- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               AIA Document A III

                           Standard Form of Agreement
                          Between Owner and Contractor

                        where the basis of payment is the
                           COST OF THE WORK PLUS A FEE
                   with or without a Guaranteed Maximum Price

                                  1987 EDITION


The 1987 Edition of AJA Document  A201,  General  Conditions of the Contract for
Construction,  is adopted in this document by  reference.  Do not use with other
general  conditions  unless This  document is modified.  This  document has been
approved  and  endorsed  by  The  Associated  General  Contractors  of  America.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


made as of the  twenty-ninth  (29th)  day of  December  in the year of  Nineteen
Hundred and Ninety-Seven (1997).

BETWEEN the Owner:                         Riviera Black Hawk, Inc.
(Name and address)                         2901 Las Vegas Boulevard South
                                           Las Vegas, NV 89109

and the Contractor:                        Weitz-Cohen Construction Co.
(Name and address)                         899 Logan Street, Suite 600
                                           Denver, CO 80203

the Project is:                            Riviera Black Hawk Casino
(Name and address)                         444 Main Street
                                           Black Hawk, CO 80422

the Architect is:                          Melick Associates, Inc.
(Name and address)                         Suite Four West
                                           1620 Market Street
                                           Denver, CO 80202

The Owner and Contractor agree as set forth below.

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Copyright 1920,  1925, 1951, 1958, 1961, 1963, 1967, 1974, 1978. (C) 1987 by The
American Institute of Architects,  1735 New York Avenue, N.W., Washington,  D.C.
20006.  Reproduction  of the  material  herein or  substantial  quotation of its
provisions  without written permission of the AIA violates the copyright laws of
the   United    States    and   will   be   subject   to   legal    prosecution.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                    ARTICLE 1
                             THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS

1.1.  The  Contract  Documents  consist  of this  Agreement,  Conditions  of the
Contract   (General.    Supplementary   and   other    Conditions),    Drawings,
Specifications,  addenda  issued  prior to execution  of this  Agreement,  other
documents listed in this Agreement and  Modifications  issued after execution of
this Agreement; these form the Contract, and are as fully a part of the Contract
as if attached to this Agreement or repeated herein. The Contract represents the
entire and integrated  agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes prior
negotiations,   representations  or  agreements,  either  written  or  oral.  An
enumeration  of the Contract  Documents.  other than  Modifications.  appears in
Article 16. If anything in the other  Contract  Documents is  inconsistent  with
this Agreement, this Agreement shall govern.

                                    ARTICLE 2
                            THE WORK OF THIS CONTRACT

2.1.  The  Contractor  shall  execute the entire Work  described in the Contract
Documents, except to the extent specifically indicated in the Contract Documents
to be the responsibility of others. or as follows:

The Contractor will perform all services for site  development,  parking garage,
casino,   and   associated   areas,   as  further   defined  by  the  Plans  and

See Exhibit B, Add Paragraph 2.2 and 2.3.

                                    ARTICLE 3
                           RELATIONSHIP OF THE PARTIES

3.1. The Contractor accepts the relationship of trust and confidence established
by this  Agreement and covenants  with the Owner to cooperate with the Architect
and utilize the Contractor's best skill,  efforts and judgment in furthering the
interests  of the  Owner.  to  furnish  efficient  business  administration  and
supervision;  and  supervision  to make best  efforts to furnish at all times an
adequate  supply of workers and  materials;  and to perform the Work in the best
way and most expeditious and economical  manner consistent with the interests of
the Owner. The Owner agrees to exercise best efforts to enable the Contractor to
perform the Work in the best way and most  expeditious  manner by furnishing and
approving  in a timely way  information  required by the  Contractor  and making
payments to the  Contractor  in  accordance  with  requirements  of the Contract

                                    ARTICLE 4

4.1.  The date of  commencement  is the date  from  which the  Contract  Time of
Subparagraph 4.2 is measured:  it shall be the date of this Agreement,  as first
written above,  unless a different date is stated below or provision is made for
the date to be fixed in a notice to proceed issued by the Owner.

(Insert the date of  commencement  if it differs from the date of this Agreement
or, if applicable, state that the date will be fixed in a notice for proceed)


Unless the date of  commencement is established by a notice to proceed issued by
the Owner,  the contractor  shall notify the Owner in writing not less than five
days  before  commencing  the Work to permit  the  timely  filing of  mortgages,
mechanic's liens and other security interests.

4.2. The Contractor shall 2chieve Substantial  Completion of the entire Work not
later than

(Insert  the  calendar  date or  number  of  calendar  days  after  the  date of
commencement. Also insert any requirements for earlier Substantial Completion of
certain  portions  of  the  Work,  if  not  stated  elsewhere  in  the  Contract

See Exhibit B, Paragraph 4.2.

,subject to  adjustments  of this  Contract  Time as  provided  in the  Contract

(Insert  provisions,  if any,  for  liquidated  damages  relating  to failure to
complete on time.)

                                    ARTICLE 5
                                  CONTRACT SUM

5.1. The Owner shall Pay the  Contractor in current  funds for the  Contractor's
performance  of the Contract the Contract Sum consisting of the Cost of the Work
as defined in Article 7 and the Contractor's Fee determined as follows:

(State  a lump  sum  percentage  of Cost  of the  Work or  other  provision  for
determining the Contractor's  Fee, and explain how the Contractor's Fee is to be
adjusted for changes in the Work.)

See Exhibit B, Subparagraph 5.1.


5.2.1. The sum of the Cost of the Work and the Contractor's Fee is guaranteed by
the  Contractor  not to exceed  Twenty-four  Million Five  Hundred  Thousand and
00/000 ________ Dollars  ($24,500,000.00  ), subject to additions and deductions
by Change  Order as  provided in the  Contract  Documents.  Such  maximum sum is
referred to in the Contract  Documents as the Guaranteed  Maximum  Price.  Costs
which would cause the  Guaranteed  Maximum Price to be exceeded shall be paid by
the Contractor without reimbursement by the Owner.

(Insert specific provisions if the Contractor is to participate in any savings.)

All savings on the project will be returned to the Owner.

5.2.2. The Guaranteed Maximum Price is based upon the following  alternates,  if
any,  which are described in the Contract  Documents and are hereby  accepted by
the Owner:

Exhibit F, Paragraph #1, is the basis for the guaranteed maximum price.

5.2.3. The amounts agreed to for unit prices, if any, are as follows:

(State  unit  prices  only  if  a  Guaranteed   Maximum  Price  is  inserted  in
Subparagraph 5.2.1.)

Does Not Apply.


                                    ARTICLE 6
                               CHANGES IN THE WORK


6.1.1.  Adjustment to the Guaranteed  Maximum Price on account of changes in the
Work may be determined by any of the methods listed in  Subparagraph  7.3.3.  of
the General Condition.

6.1.2. In calculating adjustments to subcontracts (except those awarded with the
Owner's  prior  consent  on the basis of cost plus a fee) the terms  "cost"  and
"fee" as used in Clause of the General Conditions and the terms "costs"
and "a  reasonable  allowance  for overhead and profit" as used in  Subparagraph
7.3.6 of the General Conditions, shall have the meanings assigned to them in the
General  Conditions  and  shall  not be  modified  by  Articles  5 and 8 of this
Agreement. Adjustments to subcontracts awarded with the Owner's prior consent on
the basis of cost plus a fee shall be calculated in accordance with the terms of
those subcontracts

6.1.3. In calculating adjustments to this Contract, the terms "cost" and "costs"
as used in the above-referenced  provisions of the General Conditions shall mean
the Cost of the Work as defined in Article ___ of this  Agreement  and the terms
"fee" and "a  reasonable  allowance  for  overhead  and  profit"  shall mean the
Contractor's Fee a, defined in Paragraph 5.1 of this Agreement.

                                    ARTICLE 7
                             COSTS TO BE REIMBURSED

7.1.  The term Cost of the Work  shall mean costs  necessarily  incurred  by the
Contractor in the proper  performance of the Work.  Such costs shall be at rates
not higher than the standard paid at the place of the Project  except with prior
consent of the  Owner.  The Cost of the Work  shall  include  only the items set
forth in this Article 7.

7.1.1.   LABOR COSTS

See Exhibit B , Paragraph

See Exhibit B, Paragraph

(If it is intended that the wages or salaries of certain personnel  stationed at
the Contractor's principal or other offices shall be included in the Cost of the
Work, identify in Article 14 the personnel to be included and whether for all or
only part of their time.)

See Exhibit B, paragraph


See Exhibit B.  Paragraph 7.1.2.

CONSTRUCTION   Costs,   including   transportation,   of  materials   and  equipment
incorporated or to be incorporated in the completed construction.

                                       4  Costs of materials described in the preceding Clause in excess
of those  actually  installed but required to provide  reasonable  allowance for
waste and for spoilage. Unused excess materials. if any, shall be handed over to
the Owner at the completion of the Work or, at the owner's option, shall be sold
by the Contractor;  amounts realized,  if any, from such sales shall be credited
to the Owner as a deduction from the Cost of the Work.

ITEMS Costs. including transportation, installation. maintenance. dismantling
and removal of materials, supplies, temporary facilities,  machinery, equipment,
and hand tools not  customarily  owned by the  construction  workers,  which are
provided by the Contractor at the site and fully consumed in the  performance of
the  Work;  and cost less  salvage  value on such  items if not fully  consumed,
whether sold to others or retained by the Contractor.  Cost for items previously
used by the Contractor shall mean fair market value. Rental charges for temporary facilities, machinery, equipment, and hand
tools not customarily owned by the construction  workers.  which are provided by
the Contractor at the site,  whether  rented from the Contractor or others,  and
costs  of   transportation,   installation,   minor  repairs  and  replacements,
dismantling and removal thereof.

See Exhibit B, Paragraph Costs of removal of debris from the site.

See Exhibit B, Paragraph  That portion of the reasonable travel and subsistence  expenses of the
Contractor's personnel incurred while traveling in discharge of duties connected
with the Work.

7.1.5.   MISCELLANEOUS COSTS  That portion  directly  attributable  to this Contract of premiums for
insurance and bonds.

