STOCK OPTION PLAN

 1.  Purpose

      The  purpose  of  the  Arkansas  Best  Corporation  Stock  Option  Plan
(hereinafter called the "Plan") is to advance the interests of Arkansas  Best
Corporation  (hereinafter called the "Company") by strengthening the  ability
of  the  Company to attract and retain key personnel of high caliber  through
encouraging a sense of proprietorship by means of stock ownership.

      Certain  options  granted under this Plan are intended  to  qualify  as
"incentive  stock  options" pursuant to Section 422 of the  Internal  Revenue
Code of 1986 (the "Code"), while certain other options granted under the Plan
will constitute nonqualified options.

 2.  Definitions

      As  used  in  this  Plan, and in any Option Agreement,  as  hereinafter
defined,  the following terms shall have the following meanings,  unless  the
context otherwise requires:

           (a) "Common Stock" shall mean the common stock of the Company, par
value $.01 per share.

           (b) "Date of Grant" shall mean the date on which a stock option is
granted pursuant to this Plan.

            (c)  "Disinterested Director" shall mean a director who  is  not,
during the one year prior to service as an administrator of the Plan, granted
or awarded an option pursuant to the Plan or any other plan of the Company or
any of its affiliates (except as provided in Section 4(b) of this Plan and as
may  be  permitted by the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,  as  amended  (the
"Exchange Act"), and the rules promulgated thereunder).

            (d)  "Fair  Market Value" shall mean the closing sale  price  (or
average  of  the quoted closing bid and asked prices if there is  no  closing
sale price reported) of the Common Stock on the date specified as reported by
NASDAQ National Market System or by the principal national stock exchange  on
which  the  Common  Stock  is then listed.  If there  is  no  reported  price
information  for such date, the Fair Market Value will be determined  by  the
reported  price information for the Common Stock on the day nearest preceding
such date.

            (e) "Optionee" shall mean the person to whom an option is granted
under  the  Plan  or  who  has obtained the right to exercise  an  option  in
accordance with the provisions of the Plan.

            (f)  "Plan  Adoption Date" means the date on which  the  Plan  is
adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company.

            (g)  "Subsidiary"  shall  mean  any  now  existing  or  hereafter
organized or acquired corporation of which more than fifty percent  (50%)  of
the  issued  and outstanding voting stock is owned or controlled directly  or
indirectly by the Company or through one or more Subsidiaries of the Company.

 3.  Shares Subject to the Plan

      The  aggregate amount of Common Stock for which options may be  granted
under  this  Plan  shall not exceed 2,000,000 shares of  Common  Stock.  Such
shares  may be authorized and previously unissued shares or previously issued
shares  that  have  been reacquired by the Company.  Any  shares  subject  to
unexercised  portions  of options granted under this Plan  which  shall  have
terminated,  been cancelled or expired may again be subject to options  under
this Plan.

 4.  Administration

            (a)  Notwithstanding  anything to the  contrary,  to  the  extent
necessary  to  comply with the requirements of Rule 16b-3 under the  Exchange
Act  (or any successor thereto), the Plan shall be administered by the  Board
of  Directors, if each member is a Disinterested Director, or, at the  option
of the Board of Directors, a committee of two or more Disinterested Directors
appointed by the Board of Directors of the Company (the group responsible for
administering  the  Plan is referred to herein as the "Committee").   Options
may be granted under this Section 4(a) only by the unanimous agreement of the
members of the Committee.  Stock Option Agreements ("Option Agreements"),  in
the  form  as  approved  by  the Committee, and  containing  such  terms  and
conditions  not inconsistent with the provisions of this Plan as  shall  have
been determined by the Committee, may be executed on behalf of the Company by
the  Chairman  of  the  Board, the President or any  Vice  President  of  the
Company.   Except  with respect to Section 4(b) of this Plan,  the  Committee
shall  have  complete  authority to construe, interpret  and  administer  the
provisions  of the Plan and the provisions of the Option Agreements  relating
to  options  granted  hereunder; to prescribe, amend and  rescind  rules  and
regulations  pertaining  to the Plan; and to make  all  other  determinations
necessary  or  deemed  advisable  in the administration  of  the  Plan.   The
determinations, interpretations and constructions made by the Committee shall
be final and conclusive.

