DATED 30 MAY 1997
                           relating to
           the acquisition of the entire issued share
                   capital of Safeline Limited
            SAFELINE HOLDING COMPANY AND          (1)
            SAFELINE LIMITED                      (2)
            EACH OF SELLERS LISTED HEREIN         (3)

                  Ref: F3345.9/CF:118430.22/klm
                        TABLE OF CONTENTS

PARTIES                                                      1

ARTICLE 1                                                    1

PURCHASE AND SALE; CLOSING                                   1

1.1  SALE AND TRANSFER OF SHARES                             1

1.2  PURCHASE PRICE                                          2

1.2A PURCHASE OF MINORITY INTERESTS                          4




1.6  GOVERNMENT GRANTS                                       11

1.7  WAIVER BY SELLERS                                       11

ARTICLE 2                                                    11

  3i GROUP PLC                                               11

     OF ITS SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES                             12

     COMPANIES                                               13

2.3  AUTHORITY                                               15

2.4  FINANCIAL STATEMENTS                                    16

2.5  MATERIAL CHANGES                                        17

2.6  PROPERTY                                                18

2.7  COMPLIANCE WITH LAW                                     19

2.8  IMPROPER PAYMENTS                                       20

2.9  TAXES                                                   20

2.10 DISPUTES                                                26

2.11 CONTRACTS                                               27

2.12 BROKER'S AND FINDER'S FEE                               29

2.13 EMPLOYEES AND EMPLOYEE BENEFITS                         30

2.14 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS                            36

2.15 CONSENTS                                                39

2.16 ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS                                   39

2.17 BOOKS AND RECORDS                                       43

2.18 BANKRUPTCY/INSOLVENCY                                   43

2.19 AFFILIATE TRANSACTIONS                                  45

2.20 INSURANCE                                               45

2.21 CUSTOMERS AND SUPPLIERS                                 46

2.22 PRODUCTS AND SERVICING                                  47

2.23 INFORMATION                                             47

2.24 RELEASES                                                47

2.25 LIMITATION OF WARRANTIES                                48

ARTICLE 3                                                    48


3.1  OWNERSHIP OF THE SHARES                                 48

3.2  AUTHORITY                                               48


3A.1 OWNERSHIP OF THE SHARES                                 49

3A.2 AUTHORITY                                               49

ARTICLE 4                                                    50


4.1  ORGANIZATION AND STANDING                               50

4.2  AUTHORITY                                               50

4.3  BROKER'S AND FINDER'S FEE                               51

4.4  ACQUISITION OF SHARES                                   51

4.5  CONSENTS                                                51

4.6  BREACHES OF WARRANTY                                    51

ARTICLE 5                                                    51

  PURCHASER                                                  51

     31, 1998                                                51

5.2  EXPENSES                                                52

5.3  STAMP TAXES, DUTIES, ETC                                52

5.4  FURTHER ASSURANCES                                      52

5.5  FILINGS                                                 52

5.6  EMPLOYEE ARRANGEMENTS, ETC.                             53

5.7  NON-COMPETITION; NON-INDUCEMENT                         53


5.9  U.S. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS                               55

ARTICLE 6                                                    55

TAX COVENANTS AND INDEMNITIES                                55

6.1  TAX COVENANTS                                           55

6.2  TAX INDEMNITIES                                         56

ARTICLE 7                                                    64

INDEMNIFICATION                                              64


7.2  INDEMNIFICATION BY 3i GROUP PLC                         65

7.3  INDEMNIFICATION BY PURCHASER                            65

7.4  LOSSES                                                  65

7.5  CLAIMS                                                  66

7.6  DATE FOR PAYMENT                                        67

7.7  LIMITATIONS ON INDEMNIFICATION                          67

ARTICLE 8                                                    72

MISCELLANEOUS                                                76

8.1  SELLERS' REPRESENTATIVE                                 76

8.2  SURVIVAL                                                78

8.2  PUBLIC DISCLOSURE                                       78

8.3  ASSIGNMENT                                              78

8.4  ENTIRE AGREEMENT                                        79

8.5  AMENDMENT AND MODIFICATION                              79

8.6  WAIVER                                                  79

8.7  COUNTERPARTS                                            79

8.8  REFERENCE                                               79

8.9  NOTICES                                                 80


8.11 GROSSING-UP OF PAYMENT                                  82

8.12 ADJUSTMENT TO PURCHASE PRICE                            82

     OF SELLERS OTHER THAN 3i GROUP PLC                      82

8.14 ILLEGALITY                                              83

8.15 SELLERS' KNOWLEDGE                                      83

8.17 SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE; REMEDIES                          84


      30 May 1997

(1)   SAFELINE HOLDING COMPANY a company incorporated in England
      and Wales with company number 3374841 and whose registered
      office is at 222 Grays Inn Road, London WC1X 8HB and
      METTLER-TOLEDO INC., a company incorporated in Canada whose
      principal place of business is located in Toronto, Canada
      (together the "Purchaser")

(2)   SAFELINE LIMITED, a company incorporated in England and
      Wales with company number 2261148 and whose registered
      office is at 510 Montford Court, Montford Street, Salford
      M5 2SN ("the Company")

      "Seller" and collectively, the "Sellers")

      (this "Agreement"), is made and entered into by and between
      Safeline Holding Company and Mettler-Toledo Inc.,
      ("Purchaser"), Safeline Limited ("the Company") and each of
      the holders of ordinary shares of the Company whose names
      are set forth on Exhibit A to this Agreement (each, a
      "Seller" and collectively, the "Sellers").


      WHEREAS, each Seller is the holder of the number of
      ordinary shares in the capital of the Company that are
      listed next to such Seller's name on Exhibit A to this
      Agreement, which together constitute all of the issued
      share capital of the Company (the "Shares");

      WHEREAS, Purchaser is willing to purchase from Sellers and
      Sellers are willing to sell to Purchaser, upon the terms
      and subject to the conditions set forth herein, all of the
      Shares in the proportions set out in Exhibit A; and

      WHEREAS Purchaser's obligations, covenants, representations
      and warranties are in each case joint and several.

      NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants,
      representations, warranties and agreements contained
      herein, and other good and valuable consideration, the
      receipt and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, the
      parties hereto hereby agree as follows:
      ARTICLE 1


      Upon the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in
      this Agreement, Sellers are selling the Shares to Purchaser
      in the proportions set out in Exhibit A with full title
      guarantee, free and clear of any and all Encumbrances and
      Shareholder Agreements (as such terms are defined in
      Section 2.2(a) hereof), and Purchaser is purchasing the
      Shares together with all dividends, benefits and other
      rights and privileges accruing or attaching thereto,
      whether accruing or attaching before or after the date of
      this Agreement.  In exchange for the Initial Purchase Price
      and the Deferred Purchase Price (as defined below), Sellers
      are delivering to Purchaser certificates representing all
      of the Shares, accompanied by stock transfer forms duly
      executed in favour of Purchaser in accordance with Exhibit

      (a)   The aggregate consideration to be paid by Purchaser
            to Sellers for the Shares shall be [POUND STERLING]
 	    61,000,000 (subject to adjustment pursuant to Section
	    1.5) ("the Initial Purchase Price") plus, to the extent 
	    payable in accordance with the terms of this Agreement,
	    the amount of the Deferred Purchase Price (as defined
      (b)   The Initial Purchase Price shall be paid and
            satisfied by:
            (i)   the payment on the Closing Date of [POUND
                  STERLING]47,195,684 in immediately 
		  available funds to Freshfields client
                  account, details of which have been
                  notified to Purchaser prior to Closing;
            (ii)  the issue by Purchaser to Sellers on the
                  Closing Date of loan notes in the form set out
                  at Exhibit B ("Loan Notes") in the individual
                  principal amounts set out in Exhibit A opposite
                  Sellers' respective names together with a
                  letter of credit in the agreed form;
            (iii) payment on the Closing Date to be made in
                  accordance with Section 1.2A(a) for the
                  purposes of the Cancellation (as defined in
                  that Section); and
            (iv)  the payment on the Closing Date of [POUND 
		  STERLING]73,155 in immediately available funds
		  to a bank account of the Company, details of 
		  which have been notified to the Purchaser prior
		  to Closing in satisfaction in full of the 
		  undertakings from Optionholders in their 
		  respective Notices of Exercise of Options to 
		  pay the Company on demand their respective 
		  aggregate Option exercise amounts.
      (c)   Subject to sections 1.2(d), (e) and (f) and if, but
            only if, Standalone Operating Profit (as defined in
            Section 1.3) exceeds [POUND STERLING]8,000,000, but 
	    is not more than [POUND STERLING]9,500,000 then Sellers 
	    shall be entitled to receive by way of additional 
	    consideration such amount ("Deferred Purchase Price") 
	    as is equal to:
            (i)   (Standalone Operating Profit for the financial
                  year ending 31 March 1998 - [POUND STERLING]
		  8,000,000) DIVIDED BY 1,500,000 x 6,000,000;
            (ii)  in the event that Standalone Operating Profit
                  (as defined in Section 1.3) exceeds [POUND 
		  STERLING]9,500,000, then Sellers shall be 
		  entitled to receive by way of additional 
		  consideration in addition to (i) above the 
		  sum of [POUND STERLING]1 for each additional 
		  [POUND STERLING]1 million of Standalone 
		  Operating Profit above the sum of [POUND 
            The Deferred Purchase Price shall be paid by
            Purchaser to Sellers in accordance with Exhibit A.
            Subject to Section 1.3(c), the amount of the Deferred
            Purchase Price, if any, shall be paid by the transfer
            of immediately available funds by Purchaser to an
            account details of which will have been notified by
            Sellers Representative to Purchaser at least 5
            business days prior to the due date for payment which
            payment shall constitute a good discharge to
            Purchaser, and the issue of Loan Notes in the agreed
            form by Safeline Holding Company (allocated in
            accordance with Exhibit A) which Loan Notes shall be
            supported by a letter of credit issued by any bank
            with a credit rating similar to that of Bank of Nova
            Scotia substantially in the form provided to Sellers
            receiving Loan Notes at Closing (except as to time
            and amount).
      (d)   If any Seller who is an employee of the Company or
            the Company's Subsidiaries at the date of this
            Agreement is not employed (in any capacity) or
            retained as a consultant by the Company or the
            Company's Subsidiaries on March 31, 1998, such Seller
            shall not be entitled to receive the Deferred
            Purchase Price otherwise payable to him in accordance
            with this section 1.2 unless:
            (i)   such Seller has resigned from his employment or
                  consultancy with the relevant company with the
                  prior written agreement of Purchaser or as a
                  result of death, medical incapacity or serious
                  illness he is not able to perform his duties;
            (ii)  such Seller has been dismissed by the relevant
                  company acting in breach of the terms of his
                  service agreement or his consultancy agreement.
      (e)   In the event that any Seller shall not be entitled to
            receive any part of the Deferred Purchase Price in
            accordance with Section 1.2(d), that part of the
            Deferred Purchase Price which would have been
            allocated to such Seller in accordance with this
            Section 1.2 shall be reallocated amongst those of
            Sellers who are entitled to receive the Deferred
            Purchase Price in proportion to their respective
      (f)   If a claim pursuant to this Agreement is notified and
            is settled or otherwise finally determined in
            Purchaser's favour prior to the date on which
            payment, if any, is to be made pursuant to Section
            1.3(c), Purchaser shall be entitled to deduct from
            the amount of the Deferred Purchase Price due to
            Sellers hereunder an amount equal to the amount of
            the liability (as so settled or determined) in or
            towards satisfaction of the relevant liability and
            where the amount retained is the full amount settled
            or determined, the retained amount shall be in full
            and final settlement of the claim in question.
      (g)   Subject to the terms of this Agreement if a claim has
            been made which is not settled or otherwise finally
            determined in accordance with Section 1.2(f),
            Purchaser shall be entitled to withhold from the
            amount due to Sellers hereunder Purchaser's
            reasonable estimate of the amount of such claim
            provided that:
            (i)   Purchaser shall appoint an escrow agent
                  acceptable to Sellers' Representative acting
                  reasonably to hold that amount in an interest
                  bearing bank account in the joint names of
                  Purchaser and Sellers' Representative until the
                  claim is settled or otherwise finally
            (ii)  on settlement or other determination of any
                  such claim the escrow agent will be instructed
                  to pay Purchaser an amount equal to the amount
                  of the liability (as so settled or determined)
                  in or towards satisfaction of the relevant
                  liability (if any) and otherwise (including if
                  a claim is deemed to be withdrawn under Section
                  1.2(h)) to pay the balance (if any) in the
                  escrow account to Sellers in accordance with
                  Exhibit A (other than to Chris Sykes, Keith
                  Ives and Ian Schofield, in respect of whom an
                  amount equal to their aggregate pro rata
                  entitlement to the Deferred Purchase Price
                  (determined by reference to such balance) as
                  notified to the escrow agent by Sellers'
                  Representative shall be released to Purchaser
                  who shall, immediately on receipt, satisfy
                  their entitlement to the Deferred Purchase
                  Price by the issue of Loan Notes which shall be
                  supported by a letter of credit issued by any
                  bank with a credit rating similar to that of
                  Bank of Nova Scotia substantially in the form
                  provided to Sellers receiving Loan Notes at
                  Closing (except as to time and amount) in
                  accordance with this Agreement);
            (iii) any bank or other charges arising in the escrow
                  account and all fees and expenses of the escrow
                  agent shall be charged to the escrow account;
            (iv)  any interest or profit generated from the
                  escrow account (subject to any deduction of tax
                  and any bank or other charges properly charged
                  to the escrow account) shall be retained in the
                  escrow account; and
            (v)   each time any amount standing to the credit of
                  the escrow account is paid out of that escrow
                  account in accordance with this Article 1.2(g),
                  it will have added to it the corresponding
                  proportion of the interest and profits accrued
                  to the escrow account (subject to any
                  deductions referred to in (iii) above).
      (h)   Any claim shall (if it has not been previously
            satisfied, settled or withdrawn) be deemed withdrawn
            unless legal proceedings in respect of it have been
            commenced by being both issued and served within 12
            months of the notification of any claim to Sellers or
            Sellers' Representative in accordance with this
            section in which event any amount withheld from the
            Deferred Purchase Price under Section 1.2(g) shall be
            immediately released by the escrow agent to Sellers
            for payment or satisfaction in accordance with this
            Section 1.2(g).

      (a)   [POUND STERLING]500,000 out of the Initial Purchase Price 
	    shall be paid by Purchaser on the Closing Date into a 
	    separate escrow account in the joint names of SJ Berwin &
            Co and Chaffe Street (together the "Escrow Agent") where
            the said sum shall be retained until the date on
            which the Cancellation (as defined below) is
            completed in all respects and all interest accruing
            thereon shall be credited to the said escrow account.
      (b)   Immediately following Closing Sellers (other than 3i
            and Optionholders as defined in Exhibit A) agree and
            undertake with Purchaser to use their best endeavours
            to procure that the Company purchases all of the
            share capital of Safeline SA not at the date of this
            Agreement owned by the Company and procure that
            Safeline GmbH terminates by means of a negotiated
            agreement the Participation Agreement made between
            Safeline GmbH (1) and Dietmar Schnepel (2) (together,
            such repurchase and such termination the
            "Cancellation").  Sellers (other than 3i and
            Optionholders) agree and undertake with Purchaser to
            use their best endeavours to procure that the
            Companies implement an incentive scheme in favour of
            Yves Lepretre and Dietmar Schnepel to ensure that
            following the Cancellation both Yves Lepretre and
            Dietmar Schnepel continue to devote their full time
            and attention to the management of Safeline SA and
            Safeline GmbH respectively.
      (c)   Sellers (other than 3i and the Optionholders) agree
            to keep Purchaser fully informed of all stages of the
            negotiations in connection with the Cancellation.
            Sellers (other than 3i and the Optionholders) agree
            to provide Purchaser with all correspondence,
            documents and other information in connection
            therewith.  Purchaser shall be entitled to be in
            attendance at all meetings and in all telephone
            conversations that are held in connection with the
            Cancellation.  Sellers (other than 3i and the
            Optionholders) shall not make any proposal, take any
            action or reach any agreement affecting or likely to
            affect any of the Companies (including for the
            avoidance of doubt any incentive scheme in favour of
            Yves Lepretre and Dietmar Schnepel as referred to
            Section 1.2A(b)) in respect of the Cancellation
            without the consent of Purchaser (such consent not to
            be unreasonably withheld or delayed).
      (d)   In the event that the Cancellation has not been
            completed by 30 November 1997 (or such later date as
            Sellers and Purchaser may agree) then:
            (i)   Purchaser shall take over all negotiations in
                  connection with the Cancellation and Purchaser
                  shall use its best endeavours to procure that
                  the Company completes the Cancellation as soon
                  as practicable;
            (ii)  Purchaser agrees to keep Sellers (other than 3i
                  and the Optionholders) fully informed of all
                  stages of negotiations in connection with
                  Cancellation.  Purchaser agrees to provide
                  Sellers (other than 3i and Optionholders) with
                  all correspondence, documents and other
                  information in connection therewith.  Sellers
                  (other than 3i and Optionholders) shall be
                  entitled to be in attendance at all meetings
                  and on all telephone conversations that are
                  held in connection with the Cancellation.
                  Purchaser shall not make any proposal, take any
                  action or reach any agreement in respect of the
                  Cancellation pursuant to which the cost of
                  obtaining Cancellation would exceed [POUND 
		  STERLING]300,000 without the consent of Sellers 
		  (other than 3i and Optionholders), such consent 
		  not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed.
      (e)   On the terms of the Cancellation being agreed,
            Sellers (other than Optionholders) and Purchaser
            shall instruct the Escrow Agent shall pay such monies
            to be paid to any third party in connection with or
            in relation to the Cancellation from the said deposit
            account.  In addition, any reasonable costs, fees or
            expenses incurred by Purchaser in negotiating and
            agreeing the Cancellation shall also be paid to
            Purchaser from the escrow account.
      (f)   On the day which is 10 working days after completion
            of the Cancellation, the escrow agent shall pay to
            Sellers (to be allocated in accordance with Exhibit
            A) the sum standing to the credit of the deposit
            account less the aggregate amount of all sums paid or
            to be paid by the escrow agent from the escrow
            account in connection with or in relation to the
            Cancellation including any costs, fees or expenses as
            set out above.
      (g)   In the event that the cost of the Cancellation
            exceeds the sum then standing to the credit of the
            escrow account plus any reasonable fees, costs or
            expenses incurred in connection with or in relation
            to the Cancellation, then Sellers other than 3i and
            the Optionholders agree and undertake to Purchaser to
            pay to Purchaser such sum in excess of that amount on
            completion of the Cancellation.

      Standalone Operating Profit (as defined below) shall be
      calculated as follows:
      (a)   As promptly as practicable, and in any event within
            60 days following March 31, 1998, Purchaser shall
            prepare and deliver to Sellers' Representative a
            preliminary pro forma consolidated profit and loss
            account of Safeline Holding Company and its
            subsidiaries for the 12 month period ended March 31,
            1998 (the "Earn-Out Profit and Loss Statement") and a
            preliminary pro forma statement of consolidated
            standalone operating profit derived therefrom (the
            "Statement of Standalone Operating Profit") together
            with copies of all KPMG's working papers used as a
            basis for preparing the Earn-Out Profit and Loss
            Statement and Statement of Standalone Operating
            Profit.  Both the Earn-Out Profit and Loss Statement
            and the Statement of Standalone Operating Profit
            shall be prepared in accordance with GAAP (as defined
            in Section 2.4(a)) applied on a basis consistent
            with, but subject to, the accounting principles,
            practices, policies, treatment and the methodology
            used to prepare the Balance Sheet, and also subject
            to the adjustments set out in Schedule 1.3, and
            delivered together with a certificate of KPMG
            addressed to Purchaser stating that the Earn-Out
            Profit and Loss Statement (from which the Statement
            of Standalone Operating Profit was derived) gives a
            true and fair view of the pro forma consolidated
            results of operations of Safeline Holding Company and
            its subsidiaries for the 12 month period ended
            March 31, 1998 and that the calculation of standalone
            operating profit as set forth on the preliminary
            Statement of Standalone Operating Profit conforms to
            this Section 1.3 and Schedule 1.3.
            As used herein, the terms "Final Earn-Out Statement"
            and "Final Earn-Out Profit and Loss Statement" mean
            the Statement of Standalone Operating Profit and the
            Earn-Out Profit and Loss Statement if such statements
            are not subject to an Accounting Dispute (as defined
            below) or, if such statements are subject to an
            Accounting Dispute, the Statement of Standalone
            Operating Profit and Earn-Out Profit and Loss
            Statement as adjusted and as agreed to by the parties
            or as prepared by the Arbiter (as defined in Section
            1.3(b)) taking into account all items that are not
            subject to an Accounting Dispute and those Disputed
            Items (as defined in Section 1.3(b)) resolved by the
            parties pursuant to Section 1.3(b) hereof or by the
            Arbiter appointed pursuant to Section 1.3(b).
      (b)   Sellers' Representative may dispute the Statement of
            Standalone Operating Profit or the Earn-Out Profit
            and Loss Statement (an "Accounting Dispute") by
            identifying to Purchaser each item (the "Disputed
            Item") in such Accounting Dispute (specifying in
            writing the amount in dispute and setting forth, in
            reasonable detail, the basis for such dispute) within
            45 days after receipt by it of such statement and
            account.  In the event of an Accounting Dispute, the
            parties together with KPMG and Arthur Andersen shall
            attempt to reconcile each Disputed Item, and any
            resolution by them recorded in writing as to each
            Disputed Item shall be final, binding and conclusive
            on them.  If the parties are unable to resolve all of
            the Disputed Items within ten Business Days after
            Purchaser's receipt of written notice of an
            Accounting Dispute, Purchaser and Sellers'
            Representative shall submit the unresolved Disputed
            Items for resolution to an accounting firm of
            international reputation that has not rendered,
            directly or indirectly, any significant amount of
            services for Purchaser, AEA or any member of the
            Mettler-Toledo group, Sellers or the Companies within
            the preceding two years (the "Arbiter"), which firm
            shall be mutually designated by Purchaser and
            Sellers' Representative within 20 Business Days after
            Purchaser's receipt of written notice of the
            Accounting Dispute (if it has not by that time been
            resolved) or, in the absence of such designation,
            appointed on the application of either Purchaser or
            Sellers' Representative by the President of the
            Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and
            Wales.  Sellers, Purchaser, KPMG and Arthur Andersen
            shall have the right to make written representations
            to the Arbiter and shall in any event provide the
            Arbiter with copies of Section 1.3 of this Agreement
            and Schedule 1.3.  The Arbiter shall, within twenty
            Business Days after such submission, prepare the
            Final Earn-Out Profit and Loss Statement and the
            Final Earn-Out Statement and report to Purchaser and
            Sellers' Representative upon the resolution of the
            Disputed Items submitted to it, and the resulting
            Final Earn-Out Profit and Loss Statement and Final
            Earn-Out Statement shall save in the case of manifest
            error be final, binding and conclusive on Purchaser
            and Sellers and shall reflect any changes that were
            made to the Earn-Out Profit and Loss Statement and/or
            the Statement of Standalone Operating Profit as a
            result of changes agreed to by Purchaser, Sellers'
            Representative, Arthur Andersen and KPMG.  The fees
            and disbursements of the Arbiter shall be allocated
            between Purchaser and Sellers in the same proportion
            that the aggregate amount of the Disputed Items
            submitted to the Arbiter that are unsuccessfully
            disputed by each party (as finally determined by the
            Arbiter) bear to the total amount of such remaining
            Disputed Items submitted to the Arbiter.  In acting
            under this Section 1.3(b), the Arbiter shall be
            entitled to the privileges and immunities of
      (c)   Any payment owing by Purchaser to Sellers in
            accordance with Section 1.2(c) shall be made as
            (i)   if Sellers do not assert an Accounting Dispute
                  such payment (if any) shall be made on the
                  third Business Day after the earlier of the day
                  on which Sellers' Representative notifies
                  Purchaser in writing that Sellers do not assert
                  an Accounting Dispute and the day which is 45
                  days after receipt by Sellers' Representative
                  of the Statement of Standalone Operating
                  Profit; or
            (ii)  in the event of an Accounting Dispute, such
                  payment shall be made on the third Business Day
                  after the earlier of the day on which Sellers'
                  Representative and Purchaser agree as to a
                  Final Earn-Out Profit and Loss Statement and
                  Final Earn-Out Statement or the Arbiter renders
                  its final decision in accordance with Section
                  1.3(b) with respect to the Final Earn-Out
                  Profit and Loss Statement and Final Earn-Out
            and shall be satisfied in accordance with Article
            1.2(c) or, in respect of Chris Sykes, Keith Ives and
            Ian Schofield, by the issue of Loan Notes which shall
            be supported by a letter of credit substantially in
            the form provided to Sellers at Closing in respect of
            the whole of the Deferred Purchase Price due to them.
            Purchaser shall cause the Company to give reasonable
            access to the Books and Records (as defined in
            Section 2.4(e)) of the Companies to Sellers and
            Arthur Andersen in order to permit them to review the
            Statement of Standalone Operating Profit and the Earn
            Out Profit and Loss Statement.
            As used herein, the term "Business Day" shall mean
            any day excluding Saturday, Sunday and any day on
            which banks in the State of New York or in London are
            authorized or required by Law (as defined in Section
            2.3) or other governmental action to close or are not
            open for normal banking business.

      (a)   Upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this
            Agreement, the closing of the transactions
            contemplated hereby (the "Closing") has taken place
            at the offices of S J Berwin & Co, 222 Grays Inn
            Road, London WC1X 8HB as of the date hereof (the
            "Closing Date").
      (b)   Immediately prior to Closing, Sellers and the Company
            delivered to Purchaser the documents listed in
            Schedule 1.4(b).