See Exhibit B, Paragraph  Sales, use or similar taxes imposed by a governmental  authority which
are related to the Work and for which the Contractor is liable.  Fees and  assessments  for the building  permit and for other permits,
licenses and  inspections  for which the  Contractor is required by the Contract
Documents to pay.  Fees of  testing  laboratories  for  tests  required  by the  Contract
Documents,  except those  related to defective or  nonconforming  Work for which
reimbursement  is excluded by Subparagraph  13.5.3 of the General  Conditions or
other  provisions  of the  Contract  Documents  and which do not fall within the
scope of Subparagraphs 7.2.2 through 7.2.4 below.  Royalties  and license fees paid for the use of a  particular  design,
process or product  required by the  Contract  Documents;  the cost of defending
suits or claims for  infringement of patent rights arising from such requirement
by the Contract  Documents;  payments  made in accordance  with legal  judgments
against  the  Contractor  resulting  from such suits or claims and  payments  of
settlement made with the


Owner's consent; provided,  however, that such costs of legal defenses, judgment
and settlements shall not be included in the calculation of the Contractor's Fee
or of a Guaranteed Maximum Price, if any, and provided that such royalties, fees
and costs are not excluded by the last  sentence of  Subparagraph  3.17.1 of the
General Conditions or other provisions of the Contract Documents.  Deposits  lost  for  causes  other  than  the  Contractor's  fault  or

7.1.6.   OTHER COSTS  Other costs incurred in the performance of the Work if and to the went
approved in advance in writing by the Owner.

See Exhibit B, Add Paragraphs and


The Cost of the Work shall also include  costs  described in Paragraph 7.1 which
are incurred by the Contractor:

7.2.1. In taking action to prevent threatened damage,  injury or loss in case of
an  emergency  affecting  the safety of persons  and  property,  as  provided in
Paragraph 10.3 of the General Conditions.

7.2.2.  In  repairing  or  correcting  Work  damaged or  improperly  executed by
construction  workers in the employ of the  Contractor,  provided such damage or
improper execution did not result from the fault or negligence of the Contractor
or the Contractor's foremen, engineers or superintendents, or other supervisory,
administrative or managerial personnel of the Contractor.

Exhibit B, Paraqraph.7.2.2.

7.2.3. In repairing damaged Work other man that described in Subparagraph 7.2.2.
provided  such  damage  did not  result  from  the  fault or  negligence  of the
Contractor or the Contractor's  personnel,  and only to the extent that the cost
of such  repairs  is not  recoverable  by the  Contractor  from  others  and the
Contractor is not compensated therefor by insurance or otherwise.

7.2.4. In correcting  defective or nonconforming Work performed or supplied by a
Subcontractor  or Material  supplier and not  corrected by them.  provided  such
defective or nonconforming  Work did not result from the fault or neglect of the
Contractor or the Contractor's  personnel adequately to supervise and direct the
Work of the Subcontractor or material supplier,  and only to the extent that the
cost of correcting the defective or nonconforming Work is not recoverable by the
Contractor from the Subcontractor or Material supplier.

                                    ARTICLE 8
                           COSTS NOT TO BE REIMBURSED

8.1.     The Cost of the Work shall not include:

8.1.1.  Salaries and other compensation of the Contractor's  personnel stationed
at the  Contractor's  principal  office or offices  other than the site  office,
except as  specifically  provided  in Clauses  and or as may be
provided in Article 14 .


8.1.2. Expenses of the Contractor's  principal office and offices other than the
site office.

8.1.3.  Overhead and general  expenses,  except as may be expressly  included in
Article 7.

8.1.4. The Contractor's capital expenses, including interest on the Contractor's
capital employed for the Work.

8.1.5. Rental costs of machinery and equipment,  except as specifically provided
in Clause

8.1.6.  Except as provided in  Subparagraphs  7.2.2  through 7.2.4 and Paragraph
13.5 of this Agreement,  costs due to the fault or negligence of the Contractor.
Subcontractors,  anyone  directly or indirectly  employed by any of them, or for
whose acts any of them may be liable, including but not limited to costs for the
correction of damaged, defective or nonconforming Work, disposal and replacement
of materials  and  equipment  incorrectly  ordered or supplied,  and making good
damage to property not forming part of the Work.

8.1.7. Any cost not specifically and expressly described in Article 7.

8.1.8.  Costs which  would cause the  Guaranteed  maximum  Price,  if any, to be

                                    ARTICLE 9
                         DISCOUNTS, REBATES AND REFUNDS

9.1. Cash discounts  obtained on payments made by the Contractor shall accrue to
the Owner if (1) before making the payment,  the Contractor  included them in an
Application for Payment and received payment therefor from the Owner, or (2) the
Owner has  deposited  funds with the  Contractor  with  which to make  payments;
otherwise,  cash  discounts  shall accrue to the  Contractor.  Trade  discounts,
rebates,  refunds  and  amounts  received  from sales of surplus  materials  and
equipment shall accrue to the Owner, and the Contractor shall make provisions so
that they can be secured.

9.2.  Amounts  which accrue to the Owner in  accordance  with the  provisions of
Paragraph  9.1 shall be credited to the Owner as deduction  from the Cost of the

                                   ARTICLE 10

10.1.  Those  portions  of the Work that the  Contractor  does riot  customarily
perform  with  the   Contractor's   own  personnel   shall  be  performed  under
subcontracts  or by  other  appropriate  agreements  with  the  Contractor.  The
Contractor shall obtain bids from Subcontractors and from suppliers of materials
or equipment fabricated especially for the Work which bids will be accepted. The
Owner may designate  specific persons or entities from whom the Contractor shall
obtain bids;  however,  if a Guaranteed Maximum Price has been established,  the
Owner may not prohibit  the  Contractor  from  obtaining  bids from others.  The
Contractor  shall not be required to contract with anyone to whom the Contractor
has reasonable objection.

See Exhibit B, Paragraph 10.1.

10.2. If a Guaranteed  Maximum Price has been  established and a specific bidder
among those whose bids are  delivered by the  Contractor to the Architect (1) is
recommended  to the Owner by the  Contractor;  (2) is  qualified to perform that
portion  of the  Work;  and  (3)  has  submitted  a bid  which  conforms  to the


requirements of the Contract Documents without  reservations or exceptions,  but
the Owner requires that another bid be accepted; then the Contractor may require
that a Change  Order be issued to adjust  the  Guaranteed  Maximum  Price by the
difference  between the bid of the person or entity  recommended to the Owner by
the Contractor and the amount of the  subcontract  or other  agreement  actually
signed with the person or entity designated by the Owner.

10.3.  Subcontracts or other agreements shall conform to the payment  provisions
of Paragraphs  12.7 and 12.8. and shall not be awarded on the basis of cost plus
a fee without the prior consent of the Owner.

See Exhibit B, Add Paragraph 10.4

                                   ARTICLE 11
                               ACCOUNTING RECORDS

11.1.  The  Contractor  shall keep hill and detailed  accounts and exercise such
controls  as may  be  necessary  for  proper  financial  management  under  this
Contract; the accounting and control systems shall be satisfactory to the Owner.
The  Owner  and  the  Owner's  accountants  shall  be  afforded  2CCCSS  to  the
Contr2ctor's records, books. correspondence,  instructions,  drawings. receipts,
subcontracts,  purchase orders,  vouchers,  memoranda and other data relating to
this  Contract,  and the  Contractor  shall preserve these for a period of three
VC2rS after final p2vmcnE, or for such longer period as m2% be required b'- law.

                                   ARTICLE 12
                                PROGRESS PAYMENTS

12.1.  Based upon  Applications  for Payment  submitted to the  Architect by the
Contractor and Certificates for Payment issued by the Architect, the Owner shall
make  progress  payments on account of the  Contract  Sum to the  Contractor  as
provided below and elsewhere in the Contract Documents.

12.2. The period covered by each  Application  for Payment shall be one calendar
month ending on the last day of the month, or as follows:

12.3. Provided an Application for Payment is received by the Architect not later
than the tenth  (10th)  day of a month,  the Owner  shall  make  payment  to the
Contractor  not later than the  thirtieth  (30th) day of the same  month.  If an
Application for Payment is received by the Architect after the application  date
fixed above,  payment shall be made by the Owner not later than twenty (20) days
after the Architect receives the Application for payment.

12.4. With each  Application for Payment the Contractor  shall submit  payrolls,
petty  cash  accounts,  receipted  invoices  or  invoices  with  check  vouchers
attached,  and  any  other  evidence  required  by the  Owner  or  Architect  to
demonstrate that cash disbursements already made by the Contractor on account of
the Cost of the Work equal or exceed (1) progress  payments  already received by
the  Contractor;  less (2) that portion of those  payments  attributable  to the
Contractor's  Fee;  plus (3)  payrolls  for the period  covered  by the  present
Application for Payment;  plus (4) retainage provided in Subparagraph 12.5.4, if
any, applicable to prior progress payments.



12.5.1.  Each  Application  for  Payment  shall  be based  upon the most  recent
schedule of values  submitted by the Contractor in accordance  with the Contract
Documents.  The schedule of values shall allocate the entire Guaranteed  Maximum
Price among the various  portions of the Work,  except that the Contractor's Fee
shall be shown as a single  separate  item.  The  schedule  of  values  shall be
prepared in such form and supported by such data to substantiate its accuracy as
the Architect may require.  This schedule,  unless objected to by the Architect,
shall  be  used as a basis  for  reviewing  the  Contractor's  Applications  for

12.5.2.  Applications  for Payment shall show the percentage  completion of each
portion of the Work as of the end of the period covered by the  Application  for
Payment. The percentage  completion shall be the lesser of (1) the percentage of
that portion of the Work which has actually been completed or (2) the percentage
obtained by dividing  (a) the expense  which has actually  been  incurred by the
Contractor on account of that portion of the Work for which the  Contractor  has
made or intends to make actual payment prior to the next Application for Payment
by (b) the share of the  Guaranteed  Maximum Price  allocated to that portion of
the Work in the schedule of values.

