WASHINGTON, DC 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

                   OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For
                    the quarterly period ended March 30, 1997


                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
              For the transition period from _________ to _________

                         Commission file number 0-21052

                              ALLTRISTA CORPORATION

                           State of Indiana 35-1828377

                      345 South High Street, P. O. Box 5004
                              Muncie, IN 47307-5004

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days. Yes X No

Indicate the number of shares  outstanding  of each of the  issuer's  classes of
common stock, as of the latest practicable date.

             Class                        Outstanding at March 30, 1997
       ------------------                 -----------------------------
         Common Stock,         
       without par value                         7,480,112 shares

This document contains 12 pages.  The exhibit index is on page 11 of 12.

                                                                    Page 1 of 12

                          Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q
                       For the period ended March 30, 1997


                                                                Page Number


 Item 1.     Financial Statements

             Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statement of Income
                for the three month periods ended
                March 30, 1997 and March 31, 1996                     3

             Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet at
                March 30, 1997 and December 31, 1996                  4

             Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash
                Flows for the three month periods ended
                March 30, 1997 and March 31, 1996                     5

             Notes to Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Financial
                Statements                                            6

 Item 2.     Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
                Condition and Results of Operations                   7 - 8

 PART II.    OTHER INFORMATION                                        9

                                                                    Page 2 of 12


Item 1.            Financial Statements

                 (thousands of dollars except per share amounts)

                                                      Three month period ended
                                                       March 30,      March 31,
                                                         1997           1996
                                                         ----           ----
 Net sales                                             $45,642       $51,128
                                                    ----------    ----------

Costs and expenses
     Cost of sales                                      34,798        37,552
     Selling, general and administrative expenses        7,938         7,753
                                                    ----------    ----------

Operating earnings                                       2,906         5,823
Interest expense, net                                     (609)         (746)
                                                     ----------    ----------
Income from continuing operations before taxes           2,297         5,077
Provision for income taxes                                (864)       (1,987)
                                                     ----------    ----------
Income from continuing operations                        1,433         3,090
                                                     ----------    ----------

Discontinued operations:
   Earnings from discontinued operations,
     net of income taxes of $216                             -           267
                                                     ----------    ----------
Income from discontinued operations                          -           267
                                                     ----------    ----------
Net income                                              $1,433        $3,357
                                                     ==========    ==========

Per share of common stock:

Income from continuing operations
     Primary earnings per share                         $   .19      $   .38
                                                     ==========    ==========
     Fully diluted earnings per share                   $   .19      $   .38
                                                     ==========    ==========

Net income
     Primary earnings per share                         $   .19      $   .42
                                                     ==========    ==========
     Fully diluted earnings per share                   $   .19      $   .41
                                                     ==========    ==========

See accompanying notes to unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements.

                                                                    Page 3 of 12

                             (thousands of dollars)

                                                   March 30,       December 31,
                                                     1997              1996
                                                  ----------        -----------
Current assets
   Cash and cash equivalents                       $   1,770        $  7,611
   Accounts receivable, net                           29,808          27,621
      Raw materials and supplies                       9,728           9,894
      Work in process and finished goods              34,659          32,368
   Deferred taxes on income                            3,312           3,312
   Prepaid expenses                                    1,338             726
                                                   ----------     -----------
          Total current assets                        80,615          81,532
                                                   -----------     -----------

Property, plant and equipment, at cost               146,566         145,135
Accumulated depreciation                            (100,747)        (99,475)
                                                   -----------     -----------
                                                      45,819          45,660
Goodwill, net                                         20,272          20,549
Other assets                                           6,565           6,338
                                                   -----------     -----------

Total assets                                        $153,271        $154,079
                                                   ===========     ===========


Current liabilities
   Notes payable                                   $   4,780       $    -
   Accounts payable                                   13,277          17,181
   Other current liabilities                          12,025          15,479
                                                  -----------     -----------
          Total current liabilities                   30,082          32,660
                                                  -----------     -----------

Noncurrent liabilities
   Long-term debt                                     30,000          30,000
   Deferred taxes on income                               91              92
   Other noncurrent liabilities                        7,751           7,860
                                                  -----------     -----------
          Total noncurrent liabilities                37,842          37,952
                                                  -----------     -----------


