WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM N-PX



 NAME OF REGISTRANT:                     Wall Street EWM Funds Trust

                                         New York, NY 10055

 NAME AND ADDRESS OF AGENT FOR SERVICE:  Frederick Taylor, President
                                         Wall Street EWM Funds Trust
                                         55 E. 52nd Street, 23rd Floor
                                         New York, NY 10055

 REGISTRANT'S TELEPHONE NUMBER:          212-822-7620

 DATE OF FISCAL YEAR END:                12/31

 DATE OF REPORTING PERIOD:               07/01/2021 - 06/30/2022


Evercore Equity Fund
 ABBOTT LABORATORIES                                                                         Agenda Number:  935562909
        Security:  002824100
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  29-Apr-2022
          Ticker:  ABT
            ISIN:  US0028241000

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       R. J. Alpern                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       S. E. Blount                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       R. B. Ford                                                Mgmt          For                            For
       P. Gonzalez                                               Mgmt          For                            For
       M. A. Kumbier                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       D. W. McDew                                               Mgmt          For                            For
       N. McKinstry                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       W. A. Osborn                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       M. F. Roman                                               Mgmt          For                            For
       D. J. Starks                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       J. G. Stratton                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       G. F. Tilton                                              Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of Ernst & Young LLP As                      Mgmt          For                            For

3.     Say on Pay - An Advisory Vote on the                      Mgmt          For                            For
       Approval of Executive Compensation

4.     Shareholder Proposal - Special Shareholder                Shr           For                            Against
       Meeting Threshold

5.     Shareholder Proposal - Independent Board                  Shr           For                            Against

6.     Shareholder Proposal - Rule 10b5-1 Plans                  Shr           For                            Against

7.     Shareholder Proposal - Lobbying Disclosure                Shr           For                            Against

8.     Shareholder Proposal - Antimicrobial                      Shr           Against                        For
       Resistance Report

 ACCENTURE LLP                                                                               Agenda Number:  935534405
        Security:  G1151C101
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  26-Jan-2022
          Ticker:  ACN
            ISIN:  IE00B4BNMY34

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Appointment of Director: Jaime Ardila                     Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Appointment of Director: Nancy McKinstry                  Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Appointment of Director: Beth E. Mooney                   Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Appointment of Director: Gilles C. Pelisson               Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Appointment of Director: Paula A. Price                   Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Appointment of Director: Venkata (Murthy)                 Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Appointment of Director: Arun Sarin                       Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Appointment of Director: Julie Sweet                      Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Appointment of Director: Frank K. Tang                    Mgmt          For                            For

1J.    Appointment of Director: Tracey T. Travis                 Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To approve, in a non-binding vote, the                    Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of our named executive

3.     To approve an amendment to the Amended and                Mgmt          For                            For
       Restated Accenture plc 2010 Share Incentive
       Plan to increase the number of shares
       available for issuance thereunder.

4.     To ratify, in a non-binding vote, the                     Mgmt          For                            For
       appointment of KPMG LLP ("KPMG") as
       independent auditors of Accenture and to
       authorize, in a binding vote, the Audit
       Committee of the Board of Directors to
       determine KPMG's remuneration.

5.     To grant the Board of Directors the                       Mgmt          For                            For
       authority to issue shares under Irish law.

6.     To grant the Board of Directors the                       Mgmt          For                            For
       authority to opt-out of pre- emption rights
       under Irish law.

7.     To determine the price range at which                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Accenture can re-allot shares that it
       acquires as treasury shares under Irish

 ADOBE INC.                                                                                  Agenda Number:  935553669
        Security:  00724F101
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  14-Apr-2022
          Ticker:  ADBE
            ISIN:  US00724F1012

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director to serve for a                       Mgmt          For                            For
       one-year term: Amy Banse

1B.    Election of Director to serve for a                       Mgmt          For                            For
       one-year term: Brett Biggs

1C.    Election of Director to serve for a                       Mgmt          For                            For
       one-year term: Melanie Boulden

1D.    Election of Director to serve for a                       Mgmt          For                            For
       one-year term: Frank Calderoni

1E.    Election of Director to serve for a                       Mgmt          For                            For
       one-year term: Laura Desmond

1F.    Election of Director to serve for a                       Mgmt          For                            For
       one-year term: Shantanu Narayen

1G.    Election of Director to serve for a                       Mgmt          For                            For
       one-year term: Spencer Neumann

1H.    Election of Director to serve for a                       Mgmt          For                            For
       one-year term: Kathleen Oberg

1I.    Election of Director to serve for a                       Mgmt          For                            For
       one-year term: Dheeraj Pandey

1J.    Election of Director to serve for a                       Mgmt          For                            For
       one-year term: David Ricks

1K.    Election of Director to serve for a                       Mgmt          Against                        Against
       one-year term: Daniel Rosensweig

1L.    Election of Director to serve for a                       Mgmt          For                            For
       one-year term: John Warnock

2.     Ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as our                 Mgmt          For                            For
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for our fiscal year ending on December
       2, 2022.

3.     Approve, on an advisory basis, the                        Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of our named executive

 ALIBABA GROUP HOLDING LIMITED                                                               Agenda Number:  935484321
        Security:  01609W102
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  17-Sep-2021
          Ticker:  BABA
            ISIN:  US01609W1027

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.1    Election of Director: JOSEPH C. TSAI (To                  Mgmt          Against                        Against
       serve for a three year term or until such
       director's successor is elected or
       appointed and duly qualified.)

1.2    Election of Director: J. MICHAEL EVANS (To                Mgmt          For                            For
       serve for a three year term or until such
       director's successor is elected or
       appointed and duly qualified.)

1.3    Election of Director: E. BORJE EKHOLM (To                 Mgmt          Against                        Against
       serve for a three year term or until such
       director's successor is elected or
       appointed and duly qualified.)

2.     Ratify the appointment of                                 Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers as the independent
       registered public accounting firm of the
       Company for the fiscal year ending March
       31, 2022.

 ALPHABET INC.                                                                               Agenda Number:  935618578
        Security:  02079K305
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  01-Jun-2022
          Ticker:  GOOGL
            ISIN:  US02079K3059

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1a.    Election of Director: Larry Page                          Mgmt          For                            For

1b.    Election of Director: Sergey Brin                         Mgmt          For                            For

1c.    Election of Director: Sundar Pichai                       Mgmt          For                            For

1d.    Election of Director: John L. Hennessy                    Mgmt          Against                        Against

1e.    Election of Director: Frances H. Arnold                   Mgmt          For                            For

1f.    Election of Director: L. John Doerr                       Mgmt          Against                        Against

1g.    Election of Director: Roger W. Ferguson Jr.               Mgmt          For                            For

1h.    Election of Director: Ann Mather                          Mgmt          For                            For

1i.    Election of Director: K. Ram Shriram                      Mgmt          For                            For

1j.    Election of Director: Robin L. Washington                 Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of the appointment of Ernst &                Mgmt          For                            For
       Young LLP as Alphabet's independent
       registered public accounting firm for the
       fiscal year ending December 31, 2022.

