Exhibit 99.1

[LOGO - ntl:]
                               New York, NY, November 3, 2004 (NASDAQ:NTLI)




     OVER Q3 2003



     o    ADDED 83,600 BROADBAND RGUS

          POINTS OVER Q3 2003

          1MB, 2MB AND 3MB



(In millions)
                                          Q3-2004        Q3-2003
                                      -------------- ---------------
Home                                       405.0            371.8
Business                                    64.2             69.4
Broadcast                                   66.6             67.6
Carriers                                    29.4             28.5
Ireland                                     17.9             17.9
                                         -----------      ----------
TOTAL REVENUES                             583.1            555.2
                                         ===========      ==========
Home                                       180.2            176.5
Business                                    27.7             26.9
Broadcast (1)                                2.4             28.2
Carriers                                    24.4             23.9
Ireland                                      6.0              7.5
Shared Services - services (2)             (58.9)           (60.9)
                                         -----------      ----------
                                           181.8            202.1
Shared Services - stock based
  compensation expense (SBCE)(2)            (3.3)            (2.0)
                                         -----------      ----------
COMBINED SEGMENT PROFIT                    178.5            200.1
                                         ===========      ==========
COMBINED SEGMENT PROFIT MARGIN %            30.6             36.0

OPERATING INCOME (LOSS)                    (26.0)            (17.7)

NET (LOSS)                                 (95.4)           (118.4)

(1) Charge of (pound)29.4  million in Broadcast segment reflects  estimated
costs  relating  to  a  fixed  price  contract.  For  further  detail,  see
discussion on page 8.

(2) Shared Services  consists of two  components:  services and stock based
compensation  expense (which excludes SBCE in connection  with  performance
related  bonus  plans   amounting  to  (pound)0.3   million)  and  totalled
(pound)62.2  million  in Q3 04 and  (pound)62.9  million  in Q3  03.  For a
description of the services  component and the SBCE  component,  please see
page 10.

New York, New York  (November 3, 2004) - ntl  Incorporated  (NASDAQ:  NTLI)
announced today its third quarter 2004 results.  Commenting on the results,
Simon Duffy, Chief Executive Officer of ntl, said:

"During  the  third  quarter,  we  remained  focussed  on our  four  stated
objectives  and,  despite  a more  intense  competitive  environment,  were
successful in increasing  market  penetration,  growing total revenues year
over year, expanding underlying margins and enhancing cash flow.

We have seen an improvement in sales productivity during the quarter,  with
187,900  gross  customers  added,  the highest  number for the past fifteen
quarters.  In addition,  we increased revenues by 5.0 per cent over Q3 2003
to  (pound)583.1  million,  and  delivered  free cash  flow of  (pound)52.2

ntl: Home delivered strong  broadband  growth in the third quarter,  adding
83,600 RGUs and increasing broadband customer penetration to 38.9 per cent.
To retain our leadership  position in broadband,  we will be increasing the
speeds of our ntl: Home products in Q1 2005 to 1Mb, 2Mb and 3Mb at existing
prices.  This decision  reflects our  determination  to ensure that we will
always  have  the  most  competitive  range of  broadband  products  in the

Significant  progress was made in the call centre  consolidation  programme
with two centres  closed  during the quarter and a further  three  closures
announced.  We will  close six call  centres  in total  during  the  fourth
quarter.  The call centre  consolidation,  together  with other  efficiency
initiatives,  will reduce overall  headcount to around 13,100 by the end of
the year, underscoring our continuing efforts to improve margins.

The  separation of ntl:  Broadcast is on track for completion by the end of
this year. In assessing our strategic alternatives,  we are soliciting bids
in an active auction process and  considerable  interest has been expressed
by  prospective  purchasers.  The charge in ntl:  Broadcast  results from a
single bid for a fixed price  contract  and does not reflect on the current
performance or value of the business.

I am very  pleased  to  welcome  Jacques  Kerrest  to ntl as our new  Chief
Financial  Officer.  Together  we  will  continue  to  execute  on our  key
objectives for the remainder of 2004 and beyond."

For the use of non-GAAP financial measures please reference pages 17-20.




Third  quarter   consolidated   revenues  increased  by  5.0  per  cent  to
(pound)583.1  million ($1,060.8 million) from (pound)555.2  million ($894.1
million) for the same period of 2003.

The revenue increase was mainly associated with the net addition of 308,900
broadband  RGUs and 102,600  telephony  RGUs in ntl:  Home,  where reported
revenues  increased by (pound)33.2  million or 8.9 per cent to (pound)405.0
million  ($736.8  million).  This increase was partly offset by lower voice
revenues in ntl: Business and lower project revenues in ntl: Broadcast.


Third  quarter  combined  segment  profit  decreased  by 10.8  per  cent to
(pound)178.5  million ($324.7  million) from  (pound)200.1  million ($322.4
million) for the same period of 2003.

The  decrease  in segment  profit  includes a  (pound)29.4  million  ($53.6
million)   charge  in  ntl:   Broadcast  with  respect  to  a  confidential
fixed-price contract.

Increased   revenues  in  ntl:   Home  were  partly  offset  by  additional
investments  in sales and  marketing  and higher  bad debt and  programming
costs,  resulting in increased segment profit of (pound)3.7 million over Q3
2003.  The increases in segment profit in ntl:  Business and ntl:  Carriers
were offset by a decrease in ntl: Ireland, where one-time benefits realised
in Q3 2003 were not repeated, and higher stock based compensation expense.


Including the charge of  (pound)29.4  million  ($53.6  million),  the third
quarter  2004  operating  loss  was  (pound)26.0  million  ($47.5  million)
compared with an operating  loss in Q3 2003 of  (pound)17.7  million ($28.5

Third quarter net loss was (pound)95.4 million ($173.5 million), a 19.4 per
cent reduction from the Q3 2003 net loss of  (pound)118.4  million  ($190.8
million),  reflecting  decreased  interest expense following our successful
rights offering and refinancing.


To provide comparable data to the US Cable industry, and in accordance with
NCTA   (National   Cable  &   Telecommunications   Association)   reporting
guidelines*, ntl has allocated fixed asset additions (accrual basis) to the
standard NCTA reporting categories.

Third  quarter  fixed asset  additions  were  (pound)84.7  million  ($154.0
million) of which approximately 53 per cent related to ntl: Home and 26 per
cent related to ntl: Shared Services.

Fixed asset additions  increased by (pound)25.8  million ($59.0 million) in
the third quarter 2004 over Q3 2003.  Scaleable  infrastructure  costs rose
due to increased  wholesale  internet costs,  localised  broadband capacity
requirements and higher activity in access engineering  together with video
on demand product development costs. Upgrade costs increased as a result of
progress in the London network  upgrade  programme  which  released  30,000
broadband  homes to market in September,  with another  100,000 homes to be
upgraded to broadband during Q4 2004.

Commercial and ntl:  Broadcast  expenditure also increased as new contracts
in Carriers and ntl: Broadcast required upfront capital spend.

