WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT

                     Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                       January 15, 2003 (January 15, 2003)
                Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported)

                             OHIO VALLEY BANC CORP
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                 (State or other jurisdiction of incorporation)

                               0-20914 31-1359191
          (Commission file number) (IRS Employer Identification Number)

                    420 Third Avenue, Gallipolis, Ohio 45631
               (Address of principal executive offices) (Zip code)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (740) 446-2631

                                 Not Applicable
         (Former name or former address, if changed since last report.)

                            Exhibit Index at Page 4.

Item 1. Changes in Control of Registrant.
         Not applicable.

Item 2. Acquisition or Disposition of Assets.
         Not applicable.

Item 3. Bankruptcy or Receivership.
         Not applicable.

Item 4. Changes in Registrant's Certifying Accountant.
         Not applicable.

Item 5. Other Events.
      On  January  15,  2003,  Ohio  Valley  Banc  Corp  issued  a news  release
announcing  its earnings for the fourth quarter and  year-to-date periods ending
December 31, 2002.  The  information  contained  in the news  release,  which is
attached  as  Exhibit  99 to this  Form  8-K,  is  incorporated  herein  by this

Item 6. Resignations of Registrant's Directors.
         Not applicable.

Item 7. Financial Statements and Exhibits.

         (a)      Financial statements of business acquired:
                           Not applicable.

         (b)      Pro forma financial information:
                           Not applicable.

         (c)      Exhibits:
                  99       Press release of Ohio Valley Banc Corp dated  January
                           15, 2003, announcing  the company's  earnings for the
                           fourth  quarter  and  year-to-date   periods   ending
                           December 31, 2002.

Item 8. Change in Fiscal Year.
         Not applicable.

Item 9. Sales of Equity Securities Pursuant to Regulation S.
         Not applicable.

                                     Page 2


     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                                 OHIO VALLEY BANC CORP

Date: January 15, 2003                           By /s/ Jeffrey E. Smith
                                                 Jeffrey E. Smith, President and
                                                 Chief Executive Officer

                                     Page 3

                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

Exhibit Number                                      Description
- --------------                                      -----------
     99                    Press release of Ohio Valley Banc Corp dated  January
                           15, 2003,  announcing the company's  earnings for the
                           fourth  quarter  and  year-to-date   periods   ending
                           December 31, 2002.

                                     Page 4

                                   Exhibit 99

                 Ohio Valley Banc Corp Continues Earnings Growth

Gallipolis, Ohio, January 15, 2003

Ohio Valley Banc Corp [Nasdaq:  OVBC] reported consolidated net earnings for the
quarter ended December 31, 2002, of $1,661,000  representing an increase of 17.6
percent  over the same time period last year.  Earnings per share for the fourth
quarter  of 2002 were  $.48,  up 17.1  percent  from the $.41  earned the fourth
quarter of 2001. For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2002,  consolidated  net
earnings  were  $5,675,000,  up 15.9 percent  compared to $4,895,000 a year ago.
Earnings  per share were $1.64 for 2002 versus  $1.41 last year,  an increase of
16.3 percent.

Contributing  to OVBC's  double-digit  earnings  growth was strong net  interest
income growth.  For the fourth quarter of 2002,  net interest  income  increased
$752,000 or 11.9 percent over the prior year fourth quarter. For the fiscal year
ended December 31, 2002, net interest income improved $3,611,000 or 15.5 percent
over last year.  The  increase in net  interest  income was the result of strong
loan growth which kept total interest income unchanged  despite falling interest
rates  combined with a decline in total  interest  expense of $3,425,000 or 14.1
percent.  The  Company's  net  interest  income has  benefited  from the current
interest  rate  environment  and is reflected  in the net interest  margin which
improved to 4.35 percent year-to-date for 2002 from 4.29 percent the prior year.

Providing  additional  revenue growth was positive gains in noninterest  income.
For the three months  ended  December 31,  2002,  noninterest  income  increased
$137,000  over  the  prior  year  fourth  quarter  and on a  year-to-date  basis
noninterest  income was up $505,000 or 9.8% from 2001.  Income from  deposit and
loan service fees,  bank owned life insurance and gain on sale of mortgage loans
provided a majority of the growth in revenue.

