Filed by the Registrant [x]

    Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]
    Check the appropriate box:

    [ ] Preliminary Proxy Statement
    [x] Definitive Proxy Statement
    [ ] Definitive Additional Materials
    [ ] Soliciting Material under Rule 14a-12
    [ ] Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by
        Rule 14a-6(e)(2))

                         CSB FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.
              (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)
        (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if Other Than the

   Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

    [ ] No fee required.
    [ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1)
        and 0-11.
        (1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction

        (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction
        (3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction
             computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the
             amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how
             it was determined):
        (4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

        (5)  Total fee paid:
    [x] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

    [ ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by
        Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which
        the offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the previous
        filing by registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule
        and the date of its filing.
        (1)  Amount Previously Paid:
        (2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
        (3)  Filing Party:
        (4)  Date Filed:


                          CSB FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.
                              200 SOUTH POPLAR
                          CENTRALIA, ILLINOIS 62801
                               (618) 532-1918

   June 19, 2000

   To the stockholders of CSB Financial Group, Inc.:

        You are cordially invited to attend a special meeting of stock-
   holders of CSB Financial Group, Inc. to be held on  July 14, 2000, at
   10:00 a.m., local time, at 801 12th Street, Carlyle, Illinois.

        At the meeting, you will be asked to approve and adopt a merger
   agreement under which:

        *    each outstanding share of CSB's common stock will be
             converted into the right to receive $16.00 in cash, which
             may be reduced; and

        *    CSB will become a wholly owned subsidiary of Midland States
             Bancorp, Inc.

        The investment banking firm of Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc. has
   issued its written opinion advising CSB that, as of the date of the
   opinion, the consideration to be received by CSB stockholders in the
   merger is fair, from a financial point of view, to them.

        After carefully considering the merger, the merger agreement and
   the benefits which will result to the stockholders, the board of
   directors has determined that the merger is advisable and in the best
   interests of the stockholders and recommends that you vote in favor of
   the merger agreement.

        A notice of special meeting of stockholders and a proxy statement
   containing a discussion of the merger and related transactions
   accompany this letter.  We urge you to read this material carefully
   before voting.  If you attend the meeting, you may vote in person if
   you desire, even if you had previously returned your proxy.

        Your vote is important. Approval of the merger agreement requires
   the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the shares of
   common stock of CSB Financial Group, Inc.  Whether or not you expect
   to attend the meeting in person, please complete and sign the
   accompanying proxy and return it promptly in the enclosed envelope.


                                 /s/ K. Gary Reynolds

                                 K. Gary Reynolds
                                 PRESIDENT AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER

        Please do not send your common stock certificates at this time.
   If the merger is consummated, you will be sent instructions regarding
   the surrender of your stock certificates.


                          CSB FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.
                              200 SOUTH POPLAR
                          CENTRALIA, ILLINOIS 62801
                               (618) 532-1918

                         TO BE HELD ON JULY 14, 2000

        NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the stockholders
   of CSB Financial Group, Inc. will be held at 801 12th Street, Carlyle,
   Illinois, on July 14, 2000 at 10:00 a.m., local time, for the
   following purposes:

        1.   To approve and adopt an agreement and plan of merger, dated
             as of January 26, 2000, by and among Midland States Bancorp,
             Inc., CSB Acquisition Corporation (a wholly owned subsidiary
             of Midland) and CSB Financial Group, Inc. under which CSB
             Acquisition will merge with and into CSB, with CSB surviving
             as a wholly owned subsidiary of Midland. A copy of the
             merger agreement is attached to the proxy statement as
             Appendix A; and

        2.   To transact other business that may properly come before the
             meeting or any adjournments or postponements of the meeting.

        Only stockholders of record at the close of business on June 8,
   2000 will be entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the meeting and
   any adjournments or postponements.

        Each stockholder has the right to dissent and demand payment of
   the fair value of the stockholder's shares. The right of a stockholder
   to receive this payment is contingent upon strict compliance with the
   requirements of Section 262 of the Delaware General Corporation Law,
   which is contained in Appendix D to this proxy statement.  A summary
   of these requirements is contained in the accompanying proxy
   statement.  The obligation of Midland to effect the merger is
   conditioned upon the holders of not more than 10 percent of the shares
   of CSB common stock validly demanding and perfecting these dissenters'
   appraisal rights.

                                 By Order of the Board of Directors

                                 /s/ K. Gary Reynolds

                                 K. Gary Reynolds
                                 PRESIDENT AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER

   June 19, 2000
   Centralia, Illinois


                          CSB FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.
                              200 SOUTH POPLAR
                          CENTRALIA, ILLINOIS 62801
                               (618) 532-1918


                               PROXY STATEMENT

        This proxy statement is furnished to the holders of outstanding
   shares of common stock of CSB Financial Group, Inc. in connection with
   the solicitation of proxies by CSB to approve and adopt an agreement
   and plan of merger involving CSB, Midland States Bancorp, Inc. and CSB
   Acquisition Corporation.

        If the merger contemplated by the merger agreement is completed,
   Midland will pay you $16.00 in cash for each share of CSB common stock
   you own, which may be reduced, and CSB will become a wholly owned
   subsidiary of Midland.

        The board of directors recommends that you vote for approval and
   adoption of the merger agreement.

        We have scheduled a special meeting for our stockholders to vote
   on the merger agreement.  YOUR VOTE IS VERY IMPORTANT.  This meeting
   will be held at 10:00 a.m., local time, on July 14, 2000, at 801 12th
   Street, Carlyle, Illinois.

        Whether or not you plan to attend the meeting, please take the
   time to vote by completing and signing the enclosed proxy card and
   IN FAVOR OF THE MERGER AGREEMENT.  If you abstain or do not vote, this
   will have the effect of a vote against the merger agreement.

        This proxy statement provides you with detailed information about
   the proposed merger.  In addition, you may obtain information about
   CSB from documents that we have filed with the Securities and Exchange
   Commission.  We encourage you to read this entire document carefully.

        The United States Securities and Exchange Commission has not
   passed upon the accuracy or adequacy of this proxy statement.  Any
   representation to the contrary is unlawful.


        This proxy statement, the accompanying notice of special meeting
   and the accompanying form of proxy are first being mailed to CSB
   stockholders on or about June 19, 2000.


                              TABLE OF CONTENTS


    SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     1
            The Companies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     1
            The Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     2
            The Merger  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     3
            Merger Consideration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     3
            Effective Time; Effective Date  . . . . . . . . . . . .     3
            Interests of Certain Persons in the Merger  . . . . . .     4
            Material Provisions of the Merger Agreement . . . . . .     4
            Reasons for the Merger  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     7
            Recommendation of the Board of Directors  . . . . . . .     7
            Opinion of Financial Advisor  . . . . . . . . . . . . .     7
            Accounting Treatment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     7
            Federal Income Tax Consequences of the Merger . . . . .     8
            Dissenters' Appraisal Rights  . . . . . . . . . . . . .     8
            Regulatory  Approvals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     8
            Market and Market Prices  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     9
    SELECTED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL DATA  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    10
    THE MEETING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    12
            Place, Time, Date and Record Date . . . . . . . . . . .    12
            Matters to be Considered  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    12
            Vote Required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    12
            Proxies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    13
            Security Ownership  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    14
    THE MERGER  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    17
            General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    17
            Merger Consideration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    17
            Background of and Reasons for the Merger  . . . . . . .    19
            Recommendation of the Board of Directors  . . . . . . .    23
            Opinion of Financial Advisor  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    23
            Midland's Financial Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . .    28
            Effective Time; Effective Date  . . . . . . . . . . . .    28
            Exchange of Certificates by CSB Stockholders  . . . . .    28
            Dissenters' Appraisal Rights  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    29
            Regulatory Approvals  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    31
    THE MERGER AGREEMENT  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    33
            Representations and Warranties  . . . . . . . . . . . .    33
            Business Pending the Merger and Other Covenants . . . .    33
            Conditions to the Merger  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    38
            Waiver and Amendment; Termination . . . . . . . . . . .    40
            Dividends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    43
            Interests of Certain Persons in the Merger  . . . . . .    43
            Federal Income Tax Consequences of the Merger . . . . .    47
    PRICE RANGE OF COMMON STOCK AND DIVIDENDS . . . . . . . . . . .    50
    AUDITORS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    50
    STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    51
    WHERE YOU CAN FIND MORE INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    51


    Appendix A - Agreement and Plan of Merger
    Appendix B - Opinion of Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc.
    Appendix C - CSB's Annual Report on Form 10-KSB for the fiscal
                 year ending September 30, 1999 and Quarterly Report
                 on Form 10-QSB for the quarter ending March 31, 2000
    Appendix D - Section 262 of the Delaware General Corporation Law



        This summary highlights selected information from this proxy
   statement. It may not contain all the information that is important to
   you.  To understand the merger fully and for a more complete
   description of the legal terms of the merger, you should carefully
   read this document and the documents we refer to.  See "WHERE YOU CAN


        200 South Poplar
        Centralia, Illinois  62801
        (618) 532-1918

        CSB is a bank holding company and was incorporated as a Delaware
   corporation in December, 1994.  CSB owns all of the common stock of
   Centralia Savings Bank, an Illinois state-chartered stock savings
   bank.  In October, 1995, Centralia converted from a state-chartered
   mutual savings bank to a state-chartered stock savings bank, at which
   time CSB acquired all of Centralia's outstanding stock.  CSB issued
   1,035,000 shares of common stock in a stock offering. CSB's common
   stock is quoted on the OTC electronic bulletin board under the symbol

        CSB is engaged in the business of directing, planning and
   coordinating the business activities of Centralia.  At March 31, 2000,
   CSB had consolidated total assets of $49,060,000 and stockholders'
   equity of $10,293,000.

        Centralia's principal business involves accepting retail deposits
   in its primary market area, Marion county, from the general public and
   investing those deposits, together with funds generated from
   operations, mainly in one- to four- family residential mortgage loans.
   Centralia also invests in multifamily mortgages, commercial real
   estate, construction, land development and other loans.  Centralia
   also invests in investment securities.

        CSB and Centralia serve the financial needs of communities in
   their market area through a main office located in Centralia, Illinois
   and a branch office located in Carlyle, Illinois.

        133 West Jefferson Street
        Effingham, Illinois  62401
        (217) 342-2141

        Midland is a bank holding company and a Delaware corporation.
   The common stock of Midland is privately held.

        Midland owns all of the outstanding capital stock of Effingham
   State Bank, an Illinois state-chartered bank with full trust powers,


   which is a member of the Federal Reserve System.  Effingham is
   headquartered in Effingham, Illinois, with banking offices located in
   Effingham, Altamont, Farina, and Greenville, Illinois.

        Midland is engaged in the business of directing, planning and
   coordinating the business activities of Effingham.  At December 31,
   1999, Midland had consolidated total assets of $196,141,000 and
   stockholders' equity of $23,422,000.

        Effingham engages in the commercial lending business in the
   communities it serves.

        133 West Jefferson Street
        Effingham, Illinois  62401
        (217) 342-2141

        CSB Acquisition, a recently formed Delaware corporation and
   wholly owned subsidiary of Midland, does not conduct any ongoing
   operations. Its primary purpose is to facilitate Midland's acquisition
   of CSB.


        MEETING AND RECORD DATE. CSB will hold a special meeting of
   stockholders on July 14, 2000, at 801 12th Street, Carlyle, Illinois,
   at 10:00 a.m., local time.  Only holders of record of common stock at
   the close of business on the record date, June 8, 2000, are entitled
   to notice of, and to vote at, the meeting.

        MATTERS TO BE CONSIDERED. At the meeting, stockholders will vote
   on the approval and adoption of the agreement and plan of merger,
   dated as of January 26, 2000, by and among Midland, CSB Acquisition,
   and CSB, under which CSB Acquisition will merge with and into CSB and
   each share of CSB common stock will be converted into the right to
   receive $16.00 in cash, which may be reduced.  See "THE MERGER-MERGER
   CONSIDERATION" (Page 14).  Stockholders will also consider and vote
   upon other matters that may properly be brought before the meeting.

        VOTE REQUIRED. Approval of the merger agreement requires the
   affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the shares of CSB
   common stock.  As of the record date, there were 732,299 shares of CSB
   common stock entitled to be voted at the meeting.

        Approval of the merger agreement and the merger by the CSB
   stockholders is a condition to, and required for, consummation of the

        SECURITY OWNERSHIP OF MANAGEMENT. As of the record date,
   directors and executive officers of CSB held in the aggregate with the
   ability to vote 164,039 shares or approximately 22.4 percent of the
   common stock.  Each of these persons has entered into a support


   agreement with Midland which provides for each person to vote the
   shares of common stock which are beneficially owned or over which each
   person has voting power or control, directly or indirectly, including
   any shares acquired after the date of the given support agreement, for
   approval and adoption of the merger agreement.


        Each CSB stockholder is being asked to consider and vote upon a
   proposal to approve and adopt the merger agreement, under which CSB
   Acquisition will merge with and into CSB, with CSB surviving the
   merger as a wholly owned subsidiary of Midland.  Upon consummation of
   the merger, the ownership interest of all current stockholders in CSB
   will cease.


        Each share of CSB common stock issued and outstanding immediately
   before the merger, except shares:

        *    held in the treasury of CSB,

        *    held directly or indirectly by CSB or Midland or any
             subsidiary of CSB or Midland, other than those held directly
             or indirectly in trust accounts,  managed accounts or
             otherwise in a fiduciary capacity and held regarding a debt
             previously contracted, and

        *    for which CSB stockholders have validly demanded and
             perfected appraisal rights under Section 262 of the Delaware
             General Corporation Law,

   will be converted into the right to receive $16.00 in cash, which may
   be reduced, at the effective time of the merger.  The total merger
   consideration will be reduced, on a dollar-for-dollar basis, to the
   extent that the consolidated stockholders' equity of CSB as of the
   effective date is less than $10,176,000.  See "THE MERGER-EFFECTIVE


        The certificate of merger to be filed with the Delaware Secretary
   of State will specify the effective date and the effective time of the
   merger.  The effective date will occur on the date of which Midland
   notifies CSB in writing and after the satisfaction or waiver of all
   conditions to the merger, but not later than 60 days after this
   satisfaction or waiver.  The closing of the merger will take place on
   the effective date of the merger.



        CSB's executive officers and directors may be deemed to have
   interests in the merger in addition to their interests as stockholders
   of CSB generally.  These material interests include provisions in the
   merger agreement relating to indemnification and the purchase of
   directors' and officers' liability insurance coverage.  In addition,
   the consummation of the merger will affect the employee benefits of
   executive officers and directors under the CSB stock option and
   management development and recognition plans and the Centralia Savings
   Bank employee stock ownership plan.  Also, an employment agreement
   between Centralia and K. Gary Reynolds will become effective and
   supersede an existing employment agreement between these parties upon
   the consummation of the merger.  CSB's board was aware of all of the
   interests described in this proxy statement and considered them and
   other matters in approving the merger agreement and the transactions
   contemplated by the merger agreement.


        The merger agreement is attached as Appendix A to this proxy
   statement.  You should read the merger agreement because it is the
   legal document that governs the merger.  The merger agreement includes
   many material terms and provisions which are described in detail
   elsewhere in this proxy statement, including provisions that:

        *    require CSB to conduct its business according to particular

        *    require that specified conditions be satisfied or waived
             before the merger may be consummated;

        *    regulate the ability of the parties to waive or amend
             provisions of the merger agreement; and

        *    regulate the ability of the parties to terminate the

        CONDITIONS.  Conditions which must be satisfied or waived by the
   parties include:

        *    the requisite approval of the merger agreement and the
             merger by CSB stockholders;

        *    the obtaining of all regulatory approvals and the expiration
             of all statutory waiting periods;

        *    the absence of any legal restraint or governmental
             proceeding preventing or restricting the consummation of the


        *    the performance by the parties in all material respects of
             all their obligations under the merger agreement before or
             at the effective time; and

        *    the material truth and correctness of the representations
             and warranties of the parties in the merger agreement.

        CSB has received the Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc. written
   fairness opinion that, as of the date of this proxy statement, the per
   share merger consideration is fair to CSB stockholders, from a
   financial point of view, which is included as Appendix B to this proxy

        In addition, the following conditions relating to CSB must be
   satisfied or waived:

        *    the cancellation of all CSB stock options as of the
             effective time in exchange for the per share option

        *    the outstanding shares of CSB common stock at the effective
             time being no more than 732,299 shares, excluding shares
             issued after January 26, 2000 from the exercise of a stock

        *    no occurrence of any event or circumstance having or
             reasonably being expected to result in a material adverse
             effect on CSB; and

        *    no more than 10 percent of CSB common stockholders entitled
             to vote at the meeting having validly demanded and perfected
             dissenters' appraisal rights.

        TERMINATION.  The merger agreement may be terminated before the
   effective time by the parties by the mutual written consent of CSB and
   Midland based on majority vote of the entire boards of CSB and
   Midland.  Also, either CSB or Midland may terminate the merger
   agreement before the effective time:

        *    upon written notice to the other party, for a governmental
             entity having issued a final nonappealable order prohibiting
             consummation of any transaction contemplated by the merger

        *    after July 31, 2000 for the merger not having been

        *    for a material breach of any representation or warranty in
             the merger agreement not cured within 30 days following
             written notice or unable to be cured before the closing;


        *    for a material breach of any covenant or agreement to the
             merger agreement not cured within 30 days following written

        *    if Midland is to pay less than $15.50 per share of CSB
             common stock on an adjusted basis and Midland is not willing
             to pay $15.50 per share; or

        *    by failure to obtain the requisite approval of the CSB
             stockholders of the merger agreement and the merger at the

        Midland can terminate the merger agreement before the effective
   time by:

        *    the CSB board's withdrawal or adverse modification of its
             approval or recommendation of the merger agreement or the
             merger or the approval or recommendation of a competing
             transaction involving CSB and a party other than Midland or
             its subsidiaries; or

        *    CSB's authorization of any officer, director, employee or
             agent to directly or indirectly initiate, solicit or
             entertain offers from, negotiate with or encourage, discuss,
             accept or consider any competing transaction proposal,
             unless CSB's board will have determined in good faith that
             failing to take this action will violate its obligations or
             duties to CSB or its stockholders and that the proposal for
             a competing transaction is a superior competing transaction
             and all discussions with the third party to further a
             competing transaction will have been terminated within 45
             calendar days of the CSB board's good faith determination.

        CSB can terminate the merger agreement before the effective time,
   upon two days prior written notice to Midland, if CSB's board decides
   by a good faith determination to accept an unsolicited proposal for a
   competing transaction, including a tender offer, after CSB and its
   financial and legal advisors have negotiated with Midland for at least
   three calendar days to adjust the terms and conditions of the merger

        TERMINATION FEES.  If the merger agreement is terminated for the
   last three Midland or CSB termination reasons described above or by
   CSB for any other termination reason if Midland would have the right
   to terminate for the first or second of those three termination
   reasons at the time of CSB's termination, CSB will promptly pay to
   Midland a $500,000 termination fee no later than two business days
   after the termination date.

        Also, if the merger is terminated by Midland or CSB for failure
   to obtain the requisite CSB stockholder approval at the meeting or by
   Midland relating to a competing transaction following a good faith CSB
   board determination, a $500,000 termination fee will be payable by CSB


   to Midland only if a proposal for a competing transaction will have
   been made before the CSB stockholders meeting and within 270 days
   after this meeting:

        *    CSB will have entered into an agreement with a third party
             providing for the consummation of a superior competing
             transaction, or

        *    a superior competing transaction will have occurred.