The  largest  component  of ntl's NCTA  fixed  asset  additions  relates to
customer  premise   equipment   (CPE).   Through   increased   installation
efficiencies  and the  ongoing  reduction  of set top box and  cable  modem
costs,  CPE fixed asset  additions  have remained flat over Q3 2003 despite
increasing gross customer additions by 29,400 in Q3 2004 over Q3 2003.

During  the  fourth   quarter  2004,  we  expect  to  spend   approximately
(pound)100.0  million  ($180.9  million) in fixed asset  additions,  within
previously stated full year 2004 guidance of between  (pound)300.0  million
($542.7  million) to (pound)350.0  million  ($633.2  million) in respect of
fixed asset additions.

(figures in millions) unaudited                                  Q3 2004                    Q3 2003
                                                        --------------------------   ----------------------
                                                          (pound)          $            (pound)        $
                                                        --------------------------   ----------------------
NCTA Fixed Asset Additions (Accrual Basis)
   CPE                                                      32.6          59.3            30.7        49.5
   Scaleable Infrastructure                                 17.3          31.6             8.7        14.0
   Commercial                                                7.9          14.3             3.2         5.4
   Line Extensions                                           0            (0.1)            0           0
   Upgrade/Rebuild                                           5.6          10.1             0           0
   Support Capital                                          14.2          26.0            13.5        21.6
                                                        --------------------------   ----------------------
Total NCTA  Fixed Asset Additions (Accrual
   Basis)                                                   77.6         141.2            56.1        90.5
Non NCTA Fixed Asset Additions (Accrual Basis)
   Broadcast/Other                                           4.6           8.2             0.3         0.5
TOTAL UK  FIXED ASSET ADDITIONS (ACCRUAL BASIS)             82.2         149.4            56.4        91.0

Ireland                                                      2.5           4.6             2.5         4.0
TOTAL FIXED ASSET ADDITIONS (ACCRUAL BASIS)                 84.7         154.0            58.9        95.0
                                                        ==========================   ======================

* ntl is not a member of the NCTA and is providing this information  solely
for comparative purposes.


At September 30, 2004, cash and cash equivalents were (pound)149.1  million
($269.7 million).



ntl: Home provides bundled  products and services  including local and long
distance telephone services,  digital and analogue cable television,  and a
range of broadband and dial-up internet services,  to an addressable market
of 7.9 million households in the UK.

At  187,900,  ntl:  Home  enjoyed  its highest  number of  quarterly  gross
customer  additions  since 2000,  ending the third  quarter with  3,013,800
customers,  a 7.3 per cent increase  from Q3 2003.  In addition,  ntl: Home
added 98,700 RGUs in Q3 2004 ending the quarter with 5,822,000  RGUs, a 9.2
per cent increase from Q3 2003.  Triple play  penetration  increased by 3.5
percentage points over Q2 2003 to 23.1 per cent.

We are  undertaking a review of how our existing  disconnection  and credit
management  practices  have been applied and complied  with. As a result of
this ongoing review,  we have  identified  23,800  customers  (representing
approximately 35,600 RGUs) which we have removed from the customer count at
the end of Q3.  We are in the  process  of  disconnecting  these  customers
during Q4. These customers were not disconnected previously, as they should
have been, due to non-compliance  with our policies.  These  disconnections
have limited  revenue  impact.  We have  reduced our revenue by  (pound)1.9
million ($3.5 million) in Q3 2004 which takes into account revenue adjusted
for prior  quarters.  We are continuing to review our practices in order to
ensure more effective  compliance  with our policies and to more accurately
track disconnects.

In addition,  during the fourth  quarter ntl: Home will be  implementing  a
revised and standardized credit policy which will reduce the number of days
an account can be overdue prior to full  disconnection.  Implementation  of
this new policy has led to the  reclassification  of  approximately  49,300
additional  customers  (representing  approximately 81,000 RGUs) as pending
disconnects.  We are  still  seeking  payment  from  these  customers  and,
depending upon the success of our collection  efforts,  some or all of them
may be disconnected in Q4.

Revenue increased by 8.9 per cent to (pound)405.0  million ($736.8 million)
in Q3 2004  from  (pound)371.8  million  ($598.7  million)  in Q3 2003  and
average  revenue per user (ARPU)  increased by (pound)0.13  over Q3 2003 to
(pound)41.56.  This was  achieved by adding  492,600  RGUs during the year,
over half of which were  telephone  talk plan  customers  and  family  pack
television customers,  both of which contribute higher than average revenue
per RGU.

ntl: Home segment profit increased by 2.1 per cent to (pound)180.2  million
($327.8 million) in Q3 2004 from  (pound)176.5  million ($284.1 million) in
Q3 2003.  The increase in revenues was partly offset by investment in sales
and marketing and an increase in bad debt and programming costs.

Third  quarter  2004  monthly  churn rose to 1.5 per cent,  mainly due to a
higher  number  of  customers  moving  outside  our  network  area.  Of the
additional 28,500 disconnects during the third quarter when compared to the
prior quarter, approximately 19,000 related to customers moving out of ntl:
Home franchise areas during a buoyant UK housing boom.

As the UK's number one  broadband  provider,  ntl: Home intends to maintain
its  leadership  position  by  significantly  increasing  the  speed of its
broadband products while holding prices constant: 1Mb at (pound)17.99,  2Mb
at (pound)24.99 and 3Mb at (pound)37.99. The speed increases will be rolled
out to new customers  during Q1 2005.  Existing  customers can also upgrade
from Q1 2005 by paying a (pound)25.00 administration fee.

ntl: Home increased third quarter  broadband users by 94,100 of whom 48,100
were  taking  ntl:  Home's 60 day free trial at the end of  September.  Our
experience to date is that approximately 78 per cent of those on the 60 day
free trial  convert  to paying  customers  at the end of the trial  period.
Accordingly,  we have excluded 22 per cent of the  triallists  from the RGU
total and  included  only 83,600  broadband  RGUs in Q3 2004.  We have also
restated  Q2 2004 to  include  5,300 (78 per cent of the  second  quarter's
6,800 60 day free trial  customers)  as RGUs,  thereby  ending Q3 2004 with
1,173,500  broadband  RGUs  and  increasing  broadband  penetration  of the
customer base to 38.9 per cent from 30.8 per cent in Q3 2003.

