WASHINGTON, DC 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

                   OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For
                    the quarterly period ended March 31, 1996


                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
              For the transition period from _________ to _________

                         Commission file number 0-21052

                              ALLTRISTA CORPORATION

                           State of Indiana 35-1828377

                      345 South High Street, P. O. Box 5004
                              Muncie, IN 47307-5004

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days. Yes X No

Indicate the number of shares  outstanding  of each of the  issuer's  classes of
common stock, as of the latest practicable date.

   Class                              Outstanding at March 31, 1996
- - ------------------------------        -------------------------------
  Common Stock,
  without par value                          7,806,950 shares

 The Exhibit index is on page 12 of 13                         Page 1 of 13

                              ALLTRISTA CORPORATION
                          Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q
                       For the period ended March 31, 1996


                                                                  Page Number


 Item 1.     Financial Statements

             Unaudited Condensed Statement of Income
                for the three month periods ended
                March 31, 1996 and April 2, 1995                     3

             Unaudited Condensed Balance Sheet at
                March 31, 1996 and December 31, 1995                 4

             Unaudited Condensed Statement of Cash
                Flows for the three month periods ended
                March 31, 1996 and April 2, 1995                     5

             Notes to Unaudited Condensed Financial
                Statements                                           6 - 7

 Item 2.     Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
                Condition and Results of Operations                  8 - 9

 PART II.    OTHER INFORMATION                                       10

                                                               Page 2 of 13


Item 1.            Financial Statements

                 (thousands of dollars except per share amounts)

                                                  Three month period ended
                                                    March 31,      April 2,
                                                       1996          1995
                                                       ----          ----
Net sales                                           $51,128       $51,357
                                                 ----------    ----------
Costs and expenses
    Cost of sales                                    37,552        38,512
    Selling, general and administrative
        expenses                                      7,753         7,874
                                                 ----------    ----------

Operating earnings                                    5,823         4,971
Interest expense, net                                  (746)         (966)
                                                 ----------    ----------
Income from continuing operations before taxes        5,077         4,005
Provision for income taxes                           (1,987)       (1,599)
                                                 ----------    ----------
Income from continuing operations                     3,090         2,406
                                                 ----------    ----------
Discontinued operations:
  Earnings from discontinued operations,
    net of income taxes of $216 and $302                267           446
  Net gain on disposal of discontinued operations         -             -
                                                 ----------    ----------
Income from discontinued operations                     267           446
                                                 ----------    ----------
Net income                                           $3,357        $2,852
                                                 ==========    ==========

Per share of common stock:

Income from continuing operations
    Primary earnings per share                     $   .38       $   .30
                                                 ==========    ==========
    Fully diluted earnings per share               $   .38       $   .30
                                                 ==========    ==========

Net income
    Primary earnings per share                     $   .42       $   .36
                                                 ==========    ==========
    Fully diluted earnings per share               $   .41       $   .36
                                                 ==========    ==========

    See accompanying notes to unaudited condensed financial statements.

                                                               Page 3 of 13

                             (thousands of dollars)

                                                  March 31,     December 31,
                                                    1996            1995
                                                -----------     ------------
Current assets
   Cash and cash equivalents                    $   1,464        $  2,333
   Accounts receivable, net                        41,390          36,387
      Raw materials and supplies                   25,902          28,373
      Work in process and finished goods           28,243          26,202
   Net assets to be sold                           12,621           -
   Deferred taxes on income                         2,849           2,849
   Prepaid expenses                                   646             607
                                              -----------     -----------
          Total current assets                    113,115          96,751
                                              -----------     -----------

Property, plant and equipment, at cost            149,538         196,135
Accumulated depreciation                         (100,934)       (140,052)
                                              -----------     -----------
                                                   48,604          56,083
Intangible and other assets                        18,519           9,816
                                              -----------     -----------

Total assets                                     $180,238        $162,650
                                              ===========     ===========


Current liabilities
   Notes payable                                 $ 24,025       $   3,500
   Accounts payable                                19,925          23,376
   Other current liabilities                       15,955          18,063
                                              -----------     -----------
          Total current liabilities                59,905          44,939
                                              -----------     -----------