      (a)   Notwithstanding anything in Section 1.2 to the
            contrary, the amount of the Initial Purchase Price
            shall be subject to adjustment after the Closing by
            the amount, if any, by which Working Capital (as
            defined below) at the close of business on the
            Closing Date is either greater or less than
            [POUND STERLING]4,000,000.  In the event that Working 
	    Capital exceeds [POUND STERLING]4,000,000 the amount 
	    of the Initial Purchase Price shall be increased by an 
	    amount equal to the excess and in the event that Working 
	    Capital is less than [POUND STERLING]4,000,000 the amount
	    of the Initial Purchase Price shall be reduced by an 
	    amount equal to the shortfall.  As used herein, the term 
	    "Working Capital" means the excess of the consolidated 
	    current assets of the Company and its subsidiaries (as 
	    shown in the Final Closing Statement) over the 
	    consolidated current liabilities (but excluding all 
	    accrued but unpaid UK and US corporation taxes including 
	    for the avoidance of doubt UK advanced corporation tax
            payable) of the Company and its subsidiaries (as
            shown in the Final Closing Statement) at the close of
            business on the Closing Date, each determined in
            accordance with GAAP applied on a basis consistent
            with, but subject to the accounting principles,
            practises, policies, treatments and the methodology
            used to prepare the Balance Sheet and also subject to
            the principles and other matters set forth in
            Schedule 1.5(a).
      (b)   As promptly as practicable, and in any event within
            60 days following the Closing Date, Sellers shall
            prepare and deliver to Purchaser a preliminary
            consolidated balance sheet of the Company as of the
            close of business on the Closing Date (the "Closing
            Balance Sheet") and a preliminary statement of
            consolidated Working Capital (the "Statement of
            Working Capital") derived therefrom, both of which
            shall be delivered together with a certificate of
            Arthur Andersen addressed to Sellers stating that the
            Closing Balance Sheet (from which the Statement of
            Working Capital was derived) gives a true and fair
            view of the consolidated financial position of the
            Company at the close of business on the Closing Date
            in accordance with  GAAP applied on a basis
            consistent with but subject to the accounting
            principles, practises, policies, treatments and the
            methodology used to prepare the Balance Sheet and
            also subject to the principles and other matters set
            forth in Schedule 1.5(a) and that the calculation of
            working capital in the Statement of Working Capital
            conforms to this Section 1.5 and Schedule 1.5(a).
            The statements and certificate delivered pursuant to
            the preceding sentence shall be accompanied by copies
            of all Arthur Andersen's working papers used as a
            basis for the Statement of Working Capital.
            Purchaser shall cause the Company to give reasonable
            access to the Books and Records (as defined in
            Section 2.4(e)) of the Companies to Sellers and
            Arthur Andersen in order to permit them to prepare
            such Closing Balance Sheet and Statement of Working
            Capital and deliver the certificate of Arthur
            As used herein, the terms "Final Closing Statement"
            and "Final Closing Balance Sheet" mean the Statement
            of Working Capital and the Closing Balance Sheet if
            such statements are not subject to an Accounting
            Dispute (as defined below) or, if such statements are
            subject to a Working Capital Dispute, the Statement
            of Working Capital and Closing Balance Sheet as
            adjusted and as agreed to by the parties or as
            prepared by the Working Capital Arbiter (as defined
            in Section 1.5(c)) taking into account all items that
            are not subject to a Working Capital Dispute and
            those Working Capital Disputed Items (as defined in
            Section 1.5(c)) resolved by the parties pursuant to
            Section 1.5(c) hereof or by the Working Capital
            Arbiter pursuant to Section 1.5(c).
      (c)   Purchaser may dispute the Statement of Working
            Capital or the Closing Balance Sheet (a "Working
            Capital Dispute") by identifying to Sellers'
            Representative each item (the "Working Capital
            Disputed Item") in such Working Capital Dispute
            (specifying in writing the amount in dispute and
            setting forth, in reasonable detail, the basis for
            such dispute) within 45 days after receipt by it of
            such statement and balance sheet.  In the event of a
            Working Capital Dispute, the parties together with
            KPMG and Arthur Andersen shall attempt to reconcile
            each Working Capital Disputed Item, and any
            resolution by them as to each Working Capital
            Disputed Item shall be final, binding and conclusive
            on them.  If the parties are unable to resolve all of
            the Working Capital Disputed Items within ten
            Business Days after Sellers' Representative's receipt
            of written notice thereof, Purchaser and Sellers'
            Representative shall submit the unresolved Working
            Capital Disputed Items for resolution to an
            accounting firm of international reputation that has
            not rendered, directly or indirectly, any significant
            amount of services for Purchaser, AEA or any member
            of the Mettler-Toledo group, Sellers or the Companies
            within the preceding two years (the "Working Capital
            Arbiter"), which firm shall be mutually designated by
            Purchaser and Sellers' Representative within 20
            Business Days after Sellers' Representative's receipt
            of written notice of the Working Capital Dispute (if
            it has not by that time been resolved) or, in the
            absence of such designation, appointed on the
            application of either Purchaser or Sellers'
            Representative by the President of the Institute of
            Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.  Sellers,
            Purchaser, KPMG and Arthur Andersen shall have the
            right to make written representations to the Working
            Capital Arbiter and in any event shall provide it
            with a copy of Section 1.5 of this Agreement and
            Schedule 1.5.  The Working Capital Arbiter shall,
            within twenty Business Days after such submission,
            prepare the Final Closing Balance Sheet and the Final
            Closing Statement and report to Purchaser and
            Sellers' Representative upon the resolution of the
            Disputed Items submitted to it, and the resulting
            Final Closing Balance Sheet and Final Closing
            Statement shall save in the case of manifest error be
            final, binding and conclusive on Purchaser and
            Sellers and shall reflect any changes that were made
            to the Closing Balance Sheet and/or the Statement of
            Working Capital as a result of changes agreed to by
            Purchaser and Sellers' Representative.  The fees and
            disbursements of the Working Capital Arbiter shall be
            allocated between Purchaser and Sellers in the same
            proportion that the aggregate amount of the Working
            Capital Disputed Items submitted to the Working
            Capital Arbiter that are unsuccessfully disputed by
            each party (as finally determined by the Working
            Capital Arbiter) bear to the total amount of such
            remaining Working Capital Disputed Items submitted to
            the Working Capital Arbiter.  In acting under this
            Section 1.5(c), the Working Capital Arbiter shall be
            entitled to the privileges and immunities of
      (d)   Any payment owing by Sellers to Purchaser or by
            Purchaser to Sellers pursuant to this Section 1.5
            shall be made by wire transfer of immediately
            available funds to an account designated by Purchaser
            or by Sellers' Representative (as appropriate).   If
            Purchaser does not assert a Working Capital Dispute
            such payment shall be made on the third Business Day
            after the earlier of the day on which Purchaser
            notifies Sellers' Representative in writing that
            Purchaser does not assert a Working Capital Dispute
            and the day which is 45 Days after receipt by
            Purchaser of the Statement of Working Capital.  In
            the event of a Working Capital Dispute, such payment
            shall be made on the third Business Day after the
            earlier of the day on which Sellers' Representative
            and Purchaser agree as to a Final Closing Balance
            Sheet and Final Closing Statement or the Working
            Capital Arbiter in accordance with Section 1.5(c)
            above renders its final decision with respect to the
            Final Closing Balance Sheet and Final Closing


      In the event that the Company is obligated to repay any or
      all government grants received on or prior to the Balance
      Sheet Date as a result of the transactions contemplated
      herein Sellers (other than 3i Group plc and 3i plc
      (together "3i") and those Sellers who were formerly
      optionholders, whose names are listed in Part 2 of Exhibit
      A ("Optionholders")) shall, within 30 days of receipt of
      notice from the Company of any such repayment, reimburse
      the Company for the full amount of such repayment.


      Each Seller hereby waives and releases any rights of 
      pre-emption over or in respect of the Shares existing under 
      the Articles of Association of the Company or otherwise.
      ARTICLE 2

      Each Seller other than 3i and Optionholders (and references
      in this Article 2 to "Seller" or "Sellers" shall be
      construed accordingly):
      (a)   acknowledges that Purchaser has been induced to enter
            into this Agreement and to purchase the Shares on the
            basis of the representations and warranties set out
            in this Article 2;
      (b)   acknowledges and agrees that each such representation
            and warranty is a separate and independent
            representation, warranty and undertaking, and that no
            representation or warranty shall be limited by
            reference to any other representation or warranty or
            by any other term of this Agreement;
      (c)   acknowledges and agrees that the rights and remedies
            of Purchaser in respect of any breach of
            representation or warranty shall not be affected by
            Closing, by any investigation made by or on behalf of
            Purchaser into the affairs of the Company and its
            subsidiaries or by any other event or matter
            whatsoever which otherwise might have affected such
            rights and remedies except a specific duly authorised
            written waiver or release or except as otherwise
            provided for in this Agreement;
      (d)   acknowledges and agrees that for the purpose of each
            representation and warranty set forth herein,
            references to "the Company" shall save where the
            context otherwise requires be deemed to extend both
            to the Company and to each of the Subsidiary
            Companies (as defined in Section 2.1(a)) to the
            effect that each of the warranty statements shall be
            deemed to be repeated in respect of each of the
            Subsidiary Companies as though the expression "the
            Company" has been replaced by the name of the
            subsidiary concerned throughout; and
      (e)   hereby (except where expressly stated otherwise)
            jointly and severally represents and warrants as

      (a)   The Company and each of the Company's subsidiaries
            (those subsidiaries being: (i) Safeline Inc., (ii)
            Safeline S.A., (iii) Safeline GmbH and (v) Safeline
            Executive Share Option Scheme Trustee Limited (each
            individually a "Subsidiary Company" and,
            collectively, the "Subsidiary Companies")) are
            limited liability corporations duly incorporated and
            validly existing under the laws of their respective
            jurisdictions of incorporation.  Schedule 2.1(a)
            specifically sets forth accurate details of the
            Companies and of all branches, establishments and
            offices maintained by each of the Companies, stating
            its jurisdiction of incorporation and including a
            summary description of its business activities.  Each
            of the Companies has the requisite corporate power to
            own or lease and operate the properties and assets
            that it respectively owns or holds under lease and to
            carry on its respective businesses as presently
            conducted.  Each of the Companies is duly qualified
            to do business in all jurisdictions where the nature
            of the properties owned or leased by it or the
            activities conducted by it make such qualification
            necessary, except where the failure to be so
            qualified would not have individually, or in the
            aggregate, a Material Adverse Effect (as defined
            below).  All documents required by law to be filed
            with the appropriate Authority (as hereinafter
            defined) in respect of each of the Companies have
            been properly and duly filed except where the failure
            to do so would not have individually, or in the
            aggregate, a Material Adverse Effect.  Sellers have
            previously delivered to Purchaser true and complete
            certified copies of each of the Companies' Memorandum
            and Articles of Association (or other equivalent
            constituent documents) having attached to them all
            documents required by law to be attached to them, as
            currently in effect and such Memorandum and Articles
            (or other equivalent constituent documents) set forth
            all rights attaching to the share capital of the
            Company or the relevant Subsidiary Company (as
            appropriate). All material agreements and documents
            (including without limitation title deeds, share
            certificates, agreements, accounts, books, records
            and ledgers) owned by and which ought reasonably to
            be in the possession of any of the Companies are in
            the possession of the Companies or under the
            Companies' control.  The Companies do not trade nor
            have they traded under any names other than their
            full corporate names (or a similar name or an
            abbreviated name), and no action has been taken
            against any of the Companies under Section 28 of the
            Companies Act 1985, as amended, or the equivalent
            legislation in each of the Companies' respective
            jurisdiction of incorporation and so far as Sellers
            are aware there are no circumstances by which any of
            the Companies may become obligated to change its name
            or trade under a different name.
                  As used herein, the term "Authority" means any
            supranational, national, provincial or local
            government or any governmental, judicial, taxation,
            regulatory, public or self-regulatory agency,
            authority, bureau or commission (excluding HM Land
            As used herein, the term "Companies Acts" shall mean
            the Companies Acts 1985 and 1989, the Companies
            Consolidation (Consequential Provisions) Act 1985 and
            the Company Directors Disqualifications Act 1986 and
            all regulations made under any of the foregoing prior
            to the date of this Agreement.
            As used herein, the term "Material Adverse Effect"
            means an adverse effect on the business, assets,
            liabilities, properties, condition (financial or
            otherwise), prospects, operations or results of
            operations of any of the Companies that is material
            to the Company individually or the Companies taken as
            a whole.
      (b)   The only directors of the Companies are the persons
            listed in Schedule 2.1(b). No person is a shadow
            director (as defined in the Companies Acts) or a de
            facto director of any of the Companies.
      (c)   Safeline do Brasil Limitada is a limited liability
            corporation duly incorporated and validly existing
            under the laws of Brazil the entire issued share
            capital of which corporation is wholly beneficially
            owned by the Company.  Since the date of its
            incorporation Safeline do Brazil Ltda has not carried
            on any trade, business or other activity and has not
            incurred any liability of whatever nature save for a
            lease details of which are set out at point 3,
            Safeline Brazil, disclosure file 12.

      (a)   Schedule 2.2(a) sets forth (i) the authorized share
            capital of the Company and (ii) the number of the
            issued and allotted shares of the Company and the
            holders thereof. All of the issued and allotted
            shares of the Company have been duly authorized and
            validly issued, are fully paid (or credited as fully
            paid) and, in the case of Safeline Inc. non-
            assessable and are save for those Shares held by the
            Trustees and 3i plc and in relation to Safeline SA,
            the shares owned by Yves Lepretre), owned
            beneficially by and are registered in the Register of
            Members of the Company in the names of Sellers, free
            and clear of any liens, claims, charges, security
            interests, pledges, mortgages, rights of final
            approval, rights of set off, preemptive rights,
            options trust arrangements or other encumbrances of
            any character whatsoever (whether arising from
            contract or corporate law or otherwise (collectively,
            "Encumbrances") or any shareholder agreements, voting
            agreements, proxies or similar agreements
            (collectively, "Shareholder Agreements").  Those
            Shares held by the Trustees are owned legally by the
            Trustees subject only to the terms of the Trusts (as
            defined in Exhibit A) but otherwise free from any
            Encumbrance or Shareholder Agreements.
      (b)   Schedule 2.2(b) sets forth (i) the authorized share
            capital of each Subsidiary Company and (ii) the
            number of issued and allotted shares of such
            Subsidiary Company and the ownership thereof. All of
            the issued and allotted shares of each class of share
            capital of each Subsidiary Company have been duly
            authorized and validly issued, are fully paid and in
            the case of Safeline Inc. non-assessable and are
            except as noted in Schedule 2.2(b) owned beneficially
            by the Company (directly or through one or more
            Subsidiary Companies), free and clear of any
            Encumbrances or Shareholder Agreements.  Except only
            as specifically set forth on Schedule 2.2(b), the
            Subsidiary Companies are the only companies,
            corporations, partnerships, trusts or unincorporated
            organizations (x) in which the Company, directly or
            indirectly, owns, beneficially or of record, or ever
            has owned beneficially or of record, any equity
            interest or any notes, debentures, loan stock or
            other debt security or other indebtedness; (y) which
            the Company, directly or indirectly, controls or ever
            has controlled, the composition of the board of
            directors or (z) which are or ever have been,
            "subsidiary undertakings" of the Company (as such
            expression is defined in the Companies Acts).
      (c)   There are no outstanding securities convertible into
            or exchangeable for or carrying the right to acquire
            any equity or other security of any description of
            any of the Companies and no outstanding options,
            warrants or other agreements or commitments that
            relate to, or require the issuance, sale or other
            disposition of, any equity or other securities of any
            description of any of the Companies.
      (d)   Except as set forth in Schedule 2.2(d) neither the
            Company nor any Subsidiary Company has at any time
            (i) repaid, redeemed or purchased or agreed to repay,
            redeem or purchase any shares of any class of its
            respective issued share capital or otherwise reduced
            or agreed to reduce its respective issued share
            capital or any class thereof; or (ii) directly or
            indirectly provided any financial assistance (as
            defined in Section 151 of the Companies Act 1985, as
            amended or any equivalent statutory provision under
            the Companies jurisdiction of incorporation) for the
            purpose of the acquisition of shares of any of the
            Companies or for the purpose of reducing or
            discharging any liability incurred in any such
            acquisition, whether pursuant to Section 155 of the
            Companies Act 1985, as amended or otherwise; or (iii)
            capitalized or agreed to capitalize, in the form of
            shares, debentures or other securities or in paying
            up any amounts unpaid on any shares, debentures or
            other securities, any profits or reserves of any
            class or description, or passed or agreed to pass any
            resolution to do so; or (iv) advanced any loan or
            borrowed any amount or issued any share, debenture or
            other security in a manner giving rise to a
            distribution or deemed distribution or made any other
            distribution (whether of income or capital) except
            dividends shown in its audited accounts; or (v) paid
            or (in circumstances in which it may be required to
            repay all or part of the same by virtue of Section
            277 of the Companies Act or otherwise or any
            equivalent statutory provision under the Companies
            jurisdiction of incorporation) received any dividend
            or other distribution paid in breach of that Act. The
            Companies do not have outstanding, nor have they
            agreed to create or issue, any loan capital, and none
            of the Companies is in breach of the borrowing powers
            set out in its Articles of Association (or equivalent
            constituent documents), if any.

      (a)   Each Seller has all requisite legal right, power and
            authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and
            all documents ancillary hereto which are referred to
            in this Agreement and to perform his or its
            obligations hereunder and thereunder and such
            documents have been duly and validly executed and
            delivered by such Seller and constitutes the valid
            and binding obligation of such Seller, enforceable
            against him or it, as the case may be, in accordance
            with its terms, subject to bankruptcy, insolvency,
            fraudulent transfer, reorganization, moratorium and
            other similar laws of general applicability relating
            to or affecting creditors' rights and to general
            principles of equity.
      (b)   Except only as specifically set forth in Schedule
            2.3(b), the execution and delivery by each of Sellers
            of this Agreement and all documents ancillary hereto
            and the consummation of the transactions contemplated
            hereby and thereby will not (i) violate, conflict
            with, or result in a breach of, or default or loss of
            benefit under, or give rise to a right of termination
            under, any agreement, binding obligation or binding
            commitment to which any of the Companies is a party
            or bound (including, without limitation, the
            Contracts (as defined in Section 2.11 hereof)),
            except where the violation, conflict, breach, default
            or termination would not have individually, or in the
            aggregate, a Material Adverse Effect, (ii) violate or
            result in the loss of any benefit under any provision
            of any applicable Law to which any of the Companies
            is subject, except where the violation or loss would
            not have individually, or in the aggregate, a
            Material Adverse Effect, (iii) violate or result in
            the loss of any benefit under any order, judgment or
            decree applicable to any of the Companies or (iv)
            conflict with, or result in a breach of or default
            under, any term or condition of the Memorandum or
            Articles of Association (or other constituent
            documents) of any of the Companies.
            As used herein, the term "Law" means any treaty, law,
            statute, directive, rule, ordinance or regulation or
            delegated legislation of any Authority in force at
            the date of this Agreement.
      (c)   Except only as specifically set forth in Schedule

            2.3(c), no consent, license, approval, waiver,
            expiration of waiting period or authorization of, or
            registration or declaration with, any Authority is
            required to be obtained or made by any Seller or any
            of the Companies in connection with the execution,
            delivery and performance of the transactions
            contemplated by this Agreement or for the
            continuation by the Companies and Purchaser of the
            respective businesses of any of the Companies after
            the Closing Date in the same manner as presently
      (d)   So far as Sellers are aware each of the Company and
            Sellers have made all filings or submissions that are
            required to be made by it or them, as the case may
            be, in order to obtain any Governmental Approval.
            For the purposes of this Agreement, the term
            "Governmental Approval" shall mean any approval,
            consent, license, clearance, exemption, waiver or
            registration of or with any Authority necessary or
            appropriate in order to lawfully consummate the
            transactions contemplated hereby, including without
            limitation the Governmental Approvals to be or which
            may be obtained from the United Kingdom Director
            General of Fair Trading, the United States Department
            of Justice and all other jurisdictions in respect of
            antitrust issues and each of the Governmental
            Approvals set forth in Schedule 2.3(c) and Schedule

      (a)   Sellers have delivered to Purchaser true and complete
            copies of (i) the audited consolidated and
            unconsolidated balance sheets of the Company as at
            March 31, 1997, March 31, 1996, March 31, 1995 and
            March 31, 1994, together with the audited
            consolidated profit and loss account, the audited
            statements of consolidated cash flows, the audited
            statement of consolidated total recognized gains and
            losses for the periods ended on such dates and the
            notes to such audited consolidated and unconsolidated
            accounts.  The foregoing financial statements are
            herein referred to as the "Financial Statements"; and
            the consolidated balance sheet included in the
            Financial Statements for the period ended on March
            31, 1997 (the "Balance Sheet Date") is herein
            referred to as the "Balance Sheet".  The Financial
            Statements have been prepared in accordance with GAAP
            (as defined below), consistently applied and give a
            true and fair view of the state of affairs and the
            financial position of the Company or Companies (as
            the case may be) and of the Companies' profits and
            losses, cash flows and recognized gains and losses as
            at the dates and for the periods concerned.  The
            profits and losses reflected in the Financial
            Statements in any one period have not been affected
            to a material extent (except as disclosed in the
            footnotes thereto or Schedule 2.4(a) hereto) by any
            extraordinary, nonrecurring, exceptional or unusual
            item, event or circumstance or by any other factor
            rendering such profits or losses unusually high or
            As used herein, the term "GAAP" means generally-
            accepted accounting principles in the United Kingdom
            (including all applicable requirements of the
            Companies Acts and Statements of Standard Accounting
            Practice and Financial Reporting Standards published
            by the former Accounting Standards Committee or the
            present Accounting Standards Board, UITF Abstracts.
      (b)   The Company does not have any liabilities or
            obligations of any kind which (i) are not reflected
            (as to amount and description) as liabilities or
            reserved for in the Balance Sheet, (ii) were incurred
            after the Balance Sheet Date otherwise than in the
            ordinary course consistent with the normal business
            practices of the Companies or which would have
            individually, or in the aggregate, a Material Adverse
            Effect, or (iii) are not specifically disclosed in a
            Schedule hereto or in the Disclosure Documents; and
            for the avoidance of any doubt Sellers confirm that
            the Company does not have any outstanding loans,
            borrowings, loan stock, loan notes, quasi-loans, any
            nil or partly paid issued share capital or any other
            debt or debt security.
      (c)   The inventories of the Companies as reflected in the
            Balance Sheet or acquired after the Balance Sheet
            Date consist only of items of merchantable quality,
            usable and saleable in the ordinary course of the
            Companies' businesses at regular prices, and which
            are, so far as Sellers are aware, valued in
            accordance with SSAP 9 at the lower of cost and net
            realisable value, and adequate reserves having been
            provided therefor in accordance with the accounting
            policies, principles, practises and methodologies in
            compliance with GAAP subject to being consistent with
            those used in preparing the financial statements and
            taking into account the quantity of such items.
      (d)   The accounts receivable of the Companies as reflected
            in the Balance Sheet or acquired after the Balance
            Sheet Date: (i) arose from bona fide sales of goods
            or services in the ordinary course consistent with
            the normal business practices of the Companies; (ii)
            are owned by the Companies free and clear of any
            Encumbrances, and have not been assigned,
            transferred, factored or otherwise disposed of; (iii)
            are properly reflected in the Balance Sheet or, with
            respect to accounts receivable created on or after
            the Balance Sheet Date, are properly reflected in the
            relevant Books and Records (as defined below); and
            (iv) are so far as Sellers are aware collectible and
            have been or so far as Sellers are aware will be
            collected at their face amounts, less any reserve
            applicable to such accounts receivable properly
            reflected in the Balance Sheet or with respect to
            accounts receivable created on or after the Balance
            Sheet Date properly reflected in the Books and
            Records, within six months after the respective dates
            on which such accounts receivable were created.

      As used herein, the term "Books and Records" means the
      originals of all books (including statutory books),
      records, files, plans, blueprints, drawings, designs,
      specifications, customer lists, supplier lists, credit
      information, business records and plans, studies, surveys,
      reports, correspondence, sales and other selling materials,
      computer software, books of account and accounting and
      operational records and other data used or held for use by
      the Companies.


      Since the Balance Sheet Date, (a) the Companies have
      conducted their respective businesses in the ordinary
      course consistent with the normal business practices of the
      Companies, (b) no event has occurred that could reasonably
      be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect, and (c) no
      liability for any Tax other than the advanced corporation
      tax referred to in (w) below has arisen other than
      liabilities for Taxes incurred in the ordinary course of
      business.  In addition, since the Balance Sheet Date, (u)
      other than in the ordinary course of the Companies'
      business(es), none of the Companies has paid any bonus or
      management fee, (w) none of the Companies has paid or
      declared any dividend, bonus, management fee or other
      actual or deemed distribution or agreed to do any of the
      foregoing other than the dividends paid by the Company on
      3 April 1997 amounting in aggregate to [POUND STERLING]2.1 
      million (net of tax credit); (x) except as set forth in 
      Schedule 2.5(x) none of the Companies has granted any increase 
      in employee compensation or any increase in any benefits 
      otherwise due under any Employment Agreement, Employee Plan 
      (as such terms are defined in Section 2.13(d) hereof) or 
      otherwise or has accelerated the time of vesting of any such
      benefits; (y) except as set forth in Schedule 2.5(y) no
      donation or covenant for charitable or political purposes
      or any ex gratia payment has been made or agreed to be made
      by any of the Companies; and (z) except as set forth in
      Schedule 2.5(z) no repayment or waiver of repayment of any
      loan or part of a loan (save as expressly required by this
      Agreement) has been made by or in favour of any of the

      (a)   Schedule 2.6(a) sets forth a complete list of all of
            the real property (as defined below), owned or used
            or held for use by the Companies (the "Real
            Property") (and the owner or lessor thereof), and
            setting forth where such property is located, the
            relevant Company, and whether, in the case of Real
            Property located in the United Kingdom, the relevant
            company's title is registered at H.M. Land Registry.
            The particulars of the Real Properties specified in
            Schedule 2.6(a) are true and accurate in all
            respects.  None of the Companies has entered into any
            agreement for the purchase of any interest in any
            real property other than a Real Property.  There is
            no actual or contingent liability on the part of any
            of the Companies arising directly or indirectly out
            of any lease, agreement for lease, conveyance or
            licence or other deed, including any actual or
            contingent liability, arising directly or indirectly
            out of any estate or interest previously held by any
            of the Companies as an original lessee, sublessee,
            guarantor or surety except where any liability
            thereunder would not have individually, or in the
            aggregate, a Material Adverse Effect.
            As used herein, the term "real property" means,
            irrespective of location, all real property
            (including any part or parts thereof) together with
            (i) all buildings, facilities and other structures
            and improvements thereon, (ii) all rights,
            privileges, hereditaments and appurtenances
            appertaining thereto or to any such buildings,
            facilities or other structures or improvements, and
            (iii) to the extent constituting real property under
            applicable law, all fixtures, installations,
            machinery, equipment and other property attached
            thereto or located thereon.
      (b)   Each of the Companies has in its possession or under
            its control all deeds and documents relating to the
            Real Properties necessary to constitute proper title
            to each of the Real Properties, copies of such deeds
            and documents being contained in Schedule 2.6(c).
            All such deeds and documents have been properly
            stamped and produced.  Where the title to any of the
            Real Properties is, or is required to be, registered
            at H.M. Land Registry it is so registered with Title
      (c)   The replies to general enquiries and supplemental
            enquiries raised by Purchaser's solicitors, copies of
            which are contained in Schedule 2.6(c), are true and
            accurate in all respects and have been given after
            due and diligent enquiry by Sellers.
      (d)   No lease under which the Companies hold any of the
            leasehold Real Properties outside the United Kingdom:
            (i)   contains rent review provisions the operation
                  of which would or may result in more than a
                  current market rent being payable for that Real
            (ii)  contains any provision enabling the landlord to
                  terminate the lease prior to the term
                  determination date.
      (e)   In relation to the Real Property outside the United
            Kingdom the Companies are not engaged in any
            negotiation for review of the rent payable under any
            lease under which they hold any of the leasehold Real
            Properties, no such negotiations have been concluded
            changing the rent from that specified in Schedule
            2.6(a) and there are no rent reviews capable of being
            implemented by the landlord in respect of the period
            prior to completion.
      (f)   All buildings and structures owned, operated, or
            leased by any of the Companies are in good condition
            and repair in all material respects, free of any
            material structural or engineering defect, are
            suitable for the conduct of the respective businesses
            of the Companies as presently conducted and as
            presently proposed to be conducted, do not require
            any maintenance or repairs except for any repairs and
            maintenance which would not have individually, or in
            the aggregate, a Material Adverse Effect and do not
            constitute a risk to health and safety.
      (g)   Each of the Companies has complied with its
            obligations imposed on it by the leases of these Real
            Properties which are leasehold and with the
            provisions of any planning permission or other
            consents necessary for the operation of the
            respective businesses of the Companies or the lawful
            occupant of the Real Properties.
      (h)   In respect of the Real Property situated at Units
            500, 510, 520 and 530 Montford Court, Montford
            Street, Salford only Sellers agree to indemnify
            Purchaser if an enforcement notice is served because
            there has been a change of use of any of these
            properties (prior to the date of this Agreement)
            without planning permission, against all costs
            connected with the challenging of such notice and
            obtaining retrospective planning consent and for the
            relocation of the Company and its business which uses
            the premises which are the subject of such
            enforcement notice, if retrospective planning consent
            can not be obtained.