000s                                 Q3 2004              Q2 2004

Opening broadband RGUs                 1,094.2                1,028.8
Paying broadband users            46.0                 59.9
60 day free trial users           48.1                 6.8
                                          94.1                   66.7
                                       1,188.3                1,095.5

22% of 60 day free trial users           (10.5)                  (1.5)
Quarterly movement                        83.6                     -
Reduction to customer count*              (6.2)                   0.0
Data cleanse*                              1.9                    0.2
Closing RGU total                      1,173.5                1,094.2

* See explanations on pages 5 and 7.

ntl: Home increased third quarter on-net  telephone  customers by 18,500 to
2,592,400  and  increased  the number of digital  television  customers  by
15,200 to  1,414,700.  The  overall  television  base  declined by 3,300 to

The table below reconciles the underlying  quarterly RGU movements with the
data cleanse and the RGU count reduction  adjustments detailed in notes 2,3
and 5 on page 7:

000s                            DTV        TELEVISION      TELEPHONE      BROADBAND       TOTAL

Q2 2004 closing RGUs           1,408.7       2,070.6        2,593.1         1,094.2       5,757.9
Data cleanse                      (0.8)         (1.0)           0               1.9           0.9
Reduction to RGU count            (8.4)        (10.2)         (19.2)           (6.2)        (35.6)
                            ------------- -------------- --------------- ------------- -------------
                               1,399.5       2,059.4        2,573.9         1,089.9       5,723.2

Quarterly movement                15.2          (3.3)          18.5            83.6          98.7
                            ------------- -------------- --------------- ------------- -------------

Q3 2004 closing RGUs           1,414.7       2,056.1        2,592.4         1,173.5       5,822.0
                            ============= ============== =============== ============= =============

Note rounding differences.

ntl: Home - summary customer statistics:

000s                                    Q3-2004        Q2-2004       Q1-2004      Q4-2003       Q3-2003

Opening Customers (1)                   2,981.5       2,923.2       2,867.9       2,809.5       2,753.3
Data cleanse (2)                            2.7         (2.2)         (6.2)             0             0
Adjusted opening customers              2,984.2       2,921.0       2,861.7       2,809.5       2,753.3
   Customer additions                     187.9         166.5         160.3         153.9         158.5
   Customer disconnects                 (134.5)       (106.0)        (98.8)        (95.5)       (102.3)
   Net customer movement                   53.4          60.5          61.5          58.4          56.2
   Reduction to customer count (3)       (23.8)             0             0             0             0
Closing Customers (1)                   3,013.8       2,981.5       2,923.2       2,867.9       2,809.5
   Churn (4)                               1.5%          1.2%          1.1%          1.1%          1.2%
Revenue Generating Units (2,3,5)        5,822.0       5,757.9       5,636.1       5,497.8       5,364.1
   Television                           2,056.1       2,070.6       2,048.9       2,023.6       2,009.7
       DTV                              1,414.7       1,408.7       1,371.0       1,330.0       1,294.8
   Telephone                            2,592.4       2,593.1       2,558.4       2,525.0       2,489.8
   Broadband                            1,173.5       1,094.2       1,028.8         949.2         864.6
       60 day free trial                   48.1           6.8             0             0             0

RGU/Customer                              1.93x         1.93x         1.93x         1.92x         1.91x
Internet dial-up and DTV access (6)       258.8         293.3         321.1         324.3         332.1

ARPU (7)                           (pound)41.56  (pound)41.38  (pound)41.91  (pound)41.96  (pound)41.43

(1)  Opening and closing  customers include master antenna  television,  or
     MATV customers.

(2)  Data  cleanse  activity,  as  part  of the  harmonisation  of  billing
     systems,   resulted  in  an  increase   of   recorded   customers   by
     approximately  2,700 and an increase of RGUs by approximately 900. The
     data  cleanse  reduced  DTV RGUs by 800,  reduced  ATV RGUs by 200 and
     increased broadband RGUs by 1,900.

(3)  After reviewing how our existing  disconnection  and credit management
     practices  have  been  applied  and  complied  with,  we have  removed
     approximately  23,800  customers,  representing  approximately  35,600
     RGUs, from the customer count; see discussion on page 5. Of the 35,600
     RGUs,  19,200 were telephony RGUs, 8,400 were DTV RGUs, 1,800 were ATV
     RGUs and 6,200 were broadband RGUs.

(4)  Monthly  customer churn is calculated by taking the total  disconnects
     during the month and dividing them by the average  number of customers
     during  the  month.  Average  monthly  churn  during a quarter  is the
     average of the three  monthly churn  calculations  within the quarter.
     The 23,800 customers  removed from the customer count (see footnote 3)
     will be  disconnected  in Q4 and are not  included  in the Q3  monthly

(5)  Telephone,  television  and broadband  internet  subscribers  directly
     connected  to our  network  count  as one  RGU  each.  Accordingly,  a
     subscriber who receives both  telephone and television  service counts
     as two RGUs. RGUs may include subscribers receiving some services at a
     reduced rate in connection with incentive  offers.  78 per cent of the
     60 day free trial broadband customers are included in the RGU numbers.
     NCTA  reporting  guidelines for the US Cable industry do not recognise
     dial-up  internet  customers  as  RGUs,   although  they  are  revenue
     generating for ntl.

(6)  Dial-up internet  subscribers  exclude metered  customers who have not
     used the service for 30 days or more.

(7)  Average  Revenue Per User is calculated on a monthly basis by dividing
     total  revenues  generated  from the  provision  of  telephone,  cable
     television  and  internet  services  to  customers  who  are  directly
     connected  to our  network in that  month,  exclusive  of VAT,  by the
     average  number  of  customers  in that  month.  Quarterly  ARPU is an
     average of the three months in that quarter.  In calculating ARPU, the
     23,800 customers  removed from the customer count (see footnote 3) and
     the  (pound)1.9  million of revenue  relating  thereto have been added
     back to customer numbers and revenues.



ntl:  Business  provides a range of voice,  data and internet  products and
services to private and public sector organisations.

ntl:  Business  revenues  decreased by 7.5 per cent to (pound)64.2  million
($116.9 million) in Q3 2004 from (pound)69.4 million ($111.8 million) in Q3
2003.  The  decrease in revenue was  primarily  due to a reduction in voice
revenues in an  increasingly  competitive  market,  which was compounded by
seasonally  low voice  usage and  project  revenues.  The  decline in voice
revenues was partly offset by the continued growth in data revenues.

Despite the intense price  pressure in the market,  ntl:  Business  segment
profit increased by 3.0 per cent to (pound)27.7  million ($50.5 million) in
Q3 2004 from (pound)26.9  million ($43.3 million) in Q3 2003,  reflecting a
greater  proportion  of higher  margin data  revenues as well as  continued
tighter control of costs.


ntl: Broadcast provides digital and analogue television and radio broadcast
transmission services, network management,  tower site rental and satellite
and media  services  as well as  communications  support  to public  safety
organisations in the UK.

ntl: Broadcast  revenues  decreased by 1.5 per cent to (pound)66.6  million
($121.1 million) in Q3 2004 from (pound)67.6 million ($108.8 million) in Q3
2003,  primarily  reflecting the  non-recurrence  of project revenues in Q3
2003 in our public safety business.

Following a (pound)29.4 million ($53.6 million) charge under a confidential
fixed price contract,  ntl:  Broadcast segment profit decreased by 91.5 per
cent to  (pound)2.4  million  ($4.2  million)  in Q3 2004 from  (pound)28.2
million ($45.4  million) in Q3 2003. We are presently  discussing  with the
customer revisions to the contract.  Based upon a review of our outstanding
obligations under this contract, we estimate that our costs to complete the
contract with these  revisions will exceed our revenues from the project by
the amount of the charge. Since this figure is an estimate, there can be no
assurance  that we will not incur  additional  costs above the  estimate or
that the costs will in fact be as high as the estimate.  If any  additional
costs were to be incurred,  additional  charges may have to be taken at the
time these costs have been identified.

