Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT

     Pursuant to Section 13 OR 15(d) of The Securities Exchange Act of 1934

       Date of Report (Date of Earliest Event Reported): November 3, 2004

                                   CREE, INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

       North Carolina                0-21154                   56-1572719
(State or other jurisdiction     (Commission File           (I.R.S. Employer
      of incorporation)              Number)              Identification Number)

                    4600 Silicon Drive
                  Durham, North Carolina                   27703
         (Address of principal executive offices)        (Zip Code)

                                 (919) 313-5300
               Registrant's telephone number, including area code

          (Former name or former address, if changed since last report)

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simultaneously  satisfy the filing obligation of the registrant under any of the
following provisions:

[ ] Written communications pursuant to Rule 425 under the Securities Act (17 CFR
[ ] Soliciting  material  pursuant to Rule 14a-12 under the Exchange Act (17 CFR
[ ] Pre-commencement communications pursuant to Rule 14d-2(b) under the Exchange
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[ ] Pre-commencement communications pursuant to Rule 13e-4(c) under the Exchange
Act (17 CFR 240.13e-4(c))

Item 1.01   Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement.

Option Grant to Executive Officer

     The Company from time to time has made stock option awards to its directors
and employees,  including employees of its controlled subsidiaries,  pursuant to
the  shareholder-approved  Cree, Inc.  Amended and Restated Equity  Compensation
Plan (the "Equity  Compensation Plan"). On November 3, 2004, the Company granted
a non-qualified stock option under the Equity Compensation Plan to its Chairman,
F. Neal Hunter,  to purchase  16,000  shares at an exercise  price of $33.95 per
share,  pursuant to the form of master stock option award  agreement  filed with
the Securities and Exchange Commission on October 7, 2004 as Exhibit 10.2 to the
Company's  report on Form 8-K.  The  option  granted  to Mr.  Hunter  expires on
November 3, 2011, if not sooner terminated in accordance with the agreement, and
vests and  becomes  exercisable  to purchase  16,000  shares on November 3, 2005
provided Mr. Hunter  remains  employed by the Company.  The option will vest and
become exercisable as to all shares if Mr. Hunter's  employment is terminated by
the Company  without  cause,  or by Mr.  Hunter for good reason,  within 90 days
preceding or within 12 months  following a "change of control" as defined in the
Equity Compensation Plan.

Adoption of 2004 Long-Term Incentive Compensation Plan

     On  November  4, 2004,  the  shareholders  of Cree,  Inc.  (the  "Company")
approved the adoption of the Cree,  Inc. 2004 Long-Term  Incentive  Compensation
Plan (the "2004 Plan"),  which replaces the Company's Equity  Compensation Plan.
No further awards will be made under the Equity Compensation Plan after November
4, 2004.  The Company has not yet issued any shares or awarded any options under
the 2004 Plan, and the 2004 Plan will terminate on June 28, 2009. The summary of
the terms of the 2004 Plan set forth below is not intended to be complete and is
qualified in its entirety by the 2004 Plan, which was filed as an exhibit to the
Company's  Form 10-Q for the quarterly  period ended  September 26, 2004,  filed
with the Securities and Exchange Commission on November 5, 2004.

     Nature  and  Purpose.  The  2004  Plan  provides  for  grants  to  eligible
participants  in the  form  of  non-qualified  stock  options,  incentive  stock
options,  stock appreciation rights ("SARs"),  restricted stock, stock units and
performance  units.  The  objectives  of the 2004 Plan are to: (i)  attract  and
retain employees for the Company and its affiliates and directors of the Company
by providing competitive compensation opportunities;  (ii) provide incentives to
those individuals who contribute  significantly to the long-term performance and
growth  of the  Company  and its  affiliates;  and  (iii)  align  the  long-term
financial  interests  of employees  and  directors  with those of the  Company's

     The 2004 Plan is not  generally  subject to the  provisions of the Employee
Retirement  Income  Security  Act of 1974,  as  amended.  The 2004 Plan is not a
qualified  plan under  Section  401 of the  Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as
amended (the "Code").


