Notarial Deed

Transacted at Dusseldorf, this 5th day of June 2001.

Before me, the undersigned notary public

                                Dr. Henryk Haibt,

notary public for the district of the Oberlandesgericht  Dusseldorf with offices
at Dusseldorf appeared today

1.       Mr Diether  Klingelnberg,  born on March 22,  1944,  with  residence at
         Hainbuchenweg 5, B- 4730 Hauset, Belgium,

         - identified  by  submission  of his official  valid  German passport -

         acting in his own name and on his own behalf


         acting not in his own name,  but in his  capacity as managing  director
         with single power of representation  and released from the restrictions
         set forth under ss. 181 BGB in the name and on behalf of

                                 TKM GmbH i.G.,
              incorporated  by notarial deed dated May 4, 2001 (UR-No.  601/2001
              of notary public Klaus E.  Herrmann,  Remscheid)  with  registered
              offices at  Remscheid  and to be  registered  with the  Commercial
              Register of the Local Court Remscheid

         promising  to prove  his power of  representation  by  submission  of a
         certified copy of the notarial deed dated May 4, 2001 (UR-No.  601/2001
         of notary public Klaus E. Herrmann,  Remscheid),  the original of which
         will be attached to this notarial deed;

2.       Mr.  Thomas  Meyer,  born  on  October  10,  1955,  with  residence  at
         Paul-Krause-Str. 23, D-42897 Remscheid, Germany,

         - identified by submission of his official valid German passport -

         acting not in his own name,  but in his  capacity as managing  director
         with single power of representation  and released from the restrictions
         set forth under ss. 181 BGB in the name and on behalf of

                                 TKM GmbH i.G.,
              incorporated  by notarial deed dated May 4, 2001 (UR-No.  601/2001
              of notary public Klaus E.  Herrmann,  Remscheid)  with  registered
              offices at  Remscheid  and to be  registered  with the  Commercial
              Register of the Local Court Remscheid

         promising  to prove  his power of  representation  by  submission  of a
         certified copy of the notarial deed dated May 4, 2001 (UR-No.  601/2001
         of notary public Klaus E. Herrmann,  Remscheid),  the original of which
         will be attached to this notarial deed


         acting not in his own name,  but in his  capacity as managing  director
         with single power of representation  and released from the restrictions
         set forth under ss. 181 BGB in the name and on behalf of

                             IKS Klingelnberg GmbH,
              with  registered  offices at  Remscheid  and  registered  with the
              Commercial Register of the Local Court Remscheid under HR B 1463

         promising  to prove  his power of  representation  by  submission  of a
         certified  transcript  from the Commercial  Register of the Local Court
         Remscheid,  will be a  certified  copy of  which  is  attached  to this
         notarial deed;

3.       Mr. William M. Schult,  born on July 25, 1961,  with residence at 41017
         Edgewood, Kentucky , United States of America

         - identified by submission of his official valid passport of the United
         States of America -

         acting not in his own name,  but in his capacity as Vice  President and
         Chief Financial Officer with single power of representation in the name
         and on behalf of

                                     - 2 -

                         International Knife & Saw, Inc
              a corporation  duly organized and validly  existing under the laws
              of the State of Delaware, USA, with registered offices at Erlanger
              KY 41018, 1299 Cox Avenue, USA

         promising  to prove  his power of  representation  by  submission  of a
         certified and legalized  confirmation of power of  representation,  the
         original of which will be attached to this notarial deed.

The  persons  appearing  declared  to have  sufficient  command  of the  English
language and waive their rights to have a sworn interpreter attended.

The notary asked the persons  appearing whether the notary or a colleague of his
has been retained by the persons appearing in the same subject matter acting not
as a notary public. The persons appearing denied.

The  persons  appearing  - acting as  aforesaid  - declared  and  requested  for
notarisation of the following

                                     on the
                           Sale and Transfer of Shares

                                 By and between

1.       International Knife & Saw, Inc., with registered offices at Erlanger KY
         41018, 1299 Cox Avenue, USA,

                                    - hereinafter also referred to as "Seller" -


2.       Mr. Diether Klingelnberg, Hainbuchenweg 5, B- 4730 Hauset, Belgium,


3.       TKM GmbH i.G. with registered offices at Remscheid and to be registered
         with the commercial register of the local court Remscheid,

                                        - Diether Klingelnberg and TKM GmbH i.G.
                     Hereinafter collectively also referred to as "Purchasers" -

                                      - 3 -


4.       IKS  Klingelnberg  GmbH  with  registered   offices  at  Remscheid  and
         registered  with the commercial  register of the local court  Remscheid
         under HR B 1463

                                - hereinafter also referred to as the "Company"-


WHEREAS, Seller is sole shareholder of the Company;

WHEREAS, Seller  has  agreed to sell and to  transfer  shares  in the  aggregate
         nominal amount of DM  5.400.000,00  to TKM GmbH i.G. and to sell and to
         transfer  shares in the  aggregate  nominal  amount of DM 600.000,00 to
         Diether Klingelnberg;

NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows:

                                    Section 1
                               Corporate Ownership

1.       IKS  Klingelnberg  GmbH  is  a  company  with  limited  liability  with
         registered  offices  at  Remscheid,  Germany  and  registered  with the
         Commercial Register of the Local Court of Remscheid under HR B 1463.