        Payment of the $500,000 termination fee by or on behalf of CSB
   will be instead of and in full satisfaction of any other rights or
   remedies otherwise available to Midland or CSB Acquisition for
   termination of the merger agreement.


        CSB's board believes that the merger will enable stockholders to
   realize significant value on their investment.  In reaching its
   decision to approve the merger agreement and the transactions
   contemplated by the merger agreement, the board considered various
   factors, which are discussed in the proxy statement.


        CSB's board of directors has unanimously approved and adopted the
   merger agreement and the transactions contemplated by the merger
   agreement and has determined that the merger is advisable and in the
   best interests of CSB and its stockholders.  THE BOARD UNANIMOUSLY


        CSB retained Keefe to be its financial advisor regarding the
   transactions contemplated by the merger agreement and to evaluate the
   financial terms of the merger.

        On January 26, 2000, Keefe delivered its written opinion and as
   of the date of this proxy statement confirmed and delivered its
   updated written opinion to CSB that, as of each of these dates, the
   consideration to be received by CSB stockholders in the merger is
   fair, from a financial point of view, to them.

        The full text of the written opinion of Keefe is attached as
   Appendix B and is incorporated by reference in this proxy statement.


        The merger will be accounted for as a "purchase transaction."



        In general, the receipt of cash for shares of common stock under
   the merger agreement or relating to the valid demand and perfection of
   dissenters' appraisal rights will be a taxable transaction for federal
   income tax purposes and may also be a taxable transaction for state,
   local and other tax purposes.

        Because tax consequences may vary depending upon the particular
   circumstances of a stockholder, you are urged to consult your tax
   advisor concerning the specific tax consequences of the merger to you,
   including the applicability and effect of federal and various state,
   local and foreign tax laws.


        Holders of record of shares of common stock who do not vote to
   approve and adopt the merger agreement may dissent and elect to have
   the fair value of their shares of common stock, based on all relevant
   factors and excluding any element of value arising from the
   accomplishment or expectation of the merger, judicially appraised and
   paid to them in cash. This fair value may be more, the same as, or
   less than the merger consideration.  These stockholders must deliver a
   written demand for this appraisal to CSB before the vote on the
   approval and adoption of the merger agreement and comply with other
   requirements of Section 262 of the Delaware General Corporation Law,
   the full text of which is attached to this proxy statement as Appendix
   D.  Any deviation from the requirements of Section 262 may result in
   forfeiture of appraisal rights. Voting for approval of the merger
   agreement, or delivering a proxy in connection with the meeting,
   unless the proxy directs a vote against, or expressly abstains from
   the vote on, the approval and adoption of the merger agreement, will
   constitute a waiver of a stockholder's right to seek appraisal for the
   shares of common stock voted or covered by that proxy and will nullify
   any written demand for appraisal submitted by that stockholder.
   Return of a blank, executed proxy will constitute a vote in favor of
   the merger agreement and result in waiver of appraisal rights.  Voting
   against or failing to vote for the merger agreement will not by itself
   constitute a valid demand for appraisal rights.  The obligation of
   Midland to effect the merger is conditioned upon the holders of not
   more than 10 percent of the shares of CSB common stock validly
   demanding and perfecting appraisal rights. "THE MERGER AGREEMENT-


        A merger transaction involving bank holding companies, like CSB
   and Midland, is conditioned upon the prior approval of the Board of
   Governors of the Federal Reserve System under the Bank Holding Company
   Act of 1956.  On March 22, 2000, Midland submitted an application for
   approval by the Federal Reserve Board.  Midland received the Federal
   Reserve Board's approval on May 1, 2000.

        In addition, the Office of Banks and Real Estate for the State of
   Illinois under the Illinois Savings Bank Act must approve the merger.


   On March 22, 2000, Midland submitted an application for approval by
   the Bureau of Residential Finance, Thrift Division of the Illinois
   Office of Banks and Real Estate.  On April 6, 2000, Midland received
   this approval.

        In addition, Effingham and Centralia submitted an application to
   the Federal Reserve Board requesting approval to merge Centralia with
   and into Effingham under the Federal Deposit Insurance Act on May 2,
   2000.  Midland received the approval of the Federal Reserve Board on
   June 6, 2000.  Also, Effingham and Centralia submitted applications
   for approval of this merger with the Commercial Banking Division and
   the Thrift Division of the Illinois Office of Banks and Real Estate
   under Illinois Banking Act and the Illinois Savings Bank Act on May 2,
   2000.  On May 19, 2000, the Thrift Division granted its approval.  It
   is anticipated that the Commercial Banking Division will grant its
   approval before July 14, 2000.  However, there can be no assurance as
   to the timing of the approval of the Commercial Banking Division, or
   that the Commercial Banking Division will grant this approval.

        The consummation of the merger is conditioned upon the obtaining
   of all regulatory approvals required for consummation of the merger
   and all transactions contemplated by the merger agreement and the
   expiration of all statutory waiting periods.  There can be no
   assurance that these conditions will be satisfied.  See "THE MERGER


        CSB's common stock is currently included for quotation on the OTC
   electronic bulletin board under the symbol "CSBF."  The following
   table shows the high and low sale prices per share of CSB common stock
   for each of the trading dates preceding public announcement of the
   proposed merger and the execution of the merger agreement and the most
   recent practicable trading date preceding the mailing of this proxy

                                                   High      Low
                                                   ----      ---
        December 3, 1999  . . . . . . . . . .    $10 5/8    $10 5/8
        January 26, 2000  . . . . . . . . . .    $14 5/16   $14 1/4
        May 30, 2000  . . . . . . . . . . . .    $15 1/2    $15 1/4



        The following table shows in summary form historical consolidated
   financial data of CSB. This information is qualified in its entirety
   by the historical consolidated financial statements of CSB, including
   the notes, which are incorporated by reference in this proxy statement
   and included in the annual report on Form 10-KSB and the quarterly
   report on Form 10-QSB attached as Appendix C to this proxy statement.

                                                 AS OF AND FOR THE
                                                 SIX MONTHS ENDED
                                                     MARCH 31,             AS OF AND FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30,
                                                ------------------         -------------------------------------------
                                                  2000       1999        1999       1998       1997       1996       1995
                                                 -----       ----        ----       ----       ----       ----       ----
                                                              (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS, EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA)
          Total assets                           $49,060    $47,787     $48,920    $46 423    $48,534    $50,016    $44,620
          Cash and due from banks                  1,444      1,936         871      1,542      2,675      4,766     10,906
          Investments                             16,014     15,766      17,334     17,146     16,987     16,496     13,197
          Loans, net                              29,890     28,553      28,920     26,111     27,134     26,931     19,277
          Deposits                                38,581     37,178      36,906     35,855     36,586     36,854     29,503
          FHLB borrowings and other
             borrowings                                0          0       1,400          0          0          0          0

          Total stockholder's equity              10,293     10,233      10,278     10,129     11,652     12,784      5,575
          Interest income                          1,692      1,622       3,253      3,304      3,253      2,893      2,449
          Interest expense                           818        797       1,535      1,638      1,642      1,301      1,203
          Net interest income before
            provision for loan losses                874        825       1,718      1,666      1,611      1,592      1,246
          Provision for loan losses                   17         36          72         63         90         64         80

          Net interest income after
            provision for loan losses                857        789       1,646      1,603      1,521      1,528      1,166
          Non-interest income                         68         64         132        134        154         61         72
          Non-interest expense                       765        670       1,347      1,273      1,319      1,148        740
          Earnings before income taxes               160        183         431        464        356        441        498
          Income taxes                                21         54         132        119        111        206        181
          Net income                                 139        129         299        345        245        235        317

          Book value per share                     14.06      13.97       14.04      13.82      12.91      14.17        N/A
          Basic earnings per share                  0.19       0.18        0.42       0.43       0.28       0.25        N/A
          Diluted earnings per share                0.19       0.18        0.41       0.42       0.27       0.25        N/A
          Cash dividends per share                  0.00       0.00        0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00        N/A


                                                 AS OF AND FOR THE
                                                 SIX MONTHS ENDED
                                                     MARCH 31,             AS OF AND FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30,
                                                ------------------         -------------------------------------------
                                                  2000       1999        1999       1998       1997       1996       1995
                                                 -----       ----        ----       ----       ----       ----       ----
                                                              (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS, EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA)

          Return on assets                         0.56%      0.54%       0.62%      0.73%      0.51%      0.55%      0.92%
          Return on equity                         2.70       2.53        2.93       3.24       2.05       1.87       5.81
          Interest rate spread during the
              period <2>                           3.16       3.07        2.84       2.67       2.45       2.61       3.10
          Net interest margin during the
              period <3>                           3.77       3.69        3.76       3.74       3.56       3.85       3.72
          Non-interest expense to assets <4>       3.06       2.80        2.79       2.68       2.75       2.70       2.14
          Non-interest income to assets            0.27       0.27        0.27       0.28       0.32       0.14       0.21

          Interest-earning assets to
              interest-bearing liabilities       117.34     117.36      127.57     128.88     130.44     139.54     117.32

          Nonperforming assets to
             total assets                          0.25%      0.79%       0.42%      0.88%      0.85%      0.50%      0.81%
          Allowance for loan losses to
             nonperforming loans                 181.82      51.85      108.29      41.71      42.86      46.43      31.30
          Net charge-offs to average gross
             loans                                 0.06       0.04        0.07       0.21       0.15       0.27       0.36


          Tangible capital ratio                  20.30      20.10       20.30      19.80      22.94      27.72      12.46
          Core capital ratio                      38.20      41.30       42.90      45.30      50.40      56.39      35.16
          Risk-based capital ratio                39.10      42.10       43.90      46.20      51.17      56.92      35.49
          Average equity to average assets        20.54      21.30       21.18      22.35      24.90      29.60      15.78
          Equity to assets at end of period       20.98      21.41       21.01      21.82      24.01      25.56      12.49

     <F1>     With the exception of end of the period ratios, all ratios are based on average month-end balances during the
              respective months.

     <F2>     Interest rate spread represents the difference between the weighted average yield on interest-earning assets
              and the weighted average cost of interest-bearing liabilities.

     <F3>     Net interest margin represents net interest income as a percentage of interest-earning assets.

     <F4>     The 1996 ratio includes the effect of the SAIF special assessment.


                                 THE MEETING


        A special meeting of the stockholders of CSB will be held on July
   14, 2000, at 801 12th Street, Carlyle, Illinois, at  10:00 a.m., local
   time. This proxy statement is being sent to stockholders and
   accompanies a form of proxy which CSB is soliciting for use at the
   meeting and at any and all adjournments or postponements of the

        CSB has fixed the close of business on June 8, 2000 as the record
   date for determining holders of common stock who will be entitled to
   notice of, and to vote at, the meeting.  Only holders of record of
   shares of common stock at the close of business on the record date are
   entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the meeting. As of the record
   date, there were outstanding and entitled to be voted 732,299 shares
   of common stock.


        At the meeting, stockholders will vote on the approval and
   adoption of the merger agreement, under which CSB Acquisition will
   merge with and into CSB and each share of CSB common stock will be
   converted into the right to receive $16.00 in cash, which may be
   reduced, upon the consummation of the merger.  See "THE MERGER-MERGER
   CONSIDERATION" (Page 14).   Stockholders will also consider and vote
   upon other matters as may properly be brought before the meeting.  As
   of the date of this proxy statement, CSB knows of no business that
   will be presented for consideration at the meeting other than the
   matters described in this proxy statement.


        The affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the shares
   of CSB common stock is required for approval and adoption of the
   AGREEMENT.  Brokers holding shares of record for customers generally
   are not entitled to vote on particular matters unless they receive
   voting instructions from their customers.  "Broker non-votes" means
   the votes that could have been cast on the merger agreement by brokers
   with respect to uninstructed shares if the brokers had received their
   customers' instructions.

        Each stockholder on the record date will be entitled to cast one
   vote per share on the merger agreement at the meeting.  This vote may
   be exercised in person or by properly executed proxy.  The certificate
   of incorporation of CSB provides that for a period of five years
   following the effective date of the conversion of Centralia from
   mutual to stock form, no person shall indirectly or directly acquire
   beneficial ownership of more than 10 percent of any class of equity
   security of CSB. The certificate of incorporation further provides


   that, where any person directly or indirectly acquires beneficial
   ownership of more than 10 percent of any class of equity security of
   CSB during this five-year period, the securities beneficially owned in
   excess of 10 percent shall not be counted as entitled to vote, shall
   not be voted by any person or counted as voting shares in connection
   with any matter submitted to the stockholders for a vote and shall not
   be counted as outstanding for purposes of determining a quorum or the
   affirmative vote necessary to approve any matter submitted to the
   stockholders for a vote.  Based upon amended Schedule 13G filed with
   the Securities and Exchange Commission and dated February 11, 2000 by
   Wellington Management Company, LLP and amended Schedule 13G filed with
   the SEC and dated February 15, 2000 by First Financial Fund, Inc. and
   other information available to CSB, CSB is aware of only First
   Financial Fund, via Wellington Management, beneficially owning more
   than 10 percent of CSB common stock.  See "-SECURITY OWNERSHIP" (Page

        The presence, in person or represented by properly executed
   proxy, of the holders of a majority of the shares of common stock
   entitled to vote at the meeting is necessary to constitute a quorum.
   In the absence of a quorum, it is expected that the meeting will be
   adjourned or postponed by the stockholders entitled to vote at the
   meeting present in person or represented by proxy to solicit
   additional proxies.  Abstentions and broker non-votes will be treated
   as shares present at the meeting for purposes of determining the
   presence of a quorum.

        Approval of the merger agreement and the merger by the
   stockholders of CSB is a condition to, and required for, consummation
   (Page 28).


        Shares of common stock represented by properly executed proxies
   received before or at the meeting will, unless these proxies have been
   revoked, be voted at the meeting and any adjournments or postponements
   of the meeting, according to the instructions indicated in the

        Any proxy given relating to this solicitation or otherwise may be
   revoked by the person giving it at any time before it is voted either:

        *    by delivering to K. Gary Reynolds, President, at CSB
             Financial Group, Inc., 200 South Poplar, Centralia, Illinois
             62801, on or before the taking of the vote at the meeting, a
             written notice of revocation bearing a later date than the
             date of the proxy or a later dated proxy relating to the
             same shares, or

        *    by attending the meeting and voting in person.


   Attendance at the meeting will not in itself constitute the revocation
   of a proxy.

        If any other matters are properly presented at the meeting for
   consideration, the persons named in the proxy or acting under the
   proxy will have discretion to vote on these matters according to their
   best judgment.  If a proposal to adjourn the meeting is properly
   presented, however, the persons named in the enclosed form of proxy
   will not have discretion to vote in favor of the adjournment proposal
   any shares which have been voted against the approval and adoption of
   the merger agreement.  As of the date of this proxy statement, CSB
   knows of no other matters to be presented at the meeting.

        In addition to solicitation by mail, directors, officers and
   employees of CSB, who will not be specifically compensated for these
   services, may solicit proxies from the stockholders of CSB, personally
   or by telephone, telegram or other forms of communication. Brokerage
   houses, nominees, fiduciaries and other custodians will be requested
   to forward soliciting materials to beneficial owners and will be
   reimbursed for their reasonable expenses incurred in sending proxy
   material to beneficial owners.  Registrar and Transfer Company, CSB's
   transfer agent, will perform some of these functions.  CSB will bear
   its own expenses in connection with the solicitation of proxies for
   the meeting.

        Wesley N. Breeze, A. John Byrne and W. Harold Monken serve as
   trustees under the Centralia ESOP, which is the record owner of all
   shares of common stock held by participants in this ESOP. The trustee
   will vote the shares allocated to the account of each participant in
   this ESOP according to the directions received from the participant.
   To obtain these voting directions, the trustees will forward this
   proxy statement and a proxy to each participant in this ESOP.  This
   proxy must be executed and returned if the shares held under this ESOP
   are to be voted.  Unallocated shares of common stock held in the
   Centralia ESOP or allocated shares for which no voting instructions
   are received in a timely manner will be voted by the trustees in the
   same proportion as allocated shares voted by participants, unless the
   trustee is instructed otherwise by the benefits committee or unless
   inconsistent with the trustee's fiduciary responsibility.  Because the
   Centralia ESOP participants are not the record owners of the related
   shares, these shares may not be voted in person by participants in
   this ESOP at the meeting.

        Holders of common stock are requested to complete, date and sign
   the accompanying proxy and return it promptly in the enclosed
   postage-paid envelope.


        As of June 8, 2000, directors and executive officers of CSB held
   in the aggregate and were entitled to vote 164,039 shares, or
   approximately 22.4 percent, of the common stock.  Each of the
   directors and executive officers of CSB has entered into a support


   agreement with Midland which provides for each director and executive
   officer to vote the shares of common stock which are beneficially
   owned or over which each person has voting power or control, directly
   or indirectly, including any shares acquired after the date of the
   given support agreement, for approval and adoption of the merger

        The following table sets forth, as of March 31, 2000, information
   regarding share ownership of:

        *    those persons or entities known by CSB to beneficially own
             more than five percent of the outstanding shares of the
             common stock,

        *    each director of CSB,

        *    the president and chief executive officer of CSB, who is
             also a director, and

        *    all directors and executive officers of CSB as a group.

                                                                          SHARES OF
                                                                         COMMON STOCK
                                                                     BENEFICIALLY OWNED AT       PERCENT OF
      NAME AND ADDRESS OF BENEFICIAL OWNER                             MARCH 31, 200 <1>        COMMON STOCK
      -------------------------------------                          ---------------------      -------------
      First Financial Fund, Inc.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .                74,600 <2>              10.2%
      Gateway Center Three
      100 Mulberry Street, 9th Floor
      Newark, New Jersey  07102

      Wellington Management Company, LLP  . . . . . . . . .                74,600 <3>              10.2%
      75 State Street
      Boston, Massachusetts  02109

      Wesley N. Breeze  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                 8,827 <4>               1.2% <10>
      A. John Byrne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                21,105 <5>               2.9% <10>
      Michael Donnewald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                43,397 <6>               5.9% <10>
      Larry M. Irvin  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                17,797 <7>               2.4% <10>
      W. Harold Monken  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                29,347 <8>               4.0% <10>
      K. Gary Reynolds  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                29,691 <9>               4.1% <10>

      All directors and executive officers as a group (8 persons) . . . .       164,039                  22.4% <11>


   <F1>   Unless otherwise indicated, the nature of beneficial ownership
          for shares shown in this column is sole voting and investment
   <F2>   Based on Amended Schedule 13G dated February 15, 2000.  All
          74,600 shares are beneficially owned with sole voting and
          shared investment power.  These are the same 74,600 shares
          reported as beneficially owned by Wellington Management
          Company, LLP.
   <F3>   Based on Amended Schedule 13G dated February 11, 2000.  All
          74,600 shares are beneficially owned with no voting and shared


          investment power.  These are the same 74,600 shares reported as
          beneficially owned by First Financial Fund, Inc.

   <F4>   Of the 8,827 shares reported as beneficially owned by Wesley N.
          Breeze, 3,908 are held in joint tenancy with Robyn D. Breeze,
          his wife, and 572 are held by Robert W. Baird & Co., Inc. in
          trust for the benefit of Wesley N. Breeze and Robyn D. Breeze.
          Also includes options to purchase 3,105 shares of common stock
          under CSB's 1995 stock option and incentive plan.