     Eligible Participants.  Only employees of the Company and its subsidiaries,
and non-employee  directors of the Company, are eligible to receive awards under
the 2004 Plan.

     Administration.  The 2004 Plan will be  administered  by a  committee  (the
"Committee")  consisting of two or more non-employee  directors appointed by the
Board of Directors. The Committee has the exclusive right to interpret, construe
and administer  the 2004 Plan, to select the persons  eligible to receive awards
and to act in all matters  pertaining to the granting of awards and the contents
of agreements  evidencing awards,  except that awards to non-employee  directors
must also be approved by the Board.  The  Committee's  decisions are conclusive,
final and binding upon all parties.

     Unless the Board directs otherwise, the Compensation Committee of the Board
shall  serve  as the  Committee.  The  charter  adopted  by the  Board  for  the
Compensation  Committee provides that all members of the Compensation  Committee
must be: (i)  independent  directors who meet the  independence  requirements of
Nasdaq's  Marketplace  Rules; (ii)  "non-employee  directors" as defined by Rule
16b-3 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended;  and (iii) "outside
directors"  as  defined by Section  162(m) of the Code.  The Board,  in its sole
discretion,  may exercise any authority of the Committee under the 2004 Plan. To
the  extent  permitted  by law and the  Company's  Bylaws,  and  subject  to the
applicable  rules of any  securities  exchange or quotation or trading system on
which the Company's  shares are traded,  the  Committee  may delegate  authority
under the 2004 Plan to one or more  Committee  members or executive  officers of
the Company,  except that the  Committee may not delegate  such  authority  with
respect to awards to directors or executive  officers.  The  Committee  may also
delegate authority for certain  administrative  functions under the 2004 Plan to
an officer or officers of the Company.

     Securities  to be Offered.  The Company would be authorized to issue shares
of the  Company's  common  stock,  with a par  value  $0.00125  per  share  (the
"Shares"),  pursuant  to awards  under the 2004 Plan.  Shares  subject to awards
under the 2004 Plan will be made  available  from the  authorized  and  unissued
Shares of the Company's common stock.

     The aggregate  number of Shares that may be issued pursuant to awards under
the plan is: (i)  1,200,000  plus (ii) the number of Shares  which,  immediately
prior to the date of  shareholder  approval  of the 2004  Plan  (the  "Effective
Date"),  were authorized for issuance under the Equity Compensation Plan and are
not thereafter used for awards under the Equity Compensation Plan. The number of
authorized Shares include Shares which, immediately prior to the Effective Date,
were authorized for issuance under the Equity  Compensation Plan and either were
not  subject to then  outstanding  awards or were  subject  to then  outstanding
awards that subsequently expire, are canceled or otherwise terminate unexercised
for any  reason.  No more than an  aggregate  of  600,000  Shares  may be issued
pursuant to awards of restricted  stock,  stock units or performance units under
the 2004 Plan. If for any reason any Shares awarded or subject to purchase under
the 2004 Plan are not delivered or purchased,  or are reacquired by the Company,
such Shares will again be available for issuance  pursuant to an award under the
2004  Plan.  The  determination  of the number of Shares  that may again  become
available for issuance with respect to grants of incentive stock options will be
made in accordance  with the  requirements of applicable  regulations  under the


     The  Committee  will  determine  the  individuals  to whom  awards  will be
granted,  the  number of Shares  subject  to an award,  and the other  terms and
conditions of an award.  Except to the extent the Committee  determines  that an
award shall not comply with the  performance-based  compensation  provisions  of
Section  162(m) of the Code:  (i) the  aggregate  number  of Shares  subject  to
options or SARs granted in any one fiscal year to any one participant  shall not
exceed 300,000;  (ii) the aggregate number of Shares subject to restricted stock
or stock unit awards granted in any one fiscal year to any one participant shall
not exceed  100,000;  and (iii) the aggregate  value of performance  unit awards
(valued as of the grant  date) that may be granted in any one fiscal year to any
one participant shall not exceed the fair market value of 100,000 Shares.