Noncurrent liabilities
   Long-term debt                                  30,000          30,000
   Deferred taxes on income                           687             687
   Other noncurrent liabilities                     7,627           7,773
                                              -----------     -----------
          Total noncurrent liabilities             38,314          38,460
                                              -----------     -----------


Shareholders' equity:
   Common stock (includes 7,870,721 common
        shares issued and 7,806,950 shares
        outstanding at March 31, 1996)             41,135          40,679
   Retained earnings                               42,322          38,965
   Minimum pension liability                         (367)           (367)
   Cumulative translation adjustment                  (15)            (26)
                                               -----------     -----------
                                                   83,075          79,251
   Less treasury stock (49,576 shares, at cost)    (1,056)              -
                                               -----------     -----------
          Total shareholders' equity               82,019          79,251
                                               -----------     -----------

Total liabilities and shareholders' equity       $180,238        $162,650
                                               ===========     ===========

    See accompanying notes to unaudited condensed financial statements.

                                                                Page 4 of 13

                             (thousands of dollars)

                                                   Three month period ended
                                                   March 31,         April 2,
                                                     1996              1995
                                                  -----------        ------

Cash flows from operating activities
   Net income                                     $  3,357          $ 2,852
   Reconciliation of net income to net cash
     used in operating activities:
      Depreciation and amortization                  2,885            3,286
      Deferred employee benefits                       232              191
      Other                                             54              151
      Changes in working capital components         (9,403)         (15,453)
                                                  ---------        ---------
       Net cash used in operating activities        (2,875)          (8,973)
                                                 ----------       ----------
Cash flows from financing activities
   Proceeds from revolving credit borrowings
     and notes payable                              20,526           10,500
   Proceeds from issuance of common stock              623              801
   Acquisition of treasury stock                    (1,227)            -
                                                -----------       ----------
       Net cash provided by financing activities    19,922           11,301
                                                 -----------      ----------
Cash flows from investing activities
   Proceeds from sale of property, plant and
     equipment                                          15               54
   Additions to property, plant and equipment,
     including product line acquisition            (17,931)          (1,987)
                                                 ----------       ----------
       Net cash used in investing activities       (17,916)          (1,933)
                                                 ----------       ----------
Net increase (decrease) in cash                       (869)             395
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period       2,333            1,229
                                                 ----------       ----------
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period          $  1,464          $ 1,624
                                                 ==========       ==========

   See accompanying notes to unaudited condensed financial statements.

                                                              Page 5 of 13


1.  Presentation of Condensed Financial Statements

    Certain  information  and  footnote   disclosures,   including   significant
    accounting  policies normally included in financial  statements  prepared in
    accordance  with  generally  accepted  accounting   principles,   have  been
    condensed  or  omitted.  In the  opinion  of  management,  the  accompanying
    condensed financial statements include all adjustments  necessary for a fair
    presentation  of the results for the interim periods  presented.  Results of
    operations for the periods shown are not  necessarily  indicative of results
    for the  year,  particularly  in view of some  seasonality  in the  Consumer
    Products business. The accompanying unaudited condensed financial statements
    should be read in conjunction with the Consolidated Financial Statements and
    Notes to  Consolidated  Financial  Statements of Alltrista  Corporation  and
    Subsidiaries included in the Company's latest annual report.

2.  Contingencies

    The Company is subject to and involved in claims  arising out of the conduct
    of its business including those relating to product liability, environmental
    and safety and health matters.  The Company's  information at this time does
    not indicate that the  resolution of the  aforementioned  claims will have a
    material,  adverse effect upon financial  condition,  results of operations,
    cash flows or competitive position of the Company.

3.  Earnings per share

    Earnings  per share for the periods are  computed by dividing net income for
    the period by the sum of the weighted  average number of shares  outstanding
    for the period and the common  stock  equivalents  which  result  from stock
    option activity.