            (b)  Members of the Committee shall be specified by the Board  of
Directors,  and shall consist solely of Disinterested Directors and  as  such
shall not be eligible to receive options to purchase Common Stock pursuant to
Section  4(a)  of  the Plan.  On May 12, 1994, and on the first  trading  day
after  (i)  January  1,  1995,  and (ii) each January  1st  thereafter,  each
Disinterested  Director serving as a Committee Member shall automatically  be
granted nonqualified options to purchase 7,500 shares of the Company's Common
Stock at an exercise price per share equal to the closing price of the Common
Stock  on the date of such automatic grant.  This Section 4(b) shall  not  be
amended  more than once every six months, other than to comport with  changes
in the Code or the rules promulgated thereunder.

 5.  Eligibility

      Incentive  stock options to purchase Common Stock may be granted  under
Section  4(a)  of  the  Plan to such key employees  of  the  Company  or  its
Subsidiaries  (including  any director who is also  a  key  employee  of  the
Company  or  one or more of its Subsidiaries) as shall be determined  by  the
Committee.  Beginning with the Company's regular Board of Directors'  meeting
in  January,  1998, and at each regular Board of Directors'  January  meeting
thereafter,  each Disinterested Director serving as a Committee member  shall
automatically  be granted nonqualified options to purchase 10,000  shares  of

the  Company's Common Stock.  In the event that the Company does not  have  a
regular  Board  of  Directors'  meeting in January  of  any  year,  then  the
automatic  grant  shall be made as of the last trading day of  that  January.
The  exercise  price  per share shall be equal to the closing  price  of  the
Common  Stock  on  the  date of such automatic grant.   The  Committee  shall
determine which persons are to be granted options under Section 4(a)  of  the
Plan, the number of options, the number of shares subject to each option, the
exercise  price or prices of each option, the vesting and exercise period  of
each  option, whether an option may be exercised as to less than all  of  the
Common  Stock  subject thereto, and such other terms and conditions  of  each
option, if any, as are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Plan.  In
addition,  the Committee may, in its sole discretion, provide for vesting  of
stock  options  to  accelerate upon a change in control of  the  Company  and
enable  an  employee to "put" the excess of the fair market  value  over  the
exercise  price  of the options to the Company in the event of  a  change  in
control  in conformity with the rules and regulations promulgated  under  the
Exchange  Act.   In connection with the granting of incentive stock  options,
the  aggregate  Fair  Market Value (determined at the Date  of  Grant  of  an
incentive  stock option) of the shares with respect to which incentive  stock
options are exercisable for the first time by an Optionee during any calendar
year  (under  all such plans of the Optionee's employer corporation  and  its
parent  and  subsidiary corporations as defined in Section 424 of  the  Code)
shall  not exceed $100,000 or such other amount as from time to time provided
in Section 422(d) of the Code or any successor provision.  In connection with
the  granting of options under this Plan, the aggregate number of  shares  of
Common  Stock issuable to any single Optionee shall not exceed the number  of
shares subject to the Plan referred to in Section 3.

 6.  Exercise Price

      The purchase price or prices for Common Stock subject to an option (the
"Exercise  Price")  granted pursuant to Section 4(a) of  the  Plan  shall  be
determined by the Committee at the Date of Grant; provided, however, that (a)
the  Exercise Price for any option shall not be less than 100%  of  the  Fair
Market  Value  of  the  Common Stock at the Date of Grant,  and  (b)  if  the
Optionee owns more than 10 percent of the total combined voting power of  all
classes of stock of the Company or its parent or any of its subsidiaries,  as
more  fully  described  in Section 422(b)(6) of the  Code  or  any  successor
provision   (such  stockholder  is  referred  to  herein  as  a   "10-Percent
Stockholder"), the Exercise Price for any incentive stock option  granted  to
such  Optionee shall not be less than 110% of the Fair Market  Value  of  the
Common Stock at the Date of Grant.

