Washington, D.C 20549

                                    FORM 10-K

                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
                  For the fiscal year ended: DECEMBER 31, 2000


                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
              For the transition period ended:___________________

                         Commission file number: 0-20914

                             Ohio Valley Banc Corp.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                 (State or other jurisdiction or organization)

                    (I.R.S. Employer Identification Number)

                  420 Third Avenue, Gallipolis, Ohio      45631
               (Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (740) 446-2631

        Securities registered pursuant to Section 12 (b) of the Act: None
         Securities registered pursuant to Section 12 (g) of the Act:

                        Common Shares, Without Par Value
                                (Title of Class)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days.   X Yes   No

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers  pursuant to Item 405
of Regulation S - K is not contained herein,  and will not be contained,  to the
best of registrant's  knowledge,  in definitive proxy or information  statements
incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this
Form 10-K.  [ X ]

      The aggregate market value of the voting stock held by non-affiliates
      of the registrant as of February 28, 2001: $82,263,212

           The number of common shares of the registrant outstanding
           as of February 28, 2001: 3,477,282 common shares.

Exhibit Index begins on page 21.                             Page 1 of 67 pages.

                             Ohio Valley Banc Corp.
                                    Form l0-K
                                December 31, 2000


(1)   Portions of the 2000  Annual  Report to  Shareholders  of Ohio Valley Banc
      Corp.  (Exhibit 13) are  incorporated by reference into Part I, Item 1 and
      Part II, Items 5, 6, 7A and 8.

(2)   Portions of the Proxy  Statement for the Annual Meeting of Shareholders to
      be held April 11, 2001 are incorporated  by reference into Part III, Items
      10, 11, 12 and 13.

     Contents of Form 10-K

     Item 1       Business                                                    3
     Item 2       Properties                                                 14
     Item 3       Legal Proceedings                                          16
     Item 4       Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders        16

     Item 5       Market for Registrant's Common Equity and Related
                   Stockholder Matters                                       17
     Item 6       Selected Financial Data                                    18
     Item 7       Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
                   Condition and Results of Operations                       18
     Item 7A      Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about
                  Market Risk                                                18
     Item 8       Financial Statements and Supplementary Data                18
     Item 9       Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on
                   Accounting and Financial Disclosure                       18

     Item 10      Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant         19
     Item 11      Executive Compensation                                     19
     Item 12      Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and
                   Management                                                19
     Item 13      Certain Relationships and Related Transactions             19

     Item 14      Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules and Reports on
                   Form 8-K                                                  19

SIGNATURES                                                                   20

EXHIBIT INDEX                                                                21

                                     Page 2

                                     PART I


                         General Description of Business

  Ohio Valley Banc Corp. (the  Registrant),  was incorporated  under the laws of
the State of Ohio on January 8, 1992.  The  Registrant is  registered  under the
Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, as amended (BHC Act). A substantial portion of
the Registrant's  revenue is derived from cash dividends paid by The Ohio Valley
Bank Company, the Registrant's wholly-owned subsidiary (the Bank). The principal
executive offices of the Registrant are located at 420 Third Avenue, Gallipolis,
Ohio 45631.

  The Bank was organized on September 24, 1872, under the laws governing private
banking  in Ohio.  The Bank was  incorporated  in  accordance  with the  general
corporation laws governing savings and loan associations of the State of Ohio on
January 8, 1901.  The  Articles  of  Incorporation  of the Bank were  amended on
January  25,  1935,  for the  purpose  of  authorizing  the Bank to  transact  a
commercial savings bank and safe deposit business and again on January 26, 1950,
for the purpose of adding special plan banking.  The Bank was approved for trust
powers in 1980 with trust  services  first  being  offered  in 1981.  The Bank's
deposits are insured up to applicable  limits by the Federal  Deposit  Insurance
Corporation (FDIC).

  The Registrant's  wholly-owned subsidiary,  Loan Central, Inc. (Loan Central),
was formed on February 1, 1996.  Loan  Central was  incorporated  under the Ohio
laws governing finance companies.

  The  Registrant  has  an  equity  interest  in  two  minority-owned  insurance
companies. The first company,  ProFinance Holdings Corporation,  was acquired on
October 5, 2000 and is engaged primarily in property and casualty insurance. The
second company, Ohio Valley Financial Services, was acquired on January 10, 2000
as a joint  venture with an insurance  agency and is engaged  primarily in life,
homeowner  and  auto  insurance.   Both  investments  were  approved  under  the
guidelines of the State of Ohio Department of Insurance.

   The Bank is engaged in commercial and retail banking. Loan Central is engaged
in  consumer  finance.  Reference  is  hereby  made to Item 1 (E),  "Statistical
Disclosure" and Item 8 of this Form 10-K for financial information pertaining to
the Registrant's business through its subsidiaries.

                Description of Ohio Valley Banc Corp.'s Business

  The Registrant's business is incident to its 100% ownership of the outstanding
stock  of the  Bank  and Loan  Central.  The  Bank is a  full-service  financial
institution  offering a blend of  commercial,  retail and  agricultural  banking
services.  Loans of all  types  and  checking,  savings  and time  deposits  are
offered,  along with such services as safe deposit boxes, issuance of travelers'
checks and  administration of trusts.  Loan Central, a consumer finance company,
offers  smaller  balance  consumer loans to individuals  with  nonconforming  or
nontraditional  credit  history.  In addition  to  originating  loans,  the Bank
invests in U.S. Government and agency obligations,  interest-bearing deposits in
other financial institutions and other investments permitted by applicable law.

                                     Page 3

                               PART I (continued)

  Revenues from loans accounted for 82.50% in 2000, 82.38% in 1999 and 80.50% in
1998 of total  consolidated  revenues.  Revenues  from interest and dividends on
securities accounted for 9.63%, 10.36% and 12.23% of total consolidated revenues
in 2000, 1999 and 1998,  respectively.  The Bank presently has sixteen  offices,
all of which offer automatic teller machines.  Seven of these offices also offer
drive-up services.  The Bank accounted for substantially all of the Registrant's
consolidated assets at December 31, 2000.