     The  Committee  will make  equitable  adjustments  upon the  occurrence  of
certain events that result in changes in the outstanding shares of the Company's
common  stock or that  result in  exchanges  of  shares  of  common  stock for a
different  number or class of common stock or other securities of the Company or
another corporation.  These events include changes in corporate  capitalization,
such as a stock split,  reverse  stock split or stock  dividend or any corporate
transaction such as a reorganization,  reclassification, merger or consolidation
or separation, including a spin-off, of the Company or sale or other disposition
by the  Company  of all or a portion  of its  assets,  any  other  change in the
Company's  corporate structure or any distribution to shareholders (other than a
cash  dividend).  Under  such  circumstances,  adjustments  may be  made  by the
Committee in the number of Shares that may be awarded  under the 2004 Plan,  the
limitations  on the  aggregate  number of Shares  that may be awarded to any one
participant,  the number and class of Shares that may be subject to an award and
which  have not been  issued or  transferred  under an  outstanding  award,  the
exercise  price  under  outstanding  options  and the  number  of  Shares  to be
transferred  in  settlement  of  outstanding  SARs and the terms,  conditions or
restrictions of any award and award  agreement,  including the price payable for
the acquisition of Shares.

     Amendments.  The  Committee or the Board may at any time  terminate or from
time to time amend the 2004 Plan,  but no such action may  adversely  affect any
rights or obligations  with respect to any awards  previously  granted under the
2004 Plan unless the affected participants consent in writing.  However, neither
the Committee nor the Board may, without approval of the shareholders, amend the
2004 Plan to materially:  (i) increase benefits  accruing to participants;  (ii)
increase the number of Shares which may be issued under the 2004 Plan;  or (iii)
modify the  requirements  for  participation  in the 2004 Plan. The Company must
also obtain the approval of the  shareholders  before  amending the 2004 Plan to
the extent required by Section 162(m) or Section 422 of the Code or the rules of
any  securities  exchange or  quotation  or trading  system on which  Shares are
traded or other applicable law.

     The Committee  may amend  outstanding  awards in a manner not  inconsistent
with the terms of the 2004 Plan; provided,  however,  that: (i) if the amendment
is adverse to the  participant,  as determined by the  Committee,  the amendment
will not be  effective  unless  and until the  participant  consents,  except as
otherwise  permitted  by the  2004  Plan or the  award  agreement;  and (ii) the
Committee  shall not have the  authority to decrease  the exercise  price of any
outstanding  option  or SAR,  nor award any  option or SAR in  replacement  of a
canceled option or SAR with a higher  exercise price,  except for adjustments in


connection  with  changes  in  corporate  capitalization  and  other  events  as
described above, unless such an amendment is approved by the shareholders.

     Stock Options.  The number of Shares subject to a stock option, the type of
stock option (i.e.,  incentive stock option or non-qualified stock option),  the
exercise  price of the option and the period of exercise  will be  determined by
the Committee and set forth in an award agreement. The exercise price may not be
less  than the fair  market  value of a Share on the date of  grant.  No  option
granted under the 2004 Plan shall be exercisable  after the seventh  anniversary
of the date of grant.

     Options  granted  under the 2004 Plan shall be exercised by the delivery of
written or  electronic  notice of  exercise  to the  Company  or its  designated
representative,  setting  forth the number of Shares  with  respect to which the
option is to be exercised and satisfying any requirements that the Committee may
establish in or pursuant to the award agreement.  Unless otherwise authorized by
the  Committee,  no  Shares  shall be  delivered,  whether  in  certificated  or
uncertificated  form,  until the full exercise  price has been paid.  The option
price upon exercise  shall be payable to the Company  either:  (a) in cash;  (b)
cash equivalent approved by the Committee;  (c) if approved by the Committee, by
tendering   previously   acquired  Shares  (or  delivering  a  certification  or
attestation  of ownership of such Shares)  having an aggregate fair market value
at the time of  exercise  equal to the total  option  price  (provided  that the
tendered  Shares must have been held by the  participant for any period required
by the  Committee);  or (d) by a  combination  of (a), (b) or (c). The Committee
also may allow cashless exercises as permitted under Regulation T of the Federal
Reserve  Board,  subject to applicable  securities law  restrictions,  or by any
other means which the Committee determines to be consistent with the 2004 Plan's
purpose and applicable law.

