UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT DISTRICT OF DELAWARE In re: NutraMax Products, Inc. Case No. 00-1838 - ------------------------------------------- Debtor Reporting Period 05/02/00-06/03/2000 MONTHLY OPERATING REPORT File with Court and submit copy to United States Trustee within 20 days after end of month. Submit copy of report to any official committee appointed in the case. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOCUMENT EXPLANATION REQUIRED DOCUMENTS FORM NO. ATTACHED ATTACHED - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule of Cash Receipts and Disbursements MOR-1 X Bank Reconciliation (or copies of debtor's bank reconciliations) MOR-1 (con't) X Copies of bank statements X Cash disbursements journals X Statement of Operations MOR-2 X Balance Sheet MOR-3 X Status of Postpetition Taxes MOR4 X Copies of IRS Form 6123 or payment receipt X Copies of tax returns filed during reporting period X Summary of Unpaid Postpetition Debts MOR4 X Listing of aged accounts payable Accounts Receivable Reconciliation and Aging MOR-5 X Debtor Questionnaire MOR-5 X - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I declare under penalty of perjury (28 U.S.C. Section 1746) that this report and the documents attached are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Signature of Debtor Date - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Signature of Joint Debtor Date /s/ Dawn E. Larson 7/19/00 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Signature of Authorized Individual* Date Dawn E. Larson Chief Financial Officer - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Printed Name of Authorized Individual Title of Authorized Individual * AUTHORIZED INDIVIDUAL MUST BE AN OFFICER, DIRECTOR, OR SHAREHOLDER IF DEBTOR IS A CORPORATION; A PARTNER IF DEBTOR IS A PARTNERSHIP; A MANAGER OR MEMBER IF DEBTOR IS A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. Form MOR UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT DISTRICT OF DELAWARE In re: NutraMax Products, Inc. Case No. 00-1838 - ------------------------------------------- Debtor Reporting Period 5/02/00-6/03/2000 SCHEDULE OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS Amounts reported should be per the debtor's books, not the bank statement The beginning cash should be the ending cash from the prior month or, if this is the first report, the amount should be the balance on the date the petition was filed. The amounts reported in the "CURRENT MONTH - ACTUAL" column must equal the sum of the four bank account columns. The amounts reported in the "PROJECTED" columns should be taken from the SMALL BUSINESS INITIAL REPORT (FORM 1R-1). Attach copies of the bank statements and the cash disbursements journal. The total disbursements listed in the disbursements journal must equal the total disbursements reported on this page. A bank reconciliation must be attached for each account [See MOR-1 (CON'T)] - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUMULATIVE BANK ACCOUNTS CURRENT MONTH FILING TO DATE OPER. PAYROLL TAX OTHER ACTUAL PROJECTED ACTUAL PROJECTED - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASH BEGINNING OF MONTH $ 106,931 $ 237,447 0 $ ( 337,252) $ 7,126 0 $ 7,126 0 RECEIPTS CASH SALES $ - $ - 0 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 7,733,443 $ 7,733,443 7,456,000 $ 7,733,443 7,456,000 SALE OF ASSETS $ - $ - 0 OTHER (ATTACH LIST) - $ - $ - 0 TRANSFERS (FROM DIP ACCTS) 337,153 241,756 2,710,523 $ 3,289,432 $ 3,289,432 0 ADVANCES FROM REVOLVER 262,OOO $ 262,000 1,295,000 $ 262,000 1,295,000 TOTAL RECEIPTS 8,332,596 241,756 