WASHINGTON, DC 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
            For the quarterly period ended     September 28, 1997


                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
              For the transition period from _________ to _________

                         Commission file number 0-21052

                              ALLTRISTA CORPORATION

                             Indiana No. 35-1828377
             State of Incorporation IRS Employer Identification No.

                      345 South High Street, P.O. Box 5004
                              Muncie, IN 47307-5004

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days. Yes X No

Indicate the number of shares  outstanding  of each of the  issuer's  classes of
common stock, as of the latest practicable date.

    Class                                       Outstanding at October 26, 1997
- ---------------                                 --------------------------------
 Common Stock,
 without par value                                     7,444,827 shares

This document contains 14 pages.  The exhibit index is on page 13 of 14.

                                                                    Page 1 of 14

                              ALLTRISTA CORPORATION
                          Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q
                     For the period ended September 28, 1997


                                                                     Page Number


 Item 1.     Financial Statements

             Unaudited Condensed Statements of Income
                for the three and nine month periods ended
                September 28, 1997 and September 29, 1996                3

             Unaudited Condensed Balance Sheets at
                September 28, 1997 and December 31, 1996                 4

             Unaudited Condensed Statements of Cash
                Flows for the nine month periods ended
                September 28, 1997 and September 29, 1996                5

             Notes to Unaudited Condensed Financial
                Statements                                              6-7

 Item 2.     Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
                    Condition and Results of Operations                 8-11

 PART II.    OTHER INFORMATION                                           12

                                                                    Page 2 of 14


Item 1.            Financial Statements

                 (thousands of dollars except per share amounts)

                                                          Three month period ended       Nine month period ended    
                                                         September   28, September 29,   September 28,     September 29,  
                                                             1997            1996           1997            1996
                                                        --------------   ------------    -----------    ------------
Net sales                                                   $79,632        $65,763        $204,224        $186,289

Costs and expenses
   Cost of sales                                             54,977         45,647         144,394         129,842
   Selling, general and administrative expense               13,403         12,636          34,005          32,490
   Unusual item                                              3,612            -              3,612           -
                                                          -----------    -----------     -----------    ------------
Operating earnings                                            7,640          7,480          22,213          23,957
Interest expense, net                                          (567)          (567)         (1,927)         (2,155)
                                                          -----------    -----------     -----------    ------------
Income from operations before taxes                           7,073          6,913          20,286          21,802

Provision for income taxes                                   (2,134)        (2,737)         (7,102)         (8,632)
                                                          -----------    -----------     -----------    ------------

Net income                                                  $ 4,939        $ 4,176         $13,184         $13,170
                                                          ===========    ===========     ===========    ============

Earnings per share of common stock:
   Primary                                                 $     .66     $     .53       $    1.75        $   1.64
                                                          ===========    ===========     ===========    ============

   Fully diluted                                           $     .65     $     .53       $    1.74        $   1.64
                                                          ===========    ===========     ===========    ============

      See accompanying notes to unaudited condensed financial statements.

                                                                    Page 3 of 14

                             (thousands of dollars)

                                                                       September 28,     December 31,
                                                                            1997             1996
                                                                       --------------- ------------------
Current assets
   Cash and cash equivalents                                               $23,072            $7,611
   Accounts receivable, net                                                 32,186            27,621
      Raw materials and supplies                                             8,809             9,894
      Work in process and finished goods                                    19,940            32,368
   Deferred taxes on income                                                  4,353             3,312
   Prepaid expenses                                                            930               726
                                                                         ------------     ------------
          Total current assets                                              89,290            81,532
                                                                         ------------     ------------

Property, plant and equipment, at cost                                     149,209           145,135
Accumulated depreciation                                                  (103,906)          (99,475)
                                                                         ------------     ------------
                                                                            45,303            45,660
Goodwill, net                                                               25,418            20,549
Deferred taxes on income                                                     1,263             -
Other assets                                                                 7,491             6,338
                                                                         ------------     ------------

Total assets                                                              $168,765          $154,079
                                                                         ============     ============


