. Interest income
          is recognized on the accrual  basis.  Dividend and interest  income is
          recorded  net of foreign  taxes  where  recovery  of such taxes is not
          assured.  The Funds record  security  transactions  on the trade date.
          Realized gains and losses are recognized on the identified cost basis.

     Foreign Currency Translation
          The books and records of the Funds are  maintained in U.S.  dollars as
          follows:   (1)  the  foreign   currency  market  value  of  investment
          securities  is  translated  at the  current  exchange  rates;  and (2)
          purchases,  sales,  income, and expenses are translated at the rate of
          exchange prevailing on the respective dates of such transactions.

          Reported  net  realized  foreign  currency  gains or losses arise from
          currency  gains or losses  realized  between the trade and  settlement
          dates  on  securities  transactions  and the  difference  between  the
          amounts of dividends, interest, and foreign withholding taxes recorded
          on the Funds'  books  compared to the U.S.  dollar  equivalent  of the
          amounts  actually  received or paid. Net unrealized  foreign  currency
          gains  or  losses  arise  from  changes  in the  value of  assets  and
          liabilities,  other than  investments  in  securities,  resulting from
          changes in the exchange rate between  transaction  recording dates and
          period end. Net unrealized  foreign  currency gains and losses arising
          from investment  transactions are included in the change in unrealized
          appreciation or depreciation on investments.

     Income Taxes
          It is the  policy of the Funds to  distribute  all  taxable  income to
          shareholders  and to  otherwise  continue  to qualify  as a  regulated
          investment   company  under   provisions   of  the  Internal   Revenue
          Code.Accordingly, no provision has been made for federal income tax.

          Due to inherent differences in the recognition of income, expenses and
          realized gain/losses under accounting principles generally accepted in
          the  United  States  of  America  and  federal  income  tax  purposes,
          permanent  differences  between book and tax basis reporting have been
          identified and appropriately  reclassified in the Statements of Assets
          and Liabilities.

Lindner Investments

1.   Organization and Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

     Repurchase Agreements
          The Lindner  Government  Money  Market  Fund may invest in  Repurchase
          Agreements. Securities pledged as collateral for repurchase agreements
          are held by the Federal  Reserve Bank and are designated as being held
          on the Fund's behalf by its custodian under a book-entry  system.  The
          Fund monitors the adequacy of the collateral daily and can require the
          seller to provide additional  collateral in the event the market value
          of the  securities  pledged  falls  below the value of the  repurchase

     Short Sales
          The  Lindner  Market  Neutral  Fund  may  invest  in  short  sales  of
          securities in order to profit from declines in stock prices.  When the
          Fund engages in a short sale, an amount equal to the proceeds received
          is reflected as an asset and equivalent  liability.  The amount of the
          liability is marked to market daily to reflect the market value of the
          short sale. The Fund's custodian maintains a segregated account of all
          securities  and cash as  collateral  for the short sales (the  Special
          Custody  Account).  All financial  assets  within the Special  Custody
          Account are eligible collateral for short sale activity.  If the price
          of the borrowed security  increases between the date of the short sale
          and the date on which the Fund  replaces  the  security,  the Fund may
          experience a loss.  Funds other than the Lindner  Market  Neutral Fund
          may engage in short sales of  securities if they own or have the right
          to  acquire,   without  the  payment  of  further  consideration,   an
          approximately  equal amount of such  securities  ("short sales against
          the box").  As of June 30, 2003,  the Lindner  Market Neutral Fund was
          the only Fund which held short positions of securities.

     Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders
          The Lindner Government Money Market Fund declares dividends daily from
          the  total of net  investment  income  on  portfolio  securities,  and
          distributes  monthly.  The Lindner  Large-Cap  Growth,  Lindner Market
          Neutral,  Lindner Small-Cap Growth, and Lindner  Communications  Funds
          declare annual dividends from net investment  income in December.  The
          Lindner Growth and Income Fund  distributes  substantially  all of its
          net  investment  income  through  the payment of  quarterly  dividends
          generally  declared  in March,  June,  September,  and  December.  Net
          realized  capital  gains,  if any, will be distributed by all Funds in
          December.  Designation of sources of  distributions  are determined in
          accordance with income tax regulations which may differ from generally
          accepted accounting principles. These differences are primarily due to
          differing  treatments in the  recognition  of income and expense items
          for financial statement and tax purposes.  Dividends and distributions
          to shareholders are recorded on the ex-dividend date.

2.   Investment Transactions and Federal Tax Disclosure

     For the  year  ended  June  30,  2003,  aggregate  purchases  and  sales of
     investment securities,  other than options, U.S. Government Securities, and
     short-term obligations were as follows:

                                            Purchases             Sales
                                            ---------             -----
Lindner Large-Cap Growth Fund             $109,160,073       $126,326,008
Lindner Growth and Income Fund              56,092,929         66,071,455
Lindner Communications Fund                    874,456          2,243,869
Lindner Small-Cap Growth Fund                7,678,115          9,190,387
Lindner Market Neutral Fund                 27,292,346         27,578,782

For the year ended June 30,  2003,  aggregate  purchases  and sales of long-term
U.S. Government securities were as follows:

                                              Purchases          Sales
                                              ---------          -----
Lindner Large-Cap Growth Fund                $        0       $         0
Lindner Growth and Income Fund                1,885,674        18,312,236
Lindner Communications Fund                           0                 0
Lindner Small-Cap Growth Fund                         0                 0
Lindner Market Neutral Fund                           0                 0

                              Lindner Investments

As of June 30, 2003, the components of  accumulated  earnings/(losses)  on a tax
basis were as follows:

                                      Lindner         Lindner         Lindner        Lindner        Lindner
                                      Large-Cap       Growth and   Communications   Small-Cap     Market Neutral
                                      Growth Fund     Income Fund      Fund        Growth Fund        Fund
                                      -----------     -----------  --------------  -----------    -------------

Cost of Investments (a)              $ 85,063,917   $ 186,824,829    $ 9,626,177   $ 5,810,601  $    8,112,365
Gross unrealized appreciation           9,100,539      16,317,543        753,217     1,622,371         924,333
Gross unrealized depreciation          (3,364,528)    (25,264,450)    (1,946,699)      (76,826)     (1,206,106)
                                     ------------    ------------    -----------    ----------     -----------
Net unrealized                          5,736,011      (8,946,907)    (1,193,482)    1,545,545        (281,773)
Cumulative tax cost adjustments           147,710          52,379        386,382         1,341          18,217
Distributable ordinary income                  --              --             --            --              --
Distributable long-term capital gain           --              --             --            --              --
Total distributable earnings                   --              --             --            --              --
Other accumulated losses             (120,454,085)   (165,947,829)   (15,953,552)   (4,620,058)    (24,891,799)
Total net losses                    $(114,570,364)  $(174,842,357)  $(16,760,652)  $(3,073,172)   $(25,155,355)

(a)  Represents  cost for federal  income tax purposes and differs from the cost
     for financial reporting purposes by the amount of losses recognized for the
     financial reporting purposes in excess of federal income tax purposes.

The tax  components  of dividends  paid during the years ended June 30, 2003 and
June 30, 2002 were as follows:

                        Lindner           Lindner              Lindner           Lindner           Lindner
                        Large-Cap         Growth and           Communications    Small-Cap         Market Neutral
                        Growth Fund       Income Fund          Fund              Growth Fund       Fund
                        For the           For the              For the           For the           For the
                        Year Ended        Year Ended           Year Ended        Year Ended        Year Ended
                        ----------        ----------           ----------        ----------        ----------
                    June 30,  June 30,  June 30,  June 30,  June 30, June 30,  June 30, June 30, June 30,June 30,
                     2003      2002      2003      2002      2003      2002      2003     2002     2003    2002
                     ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----     ----     ----    ----

Ordinary income
dividends             $--       $--   $1,602,731 $3,225,451  $--     $40,825     $--      $--      $--     $359,101
Return of capital
distributions          --        --       51,250      --      --      20,741      --       --       --      --

On June 30,  2003,  Lindner  Large-Cap  Growth Fund had,  available  for federal
income  tax  purposes,  capital  loss  carryforwards  aggregating  approximately
$103,744,975,   which  expire  $5,821,089  in  2009,  $63,270,724  in  2010  and
$34,653,162  in 2011.

On June 30,  2003,  Lindner  Growth and Income Fund had,  available  for federal
income  tax  purposes,  capital  loss  carryforwards  aggregating  approximately
$149,272,522 which expire $9,748,820 in 2007,  $45,757,405 in 2008,  $56,382,656
in 2009, $10,010,373 in 2010 and $27,373,268 in 2011.

On June 30, 2003, Lindner  Communications Fund had, available for federal income
tax purposes,  capital loss carryforwards aggregating approximately $14,947,429,
which expire $478,589 in 2009, $11,763,123 in 2010 and $2,705,717 in 2011.

On June 30,  2003,  Lindner  Small-Cap  Growth Fund had,  available  for federal
income  tax  purposes,  capital  loss  carryforwards  aggregating  approximately
$4,111,614, which expire $2,756,241 in 2010 and $1,355,373 in 2011.

On June 30, 2003,  Lindner Market Neutral Fund had, available for federal income
tax purposes,  capital loss carryforwards aggregating approximately $24,242,752,
which  expire  $5,301,235  in  2004,  $1,792,406  in 2005,  $9,095,248  in 2006,
$5,006,556 in 2007, $610,892 in 2009, $1,465,206 in 2010 and $971,199 in 2011.

At June 30, 2003, the Lindner  Large-Cap Growth Fund,  Lindner Growth and Income
Fund,  Lindner  Communications  Fund, Lindner Small-Cap Growth Fund, and Lindner
Market Neutral Fund deferred on a tax basis to the first day of the next taxable
year, post-October losses of $16,561,400,  $16,622,928,  $619,741, $507,103, and
$329,802, respectively.

For the year ended June 30, 2003, 100% of the ordinary distributions paid by the
Lindner Growth and Income Fund qualify for the dividend received deduction
available to corporate shareholders (unaudited).

                              Lindner Investments

The Lindner  Growth & Income Fund  designates  100% of dividends  declared after
December 31, 2002 from net investment income as qualified  dividend income under
the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003.

3.   Management Fees and Other Transactions with Affiliates

Management fees for the Lindner Large-Cap Growth Fund are accrued daily and paid
monthly at an annual rate of 0.8% of the first $500 million of net assets, 0.75%
of the next $500 million of net assets, and 0.7% of the excess of $1 billion.

Management  fees for the Lindner  Growth and Income  Fund are accrued  daily and
paid  monthly at an annual rate of 0.7% of the first $500 million of net assets,
0.65% of the next  $500  million  of net  assets,  and 0.6% of the  excess of $1
billion.  Management fees for the Lindner  Communications Fund are accrued daily
and paid  monthly  at an annual  rate of 1.0% of the first  $500  million of net
assets,  0.9% of the next $500 million of net assets, and 0.85% of the excess of
$1 billion.

Management fees for the Lindner Small-Cap Growth Fund are accrued daily and paid
monthly at an annual rate of 0.95% of the first $500 million of net assets, 0.9%
of the next $500  million of net assets,  and 0.85% of the excess of $1 billion.
Management  fees for the Lindner  Market Neutral Fund are accrued daily and paid
monthly at an annual rate of 1.0% of net assets.