3.     The amendment of Alphabet's 2021 Stock Plan               Mgmt          Against                        Against
       to increase the share reserve by 4,000,000
       shares of Class C capital stock.

4.     The amendment of Alphabet's Amended and                   Mgmt          Against                        Against
       Restated Certificate of Incorporation to
       increase the number of authorized shares.

5.     A stockholder proposal regarding a lobbying               Shr           For                            Against
       report, if properly presented at the

6.     A stockholder proposal regarding a climate                Shr           For                            Against
       lobbying report, if properly presented at
       the meeting.

7.     A stockholder proposal regarding a report                 Shr           For                            Against
       on physical risks of climate change, if
       properly presented at the meeting.

8.     A stockholder proposal regarding a report                 Shr           For                            Against
       on water management risks, if properly
       presented at the meeting.

9.     A stockholder proposal regarding a racial                 Shr           For                            Against
       equity audit, if properly presented at the

10.    A stockholder proposal regarding a report                 Shr           For                            Against
       on concealment clauses, if properly
       presented at the meeting.

11.    A stockholder proposal regarding equal                    Shr           For                            Against
       shareholder voting, if properly presented
       at the meeting.

12.    A stockholder proposal regarding a report                 Shr           Against                        For
       on government takedown requests, if
       properly presented at the meeting.

13.    A stockholder proposal regarding a human                  Shr           Against                        For
       rights assessment of data center siting, if
       properly presented at the meeting.

14.    A stockholder proposal regarding a report                 Shr           For                            Against
       on data collection, privacy, and security,
       if properly presented at the meeting.

15.    A stockholder proposal regarding algorithm                Shr           For                            Against
       disclosures, if properly presented at the

16.    A stockholder proposal regarding                          Shr           For                            Against
       misinformation and disinformation, if
       properly presented at the meeting.

17.    A stockholder proposal regarding a report                 Shr           Against                        For
       on external costs of disinformation, if
       properly presented at the meeting.

18.    A stockholder proposal regarding a report                 Shr           Against                        For
       on board diversity, if properly presented
       at the meeting.

19.    A stockholder proposal regarding the                      Shr           Against                        For
       establishment of an environmental
       sustainability board committee, if properly
       presented at the meeting.

20.    A stockholder proposal regarding a policy                 Shr           Against                        For
       on non-management employee representative
       director, if properly presented at the

21.    A stockholder proposal regarding a report                 Shr           For                            Against
       on policies regarding military and
       militarized policing agencies, if properly
       presented at the meeting.

 AMAZON.COM, INC.                                                                            Agenda Number:  935609288
        Security:  023135106
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  25-May-2022
          Ticker:  AMZN
            ISIN:  US0231351067

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1a.    Election of Director: Jeffrey P. Bezos                    Mgmt          For                            For

1b.    Election of Director: Andrew R. Jassy                     Mgmt          For                            For

1c.    Election of Director: Keith B. Alexander                  Mgmt          For                            For

1d.    Election of Director: Edith W. Cooper                     Mgmt          For                            For

1e.    Election of Director: Jamie S. Gorelick                   Mgmt          For                            For

1f.    Election of Director: Daniel P.                           Mgmt          For                            For

1g.    Election of Director: Judith A. McGrath                   Mgmt          Against                        Against

1h.    Election of Director: Indra K. Nooyi                      Mgmt          For                            For

1i.    Election of Director: Jonathan J.                         Mgmt          For                            For

1j.    Election of Director: Patricia Q.                         Mgmt          For                            For

1k.    Election of Director: Wendell P. Weeks                    Mgmt          For                            For

2.     RATIFICATION OF THE APPOINTMENT OF ERNST &                Mgmt          For                            For

3.     ADVISORY VOTE TO APPROVE EXECUTIVE                        Mgmt          Against                        Against

4.     APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE COMPANY'S                 Mgmt          For                            For

5.     SHAREHOLDER PROPOSAL REQUESTING A REPORT ON               Shr           Against                        For

6.     SHAREHOLDER PROPOSAL REQUESTING A REPORT ON               Shr           For                            Against

7.     SHAREHOLDER PROPOSAL REQUESTING AN                        Shr           Against                        For

8.     SHAREHOLDER PROPOSAL REQUESTING A REPORT ON               Shr           Against                        For

9.     SHAREHOLDER PROPOSAL REQUESTING A REPORT ON               Shr           Against                        For

10.    SHAREHOLDER PROPOSAL REQUESTING ADDITIONAL                Shr           For                            Against

11.    SHAREHOLDER PROPOSAL REQUESTING A REPORT ON               Shr           Against                        For

12.    SHAREHOLDER PROPOSAL REQUESTING ALTERNATIVE               Shr           For                            Against

13.    SHAREHOLDER PROPOSAL REQUESTING ADDITIONAL                Shr           For                            Against

14.    SHAREHOLDER PROPOSAL REQUESTING ADDITIONAL                Shr           For                            Against

15.    SHAREHOLDER PROPOSAL REQUESTING A POLICY                  Shr           Against                        For

16.    SHAREHOLDER PROPOSAL REQUESTING A REPORT ON               Shr           For                            Against

17.    SHAREHOLDER PROPOSAL REQUESTING ADDITIONAL                Shr           Against                        For

18.    SHAREHOLDER PROPOSAL REQUESTING A DIVERSITY               Shr           Abstain                        Against

19.    SHAREHOLDER PROPOSAL REQUESTING A REPORT ON               Shr           For                            Against

 AMERICAN TOWER CORPORATION                                                                  Agenda Number:  935583080
        Security:  03027X100
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  18-May-2022
          Ticker:  AMT
            ISIN:  US03027X1000

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Thomas A. Bartlett                  Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Kelly C. Chambliss                  Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Teresa H. Clarke                    Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Raymond P. Dolan                    Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Kenneth R. Frank                    Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Robert D. Hormats                   Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Grace D. Lieblein                   Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Craig Macnab                        Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: JoAnn A. Reed                       Mgmt          For                            For

1J.    Election of Director: Pamela D.A. Reeve                   Mgmt          For                            For

1K.    Election of Director: David E. Sharbutt                   Mgmt          For                            For

1L.    Election of Director: Bruce L. Tanner                     Mgmt          For                            For

1M.    Election of Director: Samme L. Thompson                   Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To ratify the selection of Deloitte &                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Touche LLP as the Company's independent
       registered public accounting firm for 2022.