Current liabilities
   Accounts payable                                                        $14,963           $17,181
   Other current liabilities                                                21,131            15,479
                                                                         ------------     ------------
          Total current liabilities                                         36,094            32,660
                                                                         ------------     ------------

Noncurrent liabilities
   Long-term debt                                                           30,000            30,000
   Deferred taxes on income                                                   -                   92
   Other noncurrent liabilities                                              8,159             7,860
                                                                         ------------     ------------
          Total noncurrent liabilities                                      38,159            37,952
                                                                         ------------     ------------


Common stock (includes 7,981,317 common shares
   issued and 7,425,894 shares outstanding at September 28, 1997)           40,574            41,457
Retained earnings                                                           66,659            53,475
Minimum pension liability                                                     (253)             (253)
Cumulative translation adjustment                                              (84)              (38)
                                                                         ------------     ------------
                                                                           106,896            94,641
Less: treasury stock (555,423 shares, at cost)                             (12,384)          (11,174)
                                                                         ------------     ------------
     Total shareholders' equity                                             94,512            83,467
                                                                         ------------     ------------

Total liabilities and shareholders' equity                                $168,765          $154,079
                                                                         ============     ============

      See accompanying notes to unaudited condensed financial statements.

                                                                    Page 4 of 14

                             (thousands of dollars)

                                                                                     Nine month period ended
                                                                                September 28,        September 29,
                                                                                      1997             1996
                                                                                  -------------     ------------
Cash flows from operating activities
   Net income                                                                      $13,185           $ 13,170
   Reconciliation of net income to net cash provided by
       operating activities:
         Depreciation and amortization                                               7,741              7,403
         Loss on disposal of fixed assets                                              127                514
              Deferred income taxes                                                 (2,396)            (1,170)
         Deferred employee benefits                                                    743                767
         Other                                                                           7                (89)
   Changes in working capital components                                            12,072              9,256
                                                                                -------------      -------------

    Net cash provided by operating activities                                       31,479             29,851
                                                                                -------------      -------------

Cash flows from financing activities
   Proceeds from revolving credit borrowings                                        15,967             20,695
   Principal payments of revolving credit borrowings                               (15,967)           (24,195)
   Proceeds from issuance of common stock                                            2,059              2,442
   Purchase of treasury stock                                                       (4,206)            (9,758)
                                                                                ---------------    -------------

            Net cash used in financing activities                                   (2,147)           (10,816)
                                                                                -------------      -------------

Cash flows from investing activities
   Additions to property, plant and equipment                                       (5,054)            (8,841)
   Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment                                  46                383
   Acquisition of business and product lines                                        (8,399)           (14,634)
   Proceeds from sale of certain assets of discontinued operation                     -                14,384
   Other                                                                              (464)              (620)
                                                                                ---------------    -------------

            Net cash used in investing activities                                  (13,871)            (9,328)
                                                                                ---------------    -------------

Net increase in cash                                                                15,461              9,707
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period                                       7,611              2,333
                                                                                ---------------    -------------

Cash and cash equivalents, end of period                                           $23,072           $ 12,040
                                                                                ===============    =============

      See accompanying notes to unaudited condensed financial statements.

                                                                    Page 5 of 14


1.  Presentation of Condensed Financial Statements

    Certain  information  and  footnote   disclosures,   including   significant
    accounting  policies normally included in financial  statements  prepared in
    accordance  with  generally  accepted  accounting   principles,   have  been
    condensed or omitted.  Significant  intercompany  balances and  transactions
    have been eliminated.  Certain amounts from prior periods were  reclassified
    to conform to the 1997  presentation.  In the  opinion  of  management,  the
    accompanying   condensed   financial   statements  include  all  adjustments
    necessary  for a fair  presentation  of the results for the interim  periods
    presented.  Results of operations for the periods shown are not  necessarily
    indicative of results for the year, particularly in view of some seasonality
    in the Consumer  Products  business.  The accompanying  unaudited  condensed
    financial  statements  should be read in conjunction  with the  Consolidated
    Financial  Statements  and Notes to  Consolidated  Financial  Statements  of
    Alltrista  Corporation  and  Subsidiaries  included in the Company's  latest
    annual report.