4.  Acquisition of assets

    On March 15, 1996, the Company  acquired  certain assets related to the home
    food  preservation  product  line of Kerr  Group,  Inc.  ("Kerr")  for $14.4
    million and accounted for the acquisition as a purchase.  The purchase price
    was allocated to the equipment, raw materials inventory and a license to use
    the Kerr trade name,  based on their estimated fair values as of the date of
    acquisition.  The license to use the Kerr trade name will be amortized  over
    10 years. In addition, the Company will assume the operating lease at Kerr's
    Jackson, Tennessee manufacturing facility. Concurrent with the purchase, the
    Company and Kerr entered into a non-exclusive  Sales Agent Agreement whereby
    the Company  will act as sales agent for certain  pre-closing  inventory  of
    Kerr.  Management  estimates that its duties under the Sales Agent Agreement
    will last  through  June 1996.  At this time,  substantially  all  inventory
    belonging to Kerr will have been sold. The Company estimates its incremental
    1996  sales  as a  result  of this  acquisition  will be  approximately  $18
    million,  with  approximately  $30 million  expected  annually  under normal
    conditions.  The impact of including the financial  results of Kerr in a pro
    forma  presentation  for the first  quarter  of 1995 and 1996 would not have
    been material.

5.  Subsequent event - Sale of Metal Services Company assets

    Effective April 26, 1996 ( "Measurement  date"),  the Company sold its Metal
    Services  Company  plants,  real  estate,  equipment  and  coatings and inks
    inventory to U.S. Can  Corporation  for  approximately  $14.9  million.  The
    Company will retain all accounts  receivable  and inventory  other than inks
    and coatings,  as well as  substantially  all  liabilities  accrued prior to
    April 26, 1996. The Company  expects to receive  approximately  $15 million,
    primarily  during 1996,  from the sale of the  retained  inventory to former
    customers or U.S. Can and the  collection  of the accounts  receivable  less
    amounts required to settle the accounts payable and other  liabilities.  The
    Company  plans  to use the  proceeds  from the  sale to  reduce  outstanding

                                                              Page 6 of 13

    The disposal of the Metal Services  Company assets has been accounted for as
    a  discontinued  operation  and,  accordingly,  its  operating  results  are
    segregated  and  reported as  discontinued  operations  in the  accompanying
    Unaudited  Condensed  Statement of Income.  Prior year financial  statements
    have  been  reclassified  to  conform  to  the  current  year  presentation.
    Management  estimates  a  $1.0  million  pretax  gain  on  disposal,   after
    considering  estimated  costs to be  incurred in  connection  with the sale,
    including a $.7 million  curtailment  loss for pension  benefits  related to
    Metal  Services  Company,  and  assuming  break-even  operations  during the
    phase-out period. The Metal Services Company experienced a pre-tax operating
    loss of  approximately  $.6 million for the period from April 1, 1996 to the
    Measurement  date.  Sales from this  operation  were $18.0 million and $20.8
    million for the first quarters of 1996 and 1995, respectively.

    The assets sold and liabilities  assumed of the discontinued  Metal Services
    Company have been separately  identified on the Unaudited  Condensed Balance
    Sheet as of March 31,  1996.  These net assets  consist of coatings and inks
    inventory  of $.6 million and net  property,  plant and  equipment  of $12.7
    million, which are reduced by the vacation liabilities assumed by the buyer.

                                                              Page 7 of 13

Item 2.


Effective  for the first  quarter of 1996,  in  connection  with the disposal of
Metal Services Company,  the Company redefined its businesses into the following
distinct segments: food containers and industrial components.  Consumer Products
Company and Plastic  Packaging  Company  continue to be reported  under the food
containers  segment.   The  Company's  remaining  businesses  now  comprise  the
industrial components segment.

