Deutsche Bank Filiale Remscheid Blumenstra(beta)e 33 42849 Remscheid IKS Klingelnberg GmbH Attention: Thomas Meyer In der Fleute 18 42897 Remscheid Confirmation of Conditions Dear Mr. Meyer: In reference to our conversations, we would like to confirm to you, that we have already made the following lines of credit / loans available to the IKS Klingelnberg GmbH Group - Germany, within the framework of our general conditions (AGB). For information on the durations, conditions, collaterals and covenants, we refer you to the specific loan agreements. Working Capital Line of Credit in the amount of DM 7,500,000 Loan through KfW (government agency) to IKS Klingelnberg GmbH for the acquisition of the Rolf Meyer company DM 5,000,000 Loan through KfW (government agency) to IKS Klingelnberg GmbH for the acquisition of the China Joint Venture DM 2,500,000 Loan through KfW (government agency) to IKS Klingelnberg GmbH for the mortgage of the factory/office building in Remscheid DM 3,771,000 Loan through KfW (government agency) to IKS Falzmesser GmbH for the acquisition of the Rolf Meyer Company DM 5,000,000 Loan through KfW (government agency) to IKS Messerfabrik Geringswalde GmbH DM 731,000 Deutsche Bank Investment Loan to IKS Messerfabrik Geringswalde DM 504,000 GmbH In addition to these loans / lines of credit, we are prepared to make available to IKS Klingelnberg GmbH, Remscheid, an additional line of credit for future investments/acquisitions in the amount up to with a duration of up to 10 years in accordance with framework of our general conditions (AGB). DM 8,500,000 We will mutually agree on the conditions of this line of credit at a given time in connection with the then current market conditions. The assets which will be acquired with these funds will generally serve as collateral for this loan. In addition, International Knife & Saw, Inc. must confirm that its loan to IKS Klingelnberg GmbH in the amount of DM 9.4 million will not have to be paid back until all of the loans from us have first been paid back. If you are in agreement with the content of this letter, please sign the enclosed copy and send it back to us. We thank you for your trust in us, wish you the best in your future plans, and hope for a continued cooperative and confident relationship. Deutsche Bank Muller Jakobi