 7.  Term of Stock Options and Limitations on Right to Exercise

      No incentive stock option granted pursuant to Section 4(a) of this Plan
shall  be  exercisable (a) more than five years after the Date of Grant  with
respect  to a 10-Percent Stockholder, and (b) more than ten years  after  the
Date of Grant with respect to all persons other than 10-Percent Stockholders.
No  nonqualified stock option granted pursuant to Section 4(a) of  this  Plan
shall be exercisable more than ten years after the Date of Grant.  Subject to
the  conditions  set  forth in Section 4(b) of this Plan, nonqualified  stock
options granted to members of the Committee pursuant to Section 4(b) of  this
Plan shall be exercisable for ten years, except that in the event of death or
termination of such member as a director of the Company or a Subsidiary, such
nonqualified  stock options shall only be exercisable for one year  following
the date of such member's death or termination (or, if shorter, the remaining

term  of  the  option).   The  Company shall not be  required  to  issue  any
fractional  shares upon the exercise of any options granted under this  Plan.
No  Optionee nor his legal representatives, legatees or distributees, as  the
case may be, will be, or will be deemed to be, a holder of any shares subject
to an option unless and until said option has been exercised and the purchase
price  of  the  shares in respect of which the option has been exercised  has
been paid.  An option shall not be exercisable except by the Optionee or by a
person  who  has obtained the Optionee's rights under the option by  will  or
under the laws of descent and distribution.

 8.  Termination of Employment

     The Committee shall determine at the Date of Grant what conditions shall
apply to the exercise of an option granted under Section 4(a) in the event an
Optionee  shall cease to be employed by the Company or a Subsidiary  for  any
reason.   In  the event of the death of an Optionee while in  the  employ  or
while  serving  as  a  director of the Company or a  Subsidiary,  the  option
theretofore  granted  to  him  shall  be  exercisable  by  the  executor   or
administrator of the Optionee's estate, or if the Optionee's estate is not in
administration, by the person or persons to whom the Optionee's rights  shall
have  passed  under  the Optionee's will or under the  laws  of  descent  and
distribution, within the year next succeeding the date of death or such other
period as may be specified in the Option Agreement, but in no case later than
the  expiration  date of such option, and then only to the  extent  that  the
Optionee  was  entitled to exercise such option at the  date  of  his  death.
Neither this Plan nor any option granted hereunder is intended to confer upon
any  Optionee any rights with respect to continuance of employment  or  other
utilization  of  his  services by the Company or  by  a  Subsidiary,  nor  to
interfere in any way with his right or that of his employer to terminate  his
employment  or  other  services at any time (subject  to  the  terms  of  any
applicable contract).

 9.  Dilution or Other Adjustments

      In  the  event that there is any change in the Common Stock subject  to
this  Plan or subject to options granted hereunder as the result of any stock
dividend on, dividend of or stock split or stock combination of, or any  like
change  in,  stock  of the same class or in the event of any  change  in  the
capital  structure of the Company, the Board of Directors  or  the  Committee
shall make such adjustments with respect to options, or any provisions of the
Plan,  as  it deems appropriate to prevent dilution or enlargement of  option

10.  Expiration and Termination of the Plan

     Options may be granted at any time under Section 4(a) of the Plan and as
specified under Section 4(b) of the Plan prior to December 31, 2001, as  long
as the total number of shares which may be issued pursuant to options granted
under  this Plan does not (except as provided in Section 9 above) exceed  the
limitations  of  Section 3 above.  This Plan may be abandoned,  suspended  or
terminated  at any time by the Board of Directors of the Company except  with
respect to any options then outstanding under the Plan.

11.  Restrictions on Issuance of Shares

           (a) The Company shall not be obligated to sell or issue any shares
upon the exercise of any option granted under this Plan unless:

             (i)   the  shares  with respect to which such  option  is  being
       exercised  have  been registered under applicable  federal  securities
       laws or are exempt from such registration;

             (ii)   the  prior  approval of such sale or  issuance  has  been
       obtained from any state regulatory body having jurisdiction; and

             (iii)   in  the  event the Common Stock has been listed  on  any
       exchange,  the  shares  with respect to which  such  option  is  being
       exercised  have  been duly listed on such exchange in accordance  with
       the procedure specified therefor.