12.5.3.  Subject to other  provisions of the Contract  Documents,  the amount of
each progress payment shall be computed as follows:  Take that portion of the Guaranteed  Maximum Price properly allocable
to completed Work as determined by multiplying the percentage completion of each
portion of the Work by the share of the  Guaranteed  Maximum Price  allocated to
that portion of the Work in the schedule of values.  Pending final determination
of cost to the Owner of  changes  in the Work,  amounts  not in  dispute  may be
included as  provided in  Subparagraph  7.3.7 of the  General  Conditions,  even
though the Guaranteed Maximum Price has not yet been adjusted by Change Order. Add that portion of the Guaranteed Maximum Price properly allocable to
materials and equipment delivered and suitably stored at the site for subsequent
incorporation  in the Work or, if  approved  in advance  by the Owner,  suitably
stored off the site at a location agreed upon in writing.  Add the  Contractor's  Fee, less retainage of ten percent (10%).  The
Contractor's  Fee shall be computed  upon the Cost of the Work  described in the
two  preceding  Clauses  at  the  rate  stated  in  Paragraph  5.1  or,  if  the
Contractor's Fee is stated as a fixed sum in that Paragraph,  shall be an amount
which bears the same ratio to that  fixed-sum Fee as the Cost of the Work in the
two preceding Clauses bears to a reasonable estimate of the probable Cost of the
Work upon its completion.  Subtract the aggregate of previous Payments Made by the Owner.  Subtract the  shortfall,  if any,  indicated by the Contractor in the
documentation  required by Paragraph 12.4 to substantiate prior Applications for
Payment.  or  resulting  from  errors  subsequently  discovered  by the  Owner's
accountants in such documentation.  Subtract  amounts,  if any, for which the  Architect  has withheld or
nullified a Certificate  for Payment as provided in Paragraph 9.5 of the General

12.5.4. Additional retainage, if any, shall be as follows:

(If it is intended to retain  additional  amounts from progress  payments to the
Contractor beyond (1) the retainage from the Contractor's Fee provided in Clause the retainage from Subcontractors  provided in Paragraph 12.7 below;
and (3) the  retainage,  if any,  provided by other  provisions of the Contract,
insert provision for such additional retainage here. Such


provision,  if made,  should  also  describe  any  arrangement  for  limiting or
reducing  the  amount  retained  after  the  Work  reaches  a  certain  state of

NONE  Subtract  amounts,  if any, for which the  Architect  has withheld or
withdrawn a Certificate for Payment as provided in the Contract Documents.

12.5.5. Additional retainage, if any, shall be as follows:


12.6.  Except  with the  Owner's  prior  approval,  payments  to  Subcontractors
included in the Contractor's Applications for Payment shall not exceed an amount
for each Subcontractor calculated as follows:

12.6.1. Take that portion of the Subcontract Sum properly allocable to completed
Work as determined by multiplying  the percentage  completion of each portion of
the Subcontractor's  Work by the share of the total Subcontract Sum allocated to
that portion in the  Subcontractor's  schedule of values,  less retainage of TEN
percent  (10%).  Pending  final  determination  of  amounts  to be  paid  to the
Subcontractor for changes in the Work, amounts not in dispute may be included as
provided  in  Subparagraph  7.3.7 of the  General  Conditions  even  though  the
Subcontract Sum has not yet been adjusted by Change Order.

12.6.2.  Add that portion of the Subcontract Sum properly allocable to materials
and  equipment  delivered  and  suitably  stored  at  the  site  for  subsequent
incorporation  in the Work or, if  approved  in advance  by the Owner,  suitably
stored off the Site at a location agreed upon in writing,  less retainage of TEN
percent (10%).

12.6.3.  Subtract the aggregate of previous  payments made by the  Contractor to
the Subcontractor.

12.6.4.  Subtract  amounts,  if any,  for which the  Architect  has  withheld or
nullified a Certificate  for payment by the Owner to the  Contractor for reasons
which are the fault of the Subcontractor.

12.6.5. Add, upon Substantial Completion of the entire Work of the Contractor, a
sum  sufficient  to  increase  the total  payments to the  Subcontractor  to One
Hundred  percent(  100%) of the  Subcontract  Sum,  less  amounts,  if any,  for
incomplete  Work and unsettled  claims;  and, if final  completion of the entire
Work is thereafter  materially  delayed through no fault of the Subcontractor in
accordance with Subparagraph 9.10.3 of the General Conditions.

(if it is intended,  prior to  Substantial  Completion of the entire Work of the
Contractor,  to reduce or limit the retainage from Subcontractors resulting from
the percentages  inserted in Subparagraphs  12.7.1 and 12/7.2 above, and this is
not explained  elsewhere in the Contract  Documents,  insert here provisions for
such reduction or limitation.)

See Exhibit B. Add paragraphs, 12.7.7 and 12.71.8.

The Subcontract Sum is the total amount stipul2ted in the subcontract to be paid
by the Contractor to the  Subcontractor for the  Subcontractor's  performance of
the subcontract.

12.7.  Except with the Owner's prior  approval,  the  Contractor  shall not make
advance  payments to suppliers  for  materials or equipment  which have not been
delivered and stored at the site.

12.8.  In taking  action  on the  Contractor's  Applications  for  Payment,  the
Architect  shall be entitled to rely on the  accuracy  and  completeness  of the
information  furnished  by the  Contractor  and shall not be


deemed to represent that the Architect has made a detailed examination, audit or
arithmetic  verification  of the  documentation  submitted  in  accordance  with
Paragraph 12.4 or other  supporting data: that the Architect has made exhaustive
or continuous on-site inspections or that the Architect has made examinations to
ascertain how or for what purposes the  Contractor  has used amounts  previously
paid on account of the Contract. Such examinations, audits and verifications, if
required by the Owner,  will be performed by the Owner's  accountants  acting in
the sole interest of the Owner.

                                   ARTICLE 13
                                  FINAL PAYMENT

13.1.  Final payment shall be made by the Owner to the  Contractor  when (1) the
Contract has been fully performed by the contractor  except for the contractor's
responsibility  to correct  defective  or  nonconforming  Work,  as  provided in
Subparagraph   12.2.2  of  the  General   Conditions,   and  to  satisfy   other
requirements,  if any,  which  necessarily  survive final  payment:  (2) a final
Application  for  Payment and a final  accounting  for the Cost of the Work have
been submitted by the Contractor  and reviewed by the Owner's  accountants;  and
(3) a final Certificate for Payment has then been issued by the Architect;  such
final  payment  shall be made by the  Owner  not  more  than 30 days  after  the
issuance of the Architect's final Certificate for Payment:

13.2. The amount of the final Payment shall be calculated as follows:

13.2.1.  Take the sum of the Cost of the Work  substantiated by the Contractor's
final  accounting  and the  Contractor's  Fee; but not more than the  Guaranteed
Maximum Price, if any.

13.2.2. Subtract amounts, if any, for which the Architect withholds, in whole or
in part, a final  Certificate for Payment as provided in  Subparagraph  9.5.1 of
the General Conditions or other provisions of the Contract Documents.

13.2.3. Subtract the aggregate of previous Payments made by the Owner.

If the  aggregate Of Previous  payments made by the Owner exceeds the amount due
the Contractor, the Contractor shall reimburse the difference to the Owner.

13.3.  The  Owner's  accountants  will  review  and  report  in  writing  on the
Contractor's  final  Accounting  within  30 days  after  delivery  of the  final
accounting to the Architect by the Contractor.  Based upon such Cost of the Work
as the Owner's  accountants report to be substantiated by the Contractor's final
accounting,  and provided the other  conditions of Paragraph 13.1 have been met,
the Architect will, within seven days after receipt of the written report of the
Owner's  accountants,  either issue to the Owner a final Certificate for Payment
with a copy to the Contractor,  or notify the Contractor and Owner in writing of
the   Architect's   reasons  for   withholding  a  Certificate  as  provided  in
Subparagraph  9.5.1 of the General  Conditions.  The time periods stated in this
Paragraph  13.3  supersede  those  stated in  Subparagraph  9.4.1 of the General

13.4. If the Owner's accountants report the Cost of the Work as substantiated by
the Contractor's final accounting to be less than claimed by the Contractor, the
Contractor  shall be  entitled  to demand  arbitration  of the  disputed  amount
without a further decision of the Architect.  Such demand for arbitration  shall
be made by the  Contractor  within 30 days after the  Contractor's  receipt of a
copy of the  Architect's  final  Certificate  for  Payment;  failure  to  demand
arbitration  within this 30-day period shall result in the substantiated  amount
reported by the Owner's accountants becoming binding on the


Contractor.  Pending a final resolution by arbitration.  the Owner shall pay the
Contractor  the  amount  certified  in the  Architect's  final  Certificate  for

13.5. If, subsequent to final payment and at the Owner's request, the Contractor
incurs  costs  described  in Article 7 and not  excluded by Article 8 to correct
defective or  nonconforming  Work, the Owner shall reimburse the Contractor such
costs and the Contractor's  FCC applicable  thereto on the same basis as if such
costs  had been  incurred  prior  to final  payment,  but not in  excess  of the
Guaranteed  Maximum Price, if any. If the Contractor has participated in savings
as provided in Paragraph  5.2, the amount of such savings shall be  recalculated
and  appropriate  credit given to the Owner in determining  the net amount to be
paid by the Owner to the Contractor.

                                   ARTICLE 14
                            MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS

14.1.  Where  reference is made in this  Agreement to a provision of the General
Conditions or another Contract Document.  the reference refers to that provision
as amended or supplemented by other provisions of the Contract Documents.

14.2.  Payments due and unpaid under the Contract  shall bear  interest from the
date Payment is due at the rate stated below, or in the absence thereof.  at the
legal  rate  prevailing  from time to time at the place  where  the  Project  is

If the  Owner  fails to make  timely  payments,  The  Contractor  shall  receive
interest  at the Prime  Lending  Rate plus three  percent  (3%) for all days the
payments are late.  The Prime Rate will be that of the Norwest Bank of Denver as
it is published from time to time, at its current rate.

(Usury laws and  requirements  under the Federal  Truth in Lending Act,  similar
state and local  consumer  credit laws and other  regulations at the Owner's and
Contractor's  principal  laces of  business,  the  location  of the  Project and
elsewhere  may affect the validity of this  provision.  Legal  advice  should be
obtained  with  respect  to  deletions  or  modifications,  and  also  regarding
requirements such as written disclosures or waivers.)

14.3.    Other provisions:

See Exhibit B, Add Paragraph 14.3.

                                   ARTICLE 15
                            TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION

15.1. The Contract may be terminated by the Contractor as provided in Article 14
of the  General  Conditions;  however,  the amount to be paid to the  Contractor
under Subparagraph  14.1.2 of the General Conditions shall not exceed the amount
the Contractor  would be entitled to receive under Paragraph 15.3 below,  except
that the  Contractor's  Fee shall be  calculated  as if the Work had been  fully
completed by the Contractor,  including a reasonable estimate of the Cost of the
Work for Work not actually completed.

15.2. If a Guaranteed  Maximum Price is  established  in Article 5, the Contract
may be  terminated  by the Owner  for cause as  provided  in  Article  14 of the
General  Conditions;  however,  the amount, if any, to be paid to the Contractor
under  Subparagraph  14.2.4  of the  General  Conditions  shall  not  cause  the
Guaranteed  Maximum  Price to be  exceeded,  nor shall it exceed  the amount the
Contractor would be entitled to receive under Paragraph 15.3 below.