2.       The Seller is sole shareholder of the Company.

3.       The  registered  share  capital of the Company  amounts to nominal DM 6
         ,000,000.00 (six million Deutsche Mark) and is divided as follows:

         3.1    One share in the nominal amount of             DM   5,000,000.00

         3.2    One share in the nominal amount of             DM   1,000,000.00
                                                               DM   6,000,000.00

                                      - 4 -

         All   contributions  to  the  share  capital  are  fully  paid  in  and
         non-assessable.  There have been no repayments of any kind of the share

                                    Section 2
                           Sale and Transfer of Shares

1.       Seller  hereby  splits,  for  purposes  of the sale and  transfer  of a
         partial  share  in the  nominal  amount  of DM  600,000.00  to  Diether
         Klingelnberg,  the share in the nominal  amount of DM  1,000,000.00  as
         described  in ss.  1 (3.2)  hereinabove  into a  partial  share  in the
         nominal  amount of DM  600,000.00  and a partial  share in the  nominal
         amount of DM 400,000.00.

2.       Seller sells and transfers to Purchasers and Purchasers hereby purchase
         and acquire from Seller,  subject to the terms and  conditions  of this
         Agreement  and   economically   effective  as  of  the  Effective  Date
         (hereinafter  defined) any and all outstanding shares in the Company in
         a  total  nominal  amount  of DM  6,000,000.00  (hereinafter  also  the
         "Shares")  free and clear of all  liens,  claims,  security  interests,
         options, charges, pledges and other restrictions or encumbrances of any
         nature  whatsoever;  together with any and all rights,  obligations and
         privileges  attached  thereto,  in  particular  any and all profits and
         losses as accrued from the Effective Date, as follows:

         2.1    to Diether Klingelnberg
                one partial share in the nominal amount of      DM    600,000.00

         2.2    to TKM GmbH i.G.
                one share in the nominal amount of              DM  5,000,000.00
                one partial share in the nominal amount of      DM    400,000.00

3.       Purchasers herewith accept the above sale and transfer of the Shares.

4.       The Company approves the split of the share according to Sec. 2 (1) and
         the above sale and transfer of the Shares.

5.       The Purchasers  herewith  notify the Company of the transfer the Shares
         pursuant  to ss.  16 of the  German  Limited  Liability  Companies  Act
         ("GmbH-Gesetz"). The Company herewith confirms and acknowledges receipt
         of this notification.

                                    Section 3
                           Effective Date and Closing

1.       This Agreement and any and all transactions  contemplated hereunder, in
         particular  the  sale  and  transfer  of the  Shares  and the  right to
         participate  in the  profits  and  losses,  shall  become  economically
         effective  as  of  January  1,  2001,  00,00  hours   (hereinabove  and
         hereinafter referred to as the "Effective Date").

                                      - 5 -

2.       The closing of the transactions contemplated hereunder shall take place
         in Dusseldorf,  Germany, on Tuesday,  June 5, 2001 at such place and at
         such time the parties will mutually agree upon (hereinafter referred to
         as the "Closing Date").

                                    Section 4
                                 Purchase Price

1.       The  Purchase  Price for the Shares in the Company  sold and  purchased
         hereunder is

                               US $ 11,723,858.38
 (United States Dollars eleven million seven hundred twenty three thousand eight
                        hundred fifty eight and 38/100)

2.       The Purchase Price is paid at Closing by Purchasers,  on behalf and for
         the account of Seller,  to the following bank accounts of Deutsche Bank
         AG, Remscheid in repayment of the Seller's  outstanding  obligations of
         indebtedness to Deutsche Bank AG:

                      Deutsche Bank AG, Remscheid Branch
                      Bank Account No.: 523 9009
                      Sorting Code ("BLZ"):      340 70093

3.       The Purchasers  will bring the  confirmation  from Deutsche Bank to the

                                    Section 5
                            Guarantees of the Seller

Seller represents and warrants as an independent  guarantee  effective as of the
transfer of the Shares sold and purchased hereunder as follows:

1.       Seller is a corporation incorporated and existing under the laws of the
         State of Delaware,  United States of America.  Seller has all requisite
         corporate  power and  authority  to enter  into this  Agreement  and to
         consummate the  transactions  contemplated  hereby.  This Agreement has
         been duly  executed  and  delivered  by  Seller,  has been  effectively
         authorized by all necessary  corporate action by Seller and constitutes
         a legal,  valid and binding obligation of Seller,  enforceable  against
         Seller in accordance with its terms.

