- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                      TELEWEST GLOBAL, INC. ANNOUNCES
                                  FOR 2004

London,  United Kingdom - July 29, 2004 (NASDAQ:  TLWT).  Telewest  Global,
Inc. ("Telewest") today announced the US GAAP results for the three and six
months  ended  June  30,  2004,  for  its  predecessor  company,   Telewest
Communications  plc  ("plc").  Substantially  all of the assets of plc were
transferred  to Telewest UK, a wholly owned  subsidiary of Telewest on July
14, 2004 in connection with plc's financial restructuring. During the three
and six months ended June 30, 2004,  Telewest had no significant assets and
no operations.  Telewest's quarterly results, including a discussion of how
the presentation of its future results will differ from the presentation of
the historical results of plc, are included in its quarterly report on Form
10-Q, filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission today.

                         SECOND QUARTER HIGHLIGHTS


London, United Kingdom - Cob Stenham, Chairman of Telewest Global, Inc.

"This is the last set of  results  for  Telewest  Communications  plc,  the
predecessor company of Telewest Global, Inc. prior to the completion of its
financial  restructuring  on  July  15,  2004.  They  show  continued  good
operating  performance  with growth in  customers  and  revenue  generating
units.  Coupled  with strong cost control and reduced  SG&A  expenses,  the
result is that  operating  income,  and free cash flow are  sharply  up. In
particular,  we achieved record growth in broadband  services and increased
the proportion of our "triple play" customers to 22%.

As a result of the financial  restructuring,  Telewest now has a strong balance
sheet  and a sound  platform  for  delivering  profitable  growth  as a leading
broadband communications and media group in the United Kingdom."

              Richard Williams  Head of investor relations +44 (0) 20 7299
              Vani Gupta        Investor relations manager +44 (0) 20 7299

              Jane Hardman      Director of corporate      +44 (0) 20 7299
                                communications             5888


We are a leader in the UK broadband  communications  and media sector.  Our
operations are divided into two reporting segments:  cable and content. The
cable segment is further  subdivided  into a consumer  sales division and a
business  sales  division.  The  consumer  sales  division  provides  cable
television,  consumer telephony and internet access services to residential
customers.  The business sales  division  focuses on a wide range of voice,
data and  managed  solutions  services  for  businesses.  We use our  local
distribution  networks,  our "national  network" and our internet  protocol
services   platform  to  handle  the   communication,   entertainment   and
information  needs of our residential and business  customers.  Our content
segment  supplies  basic  (non-premium)  television  channels  and  related
services to the UK pay-television broadcasting market.

The  content  segment,  which  has  four  pay-television  channels  and one
free-to-air channel,  owns 50% of the companies that comprise UKTV, a joint
venture formed with BBC Worldwide. UKTV offers a portfolio of multi-channel
television  channels  based  on the  BBC's  program  library.  The  content
segment, together with UKTV, is the largest provider of basic (non-premium)
thematic  channels  to the  UK  multi-channel  pay-television  broadcasting


MEASURES (IN                     ENDED JUNE 30,       ENDED JUNE 30,
(POUND) MILLIONS)                 2004    2003         2004    2003
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
Total revenue                      326     323          654     642
Operating income                    20       3           39       5
Net (loss)/income                 (126)      5         (130)   (158)
Net cash provided by
operating activities                88      62          170     136
- --------------------------------------------------------------------

Operating  income for the three  months  ended June 30, 2004 was  (pound)20
million,  up (pound)17  million from (pound)3  million for the three months
ended  June 30,  2003,  and for the six  months  ended  June  30,  2004 was
(pound)39  million,  up (pound)34 million from (pound)5 million for the six
months  ended June 30,  2003.  The  improvements  resulted  from  increased
revenues and lower operating costs.

Net (loss)/income  decreased from (pound)5 million net income for the three
months  ended June 30,  2003 to  (pound)126  million net loss for the three
months ended June 30, 2004. The movement resulted  principally from foreign
exchange losses of (pound)37 million on our dollar-denominated  debt in the
second quarter of 2004 compared to exchange gains of (pound)117  million in
the second quarter of 2003, as a result of the  increasing  value of the US
dollar versus the pound sterling  during the second quarter of 2004. As all
of  the   dollar-denominated   debt  was  cancelled   under  the  financial
restructuring,  foreign exchange  movements on this cancelled debt will not
occur in the future.  Net  (loss)/income  was also  negatively  impacted by
(pound)83 million and (pound)161  million in the three and six months ended
June 30, 2004,  respectively,  of interest on notes and  debentures.  These
notes and debentures were cancelled under the financial  restructuring  and
the accompanying interest will not be paid.

Net  (loss)/income  decreased  from  (pound)158  million for the six months
ended June 30, 2003 to (pound)130 million for the six months ended June 30,
2004. The movement  resulted  principally  from improved  operating  income
partially offset by reduced foreign exchange gains.

Net cash provided by operating  activities increased from (pound)62 million
for the second quarter of 2003 to (pound)88  million for the second quarter
of 2004 and from (pound)136  million for the six months ended June 30, 2003
to  (pound)170  million  for the six  months  ended  June 30,  2004.  These
increases were  principally as a result of improvements in operating income
and reduced working capital.

MEASURES (IN(POUND)               ENDED JUNE 30,      ENDED JUNE 30,
MILLIONS)                            2004   2003       2004    2003
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
Adjusted EBITDA                       122    109        244     210
Free cash flow                         37     21         62      32
- --------------------------------------------------------------------

A  reconciliation  of the above non-US GAAP  financial  measures,  Adjusted
EBITDA  and  Free  cash  flow,  to the  most  directly  comparable  US GAAP
financial measures are explained and shown on pages 15 to 18.

Adjusted  EBITDA for the three  months  ended June 30, 2004 was  (pound)122
million,  up 12% as  compared  to the three  months  ended  June 30,  2003,
reflecting  increased  revenues,  improved  gross margin and lower selling,
general and administrative expenses ("SG&A"). Adjusted EBITDA for the three
months ended June 30, 2004,  represents Cable Adjusted EBITDA of (pound)119
million  and Content  Adjusted  EBITDA of (pound)3  million  compared  with
(pound)107 million and (pound)2 million, respectively, for the three months
ended June 30, 2003.

Adjusted  EBITDA for the six  months  ended  June 30,  2004 was  (pound)244
million,  up 16% as  compared  to the  six  months  ended  June  30,  2003,
reflecting  increased  revenues,  improved  gross  margin  and lower  SG&A.
Adjusted  EBITDA for the six months ended June 30, 2004,  represents  Cable
Adjusted  EBITDA of  (pound)236  million  and  Content  Adjusted  EBITDA of
(pound)8  million  compared with (pound)205  million and (pound)5  million,
respectively, for the six months ended June 30, 2003.

