Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) 
of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
 (Amendment No. 1) 

Filed by the Registrant   [x]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant   [ ]

Check the appropriate box:

[x]   Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ]   Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ]   Definitive Additional Materials
[ ]   Soliciting Material Pursuant to section 240.14a-11(c) or
      section 240.14a-12

                           AUTOINFO, INC.
            (Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

                           AUTOINFO, INC.
            (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[ ]   $125 per Exchange Act Rules 0-11(c)(1)(ii), 14a-6(i)(1),
or 14a-6(i)(2).
[x]   $500 per each party to the controversy pursuant to Exchange Act 
Rule 14a-6(i)(3).
[ ]   Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rule 14a-6(i)(4)
and 0-11.

     1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
     2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
     3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed 
pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11:
     4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
 [x]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange
     Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the
     offsetting fee was paid previously.  Identify the previous filing
     by registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the
     date of its filing.

     1) Amount Previously Paid:
________ $500 _________________________________________
     2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
________ Schedule A _____________________________________
     3) Filing Party:
________ AutoInfo, Inc. _________________________________
     4) Date Filed:
________ June 20, 1995 __________________________________


1600 Route 208
Fair Lawn, New Jersey  07410
(201) 703-0500


June __, 1995

Dear Fellow Stockholders:

This Revocation of Consent Statement is furnished by the 
Board of Directors (the "Board") of AutoInfo, Inc., a Delaware 
corporation (the "Company"), to the holders of outstanding shares of the 
Company's Common Stock, par value $.01 per share (the "Common Stock"), 
in connection with the Board's opposition to the solicitation (the 
"Steel Partners Solicitation") by (i) Mr. Warren G. Lichtenstein, the 
29-year-old founder and Chairman of the Board of Steel Partners, Ltd., a 
New York corporation ("Partners") (Partners is the general partner of 
the general partner of Steel Partners II, L.P., a Delaware Limited 
Partnership ("Steel")), (ii) Mr. Lawrence Butler, the 32-year-old co-
founder and President of Partners and (iii) Mr. Jack L. Howard, a 33-
year-old limited partner of the general partner of Steel (Messrs. 
Lichtenstein, Butler and Howard, who refer to themselves as the 
"AutoInfo Stockholders Committee", are referred to herein, collectively, 
as the "Steel Partners Parties"), of written stockholder consents to (i) 
remove, without cause, all of the current members of the Board, (ii) 
elect to the Board a slate of six nominees designated by the Steel 
Partners Parties (the "Steel Partners Nominees") and (iii) amend the 
Company's By-laws to provide that any acquisition by the Company, 
whether by stock purchase, merger, asset acquisition or other similar 
type transaction, where the consideration to be paid by the Company is 
more than fifty percent of the Company's assets at the time of such 
transaction, will be subject to the approval of a majority of the 
Company's stockholders.  This Statement and the enclosed GREEN 
Revocation of Consent Card are first being mailed to stockholders on or 
about June __, 1995.




If you have any questions about giving your revocation of 
consent or require assistance, please call:

77 Water Street
New York, NY  10005
(212) 269-5550 (Collect)
CALL TOLL FREE (800) 326-3066

- -2-

The Board is soliciting against the Steel Partners Solicitation.  
Consider these facts:

   The current Board believes that it has a successful track record in
   enhancing shareholder value.  For example, the current Board recently
   recommended, and successfully consummated, with the approval of
   approximately 98% of the votes cast by stockholders in a stockholder
   vote relating to the approval of such transaction , the sale of the
   principal portion of the Company's operating businesses to a
   subsidiary of Automatic Data Processing, Inc., ADP Claims Solutions
   Group, Inc. ("ADP Solutions"), for a purchase price of $30,350,000
   (the "Proceeds") and a taxable gain of approximately $21,000,000 (the
   "ADP Transaction").  The operations of the businesses sold were
   started by the Company at the time of its inception in 1976 and were
   expanded through a series of acquisitions and through internal

   With an average tenure in office of approximately 13 years, the
   present Board directed the Company through the majority of the period
   the Company has been in business.  Additionally, five Board members
   (Andrew Gaspar, Scott Zecher, Robert Fagenson, Jason Bacher and
   Howard Nusbaum) have been with the Company since its initial public
   offering in 1986.

   The current Board is working closely with management of the Company
   to implement a plan to best utilize the Proceeds.  As always, the
   primary focus is on enhancing value for all the Company's
   stockholders.  The options being considered by the current Board
   include potential acquisitions, redemptions of Common Stock and the
   payment of a substantial portion of the Proceeds as a dividend to
   stockholders.  The Board has fixed no deadline by which any of these
   actions would be taken.

   The Steel Partners Nominees have stated their intention to rescind
   the Shareholder Rights Plan (the "Plan") adopted by the current Board
   on March 30, 1995.  The Board's purpose in adopting the Plan was and
   is to protect the interests of the Company's stockholders from
   abusive takeover tactics, including attempts to acquire control of
   the Company at an inadequate price, without paying any "control
   premium" to the Company's stockholders.  Although the Plan may
   discourage certain tender offers and other attempts to change control
   of the Company, making it more difficult to remove the current board
   and incumbent management, on balance, in the Board's opinion, the
   Plan is important to ensure that any change in control transaction
   effected with respect to the Company would only be effected in a
   manner in which the interests of all the Company's stockholders are
   fairly and adequately represented.  The Plan does not block any
   stockholder, or any other person, from suggesting proposals which
   would have the effect of enhancing stockholder value.  Steel already
   owns 14.9% of the Company's outstanding Common Stock.  Any rescission
   of the Plan would permit Steel to acquire additional shares of Common
   Stock without Board approval and would thereby facilitate the ability
   of Steel to acquire effective control of the Company without paying a
   "control premium" to you and all other stockholders.

- -3-

   Prior to March 30, 1995, Steel orally requested that the current
   Board of Directors permit it to acquire additional shares of the
   Company's Common Stock without becoming subject to Section 203 of the
   Delaware General Corporation Law.  This law generally provides that
   if a stockholder acquires 15% or more of a corporation's outstanding
   stock (unless such acquisition was made with the prior approval of
   the board of directors of the corporation), any business combination
   transaction between that corporation and the interested stockholder
   must be approved by the holders of two thirds of the outstanding
   stock of the corporation which is not owned by the interested
   stockholder.  Although the Steel Partners Nominees have not disclosed
   any intention to effect a business combination transaction between
   the Company and some other entity which Steel and/or the partners of
   Steel control, if the Steel Partners Nominees succeed in obtaining
   control of the Company through the Steel Partners Solicitation, Steel
   will be able to effect a business combination with an entity
   controlled by Steel and/or the partners of Steel without affording
   stockholders of the Company the protection of Section 203.

