NationsBank Corporation
                 NationsBank (DE) Corporation
                 Dated as of August 28, 1998
              Supplementing the Indenture, dated
                as of January 1, 1995, between
                 NationsBank Corporation and
               The Bank of New York, as Trustee
                    The Bank of New York,
           FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL INDENTURE, dated as of August 28,
  1998 (the "First Supplemental Indenture"), among NationsBank
  Corporation, a North Carolina Corporation ("NationsBank"),
  NationsBank (DE) Corporation, a Delaware corporation
  ("NationsBank (DE)") and a direct wholly owned subsidiary of
  NationsBank, and The Bank of New York, a New York banking
  corporation, as Trustee (the "Trustee") under the Indenture
  referred to herein;
     WHEREAS, NationsBank and the Trustee heretofore
  executed and delivered an Indenture, dated as of January 1,
  1995 (the "Indenture"); and
     WHEREAS, pursuant to the Indenture, NationsBank issued
  and the Trustee authenticated and delivered one or more
  series of NationsBank's Notes (the "Securities"); and
     WHEREAS, NationsBank and BankAmerica Corporation, a
  Delaware corporation ("BankAmerica"), have entered into the
  Agreement and Plan of Reorganization, dated as of April 10,
  1998, pursuant to which (i) NationsBank will merge (the
  "Reincorporation Merger") with and into NationsBank (DE), in
  accordance with the terms and conditions of the Plan of
  Reincorporation Merger by and between NationsBank and
  NationsBank (DE), dated as of August 3, 1998, with
  NationsBank (DE) as the surviving corporation in the
  Reincorporation Merger, and (ii) BankAmerica will thereafter
  merge (the "Merger," and together with the Reincorporation
  Merger, the "Reorganization") with and into NationsBank
  (DE), with NationsBank (DE) as the surviving corporation in
  the Merger; and
     WHEREAS, the Reorganization is expected to be
  consummated on September 30, 1998; and
     WHEREAS, Section 11.01 of the Indenture provides that
  in the case of the Reorganization, NationsBank (DE) shall
  expressly assume by supplemental indenture all the
  obligations under the Securities and the Indenture on the
  part of NationsBank to be performed or observed; and
     WHEREAS, Section 10.01(a) of the Indenture provides
  that NationsBank and the Trustee may amend the Indenture and
  the Securities without notice to or consent of any holders
  of the Securities in order to comply with Article Eleven of
  the Indenture; and
     WHEREAS, Section 10.01(f) of the Indenture provides
  that NationsBank and the Trustee may amend the Indenture
  without notice to or consent of the holders of the
  Securities in order to supplement any provision contained in
  the Indenture; and 
     WHEREAS, this First Supplemental Indenture has been
  duly authorized by all necessary corporate action on the
  part of each of NationsBank (DE) and NationsBank.
     NOW, THEREFORE, NationsBank (DE), NationsBank and the
  Trustee agree as follows for the equal and ratable benefit
  of the holders of the Securities:
                          ARTICLE I
     SECTION 1.1.   Assumption of the Securities. 
  NationsBank (DE) hereby expressly assumes the due and
  punctual payment of the principal of (and premium, if any,
  on) and any interest on all the Securities, according to
  their tenor, and the due and punctual performance and
  observance of all of the covenants and conditions of the
  Indenture to be performed by NationsBank.
     SECTION 1.2.   The Company.  Effective September 30,
  1998 the name of the Company, as the successor corporation
  under the Indenture, shall be BankAmerica Corporation.
     SECTION 1.3.   Supplemental Provisions.  In connection
  with the issuance of Securities under this Indenture:
            (a)     Definitions in the present Section 1.01 are
            hereby amended as follows:
                   (i) The present definitions of "Company
            Request," "Company Order" and "Company Consent"
            are hereby deleted and replaced with the
                        "The terms  Company Request,'  Company
                    Order' and  Company Consent' mean,
                    respectively, a written request, order or
                    consent signed in the name of the Company by
                    its Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive
                    Officer, President, Chief Financial Officer,
                    Vice President, General Counsel, Deputy or
                    Associate General Counsel or Treasurer and
                    delivered to the Trustee."
                   (ii) The present definition of "Officers'
            Certificate" is hereby deleted and replaced with the
                        "The term  Officers' Certificate' shall
                    mean a certificate signed by the Chairman of 
                    the Board, the Chief Executive Officer, 
                    President, Chief Financial Officer,
                    Vice President, General Counsel, Deputy or 
                    Assistant General Counsel or Treasurer of the 
                    Company and delivered to the Trustee."
            (b)     The present Section 2.03(b)(20) is hereby
            amended by deleting the present Section 2.03(b)(20) and
            replacing it with the following Section 2.03(b)(20) which
            shall read as follows:
            "(20) any other terms of the Securities or
            provisions relating to the payment of principal,
            premium (if any) or interest thereon, including, 
            but not limited to, whether such Securities are 
            issuable at a discount or premium, as amortizable 
            Securities, and if payable in, convertible or 
            exchangeable for commodities or for the
            securities of the Company or any third party."