Management fees for the Lindner  Government  Money Market Fund are accrued daily
and paid monthly at an annual rate 0.15% of net assets.

Lindner  Asset  Management,  Inc.,  the  Adviser  to the Funds,  supervises  the
preparation  and filing of all  documents  required for  compliance by the Funds
with  applicable laws and  regulations,  supervises the maintenance of books and
records of the Funds and provides other general and administrative services. For
providing these services, the Adviser receives compensation at an annual rate of
0.10% of the average daily net assets of each Fund.

The Adviser has contractually  agreed until June 30, 2003, to waive a portion of
its management and administration fees so that a Fund's total operating expenses
do not exceed the amounts listed in the following table:

Fund                                                Total Operating
Large-Cap Growth Fund                                    1.35%
Growth and Income Fund                                   1.25%
Communications Fund                                      1.55%
Small-Cap Growth Fund                                    1.50%
Market Neutral Fund                                      2.18%
Government Money Market Fund                             0.50%

For the year ended June 30, 2003, the Trust recognized expenses, net of waivers,
of $2,052,780  representing  Lindner Asset Management,  Inc.'s cost of providing
management and administrative services to the Trust.

The Board of  Trustees,  on behalf of all  Funds,  except the  Government  Money
Market  Fund,  has adopted and the  shareholders  subsequently  approved in July
2001, a Distribution  Plan pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the  Investment  Company
Act of 1940.  Pursuant  to the  Distribution  Plan,  each  Fund,  other than the
Government  Money Market  Fund,  may incur  certain  expenses of up to 0.25% per
annum of its average daily net assets.  The Distribution  Plan provides that the
Funds may finance  activities which are primarily intended to result in the sale
of the Fund's  shares.  For the year ended June 30, 2003 the Funds  incurred the
following  expenses pursuant to the Distribution  Plan: Lindner Large-Cap Growth
Fund - $37,649, Lindner Growth and Income Fund - $76,488, Lindner Communications
Fund - $17,959,  Lindner  Small-Cap  Growth Fund - $17,796,  and Lindner  Market
Neutral Fund - $19,979.

The Adviser has entered  into an advisory  agreement  for each Fund  pursuant to
which the  Adviser  has  appointed  a  Sub-Adviser  to carry out the  day-to-day
investment  and  reinvestment  of the  assets  of  each  Fund.  The  fees of the
Sub-Advisers are paid by the Adviser. The following table lists the Sub-Advisers
of each Fund as of June 30, 2003.

                              Lindner Investments

Fund                                     Sub-Adviser
- ----                                     -----------
Large-Cap Growth Fund                    CastleArk Management, LLC
Growth and Income Fund                   Argent Capital Management LLC
Communications Fund                      Gamco Investors Inc. d/b/a
                                         Gabelli Asset Management Company
Small-Cap Growth Fund                    CastleArk Management, LLC
Market Neutral Fund                      The Boston Company Asset Management
                                         (Formerly Standish Mellon Asset
                                         Management, LLC prior to reorganization
                                         on July 1, 2003)
Government Money Market Fund             U.S. Bancorp Asset Management, Inc.

4.   Transactions with Affiliates

Issuers of whose  voting  stock the Funds own more than 5% but less than 25% are
classified  as  "affiliates  (non-controlled)".  During  the year ended June 30,
2003,  Atlas  Minerals,  Inc.  was the only  issuer  that was  classified  as an
"affiliate (non-controlled)" and which was an "affiliated company" as defined by
the  Investment  Company Act of 1940.The  Lindner Growth and Income Fund was the
only Fund that owned common stock of this  affiliated  (non-controlled)  issuer.
The Fund sold its  position  in Atlas  Minerals,  Inc.  and  realized  a loss of
$3,205,061 during the year ended June 30, 2003.

Additionally, certain of the Funds invest in the Lindner Government Money Market
Fund as a short-term investment vehicle. Accordingly, these Funds classify their
investments  in  the  Lindner   Government   Money  Market  Fund  as  affiliated
transactions.  Investment  income  received  from the Lindner  Government  Money
Market Fund was $20,230 for the Lindner  Large-Cap Growth Fund,  $15,914 for the
Lindner  Growth and Income  Fund,  $2,762 for the Lindner  Communications  Fund,
$1,930 for the Lindner  Small-Cap Growth Fund, and $4,705 for the Lindner Market
Neutral Fund, for the year ended June 30, 2003.

5.   Capital Stock

The Lindner Large-Cap Growth, Lindner Growth and Income, Lindner Communications,
Lindner  Small-Cap  Growth,  and Lindner  Market  Neutral Funds have  authorized
unlimited shares of $.01 par value shares.  The Lindner  Government Money Market
Fund has authorized  unlimited  shares of $1 par value shares.  Effective August
17th, 2001, Institutional shares and Investor shares of each fund were combined,
and since  that  date,  only one class of  shares  of each  fund is  offered  to
investors. Transactions in shares of capital stock were as follows:

                                   Year Ended June 30, 2003   Year Ended June 30, 2002
                                   ------------------------   ------------------------
                                   Shares         Amount      Shares          Amount
                                   ------         ------      ------          ------
Lindner Large-Cap Growth Fund
Investor shares
Sold                                68,604    $    447,502   2,699,633    $   26,522,075
Dividends and distributions             --              --          --                --
Redeemed                        (2,419,150)    (15,698,683) (6,632,547)      (61,220,861)
                                ----------     -----------  ----------       -----------
Net decrease                    (2,350,546)   $(15,251,181) (3,932,914)   $  (34,698,786)
                                ==========    ============  ==========    ==============