Free  cash  flow for the  three  and six  months  ended  June 30,  2004 was
(pound)37  million  and  (pound)62  million,  respectively,  up 76% and 94%
compared to the three and six months ended June 30, 2003,  as  improvements
in net cash  provided by  operating  activities  were  partially  offset by
increases in cash paid for property and equipment.



Except where otherwise stated in this section,  all comparisons compare the
three-month period ended June 30, 2004 to the three-month period ended June
30, 2003. All quarterly financial information is unaudited.

Total revenue                   Three months     Three months
(in (pound)millions)            ended June 30,  ended June 30,  Percentage
                                     2004           2003         inc/(dec)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cable Segment
      Consumer sales                  235            228             3%
      Business sales                   63             69           (9%)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Cable Segment                   298            297              -
Content Segment                        28             26             8%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total revenue                         326            323             1%



Consumer sales division revenue increased  (pound)7 million from (pound)228
million to (pound)235 million, due primarily to growth in internet revenue.

Overall,  the consumer sales  division's  Average Revenue Per User ("ARPU")
for the quarter was up 3% to (pound)44.98  reflecting  increasing broadband
internet and "triple  play"  penetration.  During the quarter the number of
household customers increased by 10,000.

Our  successful  focus on selling  bundled  products  has  resulted  in the
percentage of customers subscribing to two or more services increasing from
71% to 75% and the percentage of "triple play"  customers  increasing  from
13% to 22%.  This  success  is also  reflected  in the  growth  of  Revenue
Generating Units (RGUs) which grew by 84,000 in the quarter.

Subscriber  growth was also helped by a reduction in average  monthly churn
from 1.3% to 1.1%.


The number of TV  subscribers  rose by 2,000 in the second  quarter of 2004
compared to losses of 23,000 in the second quarter of 2003. Average monthly
TV churn fell from 1.7% to 1.3%.

We are  improving  the range of content  included in our lower and mid-tier
digital TV packs.  The entry level Starter pack will expand to  incorporate
the  five  most  popular  digital  television  channels  and  the  mid-tier
Essential pack will now include the top fifteen.  Alongside  these changes,
we have  increased  the price of our  Essential  pack by (pound)1 per month
with effect from July 1, 2004.

At June  30,  2004,  82% of our TV  subscribers  took our  digital  service
compared  with 73% at June 30, 2003.  94% of our network has been  upgraded
for  broadband  and  digital.  We continue  to upgrade  the last  remaining
sections  of our  network  that are  currently  unable to  receive  digital
television or broadband.

We are  currently  working  on plans to begin  rolling  out Video On Demand
(VOD) and Personal Video Recorder (PVR) services in the future.


The  number  of  telephony  subscribers  increased  by 9,000 in the  second
quarter compared to the loss of 13,000 in the corresponding  period in 2003
as we continued to add  customers in an  increasingly  competitive  market.
Average monthly telephony churn fell from 1.2% to 1.1%.

The  number of  subscribers  to our  "Talk"  flat rate  telephony  packages
increased by 34,000 in the second quarter, compared to 16,000 in the second
quarter of 2003.  32% of all  telephony  customers are now on a "Talk" flat
rate package compared to 25% at June 30, 2003.

Revenues  from  telephony  products have  declined  slightly,  due to lower
telephony  usage  and  due  to the  sale  of our  Indirect  Access  ("IDA")
telephony  business in July 2003. This IDA business had generated  (pound)2
million of revenue in the second quarter of 2003.  Telephony  usage revenue
has also  been  impacted  by  reductions  in our  mobile  telephony  prices
following cuts in  interconnect  charges from mobile  operators  imposed by
Ofcom, (the UK regulatory body for communications).


The second  quarter was our best ever quarter for broadband with 72,000 net
additions  compared to 51,000 net  additions in the first  quarter of 2004.
This growth was driven  principally by the  successful  launch of our lower
tier  256Kb  service  in March  2004.  At June  30,  2004,  we had  538,000
broadband internet subscribers.

During the second quarter of 2004, we also increased the connection  speeds
of our top three  broadband  tiers at no additional  cost to our customers.
Our standard  broadband service increased in speed from 512Kb to 750Kb. The
1Mb and 2Mb services increased to speeds of 1.5Mb and 3Mb respectively.

We believe we are the broadband  internet  market leader in our addressable
areas (those areas of the country  where  consumers are able to receive our
broadband  internet  services)  with  around  70% market  share.  Broadband
continues to be successful in attracting new customers to Telewest.  In the
second quarter of 2004, 31% of broadband  installations  were for customers
who were not existing customers. We have also achieved strong multi-service
penetration  amongst our broadband  customers,  with 71% subscribing to the
full  "triple  play" and 94% to at least one other  product  as of June 30,


The  business  sales  division's  revenue  decreased  (pound)6  million  to
(pound)63  million  primarily due to competitive  pressures in the business
voice  market and a  reduction  of  (pound)3  million  in carrier  services

The business  services  market remains  extremely  competitive  and despite
continued  growth in revenues from data services,  this has not been enough
to offset weakness in voice and carrier revenues.

Within the fast growing data services market,  our IPVPN (Internet Protocol
Virtual Private  Network) service has become a flagship product and we have
seen total data revenues grow by 16%.

Recently,  the business  sales division has  successfully  launched two new
voice  reseller  products,  Carrier  Pre-Select  and Wholesale  Line Rental
services.  Within the public sector arena,  the business sales division has
also  won the  first  contract  to be  awarded  as part of a UK  government
initiative to boost broadband adoption in the public sector.

We are  reorganizing  the  business  division  to provide a  differentiated
service to customers,  based more closely on the services and products they
have or may  require  in the  future,  with  separate  service  models  for
standard and complex customers.  These changes have resulted in significant
cost savings and the reorganization process is due to complete in the third
quarter of 2004.


Content  segment  revenue  increased  by (pound)2  million as  increases in
advertising and subscription revenues were partially offset by a decline in
other, non-core, revenues.  Advertising revenue was up 27% compared to a 6%
growth  in the  overall  market  as  multi-channel  penetration  increased.
Subscription   revenue  grew  10%  due  to  growth  in  the  number  of  UK
pay-television subscribers.

Telewest's  50% share of its joint  venture  UKTV's net income was (pound)5
million  in  the  second  quarter  and is  included  within  "share  of net
income/(loss) of affiliates."