3.     To approve, on an advisory basis, the                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Company's executive compensation.

 ANSYS, INC.                                                                                 Agenda Number:  935578748
        Security:  03662Q105
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  12-May-2022
          Ticker:  ANSS
            ISIN:  US03662Q1058

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Class II Director for                         Mgmt          For                            For
       three-year terms: Anil Chakravarthy

1B.    Election of Class II Director for                         Mgmt          For                            For
       three-year terms: Barbara V. Scherer

1C.    Election of Class II Director for                         Mgmt          For                            For
       three-year terms: Ravi Vijayaraghavan

2.     Ratification of the Selection of Deloitte &               Mgmt          For                            For
       Touche LLP as the Company's Independent
       Registered Public Accounting Firm for
       Fiscal Year 2022.

3.     Advisory Approval of the Compensation of                  Mgmt          For                            For
       Our Named Executive Officers.

4.     Approval of the Amendment of Article VI,                  Mgmt          For                            For
       Section 5 of the Charter to Eliminate the
       Supermajority Vote Requirement to Remove a

5.     Approval of the Amendment of Article VIII,                Mgmt          For                            For
       Section 2 of the Charter to Eliminate the
       Supermajority Vote Requirement for
       Stockholders to Amend or Repeal the

6.     Approval of the Amendment of Article IX of                Mgmt          For                            For
       the Charter to Eliminate the Supermajority
       Vote Requirement for Stockholders to
       Approve Amendments to or Repeal Certain
       Provisions of the Charter.

7.     Approval of the ANSYS, Inc. 2022 Employee                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Stock Purchase Plan.

8.     Stockholder Proposal Requesting the Annual                Shr           For                            Against
       Election of Directors, if Properly

 APPLE INC.                                                                                  Agenda Number:  935541549
        Security:  037833100
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  04-Mar-2022
          Ticker:  AAPL
            ISIN:  US0378331005

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: James Bell                          Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Tim Cook                            Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Al Gore                             Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Alex Gorsky                         Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Andrea Jung                         Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Art Levinson                        Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Monica Lozano                       Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Ron Sugar                           Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: Sue Wagner                          Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of the appointment of Ernst &                Mgmt          For                            For
       Young LLP as Apple's independent registered
       public accounting firm for fiscal 2022.

3.     Advisory vote to approve executive                        Mgmt          For                            For

4.     Approval of the Apple Inc. 2022 Employee                  Mgmt          For                            For
       Stock Plan.

5.     A shareholder proposal entitled                           Shr           Against                        For
       "Reincorporate with Deeper Purpose".

6.     A shareholder proposal entitled                           Shr           Against                        For
       "Transparency Reports".

7.     A shareholder proposal entitled "Report on                Shr           Against                        For
       Forced Labor".

8.     A shareholder proposal entitled "Pay                      Shr           Against                        For

9.     A shareholder proposal entitled "Civil                    Shr           For                            Against
       Rights Audit".

10.    A shareholder proposal entitled "Report on                Shr           For                            Against
       Concealment Clauses".

 AUTOZONE, INC.                                                                              Agenda Number:  935512168
        Security:  053332102
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  15-Dec-2021
          Ticker:  AZO
            ISIN:  US0533321024

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.1    Election of Director: Douglas H. Brooks                   Mgmt          For                            For

1.2    Election of Director: Linda A. Goodspeed                  Mgmt          For                            For

1.3    Election of Director: Earl G. Graves, Jr.                 Mgmt          For                            For

1.4    Election of Director: Enderson Guimaraes                  Mgmt          For                            For

1.5    Election of Director: D. Bryan Jordan                     Mgmt          For                            For

1.6    Election of Director: Gale V. King                        Mgmt          For                            For

1.7    Election of Director: George R. Mrkonic,                  Mgmt          For                            For

1.8    Election of Director: William C. Rhodes,                  Mgmt          For                            For

1.9    Election of Director: Jill A. Soltau                      Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of Ernst & Young LLP as                      Mgmt          For                            For
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for the 2022 fiscal year.

3.     Approval of an advisory vote on the                       Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of named executive officers.

4.     Stockholder proposal on climate transition                Shr           For                            Against
       plan reporting.

 BEST BUY CO., INC.                                                                          Agenda Number:  935629204
        Security:  086516101
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  09-Jun-2022
          Ticker:  BBY
            ISIN:  US0865161014

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1a)    Election of Director: Corie S. Barry                      Mgmt          For                            For

1b)    Election of Director: Lisa M. Caputo                      Mgmt          For                            For

1c)    Election of Director: J. Patrick Doyle                    Mgmt          For                            For

1d)    Election of Director: David W. Kenny                      Mgmt          For                            For

1e)    Election of Director: Mario J. Marte                      Mgmt          For                            For

1f)    Election of Director: Karen A. McLoughlin                 Mgmt          For                            For

1g)    Election of Director: Thomas L. Millner                   Mgmt          For                            For

1h)    Election of Director: Claudia F. Munce                    Mgmt          For                            For

1i)    Election of Director: Richelle P. Parham                  Mgmt          For                            For

1j)    Election of Director: Steven E. Rendle                    Mgmt          For                            For

1k)    Election of Director: Eugene A. Woods                     Mgmt          For                            For

2)     To ratify the appointment of Deloitte &                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Touche LLP as our independent registered
       public accounting firm for the fiscal year
       ending January 28, 2023.

3)     To approve in a non-binding advisory vote                 Mgmt          For                            For
       our named executive officer compensation.