Institutional shares
Sold                                   --     $        --         210     $       2,121
Dividends and distributions            --              --          --                --
Redeemed                               --              --     (12,863)         (123,367)
                                ----------     -----------  ----------       -----------
Net decrease                           --     $        --     (12,653)    $    (121,246)
                                ==========    ============  ==========    ==============

Lindner Growth and Income Fund
Investor shares
Sold                               159,386    $  2,606,346     144,415   $     2,910,793
Dividends and distributions         84,101       1,363,116     137,361         2,589,707
Redeemed                        (2,034,583)    (33,377,463) (3,410,163)      (68,055,613)
                                ----------     -----------  ----------       -----------
Net decrease                    (1,791,096)   $(29,408,001) (3,128,387)   $  (62,555,113)
                                ==========    ============  ==========    ==============

Institutional shares
Sold                                    --   $          --         199   $         4,183
Dividends and distributions             --              --          --                --
Redeemed                                --              --    (10,893)         (227,154)
                                ----------     -----------  ----------       -----------
Net decrease                            --   $          --    (10,694)   $     (222,971)
                                ==========    ============  ==========    ==============

Lindner Investments

                                  Year Ended June 30, 2003      Year Ended June 30, 2002
                                  ------------------------      ------------------------
                                     Shares        Amount      Shares            Amount
                                     ------        ------      ------            ------
Lindner Communications Fund
Investor shares
Sold                               316,943  $   1,741,048      37,411   $       297,063
Dividends and distributions             --             --       7,295            55,299
Redeemed                          (571,299)    (2,958,627)   (711,779)       (5,352,014)
                                ----------    -----------  ----------       -----------
Net decrease                      (254,356) $  (1,217,579)   (667,073)   $   (4,999,652)
                                ==========   ============  ==========    ==============

Institutional shares
Sold                                    --  $          --          --    $           --
Dividends and distributions             --             --          --                --
Redeemed                                --             --      (3,685)          (32,798)
                                ----------    -----------  ----------    --------------
Net decrease                            --  $          --      (3,685)   $      (32,798)
                                ==========   ============  ==========    ==============

Lindner Small-Cap Growth Fund
Investor shares
Sold                                 34,266 $     158,028     166,944   $     1,132,827
Dividends and distributions              --            --          --                --
Redeemed                          (349,022)    (1,593,281)   (994,661)       (6,452,949)
                                ----------    -----------  ----------    --------------
Net decrease                      (314,756)  $ (1,435,253)   (827,717)   $   (5,320,122)
                                ==========   ============  ==========    ==============

Institutional shares
Sold                                     -- $          --         328   $         2,354
Dividends and distributions              --            --          --                --
Redeemed                                 --            --    (109,271)         (756,900)
                                ----------    -----------  ----------    --------------
Net decrease                             -- $          --    (108,943)   $     (754,546)
                                ==========   ============  ==========    ==============

Lindner Market Neutral Fund
Investor shares
Sold                             1,267,418  $   7,502,996     229,471   $     1,476,729
Dividends and distributions              --            --      56,818           338,067
Redeemed                        (1,365,570)    (8,068,937) (1,218,028)       (7,616,758)
                                ----------    -----------  ----------    --------------
Net decrease                       (98,152) $    (565,941)   (931,739)   $   (5,801,962)
                                ==========   ============  ==========    ==============

Lindner Government Money Market Fund
Investor shares
Sold                            91,457,814  $  91,457,814  195,424,952   $   195,424,952
Dividends and distributions        165,242        165,242      464,386           464,386
Redeemed                      (105,044,739)  (105,044,739)(203,924,305)     (203,924,305)
                                ----------    -----------  -----------    --------------
Net decrease                   (13,421,683)  $(13,421,683)  (8,034,967)   $   (8,034,967)
                                ==========   ============  ===========    ==============

                              Lindner Investments

                              Financial Highlights

                          Lindner Large-Cap Growth Fund

    (Selected data for a share outstanding throughout the indicated period)

                                                          Year Ended June 30
                                             2003       2002       2001    2000     1999
                                             ----       ----       ----    ----     ----
Net asset value, beginning of period        $7.23     $10.92     $16.42  $16.14   $22.27
Income from investment operations
Net investment income (loss)                (0.04)(2)  (0.07)(2)  0.022    0.13     0.29
Net realized and unrealized gains
   (losses) on investments                  (0.20)     (3.62)     (3.61)   1.25    (3.36)
                                            -----      -----      -----    ----    -----
Total from investment operations            (0.24)     (3.69)     (3.59)   1.38    (3.07)
                                            -----      -----      -----    ----    -----
Less distributions
Dividends from net investment income           --         --      (0.10)  (0.23)   (0.32)
Dividends from net realized gains              --         --      (1.81)  (0.87)   (2.74)
                                            -----      -----      -----    ----    -----
Total distributions                            --         --      (1.91)  (1.10)   (3.06)
                                            -----      -----      -----    ----    -----
Change in net asset value                   (0.24)     (3.69)     (5.50)   0.28    (6.13)
                                            -----      -----      -----    ----    -----
Net asset value, end of period              $6.99      $7.23     $10.92  $16.42   $16.14
                                            =====      =====     ======  ======   ======

Total return(1)                             (3.32%)   (33.79%)   (22.84%)  8.61%  (13.66%)
Ratios/supplemental data:
Ratio of expenses to average net assets:
Before expense waivers                       1.52%      1.33%      0.70%   0.82%    0.57%
After expense waivers                        1.35%      1.33%      0.70%   0.82%    0.57%
Ratio of net investment income
 (loss) to average net assets:
Before expense waivers                      (0.72%)    (0.79%)     0.11%   0.57%    1.27%
After expense waivers                       (0.55%)    (0.79%)     0.11%   0.57%    1.27%
Portfolio turnover rate                    119.35%    135.50%    232.94% 129.68%   53.41%
Net assets, end of period (in millions)       $92       $112       $213    $342     $434

(1)  Total  return is the  percentage  increase in value for a period,  assuming
     initial  investment  at the day before the start of the period and assuming
     all dividends and distributions were reinvested and a redemption at the net
     asset value on the last day of the period.

