London, England, April 4, 2006 - NTL Incorporated (NASDAQ: NTLI) ("ntl")
and the  Independent  Board of Virgin Mobile  Holdings (UK) plc ("Virgin
Mobile") are pleased to announce that they have reached agreement on the
terms of a cash offer,  with a share  alternative  offer and a share and
cash  alternative  offer,  to be made by ntl and one of its wholly owned
subsidiaries  to acquire the entire share  capital of Virgin Mobile (the
"Offer"). Full details of the Offer are detailed in an announcement made
today in the United Kingdom under Rule 2.5 of the U.K. Takeover Code.

Under the Offer, Virgin Mobile Shareholders can elect for:

(1)  372 pence in cash for each Virgin Mobile share; or

(2)  the share  alternative  of 0.23245  shares of ntl common  stock for
     each  Virgin  Mobile  share,  valued at 389p per share based on the
     closing price of ntl's common stock and the $/(pound) exchange rate
     at 3 April 2006; or

(3)  the share and cash  alternative  of  0.18596  shares of ntl  common
     stock,  valued at 311p per Virgin Mobile share based on the closing
     price of ntl's common stock and the  $/(pound)  exchange  rate at 3
     April 2006, plus 67 pence in cash, for each Virgin Mobile share.

The Cash  Offer  values  Virgin  Mobile  at  approximately  (pound)962.4

Virgin Group Investments  Limited ("Virgin Group"),  which  beneficially
owns  approximately 71.2 per cent. of Virgin Mobile's shares, and Virgin
Entertainment  Investments  Holdings Limited  ("Virgin  Entertainment"),
have  irrevocably   undertaken,   irrespective  of  whether  any  higher
competing  bid is  made,  to  elect  in full  for  the  share  and  cash
alternative.  Other Virgin Mobile  shareholders,  who hold an additional
0.82  per  cent.  of  Virgin  Mobile's  shares,  have  also  irrevocably
undertaken to accept the Offer.

Virgin Mobile is the UK's leading mobile virtual  network  operator with
4.3 million  customers.  Virgin Mobile uses the T-Mobile network for the
transmission of its traffic.  For the last twelve months ended September
30, 2005,  Virgin Mobile had total  revenues,  under IFRS, of (pound)539
million.  Virgin Mobile does not operate  outside of the United Kingdom,
and  does  not own  Virgin  Mobile  in the  United  States  or in  other

ntl is also entering into a long-term  exclusive  license agreement with
Virgin  Enterprises  Limited  under  which its  existing  license to use
certain  Virgin  trade  marks  within the United  Kingdom and Ireland in
respect of its internet  business will be extended to television,  fixed
line telephony and, upon completion of the acquisition of Virgin Mobile,
mobile  telephony,  as well as the  acquisition  and branding of sports,
movies and other premium television content and the branding and sale of
certain  communications  equipment,  such as set  top  boxes  and  cable
modems.  The  agreement  will provide for an annual  royalty of 0.25% of
relevant  consumer  revenues,  subject  to a minimum  annual  royalty of
(pound)8.5 million (the royalty would have been  approximately  (pound)9
million based on 2005 revenues  including Virgin Mobile and Virgin.Net).
ntl will also have the right to adopt a corporate name that includes the
Virgin name. In connection with the agreement,  Virgin  Enterprises will
have the right to propose a candidate to serve as a director of ntl, and
it will also have the right to nominate a senior marketing  executive as
an ntl  employee.  Pursuant  to the  U.K.  Takeover  Code,  the  license
agreement  is subject to  approval  by a majority  of the Virgin  Mobile
shareholders  who are not affiliated with the Virgin Group.  ntl expects
to commence  the  proposed  re-branding  within 12 months of the license
agreement becoming unconditional.