- -4-

On June 14, 1995, the Company commenced an action in 
Delaware Federal Court alleging that Steel Partners, Ryback Management 
Corporation ("Ryback") and certain individuals affiliated with those 
entities had violated the Federal Securities laws in connection with 
their acquisition of Common Stock and the Steel Partners' Solicitation.

The Company's complaint alleges, among other matters, that 
Steel Partners violated Sections 13(d) and 14(a) of the Securities and 
Exchange Act of 1934 by, among other things, filing false and misleading 
Schedules 13D that failed to disclose Steel Partners' original intent -- 
from at least the summer of 1994 -- to attempt to take control of the 
Company and that Steel Partners had been acting in concert with Ryback 
in its surreptitious takeover attempt.  The complaint alleges, among 
other matters, that Ryback has violated the Federal Securities laws by 
(i) fraudulently certifying, in January 1995, that it had no intent to 
influence control of the Company when, in fact, Ryback was working with 
Steel Partners in support of its takeover plans, and (ii) failing to 
file a Schedule 13D disclosing the full extent of its holdings in the 
Company or its actions in support of Steel Partners' takeover attempt.
The Company's complaint seeks, among other things, to have 
the Delaware Federal Court enjoin Steel Partners' Solicitation and to 
require the defendants to file corrected disclosure documents.  The 
Company has sought expedited treatment of its lawsuit.

- -5-

On June 22, 1995, the Company entered into a Settlement Agreement 
between the Company, Ryback, Eric C. Ryback and Lawrence Callahan 
(the "Settlement Agreement"; Ryback together with Eric C. Ryback 
and Lawrence Callahan, collectively, the "Ryback Defendants").  
The Settlement provides that, for a period of five (5) years, 
Ryback Management, the holder of approximately 14.8% of the 
Company's outstanding shares, will vote such shares on all matters 
in accordance with the recommendation of the Board, unless, as a 
result of the recommendation, the Board's "outside directors" (as 
such term is hereinafter defined) would not continue to constitute 
a majority, in which case, the shares would be voted in the same 
proportion as the vote of other stockholders.  The terms of the 
Settlement Agreement would prohibit Ryback from giving its consent 
to the Steel Partners Solicitation.  The Settlement Agreement also 
provides for the dismissal of the Company's litigation against the 
Ryback Defendants and for mutual releases from the Company to the 
Ryback Defendants and from the Ryback Defendants to the Company.  
For a more detailed description of the provisions of the 
Settlement Agreement see - Terms of Ryback Settlement Agreement.
- -6-


The record date for determination of the stockholders of the 
Company entitled to execute, withhold or revoke consents relating to the 
Steel Partners Solicitation is the close of business on May 31, 1995 
(the "Record Date").  Under Delaware law, unrevoked consents from the 
holders of record of a majority of the outstanding shares of Common 
Stock on the Record Date are necessary for the Company's stockholders to 
effectively act by written consent to (i) remove without cause all of 
the members of the current Board, (ii) elect the Steel Partners Nominees 
and (iii) amend the Company's By-laws to provide that any acquisition by 
the Company, whether by stock purchase, merger, asset acquisition or 
other similar type transaction, where the consideration to be paid by 
the Company is more than fifty percent of the Company's assets at the 
time of such transaction, will be subject to the approval of a majority 
of the Company's stockholders.  As of the Record Date, there were 
7,732,252 shares of Common Stock outstanding, each entitled to one vote 
per share.

Under Section 228 of the General Corporation Law of the 
State of Delaware, consents must be delivered within 60 days of the 
earliest dated consent delivered to the Company.  The earliest dated 
consent was delivered by the Steel Partners Parties to the Company on 
May 31, 1995.  Accordingly, any consent dated or delivered to the 
Company after July 29, 1995 will not be valid.

A stockholder may revoke any previously signed consent by 
signing, dating and returning a GREEN Revocation of Consent Card.  A 
consent may also be revoked by delivery of a written revocation of 
consent to the Steel Partners Parties.  Stockholders are urged, however, 
to deliver all revocations of consents to D.F. King & Co., Inc., at 77 
Water Street, 20th Floor, New York, N.Y.  10005.  The Company requests 
that if a revocation is instead delivered to the Steel Partners Parties, 
a photostatic copy of the revocation also be delivered to the Company, 
c/o D.F. King & Co., Inc. at the address set forth above, so that the 
Company will be aware of all revocations.  Any revocation of consent may 
itself be revoked at any time by signing, dating and returning a 
subsequently dated white consent card sent to you by the Steel Partners 
Parties to the Steel Partners Parties, or by delivery of a written 
revocation of such revocation of consent to the Company or the Steel 
Partners Parties.
Section 7 of Article 1 of the Company's By-laws establishes 
a mechanism to ensure that consent solicitations are conducted in a fair 
and orderly manner.  As contemplated by Section 7 of Article 1, the 
Company will retain an independent inspector of elections in connection 
with the Steel Partners Solicitation.

- -7-


ANDREW GASPAR, age 47, was named Chairman of the Board on 
March 29, 1995.  Mr. Gaspar has, since March 1991, been President of the 
general partner of R.S. Lauder, Gaspar & Co. and Vice-Chairman of The 
Central European Development Corporation, venture capital firms 
conducting business in the United States and Eastern Europe.  Prior 
thereto, Mr. Gaspar was a Managing Director of E.M. Warburg Pincus & 
Co., a venture banking and investment advisory firm, a position he held 
from 1982 through March 1991.  He holds a B.S. degree from Columbia 
University, an M.S. degree from Northeastern University and an M.B.A. 
degree from Harvard Business School.  He has been a director of the 
Company since 1978.

JASON BACHER, age 56, has been Chairman of the Board and the 
Chief Executive Officer of the Company from its inception in 1976 
through March 29, 1995.  Mr. Bacher has been associated with the 
automobile salvage industry since 1961 as a principal of Bacher Tire 
Company, Inc., an automobile recycler located in the New York 
metropolitan area.  In connection with the sale by the Company of a 
principal portion of its business to ADP Solutions on April 1, 1995, Mr. 
Bacher joined ADP Solutions.

SCOTT ZECHER, age 36, joined the Company in January 1984, 
and was named its President and Chief Operating Officer in January 1993.  
Prior to becoming President, he held the position of Executive Vice 
President and Chief Financial Officer.  He became a director of the 
Company in 1989.  From 1980 to 1984, he was with the accounting firm of 
KPMG Peat Marwick.  Mr. Zecher is a Certified Public Accountant with a 
B.A. degree in Accounting and Economics from the City University of New 
York at Queens College.

ROBERT FAGENSON, age 46, has been an officer and director of 
Fagenson & Co., Inc., a registered broker-dealer, for more than five 
years.  Mr. Fagenson is a member of the Board of Directors of the New 
York Stock Exchange.  Since April 1983, Mr. Fagenson has also served as 
the Secretary and a director of Starr Securities, Inc., a registered 
broker-dealer, which was the underwriter of the Company's initial public 
offering in May 1986.  Mr. Fagenson has been a director of the Company 
since June 1986.  Mr. Fagenson is also a director of Healthy Planets 
Products, Inc., Microtel Franchise and Development Corp. and Rentway, 
Inc.  Mr. Fagenson has a B.S. degree in Business Administration from 
Syracuse University.