 BLACKROCK, INC.                                                                             Agenda Number:  935606890
        Security:  09247X101
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  25-May-2022
          Ticker:  BLK
            ISIN:  US09247X1019

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Bader M. Alsaad                     Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Pamela Daley                        Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Laurence D. Fink                    Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Beth Ford                           Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: William E. Ford                     Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Fabrizio Freda                      Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Murry S. Gerber                     Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Margaret "Peggy" L.                 Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: Robert S. Kapito                    Mgmt          For                            For

1J.    Election of Director: Cheryl D. Mills                     Mgmt          For                            For

1K.    Election of Director: Gordon M. Nixon                     Mgmt          For                            For

1L.    Election of Director: Kristin C. Peck                     Mgmt          For                            For

1M.    Election of Director: Charles H. Robbins                  Mgmt          For                            For

1N.    Election of Director: Marco Antonio Slim                  Mgmt          For                            For

1O.    Election of Director: Hans E. Vestberg                    Mgmt          For                            For

1P.    Election of Director: Susan L. Wagner                     Mgmt          For                            For

1Q.    Election of Director: Mark Wilson                         Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Approval, in a non-binding advisory vote,                 Mgmt          For                            For
       of the compensation for named executive

3.     Ratification of the appointment of Deloitte               Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as BlackRock's independent registered
       public accounting firm for the fiscal year

4.     Shareholder Proposal - Adopt stewardship                  Shr           Against                        For
       policies designed to curtail corporate
       activities that externalize social and
       environmental costs.

 BORGWARNER INC.                                                                             Agenda Number:  935564600
        Security:  099724106
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  27-Apr-2022
          Ticker:  BWA
            ISIN:  US0997241064

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1a.    Election of Director: Sara A. Greenstein                  Mgmt          For                            For

1b.    Election of Director: David S. Haffner                    Mgmt          For                            For

1c.    Election of Director: Michael S. Hanley                   Mgmt          For                            For

1d.    Election of Director: Frederic B. Lissalde                Mgmt          For                            For

1e.    Election of Director: Paul A. Mascarenas                  Mgmt          For                            For

1f.    Election of Director: Shaun E. McAlmont                   Mgmt          For                            For

1g.    Election of Director: Deborah D. McWhinney                Mgmt          For                            For

1h.    Election of Director: Alexis P. Michas                    Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Approve, on an advisory basis, the                        Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of our named executive

3.     Ratify the selection of                                   Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for the Company for 2022.

4.     Vote on an amendment to our Restated                      Mgmt          For                            For
       Certificate of Incorporation, as described
       in the Proxy Statement, to allow 10% of our
       shares to request a record date to initiate
       stockholder written consent.

5.     Vote on a stockholder proposal to change                  Shr           For                            Against
       the share ownership threshold to call a
       special meeting of the stockholders.

 BUILDERS FIRSTSOURCE, INC.                                                                  Agenda Number:  935631653
        Security:  12008R107
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  14-Jun-2022
          Ticker:  BLDR
            ISIN:  US12008R1077

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.1    Election of Director: Mark A. Alexander                   Mgmt          For                            For

1.2    Election of Director: Dirkson R Charles                   Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Advisory vote on the compensation of the                  Mgmt          For                            For
       named executive officers

3.     Ratification of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP                Mgmt          For                            For
       as our independent registered public
       accounting firm

4.     Stockholder proposal regarding greenhouse                 Shr           For
       gas emissions reduction targets

 CBRE GROUP, INC.                                                                            Agenda Number:  935593815
        Security:  12504L109
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  18-May-2022
          Ticker:  CBRE
            ISIN:  US12504L1098

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Brandon B. Boze                     Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Beth F. Cobert                      Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Reginald H. Gilyard                 Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Shira D. Goodman                    Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Christopher T. Jenny                Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Gerardo I. Lopez                    Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Susan Meaney                        Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Oscar Munoz                         Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: Robert E. Sulentic                  Mgmt          For                            For

1J.    Election of Director: Sanjiv Yajnik                       Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as our                 Mgmt          For                            For
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for 2022.

3.     Advisory vote to approve named executive                  Mgmt          For                            For
       officer compensation for 2021.

4.     Approve the Amended and Restated 2019                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Equity Incentive Plan.

5.     Stockholder proposal regarding our                        Shr           For                            Against
       stockholders' ability to call special
       stockholder meetings.

 CDW CORPORATION                                                                             Agenda Number:  935585109
        Security:  12514G108
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  19-May-2022
          Ticker:  CDW
            ISIN:  US12514G1085

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director for a term to Expire                 Mgmt          For                            For
       at 2023 Annual Meeting: Virginia C.

1B.    Election of Director for a term to Expire                 Mgmt          For                            For
       at 2023 Annual Meeting: James A. Bell

1C.    Election of Director for a term to Expire                 Mgmt          For                            For
       at 2023 Annual Meeting: Lynda M. Clarizio

1D.    Election of Director for a term to Expire                 Mgmt          For                            For
       at 2023 Annual Meeting: Paul J. Finnegan

1E.    Election of Director for a term to Expire                 Mgmt          For                            For
       at 2023 Annual Meeting: Anthony R. Foxx

1F.    Election of Director for a term to Expire                 Mgmt          For                            For
       at 2023 Annual Meeting: Christine A. Leahy

1G.    Election of Director for a term to Expire                 Mgmt          For                            For
       at 2023 Annual Meeting: Sanjay Mehrotra

1H.    Election of Director for a term to Expire                 Mgmt          For                            For
       at 2023 Annual Meeting: David W. Nelms

1I.    Election of Director for a term to Expire                 Mgmt          For                            For
       at 2023 Annual Meeting: Joseph R. Swedish

1J.    Election of Director for a term to Expire                 Mgmt          For                            For
       at 2023 Annual Meeting: Donna F. Zarcone

2.     To approve, on an advisory basis, named                   Mgmt          For                            For
       executive officer compensation.

3.     To ratify the selection of Ernst & Young                  Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as the Company's independent registered
       public accounting firm for the year ending
       December 31, 2022.

4.     To consider and act upon the stockholder                  Shr           For                            Against
       proposal, if properly presented at the
       meeting, regarding shareholder right to act
       by written consent.

 CELANESE CORPORATION                                                                        Agenda Number:  935558001
        Security:  150870103
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  20-Apr-2022
          Ticker:  CE
            ISIN:  US1508701034

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Jean S. Blackwell                   Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: William M. Brown                    Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Edward G. Galante                   Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Rahul Ghai                          Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Kathryn M. Hill                     Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: David F. Hoffmeister                Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Dr. Jay V. Ihlenfeld                Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Deborah J. Kissire                  Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: Michael Koenig                      Mgmt          For                            For

1J.    Election of Director: Kim K.W. Rucker                     Mgmt          For                            For

1K.    Election of Director: Lori J. Ryerkerk                    Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of the selection of KPMG LLP                 Mgmt          For                            For
       as our independent registered public
       accounting firm for 2022.