Results of Continuing Operations

The Company  reported net sales of $51.1  million for the first quarter of 1996.
This is  slightly  less than net sales of $51.4  million  for the same period of
1995.  Operating  earnings of $5.8 million for the quarter  increased 17.0% from
$5.0 million in the first quarter of 1995.  Sales were slightly under prior year
results in the food  containers  segment;  however,  earnings more than doubled.
Plastic  Packaging  Company  benefited from favorable product mix, high capacity
utilization,  and controlled  research and development  spending which accounted
for a large  portion of the increase.  Consumer  Products  Company  improved its
operating  results  over  the  prior  year due  mostly  to  FRUIT  FRESH(R)  and
Bernardin,  Ltd. sales  contributing to profit in the first quarter of 1996. Due
to purchase  accounting  adjustments,  1995 first quarter  sales  resulted in no
accounting  profit.  The industrial  components  segment had decreased sales and
operating  earnings in the first  quarter of 1996 compared to the same period in
1995.  Sales  increased in each of the  companies in the  industrial  components
segment with the exception of Zinc Products  Company.  Zinc Products Company saw
shipments increase in the coinage area;  however,  these advances were offset by
decreased  volume for battery cans and  industrial  products.  LumenX  increased
sales and reduced its operating  loss compared to the previous  year's  quarter.
The sales increases occurred in the vision line. Resin price increases accounted
for the sales increases in the Industrial  Plastics Company and Unimark Plastics
Company.  These price  increases are generally  passed  through to customers and
thus, do not impact operating earnings.  Further decreases in operating earnings
in this segment were due to  incremental  start-up  costs of  approximately  $.6
million at the new Unimark Plastics facility in Springfield, Missouri. Shipments
began from this location late in the first  quarter;  however,  the plant is not
expected to be profitable  until 1997.  All of Unimark's  other plants  improved
operating earnings comparing the first quarter of 1996 to 1995.

Overall gross margin  percentages  have  increased from the same period in 1995.
Both  companies  improved  margins  in  the  food  containers  segment.  Plastic
Packaging  margins  improved  due to tight cost control and  excellent  capacity
utilization, along with favorable sales mix. Margin improvements in the Consumer
Products  Company  were  due to the  temporary  effect  in 1995 of  selling  the
acquired  FRUIT  FRESH(R) and Bernardin  inventories  at no  accounting  profit.
Margins decreased  slightly in the industrial  components segment due to reduced
margins as a result of pricing concessions and passthrough resin price increases
at Industrial  Plastics  Company.  Start-up  costs for the new Unimark  Plastics
facility also  decreased  margins in that company.  These  decreases were offset
somewhat by favorable  sales mix from the coinage  product line at Zinc Products
and improved throughput at LumenX.

Selling,  general and  administrative  expenses  fluctuated in the quarter ended
March 31, 1996 in relative proportion to the change in sales volume.

Interest  expense  for the  first  quarter  of 1996 was  $746,000,  compared  to
$966,000 for the same period in 1995. The decrease in interest expense from 1995
is the result of lower  interest  rates during the 1996 quarter on reduced daily
average  borrowings.  Credit line  borrowings  were at a  year-to-date  weighted
average interest rate of 4.5% compared to 5.0% a year ago.

Financial Condition, Liquidity and Capital Resources

     Working  capital  as of March 31,  1996  decreased  $11.2  million to $40.6
million  from  the  1995  year  end  level  (exclusive  of  the  impact  of  the
reclassified  net  assets to be sold).  Short-term  borrowings  increased  $20.5
million in the first quarter  mostly due to the March 15 purchase of Kerr's home
food preservation assets for $14.5

                                                                Page 8 of 13

million.  This  acquisition  will not result in additional cash flow for most of
the 1996 growing season because the Company did not purchase the  receivables on
Kerr's  books at the time of  acquisition  and the  Company  will be acting as a
Sales Agent for Kerr,  selling most of the pre-closing  inventory on its behalf.
Management  estimates that sales of Kerr product on  Alltrista's  behalf will be
$18 million in 1996 and will not begin until the third  quarter.  Future  years'
sales of this product are estimated at $30 million annually.

Effective  April 26, 1996, the Company sold its Metal Services  Company  plants,
real estate,  equipment and coatings and inks inventory to U.S. Can  Corporation
for approximately $14.9 million. The Company will retain all accounts receivable
and  inventory  other  than  inks and  coatings,  as well as  substantially  all
liabilities  accrued  prior to April 26,  1996.  The Company  expects to receive
approximately $15 million, primarily during 1996, from the sales of the retained
inventory to former  customers or U.S.  Can and the  collection  of the accounts
receivable  less  amounts  required  to settle the  accounts  payable  and other
liabilities.  The Company  plans to use the proceeds from the sale to reduce its
borrowings under its revolving credit  agreement.  Accordingly,  results for the
Metal Services  business have been reflected as a discontinued  operation in the
statement of income.  The corporate general and  administrative  cost allocation
made to the  discontinued  operation of the Metal  Services  Company  during the
first quarter of 1995 and 1996 was not included in the  computation  of earnings
from  discontinued  operations and was not allocated to the remaining  segments.
The related net assets to be sold have been  reclassified as such in the balance
sheet as of March 31, 1996.