   <F5>   Of the 21,105 shares reported as beneficially owned by A. John
          Byrne, 1,000 are held by Robert W. Baird & Co., Inc. in trust
          for the benefit of Catherine S. Byrne, his wife, 12,500 are
          held by the Dwight P. Friedrich Trust for which Mr. Byrne acts
          as trustee with shared voting and investment power with respect
          to the shares and 2,000 are held by the Dwight P. Friedrich
          Family Trust for which Mr. Byrne acts as trustee with shared
          voting and investment power with respect to the shares.  Also
          includes options to purchase 3,105 shares of common stock under
          CSB's 1995 stock option and incentive plan.

   <F6>   Includes options to purchase 3,105 shares of common stock under
          CSB's 1995 stock option and incentive plan.

   <F7>   Of the 17,797 shares reported as beneficially owned by Larry M.
          Irvin, 1,250 are held by Matthew Irvin, his son.  Also includes
          options to purchase 3,105 shares of common stock under CSB's
          1995 stock option and incentive plan.

   <F8>   Of the 29,347 shares reported as beneficially owned by W.
          Harold Monken, 14,503 are held in joint tenancy with Jan
          Monken, his wife, and 5,245 are held by Robert W. Baird & Co.,
          Inc. in trust for the benefit of Jan Monken.  Also includes
          options to purchase 3,105 shares of common stock under CSB's
          1995 stock option and incentive plan.

   <F9>   Of the 29,691 shares reported as beneficially owned by K. Gary
          Reynolds, 313 are held in joint tenancy by Jeanette Reynolds,
          his wife, and Gregory Reynolds, his son, and 313 are held by
          Jeanette Reynolds as custodian for Kristen Reynolds, his
          daughter.  Also includes options to purchase 15,525 shares of
          common stock under CSB's 1995 stock option and incentive plan.

   <F10>  Percentage is calculated on a partially diluted basis, assuming
          only the exercise of stock options by the individual which are
          exercisable within 60 days.

   <F11>  Percentage is calculated on a fully diluted basis, assuming the
          exercise of all stock options which are exercisable within 60


                                 THE MERGER

        The information in this proxy statement concerning the terms of
   the merger is qualified in its entirety by the full text of the merger
   agreement, which, excluding the CSB disclosure schedule and exhibits,
   is attached as Appendix A and incorporated by reference, and the other
   information contained elsewhere in this proxy statement, including the
   appendices and the documents incorporated by reference.  All
   stockholders are urged to read carefully this entire proxy statement,
   including the appendices and any document incorporated by reference.


        Under the merger agreement, CSB Acquisition will be merged with
   and into CSB, with CSB being the surviving corporation. After the
   conditions to consummation of the merger described below have been
   satisfied or waived, and unless the merger agreement has been
   terminated as provided below, a certificate of merger will be filed
   with the Delaware Secretary of State regarding the merger.  The
   certificate of merger to be filed with the Delaware Secretary of State
   will specify the effective date and the effective time of the merger.

        Upon consummation of the merger, the CSB stockholders will be
   entitled to receive $16.00 in cash per share, which may be reduced, in
   consideration for their common stock and will no longer be
   stockholders of CSB.  See "-MERGER CONSIDERATION" below.  As a
   consequence of the merger, CSB will become a wholly owned subsidiary
   of Midland.


        Under the merger agreement, each share of common stock issued and
   outstanding immediately before the merger, EXCEPT shares:

        *    held in the treasury of CSB,

        *    held directly or indirectly by CSB or Midland or any
             subsidiary of CSB or Midland, other than those held directly
             or indirectly in trust accounts, managed accounts or
             otherwise in a fiduciary capacity and held regarding a debt
             previously contracted, and

        *    for which CSB stockholders have validly demanded and
             perfected appraisal rights under Section 262 of the Delaware
             General Corporation Law,

   will be converted into the right to receive $16.00 in cash, which may
   be reduced, at the effective time of the merger.  As of the effective
   time, each share of CSB common stock relating to a plan share award
   under the CSB management recognition plan, regardless of whether


   vested, will be treated as a fully vested, issued and outstanding
   share of CSB common stock.  Also, as of the effective time, each
   outstanding and unexercised CSB stock option, regardless of whether
   exercisable under a CSB stock option plan, will be converted into the
   right to receive $16.00 in cash, which may be reduced, less the
   exercise price of the stock option.

        The total merger consideration will be reduced, on a dollar-for-
   dollar basis, to the extent that the consolidated stockholders' equity
   of CSB as of the effective date, is less than $10,176,000.  See "-

        The reduction to the merger consideration will be determined as
   follows.  CSB will prepare a consolidated balance sheet, according to
   generally accepted accounting principles, consistently applied, as of
   the fifteenth day immediately preceding the effective date which
   specifies the CSB consolidated stockholders' equity.  This balance
   sheet will reflect all of the following transaction costs and
   expenses, regardless of whether required by GAAP to be recorded,
   incurred or to be incurred, as reasonably estimated by CSB, by CSB as
   a result of the merger or other transactions contemplated by the
   merger agreement, including:

        *    attorney, accountant, investment banker, advisor and other
             professional advisor or service provider fees and expenses,

        *    a $50,000 reserve established regarding that class action
             lawsuit filed by a CSB stockholder in the Delaware Court of
             Chancery in New Castle County, regardless of whether
             required by GAAP, reduced, on a dollar-for-dollar basis, but
             not less than zero, by any specific reserve otherwise
             established by CSB for this stockholder litigation required
             by GAAP, and

        *    the cost of continued coverage under CSB's current policy of
             directors' and officers' liability insurance in amount and
             scope at least as favorable as CSB's existing coverage to be
             effective for five years following the effective time to the
             extent of $17,880,

   reduced by any applicable insurance coverage, evidenced by the
   unconditional acceptance of coverage by the insurance carrier.  See
   (Page 32).

        However, if the stockholder litigation is settled before the
   closing date, then the settlement amount will be deemed a transaction
   cost instead of the litigation reserve, reduced by any applicable
   insurance coverage.

        On June 12, 2000, CSB's counsel in the stockholder litigation
   confirmed in correspondence to plaintiff's counsel the agreement to


   settle their attorney's fee claim in exchange for a payment of

        The following will not be deemed to be transaction costs and will
   be disregarded for purposes of determining CSB's consolidated
   stockholders' equity for the foregoing consolidated balance sheet:

        *    any addition to CSB's loan loss reserve or charge to any CSB
             loan request by Midland after January 26, 2000 for
             consistency with Midland's policy, and

        *    any cost of the continued coverage under CSB's directors'
             and officers' liability insurance as described above in
             excess of $17,880.

        If Midland objects to this balance sheet, Midland must notify CSB
   in writing of each adjustment item, specifying the amount of, and
   describing in reasonable detail the basis for, the adjustment, no
   later than five business days after Midland's receipt of the balance
   sheet.  This balance sheet will be final, binding and conclusive on
   the parties if Midland does not provide CSB with written notification
   of objection.

        If a proposed adjustment is in dispute, Midland and CSB will
   attempt to reconcile their differences and any resolution by them will
   be final, binding and conclusive on the parties.  If the parties are
   unable to resolve the dispute(s) within five days after Midland
   delivers written notice of the dispute(s), the parties may submit the
   items in dispute for resolution to an independent accounting firm of
   national reputation mutually appointed by Midland and CSB.  The
   independent accounting firm will resolve any dispute by sole reference
   to CSB's historic practice of maintaining its books and records,
   taking into account the transaction costs.  The independent accounting
   firm will determine and report in writing to the parties on the
   disputed items within ten days after submission, which report will be
   final, binding and conclusive on the parties.  Midland and CSB will
   share equally the fees and charges of the independent accounting firm.


        BACKGROUND OF THE MERGER.  In recent years, the financial
   institution industry has undergone substantial and rapid change
   characterized by increasing consolidation, intensifying competition
   and acquisition growth of many domestic banking organizations.  CSB's
   executive officers and directors have sought to remain apprised of
   trends and issues in the financial services industry.

        During the second and third quarters of 1999, CSB, together with
   Keefe, evaluated its business plan.  CSB and Keefe discussed:

        *    the competition at the retail franchise level and the
             potential for growth in this business through acquisition


        *    the liquidity of CSB's common stock and share repurchase
             programs as a possible means of enhancing stockholder value;

        *    the current merger market, the relative pricing and
             potential opportunities that might be available for CSB.

   CSB and Keefe analyzed these issues in light of CSB's goal to continue
   to increase stockholder value.  As a result of this review, CSB's
   board decided to explore a strategic affiliation with another
   financial institution.

        In July, 1999, CSB engaged Keefe to advise and assist CSB
   regarding strategic alternatives to enhance stockholder value,
   including a possible strategic alliance.  See "--OPINION OF FINANCIAL
   ADVISOR" (Page 18). Keefe worked with CSB to prepare a confidential
   investor profile containing financial and operating information about
   CSB and Centralia.  In August, 1999, Keefe, on behalf of CSB, began a
   confidential inquiry, contacting 26 potential candidates.  Twelve
   candidates executed confidentiality agreements, including Midland, and
   received the confidential investor profile.  In September, 1999, three
   financial institutions submitted preliminary non-binding indications
   of interest to acquire CSB.  Upon receipt of the preliminary
   indications of interest, Keefe reviewed with CSB's board of directors
   the pricing and terms of each proposal.   After discussion with the
   CSB board, it was determined to go back to each party submitting a
   proposal to explore the possibility for a stronger offer.  The
   potential acquirors were given access to additional information about
   and the management of CSB to answer questions about the operations of
   CSB and to provide additional information to revise their proposal.
   From this process, two revised proposals were received in October,
   1999. CSB determined that the Midland proposal, including the
   consideration to be paid, was acceptable and further discussions
   commenced immediately.

        On October 28, 1999, Barrett Rochman, a stockholder of CSB, filed
   a preliminary proxy statement with the SEC containing only draft
   correspondence to CSB stockholders.  In this letter, Mr. Rochman
   criticized CSB's financial performance and demanded that CSB analyze
   and communicate with its stockholders about third party proposals to
   acquire CSB.

        On November 12, 1999, Mr. Rochman filed a definitive proxy
   statement with the SEC containing a definitive version of the above
   correspondence, which stated he was considering engaging in a proxy
   solicitation regarding the annual stockholders meeting in January,
   2000.  In the proxy solicitation, Mr. Rochman would oppose CSB's slate
   of directors and would nominate his own slate of directors as well as
   make a proposal for CSB stockholders to consider.  He stated that he
   hoped CSB's board of directors would meet with him to resolve his
   concerns and avoid a possible proxy contest.  Simultaneously with this
   filing, Mr. Rochman distributed this correspondence to CSB
   stockholders.  On November 16, 1999, Mr. Rochman filed another


   preliminary proxy statement with the SEC.  This preliminary proxy
   statement described Mr. Rochman's solicitation of proxies to vote in
   favor of the election of him and Robert Buffington, another CSB
   stockholder, to the CSB board of directors and his stockholder
   proposal recommending that the CSB board engage a financial advisor to
   make recommendations about improving CSB's earnings and enhancing
   stockholder value and to prepare a report of these recommendations for
   distribution to CSB's stockholders within six months of the 2000
   annual stockholders meeting.

        On November 30, 1999, Mr. Rochman gave written notice under CSB's
   certificate of incorporation and bylaws to CSB of the foregoing
   director nomination and stockholder proposal, including a copy of the
   aforementioned preliminary proxy statement.

        On December 3, 1999, CSB and Midland jointly announced that they
   had signed a letter of intent under which Midland had agreed in
   principle to purchase all issued and outstanding shares of CSB common
   stock for $16.00 in cash per share.  The proposed acquisition was
   conditioned upon the negotiation and execution of a definitive
   acquisition agreement and other conditions.

        On December 17, 1999, CSB filed with the SEC and began to
   distribute to its stockholders its definitive proxy statement for the
   2000 annual stockholders meeting.

        During December, 1999 and January, 2000, CSB and its counsel and
   Midland and its counsel conducted negotiations over the terms of the
   merger agreement. In addition, CSB provided additional documents
   requested by Midland.

        On January 14, 2000, CSB held its annual stockholders meeting, at
   which CSB's two director nominees were duly elected.

        A board meeting was held on January 24, 2000. Following a review
   and discussion of the proposed terms of the penultimate draft of the
   merger agreement, consideration of the penultimate draft of the
   fairness opinion of Keefe to be dated the date of the merger agreement
   and numerous other relevant factors, the board, by a unanimous vote of
   all directors, approved and adopted the penultimate draft of the
   merger agreement, subject to revisions proposed by CSB's counsel to
   Midland's counsel.  The board also authorized and directed that the
   merger agreement be submitted to a vote of the stockholders.  On
   January 26, 2000, Keefe delivered its written opinion to CSB that, as
   of that date, the consideration to be received by the CSB stockholders
   in the merger under the terms of the merger agreement is fair, from a
   financial point of view, to them.  The parties executed, and jointly
   announced the execution of, the merger agreement on January 26, 2000.

        THE BOARD'S REASONS FOR THE MERGER. After careful study and
   evaluation, the board has unanimously approved the merger agreement
   and has determined that the merger is advisable and in the best
   interests of CSB and its stockholders. The board believes that the


   merger will enable stockholders to realize significant value on their

        In reaching its determination that the merger is advisable and in
   the best interests of CSB and its stockholders, the board carefully
   considered a variety of factors with the assistance of its legal and
   financial advisors, including the following:

        *    Based upon the financial terms of other recent business
             combinations in the financial institution industry and
             information concerning the business, financial condition,
             results of operations and prospects of CSB, the board
             solicited an opinion from Keefe regarding the fairness of
             the consideration to be received by the CSB stockholders,
             from a financial point of view, to them.  Based upon the
             opinion of Keefe (see "-OPINION OF FINANCIAL ADVISOR" (Page
             18)) and the likelihood that the proposed transaction would
             be consummated, the board determined that the merger was the
             most preferable proposal available to CSB.

        *    The prices and premiums paid in comparable acquisition
             transactions involving other financial institutions of which
             the board was aware, based, among other things, on
             information supplied by Keefe.  The board noted that the
             price offered by Midland compared favorably with similar
             transactions involving other financial institutions.

        *    Midland represented and warranted in the merger agreement
             its ability to pay the merger consideration.

        *    The current and prospective environments in which CSB
             operates, including national and local economic conditions,
             the current regulatory environment and the trend toward
             consolidation in the financial institution industry
             generally were also factors in the board's decision.  The
             increases in competition, together with increased bank
             regulatory reporting and other requirements, have made it
             more difficult for independent banks to compete with the
             banking affiliates of much larger institutions regarding the
             range of products and services offered and the costs at
             which the products and services can be offered.

        *    The merger consideration to be paid to the stockholders in
             relation to the market value, book value and earnings per
             share on CSB's common stock.

        *    The anticipated impact of the merger on depositors,
             employees, customers and communities served by CSB.

        While each director individually evaluated each of these as well
   as other factors, the board collectively did not assign any specific
   or relative weights to the factors considered and did not make any
   determination regarding any individual factor.  The board collectively


   made its determination about the merger based on the unanimous
   conclusion reached by the directors that the merger, in light of the
   factors that each director, individually, considered as appropriate,
   is advisable and in the best interests of CSB and its stockholders.

        In approving the merger, the board was aware that the merger
   agreement contains termination provisions regarding competing
   transactions and other events and that CSB would be obligated to pay a
   $500,000 termination fee relating to specified termination events.
   29).  However, the board was also aware that these termination
   provisions and the termination fee obligation were bargained for as
   inducements for Midland to enter into the merger agreement.


        The board has unanimously approved and adopted the merger
   agreement and the transactions contemplated thereby and has determined
   that the merger is advisable and in the best interests of CSB and its


        On July 19, 1999, CSB retained Keefe to evaluate CSB's strategic
   alternatives as part of a stockholder enhancement program and to
   review and evaluate any specific proposals for a strategic alliance
   that might be received regarding an alliance with CSB.  Keefe, as part
   of its investment banking business, is regularly engaged in the
   evaluation of businesses and securities in connection with mergers and
   acquisitions, negotiated underwritings and distributions of listed and
   unlisted securities.  Keefe is familiar with the market for common
   stocks of publicly traded banks, thrifts and bank holding companies.
   CSB's board selected Keefe on the basis of the firm's reputation and
   its experience and expertise in transactions similar to the merger.

        Under the engagement, Keefe was asked to render a fairness
   opinion.  Keefe delivered its fairness opinion to the CSB board that,
   as of January 26, 2000, the date of the merger agreement, and
   confirmed and delivered its updated fairness opinion to the CSB board
   that, as of the date of this proxy statement, the consideration to be
   received by the CSB stockholders is fair, from a financial point of
   view, to them.  No limitations were imposed by CSB's board upon Keefe
   concerning investigations made or procedures followed by it in
   rendering its opinion.  Keefe has consented to the inclusion in this
   proxy statement of the summary of its opinion to the CSB board and to
   the reference to the entire opinion contained in Appendix B.




        In rendering its opinion, Keefe:

        *    reviewed the merger agreement;

        *    reviewed:

             -    CSB's annual reports and proxy statements for the past
                  three fiscal years;

             -    CSB's consolidated audited financial statements for the
                  fiscal year ended September 30, 1999;

             -    Midland's annual report for the year ended December 31,

             -    Midland's unaudited financial statements for the nine
                  months ended September 30, 1999; and

             -    other information considered relevant, including
                  internal reports, like board reports, asset-liability
                  reports, asset-quality reports and loan files;

        *    discussed with senior management and the boards of directors
             of CSB and Centralia, the current position and prospective
             outlook for CSB;

        *    considered historical quotations, levels of activity and
             prices of recorded transactions in CSB's common stock;

        *    reviewed financial and stock market data of other thrifts in
             a comparable asset range and asset composition as CSB;

        *    reviewed recent business combinations with thrifts as the
             acquired company, which Keefe deemed comparable to the
             merger in whole or in part; and

        *    performed other analyses that Keefe considered appropriate.

        In rendering its opinion, Keefe assumed and relied upon the
   accuracy and completeness of the financial information provided to it
   by CSB and Midland.  In its review, with the consent of the CSB board,
   Keefe did not undertake any independent verification of the assets or
   liabilities of CSB or Midland, and potential or contingent liabilities
   of CSB or Midland.

        In rendering its opinion, Keefe analyzed the consideration
   offered by Midland in relation to the following:

        *    the results of the marketing efforts to solicit a potential
             acquirer for CSB as described below; and


        *    comparable merger and acquisition transactions of pending
             thrift deals, comparing transaction consideration relative
             to tangible book value, last 12 months earnings, total
             assets, total deposits and premium to core deposits.  Keefe
             analyzed this data together with the composition of CSB's
             earnings.  Pending thrift deals consist of all thrift
             acquisitions, announced but not yet closed, as of November
             10, 1999.

        The information in the following table summarizes the comparable
   group results analyzed by Keefe regarding the merger.  This summary
   does not purport to be a complete description of the analysis
   performed by Keefe and should not be construed independently of the
   other information considered by Keefe in rendering its opinion.
   Selecting portions of Keefe's analysis or isolating particular aspects
   of the comparable transactions without considering all analysis and
   factors could create an incomplete or potentially misleading view of
   the evaluation process.