3.     Advisory vote to approve executive                        Mgmt          For                            For

 CHUBB LIMITED                                                                               Agenda Number:  935498128
        Security:  H1467J104
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  03-Nov-2021
          Ticker:  CB
            ISIN:  CH0044328745

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1      Ratification of the share repurchase                      Mgmt          For                            For
       program ending June 30, 2022.

2      Reduction of share capital.                               Mgmt          For                            For

A      If a new agenda item or a new proposal for                Mgmt          Against                        Against
       an existing agenda item is put before the
       meeting, I/we hereby authorize and instruct
       the independent proxy to vote as follows.

 CHUBB LIMITED                                                                               Agenda Number:  935586101
        Security:  H1467J104
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  19-May-2022
          Ticker:  CB
            ISIN:  CH0044328745

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1      Approval of the management report,                        Mgmt          For                            For
       standalone financial statements and
       consolidated financial statements of Chubb
       Limited for the year ended December 31,

2A     Allocation of disposable profit                           Mgmt          For                            For

2B     Distribution of a dividend out of legal                   Mgmt          For                            For
       reserves (by way of release and allocation
       to a dividend reserve)

3      Discharge of the Board of Directors                       Mgmt          For                            For

4A     Election of PricewaterhouseCoopers AG                     Mgmt          For                            For
       (Zurich) as our statutory auditor

4B     Ratification of appointment of                            Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (United States)
       as independent registered public accounting
       firm for purposes of U.S. securities law

4C     Election of BDO AG (Zurich) as special                    Mgmt          For                            For
       audit firm

5A     Election of Director: Evan G. Greenberg                   Mgmt          For                            For

5B     Election of Director: Michael P. Connors                  Mgmt          For                            For

5C     Election of Director: Michael G. Atieh                    Mgmt          For                            For

5D     Election of Director: Kathy Bonanno                       Mgmt          For                            For

5E     Election of Director: Sheila P. Burke                     Mgmt          For                            For

5F     Election of Director: Mary Cirillo                        Mgmt          For                            For

5G     Election of Director: Robert J. Hugin                     Mgmt          For                            For

5H     Election of Director: Robert W. Scully                    Mgmt          For                            For

5I     Election of Director: Theodore E. Shasta                  Mgmt          For                            For

5J     Election of Director: David H. Sidwell                    Mgmt          For                            For

5K     Election of Director: Olivier Steimer                     Mgmt          For                            For

5L     Election of Director: Luis Tellez                         Mgmt          For                            For

5M     Election of Director: Frances F. Townsend                 Mgmt          For                            For

6      Election of Evan G. Greenberg as Chairman                 Mgmt          For                            For
       of the Board of Directors

7A     Election of Director of the Compensation                  Mgmt          For                            For
       Committee: Michael P. Connors

7B     Election of Director of the Compensation                  Mgmt          For                            For
       Committee: Mary Cirillo

7C     Election of Director of the Compensation                  Mgmt          For                            For
       Committee: Frances F. Townsend

8      Election of Homburger AG as independent                   Mgmt          For                            For

9      Amendment to the Articles of Association                  Mgmt          For                            For
       relating to authorized share capital for
       general purposes

10     Reduction of share capital                                Mgmt          For                            For

11A    Compensation of the Board of Directors                    Mgmt          For                            For
       until the next annual general meeting

11B    Compensation of Executive Management for                  Mgmt          For                            For
       the next calendar year

12     Advisory vote to approve executive                        Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation under U.S. securities law

13     Shareholder proposal regarding a policy                   Shr           Against                        For
       restricting underwriting of new fossil fuel

14     Shareholder proposal regarding a report on                Shr           For                            Against
       greenhouse gas emissions

A      If a new agenda item or a new proposal for                Mgmt          Against                        Against
       an existing agenda item is put before the
       meeting, I/we hereby authorize and instruct
       the independent proxy to vote as follows.

 CONSTELLATION BRANDS, INC.                                                                  Agenda Number:  935455712
        Security:  21036P108
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  20-Jul-2021
          Ticker:  STZ
            ISIN:  US21036P1084

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Christy Clark                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       Jennifer M. Daniels                                       Mgmt          For                            For
       Nicholas I. Fink                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Jerry Fowden                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       Ernesto M. Hernandez                                      Mgmt          For                            For
       Susan S. Johnson                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       James A. Locke III                                        Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       Jose M. Madero Garza                                      Mgmt          For                            For
       Daniel J. McCarthy                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       William A. Newlands                                       Mgmt          For                            For
       Richard Sands                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       Robert Sands                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       Judy A. Schmeling                                         Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To ratify the selection of KPMG LLP as the                Mgmt          For                            For
       Company's independent registered public
       accounting firm for the fiscal year ending
       February 28, 2022.

3.     To approve, by an advisory vote, the                      Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of the Company's named
       executive officers as disclosed in the
       Proxy Statement.

4.     Stockholder proposal regarding diversity.                 Shr           For                            Against

 FEDEX CORPORATION                                                                           Agenda Number:  935484016
        Security:  31428X106
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  27-Sep-2021
          Ticker:  FDX
            ISIN:  US31428X1063

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: MARVIN R. ELLISON                   Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: SUSAN PATRICIA                      Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: KIMBERLY A. JABAL                   Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: SHIRLEY ANN JACKSON                 Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: R. BRAD MARTIN                      Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: JOSHUA COOPER RAMO                  Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: SUSAN C. SCHWAB                     Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: FREDERICK W. SMITH                  Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: DAVID P. STEINER                    Mgmt          For                            For

IJ.    Election of Director: RAJESH SUBRAMANIAM                  Mgmt          For                            For

1K.    Election of Director: PAUL S. WALSH                       Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Advisory vote to approve named executive                  Mgmt          Against                        Against
       officer compensation.

3.     Ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP               Mgmt          For                            For
       as FedEx's independent registered public
       accounting firm for fiscal year 2022.

4.     Stockholder proposal regarding independent                Shr           For                            Against
       board chairman.

5.     Stockholder proposal regarding report on                  Shr           For                            Against
       alignment between company values and
       electioneering contributions.

6.     Stockholder proposal regarding lobbying                   Shr           For                            Against
       activity and expenditure report.

7.     Stockholder proposal regarding assessing                  Shr           Against                        For
       inclusion in the workplace.

8.     Stockholder proposal regarding shareholder                Shr           For                            Against
       ratification of termination pay.