2.  Contingencies

    The Company is subject to and involved in claims  arising out of the conduct
    of its business including those relating to product liability, environmental
    and safety and health matters.  The Company's  information at this time does
    not indicate that the  resolution of the  aforementioned  claims will have a
    material,  adverse effect upon financial  condition,  results of operations,
    cash flows or competitive position of the Company.

3.  Earnings per share

    Earnings  per share for the periods are  computed by dividing net income for
    the period by the sum of the weighted  average number of shares  outstanding
    for the period and the common  stock  equivalents  which  result  from stock
    option  activity.  The Company  will adopt the  provisions  of  Statement of
    Financial  Accounting  Standards No. 128,  "Earnings Per Share," in the last
    quarter of 1997.  Pro forma  basic and  diluted  earnings  per share for the
    three and nine month  periods  ending  September  28, 1997 and September 29,
    1996 calculated pursuant to SFAS 128 would be as follows:

                                                        Three month period ended           Nine month period ended
                                                     September 28,     September 29,     September 29,    September 28,
                                                         1997               1996              1997            1996
                                                   -----------------  ----------------  ---------------- ---------------
    Per share of common stock:
    Net income
         Basic earnings per share                    $   .67            $   .54            $ 1.78           $ 1.68
         Diluted earnings per share                  $   .66            $   .53            $ 1.75           $ 1.64

4.  Acquisition and disposal of assets

    In May,  1997,  the Company  purchased  certain  assets and assumed  certain
    liabilities  of Viking  Industries  ("Viking  Plastics")  an  Arkansas-based
    producer of large  thermoformed  plastic  products sold to the  manufactured
    housing and  recreational  vehicle  industries  for $8.4  million and future
    consideration. The acquisition was accounted for as a purchase. The purchase
    price was allocated to the assets purchased and liabilities assumed based on
    their  estimated  fair values as of the date of  acquisition.  The  purchase
    price in  excess  of the fair  value of  assets  purchased  and  liabilities
    assumed will be amortized over a 20-year period. The impact of including the
    financial  results of Viking  Plastics in a pro forma  presentation  for the
    nine month periods ended September 28, 1997 and September 29, 1996 would not
    have been material. Viking Plastics had 1996 sales of $15 million.

                                                                    Page 6 of 14


4.  Acquisition and disposal of assets (continued)

    On September 30, 1997 the Company  completed the sale of the machine  vision
    inspection  equipment  product  line  of  its  LumenX  division  to  Pressco
    Technology  Inc.  ("Pressco").   The  sale,  which  consisted  primarily  of
    inventory,  fixed assets and  intangibles,  was for $1.0 million in cash and
    future  consideration based upon Pressco's future sales of vision inspection
    equipment  to the  container  industry.  The Company  had vision  inspection
    equipment  sales of $5.3  million  and $7.2  million for the nine and twelve
    months ended September 28, 1997 and December 31, 1996 respectively.

    Concurrent with the sale of certain assets of the vision inspection  product
    line, the Company  incurred a $3.6 million charge which  consisted of (i) an
    estimated $1.3 million loss on the vision inspection assets sold,  including
    transaction  costs,  (ii) an  additional  $1.0  million  write-off of vision
    related assets which were not part of the  transaction,  and (iii) the write
    down of $1.0  million of x-ray  inventory  and $0.3  million of other  x-ray
    business assets.  Given the nature of the x-ray business products and recent
    performance,  management is assessing  their plans for this  business.  If a
    determination  to exit this business is made, there can be no assurance that
    the entire value of its net assets would be recovered.

                                                                    Page 7 of 14

Item 2.

                             RESULTS OF OPERATIONS

Results of Operations - Comparing Third Quarter 1997 to Third Quarter 1996

The Company's net sales increased 21.0% or $13.8 million to $79.6 million in the
third quarter of 1997 from $65.8 million in the third quarter of 1996. Operating
earnings  increased 1.3% or $0.1 million to $7.6 million in the third quarter of
1997 from $7.5  million in the third  quarter of 1996.  Excluding a $3.6 million
unusual charge relating to the LumenX  division,  operating  earnings  increased
49.3% or $3.7 million.