                                                    PRICE TO                               CORE DEPOSIT
                          -------------------------------------------------------------      ------------
                            NUMBER   TANG. BOOK<1>   LTM EPS<2>    DEPOSITS     ASSETS          PREMIUM
                                        (    %)         (X)          (  %)      (   %)           (   %)
     Consideration to
        CSB:  $16.00:                   122.0%          40.1         24.4%       31.2%            6.2%
     Median of
        Pending Deals:         36       171.7           24.3         20.0        26.6            12.2
     Median of
        Completed Deals:       57       169.0           23.7         18.3        25.2            10.9

              Particular analysis and discussion was given to the pending
   thrift transactions that have been announced since the market for
   financial institution equities began its market correction in August,
   1998. The following information regarding the market movement was
   taken into consideration in the fairness presentation:

                                 % PRICE CHANGE             % PRICE CHANGE
                                      FOR 1999             FROM JULY 31, 1998
                                 --------------           ------------------

     KBW Index<a>                     (4.4)%                    (12.6)%
     SNL Thrift Index<b>             (20.3)                     (32.6)
     CSB Stock Price                  62.5                       23.1


   <F1> Assumes CSB tangible book value of $13.56.

   <F2> LTM:  Last twelve months ending June 30, 1999 earnings per share
        of $0.41.

   <Fa> The KBW Index is an index of 24 large banking institutions
        consolidated as an index that trades on the Philadelphia Options
        Exchange.  This index generally tracks the overall movement in
        financial institution stocks.

   <Fb> The SNL Thrift Index is an index that includes any exchange
        traded thrift that is market weighted similar to that of the S&P
        500 index.


        Based on the above information, Keefe concluded that the above
   analysis of the transaction with an implied deal price of $16.00,
   which represents a 51 percent price premium over the $10-5/8 closing
   price of CSB common stock on December 3, 1999, the trading date
   preceding public announcement of the proposed merger, is fair from a
   financial point of view to the stockholders of CSB.

        In preparing its analysis, Keefe made numerous assumptions about
   industry performance, business and economic conditions and other
   matters, many of which are beyond the control of Keefe and CSB.  The
   analyses performed by Keefe are not necessarily indicative of actual
   values or future results, which may be significantly more or less
   favorable than suggested by those analyses and do not purport to be
   appraisals or reflect the prices at which a business may be sold.

        MARKETING PROCESS.  Throughout the second and third quarter of
   1999, CSB, together with Keefe, evaluated its business plan, including
   its historical strategy of enhancing the earnings generated by the
   retail franchise through the addition of wholesale leverage
   opportunities.  Discussions included:

        *    an analysis of competition at the retail franchise level and
             the ability to grow this part of the business through
             acquisition opportunities that meet CSB's asset mix and
             geographic goals or additional new branch locations;

        *    the liquidity of CSB's common stock and potential to enhance
             stockholder value through share repurchase programs; and

        *    the status of the current merger market, the relative
             pricing and the opportunities that might be available for

   All of these issues were analyzed along with CSB's goal to continue to
   increase stockholder value.  Based on this review, CSB's board decided
   to explore a strategic affiliation with another financial institution.

        Keefe, working with CSB, prepared a confidential investor profile
   containing financial and operating information about CSB and
   Centralia.  In August, 1999, Keefe, on behalf of CSB, began a
   confidential inquiry and contacted 26 potential candidates.  Twelve of
   those candidates executed confidentiality agreements, including
   Midland, and received the confidential investor profile.  In
   September, 1999, three financial institutions submitted preliminary
   non-binding indications of interest to acquire CSB.  Upon receipt of
   the preliminary indications of interest, Keefe reviewed with CSB's
   board the pricing and terms of each proposal.   After discussion with


   the CSB board, it was determined to go back to each party submitting a
   proposal to explore the possibility for a stronger offer.  The
   potential acquirors were given access to additional information about
   and the management of CSB during this time period to answer questions
   about the operations of CSB and to provide additional information to
   revise their proposal.  From this process, two revised proposals were
   received in October, 1999.

        CSB determined that the Midland proposal, including the
   consideration to be paid, was acceptable and further discussions
   commenced immediately.  Due diligence and discussion about a
   definitive acquisition agreement commenced immediately.  After
   completion of the due diligence and the negotiation of the merger
   agreement, the pricing and terms initially proposed remained
   substantially unchanged.

        On January 24, 2000, the CSB board met with Keefe and CSB's legal
   counsel.  Before this meeting, a draft of the merger agreement and the
   fairness presentation was distributed to CSB's board for their review.
   At this meeting, CSB's legal counsel reviewed the terms of the merger
   agreement and other relevant documents and the contemplated
   transaction.  Keefe discussed with CSB's board the financial terms of
   the merger and provided updated market information regarding thrift
   mergers and acquisitions.  On January 26, 2000, the date of the merger
   agreement, Keefe rendered its written fairness opinion to CSB's board
   that, as of that date, the consideration to be received by CSB's
   stockholders in the merger was fair to them from a financial point of

        Keefe confirmed and delivered its updated written opinion to
   CSB's board as of the date of this proxy statement that the
   consideration to be received by the stockholders of CSB in the merger
   is fair from a financial point of view as of that date. A copy of
   Keefe's updated opinion, which sets forth assumptions made, matters
   considered and limitations on the reviews undertaken, is attached to
   and incorporated by reference in this proxy statement as Appendix B.
   Keefe has consented to the inclusion of this opinion and a summary of
   the matters considered in forming its opinion in this proxy statement.

        Under an engagement letter dated  July 19, 1999, between CSB and
   Keefe, for financial advisory services, CSB paid Keefe a fee of $7,500
   upon the execution of the merger agreement and $20,000 upon delivery
   of its fairness opinion.  An additional fee equal to 1 percent of the
   aggregate merger consideration received by CSB's stockholders up to
   $100,000, less $27,500, will be payable to Keefe as of the closing of
   the merger.  CSB also agreed to reimburse Keefe for its out-of-pocket
   expenses up to $5,000 and reasonable additional expenses incurred by
   Keefe on behalf of CSB, with CSB's consent, and to indemnify Keefe and
   its affiliates and the directors, officers, agents and employees of
   the foregoing against particular liabilities.



        In the merger agreement, Midland has represented and warranted
   that it has the financial wherewithal, whether by using its internal
   funds, external financing, or both to perform its obligations under
   the merger agreement.


        The certificate of merger to be filed with the Delaware Secretary
   of State will specify the effective date and the effective time of the
   merger.  The effective date will occur on the date of which Midland
   notifies CSB in writing and after the satisfaction or waiver of all
   conditions to the merger, but not later than 60 days after this
   satisfaction or waiver.  See "THE MERGER AGREEMENT-CONDITIONS TO THE
   MERGER" (Page 28).  The closing of the merger will take place on the
   effective date of the merger.

        If it is not practicable to consummate the merger on the closing
   date initially designated by Midland because of the time required to
   resolve any dispute regarding any proposed adjustment to the
   consolidated balance sheet, then the closing date will be postponed
   until all disputes are resolved and will be rescheduled to a date
   mutually agreed to by Midland and CSB, which will not be less than
   three nor more than ten business days for resolution of the disputes.


        Promptly after the effective time of the merger, Midland will
   cause the paying agent, Effingham State Bank, to mail to each holder
   of record of shares of CSB common stock a transmittal notice and
   instructions for use in effecting the surrender of the CSB common
   stock certificate(s) in exchange for the per share merger
   consideration.  At or before the effective time, Midland will
   irrevocably deposit or cause to be irrevocably deposited with the
   paying agent an amount of cash for payment of the per share merger
   consideration payable to CSB stockholders.  STOCKHOLDERS SHOULD NOT

        Following the consummation of the merger, upon the proper
   surrender by a stockholder to the paying agent of all necessary
   transmittal materials and the certificate(s), the stockholder will be
   entitled to receive a check for the per share merger consideration to
   which the stockholder is entitled and the certificate(s) will be

        After the effective time of the merger, there will be no
   transfers on the stock transfer books of CSB of the shares of CSB
   common stock which were issued and outstanding immediately before the
   effective time.


        Until properly surrendered, each outstanding certificate formerly
   representing shares of common stock will be deemed to evidence solely
   the right to receive the per share merger consideration to which the
   stockholder is entitled under the merger agreement.  If any
   certificate evidencing the common stock has been lost, stolen or
   destroyed, the stockholder must submit to the paying agent an
   affidavit of lost, stolen or destroyed certificate and post a bond in
   an amount as the paying agent may reasonably direct as indemnity
   against claims that may be made against that certificate.  The paying
   agent will issue in exchange for the foregoing the applicable per
   share merger consideration under the merger agreement.

        Any portion of the per share merger consideration held by the
   paying agent for payment to CSB's stockholders which remains unclaimed
   for twelve months after the effective time of the merger will be paid
   by the paying agent to CSB as the surviving corporation of the merger,
   after which time any holder of certificate(s) who has not delivered
   the certificate(s) to the paying agent will look only to CSB for
   payment of the per share merger consideration payable for that
   stockholder's shares of common stock, without interest.


        Under the Delaware General Corporation Law, stockholders are
   entitled to appraisal rights in connection with the merger.  Any
   holder of record of common stock that objects to the merger may elect
   to have his or her shares of common stock appraised under the
   procedures of the Delaware General Corporation Law and to be paid the
   fair value of his or her shares.  The fair value of the shares will
   not include any value arising from the merger but may include a fair
   rate of interest. It is possible that the fair value determined may be
   more or less than the consideration to be received by holders of
   common stock in the merger.

        Any stockholder who is considering exercising his or her
   appraisal rights is urged to review carefully the provisions of
   Section 262 of the Delaware General Corporation Law, a copy of which
   is attached to this proxy statement as Appendix D, particularly with
   respect to the procedural steps required to perfect the right of
   appraisal.  The right of appraisal may be lost if the procedural
   requirements of Section 262 are not followed exactly.  The following
   is a summary of the procedures relating to exercise of the right of
   appraisal, which should be read together with the full text of
   Section 262.

        Under Section 262, CSB is required to notify each stockholder
   entitled to appraisal rights at least 20 days before the meeting that
   the appraisal rights are available.  The notice should include a copy
   of Section 262.  This proxy statement constitutes this notice to the
   stockholders of CSB.

        A stockholder electing to exercise his or her appraisal rights
   under Section 262 must deliver to CSB a written demand for appraisal


   before the vote is taken at the meeting.  The written demand must
   identify the stockholder and state that the stockholder intends to
   demand appraisal of his or her shares of common stock.  A vote against
   the approval and adoption of the merger agreement or an abstention
   will not constitute a demand for appraisal.  A stockholder electing to
   make a demand for appraisal must do this by a separate written demand
   to CSB.  Demands should be mailed or delivered to CSB Financial Group,
   Inc., 200 South Poplar, Centralia, Illinois 62801, Attention: K. Gary
   Reynolds, President.  Within ten days after the effective time of the
   merger, CSB will notify each stockholder who has made a proper written
   demand for appraisal and who has not voted for the approval and
   adoption of the merger agreement that the merger has been completed.
   A vote for the approval and adoption of the merger agreement will have
   the effect of waiving all appraisal rights.

        Within 120 days after the effective time of the merger, CSB or
   any stockholder who has complied with the foregoing notice requirement
   and the other requirements of Section 262 may file a petition in the
   Delaware Court of Chancery demanding a determination of the fair value
   of his or her shares of common stock.  CSB has no obligation to file a
   petition and does not currently intend to do this. As a result, any
   dissenting stockholder who wishes to file a petition is advised to do
   this on a timely basis.  If a petition for appraisal is not filed
   during the 120-day period, all appraisal rights relating to the common
   stock will terminate. Any stockholder may withdraw a demand for
   appraisal at any time within 60 days after the effective time of the

        If a stockholder either withdraws his or her demand for appraisal
   or has his or her appraisal rights terminated as described above, the
   stockholder will only be entitled to receive the merger consideration
   for his or her shares of common stock as provided in the merger

        Within 120 days after the effective time of the merger, any
   stockholder who has complied with the above-described notice
   requirements and the other requirements of Section 262 may request in
   writing a list of the aggregate number of shares of common stock for
   which demands for appraisal have been made and the aggregate number of
   holders demanding appraisal rights.

        If a petition is filed by a dissenting stockholder, CSB will
   receive notice from the Delaware Court of Chancery of the filing.
   Within 20 days after CSB receives this notice, CSB must file with the
   office of the Register in Chancery in which the petition was filed a
   list containing the names and addresses of all stockholders who have
   demanded appraisal rights and the names of all stockholders who have
   disagreements with CSB regarding the value of their shares of common
   stock. If a petition is filed by CSB, the petition will be accompanied
   by a similar list.  If ordered by the Delaware Court of Chancery, the
   Register in Chancery will give notice of the time and place of the
   hearing by registered or certified mail to CSB and to each stockholder
   shown on the list.  The notice will also be given by publishing the


   notice in a newspaper of general circulation published in Wilmington,
   Delaware, or any other location the Delaware Court of Chancery may
   determine, at least one week before the hearing.  The forms of the
   notices to be used will be approved by the Delaware Court of Chancery,
   and all costs related to the distribution of the notices will be paid
   by CSB.

        After the Delaware Court of Chancery determines which of the
   stockholders are entitled to an appraisal under Section 262, the
   Delaware Court of Chancery will appraise the fair value of the shares
   of the common stock.  Following this determination of the fair value
   of the shares, CSB will pay all dissenting stockholders the fair value
   of their shares, together with interest, if any, upon surrender to CSB
   of their certificates representing common stock.  The costs of the
   appraisal proceeding may be determined by the Delaware Court of
   Chancery and charged to the parties as the Delaware Court of Chancery
   deems equitable under the circumstances. Upon application of a
   dissenting stockholder, the Delaware Court of Chancery may order all
   or a portion of the expenses incurred by any dissenting stockholder in
   connection with the appraisal proceeding, including reasonable
   attorneys' fees and the fees and expenses of experts, to be charged
   pro rata against the value of all of the shares entitled to an

        After the effective time of the merger, no stockholder who has
   demanded his or her appraisal rights as described above will be
   entitled to vote his or her shares for any purpose or to receive
   payment of dividends or other distributions on his or her common
   stock, except permitted dividends or other permitted distributions
   payable to stockholders of record at a date before the effective time
   of the merger.

        The preceding discussion is a summary of the provisions regarding
   appraisal rights under the Delaware General Corporation Law and is
   qualified in its entirety by the text of Section 262 of the Delaware
   General Corporation Law, which is attached to this proxy statement as
   Appendix D.  CSB stockholders who are interested in perfecting
   appraisal rights in connection with the merger should consult with
   their legal counsel for advice as to the procedures required to be

        The obligation of Midland to effect the merger is conditioned
   upon the holders of not more than 10 percent of the shares of CSB
   common stock validly demanding and perfecting appraisal rights.  See


        The merger, which involves CSB and Midland, which are bank
   holding companies, is conditioned upon the prior approval of the
   Federal Reserve Board under the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956.  On
   March 22, 2000, Midland submitted an application for approval by the


   Federal Reserve Board.   Midland received the Federal Reserve Board's
   approval on May 1, 2000.

        In general, the Federal Reserve Board must consider the financial
   and managerial resources and future prospects of the institutions
   involved in the transaction and the convenience and needs of the
   communities to be served. The Federal Reserve Board cannot approve the
   merger if it would:

        *    result in a monopoly or be in furtherance of any combination
             or conspiracy to monopolize or to attempt to monopolize the
             business of banking in any part of the United States,

        *    lessen competition substantially or tend to create monopoly
             in any section of the country, or

        *    be a restraint of trade in any other manner,

   unless the Federal Reserve Board finds that the anti-competitive
   effects of the merger are clearly outweighed in the public interest by
   the probable effect of it meeting the convenience and needs of the
   communities to be served.  The Federal Reserve Board has the authority
   to deny an application if it concludes that the combined organization
   would have an inadequate capital position.  Also, the Federal Reserve
   Board must assess the records of the depository subsidiaries of
   Midland and CSB under the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977, which
   requires that the Federal Reserve Board analyze and consider when
   evaluating an application each depository institution's record of
   meeting the credit needs of its local communities, including low and
   moderate income neighborhoods, consistent with safe and sound

        In addition, a transaction involving a change of control of the
   ownership of an Illinois savings bank, like the merger, requires the
   approval of the Office of Banks and Real Estate for the State of
   Illinois under the Illinois Savings Bank Act.  On March 22, 2000,
   Midland submitted an application for approval by the Bureau of
   Residential Finance, Thrift Division of the Illinois Office of Banks
   and Real Estate.  On April 6, 2000, Midland received this approval.

        In addition, Effingham and Centralia submitted an application to
   the Federal Reserve Board requesting approval to merge Centralia with
   and into Effingham under the Federal Deposit Insurance Act on May 2,
   2000.  Midland received the approval of the Federal Reserve Board on
   June 6, 2000.  Also, Effingham and Centralia submitted applications
   for approval of this merger with the Commercial Banking Division and
   the Thrift Division of the Illinois Office of Banks and Real Estate
   under the Illinois Banking Act and the Illinois Savings Bank Act on
   May 2, 2000.  On May 19, 2000, the Thrift Division granted its
   approval.  It is anticipated that the Commercial Banking Division will
   grant its approval before July 14, 2000.  However, there can be no
   assurance as to the timing of the approval of the Commercial Banking


   Division or that the Commercial Banking Division will grant this

        The consummation of the merger is conditioned upon the obtaining
   of all regulatory approvals required for consummation of the merger
   and all transactions contemplated by the merger agreement and the
   expiration of all statutory waiting periods. There can be no assurance
   that these conditions will be satisfied.  See "THE MERGER AGREEMENT-

                            THE MERGER AGREEMENT


        The parties made representations and warranties to each other in
   the merger agreement customary for this type of a transaction.  It is
   a condition of the closing that each party's representations and
   warranties in the merger agreement be true and correct in all material
   respects as of the closing, as though made on and as of the closing.
   Except for CSB's representations and warranties regarding
   capitalization and authority, the representations and warranties of
   each party in the merger agreement will be deemed to be true and
   correct in all material respects unless the failure(s) of the
   representations and warranties to be true and correct, individually or
   in the aggregate, represent a material adverse effect on the given
   party.  See "-CONDITIONS TO THE MERGER" (Page 28).  As of the date of
   this proxy statement, neither CSB nor Midland or CSB Acquisition has
   any knowledge that this condition will not be satisfied.


        CSB.  CSB has agreed to conduct its business according to
   guidelines in the merger agreement.