(2)  Net investment  income (loss) per share  represents  net investment  income
     (loss)  divided  by  the  daily  average  shares  of  beneficial   interest
     outstanding throughout each period.

See Notes to Financial Statements

                              Lindner Investments

                              Financial Highlights

                         Lindner Growth and Income Fund

    (Selected data for a share outstanding throughout the indicated period)

                                                         Year Ended June 30
                                           2003      2002(3)     2001        2000      1999
                                           ----      -----       ----        ----      ----
Net asset value, beginning of period     $17.89     $21.14     $21.14      $23.50    $27.59
Income from investment operations
Net investment income                      0.15(2)    0.24(2)    0.56(2)     1.07      2.16
Net realized and unrealized gains
(losses) on investments                   (0.13)     (3.24)      0.01       (2.30)    (3.80)
                                         ------     ------     ------      ------    ------
Total from investment operations           0.02      (3.00)      0.57       (1.23)    (1.64)
                                         ------     ------     ------      ------    ------
Less distributions
Dividends from net investment income      (0.15)     (0.25)     (0.57)      (1.13)    (1.95)
Dividends from net realized gains            --         --         --          --     (0.50)
Return of capital                         (0.01)        --         --          --        --
                                         ------     ------     ------      ------    ------
Total distributions                       (0.16)     (0.25)     (0.57)      (1.13)    (2.45)
                                         ------     ------     ------      ------    ------
Change in net asset value                 (0.14)     (3.25)        --       (2.36)    (4.09)
                                         ------     ------     ------      ------    ------
Net asset value, end of period           $17.75     $17.89     $21.14      $21.14    $23.50
                                         ======     ======     ======      ======    ======

Total return(1)                            0.17%    (14.27%)     2.78%      (5.48%)   (5.57%)
Ratios/supplemental data:
Ratio of expenses to average net assets:
Before expense waivers                     1.31%      1.14%      0.84%       0.73%     0.66%
After expense waivers                      1.25%      1.14%      0.84%       0.73%     0.66%
Ratio of net investment income
  to average net assets:
Before expense waivers                     0.84%      1.21%      2.63%       4.14%     8.03%
After expense waivers                      0.90%      1.21%      2.63%       4.14%     8.03%
Portfolio turnover rate                   32.80%     58.12%    170.40%     124.63%    31.74%
Net assets, end of period (in millions)    $178       $211       $316        $448      $768

(1)  Total  return is the  percentage  increase in value for a period,  assuming
     initial  investment  at the day before the start of the period and assuming
     all dividends and distributions were reinvested and a redemption at the net
     asset value on the last day of the period.

(2)  Net investment  income (loss) per share  represents  net investment  income
     (loss)  divided  by  the  daily  average  shares  of  beneficial   interest
     outstanding throughout each period.

(3)  The Fund has adopted the provisions of the AICPA Audit and Accounting Guide
     for  Investment  Companies  and adopted  the yield to maturity  premium and
     discount amortization method on fixed-income securities.  The periods prior
     to  July  1,  2001  have  not  been  restated  to  reflect  the  change  in

See Notes to Financial Statements

                              Lindner Investments

                              Financial Highlights

                           Lindner Communications Fund

    (Selected data for a share outstanding throughout the indicated period)

                                                            Year Ended June 30
                                            2003       2002      2001      2000       1999
                                            ----       ----      ----      ----       ----
Net asset value, beginning of period       $5.00      $9.62    $19.04    $14.81     $16.78
Income from investment operations
Net investment income (loss)               (0.01)(2)   0.02(2)   0.17(2)   0.21       0.33
Net realized and unrealized gains
 (losses) on investments                    1.53      (4.61)    (6.90)     4.55       0.44
                                           -----     ------    ------      -----       ----
Total from investment operations            1.52      (4.59)    (6.73)     4.76       0.77
                                           -----     ------    ------      -----       ----
Less distributions
Dividends from net investment income          --      (0.02)    (0.18)    (0.22)     (0.33)
Dividends from net realized gains             --         --     (2.51)    (0.31)     (2.41)
Return of capital                             --      (0.01)       --        --         --
                                           -----     ------    ------      -----       ----
Total distributions                           --      (0.03)    (2.69)    (0.53)     (2.74)
                                           -----     ------    ------      -----       ----
Change in net asset value                   1.52      (4.62)    (9.42)     4.23     (1.97)
                                           -----     ------    ------      -----       ----
Net asset value, end of period             $6.52      $5.00     $9.62    $19.04     $14.81
                                           =====     ======    ======      =====       ====

Total return(1)                            30.40%    (47.82%)  (38.99%)   32.49%      8.62%
Ratios/supplemental data:
Ratio of expenses to average net assets:
Before expense waivers                      2.71%      1.85%     1.06%     0.93%      0.97%
After expense waivers                       1.55%      1.40%     1.06%     0.93%      0.97%
Ratio of net investment income
(loss) to average net assets:
Before expense waivers                     (1.39%)    (0.13%)    1.21%     1.22%      2.40%
After expense waivers                      (0.23%)     0.32%     1.21%     1.22%      2.40%
Portfolio turnover rate                    11.87%    250.47%   246.70%    69.46%    137.51%
Net assets, end of period (in millions)       $8         $8       $21       $42        $26

(1)  Total  return is the  percentage  increase in value for a period,  assuming
     initial  investment  at the day before the start of the period and assuming
     all dividends and distributions were reinvested and a redemption at the net
     asset value on the last day of the period.