The increase in sales was primarily due to a $11.8 million  increase in sales in
the  Consumer  Products  division  which  is  benefiting  from the  March,  1996
acquisition  of the Kerr brand home canning  products and a good growing  season
for home gardening and fresh produce.  During 1996, the Company, under the terms
of a non-exclusive  Sales Agent Agreement,  sold certain  pre-closing  inventory
retained by Kerr. These sales are not reflected in the Company's 1996 results of
operations.  Since the Company  fulfilled the agreement at the end of 1996, 1997
sales of Kerr  brand  products  are  reflected  in the  Company's  current  year
results. The increase in sales within the food containers segment was also aided
by a slight increase in sales within the Plastic Packaging  division.  Sales are
anticipated to be lower in the future as the Plastic Packaging division has lost
a $5.0  million  account.  This loss will be offset in part by  increased  sales
volumes  with  current  customers  and the  addition of new  accounts.  The $5.2
million  improvement in operating earnings for this segment was driven primarily
by the good growing season,  the incremental  Kerr brand sales, and efficiencies
resulting  from  consolidating  the  closure  manufacturing  operations  in  the
Consumer  Products  division  as well as  improved  operating  efficiencies  and
reduced labor costs in the Plastic Packaging division.

The  industrial  components  segment  reported an increase in third quarter 1997
sales compared to the third quarter of 1996. The  Industrial  Plastics  division
posted a $3.8 million increase in sales primarily as a result of the acquisition
of Viking Plastics ($3.6 million in sales).  The Zinc Products division reported
a $0.7 million increase in sales despite a 50% reduction in coinage shipments to
the U.S.  Mint.  U.S.  Mint  shipments  averaged 15 truck loads per week for the
third  quarter  of 1997  compared  to 30 truck  loads per week  during the third
quarter  of 1996.  The effect  the  decline  in coinage  volume had on sales was
offset by (i) zinc ingot prices steadily  increasing from an average of 51 cents
per  pound in the  third  quarter  of 1996 to 77 cents  per  pound in the  third
quarter of 1997, (ii) an increase in other coinage sale volume  primarily to the
Royal  Canadian  Mint for the Canadian  one cent coin,  and (iii) an increase in
European  industrial  sales volume.  The Zinc Products  division  anticipates an
average of 15 truck loads per week to the U.S.  Mint for the  remainder of 1997.
The $0.5 million  decrease in Unimark  Plastics  sales was  attributed  to lower
demand  within both the health care and consumer  markets,  with some  customers
bringing production back into their own facilities.  This division expects sales
to return to more normal levels in the fourth quarter of 1997. LumenX reported a
$2.1  million  decrease  in sales in the third  quarter of 1997  compared to the
third  quarter of 1996.  The decrease in LumenX sales was primarily in the x-ray
inspection line as demand for tire and wheel inspection equipment declined.

Operating earnings for the industrial  components segment decreased $5.2 million
in the third  quarter of 1997  compared  to the third  quarter of 1996.  LumenX,
which  contributed $4.2 million to the decline,  incurred a $3.6 million unusual
charge primarily relating to the sale of the vision inspection equipment product
line.  (See  the  discussion  in  note 4 to the  Unaudited  Condensed  Financial
Statements  regarding this charge.) With the remaining x-ray  business,  a minor
operating  loss is  anticipated  in the  fourth  quarter of 1997 and a return to
profitability  in 1998. The Unimark Plastics and Zinc Products  divisions,  as a
result of lower  customer  demand and reduced  coinage  volume to the U.S. Mint,
respectively,  accounted  for the remaining  $1.0 million  decrease in operating
earnings.   Operating  earnings  for  the  Industrial   Plastics  division  were
equivalent  to 1996  despite  the  increase in sales  resulting  from the Viking
Plastics  acquisition.  The Company  continues to seek new  customers as well as
implement efficiencies to increase operating earnings within the division.