HOWARD NUSBAUM, age 47, has been a director of the Company 
from its inception in 1976.  Mr. Nusbaum, who earned a B.A. degree from 
Brooklyn College, has been a consultant to the automobile recycling 
industry since 1976.

JEROME STENGEL, age 58, has been a Vice President, Treasurer 
and Chief Financial Officer of Genovese Drug Stores, Inc., an American 
Stock Exchange company, for more than five years.  Mr. Stengel is a 
Certified Public Accountant with a B.B.A. degree from the City 
University of New York.  He has been a director of the Company since 

- -8-

WILLIAM WUNDERLICH, age 47, joined the Company in October 
1992 as its Vice President-Finance and became Chief Financial Officer in 
January 1993.  From 1990 to 1992, he served as Vice President of 
Goldstein Affiliates, Inc., a public insurance adjusting company.  From 
1981 to 1990 he served as Executive Vice President, Chief Financial 
Officer and a Director of Novo Corporation, a manufacturer of consumer 
products.  Mr. Wunderlich is a Certified Public Accountant with a B.A. 
degree in Accounting and Economics from the City University of New York 
at Queens College.


During the year ended May 31, 1995, the Board held ten 
meetings.  Each of the current members of the Board attended at least 
75% of such meetings.


The Board maintains an Audit Committee and a Compensation 
Committee, both of which are comprised of Messrs. Fagenson, Gaspar and 
Stengel, all of whom are non-employee directors.  The Audit Committee 
approves the selection of the Company's auditors and meets and interacts 
with the auditors to discuss questions in regard to the Company's 
financial reporting.  The Compensation Committee evaluates the 
performance of the Company's executive employees and determines the 
salaries and other compensation payable to such persons.  During the 
last full fiscal year, the Compensation Committee met twice and the 
Audit Committee met once, with all members present at each respective 
Committee meeting.

- -9-


The Summary Compensation Table below includes, for each of 
the fiscal years ended May 31, 1995, 1994 and 1993, individual 
compensation for services to the Company and its subsidiaries paid to:  
(1) the Chief Executive Officer, and (2) the other most highly paid 
executive officers of the Company during the fiscal year ended May 31, 
1995 whose salary and bonus exceeded $100,000 (together, the "Named 
                          Annual           Long-Term       All
Name and Principal        Compensation    Compensation     Other 
Position                Year  Salary    Bonus     Options  Compensation(1)
Jason Bacher(2)         1995  $125,000  $182,854(3)             $4,300
Chairman of the         1994  $135,417  $ 45,000    75,000      $4,063
 Board and              1993  $125,000  $ 18,166      --        $3,750
 Chief Executive

Scott Zecher            1995  $145,000  $235,000(3) 80,000      $4,230
 President and          1994  $144,000  $ 65,000      --        $3,240
 Chief Operating        1993  $134,500  $ 37,000   100,000      $2,690

William Wunderlich      1995  $103,333  $ 80,000(3) 40,000      $5,500
Treasurer and           1994  $ 91,250  $ 19,000    35,000      $3,068
Chief Financial         1993  $ 55,624  $  2,000    50,000      $1,063

(1)  Represents amounts contributed to the Company's 401(k) deferred
     compensation plan.
(2)  Mr. Bacher resigned as Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive
     Officer on March 29, 1995.
(3)  Includes a one-time bonus relating to the ADP Transaction in the
     amount of $100,000 to Jason Bacher, $150,000 to Scott Zecher and
     $50,000 to William Wunderlich.

Employment Agreements

Messrs. Zecher and Wunderlich are employed by the Company 
pursuant to employment agreements which expire in April 1998 and April 
1997, respectively.  These agreements provide for minimum annual 
compensation of $150,000 and $120,000, respectively, and provide for 
annual review by the Board of Directors.

The Company has entered into supplemental employment 
agreements (the "Supplemental Employment Agreements") with Messrs. 
Zecher and Wunderlich (the "Covered Executives"), which provide that if 
there is a Change in Control of the Company (as defined therein) during 
the Protected Period (described below), the terms of the Supplemental 
Employment Agreements will supersede the Covered Executives' existing 
employment agreements and will govern the terms of the Covered 
Executives' employment following the Change in Control for a three-year 
term, in the case of Mr. Zecher, and a two-year term, in the case of Mr. 
Wunderlich (the "Employment Term").  For these purposes, the Protected 
Period is a three-year period which commenced on April 10, 1995 and is 
automatically extended for one year on April  10, 1996 and each April 10 
thereafter, unless the Company otherwise notifies the 

- -10-

Covered Executive at least 90 days prior thereto.  The 
Supplemental Employment Agreements provide that during the Employment 
Term the Covered Executives will remain employed in their capacities 
with the Company as of the Change in Control and will continue to 
receive an annual salary (the "Base Salary") and benefits at least equal 
to that which they received prior to the Change in Control and an annual 
bonus at least equal to the Covered Executive's average annual bonus 
during the three years prior to the Change in Control.  The Supplemental 
Employment Agreements provide that if, during the Employment Term, the 
Covered Executive's employment is terminated by the Company other than 
for Cause or Disability or by the Executive either for Good Reason or 
during the 60-day Window Period commencing on the anniversary of the 
Change in Control (as each of the foregoing terms are defined in the 
applicable Supplemental Employment Agreement), the Covered Executive 
would receive a severance payment equal to the sum of his Base Salary 
and the higher of his annual bonus for the then most recent year or his 
average annual bonus during the three years preceding the Change in 
Control (the "Highest Annual Bonus") multiplied by two, in the case of 
Mr. Zecher, and one and one-half, in the case of Mr. Wunderlich.  In 
addition, the restrictions on any stock-related incentive awards held by 
the Covered Executive would lapse and he would be entitled to continued 
coverage under the Company's life, health and disability benefits for 
two years following termination of his employment  (three years in the 
case of Mr. Zecher) or until he receives similar benefits from a new 
employer.  If Mr. Zecher's employment is terminated (as described above) 
prior to April 10, 1996, he would receive severance equal to three 
(rather than two) times his Base Salary and Highest Annual Bonus.  If 
Mr. Wunderlich's employment is terminated (as described above) prior to 
October 10, 1995, he would receive severance equal to two (rather than 
one and one-half) times his Base Salary and Highest Annual Bonus.  Mr. 
Zecher's Supplemental Employment Agreement also provides that if he is 
subject to excise taxes under Section 4999 of the Internal Revenue Code 
on any payments or benefits triggered by a Change in Control, he will be 
entitled to receive an additional amount such that after the payment of 
all applicable taxes he will retain an amount equal to that which he 
would have retained absent the excise taxes.  In the event that the 
Steel Partners' solicitation is successful and the current directors are 
removed and replaced with the Steel Partners Nominees, a Change in 
Control will be deemed to have occurred under the terms of the 
Supplemental Employment Agreements.  In connection with the Supplemental 
Employment Agreements, the Company also approved the creation and 
funding of a     so-called      Rabbi Trust     which is a form of a 
grantor trust under which the assets of the trust remain subject to 
the satisfaction of the general claims of the Company's creditors,    
to provide for the payment of all benefits payable under the 
Supplemental Employment Agreements.