Closely  following  the  merger of ntl and  Telewest  to create the UK's
leading triple-play  provider,  ntl's combination with Virgin Mobile and
the proposed  re-branding of its combined  consumer  businesses with the
Virgin brand  represents an important  milestone in ntl's  history.  ntl
believes  the  combination  and  re-branding  of its  combined  consumer
operations will deliver  wide-ranging  strategic and financial  benefits
to shareholders.  In particular,  ntl believes that the combination with
Virgin Mobile and the  re-branding of the combined  consumer  operations
with the Virgin brand will:

o     help  transform  it  from  the  UK's  leading   triple-play  cable
      provider  into  a  national   entertainment   and   communications
      company, harnessing the powerful Virgin consumer champion brand

o     enhance  ntl as a  scale  competitor  in the UK,  enabling  ntl to
      compete  more  effectively  with the  large  incumbents  in the UK
      telecommunications  market.  In addition,  the  extension of ntl's
      product suite to include  mobility will,  ntl believes,  provide a
      strong  platform for  innovation  and  development  of  innovation
      converged  products,  such as converged fixed and mobile telephony
      devices, and video and voice services

o     appeal to existing  and new  consumers by offering a wide range of
      high quality communications  services from a single provider, with
      the unique flavour and customer focus of the Virgin brand

o     allow it to extend its  expertise  in bundling  and  cross-selling
      communications products to mobile telephony

o     provide potential for revenue synergies:

     o    increasing   penetration   and  reducing   customer  churn  by
          providing an appealing product suite under the Virgin brand

     o    increasing  average  revenue per user  through  the  effective
          cross-selling  of mobile services into customer homes serviced
          by ntl, and triple-play services to Virgin Mobile subscribers

o     not  materially  affect ntl's current  leverage.  Other  potential
      benefits  anticipated  include  savings on some of the re-branding
      costs ntl may have incurred had it rebranded under a newly created
      brand,  and the use of  certain  existing  capital  allowances  to
      offset Virgin Mobile taxable income

Virgin  Mobile will retain its  existing  brand and will  continue to be
based in the UK.  Virgin  Mobile's  operating  business will continue to
be led by members of Virgin Mobile's current  management team, and it is
intended that a marketing  director from Virgin will join ntl,  bringing
Virgin's brand expertise to the ntl management team.

The Offer  will be  implemented  through a U.K.  Scheme of  Arrangement.
After  receiving  court approval to hold a shareholder  meeting,  Virgin
Mobile  shareholders  will be  asked at a  meeting  of  shareholders  to
approve  the  Scheme of  Arrangement.  The  court  will then be asked to
confirm the  fairness of the Scheme.  The Scheme will be  structured  so
that  the  ntl  shares   issued  in  the  Scheme  will  be  exempt  from
registration  under  the  U.S.  Securities  Act  of  1933,  as  amended.
Completion  of the Scheme is  expected  in late June 2006.  The Offer is
subject to competition  authority  approval in the United Kingdom and is
also subject to the  shareholder  vote  described  above relating to the
license  agreement.  The  Offer  is  not  subject  to  approval  by  ntl

ntl will finance the cash portion of the Offer (approximately (pound)414
million,  assuming  that  all  of  the  shareholders  other  than  those
affiliated  with the Virgin Group take cash),  the refinancing of Virgin
Mobile's outstanding indebtedness  (approximately  (pound)193 million as
at September 30, 2005) and  transactional  expenses  through  (pound)475
million of  additional  bank  borrowings  committed  under its  existing
facility and cash on hand.

The  Independent  Board of Virgin  Mobile,  who have been so  advised by
Morgan Stanley & Co. Limited, consider the terms of the Offer to be fair
and reasonable.  In providing  advice to the Independent  Board,  Morgan
Stanley & Co. Limited has taken into account the commercial  assessments
of the Independent  Board.  The  Independent  Board of Virgin Mobile has
indicated  to ntl that it  intends  unanimously  to  recommend  that the
Virgin  Mobile   shareholders  vote  in  favor  of  the  Scheme  at  the
appropriate meetings, as the Independent Directors have undertaken to do
in respect of all their own beneficial holdings of Virgin Mobile shares.
Virgin Mobile shareholders  considering making an election for the share
alternative  or for the share and cash  alternative  are referred to the
investment  considerations  that will be set out in the Scheme document.
The decision as to whether Virgin Mobile  shareholders  make an election
for the share  alternative  or for the share and cash  alternative  will
depend on their individual circumstances.  If Virgin Mobile shareholders
are in any doubt as to the action  they  should  take,  they should seek
their own financial advice from an independent financial advisor.

