                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                                 Current Report

     Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported)                   June 6, 2001

                         International Knife & Saw, Inc.

               (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Charter)

                       333-17305 (Commission File Number)

         Delaware                                              57-0697252
        (State or Other Jurisdiction of                      (I.R.S. Employer
        Incorporation)                                       Identification No.)

                                 1299 Cox Avenue
                            Erlanger, Kentucky 41018
                    (Address of principal executive offices)

                                 (859) 371-0333
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)



Item 2.  Acquisition or Disposition of Assets.

         On  June  6,  2001,   International  Knife  &  Saw,  Inc.,  a  Delaware
corporation  ("the  Company"),  sold all of the issued and  outstanding  capital
stock of IKS Klingelnberg GmbH, a wholly-owned  German subsidiary of the Company
("IKSK"),  to Diether  Klingelnberg and TKM GmbH i.G., a company organized under
the  laws  of  Germany  ("TKM"  and,   together  with  Mr.   Klingelnberg,   the
"Purchasers"),  for approximately  $11.7 million in cash. The Company expects to
record a loss on the sale of IKSK of  approximately  $7.9  million.  The loss is
subject to adjustment  based on final closing values and  transaction  expenses.
The proceeds from the sale were  immediately  applied to repay all  indebtedness
and other  obligations  owed by the Company to Deutsche  Bank AG, the  Company's
senior lender.

         Mr.  Klingelnberg  and Thomas W.G.  Meyer are  managing  directors  and
stockholders of TKM. Mr.  Meyer is a minority  stockholder of IKS Corporation, a
Delaware  corporation  and the parent of the Company  ("Parent").  In  addition,
until  April 20, 2001 Mr.  Klingelnberg  served as a director of the Company and
Parent,  and until May 31, 2001 Mr. Meyer served as an Executive  Vice President
of the  Company  and Parent.  At the time of the sale,  Mr.  Meyer was the Chief
Executive  Officer of IKSK. The amount of consideration  paid to the Company for
the issued and  outstanding  capital stock of IKSK was determined by arms-length
negotiation between the Board of Directors of the Company and the Purchasers.

         In connection  with the sale, the Purchasers  agreed that, for a period
of 18 months and subject to certain conditions, IKSK would continue the existing
trading  arrangements  between  the  Company  and IKSK with  respect  to current
products  manufactured by IKSK and purchased by the Company.

         Prior to the sale,  the  holders of a majority in  aggregate  principal
amount of the Company's Series B 11-3/8% Senior Subordinated Notes due 2006 (the
"Notes")  consented  to the sale and waived  compliance  by the Company with the
provisions of Section 4.14 (Limitation on Transactions with Affiliates), Section
4.15 (Change of Control),  Section 4.16  (Limitation on Asset Sales) and Article
Five of the  Indenture  governing  the  Notes,  as well  as any  other  relevant
provisions of such Indenture, to the extent applicable to the transaction.


Item 7.  Financial Statements, Pro Forma Financial Information and Exhibits.

         (b) Pro Forma Financial Information (Unaudited)

On June 6, 2001,  the  Company  sold all of the issued and  outstanding  capital
stock of IKSK to the  Purchasers  for  approximately  $11.7 million in cash. The
Company  expects  to  record  a loss on the sale of IKSK of  approximately  $7.9
million.  The loss is subject to adjustment  based on final  closing  values and
transaction  expenses.  The proceeds from the sale were  immediately  applied to
repay all  indebtedness  and other  obligations  owed by the Company to Deutsche
Bank AG, the Company's senior lender.

Set forth below are the  unaudited pro forma  consolidated  balance sheet of the
Company at March 31, 2001, and the unaudited pro forma  consolidated  statements
of income of the Company for the year ended  December 31, 2000 and for the three
months ended March 31, 2001.

The  unaudited  pro forma  consolidated  balance  sheet and  unaudited pro forma
consolidated  statements  of  income  (collectively,  the "Pro  Forma  Financial
Information") are based on the historical  consolidated  financial statements of
the Company,  adjusted to give effect to the  disposition of IKSK. The unaudited
pro forma  consolidated  balance sheet gives effect to the  disposition as if it
had occurred on March 31, 2001. The unaudited pro forma consolidated  statements
of income give  effect to the  disposition  as if it had  occurred on January 1,
2000. The loss on the sale of IKSK is not considered in the presented  unaudited
pro forma consolidated statements of income.