We have  reviewed the events  leading up to this charge and have  concluded
that they are  principally due to a material  underestimation  by us of the
costs of the project, a lack of adequate project  management  resources and
significant  reliance  upon  a  subcontractor.  We  have  strengthened  our
procedures  governing  the costing,  pricing and  management of projects to
ensure a more balanced risk:reward structure in the terms and conditions of
new  contracts  we enter  into.  We also  have  placed  limitations  on our
reliance upon  sub-contractors  to fulfil our  obligations  under  material

The terms of our credit and bond agreements include the ability to separate
our Broadcast business. We have taken steps to effect the separation, which
is now in its  final  stages.  As  part  of  our  strategic  review  we are
soliciting bids in an active auction process and considerable  interest has
been expressed by prospective purchasers.


ntl:  Carriers  provides a range of wholesale  telecommunications  services
supporting  voice,  data and mobile  operators.  Products  include  network
design and build,  voice transit and  termination,  managed  infrastructure
services such as fibre and  co-location  and retail products such as leased

Including a (pound)2.1  million ($3.8 million)  settlement from Energis for
early termination of their contract,  ntl:  Carriers revenues  increased by
3.2  per  cent to  (pound)29.4  million  ($53.5  million)  in Q3 2004  from
(pound)28.5 million ($45.9 million) in Q3 2003.

Owing to the  Energis  settlement,  which  more than  offset  the impact on
underlying  revenue  and  profits  of  increased  price  competition,  ntl:
Carriers  segment profit  increased by 2.1 per cent to (pound)24.4  million
($44.5 million) in Q3 2004 from  (pound)23.9  million ($38.5 million) in Q3

During the third  quarter  ntl;  Carriers  launched  its  'wires  only' DSL
service,  initially  on a bespoke  basis for  large-scale  deployment  to a
single wholesale customer. The full launch of the standard DSL product will
take place in early 2005.


ntl: Ireland offers digital and analogue television to homes in its network
areas of Dublin, Waterford and Galway. It also offers broadband in parts of
Dublin.  In  addition,  ntl:  Ireland  also offers a full range of business
telecommunication services including voice, data and internet products.

ntl: Ireland revenues were unchanged at (pound)17.9 million ($32.5 million)
in Q3 2004  when  compared  to Q3 2003  ($28.9  million).  Underlying  Euro
revenues  increased  by 3.5 per  cent  due to the  January  1,  2004  price
increase and additional growth in digital television subscribers.

ntl:  Ireland  segment  profit  decreased  by 20.0 per  cent to  (pound)6.0
million ($10.9 million) in Q3 2004 from (pound)7.5  million ($12.2 million)
in Q3 2003.  Local  currency  segment  profit  decreased  by 17.6 per cent,
reflecting  the absence of the benefit in Q3 2003 of the  renegotiation  of
major supplier contracts.

In Q3  2004,  residential  customer  numbers  increased  by  2,500 to reach
approximately   343,600   (including  MMDS  customers).   This  encouraging
performance  was  reinforced by growth in digital  television  customers of
6,600 to approximately 88,800. Monthly customer churn remained in line with
our expectations at 0.8 per cent in Q3 2004.

During Q3 2004, ntl:  Ireland  commenced an investment  programme to enable
its network to deliver  broadband  services to consumers.  Homes marketable
for broadband increased by 38,500 to reach approximately 66,500.  Broadband
customer numbers grew to approximately 5,400 at the end of Q3 2004 reaching
a penetration level of 8.1 per cent.

In October,  ntl:  Ireland ceased its domestic  direct  telephone  service,
which had a customer base of 2,200,  after  identifying a potential  safety
risk.  This  decision  did not affect any other  service  provided  by ntl:


Shared Services predominantly support our UK operations,  with ntl: Ireland
being largely self-sufficient.  Shared Services consists of two components:
services  and  stock  based  compensation   expense  (SBCE).  The  services
component is further  divided into  networks,  central  support and IT. The
SBCE component represents all SBCE for the group with the exception of that
in connection with performance  related bonus plans which is charged to the
individual divisions (including Shared Services).

In Q3 2004, Shared Services totalled  (pound)62.2 million ($113.2 million),
comprising  (pound)58.9 million ($107.1 million) of services and (pound)3.3
million  ($6.1  million)  of SBCE.  In Q3 2003,  Shared  Services  totalled
(pound)62.9 million ($101.1 million) comprising  (pound)60.9 million ($97.9
million) of services and (pound)2.0 million ($3.2 million) of SBCE.

The majority of the networks portion of Shared Services cost relates to the
day-to-day running of the network,  with the remainder  comprising data and
voice  capacity  management  and,  to a  lesser  degree,  architecture  and

The central support and IT portion of Shared Services  comprises a range of
functions including group site services,  finance, human resources,  supply
chain, legal affairs, risk assurance,  communications,  IT and US corporate

The  services  component  has  decreased to 10.1 per cent of revenues in Q3
2004 compared with 11.0 per cent of revenues in Q3 2003.

ntl  continues  to  recognise  the  provisions  of FASB  Statement  No.123,
Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation, which has been and will be applied
to all employee stock awards granted, modified, or settled after January 1,
2003.  The SBCE component of Shared  Services  increased in Q3 2004 over Q3
2003  following the approval of the stock awards plan at our annual meeting
of shareholders in May 2004.



A  significant  step was taken in the  Harmony  programme  during the third
quarter with the  implementation  of release 4.5.  Almost 980,000  customer
accounts  were  migrated  and 1.4  million  premises  added to the  Harmony
system. Over 3.5 million customer accounts have now been migrated since the
beginning  of the  programme  with seven main  billing  systems  reduced to


ntl has appointed Jacques Kerrest as its Chief Financial  Officer.  As CFO,
Jacques is responsible for all of ntl's financial activities including cash
and credit management,  capital budgeting, financial planning and analysis,
corporate finance,  tax, financial  reporting,  SEC and regulatory filings,
accounting  systems  and  controls,  internal  audit,  bank  relationships,
financing and investor relations.

Jacques has over 30 years' experience of financial management in Europe and
North  America.  Most  recently  Jacques was  Managing  Director  and Chief
Financial  Officer  of  Equant,  a leading  provider  of global IP and data
services for businesses.


On September 28, ntl announced  that it has agreed to acquire  Virgin Media
Group's  remaining  interests in  Virgin.Net  Ltd.,  together  with all the
remaining minority interests held by existing and former management.  These
acquisitions  will take ntl's  ownership of  Virgin.Net,  the joint venture
formed by ntl and Virgin in 1996,  to 100 per cent.  We have  received  the
required  regulatory  clearance from the Irish Competition  Authority,  and
expect to close the transaction in November.