The Company has $30 million of long-term debt with maturity  dates  beginning in
1998 and continuing  through 2004 at a fixed interest rate of 7.8%. In May 1995,
the Company terminated a swap agreement,  resulting in a transaction gain of $.5
million.  This gain is being amortized over the original  three-year term of the
swap and  effectively  fixes the Company's  interest rate on the long-term  debt
through  December  1997 at 7.19%.  The  Company  participates  in a $50  million
revolving  credit  agreement  with a group of  banks,  of which $15  million  in
borrowings were  outstanding at quarter end. No borrowings  were  outstanding on
the  revolver  at year end.  The  Company  also has  available  $95  million  in
committed and  uncommitted  credit lines of which $9 million in  borrowings  was
outstanding  as of March 31, 1996.  The  debt-to-total  capitalization  ratio of
39.7% at the end of the  first  quarter  of 1996 is  higher  than  the  29.7% at
December 31, 1995, as a result of borrowings  to finance an  acquisition  in the
first  quarter of 1996,  along with seasonal  borrowings.  As of March 31, 1996,
borrowings on the Company's  long-term debt and uncommitted credit lines were at
a weighted average  interest rate of 5.2%.  During the first quarter the Company
purchased  58,000 shares of its stock in the open market at a total cost of $1.2

Capital  expenditures of $17.9 million in the first quarter ended March 31, 1996
include the $14.5 million acquisition of the Kerr home food preservation product
line. Remaining spending is in line with the 1996 plan. Approximately $3 million
of the 1996 capital spending budget will be used to complete the construction of
the  manufacturing  facility in Springfield,  Missouri for the Unimark  Plastics
Company. Limited production in this facility began in the first quarter of 1996.

The Company is subject to and  involved in claims  arising out of the conduct of
its business  including those relating to product  liability,  environmental and
safety and  health  matters.  The  Company's  information  at this time does not
indicate that the resolution of the aforementioned  claims will have a material,
adverse  effect  upon  financial  condition,  results  of  operations,   capital
expenditures or competitive position of the Company.

                                                            Page 9 of 13


Item 1.  Legal proceedings

There were no events required to be reported under Item 1 for the quarter ending
March 31, 1996.

Item 2.  Changes in securities

There were no events required to be reported under Item 2 for the quarter ending
March 31, 1996.

Item 3.  Defaults upon senior securities

There were no events required to be reported under Item 3 for the quarter ending
March 31, 1996.

Item 4.  Submission of matters to a vote of security holders

There were no events required to be reported under Item 4 for the quarter ending
March 31, 1996.

Item 5.  Other information

There were no events required to be reported under Item 5 for the quarter ending
March 31, 1996.

Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

(a)  Exhibits

     11.1    Computation of earnings per share

     27      Financial Data Schedule [EDGAR filing only]

(b)  Reports on Form 8-K

     Report on Form 8-K dated March 15, 1996,  filed March 27,  1996,  regarding
     acquisition  of  certain  assets  related  to the  home  food  preservation
     products from Kerr Group, Inc. (No financial statements have been filed.)

                                                               Page 10 of 13


Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                               Alltrista Corporation

Date:  May 14, 1996                   By:     /s/ Kevin D. Bower
      -----------------                       --------------------
                                                  Kevin D. Bower
                                                  Vice President of Finance and

                                                              Page 11 of 13

                          QUARTERLY REPORT ON FORM 10-Q
                                 March 31, 1996

                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

Exhibit       Description                                         Page
- - --------      -----------------------                          ----------
11.1          Computation of earnings per share.                   13

27            Financial Data Schedule                       [EDGAR filing only]

                                                           Page 12 of 13