  The banking  business is highly  competitive.  The market area for the Bank is
concentrated  primarily in the Gallia,  Jackson,  Pike and Franklin  Counties of
Ohio as well as the Mason,  Kanawha and Cabell  Counties of West Virginia.  Some
additional  business  originates  from the  surrounding  Ohio counties of Meigs,
Vinton, Scioto and Ross. Competition for deposits and loans comes primarily from
local  banks  and  savings  associations,  although  some  competition  is  also
experienced from local credit unions,  insurance  companies and mutual funds. In
addition,  larger regional  institutions,  with substantially greater resources,
are becoming  increasingly  visible.  Loan  Central's  market  presence  further
strengthens  the  Registrant's  ability to compete in Gallia,  Jackson  and Pike
County  by  serving  a  consumer  base  which  may not  meet the  Bank's  credit
standards.  Loan Central also  operates in Lawrence  County which is outside the
Bank's primary market area. The principal  methods of competition  are the rates
of interest charged for loans, the rates of interest paid for deposits, the fees
charged for services and the availability and quality of services.  The business
of the Registrant and its subsidiaries is not seasonal, nor is it dependent upon
a single or small group of customers.

  The Bank deals with a wide  cross-section of businesses and corporations which
are located  primarily  in  southeastern  Ohio.  Few loans are made to borrowers
outside this area.  Lending  decisions are made in accordance  with written loan
policies  designed to maintain  loan  quality.  The Bank  originates  commercial
loans,  commercial  leases,  residential real estate loans, home equity lines of
credit, installment loans and credit card loans. The Bank believes that there is
no  significant  concentration  of loans  to  borrowers  engaged  in the same or
similar industries and does not have any loans to foreign entities.

  Commercial lending entails significant risks as compared with consumer lending
- - i.e.,  single-family  residential  mortgage lending,  installment  lending and
credit card loans. In addition,  the payment  experience on commercial  loans is
typically  dependent  on  adequate  cash  flows  in order  to  evaluate  whether
anticipated  future  cash flows will be adequate to service  both  interest  and
principal due. Thus,  commercial loans may be subject,  to a greater extent,  to
adverse  conditions in the economy generally or adverse conditions in a specific

  The Registrant's  subsidiaries make installment  credit available to customers
and  prospective  customers in their primary market area of  southeastern  Ohio.
Credit  approval for consumer  loans  requires  demonstration  of sufficiency of
income to repay principal and interest due, stability of employment,  a positive
credit record and sufficient  collateral for secured loans.  It is the policy of
the  subsidiaries  to  adhere  strictly  to all laws and  regulations  governing
consumer lending.  A qualified  compliance officer is responsible for monitoring
the  performance  of their  respective  consumer  portfolio  and  updating  loan
personnel.  The Registrant's  subsidiaries make credit life insurance and health
and accident  insurance  available to all qualified  buyers thus reducing  their
risk  of loss  when a  borrower's  income  is  terminated  or  interrupted.  The
Registrant's  subsidiaries  review their  respective  consumer  loan  portfolios
monthly  to charge  off loans  which do not meet  that  subsidiary's  standards.
Credit card accounts are  administered  in accordance with the same standards as
applied to other consumer loans.
                                     Page 4

                               PART I (continued)

Consumer loans generally  involve more risk as to  collectibility  than mortgage
loans  because of the type and nature of collateral  and, in certain  instances,
the  absence  of  collateral.  As a result,  consumer  lending  collections  are
dependent upon the borrower's  continued  financial  stability and thus are more
likely to be adversely affected by job loss, divorce or personal  bankruptcy and
by adverse economic conditions.

  The  market  area for real  estate  lending  by the  Bank is also  located  in
southeastern Ohio. The Bank generally requires that the loan amount with respect
to  residential  real estate loans be no more than 89% of the purchase  price or
the  appraisal  value of the real  estate  securing  the  loan,  unless  private
mortgage insurance is obtained by the borrower for the percentage exceeding 89%.
These loans  generally  range from one year adjustable to thirty year fixed rate
mortgages.  In the fourth  quarter of 2000,  the Bank began  offering  secondary
market real estate loans through the West Virginia Housing  Authority to enhance
customer  service  and loan  pricing.  Real  estate  loans are  secured by first
mortgages  with  evidence  of  title  in  favor  of the  Bank in the  form of an
attorney's  opinion of title or a title insurance policy. The Bank also requires
proof of  hazard  insurance  with the Bank  named as the  mortgagee  and as loss
payee. Home equity lines of credit are generally made as second mortgages by the
Bank.  The home equity  lines of credit are written  with ten year terms but are
reviewed  annually.  A variable  interest rate is generally  charged on the home
equity lines of credit.

  Beginning  in  December  1996,  the  Bank  began a phase of  SuperBank  branch
openings  with the  objective  of further  enhancing  customer  service  through
extended  hours and  convenience  as well as  expanding  the new market  area of
western  West  Virginia.  From 1996 to 2000,  the Bank  opened  seven  SuperBank
facilities within  supermarkets and Wal-Mart stores.  These new branches service
the market areas of Gallia,  Meigs and Lawrence  counties in Ohio as well as the
growing Kanawha and Cabell counties in West Virginia.

 In 1999,  the Bank  acquired two  Huntington  National  Bank (HNB)  branches in
Milton and Barboursville,  West Virginia (Cabell County), with the Milton office
offering  a  traditional-style   service.   The  Barboursville   office,   which
represented a SuperBank facility, ceased its operations in 2000 with the opening
of the nearby Huntington SuperBank office located in a Wal-Mart store.

  The   Registrant   acquired   Jackson   Savings   Bank   (Jackson),   an  Ohio
state-chartered  savings  bank,  in  December  1998.  Jackson  then  merged  its
operations  into the Bank on November  11, 2000 with  management's  objective of
improving  operational  efficiencies.  The  Registrant  also continued to pursue
other  ventures that took  advantage of newly  enacted  federal  legislation  to
create new products and services. With the advent of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act,
the  Registrant  participated  as an investor in the  acquisition  of ProFinance
Holdings  Corporation,   a  property  and  casualty  insurance  underwriter  and
reinsurance  company.  The  acquisition  was  made  possible  by  combining  the
resources of five financial holding companies, a private equity firm and a group
of insurance executives to purchase the insurance company on October 5, 2000. In
addition,  the Registrant formed a minority-owned  subsidiary called Ohio Valley
Financial  Services.  The  subsidiary,  which  opened for business on January 2,
2001, is a joint venture insurance agency with an existing insurance agency (The
Wiseman Agency,  Inc.) that is located in Jackson,  Ohio. Ohio Valley  Financial
Services will be able to offer customers life, homeowners and auto insurance.