Gross profit increased $4.5 million in the third quarter of 1997 compared to the
third  quarter of 1996.  The increase was  primarily  due to the  aforementioned
Consumer  Products  division  sales  increase.  The  increase  from the Consumer
Products  division as well as increases at the Plastic  Packaging and Industrial
Plastics  divisions  were  offset in part by a decrease  in gross  profit at the
Unimark  Plastics,  Zinc  Products and LumenX  divisions.  Unimark  Plastics and
LumenX had a decrease in sales as noted above.  Zinc Products  decline  reflects
the decline in zinc coinage volume.

                                                                    Page 8 of 14

Selling, general and administrative expenses increased $0.8 million in the third
quarter of 1997  compared  to the third  quarter of 1996.  The  increase  can be
attributed  to the  acquisition  of Kerr and Viking  Plastics as well as several
components within selling,  general and  administrative  expenses  (commissions,
warehousing, etc.)
fluctuating with sales volume.

Third  quarter 1997 net  interest  expense was  equivalent  compared to the same
period last year.

The  effective  tax rate for the third quarter 1997 was lower than the effective
tax rate for the same period last year  primarily due to the tax loss  exceeding
the accounting loss on the sale of the LumenX vision inspection assets.

Results of Operations - Comparing Year to Date 1997 to Year to Date 1996

The Company's net sales increased 9.6% or $17.9 million to $204.2 million in the
first nine months of 1997 from $186.3  million in the first nine months of 1996.
The increase in sales was primarily  due to the $19.3 million  increase in sales
in the Consumer  Products  division  which is  benefiting  from the March,  1996
acquisition of the Kerr brand of home canning products and a good growing season
for home gardening and fresh fruit. During 1996, the Company, under the terms of
a  non-exclusive  Sales Agent  Agreement,  sold  certain  pre-closing  inventory
retained by Kerr. These sales are not reflected in the Company's 1996 results of
operations.  Since the Company  fulfilled the agreement at the end of 1996, 1997
sales of the Kerr products are reflected in the Company's  current year results.
The Industrial  Plastics and Zinc Products  divisions both reported increases in
sales for the first nine  months of 1997  compared  to the first nine  months of
1996. The Industrial  Plastics  division posted a $5.9 million increase in sales
primarily as a result of the  acquisition  of Viking  Plastics  ($5.7 million in
sales).  The Zinc Products  division  reported a $1.5 million  increase in sales
despite U.S.  Mint coinage  shipments  averaging 16 truck loads per week for the
period  compared to 30 truck  loads per week the first nine months of 1996.  The
effect the  decline in coinage  volume had on sales was offset by (i) zinc ingot
prices  steadily  increasing  from an average of 51 cents per pound in the first
nine months of 1996 to 68 cents per pound in the first nine months of 1997, (ii)
an increase in European  industrial sales volume, and (iii) initial sales to the
Royal Canadian Mint for the Canadian one cent coin.  The Zinc Products  division
anticipates  an  average  of 15 truck  loads  per week to the U.S.  Mint for the
remainder of 1997. In addition, one of the two customers for which Zinc Products
produces  dry cell  battery  cans  notified  the  Company  it  would  be  moving
production of its  zinc/carbon  batteries to Mexico next year.  The Company does
not expect this development to have a material impact on Company  profitability.
The increase in sales within the Consumer  Products,  Industrial  Plastics,  and
Zinc  Products  divisions  were  offset  in part  by  decreases  in the  Unimark
Plastics,  LumenX and Plastic Packaging divisions. The Unimark Plastics division
reported a $3.3 million  decrease in sales for the period as a result of reduced
customer  requirements as well as several customers pulling production back into
their own facilities.  LumenX reported a $3.0 million decrease in sales due to a
reduction in demand for tire and airbag  inspection  equipment  within the x-ray
product line. The Plastic  Packaging  division's $2.5 million  decrease in sales
was primarily due to lower customer requirements.