 JPMORGAN CHASE & CO.                                                                        Agenda Number:  935580515
        Security:  46625H100
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  17-May-2022
          Ticker:  JPM
            ISIN:  US46625H1005

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1a.    Election of Director: Linda B. Bammann                    Mgmt          For                            For

1b.    Election of Director: Stephen B. Burke                    Mgmt          For                            For

1c.    Election of Director: Todd A. Combs                       Mgmt          For                            For

1d.    Election of Director: James S. Crown                      Mgmt          For                            For

1e.    Election of Director: James Dimon                         Mgmt          For                            For

1f.    Election of Director: Timothy P. Flynn                    Mgmt          For                            For

1g.    Election of Director: Mellody Hobson                      Mgmt          For                            For

1h.    Election of Director: Michael A. Neal                     Mgmt          For                            For

1i.    Election of Director: Phebe N. Novakovic                  Mgmt          For                            For

1j.    Election of Director: Virginia M. Rometty                 Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Advisory resolution to approve executive                  Mgmt          Against                        Against

3.     Ratification of independent registered                    Mgmt          For                            For
       public accounting firm

4.     Fossil fuel financing                                     Shr           Against                        For

5.     Special shareholder meeting improvement                   Shr           For                            Against

6.     Independent board chairman                                Shr           For                            Against

7.     Board diversity resolution                                Shr           Against                        For

8.     Conversion to public benefit corporation                  Shr           Against                        For

9.     Report on setting absolute contraction                    Shr           Against                        For

 MASTERCARD INCORPORATED                                                                     Agenda Number:  935635942
        Security:  57636Q104
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  21-Jun-2022
          Ticker:  MA
            ISIN:  US57636Q1040

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1a.    Election of Director: Merit E. Janow                      Mgmt          For                            For

1b.    Election of Director: Candido Bracher                     Mgmt          For                            For

1c.    Election of Director: Richard K. Davis                    Mgmt          For                            For

1d.    Election of Director: Julius Genachowski                  Mgmt          For                            For

1e.    Election of Director: Choon Phong Goh                     Mgmt          For                            For

1f.    Election of Director: Oki Matsumoto                       Mgmt          For                            For

1g.    Election of Director: Michael Miebach                     Mgmt          For                            For

1h.    Election of Director: Youngme Moon                        Mgmt          For                            For

1i.    Election of Director: Rima Qureshi                        Mgmt          For                            For

1j.    Election of Director: Gabrielle Sulzberger                Mgmt          For                            For

1k.    Election of Director: Jackson Tai                         Mgmt          For                            For

1l.    Election of Director: Harit Talwar                        Mgmt          For                            For

1m.    Election of Director: Lance Uggla                         Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Advisory approval of Mastercard's executive               Mgmt          For                            For

3.     Ratification of the appointment of                        Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for Mastercard for 2022.

4.     Approval of an amendment to Mastercard's                  Mgmt          For                            For
       Certificate of Incorporation to enable
       adoption of a stockholders' right to call
       special meetings of stockholders.

5.     Consideration of a stockholder proposal on                Shr           Against                        For
       the right to call special meetings of

6.     Consideration of a stockholder proposal                   Shr           Against                        For
       requesting Board approval of certain
       political contributions.

7.     Consideration of a stockholder proposal                   Shr           Against                        For
       requesting charitable donation disclosure.

8.     Consideration of a stockholder proposal                   Shr           Against                        For
       requesting a report on "ghost guns".

 MCDONALD'S CORPORATION                                                                      Agenda Number:  935606965
        Security:  580135101
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  26-May-2022
          Ticker:  MCD
            ISIN:  US5801351017

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Lloyd Dean                                                Mgmt          For                            For
       Robert Eckert                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       Catherine Engelbert                                       Mgmt          For                            For
       Margaret Georgiadis                                       Mgmt          For                            For
       Enrique Hernandez, Jr.                                    Mgmt          For                            For
       Christopher Kempczinski                                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Richard Lenny                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       John Mulligan                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       Sheila Penrose                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       John Rogers, Jr.                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Paul Walsh                                                Mgmt          For                            For
       Miles White                                               Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Advisory vote to approve executive                        Mgmt          For                            For

3.     Advisory vote to ratify the appointment of                Mgmt          For                            For
       Ernst & Young LLP as independent auditor
       for 2022.

4.     Advisory vote on a shareholder proposal                   Shr           For                            Against
       requesting to modify the threshold to call
       special shareholders' meetings, if properly

5.     Advisory vote on a shareholder proposal                   Shr           Against                        For
       requesting a report on reducing plastics
       use, if properly presented.

6.     Advisory vote on a shareholder proposal                   Shr           Against                        For
       requesting a report on antibiotics and
       public health costs, if properly presented.

7.     Advisory vote on a shareholder proposal                   Shr           Against                        For
       requesting disclosure regarding confinement
       stall use in the Company's U.S. pork supply
       chain, if properly presented.

8.     Advisory vote on a shareholder proposal                   Shr           For                            Against
       requesting a third party civil rights
       audit, if properly presented.

9.     Advisory vote on a shareholder proposal                   Shr           Against                        For
       requesting a report on lobbying activities
       and expenditures, if properly presented.

10.    Advisory vote on a shareholder proposal                   Shr           Against                        For
       requesting a report on global public policy
       and political influence, if properly

 MICROSOFT CORPORATION                                                                       Agenda Number:  935505480
        Security:  594918104
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  30-Nov-2021
          Ticker:  MSFT
            ISIN:  US5949181045

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Reid G. Hoffman                     Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Hugh F. Johnston                    Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Teri L. List                        Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Satya Nadella                       Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Sandra E. Peterson                  Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Penny S. Pritzker                   Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Carlos A. Rodriguez                 Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Charles W. Scharf                   Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: John W. Stanton                     Mgmt          For                            For

1J.    Election of Director: John W. Thompson                    Mgmt          Against                        Against

1K.    Election of Director: Emma N. Walmsley                    Mgmt          For                            For

1L.    Election of Director: Padmasree Warrior                   Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Advisory vote to approve named executive                  Mgmt          For                            For
       officer compensation.

3.     Approve Employee Stock Purchase Plan.                     Mgmt          For                            For

4.     Ratification of the Selection of Deloitte &               Mgmt          For                            For
       Touche LLP as our Independent Auditor for
       Fiscal Year 2022.

5.     Shareholder Proposal - Report on median pay               Shr           Against                        For
       gaps across race and gender.

6.     Shareholder Proposal - Report on                          Shr           For                            Against
       effectiveness of workplace sexual
       harassment policies.

7.     Shareholder Proposal - Prohibition on sales               Shr           Against                        For
       of facial recognition technology to all
       government entities.