The Supplemental Employment Agreements were entered into on 
April 10, 1995, after Steel acquired 14.9% of the Company's Common 
Stock.  In the opinion of the Board, it was necessary and desirable to 
enter into the Supplemental Employment Agreements and to implement the 
Rabbi Trust and the funding thereof so that the Covered Executives would 
concentrate on performing their duties and promoting the best interests 
of the Company and its stockholders without being concerned about the 
possibility of a Change in Control.  In the opinion of the Board of 
Directors, the provisions of the Supplemental Employment Agreements and 
implementing the Rabbi Trust and the funding thereof would not have any 
significant impact on the decision of any person or entity relating to 
whether or not to acquire the Company or effect a Change in Control,
    although a person or entity interested in acquiring, or effecting a  

- -11-

Change in Control, of the Company may view the provisions of the
Supplemental Employment Agreement and the funding of the Rabbi Trust as
making it more difficult to consummate an acquisition, or effect a Change
in Control, of the Company.      In addition, in the opinion of the Board
of Directors, entering into the Supplemental Employment Agreements and
implementing the Rabbi Trust and the funding thereof would not have an
adverse impact on the Company's ability to execute its business strategy
in pursuing value for the benefit of all stockholders.

Restricted Stock Grants

In November 1987, the Company issued 410,000 shares of 
Common Stock pursuant to restricted stock bonus grants to key 
executives, directors and consultants.  In January 1994, the Company 
issued 15,000 shares of Common Stock pursuant to a restricted stock 
bonus grant to a non-employee director.  Such shares vest ratably over a 
period of 30 years.  The unvested portion is subject, upon the 
occurrence of certain events, to either forfeiture or accelerated 

401(k) Cash or Deferred Compensation

The Company maintains a tax-qualified 401(k) cash or 
deferred compensation plan that covers all employees who have completed 
30 days of service with the Company and have attained age 21.  
Participants are permitted, within the limitations imposed by the 
Internal Revenue Code, to make pre-tax contributions to the plan 
pursuant to salary reduction agreements.  The Company makes a 50% 
matching cash contribution on up to a 6% contribution by the employee.  
In addition, the Company may, in its discretion, make additional 
contributions as permitted by the Internal Revenue Code.  The 
contributions of the participants and the Company are held in separate 
accounts.  Participants' contributions are always fully vested.  The 
Company's contributions vest proportionally over a five-year period 
commencing on the employee's date of employment.

Stock Option Plans

In February 1986, the Company's stockholders approved the 
AutoInfo 1985 Stock Option Plan (the "1985 Plan") which provides that a 
total of 555,000 shares of Common Stock are subject to options granted 
thereunder.  In November 1986, the Company's stockholders approved the 
AutoInfo 1986 Stock Option Plan (the "1986 Plan") which provides that a 
total of 637,500 shares of Common Stock are subject to options granted 
thereunder.  In October 1989, the Company's stockholders approved the 
AutoInfo 1989 Stock Plan (the "1989 Plan") which provides that a total 
of 300,000 shares of Common Stock are subject to options granted 
thereunder.  In November 1992, the Company's stockholders approved the 
AutoInfo 1992 Stock Option Plan (the "1992 Plan") which provides that a 
total of 350,000 shares of Common Stock are subject to options granted 
thereunder.  (The 1985 Plan, 1986 Plan, 1989 Plan and 1992 Plan are 
sometimes collectively referred to herein as the "Option Plans".)

Under the Option Plans, the Company may grant options to 
purchase Common Stock to its officers, key employees, directors, and, in 
the case of the 1985 and 1992 Plans, to

- -12-

non-employees performing 
services for the Company.  Payment of the option exercise price is to be 
made (i) in cash, (ii) by delivery of Common Stock already owned by and 
in the possession of the option holder, or (iii) if so provided for in 
the option being exercised, by delivery of the option holder's 
promissory note in favor of the Company.  If an option granted under an 
Option Plan expires, terminates or is canceled without being exercised 
in full, the unpurchased shares subject to such option will again be 
available for options to be granted under such Plan.  Options may be 
granted in the form of incentive stock options ("Incentive Options") or 
options which do 

not qualify for the favorable tax treatment of Incentive 
Options which are known as non-qualified options.

The Option Plans are administered by a committee of the 
Board of Directors consisting of Messrs. Fagenson, Gaspar and Stengel, 
who are ineligible to participate in the Option Plans.

No options may be exercised more than ten years from the 
date of grant, and no options may be granted after December 16, 1996, 
December 31, 1996, December 31, 1999 and December 31, 2002 under the 
1985 Plan, 1986 Plan, 1989 Plan, and 1992 Plan, respectively.

The option price of each Incentive Option granted under the 
Option Plans shall be not less than 100% of the fair market value of the 
Common Stock as of the date the option is granted (110% of the fair 
market value if the grant is to an employee holding 10% or more of the 
Company's outstanding Common Stock).  Options other than Incentive 
Options may be granted at an exercise price as determined by the Board.  
The exercise prices of such non-qualified options must be at least 85% 
of the fair market value of the underlying shares of Common Stock at the 
date of grant.  Options granted are not transferable and are subject to 
various other conditions and restrictions.  All Incentive Options 
granted before December 31, 1986 must be exercised in the order in which 
they were granted regardless of the difference in the exercise prices.

Option Grants in Fiscal Year 1995

Shown below is information on grants of stock options 
pursuant to the Company's Stock Option Plans during the fiscal year 
ended May 31, 1995, to the Named Executives who are reflected in the 
Summary Compensation Table.

                        Individual Gains in Fiscal 1995                 
                             Percentage of Total
                             Options Granted to   Exercise 
                   Options      Employees in      Price Per   Expiration
Name               Granted      Fiscal Year       Share(1)       Date
Jason Bacher          0                0             --           -- 

Scott Zecher        80,000         29.63%           $4.125      4/10/05

William Wunderlich  40,000          4.81%           $4.125      4/10/05

                       Potential Realized Values
                           at Assumed Annual
                         Rates of Stock Price
                    Appreciation for Option Term(1)
Name                      5%              10%
Jason Bacher              --               --

Scott Zecher          $158,668          $448,123

William Wunderlich     $79,334          $224,081

- -13-

(1)  Based on the closing price on NASDAQ/NMS on the date.