        CSB has agreed that, between the date of the merger agreement and
   the effective time, unless the prior written consent of Midland is
   given, CSB and, where applicable, a CSB subsidiary, will:

        *    not declare or pay any dividends on, or make other
             distributions regarding, any shares of CSB capital stock,
             other than dividends from wholly owned CSB subsidiaries to

        *    not split, combine or reclassify any shares of its capital

        *    not repurchase, redeem or otherwise acquire any shares of
             CSB's capital stock or any securities convertible into or
             exercisable for any shares of the capital stock of CSB, with
             particular exceptions;

        *    not issue, deliver or sell, authorize, or propose the
             issuance, delivery or sale of, any shares of its capital


             stock or any securities convertible into or exercisable for
             or any rights, warrants or options to acquire these shares
             or enter into an agreement regarding the foregoing, other
             than the issuance of CSB common stock relating to the
             exercise of outstanding CSB stock options as of the date of
             the merger agreement, if permitted by the stock options and
             the merger agreement;

        *    not amend its certificate of incorporation, bylaws or other
             similar governing documents;

        *    not authorize or permit any of its officers, directors,
             employees or agents to directly or indirectly initiate,
             solicit, or entertain offers from, negotiate with or in any
             manner encourage, discuss, accept or consider any proposal
             of any party other than Midland relating to the acquisition
             of CSB common stock or CSB and/or any CSB subsidiary, their
             assets or business, in whole or in part, whether directly or
             indirectly, through purchase, merger, consolidation, or
             other type of competing transaction to achieve a similar
             purpose, other than the sale of loans, securities and other
             assets in the ordinary course, unless the CSB board of
             directors determines in good faith that failure to take this
             action will violate the board's obligations or duties to CSB
             or its stockholders and that the proposal is a superior
             competing transaction:

             -    CSB will immediately cease and cause to be terminated
                  any existing activities, discussions or negotiations
                  previously conducted with any third party;

             -    CSB will take all actions necessary or advisable to
                  inform its officers, directors, employees or agents of
                  the these obligations; and

             -    CSB will notify Midland immediately if any inquiries or
                  proposals concerning a potential competing transaction
                  are received by, any information is requested from, or
                  any negotiations or discussions are sought to be
                  initiated or continued with, CSB and CSB will promptly
                  inform Midland in writing of all the relevant details;

        *    not make any capital expenditures other than those made in
             the ordinary course of business or which are necessary to
             maintain existing assets in good repair and are no more than
             $50,000 individually and $200,000 in the aggregate, except
             for emergency repairs or replacements;

        *    not enter into any new line of business;

        *    not acquire or agree to acquire by merger, consolidation
             with or purchase of a material equity interest in or a
             material portion of the assets of, any business,


             corporation, partnership, association, or other business
             organization or division, or otherwise acquire any assets
             that would be material to CSB, individually or in the
             aggregate, other than in the case of Centralia concerning
             foreclosures, settlements instead of foreclosure or troubled
             loan or debt restructurings in the ordinary course of
             business consistent with prudent banking practices;

        *    not take any action that is intended or may reasonably be
             expected to result in any of its representations and
             warranties in the merger agreement being or becoming untrue
             in any material respect or in any of the conditions to the
             merger not being satisfied or in violation of any provision
             of the merger agreement, except as may be required by
             applicable law;

        *    not change its methods of accounting in effect on September
             30, 1999, unless required to by changes in GAAP or
             regulatory accounting principles as concurred in by CSB's
             independent auditors;

        *    not adopt, amend, renew or terminate any employee benefit
             plan or any agreement, arrangement, plan or policy between
             CSB or any CSB subsidiary and any current or former
             directors, officers or employees, except as specifically
             contemplated by the merger agreement or as required by
             applicable law or to maintain tax qualification under the
             Internal Revenue Code of 1986;

        *    not increase in any manner the compensation or fringe
             benefits of any director, officer or employee or pay any
             benefit not required by any employee benefit plan as in
             effect as of the merger agreement date, except for normal
             increases in the ordinary course of business consistent with
             past practice or as required by applicable law or otherwise
             contemplated by the merger agreement;

        *    not consummate or agree to the sale, lease, encumbrance,
             assignment or disposal of any material portion of assets,
             properties or other rights or agreements, except in the
             ordinary course of business consistent with past practice;

        *    not incur any indebtedness for borrowed money, or otherwise
             assume, guarantee, endorse or otherwise as an accommodation
             become responsible for the obligations of any other
             individual, corporation or entity, except in the ordinary
             course of business consistent with past practice;

        *    not file any application to relocate or terminate the
             operations of any banking office of Centralia;

        *    not make or commit to make any material equity investment in
             real estate or in any real estate development project, other


             than in connection with foreclosures, settlements instead of
             foreclosure or troubled loan or debt restructurings in the
             ordinary course of business consistent with prudent banking

        *    not take any action which would cause the termination or
             cancellation by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation of
             insurance regarding Centralia's deposits;

        *    except for particular prime borrowers, not enter into, renew
             or increase any loan or other extension of credit, or commit
             to make any loan or other extension of credit to:

             -    any person or entity, or modify any of the material
                  provisions or renew or otherwise extend the maturity
                  date of any existing loan or other extension of credit
                  or commitment in an amount in excess of $150,000 or in
                  an amount which, when aggregated with all existing
                  loans, other extensions of credit or credit commitments
                  to that person or entity, would be in excess of

             -    any person or entity other than according to the
                  lending policies of Centralia as in effect on the
                  merger agreement date;

             -    without first consulting with Midland, any person or
                  entity if any of the loans or other extensions of
                  credit by Centralia to that person or entity are on
                  Centralia's  "watch list" or similar internal report in
                  an amount in excess of $75,000, except for CSB or any
                  CSB subsidiary honoring any contractual obligation in
                  existence on the date of merger agreement; or

             -    any director or officer of CSB or any CSB subsidiary;

        *    not create, renew, amend or terminate or give notice of a
             proposed renewal, amendment or termination of, any material
             contract, agreement or lease for goods, services or office
             space to which CSB or any CSB subsidiary is a party or by
             which they or their respective properties are bound, other
             than particular permitted activities in the merger
             agreement; or

        *     not agree to do any of the above.

        Also, CSB will:

        *    carry on its business and cause each CSB subsidiary to carry
             on its business in the ordinary course consistent with past
             practice; and


        *    use its reasonable best efforts to preserve the business
             organization of CSB and each CSB subsidiary intact, keep
             available the present services of employees of CSB and
             Centralia and preserve the goodwill of the customers of and
             others having business relationships with CSB and each CSB

        During the period from the date of the merger agreement to the
   effective time, CSB will:

        *    confer on a regular and frequent basis, not less often than
             monthly, with Midland and report the general status of the
             ongoing operations of CSB and Centralia;

        *    promptly notify Midland of its receipt of any governmental
             complaints or the initiation of any governmental
             investigations or hearings or communications indicating that
             the same may be contemplated or institution or threat of
             significant litigation involving it or Centralia and will
             continue to keep Midland fully informed of these events; and

        *    promptly following its filing with the SEC, deliver to
             Midland copies of any quarterly or annual report on Form 10-
             QSB or 10-KSB.

        MIDLAND.  Midland has agreed to use its reasonable best efforts
   to preserve its business organization and that of its banking
   subsidiary, keep available the present services of employees of
   Midland and its banking subsidiary and preserve the goodwill of the
   customers of and others having business relationships with Midland and
   its banking subsidiary.

        Except as otherwise provided or contemplated by the merger
   agreement, between the merger agreement date and the effective time of
   the merger, neither Midland nor CSB Acquisition will take any action

        *    would adversely affect in any manner the ability of Midland
             or CSB Acquisition to consummate the merger; or

        *    is intended or may reasonably be expected to result in any
             of the representations or warranties of either Midland or
             CSB Acquisition in the merger agreement being or becoming
             untrue in any material respect, or any of the conditions to
             the merger not being satisfied, or in violation of any
             provision of the merger agreement, except in every case as
             may be required by applicable law.

        THE PARTIES.  Each of CSB, Midland and CSB Acquisition will use
   all reasonable efforts to take, or cause to be taken, all actions
   necessary, proper or advisable to comply promptly with all legal
   requirements and to obtain and comply with any consent, authorization,
   order or approval of, or any exemption by, any governmental entity and


   third party which is required to be obtained by CSB, Midland, CSB
   Acquisition or any of their subsidiaries relating to the merger.

        Each of Midland, CSB Acquisition and CSB will promptly advise any
   other party of any change or event which it believes has caused or
   constitutes, or is reasonably likely to cause or constitute, a
   material breach of any of its representations, warranties or covenants
   or is reasonably likely to cause any condition not to be satisfied.

        AMENDMENT TO RIGHTS AGREEMENT.  The rights agreement dated as of
   June 13, 1997 between CSB and Registrar and Transfer Company was
   amended by amendment no. 1, dated as of January 26, 2000, to provide
   that none of Midland and its subsidiaries or affiliates will become an
   "Acquiring Person" and that no "Stock Acquisition Date" or
   "Distribution Date" as defined in this rights agreement will occur as
   a result of the execution of the merger agreement or the support
   agreements, or the consummation of the merger.

        SUPPORT AGREEMENTS.  Promptly after the execution of the merger
   agreement, directors and executive officers of CSB each entered into a
   support agreement with Midland which provides for each person to vote
   the shares of common stock which are beneficially owned or over which
   each person has voting power or control, directly or indirectly,
   including any shares acquired after the given date of the support
   agreement, for approval and adoption of the merger agreement.


        The obligations of the parties to effect the merger are subject
   to the satisfaction or waiver of conditions before or at the effective
   time of the merger, including conditions that:

        *    the merger agreement and the merger will have received the
             requisite approval by the CSB stockholders;

        *    all regulatory approvals required to consummate the merger
             will have been obtained and all statutory waiting periods
             will have expired; provided, however, that Midland will not
             be obligated to effect the merger if, in its reasonable
             opinion, any of the required regulatory approvals contains
             or imposes any condition or requirement that would have a
             material adverse effect on any party;

        *    no order, injunction, decree or other legal restraint issued
             by any court or agency of competent jurisdiction preventing
             the consummation of the merger will be in effect, and no
             statute, rule, regulation, order, injunction or decree
             restricting the consummation of the merger will have been
             enacted, entered, promulgated or enforced by a government


        *    each party will have performed in all material respects all
             obligations required to be performed by it under the merger
             agreement, before or at the effective time;

        *    no proceeding initiated by any governmental entity seeking
             to restrict consummation of the merger will be pending; and

        *    the representations and warranties of the parties, other
             than those regarding capitalization and corporate authority
             in the case of CSB, will be true and correct in all material
             respects as of the date of the merger agreement and as of
             the closing, as though made on and as of the closing, unless
             the failure of the representations or warranties to be true
             and correct, individually or in the aggregate, represent a
             material adverse effect on the party.

        CSB has satisfied the condition of receipt of the Keefe written
   fairness opinion that, as of the date of this proxy statement, the per
   share merger consideration is fair to the CSB stockholders from a
   financial point of view.

        The obligations of Midland and CSB Acquisition to effect the
   merger are also subject to the satisfaction or waiver of the following
   conditions that:

        *    the representations and warranties of CSB regarding
             capitalization and corporate authority in the merger
             agreement will be true and correct in all material respects
             as of the date of the merger agreement and as of the
             closing, as though made on and as of the closing;

        *    all the CSB stock options will be canceled as of the
             effective time in exchange for the per share option

        *    excluding any shares of CSB common stock issued from and
             after the merger agreement date from the exercise of a stock
             option, there will be no more than 732,299 shares of CSB
             common stock outstanding at the effective time;

        *    there will not have occurred any event or circumstance that
             has or would reasonably be expected to result in a material
             adverse effect on CSB; and

        *    the holders of not more than 10 percent of the shares of CSB
             common stock entitled to vote at the stockholders meeting
             will have validly demanded and perfected dissenters'
             appraisal rights.



        Before the effective time of the merger, the parties, by board
   action, may, to the extent legally allowed:

        *    extend the time for performance of any obligations or other
             acts of any other party;

        *    waive any inaccuracies in the representations and warranties
             contained in the merger agreement or any document delivered
             under the merger agreement; and

        *    waive compliance with any agreements or conditions in the
             merger agreement.

        Any agreement on the part of a party to any extension or waiver
   will be valid only if in a written instrument signed on behalf of that
   party, but the extension or waiver or failure to insist on strict
   compliance with an obligation, covenant, agreement or condition will
   not operate as a waiver of or estoppel regarding any subsequent or
   other failure.

        The parties may amend the merger agreement, by board action, in a
   written instrument signed on behalf of each party before or after
   approval of the merger by the stockholders of CSB.

        The merger agreement may be terminated before the effective time
   of the merger by:

        *    the mutual written consent of CSB and Midland if the CSB and
             Midland boards determine by majority vote of the entire

        *    either CSB or Midland upon written notice to the other if a
             governmental entity of competent jurisdiction will have
             issued a final nonappealable order enjoining, denying
             approval of, or otherwise prohibiting the consummation of
             any of the transactions contemplated by the merger

        *    either CSB or Midland at any time after July 31, 2000 if the
             merger will not have been consummated unless the failure of
             the closing to occur will be due to the failure of the party
             seeking termination to perform or observe its covenants and
             agreements in the merger agreement;

        *    either Midland or CSB if there will have been a material
             breach of any representation or warranty in the merger
             agreement by the other party, which is not in material
             breach of any representation, warranty, covenant or
             agreement, that will not have been cured within 30 days
             following written notice to the breaching party or cannot be
             cured before the closing; provided, however, that neither


             party will have the right to terminate the merger agreement
             unless the breach, together with all other breaches, would
             entitle the other party not to consummate the merger because
             of failure to satisfy the condition to closing relating to
             the representations and warranties;

        *    either Midland or CSB if there will have been a material
             breach of any covenant or agreement in the merger agreement
             by the other party, which is not in material breach of any
             representation, warranty, covenant or agreement, that will
             not have been cured within 30 days following written notice
             to the breaching party; or

        *    either CSB or Midland, if Midland, due to adjustment under
             the merger agreement, is to pay less than $15.50 per share
             of CSB common stock; provided, however, that CSB may not
             terminate the merger agreement unless Midland is not willing
             to pay $15.50 per share of CSB common stock.

        The sole remedy available to a party terminating the merger
        agreement for any of the six reasons described above will be
        limited to that party's right not to effect the merger and the
        non-terminating party will not be deemed to be in breach of the
        merger agreement.  However, no party will be relieved or released
        as a result of the termination from any liabilities or damages
        arising out of its willful breach of any merger agreement

        The merger agreement may also be terminated before the effective
   time by:

        *    Midland, if CSB's board will have withdrawn or adversely
             modified its approval or recommendation of the merger
             agreement or the merger, or approved or recommended a
             competing transaction involving CSB and a party other than
             Midland or its subsidiaries;

        *    Midland, if CSB will have authorized or permitted any of its
             officers, directors, employees or agents to directly or
             indirectly initiate, solicit, or entertain offers from,
             negotiate with or in any manner encourage, discuss, accept
             or consider any proposal of any party other than Midland
             relating to the acquisition of CSB common stock or CSB
             and/or any CSB subsidiary, their assets or business, in
             whole or in part, whether directly or indirectly, through
             purchase, merger, consolidation, or other type of competing
             transaction to achieve a similar purpose, other than the
             sale of loans, securities and other assets in the ordinary
             course, unless the CSB board of directors will have
             determined in good faith that failure to take this action
             will violate the board's obligations or duties to CSB or its
             stockholders and that the proposal is a superior competing
             transaction and all discussions with the third party in


             furtherance of a competing transaction will have been
             terminated within 45 calendar days of the CSB board's good
             faith determination; or

        *    CSB, upon two days prior written notice to Midland, if, as a
             result of an unsolicited proposal, including a tender offer,
             by a party other than Midland or its subsidiaries for a
             competing transaction that CSB's board decides by a good
             faith determination be accepted; provided, however, that
             before delivering this notice to Midland to effect a
             termination, CSB will and will cause its financial and legal
             advisors to negotiate with Midland for not less than three
             calendar days to make adjustments to the terms and
             conditions of the merger agreement that would enable CSB to
             proceed with the transactions contemplated by the merger
             agreement on adjusted terms.

        If the merger agreement is terminated due to any of the foregoing
        three reasons or by CSB for any termination reason if, at the
        time of CSB's termination, Midland would have had the right to
        terminate for the first or second of the above reasons, CSB will
        promptly pay to Midland, no later than two business days after
        the date of termination, a termination fee of $500,000, as
        reimbursement of Midland's direct and indirect expenses and
        costs, including legal, accounting and administration costs, as
        well as the opportunity cost to Midland of business transactions
        foregone as a result of its efforts to effect the merger.

             The merger agreement also may be terminated before the
   effective time by:

        *    either Midland or CSB if the approval of the CSB
             stockholders required for the consummation of the merger
             will not have been obtained by reason of the failure to
             obtain the required vote at the stockholders meeting or any
             adjournment or postponement.

   If the merger agreement is terminated for the foregoing reason or if
   terminated by Midland because of actions taken by CSB relating to a
   competing transaction as described above following a good faith
   determination by CSB's board, then a termination fee of $500,000 will
   be payable to Midland only if a proposal for a competing transaction
   will have been made before the CSB stockholders meeting, and within
   270 calendar days following this stockholders' meeting:

        *    CSB will have entered into an agreement with a third party
             providing for the consummation of a superior competing
             transaction, or

        *    a superior competing transaction with a third party will
             have occurred.


   The merger agreement defines superior competing transaction as a
   competing transaction providing for consideration, whether in cash,
   securities or other property or a combination of the foregoing, on a
   per share basis more than the per share  merger consideration.

        The payment of the termination fee of $500,000 as described above
   by or on behalf of CSB will be instead of and in full satisfaction of
   any other rights or remedies otherwise available to Midland or CSB
   Acquisition as a result of termination of the merger agreement.

        To the extent that CSB will be prohibited by applicable law or
   regulation or by administration actions or policy of any governmental
   entity from satisfying in full its requirement to pay the termination
   fee, it will immediately notify Midland and deliver or cause to be
   delivered from time to time to Midland that portion of the payments
   required to be paid that it will no longer be prohibited within five
   business days after the date on which CSB will no longer be
   prohibited; provided, however, that if CSB at any time will be
   prohibited for the above reason from paying all or any portion of the
   termination fee, it will:

        *    use reasonable best efforts to obtain all required
             regulatory and legal approvals and file any required notices
             as promptly as practicable,

        *    within five days of the submission or receipt of any
             documents relating to these approvals, provide Midland with
             copies, and

        *    keep Midland advised of the status of any request for these
             approvals and any discussions with any relevant governmental
             entity or related third party.


        Under the merger agreement, CSB agreed not to declare or pay any
   dividends on its capital stock, other than dividends from wholly owned
   CSB subsidiaries to CSB.


        CSB's executive officers and directors may be deemed to have
   interests in the merger in addition to their interests as stockholders
   of CSB generally.