Shareholders' equity:
   Common stock (includes 7,980,068 common 
        shares issued and 7,480,112 shares 
        outstanding at March 30, 1997)                41,440          41,457
   Retained earnings                                  54,880          53,475
   Minimum pension liability                            (253)           (253)
   Cumulative translation adjustment                     (77)            (38)
                                                  -----------     -----------
                                                      95,990          94,641
   Less treasury stock (479,602 shares, at cost)     (10,643)        (11,174)
                                                  -----------     -----------
          Total shareholders' equity                  85,347          83,467
                                                  -----------     -----------

Total liabilities and shareholders' equity          $153,271        $154,079
                                                  ===========     ===========

See accompanying notes to unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements.

                                                                    Page 4 of 12

                             (thousands of dollars)

                                                      Three month period ended
                                                     March 30,         March 31,
                                                       1997              1996
                                                    -----------       ----------
Cash flows from operating activities
   Net income                                         $1,433            $3,357
   Reconciliation of net income to net cash used in
       operating activities:
       Depreciation and amortization                   2,523             2,885
       Deferred employee benefits                        202               232
       Other                                            (108)               54
       Changes in working capital components         (12,540)           (9,403)
                                                    ----------        ----------

          Net cash used in operating activities       (8,490)           (2,875)
                                                    ----------        ----------

Cash flows from financing activities
   Proceeds from revolving credit borrowings 
      and notes payable                                4,780            20,526
   Proceeds from issuance of common stock                516               623
   Acquisition of treasury stock                         -              (1,227)
                                                    ----------        ----------

          Net cash provided by financing activities    5,296            19,922
                                                    ----------        ----------

Cash flows from investing activities
   Proceeds from sale of property, plant and
      equipment                                           36                15
   Additions to property, plant and equipment, 
      including product line acquisition              (2,683)          (17,931)
                                                    ----------        ----------

          Net cash used in investing activities       (2,647)          (17,916)
                                                    ----------        ----------

Net increase (decrease) in cash                       (5,841)             (869)
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period         7,611             2,333
                                                    ----------        ----------

Cash and cash equivalents, end of period              $1,770            $1,464
                                                    ==========        ==========

See accompanying notes to unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements.

                                                                    Page 5 of 12


1.  Presentation of Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

    Certain  information  and  footnote   disclosures,   including   significant
    accounting  policies normally included in financial  statements  prepared in
    accordance  with  generally  accepted  accounting   principles,   have  been
    condensed  or  omitted.  In the  opinion  of  management,  the  accompanying
    condensed financial statements include all adjustments  necessary for a fair
    presentation  of the results for the interim periods  presented.  Results of
    operations for the periods shown are not  necessarily  indicative of results
    for the  year,  particularly  in view of some  seasonality  in the  Consumer
    Products business. The accompanying unaudited condensed financial statements
    should be read in conjunction with the Consolidated Financial Statements and
    Notes to  Consolidated  Financial  Statements of Alltrista  Corporation  and
    Subsidiaries included in the Company's latest annual report.

2.  Contingencies

    The Company is subject to and involved in claims  arising out of the conduct
    of its business including those relating to product liability, environmental
    and safety and health matters.  The Company's  information at this time does
    not indicate that the  resolution of the  aforementioned  claims will have a
    material,  adverse effect upon financial  condition,  results of operations,
    cash flows or competitive position of the Company.

3.  Earnings per share

    Earnings  per share for the periods are  computed by dividing net income for
    the period by the sum of the weighted  average number of shares  outstanding
    for the period and the common  stock  equivalents  which  result  from stock
    option  activity.  The Company  will adopt the  provisions  of  Statement of
    Financial  Standards No. 128,  "Earnings Per Share",  in the last quarter of
    1997.  Proforma  basic earnings per share would have been $.19 per share for
    both income from  continuing  operations  and net income in the period ended
    March 30, 1997.  Basic earnings per share would have been $.40 per share for
    income  from  continuing  operations  and $.43 for net  income in the period
    ended March 31, 1996.