                                     Page 5

                               PART I (continued)

                           Supervision and Regulation

  The following is a summary of certain  statutes and regulations  affecting the
Registrant  and the Bank.  The summary is qualified in its entirety by reference
to such statutes and regulations.

  The Registrant is subject to regulation under the BHC Act and to the reporting
requirements  of, and  examination  and regulation by, the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System (the "Federal Reserve Board").  Subsidiary banks of a
bank holding company are subject to certain  restrictions imposed by the Federal
Reserve Act on transactions  with affiliates,  including any loans or extensions
of credit to the bank holding company or any of its subsidiaries, investments in
the stock or other securities thereof and the taking of such stock securities as
collateral  for loans or extensions  of credit to any borrower;  the issuance of
guarantees,  acceptances  or  letters  of credit  on behalf of the bank  holding
company and its subsidiaries;  purchases or sales of securities or other assets;
and the payment of money or furnishing  of services to the bank holding  company
and  other  subsidiaries.  A bank  holding  company  and  its  subsidiaries  are
prohibited  from  engaging in certain  tying  arrangements  in  connection  with
extensions  of credit  and/or the  provision of other  property or services to a
customer by the bank holding company or its subsidiaries.

   In  November  of  1999,  the   Gramm-Leach-Bliley,   or  Financial   Services
Modernization  Act was  enacted,  amending  the BHC  Act,  modernizing  the laws
governing the financial services  industry.  This Act authorized the creation of
financial  holding  companies,  a new type of bank  holding  company with powers
greatly  exceeding those of traditional bank holding  companies.  The Registrant
became a financial  holding  company during 2000. In order to become a financial
holding company,  a bank holding company and all of its depository  institutions
must be well capitalized and well managed under federal banking regulations, and
the depository institutions must have received a Community Investment Act rating
of at least satisfactory.

   Financial  holding  companies  may  engage  in a wide  variety  of  financial
activities; any activity in the future not already included in the list that the
Federal  Reserve and the  Treasury  Department  consider  financial in nature or
incidental to financial  activities;  and any activity that the Federal  Reserve
Board determines complementary to a financial activity and which does not pose a
substantial  safety and soundness  risk.  These  activities  include  securities
underwriting and dealing activities,  insurance and underwriting  activities and
merchant  banking/equity  investment  activities.  Because it has  authority  to
engage in all financial activities, a financial holding company may have several
affiliates that are  functionally  regulated by financial  regulators other than
the Federal Reserve Board, such as the SEC and state insurance  regulators.  The
Gramm-Leach-Bliley  Act directs the Federal Reserve Board to rely to the maximum
extent possible on examinations and reports  prepared by functional  regulators.
The Federal Reserve Board is also prohibited from applying any capital  standard
directly to any functionally  regulated subsidiary that is already in compliance
with the capital requirements of its functional regulator.

                                     Page 6

                               PART I (continued)

   If a subsidiary  bank of a financial  holding  company  fails to be both well
capitalized  and well managed,  the financial  holding company must enter into a
written  agreement with the Federal  Reserve Board within 45 days to comply with
all applicable  capital and management  requirements.  Until the Federal Reserve
Board determines that the bank is again well  capitalized and well managed,  the
Federal  Reserve Board may impose  additional  limitations  or conditions on the
conduct or activities of the financial holding company or any affiliate that the
Federal Reserve Board finds to be appropriate or consistent with federal banking
laws.  If the  financial  holding  company  does  not  correct  the  capital  or
management  deficiencies  within 180 days, the financial  holding company may be
required to divest ownership or control of all banks, including  state-chartered
non-member banks and other well capitalized  institutions owned by the financial
holding company.  If an insured bank subsidiary fails to maintain a satisfactory
rating under the Community  Reinvestment  Act, the financial holding company may
not engage in activities  permitted only to financial  holding  companies  until
such time as the bank receives a satisfactory rating.

  In  addition,  the  Gramm-Leach-Bliley  Act fully  closes the  unitary  thrift
loophole which permits commercial companies to own and operate thrifts,  reforms
the Federal Home Loan Bank System to  significantly  increase  community  banks'
access to loan funding and protects banks from  discriminatory  state  insurance
regulation.  The  Gramm-Leach-Bliley  Act also  includes new  provisions  in the
privacy  area,  restricting  the  ability  of  financial  institutions  to share
nonpublic personal customer information with third parties.

  As an Ohio  state-chartered  bank, the Bank is supervised and regulated by the
Ohio Division of Financial  Institutions.  The Bank's deposits are insured up to
applicable  limits by the FDIC and are subject to the  applicable  provisions of
the Federal  Deposit  Insurance  Act. In  addition,  the holding  company of any
insured  financial  institution  that  submits a capital  plan under the federal
banking  agencies'  regulations on prompt corrective action guarantees a portion
of the  institution's  capital  shortfall,  as discussed below. The Registrant's
insurance company  investments,  ProFinance Holdings Corporation and Ohio Valley
Financial  Services,  are both  supervised  and  regulated  by the State of Ohio
Department of Insurance.

  Various  requirements and restrictions under the laws of the United States and
the State of Ohio affect the  operations of the Bank including  requirements  to
maintain  reserves  against  deposits,  restrictions on the nature and amount of
loans  which  may  be  made  and  the  interest  that  may be  charged  thereon,
restrictions relating to investments and other activities, limitations on credit
exposure to correspondent banks,  limitations on activities based on capital and
surplus,  limitations  on payment of dividends,  and  limitations  on branching.
Since June 1997, pursuant to federal  legislation,  the Bank has been authorized
to branch  across  state lines,  unless the law of the other state  specifically
prohibits the interstate branching authority granted by federal law.

