October 12, 2007 - For immediate release
Contact:  Scott Shockey, CFO (740) 446-2631

                Ohio Valley Banc Corp Reports 3rd Quarter Results

GALLIPOLIS,  Ohio - Ohio Valley Banc Corp [Nasdaq:  OVBC] reported  consolidated
net income for the quarter ended September 30, 2007, of $1,833,000,  an increase
from the $1,817,000 earned for the third quarter of 2006. Earnings per share for
the third  quarter of 2007 were $.45,  up 4.7 percent  from the prior year third
quarter.  Comparing the nine months ended  September 30, 2007 to the same period
in 2006, net income  decreased  $88,000,  or 1.6 percent,  to reach  $5,294,000.
Earnings per share were $1.28 for the first nine months of 2007 versus $1.27 for
the first nine months of 2006,  an  increase  of .8  percent.  Return on average
assets and return on average  equity  both  decreased  to .92  percent and 11.72
percent, respectively, for the nine months ended September 30, 2007, as compared
to .95 percent and 12.07 percent, respectively, for the same period in the prior

Overall,  management was pleased with the earnings  performance  and significant
progress on asset  quality.  These  efforts  produced a reduction  in  provision
expense,  which  more than  offset  the  decrease  in net  interest  income.  In
addition,  the Company has been actively managing  overhead  expense,  which was
essentially unchanged from the prior year.

For the nine months ended  September  30, 2007,  net interest  income  decreased
$443,000, or 2.0 percent, from the same period last year. The third quarter 2007
net  interest  income was down only  $103,000,  or 1.4  percent,  from the third
quarter of 2006. The decrease in net interest income was attributable to a lower
net interest  margin,  which was partially offset by the growth in the Company's
earning assets. The net interest margin for the nine months ending September 30,
2007 was 3.99  percent,  compared to 4.10  percent for the same period the prior
year. The net interest margin  compression was related to the upward pressure of
the Company's  funding costs in conjunction  with the higher average  balance of
loans on noninterest  accruing status.  The Company's average earning assets for
the first nine months of 2007 were up $7,858,000, or 1.1 percent, from the first
nine months of 2006.

During the first nine months of 2007,  the Company's  asset quality has improved
significantly.  The ratio of  nonperforming  loans to total  loans  stood at .85
percent at September 30, 2007, as compared to 2.14 percent at December 31, 2006.
The Company's net charge-offs for the nine months ending September 30, 2007 were
up  $3,240,000  from the same  nine-month  period in 2006,  primarily due to the
charge-off of specific allocations  established for nonperforming loans in 2006.
The provision expense associated with establishing the specific allocations also
occurred in 2006,  primarily  in the fourth  quarter  when the Company  provided
$3,731,000  to the  allowance  for loan losses.  Based on the  evaluation of the
current  adequacy  of  the  allowance  for  loan  losses,   management  provided
$1,334,000 to the allowance for loan losses for the nine months ended  September
30,  2007,  a decrease  of $597,000  from the same  period the prior  year.  The
allowance for loan losses was 1.07 percent of total loans at September 30, 2007,
as compared to 1.51 percent at December 31, 2006.  Management  believes that the
allowance  for loan losses at  September  30,  2007 was  adequate  and  reflects
probable incurred losses in the portfolio as of that date.

Noninterest  income totaled  $4,315,000 for the nine months ended  September 30,
2007, as compared to $4,393,000 for the same period last year, a decrease of 1.8
percent.  For the three months ended  September  30,  2007,  noninterest  income
totaled  $1,556,000,  which equaled  2006's third quarter.  Contributing  to the
decline in year-to-date  noninterest income was the recognition of tax-free life
insurance  proceeds  of  $174,000  in  the  prior  year.   Providing  additional
noninterest  income was  processing  fee income  earned  from  facilitating  the
clearing of tax refunds for a tax software  provider and interchange fees earned
on  transactions  utilizing  Ohio Valley Bank's  Jeanie(R)  Plus debit card. The
combination of these two sources generated an additional  $75,000 in noninterest
income for 2007.