15.3. If no Guaranteed  Maximum Price is  established in Article 5, the Contract
may be terminated  by the Owner for cause  provided in Article 14 of the General
Conditions;  however,  the  Owner  shall  then  pay  the  Contractor  an  amount
calculated as follows:

15.3.1.  Take the Cost of the Work  incurred  by the  Contractor  to the date of

15.3.2.  Add the Contractor's Fee computed upon the Cost of the Work to the date
of termination 21 the rate stated in Paragraph 5.1 or, if the  Contractor's  Fee
is stated as a fixed sum in that Paragraph, an amount which bears the same ratio
to that fixed-sum Fee as the Cost of the Work at the time of  termination  bears
to a reasonable estimate of the probable Cost of the Work upon its completion.

15.3.3. Subtract the aggregate of previous payments made by the Owner.

The Owner shall also pay the Contractor fair compensation, either by purchase or
rental at the election of the Owner,  for any equipment  owned by the Contractor
which the Owner elects to retain and which is not otherwise included in the Cost
of the Work under  Subparagraph  15.3. 1. To the extent that the Owner elects to
take legal  assignment of  subcontracts  and purchase orders  (including  rental
agreements),  the  Contractor  shall,  as a condition of receiving  the payments
referred to in this Article 15, execute and deliver all such papers and take all
such  steps,  including  the legal  assignment  of such  subcontracts  and other
contractual  rights of the Contractor.  as the Owner may require for the purpose
of fully  vesting in the Owner the rights and benefits of the  Contractor  under
such subcontracts or purchase orders.

15.4.  The Work may be  suspended  by the Owner as provided in Article 14 of the
General Conditions;  in such case the Guaranteed Maximum Price, if any, shall be
increased as provided in Subparagraph  14.3.2 of the General  Conditions  except
that the term "cost of performance of the Contract" in that  Subparagraph  shall
be  understood  to mean the Cost of the  Work  and the  term  "profit"  shall be
understood to mean the  Contractor's  Fee as described in Paragraphs 5.1 and 6.3
of this Agreement.

                                   ARTICLE 16

16.1. The Contract Documents, except for Modifications issued after execution of
this Agreement, are enumerated as follows:

16.1.1.  The Agreement is this executed Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner
and Contractor. AIA Document A111, 198 Edition.

16.1.2.  The General  Conditions are the General  Conditions of the Contract for
Construction, AIA Document A201, 198 Edition.

16.1.3.  The  Supplementary  and  other  Conditions  of the  Contract  are those
contained in the Project Manual dated ___________ and are as follows:

Document                             Title                                 Pages


16.1.4. The Specifications are those contained in the Project Manual dated as in
Paragraph 16.1.3. and are as follows:


(Either  list the  Specifications  here or refer to an exhibit  attached  to the

Section                               Title                                Pages


16.1.5. The Drawings are as follows, and are dated __________ unless a different
date is show below:

Number                                Title                                Date

Reference Exhibit A.

16.1.6.  The addenda, if any, are as follows:

Number                                Date                                 Pages


Portions  of  Addenda  relating  to  bidding  requirements  are not  part of the
Contract  Documents unless the bidding  requirements are also enumerated in this
Article 16.

16.1.7.  Other Documents,  if any, forming part of the Contract Documents are as

(List  here any  additional  documents  which are  intended  to form part of the
Contract  Documents.  The General Conditions  provide that bidding  requirements
such as advertisement or invitation to bid,  instructions to Bidders, same forms
and  the  Contractor's  bid  are  not  part  of the  Contract  Documents  unless
enumerated in this Agreement.  They should be listed here only if intended to be
part of the contract Documents.)

Exhibit A - Drawing List

Exhibit B - Supplementary Conditions to AIA A111, Standard Form of Agreement
            Between Owner and Contractor

Exhibit C - Supplementary  conditions to the AIA A201 General  Conditions
            for the Agreement Between Owner and Contractor

Exhibit D - Contractor's Project Schedule

Exhibit E - Contractor's Project Budget

Exhibit F - Contractor's Qualifications to the Drawings and Specifications

Exhibit G - Small Tools Defined

Exhibit H - Contractor's Equipment Rental Rates

Exhibit I - Data for Basis of Weather Assumptions

Exhibit J - Contractor's  Standard  Subcontract  Agreement Form;  Purchase Order
            Form; Interim and Final Lien Waivers.


This Agreement is entered into as of the day and year first written above and is
executed in at least three  original  copies of which one is to be  delivered to
the  Contractor,  one to the  Architect  for  use in the  administration  of the
Contract, and the remainder to the Owner.

                                           CONSTRUCTION CO.

- ----------------------------------         -------------------------------------
(Signature)                                (Signature)

William L. Westerman, President            Gary D. Meggison, Vice President

- ----------------------------------         -------------------------------------
(Printed name and title)                   (Printed name and title)


                                    EXHIBIT A
                                  Drawings List
         for the Riviera Black Hawk Casino project, Black Hawk, Colorado
                             Dated: December 29,1997
                                   Page 1 of 2

1.   Preliminary/schematic architectural drawings prepared by Melick Associates,
     Denver, Colorado.

     A0.2     General Information                          Dated October 8, 1997
     A1.1     Site/Development Plan                                  "
     A2.1     Parking Level 1 Floor Plan                             "
     A2.2     Parking Level 2 Floor Plan                             "
     A2.3     Parking Level 3 Floor Plan                             "
     A2.4     Casino & Parking Level 4 Floor Plan                    "
     A2.5     Parking Levels 5 & 7 Floor Plan                        "
     A2.6     Upper & Parking Level 6 Floor Plan                     "
     A2.7     Not Used                                               "
     A2.8     Not Used                                               "
     A2.9     Roof Plan                                              "
     A4.1     South Elevations                                       "
     A4.2     North Elevation                                        "
     A4.3     East & West Elevations                                 "
     A5.1     East-West Section                                      "
     A5.2     North-South Section                          Dated October 8, 1997

2.   Preliminary/schematic   structural   drawings  prepared  by  Monroe  Newell
     Consulting Engineers, Denver, Colorado

     Unnumbered    Foundation Plan - Schematic Design             Dated October 13, 1997
     Unnumbered    Foundation Plan & 2nd Level Framing Plan                  "
     Unnumbered    Valet Parking Level Framing Plan                          "
     Unnumbered    Parking Level 3 Framing Plan                              "
     Unnumbered    Casino Framing Plan                            Dated October 13, 1997
     Unnumbered    Casino Level Framing Plan - Steel (Revised)    Dated October 20, 1997
     Unnumbered    Level 4 Framing Plan                           Dated October 13, 1997
     Unnumbered    Upper Framing Plan                                        "
     Unnumbered    Parking Level 6                                           "
     Unnumbered    Upper & Parking Level 6 Framing                Dated October 13, 1997
     Unnumbered    Upper Framing Plans - Steel (Revised)          Rec.'d October 20, 1997
     Unnumbered    Roof Plan                                      Dated October 13, 1997


                                    EXHIBIT A
                                  Drawings List
         for the Riviera Black Hawk Casino project, Black Hawk, Colorado
                             Dated: December 29,1997
                                   Page 2 of 2

3.   Preliminary/schematic   drawings   prepared  by  Martin/Martin   Consulting
     Engineers, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.

     C1.1     Main Street Site Plan                          Undated - Received October 20, 1997
     C2.1     Main Street Overall Grading Plan                                "
     C2.2     Main Street Grading Plan                                        "
     C2.3     Main Street Grading Plan                                        "
     C3.1     Main Street Overall Utility Plan                                "
     C3.2     Main Suva Utility Plan                                          "
     C3.3     Main Street Utility Plan                                        "
     C4.1     Main Street Plan/Profile                                        "
     C4.2     Main Street Plan/Profile                                        "
     C5.1     Main Street Drainage Plans                                      "
     C5.2     Main Street - Erosion Control Plans            Undated - Received October 20, 1997

4.   Soil Mitigation Plan, dated October 1997, prepared by Stewart Environmental
     Consultants, Inc., Ft. Collins, Colorado.

     Letter  describing  construction  dewatering  plan, dated October 22, 1997,
     prepared by Groundwater Specialists, Boulder, Colorado.

6.   Request for Proposal, dated August 19, 1997, prepared by Melick Associates,
     Denver, Colorado.

7.   The budget  assumes  that the project  will be designed and built under the
     1991 UBC.


                                    EXHIBIT B
         Supplementary Contract Terms to the AIA Document A111 Agreement
        Between Riviera Black Hawk, Inc. and Weitz-Cohen Construction Co.
         for the Riviera Black Hawk Casino project, Black Hawk, Colorado
                             Dated: December 29,1997
                                   Page 1 of 9

These Supplementary  Contract Terms modify, change, delete from, or add to those
terms set forth in the "Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor,
AIA  Document   A111,   Tenth   Edition,   1987,   and  shall   supersede   such
Owner/Contractor  Agreement to the extent inconsistent or in conflict therewith.
Where any Article,  Paragraph,  Subparagraph  or Clause of the  Owner/Contractor
Agreement  is modified or deleted by these  Supplementary  Contract  Terms,  the
unaltered  provisions of that Article,  Paragraph,  Subparagraph or Clause shall
remain in effect:

o    Paragraph 2.2, add the following new paragraph:

     "2.2 The  Guaranteed  maximum  Price may be  arrived at on the basis of the
     Contractor  preparing and submitting for the Owners approval  certain value
     engineering  items.  The  Owner  acknowledges  that the  value  engineering
     services  provided  by the  Contractor  are  advisory in nature and are not
     professional design services. Should incorporation of any value engineering
     item into the drawings and  specifications  materially affect other aspects
     of the work the Contractor will promptly notify the Owner in writing of the
     impact and indicate if any  adjustment in the  Guaranteed  Maximum Price or
     further refinement of the drawings and specifications is anticipated.

     "2.2.1 The Contractor  agrees to provide  consulting  services as listed in
     this  Paragraph 2.2 to further the interests of the Owner by furnishing the
     Contractor's  skill and judgment in cooperation with, and in reliance upon,
     the services of the Architect.  The Contractor  agrees to furnish  business
     administration  and  management  services  and to  perform  preconstruction
     services  in an  expeditious  and  economical  manner  consistent  with the
     interests of the Owner."

     "2.2.2 Provide cost evaluations of alternative materials and systems during
     the construction period."