(2)  Net investment  income (loss) per share  represents  net investment  income
     (loss)  divided  by  the  daily  average  shares  of  beneficial   interest
     outstanding throughout each period.

See Notes to Financial Statements

                              Lindner Investments

                              Financial Highlights

                          Lindner Small-Cap Growth Fund

    (Selected data for a share outstanding throughout the indicated period)

                                                          Year Ended June 30
                                          2003       2002       2001        2000   1999
                                          ----       ----       ----        ----   ----
Net asset value, beginning of period      $5.68      $7.83      $9.21      $8.06   $8.49
Income from investment operations
Net investment income (loss)              (0.07)(2)  (0.09)(2)  (0.04)(2)   0.07   0.08
Net realized and unrealized gains
  (losses) on investments                 (0.42)     (2.06)     (0.61)      1.22   (0.12)
Total from investment operations          (0.49)     (2.15)     (0.65)      1.29   (0.04)
Less distributions
Dividends from net investment income       --         --        (0.02)     (0.10)  (0.08)
Dividends from net realized gains          --         --        (0.71)     (0.04)  (0.31)
Total distributions                        --         --        (0.73)     (0.14)  (0.39)
Change in net asset value                 (0.49)     (2.15)     (1.38)      1.15   (0.43)
Net asset value, end of period            $5.19      $5.68      $7.83      $9.21   $8.06

Total return(1)                           (8.63%)   (27.46%)    (6.58%)    16.26%   0.11%
Ratios/supplemental data:
Ratio of expenses to average net assets:
Before expense waivers                     2.34%      1.69%      1.07%      0.97%   0.94%
After expense waivers                      1.50%      1.47%      1.07%      0.97%   0.94%
Ratio of net investment income (loss)
 to average net assets:
Before expense waivers                    (2.23%)    (1.56%)    (0.50%)     0.61%   0.99%
After expense waivers                     (1.39%)    (1.33%)    (0.50%)     0.61%   0.99%
Portfolio turnover rate                  105.60%    129.32%    210.65%    174.02%  65.98%
Net assets, end of period (in millions)    $7         $10        $20        $27     $38

(1)  Total  return is the  percentage  increase in value for a period,  assuming
     initial  investment  at the day before the start of the period and assuming
     all dividends and distributions were reinvested and a redemption at the net
     asset value on the last day of the period.

(2)  Net investment  income (loss) per share  represents  net investment  income
     (loss)  divided  by  the  daily  average  shares  of  beneficial   interest
     outstanding throughout each period.

See Notes to Financial Statements

                              Lindner Investments

                              Financial Highlights

                           Lindner Market Neutral Fund

    (Selected data for a share outstanding throughout the indicated period)

                                                          Year Ended June 30
                                           2003       2002       2001        2000     1999
                                           ----       ----       ----        ----     ----

Net asset value, beginning of period       $5.87      $6.54      $6.60      $5.72    $5.65
Income from investment operations
Net investment income (loss)               (0.05)(2)  (0.09)(2    0.30(2)    0.23     0.23
Net realized and unrealized gains
(losses) on investments                     0.24      (0.37)     (0.12)      0.86     0.01
                                           -----      -----      -----      -----    -----
Total from investment operations            0.19      (0.46)      0.18       1.09     0.24
                                           -----      -----      -----      -----    -----
Less distributions
Dividends from net investment income          --      (0.21)     (0.24)     (0.21)   (0.17)
Dividends from net realized gains             --         --         --         --       --
                                           -----      -----      -----      -----    -----
Total distributions                           --      (0.21)     (0.24)     (0.21)   (0.17)
                                           -----      -----      -----      -----    -----
Change in net asset value                   0.19      (0.67)     (0.06)      0.88     0.07
                                           -----      -----      -----      -----    -----
Net asset value, end of period             $6.06      $5.87      $6.54      $6.60    $5.72
                                           =====      =====      =====      =====    =====

Total return1                               3.24%     (7.09%)     2.58%     19.26%    4.29%
Ratios/supplemental data:
Ratio of expenses to average net assets:
Before expense waivers                      4.10%(3)   3.28%(3)   2.13%(3)   1.93%    1.45%
After expense waivers                       3.93%(4)   3.28%      2.13%      1.93%    1.45%
Ratio of net investment income (loss)
 to average net assets:
Before expense waivers                     (1.02%)(5) (1.47%)5    4.46%5     3.71%    3.46%
After expense waivers                      (0.85%)(6) (1.47%)     4.46%      3.71%    3.46%
Portfolio turnover rate                   187.39%    247.83%    497.77%    817.43%  104.92%
Net assets, end of period (in millions)       $8         $8        $15        $22      $18

(1)  Total  return is the  percentage  increase in value for a period,  assuming
     initial  investment  at the day before the start of the period and assuming
     all dividends and distributions were reinvested and a redemption at the net
     asset value on the last day of the period.

(2)  Net investment  income (loss) per share  represents  net investment  income
     (loss)  divided  by  the  daily  average  shares  of  beneficial   interest
     outstanding  throughout each period. Net investment income before dividends
     on short  positions for the periods ended June 30, 2003,  June 30, 2002 and
     June 30, 2001 were $0.05, ($0.01) and $0.35, respectively.

(3)  The operating  expense ratio before expense waivers  includes  dividends on
     short positions.  The ratios excluding dividends on short positions for the
     years  ended June 30,  2003,  June 30,  2002 and June 30,  2001 were 2.35%,
     1.99% and 1.31%, respectively.