On a year-to-date  basis,  noninterest  expense totaled  $16,599,000 in 2007, an
increase  of  only  $21,000  when   compared  to  the   previous   year.   On  a
quarter-to-date  basis,  noninterest  expense  decreased  $11,000 from the third
quarter  in  2006.  Salaries  and  employee  benefits,   the  Company's  largest
noninterest  expense,  was down  $155,000,  or 1.6  percent,  for the first nine
months of 2007, as compared to the same period in 2006.  Offsetting  the savings
in  personnel  expense  was the  increase  in costs  associated  with  resolving
nonperforming  loans. The Company's  foreclosure costs for the nine months ended
September  30,  2007 were up  $160,000  from the same  period  the  prior  year.
Overall,  management was pleased with the cost containment  demonstrated through
the first nine months of 2007.

"The  emphasis  of our  employees  on asset  quality  and  operating  efficiency
continued  throughout the third quarter as the ratio of  nonperforming  loans to
total  loans  at  September  30,  2007  stood at .85%,  which  represents  a 38%
improvement  from  September  30, 2006 and a 60%  improvement  from December 31,
2006," said Jeffrey E. Smith,  President and CEO.  "While costs  associated with
the  resolution of  nonperforming  loans  increased  $160,000 for the nine-month
period  ending  September  30, 2007  compared to the same period a year ago, our
employees continued their emphasis on cost containment  resulting in an increase
of only .13%, or $21,000,  in total noninterest expense for this same period. On
a  quarter-to-date  basis,  comparing  the period ended  September 30, 2007 with
September  30,  2006,  noninterest  expense  actually  decreased  by $11,000.  I
continue to be pleased  with not only the  emphasis of our  employees,  but also
their priority of asset quality and operating efficiency, in that order."

Ohio Valley Banc Corp common stock is traded on the NASDAQ  Global  Market under
the symbol OVBC. The holding company owns three subsidiaries:  Ohio Valley Bank,
with 15 offices in Ohio and West  Virginia;  Loan  Central,  with five  consumer
finance offices in Ohio; and Ohio Valley Financial Services, an insurance agency
based in Jackson, Ohio. Learn more about Ohio Valley Banc Corp at www.ovbc.com.

Forward-Looking Information

Certain  statements  contained in this earnings release which are not statements
of historical fact constitute  forward-looking  statements within the meaning of
the Private Securities  Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Words such as "believes,"
"anticipates,"  "expects,"  "intends,"  "targeted" and similar  expressions  are
intended to identify forward-looking  statements but are not the exclusive means
of identifying those statements.  Forward-looking  statements  involve risks and
uncertainties.  Actual results may differ materially from those predicted by the
forward-looking  statements  because of various  factors  and  possible  events,
including: (i) changes in political, economic or other factors such as inflation
rates,  recessionary or expansive trends, and taxes; (ii) competitive pressures;
(iii)  fluctuations in interest rates; (iv) the level of defaults and prepayment
on  loans  made  by  the  Company;  (v)  unanticipated  litigation,  claims,  or
assessments; (vi) fluctuations in the cost of obtaining funds to make loans; and
(vii) regulatory changes.  Forward-looking  statements speak only as of the date
on which they are made and Ohio Valley Banc Corp  undertakes  no  obligation  to
update any  forward-looking  statement to reflect events or circumstances  after
the date on which the statement is made to reflect unanticipated events.

OHIO VALLEY BANC CORP - Financial Highlights (Unaudited)

                                                   Three months ended                               Nine months ended
                                                      September 30,                                    September 30,
                                              2007                    2006                      2007                     2006
                                        ----------------        ----------------         -----------------       -------------------
  Earnings per share                               $0.45                   $0.43                     $1.28                     $1.27
  Dividends per share                              $0.18                   $0.17                     $0.53                     $0.50
  Book value per share                            $14.93                  $14.51                    $14.93                    $14.51
  Dividend payout ratio (a)                       40.28%                  39.57%                    41.61%                    39.39%
  Weighted average shares outstanding          4,101,908               4,228,798                 4,149,040                 4,239,291

  Return on average equity                        12.10%                  12.03%                    11.72%                    12.07%
  Return on average assets                         0.95%                   0.95%                     0.92%                     0.95%
  Net interest margin (b)                          3.90%                   3.97%                     3.99%                     4.10%
  Efficiency ratio (c)                            64.47%                  64.09%                    64.16%                    63.02%
  Average earning assets (in 000's)             $723,612                $717,736                  $722,079                  $714,221

(a) Total dividends paid as a percentage of net income.
(b) Fully tax-equivalent net interest income as a percentage of average earning assets.
(c) Noninterest expense as a percentage of fully tax-equivalent net interest income plus noninterest income.