2,710,523 11,284,875 8,751,000 $ 11,284,875 8,751,000 DISBURSEMENTS PAYROLL & TAXES 1,841,709 - $ 1,841,709 2,377,000 $ 1,841,709 2,377,000 - - $ - $ - 0 SALES, USE, & OTHER TAXES - - $ - $ - 0 INVENTORY PURCHASES 2,254,810 - 2,605,541 $ 4,860,351 4,909,000 $ 4,860,351 4,909,000 SECURED/RENTAL/LEASES - - 38,748 $ 38,748 $ 38,748 0 OPERATING EXPENSES 27,828 - 1,520,026 $ 1,547,854 1,307,000 $ 1,547,854 1,307,000 ADMINISTRATIVE - $ - $ - 0 SELLING - - $ - $ - 0 LOAN PAYMENTS - - $ - 39,000 $ - 39,000 OTHER (ATTACH LIST) 100,002 99,459 - (153,269) $ 46,192 119,000 $ 46,192 119,000 - $ - $ - 0 OWNER DRAW* - - $ - $ - 0 TRANSFERS (TO DIP ACCTS) 2,952,279 337,153 $ 3,289,432 $ 3,289,432 0 - $ - $ - 0 PROFESSIONAL FEES - - 18,938 $ 18,938 $ 18,938 0 U.S. TRUSTEE QUARTERLY FEES - - - $ - $ - 0 COURT COSTS - - - $ - $ - 0 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 7,176,628 436,612 - 4,029,984 11,643,224 8,751,000 $ 11,643,224 8,751,000 NET CASH FLOW 1,155,968 (194,856) - (1,319,461) $ (358,349) - $ (358,349) 0 (RECEIPTS LESS DISBURSEMENTS) $ - 0 CASH-END OF MONTH 1,262,899 42,591 (1,656,713) $ (351,223) 0 $ (351,223) 0 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <FN> * COMPENSATION TO SOLE PROPRIETORS FOR SERVICES RENDERED TO BANKRUPTCY ESTATE </FN> THE FOLLOWING SECTION MUST BE COMPLETED - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISBURSEMENTS FOR CALCULATING U.S. TRUSTEE QUARTERLY FEES: (FROM CURRENT MONTH ACTUAL COLUMN) TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 11,643,224 LESS TRANSFERS TO DEBTOR IN POSSESSION ACCOUNTS $ 3,289,432 PLUS ESTATE DISBURSEMENTS MADE BY OUTSIDE SOURCES (ie, from escrow accounts) TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS FOR CALCULATING U.S. TRUSTEE QUARTERLY FEES 8,353,792 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form MOR-1 OTHER DETAIL LOAN FEES 100,000.00 100000 CANCELED CHECKS (313,279.00) CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 50000 J/E to reconcile accounts 99,460.00 Variance between G/L & manual records 160,010.00 Other Non-Oper expense 500000 Rounding 2.00 (1.00) TOTAL 100,002.00 99,459.00 0.00 (153,269.00) 650,000.00 Note: For the Operating and the Other/Disbursements Account, the source for the expense categorization is a manual log kept by the Treasurer. All receipts data is from G/L entries as are Transfers to DIP Accounts and Payroll and Taxes. test cash flow line 1,155,968.00 (194,856.00) 0.00 (1,319,461) (358,349.00) (1,514,317.00) receipts - disb 1,155,968.00 (194,856.00) 0.00 (1,319,461) (358,349.00) (1,514,317,00) var 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Form MOR-1 In re: NutraMax Products, Inc. Case No. 00-1838 - ------------------------------------------- Debtor Reporting Period 05/02/00-06/03/00 STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS (INCOME STATEMENT) The Statement of Operations is to be prepared on an accrual basis. The accrual basis of accounting recognizes revenue when it is realized and expenses when they are incurred, regardless of when cash is actually received or paid. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cumulative Filing REVENUES Month to Date - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross Revenues 9,656,601.00 $ 9,656,601.00 Less: Returns and Allowances $ 380,653.00 $ 380,653.00 Net Revenue $ 9,275,948.00 $ 9,275,948.00 COST OF GOODS SOLD Beginning Inventory $ 15,400,713.00 $ 15,400,713.00 Add: Purchases $ 4,704,701.00 $ 4,704,701.00 Add: Cost of Labor $ 992,589.00 $ 992,589.00 Add: Other Costs (attach schedule) $ 1,899,155.00 $ 1,899,155.00 Less: Ending Inventory $ 15,730,531.00 $ 