EXPENSES                    THREE MONTHS ENDED                THREE MONTHS ENDED
(IN (POUND) MILLIONS)         JUNE 30, 2004                      JUNE 30, 2003
                     ---------------------------------  --------------------------------
                         BEFORE                             BEFORE
                      FINANCIAL   FINANCIAL              FINANCIAL   FINANCIAL
                      RESTRUCT.   RESTRUCT.              RESTRUCT.   RESTRUCT.          PERCENTAGE
                        CHARGES     CHARGES     TOTAL      CHARGES     CHARGES    TOTAL  INC/(DEC)
Cable segment
 expenses                    74           -        74           79           -       79       (6%)
Content segment
 expenses                    18           -        18           18           -       18          -
Depreciation                 90           -        90          102           -      102      (12%)
SG&A expenses               112          12       124          117           4      121         2%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total operating costs
 and expenses               294          12       306          316           4      320       (4%)

Total operating costs and expenses were  (pound)306  million,  down 4% from
(pound)320 million.  Total operating costs and expenses excluding financial
restructuring  charges decreased by (pound)22 million or 7% from (pound)316
million to (pound)294 million.  Financial  restructuring  charges represent
those costs incurred in respect of the financial restructuring of plc.

Total gross margin (total revenue less cable and content  segment  expenses
as a percentage of total  revenue)  increased from 70% to 72% due primarily
to the growing number of high margin broadband  subscribers,  the continued
migration  of  customers  onto  unmetered  "Talk"  telephony  packages  and
reductions in interconnect costs.

Depreciation  of tangible  fixed assets was  (pound)90  million,  down from
(pound)102  million.  This  reduction was  principally  due to  accelerated
depreciation  in the second  quarter of 2003 which was not  repeated in the
second quarter of 2004.

Reflecting our continued focus on reducing costs, SG&A (excluding financial
restructuring  charges)  decreased 4% to  (pound)112  million due mainly to
headcount  reductions and lower severance costs.  SG&A including  financial
restructuring charges increased by (pound)3 million to (pound)124 million.


Except where otherwise stated in this section,  all comparisons compare the
six-month period ended June 30, 2004 to the six-month period ended June 30,
2003. All financial information is unaudited.

Total revenue                  Six months     Six months  Percentage
(in (pound)millions)           ended June     ended June   inc/(dec)
                                 30, 2004       30, 2003
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Cable Segment
      Consumer sales                  470            450          4%
      Business sales                  130            139        (6%)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Cable Segment                   600            589          2%
Content Segment                        54             53          2%
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Total revenue                         654            642          2%



Consumer sales division revenue increased (pound)20 million from (pound)450
million to  (pound)470  million,  primarily  due to growth in the number of
broadband internet subscribers.


The business sales division's revenue decreased (pound)9 million to
(pound)130 million due to the competitive pressures in the business voice
market and a (pound)4 million reduction in carrier services revenues,
partially offset by 18% growth in data revenues.


Content segment revenue increased by (pound)1 million as increases in
advertising and subscription revenues were partially offset by a decline in
other, non-core, revenues.

Telewest's 50% share of its joint venture UKTV's net income was (pound)9
million in the six months and is included within "share of net
income/(loss) of affiliates."


EXPENSES                           JUNE 30, 2004                           JUNE 30, 2003
                     -------------------------------------------  --------------------------------
                                   BEFORE                            BEFORE
                                 FINANCIAL  FINANCIAL              FINANCIAL   FINANCIAL
                                 RESTRUCT.  RESTRUCT.              RESTRUCT.   RESTRUCT.          PERCENTAGE
                                   CHARGES    CHARGES     TOTAL      CHARGES     CHARGES    TOTAL  INC/(DEC)
Cable segment
expenses                               153          -       153          162           -      162       (6%)
Content segment
expenses                                34          -        34           35           -       35       (3%)
Depreciation                           184          -       184          198           -      198       (7%)
SG&A expenses                          223         21       244          235           7      242        1%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total operating costs and
 expenses                              594         21       615          630           7      637       (3%)

Total operating costs and expenses were  (pound)615  million,  down 3% from
(pound)637 million.  Total operating costs and expenses excluding financial
restructuring  charges decreased by (pound)36 million or 6% from (pound)630
million to (pound)594 million.

Total gross margin (total revenue less cable and content  segment  expenses
as a percentage of total  revenue)  increased from 69% to 71% due primarily
to the growing number of high margin broadband  subscribers,  the continued
migration  of  customers  onto  unmetered  "Talk"  telephony  packages  and
reductions in interconnect costs.

Depreciation  of tangible  fixed assets was (pound)184  million,  down from
(pound)198  million.  This  reduction was  principally  due to  accelerated
depreciation  in the second  quarter of 2003 which was not  repeated in the
second quarter of 2004.

Reflecting our continued focus on reducing costs, SG&A (excluding financial
restructuring  charges)  decreased 5% to  (pound)223  million due mainly to
headcount  reductions,  lower severance costs and bad debt savings achieved
through improved credit policies.  SG&A including  financial  restructuring
charges increased by (pound)2 million to (pound)244 million.


Net cash provided by operating  activities increased from (pound)62 million
for the second quarter of 2003 to (pound)88  million for the second quarter
of 2004 and from (pound)136  million for the six months ended June 30, 2003
to  (pound)170  million  for the six  months  ended  June 30,  2004.  These
increases were  principally as a result of improvements in operating income
and reduced working capital.

Net cash provided by operating  activities in the third quarter of 2004 has
been negatively  impacted by cash payments made in respect of the financial
restructuring, including the remaining (pound)22 million in respect of fees
owed under our amended senior secured facility.

Net cash used in investing  activities increased from (pound)31 million for
the second  quarter of 2003 to (pound)61  million for the second quarter of
2004 and from  (pound)92  million for the six months ended June 30, 2003 to
(pound)124  million for the six months ended June 30, 2004. These increases
were  principally  as a result  of  increased  cash paid for  property  and
equipment and loans made to affiliates.  Capital expenditure, on an accrual
basis, for the second quarter of 2004 was (pound)54 million.

Net cash used in financing  activities decreased from (pound)16 million for
the second  quarter of 2003 to (pound)9  million for the second  quarter of
2004 and from  (pound)29  million for the six months ended June 30, 2003 to
(pound)21  million for the six months ended June 30, 2004.  These decreases
were  principally  as a result of  decreased  repayments  in respect of our
capital leases.

Cash and cash equivalents at June 30, 2004 were (pound)452 million.


On July 15, 2004, plc completed its financial restructuring,  part of which
consisted of the transfer,  on July 14, 2004, of  substantially  all of its
assets and  post-restructuring  liabilities to Telewest. As a result of the
financial  restructuring,  (pound)3,282 million of notes and debentures and
(pound)479  million of unpaid accrued interest were extinguished  resulting
in  the  transfer  of   post-restructuring   liabilities  of  approximately
(pound)2.8  billion to  Telewest.  In  addition,  as part of the  financial
restructuring,  the senior secured credit facility entered into by Telewest
Communications Networks Limited, now a wholly owned subsidiary of Telewest,
was amended.  As part of the amendment  process,  approximately  (pound)160
million outstanding under the prior facility was repaid.