     SARs.  SARs granted  under the 2004 Plan would entitle the  participant  to
receive an amount payable in Shares and/or cash, as determined by the Committee,
equal to the  excess of the fair  market  value of a Share on the day the SAR is
exercised over the specified  purchase price. SARs may be granted in tandem with
a related  stock option or  independently.  If a SAR is granted in tandem with a
stock option,  the participant may exercise the stock option or the SAR, but not
both.  The Committee  shall  determine and set forth in the award  agreement the
extent to which SARs are exercisable after termination of employment.

     Restricted  Stock and Stock Units. A restricted  stock award under the 2004
Plan is an award of Shares issued to a participant with such restrictions as the
Committee may impose,  including restrictions on the right to retain the Shares,
to sell,  transfer,  pledge or assign the Shares,  to vote the Shares  and/or to
receive any cash dividends with respect to the Shares.  A stock unit award under
the 2004 Plan is an award,  valued by reference to a Share, in which the Company
promises  to pay the value of the award to the  participant  by delivery of such
property  as the  Committee  shall  determine,  including  cash or Shares or any
combination thereof, and that has such restrictions as the Committee may impose,
including  restrictions  on the right to retain the awards,  to sell,  transfer,
pledge or assign the award, and/or to receive any cash dividend equivalents with
respect to the award.


     The  restrictions  on  restricted  stock and stock  unit  awards  may lapse
separately  or in  combination  at  such  time  or  times,  in  installments  or
otherwise,  as the Committee may deem  appropriate,  subject to certain  minimum
restriction periods described below.  Restricted stock and stock unit awards may
be made  either  alone,  in  addition to or in tandem with other types of awards
permitted  under the 2004 Plan and may be current grants of restricted  stock or
stock units or deferred grants,  except that a non-employee  director may not be
granted restricted stock or stock units in any fiscal year in which the director
is granted an option or SAR.

     The terms of restricted stock and stock unit awards, including the purchase
price,  if  any,  to be  paid  for the  restricted  stock  or  stock  unit,  any
restrictions  applicable to the restricted stock or stock unit such as continued
service or  achievement  of  performance  goals,  the length of the  restriction
period and whether any  circumstances  will shorten or terminate the restriction
period,  and rights of the participant during the restriction period to vote and
receive  dividends  in the case of  restricted  stock,  or to  receive  dividend
equivalents in the case of stock units that accrue dividend equivalents, will be
determined  by the  Committee  and set forth in the  agreement  relating to such
award.  All grants of  restricted  stock or stock units shall have a restriction
period of at least three years,  except that: (i) the restriction period for any
award may be shortened pursuant to the award agreement in connection with death,
disability or retirement of the participant or certain corporate transactions to
which the Company is a party (such as a merger in which the  successor  does not
assume or provide  replacements  for the award);  (ii) awards with  restrictions
based upon achievement of performance  goals shall have a restriction  period of
at least one year;  and (iii)  awards to  non-employee  directors  shall  have a
restriction period of at least one year.

     Unless  otherwise set forth in an agreement  relating to a restricted stock
award, a participant  awarded  Shares as restricted  stock shall have all of the
rights of a shareholder  of the Company,  including the right to vote the Shares
and the right to receive  dividends,  provided  however that the  Committee  may
require that any dividends on such Shares of restricted  stock be  automatically
deferred  and  reinvested  in  additional  restricted  stock or may require that
dividends  on such  shares  be  paid  to the  Company  for  the  account  of the
participant.  A  participant  to whom stock units are awarded has no rights as a
shareholder with respect to the Shares represented by the stock units unless and
until Shares are actually  delivered to the  participant  in  settlement  of the
award.  However,  the  Committee may specify in the award  agreement  that stock
units have dividend equivalent rights.