                                                                    Page 6 of 12

Item 2.


Results of Continuing Operations

     The Company  reported net sales of $45.6  million for the first  quarter of
1997,  a decrease  of 10.7% from sales of $51.1  million  for the same period of
1996.  Operating  earnings of $2.9 million for the quarter were half of the $5.8
million in the first quarter of 1996.  Sales and earnings were lower in the food
containers segment with both companies  reporting  decreases.  Plastic Packaging
Company had reduced sales due to changes in product mix and anticipated  reduced
customer orders. While operating  efficiencies  continue to be excellent at this
operation,  these decreases also negatively affected operating  earnings.  As is
customary in the first quarter, Consumer Products Company operated at a deficit.
Increased  selling  costs,  goodwill  amortization  and  marginally  lower sales
resulted  in a  slightly  larger  deficit  versus  1996.  Consolidation  of  the
manufacturing  operations  for both the Ball brand and Kerr brand  product lines
was  completed in late 1996.  As a result,  this  division  expects to achieve a
benefit in lower  manufacturing  costs  throughout  1997. Each of the industrial
components segment operations reported decreased sales and operating earnings in
the first  quarter of 1997  compared to the same period in 1996.  Zinc  Products
Company saw penny blank shipments decrease by nearly 50%, as anticipated, due to
high coinage  inventories in the Federal Reserve  System.  These reduced volumes
are expected to continue at least through the second  quarter of 1997.  Although
earnings were substantially  lower than 1996,  increased sales in the industrial
products  area and a 13% increase in the cost of zinc ingot,  which is passed on
to customers,  resulted in only a slight  decrease in reported sales. A decrease
in x-ray sales  resulted in an operating  loss  similar to the first  quarter of
1996 at LumenX.  The earnings  impact of the sales  shortfall was offset to some
degree  by cost  reductions  in  several  areas of this  business.  Resin  price
decreases  and material  composition  changes  accounted  for much of the modest
sales decrease in the Industrial  Plastics  Company.  These price  decreases are
generally  passed  through to customers  and thus, do not  significantly  impact
operating  earnings.  Unimark  Plastics Company had a 17% decrease in sales that
reflects some customers'  efforts to reduce their  inventories and certain other
customers  temporarily moving production  in-house.  Operating earnings suffered
due to the volume loss along with  increased  selling and marketing  expenses at
this division.

Overall gross margin  percentages  have  decreased from the same period in 1996,
primarily as a result of the reduced penny blank  shipments at Zinc Products and
lower sales volumes at Unimark Plastics and Plastic Packaging. Increased margins
at  Consumer   Products  reflect  the  impact  of   consolidating   the  closure
manufacturing operation in Jackson, Tennessee into the Muncie facility and lower
raw material costs.

     Selling,  general and administrative  expenses increased as a percentage of
sales during the first quarter of 1997. This results from reduced sales relative
to certain  fixed  administrative  costs,  primarily  at the  corporate  office.
Selling,  general and  administrative  expenses  fluctuated in the quarter ended
March 31, 1996 in relative proportion to the change in sales volume.

     Interest expense, net for the first quarter of 1997 was $609,000,  compared
to $746,000 for the same period in 1996.  The decrease in interest  expense from
1996 is the result of reduced  daily  average  borrowings  coupled with interest
earned on  short-term  investments  in the first  quarter of 1997.  Year-to-date
borrowings  under the  Company's  lines of  credit  were at a  weighted  average
interest rate of 5.9% compared to 4.5% a year ago.

     The effective  income tax rate  decreased  from 39.6% ti 37.6% in the first
quarter of 1997 versus 1996 due to the  formation  of new legal  entities  which
required the Company to change the way it files its state income taxes.

Financial Condition, Liquidity and Capital Resources

     Working  capital  as of March 30,  1997  increased  $1.6  million  to $50.5
million from the 1996 year end level.  The increase in accounts  receivable  and
inventories is reflective of customary  seasonal  activity,  particularly in the
consumer products business.  Short-term  borrowings  increased  approximately $5
million to fund the seasonal  working capital needs and benefit payments made in
the first quarter.