      (a)   Except only as specifically set forth in Schedule
            2.7, each of the Companies is and has been in
            compliance with all applicable Laws except where the
            failure to comply would not have individually, or in
            the aggregate, a Material Adverse Effect. No
            investigation is pending or, to the knowledge of any
            Seller, threatened by any Authority with respect to
            any violation by any of the Companies of any such
            Law.  The Companies are not in a dominant position in
            any market in any part of the European Economic
            Community for the purpose of Article 86 of the Treaty
            of Rome and none of the Companies is a party to any
            agreement, arrangement or activity which has been or
            should be notified to the Commission of the European
            Community for an exemption or in respect of which an
            application has been or should be made to the said
            Commission for negative clearance.
      (b)   The inventories of the Companies are in all material
            respects properly stored by the Companies in
            compliance with applicable laws (including, without
            limitation, any laws and regulations with respect to
            contents, packaging or labelling) and the physical
            storage requirements for such inventories.


      Each of Sellers, their respective Affiliates (as defined in
      Section 2.19), the Companies, and their respective
      Employees, agents, representatives and other Persons
      associated with or acting on behalf of any of them, has not
      so far as Sellers are aware used any corporate or other
      funds for unlawful contributions, payments, gifts or
      entertainment, or so far as Sellers are aware made any
      unlawful expenditures relating to, any political activity,
      or so far as Sellers are aware made any direct or indirect
      unlawful payments to government officials or others.

2.9   TAXES

      Except only as specifically set forth in Schedule 2.9:
      (a)   All Returns which were required to be filed with
            respect to the Companies have been timely filed, were
            correct and complete in all material respects and
            have been prepared on a proper and consistent basis;
            provided, however that for the avoidance of doubt a
            return shall not be complete and accurate in all
            material respects if a liability to pay penalties or
            interest could arise or be increased as a result of
            any omission or inaccuracy in relation to such return
            or if such omission or inaccuracy could give rise to
            any uncertainty concerning the present or future
            liability to Tax of any of the Companies.
            As used herein, the term "Returns" means all returns,
            reports, estimates, declarations, information returns
            and statements of any nature with respect to Taxes,
            including, without limitation, corporation tax
            returns and computations required to be filed by and
            with respect to any of the Companies and declarations
            of estimated tax and tax reports required to be filed
            by or with respect to the Companies or their
            respective income, properties or operations.
            As used herein, the term "Tax" or "Taxes" means any
            national, federal, provincial, state, municipal,
            local or foreign taxes, duties or levies charged in
            respect of income, gross receipts, value-added,
            profits, severance, capital, net worth, distributions
            (whether hidden or not), franchise, license,
            transfer, stamp or stamp duty reserve, sales,
            turnover, use, payroll, employment, any
            profit-related pay schemes withholding, social
            security, national insurance, workers and
            unemployment compensation, property (real or
            personal), gains, occupation, excise and all other
            similar taxes, assessments, customs, duties, charges
            and fees (including interest, fines, penalties or
            additions to such taxes and any interest in respect
            of such penalties or additions) applicable to (or
            subject to withholding by) any of the Companies, or
            on a consolidated basis, all or any combination of
            the Companies, and shall in the United Kingdom
            include (but without limitation) advance corporation
            tax, any amounts payable pursuant to Section 350,
            Section 419 or Section 601 of the Taxes Act and input
            tax within the meaning of Section 24 of the VAT Act
            but shall exclude uniform business rates payable in
            respect of Real Property.
            As used herein, the term "Taxes Act" means the United
            Kingdom Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988.
            As used herein, the term "VAT Act" means the United
            Kingdom Value Added Tax Act 1994.
      (b)   Each of the Companies has paid all Taxes which it is
            required to pay on or before the Closing Date.  The
            Companies are not liable for any interest, penalties,
            fines or surcharges in relation to any Tax.
      (c)   The Balance Sheet makes proper provision for deferred
            taxation in accordance with GAAP and SSAP 15, and no
            transfer from or reduction to the deferred taxation
            account or any other reserve in respect of deferred
            taxation has been made or will have been made by any
            of the Companies on or before the Closing Date.
      (d)   There are no pending requests for rulings, clearances
            or consents from any Taxing Authority (as defined
            below), no outstanding subpoenas or requests for
            information by any Taxing Authority with respect to
            any Returns or Taxes, and so far as Sellers are aware
            no proposed reassessments by any Taxing Authority of
            any property owned or leased by any of the Companies.
            As used herein, the term "Taxing Authority" means any
            national, federal, provincial, state municipal, local
            or foreign government or any authority, agency, body
            or official empowered to levy or collect any Tax.
      (e)   With the sole exception of the U.S. federal income
            tax returns of the Companies, which U.S. federal
            income tax returns have never been examined by the
            U.S. Internal Revenue Service, the Income Tax Returns
            of the Companies have been examined by and agreed
            with the relevant Taxing Authorities, or the period
            covered by such Returns has been closed by an
            applicable statute of limitations, for the periods
            set forth on Schedule 2.9.
            As used herein, the terms "Income Tax" or "Income
            Taxes" mean any Tax (i) based upon, measured by, or
            calculated with respect to, net income or net
            receipts, proceeds, or profits (including, but not
            limited to, any corporation Taxes, capital gains
            Taxes, real property gains Tax, minimum Taxes and any
            Taxes on items of Tax preference, but not including
            sales, use, value-added, severance, production,
            extraction, federal royalty, real or personal
            property transfer, stamp or other similar Taxes) or
            (ii) based upon, measured by, or calculated with
            respect to multiple bases (including, but not limited
            to, corporate franchise or occupation Taxes) if one
            or more of the bases on which such Tax may be based,
            measured by, or calculated with respect to is
            described in (i) above.
      (f)   There are no agreements in effect, whether written or
            oral, to extend (i) the time to file any Return of or
            relating to any of the Companies, or (ii) the period
            of limitations for the assessment or collection of
            any Taxes for which any of the Companies would be
      (g)   All deficiencies of Taxes asserted or proposed in
            writing or, to the knowledge of any Seller, otherwise
            asserted, proposed or threatened, with respect to any
            of the Companies as a result of any profit-related
            pay scheme or any audit, examination, investigation
            or similar proceeding by any Taxing Authority have
            been paid or adequate provision therefor has been
            made in the Balance Sheet.
      (h)   There is no pending Tax audit, examination,
            investigation or similar proceeding or any dispute
            with any Taxing Authority relating to any of the
            Companies, nor is any Seller aware of any matter
            which may lead to any such examination, investigation
            or similar proceeding or dispute.
      (i)   All clearances and consents obtained from any Taxing
            Authority by any of the Companies are specifically
            set forth in Schedule 2.9 and were obtained after
            sufficient and accurate disclosure of all material
            facts and considerations and so far as the Sellers
            are aware no such clearance or consent is liable to
            be withdrawn, nullified or rendered void.
      (j)   All amounts required to be withheld or collected by
            each of the Companies with respect to Taxes have been
            duly collected or withheld and any such amounts that
            were required to be remitted to any Taxing Authority
            on or before the Closing Date have been duly
      (k)   Prior to the date hereof, Sellers have provided (or
            caused to be provided) to Purchaser copies of all
            Taxing Authorities' reports, assessments and other
            written assertions of Tax deficiencies of each of the
            Companies (in which any of the Companies is or may be
            liable) with respect to each of the last six taxable
            years of each of such entities and any closing
            agreements executed with respect thereto.
      (l)   No Tax will be chargeable on or recoverable from any
            of the Companies nor will any credit or allowance
            cease to be available to any of them or be restricted
            in each case as a result of or in connection with the
            sale of the Shares hereunder, and none of the
            Companies has made any distribution or deemed
            distribution (including, without limitation, any
            distribution under Section 418 of the Taxes Act)
            without paying advance corporation tax to the extent
            due and payable thereon.
      (m)   No liability to Tax would arise if any assets or debt
            valued in excess of [POUND STERLING]5,000 of any of the 
	    Companies were disposed of for an amount equal to the 
	    value attributed to such asset or debt in the Balance
      (n)   None of the Companies has or so far as Sellers are
            aware will have any liability for Taxes of another
            Person other than any of the other Companies (i)
            under any provision relating to liability of a former
            member of an affiliated group (including U.S.
            Treasury Regulation [Section] 1.1502-6 or any similar
            provision), (ii) as a transferee or successor, (iii)
            by contract, or (iv) save in relation to withholding
            taxes (including PAYE and other payroll taxes or
            deductions of social security contributions)
      (o)   None of the Companies is a party to any Tax
            allocation or sharing agreement that includes any
            entity other than the Companies.
      (p)   None of the Companies has made any payments, is
            obligated to make any payments or is a party to any
            agreement that could obligate it to make any non-
            deductible payments to any Employee (as defined in
            Section 2.13) upon a change of control (including
            pursuant to Section 280G of the U.S. Internal Revenue
      (q)   Except only as specifically described in Schedule
            2.9(q), (i) the Company is resident in the United
            Kingdom for United Kingdom Tax purposes and is not
            and never has been resident for any purpose in any
            other country, (ii) none of the Subsidiary Companies
            is or ever has been resident for any Tax purposes
            (including for the purposes of any double taxation
            treaty) in any territory other than that in which it
            is incorporated and (iii) none of the Companies
            carries on business through a branch or agency or
            permanent establishment or is otherwise liable to
            Tax, in any jurisdiction other than that in which it
            is incorporated.
      (r)   No amount of an income nature which has been paid or
            is payable by any of the Companies, or which it is
            under an obligation entered into before the Closing
            Date to pay, is wholly or partly disallowable as a
            deduction, charge on income or otherwise in computing
            its liability to Taxation.
      (s)   Each capital expenditure of a kind that potentially
            qualified or qualifies for capital allowances
            incurred or to be incurred by the Company prior to
            Closing has qualified and continues to qualify for
            capital allowances.
      (t)   There are no held-over gains (within the meaning of
            Section 154 of the TCG Act) attributable to any of
            the assets of the Company.
            As used herein, the term "TCG Act" means the United
            Kingdom Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992.
      (u)   All documents in the possession of any of the
            Companies or to the production of which it is
            entitled and which attract stamp or transfer duty of
            in excess of [POUND STERLING]100 in the United Kingdom, 
	    United States, France, Germany or so far as Sellers are
            aware elsewhere have been properly stamped.
      (v)   None of the Companies has entered into or been a
            party to any scheme or arrangement designed wholly or
            mainly for the purpose of such company or (so far as
            any Seller or the Company is aware) any other Person
            avoiding Taxation.
      (w)   The Company: (i) has not agreed to any special method
            of attributing accounting or otherwise in relation to
            value-added tax with H.M. Customs & Excise; (ii) does
            not own any capital items which are subject to Part
            XV of the Value Added Tax Regulations 1995 (the
            capital goods scheme) and (iii) does not own any land
            or building (including any interest in or right over
            any land or building) in respect of which it or a
            relevant associate of it has made an election to
            waive exemption pursuant to paragraphs 2 and 3 of
            Schedule 10 to the VAT Act.
      (x)   The Company is registered for purposes of United
            Kingdom value-added tax ("VAT") and has complied in
            all material respects with all statutory provisions
            relating thereto, including, without limitation,
            preparing and filing all VAT returns on a timely,
            proper and consistent basis and paying all VAT on a
            timely basis; provided, however, that for the
            avoidance of doubt statutory provisions shall not
            have been complied with in all material respects if a
            liability to pay penalties or interest could arise or
            be increased as a result of any failure to comply or
            if such failure to comply could give rise to any
            uncertainty concerning the present or future
            liability to Tax of any of the Companies.  All
            supplies made by the Company are taxable supplies for
            purposes of VAT.  The Company has never been a member
            of a group of companies for the purposes of Section
            43 of the VAT Act.  The Company is not, and has not
            agreed to become, an agent or VAT representative for
            the purposes of Section 47 or 48 of the VAT Act of
            any person not resident in the United Kingdom.
      (y)   No apportionment under Chapter III of Part XI of the
            Taxes Act has been made or threatened against the
            Company nor are there any circumstances which allow
            such an apportionment to be made or threatened.  All
            transactions among the Companies were conducted on an
            "arm's-length" basis.  No loan, advance, release or
            payment has been made or consideration given or
            transaction effected by the Company falling within
            Section 419 to 422 (inclusive) of the Taxes Act. The
            Company has made no transfer of the kind referred to
            in Section 125 of the TCG Act nor any transfer of
            value relevant for Section 94 Inheritance Tax Act.
      (z)   Neither the assets nor the shares of any of the
            Companies are subject to any United Kingdom Inland
            Revenue charge as mentioned in Section 237 of the
            United Kingdom Inheritance Tax Act 1984.
      (aa)  No person has, or could obtain, the power under
            Section 212 of the United Kingdom Inheritance Tax Act
            1984 to raise any inheritance tax by the sale or
            mortgage of or by a terminable charge on any of the
            Company's assets.
      (bb)  None of the Companies has caused, permitted or
            entered into any of the transactions specified in
            Section 765 of the Taxes Act without the prior
            consent of HM Treasury nor made a deemed disposal of
            assets pursuant to Section 185 or 186 of the TCG Act
            nor made an election as "the principal company" under
            Section 187 of the TCG Act nor failed to comply with
            Section 130 Finance Act 1988 before ceasing to be
            resident in the United Kingdom.
      (cc)  Each of the Companies has properly operated the PAYE
            (or other applicable payroll tax) system and all
            deductions and payments required to be made by any of
            the Companies in respect of National Insurance or
            other social security contributions (including
            employer's contributions) on or before the Closing
            Date have been made and each of the Companies has
            complied in all material respects with all reporting
            obligations in connection with benefits provided for
            each of the Companies' directors, other officers and
            employees; provided, however that for the avoidance
            of doubt reporting obligations shall not have been
            complied with in all material respects if a liability
            to pay penalties or interest could arise or be
            increased as a result of any failure to comply or if
            such failure to comply could give rise to any
            uncertainty concerning the present or future
            liability to Tax of any of the Companies
      (dd)  All claims, elections and notices in relation to Tax
            or other Returns which have been taken into account
            in calculating the provisions for Tax in the Balance
            Sheet have, except to the extent specifically set
            forth in Schedule 2.9(dd), been properly and duly
            submitted to the relevant Taxing Authorities and are
            not the subject nor so far as Sellers are aware are
            likely to be the subject of any dispute with the
            relevant Taxing Authorities.
      (ee)  Proper provision or reserve has been made in the
            Balance Sheet in accordance with GAAP for all Tax
            liable to be assessed on each of the Companies or for
            which they are or may become accountable in respect
            of the period ended on the Balance Sheet Date.
      (ff)  There are specifically set forth in Schedule 2.9(gg)
            copies of all notifications from a Taxing Authority
            to any of the Companies that any payment which any of
            the Companies is currently liable to make may be made
            gross or at a reduced rate of withholding which
            otherwise should have been made subject to deduction
            of an amount in respect of Tax and no rent payable by
            the Company is subject to the provisions of Section
            42A Taxes Act and/or any regulations made thereunder.
      (gg)  Any liability (actual or contingent) on any of the
            Companies to make a payment subject to a deduction or
            withholding of Tax which are subject to a liability
            to gross up are specifically set forth in Schedule
      (hh)  The Company has not (i) at any time repaid or
            redeemed or agreed to repay or redeem any share
            capital or securities; or (ii) issued or agreed or
            resolved to issue shares or securities otherwise than
            for new consideration; or (iii) at any time
            capitalised or agreed to capitalise any profits or
            reserves into shares or securities and has not passed
            or agreed to pass any resolution to do so.
      (ii)  The Company has not issued and is not the owner of
            (i) any securities (as defined in Section 254(1)
            Taxes Act) in relation to which payments might fall
            within Section 209(2)(d) and/or (da) and/or (e) Taxes
            Act; or (ii) any relevant discounted securities
            within the meaning of paragraph 3 of Schedule 13 to
            the Finance Act 1996; or (iii) any debt which is not
            a normal commercial loan for the purposes of Section
            117(1) TCG Act or Schedule 18 Taxes Act.
      (jj)  The Company has not been concerned or agreed to be
            concerned in any transaction involving an exempt
            distribution within Sections 213 to 218 (inclusive)
            Taxes Act.
      (kk)  The Company is not a party to a loan relationship
            with a person other than a Subsidiary Company which
            falls within the provisions of Section 87 of the
            Finance Act 1996 (connected parties) and no debt owed
            by the Company has since the Balance Sheet Date been
            released in whole or in part in circumstances that
            give rise or could give rise to a liability to
      (ll)  No loss which might accrue on the disposal by the
            Company of any share in or security of any company is
            liable to be reduced by virtue of any depreciatory
            transaction or deemed depreciatory transaction within
            Sections 176 and 177 TCG Act.
      (mm)  The Company has not elected nor has it been treated
            by paragraph 8(2) Schedule 3 TCG Act as having
            elected that all disposals made by it shall fall
            outside Section 35(3) TCG Act.
      (nn)  The Company has not been involved in any transactions
            where a claim has or could have been made under
            Sections 140A and 140C of the TCG Act.
      (oo)  The Company has not within the last six years (i)
            made any elections or payments under Section 247 of
            the Taxes Act; or (ii) entered into any agreements or
            arrangements relating to group relief; or (iii)
            entered into any agreements or arrangements relating
            to the surrender of ACT; or (iv) been a party to any
            agreement or arrangement under Section 102 of the
            Finance Act 1989.
      (pp)  None of the Companies (i) are parties to leasing
            transactions to which the provisions of section 82
            and Schedule 12 of the Finance Act 1997 would apply;
            or (ii) have made a or currently intends to declare
            and/or make prior to Closing a distribution to which
            the provisions of section 69 and Schedule 7 of the
            Finance Act 1997 would apply.
      (qq)  The full amount of the Company's surplus ACT (if any)
            is set forth in Schedule 2.9(qq);
      (rr)  No transaction has been entered into or event
            occurred in consequence whereof any of the Companies
            so far as Sellers are aware could be liable to
            Taxation or increased Taxation pursuant to Section
            770-773 Taxes Act or any equivalent or substantially
            equivalent provision, law or regulation in any other
            relevant jurisdiction;
      (ss)  The Company is not a controlled foreign corporation
            within the meaning of Section 957(a) of the US
            Internal Revenue Code.


      Except only as set forth in Schedule 2.10, there is no
      actual, pending or, to any Seller's knowledge, threatened
      suit or other legal or administrative action, investigation
      or arbitration other than in connection with the collection
      of debts arising in the ordinary course of business less
      than [POUND STERLING]10,000 in the aggregate ("Litigation");
      nor has there been at any time within the six years ending on
      the date hereof any Litigation which either (i) involves any 
      of the Companies or Sellers, whether as plaintiff or defendant,
      and would have a Material Adverse Effect; or (ii) seeks or
      could reasonably be expected to prevent, restrict or delay
      the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby or
      the fulfilment of the conditions contained herein. In
      addition, so far as Sellers are aware no circumstances
      exist which render any director of any of the Companies
      capable of being disqualified from being a director

      (a)   Except for Contracts terminable upon notice of 90
            days or less without penalty, and Contracts involving
            commitments on behalf of any of the Companies
            aggregating less than [POUND STERLING]10,000, Purchaser 
	    has been provided with copies of all Contracts, 
	    including without limitation:
            (i)   any Contract (whether as licensor or licensee,
                  assignor or assignee) relating to any of the
                  Intellectual Property Rights (as defined in
                  Section 2.14);
            (ii)  any Employee Agreement (as defined in Section
                  2.13(c)) and any Employee Plan (as defined in
                  Section 2.13(c) or any contract, loan or other
                  obligation in which an Employee or related
                  Person is interested for the purposes of
                  Section 317 of the Companies Act or otherwise;
            (iii) any material Contract with customers or
            (iv)  any Contract with any distributor, dealer,
                  sales agent or representative or any agreement
                  containing a grant to or by any of the
                  Companies of any sole, exclusive or non-
                  exclusive rights to deal in such Company's
                  products (whether by reference to territory,
                  product, type of customer or supplier or
            (v)   any collective bargaining or other Contract
                  with any labour union;
            (vi)  any Contract granting to any person a right at
                  such person's option to purchase or acquire any
                  asset or property of any of the Companies (or
                  any interest therein) (other than inventory in
                  the ordinary course of business);
            (vii) any Contract granting any Person an Encumbrance
                  on any of the assets or properties of any of
                  the Companies, including without limitation any
                  factoring agreement or agreement for the
                  assignment of accounts receivable or inventory;
           (viii) any joint venture, consortium or
                  partnership or other profit-sharing Contract
                  with any Person or any research, development or
                  co-operation agreement with any Person;
            (ix)  any indenture, mortgage, loan note, bond,
                  debenture, loan capital or other evidence of
                  indebtedness, redeemable preference share, any
                  credit, loan, overdraft facility or similar
                  Contract under which it has borrowed any money,
                  and any guarantee of or agreement to acquire
                  any such obligation, or agreement to guarantee
                  or acquire any liability of any other Person,
                  or any loan by any of the Companies to any
                  other Person;
            (x)   any Contract for the modification of any
                  building or structure or for the incurrence of
                  any other capital expenditure over [POUND 
            (xi)  any Contract or any other arrangements,
                  understandings or commitments to which the
                  Company is a party (whether or not such
                  arrangements, understandings or commitments are
                  binding) which restricts it from entering into
                  any new or existing line of business, contains
                  geographic restrictions on its ability to
                  conduct business activities, or otherwise
                  restricts its ability to deal with whomever and
                  by whatever means it thinks fit, or any
                  Contract, arrangement or concerted practice
                  which contravenes, may result in any references
                  under, or is or may be required to be
                  registered under, or has been the subject of
                  any undertaking or order under, the United
                  Kingdom Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1976,
                  the Retail Prices Act 1976, the Competition Act
                  1980 or other applicable antitrust legislation,
                  or which contravenes Articles 85(1) or 86 of
                  the Treaty of Rome (or which would be so
                  prohibited but for any exempting provisions
                  under such Treaty or any Regulations in force
                  under it) or has been notified to the
                  Commission of the European Union;
            (xii) any Contract which by its terms: (A) entitles
                  any party thereto (other than any of the
                  Companies) to terminate it in the event of any
                  change in the underlying ownership or control
                  or management of any of the Companies, or
                  (B) entitles such party to renegotiate the
                  terms in any material respect or otherwise
                  materially alter the operation or duration
                  thereof in the event of any such change;
           (xiii) any Contract relating to clean-up,
                  abatement or other actions in connection with
                  the remediation of any liabilities relating to
                  any Environmental Matters (as defined in
                  Section 2.16) or relating to the performance of
                  any environmental audit or study with respect
                  to the respective business of any of the
            (xiv) any Contract relating to the acquisition or
                  disposal of a material amount of assets (by way
                  of merger, consolidation, purchase, sale or
            (xv)  any other Contract not in the ordinary course
                  of business.
            As used herein, the term "Contracts" means all
            written leases, contracts, grants, licenses, sales
            orders and all other agreements, whether written or
            oral, to which any of the Companies is a party or by
            which it is bound.
      (b)   Except only as specifically set forth in Schedule
            2.11, (i) subject to the availability of equitable
            reliefs, laws relating to insolvency and bankruptcy,
            law and practise on the determination of disputes and
            the enforcement of judgments and matters of public
            policy each Contract is valid, in full force and
            effect and enforceable in accordance with its terms
            unless the failure to be so would not have
            individually, or in the aggregate, a Material Adverse
            Effect, (ii) the Companies have complied in all
            material respects with the provisions of all the
            Contracts and are not in default thereunder except
            where the lack of compliance or any default would not
            have individually, or in the aggregate, a Material
            Adverse Effect, and (iii) to the knowledge of any
            Seller, there has not occurred any default by others
            or any event which, with the lapse of time or the
            election of any person other than any of the
            Companies will become a default under any of the
            Contracts except where such default would not have
            individually, or in the aggregate, a Material Adverse
      (c)   Save as set out in Schedule 2.11(c) and save for
            retention of title liens and similar arrangements no
            plant or equipment, currently used by any of the
            Companies in the course of their respective
            businesses has or have been supplied under any
            Contract or arrangement which precludes its or their
            sale, transfer, assignment, disposal or use by any
            other person.
      (d)   The Companies have terminated, without incurring any
            liability (whether actual, future, vested or
            contingent) all credit, loan, overdraft or other
            borrowing facilities and all other Contracts to which
            the Company was a party prior to Closing or within
            the preceding 12 months pursuant to which the
            Companies were entitled to obtain credit or borrow
            money save for trade credit in the ordinary course of
            trading, save for any credit, loan, overdraft or
            borrowing facilities and any charge, mortgage,
            debenture, fixed and floating charge, pledge or other
            security document or arrangement entered into in
            accordance with the written request of Purchaser.
      (e)   The Companies have, without incurring any liability
            (whether actual, future, vested or contingent),
            secured the release, discharge or removal of all
            Encumbrances over or affecting or relating to any
            undertaking or assets of the Companies and have
            secured the release, discharge or termination of any
            guarantees or contracts in the nature of a guarantee
            provided by the Company or any Subsidiary Company,
            save for any credit, loan, overdraft or borrowing
            facilities and any charge, mortgage, debenture, fixed
            and floating charge, pledge or other security
            document or arrangement entered into in accordance
            with the written request of Purchaser.


      Neither any Seller nor any of the Companies has employed
      any broker, finder, consultant or intermediary in
      connection with the transactions contemplated by this
      Agreement that would be entitled to a broker's, finder's or
      similar fee or commission in connection therewith which was
      or will be payable by any of the Companies or Purchaser.

