WASHINGTON, DC 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
                  For the quarterly period ended March 29, 1998


                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
              For the transition period from _________ to _________

                              Alltrista Corporation

       Indiana                     0-21052                      35-1828377
 State of Incorporation     Commission File Number     IRS Identification Number

                345 South High Street, Suite 200, P. O. Box 5004
                           Muncie, Indiana 47307-5004

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (765) 281-5000

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days. Yes X No

Indicate the number of shares  outstanding  of each of the  issuer's  classes of
common stock, as of the latest practicable date.

      Class                                      Outstanding at April 26, 1998
- ------------------                              --------------------------------
  Common Stock,
 without par value                                      7,326,036 shares

This document contains 10 pages.  The exhibit index is on page 10 of 10.

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                          Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q
                       For the period ended March 29, 1998


                                                                     Page Number


 Item 1.     Financial Statements

             Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income
                for the three month periods ended
                March 29, 1998 and March 30, 1997                         3

             Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets at
                March 29, 1998 and December 31, 1997                      4

             Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash
                Flows for the three month periods ended
                March 29, 1998 and March 30, 1997                         5

             Notes to Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Financial
                Statements                                                6

 Item 2.     Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
                Condition and Results of Operations                     7 - 8

 PART II.    OTHER INFORMATION                                            9

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Item 1.            Financial Statements

                      (thousands except per share amounts)

                                                            Three month period ended
                                                            March 29,       March 30,
                                                               1998           1997
                                                            ----------     ----------
Net sales                                                    $46,370        $45,642
                                                            ----------     ----------

Costs and expenses
   Cost of sales                                              35,416         34,798
   Selling, general and administrative expenses                7,882          7,938
                                                            ----------     ----------

Operating earnings                                             3,072          2,906
Interest expense, net                                           (401)          (609)
                                                            ----------     ----------
Income from operations before taxes                            2,671          2,297

Provision for income taxes                                    (1,015)          (864)
                                                            ----------     ----------

Net income                                                    $1,656         $1,433
                                                            ==========     ==========

Net income per share of common stock:
   Basic earnings per share                                   $   .23        $  .19
                                                            ==========     ==========
   Diluted earnings per share                                 $   .22        $  .19
                                                            ==========     ==========

Weighted average shares outstanding:
   Basic                                                        7,360         7,471
   Diluted                                                      7,500         7,614

           See accompanying notes to unaudited condensed consolidated
                             financial statements.

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                             (thousands of dollars)

                                                      March 29,     December 31,
                                                        1997           1998
                                                      ---------     ------------
Current assets
   Cash and cash equivalents                           $10,730         $26,641
   Accounts receivable, net                             29,156          23,646
      Raw materials and supplies                        10,770           9,410
      Work in process and finished goods                37,802          23,773
   Deferred taxes on income                              4,243           4,243
   Prepaid expenses                                      1,670           1,511
                                                     -----------     -----------
          Total current assets                          94,371          89,224
                                                     -----------     -----------

Property, plant and equipment, at cost                 149,267         149,904
Accumulated depreciation                              (104,617)       (104,894)
                                                     -----------     -----------
                                                        44,650          45,010
Goodwill, net                                           24,604          24,947
Other assets                                             8,311           7,396
                                                     -----------     -----------

Total assets                                          $171,936        $166,577
                                                     ===========     ===========


Current liabilities
   Current portion of long-term debt                    $4,286          $4,286
   Notes payable                                         2,788            -
   Accounts payable                                     25,341          18,424
   Other current liabilities                            10,403          12,755
                                                     -----------     -----------
          Total current liabilities                     42,818          35,465
                                                     -----------     -----------

Noncurrent liabilities
   Long-term debt                                       25,714          25,714
   Other noncurrent liabilities                          8,330           8,089
                                                     -----------     -----------
          Total noncurrent liabilities                  34,044          33,803
                                                     -----------     -----------


Shareholders' equity:
   Common stock                                         40,548          40,779
   Retained earnings                                    69,968          68,312
   Cumulative translation adjustment                      (255)           (303)
                                                     -----------     -----------
                                                        110,261         108,788
   Less treasury stock                                  (15,187)        (11,479)
                                                     -----------     -----------
          Total shareholders' equity                     95,074          97,309
                                                     -----------     -----------

Total liabilities and shareholders' equity             $171,936        $166,577
                                                     ===========     ===========

           See accompanying notes to unaudited condensed consolidated
                             financial statements.