The  affiliates  of Virgin Group who will receive ntl stock in the share
and cash offer have agreed to: (a) limit (with the restriction  relaxing
on a staged basis) the  disposition  of their ntl shares over 18 months;
and (b) certain  limitations on their conduct as ntl shareholders.  They
have  also  received   certain   registration   rights  under  the  U.S.
securities laws.

Commenting on the Offer, James Mooney, Executive Chairman of ntl, said:

"We are  delighted  to  announce  the  recommended  Offer  and the brand
licensing with Virgin today,  which not only delivers mobile  capability
to our  product  bundle but also  gives us access to a leading  consumer
brand.  It truly is a step-change  transaction  not only for ntl but for
the media sector as a whole in the UK.

Central to today's  announcement  is our strong  belief that  offering a
quad-play  underpins true media  convergence,  and offering high quality
communications   services   will,   we   believe,   appeal  to  existing
subscribers  of the enlarged  business as well as new  customers.  There
is a natural  appeal for mobile,  telephony,  broadband  and  television
content  and  ntl  is  now  truly  unique  in its  mass  market  product

Commenting on the Offer,  Charles  Gurassa,  Chairman of Virgin  Mobile,

"After  careful  consideration,  the  Independent  Directors  of  Virgin
Mobile  intend to  recommend  ntl's  Offer to  shareholders.  This Offer
reflects the strong  operational  and  financial  performance  of Virgin
Mobile  and  represents  an  excellent  opportunity  for  Virgin  Mobile
shareholders  to realise the significant  increase in shareholder  value
since  flotation.  We  believe  this Offer is in the best  interests  of
Virgin Mobile's shareholders, customers and employees."

Goldman  Sachs & Co. acted as  financial  advisor to ntl, and provided a
fairness  opinion  as to the  consideration  in  the  Offer  to the  ntl
board.   Morgan  Stanley & Co.  Limited  acted as  financial  advisor to
Virgin  Mobile.   Fried Frank Harris  Shriver & Jacobson LLP and Ashurst
acted as  counsel  to ntl.   Allen & Overy LLP acted as  counsel  to the
Independent  Board of Virgin Mobile.  Herbert Smith LLP acted as counsel
to Virgin Group Investments Limited.


Richard Williams                                        Tel: +44 (0)20 7299 5479

Buchanan Communications (PR Adviser to ntl)
Mark Edwards/Jeremy Garcia                              Tel: +44 (0)20 7466 5000

Goldman Sachs & Co. (Financial Adviser to ntl)
Alain Carrier                                           Tel: +44 (0)20 7774 1000

Virgin Mobile
Steven Day or Mike Thomas                               Tel: +44 (0)20 7484 4300

Morgan Stanley & Co. Limited (Financial Adviser to
Virgin Mobile)
Justin Manson or Scott Bruckner                         Tel: +44 (0)20 7425 8000

Investec Bank (UK) Limited (Corporate
Broker to Virgin Mobile)
Chris Godsmark                                          Tel: +44 (O)20 7597 5051

JP Morgan Cazenove (Corporate Broker to
Virgin Mobile)
Arjun Khullar                                           Tel: +44 (O)20 7155 8642

Finsbury (PR Adviser to Virgin Mobile)
James Murgatroyd or Don Hunter                          Tel: +44 (0)20 7251 3801

A conference  call and webcast for analysts and investors  regarding the
Offer  will be held  today at 2 p.m.  UK time/ 9 a.m.  Eastern  Standard
Time (UK:  +44 20 7365  8426,  US: +1 617 597  5341,  participant  code:
ntl).  The  presentation  can also be accessed live via webcast on ntl's
website,   The  teleconference  replay  will  be
available for one week beginning  approximately  two hours after the end
of the call and will be  available  until  Tuesday,  11 April 2006.  The
dial-in  replay  number  for  the  US  is:  +1  617  801  6888  and  the
international  dial-in  replay  number  is:  +44 (0) 207 365 8427,  pass
code: 98450630.