  The Federal Reserve Board has adopted  risk-based  capital guidelines for bank
holding companies and for state member banks. The risk-based  capital guidelines
include both a definition  of capital and a framework for  calculating  weighted
risk  assets by  assigning  assets  and  off-balance  sheet  items to broad risk
categories.  The minimum  ratio of capital to risk  weighted  assets  (including
certain  off-balance  sheet items,  such as standby letters of credit) is 8%. At
least 4.0 percentage  points is to be comprised of common  stockholders'  equity
(including  retained  earnings  but  excluding  treasury  stock),  noncumulative
perpetual  preferred stock, a limited amount of cumulative  perpetual  preferred
stock, and minority interests in equity accounts of

                                     Page 7

                               PART I (continued)

consolidated  subsidiaries,  less goodwill and certain other  intangible  assets
("Tier 1 capital").  The remainder  ("Tier 2 Capital") may consist,  among other
things,  of  mandatory   convertible  debt  securities,   a  limited  amount  of
subordinated  debt,  other preferred stock and a limited amount of allowance for
loan and lease losses. The Federal Reserve Board also imposes a minimum leverage
ratio  (Tier 1 capital to total  assets) of 3% for bank  holding  companies  and
state  member  banks  that  meet  certain  specified  conditions,  including  no
operational,  financial or supervisory  deficiencies,  and including  having the
highest  regulatory  rating.  The minimum leverage ratio is 100-200 basis points
higher for other bank  holding  companies  and state member banks based on their
particular   circumstances   and  risk  profiles  and  those   experiencing   or
anticipating  significant growth.  State non-member banks, such as the Bank, are
subject to similar capital requirements adopted by the FDIC.

  The  Registrant  and the Bank  currently  satisfy  all  capital  requirements.
Failure  to  meet  applicable   capital   guidelines  could  subject  a  banking
institution to a variety of enforcement  remedies available to federal and state
regulatory  authorities,  including the termination of deposit  insurance by the

  The federal banking regulators have established  regulations  governing prompt
corrective action to resolve capital deficient banks.  Under these  regulations,
institutions   which  become   undercapitalized   become  subject  to  mandatory
regulatory  scrutiny and  limitations,  which  increase as capital  continues to
decrease.  Such  institutions are also required to file capital plans with their
primary  federal  regulator,  and their  holding  companies  must  guarantee the
capital shortfall up to 5% of the assets of the capital deficient institution at
the time it becomes undercapitalized.

The  ability  of a bank  holding  company  to obtain  funds for the  payment  of
dividends and for other cash  requirements is largely dependent on the amount of
dividends which may be declared by its subsidiary banks and other  subsidiaries.
However,  the Federal  Reserve Board expects the Registrant to serve as a source
of strength to these banks, which may require them to retain capital for further
investments in these banks,  rather than for dividends for  shareholders  of the
Registrant. These banks may not pay dividends to the Registrant if, after paying
such  dividends,  they would fail to meet the required  minimum levels under the
risk-based capital guidelines and the minimum leverage ratio requirements. These
banks must have the approval of their  regulatory  authorities  if a dividend in
any year  would  cause the total  dividends  for that year to exceed  the sum of
their current  year's net profits and retained net profits for the preceding two
years, less required  transfers to surplus.  Payment of dividends by these banks
may be restricted at any time at the discretion of their regulatory authorities,
if they deem such  dividends to  constitute  an unsafe  and/or  unsound  banking
practice or if necessary  to maintain  adequate  capital for these banks.  These
provisions  could have the effect of limiting  the  Registrant's  ability to pay
dividends on its outstanding common shares.

                                     Page 8

                               PART I (continued)

               Deposit Insurance Assessments and Recent Litigation

  The FDIC is  authorized  to establish  separate  annual  assessment  rates for
deposit insurance for members of the Bank Insurance Fund ("BIF") and the Savings
Association  Insurance Fund ("SAIF").  The Bank is a member of the BIF. The FDIC
may increase assessment rates for either fund if necessary to restore the fund's
ratio of reserves to insured  deposits to its target  level  within a reasonable
time and may decrease such rates if such target level has been met. The FDIC has
established a risk-based assessment system for both BIF and SAIF members.  Under
this system,  assessments  vary based on the risk the  institution  poses to its
deposit  insurance fund. The risk level is determined based on the institution's
capital level and the FDIC's level of supervisory concern about the institution.

  Because BIF became fully funded,  BIF assessments for healthy commercial banks
were  reduced to $0 per year during  2000.  Federal  legislation,  which  became
effective  September 30, 1996,  provides,  among other things,  for the costs of
prior thrift  failures to be shared by both the SAIF and the BIF. As a result of
such cost sharing,  BIF assessments for healthy banks during 2001 will be $0.020
per $100 in  deposits.  Based upon their level of deposits at December 31, 2000,
the projected BIF assessment for the Bank would be $84,744 for 2001.

                     Monetary Policy and Economic Conditions

  The  business of  commercial  banks is affected  not only by general  economic
conditions,  but  also  by  the  policies  of  various  governmental  regulatory
authorities,  including the Federal  Reserve  Board.  The Federal  Reserve Board
regulates  the  money  and  credit  conditions  and  interest  rates in order to
influence general economic  conditions  primarily through open market operations
in U.S. Government  securities,  changes in the discount rate on bank borrowings
and changes in reserve  requirements  against bank deposits.  These policies and
regulations  significantly  influence  the amount of bank loans and deposits and
the  interest  rates  charged  and paid  thereon,  and thus  have an  effect  on
earnings.  The  monetary  policies  of the  Federal  Reserve  Board  have  had a
significant  effect on the operating results of commercial banks in the past and
are expected to have significant  effects in the future. In view of the changing
conditions  in the economy and the money market and the  activities  of monetary
and  fiscal  authorities,  no  definitive  predictions  can be made as to future
changes in interest rates, credit availability or deposit levels.

                                Other Information

  Management  anticipates  no material  effect  upon the  capital  expenditures,
earnings and  competitive  position of the  Registrant  or its  subsidiaries  by
reason of any laws  regulating or protecting  the  environment.  The  Registrant
believes that the nature of the operations of the  subsidiaries  has little,  if
any,  environmental impact. The Registrant,  therefore,  anticipates no material
capital expenditures for environmental  control facilities in its current fiscal
year or for

                                     Page 9

                               PART I (continued)

the  foreseeable  future.  The  subsidiaries  may be  required  to make  capital
expenditures  related to properties  which they may acquire through  foreclosure
proceedings in the future; however, the amount of such capital expenditures,  if
any, is not currently determinable.  Neither the Registrant nor its subsidiaries
have any material patents, trademarks,  licenses,  franchises or concessions. No
material  amounts have been spent on research  activities  and no employees  are
engaged  full-time  in  research  activities.  As  of  December  31,  2000,  the
Registrant and its  subsidiaries  employed 237 full-time  equivalent  employees.
Management considers its relationship with its employees to be good.

