- ---------------------

                         INNOVA, S. DE R.L. DE C.V.
                     REPORTS FIRST QUARTER 2003 RESULTS

                    - SUBSCRIBER BASE GROWS TO 779,700 -
                  - EBITDA INCREASED 20.4% TO PS. 260 MM-
                 - EBITDA MARGIN INCREASED 17.9% TO 29.6% -

o    The number of gross active  SUBSCRIBERS  increased 11.2% to 779,700 as
     of March 31,  2003 as compared  to the first  quarter of the  previous

o    REVENUES increased 2.1% due to the increase in our subscriber base.

o    EBITDA for the first  quarter  of 2003  increased  20.4% to Ps.  260.5
     million from Ps. 216.3  million for the same period of the prior year.
     As a result, EBITDA margin increased 17.9% from 25.1% to 29.6%.

o    EBIT for the first  quarter of 2003  improved  Ps.  91.3  million to a
     positive Ps. 60.1 million from Ps. (31.2)  million for the same period
     of the prior year. As a result,  EBIT margin  substantially  increased
     from a negative 3.6% to a positive 6.8%.

o    Sky did not require  additional  FUNDING from its shareholders  during
     the last four quarters.

o    Sky continues to offer the highest  quality CONTENT in the Mexican pay
     TV industry.

Mexico City,  April 28, 2003.  INNOVA,  S. DE R.L. DE C.V., the provider of
direct-to-home (DTH) satellite television services under the SKY brand name
and the  pay-TV  market  leader  in  Mexico as  measured  by the  number of
subscribers,  announced  its unaudited  consolidated  results for the first
quarter  ended March 31, 2003.  The attached  results have been prepared in
accordance  with Mexican GAAP and restated to constant  Mexican pesos as of
March 31, 2003.

SUBSCRIBER BASE     The number of gross  active  subscribers  increased  to
- ---------------     779,700 as of March 31, 2003;  this represents an 11.2%
                    increase   from   701,300  as  of  March  31,  2002  or
                    approximately 78,400 gross active subscribers.

                    We believe  the  increase  in the  subscriber  base was
                    primarily due to:

                         1.   An  increase  in  customer   activations   in
                              response   to  the   high   quality   of  our
                              programming content,  special programming and
                              aggressive marketing campaigns and,

                         2.   Our   decision   to   recognize    commercial
                              subscribers (non residential subscribers such
                              as  hotels,   bars,   restaurants  and  other
                              businesses)  in our gross  active  subscriber

                              As of  March  31,  2003 we had  approximately
                              41,400 commercial subscribers, as compared to
                              approximately  25,400  as of March  31,  2002
                              which were not previously included as part of
                              our subscriber base.

                              In  the  past,   we  were  not   focused   on
                              commercial subscribers; however as the number
                              of  commercial   subscribers   has  grown  we
                              believe it has  become a  relevant  number in
                              our  subscriber  base,  and therefore we have
                              decided to include  during  this  quarter and
                              going  forward,  all of  our  non-residential
                              subscribers  as part of the total  subscriber

                    We  believe   the  main   factor   causing   subscriber
                    cancellations   during  this  quarter,   as  with  last
                    quarter,  was the  continuing  weakness  in the Mexican
                    economy. Nevertheless, we experienced a decrease in the
                    rate  of  subscriber   cancellations   as  compared  to
                    previous quarters.


PROGRAMMING         During  the first  quarter of 2003,  Sky  continued  to
CONTENT             enhance  its   programming   content,   by  adding  the
- -------             following offerings:

                    o    The pay  TV-exclusive  broadcast of certain soccer
                         matches  of  the  Mexican  2003   Closing   Soccer

                    o    The pay  TV-exclusive  broadcast of certain soccer
                         matches   of  the   "Copa   Libertadores"   Soccer

                    o    Exclusive  pay TV  transmission  of the  2002-2003
                         Mexican bullfight season;

                    o    The  launching  of "W Radio"  channel,  a news and
                         entertainment  radio  programs  channel  on a  pay
                         TV-exclusive   basis,   conducted  by   well-known
                         Mexican journalists;

                    o    Big Brother II, a 24-hour-a-day  live reality show
                         (on a pay TV-exclusive basis);

                    o    Boxing matches and special events such as the 2003
                         Brazilian Carnival;

                    o    Exclusive  transmission  of the Ultimate  Fighting

                    o    LPGA,  US PGA and US Senior PGA Golf  Tournaments;

                    o    Exclusive  pay TV  live  transmission  of  certain
                         matches of the Mexican Baseball league.