     "2.2.3 Review designs during  creation of  construction  drawings.  Provide
     recommendations with respect to minimizing the cost of the work on relative
     feasibility of construction  methods,  availability of materials and labor,
     time  requirements for  procurement,  installation  and  construction,  and
     factors related to cost including, but not limited to, costs of alternative
     designs or materials, preliminary budgets and possible economies."

     "2.2.4 Provide for the  Architects  and the Owner's review and  acceptance,
     and monthly update,  a project schedule that coordinates and integrates the
     Contractor's   services,   the   Architects   services   and  the   Owner's
     responsibilities with the original construction schedule."

     "2.2.5 Prepare a detailed cost  breakdown of the  Guaranteed  Maximum Price
     based on Design Development Documents prepared by the Architect. Update and
     refine  this  cost  breakdown   periodically  as  the  Architect   prepares
     Construction Documents."


                                    EXHIBIT B
         Supplementary Contract Terms to the AIA Document A111 Agreement
        Between Riviera Black Hawk, Inc. and Weitz-Cohen Construction Co.
         for the Riviera Black Hawk Casino project, Black Hawk, Colorado
                             Dated: December 29,1997
                                   Page 2 of 9

     "2.2.6  Review  Construction  Documents  as they  are  being  prepared  and
     recommend alternative solutions whenever design details affect construction
     feasibility,  or the  design  is likely to  exceed  the  Project  budget or
     schedule. Make recommendations for corrective action"

     "2.2.7  Advise on the method to be used for  selecting  Subcontractors  and
     awarding  Subcontracts.  Review the  drawings and  specifications  and make
     recommendations  as required to provide that (1) the Work of Subcontractors
     is  coordinated,  (2) the  likelihood of  jurisdictional  disputes has been
     minimized,  and (3)  proper  coordination  has  been  provided  for  phased

     "2.2.8 Make recommendations for pre-qualification  criteria for Subcontract
     Bidders and develop Subcontract Bidders' interest in the Project. Establish
     bidding schedules.  Assist the Architect with the receipt of questions from
     Subcontract Bidders, and with the issuance of Addenda."

     "2.2.9 Assist in obtaining preconstruction building permits,  approvals and
     special permits."

     "2.2.10 If  requested,  assist the Owner in  selecting  and  retaining  the
     professional  services  of  surveyors,   special  consultants  and  testing
     laboratories. Coordinate their services."

o    Paragraph 2.3, add the following new paragraph:

     "The Work is clarified  by Exhibit F,  Contractor's  Qualifications  to the
     Drawings and Specifications."

o    Paragraph 4.2 is deleted and the following substituted:

     "4.2  After  the  commencement  date is fixed in a Notice to  Proceed,  the
     Contractor  shall prepare and issue within 10 days a construction  schedule
     for the Work. The schedule shall establish the time limits for the Work, to
     be revised as  required  by the  conditions  of the Work and  Project.  The
     Contractor  shall  achieve  Substantial  Completion  of the entire Work not
     later than (To be Determined by Change Order) calendar days from the actual
     start of  construction,  subject to  adjustments  of this  Contract Time as
     provided in the Contract  Documents.  The data in Exhibit I, Weather  Data,
     shall be the basis for claims due to adverse weather."

o    Paragraph 5.1 is deleted and the following substituted:

     "5.1  The  Owner  shall  pay  the  Contractor  in  current  funds  for  the
     Contractor's performance of the Contract the Contract Sum consisting of the
     Cost of the Work as defined in Article 7 and a Lump Sum Fee of $805,610.

     5.1.2 For any  changes to the scope of work,  a Fee of 3.4% will be charged
     for  the  sum of the  Cost  of  the  Work  plus  General  Conditions  costs
     chargeable for the revision.  Deductive Change Orders will be credited only
     the Cost of the  Work,  there  shall be no change  in  Contractor's  Fee or
     General Conditions for deleted items."


                                    EXHIBIT B
         Supplementary Contract Terms to the AIA Document A111 Agreement
        Between Riviera Black Hawk, Inc. and Weitz-Cohen Construction Co.
         for the Riviera Black Hawk Casino project, Black Hawk, Colorado
                             Dated: December 29,1997
                                   Page 3 of 9

o    Subparagraphs,,  and are deleted and the
     following substituted:

     " Wages plus fringe benefit charges of construction workers directly
     employed by the Contractor to perform the  construction  of the Work at the
     site or at off-site  workshops  and to make  deliveries  or pickups for the

     " The Contractor's  supervisory and administrative  personnel at the
     following  charging rates, no matter where stationed,  with adjustments for
     staff as assigned to the project:

         Construction Manager                                 $85.00/hour
         Project Manager                                      $65.00/hour
         Chief Estimator                                      $53.00/hour
         Estimator                                            $41.64/hour
         Project Engineer #1                                  $43.00/hour
         Project Engineer #2                                  $38.00/hour
         Assistant Project Engineer                           $19.84/hour
         Project Superintendent                               $2,200/week
         Assistant Superintendent                             $1,310/week
         Project Accountant                                   $23.00/hour
         Project Secretary/Coordinator                        $23.00/hour
         Jobsite Secretary                                    $15.00/hour
         Safety Director                    Included in Contractor's Fee"

     " Labor burden of 39% for FICA taxes, Workers Compensation Insurance
     and unemployment  contributions shall be added to costs in  Burden
     has been included in the charging rates in Subparagraph"

o    Subparagraph 7.1.2, is deleted and the following substituted:


     Payments made by the Contractor to  Subcontractors  in accordance  with the
     requirements  of the  subcontracts  and the  costs of  subcontractor  bonds
     required by the Owner or Contractor. For the purposes of this Subparagraph,
     Subcontractors  and  subcontracts  shall  include  engineering  consultants
     engaged by the Contractor or Subcontractor."

o    Subparagraph,  is  revised  by  deleting  the  last  sentence  and
     inserting in lieu thereof, the following:

     "Rental charges for equipment owned by the Contractor shall be as indicated
     in Exhibit H,  Contractor's  Equipment  Rental Rates The cost for providing
     Small Tools, as defined in Exhibit G, Small Tools Defined,  are included in
     the Contractor's hourly labor rate for any self performed work."


                                    EXHIBIT B
         Supplementary Contract Terms to the AIA Document A111 Agreement
        Between Riviera Black Hawk, Inc. and Weitz-Cohen Construction Co.
         for the Riviera Black Hawk Casino project, Black Hawk, Colorado
                             Dated: December 29,1997
                                   Page 4 of 9

o    Subparagraph, is deleted and the following substituted:

     "The costs of telegrams,  fax, and long-distance calls;  postage,  delivery
     and  express  charges;  telephone  service at the site;  printing  and copy
     charges;  petty cash  expenses at the site;  data  processing  and computer
     usage  charges  at $1.70 per  thousand  dollars of the  Guaranteed  Maximum
     Price;  photography;  computerized  scheduling  charges;  office furniture,
     equipment  and  supplies for the site office;  and other  similar  expenses
     related to the Work."

o    Subparagraph, is deleted and the following substituted:

     " That portion  directly  attributable  to this Contract of premiums
     for insurance and bonds.  The Owner and  Contractor  agree to the following
     stipulated  rates  of  costs  reimbursement:  (i)  Contractor's  commercial
     general  liability  insurance at the rate of $6.00 per thousand  dollars of
     the Guaranteed Maximum Price plus the cost of O.C.P. coverage, if required;
     (ii)  Contractor's  Subguard  insurance  at the rate of $7.50 per  thousand
     dollars of  subcontract  sum;  and (iii)  Contractor's  other  insurance or
     payment bond and performance bond, if required, at actual premium cost.

o    Subparagraphs, and, add the following new subparagraphs:

     " Utility fees, including but not limited to water, steam, gas, oil,
     electricity,  snow removal,  weather  protection,  and  temporary  toilets;
     protection  and  altering of public  utilities;  protection  and repairs of
     existing or adjoining  property;  rental  property for storage of materials
     and equipment or parking."

     " That portion of Contractor's AGC dues based on the Contract Sum of
     this Project."

o    Paragraph 7.2.2, insert "employees,  agents, or  subcontractors..."  in the
     third sentence after "...Contractor's  foreman..." and before "...engineers
     or superintendents..."

o    Paragraph 10.1, delete the last eight words of the second sentence,  delete
     third sentence and add:

     "The  Contractor  shall  review bids and  proposed  subcontract  awards and
     amendments  in excess of $10,000 with the Owner prior to award.  Additional
     subcontracts  (below  $10,000) will also be reviewed if required by Owner's


                                    EXHIBIT B
         Supplementary Contract Terms to the AIA Document A111 Agreement
        Between Riviera Black Hawk, Inc. and Weitz-Cohen Construction Co.
         for the Riviera Black Hawk Casino project, Black Hawk, Colorado
                             Dated: December 29,1997
                                   Page 5 of 9

o    Paragraph 10.4, add the following new paragraph:

     "10.4 Major categories of trade work commonly subcontracted in the location
     of the Project  shall only be performed by  Contractor's  own  personnel if
     approved  in advance in writing  by the  Owner.  This  paragraph  shall not
     prevent the Contractor from performing  incidental  trade work estimated at
     less than  $10,000 that due to the size or scope of the trade work does not
     represent an attractive  package for  competitive  subcontract  bidding and
     general conditions work with his own personnel."

o    Paragraph 12.4, is revised by adding the following after the last sentence:

     "The Contractor will present interim lien waivers from  subcontractors  and
     major material suppliers as condition for payment.  Samples of Interim Lien
     Waivers,  Final Lien Waivers and  Contractors  standard  Purchase Order and
     Subcontract forms have been included in Exhibit `J'."

o    Subparagraph 12.7.6, add the following new subparagraph:

     "12.7.6  Notwithstanding  Paragraphs 12.7.1 and 12.7.2 above, at such times
     as each portion of the Work as set forth in the schedule of values has been
     fifty  percent  (50%)  completed  to the mutual  satisfaction  of Owner and
     Contractor,  Owner may cease further  retainage from the progress  payments
     with respect to such portion of the Work."

o    Subparagraph 12.7.7, add the following new subparagraph:

     "12.7.7 Upon mutual agreement by Owner and Contractor,  payment in full may
     be made to those  subcontractors  whose Work is fully completed  during the
     early stages of the Project,  or any retained  amounts reduced with respect
     to  subcontractors  at  such  times  as the  parties  may  mutually  agree.
     Agreement to any such  reduction in retained  amounts will not constitute a
     waiver  of  or  otherwise  prejudice  the  Owner's  right  to  subsequently
     reinstate full retainage,  as to that subcontractor,  should  circumstances
     justify such action in the Owner's sole judgment."

o    Paragraph 12.7.8, add the following new paragraph:

     "12.7.8 The Contractor's Fee; general conditions costs;  insurance charges,
     bond costs, if any; taxes and costs of permits, fees, testing,  inspections
     and  similar  items,  if paid by the  Contractor,  shall not be  subject to


                                    EXHIBIT B
         Supplementary Contract Terms to the AIA Document A111 Agreement
        Between Riviera Black Hawk, Inc. and Weitz-Cohen Construction Co.
         for the Riviera Black Hawk Casino project, Black Hawk, Colorado
                             Dated: December 29,1997
                                   Page 6 of 9

o    Paragraph 14.3, add the following new paragraphs:

     "14.3.1 Owner and Architect  are to be listed as  `Additional  Insured' for
     all liability  insurance  policies  purchased by the Contractor.  Limits of
     liability of insurance required to be carried by the Contractor shall be:"

     "  Workers  Compensation:  statutory limits,  including  employer's
     liability limits $1,000,000 each accident, $1,000,000 disease policy limit,
     $1,000,000 disease each employee."