      (a)   U.K. Employee Pension Scheme
            (i)   Except under the Standard Life Executive
                  Scheme, the Sun Alliance Personal Pension Plan
                  and the NPI Group Personal Pension Plan (the
                  "Pension Schemes") or as otherwise set forth in
                  Schedule 2.3(a)(i), the Companies have no
                  agreement, arrangement, understanding or
                  obligation (whether contractual, under trust or
                  otherwise) which exists for the provision of
                  relevant benefits (as defined in Section 612 of
                  the Taxes Act) to any Employee of such
                  Companies (or a predecessor in business of such
                  Companies) or for any relative or dependent of
                  such a Person in connection with which such
                  Companies are or may become legally or morally
                  liable to make any payment.
                  As used herein, the term "Employee" means any
                  current, former, seconded or retired employee,
                  officer, consultant or director of any of the
            (ii)  Full details of the Standard Life Executive
                  Scheme have been given to Purchaser in the form
                  of copies of the material deeds and rules of
                  the Pension Scheme, the current booklet and any
                  announcements of current effect which have been
                  issued to Employees, all insurance policies and
                  contracts, any undertakings and indemnities
                  given to the U.K. Inland Revenue and the
                  Occupational Pensions Board and the Standard
                  Life Executive Scheme is governed solely by the
                  afore-mentioned documents, deeds and rules
                  which, to the knowledge of any Seller,  have
                  been properly and validly brought into effect.
                  Copies of all announcements and explanatory
                  booklets of current effect concerning the Sun
                  Alliance Personal Pension Plan and the NPI
                  Group Personal Pension Plan have been given to
            (iii) The Standard Life Executive Scheme is an exempt
                  approved scheme within the meaning of Chapter I
                  of Part XIV of the Taxes Act and so far as
                  Sellers are aware there is no matter which
                  could lead to the withdrawal of that approval.
                  The Sun Alliance Personal Pension Plan and the
                  NPI Group Personal Pension Plan are personal
                  pension schemes which are approved under
                  Chapter IV of Part XIV of the Taxes Act and, so
                  far as Sellers are aware, there is no matter
                  which could lead to withdrawal of that
            (iv)  No power to augment or alter benefits or to
                  provide benefits which would not otherwise have
                  been provided under the Pension Scheme has been
                  exercised in respect of any Employee and no
                  Employee or member of the Pension Scheme has
                  been notified that such exercise may be
            (v)   Any Employee may join any of the Pensions
                  Schemes after completing six months employment
                  with the Company.
            (vi)  Schedule 2.13(a)(vi) contains a list of the
                  Employees who are active members of the Pension
                  Schemes, detailing which scheme that individual
                  is a member of.  Details of the relevant
                  contribution rate payable by the Company in
                  respect of each Employee are contained at
                  document 17 of Additional File 7 of the Data
            (vii) All benefits (other than a refund of
                  contributions with interest where appropriate)
                  payable under the Pension Schemes on the death
                  of a member while in employment to which the
                  Pension Schemes relate are fully insured under
                  a policy effected with an insurance company
                  authorized to conduct long-term insurance
                  business under the Insurance Companies Act
                  1982.  To the knowledge of any Seller there is
                  no reason why any such insurance might be
           (viii) All amounts due to the Pension Schemes
                  from the Companies or their Employees have been
                  paid and were properly assessed or calculated,
                  in the case of the Standard Life Executive
                  Scheme in accordance with the payment schedule
                  prepared for the purpose of Section 87 of the
                  Pensions Act 1995, and in the case of the Sun
                  Alliance Personal Pension Plan and the NPI
                  Group Personal Pension Plan in accordance with
                  Employees' contracts of employment.  There has
                  been no contribution holiday, suspension or
                  reduction during the three years prior to
            (ix)  So far as Sellers are aware there are no
                  circumstances in existence which require or
                  might require the Pension Schemes to be wound
                  up, and except as set forth in Schedule
                  2.13(a)(ix) none of the Companies has any
                  liability to the Pension Schemes under Section
                  75 of the Pensions Act 1995.
            (x)   To the knowledge of the Company and any Seller
                  the Standard Life Executive Scheme has been
                  operated at all times in accordance with the
                  documents constituting the same (as lawfully
                  amended from time to time).
            (xi)  No claim has been made or threatened against
                  the Companies or, in the case of the Standard
                  Life Executive Scheme, so far as Sellers are
                  aware, against the trustees or administrators
                  of the Pension Schemes (other than routine
                  claims for benefits).  To the knowledge of any
                  Seller there are no circumstances which may
                  give rise to any such claim and neither any
                  Seller nor the Companies have given any
                  indemnity to any Person in connection with the
                  Pension Schemes.
            (xii) So far as Sellers are aware the Pension Schemes
                  have no self-investment which exceeds the
                  limits imposed by The Occupational Pension
                  Scheme (Investment of Schemes' Resources)
                  Regulations 1992.
           (xiii) Employees may contract out on an individual 
		  basis in relation to any Pension Scheme.
            (xiv) No loans have been made by the Standard Life
                  Executive Scheme and remain outstanding (as to
                  interest or principal) to the Companies or any
                  associate of it or to any other person or body
                  participating in that scheme.
            (xv)  The Pension Schemes provide only money purchase
                  benefits as defined in Section 181 of the
                  Pension Schemes Act 1993 and do not seek to
                  ensure a level of benefit for any past or
                  present Employee relative to such Employee's
                  salary or remuneration.  Section 74(6) of the
                  Pension Schemes Act 1993 (uniform accrual) does
                  not apply to the calculation of short service
                  benefit under the Pension Scheme.
      (b)   U.S. Employee Plans
            (i)   Schedule 2.13(b)(i) contains an accurate list
                  of each U.S. Employee Plan.  None of the
                  Companies has any plan or commitment, whether
                  legally binding or not, to establish or to
                  enter into any new U.S. Employee Plan or to
                  modify or to terminate any U.S. Employee Plan
                  or the funding thereof (except to the extent
                  required to conform any such U.S. Employee Plan
                  to the requirements of any applicable law, in
                  each case as previously disclosed to Purchaser
                  or as required by this Agreement), nor has any
                  intention to do any of the foregoing been
                  communicated to Employees.
            (ii)  Except as set forth in Schedule 2.13(b)(ii)
                  Sellers have provided, or have caused the
                  Companies to provide, to Purchaser (A) current,
                  accurate copies of all documents embodying or
                  relating to each U.S. Employee Plan, including
                  all amendments thereto and trust agreements and
                  insurance contracts related thereto; (B) the
                  most recent summary plan description, together
                  with the most recent summary of material
                  modifications, if any, required under ERISA
                  with respect to each U.S. Employee Plan; (C)
                  the two most recent annual actuarial
                  valuations, if any, prepared for each U.S.
                  Employee Plan; (D) the two most recent annual
                  reports (Series 5500 and all schedules
                  thereto), if any, required under ERISA in
                  connection with each U.S. Employee Plan or
                  related trust; and (E) to the knowledge of the
                  Companies and any Seller, all material
                  communications to any Employee or Employees
                  relating to each U.S. Employee Plan and any
                  proposed U.S. Employee Plan.
            (iii) Each of the Companies have performed all
                  material obligations required to be performed
                  by them under each U.S. Employee Plan and (A)
                  each U.S. Employee Plan has been established
                  and maintained in accordance with its terms and
                  in compliance with all applicable laws,
                  statutes, orders, rules and regulations,
                  including but not limited to ERISA and the U.S.
                  Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, (the
                  "IRC"), except where failure to do so would not
                  result in any material liability to Seller, any
                  Company or Purchaser; (B) each U.S. Employee
                  Plan intended to qualify under Section 401 of
                  the IRC is, and since its inception has been,
                  so qualified and a determination letter has
                  been issued by the U.S. Internal Revenue
                  Service (the "IRS") to the effect that each
                  such U.S. Employee Plan is so qualified and
                  that each trust forming a part of any such U.S.
                  Employee Plan is exempt from tax pursuant to
                  Section 501(a) of the IRC; (C) no "prohibited
                  transaction," within the meaning of Section
                  4975 of the IRC or Section 406 of ERISA, has
                  occurred with respect to any U.S. Employee
                  Plan; (D) each U.S. Employee Plan can be
                  amended, terminated or otherwise discontinued
                  without liability to any Company; (E) no U.S.
                  Employee Plan is under audit or investigation
                  by the IRS, the Department of Labour or the
                  Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, and to
                  the knowledge of Sellers, no such audit or
                  investigation is pending or threatened; and (F)
                  except as disclosed on Schedule 2.13(b)(iii),
                  there are no actions, proceedings, suits or
                  claims pending, threatened or anticipated
                  (other than routine claims for benefits)
                  against any of Sellers or any Company by or in
                  respect of any Employee arising out of any U.S.
                  Employee Plan.
            (iv)  No U.S. Employee Plan provides, nor does any of
                  the Companies have any liability to provide,
                  life insurance, medical or other employee
                  welfare benefits to any Employee upon his or
                  her retirement or termination of employment,
                  except as may be required by law or as listed
                  on Schedule 2.13(b)(iv), and neither Sellers
                  nor any of the Companies has ever represented,
                  promised or contracted (whether in oral or
                  written form) to any Employee (either
                  individually or to Employees as a group) that
                  such Employee(s) would be provided with life
                  insurance, medical or other employee welfare
                  benefits upon their retirement or termination
                  of employment, except to the extent required by
            (v)   None of the Companies presently sponsors,
                  maintains, contributes to, nor is any of the
                  Companies required to contribute to, nor has
                  any Companies ever sponsored, maintained,
                  contributed to, or been required to contribute
                  to, an Employee Plan which is subject to Title
                  IV of ERISA.
            (vi)  None of the Companies is now or has ever been
                  (i) a member of a "controlled group of
                  corporations," under "common control" or an
                  "affiliated service group" within the meanings
                  of Section 414(b), (c) or (m) of the IRC; (ii)
                  required to be aggregated under Section 414(o)
                  of the IRC; or (iii) under "common control,"
                  within the meaning of Section 4001(a)(14) of
                  ERISA, with any corporation or other entity
                  (other than the Company or any of the
                  Subsidiary Companies).
      (c)   The Companies have at all times administered the
            profit-related pay schemes in accordance with their
            terms and subject to the provisions of Chapter III of
            Part V of Schedule 8 to ICTA 1988 and has discharged
            all its obligations under such Schemes.
      (d)   All Employees
            (i)   No work stoppage or labour strike against any
                  of the Companies is pending, anticipated or so
                  far as Sellers are aware threatened.  No labour
                  union is conducting any union organizing
                  activities with respect to any of the
                  Employees. None of the Companies has had a
                  complaint made to it by any Employee in
                  relation to discrimination on the basis of
                  race, sex or disability or otherwise in its
                  remuneration rates and policies, promotion
                  policies and practices, employment conditions
                  or practices with respect to the Employees in
                  the last 6 years.  None of the Companies is
                  involved in or, so far as Sellers are aware,
                  threatened with any dispute, grievance, or
                  litigation relating to the employment of the
                  Employees, safety or discrimination matters
                  involving any Employee, in each case including,
                  without limitation, violation of any
                  supranational, national, provincial or local
                  labour or employment laws except in each case
                  where it would not individually, or in the
                  aggregate, have a Material Adverse Effect, nor
                  does any basis therefor exist.
            (ii)  None of the Companies is presently a party to,
                  or bound by, any collective bargaining
                  agreement or union contract with respect to
                  Employees, and no collective bargaining
                  agreement, union contract or recognition
                  agreement is currently being negotiated by any
                  of the Companies.
            (iii) Schedule 2.13(d)(iii) sets forth the name,
                  position, title or function, and the salary or
                  wages and commission entitlements, date of
                  birth and date of commencement of the
                  respective periods deemed to be their period of
                  continuous employment with each of the
                  Companies of each Current Employee.  Except
                  only as specifically set forth in Schedule
                  2.13(d)(iii), no such Current Employee has
                  notified any Seller or any of the Companies of
                  his or her intention to resign or retire.  The
                  execution of, and performance of the
                  transactions contemplated in, this Agreement
                  will not (either alone or upon the occurrence
                  of any additional or subsequent events) (i)
                  constitute an event under any Employee Plan or
                  Employee Agreement that will or may result in
                  any payment (whether of severance pay or
                  otherwise), forgiveness of indebtedness,
                  vesting, distribution, increase in benefits or
                  obligation to fund benefits with respect to any
                  Employee, or any obligation to make payment to
                  any Tax Authority, or (ii) result in the
                  triggering or imposition of any restrictions or
                  limitations on the right of any Company to
                  amend or terminate any Employee Plan and
                  receive the full amount of any excess assets
                  remaining or resulting from such amendment or
                  termination, subject to applicable taxes.  No
                  payment or benefit which will or may be made by
                  any Company, Seller or Purchaser, or any of
                  their respective Affiliates with respect to any
                  Employee will be characterized as an "excess
                  parachute payment," within the meaning of
                  Section 280G(b)(1) of the IRC.
            (iv)  Purchaser has been provided with copies of the
                  principal statement of terms and conditions of
                  employment, the employee handbook for all
                  Current Employees of the Company (together the
                  "Principal Terms of Employment").  Except as
                  specifically set forth on Schedule 2.13(d)(iv),
                  no Current Employee of the Company (including
                  Sellers and the directors of the Company) is
                  employed on terms other than those contained in
                  the Principal Terms of Employment.
            (v)   Complete copies of the Employee Agreements have
                  been provided to Purchaser.
            (vi)  No Current Employee has ceased to be employed
                  by or to be under contract to any of the
                  Companies in circumstances in which he could
                  make any claim for damages or compensation
                  other than a claim which would not be frivolous
                  or vexatious or is under notice of resignation,
                  dismissal or termination.
            (vii) The Companies take and have taken appropriate
                  precautions to ensure that the Employees have a
                  working environment and working practices
                  (whether or not on the Companies' premises)
                  which are not injurious to their health or
                  safety.  So far as Sellers are aware each of
                  the Companies (A) is in compliance with all
                  applicable laws respecting employment,
                  employment practices, terms and conditions of
                  employment and hours, in each case, with
                  respect to Employees; (B) has withheld all
                  amounts required by law or by agreement to be
                  withheld from the wages, salaries and other
                  payments to Employees; (C) is not liable for
                  any arrears of wages or any taxes or any
                  penalty for failure to comply with any of the
                  foregoing; and (D) is not liable for any
                  payment to any trust or other fund or to any
                  governmental or administrative authority, with
                  respect to unemployment compensation benefits,
                  social security or other benefits for
                  Employees.  The Companies have discharged all
                  obligations to pay wages, salaries and other
                  benefits under any Employee Agreement or
                  Employee Plan up to the date of Closing.
           (viii) There is no outstanding commitment
                  (whether legally binding or not) to increase
                  the remuneration of any Current Employee.  The
                  remuneration of Current Employees is not
                  reviewed, and no Current Employee has any right
                  or expectation (whether legally binding or not)
                  to have their remuneration reviewed, more
                  frequently than once in every calendar year and
                  the last such review was completed in 1 April
            (ix)  Except where any provision or allowance is made
                  in the Financial Statements, (A) no liability
                  (actual or contingent) has been incurred in the
                  12 months prior to the date hereof by any
                  Seller or by any of the Companies for breach of
                  any contract of service or consultancy, for
                  redundancy payments (including protective
                  awards), for compensation for wrongful
                  dismissal or unfair dismissal or under Part II
                  of the Employment Rights Act 1996, sex
                  discrimination, race discrimination, disability
                  discrimination, for equal pay or loss of
                  office, under any order for reinstatement or re-
                  engagement of any officer or Employee or for
                  failure to comply with any other similar law;
                  and (B) in the last 12 months no payment has
                  been made or promised by the Seller or by any
                  of the Companies in connection with the
                  termination, suspension or variation of any
                  contract of service or consultancy or for
                  services of any Employee.
                  As used herein, the term "Current Employee"
                  means any Employee who is actively working for
                  or providing services to any of the Companies
                  or on approved leave of absence and has a right
                  to return to employment or to resume providing
                  services to any of the Companies as of the
                  Closing Date and who has an annual salary or
                  wage of [POUND STERLING]10,000 or more.
                  As used herein, the term "Employee Agreement"
                  means each management, employment, consulting,
                  non-compete, change-in-control,
                  confidentiality, agreement or contract entered
                  into by any of the Companies with any Employee.
                  As used herein, the term "Employee Plan" means
                  each plan, program, policy, payroll practice,
                  contract, or other arrangement (other than any
                  Employee Agreement) providing for compensation,
                  termination pay, performance awards, profit
                  related pay schemes, stock or stock-related
                  awards, life and health insurance,
                  hospitalization, saving, bonus, pensions,
                  supplemental pensions, deferred compensation,
                  incentive compensation, holidays, profit
                  sharing, vacations, sick pay, sick leave,
                  disability benefits, tuition refunds, service
                  awards, company cars, scholarships, relocation
                  benefits, patent awards, fringe benefits or
                  other employee benefits of any kind, whether
                  formal or informal, funded or unfunded and
                  whether or not in writing or legally binding.
                  As used herein, the term "U.S. Employee Plan"
                  means an "Employee Plan" which by its terms
                  applies to Employees of Safeline Incorporated.
                  As used herein, the term "ERISA" means the U.S.
                  Employee Retirement Income Security Act of
                  1974, as amended.
            (e)   None of the Companies have any Employee Plans
                  other than the Pension Schemes and the US
                  Employee Plans.

      (a)   Schedule 2.14 specifically sets forth and describes
            all material Intellectual Property Rights and all
            licences of the same that are material to the
            business of the Companies as well as all material
            Licensed Intellectual Property.  Except only as
            specifically set forth in Schedule 2.14, (i) the
            Companies are the sole legal and beneficial owner of
            the Intellectual Property Rights, free from all
            claims, actions, suits, demands, contractual
            limitations or restrictions and (so far as Sellers
            are aware) all other Encumbrances; and all Licensed
            Intellectual Property has been validly granted to one
            or more of the Companies and each licence is used by
            the Companies in accordance with its terms (ii)
            neither any Seller nor any of the Companies has
            received written notice or otherwise has knowledge
            that any of the Intellectual Property Rights or the
            Licensed Intellectual Property is being infringed
            upon or appropriated by others; (iii)  all patents
            and trade marks which have been applied for or
            registered have been registered or applied for in the
            name of one of the Companies and any registrations
            have been properly maintained and renewed in
            accordance with all applicable Laws; (iv) Sellers and
            the Companies have been and are taking all reasonable
            steps necessary to prevent any impairment of the
            right of any of the Companies to use the Intellectual
            Property Rights and the Licensed Intellectual
            Property; (v) the Companies have filed all
            appropriate renewals, extensions, affidavits of
            continued use and/or incontestability, and have paid
            all fees associated therewith, necessary to maintain
            the Intellectual Property Rights; (vi) there is no
            claim or demand of any person pertaining to, or any
            prosecution, suit, action or proceeding pending or,
            to the knowledge of any Seller or the Company,
            threatened, that challenges the exclusive right of
            any of the Companies to use the Intellectual Property
            Rights or use by the Companies of the Licensed
            Intellectual Property which, if pursued, might cause
            any of the warranties in this Section 2.14 to be
            untrue; (vii) no aspect of the Intellectual Property
            Rights is subject to any outstanding order, ruling,
            decree, judgment or stipulation by or with any
            Authority and as far as the Sellers are aware, the
            Intellectual Property Rights are valid, subsisting
            and enforceable; (viii) neither any Seller nor any of
            the Companies has been engaged in any dispute,
            whether or not resulting in litigation, and, to the
            knowledge of any Seller, no dispute or litigation is
            threatened, with respect to the use of any of the
            Intellectual Property Rights; (ix) neither any Seller
            nor any of the Companies is obligated to pay any
            amount, whether as a royalty, license fee or other
            payment, to any Person in order to use any of the
            Intellectual Property Rights and in respect of all
            Licensed Intellectual Property which requires payment
            to be made such payment has been made in accordance
            with the terms of the relevant licence; (x) the
            conduct of the respective businesses of the Companies
            as now being or previously conducted does not
            infringe or otherwise conflict with, any intellectual
            property rights of any third party; (xi) the
            Companies have sufficient right, title and ownership
            of all Intellectual Property Rights and sufficient
            Licensed Intellectual Property necessary for the
            conduct of their respective business; (xii) none of
            Sellers nor any of the Companies has disclosed or is
            obligated to disclose any of the Companies'
            confidential information or Know-How (as hereafter
            defined) to any third party other than in the
            ordinary course of business and under valid and
            enforceable obligations of confidentiality; (xiii) no
            claim for compensation has been made, and none of
            Sellers is aware of any threatened claim for
            compensation, by an employee of any of the Companies
            carrying on trade in the United Kingdom under the
            Patents Act 1977 or under any comparable legislation
            in any part of the world or under any award scheme;
            (xiv) neither any Seller nor any of the Companies has
            granted or is obligated to grant any licenses or
            assignments under or in respect of any Intellectual
            Property Rights owned or used by any of the
            Companies; (xv) the moral rights (as described in
            Chapter IV of the United Kingdoms Copyright Designs
            and Patents Act 1988) in all copyright works
            comprised in the Intellectual Property Rights owned
            or used by any of the Companies have been waived;
            (xvi) where copyright in computer software is owned
            by any of the Companies, such Company has sole
            possession of the source code and has not granted any
            rights whatsoever in or over the source code to any
            person or entity; (xvii) in the case of any computer
            software licensed to any of the Companies and where
            such software is used in or in connection with any of
            the Companies' products, including but without
            limitation, metal detectors, such Company has full
            rights of access to and use of the source code to the
            software in the event of any insolvency,
            administrative receivership, receivership,
            administration or bankruptcy (or equivalent event in
            any relevant jurisdiction) or breach by the owner of
            the software of the relevant license; and (xviii) no
            independent contractor and no Person other than
            employees of the Companies has been engaged to
            prepare, maintain or modify any software or computer
            programs used by the Companies in relation to their
            respective businesses except under written
            obligations to treat as confidential all information
            regarding their businesses thereby obtained and to
            assign to the Companies the full right to use such
            software and computer programs without limit in time
            or other restriction.
            As used herein, the term "Intellectual Property
            Rights" means all patents, copyrights and trademarks,
            and all rights in service marks, trade names and
            logos and get-up, inventions, utility models,
            semiconductor topographies, improvements, drawings,
            designs, patterns, processes, formulae, trade
            secrets, proprietary rights and all rights of
            whatever nature in computer software and data,
            confidential information, ideas and Know-How and all
            intangible rights and privileges of a nature similar
            to any of the foregoing, in every case in any part of
            the world and wherever registered, filed, applied for
            and whether or not patentable or registrable, owned
            by the Companies and/or used in the business of the
            Companies (other than the Licensed Intellectual
            Property).  "Licensed Intellectual Property" means
            any licenses or agreements in relation to the use of
            intellectual property rights from third parties (and
            including without limitation those patents,
            copyrights, trademarks and other intellectual
            property rights used or held for use by any of the
            Companies and required to be listed in Schedule 2.14
            As used herein, the term "Know-How" means all
            confidential, commercial and technical information
            relating to the respective businesses of any of the
            Companies, including, without limitation, all lists
            and particulars of customers and suppliers,
            particulars of marketing and other procedures,
            advertising copy, studies, surveys, meeting notes,
            prices, repair and refurbishing agreements, product
            features, circuit diagrams, layouts, designs and
            specifications, methods of manufacture, techniques,
            product files, product master files, correspondence
            with suppliers and customers, manuals, quality
            assurance, inspection reports, photographs and films,
            computer discs and all other media for the storage of
            computer programs and all information relating to the
            technology of the respective businesses of any of the
            Companies, not in the public domain or publically
      (b)   None of the Companies operates as a computer bureau,
            as that term is defined in the Data Protection Act
            1984, in the United Kingdom or elsewhere in the
            world, and no notice of any kind has been served on
            any of the Companies under any provision under any
            part of that Act or any analogous Law in any part of
            the world.  Insofar as any of the Companies is a
            "Data User" under the Act or in an equivalent
            position under any analogous Law in any other
            (i)   all necessary applications for registration
                  have been duly made and are listed in Schedule
                  2.14(b); and
            (ii)  the details supplied to the Registrar, or other
                  official concerned, in relation to each
                  application are accurate and complete.
      (c)   The Companies' advertising for or in connection with
            any part of their businesses:
            (i)   makes no inaccurate or misleading claims for
                  the performance and quality of its products or
                  services; and
            (ii)  has not been the subject of any complaint from
                  any Authority, customer or other person that
                  such advertising is misleading or deceptive or
                  likely to cause confusion.