As at June 30, 2004,  on a pro forma basis  adjusting for the impact of the
financial  restructuring,  total indebtedness was (pound)1,965  million and
net debt was  (pound)1,719  million.  The pro forma net debt  consisted  of
(pound)118 million of total capital lease obligations,  (pound)7 million in
other debt and (pound)1,840  million drawn down on our (pound)2,030 million
amended senior secured credit facility less (pound)246  million of cash and
cash  equivalents.  An explanation and a reconciliation  of net debt to the
most directly  comparable US GAAP financial measure is shown on pages 15 to
18.  For a  further  discussion  of the pro forma  impact of the  financial
restructuring,  see the Registration Statement on Form S-1 (No. 333-115508)
filed by Telewest  Global,  Inc.  with,  and declared  effective by, the US
Securities and Exchange Commission on July 16, 2004.

As a result of the completion of plc's financial  restructuring on July 15,
2004,   Telewest  adopted  "fresh  start"  accounting  in  accordance  with
Statement   of  Position   90-7   "Financial   Reporting   by  Entities  in
Reorganization  Under the Bankruptcy  Code",  or "SOP 90-7",  issued by the
American Institute of Certified Public  Accountants,  with effect from July
1, 2004. Under SOP 90-7,  Telewest  established a new accounting basis, and
recorded its  existing  assets and  liabilities  at their  respective  fair
values.  As a  result  of the  application  of  "fresh  start"  accounting,
Telewest's  balance  sheet and results of  operations  for the three months
ending September 30, 2004 and for each reporting period thereafter will not
be comparable in many material  respects to the balance sheet or results of
operations  reflected in plc's historical  financial statements for periods
prior to July 1, 2004.


As a consequence of the completion of plc's financial restructuring on July
15,  2004,  the  transfer  of  substantially  all of the  assets  of plc to
Telewest  and the  planned  liquidation  of plc,  plc is no  longer a going
concern. The financial  statements,  however, have continued to be prepared
on a going concern basis to preserve continuity of reporting and to provide
more meaningful  information to  stakeholders.  The principal impact to the
financial statements if they had not been prepared on a going concern basis
would be to impair the remaining  goodwill and the potential  write down of
property and equipment to net realizable value.

Some of the  statements in this press release  constitute  "forward-looking
statements" which we believe to be "forward-looking  statements" within the
meaning of the  Private  Securities  Litigation  Reform Act of 1995.  These
statements  relate to future  events or our future  financial  performance,
including, but not limited to, strategic plans, planned operational changes
(including product improvements), product introductions and innovations and
customer  service  improvements  that  involve  known  and  unknown  risks,
uncertainties  and other  factors  that may  cause  our or our  businesses'
actual  results,  levels of activity,  performance  or  achievements  to be
materially different from those expressed or implied by any forward-looking
statements.  In some cases, you can identify forward-looking  statements by
terminology such as "may",  "will," "could," "would,"  "should,"  "expect,"
"plan,"   "anticipate,"   "intend,"   "believe,"   "estimate,"   "predict,"
"potential,"  or  "continue"  or the  negative  of  those  terms  or  other
comparable terminology.

There are a number of important factors that could cause our actual results
and future development to differ materially from those expressed or implied
by those forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to:

     o    our ability to refinance our amended  senior  credit  facility at
          its final term;

     o    our ability to fund our operations  through  operating cash flow,
          in particular  given our  obligations to service our  substantial

     o    our ability to comply with financial and performance covenants in
          our amended senior secured facility,  as non-compliance  may lead
          to  additional   restrictions  on  us  or  accelerated  repayment

     o    changes that may be made to our business,  operations and current
          long-range plan by our new board of directors;

     o    the extent to which we are able to compete  with other  providers
          of    broadband    internet    services,     including    British
          Telecommunications plc;

     o    the  extent  to which  consumers  regard  cable  telephony  as an
          attractive  alternative  to telephony  services  provided by, for
          example  British  Telecommunications  plc,  or the  emergence  of
          voice-over-internet  protocol  as a viable  alternative  to cable

     o    the  extent  to which we are able to  successfully  compete  with
          mobile network operators;

     o    the extent to which we are able to retain our  current  customers
          and attract new customers;

     o    the  extent  to  which  we  are  able  to  migrate  customers  to
          additional  products or services  or to  high-margin  products or

     o    the extent to which  regulatory and competitive  pressures in the
          UK telephony market continue to reduce prices;

     o    the extent to which UK and EU merger  control  laws  restrict our
          ability to expand through mergers or acquisitions;

     o    our ability to develop and introduce  attractive  interactive and
          high-speed  data  services  in  a  rapidly  changing  and  highly
          competitive technological and business environment;

     o    our  ability  to  penetrate  markets  and  respond  to changes or
          increases in competition;

     o    our  ability  to  compete  against  digital   television  service
          providers,  including  British  Sky  Broadcasting  Group  plc and
          Freeview, by increasing our digital customer base;

     o    our ability to compete with other internet services providers;

     o    our ability to achieve,  or realize  benefits  from,  any further
          consolidation in the UK cable industry

     o    our  ability to have an impact on, or respond  to, new or changed
          government regulations;

     o    our ability to improve operating efficiencies,  including through
          cost reductions;

     o    our   ability  to   maintain   and   upgrade  our  network  in  a
          cost-efficient and timely manner;

     o    adverse  changes  in  the  price  or  availability  of  telephony
          interconnection or cable television programming;

     o    our  ability to  compete  effectively  in the  advertising-sales,
          program distribution and programming supply markets; and

     o    disruption in our supply of programming, services and equipment.

Unless  otherwise  required by applicable  securities laws, we disclaim any
intention  or  obligation   to  publicly   update  or  revise  any  of  the
forward-looking  statements after the date of this press release to conform
them to actual  results,  whether  as a result of new  information,  future
events or otherwise. All of the forward-looking statements are qualified in
their  entirety by  reference  to the factors  discussed  under the caption
"Risk Factors" in the Registration  Statement on Form S-1 (No.  333-115508)
filed by Telewest  Global,  Inc.  with,  and declared  effective by, the US
Securities and Exchange  Commission on July 16, 2004,  which describe risks
and  factors  that  could  cause  results to differ  materially  from those
projected in those forward-looking statements.

These risk  factors  may not be  exhaustive.  Other  sections of this press
release may describe  additional  factors that could  adversely  impact our
business and financial  performance.  We operate in a continually  changing
business  environment,  and new risk  factors may emerge from time to time.
Management  cannot  anticipate all of these new risk factors,  nor can they
definitively  assess the impact,  if any, of new risk  factors on us or the
extent to which any factor,  or  combination  of factors,  may cause actual
results to differ  materially from those  projected in any  forward-looking
statements.  Accordingly,  forward-looking  statements should not be relied
upon as a prediction of actual results.