     "  Comprehensive Public Liability including  operations,  premises,
     products,  completed operations,  premises, products, completed operations,
     independent  contractors,  contractual,  personal  injury,  and broad  form
     property damage  endorsement:  limits $2,000,000 bodily injury and property
     damage combined."

     "  Automobile  Liability:  including  owned,  hired and  non-owned,
     limits $1,000,000 bodily injury and property damage combined."

     " Excess  Liability  Umbrella policy in the amount normally carried
     by the Contractor,  but in any event not less than $16,000,000 to cover all
     items required to be covered under Subparagraphs and"

     " Thirty days written  cancellation  notice stating a firm 30 days'
     written notice will be furnished to the holder of the certificate."

     " XCU coverage  (required from  Subcontractors who have demolition,
     excavation,  shoring,  underpinning,  connection with existing utilities or
     work in or adjacent to any buildings  included in the scope of the Work) to
     provide   protection  for  explosion,   collapse  and  underground   damage

     "14.3.2 The  Contractor  will obtain for the  duration of the  construction
     "builder's  risk/all  risk"  insurance for the Work,  with  deductibles  of
     $1,000  for each  occurrence,  $25,000  for losses  due to  earthquakes  or
     $25,000  for  losses  due to  flood.  Any  deductible  amount  paid  by the
     Contractor will be considered a Cost of the Work." The "builder's  risk/all
     risk" policy is to be presented to the Owner for approval."

     "14.3.3  The  Owner   hereby   designates   John  `Chip'   Franzoi  as  its
     representative,  with authority to approve  Modifications and other changes
     in the Work.  Such  representative  shall be available  when needed  during
     working   hours  at  the  site  of  the  Work  and,  in  all  cases,   such
     representative's signature shall be final and binding on the Owner."

     "14.3.4 Notices  required or desired to be made under this Agreement shall,
     if mailed, be mailed to the party at the address set forth as follows:


                                    EXHIBIT B
         Supplementary Contract Terms to the AIA Document A111 Agreement
        Between Riviera Black Hawk, Inc. and Weitz-Cohen Construction Co.
         for the Riviera Black Hawk Casino project, Black Hawk, Colorado
                             Dated: December 29,1997
                                   Page 7 of 9

     Riviera Hotel and Casino               Weitz-Cohen Construction Company
     2901 Las Vegas Boulevard South         899 Logan Street, Suite 600
     Las Vegas, NV 89109                    Denver, CO 80203
     Attention:  John `Chip' Franzoi        Attention:  Gary Meggison
     Vice President Construction            Vice President

     "14.3.5 The Owner and  Contractor  recognize  that, in performing  the Work
     covered by the Contract Documents, property of the Owner and of the Owner's
     separate contractors,  including the Work, may be damaged or destroyed. The
     loss in such case may or may not be within the  coverage  or may exceed the
     limits of liability under any insurance  carried by the Owner or others. It
     is agreed by the parties hereto that notwithstanding  anything contained in
     the Contract Documents to the contrary,  the Owner and the Owner's separate
     contractors  assume all risk of loss or damage to their interest in any and
     all of their property and the use and occupancy  thereof and hereby release
     the  Contractor  and its agents,  employees and  Subcontractors  ("Released
     Parties") from all claims on account of loss or damage  thereto,  except to
     the extent negligently or willfully caused by such released parties."

     " The following scopes of work ("Design/Build Work") include design
     services to be performed as part of this Agreement:

     a)   Mechanical Systems/HVAC, Plumbing and Temperature Controls

          Design services to be performed by Southland Industries,  Inc. will be
          a Cost of the Work included in the Contract.

     b)   Fire Protection

          Design services to be performed by Frontier Fire Protection, Inc. will
          be a Cost of the Work included in the Contract.

     c)   Electrical  Systems/Power,  Lighting, Fire Detection and Miscellaneous

          Design  services to be performed by Riviera  Electric,  Inc. will be a
          Cost of the Work included in the Contract.

     d)   Dewatering system and water treatment facility

          Design services to be performed by IT Corporation, Inc. will be a Cost
          of the Work included in the Contact.


                                    EXHIBIT B
         Supplementary Contract Terms to the AIA Document A111 Agreement
        Between Riviera Black Hawk, Inc. and Weitz-Cohen Construction Co.
         for the Riviera Black Hawk Casino project, Black Hawk, Colorado
                             Dated: December 29,1997
                                   Page 8 of 9

     e)   Earth retention and shoring system

          Design  services to be  performed by Coggins and Son,  Inc.  will be a
          Cost of the Work included in the Contract. The Design/Build Work subcontracts shall include:

     a)   The  Subcontractor  shall furnish a certificate of insurance to Owner,
          which evidences the following minimal professional errors and omission
          (or comparable) coverages:

          Single Occurrence $1,000,000
          Aggregate Limit   $2,000,000

     b)   The  Subcontractor  shall  agree to defend,  indemnify  and hold Owner
          harmless  from and  against  any  design  errors or  omissions  of the
          Subcontractor  and shall  grant  the  Owner  the right to pursue  such
          claims directly against the Subcontractor.  The   Contractor   agrees  to  administer   performance  of  such
     Design/Build  Work design  services,  including (i)  administration  of the
     Design/Build  Work  subcontracts  in the normal  course  including  payment
     administration,  and (ii)  coordination of the  Design/Build  Work contract
     documents prepared by its  subcontractors,  with the design services of the
     Owner's design professionals,  including site,  architectural,  structural,
     civil and geotechnical. Owner and Contractor agree to look solely to the Design/Build Work
     subcontractors  for any design  errors or  omissions  arising  out of their
     Design/Build   Work,   and   hereby   release   each  other  (but  not  the
     subcontractor) therefrom.

     14.3.7 The parties acknowledge that Owner may obtain financing for all or a
     portion of the amounts  payable  under this  Contract,  and that the lender
     providing such  financing  (the  "Lender") may seek certain  protections to
     assure  its  ability to  complete  the Work and  preserve  the value of the
     property  upon  which the  Project  is located in the event of a default by
     Owner.  The parties  agree to negotiate  modifications  to this contract in
     good faith as may be necessary  to provide  reasonable  Lender  protection,
     including  but not  limited  to: a) the  assignment  of this  Contract  and
     subcontracts to Lender and assurances that  (contingent  upon the continued
     performance by Lender under such contracts)  Contractor and  subcontractors
     will continue to perform the Work following default by Owner and acceptance
     of the  contracts  by Lender;  b)  agreements  that Lender or its agents or
     consultants may inspect the Work at any reasonable time upon the same terms
     as can  the  Owner  and/or  Architect  under  the  Contract  Documents;  c)
     providing periodic reports to Lender regarding the percentage completion of
     the Work, budgetary matters,  payments to subcontractors or materialmen and
     similar items; d) making Lender an additional insured under all policies of
     insurance maintained by Contractor;  or e) reasonable  limitations upon the
     recourse of Contractor  or  subcontractors  against  Lender for defaults by
     Owner under the Contract Documents."


                                    EXHIBIT B
         Supplementary Contract Terms to the AIA Document A111 Agreement
        Between Riviera Black Hawk, Inc. and Weitz-Cohen Construction Co.
         for the Riviera Black Hawk Casino project, Black Hawk, Colorado
                             Dated: December 29,1997
                                   Page 9 of 9



                                    EXHIBIT C
      Supplementary Conditions to the AIA Document A201 General Conditions
 for the Agreement Between Riviera Black Hawk, Inc. and Weitz-Cohen Construction
      Co. for the Riviera Black Hawk Casino project, Black Hawk, Colorado
                             Dated: December 29,1997
                                   Page 1 of 5

These Supplementary General Conditions modify, change, delete from or add to the
"General  Conditions  of the Contract  For  Construction,"  AIA  Document  A201,
Fourteenth  Edition,  1987,  and shall  supersede the General  Conditions to the
extent inconsistent or in conflict  therewith.  Where any Article of the General
Conditions is modified,  or any  Paragraph,  Subparagraph  or Clause  thereof is
modified or deleted by these  Supplementary  General  Conditions,  the unaltered
provisions of that Article,  Paragraph,  Subparagraph  or Clause shall remain in

o    Subparagraph  2.4.1, is revised by changing  "seven" in lines 3, 6 and 8 to

o    Subparagraph 3.10.3, delete in its entirety.

o    Subparagraph  4.2.1,  is revised by deleting Item 1, `during  construction"
     and Item 2 `until final payment is due'.

o    Subparagraph 4.5.8, add as a new subparagraph:

     "4.5.8  Procedural  Issues.  The  arbitration  shall  be  held  in  Denver,
     Colorado.  Each party shall bear its own direct costs, including attorney's
     fees, but general costs of the arbitration  shall be shared by both parties
     equally;  provided, the arbitrator may choose to award the general costs of
     arbitration against the losing party if the arbitrator  determines that the
     proposed   resolution  urged  by  the  losing  party  was  not  reasonable.
     Notwithstanding  anything in the Contract  Documents to the contrary,  each
     party shall be required to submit its proposed resolutions of each Claim to
     the arbitrator,  and the arbitrator  shall be required to render a decision
     adopting in full either one or the other of such proposed resolutions,  and
     no compromises or alternative resolutions shall be allowed or considered by
     the  arbitrator.  Each party shall be entitled  to full  discovery  and the
     process,  proceedings,  practices  and  procedures  provided  for under the
     Federal Rules of Civil Procedure in effect at the time notice of demand for
     arbitration  is filed.  Either  party may request the  selection of up to 3