  Financial Information About Foreign and Domestic Operations and Export Sales

  The  Registrant's  subsidiaries  do not have any offices  located in a foreign
country  and they have no foreign  assets,  liabilities,  or related  income and

                             Statistical Disclosure

  The following section contains certain financial  disclosures  relating to the
Registrant as required under the Securities and Exchange  Commission's  Industry
Guide 3,  "Statistical  Disclosure  by Bank  Holding  Companies",  or a specific
reference  as to the location of the required  disclosures  in the  Registrant's
2000  Annual  Report to  Shareholders  which are hereby  incorporated  herein by
                             Ohio Valley Banc Corp.
                             Statistical Information


A. & B.  The average balance  sheet  information and the related analysis of net
interest  earnings  for the years ending  December  31, 2000,  1999 and 1998 are
included  in Table I -  "Consolidated  Average  Balance  Sheet & Analysis of Net
Interest Income",  within Management's  Discussion and Analysis of Operations of
the  Registrant's  2000 Annual Report to Shareholders  and is incorporated  into
this Item 1 by reference.

C. Tables setting forth the effect of volume and rate changes on interest income
and expense for the years ended December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998 are included in
Table II - "Rate  Volume  Analysis  of Changes in  Interest  Income &  Expense",
within  Management's  Discussion and Analysis of Operations of the  Registrant's
2000  Annual  Report to  Shareholders  and is  incorporated  into this Item 1 by
reference.  For purposes of these Tables,  changes in interest due to volume and
rate were determined as follows:

                  Volume Variance - Change in volume  multiplied by the previous
                  year's rate.  Rate Variance - Change in rate multiplied by the
                  previous  year's  volume.  Rate / Volume  Variance - Change in
                  volume multiplied by the change in rate.

                                     Page 10

                               PART I (continued)

                             Ohio Valley Banc Corp.
                             Statistical Information


A. Types of Securities - Total  securities on the balance sheet are comprised of
the following classifications at December 31:

         (dollars in thousands)                2000      1999      1998
                                               ----      ----      ----
    Securities Available-for-Sale

       U.S. Treasury securities ..........  $  2,508  $  7,510  $ 18,143
       U.S. Government agency securities..    50,796    41,522     4,114
       Mortgage-backed securities.........     2,048     2,189
       Marketable equity securities.......     4,467     4,150     3,998
                                            --------- --------- ---------
        Total securities available-for-sale $ 59,819  $ 55,371  $ 26,255
                                            ========= ========= =========
    Securities Held-to-Maturity

       U.S. Treasury securities...........                      $    100
       U.S. Government agency securities..                        27,693
       Obligations of states and
         political subdivisions...........  $ 15,503  $ 15,690    17,195
       Mortgage-backed securities.........       264       319       381
                                            --------- --------- ---------
         Total securities held-to-maturity  $ 15,767  $ 16,009  $ 45,369
                                            ========= ========= =========

B.  Information  required by this item is included in Table III -  "Securities",
within  Management's  Discussion and Analysis of Operations of the  Registrant's
2000  Annual  Report to  Shareholders  and is  incorporated  into this item 1 by

C.  Excluding   obligations  of  the  U.S.   Treasury  and  other  agencies  and
corporations of the U.S.  Government,  no concentration of securities  exists of
any issuer that is greater than 10% of shareholders' equity of the Registrant.


A.  Types of Loans - Total  loans on the  balance  sheet  are  comprised  of the
following classifications at December 31:

(dollars in thousands)          2000      1999      1998      1997      1996
                                ----      ----      ----      ----      ----

    Real estate loans        $209,724  $201,625  $163,650  $120,697  $112,635
    Commercial loans          139,826   119,585    96,116    78,124    74,666
    Consumer loans             98,013    88,942    85,664    78,878    75,047
    All other loans               740     1,006     1,700     2,568     2,312
                             --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
                             $448,303  $411,158  $347,130  $280,267  $264,660
                             ========  ========  ========  ========  ========

                                     Page 11

                            PART I (continued)

                             Ohio Valley Banc Corp.
                            Statistical Information

B.  Maturities  and  Sensitivities  of  Loans to  Changes  in  Interest  Rates -
Information  required  by this item is  included  in table VII -  "Maturity  and
Repricing  Data of  Loans",  within  Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis  of
Operations  of the  Registrant's  2000  Annual  Report  to  Shareholders  and is
incorporated into this Item 1 by reference.

C.1. Risk Elements - Information required by this item is included in Table VI -
"Summary of Nonperforming and Past Due Loans",  within  Management's  Discussion
and  Analysis  of  Operations  of  the   Registrant's   2000  Annual  Report  to
Shareholders and is incorporated into this Item 1 by reference.

2.  Potential Problem Loans  -  At  December 31, 2000,  there  are approximately
$530,000  of  loans,   which  are  not  included  in  Table  VI  -  "Summary  of
Nonperforming and Past Due Loans" within Management's Discussion and Analysis of
Operations of the  Registrant's  2000 Annual Report to  Shareholders,  for which
management  has some  doubt as to the  borrower's  ability  to  comply  with the
present repayment terms. These loans and their potential loss exposure have been
considered  in  management's  analysis of the adequacy of the allowance for loan

3.  Foreign Outstandings  - There were no foreign  outstandings  at December 31,
2000, 1999 or 1998.

4.  Loan Concentrations - As of December 31, 2000, there were no  concentrations
of loans greater than 10% of total loans which are not otherwise  disclosed as a
category of loans pursuant to Item III (A) above. Also refer to the Consolidated
Financial Statements  regarding  concentrations of credit found within Note A of
the Notes to the  Consolidated  Financial  Statements of the  Registrant's  2000
Annual Report to Shareholders incorporated herein by reference.

5. No material amount of loans that have been classified by regulatory examiners
as loss,  substandard,  doubtful, or special mention have been excluded from the
amounts  disclosed  as  impaired,   nonaccrual,   past  due  90  days  or  more,
restructured, or potential problem loans.

D. Other Interest-Bearing  Assets - As of December 31, 2000, there were no other
interest-bearing  assets that would be required to be  disclosed  under Item III
(C) if such assets were loans.  At December  31,  2000,  other real estate owned
totaled $34,000.