     SECTION 1.4.   Trustee's Acceptance.  The Trustee
  hereby accepts this First Supplemental Indenture and agrees
  to perform the same under the terms and conditions set forth
  in the Indenture.
                          ARTICLE II
     SECTION 2.1.   Effect of Supplemental Indenture.  Upon
  the later to occur of (i) the execution and delivery of this
  First Supplemental Indenture by NationsBank (DE),
  NationsBank and the Trustee and (ii) the consummation of the
  Reincorporation Merger, the Indenture shall be supplemented
  in accordance herewith, and this First Supplemental
  Indenture shall form a part of the Indenture for all
  purposes, and every holder of Securities heretofore or
  hereafter authenticated and delivered under the Indenture
  shall be bound thereby.
     SECTION 2.2.   Indenture Remains in Full Force and
  Effect.  Except as supplemented hereby, all provisions in
  the Indenture shall remain in full force and effect.
     SECTION 2.3.   Indenture and Supplemental Indenture
  Construed Together.  This First Supplemental Indenture is an
  indenture supplemental to and in implementation of the
  Indenture, and the Indenture and this First Supplemental
  Indenture shall henceforth be read and construed together.
     SECTION 2.4.   Confirmation and Preservation of
  Indenture.  The Indenture as supplemented by this First
  Supplemental Indenture is in all respects confirmed and
     SECTION 2.5.   Conflict with Trust Indenture Act.  If
  any provision of this First Supplemental Indenture limits,
  qualifies or conflicts with any provision of the Trust
  Indenture Act ("TIA") that is required under the TIA  to be
  part of and govern any provision of this First Supplemental
  Indenture, the provision of the TIA shall control.  If any
  provision of this First Supplemental Indenture modifies or
  excludes any provision of the TIA that may be so modified or
  excluded, the provision of the TIA shall be deemed to apply
  to the Indenture as so modified or to be excluded by this
  First Supplemental Indenture, as the case may be.
     SECTION 2.6.   Severability.  In case any provision in
  this First Supplemental Indenture shall be invalid, illegal
  or unenforceable, the validity, legality and enforceability
  of the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected
  or impaired thereby.
     SECTION 2.7.   Terms Defined in the Indenture.  All
  capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have
  the meanings ascribed to them in the Indenture.
     SECTION 2.8.   Headings.  The Article and Section
  headings of this First Supplemental Indenture have been
  inserted for convenience of reference only, are not to be
  considered part of this Supplemental Indenture and shall in
  no way modify or restrict any of the terms or provisions
     SECTION 2.9.   Benefits of First Supplemental
  Indenture, etc.  Nothing in this First Supplemental
  Indenture or the Securities, express or implied, shall give
  to any Person, other than the parties hereto and thereto and
  their successors hereunder and thereunder and the holders of
  the Securities, any benefit of any legal or equitable right,
  remedy or claim under the Indenture, this First Supplemental
  Indenture or the Securities.
     SECTION 2.10.  Successors.  All agreements of
  NationsBank (DE) in this First Supplemental Indenture shall
  bind its successors.  All agreements of the Trustee in this
  First Supplemental Indenture shall bind its successors.
     SECTION 2.11.  Trustee Not Responsible for Recitals. 
  The recitals contained herein shall be taken as the
  statements of NationsBank and NationsBank (DE), and the
  Trustee assumes no responsibility for their correctness. 
  The Trustee makes no representations as to, and shall not be
  responsible for, the validity or sufficiency of this First
  Supplemental Indenture.
     SECTION 2.12.  Certain Duties and Responsibilities of
  the Trustees.  In entering into this First Supplemental
  Indenture, the Trustee shall be entitled to the benefit of
  every provision of the Indenture relating to the conduct or
  affecting the liability or affording protection to the
  Trustee, whether or not elsewhere herein so provided.
     SECTION 2.13.  Governing Law.  This First Supplemental
  Indenture shall be governed by, and construed in accordance
  with, the laws of the State of New York but without giving
  effect to applicable principles of conflicts of law to the
  extent that the application of the laws of another
  jurisdiction would be required thereby.
     SECTION 2.14.  Counterpart originals.  The parties may
  sign any number of copies of this First Supplemental
  Indenture.  Each signed copy shall be an original, but all
  of them together represent the same agreement.
     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this First
  Supplemental Indenture to be duly executed as of the date
  first written above.
                         NationsBank (DE) Corporation
                         By: /s/ JOHN E. MACK                          
                              Name:  John E. Mack
                              Title:  Senior Vice President
                         NationsBank Corporation
                         By:  /S/ JOHN E. MACK                         
                              Name:  John E. Mack
                              Title:  Senior Vice President
                         The Bank of New York, as Trustee
                         By:  /S/ HEIDI VAN HORN-BASH                         
                              Name:  Heidi Van Horn-Bash
                              Title: Agent