Gross profit  increased  in the first nine months of 1997  compared to the first
nine  months of 1996 with the  majority  of the  increase  occurring  within the
Consumer  Products  division.  The increase in gross profit  within the Consumer
Products division was offset in part by a decline at the Zinc Products,  Unimark
Plastics and LumenX  divisions.  Zinc Products'  gross profit was driven down by
the aforementioned decline in coinage sales volume. Unimark Plastics' decline in
gross profit was primarily due to the decline in sales as previously  noted. The
decline in gross profit at LumenX was also due to the aforementioned  decline in
sales as well as a change in product mix.

Selling,  general and administrative  expenses increased 4.6% or $1.5 million to
$34.0  million in the first nine months of 1997 from $32.5  million in the first
nine months of 1996. The increase was almost entirely a function of the Kerr and
Viking Plastics  acquisitions as well as the overall increased Consumer Products
division sales. Selling,  general and administrative expenses as a percentage of
net sales were 16.7% for the period  compared  to 17.4% for the same period last
year. This improvement is attributed to Consumer Product division's efficiencies
resulting from consolidating the operations of the Ball and Kerr brands.

                                                                    Page 9 of 14

Operating  earnings decreased 7.5% or $1.8 million to $22.2 million in the first
nine  months of 1997 from $24.0  million in the first nine  months of 1996.  The
LumenX division incurred a $3.6 million unusual charge primarily relating to the
sale of certain assets of the vision inspection equipment product line. (See the
discussion in note 4 to the Unaudited Condensed Financial  Statements  regarding
this charge.)  Excluding this charge,  operating earnings increased 7.5% or $1.8
million to $25.8 million during the current period.

Net interest expense for the nine month period ended September 28, 1997 was $1.9
million compared to $2.2 million for the same period last year. Lower 1997 daily
average borrowings were offset in part by slightly higher interest rates.

Financial Condition, Liquidity and Capital Resources

Working capital as of September 28, 1997 increased $4.3 million to $53.2 million
from the 1996 year end level. Cash and cash equivalents and accounts  receivable
increased  $15.5 million and $4.6 million,  respectively.  The increase in these
two items were offset in part by a $13.5 million  decrease in inventories  and a
$3.4 million increase in current liabilities.  The seasonal increase in mid-year
cash and  receivables and reduction of inventories is normal in the home canning
industry. The decrease in inventories also reflected a reduction in the stock of
Kerr products, acquired in a bulk purchase at year-end 1996.

In May,  1997,  the Company  purchased for $8.4 million the net assets of Viking
Industries,  an Arkansas-based  producer of large thermoformed  plastic products
sold to manufactured housing and recreational vehicle industries.  Other capital
expenditures  for  property,  plant and equipment  were $5.1 million  during the
first nine  months of 1997  compared  to $8.8  million  for the same period last
year.  Capital  expenditures  are largely  related to maintaining  manufacturing
facilities and are expected to be at lower levels in 1997 compared to 1996.

On  September  30,  1997 the  Company  completed  the sale of certain  assets of
LumenX's machine vision inspection  equipment product line to Pressco Technology
Inc. ("Pressco"). The sale, which consisted primarily of inventory, fixed assets
and  intangibles,  was for $1.0 million in cash and future  consideration  based
upon  Pressco's  future sales of vision  inspection  equipment to the  container
industry.  See the  discussion  in note 4 to the Unaudited  Condensed  Financial
Statements  regarding this  transaction.  Taking into account the cash received,
future cash proceeds expected,  tax benefits and costs paid, the Company expects
the  transaction  to provide  approximately  $4.0  million  in cash.  Management
continues to assess its plans for the remaining x-ray inspection business.  If a
determination  to exit this business is made, there can be no assurance that the
entire value of its net assets would be recovered.