The Pro Forma Financial Information is presented for informational  purposes and
does not purport to represent what the Company's  financial  position or results
of operations  would actually have been had the  disposition of IKSK occurred on
the dates specified or to project the Company's  financial  position and results
of  operations  at any  future  date or for any  future  period.  The Pro  Forma
Financial Information reflects certain assumptions described in the accompanying
notes.  The Pro Forma Financial  Information  should be read in conjunction with
the historical consolidated financial statements of the Company previously filed
with the Securities and Exchange Commission.



                                      International Knife & Saw, Inc. and Subsidiaries
                                                 Pro Forma Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                                            (in thousands)

                                                                           March 31, 2001

                                                Historical                            Disposition           Pro Forma
                                              International       Historical           Pro Forma          International
                                            Knife & Saw, Inc.      IKSK (a)           Adjustments        Knife & Saw, Inc.
                                            -----------------      --------           -----------        -----------------
Current assets:
   Cash and cash equivalents                     $  3,423       $   (2,702)             $      -          $       721
   Accounts receivable, trade, less
   allowances for doubtful accounts                24,543          (12,975)                    -               11,568
   Inventories                                     29,032          (14,449)                  122(b)            14,705
   Due (to) from parent                               (40)          (2,306)                2,306(c)               (40)
   Other current assets                             2,425           (1,406)                    -                1,019
Total current assets                               59,383          (33,838)                2,428               27,973

Other assets:
   Goodwill                                        13,994           (6,703)                    -                7,291
   Debt issuance costs                              2,154                -                     -                2,154
   Other noncurrent assets                          2,138           (1,435)                    -                  703
                                                   18,286           (8,138)                    -               10,148

Property, plant and equipment-net                  45,249          (24,797)                    -               20,452

            Total assets                       $  122,918        $ (66,773)             $  2,428            $  58,573

See notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Consolidated Balance Sheet.



                                           International Knife & Saw, Inc. and Subsidiaries
                                           Pro Forma Consolidated Balance Sheet (Continued)
                                                            (in thousands)

                                                                          March 31, 2000

                                               Historical                            Disposition         Pro Forma
                                             International       Historical           Pro Forma        International
                                           Knife & Saw, Inc.      IKSK (a)           Adjustments      Knife & Saw, Inc.
                                           -----------------      --------           -----------      -----------------

Liabilities and Shareholder's deficit
Current liabilities:
   Notes payable                           $     22,077       $    (10,358)          $  (11,719)(d)     $        -
   Current portion of long-term debt              3,563             (2,533)                   -              1,030
   Accounts payable                               9,477             (5,247)               2,306 (c)          6,536
   Accrued liabilities                           14,799             (6,503)                   -              8,296
Total current liabilities                        49,916            (24,641)              (9,413)            15,862

Long-term debt, less current portion            106,287            (14,376)                   -             91,911
Other liabilities                                 8,426             (7,810)                   -                616
Total liabilities                               164,629            (46,827)              (9,413)           108,389

Minority interest                                 1,105             (1,105)                   -                  -

Shareholder's deficit:
   Common stock                                       5                  -                    -                  5
   Additional paid-in capital                    10,153                  -                    -             10,153
   Accumulated deficit                          (43,581)                 -               (7,000)(e)        (50,581)
   Accumulated other
   comprehensive loss                            (5,961)                 -                    -             (5,961)
   Treasury stock, at cost                       (3,432)                 -                    -             (3,432)
Total shareholder's deficit                     (42,816)                 -               (7,000)           (49,816)

Total liabilities and shareholder's
deficit                                    $    122,918        $    (47,932)         $  (16,413)        $   58,573

See notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Consolidated Balance Sheet.


                International Knife & Saw, Inc. and Subsidiaries

                  Notes to Pro Forma Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                 (in thousands)

(a)      The  amounts  in the  "Historical  IKSK"  column are  derived  from the
         unaudited  consolidated  balance sheet of IKSK at March 31, 2001, which
         was prepared based on accounting  principles  generally accepted in the
         United States.

(b)      Adjustment to inventory to record the  intercompany  profit included in
         the Company's inventories purchased from IKSK.

(c)      Adjustment to reflect the Company's  intercompany payable balances with
         IKSK as third party trade payables.

(d)      Reflects  the  use  of  the  proceeds   from  the  sale  to  repay  the
         indebtedness and other obligations due to the Company's senior lender.

(e)      Adjustment to  accumulated  deficit to reflect loss on the sale of IKSK
         at March 31, 2001.