                                     Page 12

                               PART I (continued)

                             Ohio Valley Banc Corp.
                            Statistical Information


A. The following  schedule presents an analysis of the allowance for loan losses
for the years ended December 31:

    (dollars in thousands)        2000      1999      1998      1997      1996
                                  ----      ----      ----      ----      ----

Balance, beginning of year....  $5,055    $4,277    $3,390    $3,180    $2,481

Loans charged-off:
    Real estate...............      92        41       110        39         5
    Commercial................      61       454       130       215        78
    Consumer..................   1,642     1,298     1,433       961       673
                              --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
   Total loans charged-off       1,795     1,793     1,673     1,215       756

Recoveries of loans:
    Real estate...............       4        13        40         1
    Commercial................                23        47        41        73
    Consumer..................     231       232       178       138        54
                              --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
    Total recoveries of loans      235       268       265       180       127

Net loan charge-offs..........  (1,560)   (1,525)   (1,408)   (1,035)     (629)

Provision charged to operations  1,890     2,303     2,295     1,245     1,328
                              --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
Balance, end of year..........  $5,385    $5,055    $4,277    $3,390    $3,180
                              ========  ========  ========  ========  ========

     Ratio of Net  Charge-offs  to Average Loans - Information  required by this
item is included in Table V -  "Allocation  of the  Allowance  for Loan Losses",
within  Management's  Discussion and Analysis of Operations of the  Registrant's
2000  Annual  Report to  Shareholders  and is  incorporated  into this Item 1 by
reference.  In  addition,  attention is directed to the caption  "Loans"  within
Management's  Discussion  and Analysis of  Operations of the  Registrant's  2000
Annual Report to Shareholders and is incorporated into this Item 1 by reference.

B.  Allocation of the  Allowance for Loan Losses - Information  required by this
item is included in Table V -  "Allocation  of the  Allowance  for Loan Losses",
within  Management's  Discussion and Analysis of Operations of the  Registrant's
2000  Annual  Report to  Shareholders  and is  incorporated  into this Item 1 by


A. & B. Deposit Summary - Information required by this item is included in Table
I -  "Consolidated  Average  Balance  Sheet & Analysis of Net Interest  Income",
within  Management's  Discussion and Analysis of Operations of the  Registrant's
2000  Annual  Report to  Shareholders  and is  incorporated  into this Item 1 by

                                     Page 13

                               PART I (continued)

                             Ohio Valley Banc Corp.
                            Statistical Information

C. & E.  Foreign  Deposits  - There  were no  foreign  deposits  outstanding  at
December 31, 2000, 1999 or 1998.

D. Schedule of Maturities - The following table provides a summary of total time
deposits by remaining maturities for the period ended December 31, 2000:

                                                   Over       Over
                                      3 months   3 through  6 through    Over
      (dollars in thousands)           or less   6 months   12 months  12 months
                                      ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------

Certificates of deposit of
$100,000 or greater..................  $ 20,023   $ 18,685   $ 25,181   $ 24,083
Other time deposits of
$100,000 or greater..................     1,755        734      1,596      2,250
                                      ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
Total time deposits of
$100,000 or greater..................  $ 21,778   $ 19,419   $ 26,777   $ 26,333
                                      =========  =========  =========  =========


                  Information required by this section is included in Table IX -
"Key Ratios",  within Management's  Discussion and Analysis of Operations of the
Registrant's  2000 Annual Report to Shareholders  and is incorporated  into this
Item 1 by reference.


     The following  schedule is a summary of securities sold under agreements to
repurchase at December 31:

         (dollars in thousands)                    2000      1999      1998
                                                 --------  --------  --------
    Balance outstanding at period-end........... $ 18,345  $ 16,788  $ 19,066
                                                 --------  --------  --------
    Weighted average interest rate at period-end    5.28%     4.54%     3.96%
                                                 --------  --------  --------
    Average amount outstanding during year...... $ 17,606  $ 13,961  $ 18,148
                                                 --------  --------  --------
    Approximate weighted average interest rate
       during the year..........................    4.88%     3.65%     3.77%
                                                 --------  --------  --------
    Maximum amount outstanding as of any
       month-end................................ $ 22,690  $ 16,788  $ 25,112
                                                 --------  --------  --------


  The Registrant owns no material  physical  properties except through the Bank.
The Bank  conducts  its  operations  from its main office  building at 420 Third
Avenue,  in Gallipolis,  Ohio 45631. The main office building,  Trust/Operations
Center and six of the fifteen branch facilities are owned by the Bank.

                                     Page 14

                               PART I (continued)

 The Bank has  fifteen  branch  offices.  A summary of these  properties  are as

 1) Mini-Bank Office            437 Fourth Avenue, Gallipolis, OH 45631
 2) Jackson Pike Office         3035 State Route 160, Gallipolis, OH 45631
 3) Rio Grande Office           416 West College Avenue, Rio Grande, OH 45674
 4) Jackson Office              738 East Main Street, Jackson, OH 45640
 5) Waverly Office              507 W. Emmitt Avenue, Waverly, OH 45690
 6) Columbus Office             3700 South High Street, Columbus, OH 43207
 7) Point Pleasant Office       328 Viand Street, Point Pleasant, WV 25550
 8) SuperBank-Gallipolis Office 236 Second Avenue, Gallipolis, OH 45631
 9) SuperBank-Pomeroy Office    700 West Main Street, Pomeroy, OH 45769
10) Wal-Mart Gallipolis Office  2145 Eastern Avenue,  Gallipolis,  OH 45631
11) Wal-Mart Cross Lanes Office 100 Nitro Marketplace, Cross Lanes, WV 25315
12) Wal-Mart Southridge Office  2700 Mountaineer Blvd., S. Charleston,  WV 25309
13) Wal-Mart Huntington Office  5170 US Rt. 60 East, Huntington,  WV 25705
14) Milton Office               280 East Main Street, Milton,  WV 25541
15) Wal-Mart South Point Office US Rt. 52,  South Point, OH 45680

  The Columbus,  Point Pleasant,  SuperBank and Wal-Mart offices are all leased.
The lease term for the Columbus facility is from November 1, 1999 to October 31,
2002,  with a base rent of $10,680 per year. The Point  Pleasant  location has a
lease term from July 1, 1997 to June 30,  2017,  with a base rent of $30,000 per
year. The lease term for the  SuperBank-Gallipolis  facility is from December 1,
1996 to November 30, 2001, with an option to renew for an additional five years.
The base rent is  $8,900  per year.  The  lease  term for the  SuperBank-Pomeroy
facility  is from August 1, 1998 to July 31,  2003,  with a base rent of $13,000
per year.  The lease term for the Wal-Mart  Gallipolis  location is from May 20,
1998 to May 31, 2003,  with a base rent of $25,000 per year.  The lease term for
the  Wal-Mart  Cross Lanes  location is from August 19, 1998 to August 31, 2003,
with a base rent of $25,000 per year. The lease term for the Wal-Mart Southridge
location is from August 27, 1999 to August 31, 2004, with a base rent of $32,000
per year. The lease term for the Wal-Mart  Huntington  facility is from February
1, 2000 to January 31,  2005,  with a base rent of $25,000  per year.  The lease
term for the Wal-Mart  South Point location is from November 4, 1999 to November
30, 2004, with a base rent of $25,000 per year.