- ------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------  ---------- ------------
                                                     3 MONTHS     3 MONTHS    6 MONTHS     6 MONTHS
                                                        ENDED        ENDED       ENDED        ENDED
                                                     JUNE 30,     JUNE 30,    JUNE 30,     JUNE 30,
                                                         2004         2003        2004         2003
                                                                (restated)               (restated)
                                                     (POUND)M     (POUND)M    (POUND)M     (POUND)M
- ------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------  ---------- ------------
Consumer Sales Division                                   235          228         470          450
Business Sales Division                                    63           69         130          139
- ------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------  ---------- ------------
TOTAL CABLE SEGMENT                                       298          297         600          589
Content Segment                                            28           26          54           53
- ------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------  ---------- ------------
TOTAL REVENUE                                             326          323         654          642
- ------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------  ---------- ------------
Cable segment expenses                                    (74)         (79)       (153)        (162)
Content segment expenses                                  (18)         (18)        (34)         (35)
Depreciation                                              (90)        (102)       (184)        (198)
- ------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------  ---------- ------------
Cost of revenue                                          (182)        (199)       (371)        (395)
- ------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------  ---------- ------------
SG&A (excluding financial restructuring charges)         (112)        (117)       (223)        (235)
Financial restructuring charges                           (12)          (4)        (21)          (7)
- ------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------  ---------- ------------
Total SG&A                                               (124)        (121)       (244)        (242)
- ------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------  ---------- ------------
                                                         (306)        (320)       (615)        (637)
- ------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------  ---------- ------------
OPERATING INCOME                                           20            3          39            5
Interest income                                             8            6          15           12
Interest expense (including amortization of debt
 discount)                                               (121)        (122)       (230)        (247)
Foreign exchange (losses)/gains, net                      (37)         117          40           69
Share of net income/(loss) of affiliates                    5            -           8            2
Other, net                                                  -            -          (1)          (1)
- ------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------  ---------- ------------
(LOSS)/INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES                        (125)            4       (129)        (160)
Income taxes (charge)/benefit                              (1)            1         (1)           2
- ------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------  ---------- ------------
NET (LOSS)/INCOME                                        (126)            5       (130)        (158)
- ------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------  ---------- ------------

The consolidated  financial information as set out on pages 9 to 11 has been
prepared  on the  basis  of the  accounting  policies  set  out in  Telewest
Communications  plc's Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December
31,  2003,   other  than  where  changes  are  necessary  to  implement  new
accounting  pronouncements.  The December 31, 2003 balance  sheet is derived
from the  financial  statements  disclosed in the Annual Report on Form 20-F
mentioned earlier.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------
                                                                                   JUNE 30,    DEC 31,
                                                                                       2004       2003
                                                                                   (POUND)M   (POUND)M
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------
Cash and cash equivalents                                                               452        427
Secured cash deposits restricted for more than one year                                  11         13
Trade receivables                                                                       111        114
Other receivables                                                                        34         39
Prepaid expenses                                                                         41         16
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------
Total current assets                                                                    649        609
Investment in affiliates, accounted for under the equity method, and related
receivables                                                                             367        362
Property and equipment                                                                2,342      2,421
Goodwill                                                                                447        447
Inventory                                                                                33         27
Other assets                                                                             19         23
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------
TOTAL ASSETS                                                                          3,857      3,889
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------

Accounts payable                                                                        112         98
Other liabilities                                                                       917        809
Debt repayable within one year                                                        5,283      5,287
Capital lease obligations repayable within one year                                      76         89
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------
Total current liabilities                                                             6,388      6,283
Deferred taxes                                                                          110        108
Debt repayable after more than one year                                                   6          6
Capital lease obligations repayable after more than one year                             42         51
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------
TOTAL LIABILITIES                                                                     6,546      6,448

MINORITY INTERESTS                                                                      (1)        (1)

SHAREHOLDERS' DEFICIT                                                               (2,688)    (2,558)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' DEFICIT                                           3,857      3,889
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------


- -------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ---------- -------------
                                                      3 MONTHS     3 MONTHS   6 MONTHS      6 MONTHS
                                                         ENDED        ENDED      ENDED         ENDED
                                                      JUNE 30,     JUNE 30,   JUNE 30,      JUNE 30,
                                                          2004         2003       2004          2003
                                                                 (restated)               (restated)
                                                      (POUND)M     (POUND)M   (POUND)M      (POUND)M
- -------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ---------- -------------
Net (loss)/income                                         (126)           5       (130)         (158)
Adjustments to reconcile net (loss)/income to
 net cash provided by operating activities:
Depreciation                                                90          102        184           198
Amortization of deferred financing costs and                10           32         30            58
 issue discount on Senior Discount debentures
Deferred taxes charge/(credit)                               1           (1)         1            (2)
Unrealized losses/(gains) on foreign currency
 translation                                                37         (117)       (40)          (69)
Share of net (income)/loss of affiliates                    (5)           -         (8)           (2)
Loss on disposal of assets                                   1            -          -             1
Amounts written off investments                              -            -          1             -
Changes in operating assets and liabilities, net
 of effect of acquisition of subsidiaries:
Change in receivables                                       11           23          9            32
Change in prepaid expenses                                 (20)           5        (25)          (14)
Change in other assets                                      (1)          (4)        (3)          (12)
Change in accounts payable                                  12          (23)        27            16
Change in other liabilities                                 78           40        124            88
- -------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ---------- -------------
NET CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES                   88           62        170           136
- -------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ---------- -------------

Cash paid for property and equipment                       (61)         (43)      (127)         (110)
Repayment of loans made to affiliates, net                  (7)           6         (4)           12
Disposal of affiliate                                        7            6          7             6
- -------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ---------- -------------
NET CASH USED IN INVESTING ACTIVITIES                      (61)         (31)      (124)          (92)
- -------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ---------- -------------

Release of restricted deposits                               2            -          2             -
Capital element of capital lease repayments                (11)         (16)       (23)          (29)
- -------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ---------- -------------
NET CASH USED IN FINANCING ACTIVITIES                       (9)         (16)       (21)          (29)
- -------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ---------- -------------

NET INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS                   18           15         25            15

CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT BEGINNING OF PERIOD           434          390        427           390

- -------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ---------- -------------
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF PERIOD                 452          405        452           405
- -------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ---------- -------------

Supplementary cash flow information:
Cash paid for interest, net                                 29           51         61            88
Cash received for income taxes                               -            -        (2)             -