If  the shares to be issued upon the exercise of any option granted under the
Plan are intended to be issued by the Company in reliance upon the exemptions
from the registration requirements of applicable federal securities laws, the
Optionee,  if so requested by the Company, shall furnish to the Company  such
evidence  and  representations, including an opinion of counsel, satisfactory
to it, as the Company may reasonably request.

            (b)  No option granted pursuant to the Plan shall be transferable
by the Optionee other than by will or the laws of descent and distribution or
pursuant  to a qualified domestic relations order as defined by the  Code  or
Title  I  of  the  Employee  Retirement Income Security  Act,  or  the  rules

            (c)  Any  Common  Stock issued to an officer or director  of  the
Company  pursuant to the exercise of an option granted pursuant to  the  Plan
shall not be transferred until at least six months have elapsed from the Date
of  Grant  of  such  option to the date of disposition of  the  Common  Stock
underlying such option.

            (d)  The  Board of Directors or Committee may impose  such  other
restrictions on the ownership and transfer of shares issued pursuant to  this
Plan  as it deems desirable; any such restrictions shall be set forth in  any
Option Agreement entered into hereunder.

12.  Proceeds

      The  proceeds to be received by the Company upon exercise of any option
granted under this Plan may be used for any proper purposes.

13.  Amendment of the Plan

      Except  as provided in Section 4(b) of the Plan, the Board of Directors
may  amend  the  Plan  from  time to time in such respects  as  it  may  deem
advisable  in  its  sole  discretion or in order  that  the  options  granted
hereunder shall conform to any change in applicable laws, including tax laws,
or  in  regulations or rulings of administrative agencies or  in  order  that
options  granted or stock acquired upon exercise of such options may  qualify
for  simplified  registration  under applicable  securities  or  other  laws;
provided,  however,  that no amendment may be made  without  the  consent  of
stockholders  which  would materially (a) increase the benefits  accruing  to
participants under the Plan, (b) increase the number of securities which  may
be  issued under the Plan, other than in accordance with Section 9 hereof, or

(c) modify the requirements as to eligibility for participation in the Plan.

14.  Payment Upon Exercise

      Upon the exercise of any option granted under the Plan, the Company may
make financing available to the Optionee for the purchase of the Common Stock
that may be acquired pursuant to the exercise of such option on such terms as
the  Committee shall specify.  An Optionee may pay the Exercise Price of  the
shares  of  Common  Stock  as to which an option is being  exercised  by  the
delivery of cash, a certified or cashier's check or by the delivery of shares
of  Common Stock having a Fair Market Value on the date of exercise at  least
equal to the Exercise Price.

      Any  option  granted under the Plan may be exercised by a broker-dealer
acting  on  behalf of an Optionee if (a) the broker-dealer has received  from
the  Optionee  or the Company a fully and duly endorsed agreement  evidencing
such option, together with instructions signed by the Optionee requesting the
Company to deliver the shares of Common Stock subject to such option  to  the
broker-dealer on behalf of the Optionee and specifying the account into which
such  shares should be deposited, (b) adequate provision has been  made  with
respect  to the payment of any withholding taxes due upon such exercise,  and
(c)   the  broker-dealer  and  the  Optionee  have  otherwise  complied  with
Section  220.3(e)(4)  of  Regulation T, 12 CFR Part  220,  or  any  successor

15.  Stockholders' Approval

      The  Plan  has been approved by a majority of the stockholders  of  the

16.  Liability of the Company

      Neither the Company, its directors, officers or employees, nor  any  of
the  Company's  Subsidiaries which are in existence or  hereafter  come  into
existence,  shall  be  liable  to any Optionee  or  other  person  if  it  is
determined for any reason by the Internal Revenue Service or any court having
jurisdiction  that  any  incentive stock options  granted  hereunder  do  not
qualify for tax treatment as incentive stock options under Section 422 of the