  The Bank  owns a  facility  at 143  Third  Avenue,  Gallipolis,  Ohio used for
additional  office  space.  The Bank also owns a facility at 441 Second  Avenue,
Gallipolis,  Ohio, which it leases to Caldwell Miller Financial Group,  Inc. The
primary  lease term is from July 1, 1997 to June 30,  2002,  with a base rent of
$13,800 per year.

  Loan Central leases four facilities  used as consumer  finance offices located
at 2145-E Eastern Avenue, Gallipolis,  Ohio 45631; 348 County Road 410, Suite 3,
South Point, Ohio 45680; 345 East Main Street, Jackson, Ohio 45640; and 505 West
Emmitt Avenue,  Suite 3, Waverly,  Ohio 45690. The lease term for the Gallipolis
office is from February 1, 1999 to February 1, 2004, with a base rent of $27,000
in 2000,  $25,900 in 2001,  $26,400 in 2002,  $26,800 in 2003 and $2,200 for one
month in 2004.  The lease term for the South  Point  office is from  February 1,
1999 to February 1, 2004,  with a base rent of $18,000 per year.  The lease term
for the Jackson office is from August 1, 2000 to July 31, 2005, with a base rent
of $21,000

                                     Page 15

                                 PART I (continued)

per year.  The lease term for the Waverly  office is from April 1, 1999 to March
31, 2004, with a base rent of $9,600 per year.

  Ohio Valley Financial Services and the Bank both conduct business in and lease
an office located at 221 Main Street, Jackson, Ohio 45640. Both businesses share
the lease cost of $5,400  per year.  The lease term is from July 1, 1999 to July
1, 2002.

  Management  considers  its  properties  to be  satisfactory  for  its  current


  There are no material pending legal proceedings  against the Registrant or its
subsidiaries,  other than ordinary  litigation  incidental  to their  respective


  There was no matter  submitted  during the fourth quarter of 2000 to a vote of
security holders, by solicitation of proxies or otherwise.


  The information  required by this item with respect to Executive  Officers who
are directors is incorporated  by reference to the  information  appearing under
the caption  "Election of  Directors" on page 3 of the  Registrant's  2001 Proxy
Statement.  Executive  officers  not  required  to be  disclosed  in  the  Proxy
Statement  are  presented in the table below.  Executive  officers  serve at the
pleasure of the Board of Directors.

                           Current Position and
Name and Age               Business Experience During Past 5 Years
- ------------------         ---------------------------------------

 Sue Ann Bostic, 59        Vice  President  of the  Registrant  beginning  1996,
                           Senior Vice  President,  Administrative  Group of the
                           Bank beginning 1996, Vice President, Support Services
                           Division of the Bank from 1993 to 1995.

Cherie A. Barr, 34         Vice  President  of  the  Registrant  beginning 1998,
                           President of Loan Central  beginning 2000,  President
                           and  Secretary  of Loan  Central  from  1999 to 2000,
                           Senior Vice  President  and Secretary of Loan Central
                           from 1998 to 1999,  Secretary  of Loan  Central  from
                           1997 to 1998,  Office  Manager of Loan  Central  from
                           1996  to  1997,  Office  Manager,   American  General
                           Finance, Gallipolis, Ohio from 1994 to 1996.

Katrinka V. Hart, 42       Vice  President  of the  Registrant  beginning  1995,
                           Senior Vice President,  Retail Bank Group of the Bank
                           beginning 1995.

Mario P. Liberatore, 55    Vice  President  of  the  Registrant  beginning 1997,
                           Senior Vice  President,  West  Virginia Bank Group of
                           the Bank beginning 1997, President of Bank One, Point
                           Pleasant, West Virginia, N.A. from 1995 to 1997.

                                    Page 16

                               PART I (continued)

                           Current Position and
Name and Age               Business Experience During Past 5 Years
- ------------------         ---------------------------------------

E. Richard Mahan, 55       Senior Vice President and Secretary of the Registrant
                           beginning   2000,   Executive   Vice   President  and
                           Secretary  of the Bank  beginning  2000,  Senior Vice
                           President  of  the  Registrant  from  1999  to  2000,
                           Executive  Vice  President  of the Bank  from 1999 to
                           2000,  Vice President of the Registrant  from 1995 to
                           1998, Senior Vice President, Commercial Bank Group of
                           the Bank from 1995 to 1998.

Larry E. Miller, II, 36    Senior Vice President and Treasurer of the Registrant
                           beginning   2000,   Executive   Vice   President  and
                           Treasurer  of the Bank  beginning  2000,  Senior Vice
                           President  of  the  Registrant  from  1999  to  2000,
                           Executive  Vice  President  of the Bank  from 1999 to
                           2000,  Vice President of the Registrant  from 1995 to
                           1998, Senior Vice President,  Financial Bank Group of
                           the Bank from 1995 to 1998.

Harold A. Howe, 51         Vice  President  of  the  Registrant  beginning 1998,
                           President of Jackson from 1994 to 2000.

David L. Shaffer, 42       Vice  President  of  the  Registrant  beginning 2000,
                           Senior Vice  President,  Commercial Bank Group of the
                           Bank  beginning  2000,  Vice  President,   Commercial
                           Lending   of  the  Bank  from  1999  to  2000,   Vice
                           President,  Retail  Lending  of the Bank from 1994 to

Sandra L. Edwards, 53      Vice  President  of  the  Registrant  beginning 2000,
                           Senior Vice  President,  Financial  Bank Group of the
                           Bank  beginning  2000,  Vice  President,   Management
                           Information  Systems  of the Bank  from 1999 to 2000,
                           Assistant Vice President,  Operations  Center Manager
                           of the Bank from 1993 to 1999.

                                     PART II


  The information required under this item is located under the caption "Summary
of Common Stock Data" in the Registrant's 2000 Annual Report to Shareholders. In
addition,  attention  is  directed  to the caption  "Capital  Resources"  within
Management's  Discussion  and Analysis of  Operations of the  Registrant's  2000
Annual Report to  Shareholders  and to Note P - "Regulatory  Matters".  All such
information is incorporated herein by reference. The Registrant was not involved
in any sale of unregistered securities.