      Each Seller and the Companies have obtained and complied
      with the terms of all such consents, licences, approvals,
      waivers, authorizations or registrations, as specifically
      set forth on Schedule 2.15, necessary for the conduct of
      the Companies' respective businesses, except where the
      failure to do so would not individually, or in the
      aggregate, have a Material Adverse Effect, and none of such
      consents, licences, approvals, waivers, authorizations or
      registrations contains any unusual or onerous terms and/or

      (a)   Except only as specifically set forth in Schedule
            2.16(a), the respective businesses of each of the
            Companies (which, for the purposes of this Section
            2.16 and Section 7A, expressly includes transferred,
            disposed of or discontinued operations of each of the
            Companies) have at all times been operated, and are,
            and Sellers and the Companies are in full compliance
            with, and have no actual or contingent liability
            under, any Environmental Laws (as defined below)
            (including, without limitation, all limitations,
            restrictions, conditions, standards, prohibitions,
            requirements, obligations, schedules and timetables
            contained therein), except where the failure to do so
            would not have individually, or in the aggregate, a
            Material Adverse Effect.
      (b)   Except only as specifically set forth in Schedule
            2.16(b), each of the Companies has obtained, is in
            full compliance with, and has made all appropriate
            filings as are required under, Environmental Laws or
            under the terms of Environmental Permits for issuance
            or renewal of all Environmental Permits (as defined
            below) relevant or appropriate to or required for the
            continuation of the activities of each of the
            Companies, including, without limitation, those
            regulating the use, storage, keeping, accumulation,
            treatment, transportation, release, emission,
            discharge and disposal of Hazardous Materials, raw
            materials, by-products and Waste and all such
            Environmental Permits are in full force and effect,
            except where the failure to so obtain, comply, file
            or have in full force and effect would not have
            individually, or in the aggregate, a Material Adverse
            Effect.  No application in respect of any of the
            Companies for an Environmental Permit or for the
            surrender or variation thereof has been refused or
            granted subject to unusual or onerous conditions in
            comparison to businesses carrying on similar
            activities.  Sellers will use reasonable endeavours
            to transfer to Purchaser (or its designee) any
            Environmental Permits, including, without limitation,
            those not held by the Companies, which are relevant
            or appropriate to or required for the activities of
            the Companies.  Sellers know of no intention on the
            part of any relevant Authority to revoke, suspend,
            vary, modify or not renew such Environmental Permits.
            No such Environmental Permits contain any conditions
            making them personal to any of the Companies.
      (c)   Except only as specifically set out in Schedule
            2.16(c), there has been no release or other
            dissemination or threat of release or dissemination
            at any time of any Hazardous Materials at, on, from,
            under or within any real property currently or
            formerly owned, operated, occupied or leased by any
            of the Companies (other than pursuant to and in
            accordance with Environmental Permits held by one of
            the Companies or any such predecessor) except where
            such release would not have individually, or in the
            aggregate, a Material Adverse Effect.
      (d)   Except only as specifically set forth in Schedule
            2.16(d), there are no (i) surface impoundments,
            incinerators, landfills, landraisings, lagoons,
            ponds, waste piles, containment cells, or deep well
            injection systems, each as currently defined by or
            subject to Environmental Law, at, on, under or
            within, the Real Property or (ii) underground or
            above ground storage tanks located at, on, under or
            within any real property currently or formerly owned,
            operated, occupied or leased by any of the Companies
            which have individually, or in the aggregate, a
            Material Adverse Effect.
      (e)   Except only as specifically set forth in Schedule
            2.16(e), (i) there are no claims, complaints,
            notices, civil, criminal or administrative actions,
            suits, hearings, investigations, inquiries or
            proceedings pending or threatened against (A) any of
            Sellers, in connection with or otherwise relating to
            the conduct of the business of any of the Companies,
            or (B) against any of the Companies, and (ii) no
            request from any Authority to perform any
            investigation or remedial activity has been received
            (Y) by any of Sellers in connection with or otherwise
            relating to the conduct of the business of any of the
            Companies, or (Z) by the Companies, that are based on
            or related to any Environmental Matters or the
            failure to have any required Environmental Permits;
      (f)   Except only as specifically set forth in Schedule
            2.16(f), there are no past or present conditions,
            events, circumstances, facts, activities, practices,
            incidents, actions, omissions or plans that may:
            (i) interfere with or prevent continued compliance by
            any of the Companies with Environmental Laws and/or
            Environmental Permits, or (ii) give rise to any
            liability or other obligation under any Environmental
            Laws that may require any of the Companies or
            Purchaser to incur any Environmental Costs, or (iii)
            form the basis of any claim, complaint, notice,
            action, suit, proceeding, hearing, investigation or
            inquiry against or involving any of the Companies
            which in any case is based on any Environmental
            Matter, except in each case where such conditions
            would not have individually, or in the aggregate, a
            Material Adverse Effect.
      (g)   Except only as specifically set forth in Schedule
            2.16(g), none of Sellers, in connection with or
            otherwise, relating to the conduct of the business of
            the Companies, nor any of the Companies have received
            any notice or other written communication that any of
            them is or may be a potentially responsible person or
            otherwise liable in connection with any waste
            disposal site or other location used for the storage,
            treatment or disposal of any Hazardous Materials.
      (h)   Except only as specifically set forth in Schedule
            2.16(h), there is no lien, charge or other
            restriction on the ownership, occupancy, use or
            transferability of any Real Property under any
            Environmental Law or relating to any Environmental
            Matter, and no condition exists which could result in
            the filing of a lien, charge or other such
            restriction against any Real Property under any
            Environmental Law, except where it would not have
            individually, or in the aggregate, a Material Adverse
      (i)   Neither Sellers nor any of the Companies has
            commissioned or is aware of any survey, inspection,
            study, test, report or audit which has revealed (A)
            any matter which would be a contravention of the
            provisions of this Section 2.16, or which may
            indicate a failure to comply with Environmental Law
            or an Environmental Permit or (B) an actual or
            contingent liability arising under Environmental Law
            other than those which would not have individually,
            or in the aggregate, a Material Adverse Effect; nor
            do any of Sellers or any of the Companies know of any
            subsequent development or circumstances which would
            render any such survey, inspection, study, test,
            report or audit incorrect or subject to revision, and
            proper records have been kept of each of them; and
            Sellers have made available to Purchaser all such
            surveys, inspections, studies, tests, reports or
            audits received or commissioned other than those
            which would not have individually or in the aggregate
            a Material Adverse Effect.
      (j)   The Companies have at all times supplied to the
            competent Authorities such information and
            assessments as to the Companies' Hazardous Materials
            as is required under Environmental Laws; all such
            information given (whether under a legal obligation
            or otherwise) was materially correct at the time the
            information was supplied and all information
            contained on public registers relating to such
            matters is correct.
      (k)   Except as specifically set forth in Schedule 2.16(k),
            there are no polychlorinated terphenyls, lead,
            polychlorinated byphenyls, asbestos or other
            deleterious or potentially deleterious materials on,
            in or under any Real Property now owned, operated,
            occupied or leased by any of the Companies which may
            give rise to any material Environmental Costs falling
            on any of Sellers, Purchaser or the Companies.
      (l)  None of the Companies has assumed by contract any
           liabilities or obligations arising under Environmental
           Law in connection with (i) the Real Property or (ii)
           any real property formerly owned, operated, occupied
           or leased by any of the Companies or (iii) any real
           property used for the storage or disposal of Hazardous
           Materials or (iv) any divisions, subsidiaries,
           companies or other entities formerly owned by the

      As used herein, the term "Environmental Costs" shall have
      the same meaning as Environmental Losses as defined in
      Article 7A.

      As used herein, the term "Environmental Laws" means any
      Laws governing Environmental Matters (including, without
      limitation, (i) in England and Wales, the Alkali Works
      Regulation Act 1906, the Public Health Acts 1936 and 1961,
      the Public Health (Drainage to Trade Premises) Act 1937,
      the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949,
      the Radioactive Substances Act 1993, the Factories Act
      1961, the Offices, Shops and Railway Premises Act 1963, the
      Nuclear Installations Act 1965, the Countryside Act 1968,
      the Prevention of Oil Pollution Act 1971, the Control of
      Pollution Act 1974, the Health and Safety at Work, etc.,
      Act 1974, the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Act 1975, the
      Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, the Food and
      Environmental Protection Act 1985, the Control of Pollution
      (Amendment) Act 1989, the Environmental Protection Act
      1990, the Planning (Hazardous Substances) Act 1990, the
      Town and Country Planning Act 1990, the Planning (Listed
      Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, the Water
      Industry Act 1991, the Water Resources Act 1991, the Clean
      Air Act 1993 and the Environment Act 1995, and (ii) in the
      United States, the Comprehensive Environmental Response
      Compensation and Liability Act ("CERCLA"), 42 U.S.C. 9601,
      et seq., the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, 49
      U.S.C. 1801 et seq., the Resource Conservation and Recovery
      Act, 42 U.S.C. 6901, et seq., the Clean Water Act, 33
      U.S.C. 1251, et seq., the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7401, et
      seq., the Toxic Substances Control Act, 15 U.S.C. 2601 et
      seq., the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know
      Act, 42 U.S.C. 11001 et seq., the Federal Insecticide,
      Fungicide, and Rodanticide Act, 7 U.S.C. 136 et seq., the
      Safe Drinking Water Act, 42 U.S.C. 300f et seq. and the
      Occupational Safety and Health Act, 29 U.S.C. 651, et seq.)
      as any of the above have been or may be amended from time
      to time, all rules, regulations, codes of practice,
      guidance notes, circulars and statutory instruments
      promulgated pursuant to any of the above Laws, and any
      other Law governing Environmental Matters, as enacted or in
      existence (but not necessarily in force) at the Closing
      Date and Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act 1990
      and any other laws providing for controls over land or
      water contamination pollution and remediation, including
      any common law cause of action providing for any right or
      remedy with respect to any Environmental Matter, and all
      applicable judicial or administrative decisions, orders, or

      As used herein, the term "Environmental Matter" means any
      matter arising out of, relating to, or resulting from
      pollution, contamination, protection of the environment
      (including flora or fauna), human health or safety, noise
      and vibration, electro-magnetic fields, the condition of
      buildings and the workplace, amenity and any matters
      relating to emissions, discharges, disseminations, releases
      or threatened releases of Hazardous Materials into the air
      (indoor and outdoor), surface water, groundwater, soil,
      land surface or sub-surface, buildings, structures,
      enclosures and other constructions, facilities, real or
      personal property or otherwise arising out of, relating to,
      or resulting from the manufacture, processing,
      distribution, use, treatment, storage, keeping,
      accumulation, disposal, transport, handling, release or
      threatened release of Hazardous Materials.

      "Environmental Permits" means any authorization,
      certificate, consent, licence, registration, permission,
      permit, variation, modification, transfer consent or
      approval given under Environmental Laws or agreements made
      pursuant to Environmental Laws.

      As used herein, the term "Hazardous Material" means any
      substance and any matter that contains any such substance
      (A) the use, handling or disposal of which is regulated by
      any Environmental Law, (B) which may form the basis of
      liability under, any Environmental Law, (C) which makes
      more costly the use, development, ownership or occupation
      of real property or (D) which is categorized or listed
      under any Environmental Law; in each case including,
      without limitation, any pollutants, contaminants, toxic,
      ignitable, reactive, corrosive, hazardous or extremely
      hazardous substances, materials, constituents, chemicals,
      oils, petroleum, any petroleum-derived substance or Waste
      or any by-products or fractions thereof, any form of
      natural gas, lead, asbestos and asbestos-containing
      materials, polychlorinated terphenyls, polychlorinated
      biphenyls ("PCBs") and PCB-containing equipment, radon and
      other radioactive elements, infectious, carcinogenic,
      mutagenic, or etiologic agents, pesticides, defoliants,
      explosives, flammables, corrosives and urea formaldehyde
      foam insulation.

      As used herein, the term "Waste" means "waste" as defined
      or referred to in any Environmental Law.


      The books of account and statutory records of the Companies
      have been maintained in accordance with good business
      practices and all applicable Laws, rules and regulations,
      and all the other Books and Records, are complete and
      correct in all material respects and have been maintained
      by the Companies in all material respects in accordance
      with good business practices and all applicable Laws, rules
      and regulations.  The minute books of director and
      shareholder meetings of each of the Companies, as
      previously made available to Purchaser and its counsel,
      contain accurate records of all such meetings and
      accurately reflect all other corporate action of the
      stockholders and directors of each such Company.  All
      charges in favour of the Companies, where appropriate, have
      been registered in accordance with the provisions of the
      Companies Act or other applicable equivalent legislation,
      and appropriate Memoranda of Satisfaction have been filed
      at the Companies Registry in England and Wales with respect
      to all charges against any of the Companies that have been
      fully discharged or with the relevant corporate Authority.

      (a)   None of the Companies has, in any country, (i)
            commenced any proceeding or other action seeking (A)
            to have an order for relief entered on its behalf as
            debtor in a bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization,
            liquidation, dissolution, arrangement, composition,
            readjustment of debt or similar proceeding or to
            adjudicate it as bankrupt or insolvent, or (B)
            reorganization, liquidation, dissolution, winding-up,
            arrangement, composition or readjustment of its debts
            or (C) any other relief; in each case under any
            bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, liquidation,
            dissolution, arrangement, composition, readjustment
            of debt or other similar Law of any applicable
            jurisdiction; or (ii) applied for a receiver,
            custodian, trustee or liquidator of it or for a
            substantial part of its undertaking; or (iii) made a
            general assignment for the benefit of, or a
            composition or arrangement with, its creditors; or
            (iv) admitted in writing its inability to pay its
            debts as they become due; or (v) taken any corporate
            action in furtherance of any of the foregoing.
      (b)   No proceeding or other action against any of the
            Companies has been commenced in any country seeking
            (i) to have an order for relief entered against it in
            a bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization,
            liquidation, dissolution, arrangement, composition,
            readjustment of debt or similar proceeding or to
            adjudicate it as bankrupt or insolvent, or (ii)
            reorganization, liquidation, dissolution, winding-up,
            arrangement, composition or readjustment of its
            debts, or (iii) any other relief, in each case under
            any bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization,
            liquidation, dissolution, arrangement, composition,
            readjustment of debt or other similar Law of any
            applicable jurisdiction; and there is no circumstance
            which might reasonably be expected to lead to any of
            the foregoing and no receiver, custodian, trustee or
            other liquidator or any similar person for any of the
            Companies has been appointed in any such case or
      (c)   None of the Companies has stopped payment to its
            creditors generally or ceased to carry on business or
            is insolvent or unable to pay its debts.
      (d)   There has not been and there is not, in respect of
            any of the Companies or any part of the business or
            assets thereof, any distress, execution or other
            process levied or any unfulfilled or unsatisfied
            judgment or court order outstanding or any delay by
            any of the Companies in the payment of any obligation
            due for payment or any circumstance which might lead
            to any of the foregoing.
      (e)   None of the Companies is party to any transaction as
            a result of which any asset owned or used by it is
            liable to be transferred or re-transferred pursuant
            to any legislation concerning insolvency nor is it
            party to any transaction which may otherwise be
            liable to be set aside or avoided for any reason.
      (f)   No circumstances have occurred which can result in
            third party claims involving any asset owned or used
            by Safeline GmbH or involving any agreement,
            obligation or promise of the Company being made under
            the Konkursordnung, Vergleichsordnung, the
            Anfechtungsgesetz (Voidance Act) or other insolvency
            related provisions.  No prohibited repayments of
            share capital pursuant to s30 of the GmgHG (Limited
            Liability Company Act) have been made.  No
            agreements, commitments or obligations to enter into
            agreements or commitments exist between the Company
            and its shareholder(s) that have qualified or
            continue to qualify as share capital replacement
            (eigenkapitalersetzende Gesellschafterleistungen).

      (a)   Schedule 2.19 specifically sets forth (i) all
            management, computer, telephone, tax, risk management
            or other services, and all space, facilities,
            personnel and services provided by any Seller or any
            of such Seller's Affiliates to the Companies or by
            the Companies to any Seller or any of such Seller's
            Affiliates and all fees charged since April 1, 1994
            in connection therewith, and (ii) all other Contracts
            and transactions (including the purchase and sale of
            inventories and supplies) between any of the
            Companies on the one hand and any Seller or any of
            such Seller's Affiliates (other than a Company), on
            the other hand, since April 1, 1994.  Also, since
            that date, all transactions and obligations,
            including, but not limited to, those for the sale or
            purchase of goods or services, between any of the
            Companies, on the one hand, and any of Sellers or
            Affiliates (as defined below) thereof, on the other
            hand, have been incurred on an arm's-length basis and
            were properly reflected in the Financial Statements.
            As used herein, the term "Affiliate" means, with
            respect to any Person (i) the Person's spouse, or a
            relative (as defined below), or the spouse of a
            relative, of the Person or of the Person's spouse,
            (ii) any other Person directly or indirectly
            controlling, controlled by, or under common control
            with such other Person and (iii) the trustees of a
            trust (other than a pension scheme or any employees
            share scheme (within the meaning of the Companies
            Act)) the beneficiaries of which include, or the
            terms of which confer a power that may be exercised
            for the benefit of, such Person or, in relation to
            such Person, any of the Persons referred to in
            subparagraphs (i) and (ii) above.
            As used herein, the term "Person" means an
            individual, corporation, partnership, trust or
            unincorporated organization or a government or any
            agency or political subdivision thereof.
            As used herein, the term "relative" means, with
            respect to any Person, that Person's brother, sister,
            uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, lineal ancestor or lineal
            descendant including by adoption.
      (b)   No Seller nor any of such Seller's Affiliates has
            (other than his or its ownership interest in the
            Companies) any direct or indirect interest in any
            business which competes or is likely to compete with
            the business of the Companies or intends to acquire
            any such interest.
      (c)   Prior to the Closing Date all accounts owed to any of
            the Companies by any of Sellers or any of their
            respective Affiliates (except the Companies) have
            been settled in full.


      Schedule 2.20 specifically sets forth (i) an accurate list
      of all of the policies of insurance and fidelity or surety
      bonds with respect to the assets owned, leased or used by
      the Companies; (ii) the name of the beneficiary thereunder;
      (iii) the annual premium payable thereunder; (iv) the
      liabilities covered thereunder; (v) the amount of coverage
      thereunder (including the amount of any deductible
      thereunder); and (vi) the period of coverage thereunder.
      All such policies and other instruments are in full force
      and effect and all premiums with respect thereto up to the
      date hereof have been paid.  Neither any Seller nor any of
      the Companies has failed to give any notice or present any
      claim under any insurance policy in due and timely fashion
      or as required by any of such insurance policies or has
      otherwise, through any act, omission or nondisclosure,
      jeopardized or impaired full recovery under such policies
      except where the failure to make such claim would not have
      individually, or in the aggregate, a Material Adverse
      Effect, and there are no claims by any Seller or any of the
      Companies under any of such policies as to which any
      insurance company is denying liability or defending under a
      reservation of rights or similar section, except where such
      denial or defence would not have, individually or in the
      aggregate, a Material Adverse Effect.  Neither any Seller
      nor any of the Companies has received notice of any pending
      or threatened termination of any of such policies or any
      premium increases for the current policy period with
      respect to any of such policies.

      (a)   None of Sellers are aware of any termination,
            cancellation or threatened termination or
            cancellation of or limitation of, or any material
            modification or change in, or material
            dissatisfaction with, the business relationship
            between any of the Companies and any of the customers
            or any distributor for any of the Companies.  None of
            Sellers are aware that any significant customer of
            any of the Companies might prior to or as a result of
            the Closing cease to contract with the Company or the
            relevant Subsidiary Company or might substantially
            reduce its business with the Company or the relevant
            Subsidiary Company as a result of the Closing.
      (b)   Schedule 2.21(b) sets forth an accurate list of the
            ten largest suppliers (by revenue in pounds Sterling)
            of products and services for each of the Companies
            for each of the fiscal years ended March 31, 1995 and
            March 31, 1996, March 31, 1997 and for the period
            from April 1, 1997 until the date of this Agreement.
            None of Sellers are aware of any termination,
            cancellation or threatened termination or
            cancellation of or limitation of, or any material
            modification or change in, or material
            dissatisfaction with the business relationship
            between any of the Companies and any of the
            suppliers.  None of Sellers are aware that any
            significant supplier of any of the Companies might as
            a result of the Closing cease to contract with or
            supply to the Company or the relevant Subsidiary
            Company or might substantially reduce its business
            with the Company or the relevant Subsidiary Company.
            Except as set forth on Schedule 2.21(b), none of
            Sellers are aware of any termination, cancellation or
            limitation of or any modification or change in the
            business relationship with any sole-source or limited-
            source suppliers of materials or services to any of
            the Companies or other suppliers to any of the
            Companies with respect to which practical alternative
            sources of supply are not available on comparable
      (c)   Schedule 2.21(c) sets forth an accurate list of all
            material distributorships and sales agencies of each
            of the Companies, including a summary description of
            the distributor or agent and its relationship with,
            and activities on behalf of, such company.

      (a)   Except only as set forth on Schedule 2.22(a), none of
            the Companies has sold or distributed any products
            which were at the time of sale of such products
            patently or latently defective or which did not at
            that time comply in any respect (i) with any express
            or implied warranties or representations made by, or
            so far as Sellers are aware directly or indirectly on
            behalf of, any of the Companies, or (ii) with all
            applicable legislation, standards and requirements;
            and the Companies have not, except in the ordinary
            course of business, given any express warranties,
            guarantees or indemnities as to the fitness for
            purpose, quality or otherwise of any of its products.
            Except only as specifically disclosed on
            Schedule 2.22(a) or Schedule 2.10, no Litigation has
            threatened, commenced, settled or concluded in the
            past five years which involves an assertion
            inconsistent with the preceding sentence.
      (b)   A complete copy of the terms and conditions upon
            which the Companies sell and supply products and
            services is contained in Schedule 2.22(b) and Sellers
            confirm that the Companies use their reasonable

            endeavours to ensure that products and services sold
            by the Companies are sold and supplied on the
            Companies' standard terms and conditions for sale or
            supply of such products and services.  The Companies
            have not given any express warranties, guarantees or
            indemnities as to the fitness for purpose, quality or
            otherwise of any of their products.


      None of the information and documents referred to in this
      Agreement (including without limitation the Disclosure
      Documents and the Confidential Memorandum but excluding,
      for the avoidance of doubt, all information relating to the
      Companies' market shares and competitor information and all
      forecasts) is materially false or misleading or so far as
      Sellers are aware contains any material misstatement of
      fact or omits any material fact necessary to be stated in
      order to make the statements therein not misleading.  Save
      for matters likely to affect to a similar extent generally
      companies carrying on similar businesses in any of the
      jurisdictions in which the Companies carry on business so
      far as Sellers are aware there are no matters of which
      Sellers are aware which in the reasonable opinion of
      Sellers could be expected to have a Material Adverse


      There are no guarantees, indemnities, contracts of
      suretyship and third-party charges or security interests
      given by any Company in respect of Sellers or any of their
      respective Affiliates (excluding the Companies).


      The Company is a party to any confidentiality agreement
      with any Person other than Purchaser that was entered into
      in connection with or relating to a possible sale of the
      Companies or any part thereof, and the Company has, without
      limitation, the right to enforce all terms of such
      confidentiality agreements.


      None of the representations and warranties in this 
      Article 2:
      (i)   other than those contained in Article 2.6, 2.9, 2.10,
            2.11(a)(vi), 2.11(a)(vii), 2.11(a)(ix), 2.11(a)(x),
            2.11(d), 2.11(e) and 2.19, shall be deemed to
            constitute a warranty or representation in respect of
            the Real Property;
      (ii)  other than those contained in Article 2.14 shall be
            deemed to constitute a warranty or representation in
            respect of Intellectual Property Rights; and
      (iii) other than those contained in Article 2.11(a)(xiii)
            and 2.16 shall be deemed to constitute a warranty or
            representation in respect of Environmental Matters.
      ARTICLE 3

      (a)   acknowledges that Purchaser has been induced to enter
            into this Agreement and to purchase the Shares on the
            basis of the representations and warranties given by
            3i set out herein;
      (b)   acknowledges and agrees that each representation and
            warranty given by 3i is a separate and independent
            representation, warranty and undertaking, and that no
            representation or warranty shall be limited by
            reference to any other representation or warranty or
            by any other term of this Agreement;
      (c)   acknowledges and agrees that the rights and remedies
            of Purchaser in respect of any breach of
            representation or warranty given by 3i shall not be
            affected by Closing, by any investigation made by or
            on behalf of Purchaser into the affairs of the
            Company and its subsidiaries or by any other event or
            matter whatsoever which otherwise might have affected
            such rights and remedies except a specific duly
            authorised written waiver or release or as otherwise
            provided for in this Agreement; and
      (d)   hereby represents and warrants to Purchaser as

      It is the sole beneficial owner of the number of Shares
      shown against the names of 3i Group plc and 3i plc in
      Exhibit A free from all Encumbrances and Shareholder

      (a)   3i has the requisite power and authority to execute
            and deliver this Agreement and all documents
            ancillary hereto and to perform fully its obligations
            hereunder and thereunder.  This Agreement has, and
            all documents ancillary hereto will have been, duly
            and validly executed and delivered by 3i and
            constitutes the valid and binding obligation of 3i,
            enforceable against it, in accordance with its terms,
            subject to bankruptcy, insolvency, fraudulent
            transfer, reorganization, moratorium and other
            similar laws of general applicability relating to or
            affecting creditors' rights and to general principles
            of equity.
      (b)   Except only as specifically set forth in Schedule
            3.2(b), no consent, licence, approval, waiver,
            expiration of waiting period or authorization of, or
            registration or declaration with, any Authority is
            required to be obtained or made by 3i in connection
            with the execution, delivery and performance of the
            transactions contemplated by this Agreement.


      Each Optionholder:
      (a)   acknowledges that the Purchaser has been induced to
            enter into this Agreement and to purchase the Shares
            on the basis of the representations and warranties
            given by him set out herein;
      (b)   acknowledges and agrees that each representation and
            warranty given by such Optionholder is a separate and
            independent representation, warranty and undertaking,
            and that no representation or warranty shall be
            limited by reference to any other representation or
            warranty or by any other term of this Agreement;
      (c)   acknowledges and agrees that the rights and remedies
            of Purchaser in respect of any breach of
            representation or warranty given by such Optionholder
            shall not be affected by Closing, by any
            investigation made by or on behalf of the Purchaser
            into the affairs of the Company and its subsidiaries
            or by any other event or matter whatsoever which
            otherwise might have affected such rights and
            remedies except a specific duly authorised written
            waiver or release or as otherwise provided for in
            this Agreement; and
      (d)   hereby represents and warrants to Purchaser as

      Each Optionholder is the sole legal and beneficial owner of
      the number of Shares shown against his name as shown in
      Part 2 of Exhibit A free from all Encumbrances and
      Shareholder Agreements.

      (a)   Each Optionholder has the requisite power and
            authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and
            all documents ancillary hereto and to perform fully
            his obligations hereunder and thereunder.  This
            Agreement has, and all documents ancillary hereto
            will have been, duly and validly executed and
            delivered by such Optionholder and constitutes the
            valid and binding obligations of such Optionholder
            enforceable against each of them, in accordance with
            its terms, subject to bankruptcy, insolvency,
            fraudulent transfer, reorganization, moratorium and
            other similar laws of general applicability relating
            to or affecting creditors' rights and to general
            principles of equity.
      (b)   No consent, licence, approval, waiver, expiration of
            waiting period or authorization of, or registration
            or declaration with, any Authority is required to be
            obtained or made by Optionholders in connection with
            the execution, delivery and performance of the
            transactions contemplated by this Agreement.
      ARTICLE 4

      Purchaser hereby jointly and severally represent and
      warrant to Sellers as follows and each of Purchaser's
      representations and warranties contained in this Agreement
      is separate and independent and shall not be limited by
      reference to any other representation or warranty or to any
      other provision of this Agreement:


      Purchaser is a corporation duly incorporated, validly
      existing and in good standing under the laws of its
      jurisdiction of incorporation.


      Purchaser has full corporate power and authority to execute
      and deliver this Agreement and the Loan Notes, and to
      perform fully its obligations hereunder. The execution and
      delivery of this Agreement and the Loan Notes by Purchaser
      and the consummation by Purchaser of the transactions
      contemplated hereby have been duly authorized by all
      necessary corporate action of Purchaser. This Agreement and
      the Loan Notes has been duly and validly executed and
      delivered by Purchaser and constitutes the valid and
      binding obligation of Purchaser, enforceable against
      Purchaser in accordance with its terms, subject to
      bankruptcy, insolvency, fraudulent transfer,
      reorganization, moratorium and other similar laws of
      general applicability relating to or affecting creditors'
      rights and to general principles of equity.  Except as
      specifically set forth in Schedule 4.2, the execution and
      delivery by Purchaser of this Agreement and the Loan Notes
      and the consummation of the transactions contemplated by
      this Agreement will not (i) violate, conflict with, or
      result in a breach of, or default under, any agreement,
      obligation or commitment to which Purchaser is a party or
      bound, (ii) violate or result in the loss of any benefit
      under any provision of any Law to which Purchaser is
      subject, (iii) violate or result in the loss of any benefit
      under any order, judgment or decree applicable to
      Purchaser, or (iv) conflict with, or result in a breach of,
      or default under, any term or condition of the charter or
      by-laws of Purchaser.  No law or order, decree or judgment
      of or in any court or tribunal of competent jurisdiction is
      in effect that prohibits or restricts the consummation of
      the transactions contemplated hereby.