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                             (thousands of dollars)

                                                                                 Three month period ended
                                                                                 March 29,         March 30,
                                                                                   1998              1997
                                                                                ----------         ---------
Cash flows from operating activities
   Net income                                                                     $1,656            $1,433
   Reconciliation of net income to net cash used in
       operating activities:
       Depreciation and amortization                                               2,564             2,523
       Deferred employee benefits                                                    250               202
       Other                                                                        (163)             (108)
       Changes in working capital components                                     (16,502)          (12,540)
                                                                                ----------        ----------

              Net cash used in operating activities                              (12,195)           (8,490)
                                                                                ----------        ----------

Cash flows from financing activities
   Proceeds from revolving credit borrowings and notes payable                     2,788             4,780
   Proceeds from issuance of common stock                                            262               516
   Purchase of treasury stock                                                     (4,229)              -
                                                                                ----------        ----------

            Net cash (used in) provided by financing activities                   (1,179)            5,296
                                                                                ----------        ----------

Cash flows from investing activities
   Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment                                13                36
   Additions to property, plant and equipment                                     (1,830)           (2,378)
   Investment in life insurance contracts                                           (685)             -
   Other                                                                             (35)             (305)
                                                                                ----------        ----------

            Net cash used in investing activities                                 (2,537)           (2,647)
                                                                                ----------        ----------

Net decrease in cash                                                             (15,911)           (5,841)
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period                                    26,641             7,611
                                                                                ----------        ----------

Cash and cash equivalents, end of period                                         $10,730            $1,770
                                                                                ==========        ==========

           See accompanying notes to unaudited condensed consolidated
                             financial statements.

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1.  Presentation of Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

    Certain  information  and  footnote   disclosures,   including   significant
    accounting  policies normally included in financial  statements  prepared in
    accordance  with  generally  accepted  accounting   principles,   have  been
    condensed  or  omitted.  In the  opinion  of  management,  the  accompanying
    condensed   consolidated   financial   statements  include  all  adjustments
    necessary  for a fair  presentation  of the results for the interim  periods
    presented.  Results of operations for the periods shown are not  necessarily
    indicative of results for the year, particularly in view of some seasonality
    in the Consumer  Products  business.  The accompanying  unaudited  condensed
    consolidated  financial  statements  should be read in conjunction  with the
    Consolidated  Financial  Statements  and  Notes  to  Consolidated  Financial
    Statements  of  Alltrista  Corporation  and  Subsidiaries  included  in  the
    Company's latest annual report.

2.  Earnings Per Share

    Basic  earnings per share is computed by dividing net income by the weighted
    average number of common shares outstanding for the period. Diluted earnings
    per share  computations  assume  outstanding  stock  options with a dilutive
    effect on earnings were exercised.  These common stock equivalents are added
    to the weighted  average number of shares  outstanding in the calculation of
    dilutive earnings per share.

    A computation  of earnings per share is as follows (in thousands  except per
    share data):

                                                                          Three month period ended
                                                                           March 29,     March 30,
                                                                             1998          1997
                                                                           ----------  -----------
         Basic Earnings Per Share
         Net income                                                        $  1,656     $ 1,433
                                                                          ============ ===========
         Weighted average number of common shares outstanding                 7,360       7,471
                                                                          ============ ===========
         Basic earnings per share                                          $    .23    $    .19
                                                                          ============ ===========

         Diluted Earnings Per Share
         Net income                                                        $  1,656     $ 1,433
                                                                          ============ ===========

         Weighted average number of common shares outstanding                 7,360       7,471
         Additional shares assuming conversion of stock options                 140         143
                                                                          ------------ -----------
         Weighted average number of common and equivalent shares              7,500       7,614
                                                                          ============ ===========

         Diluted earnings per share                                        $    .22    $    .19
                                                                          ============ ===========

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Item 2.