15,730,531.00 Cost of Goods Sold $ 7,266,627.00 $ 7,266,627.00 Gross Profit $ 2,009,321.00 $ 2,009,321.00 CORPORATE GENERAL & ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Advertising/Trade Shows $ 157,882.00 $ 157,882.00 Auto and Truck Expense $ 1,434.00 $ 1,434.00 Bad Debts $ 84,000.00 $ 84,000.00 Contributions $ 204.00 S 204.00 Employee Benefits Programs $ 36,190.00 $ 36,190.00 Insider Compensation* $ 165,081.00 S 165,081.00 Insurance $ 10,209.00 $ 10,209.00 Management Fees/Bonuses $ 47,290.00 $ 47,290.00 Office Expense $ 5,894.00 $ 5,894.00 Pension & Profit Sharing Plans $ - $ - Repairs and Maintenance $ 10,493.00 $ 10,493.00 Rent and Lease Expense $ 45,322.00 $ 45,322.00 Salaries/Commissions/Fees $ 297,465.00 $ 297,465.00 Supplies $ 1,578.00 $ 1,578.00 Taxes - Payroll $ 12,847.00 $ 12,847.00 Taxes - Real Estate $ - $ - Taxes - Other $ 4,778.00 $ 4,778.00 Travel and Entertainment $ 18,468.00 $ 18,468.00 Utilities $ 4,005.00 S 4,005.00 Other (attach schedule) $ 692,067.00 $ 692,067.00 Total Operating Expenses Before Depreciation $ 1,595,207.00 $ 1,595,207.00 Depreciation/Depletion/Amortization $ 12,705.00 $ 12,705.00 Net Profit (Loss) Before Other Income & Expenses $ 401,409.00 $ 401,409.00 OTHER INCOME AND EXPENSES Other Income (attach schedule) $ 5,092.00 $ 5,092.00 Interest Expense $ 753,413.00 $ 753,413.00 Other Expense (attach schedule) Net Profit (Loss) Before Reorganization Items $ (346,912.00)$ (346,912.00) REORGANIZATION ITEMS Professional Fees $ 136,620.00 $ 136,620.00 U.S. Trustee Quarterly Fees $ - Interest Earned on Accumulated Cash from Chapter 11 (see continuation sheet) $ - Gain (Loss) from Sale of Equipment $ - Other Reorganization Expenses (attach schedu1e) $ - Total Reorganization Expenses $ 136,620.00 $ 136,620.00 Income Taxes $ 150.00 $ 150.00 Net Profit (Loss) $ (483,682.00)$ (483,682.00) <FN> * "Insider" is defined in 11 U.S.C. Section 101(31) </FN> Form MOR-2 STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS - continuation sheet - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cumulative Filing BREAKDOWN OF "OTHER" CATEGORY Month to Date - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Costs QA/QC & Manufacturing Overhead $ 1,899,155 $ 1,899,155 Other Operational Expenses Material Handling Equipment $ 923 $ 923 Outside Labor $ 51,692 $ 51,692 Dues & Subscriptions $ 1,299 $ 1,299 Licenses & Fees $ 849 $ 849 Miscellaneous $ 87,199 $ 87,199 Prof. Services $ 1,314 $ 1,314 Freight/Out $ 482,439 $ 482,439 Royalties $ 27,000 $ 27,000 Recruiting Fees $ 23,295 $ 23,295 Bank Service Fees $ 3,845 $ 3,845 Other Professional Fees $ 12,212 $ 12,212 Other Income Interest Income $ 5,092 $ 5,092 Other Expenses Other Reorganization Expenses - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reorganization Items - Interest Earned on Accumulated Cash from Chapter 11: Interest earned on cash accumulated during the chapter 11 case, which would not have been earned but for the bankruptcy proceeding, should be reported as a reorganization item. Form MOR-2 (CONT) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT DISTRICT OF DELAWARE In re: NutraMax Products, Inc. Case No. 00-1838 Debtor Reporting Period: 05/02/00 - 06/03/2000 MOR-3, Balance Sheet, will be submitted shortly. In re: NutraMax Products, Inc. Case No. 00-1838 ------------------------------- Debtor Reporting Period: 05/02/00 - 06/03/00 STATUS OF POSTPETITION TAXES The beginning tax liability should be the ending liability from the prior month or, if this is the first report, the amount should be zero. Attach photocopies of IRS Form 6123 or payment receipt to verify payment or deposit