        STOCK OPTIONS.  The executive officers and directors of CSB hold
   CSB stock options covering an aggregate 61,750 shares of common stock
   as of the record date.  The CSB 1995 stock option and incentive plan
   was approved by the stockholders and the board of directors.  The CSB
   1997 nonqualified stock option plan, which holds no shares of CSB
   common stock, was approved by the board of directors.  The merger
   agreement provides that in exchange for entering into agreements
   providing for the cancellation of their CSB stock options effective as


   of the effective time, the holders of CSB stock options will receive
   the difference between $16.00 in cash, which may be reduced, and the
   exercise price for each share of CSB common stock covered by a CSB
   stock option, regardless of whether vested or unvested.  See "THE
   MERGER-MERGER CONSIDERATION" (Page 14).  In effect, each share of CSB
   common stock covered by a stock option will be treated as fully vested
   and exercisable and cashed out. The average CSB stock option exercise
   price is $9.753.  The executive officers and directors will receive
   payments in consideration of these stock options in an amount
   estimated to be $385,765 in the aggregate, which may be reduced.
   Before the effective time and in recognition that Midland has
   expressly agreed not to assume any CSB stock option plan, CSB's board
   will terminate all CSB stock option plans.  The following information
   assumes the merger will be consummated by July 31, 2000 and that no
   CSB stock options will be exercised before then:

                                                                   NUMBER OF OPTIONS
                                           PER SHARE OPTION          FOR SHARES OF              VALUE OF
       NAME                                 EXERCISE PRICE           COMMON  STOCK             OPTIONS<3>
       -----                               ----------------        -----------------            -------
       Wesley N. Breeze  . . . . . . .           $9.08                    5,175<4>              $35,811<4>
       A. John Byrne . . . . . . . . .           $9.08                    5,175<4>               35,811<4>
       Michael Donnewald . . . . . . .           $9.08                    5,175<4>               35,811<4>
       Larry M. Irvin  . . . . . . . .           $9.08                    5,175<4>               35,811<4>
       W. Harold Monken  . . . . . . .           $9.08                    5,175<4>               35,811<4>
       K. Gary Reynolds  . . . . . . .           $9.36                   25,875<5>              171,810<5>
       Stephen Greene  . . . . . . . .          $12.51                    6,000<6>               20,940<6>
       Larry Griffin . . . . . . . . .          $12.51                    4,000<6>               13,960<6>
                                                ------                   -------
       Total . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                   61,750                $385,765
                                                                        =======              ==========


   <F3> Represents the difference between the cash per share merger
        consideration, $16.00, which may be reduced, and the per share
        option exercise price multiplied by the number of shares of CSB
        common stock subject to the option.

   <F4> As of July 31, 2000, of the number of options listed, 80 percent
        will be vested and 20 percent will be unvested.

   <F5> As of July 31, 2000, of the number of options listed, 60 percent
        will be vested and 40 percent will be unvested.

   <F6> As of July 31, 2000, of the number of options listed, 40 percent
        will be vested and 60 percent will be unvested.

        MANAGEMENT RECOGNITION PLAN.  Under CSB's management recognition
   plan, directors and executive officers of CSB have been awarded 18,630
   shares of common stock subject to vesting requirements.  The CSB


   management recognition plan was approved by the stockholders.  The
   merger agreement provides that the executive officers and directors
   will receive payments for both vested and unvested plan share awards
   in an amount estimated to be $298,080 in the aggregate, which may be
   reduced.  See "THE MERGER-MERGER CONSIDERATION" (Page 14).  In
   essence, each plan share award will be treated as fully vested and
   cashed out.  Before the effective time of the merger, and in
   recognition that Midland has expressly agreed not to assume the CSB
   management recognition plan, the board of directors of CSB will
   terminate this plan and direct the trustees of the plan to return to
   CSB any shares of CSB common stock then held by the trustees which are
   not subject to plan share awards, and all of these unallocated shares
   will be canceled at the effective time.  The information below
   regarding plan share awards held by CSB's directors and executive
   officers assumes that the merger will be consummated by July 31, 2000:

               NAME                                  NUMBER OF SHARES          VALUE OF SHARES<7>
               ----                                  ----------------          ------------------

               Wesley N. Breeze  . . . . . . .           2,070<8>                  $33,120<8>
               Michael Donnewald . . . . . . .           2,070<8>                   33,120<8>
               Larry M. Irvin  . . . . . . . .           2,070<8>                   33,120<8>
               W. Harold Monken  . . . . . . .           2,070<8>                   33,120<8>
               K. Gary Reynolds  . . . . . . .           5,175<9>                   82,800<9>
               Stephen Greene  . . . . . . . .           2,070<9>                   33,120<9>
               Joanne Ticknor  . . . . . . . .           3,105<9>                   49,680<9>

               Total . . . . . . . . . . . . .          18,630                    $298,080
                                                        ======                    ========


   <F7> Determined by multiplying the number of shares by the cash per
        share merger consideration of $16.00.

   <F8> As of July 31, 2000, of the number of shares listed, 80 percent
        will be vested and 20 percent will be unvested.

   <F9> As of July 31, 2000, of the number of shares listed, 60 percent
        will be vested and 40 percent will be unvested.

        CENTRALIA ESOP.  If the ESOP terminates before July 31, 2000, it
   is assumed that no shares of common stock will be awarded under the
   ESOP for the 2000 fiscal year and it is estimated that the following
   executive officers of CSB - Messrs. Reynolds, Greene and Griffin -
   will receive cash payments of approximately $78,966, in the aggregate,
   upon termination, subject to possible downward adjustment.  See "THE

   The merger agreement provides that for five years after the effective
   time of the merger, Midland agrees to indemnify and hold harmless


   those individuals who presently are or become before the effective
   time officers or directors of CSB or a CSB subsidiary, regarding
   actions occurring or facts, events, or circumstances existing before
   the effective time which give rise to a claim for indemnification, to
   the extent these indemnified parties would be entitled to
   indemnification under, and to the full extent permitted by, Delaware
   General Corporate Law and the certificate of incorporation of CSB as
   existing on the date of the merger agreement; provided, however, that
   all rights to indemnification concerning any claim asserted or made
   within this five-year period will continue until the final disposition
   of that claim.

        In addition, CSB will purchase continued coverage under its
   current policy of directors' and officers' liability insurance, in
   amount and scope at least as favorable as CSB's existing directors'
   and officers' liability insurance to be effective for five years
   following the effective time.

        EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT.  Centralia entered into an employment
   agreement with Mr. Reynolds dated as of January 26, 2000, which
   provides that Mr. Reynolds will be employed as Community President of
   Centralia for a term commencing at the effective time of the merger
   and ending on December 31, 2000 and may be extended for additional one
   calendar year periods, unless earlier terminated or unless either
   party provides written notice to the other of its decision not to
   extend this agreement by October 1 of the current term.

        Mr. Reynolds' annual base salary will be $75,000, which may be
   increased according to the normal business practices of Centralia and,
   if increased, may not later be decreased under this agreement.  In
   addition, Mr. Reynolds will be entitled to receive a bonus of up to 10
   percent of his annual base salary and to participate in employee
   benefit programs offered to qualifying Centralia employees, including
   401(k) and profit sharing, and to enjoy medical benefits.

        This agreement provides that, within one year of the effective
   time, if Mr. Reynolds voluntarily terminates his employment for any
   reason or Centralia terminates his employment for any reason other
   than for "cause" as defined in the agreement, then Centralia will pay
   Mr. Reynolds two times his annual base salary.  Mr. Reynolds also may
   be terminated without cause, in which case, after the first
   anniversary of the effective time, Centralia will pay him amounts
   payable to him for the remainder of the term, including a bonus equal
   to the average of his bonuses for the two immediately preceding fiscal
   years of Centralia.  In both cases of termination, Centralia will
   continue to pay the cost of Mr. Reynolds' medical benefits during the
   term.  The parties also may agree to terminate the agreement and Mr.
   Reynolds' employment on terms and conditions on which they agree.

        The effectiveness of this agreement is conditioned upon the
   consummation of the merger.  Once effective, this agreement will
   supersede Mr. Reynolds' 1999 employment agreement with Centralia, as
   described below.  If this agreement does not become effective, then


   Mr. Reynolds' 1999 employment agreement will remain in full force and
   effect.  Midland required Mr. Reynolds to execute this agreement,
   which was prepared by Midland's counsel, immediately before the
   execution by the parties of the merger agreement.  Centralia's board
   of directors considered and authorized the execution of this

        Centralia entered into an employment agreement with Mr. Reynolds,
   effective August 1, 1999, which provides that Mr. Reynolds will be
   employed as President and Chief Executive Officer for a term expiring
   on November 30 of each year.  The term of the agreement will be
   automatically renewed for another one-year period, unless the
   Centralia board of directors has given Mr. Reynolds 90 days notice
   before November 30 of the given year of its intent not to renew.  In
   this circumstance, this agreement will expire on November 30 of the
   next year.  Mr. Reynolds' base salary for fiscal 1999 was $71,440 per
   year; he will be entitled to receive annually an increase in his base
   salary in an amount at least equal to the average percentage increase,
   if any, granted to other Centralia officers and employees.  In
   addition to base salary, this agreement provides for participation in
   any group health, medical, hospitalization, dental care, sick leave
   pay, life insurance, or death benefit and disability plan offered by
   Centralia to its employees.  This agreement also provides for
   participation in the Centralia ESOP and the CSB management recognition
   plan and stock option plan.

        This agreement provides for continuing benefits in the event Mr.
   Reynolds is terminated, or his agreement is not renewed, other than
   for "cause" as defined in the agreement.  In these instances, Mr.
   Reynolds will receive severance pay equal to 24 months of his base
   salary.  This agreement also provides that Mr. Reynolds may elect to
   treat any substantial change in his duties and responsibilities, made
   without his consent, or any material reduction in his compensation, as
   a termination by Centralia without cause.



        The following discussion of material federal income tax
   consequences of the merger under present law is for general
   information only and does not purport to be a complete analysis of all
   tax consequences that may be relevant to any particular stockholder.
   Some stockholders, including, without limitation, insurance companies,


   tax-exempt organizations, financial institutions, broker-dealers,
   employee stockholders, foreign corporations and persons who are not
   citizens or residents of the United States, may be covered by special
   rules not discussed below. The discussion assumes that each
   stockholder holds shares of common stock as a capital asset within the
   meaning of Section 1221 of the Internal Revenue Code.  However,
   stockholders who are employees or directors of CSB may not be entitled
   to treat particular shares which they may have acquired from CSB as
   capital assets or a portion of the gain on the sale of these shares as
   capital gain because they will be required to report any gain on the
   sale of the shares as taxable compensation from CSB.

        The receipt of cash in exchange for shares of common stock under
   the merger or to the exercise of dissenters' appraisal rights by
   stockholders will be treated as a sale or exchange of the shares of
   CSB common stock for federal income tax purposes, and may also be a
   taxable transaction for state, local and other tax purposes. Each
   stockholder will recognize gain or loss for federal income tax
   purposes in an amount equal to the difference between the amount of
   cash received in exchange for the shares of common stock and the
   adjusted basis of his or her shares of common stock.

        Except for gain attributable to particular shares owned by
   employees or directors of CSB as described above, gain or loss on the
   sale of the shares by non-corporate stockholders will be a long-term
   capital gain or loss if the shares of common stock have been held by
   the stockholder for more than one year. Otherwise, gain or loss on the
   sale of the shares will be a short-term capital gain or loss. The
   holding period relating to the shares of common stock must be
   calculated separately for those shares of common stock held by a
   particular stockholder.

        For non-corporate taxpayers, the tax rate on long-term capital
   gains depends on the type of asset sold. If the asset is stock, other
   than small business stock under Section 1202 of the Internal Revenue
   Code, the rate is generally 20 percent. However, the maximum tax rate
   on ordinary income and short-term capital gains is 39.6 percent. The
   distinction between capital gains and ordinary income is relevant in
   that taxpayers may be limited in their ability to deduct net capital
   losses, which may be deducted in full against capital gains, against
   ordinary income. For corporate taxpayers, net capital gains, which is
   the excess of net long-term capital gain over net short-term capital
   loss, and ordinary income are taxed at the same rate.

        The receipt of cash for shares of common stock may be subject to
   backup withholding at the rate of 31 percent unless the holder:

        *    is a corporation or comes within other exempt categories, or

        *    provides a certified taxpayer identification number and
             otherwise complies with the back-up withholding rules.


   Back-up withholding is not an additional tax; any amounts withheld may
   be credited against the federal income tax liability of the person
   subject to the withholding.

        Each stockholder is urged to consult his or her own tax and
   financial advisors as to the effect of the federal income tax
   consequences of the merger on his or her own particular facts and
   circumstances and also as to any state, local, foreign or other tax
   consequences arising out of the merger.



        CSB's common stock is included for quotation on the OTC
   electronic bulletin board under the symbol "CSBF." At the record date,
   there were 732,299 shares of common stock issued and outstanding and
   there were approximately 393 holders of record. The table below shows
   the price range of the common stock for the last quarter of fiscal
   year 1997 and for each quarter of fiscal years 1998 and 1999 and for
   the first and second quarters of fiscal 2000 and through May 30, 2000.
   These prices reflect inter-dealer prices, may not represent actual
   transactions and do not include retail markups, markdowns or

                                                           PER SHARE
    QUARTER ENDED                      HIGH       LOW       DIVIDEND
    -------------                      ----       ---        ------
    September 30, 1997  . . . . . .   $12.500    $11.750      $-0-
    December 31, 1997 . . . . . . .   $14.000    $12.250      $-0-
    March 31, 1998  . . . . . . . .   $13.625    $12.875      $-0-
    June 30, 1998 . . . . . . . . .   $14.000    $13.000      $-0-
    September 30, 1998  . . . . . .   $12.750    $ 9.000      $-0-
    December 31, 1998 . . . . . . .   $10.500    $ 8.750      $-0-
    March 31, 1999  . . . . . . . .   $ 9.250    $ 8.875      $-0-
    June 30, 1999 . . . . . . . . .   $12.875    $ 9.125      $-0-
    September 30, 1999  . . . . . .   $10.625    $ 9.875      $-0-
    December 31, 1999 . . . . . . .   $19.500    $10.000      $-0-
    March 31, 2000  . . . . . . . .   $15.250    $14.250      $-0-
    through May 30, 2000  . . . . .   $16.000    $15.000      $-0-

        The stock price information shown in the table above was provided
   by the OTC electronic bulletin board.

        CSB has agreed in the merger agreement not to declare or pay any
   dividends on its capital stock other than dividends from wholly owned
   CSB subsidiaries to CSB.  CSB does not pay cash dividends on its
   common stock.


        The consolidated financial statements of CSB and its subsidiaries
   included in CSB's annual report to stockholders for the fiscal year
   ended September 30, 1999 have been incorporated by reference in this
   proxy statement in reliance on the report regarding these consolidated
   financial statements of McGladrey & Pullen, LLP, independent auditors,
   given upon the authority of that firm as experts in accounting and

        McGladrey & Pullen, LLP has been selected as independent auditors
   for CSB for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2000.  CSB expects
   that a representative of McGladrey & Pullen, LLP will be present at
   the meeting with the authority to make a statement if he or she
   desires to do so and to respond to appropriate questions.


                            STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS

        If the merger is not consummated, it is anticipated CSB's next
   annual meeting of stockholders will be held on or about January 12,
   2001 or on another date that may be fixed by the board.  To be
   eligible for inclusion in CSB's proxy materials for this annual
   meeting, any stockholder proposal to take action at this meeting must
   be received by CSB no later than August 16, 2000.  Any proposal will
   be covered by the requirements of the proxy rules adopted under the
   Securities Exchange Act of 1934.  In addition, CSB's bylaws establish
   an advance notice procedure regarding matters to be brought before an
   annual meeting other than by or at the direction of CSB's board of
   directors and CSB's certificate of incorporation establishes an
   advance notice procedure regarding candidates for election as
   directors other than by or at the direction of CSB's board.  This
   notice must be delivered to or mailed to and received by the Secretary
   of CSB at its principal executive office not later than the close of
   business on the 40th day nor earlier than the close of business on the
   70th day before the first anniversary of the preceding year's annual
   meeting.  The stockholder also must comply with other provisions
   contained in CSB's bylaws regarding the bringing of business before an
   annual meeting and in CSB's certificate of incorporation regarding the
   nomination of an individual for election as a director.  For a copy of
   all the provisions in CSB's bylaws and certificate of incorporation,
   an interested stockholder should contact Joanne Ticknor, Secretary, at
   CSB Financial Group, Inc., 200 South Poplar Street, Centralia,
   Illinois 62801.


        CSB files annual, quarterly and special reports, proxy statements
   and other information with the SEC.  You may read and copy any
   document CSB files at the SEC's public reference rooms in Washington,
   D.C., New York, New York and Chicago, Illinois. Please call the SEC at
   (800) SEC-0330 for further information on the public reference rooms.
   CSB's SEC filings also are available to the public at the SEC's
   website at

        The SEC allows CSB to "incorporate by reference" into this proxy
   statement the information CSB files with it, which means that CSB can
   disclose important information to you by referring to those documents.
   The information incorporated by reference is considered part of this
   proxy statement.

        Copies of CSB's annual report on Form 10-KSB for the year ended
   September 30, 1999 (which includes as an exhibit its 1999 annual
   report to stockholders) and its quarterly report on Form 10-QSB for
   the quarter ending March 31, 2000 are attached as Appendix C to this
   proxy statement and are incorporated by reference.  CSB's current
   reports on Form 8-K filed on December 6, 1999 and January 27, 2000,
   definitive proxy statement relating to the annual stockholders meeting
   filed on December 17, 1999, registration statement on Form 8-A/A filed
   on January 27, 2000, and quarterly report on Form 10-QSB for the


   quarter ending December 31, 1999, also are incorporated by reference
   in this proxy statement.

        This proxy statement incorporates documents by reference which
   neither are presented in nor delivered with the proxy statement.
   Copies of these documents, excluding all exhibits unless specifically
   incorporated by reference, will be furnished to you without charge by
   first class mail or equivalent, upon written or oral request to CSB
   Financial Group, Inc., 200 South Poplar, Centralia, Illinois 62801,
   Attention:  K. Gary Reynolds, President; telephone number: (618)
   532-1918, within one business day of receipt of the request.


                                APPENDIX A:  AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER

                        AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER

                                BY AND AMONG

                        MIDLAND STATES BANCORP, INC.