Goldman Sachs  International,  which is authorised  and regulated in the
United  Kingdom  by  the  Financial   Services   Authority,   is  acting
exclusively  for ntl and the Cash Offeror and no one else in  connection
with the Offer and will not be  responsible to anyone other than ntl and
the  Cash  Offeror  for  providing  the  protections   afforded  to  its
customers  or for  providing  advice  in  relation  to the  Offer or any
matter or arrangement referred to herein.

Morgan  Stanley & Co.  Limited is acting  exclusively  for Virgin Mobile
and  no  one  else  in  connection  with  the  Offer  and  will  not  be
responsible  to anyone  other  than  Virgin  Mobile  for  providing  the
protections  afforded to its clients or for providing advice in relation
to the Offer or any matter or arrangement referred to herein.

Investec Bank (UK) Limited is acting  exclusively  for Virgin Mobile and
no one else in connection  with the Offer and will not be responsible to
anyone other than Virgin Mobile for providing the  protections  afforded
to its clients or for  providing  advice in relation to the Offer or any
matter or arrangement referred to herein.

JP Morgan  Cazenove is acting  exclusively  for Virgin Mobile and no one
else in connection  with the Offer and will not be responsible to anyone
other than Virgin Mobile for providing the  protections  afforded to its
clients or for  providing  advice in relation to the Offer or any matter
or arrangement referred to herein.


The availability of the Offer to Virgin Mobile  Shareholders who are not
resident in the United  Kingdom and the United States may be affected by
the laws of relevant  jurisdictions.  Virgin Mobile Shareholders who are
not  resident  in the United  Kingdom or the United  States will need to
inform themselves about and observe any applicable requirements.

Any securities that are offered  pursuant to the Offer described in this
announcement  have  not  been  and  will  not be  registered  under  the
applicable securities laws of Australia,  Canada or Japan.  Accordingly,
any such securities may not be offered,  sold or delivered,  directly or
indirectly,  in or into  Australia,  Canada or Japan except  pursuant to
exemptions from applicable requirements of such jurisdictions.

The Offer will be subject to the  applicable  rules and  regulations  of
the UKLA,  the London  Stock  Exchange  and the City Code.  In addition,
the Offer will be subject to the applicable  requirements  of the United
States federal and state  securities  laws and the applicable  rules and
regulations   of  NASDAQ   (except  to  the  extent   exempt  from  such

Virgin Mobile  Shareholders should read any prospectus that may be filed
by ntl with the SEC, because any such prospectus will contain  important
information.  Investors  may  obtain a free copy of any  prospectus,  if
and when it becomes  available,  and other  documents  filed by ntl with
the SEC,  at the SEC's  website at  Free  copies of
any  prospectus,  if and when it becomes  available,  may be obtained by
directing a request to ntl Incorporated,  9098 Third Avenue, Suite 2863,
New York, New York 10022,  Attention:  Investor Relations.  If the Offer
proceeds by way of scheme of  arrangement,  however,  it is  anticipated
that no prospectus  would be required  because the transaction  would be
exempt  from  registration  under  the US  Securities  Act of  1933,  as
amended,  pursuant to section 3(a)(10) thereof,  in which case this fact
will be  disclosed  in the scheme  document  sent to all  Virgin  Mobile

This  communication  shall  not  constitute  an  offer  to  sell  or the
solicitation of an offer to buy securities,  or the  solicitation of any
vote or  approval,  nor  shall  there be any sale of  securities  in any
jurisdiction  in  which  such  offer,  solicitation  or  sale  would  be
unlawful prior to  registration  or  qualification  under the securities
laws of such jurisdiction.