2.       The execution and delivery of this Agreement,  the  consummation of the
         transactions contemplated hereby and the fulfilment of the terms hereof
         will  not  violate  or  result  in a  breach  of any of  the  terms  or
         provisions of, or constitute a default (or any event which,

                                      - 6 -

         with  notice  or the  passage  of time,  or both,  would  constitute  a
         default)  under,  or conflict with or result in the  termination of, or
         accelerate the performance required by, (i) any agreement, indenture or
         other  instrument  to which  Seller is a party or by which it is bound,
         (ii) any judgement,  decree, order or award of any court,  governmental
         body or arbitrator by which Seller is bound,  or (iii) any law, rule or
         regulation applicable to Seller. No authorization, consent, or approval
         of, or filing  with,  any  governmental  entity or other third party is
         necessary for the performance by Seller of its  obligations  under this

3.       Seller is not prohibited by any order, writ, injunction, stay or decree
         of  any  body  of  competent   jurisdiction   from   consummating   the
         transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement  and no such  action  or
         proceeding is pending  against  Seller which  questions the validity of
         this  Agreement,  any of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby or any
         action  which has been  taken by Seller in  connection  herewith  or in
         connection with any of the transactions contemplated hereby.

4.       Seller holds good legal and  beneficial  title to the Shares,  free and
         clear of all  liens,  claims,  security  interests,  options,  charges,
         pledges and other restrictions or encumbrances of any nature whatsoever
         other than the pledge of the Shares to Deutsche Bank.

5.       No financial advisor, finder agent or similar intermediary has acted on
         behalf of Seller in connection with this Agreement or the  transactions
         contemplated hereby other than Jefferies & Co., Inc. ("Jefferies"), and
         there are no brokerage  commissions,  finder's  fees or similar fees or
         commissions,  payable by Seller in connection herewith, other than fees
         payable to Jefferies that are the sole responsibility of Seller.

                                    Section 6
                          Guarantees of the Purchasers

Purchasers hereby jointly and severally  represent and warrant as an independent
guarantee  effective  as of  the  transfer  of the  shares  sold  and  purchased
hereunder as follows:

1.       TKM  GmbH  i.G.  is  a  company  with  limited  liability  (GmbH)  duly
         incorporated  under the laws of the Federal  Republic  of Germany.  TKM
         GmbH i.G. has all requisite corporate power and authority to enter into
         this Agreement and to consummate the transactions  contemplated hereby.
         This Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by

                                      - 7 -

         Purchasers,  has been effectively  authorized by all necessary  company
         action  by  Purchasers  and  constitutes  a legal,  valid  and  binding
         obligation of Purchasers,  enforceable against Purchasers in accordance
         with its terms.

2.       The execution and delivery of this Agreement,  the  consummation of the
         transactions  contemplated  hereby  and the  fulfillment  of the  terms
         hereof  will not  violate  or result in a breach of any of the terms or
         provisions of, or constitute a default (or any event which, with notice
         or the passage of time, or both,  would constitute a default) under, or
         conflict  with or  result in the  termination  of,  or  accelerate  the
         performance  required  by,  (i)  any  agreement,   indenture  or  other
         instrument to which Purchasers are (or either of them is) a party or by
         which  they are (or  either of them is)  bound,  (ii) the  articles  of
         incorporation,  bylaws or other  constitutive  documents of Purchasers,
         (iii) any judgment,  decree, order or award of any court,  governmental
         body or  arbitrator  by which  Purchasers  are (or  either  of them is)
         bound, or (iv) any law, rule or regulation applicable to Purchasers (or
         either of them). No authorization,  consent,  or approval of, or filing
         with, any governmental entity or other third party is necessary for the
         performance by Purchasers of their obligations under this Agreement.

3.       Purchasers are not prohibited by any order, writ,  injunction,  stay or
         decree of any body of  competent  jurisdiction  from  consummating  the
         transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement  and no such  action  or
         proceeding is pending against Purchasers that questions the validity of
         this  Agreement,  any of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby or any
         action which has been taken by Purchasers in connection  herewith or in
         connection with any of the transactions contemplated hereby.

4.       No financial advisor, finder agent or similar intermediary has acted on
         behalf  of  Purchasers  in  connection   with  this  Agreement  or  the
         transactions   contemplated   hereby,   and  there  are  no   brokerage
         commissions,  finder's fees or similar fees or commissions,  payable by
         Purchasers in connection herewith.