                                    EXHIBIT C
      Supplementary Conditions to the AIA Document A201 General Conditions
 for the Agreement Between Riviera Black Hawk, Inc. and Weitz-Cohen Construction
      Co. for the Riviera Black Hawk Casino project, Black Hawk, Colorado
                             Dated: December 29,1997
                                   Page 2 of 5

o    Subparagraph 4.5.9, add as a new subparagraph:

     "4.5.9 Limitations on Arbitration. Notwithstanding anything in the Contract
     Documents  to the  contrary,  if the (1)  Claims  involve a  proposed,  net
     aggregate  payment or reimbursement in an amount greater than $500,000,  or
     (2) the  Claims  involve  an  interested  person or entity  (including  the
     Architect)  who has not  consented  to be joined in the  arbitration,  then
     arbitration  shall apply only if both parties consent to  arbitration.  For
     this purpose an "interested person or entity" means any person or entity if
     (1) in such interested person or entity's  absence,  complete relief cannot
     be accorded among those already  parties,  or (2) the interested  person or
     entity is so situated that the disposition of the Claim without the joinder
     of such interested  person or entity may leave any of those already parties
     subject to a substantial  risk of incurring  double,  multiple or otherwise
     inconsistent obligations. If both parties do not consent to arbitration for
     such Claim as described  herein,  then all  requirements,  conditions,  and
     conditions   precedent   pertaining   to   arbitration   shall  be   deemed
     appropriately  adjusted  to permit  either  party to pursue  such Claims as
     otherwise permitted by the Contract Documents or by law."

o    Subparagraph  5.2.1,  change  "promptly" to "within 10 days" in lines 7 and

o    Subparagraph 7.3.4, add at the end.

     "Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  if the evidence  required by Subparagraph
     2.2.1  indicates  the Owner will not have  sufficient  funds to make timely
     payment for the Construction Change Directive,  the Contractor shall not be
     required to proceed with the change in work."

o    Subparagraph 8.2.2, delete the third sentence.

o    Subparagraph 8.3.1, add at the end:

     "Any  delay  caused  by lack of  permit or  governmental  approval,  beyond
     control of Contractor, shall be grounds for a time extension."

o    Paragraph  9.3.1, is revised by adding "and Owner after  "Architect" in the
     second line.

o    Subparagraph,  insert "within thirty days" in the second  sentence
     after "...Contractor does not intend to pay..."


                                    EXHIBIT C
      Supplementary Conditions to the AIA Document A201 General Conditions
 for the Agreement Between Riviera Black Hawk, Inc. and Weitz-Cohen Construction
      Co. for the Riviera Black Hawk Casino project, Black Hawk, Colorado
                             Dated: December 29,1997
                                   Page 3 of 5

o    Paragraph 9.3.3, is revised by adding the following sentence:

To the extent that the Owner has paid to  Contractor  all  amounts  then due and
payable from Owner to Contractor under the Contract Documents,  Contractor shall
save and keep Owner,  Owner's loan  proceeds and Owner's  property free from all
mechanics' liens and materialmen's  liens and all other liens and claims,  legal
or equitable,  arising out of the Work performed by Contractor, its employees or
subcontractors  on all tiers.  If Owner has paid to  Contractor  amounts  due on
account of work performed or materials provided by a claimant,  Contractor shall
remove and discharge any lien, or obtain the release of any Notice to Disburser,
filed by such claimant  within thirty days after the same was filed.  Samples of
Interim Lien Waivers, Final Lien Waivers and Contractors standard Purchase Order
and Subcontract forms have been included in Exhibit `J'."

o    Paragraph  9.6.1,  is  revised by adding  the  following  at the end of the

"Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  if the  Contractor  is in  breach  under  the
Contract  Documents on the date on which the Owner  receives the  Certificate of
Payment from the Architect,  or if the Owner otherwise disputes any amount shown
as due on the  Certificate  of Payment,  the Owner may withhold from the payment
certified by the Architect the amount that the Owner  reasonably deems necessary
to cure  the  Contractor's  breach  or the  amount  otherwise  disputed,  on the
condition  that  the  Owner  delivers  written  notice  of the  basis  for  such
withholding  and pays to the Contractor  all undisputed  amounts shown as due on
the  Certificate of Payment  within the time provided in the Contract  Documents
for the payment of progress  payments to the  Contractor.  Except as provided in
Section 14.2.3, any amount so withheld shall promptly be paid over to Contractor
upon the cure of the breach or  resolution of the dispute.  Notwithstanding  any
provision  hereof  to  the  contrary,  Owner's  withholding  of  payment  to the
Contractor  pursuant to the terms of this Section  shall not be  considered  the
failure of Owner to pay any amounts  certified  for payment by the  Architect or
constitute a default by Owner under the terms of this Contract"

o    Subparagraph  9.7.1, is revised by changing  "seven" in lines 2, 4 and 7 to
     "three" and change line 6 as follows:

"tified by the  Architect  or awarded by  arbitration,  or if the Owner does not
promptly furnish evidence as required by Subparagraph 2.2.1, then the Con-."

o    Subparagraphs 10.1.2 through 10.1.6,  delete in its entirety and substitute
     the following:

10.1.2 If  reasonable  precautions  will be  inadequate  to prevent  foreseeable
bodily  injury or death to  persons  resulting  from a  material  or  substance,
including  but not  limited  to  asbestos  or  polychlorinated  biphenyl  (PCB),
encountered  on  the  site  by  the  Contractor,   the  Contractor  shall,  upon
recognizing the condition, immediately stop Work in the affected area and report
the condition to the Owner and Architect in writing.


                                    EXHIBIT C
      Supplementary Conditions to the AIA Document A201 General Conditions
 for the Agreement Between Riviera Black Hawk, Inc. and Weitz-Cohen Construction
      Co. for the Riviera Black Hawk Casino project, Black Hawk, Colorado
                             Dated: December 29,1997
                                   Page 4 of 5

10.1.3 The Owner shall  obtain the services of a licensed  laboratory  to verify
the presence or absence of the material or substance  reported by the Contractor
and, in the event such  material or substance is found to be present,  to verify
that it has been properly remediated.  Unless otherwise required by the Contract
Documents,  the Owner shall furnish in writing to the  Contractor  and Architect
the names and  qualifications  of persons or entities  who are to perform  tests
verifying  the  presence or absence of such  material or substance or who are to
perform the task of removal or safe  containment  of such material or substance.
The  Contractor  and the Architect  will promptly  reply to the Owner in writing
stating  whether  or not  either  has  reasonable  objection  to the  persons or
entities  proposed by the Owner.  If either the  Contractor  or Architect has an
objection to a person or entity  proposed by the Owner,  the Owner shall propose
another whom the Contractor and the Architect have no reasonable objection. When
the material or substance has been reduced to acceptable  limits,  as determined
by local, state or federal  regulations and by Owner's  consultant,  Work in the
affected area shall resume upon written  agreement of the Owner and  Contractor.
The Contract Time shall be extended  appropriately and the Contract Sum shall be
increased  in  the  amount  of  the  Contractor's  reasonable  additional  costs
shut-down,  delay and  start-up,  which  adjustments  shall be  accomplished  as
provided in Article 7.

10.1.4 To the fullest  extent  permitted by law, the Owner shall  indemnify  and
hold harmless the Contractor, Subcontractors, Architect, Architect's consultants
and agents and employees of any of them from and against claims, damages, losses
and expenses,  including but not limited to attorneys'  fees,  arising out of or
resulting  from  performance  of the  Work in the  affected  area if in fact the
material or substance  presents the risk of bodily  injury or death as described
in Subparagraph 10.1.2 and has not been properly remediated,  provided that such
claim,  damage,  loss or expense is  attributable  to bodily  injury,  sickness,
disease or death,  or to injury to or  destruction of tangible  property  (other
than the Work itself) and provided that such damage,  loss or expense is not due
to the sole negligence of a party seeking indemnity.

10.1.5 The Owner shall not be responsible  under Paragraph  10.1.4 for materials
and substances  brought to the site by the  Contractor  unless such materials or
substances were required by the Contract Documents.

10.1.6  If,  without  negligence  or  wilful  misconduct  on  the  part  of  the
Contractor,  the  Contractor  is held  liable for the cost of  remediation  of a
hazardous  material or substance solely by reason of performing Work as required
by the Contract Documents, the Owner shall indemnify the Contractor for all cost
and expense thereby incurred.  The obligations of the Owner as set forth in this
paragraph shall survive the termination of the Contract."

o    Subparagraph 13.2.1, add at the end:

"Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  nothing  contained in the this Section 13.2.1
shall  prohibit or restrict  Owner from  assigning  all or part of its  interest
and/or rights under the Contract for the purpose of obtaining  project financing
from a bank or other financing  source and,  accordingly,  Contractor's  consent
shall not be required for same."


                                    EXHIBIT C
      Supplementary Conditions to the AIA Document A201 General Conditions
 for the Agreement Between Riviera Black Hawk, Inc. and Weitz-Cohen Construction
      Co. for the Riviera Black Hawk Casino project, Black Hawk, Colorado
                             Dated: December 29,1997
                                   Page 5 of 5

o    Subparagraph 13.7, delete in its entirety.

o    Subparagraph,   is  revised   by   deleting   "persistently   or
     repeatedly..." and replacing with "on more than one occasion...":

o    Subparagraph,  is  revised  by  deleting   "persistently..."  and
     replacing with "on more than one occasion

o    Subparagraph 14.3.4, add as a new subparagraph:

"14.3.4  The Owner may,  at its  option,  terminate  this  Contract  in whole or
abandon a part of the project by written notice thereof to the Contractor at any
time.  Upon any such  termination,  Contractor  agrees to waive any  claims  for
damages,  including loss of anticipated profits, on account thereof, and as sole
right and remedy of Contractor,  Owner shall pay  Contractor in accordance  with
(c) below.