For the fourth quarter of 2002, noninterest expense totaled $4,241,000, which is
a decline of $118,000 or 2.7 percent compared to the same time period last year.
On a year-to-date  basis,  noninterest  expense totaled  $19,175,000 in 2002, an
increase of $1,004,000 or 5.5 percent compared to $18,171,000 the previous year.
Salaries and employee benefits, OVBC's largest noninterest expense grew $826,000
or 8.4  percent  for fiscal  year 2002,  as  compared to the same time period in
2001.  The  increase  was  related to annual  merit  increases,  incentive-based
compensation  and the  rising  cost of  medical  insurance.  Impacting  the 2002
year-to-date  results was the charge off of fraudulent  checks during the second
quarter with the impact net of recoveries  being  $374,000 on other  noninterest
expense. The remaining noninterest expense categories have declined or increased
minimally  from 2001.  OVBC's  efficiency  ratio  continues to improve driven by
revenue  growth (net interest  income plus  noninterest  income) of 14.5 percent
versus  total  expense  growth of 5.5  percent.  The  efficiency  ratio was 58.1
percent for 2002, as compared to 62.5 percent the prior year.

For the fiscal year 2002,  the  Company's  provision  for loan losses  increased
$1,967,000 over the same time period last year in relation to an increase in net
charge-offs of $2,014,000.  During 2002,  Management emphasized asset quality by
charging off nonperforming loans, particularly commercial and installment loans.
Nonperforming  loans at  December  31,  2002  stood at  $8,032,000  compared  to
$6,310,000 at year end 2001. The increase in nonperforming  loans was the result
of a single commercial line which was discussed in the third quarter's  earnings
release.  This line  represented  .70  percent of total  loans  which  increased
nonperforming  loans as a percentage of total loans to 1.44 percent for the year
ending  December  31,  2002  compared  to 1.24  percent  at year end  2001.  The
allowance  for loan losses stood at $7,069,000 or 1.26 percent of total loans at
December  31, 2002,  which  included a specific  allocation  of $450,000 for the
commercial line mentioned above. The 1.26 percent  allowance for loan losses for
December  31, 2002  compares to 1.23  percent at year end 2001.  Management  has
increased  the  ratio of  allowance  to total  loans  based  on an  increase  in
nonperforming loans and the continued uncertainty of economic conditions.  While
management  is  comfortable  that the  allowance  for loan losses is adequate to
absorb future losses inherent in the loan  portfolio,  management is prepared to
increase the allowance should economic conditions dictate.

Total assets  increased  $61,357,000  or 9.7 percent from year end 2001 to reach
$696,356,000 at December 31, 2002. Driving asset growth was an increase in total
loans of  $50,901,000  or 10.0  percent  from 2001.  For 2002,  loan  growth has
exceeded management's  expectations,  particularly in commercial real estate and
indirect automobile  lending.  Funding came primarily from deposits which are up
$41,543,000 or 9.1 percent from December 31, 2001. A significant  portion of the
deposit growth occurred in NOW accounts and time deposits.

President  and CEO Jeff Smith  stated,  "We are  pleased  with the  double-digit
earnings  growth  delivered by our employees  for the fourth  quarter and fiscal
year 2002 which reflects our commitment to increasing financial performance.  We
will continue to focus on revenue  growth,  expense control and asset quality to
make Ohio  Valley a more  efficient  company.  By doing so, we will  continue to
enhance shareholder value by improving return on equity which increased to 11.85
percent for 2002 from 10.80 percent the same time period last year."

Ohio Valley Banc Corp common  stock is traded on the NASDAQ  Stock  Market under
the symbol OVBC. The holding company owns three subsidiaries:  Ohio Valley Bank,
Loan Central,  and Ohio Valley Financial Services Agency.  Learn more about Ohio
Valley Banc Corp at

OHIO VALLEY BANC CORP - Financial Highlights (Unaudited)

                              Three months ended           Twelve months ended
                                 December 31,                  December 31,
                              2002         2001             2002         2001
                           ----------   ----------       ----------   ----------
  Earnings per share           $0.48        $0.41            $1.64        $1.41
  Dividend per share           $0.17        $0.32            $0.67        $0.79
  Book value per share        $14.55       $13.42           $14.55       $13.42
  Dividend payout ratio        35.27%       78.01%           40.79%       55.84%
  Weighted average shares
   outstanding             3,453,944    3,444,312        3,458,300    3,461,856