Under the  provisions of Rule 8.3 of the City Code, if any person is, or
becomes,  "interested"  (directly or  indirectly) in 1 per cent. or more
of any class of  "relevant  securities"  of ntl,  the Cash Offeror or of
Virgin  Mobile,  all  "dealings"  in any "relevant  securities"  of that
company  (including by means of an option in respect of, or a derivative
referenced  to,  any  such  "relevant   securities")  must  be  publicly
disclosed by no later than 3.30 p.m.  (London  time) on the Business Day
following the date of the relevant  transaction.  This  requirement will
continue  until  the date on which the Offer  becomes,  or is  declared,
unconditional as to acceptances,  lapses or is otherwise withdrawn or on
which the "offer  period"  otherwise  ends.  If two or more  persons act
together  pursuant to an agreement or  understanding,  whether formal or
informal,  to acquire an "interest" in "relevant securities" of ntl, the
Cash  Offeror  or  Virgin  Mobile,  they  will be  deemed to be a single
person for the  purpose of Rule 8.3.  Under the  provisions  of Rule 8.1
of the City Code,  all  "dealings" in "relevant  securities" of ntl, the
Cash  Offeror  or of Virgin  Mobile by ntl,  the Cash  Offeror or Virgin
Mobile,  or by any of their respective  "associates",  must be disclosed
by no later than 12.00 noon (London  time) on the Business Day following
the  date  of the  relevant  transaction.  A  disclosure  table,  giving
details  of the  companies  in whose  "relevant  securities"  "dealings"
should be disclosed,  and the number of such securities in issue, can be
found   on   the   Panel's   website   at
"Interests  in  securities"  arise,  in summary,  when a person has long
economic exposure,  whether conditional or absolute, to changes in price
of  securities.  In  particular,  a person  will be treated as having an
"interest"  by virtue of the ownership or control of  securities,  or by
virtue  of any  option  in  respect  of, or  derivative  referenced  to,
securities.  Terms in  quotation  marks are  defined  in the City  Code,
which  can  also be  found  on the  Panel's  website.  If you are in any
doubt as to  whether or not you are  required  to  disclose a  "dealing"
under Rule 8, you should consult the Panel.


Certain statements in this document  regarding the proposed  transaction
between ntl and Virgin  Mobile,  the expected  timetable for  completing
the transaction,  future financial and operating  results,  benefits and
synergies  of the  transaction,  future  opportunities  for the combined
company and products and any other statements  regarding Virgin Mobile's
or ntl's future  expectations,  beliefs,  goals or prospects  constitute
forward-looking  statements as that term is defined in the U.S.  Private
Securities  Litigation  Reform Act of 1995.  When used in this document,
the words "believe",  "anticipate",  "should", "intend", "plan", "will",
"expects",  "estimates",  "projects",   "positioned",   "strategy",  and
similar  expressions  or statements  that are not historical  facts,  in
each case as they relate to ntl and Virgin  Mobile,  the  management  of
either  such  company  or the  proposed  transaction,  are  intended  to
identify those expressions or statements as forward-looking  statements.
In  addition  to the risks  and  uncertainties  noted in this  document,
there are  certain  factors,  risks and  uncertainties  that could cause
actual results to differ  materially  from those  anticipated by some of
the  statements  made,  many of which are beyond the  control of ntl and
Virgin  Mobile.  These  include:  (1) the  failure  to obtain and retain
expected  synergies  from  the  integration  of  legacy  ntl and  legacy
Telewest  Global and the proposed  transaction,  (2) rates of success in
executing,  managing and  integrating  key  acquisitions,  including the
integration  of legacy ntl and legacy  Telewest  Global and the proposed
acquisition,  (3) the ability to achieve business plans for the combined
company,   (4)  the  ability  to  manage  and   maintain   key  customer
relationships,  (5) delays in obtaining, or adverse conditions contained
in, any  regulatory  or  third-party  approvals in  connection  with the
proposed  acquisition,  (6)  availability  and cost of capital,  (7) the
ability  to manage  regulatory,  tax and legal  matters,  and to resolve
pending  matters within current  estimates,  (8) other similar  factors,
and (9) the risk factors  summarized and explained in the 2005 Form 10-K
for  NTL  Holdings  Inc.   (fka  NTL   Incorporated).   For   additional
information  concerning  factors  that  could  cause  actual  results to
materially differ from those projected  herein,  please refer to ntl and
NTL Holdings Inc.'s most recent Form 10-K, 10-Q and 8-K reports.