of federal payroll taxes. Attach photocopies of any tax returns filed during the reporting period. - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMOUNT ENDING BEGINNING WITHHELD AMOUNT CHECK NO. TAX TAX LIABILITY OR ACCRUED PAID DATE PAID OR EFT LIABILITY - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEDERAL Withholding $ - $ 217,115 $ 217,115 see attached $ - FICA-Employee $ - $ 90,154 $ 90,154 see attached $ - FICA-Employer $ - $ 90,265 $ 90,265 see attached $ - Unemployment $ - $ 3,795 $ 3,795 see attached $ - Income $ - $ - - $ - Other Disability tax $ - $ 255 $ 255 see attached $ - Total Federal Taxes $ - $ 401,584 $ 401,584 $ - $ - $ - STATE AND LOCAL Withholding $ - $ 47,443 $ 47,443 see attached $ - Sales $ - $ - $ - $ - Excise $ - - - - Unemployment $ - $ 13,919 $ 13,919 see attached $ - Real Property $ - $ 45,000 $ - $ 45,000 Personal Property $ - $ - $ - $ - Other franchise tax $ - $ 4,750 $ - $ 4,750 Total State and Local $ - $ 111,112 $ 61,362 $ - $ - $ 4,750 TOTAL TAXES $ - $ 512,696 $ 462,946 $ - $ - $ 54,500 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY OF UNPAID POSTPETITION DEBTS Attach aged listing of accounts payable. - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of Days Past Due ----------------------------------------------------------------- Current 0-30 31-60 61-90 Over 90 Total - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Accounts Payable $ 4,541,382 Wages Payable $ 823,832 Taxes Payable $ 49,750 Rent/Leases-Building $ - Rent/Leases-Equipment $ - Secured Debt/Adequate Protection Payments $ 977,374 Professional Fees $ (4,833) Amounts Due to Insiders* $ - Other See MOR-3 CONT for detail $ 489,704 Other: -------------- $ - TOTAL POSTPETITION DEBTS $ 6,877,209 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Explain how and when the Debtor intends to pay any past-due postpetition debts. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <FN> *"Insider" is defined in 11 U.S.C. Section 101(31) </FN> Form MOR-4 In re: NutraMax Products, Inc. Case No. 00-1838 ------------------------------- Debtor Reporting Period: 5/02/00-06/03/00 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE RECONCILIATION AND AGING - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Accounts Receivable Reconciliation Amount - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Accounts Receivable at the beginning of the reporting period $11,005,547 + Amounts billed during the period $ 8,731,424 - - Amounts collected during the period $ 7,733,443 Total Accounts Receivable at the end of the reporting period $12,003,528 Accounts Receivable Aging 0 - 30 days old $12,220,925 31-60 days old $ 1,140,039 61-90 days old $ 201,249 91+ days old $ 443,211 Total Accounts Receivable $14,005,416 Amount considered uncollectible (Bad Debt) $ 2,001,888 Accounts Receivable (Net) $12,003,528 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEBTOR QUESTIONNAIRE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes No - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Have any assets been sold or transferred outside the normal course of business this reporting period? If yes, provide an explanation below. X 2. Have any funds been disbursed from any account other than a debtor in possession account this reporting period? If yes, provide an explanation below. X 3. Have all postpetition tax returns been timely filed? If no, provide an explanation below. X 4. Are workers' compensation, general liability, and other necessary insurance coverages in effect? If no, provide an explanation below. X - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form MOR-5