(4)  The operating  expense ratio after expense  waivers  includes  dividends on
     short positions.  The ratio excluding  dividends on short positions for the
     year ended June 30, 2003, was 2.18%.

(5)  The net investment  income ratio before expense waivers includes  dividends
     on short positions.  The ratios excluding  dividends on short positions for
     the years ended June 30, 2003,  June 30, 2002 and June 30, 2001 were 0.73%,
     (0.18%) and 5.28%, respectively.

(6)  The net investment income ratio after expense waivers includes dividends on
     short positions.  The ratio excluding  dividends on short positions for the
     year ended June 30, 2003, was 0.90%.

See Notes to Financial Statements

                              Lindner Investments

                              Financial Highlights

                      Lindner Government Money Market Fund

    (Selected data for a share outstanding throughout the indicated period)

                                                             Year Ended June 30
                                            2003       2002       2001       2000         1999
                                            ----       ----       ----       ----         ----
Net asset value, beginning of period       $1.00      $1.00      $1.00      $1.00        $1.00
Income from investment operations
Net investment income                       0.01(2)    0.02(2)    0.05(2)    0.05         0.05
                                           -----      -----      -----      -----        -----
Total from investment operations            0.01       0.02       0.05       0.05         0.05
                                           -----      -----      -----      -----        -----
Less distributions
Dividends from net investment income       (0.01)     (0.02)     (0.05)     (0.05)       (0.05)
                                           -----      -----      -----      -----        -----
Change in net asset value                     --         --         --         --           --
                                           -----      -----      -----      -----        -----
Net asset value, end of period             $1.00      $1.00      $1.00      $1.00        $1.00
                                           =====      =====      =====      =====        =====

Total return(1)                             1.15%      2.15%      5.49%      5.26%        4.70%
Ratios/supplemental data:
Ratio of expenses to average net assets:
Before expense waivers                      0.90%      0.66%      0.59%      0.51%        0.53%
After expense waivers                       0.50%      0.50%      0.50%      0.50%        0.50%
Ratio of net investment income to average
net assets:
Before expense waivers                      0.77%      2.03%      5.31%      5.10%        4.53%
After expense waivers                       1.17%      2.19%      5.31%      5.10%        4.53%
Net assets, end of period (in millions)      $19        $32        $40        $38          $44

(1)  Total  return is the  percentage  increase in value for a period,  assuming
     initial  investment  at the day before the start of the period and assuming
     all dividends and distributions were reinvested and a redemption at the net
     asset value on the last day of the period.

(2)  Net investment income per share represents net investment income divided by
     the daily average shares of beneficial interest outstanding throughout each

See Notes to Financial Statements

                          INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT

To the Board of Trustees and Shareholders of Lindner Funds:

We have audited the accompanying statements of assets and liabilities, including
the schedules of  investments,  of Lindner Funds,  including  Lindner  Large-Cap
Growth  Fund,  Lindner  Growth and Income  Fund,  Lindner  Communications  Fund,
Lindner  Small-Cap  Growth  Fund,  Lindner  Market  Neutral  Fund,  and  Lindner
Government  Money Market Fund  (collectively,  the "Funds") as of June 30, 2003,
and the related statements of operations for the year then ended, the statements
of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, and
the  financial  highlights  for each of the five years in the period then ended.
These financial  statements and financial  highlights are the  responsibility of
the  Funds'  management.  Our  responsibility  is to express an opinion on these
financial statements and financial highlights based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted
in the  United  States of  America.  Those  standards  require  that we plan and
perform the audit to obtain  reasonable  assurance  about  whether the financial
statements and financial highlights are free of material misstatement.  An audit
includes  examining,  on a test  basis,  evidence  supporting  the  amounts  and
disclosures in the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of
securities  owned  as of June  30,  2003,  by  correspondence  with  the  Funds'
custodian  and  brokers.   An  audit  also  includes  assessing  the  accounting
principles  used  and  significant  estimates  made  by  management,  as well as
evaluating the overall  financial  statement  presentation.  We believe that our
audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion,  the financial  statements and financial  highlights referred to
above present fairly, in all material  respects,  the financial position of each
of the Funds as of June 30, 2003,  the results of their  operations for the year
then  ended,  the  changes  in their net assets for each of the two years in the
period then ended, and their financial  highlights for each of the five years in
the period  then ended,  in  conformity  with  accounting  principles  generally
accepted in the United States of America.

DELOITTE & TOUCHE LLP Chicago, Illinois
August 18, 2003

                              Lindner Investments
                            MANAGEMENT OF THE TRUST

Listed in the charts below is  information  regarding the Trustees and principal
officers of the Trust. The Trust's Statement of Additional  Information includes
more   information   about  the   Trustees.   To  request  a  free  copy,   call
1-800-995-7777.  The  business  address for each  Trustee is 520 Lake Cook Road,
Suite 381, Deerfield, Illinois, 60015.

Disinterested Trustees:(1)

Each of the  Trustees  has served as a Trustee of the Trust  continuously  since
January 1993. Each Trustee oversees the six Funds which comprise the Trust.

                           Principal Occupation (s)                             Other Directorships(2)
Name and Age               During Past 5 Years                                              Held
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Robert L. Byman, 57        Partner in the law firm of Jenner & Block, Chicago,              None
                           Illinois, for more than five years.

Terence P. Fitzgerald, 48  Executive Vice President, Domestic Development,                  None
                           The Mills Corporation, since 1996. Senior Counsel,
                           The May Department Stores Company from 1993
                           until 1995.