      Purchaser has not employed any broker, finder, consultant
      or intermediary in connection with the transactions
      contemplated by this Agreement that would be entitled to a
      broker's, finder's or similar fee or commission in
      connection therewith.


      The Shares are being acquired by Purchaser for its own
      account solely for the purpose of investment without a view
      to, or for sale in connection with, any distribution
      thereof in violation of applicable securities laws.


      Except only as specifically set forth in Schedule 4.5, no
      consent, license, approval, waiver, expiration of waiting
      period or authorization of, or registration or declaration
      with, any Authority or other third party is required to be
      obtained or made by Purchaser in connection with the
      execution, delivery and performance of the transactions
      contemplated by this Agreement.


      At the date of this Agreement neither the Purchaser nor its
      Affiliates are aware of any fact, matter or event which to
      its or their knowledge gives rise to or is likely to give
      rise to a claim for a material breach of warranty,
      representation, indemnity or covenant under or pursuant to
      this Agreement.
      ARTICLE 5

      (a)   It is hereby agreed by the parties that until March
            31, 1998:
            (i)   Sellers in their capacity as executive
                  directors and officers of the Companies will be
                  responsible for the day-to-day management and
                  conduct of the business of the Companies, which
                  management and conduct shall be carried out in
                  the ordinary and usual course and in accordance
                  with customary practices and the business plan/
                  operating budget attached hereto as Exhibit C
                  (the "Plan"); and
            (ii)  None of Sellers will do or omit to do any act
                  or thing which is likely to distort the
                  operating results of the Companies;
      (b)   If (x) Sellers in their capacity as executive
            directors and officers of the Companies do not manage
            and conduct the business of the Companies in the
            ordinary and usual course and in accordance with
            customary practices and the Plan; (y) Purchaser
            causes the business of the Companies to be managed
            and conducted other than in the ordinary and usual
            course and in accordance with customary practices and
            the Plan; or (z) Sellers, on the one hand, or
            Purchaser, on the other, do or omit to do any act or
            thing which distorts the operating results of the
            Companies; then in each case Standalone Operating
            Profit shall be adjusted as provided in and pursuant
            to the terms of Part C of Schedule 1.3.


      Except as otherwise provided in Section 5.2 hereof, all
      costs and expenses incurred in connection with the
      preparation and negotiation of this Agreement and the
      transactions contemplated hereby (including, without
      limitation, fees and disbursements of financial advisors,
      accountants and attorneys) shall be paid (i) by Sellers, if
      such costs or expenses are incurred by Sellers, including
      all fees of Goldman Sachs, Freshfields and local counsel,
      if any, whether retained by any of Sellers or the
      Companies, (ii) the Company, to the extent that such costs
      or expenses are incurred for the benefit of any of the
      Companies on or prior to Closing; provided, however, that
      such costs or expenses do not exceed [POUND STERLING]
      43,000, and (iii) by Purchaser, if such costs or expenses
      are incurred by Purchaser or any of its Affiliates.


      Any stamp duties and stamp duty reserve Taxes arising from,
      the transfer of the Shares, shall be borne by Purchaser.


5.4.1 Subject to the terms and conditions provided herein, each
      of Sellers other than 3i and Optionholders and Purchaser
      agree to use their respective best efforts to take, or
      cause to be taken, all actions and to do, or cause to be
      done, all things necessary, proper or advisable under
      applicable Laws to consummate and make effective the
      transactions contemplated by this Agreement and the
      Exhibits hereto and if, at any time after the Closing Date,
      any further action is necessary or desirable to carry out
      the purposes of this Agreement, each of Sellers and the
      proper officers or directors of Purchaser, as the case may
      be, shall execute and deliver any further instruments or
      documents and take all such necessary action that may
      reasonably be requested of any of them.

5.4.2 3i agree and undertake with Purchaser that on and following
      Closing 3i authorises Purchaser or any director or officer
      of Purchaser to execute or sign any document, instrument,
      resolution or agreement on behalf of 3i and perform any
      acts or things to be done by 3i that Purchaser deems
      necessary in connection with Purchaser's dealing with the
      Shares as if Purchaser was the legal, as well as the
      beneficial owner, of the Shares at that date and 3i agrees
      to ratify any document, instrument or agreement executed by
      Purchaser on behalf of 3i pursuant to this clause 5.4.2.


      The Sellers other than 3i and Optionholders and Purchaser
      shall each procure that the Companies promptly make all
      filings or submissions as are required to be made by the
      Companies to obtain any Governmental Approval.  The Sellers
      other than 3i and Optionholders and Purchaser shall furnish
      to each other such necessary information and reasonable
      assistance as may be reasonably requested in connection
      with the preparation of any filing or submission which is
      necessary to obtain any Governmental Approval.  The Sellers
      and Purchaser shall keep each other appraised of the status
      of any communications with and any inquiries or requests
      for additional information made by any Authority and shall
      comply promptly with any such inquiry or request.


      Messrs. Beswick, Dearman, Lock, Bell, Jackson, Ives,
      Schofield and Sykes shall at Closing each enter into
      service agreements with the Company in the agreed form and
      Mr Davis shall enter into the consultancy agreement with
      the Company in the agreed form.

      (a)   In consideration of the benefits to Sellers hereunder
            and in order to induce Purchaser to enter into this
            Agreement, each Seller (other than 3i and
            Optionholders) hereby covenants and agrees with
            Purchaser (for its own benefit and for the benefit of
            the Companies) that he or it, as the case may be,
            will not and will cause his Affiliates not to,
            directly or indirectly, (i) for the period of five
            years immediately following the Closing Date, as a
            proprietor, partner, stockholder (other than as a
            passive investor holding less than one percent of any
            class of equity securities of a corporation with
            publicly traded securities), director, officer,
            employee, joint venturor, investor, lender or in any
            other capacity, own, engage in, conduct, manage,
            operate or control, or participate in, be associated
            with or be connected in any manner whatsoever in the
            ownership, management, operation or control of, any
            business which, directly or indirectly, competes in
            the Prohibited Area with any business that any
            Company conducts or is planning to conduct on the
            Closing Date or engages in the Prohibited Area in the
            production and supply of industrial or commercial
            metal detection; (ii) for the period of five years
            immediately following the Closing Date solicit,
            encourage, entice or induce any person who is an
            Employee of one of the Companies at any time on or
            after the date hereof to terminate his or her
            relationship with any of such Companies or employ or
            engage or recommend the employment or engagement of
            such person as an employee of such Seller or as an
            employee or officer of any subsequent employer of
            such Seller; (iii) for the period of five years
            immediately following the Closing Date solicit the
            custom in the Prohibited Area of any person who at
            any time during the period of three years ending on
            the Closing Date was a customer or client of the
            Companies; (iv) at any time after the Closing Date
            seek to cause to be terminated or adversely affected
            or otherwise interfere with any agreement or
            arrangement of any kind to which any of the Companies
            is party; or (v) at any time after the Closing Date
            use any trade name, trademark or trading style which
            may suggest a connection with any of the Companies or
            which is similar to any trade name, trademark or
            trading style now or at any time within the period of
            two years ending on the Closing Date used by any of
            the Companies or permit the name of any of Sellers to
            be used in such a manner.
            For the avoidance of doubt the covenants in (a) above
            of the Trustees are provided to Purchaser by them in
            their capacity solely as trustees of the Trusts (as
            defined in Exhibit A) and not in any other capacity
            (including without limitation as trustees of any
            other trust).
            As used herein, the term "Prohibited Area" means all
            countries in which any of the Companies, as of the
            Closing Date, is selling products manufactured by
            them, whether directly or through distributors or
      (b)   No provision contained in this Agreement or in any
            arrangement of which this Agreement forms part by
            virtue of which this Agreement or such arrangement is
            subject to registration under the United Kingdom
            Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1976 shall come into
            effect until the day following the day on which
            particulars of this Agreement and of any such
            arrangement have been furnished to the United Kingdom
            Office of Fair Trading (or on such later date as may
            be provided for in relation to any such restriction)
            and Sellers (other than 3i and Optionholders) and
            Purchaser hereby agree to furnish such particulars
            within three months of the date of this Agreement.
      (c)   3i will not and will procure that none of its
            subsidiary companies will use, disclose or divulge
            any confidential information relating to the business
            of the Company or any Subsidiary Company.
      (d)   3i will procure that for the Relevant Period Richard
            Young will not be involved in any way in appraising
            or managing any investment which he knows or believes
            is engaged or intends to engage in the production
            and/or supply of industrial or commercial metal
            detection.  The 'Relevant Period' means the period
            ending two years after the Closing Date or (if
            sooner) the date Richard Young ceases to be employed
            by 3i or any company in the 3i group.
      (e)   Each relevant Seller acknowledges and agrees that his
            or its covenants and agreements in this Section 5.7
            are a material inducement to Purchaser to enter into
            and perform its obligations hereunder and that, if he
            or it, as the case may be, or any of his or its
            Affiliates breaches any covenant in subsection (a) of
            this Section 5.7, any time period specified therein
            for such covenant shall be suspended for so long as
            such Seller remains in breach thereof.  Sellers other
            than 3i and Optionholders acknowledge that any
            violation of this Section 5.7 by such Sellers shall
            give rise to an entitlement to equitable relief on
            the part of Purchaser as contemplated by Section
            8.17, and such Seller agrees to indemnify Purchaser
            against all Losses (as defined in Section 7.4),
            including reasonable attorneys' fees, arising from
            any such violation of this Section 5.7.  3i
            acknowledge and agree that any violation of this
            Section 5.7(c) and (d) by 3i shall give rise to an
            entitlement to equitable relief on the part of
            Purchaser as contemplated by Section 8.17.
      (f)   None of Sellers (other than 3i and Optionholders) has
            any interest in any Intellectual Property Rights,
            whether as owner, licensee or beneficiary under any
            Contract, which is directly or indirectly related to
            any business that presently is or is expected by such
            Sellers to be conducted by any of the Companies.
            Each of Sellers (other than 3i and Optionholders in
            their capacity as Optionholders) employed by the
            Company agrees that if he should have, create,
            develop or otherwise acquire any such interest in
            Intellectual Property Rights directly or indirectly
            at any time when he is so employed by, or is subject
            to any obligation not to compete with, any of the
            Companies, such acquisition shall be for the
            exclusive account of the Company, shall be promptly
            described in full detail to the Company and shall be
            assigned in its entirety to the Company (or its
            successors or assigns designated by the Company) upon
            demand and pending any such demand shall be held in
            trust for the Company.


      (a)   Sellers other than 3i and Optionholders shall
            cooperate with, and provide reasonable access and
            reasonable assistance to, Purchaser and its
            accountants and other advisors in order to permit the
            preparation by Purchaser (at its expense) of
            consolidated financial statements for the Companies
            in accordance with U.S. GAAP (as defined below).
            As used herein, the term "U.S. GAAP" means generally
            accepted accounting principles in the United States,
            together with any specialized, modified, revised or
            other accounting principles used by MT Investors,
            Inc. and its subsidiaries in the preparation of its
            financial statements.
      ARTICLE 6

      (i)   Sellers (other than 3i and Optionholders) (and in
            this section the term "Sellers" shall be construed
            accordingly) and their duly authorized agents shall
            be responsible for, and have the conduct of
            preparing, submitting to and agreeing with the Inland
            Revenue and all other relevant Taxing Authorities in
            a timely fashion, all Tax Returns of the Companies
            required to be filed prior to the Closing, subject to
            all such Returns which have not been filed prior to
            the date hereof, being submitted in draft form to
            Purchaser or its duly authorized agents for comment,
            and Sellers jointly and severally covenant with
            Purchaser to do so at their expense and with all
            reasonable dispatch.  All such Tax Returns prepared
            by Sellers in accordance with this Section 6.1 shall
            save as required by law or by changes in GAAP be
            prepared on a basis consistent with the Companies'
            past practices.  If Sellers' Representative has not
            received any comments within 21 days after submitting
            such draft returns, Purchaser and its duly authorized
            agents shall be deemed to have approved such draft
            Returns, computations, documents or correspondence.
            If Purchaser or its duly authorized agents have any
            comments or suggestions, Sellers shall not
            unreasonably refuse to adopt such comments or
            suggestions.  Sellers and Purchaser shall each
            respectively afford (or procure the affordance) to
            the other or their duly authorized agents of
            information and assistance which may reasonably be
            required to prepare, submit and agree all such Tax
            Purchaser or its duly authorized agents shall be
            responsible for, and have the conduct of preparing,
            submitting to and agreeing with the Inland Revenue
            and all other relevant Taxing Authorities all Tax
            Returns of the Companies required to be filed after
            the Closing with respect to the accounting period,
            quarterly VAT return period or other relevant period
            which ends prior to or including Closing and
            Purchaser hereby covenants with Sellers, at its own
            expense and with all reasonable dispatch, to submit
            in draft form to Seller's Representative for comment,
            all such Returns.  If Purchaser has not received any
            comments within 21 days after submitting such draft
            Returns, Sellers and their duly authorized agents
            shall be deemed to have approved such draft Returns.
            If Sellers' Representative or its duly authorized
            agents have any comments or suggestions, Purchaser
            shall not unreasonably refuse to adopt such comments
            or suggestions.  Sellers and Purchaser shall each
            respectively afford (or procure the affordance) to
            the other side or their duly authorized agents of
            information and assistance which may reasonably be
            required to prepare, submit and agree all such Tax
      (ii)  The signature or agreement by Purchaser or the
            Companies or any Person on their behalf to any Tax
            Returns, computations, correspondence or other
            document prepared under the provisions of this
            Section 6.1 shall in no way affect the rights of
            Purchaser under any of the representations,
            warranties, covenants or agreements of Sellers in
            this Agreement.
      (iii) After the Closing Date, Purchaser and Sellers'
            Representative shall make available to each other, as
            reasonably requested, all information, records or
            documents relating to Tax liabilities or potential
            Tax liabilities of the Companies for all periods
            ending prior to or including the Closing Date.  Each
            of the parties shall hold the information, records
            and documents made available to it by the other party
            in strict confidence, and shall preserve all such
            information, records and documents until the
            expiration of any applicable statute of limitations
            or extensions thereof. Notwithstanding any other
            provisions hereof, Purchaser and Sellers shall bear
            their own respective expenses in complying with the
            foregoing provision.


      (a)   Indemnification
            Except as provided in Section 6.2(b) Sellers (other
            than 3i and Optionholders) jointly and severally
            covenant with Purchaser to pay to Purchaser by way of
            an adjustment to the Purchase Price an amount equal
            (i)   all Pre-Closing Taxes payable by or assessed
                  against any of the Companies or any Affiliate
                  thereof (whether or not the Tax is primarily
                  payable by the Person in question and whether
                  or not the Person in question has or may have a
                  right of reimbursement against another Person);
            (ii)  Taxes payable by or assessed against, or Losses
                  incurred by Purchaser as the result of a breach
                  by Sellers of any representation, warranty,
                  covenant or agreement, to the extent such
                  representation, warranty, covenant or agreement
                  relates to Taxes (including, without
                  limitation, the representations and warranties
                  contained in Sections 2.4 and Section 2.9);
            (iii) all Pre-Closing Taxes which would have been
                  payable by the Companies but for the use or set-
                  off of any loss, relief, allowance, exemption,
                  deduction, credit, right to repayment in
                  respect of Tax or other relief of a similar
                  nature including the carryback of net operating
                  loss, capital loss, credit or other item
                  (hereinafter referred to as a "Tax Relief")
                  which arises in respect of an Event after the
                  Closing Date;
            (iv)  any value-added tax payable by any of the
                  Companies as a result of the Company being
                  treated for value-added tax purposes as a
                  member of the same group as any other body
                  corporate during any prescribed accounting
                  period of that group ending on or before or
                  within ninety (90) days after the Closing Date
                  or as a result of any direction made pursuant
                  to Schedule 9A VAT Act to the extent that it
                  (x) relates to a date falling on or before the
                  Closing Date and (y) did not arise in respect
                  of supplies, acquisitions or imports by that
            (v)   all Tax liabilities of the Companies or any
                  Affiliate of any of them which would not have
                  arisen but for the loss, reduction,
                  modification or cancellation of some Tax Relief
                  in consequence of an Event occurring on or
                  before Closing where the availability of the
                  Relief has been shown as an asset in the
                  Balance Sheet or has been taken into account in
                  computing (and reducing) a provision (for
                  deferred Tax or otherwise) which appears in the
                  Balance Sheet or has resulted in no provision
                  for deferred Tax being made in the Balance
            (vi)  any repayment of Tax the right to which is
                  shown as an asset in the Balance Sheet but
                  which is lost or cancelled in consequence of an
                  event occurring on or before Closing;
            (vii) all Tax liabilities in respect of which any of
                  the assets of the Companies and/or any of the
                  shares in the Companies are or become subject
                  to an Inland Revenue charge under Section 237
                  Inheritance Tax Act 1984 as a result of an
                  Event occurring on or before Closing (whether
                  or not in combination with any Event occurring
                  after Closing);
           (viii) all Tax liabilities in respect of which
                  any Person exercises or intends to exercise a
                  power to sell, mortgage or impose a terminable
                  charge on any of the assets of the Companies
                  and/or any of the shares in the Companies under
                  Section 212 Inheritance Tax Act 1984 as a
                  result of any Event occurring on or before
                  Closing (whether or not in combination with any
                  Event occurring after Closing);
            (ix)  any Tax liability which is also a Tax liability
                  of another person (other than one of the
                  Companies) and which is payable by one or more
                  of the Companies by virtue of (A) the other
                  person failing to discharge such Taxation
                  Liability; and (B) one or more the Companies
                  being at any time prior to Closing a member of
                  the same group as such other person or
                  otherwise connected with or related to such
                  other person for any Tax purpose;
            (x)   all liabilities of the Companies under a
                  contractual or statutory liability entered into
                  or incurred prior to Closing to make a payment
                  by way of reimbursement, indemnity, or damages
                  in respect of or arising from any Tax liability
                  of any other person; and
            (xi)  all reasonable costs and expenses incurred by
                  Purchaser or the Companies or any Affiliate of
                  any of them in connection with any of the
                  matters referred to in paragraphs (i) to (x)
                  above or any Tax Claim (as defined in Section
                  6.2(d)) therefor or in connection with any
                  claim under this Article 6.
            As used herein, "Pre-Closing Taxes" means any Taxes
            arising in respect of or with reference to any
            income, profits or gains, earned, accrued or received
            on or before or in respect of a period or portion of
            a period ending on or before Closing (or deemed for
            any Tax purposes to have been so earned, accrued, or
            received) or as a result of or with reference to any
            Event which occurred on or before Closing; "Event"
            means an event, act, transaction or omission
            including, without limitation, a receipt or accrual
            of income or gains, distribution, failure to
            distribute, acquisition, disposal, transfer, payment,
            loan, advance or death and further includes an Event
            deemed to have occurred for Tax purposes; and
            references to Events on or before any date or to the
            occurrence of or result of any Event on or before any
            date shall include two or more Events or the combined
            result of two or more Events all of which occurred or
            were deemed to occur before that date or the combined
            result of two or more events the first of which
            occurred or is deemed for any tax purpose to have
            occurred before that date outside the ordinary course
            of business and all such events occurring after that
            date which occur in the ordinary course of business
            or pursuant to a contractual obligation entered into
            on or before Closing or as required by law or to
            comply with applicable regulatory requirement or at
            the request of, or with the consent of, Sellers.

      (b)   Exclusions
            Sellers shall be under no liability pursuant to
            Section 6.2(a) in respect of any Tax:
            (i)   to the extent that identifiable provision or
                  reserve for that Tax (not including any
                  provision for deferred Tax) has been made in
                  the Balance Sheet;
            (ii)  to the extent that it arises out of a
                  transaction undertaken after the Balance Sheet
                  Date but before Closing by any of the Companies
                  in the ordinary course of its day to day
            (iii) to the extent that the Tax liability was paid
                  or discharged before Closing;
            (iv)  to the extent that the Tax liability arises as
                  a result of any change in rates of Tax, law,
                  regulation or directive occurring and announced
                  after Closing with retrospective effect;
             (v)  to the extent that the Tax liability would not
                  have arisen but for a voluntary transaction,
                  action or omission carried out or effected by
                  any of Purchaser, any of the Companies or any
                  other person connected with any of them, at any
                  time after Closing which Purchaser was actually
                  aware of or (on the basis of information
                  actually supplied in writing by Sellers to
                  Purchaser prior to Closing) could reasonably
                  have been expected to be aware that it would
                  give rise to the liability; provided, however,
                  that this exclusion shall not apply where any
                  such transaction, action or omission:
                  (A)   is carried out or effected by one of the
                        Companies pursuant to a legally binding
                        commitment created on or before Closing;
                  (B)   is carried out or effected by one of the
                        Companies concerned in the ordinary
                        course of business of that Company as
                        carried on at Closing
            (vi)  to the extent that the Tax liability arises as
                  a result of a change (other than to comply with
                  the law or with GAAP) after Closing in any
                  accounting policy, or the length of any
                  accounting period for Tax purposes, of the
                  Company concerned;
            (vii) to the extent that such Tax liability arises as
                  a result of the Company concerned failing to
                  submit the returns and computations required to
                  be made by it or not submitting such returns
                  and computations within the appropriate time
                  limits or submitting such returns and
                  computations otherwise than on a proper basis,
                  in each case after Closing and otherwise than
                  as a result of any default or failure of
                  Sellers in carrying out, or in failing to carry
                  out, Sellers' obligations under Section 6.1(a);
           (viii) to the extent that the Tax liability
                  arises as a result of the failure of Purchaser
                  to comply with its obligations contained in
                  Section 6.2(d)(ii);
            (ix)  to the extent that the Tax Liability is a
                  liability to pay advance corporation tax of an
                  amount not exceeding [POUND STERLING]533,000 in
		  respect of the dividends of [POUND STERLING]
		  2,129,000 paid by the Company on 3 April 1997;
            (x)   to the extent that the Tax Liability would not
                  have arisen but for the failure or omission on
                  the part of the Company concerned (otherwise
                  than at the request or with the agreement of
                  Sellers) to make any valid claim, election,
                  surrender or disclaimer or give any valid
                  notice or consent as Sellers' Representative
                  may reasonably require in respect of (i)
                  periods or matters for which Sellers have
                  responsibility under Section 6.1(i) or (ii) in
                  respect of periods or matters for which Sellers
                  do not have responsibility, where the making,
                  giving or doing of which was taken into account
                  in the preparation of the Balance Sheet and was
                  disclosed in writing to Purchaser prior to

      (c)   Date for Payment
            Where Sellers become liable to make any payment
            pursuant to Section 6.2, the due date for the making
            of that payment shall be: (i) where that payment
            relates to a liability on the part of Purchaser or
            any of the Companies or an Affiliate thereof actually
            to pay an amount of Tax, the fifth Business Day prior
            to the date on which that amount must be paid to the
            Taxing Authority concerned in order to avoid
            incurring a liability to interest or a charge or
            penalty in respect of such Tax; and (ii) in any other
            case, the date falling ten Business Days after the
            date when Sellers have been notified by Purchaser
            that Sellers have a liability for a determinable
            amount pursuant to Section 6.2.  If any payment
            required to be made by Sellers pursuant to Section
            6.2 is not made in cleared funds by the due date,
            then, the amount payable shall carry interest (before
            and after judgment) from the due date until the date
            when payment is actually made in cleared funds at the
            rate of interest publicly announced from time to time
            by the Bank of Nova Scotia in London, England as its
            "base" rate, plus 2%.