  Return on average equity     13.35%       12.10%           11.85%       10.80%
  Return on average assets      0.95%        0.90%            0.85%        0.83%
  Net interest margin           4.33%        4.34%            4.35%        4.29%
  Efficiency Ratio             50.07%       55.64%           58.14%       62.47%
  Average Earning Assets
   (in 000's)               $654,929     $585,069         $628,811     $552,980

OHIO VALLEY BANC CORP - Consolidated Statements of Income (Unaudited)

                                     Three months ended     Twelve months ended
(in $000's)                              December 31,            December 31,
                                       2002       2001         2002       2001
                                    ---------  ---------    ---------  ---------
Interest income:
     Interest and fees on loans      $11,201     11,060       $43,947     43,321
     Interest and dividends on
      securities                         955        976         3,824      4,264
          Total interest income       12,156     12,036        47,771     47,585
Interest expense:
     Deposits                          3,662      4,373        15,129     19,281
     Borrowings                        1,441      1,362         5,681      4,954
          Total interest expense       5,103      5,735        20,810     24,235
Net interest income                    7,053      6,301        26,961     23,350
Provision for loan losses              1,974      1,338         5,470      3,503
Noninterest income:
     Service charges on deposit
      accounts                           817        773         3,118      3,003
     Trust fees                           50         54           215        222
     Income from bank owned insurance    172        166           684        596
     Other                               477        386         1,617      1,308
          Total noninterest income     1,516      1,379         5,634      5,129
Noninterest expense:
     Salaries and employee benefits    2,596      2,397        10,641      9,815
     Occupancy expense                   315        312         1,274      1,255
     Furniture and equipment expense     269        335         1,083      1,141
     Data processing expense              50         89           484        496
     Other                             1,011      1,226         5,693      5,464
          Total noninterest expense    4,241      4,359        19,175     18,171
Income before income taxes             2,354      1,983         7,950      6,805
Income taxes                             693        570         2,275      1,910
NET INCOME                            $1,661      1,413        $5,675      4,895

OHIO VALLEY BANC CORP - Consolidated Balance Sheets (Unaudited)

(in 000's)                                   December 31,        December 31,
                                                 2002                2001
                                           ----------------     ----------------
Cash and noninterest-bearing
 deposits with banks                            $18,826              $17,288
Federal funds sold                                4,625                9,000
     Total cash and cash equivalents             23,451               26,288
Interest-bearing balances with banks              1,505                1,264
Securities available-for-sale                    75,264               61,559
Securities held-to-maturity
  (estimated fair value:  2002 -
  $14,834 , 2001 - $14,421)                      13,990               13,973
Total loans                                     559,561              508,660
  Less:  Allowance for loan losses               (7,069)              (6,251)
     Net loans                                  552,492              502,409
Premises and equipment, net                       8,247                8,702
Accrued income receivable                         3,144                3,420
Intangible assets, net                            1,226                1,267
Bank owned life insurance                        12,673               12,089
Other assets                                      4,364                4,028
          Total assets                         $696,356             $634,999

Noninterest-bearing deposits                    $58,997              $56,735
Interest-bearing deposits                       438,407              399,126
     Total deposits                             497,404              455,861
Securities sold under agreements to
 repurchase                                      33,052               29,274
Other borrowed funds                             95,435               90,856
Obligated mandatorily redeemable
 capital securities of subsidiary trust          13,500                5,000
Accrued liabilities                               6,590                7,708
          Total liabilities                     645,981              588,699

Common stock ($1.00 stated value,
 10,000,000 shares authorized; 2002 -
 3,620,335 shares issued,
 2001 - 3,579,250 shares issued)                  3,620                3,579
Additional paid-in capital                       30,092               29,207
Retained Earnings                                19,339               15,979
Accumulated other comprehensive income            1,439                1,043
Treasury stock at cost (2002 -
157,115 shares, 2001 - 129,990 shares)           (4,115)              (3,508)
          Total shareholders' equity             50,375               46,300
               Total liabilities and
                 shareholders' equity           $696,356            $634,999

Contact:    Scott Shockey or Chris Petro
            1-800-468-6682 or (740) 446-2631