PRICE AND           Innova's current installation fee is Ps. 1,099. However,
PROMOTIONS          subscribers  who agree to pay the  monthly  programming
- ----------          fee via direct debit to a credit card, pay only Ps. 99.

                    We continue to improve our subscriber base quality,  by
                    among  other  things,   encouraging   new  and  current
                    subscribers to pay their monthly  programming  services
                    through direct debit to a credit card.


- ----------------

                            FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS
                 THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 2003 AND 2002

                           THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31,
                     2003 % Margin  2002 % Margin  VAR     %

Net Revenues          880     100    863    100     17     2
Cost of Sales         283      32    271     31     12     4
                    -----          -----         -----
Gross Profit          597      68    592     69      5     1

     Selling          211      24    236     27    (25)  (11)
     Operations        96      11    111     13    (15)  (14)
     Administrative    30       3     29      3      1     3
                    -----          -----         -----
Total Expenses        337      38    376     44    (39)  (10)
                    -----          -----         -----
EBITDA (1)            260      30    216     25     44    20

EBIT (2)               60       7    (31)    (4)    91   n/a

(1)  EBITDA  is  defined  as  operating  income  before   depreciation  and

(2)  EBIT is defined as operating  income before integral cost of financing
     and taxes.

NET REVENUES        Net  revenues  of  Ps.  880.4  million  for  the  three
                    months  ended  March 31,  2003,  increased  by Ps. 17.8
                    million or 2.1% as  compared  to the same period of the
                    prior year,  mainly due to the sustained  growth of our
                    subscriber  base. We have not  increased  prices during
                    2003, as we did last year.

AND SALES           Cost  of  services  and  sales  increased  by  Ps. 12.4
                    million  or 4.6% to Ps.  283.4  million  for the  three
                    months  ended  March  31,  2003.   This   increase  was
                    primarily  due to  higher  subscriber  activations  and
                    related  costs,   as  well  as  higher  costs  directly
                    affected by the  devaluation  of the peso versus the US

OPERATING EXPENSES  Total   expenses  of  Ps.  336.5  million for the three
                    months  ended  March 31,  2003,  decreased  by Ps. 38.8
                    million or 10.3% as  compared to the same period of the
                    prior year, mainly due to lower free special events and
                    lower personnel cost.


EBITDA              EBITDA  of  Ps.  260.5  million  for  the three  months
                    ended March 31,  2003,  improved by Ps. 44.2 million or
                    20.4%,  as compared to the same period of 2002,  mainly
                    due to higher  revenues and lower  expenses,  partially
                    offset  by  higher  cost  of  services   and  sales  as
                    described above.

                    In the first quarter of 2003,  EBITDA margin  increased
                    17.9%  from  25.1% to 29.6% as  compared  to the  first
                    quarter of 2002.

OPERATING INCOME    EBIT  improved  by  Ps. 91.3  million  to  a   positive
                    Ps. 60.1  million in the three  months  ended March 31,
                    2003,  as compared  to a negative  Ps.  (31.2)  million
                    during  the same  period  of 2002.  As a  result,  EBIT
                    margin  increased to 6.8% in the first  quarter of 2003
                    from a negative 3.6% in the first quarter of 2002.

NET LOSS            Innova reported  a net loss of Ps.  372.7  million  for
                    the three months ended March 31, 2003, as compared to a
                    net loss of Ps.  27.1  million  in the same  period  of

                    The  increase in net loss during this first  quarter of
                    2003 as  compared  to the same period of prior year was
                    primarily due to the foreign exchange loss of Ps. 309.8
                    million as compared to a foreign  exchange  gain of Ps.
                    146.3 million during the first quarter of 2002; as well
                    as the higher interest expense incurred by the Company.