Virgin.net,  is currently the UK's 5th largest  Internet  Service  Provider
(ISP) serving  590,000  customers,  of whom around  54,000 take  broadband.
Virgin.Net  subscriber figures and financials are not consolidated in ntl's
third quarter results.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                            Q3- 2004        Q2 -2004        Q1-2004         Q4-2003         Q3-2003
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  On-Net                (pound) 373.4   (pound) 366.3   (pound) 363.2   (pound) 358.1   (pound) 345.5
  Wholesale & Off-Net            31.6            31.5            35.2            32.6            26.3
                       --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
     Total                      405.0           397.8           398.4           390.7           371.8

BUSINESS                         64.2            66.8            69.2            66.5            69.4

BROADCAST                        66.6            72.6            71.4            71.9            67.6

CARRIERS                         29.4            29.3            28.5            28.9            28.5

IRELAND                          17.9            17.9            17.5            18.7            17.9

TOTAL REVENUES          (pound) 583.1   (pound) 584.4   (pound) 585.0   (pound) 576.7   (pound) 555.2


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                            Q3-2004         Q2-2004         Q1-2004         Q4-2003         Q3-2003
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  On-Net                (pound) 172.8  (pound) 169.2   (pound) 168.2    (pound) 171.5   (pound) 164.1
  Wholesale & Off-Net             7.4            7.0             8.5             10.6            12.4
                       --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
     Total                      180.2          176.2           176.7            182.1           176.5

BUSINESS                         27.7           26.5            26.2             32.6            26.9

BROADCAST*                        2.4           33.6            29.9             32.2            28.2

CARRIERS                         24.4           23.4            22.9             23.1            23.9

IRELAND                           6.0            6.1             6.1              7.4             7.5

  Services component:
     Networks                  (16.1)         (14.1)          (16.2)           (13.6)          (14.0)
     Central Support/IT        (42.8)         (44.4)          (48.8)           (55.8)          (46.9)
                       --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
       Total                   (58.9)         (58.5)          (65.0)           (69.4)          (60.9)

  Stock based                   (3.3)          (4.9)           (1.9)            (3.4)           (2.0)
     compensation expense

PROFIT                  (pound) 178.5  (pound) 202.4   (pound) 194.9    (pound) 204.6   (pound) 200.1

*In Q3 2004 ntl:  Broadcast segment profit includes a charge of (pound)29.4
million with respect to a confidential fixed price contract.

**Shared  Services  consists of two  components:  services  and stock based
compensation expense.

***Stock based  compensation  expense component of Shared Services includes
stock options and  restricted  stock but excludes  SBCE in connection  with
performance  related  bonus plans  amounting to (pound)0.3  million.  Prior
periods have been adjusted to remove this component and show it separately.


The reporting  currency for the company is the U.S.  dollar,  however,  the
functional  currencies of our  subsidiaries  are the British Pound Sterling
and the Euro. Unless otherwise disclosed, all amounts in U.S. dollars as of
September  30, 2004 are based on an exchange  rate of $1.8090 to  (pound)1,
all amounts  disclosed  for the nine months  ended  September  30, 2004 are
based on an average  exchange  rate of $1.8216 to (pound)1  and all amounts
disclosed  for the nine  months  ended  September  30, 2003 are based on an
average  exchange rate of $1.6107 to (pound)1.  All amounts in U.S. dollars
as of  December  31,  2003 are  based on an  exchange  rate of  $1.7842  to
(pound)1.  All rates are based on the noon  buying  rate in the City of New
York for cable  transfers as certified for customs  purposes by the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York.  U.S.  dollar  amounts for the three months ended
September 30, 2003 and 2004 are determined by subtracting  the U.S.  dollar
converted  financial result for the six months ended June 30, 2003 and 2004
from the U.S. dollar  converted  financial result for the nine months ended
September 30, 2003 and 2004  respectively.  The variation  between the 2003
and 2004 exchange rates has impacted the dollar comparisons significantly.



                                                            THREE MONTHS ENDED
                                                               SEPTEMBER 30,
                                                          2004              2003

REVENUE                                                  $1,060.8            $894.1


            Operating costs (exclusive of                  (493.5)           (359.4)
              depreciation shown separately below)
            Selling, general and administrative            (242.6)           (212.3)
            Other charges                                   (11.5)             (4.2)
            Depreciation                                   (304.1)           (296.5)
            Amortisation                                    (56.6)            (50.2)
                                                       ------------      ------------
Total costs and expenses                                 (1,108.3)           (922.6)
                                                       ------------      ------------
OPERATING INCOME (LOSS)                                     (47.5)            (28.5)


            Interest income and other, net                    2.4               5.2
            Interest expense                               (111.1)           (188.9)
            Loss on extinguishment of debt                      -                 -
            Share of income (loss) from equity                0.9                 -
            Foreign currency transaction (losses)           (16.5)              3.4
                                                       ------------      ------------
(LOSS) BEFORE INCOME TAXES                                 (171.8)           (208.8)
Income tax (expense)                                         (1.7)             18.0
                                                       ------------      ------------
NET (LOSS)                                                ($173.5)          ($190.8)
                                                       ============      ============

BASIC AND DILUTED NET (LOSS) PER COMMON SHARE              ($1.99)           ($3.20)
                                                       ============      ============

AVERAGE NUMBER OF SHARES OUTSTANDING                         87.4              59.6
                                                       ============      ============



                                                             NINE MONTHS ENDED
                                                               SEPTEMBER 30,
                                                          2004              2003

REVENUE                                                  $3,192.4          $2,662.5

            Operating costs (exclusive of                (1,417.7)         (1,157.2)
              depreciation shown separately
            Selling, general and administrative            (725.8)           (653.1)
            Other charges                                   (39.3)            (28.0)
            Depreciation                                   (895.9)           (871.6)
            Amortisation                                   (169.9)           (150.4)
                                                       ------------      ------------
Total costs and expenses                                 (3,248.6)         (2,860.3)
                                                       ------------      ------------
OPERATING INCOME (LOSS)                                     (56.2)           (197.8)

            Interest income and other, net                   11.9              11.1
            Interest expense                               (376.3)           (552.3)
            Loss on extinguishment of debt                 (290.1)                -
            Share of income (loss) from equity                3.1              (1.5)
            Foreign currency transaction (losses)           (28.9)             21.0
                                                       ------------      ------------
(LOSS) BEFORE INCOME TAXES                                 (736.5)           (719.5)
Income tax (expense)                                         (5.8)            (10.8)
                                                       ------------      ------------
NET (LOSS)                                                ($742.3)          ($730.3)
                                                       ============      ============

BASIC AND DILUTED NET (LOSS) PER COMMON                    ($8.52)          ($12.27)
                                                       ============      ============

AVERAGE NUMBER OF SHARES OUTSTANDING                         87.1              59.5
                                                       ============      ============


                         (IN MILLIONS, EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA)

                                                                    SEPTEMBER 30,   DECEMBER 31,
                                                                       2004             2003
                                                                   -------------    -------------

Current assets
       Cash and cash equivalents                                         $269.7           $795.9
       Accounts receivable - trade, less allowance for                    453.9            405.3
         doubtful accounts of $76.6 (2004) and $28.8 (2003)
       Prepaid expenses                                                   113.7             85.2
       Other current assets                                                43.5             55.8
                                                                   -------------    -------------
                      Total current assets                                880.8          1,342.2

Fixed assets, net                                                       7,497.0          7,880.5
Reorganisation value in excess of amounts allocable to                    543.9            539.1
  identifiable assets
Customer lists, net of accumulated amortisation of $393.8
  (2004) and $221.9 (2003)                                              1,026.5          1,178.9
Investments in and loans to affiliates, net                                 1.0              2.3
Other assets, net of accumulated amortisation of $9.3
  (2004) and $70.1 (2003)                                                 229.2            229.8
                                                                   -------------    -------------
TOTAL ASSETS                                                          $10,178.4        $11,172.8
                                                                   =============    =============