8.     Shareholder Proposal - Report on                          Shr           Against                        For
       implementation of the Fair Chance Business

9.     Shareholder Proposal - Report on how                      Shr           Against                        For
       lobbying activities align with company

 MORGAN STANLEY                                                                              Agenda Number:  935584878
        Security:  617446448
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  26-May-2022
          Ticker:  MS
            ISIN:  US6174464486

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Alistair Darling                    Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Thomas H. Glocer                    Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: James P. Gorman                     Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Robert H. Herz                      Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Erika H. James                      Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Hironori Kamezawa                   Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Shelley B. Leibowitz                Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Stephen J. Luczo                    Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: Jami Miscik                         Mgmt          For                            For

1J.    Election of Director: Masato Miyachi                      Mgmt          For                            For

1K.    Election of Director: Dennis M. Nally                     Mgmt          For                            For

1L.    Election of Director: Mary L. Schapiro                    Mgmt          For                            For

1M.    Election of Director: Perry M. Traquina                   Mgmt          For                            For

1N.    Election of Director: Rayford Wilkins, Jr.                Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To ratify the appointment of Deloitte &                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Touche LLP as independent auditor

3.     To approve the compensation of executives                 Mgmt          For                            For
       as disclosed in the proxy statement
       (non-binding advisory vote)

4.     Shareholder proposal requesting adoption of               Shr           Against                        For
       a policy to cease financing new fossil fuel

 NIKE, INC.                                                                                  Agenda Number:  935484624
        Security:  654106103
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  06-Oct-2021
          Ticker:  NKE
            ISIN:  US6541061031

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Class B Director: Alan B. Graf,               Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Class B Director: Peter B.                    Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Class B Director: Michelle A.                 Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To approve executive compensation by an                   Mgmt          For                            For
       advisory vote.

3.     To ratify the appointment of                              Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our
       independent registered public accounting

4.     To consider a shareholder proposal                        Shr           Against                        For
       regarding political contributions
       disclosure, if properly presented at the

5.     To consider a shareholder proposal                        Shr           Against                        For
       regarding a human rights impact assessment,
       if properly presented at the meeting.

6.     To consider a shareholder proposal                        Shr           Against                        For
       regarding supplemental pay equity
       disclosure, if properly presented at the

7.     To consider a shareholder proposal                        Shr           For                            Against
       regarding diversity and inclusion efforts
       reporting, if properly presented at the

 SS&C TECHNOLOGIES HOLDINGS, INC.                                                            Agenda Number:  935582331
        Security:  78467J100
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  11-May-2022
          Ticker:  SSNC
            ISIN:  US78467J1007

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Smita Conjeevaram                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Michael E. Daniels                                        Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       William C. Stone                                          Mgmt          For                            For

2.     The approval of the compensation of the                   Mgmt          For                            For
       named executive officers.

3.     The ratification of PricewaterhouseCoopers                Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as SS&C's independent registered public
       accounting firm for the fiscal year ending
       December 31, 2022.

 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED                                                              Agenda Number:  935560842
        Security:  882508104
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  28-Apr-2022
          Ticker:  TXN
            ISIN:  US8825081040

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Mark A. Blinn                       Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Todd M. Bluedorn                    Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Janet F. Clark                      Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Carrie S. Cox                       Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Martin S. Craighead                 Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Jean M. Hobby                       Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Michael D. Hsu                      Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Haviv Ilan                          Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: Ronald Kirk                         Mgmt          For                            For

1J.    Election of Director: Pamela H. Patsley                   Mgmt          For                            For

1K.    Election of Director: Robert E. Sanchez                   Mgmt          For                            For

1L.    Election of Director: Richard K. Templeton                Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Board proposal regarding advisory approval                Mgmt          For                            For
       of the Company's executive compensation.

3.     Board proposal to ratify the appointment of               Mgmt          For                            For
       Ernst & Young LLP as the Company's
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for 2022.

4.     Stockholder proposal to permit a combined                 Shr           For                            Against
       10% of stockholders to call a special

 THE HOME DEPOT, INC.                                                                        Agenda Number:  935581290
        Security:  437076102
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  19-May-2022
          Ticker:  HD
            ISIN:  US4370761029

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Gerard J. Arpey                     Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Ari Bousbib                         Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Jeffery H. Boyd                     Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Gregory D. Brenneman                Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: J. Frank Brown                      Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Albert P. Carey                     Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Edward P. Decker                    Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Linda R. Gooden                     Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: Wayne M. Hewett                     Mgmt          For                            For

1J.    Election of Director: Manuel Kadre                        Mgmt          For                            For

1K.    Election of Director: Stephanie C. Linnartz               Mgmt          For                            For

1L.    Election of Director: Craig A. Menear                     Mgmt          For                            For

1M.    Election of Director: Paula Santilli                      Mgmt          For                            For

1N.    Election of Director: Caryn Seidman-Becker                Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of the Appointment of KPMG LLP               Mgmt          For                            For

3.     Advisory Vote to Approve Executive                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Compensation ("Say-on-Pay")

4.     Approval of the Omnibus Stock Incentive                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Plan, as Amended and Restated May 19, 2022

5.     Shareholder Proposal to Reduce the                        Shr           Against                        For
       Threshold to Call Special Shareholder
       Meetings to 10% of Outstanding Shares

6.     Shareholder Proposal Regarding Independent                Shr           Abstain                        Against
       Board Chair

7.     Shareholder Proposal Regarding Political                  Shr           Against                        For
       Contributions Congruency Analysis

8.     Shareholder Proposal Regarding Report on                  Shr           Against                        For
       Gender and Racial Equity on the Board of

9.     Shareholder Proposal Regarding Report on                  Shr           Against                        For

10.    Shareholder Proposal Regarding Racial                     Shr           For                            Against
       Equity Audit

 THE TJX COMPANIES, INC.                                                                     Agenda Number:  935636146
        Security:  872540109
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  07-Jun-2022
          Ticker:  TJX
            ISIN:  US8725401090

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1a.    Election of Director: Jose B. Alvarez                     Mgmt          For                            For

1b.    Election of Director: Alan M. Bennett                     Mgmt          For                            For

1c.    Election of Director: Rosemary T. Berkery                 Mgmt          For                            For

1d.    Election of Director: David T. Ching                      Mgmt          For                            For

1e.    Election of Director: C. Kim Goodwin                      Mgmt          For                            For

1f.    Election of Director: Ernie Herrman                       Mgmt          For                            For

1g.    Election of Director: Michael F. Hines                    Mgmt          For                            For

1h.    Election of Director: Amy B. Lane                         Mgmt          For                            For

1i.    Election of Director: Carol Meyrowitz                     Mgmt          For                            For

