Exhibit 99.1 Section 94 The Insolvency Act 1986 Form 4.71 Return of Final Meeting in a S.94 Members' Voluntary Winding Up [MVLFIN-06144) Pursuant to Section 94 of the Insolvency Act 1986 To the Registrar of Companies For official use ------------- ---------- ----------- ------------- ---------- ----------- Company Number -------------------------------------------------- 2983307 -------------------------------------------------- Name of Company ---------------------------------------------- (a) Insert full name of Titan Cable plc company ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- (b) Insert full name(s) I, Nicholas James Dargan and address(es) Athene Place, PO Box 810 66 Shoe Lane London EC4A 3 WA (c)Delete as give notice that a general meeting of applicable the company was duly (c) held on (d) 24 (d) Insert date March 2006 pursuant to Section 94 of the (e) The copy account Insolvency Act 1986, for the purposes of must be having an account (of which a copy is authenticated by attached) (e) laid before it showing how the written the winding up of the company has been signature(s) of conducted, and the property of the the liquidator(s) company has been disposed of and (c) [that the same was done accordingly]. Signed /s/ Date 24 March 2006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ For Official Use Presenter's name, address N J Dargan Liquidation Section Post Room and reference (if any) Deloitte & Touche LLP Athene Place 66 Shoe Lane London EC4A 3 WA SECTION 94 FORM 4.71 CONTD LIQUIDATOR'S STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT: MEMBERS' VOLUNTARY WINDING UP Statement showing how winding up has been conducted and property of the company has been disposed of Name of company: Titan Cable plc --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From 20 May 2005 (commencement of winding up) to 24 march 2006 (close of winding up) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Statement of assets and Receipts Payments liabilities - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Receipts Cash at Bank Costs of Solicitor to Liquidator Bank Interest Gross Other Law Costs Marketable Securities Liquidator's remuneration 157,412 Inter-company Debtor 272,914 537,945 Where (% on (pound) realised) (pound) Stock in Trade applicable (% on (pound) Work in Progress distributed) Freehold Property By whom fixed - members Leasehold Property Auctioneers and Valuers charges Plant and Machinery Professional Services 83,569 Costs of possession and 20,766 maintenance of estate Furniture, Fittings, Utensils etc Costs of notices in Gazette and Local Paper 118 Patent, Trademarks etc VAT 40,295 Investments other than marketable 8 Incidental outlay 3,664 Securities --------- Total Costs and Charges (pound) 305,824 Surplus from securities Unpaid calls at commencement (i) Debenture holder: (pound) of winding-up Payment of (pound) per Amount received from calls on (pound) debenture contributories made in the Payment of (pound) per winding-up Receipts per trading account (pound) debenture Payment of (pound) per (pound) debenture (ii) Creditors: Other property viz: --------- 272,922 * Preferential --------- * Unsecured 232,121 (pound) Dividends of p in (pound) on (pound) Less: Amount owed to subsidiary 2 (The estimate of amount expected Payments to redeem securities to rank for dividend was (pound) ) Costs of Execution 272,914 Payments per Trading Account --------- 272,916 (iii) Return to Contributories: ---------- --------- 537,945 _____ per (pound)-- _____Share ___ per (pound)-- Net Realisations (pound) 6 _____ Share ___ per (pound)-- ___ + share --------- BALANCE NIL -------- (pound) 537,945 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Form 4.71 contd (1) Assets, including - shown in the statement of assets -------------------------------------------- and liabilities and estimated to be of the value of -------------------------------------------- (pound) - have proved to be unrealisable. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (2) State amount paid into the Insolvency Service Account in respect of: (a) unclaimed dividends payable to creditors in the winding up (pound)- (b) other unclaimed dividends in the winding up (pound)- (c) moneys held by the company in trust in respect of dividends or other sums due before the commencement of the winding up to any person as a member of the company (3) Add here any special remarks the Liquidator thinks desirable: THE RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS SHOWN IN THE STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT RELATE TO A BANK ACCOUNT HELD BY THE COMPANY ON TRUST FOR TELEWEST UK LIMITED. THE INVESTMENT IN TELEWEST FINANCE (JERSEY) LIMITED WAS REALISED BY RECEIPT OF A (POUND)2 DISTRIBUTION IN SPECIE FROM THE COMPANY. THIS AMOUNT WAS SET-OFF BY THE 12 OWED TO TELEWEST FINANCE (JERSEY) LIMITED. THE PAYMENT FOR THE SURRENDER OF THE ONE SHARE HELD IN TELEWEST GLOBAL, EXPECTED TO BE IN THE SUM OF JUST OVER S16 HAS NOT YET BEEN RECEIVED. AS IT WILL BE RECEIVED AFTER THE CLOSURE OF THE LIQUIDATION, THE CHEQUE WILL HAVE TO,BE PAID INTO THE BANK OF ENGLAND INSOLVENCY SERVICES ACCOUNT Dated: 24 March 2006 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Signed (by the Liquidator) /s/ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name and address of Liquidator (IN BLOCK LETTERS) NICHOLAS JAMES DARGAN - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELOITTE & TOUCHE LLP, ATHENE PLACE, 66 SHOE LANE, LONDON, EC4A 3WA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes * State number. Preferential creditors need not be separately shown if all creditors have been paid in full. + State nominal value and class of share.