Current liabilities
       Accounts payable                                                  $256.5           $260.0
       Accrued expenses                                                   577.1            633.1
       Accrued construction costs                                          34.7             33.6
       Interest payable                                                   165.6            194.6
       Deferred revenue                                                   274.7            269.9
       Other current liabilities                                           24.7             27.1
       Current portion of long-term debt                                  110.7              2.3
                                                                   -------------    -------------
                 Total current liabilities                              1,444.0          1,420.6

Long-term debt, net of current portion                                  5,378.7          5,728.4

Deferred revenue and other long term liabilities                          334.6            325.7
Deferred income taxes                                                       0.5              0.1
Commitments and contingent liabilities                                        -                -

Shareholders' equity
       Preferred stock - $.01 par value; authorised 5.0 (2004 and             -                -
         2003) shares; issued and outstanding none
       Common stock - $.01 par value; authorised 400.0 (2004 and            0.9              0.9
         2003) shares; issued and outstanding 87.6 (2004) and 86.9
         (2003) shares
       Additional paid-in capital                                       4,375.6          4,325.0
       Unearned stock-based compensation                                 (36.0)           (15.0)
       Accumulated other comprehensive income                             376.6            341.3
       Accumulated (deficit)                                          (1,696.5)          (954.2)
                                                                   -------------    -------------
               Total shareholders' equity                               3,020.6          3,698.0
                                                                   -------------    -------------
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                            $10,178.4        $11,172.8
                                                                   =============    =============

                                   (UNAUDITED) (IN MILLIONS)

                                                                                    NINE MONTHS ENDED
                                                                                      SEPTEMBER 30,
                                                                                   2004          2003
                                                                                 ----------    ----------

NET CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES                                           $527.7        $267.9

          Purchase of fixed assets                                                 (386.6)       (457.5)
          Investments in and loans to affiliates                                       4.5           3.2
          Decrease in other assets                                                       -           2.1
          Purchase of marketable securities                                                       (17.1)
          Proceeds from sale of assets                                                 5.1             -
          Proceeds from sale of marketable securities                                    -          22.3
                                                                                 ----------    ----------
                             Net cash (used in) investing activities               (377.0)       (447.0)

          Proceeds from employee stock option exercises                                6.4             -
          Proceeds from new borrowings, net                                        5,275.7             -
          Principal payments on long-term debt                                   (5,957.3)         (7.0)
                                                                                 ----------    ----------
                             Net cash (used in) financing activities               (675.2)         (7.0)

Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents                         (1.7)          14.8
                                                                                 ----------    ----------
(Decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                                            (526.2)       (171.3)
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period                                       795.9         640.7
                                                                                 ----------    ----------
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period                                            $269.7        $469.4
                                                                                 ==========    ==========

          Cash paid during the period for interest, exclusive of amounts            $359.1        $466.2
            capitalised                                                                0.2
          Income taxes paid



ntl's primary measure of profit or loss for each of our reportable segments
is segment profit (loss).  Our  management,  including our chief  executive
officer who is our chief operating decision maker, considers segment profit
(loss) an important  indicator of the operational  strength and performance
of our reportable segments. Segment profit (loss) for each segment excludes
the impact of costs and expenses that do not directly affect our cash flows
or do not directly  relate to the  operating  performance  of that segment.
These  costs and  expenses  include  depreciation,  amortisation,  interest
expense, loss on extinguishment of debt, foreign currency transaction gains
(losses), share of income (losses) from equity investments, and taxation.

Other charges,  including  restructuring  charges and other losses are also
excluded from segment  profit  (loss) as  management  believes they are not
characteristic   of  our  underlying   business   operations.   Furthermore
management  believes  that some of the  components of these charges are not
directly related to the performance of a single reportable segment.


Combined  segment  profit is not a financial  measure  recognised  under US
GAAP.  Combined  segment  profit  represents our combined  earnings  before
interest,  taxes,  depreciation and amortisation,  other charges,  share of
income from equity investments,  loss on extinguishment of debt and foreign
currency  transaction gains (losses),  for each of our reportable  business
segments. This measure is most directly comparable to the US GAAP financial
measure net income (loss). Some of the significant  limitations  associated
with the use of combined  segment  profit as compared to net income  (loss)
are that combined  segment  profit does not consider the amount of required
reinvestment in depreciable fixed assets, interest expense, gains or losses
on foreign currency transactions, income tax expense or benefit and similar
items on our results of  operations.  Combined  segment profit also ignores
the impact on our results of operations of items that  management  believes
are not characteristic of our underlying business operations. We compensate
for these limitations by using combined segment profit to measure profit or
loss on a combined  divisional  basis and not to determine our consolidated
results of operations.

We  believe  combined  segment  profit is  helpful  for  understanding  our
performance  and  assessing  our  prospects  for the  future,  and  that it
provides useful supplemental information to investors. In particular,  this
non-US GAAP financial measure reflects an additional way of viewing aspects
of our  operations  that,  when  viewed  with our US GAAP  results  and the
reconciliations to net income (loss),  shown below, provide a more complete
understanding of factors and trends affecting our business.  Because non-US
GAAP  financial  measures are not  standardised,  it may not be possible to
compare combined  segment profit (loss) with other  companies'  non-US GAAP
financial measures that have the same or similar names. The presentation of
this supplemental information is not meant to be considered in isolation or
as a  substitute  for net  income  (loss) or other  measures  of  financial
performance reported in accordance with US GAAP.


ntl's  primary  measure of  expenditures  for fixed  assets is Fixed  Asset
Additions (Accrual Basis). Fixed Asset Additions (Accrual Basis) is defined
as the  purchase of fixed  assets as measured  on an accrual  basis.  ntl's
business  is   underpinned  by  its   significant   investment  in  network
infrastructure and information  technology.  Management therefore considers
Fixed Asset Additions (Accrual Basis) an important  component in evaluating
ntl's liquidity and financial condition since purchases of fixed assets are
a necessary component of ongoing operations. Fixed Asset Additions (Accrual
Basis) (formerly Capital Expenditure) is most directly comparable to the US
GAAP  financial  measure  purchases  of fixed  assets  as  reported  in the
Statement of Cash Flows.  The significant  limitations  associated with the
use of Fixed Asset  Additions  (Accrual  Basis) as compared to purchases of
fixed assets are (1) Fixed Asset Additions  (Accrual Basis) excludes timing
differences  from  payments of  liabilities  related to  purchases of fixed
assets and (2) Fixed Asset Additions  (Accrual Basis) excludes  capitalised
interest.  Management  excludes  these  amounts from Fixed Asset  Additions
(Accrual  Basis)  because  both are  more  related  to the cash  management
treasury  function than to ntl's  management  of fixed asset  purchases for
long-term operational performance and liquidity. Management compensates for
these limitations by separately  measuring and forecasting  working capital
and interest payments.


ntl's  primary  measure of cash flow is Free Cash  Flow.  Free Cash Flow is
defined  as net  cash  provided  by (used  in)  operating  activities  less
purchase of fixed assets.  ntl's business is underpinned by its significant
investment in network infrastructure and information technology. Management
therefore  considers  it  important to measure cash flow after cash used in
the purchase of fixed assets. Free Cash Flow is most directly comparable to
the US GAAP  financial  measure net cash  provided  by (used in)  operating
activities.  The significant  limitation  associated with Free Cash Flow as
compared to net cash provided by (used in) operating  activities is that it
includes  cash used in the  investing  activity,  purchase of fixed assets.
Management  deducts  purchase of fixed assets in arriving at Free Cash Flow
because it considers the amount invested in the purchase of fixed assets to
be an important component in evaluating ntl's liquidity.