OHIO VALLEY BANC CORP - Consolidated Statements of Income (Unaudited)

                                                   Three months ended                               Nine months ended
    (in $000's)                                       September 30,                                    September 30,
                                              2007                    2006                      2007                     2006
                                       -----------------        ----------------         -----------------       -------------------
Interest income:
     Interest and fees on loans            $      12,731           $      12,410            $       37,877          $         36,279
     Interest and dividends on securities          1,053                     997                     3,129                     2,802
          Total interest income                   13,784                  13,407                    41,006                    39,081
Interest expense:
     Deposits                                      5,386                   4,964                    15,943                    13,341
     Borrowings                                    1,393                   1,335                     3,821                     4,055
          Total interest expense                   6,779                   6,299                    19,764                    17,396
Net interest income                                7,005                   7,108                    21,242                    21,685
Provision for loan losses                            332                     474                     1,334                     1,931
Noninterest income:
     Service charges on deposit accounts             776                     806                     2,192                     2,245
     Trust fees                                       58                      56                       172                       165
     Income from bank owned insurance                173                     270                       515                       727
     Gain on sale of loans                            23                      21                        82                        75
     Other                                           526                     403                     1,354                     1,181
          Total noninterest income                 1,556                   1,556                     4,315                     4,393
Noninterest expense:
     Salaries and employee benefits                3,247                   3,278                     9,648                     9,803
     Occupancy                                       378                     347                     1,099                       999
     Furniture and equipment                         276                     268                       810                       811
     Data processing                                 221                     197                       626                       613
     Other                                         1,470                   1,513                     4,416                     4,352
          Total noninterest expense                5,592                   5,603                    16,599                    16,578
Income before income taxes                         2,637                   2,587                     7,624                     7,569
Income taxes                                         804                     770                     2,330                     2,187
NET INCOME                                 $       1,833           $       1,817            $        5,294          $          5,382

OHIO VALLEY BANC CORP - Consolidated Balance Sheets (Unaudited)

(in $000's, except share and per share data)                                                 September 30,           December 31,
                                                                                                 2007                     2006
                                                                                           -----------------       -----------------
Cash and noninterest-bearing deposits with banks                                            $        16,800         $        18,965
Federal funds sold                                                                                   11,756                   1,800
     Total cash and cash equivalents                                                                 28,556                  20,765
Interest-bearing deposits in other financial institutions                                               620                     508
Securities available-for-sale                                                                        69,536                  70,267
Securities held-to-maturity
  (estimated fair value:  2007 - $15,976, 2006 - $13,586)                                            15,937                  13,350
FHLB stock                                                                                            6,036                   6,036
Total loans                                                                                         627,616                 625,164
  Less:  Allowance for loan losses                                                                   (6,727)                 (9,412)
     Net loans                                                                                      620,889                 615,752
Premises and equipment, net                                                                           9,937                   9,812
Accrued income receivable                                                                             3,288                   3,234
Goodwill                                                                                              1,267                   1,267
Bank owned life insurance                                                                            16,464                  16,054
Other assets                                                                                          6,916                   7,316
          Total assets                                                                      $       779,446         $       764,361

Noninterest-bearing deposits                                                                $        76,476         $        77,960
Interest-bearing deposits                                                                           519,464                 515,826
     Total deposits                                                                                 595,940                 593,786
Securities sold under agreements to repurchase                                                       34,168                  22,556
Other borrowed funds                                                                                 61,398                  63,546
Subordinated debentures                                                                              13,500                  13,500
Accrued liabilities                                                                                  13,421                  10,691
          Total liabilities                                                                         718,427                 704,079

Common stock ($1.00 stated value, 10,000,000 shares
  authorized; 2007 - 4,639,724 shares issued,
  2006 - 4,626,340 shares issued)                                                                     4,640                   4,626
Additional paid-in-capital                                                                           32,615                  32,282
Retained earnings                                                                                    37,495                  34,404
Accumulated other comprehensive loss                                                                   (627)                   (981)
Treasury stock at cost (2007 - 553,830 shares, 2006 - 432,852 shares)                               (13,104)                (10,049)
          Total shareholders' equity                                                                 61,019                  60,282
               Total liabilities and shareholders' equity                                   $       779,446         $       764,361