- -------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ---------- -------------
                                                      JUN. 30,     MAR. 31,     DEC. 31,   SEP. 30,      JUN. 30,
                                                          2004         2004         2003       2003          2003
                                                                                          (restated)   (restated)
                                                      (POUND)M     (POUND)M     (POUND)M   (POUND)M      (POUND)M
- -------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ---------- -------------
Consumer Sales Division                                    235          235          230        227           228
Business Sales Division                                     63           67           68         71            69
- -------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ---------- -------------
TOTAL CABLE SEGMENT                                        298          302          298        298           297
Content Segment                                             28           26           33         27            26
- -------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ---------- -------------
TOTAL REVENUE                                              326          328          331        325           323
- -------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ---------- -------------
Cable segment expenses                                     (74)         (79)         (78)       (78)          (79)
Content segment expenses                                   (18)         (16)         (27)       (19)          (18)
Depreciation                                               (90)         (94)         (95)       (96)         (102)
- -------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ---------- -------------
Cost of revenue                                           (182)        (189)        (200)      (193)         (199)
- -------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ---------- -------------
SG&A (excluding financial restructuring charges)          (112)        (111)        (112)      (118)         (117)
Financial restructuring charges                            (12)          (9)          (9)        (9)           (4)
- -------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ---------- -------------
Total SG&A                                                (124)        (120)        (121)      (127)         (121)
- -------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ---------- -------------
                                                          (306)        (309)        (321)      (320)         (320)
- -------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ---------- -------------
OPERATING INCOME                                            20           19           10          5             3
Interest income                                              8            7            7          5             6
Interest expense (including amortization of debt
 discount)                                                (121)        (109)        (122)      (119)         (122)
Foreign exchange (losses)/gains, net                       (37)          77          184         15           117
Share of net income/(loss) of affiliates                     5            3           (3)         2             -
Other, net                                                   -           (1)           8          1             -
- -------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ---------- -------------
(LOSS)/INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES                         (125)          (4)          84        (91)            4
Income taxes (charge)/benefit                               (1)           -          (20)         2             1
- -------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ---------- -------------
NET (LOSS)/INCOME                                         (126)          (4)          64        (89)            5
- -------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ---------- -------------

Subsequent to the issue of the Company's  consolidated financial statements
for the year ended Dec. 31, 2002,  the Group  determined the need to adjust
the  classification  of debt  previously  reflected as  non-current  in the
consolidated  balance  sheet at Dec. 31, 2002 and write off deferred  issue
costs as at that date  relating  to the  restated  debt.  Accordingly,  the
unaudited  consolidated  financial  statements for the three and six months
ended Jun. 30, 2003, and the quarterly historical information for the three
months ended Jun. 30 and Sep. 30, 2003 also need to be restated.

Previously  reported  interest  expense for the three and six months  ended
Jun. 30, 2003 included a charge of (pound)2  million and (pound)5  million,
respectively,  and the three months ended Sep. 30 2003 included a charge of
(pound)2 million in respect of amortization of deferred issue costs.  These
charges have been  written  back now that all  deferred  issue costs on the
restated  debt have been  written  off with  effect  from  Dec.  31,  2002.
Additionally,   charges  of   (pound)5   million  and   (pound)8   million,
respectively,  have been made in the three and six months  ended  Jun.  30,
2003, and a charge of (pound)6 million made for the three months ended Sep.
30, 2003 for further  interest on bonds in default.  Consequently,  the net
effect of these  adjustments  to  "Interest  expense" for the three and six
months  ended Jun.  30, 2003 is  (pound)3  million  and  (pound)3  million,
respectively,  and  (pound)4  million for the three  months  ended Sep. 30,

- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
                                                               RESTATEMENT IMPACT ON JUN. 30, 2003
                                                     3 MONTHS ENDED JUN. 30,            6 MONTHS ENDED JUN. 30,
                                                                        2003                               2003
                                                    AS REPORTED  AS RESTATED           AS REPORTED  AS RESTATED
                                                       (POUND)M     (POUND)M              (POUND)M     (POUND)M
- -------------------------------------------------- ------------- ------------ ------- ------------- ------------
Interest expense (including amortization of debt
 discount)                                                 (119)        (122)                (244)        (247)
Net income/(loss)                                             8            5                 (155)        (158)
- -------------------------------------------------- ------------- ------------ ------- ------------- ------------

The following table sets out certain operating data for the three-month
periods shown. The information represents combined operating statistics for
all of our franchises.

- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ -------------
                                                              JUN. 30,     MAR. 31,     DEC. 31,     SEP. 30,      JUN. 30,
                                                                  2004         2004         2003         2003          2003
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ -------------

      Homes passed and marketed (1)                          4,682,777    4,678,182    4,674,764    4,679,688     4,686,974
      Total customer relationships (2)                       1,752,553    1,742,144    1,730,438    1,721,550     1,719,868
      Customer penetration                                        37.4%        37.2%        37.0%        36.8%         36.7%

      Customer additions                                        67,118       61,997       64,278       62,553        43,684
      Customer disconnections                                  (56,709)     (50,291)     (55,390)     (60,871)      (67,538)
      Net customer additions/(disconnections)                   10,409       11,706        8,888        1,682       (23,854)

      Revenue Generating Units ("RGUs") (3)                  3,447,254    3,363,240    3,286,706    3,217,600     3,168,205
      RGUs per customer                                           1.97         1.93         1.90         1.87          1.84
      Net RGU additions/(losses)                                84,014       76,534       69,106       49,395        (6,167)

      Average monthly revenue per customer                (pound)44.98 (pound)45.05 (pound)44.42 (pound)43.93  (pound)43.61

      Average monthly churn (4)                                    1.1%         1.0%         1.1%         1.2%          1.3%

- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ -------------

      Customers subscribing to two or more services          1,312,842    1,291,141    1,264,756    1,239,659     1,220,545
      Customers subscribing to three services ("triple
        play")                                                 381,859      329,955      291,512      256,391       227,792

      Percentage of dual or triple-service customers              74.9%        74.1%        73.1%        72.0%         71.0%
      Percentage of triple-service customers                      21.8%        18.9%        16.8%        14.9%         13.2%

- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ -------------

      Television ready homes passed and marketed             4,682,777    4,678,182    4,674,764    4,679,688     4,686,974
      Total subscribers                                      1,288,272    1,285,797    1,272,064    1,258,549     1,250,511
      Quarterly net additions/(disconnections)                   2,475       13,733       13,515        8,038       (23,034)

      Television penetration                                      27.5%        27.5%        27.2%        26.9%         26.7%

      Digital ready homes passed and marketed                4,401,860    4,386,050    4,306,251    4,292,032     4,294,480
      Digital subscribers                                    1,052,855    1,029,759      987,873      945,595       911,191
      Quarterly net digital additions                           23,096       41,886       42,278       34,404        23,885

      Penetration of digital subscribers to total
        subscribers                                               81.7%        80.1%        77.7%        75.1%         72.9%

      Average monthly churn                                        1.3%         1.2%         1.3%         1.4%          1.7%

- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ -------------

      Telephony ready homes passed and marketed              4,677,861    4,674,932    4,670,494    4,678,970     4,680,349
      3-2-1 telephony subscribers (metered)                  1,105,056    1,130,171    1,144,474    1,164,549     1,190,873
      Talk subscribers (unmetered)                             516,313      481,976      455,559      427,092       397,485
      Total subscribers                                      1,621,369    1,612,147    1,600,033    1,591,641     1,588,358
      Quarterly net additions/(disconnections)                   9,222       12,114        8,392        3,283       (13,248)

      Telephony penetration                                       34.7%        34.5%        34.3%        34.0%         33.9%

      Average monthly churn                                        1.1%         1.0%         1.1%         1.2%          1.2%

- ---------------------------------------------------- -------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- ------------
                                                          JUN. 30,       MAR. 31,      DEC. 31,       SEP. 30,     JUN. 30,
                                                              2004           2004          2003           2003         2003
- ---------------------------------------------------- -------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- ------------

      Broadband ready homes passed and marketed          4,401,860      4,386,050     4,306,251      4,292,032    4,294,480
      Total metered dial-up internet subscribers            47,884         50,953        49,368         52,353       64,958
      Total unmetered dial-up internet subscribers         151,457        177,250       184,009        190,571      193,406
      Total broadband internet subscribers                 537,613        465,296       414,609        367,410      329,336

      Quarterly net broadband additions                     72,317         50,687        47,199         38,074       30,115

      Broadband internet penetration                          12.2%          10.6%          9.6%           8.6%         7.7%

      Average monthly churn                                    1.2%           1.0%          1.1%           1.2%         1.1%
- ---------------------------------------------------- -------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- ------------

                                                          (POUND)M       (POUND)M      (POUND)M       (POUND)M     (POUND)M
                                                     -------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- ------------
      Customer premise equipment ("CPE")                        23             23            25             23           20
      Scaleable infrastructure                                   7              7            11             12            5
      Commercial                                                 9             11            15              9            7
      Line extensions                                            1              1             -              1            1
      Upgrade/rebuild                                            4              2             -              -            -
      Support capital                                            9              8            12             10            5
                                                     -------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- ------------
      Total NCTA Capital expenditure                            53             52            63             55           38
      Non NCTA Capital expenditure:
      Content Segment                                            1              -             1              -            1
- ---------------------------------------------------- -------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- ------------
      Total Capital expenditure (accrual basis)                 54             52            64             55           39
==================================================== ============== ============== ============= ============== ============

(1) The number of homes within our service area that can potentially be
served by our network with minimal connection costs.

(2) The number of customers who receive at least one level of service,
encompassing television, telephony and broadband services, without regard
to which service(s) customers purchase.

(3) Revenue Generating Units or RGUs represent the sum total of all primary
analogue television, digital television, broadband and telephony
subscribers. Dial-up internet subscribers, second telephone lines and
additional TV outlets are not included although they are revenue generating
for Telewest.

(4) Average monthly churn represents the total number of customers who
disconnected during the quarter divided by the average number of customers
in the quarter, divided by three. Subscribers who move premises within
Telewest's addressable areas (known as Moves and Transfers) and retain
Telewest's services are excluded from this churn calculation.

(5) In order to provide comparable data to the US and UK cable industry,
and in accordance with NCTA (National Cable & Telecommunications
Association) reporting guidelines, Telewest has allocated capital
expenditure (which represents fixed asset additions on an accrual basis) to
the standard reporting categories as per below. Telewest is not a member of
the NCTA and is providing this information solely for comparative purposes.

CPE - costs incurred at the customer's house to secure new customers,
revenue units and additional bandwidth revenues. Includes connections to
previously unserved houses in accordance with SFAS 51 and customer premise
equipment. Scaleable infrastructure - costs, not CPE or network related, to
secure growth of new customers, revenue units and additional bandwidth
revenues or provide service enhancements. Commercial - costs to provide
high speed data and telephony services to businesses and institutions.
Includes network and infrastructure expenditures. Line extensions - network
costs associated with entering new service areas including costs of fiber,
coaxial cable, amplifiers, electronic equipment, make-ready and
design/engineering. Upgrade/rebuild - costs to modify or replace existing
coax and fiber networks. Includes materials, contract labor, in-house
labor, make-ready, design engineering and other miscellaneous costs
associated with all aspects of the construction of the plant miles along an
existing route. Benefits include added bandwidth and/or
reliability/extended life to the existing plant. Support capital - costs
associated with the replacement or enhancement of non-network assets due to
obsolescence and wear-out, replacement of network assets unrelated to line
extensions, rebuild/upgrade or customer growth.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Telewest's  primary  measure  of income or loss for each of our  reportable
segments is Adjusted EBITDA. Our management,  including our chief operating
decision maker,  considers  Adjusted  EBITDA an important  indicator of the
operational strength and performance of our reportable  segments.  Adjusted
EBITDA  for each  segment  and in total  excludes  the  impact of costs and
expenses  that do not  directly  affect our cash  flows or do not  directly
relate  to the  operating  performance  of that  segment.  These  costs and
expenses  include  depreciation,   amortization,   financial  restructuring
charges,  interest expense, foreign exchange  gains/(losses),  share of net
income/(loss)  from  affiliates  and  income  taxes.  It is the  belief  of
management that the legal and professional  costs relating to our financial
restructuring are not characteristic of our underlying business operations.
Furthermore  management  believes  that  some of the  components  of  these
charges are not directly related to the performance of a single  reportable

Adjusted EBITDA is not a financial  measure  recognised under US GAAP. This
measure is most directly  comparable to the US GAAP  financial  measure net
income/(loss).  Some of the significant limitations associated with the use
of  Adjusted  EBITDA as  compared to net  income/(loss)  are that  Adjusted
EBITDA does not reflect the amount of required  reinvestment in depreciable
fixed assets,  financial restructuring charges,  interest expense,  foreign
exchange gains or losses, income taxes expense or benefit and similar items
on our results of  operations.  We believe  Adjusted  EBITDA is helpful for
understanding  our  performance and assessing our prospects for the future,
and that it provides  useful  supplemental  information  to  investors.  In
particular,  this non-US GAAP financial  measure reflects an additional way
of viewing  aspects of our  operations  that,  when viewed with our US GAAP
results and the  reconciliations  to net  income/(loss),  shown on page 17,
provide a more complete  understanding  of factors and trends affecting our
business.  Because non-US GAAP financial measures are not standardized,  it
may not be possible to compare Adjusted EBITDA with other companies' non-US
GAAP  financial   measures  that  have  the  same  or  similar  names.  The
presentation of this supplemental information is not meant to be considered
in  isolation  or as a  substitute  for  net  cash  provided  by  operating
activities,  operating income/(loss),  net income/(loss), or other measures
of financial performance reported in accordance with US GAAP.