                                  International Knife & Saw, Inc. and Subsidiaries
                                     Pro Forma Consolidated Statements of Income
                                       (in thousands, except per share amounts)

                                                                     Three Months Ended March 31, 2001

                                              Historical                          Disposition         Pro Forma
                                            International       Historical         Pro Forma        International
                                          Knife & Saw, Inc.      IKSK (a)         Adjustments(b)   Knife & Saw, Inc.
                                          -----------------      --------         -----------     -----------------

Net sales                                     $    38,745     $  (18,398)         $    16 (c)      $    20,363

Cost of sales                                      28,909        (12,490)            (106)(d)           16,313
Gross profit                                        9,836         (5,908)             122                4,050

Selling, general and administrative expenses        9,435         (4,129)              -                 5,306
Operating income                                      401         (1,779)             122               (1,256)

Other expenses (income):
    Interest income                                  (169)            30               -                  (139)
    Interest expense                                3,219           (409)            (116)(e)            2,694
    Minority interest                                  52            (52)              -                     -
                                                    3,102           (431)            (116)               2,555
Loss before income taxes                           (2,701)        (1,348)             238               (3,811)

Benefit for income taxes                             (547)          (467)              -                (1,014)
Net loss                                      $    (2,154)      $   (881)      $      238           $   (2,797)

Net loss per common share                     $     (4.47)                                          $    (5.80)

See Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Consolidated Statements of Income.



                                         International Knife & Saw, Inc. and Subsidiaries
                                            Pro Forma Consolidated Statements of Income
                                              (in thousands, except per share amounts)

                                                                       Year Ended December 31, 2000

                                                   Historical                          Disposition         Pro Forma
                                                 International       Historical         Pro Forma       International
                                               Knife & Saw, Inc.      IKSK (a)         Adjustments(b)  Knife & Saw, Inc.
                                               -----------------     ----------        -----------     -----------------

Net sales                                         $  160,917        $ (68,185)       $     135 (c)     $   92,867

Cost of sales                                        120,388          (46,890)              13 (d)         73,511
Gross profit                                          40,529          (21,295)             122             19,356

Selling, general and administrative expenses          40,026          (15,554)              -              24,472
Operating income                                         503           (5,741)             122             (5,116)

Other expenses (income):
    Interest income                                     (179)             134               -                 (45)
    Interest expense                                  13,210           (1,550)            (356)(e)         11,304
    Minority interest                                    157             (157)              -                   -
                                                      13,188           (1,573)            (356)            11,259
Loss before income taxes                             (12,685)          (4,168)             478            (16,375)

Provision (benefit) for income taxes                   2,844           (1,488)                              1,356
Net loss                                          $  (15,529)       $  (2,680)      $      478         $  (17,731)

Net loss per common share                         $   (32.22)                                          $   (36.79)

See Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Consolidated Statements of Income.


                International Knife & Saw, Inc. and Subsidiaries

          Notes to Pro Forma Consolidated Condensed Statement of Income
                                 (in thousands)

(a)      The  amounts  in the  "Historical  IKSK"  column are  derived  from the
         unaudited  consolidated  statement  of income  of IKSK for the  quarter
         ended March 31, 2001 and the audited  consolidated  statement of income
         of IKSK for the year ended December 31, 2000, which were prepared based
         on accounting principles generally accepted in the United States.

(b)      The loss on the sale of IKSK is not  considered  in the  unaudited  pro
         forma consolidated statements of income.

(c)      Adjustment  to net  sales to record  sales  from the  Company  to IKSK,
         previously eliminated.

(d)      Adjustment to cost of sales to record the intercompany  profit included
         in the Company's inventories purchased from IKSK.

(e)      Decrease  in  interest   expense  to  reflect  the   repayment  of  the
         indebtedness and other obligations due to the Company's senior lender.


(c)      Exhibits

         Exhibit 10.01   Agreement  dated as of June 5,  2001  among  TKM  GmbH,
                         i.G.,  Diether  Klingelnberg and International  Knife &
                         Saw, Inc.
         Exhibit 10.02   Notarial Deed
         Exhibit 10.03   Supply  Agreement  dated  June 5, 2001  among TKM GmbH,
                         i.G.,  Diether  Klingelnberg and International  Knife &
                         Saw, Inc.



Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned, hereunto duly authorized.

                                  INTERNATIONAL KNIFE & SAW, INC.

                             By:  /s/ William M. Schult
                                  William M. Schult, Executive Vice President
                                  Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer and
                                  Secretary (Principal Financial and Accounting
                                  Officer, and Executive Committee member)

                                  Date:  June 19, 2001


                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

         Exhibit 10.01   Agreement  dated as of June 5,  2001  among  TKM  GmbH,
                         i.G.,  Diether  Klingelnberg and International  Knife &
                         Saw, Inc.
         Exhibit 10.02   Notarial Deed
         Exhibit 10.03   Supply  Agreement  dated  June 5, 2001  among TKM GmbH,
                         i.G.,  Diether  Klingelnberg and International  Knife &
                         Saw, Inc.