                         CSB ACQUISITION CORPORATION


                          CSB FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.
                        DATED AS OF JANUARY 26, 2000


                              TABLE OF CONTENTS

        THE MERGER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  A-7
        1.1.   The Merger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  A-7
        1.2.   Effective Time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  A-8
        1.3.   Effects of the Merger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  A-8
        1.4.   Conversion of CSB Common Stock  . . . . . . . . . . .  A-8
        1.5    Payment for Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  A-9
        1.6.   Certificate of Incorporation of Surviving
               Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  A-9
        1.7    Bylaws of Surviving Corporation . . . . . . . . . . .  A-9
        1.8.   Directors and Officers of Surviving Corporation . . .  A-9
        1.9.   Certain Defined Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-10
        1.10.  Adjustment to Merger Consideration  . . . . . . . . . A-10

        PAYMENT OF MERGER CONSIDERATION  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-12
        2.1.   Deposit of Merger Consideration . . . . . . . . . . . A-12
        2.2.   Payment for Shares  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-12

        REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF CSB  . . . . . . . . . . . A-13
        3.1.   Corporate Organization  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-13
        3.2.   Capitalization  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-15
        3.3.   Authority; No Violation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-15
        3.4.   Consents and Approvals  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-16
        3.5.   Regulatory Reports; Examinations  . . . . . . . . . . A-17
        3.6.   Financial Statements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-17
        3.7.   Broker's Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-18
        3.8.   Absence of Certain Changes or Events  . . . . . . . . A-18
        3.9.   Legal Proceedings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-18
        3.10.  Taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-19
        3.11.  Employee Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-20
        3.12.  Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-22
        3.13.  Year 2000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-22
        3.14.  Compliance with Applicable Law  . . . . . . . . . . . A-23
        3.15.  Certain Contracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-23
        3.16.  Agreements with Regulatory Agencies . . . . . . . . . A-24
        3.17.  Investment Securities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-24
        3.18.  Property  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-24
        3.19.  Equity and Real Estate Investments  . . . . . . . . . A-25
        3.20.  Environmental Matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-25
        3.21.  Derivative Transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-27
        3.22.  Loan Portfolio  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-27
        3.23.  Other Activities  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-28
        3.24.  SEC Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-28
        3.25.  Opinion of Financial Advisor  . . . . . . . . . . . . A-28
        3.26.  Certain Board Action  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-29


        4.1.   Corporate Organization  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-29
        4.2.   Authority; No Violation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-29
        4.3.   Consents and Approvals  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-30
        4.4.   Legal Proceedings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-31
        4.5.   Financial Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-31
        4.6    Vote Required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-31

        5.1.   Covenants of CSB  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-31
        5.2.   Covenants of Midland  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-35

   ADDITIONAL AGREEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-35
        6.1.   Regulatory Matters  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-35
        6.2.   Stockholder Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-35
        6.3.   Access to Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-36
        6.4.   Legal Conditions to Merger  . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-36
        6.5.   Additional Agreements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-37
        6.6.   Advice of Changes, Failure of Conditions  . . . . . . A-37
        6.7.   Subsequent Financial Statements . . . . . . . . . . . A-37
        6.8.   Current Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-37
        6.9.   Merger Sub  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-38
        6.10.  Support Agreements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-38
        6.11.  Employee Benefit Plans  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-38
        6.12.  Employee Stock Ownership Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . A-39
        6.13.  Agreement with Optionees  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-40
        6.14.  Directors and Officers Liability Insurance and
               Indemnification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-40
        6.15.  COBRA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-40
        6.16.  Termination of Stock Options  . . . . . . . . . . . . A-41
        6.17.  Treatment of Plan Share Awards  . . . . . . . . . . . A-41
        6.18.  Profit Sharing Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-41
        6.19.  List of CSB Stockholders  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-42
        6.20.  CSB Rights Agreement  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-42

   CONDITIONS PRECEDENT  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-42
        7.1.   Conditions to Each Party's Obligation to Effect the
               Merger  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-42
               (a)     Stockholder Approval  . . . . . . . . . . . . A-42
               (b)     Regulatory Approvals  . . . . . . . . . . . . A-42
               (c)     No Injunctions or Restraints; Illegality  . . A-42
        7.2.   Conditions to Obligations of Midland  . . . . . . . . A-43
               (a)     Representations and Warranties  . . . . . . . A-43
               (b)     Performance of Obligations of CSB . . . . . . A-43
               (c)     No Pending Governmental Actions . . . . . . . A-43
               (d)     Legal Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-43
               (e)     CSB Stock Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-43
        7.3.   Conditions to Obligations of CSB  . . . . . . . . . . A-44


   TERMINATION AND AMENDMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-45
        8.1.   Termination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-45
        8.2    Effect of Termination; Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . A-46
        8.3.   Amendment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-48
        8.4.   Extension; Waiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-48

   GENERAL PROVISIONS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-48
        9.1.   Closing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-48
        9.2.   Subsidiary Bank Merger  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-48
        9.3.   Nonsurvival of Representations, Warranties and
               Agreements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-49
        9.4.   Expenses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-49
        9.5.   Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-49
        9.6.   Interpretation; Effect  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-50
        9.7.   Counterparts  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-50
        9.8.   Entire Agreement  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-50
        9.9.   Governing Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-50
        9.10.  Enforcement of Agreement  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-51
        9.11.  Severability  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-51
        9.12.  Publicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-51
        9.13.  Assignment; No Third Party Beneficiaries  . . . . . . A-51


                           CSB Disclosure Schedule

        Section 3.2         Capitalization and Stock Options
        Section 3.7         Fees Associated with Proposed Transaction
        Section 3.8(a)      Material Liabilities
        Section 3.8(b)      Compensation and Bonus
        Section 3.9         Legal Proceedings
        Section 3.10(a)     Tax Returns, Tax Liens, Filing Extensions
        Section 3.11        Employee Welfare Benefits and Plans
        Section 3.12        Insurance Policies
        Section 3.15(a)     Certain Contracts
        Section 3.17        Investment Securities
        Section 3.18        Property
        Section 3.22        Loan Portfolio
        Section 5.1(q)      Prime Borrowers Exclusion List



   Exhibit A   Support Agreement
   Exhibit B   Legal Opinion of Schiff Hardin & Waite, Counsel for CSB
   Exhibit C   Legal Opinion of Gallop, Johnson & Neuman, L.C., Counsel for
               Midland and Merger Sub


                        AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER

        AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER ("Agreement), dated as of the 26th
   day of January, 2000, by and among Midland States Bancorp, Inc., a
   Delaware corporation ("Midland"), CSB Acquisition Corporation, a
   Delaware corporation and a wholly owned subsidiary of Midland ("Merger
   Sub") and CSB Financial Group, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("CSB").

        WHEREAS, Midland desires to acquire CSB by means of a transaction
   in which Merger Sub will merge with and into CSB, whereupon CSB will
   become a wholly owned subsidiary of Midland, all subject to the terms,
   provisions and conditions set forth herein (the "Merger"); and

        WHEREAS, each of the Boards of Directors of Midland, Merger Sub
   and CSB has determined that the Merger is advisable and is in the best
   interest of their respective companies and stockholders and, by
   resolutions (including resolutions of Midland, as the sole stockholder
   of Merger Sub) duly adopted, has approved this Agreement and the
   consummation of the transactions provided for hereunder; and

        WHEREAS, Midland is a registered bank holding company under the
   Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, as amended (the "Holding Company
   Act"); and

        WHEREAS, CSB is a registered bank holding company under the
   Holding Company Act, and is the record and beneficial holder of all of
   the capital stock of Centralia Savings Bank, an Illinois-chartered
   stock savings bank headquartered in Centralia, Illinois, with an
   office located in Carlyle, Illinois ("Centralia Savings Bank"); and

        WHEREAS, the parties desire to make certain representations,
   warranties, undertakings and agreements in connection with the Merger
   and also to prescribe certain conditions to the Merger;

        NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants,
   representations, warranties and agreements contained herein, and
   intending to be legally bound hereby, the parties agree as follows:

                                  ARTICLE I
                                 THE MERGER

        1.1. The Merger.  Subject to the terms and conditions of this
   Agreement, in accordance with the General Corporation Law of the State
   of Delaware (the "DGCL"), at the Effective Time (as defined in
   Section 1.2 hereof), Merger Sub shall merge with and into CSB.  CSB
   shall be the surviving corporation in the Merger (sometimes referred
   to herein as the "Surviving Corporation"), which shall continue its
   corporate existence under the laws of the State of Delaware.  Upon
   consummation of the Merger, the separate corporate existence of Merger
   Sub shall terminate.


        1.2. Effective Time.  The Certificate of Merger to be filed with
   the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware shall specify the date
   upon which the Merger shall be consummated (the "Effective Date") and
   the time on the Effective Date at which the Merger shall be
   consummated (the "Effective Time").  The parties hereto shall take all
   actions necessary to satisfy the requirements for effecting the Merger
   in accordance with the DGCL, including the adoption of a Certificate
   of Merger in the form required under the DGCL.  Subject to the terms
   and conditions of this Agreement, the Effective Date shall occur on
   such date as Midland shall notify CSB in writing (such notice to be at
   least five business days in advance of the Effective Date and, in any
   event, permit CSB sufficient time to prepare and deliver the "Closing
   Balance Sheet" pursuant to Section 1.10 hereof) but (i) not earlier
   than the satisfaction of all conditions set forth in Section 7.1 (the
   "Approval Date") and (ii) not later than sixty (60) days after the
   Approval Date.

        1.3. Effects of the Merger.  At and after the Effective Time, the
   Merger shall have the effects set forth in Section 259 of the DGCL.

        1.4. Conversion of CSB Common Stock.  (a) At the Effective Time,
   each share of the $0.01 par value common stock of CSB, together with
   the common stock purchase rights, issued pursuant to that certain
   Rights Agreement (the "CSB Rights Agreement") dated as of June 13,
   1997 between CSB and Registrar and Transfer Company, associated
   therewith (collectively, "CSB Common Stock") issued and outstanding
   immediately prior to the Effective Time (other than shares of CSB
   Common Stock held (i) in the treasury of CSB or (ii) directly or
   indirectly by CSB or Midland or any Subsidiary (defined below) thereof
   (except for Trust Account Shares and DPC Shares, as such terms are
   defined in Section 1.4(b) hereof) shall, by virtue of the Merger and
   without any action on the part of the holder thereof, be converted
   into the right to receive the Per Share Merger Consideration (defined
   below), subject to the appraisal rights of dissenting stockholders
   pursuant to Section 262 of the DGCL (the "Appraisal Rights").  All
   shares of CSB Common Stock that are converted at the Effective Time
   into the right to receive the Per Share Merger Consideration pursuant
   to this Article I shall no longer be outstanding and shall
   automatically be cancelled and shall cease to exist, and each
   certificate (each, a "Certificate") previously representing any such
   shares of CSB Common Stock shall thereafter represent only the right
   to receive the Per Share Merger Consideration (subject to Appraisal
   Rights, if validly demanded and perfected by the holder thereof) into
   which such shares have been converted pursuant to this Section 1.4(a).
   Shares of CSB Common Stock held by a stockholder who has properly
   exercised his or her Appraisal Rights with respect thereto in
   accordance with Section 262 of the DGCL shall not be converted into
   the Per Share Merger Consideration.  From and after the Effective
   Time, a stockholder who validly demands and perfects such Appraisal
   Rights shall no longer retain any right of a stockholder of CSB or the
   Surviving Corporation, other than those provided for under the DGCL.


        (b)  At the Effective Time, all shares of CSB Common Stock that
   are owned by CSB as treasury stock, including (except to the extent
   otherwise provided in Section 6.17) those shares available for plan
   share awards under the CSB Management Development and Recognition Plan
   (the "CSB MRP"), or that are owned directly or indirectly by CSB,
   Midland or any Subsidiary of either CSB or Midland, other than shares
   of CSB Common Stock (i) held directly or indirectly in trust accounts,
   managed accounts and the like or otherwise held in a fiduciary
   capacity that are beneficially owned by third parties (any such
   shares, whether held directly or indirectly by CSB, Midland or any
   Subsidiary of either CSB or Midland, being referred to herein as
   "Trust Account Shares") and (ii) held by CSB, Midland or any
   Subsidiary thereof in respect of a debt previously contracted (any
   such shares of CSB Common Stock, whether held directly or indirectly
   by CSB or Midland or any Subsidiary of either CSB or Midland, being
   referred to herein as "DPC Shares") shall be cancelled and shall cease
   to exist and no consideration in respect of the cancellation of such
   shares shall be paid in connection therewith.

        (c)  Each share of the no par value common stock of Merger Sub
   issued and outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time, which
   shall be the only shares of capital stock of Merger Sub outstanding
   prior to the Effective Time and all of which shall be owned by
   Midland, shall be converted into one fully paid and nonassessable
   share of the $0.01 par value common stock of the Surviving Corporation
   and shall at the Effective Time constitute all of the issued and
   outstanding shares of the capital stock of Surviving Corporation in
   the Merger.

        1.5  Payment for Options.  In addition to the Per Share Merger
   Consideration (defined below) to be paid by the Paying Agent (defined
   below) upon surrender of the Certificates, Midland shall pay to each
   holder of a CSB Stock Option (defined below) upon surrender thereof,
   cash in the amount of the Per Share Option Consideration (defined
   below) multiplied by the number of Underlying Shares (defined below).

        1.6. Certificate of Incorporation of Surviving Corporation.  The
   Certificate of Incorporation of CSB immediately prior to the Effective
   Time shall continue as the Certificate of Incorporation of Surviving
   Corporation until otherwise amended or repealed from and after the
   Effective Time.

        1.7  Bylaws of Surviving Corporation.  The Bylaws of CSB
   immediately prior to the Effective Time shall continue as the Bylaws
   of Surviving Corporation until otherwise amended or repealed from and
   after the Effective Time.

        1.8. Directors and Officers of Surviving Corporation.  At the
   Effective Time, the Board of Directors and the officers of Merger Sub
   immediately prior thereto shall continue as the Board of Directors and
   the officers, respectively, of Surviving Corporation, to hold office
   in accordance with the Bylaws of Surviving Corporation and applicable laws.


        1.9. Certain Defined Terms.  As used herein, the following terms
   shall have the following meanings:

        "CSB Stock Options" means all of those options granted by CSB to
   its officers, employees or directors to purchase shares of CSB Common
   Stock under any CSB Stock Option Plan, whether or not such options are
   exercisable prior to the Effective Time.

        "CSB Stock Option Plans" means those written stock option plans
   specified in Section 3.2 of the CSB Disclosure Schedule.

        "Litigation Reserve" means a reserve established in respect of
   that certain class action lawsuit filed by a stockholder of CSB in the
   Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware in New Castle County (the
   "Stockholder Litigation"), in the amount of $50,000, whether or not
   required by GAAP (defined below), reduced, on a dollar for dollar
   basis (but not less than zero), by any specific reserve otherwise
   established by CSB in respect of the Stockholder Litigation required
   by GAAP.

        "Merger Consideration" means the product obtained by multiplying
   Sixteen Dollars ($16.00) by the number of shares of CSB Common Stock
   outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time (the "Outstanding
   Shares"), subject to possible adjustment pursuant to Section 1.10
   hereof.  All references herein to the term Merger Consideration (and
   to the Per Share Merger Consideration) shall be deemed to include the
   effect of any adjustment thereto made pursuant to Section 1.10 hereof.

        "Per Share Merger Consideration" means Sixteen Dollars ($16.00);
   provided, however, that such amount shall be subject to possible
   adjustment pursuant to Section 1.10 hereof, determined on a per share

        "Option Consideration" means the total amount of cash to be paid
   in cancellation of all CSB Stock Options in existence immediately
   prior to the Effective Time.

        "Per Share Option Consideration" means, with respect to each CSB
   Stock Option, the product obtained by multiplying the number of
   Underlying Shares issuable upon the exercise thereof in full by the
   amount by which the Per Share Merger Consideration exceeds the
   exercise price per share provided for in the CSB Stock Option in
   question to acquire the Underlying Shares.

        "Underlying Shares" means, with respect to each CSB Stock Option,
   the total number of shares of CSB Common Stock issuable upon the
   exercise thereof in full, without regard to whether or not such CSB
   Stock Option is then fully vested or exercisable.

        1.10.  Adjustment to Merger Consideration.  (a) Notwithstanding
   anything to the contrary set forth herein, the total Merger
   Consideration shall be reduced, on a dollar-for-dollar basis, to the


   extent that the consolidated stockholders' equity of CSB as of the
   Effective Date, determined in accordance with paragraph (b) of this
   Section 1.10, is less than $10,176,000.

        (b)  CSB shall prepare a consolidated balance sheet as of the
   fifteenth day immediately preceding the Effective Date (the "Closing
   Balance Sheet Date"), specifying, among other things, the consolidated
   stockholders' equity of CSB as of such date (the "Closing Balance
   Sheet").  The Closing Balance Sheet shall be prepared in accordance
   with generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP"), consistently
   applied.  Additionally, the Closing Balance Sheet shall reflect all
   "Transaction Costs" (defined below) whether or not required by GAAP to
   then be recorded (whether as an expense, accrual, reserve or
   otherwise) thereon.  As used herein, the term "Transaction Costs"
   means any and all costs and expenses incurred or to be incurred
   (determined, where necessary, by the reasonable estimate of CSB) by
   CSB as a result of the Merger or other transactions contemplated
   hereby, including, without limitation, the fees and expenses of
   attorneys, accountants, investment bankers and advisors and other
   professional advisors or service providers and the Litigation Reserve,
   reduced by any insurance coverage with respect thereto (evidenced by
   the unconditional acceptance of coverage by the insurance carrier);
   provided, however, that if the Stockholder Litigation is settled prior
   to the Closing Date, then the amount of such settlement shall be
   deemed a Transaction Cost in lieu of the Litigation Reserve, reduced
   by any insurance coverage with respect thereto.  Notwithstanding the
   foregoing, any addition to CSB's loan loss reserve or charge to any
   CSB loan requested by Midland after the date hereof for consistency
   with Midland's policy in that regard shall not be deemed to be a
   Transaction Cost and shall be disregarded for purposes of determining
   CSB's consolidated stockholders' equity for the Closing Balance Sheet.

        (c)  Midland and its accountants shall be entitled to consult
   with CSB and its accountants in connection with the preparation of the
   Closing Balance Sheet.  CSB's accountants shall make its work papers
   available to Midland and its accountants.  If Midland objects to the
   Closing Balance Sheet, it must notify CSB in writing of each
   adjustment item, specifying the amount thereof and setting forth, in
   reasonable detail, the basis for such adjustment, no later than five
   business days after Midland's receipt of the Closing Balance Sheet.
   If Midland does not so notify CSB, the Closing Balance Sheet, as
   prepared by CSB, shall be final, binding and conclusive on the
   parties.  In the event of a dispute with respect to a proposed
   adjustment, Midland and CSB shall attempt to reconcile their
   differences, and any resolution by them as to any disputed amount
   shall be final, binding and conclusive on the parties.  If the parties
   are unable to resolve such dispute(s) within five days after Midland
   delivers written notice thereof, the parties may submit the items
   remaining in dispute for resolution to an independent accounting firm
   of national reputation mutually appointed by Midland and CSB (the
   "Independent Accounting Firm").  The Independent Accounting Firm shall
   resolve any such dispute by sole reference to CSB's historic practice


   of maintaining its books and records, taking into account the
   treatment of Transaction Costs as provided in this Section 1.10.  The
   Independent Accounting Firm shall, within ten days after submission,
   determine and report in writing to the parties upon such disputed
   items, and such report shall be final, binding and conclusive on the
   parties hereto.  Midland and CSB shall share equally the fees and
   charges of the Independent Accounting Firm.  If, as a result of the
   time required to resolve a dispute pursuant to this Section 1.10(b),
   it is not practicable to consummate the Merger on the Closing Date
   initially designated by Midland, then such Closing Date shall be
   postponed until all such disputes are resolved, whereupon the Closing
   Date shall be rescheduled to such date mutually agreed to by Midland
   and CSB, which date shall not be less than three nor more than ten
   business days following the resolution of such disputes.

                                 ARTICLE II

        2.1. Deposit of Merger Consideration.  At or prior to the
   Effective Time, Midland shall irrevocably deposit, or shall cause to
   be irrevocably deposited, in either case subject to Section 2.2(d),
   with Effingham State Bank (the "Paying Agent"), for the benefit of the
   holders of Certificates, for payment upon surrender of Certificates in
   accordance with this Article II, cash in the amount of the Per Share
   Merger Consideration to be held by the Paying Agent in a separate
   account (the "Payment Fund").

        2.2. Payment for Shares.

        (a)  Promptly after the Effective Time, Midland shall cause the
   Paying Agent to mail to each holder of record of shares of CSB Common
   Stock a transmittal notice (in customary form) thereof together with
   instructions for effecting the surrender of Certificates evidencing
   shares of CSB Common Stock in exchange for the Per Share Merger
   Consideration.  No distribution of the Per Share Merger Consideration
   shall be made to any holder of CSB Common Stock until the Certificate
   (or a lost stock certificate affidavit in form and substance
   satisfactory to Midland) and the requisite documentation has been
   properly surrendered to the Paying Agent or the Surviving Corporation,
   and no interest shall be payable thereon.

        (b)  Upon surrender of a CSB Stock Option, Midland shall pay to
   the holder thereof cash in the amount of the Per Share Option
   Consideration, subject to any required withholding taxes.  If, with
   respect to any CSB Stock Option, the exercise price (on a per share
   basis) is equal to or more than the Per Share Merger Consideration,
   then the Surviving Corporation shall pay to the holder thereof an
   amount equal to $0.01 multiplied by the number of Underlying Shares
   with respect to such CSB Stock Option, subject to any required
   withholding taxes.