Aggregate Options Exercised in Fiscal Year 1995 and Fiscal Year-End 
Option Values

Shown below is information with respect to (i) options exercised by the 
Named Executives pursuant to the Option Plans during Fiscal 1995 and 
(ii) unexercised options granted 

in Fiscal 1995 and prior years under the Option Plans to the 
Named Executives and held by them at May 31, 1995.

                                                 Number of Unexercised
                      Shares                      Options at 5/31/95
                    Acquired on       Value           Exercisable/
Name                 Exercise        Realized        Unexercisable
Jason Bacher             0              0               0/75,000

Scott Zecher          216,799        330,480            0/113,333

William Wunderlich       0              0              45,000/80,000

                             Values of 
                      Unexercised In-the-Money
                        Options at 5/31/95 (1)
Name                       Unexercisable

Jason Bacher                   $0/$0

Scott Zecher                 $0/$4167

William Wunderlich        $16,667/$8,333

(1)  Based on the closing price as quoted on NASDAQ/NMS on the date.

Director Compensation

The Company pays each non-employee director a fee of $750 
for each meeting attended by such director.

Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation

During the Company's last fiscal year, Messrs. Fagenson, 
Gaspar and Stengel served on the Compensation Committee of the Board of 
Directors.  Other than in their capacities as directors of the Company, 
none of Messrs. Fagenson, Gaspar or Stengel were employed by the Company 
during such times.

Board Compensation Committee Report on Executive Compensation


Compensation Policies Applicable to Executive Officers

The purpose of the Company's executive compensation program 
is to attract, retain and motivate qualified executives to manage the 
business of the Company so as to maximize profits and shareholder value.  
Executive compensation in the aggregate is made up principally of the 
executive's annual base salary, a bonus which may be awarded by the 
Company's Compensation Committee and awards of Company stock or stock 
options under the Company's Stock Option Plans.  The Company's 
Compensation Committee annually considers 

- -14-

and makes recommendations to 
the Board of Directors as to executive compensation including changes in 
base salary, bonuses and awards of Company stock or stock options.

Consistent with the above-noted purpose of the executive 
compensation program, it is the policy of the Compensation Committee, in 
recommending the aggregate annual compensation of the executive officers 
of the Company, to consider overall performance of the Company, the 
performance of the division of the Company for which the executive has 

responsibility and the individual contribution and 
performance of the executive.  The performance of the Company and of the 
division for which the executive has responsibility are significant 
factors in determining aggregate compensation although they are not 
necessarily determinative.  While shareholders' total return is 
important and is considered by the Compensation Committee, it is subject 
to the vagaries of the public market place and the Company's 
compensation program focuses on the Company's strategic plans, corporate 
performance measures, and specific corporate goals which should lead to 
a favorable stock price.  The corporate performance measures which the 
Compensation Committee considers include sales, earnings, return on 
equity and comparisons of sales and earnings with prior years and with 

The Compensation Committee does not rely on any fixed 
formulae or specific numerical criteria in determining an executive's 
aggregate compensation.  It considers both corporate and personal 
performance criteria, competitive compensation levels, the economic 
environment and changes in the cost of living as well as the 
recommendations of management.  The Compensation Committee then 
exercises business judgment based on all of these criteria and the 
purposes of the executive compensation program.

Compensation of the Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Bacher's base salary of $125,000 for 1995 (which 
constituted a ten-month proration of his $150,000 base salary) was based 
principally on his rights under his four-year employment agreement with 
the Company dated January 1, 1994, which was terminated on March 29, 
1995 in connection with the ADP Transaction.  In addition, Mr. Bacher 
received a bonus of $182,854 which the Committee granted to him in 
recognition of the Company's performance in 1995 under his leadership, 
including his role in consummating the Company's transaction with ADP 

                                  Respectfully submitted,

                                  AutoInfo, Inc. Compensation Committee
                                  (Robert Fagenson, Andrew Gaspar and 
                                  Jerome Stengel)

Certain Relationships and Related Transactions

On April 28, 1995 the Company entered into a Promissory Note 
and Security and Pledge Agreement with Scott Zecher, its President, 
Chief Operating Officer and a Director, pursuant to which the Company 
lent to Mr. Zecher, consistent with the Company's past practice, 

- -15-

the sum 
of $466,796.64, in connection with Mr. Zecher's exercise of options to 
acquire 216,799 shares of the Company's Common Stock (the "Shares") 
under the Company's 1985 and 1986 Stock Option Plans.  The Note, which 
is non-interest bearing, is secured by the Shares and is payable on the 
earlier of May 31, 1996 or out of the proceeds of the underlying 
collateral.  As a result of such exercise, the percentage of outstanding 
shares of common stock owned by executive officers and directors of the 
Company increased from approximately 8.7% to approximately 11.5%.  This 
increase may discourage Steel and/or any other interested party from 

instituting a take-over attempt with regard to the Company.  
The purpose of the Company granting an interest free loan for the 
purpose of exercising in-the-money stock options is the same as the 
purpose of the Company for granting stock options to key employees and 
officers; namely, to encourage such key employees and officers to 
acquire an increased personal interest in the success and progress of 
the Company.  The granting of the stock options provides the key 
employee or officer with the potential to benefit from the success and 
growth of the Company and the interest free loan enables such key 
employee or officer to actually realize the benefit when the stock 
option becomes in-the-money.

Total Return Comparison

The following graph sets forth a five-year comparison of 
total returns for:  (1) the Company; (2) a Company selected Peer Group 
(comprised of Data Transmission Network Corp., INCOMNET, Inc., Triad 
Systems Corporation and Policy Management Systems Corporation); and (3) 
the NASDAQ -- US CRSP Total Return Index.  

The following table is represented as a graph in the printed copy:

            AutoInfo, Inc.       Peer Group             NASDAQ US
5/90             100                100                    100
5/91             119                126                    114
5/92              92                160                    133
5/93              81                109                    160
5/94              86                120                    168
5/95              78                162                    196

- -16-


Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 
requires the Company's officers and directors, and persons who own more 
than ten percent of a registered class of the Company's equity 
securities, to file reports of ownership and changes in ownership with 
the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC").  Officers, directors and 
greater than ten-percent shareholders are required by SEC regulation to 
furnish the Company with copies of all Section 16(a) forms they file.

Based solely on review of the copies of such forms furnished 
to the Company, or written representations that no Forms 5 were 
required, the Company believes that all Section 16(a) filing 
requirements applicable to its officers and directors were complied 

The following table, together with the accompanying 
footnotes, sets forth information, as of June 1, 1995, regarding stock 
ownership of all persons known by the Company to own beneficially 5% or 
more of the Company's outstanding Common Stock, all directors and 
nominees, and all directors and officers of the Company as a group.