     Performance Units. Performance units are awards granted in terms of a value
set by the Committee (or that is determined by reference to a valuation  formula
specified by the Committee),  in which the Company  promises to pay the value of
the  award by  delivery  of such  property  as the  Committee  shall  determine,
including without limitation,  cash or Shares, or any combination thereof,  upon
achievement  of such  performance  objectives  during the  relevant  performance
period as the Committee shall  establish.  Such awards may be granted subject to
any restrictions  deemed appropriate by the Committee.  The determination of the
Committee  with respect to the form and timing of payout of such awards shall be
set forth in the award  agreement.  Except as  otherwise  provided  in the award
agreement,  a participant  shall be entitled to receive any  dividends  declared
with respect to earned  grants of  performance  units that are being  settled in
Shares and that have not yet been distributed to the participant (such dividends


may be subject to the same accrual,  forfeiture and payout restrictions as apply
to  dividends  earned  with  respect to stock  units  under the 2004  Plan).  In
addition,  unless otherwise provided in the award agreement, a participant shall
be entitled to exercise full voting rights with respect to such Shares.

     Performance  Measures.  For awards under the 2004 Plan that are intended to
qualify under the performance-based compensation provisions of Section 162(m) of
the Code,  the  performance  measure or measures to be used for purposes of such
awards shall be chosen from among the following:  earnings,  earnings per share,
consolidated  pre-tax earnings,  net earnings,  operating income, EBIT (earnings
before  interest  and  taxes),   EBITDA  (earnings   before   interest,   taxes,
depreciation and amortization),  gross margin, revenues,  revenue growth, market
value added,  economic  value  added,  return on equity,  return on  investment,
return on  assets,  return on net  assets,  return on  capital  employed,  total
shareholder return, profit,  economic profit,  after-tax profit, pre-tax profit,
cash flow measures,  cash flow return,  sales,  sales volume,  stock price, cost
and/or unit cost.  The Committee can establish  other  performance  measures for
awards  granted to  participants  that are not  intended  to  qualify  under the
performance-based compensation provisions of Section 162(m) of the Code.

     Awards to Outside Directors.  A non-employee director may be granted awards
(i) in the form of non-qualified stock options, SARs or a combination thereof or
(ii) in lieu of any award of  non-qualified  stock options or SARs in any fiscal
year, in the form of restricted  stock or stock units or a combination  thereof.
The aggregate  number of Shares subject to  non-qualified  stock options or SARs
granted under the 2004 Plan in any one fiscal year to any non-employee  director
shall not exceed  16,000.  The aggregate  number of Shares subject to restricted
stock or stock units  granted  under the 2004 Plan in any one fiscal year to any
non-employee  director  shall not exceed 5,000.  The number of Shares subject to
such awards, any formula pursuant to which such number shall be determined,  the
date of grant and the vesting,  expiration  and other terms  applicable  to such
awards shall be  recommended  from time to time by the Committee and approved by
the Board  and shall be  subject  to the  terms of the 2004 Plan  applicable  to
awards in general.

Item 5.02 Departure of Directors or Principal  Officers;  Election of Directors;
Appointment of Principal Officers.

     (b) On November 4, 2004,  William J. O'Meara  completed his term of service
on the Company's Board of Directors and did not stand for reelection.  Effective
November 4, 2004, Mr. O'Meara has been employed to serve as a Director  Emeritus
for a term of one year to provide  advice and  assistance on such matters within
his  expertise or  experience as the Chairman of the Board of Directors may from
time to time request.



     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                        CREE, INC.

                                   By:  /s/ John W. Palmour
                                        John W. Palmour
                                        Executive Vice President

Date:  November 9, 2004