The  presentation  of this  supplemental  information  is not  meant  to be
considered in isolation or as a substitute  for other measures of financial
performance  reported  in  accordance  with US GAAP  accepted in the United
States.  These non-US GAAP financial  measures reflect an additional way of
viewing  aspects of ntl's  operations  that, when viewed with ntl's US GAAP
results  and the  accompanying  reconciliations  to  corresponding  US GAAP
financial  measures,  provide a more complete  understanding of factors and
trends affecting ntl's business.  Management encourages investors to review
ntl's financial statements and publicly-filed reports in their entirety and
to not rely on any single financial measure.

                                          RECONCILIATION OF REVENUE TO US GAAP REVENUE AND
                                                            (IN MILLIONS)

                                                3 MONTHS         3 MONTHS        3 MONTHS         3 MONTHS        3 MONTHS
                                                  ENDED            ENDED           ENDED            ENDED          ENDED
                                                SEPTEMBER          JUNE            MARCH           DECEMBER       SEPTEMBER
                                                 30, 2004        30, 2004         31, 2004         31, 2003        30, 2003

Revenue (in (pound)'s)                        (pound) 583.1    (pound) 584.4    (pound) 585.0    (pound) 576.7    (pound) 555.2

Effective exchange rate                                1.82             1.81             1.84             1.70             1.61

US GAAP Revenue (in US $'s)                        $1,060.8         $1,055.5         $1,076.1           $982.7           $894.1

Combined Segment Profit (in (pound)'s)        (pound) 178.5    (pound) 202.4    (pound) 194.9    (pound) 204.6    (pound) 200.1

Effective exchange rate                                1.82             1.81             1.84             1.70             1.61

Combined Segment Profit (in US $'s)                  $324.7           $365.7           $358.5           $346.9           $322.4

Reconciling items:
  Other Charges                                      (11.5)           (26.9)            (0.9)           (12.7)            (4.2)
  Depreciation & Amortisation                       (360.7)          (351.5)          (353.6)          (414.6)          (346.7)
Operating income (loss)                              (47.5)           (12.7)              4.0           (80.4)           (28.5)
  Interest income (expense) and other, net          (108.7)          (120.8)          (134.9)          (188.2)          (183.7)
  Loss on extinguishment of debt                        -            (290.1)              -                -                -
  Share of income (losses) from equity
    investments                                         0.9              1.0              1.2              1.0              -
  Foreign currency transaction (losses) gains        (16.5)           (25.3)             12.9             33.0              3.4
  Income tax benefit (expense)                        (1.7)            (0.6)            (3.5)             10.7             18.0

US GAAP net (loss) in (US $)                       ($173.5)         ($448.5)         ($120.3)         ($223.9)         ($190.8)

(pound) Equivalent net loss                  ((pound) 95.4)  ((pound) 249.8)   ((pound) 65.4)  ((pound )130.2)  ((pound) 118.4)

(pound) Equivalent operating income (loss)   (pound) (26.0)    ((pound) 7.0)      (pound) 2.2   ((pound) 47.4)   ((pound) 17.7)

                                                      RECONCILIATION OF
                                                       (IN MILLIONS)

                                                3 MONTHS         3 MONTHS        3 MONTHS         3 MONTHS        3 MONTHS
                                                  ENDED            ENDED           ENDED            ENDED          ENDED
                                                SEPTEMBER          JUNE            MARCH           DECEMBER       SEPTEMBER
                                                 30, 2004        30, 2004         31, 2004         31, 2003        30, 2003

Fixed Asset Additions (accrual basis)
  (in (pound)'s)                              (pound) 84.7     (pound) 69.3     (pound) 68.5     (pound) 63.6     (pound) 58.9

Effective exchange rate                               1.81             1.81             1.84             1.71             1.61

Fixed Asset Additions (accrual basis)               $154.0           $125.4           $125.9           $109.0            $95.0
  (in US $'s)

Other items:

Changes in liabilities related to Fixed              (1.6)              4.1           (21.2)              7.7             62.8
Asset Additions (accrual basis)
Subtotal                                             (1.6)              4.1           (21.2)              7.7             62.8

Purchase of Fixed Assets (in US $'s)                $152.4           $129.5           $104.7           $116.7           $157.8

                                                        OPERATING ACTIVITIES
                                                            (IN MILLIONS)

                                   3 MONTHS ENDED     3 MONTHS ENDED     3 MONTHS ENDED       3 MONTHS ENDED       3 MONTHS ENDED
                                 SEPTEMBER 30, 2004   JUNE 30, 2004      MARCH 31, 2004      DECEMBER 31, 2003   SEPTEMBER 30, 2003

Free cashflow ((pound)m)         (pound) 52.2         (pound) 38.0      ((pound) 12.8)                  85.3              (78.4)

Effective exchange rate                  1.81                 1.85                1.84                  1.60                1.61

Free cashflow ($m)                      $94.4                $70.2               $23.5                $136.5             ($126.3)

Add back: Purchase of Fixed
  Assets                                152.4                129.5               104.7                 116.7               157.8
Net Cash provided by (used in)
  operating activities ($m)            $246.8               $199.7               $81.2                $253.2               $31.5


Various statements contained herein constitute "forward-looking statements"
as that term is defined under the Private Securities  Litigation Reform Act
of 1995. When used herein,  the words  "believe,"  "anticipate,"  "should,"
"intend," "plan," "will," "expects," "estimates," "projects," "positioned,"
"strategy,"  and  similar   expressions   identify  these   forward-looking
statements.  These  forward-looking  statements  involve  known and unknown
risks,  uncertainties  and other factors that may cause our actual results,
performance or achievements or industry results to be materially  different
from those  contemplated,  projected,  forecasted,  estimated  or budgeted,
whether expressed or implied, by these  forward-looking  statements.  These
factors  include  those set forth under the caption  "Risk  Factors" in our
form  10-K  that was  filed  with the SEC on March  11,  2004 and under the
caption "Risks  Factors" in a  Registration  Statement on Form S-8 that was
filed with the SEC on September 9, 2004 such as:

o    potential  adverse  developments  with  respect  to our  liquidity  or
     results of operations;

o    our significant debt payments and other contractual commitments;

o    our ability to fund and execute our business plan;

o    our ability to generate sufficient cash to service our debt;

o    the  impact  of  new  business  opportunities   requiring  significant
     up-front investments;

o    our  ability to attract  and retain  customers,  increase  our overall
     market   penetration  and  react  to  competition  from  providers  of
     alternative services;

o    our ability to integrate our billing systems;

o    our significant management changes since our emergence from Chapter 11

o    our ability to develop and maintain back-up for our critical systems;

o    our ability to respond adequately to technological developments;

o    our ability to maintain contracts that are critical to our operations;

o    our ability to continue to design networks, install facilities, obtain
     and maintain  any required  governmental  licenses or  approvals,  and
     finance construction and development, in a timely manner at reasonable
     costs and on satisfactory terms and conditions;

o    interest rate and currency exchange rate fluctuations;

o    the  impact  of  our  reorganisation  and  subsequent   organisational
     restructuring; and

o    our plan to separate ntl:  Broadcast from our other operations and the
     results of our ongoing auction process.