                    The Company's  foreign exchange losses during 2003 were
                    primarily due to the  depreciation  of the Mexican peso
                    against the U.S.  dollar of  approximately  3.1% at the
                    end of the first  quarter of 2003 and 19.6%  during the
                    last twelve months.

                    Additional  devaluations of the peso will likely affect
                    our  liquidity and results of  operations,  considering
                    our substantial U.S.  dollar-denominated  indebtedness,
                    operating  costs and  expenses,  while our revenues are
                    primarily  peso-denominated.  Any decrease in the value
                    of the peso  against the U.S.  dollar could cause us to
                    incur foreign  exchange  losses,  which will reduce our
                    net income.


FUNDING FROM        Innova did  not  require  additional  funding  from its
- ------------        shareholders   during   the  first   quarter  of  2003,
SHAREHOLDERS        including  for  the  payment  of the  April  1st,  2003
- ------------        interest coupon.

                    This  was   mainly   due  to  strong   cash  flow  from
                    collections  and the current  balance of cash resources
                    available.  This is the  first  time  that we have  not
                    required  funds from our  shareholders  for a period of
                    four straight quarters.

                    From the  Company's  inception  through March 31, 2003,
                    Innova's  shareholders have contributed an aggregate of
                    US$458.9 million to Innova,  including US$149.0 million
                    in equity  and  US$309.9  million in  long-term  loans.
                    Shareholder's  loans accrue interest at a fixed rate of
                    9% per annum (plus any  applicable  withholding  taxes)
                    and mature in 10 years from the date on which the funds
                    were received.

RECENT              On  March  19,  2003,  the  court  issued  a resolution
- ------              against  article 5 of the Mexican Asset Tax Law,  which
DEVELOPMENTS        does not enable  taxpayers to deduct  debts  payable to
- ------------        nonresidents from the taxable asset's value.  Since the
ASSET TAX           declaratory judgment was favorable to us, to the extent
RESOLUTION          that the Asset Tax Law is not amended,  we will be able
                    to deduct debts payable to nonresidents  from the asset
                    tax basis.

                    We are analyzing the  alternatives  to recover from the
                    Mexican tax authorities the amount of taxes unduly paid
                    for the tax years 2001 and 2002, as well as for January
                    and February of 2003.


Innova,  S. de R.L. de C.V., is a joint venture  indirectly  owned by Grupo
Televisa,  S.A., a Mexican corporation  ("Televisa"),  The News Corporation
Limited, a South Australia  corporation ("News  Corporation"),  and Liberty
Media  International  Inc.,  a  Delaware  corporation   ("Liberty  Media"),
(formerly known as Tele-Communications International, Inc.).

Grupo Televisa  S.A., is the largest media company in the  Spanish-speaking
world, and a major player in the international  entertainment  business. It
has interests in television  production and  broadcasting,  programming for
pay  television,  international  distribution  of  television  programming,
direct-to-home satellite services,  publishing and publishing distribution,
cable television,  radio production and broadcasting,  professional  sports
and show business promotions,  paging services, feature film production and
distribution,  dubbing,  and the operation of a horizontal Internet portal.
Grupo Televisa also has an  unconsolidated  equity stake in Univision,  the
leading Spanish-language television company in the United States.

News Corporation is a diversified international communications company with
operations in the United States,  Canada,  continental  Europe,  the United
Kingdom,  Australia,  Latin  America and the Pacific Basin that include the
production  of motion  pictures  and  television  programming;  television,
satellite and cable broadcasting; the publication of newspapers,  magazines
and books;  the production and  distribution of promotional and advertising
products  and  services;  the  development  of  digital  broadcasting;  the
development of conditional access and subscriber  management  systems;  and
the creation and distribution of on-line programming.

Liberty Media  International  owns and operates  broadband cable television
and  telephony  distribution  networks  and is a  provider  of  diversified
programming services in Europe, Latin America and Asia.

This  press  release  contains  forward-looking  statements  regarding  the
Company's  results and prospects.  Actual  results could differ  materially
from these statements. The forward-looking statements in this press release
should be read in conjunction  with the factors  described in "Item 3. Risk
Factors" in the Company's  Annual Report on Form 20-F,  which among others,
could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any
oral  statements  made by authorized  officers of the Company.  Readers are
cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking  statements,
which speak only as of their dates. The Company undertakes no obligation to
publicly  update or revise  any  forward-looking  statements,  whether as a
result of new information, future events or otherwise.