The growth  strategy for the Company  places primary  emphasis on plastics.  The
Company  currently  has three  plastics  businesses,  namely,  Unimark  Plastics
(injection  molding for health care and consumer markets),  Industrial  Plastics
(heavy gauge sheet extrusion and  thermoforming  for appliance and  manufactured
housing markets) and Plastic  Packaging  (coextruded sheet and formed containers
for processed human and pet food). It is anticipated that the plastics  business
will be grown through  acquisition  as well as  internally;  acquisitions  would
include companies that engage in conversion processes similar to those currently
being used by the Company as well as other plastics conversion processes. In the
context of corporate  strategy,  Consumer  Products  (home canning  supplies and
related  products) and Zinc Products  (zinc strip and products  fabricated  from
that strip) will focus on internal growth opportunities that are closely related
to existing  business;  this strategy will require fewer resources since it will
utilize current  capabilities.  Hence these two latter businesses should provide
substantial  cash to fund the  more  aggressive  growth  strategy  in  plastics,
without precluding growth in these units.

The Company has $30 million of long-term debt with maturity  dates  beginning in
December,  1998 and continuing through 2004 at a fixed interest rate of 7.8%. In
May, 1995, the Company  terminated a swap agreement,  resulting in a transaction
gain of $0.5 million.  This gain is being amortized over the original three-year
term of the  swap and  effectively  fixes  the  Company's  interest  rate on the
long-term debt through December 1997 at 7.19%. The Company participates in a $50
million revolving credit agreement with a group of banks, of which no borrowings
were  outstanding  at quarter or year end.  The Company also has  available  $80
million in committed and  uncommitted  credit lines of which no borrowings  were
outstanding at quarter or year end. After reducing  outstanding debt by the cash
balance, the debt-to-total capitalization ratio was 6.8% at the end of the third
quarter of 1997. As of September 28, 1997, borrowings on the Company's long-term
debt and uncommitted  credit lines were at a weighted  average  interest rate of
7.0%.  During  the first  nine  months of 1997,  and in  accordance  with  plans
approved by its board of directors,  the Company has purchased 184,500 shares of
the Company's  common stock for a total cost of $4.2  million.  In May, 1997 the
Company's board of directors  approved an additional  600,000 shares to be added
to the Company's stock repurchase program. As of September 28, 1997, the Company
has approval to purchase up to 565,500 additional shares. 

                                                                   Page 10 of 14

The Company is subject to and  involved in claims  arising out of the conduct of
its business  including those relating to product  liability,  environmental and
safety and  health  matters.  The  Company's  information  at this time does not
indicate that the resolution of the aforementioned  claims will have a material,
adverse  effect  upon  financial  condition,  results  of  operations,   capital
expenditures or competitive position of the Company.

This Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q includes certain "forward-looking statements"
within the meaning of Section 27A of the  Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E
of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Those statements include, but may not be
limited   to,   discussions   regarding   expectations   of  future   sales  and
profitability,  anticipated  demand for the Company's  products and expectations
regarding operating and other expenses.  Reliance on forward-looking  statements
involves  risks  and  uncertainties.  Although  the  Company  believes  that the
assumptions upon which the forward-looking statements contained herein are based
are  reasonable,  any of those  assumptions  could prove to be inaccurate.  As a
result, the forward-looking  statements based on those assumptions could also be
incorrect. Please see the Company's Report on Form 8-K, dated June 10, 1997, for
a list of factors  which  could  cause the  Company's  actual  results to differ
materially from those projected in the Company's forward-looking statements.


Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

(a)  Exhibits

     11.1    Computation of earnings per share

     27      Financial Data Schedule (EDGAR filing only)

(b)  Reports of Form 8-K

     There were no events required to be reported under Form 8-K for the quarter
ending September 28, 1997.

                                                                   Page 11 of 14


Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                                        Alltrista Corporation

Date:     November 11, 1997                    By:       /s/ Kevin D. Bower    
         -----------------------------              ---------------------------
                                                     Kevin D. Bower
                                                     Senior Vice President & 
                                                     Chief Financial Officer

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                          QUARTERLY REPORT ON FORM 10-Q
                               September 28, 1997

                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

Exhibit               Description                                       Page

11.1                  Computation of earnings per share                  11

27                    Financial Data Schedule                  EDGAR filing only

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