         Name of              Shares of Common Stock        Percentage
     Beneficial Owner         Beneficially Owned (1)       of Ownership

(i)   Directors:
      Jason Bacher                   331,272(2)               4.3%(5)

      Robert Fagenson                 30,750(3)                  *(5)

      Andrew Gaspar                   45,000                     *

      Howard Nusbaum                 171,531                    2.2%

      Jerome Stengel                  30,000                     *

      Scott Zecher                   331,746                    4.3%

   All executive officers and
    directors as a group (7 persons) 985,299(4)                12.6%(6)

- -17-

(ii)  5% Stockholders:
      Ashford Capital Management, Inc. (7)
      P.O. Box 4172
      Greenville, DE 19807                       403,200         5.2%

      Dimensional Fund Advisors, Inc. (7)
      1299 Ocean Ave.
      Santa Monica, CA  90401                    391,100         5.1%

      Irving B. Harris (7)
      2 North LaSalle Street
      Suite 505
      Chicago, IL  60602                         568,333(8)      7.4%

      Ryback Management Corporation (7)
      7711 Corondelet Ave.
      St. Louis, MO  63105                       903,350        14.8%     

      Steel Partners II L.P. (9)
      750 Lexington Ave.
      New York, NY  10022                      1,100,000        14.2%

*   Less than 1%
(1) Unless otherwise indicated below, each director, executive officer
    and each 5% stockholder has sole voting and investment power with 
    respect to all shares beneficially owned.
(2) Includes 25,000 shares subject to currently exercisable options. 
(3) Includes (i) 1,500 shares owned by the Fagenson & Co. Profit Sharing
    Plan and Employee Pension Plan, of which Mr. Fagenson is a trustee,
    and (ii) 29,250 shares issuable upon exercise of a Common Stock
    purchase warrant held by Mr. Fagenson which is currently
(4) Includes 99,250 shares subject to currently exercisable options or
(5) Assumes that all currently exercisable options or warrants owned by
    this individual have been exercised.
(6) Assumes that all currently exercisable options or warrants owned by
    members of the group have been exercised.
(7) Information with respect to this stockholder has been derived from
        information provided by this stockholder to the Company in
    connection with the Settlement Agreement.       
(8) Includes 273,333 shares subject to currently exercisable warrants
(9) Information with respect to this stockholder has been derived from
    the Schedule 13D filed by such stockholder with the SEC.
- -18-


Cost and Method

The cost of the solicitation of revocations of consent will 
be borne by the Company.  The Company estimates that the total 
expenditures with such solicitation (including the fees and expenses of 
the Company's attorneys and public relations firm and advertising, 
printing, mailing, travel and other costs, but excluding salaries and 
wages of officers and employees and the fees and expenses of D.F. King & 
Co., Inc. described below) will be approximately $250,000, of which 
approximately $35,000 has been spent to date.  In addition to 
solicitation by mail, directors, officers and other employees of the 
Company may, without additional 

compensation, solicit revocations by mail, in person, by 
telecommunication or by other electronic means.

The Company has retained D.F. King & Co., Inc., at an 
estimated fee of $25,000, plus reasonable out-of-pocket expenses, to 
assist in the solicitation of revocations.  Approximately 40 persons 
will be utilized by such firm in its efforts.  The Company will 
reimburse brokerage houses, banks, custodians and other nominees and 
fiduciaries for out-of-pocket expenses incurred in forwarding the 
Company's consent revocation materials to, and obtaining instructions 
relating to such materials from, beneficial owners of Common Stock.

The Company has also agreed to indemnify D.F. King & Co., 
Inc. against certain liabilities and expenses in connection with its 
engagement, including certain liabilities under the federal securities 

Participants in the Solicitation

Under applicable regulations of the SEC, each member of the 
Board may be deemed to be "participants" in the Company's solicitation 
of revocations of consent.  The business address of each participant is 
as follows:  Mr. Jason Bacher, 48 Magnolia Lane, Roslyn Heights, New 
York 11577; Mr. Robert Fagenson, Fagenson & Co., Inc., 19 Rector Street, 
16th Floor, New York, New York 10006; Mr. Andrew Gaspar, R.S. Lauder, 
Gasper and Co. L.P., 767 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4200, New York, New York 
10153; Mr. Howard Nusbaum, 43 Heritage Lane, Stamford, Connecticut 
06903; Mr. Jerome Stengel, Genovese Drug Stores, Inc., 80 Marcus Drive, 
Melville, New York 11747; and Mr. Scott Zecher, AutoInfo, Inc., 1600 
Route 208, Fair Lawn, New Jersey 07410.

Schedule A hereto sets forth transactions in the Company's 
securities by the "participants" listed above during the last two years.  
Information about the present Capital Stock ownership of these 
participants is provided in "Beneficial Ownership of Common Stock".

Except as set forth in this Revocation of Consent Statement, 
(i) no participant referred to above is, or was within the past year, a 
party to any contract, arrangement or understanding with any person with 
respect to any of the Company's securities, and (ii) neither any of the 
participants referred to above nor any of their respective associates 
has any arrangement or understanding with any person with respect to any 
future employment by the 

- -19-

Company or its affiliates, or with respect to 
any future transaction as to which the Company or any of its affiliates 
will or may be a party.

Background of Solicitation

        On April 13, 1995, Steel delivered to the Company a signed 
consent relating to the Steel Partners Solicitation and demanded that 
the Company provide Steel with a list of the Company's Stockholders. On 
May 1, 1995, Steel commenced litigation against the Company in Delaware 
Chancery Court to compel the Company to deliver to Steel the Company's 
stockholder list (the "Steel Lawsuit").  On May 10, 1995, the Company 
made a filing with the Delaware Chancery Court seeking to dismiss the 

Steel Lawsuit on the grounds that Steel did not provide the Company with 
a sworn statement that it intended to utilize the stockholders' list for 
a legitimate purpose and thus, under Delaware law, the Company was not 
required to deliver to Steel a copy of the Company's stockholder list.

      On or about May 16, 1995, Steel withdrew the Steel Lawsuit and 
submitted a new request for a stockholders list together with the 
requisite sworn statement.  The Company then provided Steel with a list 
of the Company's stockholders.

      On May 31, 1995, Steel, by letter to the Company, (i) withdrew the 
consent delivered to the Company on April 13, 1995 and (ii) delivered a 
new consent relating to the Steel Partners Solicitation.

    In April and May of 1995, in response to the Steel Partner Parties 
filing preliminary and definitive proxy statements with the United 
States Securities and Exchange (the "SEC"), the Company filed 
preliminary and definitive Revocation of Consent Statements with the 
SEC.  However, the Company did not mail the definitive Revocation of 
Consent Statement to the Company's stockholders since it determined that 
it should not mail its definitive Revocation of Consent Statement until 
the Steel Partner Parties mailed their proxy statement.  As noted above, 
the Steel Partner Parties withdrew the original consent solicitation 
and, to the Company's knowledge, did not mail their original definitive 
proxy statement to the Company's stockholders.