The Provisions of the Contract,  which by their nature survive final  acceptance
of the Work,  shall  remain in full force and effect  after  termination  to the
extent provided in such provisions.

a) Upon  receipt of such notice,  Contractor  shall,  unless the notice  directs
otherwise,  immediately  discontinue  the Work on that  date  and to the  extent
specified in the notice;  place no further orders or subcontracts for materials,
equipment,  services,  or facilities,  except as may be necessary for completion
for  such  portion  of the  Work as is not  discontinued;  promptly  make  every
reasonable effort to procure  cancellation  upon terms  satisfactory to Owner of
all orders and  subcontracts to the extent they relate to the performance of the
discontinued  portion of the Work and shall thereafter do only such work already
in progress  and to protect  materials,  plants and  equipment on the Site or in
transit thereto.

b) Upon such  termination,  the  obligation of the Contract shall continue as to
portions of the Work already  performed and as to bona fide obligations  assumed
by Contractor prior to date of termination.

c) Upon  termination,  Contractor  shall be entitled to be paid the full cost of
all  Work  property  done  by the  Contractor  to the  date of  termination  not
previously paid for, less sums already  received by Contractor on account of the
portion of the Work performed. If at the date of such termination Contractor has
property   prepared  or  fabricated  off  the  Site  any  goods  for  subsequent
incorporation in the Work, and if Contractor  delivers such goods to the Site or
to such other place as the Owner shall reasonably direct,  then Contractor shall
be paid for such goods or  materials.  Contractor  shall also be paid a prorated
portion of the Contractor's Fee based upon percentage  completion of the Work as
of the date of termination, minus prior payments to Contractor.



                                    EXHIBIT C
      Supplementary Conditions to the AIA Document A201 General Conditions
 for the Agreement Between Riviera Black Hawk, Inc. and Weitz-Cohen Construction
      Co. for the Riviera Black Hawk Casino project, Black Hawk, Colorado
                            Dated: December 29, 1997
                                   Page 1 of 4

These Supplementary General Conditions modify, change, delete from or add to the
"General  Conditions  of the Contract  For  Construction,"  AIA  Document  A201,
Fourteenth  Edition,  1987,  and shall  supersede the General  Conditions to the
extent inconsistent or in conflict  therewith.  Where any Article of the General
Conditions is modified,  or any  Paragraph,  Subparagraph  or Clause  thereof is
modified or deleted by these  Supplementary  General  Conditions,  the unaltered
provisions of that Article,  Paragraph,  Subparagraph  or Clause shall remain in

o    Subparagraph 2.2.1, add at the end:

"This  contract is not binding on the  Contractor  until  evidence of  financial
arrangements satisfactory to the Contractor is delivered to the Contractor."

o    Subparagraph 3.2.1,  delete lines 7-15,  beginning in line 7 after the term
     "Contract Documents."

o    Subparagraph 3.10.3, delete in its entirety.

o    Subparagraph 4.5.8, add as a new subparagraph:

"4.5.8 Procedural  Issues.  The arbitration  shall be held in Denver,  Colorado.
Each party  shall bear its own direct  costs,  including  attorney's  fees,  but
general  costs of the  arbitration  shall be  shared  by both  parties  equally;
provided,  the  arbitrator  may choose to award the general costs of arbitration
against.  the  losing  party if the  arbitrator  determines  that  the  proposed
resolution  urged  by the  losing  party  was  not  reasonable.  Notwithstanding
anything in the Contract Documents to the contrary, each party shall be required
to submit its  proposed  resolutions  of each Claim to the  arbitrator,  and the
arbitrator shall be required to render a decision adopting in full either one or
the  other of such  proposed  resolutions,  and no  compromises  or  alternative
resolutions  shall be allowed or considered by the arbitrator.  Each party shall
be  entitled to full  discovery  and the  process,  proceedings,  practices  and
procedures  provided for under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure in effect at
the time notice of demand for arbitration is filed. Either party may request the
selection of up to 3 arbitrators."


                                    EXHIBIT C
      Supplementary Conditions to the AIA Document A201 General Conditions
 for the Agreement Between Riviera Black Hawk, Inc. and Weitz-Cohen Construction
      Co. for the Riviera Black Hawk Casino project, Black Hawk, Colorado
                            Dated: December 29, 1997
                                   Page 2 of 4

o    Subparagraph 4.5.9, add as a new subparagraph:

"4.5.9  Limitations  on  Arbitration.  Notwithstanding  anything in the Contract
Documents to the contrary,  if the (1) Claims involve a proposed,  net aggregate
payment or reimbursement  in an amount greater than $500,000,  or (2) the Claims
involve an interested  person or entity  (including  the  Architect) who has not
consented to be joined in the arbitration,  then arbitration shall apply only if
both parties consent to arbitration.  For this purpose an "interested  person or
entity" means any person or entity if (1) in such interested  person or entity's
absence,  complete relief cannot be accorded among those already parties, or (2)
the interested person or entity is so situated that the disposition of the Claim
without the joinder of such  interested  person or entity may leave any of those
already parties subject to a substantial risk of incurring  double,  multiple or
otherwise  inconsistent   obligations.   If  both  parties  do  not  consent  to
arbitration  for  such  Claims  as  described  herein,  then  all  requirements,
conditions,  and conditions  precedent pertaining to arbitration shall be deemed
appropriately adjusted to permit either party to pursue such Claims as otherwise
permitted by the Contract Documents or by law."

o    Subparagraph  5.2.1,  change  "promptly" to "within 10 days" in lines 7 and

o    Subparagraph 7.3.4, add at the end:

"Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  if the evidence required by Subparagraph 2.2.1
indicates the Owner will not have  sufficient  funds to make timely  payment for
the  Construction  Change  Directive,  the  Contractor  shall not be required to
proceed with the change in work."

o    Subparagraph 8.2.2, delete the third sentence.

o    Subparagraph 8.3.1, add at the end:

"Any delay caused by lack of permit or  governmental  approval  shall be grounds
for a time extension."

o    Subparagraph, delete in its entirety.

o    Subparagraph  9.7.1, is revised by changing  "seven" in lines 2, 4 and 7 to
     "three" and change line 6 as follows:

"tified by the  Architect  or awarded by  arbitration,  or if the Owner does not
promptly furnish evidence as required by Subparagraph 2.2.1, then the Con-."


                                    EXHIBIT C
      Supplementary Conditions to the AIA Document A201 General Conditions
 for the Agreement Between Riviera Black Hawk, Inc. and Weitz-Cohen Construction
      Co. for the Riviera Black Hawk Casino project, Black Hawk, Colorado
                            Dated: December 29, 1997
                                   Page 3 of 4

o    Subparagraphs 10.1.2 through 10.1.4,  delete in its entirety and substitute
     the following:

10.1.2 If  reasonable  precautions  will be  inadequate  to prevent  foreseeable
bodily  injury or death to  persons  resulting  from a  material  or  substance,
including  but not  limited  to  asbestos  or  polychlorinated  biphenyl  (PCB),
encountered  on  the  site  by  the  Contractor,   the  Contractor  shall,  upon
recognizing the condition, immediately stop Work in the affected area and report
the condition to the Owner and Architect in writing.

10.1.3 The Owner shall  obtain the services of a licensed  laboratory  to verify
the presence or absence of the material or substance  reported by the Contractor
and, in the event such  material or substance is found to be present,  to verify
that it has been rendered  harmless.  Unless otherwise  required by the Contract
Documents,  the Owner shall furnish into the  Contractor and Architect the names
and  qualifications of persons or entities who are to performing tests verifying
the presence or absence of such  material or substance or who are to perform the
task of removal or safe,  containment material or substance.  The Contractor and
the Architect will promptly reply to the Owner in writing stating whether or not
either has  reasonable  objection  to the  persons or  entities  proposed by the
Owner.  If either the  Contract or  Architect  has an  objection  to a person or
entity  proposed  by the  Owner,  the  Owner  shall  propose  another  whom  the
Contractor and the Architect have no reasonable objection.  When the material or
substance  has been  rendered  harmless,  Work in the affected area shall resume
upon written  agreement of the Owner and Contractor.  The Contract Time shall be
extended  appropriately and the Contract Sum shall be increased in the amount of
the Contractor's  reasonable additional costs of shut-down,  delay and start-up,
which adjustments shall be accomplished as provided in Article 7.

10.1.4 To the fullest  extent  permitted by law, the Owner shall  indemnify  and
hold harmless the Contractor, Subcontractors, Architect, Architect's consultants
and agents and employees of any of them from and against claims, damages, losses
and expenses,  including but not limited to attorneys'  fees,  arising out of or
resulting  from  performance  of the  Work in the  affected  area if in fact the
material or substance  presents the risk of bodily  injury or death as described
in Subparagraph  10.1.2 and has not been rendered  harmless,  provided that such
claim,  damage,  loss or expense is  attributable  to bodily  injury,  sickness,
disease or death,  or to injury to or  destruction of tangible  property  (other
than the Work itself) and provided that such damage,  loss or expense is not due
to the sole negligence of a party seeking indemnity.

10.1.5 The Owner shall not be responsible  under Paragraph  10.1.4 for materials
and substances  brought to the site by the  Contractor  unless such materials or
substances were required by the Contract Documents.

10.1.6 If, without  negligence on the part of the Contractor,  the Contractor is
held liable for the cost of  remediation  of a hazardous  material or  substance
solely by reason of performing Work as required by the Contract  Documents,  the
Owner shall indemnify the Contractor for all cost and expense thereby  incurred.
The  obligations of the Owner as set forth in this  paragraph  shall survive the
termination of the Contract."


                                    EXHIBIT C
      Supplementary Conditions to the AIA Document A201 General Conditions
 for the Agreement Between Riviera Black Hawk, Inc. and Weitz-Cohen Construction
      Co. for the Riviera Black Hawk Casino project, Black Hawk, Colorado
                            Dated: December 29, 1997
                                   Page 4 of 4

o    Subparagraph 14.1.1, change line 5 as follows:

"of the Work under contract with the Contractor, or for any of the..."



                                  EXHIBIT D
                          Contractor's Project Schedule
         for the Riviera Black Hawk Casino Project, Black Hawk, Colorado
                            Dated: December 29, 1997
                                   Page 1 of 1

To be added by change order. Reference Exhibit "B", Paragraph 4.2 for procedures
establishing the commencement date and establishing a construction  schedule for
the Work.


                                    EXHIBIT E
                          Contractor's Project Schedule
         for the Riviera Black Hawk Casino Project, Black Hawk, Colorado
                            Dated: December 29, 1997
                                   Page 1 of 1

The  Contractor's  Project Budget of $24,500,000 has been established by the two
following documents:

Document E-1

o    Weitz-Cohen   `Schematic  Estimate  Summary',  two  pages  and  Weitz-Cohen
     `Detailed Schematic Estimate', 19 pages, each dated October 28, 1997.

o    Weitz-Cohen  `Schematic Design Phase: Outline  Specifications',  110 pages,
     dated October 28, 1997

Document E-2

Weitz-Cohen `Value Engineering Options, 8 pages, dated December 29, 1997