                                    Page 17

                              PART II (continued)


  The  information  required under this item is incorporated by reference to the
information  appearing  under  the  caption  "Selected  Financial  Data"  of the
Registrant's 2000 Annual Report to Shareholders.


  "Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis  of  Operations"  appears  within the
Registrant's  2000 Annual Report to Shareholders  and is incorporated  herein by


  The  information  required  under this item is  included in Table VIII - "Rate
Sensitivity  Analysis" and the caption "Liquidity and Interest Rate Sensitivity"
found  within  Management's   Discussion  and  Analysis  of  Operations  of  the
Registrant's  2000 Annual Report to Shareholders  and is incorporated  herein by


  The  Registrant's  consolidated  financial  statements  and related  notes are
listed below and  incorporated  herein by reference to the 2000 Annual Report to
Shareholders.   The  "Report  of   Independent   Auditors"   and  the  unaudited
supplementary   "Consolidated   Quarterly  Financial  Information   (unaudited)"
specified by Item 302 of Regulation  S-K appear within the 2000 Annual Report to
Shareholders and are incorporated by reference.

  Consolidated  Statements  of  Condition  as of  December  31,  2000  and  1999
  Consolidated  Statements of Income for the years ended December 31, 2000, 1999
    and 1998
  Consolidated  Statements of Changes in Shareholders'  Equity for the years
    ended December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998
  Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the years ended December 31, 2000,
    1999 and 1998
  Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
  Report of Independent Auditors


  No response required.

                                    PART III

  Information  relating to the following  items is included in the  Registrant's
definitive  proxy statement for the Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be held on
April 11,  2001  ("2001  Proxy  Statement")  filed  with the  Commission  and is
incorporated  by  reference to the pages listed below into this Form 10-K Annual
Report,  provided,  that  neither the report on executive  compensation  nor the
performance graph included in the Registrant's  definitive proxy statement shall
be deemed to be incorporated herein by reference.

                                    Page 18

                              PART III (continued)


         Discussion located at pages 4-5 of 2001 Proxy Statement.
         See also Part I - "Executive Officers of the Registrant",  beginning
           on page 16 of this Form 10-K.
         No facts exist  which  would  require  disclosure  under  Item 405 of
           Regulation S-K.

         Discussion located at pages 5-8 of 2001 Proxy Statement.

                   AND MANAGEMENT
         Discussion located at pages 1-3 of 2001 Proxy Statement.

         at page 9 of 2001 Proxy Statement.

                                     PART IV

          REPORTS ON FORM 8-K

A. (1) Financial Statements
  The following  consolidated  financial  statements of the Registrant appear in
the 2000  Annual  Report  to  Shareholders,  Exhibit  13,  and are  specifically
incorporated by reference under Item 8 of this Form 10-K:

Consolidated   Statements  of  Condition  as  of  December  31,  2000  and  1999
Consolidated Statements of Income for the years ended
  December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998
Consolidated  Statements of Changes in Shareholders'  Equity for the years ended
  December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the years ended
  December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
Report of Independent Auditors

 (2) Financial Statement Schedules

  Financial  statement schedules are omitted as they are not required or are not
applicable, or the required information is included in the financial statements.

 (3) Exhibits

  Reference is made to the Exhibit  Index which is found on page 21 of this Form

B. Reports on Form 8-K

  No reports on Form 8-K were  filed  during the last  quarter of the year ended
December 31, 2000.

                                    Page 19


     Pursuant to the  requirements  of  Sections  13 or 15(d) of the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on
its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                        OHIO VALLEY BANC CORP.

Date:  March 30, 2001                   By /s/James L. Dailey
                                           James L. Dailey, Chairman

     Pursuant to the  requirements of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, this
report  has been  signed  below on March 30,  2001 by the  following  persons on
behalf of the Registrant and in the capacities indicated.

            Name                               Capacity
            ----                               --------

/s/James L. Dailey                      Chairman of the Board
- -----------------------------
James L. Dailey

/s/Jeffrey E. Smith                     President, Chief Executive Officer
- -----------------------------           and Director
Jeffrey E. Smith

/s/Lannes C. Williamson                 Director
- -----------------------------
Lannes C. Williamson

/s/Phil A. Bowman                       Director
- -----------------------------
Phil A. Bowman

/s/W. Lowell Call                       Director
- -----------------------------
W. Lowell Call

/s/Robert H. Eastman                    Director
- -----------------------------
Robert H. Eastman

/s/Merrill L. Evans                     Director
- -----------------------------
Merrill L. Evans

/s/Warren F. Sheets                     Director
- -----------------------------
Warren F. Sheets

/s/Thomas E. Wiseman                    Director
- -----------------------------
Thomas E. Wiseman

                                    Page 20

                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

   The following  exhibits are included in this Form 10-K or are incorporated by
reference as noted in the following table:

    Exhibit Number                            Exhibit Description

         3a                   Amended  Articles of Ohio  Valley  Banc Corp.  (as
                              filed with the Ohio  Secretary  of State on August
                              21, 1992) are incorporated  herein by reference to
                              Form  10-K  filed  for  the  fiscal   year  ending
                              December 31, 1997  [Exhibit  3a] filed  March  31,

         3b                   Code  of   Regulations   of  the   Registrant  are
                              incorporated herein by reference to Form 8-K (File
                              # 2-71309) [Exhibit 3b] filed November 6, 1992.

         10                   Summary   of   Deferred   Compensation   Plan  for
                              Directors and Executive  Officers is  incorporated
                              herein by  reference  to Form  10-K  filed for the
                              fiscal year ending December 31, 1997.

         11                   Statement  regarding   computation  of  per  share
                              earnings  (included  in Note A of the notes to the
                              Consolidated  Financial  Statements of this Annual
                              Report on Form 10-K.)

         13                   Registrant's Annual Report to Shareholders for the
                              fiscal year ended  December 31, 2000.  [Exhibit is
                              being filed herewith] (Not deemed filed except for
                              portions    thereof    which   are    specifically
                              incorporated  by reference into this Annual Report
                              on Form 10-K.)

         21                   Subsidiaries  of the Registrant  [Exhibit is being
                              filed herewith.]

         23                   Consent of Independent Accountant - Crowe, Chizek
                              and Company LLP.[Exhibit is being filed herewith.]

                                    Page 21