We assume no obligation to update the forward-looking  statements contained
herein to reflect  actual  results,  changes in  assumptions  or changes in
factors affecting these statements.



US: Patti Leahy, +1 610 667 5554
UK: Virginia Ramsden, +44 (0)20 7967 3338


Alison Kirkwood, +44 (0)1256 752662 / (0)7788 186154

Buchanan Communications
Richard Oldworth or Jeremy Garcia, +44 (0)20 7466 5000

There will be a conference  call to analysts and  investors  today at 08.30
EDT/ 13.30 UK time.  Analysts and investors can dial in to the presentation
by calling + 1 334 420 4951 OR +1 334 323 6201 in the United States or + 44
(0)20  7162  0025 for  international  access or via a live  webcast  of the
conference   call   and    presentation    on   the   Company's    website,

The replay will be available for one week beginning approximately two hours
after the end of the call until November 10, 2004. The dial-in number is as
follows:  US Replay Dial-in Number: + 1 334 323 6222 and the  International
Replay Dial-in Number is + 44 (0)20 8288 4459 Conference ID: 437552.

(subscriber totals in 000s)                                  UK        IRELAND (1)       TOTAL
Homes Marketable (2)
   Telco - On Net                                          7,730.1           23.0       7,753.1
   ATV                                                     7,910.0          468.9       8,378.9
   DTV                                                     7,411.0          403.3       7,814.3
   Broadband                                               6,854.9           66.5       6,921.4
                                                        ============== ============= ===============
   Single RGU                                                889.3          317.9       1,221.2
   Dual RGU                                                1,428.7            7.6       1,444.2
   Triple RGU                                                695.8            0           697.7
                                                        -------------- ------------- ---------------
   Total                                                   3,013.8          325.5       3,339.3
                                                        ============== ============= ===============
   Telephone Customers                                     2,592.4            2.2       2,594.6

   Television Customers
      DTV - Cable                                          1,414.7           70.7       1,485.4
      ATV - Cable & Master Antenna Television                641.4          254.8         896.2
                                                        -------------- ------------- ---------------
      Total                                                2,056.1          325.5       2,381.6
                                                        ============== ============= ===============
      Dial-Up (metered - active last 30 days) (5)             56.7            0            56.7
      Dial-Up (unmetered - active last 30 days) (5)          193.9            1.3         195.2
      DTV Access                                               8.2            0             8.2
      Broadband                                            1,136.0            5.4       1,130.8
      Broadband 60 day free trial (78% of 48.1)               37.5                         37.5
                                                        -------------- ------------- ---------------
      Total                                                1,432.3            6.7       1,439.0
                                                        ============== ============= ===============
RGUs (3)
   Telephone                                               2,592.4            2.2       2,594.6
   Television                                              2,056.1          325.5       2,381.6
   Broadband Internet                                      1,173.5            5.4       1,178.9
                                                        -------------- ------------- ---------------
   Total                                                   5,822.0          333.1       6,155.1
                                                        ============== ============= ===============
RGUs/Customer                                                 1.93           1.02          1.84

Penetration (4)
   Telephone                                                  33.5%           9.6%         33.5%
   Television                                                 26.0%          69.4%         28.4%
   Broadband Internet                                         17.1%           8.1%         17.0%
   Customer                                                   38.1%          69.4%         39.9%

Customer/RGU Movement
   Opening Customers (at June 30, 2004)                    2,981.5          324.2       3,305.7
   Data cleanse (5)                                            2.7            0             2.7
                                                        -------------- ------------- ---------------
   Adjusted opening Customers                              2,984.2          324.2       3,308.4
   Gross Adds                                                187.9            9.4         197.3
   Disconnects                                              (134.5)          (8.1)       (142.6)
   Reduction to customer count (6)                           (23.8)           0           (23.8)
                                                        -------------- ------------- ---------------
   Closing Customers (at September 30, 2004)               3,013.8          325.5       3,339.3
                                                        ============== ============= ===============
   Quarterly Customer Adds                                    53.4            1.3          54.7
   Quarterly RGU Adds                                         98.7            2.6         101.3
   % Customer Churn (7)                                       1.5%            0.8%          1.4%

Off-Net Telephony
   Telephone                                                   7.3            0.7           8.0
   Telephone and Internet                                     81.7            0.5          82.2
                                                        -------------- ------------- ---------------
   Total                                                      89.0            1.2          90.2
                                                        ============== ============= ===============


(1)  ntl: Ireland also offers MMDS services to 70,000  marketable homes and
     had approximately 18,100 digital MMDS customers at September 30, 2004.
     In October,  ntl: Ireland ceased its domestic direct telephone service
     to its 2,200 customers after identifying a potential safety risk.

(2)  Homes  marketable refer to the number of homes within our service area
     that can potentially be served by our network with minimal  connection

(3)  Telephone,  television  and broadband  internet  subscribers  directly
     connected to our network  count as one RGU each. As such, a subscriber
     who receives both telephone and television service counts as two RGUs.
     RGUs may include subscribers receiving some services at a reduced rate
     in connection with incentive offers.

(4)  Penetration  rate measures the number of subscribers  for our services
     divided by the number of marketable homes that our services pass.

(5)  Data  cleanse  activity,  as  part  of the  harmonisation  of  billing
     systems,   resulted  in  an  increase   of   recorded   customers   by
     approximately  2,700 and an increase of RGUs by approximately 900. The
     data  cleanse  reduced  DTV RGUs by 800,  reduced  ATV RGUs by 200 and
     increased broadband RGUs by 1,900.

(6)  After reviewing how our existing  disconnection  and credit management
     practices  have  been  applied  and  complied  with,  we have  removed
     approximately  23,800  customers,  representing  approximately  35,600
     RGUs, from the customer count; see discussion on page 5. Of the 35,600
     RGUs,  19,200 were telephony RGUs, 8,400 were DTV RGUs, 1,800 were ATV
     RGUs and 6,200 were broadband RGUs.

(7)  Monthly  customer churn is calculated by taking the total  disconnects
     during the month and dividing them by the average  number of customers
     during  the  month.  Average  monthly  churn  during a quarter  is the
     average of the three  monthly churn  calculations  within the quarter.
     The 23,800 customers  removed from the customer count (see footnote 6)
     will be  disconnected  in Q4 and are not  included  in the Q3  monthly