Results of Continuing Operations

During  the first  quarter of 1998,  the  Company,  as part of a newly  launched
vision and strategy,  redefined its businesses  into two new distinct  segments:
plastic  products and metal products.  The plastic products segment includes the
Plastic  Packaging  (coextruded  sheet and formed containers for processed human
and pet  food),  Unimark  Plastics  (injection  molding  for  medical,  consumer
products and  packaging  markets)  and  Industrial  Plastics  (heavy gauge sheet
extrusion and thermoforming for appliance, manufactured housing and recreational
vehicle  markets)  operations.  The metal products segment includes the Consumer
Products (home canning supplies and related products), Zinc Products (zinc strip
and  products  fabricated  from that  strip) and LumenX  (industrial  inspection
systems for the  automotive  and automotive  component  industries)  operations.
Previously reported segment information was reclassified to correspond with this

The Company reported net sales of $46.4 million for the first quarter of 1998 an
increase  of 2% from  sales  of  $45.6  million  for the  same  period  of 1997.
Operating  earnings  of $3.1  million  for the  quarter  increased  7% from $2.9
million  in the first  quarter  of 1997.  Sales and  earnings  increased  in the
plastic products segment 17% and 19%,  respectively.  Industrial Plastics had an
increase in sales and earnings  primarily  due to the May 1997  acquisition  and
subsequent  integration of Viking  Plastics.  Industrial  Plastics also recorded
increased  sales and earnings  from the appliance  components  and table product
lines. Unimark Plastics recorded an increase in sales and earnings, which is the
result  of  new  business  including  the  transfer  of  a  customer's  in-house
production to the  Company's  Springfield,  Missouri  facility.  Cost  reduction
programs at Unimark Plastics also contributed to the improved earnings.  Plastic
Packaging  had a decrease in sales and  earnings  due to lower volume and a more
intense competitive  environment.  The metal products segment recorded a 12% and
11%  decrease in sales and  earnings,  respectively.  Zinc  Products  recorded a
decrease in sales and earnings  primarily  due to a customer's  decision to move
production of its zinc/carbon batteries to Mexico City and to no longer purchase
battery cans from the Company.  Penny blank  shipments to the U.S. Mint averaged
17  truckloads  per week for the first quarter of 1998 compared to 16 truckloads
per week a year ago. The Company  anticipates  shipments of 20 truckloads a week
in the second quarter.  Consumer Products, which historically operates at a loss
in the first  quarter,  recorded an increase  in sales in nearly  every  product
line.  Assuming favorable growing  conditions,  the Company  anticipates another
excellent year in the home canning business. LumenX recorded a decrease in sales
for the quarter due to the  September  1997  divestiture  of the machine  vision
inspection  product line. With a cost reduction  program in place, the remaining
x-ray inspection equipment product line earned a profit for the quarter.

Overall,  gross margin  percentages  decreased  slightly in the first quarter of
1998  compared  to the same  period  last  year.  The  decline  in gross  margin
percentages  was primarily  due to the industry  wide margin  erosion in plastic
packaging  and  increased  employee  benefit  costs at Consumer  Products.  This
decline was offset in part by increased plant utilization at Unimark Plastics, a
decrease  in zinc raw  material  prices  and a  change  in  product  mix at Zinc

Selling,  general and administrative expenses as a percentage of sales decreased
slightly  in the first  quarter of 1998  compared  to the same  period last year
reflecting a reduction in costs in the x-ray inspection equipment operation.

Interest expense, net for the first quarter of 1998 was $0.4 million compared to
$0.6 million in the first  quarter of 1997.  Lower net  interest  expense in the
first  quarter of 1998 was  primarily the result of earnings on higher levels of
short-term investment balances.

The  effective  income tax rate  increased  slightly  from 37.6% to 38.0% in the
first quarter of 1998 versus 1997.

Page 7 of 10

Financial Condition, Liquidity and Capital Resources

Working  capital  (excluding the current  portion of long-term debt) as of March
29, 1998 decreased  $2.2 million to $55.8 million from the 1997 year-end  level.
Short-term  borrowings  increased  $2.8  million  to fund the  seasonal  working
capital needs of the Canadian home canning operations.  The increase in accounts
receivable, inventories and accounts payable is reflective of customary seasonal
activity, particularly in the consumer products business.

The Company has $30 million  outstanding under a long-term  financing  agreement
with a fixed  interest  rate of 7.8%.  Maturities  are $4.3 million per year for
seven years  beginning  in  December  1998.  The Company has a revolving  credit
agreement with a group of banks whereby the Company can borrow up to $50 million
through  March 31, 2000 when all  borrowings  mature.  There were no  borrowings
outstanding  under this agreement at March 29, 1998 or at December 31, 1997. The
Company  also has  available  from various  banks $74 million in  committed  and
uncommitted  short-term  credit lines of which $2.8 million was  outstanding  at
March 29, 1998. As of March 29, 1998, borrowings on the Company's long-term debt
and  credit  lines  were at a  weighted  average  interest  rate of 7.8%.  After
reducing debt by the cash balance, the debt-to-total  capital ratio was 18.8% at
the end of the first  quarter of 1998.  This is higher than the 3.3% at December
31, 1997, as a result of funding normal seasonal operating activities.