                                                                    Page 7 of 12

Effective  April 26, 1996, the Company sold its Metal Services  Company  plants,
real estate,  equipment and coatings and inks inventory to U.S. Can  Corporation
for  approximately  $14.9 million.  Accordingly,  results for the Metal Services
business  have been  reflected as a  discontinued  operation in the statement of
income.  The corporate  general and  administrative  cost allocation made to the
discontinued operation of the Metal Services Company during the first quarter of
1996  was  not  included  in  the  computation  of  earnings  from  discontinued
operations and was not allocated to the remaining segments.

The Company has $30 million of long-term debt with maturity  dates  beginning in
1998 and continuing  through 2004 at a fixed interest rate of 7.8%. In May 1995,
the Company terminated a swap agreement,  resulting in a transaction gain of $.5
million.  This gain is being amortized over the original  three-year term of the
swap and  effectively  fixes the Company's  interest rate on the long-term  debt
through  December  1997 at 7.19%.  The  Company  participates  in a $50  million
revolving  credit  agreement with a group of banks,  of which no borrowings were
outstanding  at quarter end or year end.  The  Company  also has  available  $95
million in  committed  and  uncommitted  credit  lines of which $4.8  million in
borrowings was outstanding as of March 30, 1997. After reducing outstanding debt
by the cash balance, the debt-to-total capitalization ratio was 27.9% at the end
of the first  quarter of 1997.  This is higher  than the 21.2% at  December  31,
1996,  as a  result  of  normal  seasonal  borrowings.  As of  March  30,  1997,
borrowings on the Company's  long-term debt and uncommitted credit lines were at
a weighted average interest rate of 7.0%.

Capital  expenditures  of $2.7 million in the first quarter ended March 30, 1997
are in line with the 1997 plan.  Capital  expenditures  of $17.9  million in the
previous year's first quarter include the $14.5 million  acquisition of the Kerr
home food preservation product line.

     On March 27,  1997 the Company  entered  into a letter of intent to acquire
Viking  Industries,  an Arkansas-based  producer of large  thermoformed  plastic
products sold to manufactured housing and recreational  vehicle industries.  The
transaction will be financed  through  available credit lines and is expected to
be completed in the second quarter of 1997.  The  transaction is not expected to
have a significant impact on the Company's consolidated results of operations.

The Company is subject to and  involved in claims  arising out of the conduct of
its business  including those relating to product  liability,  environmental and
safety and  health  matters.  The  Company's  information  at this time does not
indicate that the resolution of the aforementioned  claims will have a material,
adverse  effect  upon  financial  condition,  results  of  operations,   capital
expenditures or competitive position of the Company.

                                                                    Page 8 of 12


Item 1.  Legal proceedings

There were no events required to be reported under Item 1 for the quarter ending
March 30, 1997.

Item 2.  Changes in securities

There were no events required to be reported under Item 2 for the quarter ending
March 30, 1997.

Item 3.  Defaults upon senior securities

There were no events required to be reported under Item 3 for the quarter ending
March 30, 1997.

Item 4.  Submission of matters to a vote of security holders

There were no events required to be reported under Item 4 for the quarter ending
March 30, 1997.

Item 5.  Other information

There were no events required to be reported under Item 5 for the quarter ending
March 30, 1997.

Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

     a.  Exhibits

        11.1      Computation of earnings per share
        27        Financial Data Schedule [EDGAR filing only]

     b.  Reports on Form 8-K

     There were no events required to be reported under Form 8-K for the quarter
     ending March 30, 1997.

                                                                    Page 9 of 12


Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                                    Alltrista Corporation

Date:  May 9, 1997                           By:     /s/ Kevin D. Bower
      -------------                                  ------------------
                                                     Kevin D. Bower
                                                     Senior Vice President and
                                                     Chief  Financial Officer

                                                                   Page 10 of 12

                          QUARTERLY REPORT ON FORM 10-Q
                                 March 30, 1997

                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

Exhibit                   Description                               Page
- -------                   ---------------------------------    ---------------
11.1                      Computation of earnings per share.         11

27                        Financial Data Schedule            [EDGAR filing only]

                                                                   Page 11 of 12