1j.    Election of Director: Jackwyn L. Nemerov                  Mgmt          For                            For

1k.    Election of Director: John F. O'Brien                     Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of appointment of                            Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers as TJX's independent
       registered public accounting firm for
       fiscal 2023

3.     Approval of Stock Incentive Plan (2022                    Mgmt          For                            For

4.     Advisory approval of TJX's executive                      Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation (the say-on- pay vote)

5.     Shareholder proposal for a report on                      Shr           Against                        For
       effectiveness of social compliance efforts
       in TJX's supply chain

6.     Shareholder proposal for a report on risk                 Shr           Against                        For
       to TJX from supplier misclassification of
       supplier's employees

7.     Shareholder proposal for a report on risk                 Shr           Against                        For
       due to restrictions on reproductive rights

8.     Shareholder proposal to adopt a paid sick                 Shr           For                            Against
       leave policy for all Associates

 THE WALT DISNEY COMPANY                                                                     Agenda Number:  935544317
        Security:  254687106
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  09-Mar-2022
          Ticker:  DIS
            ISIN:  US2546871060

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Susan E. Arnold                     Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Mary T. Barra                       Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Safra A. Catz                       Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Amy L. Chang                        Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Robert A. Chapek                    Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Francis A. deSouza                  Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Michael B.G. Froman                 Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Maria Elena                         Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: Calvin R. McDonald                  Mgmt          For                            For

1J.    Election of Director: Mark G. Parker                      Mgmt          For                            For

1K.    Election of Director: Derica W. Rice                      Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of the appointment of                        Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Company's
       independent registered public accountants
       for fiscal 2022.

3.     Consideration of an advisory vote to                      Mgmt          For                            For
       approve executive compensation.

4.     Shareholder proposal, if properly presented               Shr           Against                        For
       at the meeting, requesting an annual report
       disclosing information regarding lobbying
       policies and activities.

5.     Shareholder proposal, if properly presented               Shr           For                            Against
       at the meeting, requesting amendment of the
       Company's governing documents to lower the
       stock ownership threshold to call a special
       meeting of shareholders.

6.     Shareholder proposal, if properly presented               Shr           Against                        For
       at the meeting, requesting a diligence
       report evaluating human rights impacts.

7.     Shareholder proposal, if properly presented               Shr           For                            Against
       at the meeting, requesting a report on both
       median and adjusted pay gaps across race
       and gender.

8.     Shareholder proposal, if properly presented               Shr           Against                        For
       at the meeting, requesting a workplace
       non-discrimination audit and report.

 THE WILLIAMS COMPANIES, INC.                                                                Agenda Number:  935556538
        Security:  969457100
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  26-Apr-2022
          Ticker:  WMB
            ISIN:  US9694571004

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of director for a one-year term:                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Alan S.Armstrong

1B.    Election of director for a one-year term:                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Stephen W. Bergstrom

1C.    Election of director for a one-year term:                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Nancy K. Buese

1D.    Election of director for a one-year term:                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Michael A. Creel

1E.    Election of director for a one-year term:                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Stacey H. Dore

1F.    Election of director for a one-year term:                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Richard E. Muncrief

1G.    Election of director for a one-year term:                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Peter A. Ragauss

1H.    Election of director for a one-year term:                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Rose M. Robeson

1I.    Election of director for a one-year term:                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Scott D. Sheffield

1J.    Election of director for a one-year term:                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Murray D. Smith

1K.    Election of director for a one-year term:                 Mgmt          For                            For
       William H. Spence

1L.    Election of director for a one-year term:                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Jesse J. Tyson

2.     Ratify the selection of Ernst & Young LLP                 Mgmt          For                            For
       as the Company's independent registered
       public accounting firm for the fiscal year
       ending December 31, 2022.

3.     Approve, on an advisory basis, the                        Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of our named executive

 THERMO FISHER SCIENTIFIC INC.                                                               Agenda Number:  935585058
        Security:  883556102
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  18-May-2022
          Ticker:  TMO
            ISIN:  US8835561023

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of director: Marc N. Casper                      Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of director: Nelson J. Chai                      Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of director: Ruby R. Chandy                      Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of director: C. Martin Harris                    Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of director: Tyler Jacks                         Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of director: R. Alexandra Keith                  Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of director: Jim P. Manzi                        Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of director: James C. Mullen                     Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of director: Lars R. Sorensen                    Mgmt          For                            For

1J.    Election of director: Debora L. Spar                      Mgmt          For                            For

1K.    Election of director: Scott M. Sperling                   Mgmt          For                            For

1L.    Election of director: Dion J. Weisler                     Mgmt          For                            For

2.     An advisory vote to approve named executive               Mgmt          For                            For
       officer compensation.

3.     Ratification of the Audit Committee's                     Mgmt          For                            For
       selection of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as
       the Company's independent auditors for

 UNITEDHEALTH GROUP INCORPORATED                                                             Agenda Number:  935618453
        Security:  91324P102
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  06-Jun-2022
          Ticker:  UNH
            ISIN:  US91324P1021

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1a.    Election of Director: Timothy P. Flynn                    Mgmt          For                            For

1b.    Election of Director: Paul R. Garcia                      Mgmt          For                            For

1c.    Election of Director: Stephen J. Hemsley                  Mgmt          For                            For

1d.    Election of Director: Michele J. Hooper                   Mgmt          For                            For

1e.    Election of Director: F. William McNabb III               Mgmt          For                            For

1f.    Election of Director: Valerie C. Montgomery               Mgmt          For                            For
       Rice, M.D.

1g.    Election of Director: John H. Noseworthy,                 Mgmt          For                            For

1h.    Election of Director: Andrew Witty                        Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Advisory approval of the Company's                        Mgmt          For                            For
       executive compensation.

3.     Ratification of the appointment of Deloitte               Mgmt          For                            For
       & Touche LLP as the independent registered
       public accounting firm for the Company for
       the year ending December 31, 2022.

4.     If properly presented at the 2022 Annual                  Shr           For                            Against
       Meeting of Shareholders, the shareholder
       proposal seeking shareholder ratification
       of termination pay.

5.     If properly presented at the 2022 Annual                  Shr           Against                        For
       Meeting of Shareholders, the shareholder
       proposal regarding political contributions
       congruency report.

* Management position unknown


Pursuant to the requirements of the Investment Company Act of 1940, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

(Registrant)         Wall Street EWM Funds Trust
By (Signature)       /s/ Frederick Taylor
Name                 Frederick Taylor
Title                President
Date                 08/24/2022