     In response to the Steel Partner Parties filing new proxy 
statement material with the SEC, the Company again filed new preliminary 
and definitive Revocation of Consent Statements with the SEC.

     In mid-April the Company initiated discussions with the Steel 
Partner Parties in an attempt to avoid the necessity of a costly proxy 
contest.  Between April 20, 1995 and May 11, 1995, the Company met four 
times with the Steel Partner Parties.  The following parties were 
present at all or some of the meetings: on behalf of the Steel Partner 
Parties -- Warren Lichtenstein, Marshall D. Butler and Lawrence Butler, 
on behalf of the Company -- Scott Zecher and Andrew Gaspar.  During the 
course of the discussions, the issues discussed included the terms of a 
standstill agreement for members of the Steel Partner Parties, the size 
of the Board, including Board representation for the Steel Partner 
Parties and the powers of minority directors, the redemption of the 
poison pill, the aggregate amount of Company funds to be spent on

- -20-

acquisitions and other such transactions without requiring stockholder 
and/or super majority Board approval and a right of first refusal by the 
Company on the Common Stock beneficially held by members of the Steel 
Partner Parties.  To date, these discussions have not been successful 
and no agreements or understandings of any kind have been reached.

Pursuant to the Settlement Agreement, Ryback agreed that 
during the term of the Settlement Agreement, unless specifically 
requested in writing in advance by the Board, Ryback will not, and 
will cause its affiliates and associates (as such terms are used 
within Rule 126-2 (as such rule is currently in effect) under the 
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act")) 
not to, alone or in concert with others (and neither Ryback nor 
any affiliate or associate of Ryback will advise, assist or 
encourage others to), directly or indirectly:
(i)	by purchase or otherwise, acquire, or 
agree to acquire, ownership (including, but not limited to, 
beneficial ownership) of any shares of Common Stock of the Company 
(the "Common Stock"), including securities convertible into Common 
Stock, or direct or indirect rights or options to acquire such 
(ii)	make any public announcement with respect 
to, or submit any proposal for, the acquisition of beneficial 
ownership of Common Stock (or securities convertible into Common 
Stock or direct or indirect rights or options to acquire such 
beneficial ownership), or for or with respect to any extraordinary 
transaction or merger, consolidation, sale of substantial assets 
or business combination involving the Company or any of its 
(iii)	make, or in any way participate in, any 
"solicitation" of "proxies" (as such terms are defined or used in 
Regulation 14A under the Exchange Act (the "Exchange Act")) or 
become a "participant" in any "election contest" (as such terms 
are defined or used in Rule 14a-11 under the Exchange Act) to 
vote, or seek to advise or influence any person or entity with 
respect to the voting of, any voting securities of the Company or 
any of its affiliates; 
(iv)	form, join or in any way participate in a 
"group" (as such term is used in Section 13d(3) of the Exchange 
Act) to take any action otherwise prohibited by the terms of the 
Settlement Agreement; 
(v)	initiate or propose any stockholder 
proposals for submission to a vote of stockholders, whether by 
action at a stockholder meeting or by written consent, with 
respect to the Company or any of its affiliates or propose any 
person for election to the Board of the Company or any of its 
affiliates or propose the removal of any member of the Board of 
the Company or any of its affiliates; 
(vi)	otherwise seek to control the management 
or policies of the Company or any of its affiliates, including, 
without limitation, taking any action to seek to obtain 
representation on the Board of the Company or any of its 

- -21-

(vii)	institute, prosecute or pursue against the 
Company (or any of its officers, directors, representatives, 
trustees, employees, attorneys, advisors, agents, affiliates or 
associates) (a) any claim with respect to any action hereafter 
duly approved the Board or (b) any claim on behalf of a class of 
the Company's security holders; 
(viii)	disclose to any third party, or make 
any filing under the Exchange Act (including, without limitation, 
under Section 13(d) thereof) disclosing, any intention, plan or 
arrangement inconsistent with the foregoing; 
(ix)	publicly oppose any duly authorized Board 
action or recommendation; 
(x)	initiate any communication with any 
customer or supplier of the Company or any other person which does 
or is contemplating doing business or entering into a transaction 
with the Company with a view interfering or otherwise adversely 
affecting the relationship between the Company and or the 
applicable customer, supplier or other person;
(xi)	enter into any discussions, negotiations, 
arrangements or understandings with any third party with respect 
to any of the foregoing; or 
(xii)	request the Company (or its directors, 
officers, employees or agents) to amend or waive any provision of 
the Settlement Agreement or otherwise seek any modification to or 
waiver of any of the agreements or obligations of Ryback, or any 
of its affiliates or associates, under the Settlement Agreement.
The Settlement Agreement also provides that during the term of the 
Settlement Agreement, Ryback will not and will cause its 
associates and affiliates not to, transfer, assign, pledge, sell, 
hypothecate or otherwise dispose (a "disposition") of any capital 
stock of the Company owned by it, except if all of the following 
conditions are satisfied with respect to such disposition:

	(i)	the applicable disposition together with all other 
dispositions for the account of Ryback and its associates and 
affiliates during the one month period immediately preceding the 
date of such disposition does not exceed one percent of the 
outstanding Common Stock, as shown on the most recent applicable 
report or statement published by the Company;

	(ii)	such disposition shall be by means of a "broker's 
transaction" within the meaning of rule 144(g) under the 
Securities Act of 1933, as amended; and

	(iii)	with respect to any such disposition, the seller 
shall instruct its broker that such broker shall make due inquiry 
and shall not make the disposition to any person (including any 
agent of such person) if Ryback and/or its affiliates or 
associates or such broker knows, or has reason to believe, that 
such person, together with such persons, affiliates and 
associates, owns, collectively (with its associates and 
affiliates), or, will own, collectively (with its associates and 
affiliates), upon consummation of the disposition, 3% or more of 
the outstanding Common Stock as shown on the most recent 
applicable report or statement published by the Company.

- -22-

Notwithstanding the foregoing, any disposition by the Lindner 
Bulwark Fund after the second anniversary of this Agreement shall 
not require satisfaction of the condition specified in clause (i) 
of the immediately preceding paragraph.

The Settlement Agreement also provides that during the term 
of the Settlement Agreement, with respect to each matter submitted 
to the stockholders of the Company for a vote, whether at a 
meeting or pursuant to any consent of stockholders, including, 
without limitation, any matter submitted to the stockholders of 
the Company relating to the election or removal of directors, 
Ryback agrees to, and agrees to cause its affiliates and 
associates to, vote (whether by proxy or otherwise) all shares of 
Common Stock owned by Ryback and/or any of its affiliates and 
associates in accordance with the applicable duly authorized 
recommendation of the Board; provided, however, that, with respect 
to any recommendation relating to the election or removal of 
directors, if, assuming such recommendation were adopted by the 
stockholders of the Company, less than a majority of all directors 
constituting the Board would be "outside directors" (as such term 
is hereinafter defined), Ryback and its associates and affiliates 
shall vote their shares in the same proportion as the votes of all 
other outstanding voting securities of the Company voting on such 
applicable matter.  As used in the Settlement Agreement, the term 
"outside directors" refer to directors who are not also officers 
or employees of the Company.