Marc P. Hartstein, 50      President, Hart Communications Inc., a research and              None
                           strategic planning firm. Marketing Director at Anheuser-
                           Busch, Inc. from 1982 to 2002.

Peter S. Horos, 54         Investment Manager, Allstate Life Insurance                      None
                           Company, Northbrook, Illinois, for more than five years.

Donald J. Murphy, 59       President of Murcom Financial, Ltd., a private                   None
                           investment firm, for more than five years.

Dennis P. Nash, 51         President, Nellis Feed Company, a feed ingredient                None
                           broker, for more than five years.

Interested Trustees:(1)

Each Trustee has served as Trustee of the Trust continuously since January 1993.
Mr. Valassis has served as Chairman of the Board of Trustees since January 1993.
Mr. Ryback has served as President of the Trust since January 1993. Each Trustee
oversees the six Funds which comprise the Trust.

                                 Principal Occupation (s)                                Other Directorships(2)
Name and Age                     During Past 5 Years                                     Held
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Doug T. Valassis(3), 50          Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and Trustee           Acceptance Insurance
                                 of the Trust. Chairman, a Director and Treasurer of     Companies, Inc.
                                 the Adviser since 1993. President of Franklin
                                 Inc., a private investment firm for more than 5 years.

Eric E. Ryback(4), 50            President and Trustee of the Trust. President and a     None
                                 Director of the Adviser since 1993.


Name, Age and                    Length of Time Served                                   Principal Occupation (s)
Trust Position(s) Held           as Trust Officer                                        During Past 5 Years

Robert L. Miller, 46             Since April 2001                                        Vice President and Treasurer of
Vice President, Chief Financial                                                          Franklin Enterprises for more
Officer, Secretary and Treasurer                                                         than five years. Vice President
                                                                                         Chief Administrative Officer of
                                                                                         Lindner Asset Management, Inc.

(1)  Each Trustee serves until he dies,  resigns,  or is removed;  or if sooner,
     until the election and qualification of his successor.

(2)  Directorships  include  public  companies and any company  registered as an
     investment company.

(3)  Mr. Valassis is considered an "interested  person" of the Trust, as defined
     by the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act"), because
     he  serves  as  Chairman,   a  Director  and  Treasurer  of  Lindner  Asset
     Management, Inc., the Trust's investment adviser.

(4)  Mr. Ryback is considered an "interested person" of the Trust, as defined by
     the 1940 Act,  because he serves as  President  and a  Director  of Lindner
     Asset Management, Inc., the Trust's investment adviser.

                               LINDNER INVESTMENTS
                          520 Lake Cook Road, Suite 381
                         Deerfield, Illinois 60015 TEL:

                                BOARD OF TRUSTEES
                                Robert L. Byman T
                              erence P. Fitzgerald
                                Marc P. Hartstein
                                 Peter S. Horos
                                Donald J. Murphy
                                 Dennis P. Nash
                                 Eric E. Ryback
                                Doug T. Valassis

                               INVESTMENT ADVISER
                         Lindner Asset Management, Inc.

                                 U.S. Bank, N.A.

                               Dykema Gossett PLLC

                                 TRANSFER AGENT
                         U.S. Bancorp Fund Services, LLC

                            Quasar Distributors, LLC

                              INDEPENDENT AUDITORS
                              Deloitte & Touche LLP

Item 2. Code of Ethics.

Not applicable to annual reports filed for periods ending before July 15, 2003.

Item 3. Audit Committee Financial Expert.

Not applicable to annual reports filed for periods ending before July 15, 2003.

Item 4. Principal Accountant Fees and Services.

Not required for annual reports filed for periods ending before December 15,

Item 5. Audit Committee of Listed Registrants.

Not applicable to open-end investment companies.

Item 6. [Reserved]

Item 7.  Disclosure  of Proxy Voting  Policies  and  Procedures  for  Closed-End
Management Investment Companies.

Not applicable to open-end investment companies.

Item 8. [Reserved]

Item 9. Controls and Procedures.

(a)  Based on their  evaluation  of the  Registrant's  Disclosure  Controls  and
     Procedures as of a date within 90 days of the Filing Date, the Registrant's
     President and  Treasurer/CFO  have determined that the Disclosure  Controls
     and  Procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-2(c) under the Act) are designed to
     ensure that  information  required to be  disclosed  by the  Registrant  is
     recorded,  processed,  summarized and reported by the filing Date, and that
     information  required to be disclosed in the report is  communicated to the
     Registrant's  management,   as  appropriate,   to  allow  timely  decisions
     regarding required disclosure.

(b)  There were no significant changes in the Registrant's  internal controls or
     in other factors that could significantly  affect these controls subsequent
     to the date of their evaluation,  and there were no corrective actions with
     regard to significant deficiencies and material weaknesses.

Item 10. Exhibits.

(a)  Any code of ethics or amendment  thereto.  Not applicable to annual reports
     for periods ending before July 15, 2003.

(b)  Certifications  pursuant to Section 302 of the  Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
     Filed herewith.

(c)  Certification  pursuant to Section 906 of the  Sarbanes-Oxley  Act of 2002.
     Furnished herewith.


     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the
Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be
signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

         (Registrant) Lindner Investments

         By (Signature and Title) /s/ Doug T. Valassis
                                      Doug T. Valassis, Chairman

         Date   8/28/2003

     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the
Investment  Company  Act of  1940,  this  report  has been  signed  below by the
following  persons on behalf of the  registrant and in the capacities and on the
dates indicated.

         By (Signature and Title) /s/ Doug T. Valassis
                                      Doug T. Valassis, Chairman

         Date: 8/28/2003

         By (Signature and Title) /s/ Robert L. Miller
                                      Robert L. Miller, Treasurer

         Date   8/28/2003