Chief Financial Officer
Innova, S. de R.L. de C.V.
Insurgentes Sur No.694
Col. del Valle
Mexico City, 03100
(5255) 5448-4131
- --------------------


             FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 2003 AND 2002

                                             THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31,

                                               2003                 2002
                                           --------------        -----------

NET REVENUES                           PS.       880,395     PS.    862,614

COST OF SERVICES AND SALES                       283,397            271,013
                                           --------------        -----------

GROSS PROFIT                                     596,998            591,601
                                           --------------        -----------

Selling                                          210,613            235,997
Operations                                        95,980            110,940
Administrative                                    29,929             28,386
                                           --------------        -----------
                                                 336,522            375,323
                                           --------------        -----------

EBITDA                                           260,476            216,278

DEPRECIATION AND AMORTIZATION                    200,388            247,492
                                           --------------        -----------

OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) - EBIT                    60,088            (31,214)
                                           --------------        -----------

Interest expense                                 268,805            227,995
Interest income                                   (7,890)            (2,110)
Foreign exchange loss (gain) - net               309,834           (146,300)
Gain from monetary position                     (122,540)          (108,016)
                                           --------------        -----------
                                                 448,209            (28,431)
                                           --------------        -----------

Special Items & other expense - net                4,564             12,170
                                           --------------        -----------

LOSS BEFORE TAXES                               (392,685)           (14,953)

Income tax and Asset tax

 (benefit) provision                             (19,995)            12,108
                                           --------------        -----------

NET LOSS                               PS.      (372,690)    PS.    (27,061)
                                           ==============        ===========


                            INNOVA, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                              STATEMENTS PREPARED UNDER MEXICAN GAAP


ASSETS                                                            MARCH 03              MARCH 02
                                                               ---------------       ---------------
Cash and cash equivalents                                  Ps.        514,200    Ps.         52,906
Trade accounts receivable                                             140,398               182,492
Value added tax credit                                                  1,538                 1,437
Spare parts                                                            12,890                 8,213
Prepaid expenses and other                                            146,896               139,631
                                                               ---------------       ---------------
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                                                  815,922               384,679

PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT - NET                                        1,483,007             1,836,699

PAS - 9 SATELLITE-NET                                               1,272,378             1,174,537

OTHER NON-CURRENT ASSETS - NET                                         90,633               181,406
                                                               ---------------       ---------------

TOTAL ASSETS                                               PS.      3,661,940    PS.      3,577,321
                                                               ===============       ===============


Trade accounts payable and accruals                        Ps.        449,809    Ps.        367,712
PanAmSat Pas-9                                                         49,039                44,508
Due to affiliated companies and other related parties                 342,366               212,307
Accrued interest                                                      260,579                11,839
Accrued taxes                                                         171,733                70,524
Deferred income - Pre-billed and pre-collected services               123,730               110,328
                                                               ---------------       ---------------
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES                                           1,397,256               817,217
                                                               ---------------       ---------------

Senior Exchange Notes due 2007                                      4,047,000             3,569,334
Long-term loans from Stockholders                                   3,344,440             2,949,695
Long-term interest on Stockholders loans                              784,404               404,637
Seniority premiums                                                      1,341                   505
PanAmSat Pas-9                                                      1,404,141             1,277,805
                                                               ---------------       ---------------
TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES                                       9,581,326             8,201,976
                                                               ---------------       ---------------

TOTAL LIABILITIES                                                  10,978,582             9,019,194
                                                               ---------------       ---------------

Capital stock                                                       1,936,456             1,936,456
Accumulated loss                                                   (8,894,723)           (7,099,117)
Loss for the three-month period                                      (372,690)              (27,061)
Excess from restatement - Inflationary effects on Balance Sheet        14,315              (252,151)
                                                               ---------------       ---------------
TOTAL STOCKHOLDERS' DEFICIT                                        (7,316,642)           (5,441,873)
                                                               ---------------       ---------------

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' DEFICIT                PS.      3,661,940    PS.      3,577,321
                                                               ===============       ===============