5.       Purchasers do not have actual knowledge that any of the representations
         and  warranties  made by  Seller  in this  Agreement  is not  true  and

                                      - 8 -

                                    Section 7
                  License to use corporate names and trademarks

Seller  shall  not  question  or  challenge  the  right of the  Company  and its
successors to operate their  business  using their present  corporate  name "IKS
Klingelnberg   GmbH"  and  the   trademarks,   brands,   logos  and  names  "IKS
Klingelnberg" or any similar name.

                                    Section 8
                                 Taxes and Costs

1.       Each Party hereto shall bear and pay all costs and expenses incurred by
         it in connection with the transactions  contemplated by this Agreement,
         including,  but not limited to, the fees, costs and expenses of its own
         financial  consultants,  accountants  and legal counsel.  Notarial fees
         related to the transfer of the Shares to  Purchasers  shall be borne by

2.       Transfer taxes,  including real estate  transfer taxes,  related to the
         transfer of the Shares to Purchasers shall be borne by Purchasers.  Any
         other taxes on income,  profits and capital gains including trade taxes
         - if any - arising  out of or in  connection  with the  transfer of the
         Shares to Purchasers shall be borne by Seller.

                                    Section 9
                      Assignment of Rights and Undertakings

This  Agreement and any rights or  obligations  hereunder may not be assigned or
transferred  by a party,  whether  completely or in part,  without prior written
consent of the other parties.

                                   Section 10
                           Notices and Communications

1.       All notices and/or  communications to be given under this Agreement and
         its implementation shall be addressed to the following addresses:

         If to Seller:                            If to Purchasers:

         International Knife & Saw, Inc.          TKM GmbH
         1299 Cox Avenue                          In der Fleute 18
         Erlanger, KY 41018 USA                   42897 Remscheid, Germany
         Attention: Board of Directors            Attention: Managing Director

                                      - 9 -

2.       The aforesaid  addresses shall remain valid and  enforceable  vis-a-vis
         any other party  unless and until the other party has been  notified in
         writing of any other address.

3.       All  notices or  communications  shall be in writing and shall be valid
         upon receipt.

4.       All notices or communications shall be sent by registered mail, return-
         receipt requested. The notices sent by telefacsimile or mail shall only
         be deemed to be  validly  given if  followed  immediately  by a written
         confirmation sent by registered mail, return-receipt requested. In case
         the  written  confirmation  follows  immediately  the  notice  given by
         telefacsimile  or mail such  notice  shall be deemed to be served  upon
         receipt of the telefacsimile or mail.

                                   Section 11

1.       This  Agreement  shall be  exclusively  governed  by and  construed  in
         accordance with the laws of the Federal  Republic of Germany  excluding
         the applicable rules on conflicts of laws.

2.       This Agreement  including without limitation this clause itself may not
         be amended  except by an  instrument  in  writing  signed by all of the
         parties hereto specifically referring to this Agreement.

3.       Non-exclusive  jurisdiction and venue for any disputes or controversies
         arising out of or in connection with this Agreement,  its validity, its
         implementation  and/or  its  performance  shall be with  the  competent
         courts of the city of Dusseldorf, Germany.

4.       If any  provision  of  this  Agreement  shall  become  or be held to be
         invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not
         affect the  validity of any other  provision  of this  Agreement.  Such
         invalid or unenforceable  provision shall be deemed to be automatically
         amended and replaced by such a provision as to form,  substance,  time,
         measure and jurisdiction as shall be valid and enforceable and as shall
         accomplish,  as far as possible,  the purpose and intent of the parties
         with respect to the invalid or unenforceable  provision.

5.       The parties herewith authorize

         (i)  Mr. Jochen Vorsmann and

                                     - 10 -

         (ii) Mrs. Angelika Leyendecker,

         clerks of the officiating  notary, with business address Berliner Allee
         21, 40211  Dusseldorf,  Germany,  - each of them individually and being
         released from the restrictions of ss. 181 of the German Civil Code - to
         make any  non-substantive  changes to this  notarial  deed which may be
         necessary  and/or  conducive in connection  with the conclusion of this
         Agreement on the sale and transfer of shares and its implementation.

6.       All  declarations  of consent and approval shall be deemed to have been
         duly  received by and served upon the parties upon  receipt  thereof by
         the undersigned notary public. The parties hereby waive their rights to
         have the declaration of approval served formally.  The notary public is
         hereby  authorized and entrusted to attach all  declarations of consent
         and approval provided for hereunder to this notarial protocol.

7.       The parties declare, that the Company owns real estate.

The above  notarial  deed was then  read by the  notary  public  to the  persons
appearing,  approved  by the  persons  appearing  and  signed by them and by the
notary public, each in their own hands, as follows:

                                        /s/ Diether Klingelnberg
                                        Diether Klingelnberg

                                        /s/ Thomas Meyer
                                        Thomas Meyer

                                        /s/ W. Schult
                                        W. Schult

                                     - 11 -