      (d)   Appeals and Conduct of Claims
            (i)   Purchaser shall give notice in writing to
                  Sellers' Representative of any Tax Claim in
                  respect of any Tax liability or any other event
                  for which Sellers could become liable under
                  Section 6.2(a) as soon as reasonably
                  practicable after becoming aware thereof
                  provided that failure to give such notice shall
                  not release Sellers from liability under
                  Section 6.2(a) in respect thereof.
                  As used herein, the term "Tax Claim" means any
                  claim, notice, demand, assessment, charge,
                  letter or other document issued or action taken
                  or omission made by or on behalf of any Taxing
                  Authority or any other Person whereby any
                  Person is or may be placed or sought to be
                  placed under a Tax liability or is or may be or
                  sought to be denied a Tax Relief or whereby any
                  assets of or shares in any of the Companies is
                  or may be made or sought to be made subject to
                  any Inland Revenue charge as mentioned in
                  Section 237 Inheritance Tax Act 1984 and/or any
                  power to raise inheritance tax under Section
                  212 Inheritance Tax Act 1984 or any similar
                  provision of the laws of any other
            (ii)  Purchaser shall and shall procure that the
                  Companies shall (subject to Purchaser, the
                  Companies and any Affiliate of any of them
                  being indemnified and secured to Purchaser's
                  reasonable satisfaction against all costs,
                  expenses and additional Tax which may be
                  incurred in relation thereto) take such action
                  as Sellers may reasonably request to avoid,
                  dispute, resist, appeal, compromise or defend
                  any Tax Claim with respect to a period which
                  ends on or before the Closing Date; provided,
                  however, that neither Purchaser nor the
                  Companies shall be obliged to take any action
                  which involves contesting any Tax Claim beyond
                  the first appellate body (excluding the Taxing
                  Authority demanding the Tax in question) in the
                  jurisdiction concerned unless Sellers furnish
                  Purchaser with the written opinion of a leading
                  Tax Counsel in the United Kingdom (or of a
                  senior tax adviser of equivalent professional
                  standing in the relevant jurisdiction concerned
                  outside the United Kingdom) to the effect that
                  an appeal against the Tax Claim in question
                  should, on a balance of probabilities, be
            (iii) The action which Sellers may reasonably request
                  under Section 6.2(d)(ii) shall include allowing
                  Sellers upon giving written notice to that
                  effect to take over at their own expense the
                  conduct of all proceedings in connection with
                  the Tax Claim in question.  If Sellers take
                  over the conduct of any such proceedings:
                  (A)   Purchaser shall be kept fully informed of
                        all matters relating to the Tax Claim and
                        shall receive copies of all
                        correspondence in connection with it;
                  (B)   all written communications which are to
                        be transmitted to the Taxing Authorities
                        in connection with the Tax Claim shall
                        first be submitted to Purchaser and shall
                        not be dispatched without its prior
                        written consent (which consent shall not
                        be unreasonably refused or delayed);
                  (C)   the appointment by Sellers of solicitors
                        and other professional advisers shall be
                        subject to the prior written consent of
                        Purchaser (which consent shall not be
                        unreasonably refused or delayed);
                  (D)   Sellers shall make no settlement or
                        compromise of any Tax Claim nor agree any
                        matter in the conduct of such claim which
                        is likely to affect the amount thereof or
                        the future Tax liability of any of
                        Purchaser, the Companies or any Affiliate
                        of any of them without the prior written
                        consent of Purchaser which consent shall
                        not be unreasonably refused or delayed);
            (iv)  Purchaser or any of the Companies shall be at
                  liberty without further reference to Sellers to
                  admit, compromise, settle, discharge or
                  otherwise deal with any Tax Claim on or after
                  the earliest of:
                  (A)   the expiry of a period of fourteen days
                        (or, if earlier, the expiry of any period
                        for the making of an appeal against the
                        Tax Claim in question) following service
                        of notice of the Tax Claim on Sellers'
                        Representative under Section 6.2(d)(i) if
                        Sellers have not by that date notified
                        Purchaser of their request to take any
                        action in relation to the Tax Claim;
                  (B)   the service of notice by Sellers'
                        Representative on Purchaser to the effect
                        that Sellers do not wish to request any
                        action in relation to the Tax Claim;
                  (C)   the expiry of five Business Days
                        following the service of notice by
                        Purchaser on Sellers' Representative
                        (Sellers having requested the right to
                        take conduct of the Tax Claim) to the
                        effect that Sellers are not properly and
                        effectively dealing with the Tax Claim if
                        during the period Sellers do not take
                        steps properly and effectively to deal
                        with such Tax Claim;
                  (D)   any action or other steps being taken or
                        legal proceedings being started for the
                        bankruptcy of any of Sellers;
                  (E)   the failure by Sellers to comply with any
                        of their obligations under Section
                        6.2(d)(iii); and
                  (F)   the service of notice on Sellers'
                        Representative by Purchaser that it has
                        become aware that any of Sellers or the
                        Companies has committed an act or is
                        responsible for an omission in relation
                        to the Tax liability or Tax Claim in
                        question which constitutes fraudulent
            (v)   Sellers shall be bound to accept for the
                  purposes of this Agreement any admission,
                  compromise, settlement or discharge of any Tax
                  liability and the outcome of any proceedings
                  relating to any Tax Claim made or arrived at in
                  accordance with the provisions of this Section
      (e)   Section 767A Taxes Act 1988
            (i)   Purchaser hereby covenants with Sellers to pay
                  to Sellers' Representative, by way of
                  adjustment to the Initial Purchase Price and
                  the Deferred Purchase Price, an amount
                  equivalent to any Tax for which Sellers become
                  liable by virtue of the operation of Section
                  767A and 767B of the Taxes Act in circumstances
                  where the taxpayer company (as referred to in
                  Section 767A(1)) is one of the Companies.
            (ii)  the covenant contained in Section 6.2(e)(i)
                  (A)   extend to any reasonable costs incurred
                        by Sellers in connection with such Tax or
                        a claim under Section 6.2(e)(i);
                  (B)   not apply to Tax to the extent that
                        Purchaser could claim payment in respect
                        of it under Section 6.2(a) ignoring the
                        provisions of Section 7.7; and
                  (C)   not apply to Tax which has been recovered
                        under Section 767B(2) of the Taxes Act
                        (and Sellers shall procure that no such
                        recovery is sought to the extent that
                        payment is made hereunder).
            (iii) Sections 6.2(b) to 6.2(d) shall apply to any
                  claim under this Section 6.2(e) as they apply
                  to any claim under Section 6.2(a) replacing
                  references to Sellers by Purchaser (and vice
                  versa) and making any other necessary
      (f)   Recovery from third parties
            (i)   If any payment is made by Sellers under this
                  Section 6.2 in respect of a Tax liability and
                  Purchaser or any of the Companies either
                  receives or obtains from any person (other than
                  Purchaser, one of the Companies or any person
                  connected with any of them) a payment or relief
                  (other than a post-Closing relief or a right to
                  repayment of tax which is shown as an asset in
                  the Final Closing Balance Sheet) in respect of
                  the Tax liability in question, then Purchaser
                  shall pay to Sellers' Representative by way of
                  adjustment to the Initial Purchase Price and
                  the Deferred Purchase Price the amount received
                  (less any costs of recovering or obtaining such
                  payment or relief and any Tax thereon) (the
                  "Benefit") to the extent that the amount of the
                  Benefit does not exceed the aggregate payments
                  previously made by Sellers in respect of that
                  liability and except where any amount so saved
                  would otherwise have given rise to a claim
                  under this Section 6.2 (in which event no such
                  claim shall be made).
            (ii)  Any payment required to be made by Purchaser
                  pursuant to Section 6.2(i)(i) shall be made:
                  (A)   in a case where Purchaser or the Company
                        or other person concerned receives a
                        payment, within five Business Days of the
                        receipt thereof; and
                  (B)   in a case where Purchaser or the Company
                        or other person concerned obtains a
                        relief, the date on which Tax would have
                        become recoverable by the appropriate Tax
                        authority but for the use of such relief.
      ARTICLE 7


7.1.1 Subject to Section 7.7, Sellers other than 3i and
      Optionholders shall jointly and severally indemnify and
      hold harmless Purchaser, and its directors, employees,
      shareholders, any intra-group successors, transferees and
      assigns and any person claiming by or through any of the
      foregoing from and against any and all Losses (as defined
      in Section 7.4), arising from any of the following:
      (a)   any breach by any of such Sellers of any of the
            representations or warranties made or given by such
            Sellers in this Agreement;
      (b)   any failure by any of such Sellers to perform any of
            such Sellers' covenants or agreements contained in
            this Agreement;
      (c)   any liability arising from any product manufactured
            and/or sold and/or shipped prior to the Closing which
            was, at the time of sale, patently or latently
      (d)   the termination and release, prior to the Closing
            Date, of all share option schemes and outstanding
            share options granted by, or exercisable into shares
            of, the Company and any liability to pay any Tax
            which any of the Company or Purchaser may incur as a
            result thereof save to the extent that any sum in
            respect of Tax relating to the exercise of share
            options is taken into account in arriving at the
            calculation of Working Capital in accordance with
            Section 1.5 and Schedule 1.5; or
      (e)   a claim made against the Company by Goldman Sachs
            pursuant to the engagement letter made between
            Sellers, Goldman Sachs International and the Company
            or otherwise except that Sellers shall have no
            liability pursuant to this Section 7.1.1(e) for any
            claim made by MT Investors, Inc. or any of its
            subsidiaries or Affiliates against Goldman Sachs.

7.1.2 Without prejudice to Purchaser's rights in respect of any
      breach of any of the warranties, Sellers (other than 3i and
      Optionholders) hereby indemnify, and agree to keep
      indemnified, Purchaser and the Company to the extent that
      either Purchaser or the Company suffer or incurs any loss,
      damage, expense, claim or liability including for the
      avoidance of doubt any diminution in the value of the
      shares of the Company (howsoever arising) in consequence of
      or arising from any of the Companies being in breach prior
      to Closing of any material term of its/their distribution
      agreements and, without prejudice to the generality of the
      foregoing, including in consequence of or arising from any
      of the Companies prior to Closing granting distribution
      rights to third parties in countries where any exclusive
      distribution arrangement exists between any of the
      Companies and another third party.



      Subject to Section 7.7, Purchaser shall indemnify and hold
      harmless Sellers, their respective intra group successors,
      transferees and assigns and any person claiming by or
      through any of the foregoing from and against any and all
      Losses by the Person being paid by Purchaser as a result of
      any liability of such Person which gave rise to Purchaser's
      indemnification obligation) based upon or resulting from
      any of the following:
      (a)   any breach by Purchaser of any of the representations
            and warranties made or given by Purchaser in this
            Agreement; or
      (b)   any failure by Purchaser to perform any of its
            covenants or agreements contained in this Agreement.

7.4   LOSSES

      For the purposes of this Agreement, the terms "Loss" or
      "Losses" shall mean each and all of the following items:
      losses to the extent that they relate to the value of
      Purchaser or the Companies, liabilities, obligations,
      damages (actual, punitive, consequential or other),
      judgments, fines, penalties, amounts paid in settlement or
      satisfaction of claims, Environmental Costs, reasonable
      costs and expenses (including, without limitation, interest
      which may be imposed in connection therewith), costs and
      expenses of investigation, actions, proceedings, demands,
      assessments, remediation, reasonable fees and disbursements
      of counsel and other experts, and the reasonable cost to
      the person seeking indemnification (the "Indemnified
      Party") of any funds properly expended (including
      reasonable fees and disbursements of counsel) by reason of
      the occurrence of any of the events enumerated in Section
      7.1 and 7.3, (as the case may be) incurred by the
      Indemnified Party (whether relating to claims asserted by
      or against third parties or to claims asserted against the
      party providing indemnification (the "Indemnifying Party")
      for charges or any other relief).

      The amount of any Loss for which indemnification is
      provided under Article 7 shall be computed net of any Net
      Insurance Proceeds received by the Indemnified Party in
      connection with such Loss.  As used herein, the term "Net
      Insurance Proceeds" means the insurance proceeds received
      by the Indemnified Party and any retrospective premium
      adjustments or reimbursement obligations relating thereto
      and less any increase in premiums attributable thereto.
      Purchaser shall forthwith on bringing any claim against
      Sellers use reasonable endeavours to pursue any valid claim
      which Purchaser may have under any of Purchaser's or the
      Companies' insurance policies from time to time to the
      extent that any such insurance policy covers any fact,
      matter or circumstance giving rise to a claim by Purchaser
      against any of Sellers for breach of any representation or
      warranty provided that Purchaser shall not be obligated to
      commence proceedings against its or the Companies'

      Where any of the Companies suffers a Loss based upon,
      relating to or resulting from any of the matters referred
      to in Section 7.1(a), (b) or (c) or Section 7.2 (a) or (b)
      for the purposes of this Agreement Purchaser shall be
      deemed to have suffered the same Loss (provided that
      Sellers shall in no event be liable more than once in
      respect of the same Loss).

7.5   CLAIMS
      (a)   When an Indemnified Party receives notice of any
            claim made by a third party ("Third-Party Claims"),
            the Indemnified Party shall give prompt written
            notice thereof to the Indemnifying Party reasonably
            indicating (to the extent known) the nature of such
            claims and the basis thereof; provided, however, that
            the failure of the Indemnified Party to give the
            Indemnifying Party prompt notice as provided herein
            shall not relieve the Indemnifying Party of any of
            its obligations hereunder unless, and only to the
            extent that, the Indemnifying Party shall have been
            materially prejudiced thereby. Upon notice from the
            Indemnified Party, the Indemnifying Party may, but
            shall not be required to, assume the defense of any
            such Third-Party Claims, including its compromise or
            settlement, and the Indemnifying Party shall pay all
            costs and expenses thereof and shall be fully
            responsible for the outcome thereof; provided,
            however, that in such case, the Indemnifying Party
            shall have no obligation to pay any costs or expenses
            of legal counsel of the Indemnified Party in
            connection with such defense. No compromise or
            settlement in respect of any Third-Party Claims may
            be effected by the Indemnifying Party without the
            Indemnified Party's prior written consent (which
            consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or
            delayed). The Indemnifying Party shall give notice to
            the Indemnified Party as to its intention to assume
            the defense of any such Third-Party Claims within
            thirty days after the date of receipt of the
            Indemnified Party's notice in respect of such Third-
            Party Claims (and any assumption by the Indemnifying
            Party of the defense of such claim shall constitute a
            legally binding admission that the Indemnifying Party
            admits its responsibility to indemnify the
            Indemnified Party therefor, subject to any applicable
            thresholds and limitations on liability provided for
            in this Agreement). If an Indemnifying Party does
            not, within thirty days after the Indemnified Party's
            notice is given, give notice to the Indemnified Party
            of its assumption of the defense of the Third Party
            Claims or if the Indemnifying Party gives such notice
            within the 30-day period but thereafter elects not to
            assume the defense of the Third Party Claims, the
            Indemnifying Party shall be deemed to have waived its
            rights to control the defense thereof. If the
            Indemnified Party assumes the defense of any Third-
            Party Claims because of the failure of the
            Indemnifying Party to do so in accordance with this
            Section 7.5, it may do so in such manner as it may
            deem reasonably to be appropriate, and the
            Indemnifying Party shall pay all reasonable costs and
            expenses of such defense (including settling or
            compromising the claim) and shall be bound by any
            determinations made therein.  Notwithstanding the
            foregoing, the Indemnified Party shall have the right
            to assume the defense of any Third-Party Claim,
            including its compromise or settlement, if either (i)
            none of the amount for which indemnification is
            sought is recoverable from the Indemnifying Party
            because of the Basket (as defined in Section 7.7
            hereof) (in which case the Indemnified Party shall be
            responsible for all costs and expenses thereof and
            shall be fully responsible for the outcome thereof),
            or (ii) the Basket has been exceeded by reason of
            other claims by the Indemnified Party against the
            Indemnifying Party for indemnification but the
            Indemnifying Party has not acknowledged in writing
            its obligation to indemnify the Indemnified Party
            with respect to such claims or has not furnished the
            Indemnified Party with reasonably satisfactory
            evidence of such Indemnifying Party's financial
            ability to satisfy its indemnification obligation
            with respect to such claims (in which case the
            Indemnified Party's assumption of the defense shall
            be without prejudice to any of its rights hereunder).
      (b)   Notwithstanding Section 7.5(a), with respect to any
            such Third-Party Claim, the defense, negotiation
            and/or settlement of which the Indemnifying Party has
            taken control, (i) the Indemnified Party shall have
            the right to retain separate counsel to represent it
            and the Indemnifying Party shall pay the fees and
            expenses of such separate counsel if (A) in the
            Indemnified Party's reasonable judgment, it is
            advisable for the Indemnified Party to be represented
            by separate counsel or (B) the named parties to any
            such Third-Party Claim include both the Indemnified
            Party and Indemnifying Party and the Indemnified
            Party reasonably determines that defences are
            available to it that are unavailable to, or conflict
            with those available to the Indemnifying Party; (ii)
            the Indemnified Party shall have the right and shall
            be given the opportunity to consult with the
            Indemnifying Party and to participate in the defense
            of such Third-Party Claim; and (iii) the Indemnifying
            Party shall make all reasonable efforts to minimize
            interference with the Indemnified Party's ability to
            conduct its business.
      (c)   If, by reason of any Third-Party Claim relating to
            any matter subject to indemnification under this
            Article 7 (other than Section 7.2), a lien,
            attachment, garnishment or execution is placed or
            made upon any of the assets or properties of any
            Indemnified Party, the Indemnifying Party shall
            furnish an indemnity bond sufficient to obtain the
            prompt relief thereof, which shall be in addition to
            any other indemnity which the Indemnifying Party may
            be obligated to provide hereunder.


      When an Indemnifying Party becomes liable to make any
      payment pursuant to Section 7,1, 7.2 or 7.3, the due date
      for making that payment shall be: (i) where the payment
      relates to a liability on the part of Purchaser or any of
      the Companies to pay a Third-Party Claim, the fifth
      Business Day prior to the date on which that amount must be
      paid to the third party; and (ii) in any other case, the
      date falling ten Business Days after the date on which the
      Indemnifying Party has been notified by the Indemnified
      Party that the Indemnifying Party has a liability for a
      determinable amount pursuant to Section 7,1 or 7.3.  If any
      payment required to be made by the Indemnifying Party
      pursuant to Section 7,1 or 7.3 is not made by the due date,
      then the amount payable shall carry interest from the due
      date until the date when payment is actually made at the
      rate of interest publicly announced from time to time by
      Bank of Nova Scotia in London, England at its "base" rate,
      plus 2%.

      (a)   No claim shall be made under the provisions for
            indemnity under Section 7.1.1(a) or 7.3(a),
            respectively, until the aggregate amount of all
            Losses for which Purchaser or Sellers are making
            claims in excess of [POUND STERLING]30,000 per claim 
	    (or per group of like claims) under Section 7.1.1(a) 
	    or 7.3(b), respectively, exceeds [POUND STERLING]
	    400,000 (the "Basket"), whereupon the Indemnifying 
	    Party shall be liable for one hundred per cent (100%) 
	    of the Indemnified Party's Losses.  The provisions of 
	    this Subsection (a) of Section 7.7 shall not apply to 
	    any claim for indemnity under Section 2.2(a) or (c), 
	    2.3(a), 2.12, first 2 sentences of 4.2 and 4.3 provided 
	    that for the avoidance of doubt nothing herein shall be 
	    taken to subject the provisions of Article 6 to this
            Section 7.7(a).
      (b)   In calculating the amount of any Losses for purposes
            of the Basket, the qualifications for Material
            Adverse Effect and materiality (or correlative
            meaning) included in the representations and
            warranties set forth in Article 2 and Article 4 shall
            be disregarded and have no effect on the indemnities
            of Sellers and Purchaser with respect to such
            representations and warranties, each of which is
            given for purposes of such indemnities as though
            there were no qualification for Material Adverse
            Effect or materiality (or correlative meaning).
      (c)   The total amount of the liability together with the
            proper and reasonable costs of recovery of any
            damages for breach of any representation and warranty
            incurred by or on behalf of Purchaser of each of the
            parties hereto shall be limited as follows:
            (i)   in the case of Sellers other than 3i and
                  Optionholders, liability  for damages for
                  breach of any representation and warranty, the
                  indemnities set out at Sections 6.2, 7.1.1(c),
                  (d) and (e) and Section 7.1.2 shall, except in
                  the case of fraud or wilful non-disclosure, be
                  limited to the amount of the Initial Purchase
                  Price plus the Deferred Purchase Price received
                  by each Seller;
            (ii)  in the case of 3i, liability for damages for
                  breach of any representation and warranty
                  provided in this Agreement by 3i shall, except
                  in case of fraud or wilful non-disclosure, be
                  limited to the amount of the Initial Purchase
                  Price plus the amount of the Deferred Purchase
                  Price, in each case as  received by 3i; and
            (iii) in the case of Optionholders, liability for
                  damages for breach of any representation and
                  warranty provided in this Agreement by
                  Optionholders shall, except in case of fraud or
                  wilful non-disclosure, be limited to the amount
                  of the Initial Purchase Price plus the amount
                  of the Deferred Purchase Price received by
                  Optionholders; and
            (iv)  in the case of Purchaser, liability for damages
                  for breach of any representation and warranty
                  shall, except in the case of fraud or wilful
                  non-disclosure, be limited to an amount equal
                  to the Initial Purchase Price plus the Deferred
                  Purchase Price, if any, paid by Purchaser to
      (d)   Save in the case of fraud or wilful concealment, none
            of Sellers shall be liable for any claim unless
            Sellers' Representative shall have received from
            Purchaser written notice containing details of the
            claim in reasonable detail including Purchaser's
            estimate of the amount thereof (on a without
            prejudice basis):
            (i)   in the case of a claim in respect of any of the
                  representations or warranties other than the
                  warranties set out in Section 2.9, and the
                  indemnities set out at Sections 7.1.1(c) and
                  (e) and Section 7.1.2 on or before 30 June
                  1999; and
            (ii)  in the case of a claim pursuant to Section
                  6.2(a) or the representations or warranties in
                  Section 2.9 on or before 31 March 2004.
            Any claim (other than a claim under Section 6.2(a) or
            the representations or warranties set out in Section
            2.9) shall (if it has not been previously satisfied,
            settled or withdrawn) be deemed to have been
            withdrawn unless legal proceedings in respect of it
            have been commenced by both being issued and served
            within 12 months of notification to Sellers'
            Representative in accordance with this section.
            In respect of any matter which is the subject of a
            claim (other than a claim under Section 6.2(a) or the
            representations or warranties set out in Section 2.9)
            and which is capable of remedy, none of Sellers shall
            be liable for such claim unless Purchaser shall have
            given Sellers' Representative twenty-eight (28) days'
            notice in writing within which to remedy the same and
            Sellers shall have failed to do so within the said
            twenty-eight (28) day period.
      (e)   The liability in respect of all claims under this
            Agreement against the Trustees (as defined in Exhibit
            A) who are holders of the Shares as trustees of a
            settlement, shall be restricted to the extent that
            the Trustees are entitled and able to indemnify
            themselves from the assets subject to the trusts of
            the said settlement from time to time provided that
            each Trustee agrees and undertakes with Purchaser
            that it shall not, prior to 30 June 1999, distribute
            any of the assets of the said trust and in the event
            that any trust assets are dissipated in breach of
            this section, the defaulting Trustee shall be liable
            up to the amount of the Initial Purchase Price plus
            the Deferred Purchase Price received by that Trustee
            under this Agreement.  Nothing in this Section 7.7(e)
            shall prevent the Trustees from distributing, at any
            time prior to or following 30 June 1999:
            (i)   any income received from trust assets;
            (ii)  the amount of any liability to Purchaser in
                  respect of any claim or claims brought against
                  Trustees pursuant to or in relation to this
            (iii) any liability to pay or reimburse any Taxes
                  properly payable or reimbursable by the
                  Trustees out of capital trust assets;
            (iv)  any reasonable administrative costs and
                  expenses properly payable by the Trustees out
                  of capital trust assets;
            (v)   trust assets, up to the amount (if any) by
                  which the value of trust assets held by the
                  Trustees from time to time exceeds the amount
                  of the Initial Purchase Price plus the Deferred
                  Purchase Price received by the Trustees; and
            (vi)  trust assets, where such trust assets are to be
                  paid to a Seller, provided that such Seller
                  shall have executed a deed acknowledging that
                  their liability under the terms of this
                  Agreement shall be increased by the amount of
                  trust assets received by such Seller.
            On 30 June 1999, the Trustees shall, unless Purchaser
            shall have made a claim against any of Sellers in
            respect of a breach of any representation, warranty
            or any other term of this Agreement, be entitled to
            distribute trust assets held by them at that date in
            an amount equal to 50% of the value of all the assets
            held by the Trust at such date, provided, however,
            that if Purchaser shall have made any claim as set
            out above the Trustees shall set aside an amount
            which is equivalent to twice the Trustees' share
            (being their percentage share of the Initial Purchase
            Price and the Deferred Purchase Price) of the total
            amount of the Purchaser's claim plus a sum which the
            Purchaser reasonably considers it would incur in
            pursuing such claim on an indemnity basis (the "Set
            Aside Trust Assets") and the Trustees shall not be
            entitled to distribute the Set Aside Trust Assets
            until such claim is resolved.  At the expiry of each
            12 month period after 30 June 1999 the Trustees
            shall, save where Purchaser shall have made a claim
            against any of Sellers for breach of any
            representation warranty or a breach of any term of
            this Agreement, be entitled to distribute an
            additional 10% of the trust assets (determined by
            value) provided, however, that if Purchaser shall
            have made any such claim as set out above the
            Trustees shall not be entitled to distribute any
            trust assets which have become Set Aside Trust Assets
            until such claim is resolved.
            On 31 March 2004 the Trustees shall, save where
            Purchaser shall have made a claim against any of
            Sellers in respect of a breach of representation,
            warranty or breach of any of the terms of this
            Agreement, be entitled to distribute all remaining
            trust assets provided, however, that if Purchaser
            shall have made any such claim as set out above the
            Trustees shall not be entitled to distribute any
            trust assets which have become Set Aside Trust Assets
            until such claim is resolved.
      (ee)  Notwithstanding any other provision in this
            Agreement, nothing in this Agreement shall impose any
            personal liability on any Trustee provided that the
            provision in this sub-clause (ee) shall cease to have
            effect if at any time following Closing the Trustee
            acts or omits to act in a manner that constitutes a
            breach of trust under the relevant Trust.
      (f)   Purchaser shall and shall procure that each of its
            subsidiaries, any holding company of Purchaser and
            any subsidiary of any such holding company
            ("Purchaser's Group") shall promptly reimburse to
            Sellers (or to such of Sellers who have paid) all
            amounts (not exceeding the aggregate sum paid by
            Sellers or such of Sellers as aforesaid) in respect
            of any claim paid by Sellers in respect of any claim
            which is subsequently recovered by Purchaser or of
            any of Purchaser's Group as the case may be from any
            third party.
      (g)   Purchaser shall only be entitled to recover once for
            a loss suffered as a result of a single act or
            omission which constitutes a breach of one or more of
            the representations and warranties or Section 6.2(a)
            of this Agreement.
      (h)   Purchaser acknowledges that in entering into this
            Agreement it is relying on the representations and
            warranties set out in this Agreement and not upon any
            other warranties, undertakings or representations of
            any description given or made by or on behalf of any
            of Sellers, Sellers' solicitors or other agents or
      (i)   Sellers shall not be liable in respect of any claim
            for breach of a representation or warranty
            (i)   to the extent that any such claim arises or is
                  increased as a result of:
                  (A)   any change in rates of tax made after the
                        Closing Date or of any change in law,
                        regulation, directive or requirement, or
                        the practice of any tax authority,
                        occurring after the Closing Date; or
                  (B)   any change after the Closing Date in any
                        accounting policy, any tax reporting
                        practice, or the length of any accounting
                        period for tax purposes, of any member of
                        the Group;
            (ii)  which would not have arisen but for any act,
                  matter or thing done or omitted to be done
                  after Closing by the Company or any of the
                  Subsidiary Companies otherwise than in the
                  ordinary course of business or pursuant to a
                  legally binding commitment entered into prior
                  to Closing;
            (iii) to the extent that provision or reserve is
                  specifically made for the matter giving rise to
                  the claim in the Balance Sheet;
      (j)   The sole remedy for any breach of any of the
            Warranties or any other breach of this Agreement by
            Sellers or any event giving rise to liability on
            Sellers under Section 6.2(a) shall save in the case
            of fraudulent misrepresentation be an action for
            damages and Purchaser shall not save in the case of
            fraudulent misrepresentation be entitled to rescind
            this Agreement.
      (k)   No claim shall be made under warranty 2.14(a)(x)
            where Purchaser or the Companies (acting under the
            direction of Purchaser):
            (i)   shall have commenced legal proceedings against
                  any third party without obtaining the prior
                  written consent of Sellers; and
            (ii)  the Companies are held by the Court in the
                  course of those proceedings to infringe the
                  intellectual property rights of the third
      (l)   Nothing in this Section 7.7 shall restrict
            Purchaser's duty to mitigate any loss.