The term of the Settlement Agreement is for a period of five 
years commencing on June 22, 1995.

The Settlement Agreement also contains other customary 

- -23-


Any stockholder who desires to present a proposal to be 
considered at the Company's next annual meeting may do so, provided that 
such stockholder satisfies the eligibility requirements established by 
the SEC.  To be considered for submission at the meeting, such proposal 
must be received by the Company (addressed to the attention of the 
Secretary) not later than May 31, 1995.  To be submitted at the meeting, 
any such proposal must be a proper subject for stockholder action under 
the laws of the State of Delaware, and must otherwise conform to 
applicable regulations of the SEC.

We appreciate your support and encouragement.
Andrew Gaspar                      Scott Zecher
Chairman of the Board              President and Chief Operating Officer

- -24-


YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT.  REGARDLESS of the number of shares 
of AutoInfo Common Stock you own, please vote as recommended by your 
Board of Directors by signing, dating and promptly mailing your GREEN 

1.  If your shares are registered in your own name, please 
sign, date and mail the enclosed GREEN Revocation of Consent Card to 
D.F. King & Co., Inc., in the postage-paid envelope provided.

2.  If you have previously signed and returned a white 
consent card to the Steel Partners Parties, you have every right to 
change your mind.  Remember, only your latest dated card will count.  
You may revoke any white consent card already sent to the Steel Partners 
Parties by signing, dating and mailing the enclosed GREEN Revocation of 
Consent Card in the post-paid envelope provided.

3.  If your shares are held in the name of a brokerage firm, 
bank nominee or other institution, only it can sign a GREEN Revocation 
of Consent Card with respect to your shares and only after receiving 
your specific instructions.  Accordingly, please sign, date and mail the 
enclosed GREEN Revocation of Consent Card in the post-paid envelope 
provided.  To ensure that your shares are voted, you should also contact 
the person responsible for your account and give instructions for a 
GREEN Revocation of Consent Card to be issued representing your shares.  
Please do so for each separate account you maintain.

4.  After signing and dating the enclosed GREEN Revocation 
of Consent Card, please do not sign or return any white consent card.  
Please do not even vote "consent withheld" on the Steel Partners 
Parties' white consent card even as a vote to protest.

If you have any questions about giving your revocation of 
consent or require assistance, please call:

D. F. KING & CO., INC.
77 Water Street
New York, NY  10005
(212) 269-5550 (Collect)
CALL TOLL FREE (800) 326-3066

- -25-


The following table sets forth all purchases and sales of 
the Company's securities by the participants referred to above during 
the two years.  Unless otherwise indicated, all transactions are in the 
public market.

Name     Number of Shares of Capital Stock Purchased (or Sold)    Date
Scott Zecher      216,799 shares acquired pursuant               4/28/95
                  to exercise of options

- -26-

Preliminary Copy - For Use of the Commission Only

Solicited on Behalf of the Board of Directors of

The undersigned, a holder of shares of Common Stock, par value 
$.01 per share (the "Common Stock"), of AutoInfo, Inc. (the "Company"), 
acting with respect to all the shares of Common Stock held by the 
undersigned at the close of business on May 31, 1995, hereby acts as 
follows concerning the proposals of the AutoInfo Stockholders Committee 
set forth below:



Resolution that all present directors of the Company, and any 
other directors elected or appointed to the Board of Directors of the 
Company prior to the effective date of these resolutions in addition to 
or in lieu of the foregoing individuals are hereby removed, without 
cause, as directors of the Company.

The undersigned hereby revokes any and all consents and proxies for 
consents which the undersigned may have given for the AutoInfo 
Stockholders Committee Proposal No. 1.

The undersigned does not revoke any consents or proxies for consents 
which the undersigned may have given for the AutoInfo Stockholders 
Committee Proposal No. 1.



Resolution that Warren G. Lichtenstein, Lawrence Butler, Jack L. 
Howard, Marshall D. Butler, Jan R. Sussman and James Benenson, Jr. are 
elected as directors of the Company to fill the vacancies of the Board 
of Directors occasioned by the foregoing removal of directors, to serve 
in that capacity until their successors are duly elected and qualified.

The undersigned hereby revokes any and all consents and proxies for 
consents which the undersigned may have given for the AutoInfo 
Stockholders Committee Proposal No. 2.

The undersigned does not revoke any consents or proxies for consents 
which the undersigned may have given for the AutoInfo Stockholders 
Committee Proposal No. 2.



Resolution that the Bylaws be amended, with subsequent Articles to 
be renumbered as appropriate, by inserting the following article 
following ARTICLE III:



Prior to the consummation by the Corporation of any stock purchase, 
merger, asset acquisition or other similar type transaction where the 
consideration to be delivered by the Corporation is more than fifty (50) 
percent of the Corporation's assets at the time of such transaction (a 
"Business Combination"), the Corporation shall submit such Business 
Combination to its stockholders for approval regardless of whether the 
Business Combination is of a type which normally would require such 
stockholder approval under the DGCL.  In the event that the holders of a 
majority of the outstanding Common Stock present at a duly called 
stockholders meeting vote for the approval of the Business Combination 
or act by consent in lieu of a stockholders' meeting, the Corporation 
shall be authorized to consummate the Business Combination.

The undersigned hereby revokes any and all consents and proxies for 
consents which the undersigned may have given for the AutoInfo 
Stockholders Committee Proposal No. 3.

The undersigned does not revoke any consents or proxies for consents 
which the undersigned may have given for the AutoInfo Stockholders 
Committee Proposal No. 3.

Please indicate your opposition to the AutoInfo Stockholders 
Committee proposals by marking the boxes for "Revocation" and signing, 
dating and mailing this revocation card promptly, using the enclosed, 
postage paid envelope.  If you mark any of the boxes for "Non-
Revocation", any consent you may have given to that particular proposal 
of the AutoInfo Stockholders Committee will not be revoked.  If you need 
additional revocation cards or assistance, call D. F. King & Co., Inc., 
toll free, at (800) 522-5001.

Preliminary Copy - For Use of the Commission Only



Revocations of consents can only be given by a stockholder of record.

Date:______________________, 1995

Signature (Title, if any)

Signature, if held jointly

Please sign your name above exactly as it appears hereon and date 
your card.  When shares are registered in the name of more than one 
person, the revocation card should be signed by all named holders.  When 
signing as attorney, executor, administrator, trustee or guardian, 
please give full title as such.  If a corporation, please sign in full 
corporate name by president or authorized officer.  If a partnership, 
please sign in partnership name by authorized person.