Telewest's  primary  measure of cash flow is free cash flow. Free cash flow
is defined as net cash provided by/(used in) operating activities excluding
cash paid for financial  restructuring charges, less cash paid for property
and  equipment.  Our  management,  including our chief  operating  decision
maker,  considers free cash flow an important  indicator of the operational
performance of our business.

Free cash flow is not a financial  measure  recognized  under US GAAP. This
measure is most directly  comparable to the US GAAP  financial  measure net
cash provided by/(used in) operating activities. The significant limitation
associated  with the use of free cash flow as compared to net cash provided
by/(used in) operating  activities is that free cash flow does not consider
the amount of cash  required to pay  financial  restructuring  charges.  We
believe free cash flow is helpful for  understanding our performance and it
provides useful supplemental information to investors.  Because non-US GAAP
financial measures are not standardized,  it may not be possible to compare
free cash flow with other  companies'  non-US GAAP financial  measures that
have the same or  similar  names.  The  presentation  of this  supplemental
information  is not meant to be  considered in isolation or as a substitute
for net cash provided by/(used in) operating activities,  or other measures
of financial performance reported in accordance with US GAAP.


Telewest's  primary  measure  of  expenditure  for fixed  assets is Capital
expenditure (accrual basis). Capital expenditure (accrual basis) is defined
as the purchase of fixed assets as measured on an accrual basis. Telewest's
business  is   underpinned  by  its   significant   investment  in  network
infrastructure and information  technology.  Management therefore considers
Capital  expenditure  (accrual basis) an important  component in evaluating
Telewest's liquidity and financial condition since capital expenditure is a
necessary  component of ongoing operations.  Capital  expenditure  (accrual
basis) is most directly  comparable to the US GAAP  financial  measure cash
paid for property and equipment as reported in the  Consolidated  Statement
of Cash  Flows.  The  significant  limitation  associated  with  the use of
Capital  expenditure  (accrual basis) as compared to cash paid for property
and  equipment  is Capital  expenditure  (accrual  basis)  excludes  timing
differences  from payments of liabilities  related to capital  expenditure.
Management  excludes this amount from Capital  expenditure  (accrual basis)
because it is more closely related to the cash management treasury function
than  to  Telewest's   management  of  capital  expenditure  for  long-term
operational  performance  and liquidity.  Management  compensates  for this
limitation by  separately  measuring and  forecasting  working  capital and
interest payments.

The  presentation  of this  supplemental  information  is not  meant  to be
considered in isolation or as a substitute  for other measures of financial
performance  reported  in  accordance  with US GAAP  accepted in the United
States.  These non-US GAAP financial  measures reflect an additional way of
viewing aspects of Telewest's  operations that, when viewed with Telewest's
US GAAP  results  and the  accompanying  reconciliation  to cash  paid  for
property  and  equipment,  shown  on  page  17,  provide  a  more  complete
understanding  of  factors  and  trends  affecting   Telewest's   business.
Management  encourages  investors to review Telewest's financial statements
and publicly-filed  reports in their entirety and to not rely on any single
financial measure.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Net debt is defined as the sum of debt repayable  within one year,  capital
lease obligations repayable within one year, debt repayable after more than
one year, capital lease obligations repayable after more than one year less
cash and cash  equivalents.  Telewest's  management,  including  its  chief
operating  decision maker,  considers net debt an important  measure of the
total net debt financing obligations undertaken by Telewest.

Net debt is not a financial measure  recognized under US GAAP. This measure
is most directly comparable to the US GAAP financial measure, total current
liabilities. The significant limitation associated with the use of net debt
as compared  total current  liabilities  is that net debt does not consider
current   liabilities  due  in  respect  of  accounts   payable  and  other
liabilities,  whilst it includes  debt and capital  lease  obligations  due
after more than one year and cash and cash  equivalents.  Telewest believes
net  debt  is  helpful  for  understanding  its  entire  net  debt  funding
obligations and it provides useful  supplemental  information to investors.
Because non-US GAAP financial measures are not standardized,  it may not be
possible to compare net debt with other  companies'  non-US GAAP  financial
measures  that have the same or similar  names.  The  presentation  of this
supplemental information is not meant to be considered in isolation or as a
substitute  for total current  liabilities,  or other measures of financial
performance reported in accordance with US GAAP.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                                               THREE MONTHS ENDED                SIX MONTHS ENDED
                                                                      JUNE 30,                       JUNE 30,
                                                                 2004         2003              2004         2003
                                                             (POUND)M     (POUND)M          (POUND)M     (POUND)M
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Adjusted EBITDA                                                   122          109               244          210
Financial restructuring charges                                   (12)          (4)              (21)          (7)
Depreciation                                                      (90)        (102)             (184)        (198)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating income                                                   20            3                39            5
Interest income                                                     8            6                15           12
Interest expense (including amortization of debt discount)       (121)        (122)             (230)        (247)

Foreign exchange (losses)/gains, net                              (37)         117                40           69
Share of net income/(loss) of affiliates                            5            -                 8            2
Other, net                                                          -            -                (1)          (1)
Income taxes (charge)/benefit                                      (1)           1                (1)           2
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net (loss)/income                                                (126)           5              (130)        (158)


                                                           THREE MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30,     SIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30,
                                                                 2004         2003              2004         2003
                                                             (POUND)M     (POUND)M          (POUND)M     (POUND)M
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Free cash flow                                                     37           21                62           32
Deduct cash paid for financial restructuring charges              (10)          (2)              (19)          (6)
Add cash paid for property and equipment                           61           43               127          110
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net cash provided by operating activities                          88           62               170          136

Supplementary cash flow information:
Cash paid for interest, net                                        29           51                61           88
Cash received for income taxes                                      -            -               (2)            -

Free cash flow is reported after cash paid for interest, net and cash
received for income taxes.


                                                              THREE MONTHS ENDED               SIX MONTHS ENDED
                                                                     JUNE 30,                       JUNE 30,
                                                                 2004         2003              2004         2003
                                                             (POUND)M     (POUND)M          (POUND)M     (POUND)M
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Capital expenditure (accrual basis)                                54           39               106          104
Changes in capital accruals                                         7            4                21            6
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash paid for property and equipment                               61           43               127          110

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                       JUNE 30, 2004              DECEMBER 31, 2003
                                                                          (POUND)M                       (POUND)M
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net debt                                                                     5,434                          5,358
Cash and cash equivalents                                                      452                            427
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total debt                                                                   5,886                          5,785
Accrued interest payable on notes and debentures                             (479)                          (352)
Debt repayable after more than one year                                        (6)                            (6)
Capital lease obligations repayable after more than one year                  (42)                           (51)
Accounts payable                                                               112                             98
Other liabilities                                                              917                            809
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total current liabilities                                                    6,388                          6,283