      Environmental Expert    an environmental consultant agreed
                              on by the relevant Indemnified
                              Party and the relevant Indemnifying
                              Party or in the absence of
                              agreement and on application by
                              either the relevant Indemnified
                              Party or the relevant Indemnifying
                              Party as appointed by the President
                              of the Royal Institution of
                              Chartered Surveyors who shall act
                              as an expert and not as an
                              arbitrator and whose costs shall be
                              paid by the relevant Indemnifying
                              Party and/or the relevant
                              Indemnified Party or
                              proportionately by each as the
                              Environmental Expert shall
      Indemnity               the environmental indemnity contained 
			      in Article 7A
      Environmental           seven years from the date of this
      Indemnity Period        Agreement
      Environmental Law       has the meaning given to that
                              phrase in Section 2.16
      Environmental Losses    means:
                              (i)   all and any liabilities,
                                    costs (including without
                                    limitation, investigation
                                    costs), claims, damages,
                                    expenses (including
                                    reasonable professional
                                    expenses), penalties or fines
                                    ("Environmental Costs")
                                    incurred (A) as a consequence
                                    of any governmental,
                                    administrative, criminal or
                                    civil proceedings or (B) as
                                    the result of any order or
                                    instruction of any regulatory
                                    authority under Environmental
                              (ii)  any such Environmental
                                    Costs incurred pursuant to
                                    agreement of the relevant
                                    Indemnified Party and the
                                    relevant Indemnifying Party
                                    or failing agreement pursuant
                                    to the determination of the
                                    Environmental Expert as
                                    Environmental Costs
                                    reasonably incurred to
                                    prevent or mitigate the risk
                                    of Environmental Losses
                                    otherwise being incurred
                                    within the Environmental
                                    Indemnity Period;
                              (iii) any such Environmental
                                    Costs reasonably incurred in
                                    making a claim under the
                                    Environmental Indemnity;
                              (iv)  any such Environmental
                                    Costs reasonably incurred in
                                    pursuing any claim or
                                    recovery of costs against
                                    environmental regulators or
                                    third parties.
      Existing Personal 
      Property                any personal property owned
                              or used by any of the Group
                              Companies at the date of this
                              Agreement which is subject to
                              Environmental Laws.
      Property Contamination  all and any Environmental Losses
      Liabilities             arising from or originating from
                              Hazardous Materials (as defined in
                              Section 2.16 of this Agreement)
                              which are present in, at, on or
                              under, migrating to or emanating
                              (i)   any of the Real Properties
                                    as at the Closing Date; or
                              (ii)  any offsite facility or
                                    location used on or prior to
                                    the Closing Date for the
                                    storage, treatment or
                                    disposal of Hazardous
                                    Materials from any Real
      Relevant                 (a)  from the date of this Agreement
      Indemnification               to two years from the date of
      Percentage                    this Agreement, one hundred per
                                    cent (100%)
                               (b)  from two years and one
                                    day from the date of this
                                    Agreement to three years from
                                    the date of this Agreement,
                                    eighty-four per cent (84%)
                               (c)  from three years and
                                    one day from the date of this
                                    Agreement to four years from
                                    the date of this Agreement,
                                    sixty-seven per cent (67%)
                               (d)  from four years and one
                                    day from the date of this
                                    Agreement to five years from
                                    the date of this Agreement,
                                    forty-five per cent (45%)
                               (e)  from five years and one
                                    day from the date of this
                                    Agreement to six years from
                                    the date of this agreement,
                                    thirty-four per cent (34%)
                               (f)  from six years and one
                                    day from the date of this
                                    Agreement to seven years from
                                    the date of this Agreement,
                                    seventeen per cent. (17%)
                               (g)  and for the avoidance
                                    of doubt, from seven years,
                                    nil per cent. (0%)
                               the Relevant Indemnification
                               Percentage in each case being
                               determined in respect of each claim
                               as of the time at which notice of
                               the claim is given under Section
      Residual Liabilities     all and any Environmental Losses
                               incurred by any of the Companies or
                               the Indemnified Parties before or
                               after the date of this Agreement in
                               respect of or in connection with:
                               (i)  any freehold or leasehold
                                    property at any time owned
                                    leased occupied or used by
                                    any of the Group Companies
                                    other than the Real Property
                                    and in respect of or in
                                    connection with any personal
                                    property owned or used by 
                                    any of the Group Companies
                                    other than the Existing
                                    Personal Property; or
                               (ii) any offsite facility or
                                    location used for the
                                    storage, treatment or
                                    disposal of Hazardous
                                    Materials from any real
                                    property currently or
                                    formerly owned, leased or
                                    operated by any of the Group
                                    Companies (or any
                                    predecessors thereof) other
                                    than the Real Property

7A.1  Sellers other than 3i and Optionholders ("Indemnifying
      Parties") shall jointly and severally indemnify and hold
      harmless Purchaser and its directors, employees,
      shareholders, any intra-group successors, transferees and
      assigns and any person claiming by or through any of the
      foregoing ("Indemnified Parties") and keep them indemnified
      and held harmless against the Relevant Indemnification
      Percentage of the Residual Liabilities and against the
      Relevant Indemnification Percentage  of the Property
      Contamination Liabilities.

7A.2  The provisions of Section 7.7 (a) shall apply to any claim
      under the Environmental Indemnity for Residual Liabilities
      or for Property Contamination Liabilities as if for the
      purposes of that Section the amount of such claim was
      regarded as a Loss and the claim was a claim under Section
      7.1.1 (a).

7A.3  The provisions of Section 7.7 (c) (i) shall apply to any
      claim under the Environmental Indemnity for Residual
      Liabilities or for Property Contamination Liabilities as if
      for the purposes of that Section the claim was regarded as
      a claim for liability for damages for breach of any
      representation and warranty.

7A.4  The Sellers shall not be liable under this Environmental
      (a)   unless the Purchaser has given notice to the Sellers
            under Section 7.5(a) as applied by Section 7A.6
            within the Environmental Indemnity Period
      (aa)  unless the claim is made in relation to legal
            proceedings or formal regulatory action taken,
            received by, served on or implemented against the
            Indemnified Parties or any one of them (or which
            would have been expected to be so taken, received by,
            served on or implemented but for any Environmental
            Costs expended within paragraph (ii) of the
            definition of Environmental Losses within the
            Environmental Indemnity Period) which if uncontested
            would result (or if taken, received by, served on or
            implemented would have been expected to have
            resulted) in a legal obligation binding on the
            relevant Indemnified Party whereby the relevant
            Indemnified Party would incur or would be expected to
            incur Environmental Losses within 8 years of this
      (b)   if a claim is made in respect of the use of any Real
            Property for a purpose dissimilar to that for which
            it is used as of the Closing Date, for the proportion
            of the claim which exceeds that which would have been
            suffered or sustained by Indemnified Parties had the
            relevant Real Property continued to be used for that
            purpose or a purpose similar to the existing purpose
            as of the Closing Date

7A.5  Indemnifying Parties shall pay and reimburse any amount due
      under Section 7A.1 to Indemnified Parties within 21 days of
      written demand.

7A.6  Section 7.5 shall apply mutatis mutandis to claims made
      under this Section 7A save that Section 7.5(a) shall apply
      in respect of any matter giving rise to a claim under this
      Environmental Indemnity as if such matter was a Third Party
      Claim within the meaning of Section 7.5(a) and save to the
      extent that the provisions of Section 7.5 shall be
      inconsistent with this Article 7A.

7A.7  No Indemnified Party shall, without the written consent of
      the Indemnifying Party, notify any regulatory authority
      under Environmental Law of any environmental matter which
      is reasonably in the opinion of the Indemnified Party at
      that time capable of giving rise to liability under this
      Environmental Indemnity or notify any third party who may
      in the reasonable opinion of the Indemnified Party at the
      time may have a claim against the Indemnified Party in
      respect of any such environmental matter, provided always
      that this shall not prevent the Indemnified Party revealing
      any matter, act or circumstance:
      (i)   to its professional advisers so as to enable such
            advisers to perform the duties expected of them; and
      (ii)  to the extent that the Indemnified Party shall be
            under any legal obligation to do so.

7A.8  If and to the extent that the amount of any liability in
      respect of which the Indemnified Party has recovered under
      this Agreement is reduced by whatever means at any time
      subsequent to notice of the claim having been given to the
      Indemnifying Party, whether by virtue of any recovery or
      contribution received by the Indemnified Party from any
      third party (including any insurer of the Indemnified
      Party) or otherwise, the Indemnifying Party's liability to
      the Indemnified Party under this Agreement shall be reduced
      accordingly and the Indemnified Party shall as soon as
      reasonably practicable notify the Indemnifying Party of the
      reduction in writing and forthwith upon receipt of the same
      pay the amount of such reduction to the Indemnifying Party.

7A.9  The Indemnified Parties shall unless the Indemnifying Party
      provides otherwise in writing enforce or pursue any
      indemnities or remedies subject to the Indemnified Party
      being indemnified to its reasonable satisfaction against
      all costs that it may incur in respect thereof which the
      Indemnified Parties or any of them may have in respect of
      the relevant claim against any reasonably identifiable
      third party against whom the Indemnified Party having taken
      legal advice has a greater than 50% chance of success as
      indicated by such legal advice.

7A.10 The Indemnifying Party shall not be liable under this
      Article 7A to the extent that any relevant claim arises as
      a result of or to the extent that the costs, expenses,
      losses or claims have been aggravated or increased by the
      Indemnified Parties or any of them or by any third parties
      after the Closing Date save to the extent that such
      aggravation or increase is caused by the carrying out of
      actions incurring Environmental Losses within the meaning
      of paragraph (ii) of the definition of Environmental

7A.11 The Indemnifying Party shall not be liable under this
      Article 7A to the extent that at any time after the Closing
      Date Environmental Losses are incurred or should properly
      have been incurred as part of routine maintenance and
      upkeep of the Indemnified Parties' business not involving
      material capital expenditure or as part of any routine
      expenditure relating to any item or product in satisfaction
      of day to day compliance obligations after the Closing
      ARTICLE 8

      (a)   By the execution and delivery of this Agreement, each
            of Sellers other than 3i hereby appoints Ivan
            Beswick, Alan Dearman and Andrew Lock and each of
            them as a Sellers' Representative and authorizes and
            empowers each Sellers' Representative as such
            Seller's true and lawful agent and attorney-in-fact
            to act, individually, in the name, place and stead of
            such Seller with respect to this Agreement, as the
            same may be from time to time amended, and with
            respect to the transfer of such Seller's Shares to
            Purchaser pursuant hereto, and to do or refrain from
            doing all such acts and things of an administrative
            nature as such Sellers' Representative shall deem
            necessary or appropriate in order to effect the terms
            of this Agreement or any of the transactions
            contemplated hereby, including, without limitation,
            the power:
            (i)   to receive, hold, and deliver to Purchaser the
                  certificates evidencing the Shares accompanied
                  by executed stock powers, signature guarantees,
                  and any other documents relating thereto on
                  behalf of such Seller;
            (ii)  to receive and give a valid receipt for the
                  Closing Payment;
            (iii) to vary, amend or waive any provisions of this
            (iv)  to act for such Seller with regard to all
                  indemnification matters referred to in this
                  Agreement, including, without limitation, the
                  power to acknowledge responsibility for any
                  claim and the power to compromise any claim on
                  behalf of such Seller; and
            (v)   to receive all demands, notices or other
                  communications directed to such Seller under
                  this Agreement and to do or refrain from doing
                  any further act or deed on behalf of such
                  Seller which such Sellers' Representative deems
                  necessary or appropriate.
      (b)   The appointment of each Sellers' Representative shall
            be deemed coupled with an interest and shall be
            irrevocable until the later of 30 June 1999 and the
            date when any claim made by Purchaser prior to 30
            June 1999 shall have been resolved, settled or
            withdrawn or deemed to have been withdrawn, at which
            date such appointment shall automatically terminate,
            and Purchaser and any other person may conclusively
            and absolutely rely, without inquiry, upon any action
            of any of Sellers' Representatives in accordance with
            this Article as the act of Sellers in all matters
            referred to in this Agreement.  Each of Sellers
            hereby ratifies and confirms all that any Sellers'
            Representative shall do or cause to be done by virtue
            of his appointment as Sellers' Representative of such
            Seller.  Each of Sellers' Representatives shall act
            for all Sellers on all of the matters set forth in
            this Agreement in the manner such Sellers'
            Representative believes to be in the best interest of
            Sellers and consistent with their obligations under
            this Agreement, but none of Sellers' Representatives,
            Purchaser or any of the Companies shall be
            responsible to any Seller for any loss or damage any
            Seller may suffer by reason of the performance by any
            Sellers' Representative of his duties under this
            Agreement, except, in the case of a Sellers'
            Representative, for loss or damage arising from
            wilful violation of law or negligence in the
            performance of his duties hereunder.  Each Seller may
            deliver to any of Sellers' Representatives, for
            payment to Purchaser upon two Business Day's prior
            written notice any amount owing by such Seller to
            Purchaser under this Agreement, but nothing herein
            shall be construed as holding any Sellers'
            Representative liable to Purchaser for any amount
            such Seller does not deliver to Sellers'
            Representatives and for which Sellers' Representative
            is not otherwise liable in their capacity as Sellers.
      (c)   In the event of the death or incapacity of any of
            Sellers' Representatives, the survivors or survivor
            shall become the sole Sellers' Representative(s).  In
            the event of the death or incapacity of all three of
            Sellers' Representatives, Sellers agree to appoint a
            successor within the thirty day period immediately
            following the date of the death or incapacity of the
            last surviving Sellers' Representative, and such
            successor shall either be a Seller or any other
            Person reasonably acceptable to Purchaser, who shall
            agree in writing to accept such appointment in
            accordance with the terms hereof.  The appointment of
            a successor Sellers' Representative pursuant to this
            Section 8.1 shall be promptly notified to Purchaser.
      (d)   Sellers agree that Purchaser may rely on the
            provisions of this Section 8.1 in dealing with any
            Sellers' Representative on behalf of any of Sellers.
            Purchaser shall not be bound by, and its rights shall
            not be limited by, any agreement among Sellers in
            this Section 8.1.
      (e)   Each of Mr. Beswick, Mr. Lock and Mr. Dearman hereby
            acknowledges and agrees to act as Sellers'
            Representative, upon the terms and conditions set
            forth above and in accordance with this Agreement.


      All representations and warranties made by the parties
      herein shall survive as provided in Section 7.7(d).  Save
      as set out in Article 7 all covenants and agreements made
      and given by the parties herein shall survive indefinitely.


      Each of Sellers and Purchaser agree that no press release
      or similar public announcement or communication will be
      made or caused to be made by him or it concerning the
      execution or performance of this Agreement or any
      transaction contemplated hereby unless specifically
      approved in advance and in writing by Purchaser in the case
      of a communication by any of Sellers or Companies and by
      Sellers' Representative in the case of a communication by
      Purchaser; provided, however, that Purchaser may make any
      public announcement required by applicable Law or which
      Purchaser deems prudent on advice of counsel and in light
      of the disclosure obligations applicable to it as a
      reporting corporation in the United States.


      Any party may assign its rights and obligations under this
      Agreement, but no such assignment shall relieve such party
      of its obligations under this Agreement nor shall any such
      assignment have the effect of increasing the liability of
      Sellers under this Agreement.  This Agreement shall be
      binding upon and inure to the benefit of each of the
      parties hereto and their respective successors and
      permitted assigns.

      Purchaser agrees to provide Sellers with reasonable notice
      of any proposed assignment under this Agreement.


      This Agreement and the Exhibits and Schedules (including
      the Disclosure Documents) attached hereto (i) constitute
      the entire agreement and supersede all prior agreements and
      understandings, both written and oral, between the parties
      with respect to the subject matter hereof.  It is agreed
      that: (i) no party has entered into this Agreement in
      reliance upon any representation, warranty or undertaking
      of any other party which is not expressly set out or
      referred to in this Agreement; (ii) no party shall have any
      remedy in respect of misrepresentation or untrue statements
      made by any other party unless and to the extent that a
      claim lies for breach of warranty under this Agreement; and
      (iii) this clause shall not exclude any liability for
      fraudulent misrepresentation.


      This Agreement and any of the terms contained herein may
      only be amended or modified by Sellers' Representative and
      Purchaser in writing.

8.6   WAIVER

      Either Sellers' Representative or Purchaser may:
      (i)   extend the time for the performance of any of the
            obligations or other acts of the other parties
      (ii)  waive any inaccuracies in the representations and
            warranties contained herein or in any other document
            delivered pursuant hereto which are intended to
            benefit it; or
      (iii) waive compliance with any of the agreements or
            conditions contained herein or in any other documents
            delivered pursuant hereto and which are intended to
            benefit it.
      Any agreement on the part of a party to any such extension
      or waiver shall be valid only if set forth in an instrument
      in writing by the party granting the extension or waiver.
      No waiver of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall
      be deemed to or shall constitute a waiver of any other
      provision hereof.


      This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts,
      each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of
      which shall be considered one and the same instrument.


      The table of contents and the section and paragraph
      headings contained in this Agreement are for reference
      purposes only and shall not in any way affect the meaning
      or interpretation of this Agreement.


      All notices hereunder shall be deemed given by a party
      hereto if in writing and delivered personally or by
      facsimile transmission or by registered or certified mail
      (return receipt requested) to the other party at the
      following address for such party (or at such other address
      as shall be specified by like notice):

      if to any of Sellers to: any Sellers' Representative at the

      address given for such person in Exhibit A.

      with a copy to each of the other Sellers at the addresses

      given in Exhibit A

      if to the Company, to: Safeline Limited

      510 Montford Street

      Salford M5 2SN

      Great Britain

      Attention of:

      with a copy to:

      Chaffe Street (Ref: Tom Burton)

      Brook House

      70 Spring Garden

      Manchester M2 2BQ

      (Facsimile: 0161 228 6862)

      if to Purchaser, to:  Robert F. Spoerry

      Mettler-Toledo, Inc.

      Im Langacher

      CH-8606 Greifensee,


      Fax No:  41-1-942-22-55

      with a copy to:  Simon McLeod, Esq.

      S.J. Berwin & Co.

      222 Grays Inn Road

      London WC1X 8HB

      Fax No: 0171 533 2000

      with a copy to:  Sanford Krieger, Esq.

      Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson

      One New York Plaza

      New York, NY 10004

      Fax No:  (212) 859-8587

      Any notice given by mail or by facsimile transmission,
      receipt of which is confirmed by a facsimile transmittal
      sheet, shall be effective when received. Any notice given
      by Purchaser to Sellers pursuant hereto shall be deemed
      given also to each of the Companies.

      (a)   This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in
            accordance with the laws of England, without regard
            to the conflicts of laws provisions thereof.
      (b)   Any suit, claim, action or proceeding arising out of
            or relating to this Agreement and the transactions
            contemplated hereby or for the enforcement of any
            judgment or order entered by any court in respect
            thereof, may be brought in the English Courts, and
            each party hereto hereby submits to the exclusive
            jurisdiction of such court.  The parties hereby
            irrevocably waive, to the fullest extent permitted by
            applicable law, any objection which they may now or
            hereafter have to the laying of venue of any dispute
            arising out of or relating to this Agreement or any
            of the transactions contemplated hereby brought in
            such court or any defense of inconvenient forum for
            the maintenance of such dispute.  Each of the parties
            hereto agrees that a judgment in any such dispute may
            be enforced in other jurisdictions by suit on the
            judgment or in any other manner provided by law.
            This consent to jurisdiction is being given solely
            for purposes of this Agreement and the agreements
            executed in connection herewith and is not intended
            to, and shall not, confer consent to jurisdiction
            with respect to any other dispute in which a party to
            this Agreement may become involved.
      (c)   Each of the parties hereto hereby consents to process
            being served by any party to this Agreement in any
            suit, action or proceeding of the nature specified in
            Section 8.10(b) above by the mailing of a copy
            thereof in the manner specified by the provisions of
            this Section 8.10.


      All sums payable by Sellers pursuant to this Agreement
      shall be paid free and clear of all deductions or
      withholdings whatsoever, save only as may be required by
      any applicable law provided that Sellers shall in no
      circumstance be required to pay by this clause any amount
      exceeding the amounts specified for each Seller in Section
      7.7(c) and (e).  If any deductions or withholdings are
      required by law to be made from any of the sums payable by
      Sellers pursuant to this Agreement, (i) Sellers shall
      (except in the case of interest) deduct or withhold such
      sums as are required to be deducted or withheld from such
      sum and any additional sum described in (ii) and pay such
      sums owed to the appropriate Taxing Authority and (ii)
      Sellers shall be obliged to pay to the recipient such an
      additional sum as will, after any deduction or withholding
      required by law to be made from such additional sum has
      been made, leave the recipient with the same amount as it
      would have been entitled to receive in the absence of any
      such requirement to make a deduction or withholding.  If
      Tax is payable on any sum paid by Sellers to the recipient
      pursuant to this Agreement, the sum otherwise so payable
      shall be grossed up by such amount as will ensure that,
      after payment of any Tax charged on or in respect of such
      payment, the recipient receives and retains a sum equal to
      that which would otherwise be payable pursuant to this


      To the extent permitted by applicable Law, any payment by
      Purchaser or Sellers under Article 6, 1.2A or Article 7 or
      in respect of the warranties shall be treated by Purchaser
      and Sellers as an adjustment to the Initial Purchase Price.


      Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary,
      representations and warranties made by Sellers, or by any
      of them, shall be subject to:
      (a)   any matters stated in this Agreement or in any
            document referred to therein and for the avoidance of
            doubt a disclosure against any one or more warranty
            statements will constitute disclosure of such fact or
            matter against all of the warranties set out in this
      (b)   the information in the disclosure documents
            ("Disclosure Documents") listed in Schedule 8.13 of
            this Agreement, copies of which have been provided to
            Purchaser or its advisers;
      (c)   all matters appearing on the microfiche file at the
            Companies Registry for England and Wales on 29 May
            1997 in respect of the Company;
      (d)   in relation to Real Property (excluding Real Property
            to the extent that representations and warranties
            affect both Real Property and Environmental Matters):
            (i)   any information which would be revealed upon an
                  inspection or search (whether or not made) of
                  any document, register or record which may be
                  inspected by the public and maintained by, or
                  information which is available upon enquiry
                  (whether or not made) of, or otherwise from, HM
                  Land Registry, HM Land Charges Registry or any
                  register of local land charges; and
            (ii)  any matter which would be revealed upon an
                  inspection (whether or not made) of the office
                  copies of the registered titles, conveyances,
                  transfers, leases or other title deeds
                  comprised in the Disclosure Documents;
      provided, however, that such matters or information will be
      treated as qualifying or limiting the application of any
      representation and warranty only to the extent that it
      constitutes fair disclosure.


      In the event that any provision in this Agreement shall be
      invalid, illegal or unenforceable, to the extent permitted
      by applicable law, the validity, legality and
      enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not in any
      way be affected or impaired thereby.

      (a)   Whenever used in this Agreement, "to Sellers'
            knowledge", "to the knowledge of Sellers," "Sellers
            are aware" or "known to Sellers" or similar language
            shall be deemed to include, in addition to the actual
            knowledge or awareness of any of Sellers, such
            knowledge or awareness as would have been acquired
            following due and careful inquiry of the other
            management of the Company in relation to the subject
            matter of the warranties.
      (b)   Any information supplied by the Companies, their
            officers or employees to Sellers, their agents,
            representatives or advisers in connection with, or to
            form the basis of, any representation or warranty or
            any matter covered in the representations or
            warranties or for any other reason shall be deemed
            not to include or have included a representation,
            warranty or guarantee of its accuracy to Sellers and
            shall not constitute a defence to Sellers against any
            claim made by Purchaser.  Sellers waive any and all
            claims against the Companies, their officers or
            employees in respect of any information so supplied
            save in respect of any right of contribution
            available as between Sellers as joint and several
            obligors under this Agreement.


      Each Seller, on the one hand, and Purchaser, on the other
      hand, acknowledges that the other will be irreparably
      harmed and will have no adequate remedy at law if such
      party fails to perform any of its obligations under this
      Agreement.  It is accordingly agreed that, in addition to
      any other remedies which may be available, the parties
      shall have the right to obtain injunctive relief to
      restrain a breach or threatened breach of, or otherwise
      obtain specific performance of, any covenants and other
      agreements of the other party contained in this Agreement.
      Any remedy conferred on any party hereto under this
      Agreement for breach or threatened breach of this Agreement
      shall be in addition and without prejudice to any other
      rights and remedies available to it and the exercise or
      failure to exercise any remedy shall not constitute a
      waiver by any party of any of its other rights and


      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been signed on
      behalf of each of the parties hereto as of the date first
      above written.

                               METTLER-TOLEDO INC.
                               By: /s/   William P Donnelly
                                   Name:  William P Donnelly

                                   Title: Chief Financial Officer

                               SAFELINE HOLDING COMPANY
                               By: /s/   Lukas Braunschweiler
                                   Name:  Lukas Braunschweiler

                                   Title: Chairman

                               SAFELINE LIMITED
                               By: /s/  Alan Dearman
                                   Name:  Alan Dearman
                                   Title:  Director

                                   /s/  Andrew Lock
                                   Name:  Andrew Lock
                                   Title:  Director
                                   /s/  I Beswick
                                   I Beswick
				   /s/  A D Dearman
                                   A D Dearman
				   /s/  P J Davis
                                   P J Davis
				   /s/  A P Lock
                                   A P Lock
				   /s/  K Ives
                                   K Ives
				   /s/  C J Sykes
                                   C J Sykes
				   /s/  I Schofield
                                   I Schofield
				   /s/  Andrew Jonathan Conder as attorney for
                                   Pannell Kerr Forster
                                   Trustee Co Ltd
                                   as Trustee of the Dearman
                                   Trust dated 15 March 1991
				   /s/  Andrew Jonathan Conder as attorney for
                                   Pannell Kerr Forster
                                   Trustee Co Ltd
                                   as Trustee of the Ivan
                                   Beswick Trust dated 15th
                                   March 1991
                                   Pannell Kerr Forster
                                   Trustee Co Ltd as Trustee
                                   of the Ivan Beswick Trust
                                   dated 15th March 1991
				   /s/  Andrew Jonathan Conder as attorney for
                                   R &H Trust Co (Jersey)
                                   Limited as Trustee of the
                                   Peter John Davis Offshore
                                   account dated 13 March
				   /s/  Andrew Jonathan Conder as attorney for
                                   Reads Trustees Ltd as
                                   Trustee of the Peter Davis
                                   1987 Settlement dated 30th
                                   September 1987

Each of the Optionholders (whose names are for the avoidance of
doubt listed below) acting by their duly authorised attorney,
Ivan Beswick.

/s/  Ivan Beswick
- ----------------------------

Duly signed by Ivan Beswick as attorney for Optionholders

                                   Nicholas J Bell

                                   Oscar Jeter

                                   Thomas Cooper

                                   Daniel J Franklewicz

                                   Harry Massey

                                   Michael Bradley

                                   Ian J Dyson

                                   Christopher Hilton

                                   David J Kirby

                                   John Parkinson

                                   Stephen V Roberts

                                   Nigel Brooks

                                   Rolf Hildenbeutel

                                   Julian Jackson

                                   Brian Needham

                                   David Blythe

                                   Alice DeJarnette

                                   Daniel Karpy

                                   Charles Larkin
                                   Roy Wiley

                                   Anthony Hope-Ross

                                   Burton Lee Hosey II

                                   Milo Grabow

                                   Angelo Rumore

                                   Philip Goldthorpe

                                   Dominic Fitzsimmons

                                   Adrian Hill

                                   Christopher Hillman
                                   3i GROUP plc
                                   By:     /s/  John Russell Hogg

                                      Name:     John Russell Hogg

                                      Title:  Authorized Signatory
                                   3i plc  -----------------------

                                      Name:     John Russell Hogg

                                      Title:  Authorized Signatory