During the first quarter of 1998, the company  purchased  $4.2 million  (150,000
shares) of its common stock. It is the Company's  policy to annually  repurchase
shares to offset the dilutive  effect of shares  issued under  employee  benefit
plans and as a flexible and tax-efficient  means of distributing  excess cash to

Capital expenditures for property, plant and equipment were $1.8 million for the
first  quarter ended March 29, 1998 compared to $2.4 million for the same period
last year. Capital expenditures are largely related to maintaining manufacturing
facilities and, though lower in the first quarter,  are expected to be at higher
levels  for the full year 1998  compared  to 1997.  The  Company  believes  that
existing  funds,  cash  generated from  operations and existing  sources of debt
financing  are adequate to satisfy its working  capital and capital  expenditure
requirements  for  the  foreseeable  future.  However,  the  Company  may  raise
additional  capital from time to time to take advantage of favorable  conditions
in the capital markets or in connection with the Company's corporate development

The Company is subject to and  involved in claims  arising out of the conduct of
its business  including those relating to product  liability,  environmental and
safety and  health  matters.  The  Company's  information  at this time does not
indicate that the resolution of the aforementioned  claims will have a material,
adverse  effect  upon  financial  condition,  results  of  operations,   capital
expenditures or competitive position of the Company.

The  Company  is  currently  assessing  its  exposure  to  potential  Year  2000
computer-related issues within its businesses. At this time, management does not
believe the Company will incur significant problems or costs associated with its
own financial or  operational  systems.  Each division is either  undertaking or
will be undertaking a study of vendors and customers to determine  whether their
potential  Year 2000  problems will have a material  effect on the Company.  The
Company's  information at this time does not indicate that Year 2000 issues will
have a  material,  adverse  effect  upon the  financial  condition,  results  of
operations, cash flows or competitive position of the Company.

This Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q includes certain "forward-looking statements"
within the meaning of Section 27A of the  Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E
of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Those statements include, but may not be
limited   to,   discussions   regarding   expectations   of  future   sales  and
profitability,  anticipated  demand for the Company's  products and expectations
regarding operating and other expenses.  Reliance on forward-looking  statements
involves  risks  and  uncertainties.  Although  the  Company  believes  that the
assumptions upon which the forward-looking statements contained herein are based
are  reasonable,  any of those  assumptions  could prove to be inaccurate.  As a
result, the forward-looking  statements based on those assumptions could also be
inaccurate.  Please see the Company's  Report on Form 8-K,  dated June 10, 1997,
for a list of factors which could cause the Company's  actual  results to differ
materially from those projected in the Company's forward-looking statements.

Page 8 of 10


Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

     a.  Exhibits

     27.1 Financial Data Schedule [EDGAR filing only]

     27.2 Financial  Data Schedule  [EDGAR  filing only] -  Restatement  of 1997
          earnings per share in accordance with Financial  Accounting  Standards
          No. 128, "Earnings Per Share"

     27.3 Financial  Data Schedule  [EDGAR  filing only] -  Restatement  of 1996
          earnings per share in accordance with Financial  Accounting  Standards
          No. 128, "Earnings Per Share"

     b.  Reports on Form 8-K

     A change in the Company's certifying accountant was disclosed in a Form 8-K
     (Commission File Number 0-21052) dated March 18, 1998.


Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                                  Alltrista Corporation

Date:  May 13, 1998                        By:    /s/ Kevin D. Bower
       ------------                               -------------------------
                                                  Kevin D. Bower
                                                  Senior Vice President and
                                                  Chief  Financial Officer

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                          QUARTERLY REPORT ON FORM 10-Q
                                 March 29, 1998

                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

Exhibit  Description                                               Page
- -------  -----------                                               ----

27.1     Financial Data Schedule                             [EDGAR filing only]

27.2     Financial Data Schedule, 1997 Earnings Per Share    [EDGAR filing only]

27.3     Financial Data Schedule, 1996 Earnings Per Share    [EDGAR filing only]

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