        (c)  After the Effective Time, there shall be no transfers on the
   stock transfer books of CSB of the shares of CSB Common Stock which
   were issued and outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time.
   If, after the Effective Time, Certificates representing such shares
   are presented for transfer to the Paying Agent, they shall be
   cancelled and exchanged for the Per Share Merger Consideration
   issuable with respect thereto as provided in this Article II, without

        (d)  Any portion of the Payment Fund that remains unclaimed by
   the former stockholders of CSB for 12 months after the Effective Time
   shall be paid to the Surviving Corporation.  Any of the former
   stockholders of CSB who have not theretofore complied with this
   Article II shall thereafter look only to the Surviving Corporation for
   payment of the consideration due them under this Agreement without any
   interest thereon.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, none of Midland,
   Surviving Corporation, CSB, the Paying Agent or any other person shall
   be liable to any former holder of Shares or CSB Stock Options for any
   amount delivered in good faith to a public official pursuant to
   applicable abandoned property, escheat or similar laws.

        (e)  In the event any Certificate shall have been lost, stolen or
   destroyed, upon the making of an affidavit of that fact by the person
   claiming such Certificate to be lost, stolen or destroyed and, if
   reasonably required by Midland, the posting by such person of a bond
   in such amount as Midland may reasonably direct as indemnity against
   any claim that may be made against it with respect to such
   Certificate, the Paying Agent will issue in exchange for such lost,
   stolen or destroyed Certificate consideration issuable pursuant to
   this Agreement.

                                 ARTICLE III

        CSB hereby represents and warrants to Midland as follows:

        3.1. Corporate Organization.  (a) CSB is a corporation duly
   organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the
   State of Delaware.  CSB has the corporate power and authority to own
   or lease all of its properties and assets and to carry on its business
   as it is now being conducted, and is duly licensed or qualified to do
   business in each jurisdiction in which the nature of the business
   conducted by it or the character or location of the properties and
   assets owned or leased by it makes such licensing or qualification
   necessary, except where the failure to be so licensed or qualified
   would not have a Material Adverse Effect (defined below) on CSB.  The
   Certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws of CSB, copies of which have
   previously been delivered to Midland, are true and complete copies of
   such documents as in effect as of the date of this Agreement.  As used
   in this Agreement, the term "Material Adverse Effect" means, with
   respect to CSB, any effect that (i) is material and adverse to the
   business, assets, properties, prospects (insofar as they can


   reasonably be foreseen), results of operations or financial condition
   of CSB and its Subsidiaries, taken as a whole, or (ii) materially
   impairs the ability of CSB and its Subsidiaries to consummate the
   transactions contemplated hereby; provided, however, that Material
   Adverse Effect shall not be deemed to include the impact of
   (a) changes in laws and regulations or interpretations thereof that
   are generally applicable to the banking or savings institution
   industries, (b) changes in generally accepted accounting principles or
   regulatory accounting requirements that are generally applicable to
   the banking or savings institution industries, (c) subject to
   Section 8.2(b) hereof, expenses incurred in connection with the
   transactions contemplated hereby, (d) changes attributable to or
   resulting from changes in general economic conditions, including
   changes in the prevailing level of interest rates, and (e) any
   modifications or changes to valuation policies and practices in
   connection with the Merger or restructuring charges taken in
   connection with the Merger, in each case in accordance with GAAP,
   consistently applied.  As used in this Agreement, the word
   "Subsidiary," when used with respect to any party, means any bank,
   corporation, partnership or other organization, whether incorporated
   or unincorporated, which is consolidated with such party for financial
   reporting purposes.

        (b)  CSB has no Subsidiaries other than Centralia Savings Bank
   and Centralia SLA, Inc. ("SLA"), both of which are, directly or
   indirectly, wholly owned by CSB.  Centralia Savings Bank is a savings
   bank duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the
   laws of the State of Illinois.  The deposit accounts of Centralia
   Savings Bank are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
   ("FDIC") through the Savings Association Insurance Fund ("SAIF") to
   the fullest extent permitted by law, and all premiums and assessments
   required to be paid in connection therewith have been paid when due by
   Centralia Savings Bank.  Each of Centralia Savings Bank and SLA has
   the corporate power and authority to own or lease all of its
   properties and assets and to carry on its business as it is now being
   conducted, and is duly licensed and qualified to do business in each
   jurisdiction in which the nature of the business conducted by it or
   the character or location of the properties and assets owned or leased
   by it makes such licensing or qualifications necessary, except where a
   failure to be so licensed or qualified would not have a Material
   Adverse Effect on CSB.  The Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of
   Centralia Savings Bank and of SLA, copies of which have previously
   been delivered to Midland, are true and complete copies of such
   documents as in effect as of the date of this Agreement.  All of the
   outstanding capital stock of Centralia Savings Bank is owned by CSB,
   and all of the outstanding capital stock of SLA is owned by Centralia
   Savings Bank.  SLA is a corporation duly organized, validly existing
   and in good standing under the laws of the State of Illinois.

        (c)  The minute books of CSB and each of the Subsidiaries each
   contain true, complete and accurate records in all material respects
   of all meetings and other corporate actions held or taken since


   January 1, 1995 of the respective stockholders and Board of Directors
   of each entity (including committees of the Board of Directors).

        3.2. Capitalization.  The authorized capital stock of CSB
   consists of 2,000,000 shares of CSB Common Stock and 100,000 shares of
   $0.01 par value preferred stock ("CSB Preferred Stock").  As of the
   date of this Agreement, there are (i) 732,299 shares of CSB Common
   Stock issued and outstanding (including 30,222 shares held by the CSB
   MRP, of which 7,452 shares are subject to plan share awards under the
   CSB MRP) and no shares of CSB Preferred Stock issued and outstanding,
   (ii) 302,701 shares of CSB Common Stock held in CSB's treasury, (iii)
   no shares of CSB Common Stock or CSB Preferred Stock are reserved for
   issuance except for (A) 61,750 shares issuable upon the exercise of
   the CSB Stock Options granted under the CSB Stock Option Plans adopted
   by the Board of Directors of CSB, which are specified in Section 3.2
   of the CSB Disclosure Schedule, and (B) as otherwise indicated in
   Section 3.2 of the Disclosure Schedule which is being delivered by CSB
   to Midland concurrently herewith (the "CSB Disclosure Schedule").  All
   of the issued and outstanding shares of CSB Common Stock have been
   duly authorized and validly issued and are fully paid, nonassessable
   and free of preemptive rights.  Except as referred to above or
   reflected in Section 3.2 of the CSB Disclosure Schedule, neither CSB
   nor any Subsidiary is bound by any outstanding subscriptions, options,
   warrants, calls, commitments or agreements of any character calling
   for the purchase or issuance of any shares of CSB Common Stock, CSB
   Preferred Stock or any other equity security of CSB or of any CSB
   Subsidiary or any securities representing the right to purchase or
   otherwise receive any shares of CSB Common Stock, CSB Preferred Stock
   or any other equity security of CSB or any CSB Subsidiary.
   Section 3.2 of the CSB Disclosure Schedule sets forth the names of the
   holders of all CSB Stock Options, issued and outstanding as the date
   hereof, together with, for each such CSB Stock Option, the date of
   grant thereof, the number of shares subject thereto, the expiration
   date thereof and the current exercise or purchase price thereunder.

        3.3. Authority; No Violation.  (a) CSB has full corporate power
   and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and, subject to
   the approval of this Agreement by the stockholders of CSB and
   regulatory approvals, to consummate the transactions contemplated
   hereby.  The execution and delivery of this Agreement and the
   consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby have been duly
   and validly approved by the Board of Directors of CSB.  The Board of
   Directors of CSB has directed that this Agreement and the transactions
   contemplated hereby be submitted to CSB's stockholders for approval at
   a meeting of such stockholders and, except for the adoption of this
   Agreement by the requisite vote (as described below) of CSB's
   stockholders, no other corporate proceedings on the part of CSB are
   necessary to approve this Agreement and to consummate the transactions
   contemplated hereby.  The only approval by stockholders of CSB
   required under applicable law, the Certificate of Incorporation or
   Bylaws of CSB or otherwise, in order to effect the Merger and other
   transactions provided for herein is the affirmative vote of the


   holders of a majority of the outstanding shares of CSB Common Stock.
   This Agreement has been duly and validly executed and delivered by CSB
   and (assuming due authorization, execution and delivery by Midland and
   Merger Sub) constitutes a valid and binding obligation of CSB,
   enforceable against CSB in accordance with its terms, except as
   enforcement may be limited by general principles of equity, whether
   applied in a court of law or a court of equity, and by bankruptcy,
   insolvency and similar laws affecting creditors' rights and remedies

        (b)  Assuming that the consents and approvals referred to in
   Section 3.4 are duly obtained, neither the execution and delivery of
   this Agreement by CSB, nor the consummation by CSB of the transactions
   contemplated hereby, nor compliance by CSB with any of the terms or
   provisions hereof, will (i) violate any provision of the Certificate
   of Incorporation or Bylaws of CSB, or (ii) (x) violate any statute,
   code, ordinance, rule, regulation, judgment, order, writ, decree or
   injunction applicable to CSB or any CSB Subsidiary or any of their
   respective properties or assets, or (y) violate, conflict with, result
   in a breach of any provision of or the loss of any benefit under,
   constitute a default (or an event which, with notice or lapse of time,
   or both, would constitute a default) under, result in the termination
   of or a right of termination or cancellation under, accelerate the
   performance required by, or result in the creation of any lien,
   pledge, security interest, charge or other encumbrance upon any of the
   respective properties or assets of CSB or any CSB Subsidiary
   (collectively, the "CSB Entities" and each, a "CSB Entity") under, any
   of the terms, conditions or provisions of any note, bond, mortgage,
   indenture, deed of trust, license, lease, agreement or other
   instrument or obligation to which any CSB Entity is a party, or by
   which any CSB Entity or any of its properties or assets may be bound
   or affected, except, in the case of clause (y) above, for such
   violations, conflicts, breaches or defaults which, either individually
   or in the aggregate, would not have or be reasonably likely to have a
   Material Adverse Effect on CSB.

        3.4. Consents and Approvals.  (a) Other than in connection or in
   compliance with the provisions of the DGCL, the Securities Exchange
   Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act") and the rules and
   regulations thereunder, or filings, consents, reviews, authorizations,
   approvals or exemptions required under the Holding Company Act, a
   review of this Agreement and transactions contemplated by the U.S.
   Department of Justice ("DOJ") under federal antitrust laws, any
   required approvals or filings pursuant to any state statutes or
   regulations applicable to CSB, Midland or their respective
   Subsidiaries (including Merger Sub) with respect to the transactions
   contemplated hereby, or related filings, authorizations or approvals,
   no consents or approvals of or filings or registrations with any
   court, administrative agency or commission or other governmental
   authority or instrumentality or self-regulatory organization, as
   defined in Section 3(a)(26) of the Exchange Act (each a "Governmental
   Entity"), or with any third party are necessary on behalf of CSB in


   connection with (1) the execution and delivery by CSB of this
   Agreement, and (2) the consummation by CSB of the Merger and the other
   transactions contemplated hereby.

        (b)  As of the date hereof, CSB is not aware of any reasons
   relating to the CSB Entities why all consents and approvals will not
   be procured from all Governmental Entities having jurisdiction over
   the transactions contemplated by this Agreement as shall be necessary
   for consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

        3.5. Regulatory Reports; Examinations.  Each CSB Entity has
   timely filed all reports, registrations and statements, together with
   any amendments required to be made with respect thereto, that it was
   required to file since January 1, 1995, with any Governmental Entity
   and has paid all fees and assessments due and payable in connection
   therewith, except where the failure to file such report, registration
   or statement or to pay such fees or expenses, either individually or
   in the aggregate, will not have a Material Adverse Effect on CSB.
   Except for normal examinations conducted by a Governmental Entity in
   the regular course of the businesses of the CSB Entities and except as
   set forth in Section 3.5 of the CSB Disclosure Schedule, no
   Governmental Entity has initiated any proceeding or, to the best
   knowledge of CSB, investigation into the business or operations of
   either CSB Entity since January 1, 1995, the outcome of which could
   result in a Material Adverse Effect on CSB.  There is no unresolved
   material violation, criticism or exception by any Governmental Entity
   with respect to any report or statement relating to any examinations
   of any CSB Entity.

        3.6. Financial Statements.  CSB has previously delivered to
   Midland copies of (a) the audited consolidated balance sheets of CSB
   as of September 30 for the fiscal years 1999 and 1998 and the related
   consolidated statements of income, changes in stockholders' equity and
   cash flows for each of such annual periods, together with the notes
   thereto, audited by McGladrey & Pullen, LLP and incorporated by
   reference in CSB's annual report on Form 10-KSB, as filed with the
   SEC, and (b) the unaudited consolidated balance sheet of CSB as of
   December 31, 1998 and March 31 and June 30, 1999 and the related
   unaudited consolidated statements of income and cash flows for the
   periods then ended included in the Quarterly Reports on Form 10-QSB as
   filed with the SEC (collectively, and together with the Financial
   Statements of CSB referred to in Section 6.7 hereof, the "CSB
   Statements").  The CSB Statements have been or will be prepared in
   accordance with GAAP, present or will present fairly the consolidated
   financial position of CSB and its Subsidiaries at the date and the
   consolidated results of operations, cash flows and changes in
   stockholders' equity of CSB and its Subsidiaries for the periods
   stated therein and are derived from the books and records of CSB and
   its Subsidiaries, which are complete and accurate in all material
   respects and have been maintained in all material respects in
   accordance with applicable laws and regulations.  No CSB Entity has


   any material contingent liabilities that are not reflected in the most
   recent audited CSB Statements or notes thereto.

        3.7. Broker's Fees.  Neither CSB nor any of its officers or
   directors has employed any broker or finder or incurred any liability
   for any broker's fees, commissions or finder's fees in connection with
   any of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, except that
   CSB has engaged, and has and/or will pay a fee to, Charles Webb &
   Company, a division of Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc. ("Charles Webb"),
   in accordance with the terms of a letter agreement between CSB and
   Charles Webb, attached as Section 3.7 of the CSB Disclosure Schedule.

        3.8. Absence of Certain Changes or Events.  (a) Except as may be
   set forth in Section 3.8(a) of the CSB Disclosure Schedule, (i) since
   September 30, 1999, none of the CSB Entities taken as a whole has
   incurred any material liability, except in the ordinary course of its
   business consistent with its past practices (excluding the incurrence
   of expenses in connection with this Agreement and the transactions
   contemplated hereby), (ii) since September 30, 1999, no event has
   occurred which has caused, or is reasonably likely to cause,
   individually or in the aggregate, a Material Adverse Effect on CSB,
   and (iii) for the period from October 1, 1999 to the date of this
   Agreement, each CSB Entity has carried on its business in the ordinary
   course consistent with its past practices (excluding, in the case of
   CSB, the execution of this Agreement and matters in connection

        (b)  Except as set forth in Section 3.8(b) of the CSB Disclosure
   Schedule, since September 30, 1999, no CSB Entity has (i) increased
   the wages, salaries, compensation, pension or other fringe benefits or
   perquisites payable to any officer or director from the amount thereof
   then in effect (which amounts have been previously disclosed to
   Midland), granted any severance or termination pay, entered into any
   contract to make or grant any severance or termination pay or paid any
   bonus other than those year end bonuses for fiscal 1999 or except as
   listed in Section 3.8(b) of the CSB Disclosure Schedule, (ii) suffered
   any strike, work stoppage, slow-down or other labor disturbance,
   (iii) been a party to a collective bargaining agreement, contract or
   other agreement or understanding with a labor union or organization,
   or (iv) had any union organizing activities.

        3.9. Legal Proceedings.  (a) Except as set forth in Section 3.9
   of the CSB Disclosure Schedule, no CSB Entity is a party to any, and
   there are no pending or, to the best of CSB's knowledge, threatened,
   legal, administrative, arbitral or other proceedings, claims, actions
   or governmental or regulatory investigations of any nature against any
   CSB Entity (i) as to which there is a reasonable probability of an
   adverse determination and which, if adversely determined, would,
   individually or in the aggregate, have or be reasonably expected to
   have a Material Adverse Effect on CSB or (ii) challenging the validity
   or propriety of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.


        (b)  There is no injunction, order, judgment, decree or
   regulatory restriction (other than regulatory restrictions that apply
   to similarly situated bank holding companies or savings banks) imposed
   upon any CSB Entity or its assets which has had, or could reasonably
   be expected to have, a Material Adverse Effect on CSB.

        3.10.     Taxes.  (a) Except as set forth in Section 3.10(a) of
   the CSB Disclosure Schedule, each CSB Entity has (i) duly and timely
   filed (including applicable extensions granted without penalty) all
   Tax Returns (as hereinafter defined) required to be filed at or prior
   to the Effective Time, and such Tax Returns are true, correct and
   complete in all material respects and, to the extent required, CSB has
   disclosed on its federal income Tax Returns all positions taken
   therein that could give rise to a substantial understatement of
   federal income Taxes (as hereinafter defined) within the meaning of
   Section 6662 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the
   "Code"), and (ii) paid in full or made adequate provision in the CSB
   Statements (in accordance with GAAP) for all known Taxes.  Except as
   set forth in Section 3.10(a) of the CSB Disclosure Schedule, no
   deficiencies for any Taxes have been proposed, asserted, assessed or,
   to the best knowledge of management of CSB, threatened against or with
   respect to a CSB Entity.  Except as set forth in Section 3.10(a) of
   the CSB Disclosure Schedule, (i) there are no liens for Taxes upon the
   assets of any CSB Entity except for statutory liens for current Taxes
   not yet due, (ii) no CSB Entity has requested any extension of time
   within which to file any Tax Returns in respect of any fiscal year
   which have not since been filed and no request for waivers of the time
   to assess any Taxes are pending or outstanding, (iii) with respect to
   each taxable period of a CSB Entity, the federal and state income Tax
   Returns of the CSB Entities have not been examined by the Internal
   Revenue Service (the "IRS") or appropriate other tax authorities or
   the time for assessing and collecting income Tax with respect to such
   taxable period has closed and such taxable period is not subject to
   review, (iv) CSB has not filed or been included in a combined,
   consolidated or unitary income Tax Return nor is it subject to any
   actual or contingent liability for the Taxes of any person under
   Regulation Section 1.1502-6 under the Code (or any similar provision
   of state law), (v) CSB is not a party to any agreement providing for
   the allocation or sharing of Taxes (other than the allocation of
   federal income taxes as provided by Regulation Section 1.1552-1(a)(1)
   under the Code), (vi) CSB is not required to include in income any
   adjustment pursuant to Section 481(a) of the Code (or any similar or
   corresponding provision or requirement of state or foreign income Tax
   law), by reason of the voluntary change in accounting method (nor has
   any taxing authority proposed in writing any such adjustment or change
   of accounting method), (vii) CSB has not filed a consent pursuant to
   Section 341(f) of the Code, (viii) CSB has not made any payment nor
   will it be obligated to make any payment (by contract or otherwise)
   which will not be deductible by reason of Section 280G of the Code as
   a result of the consummation of the Merger, and (ix) none of the
   assets of the CSB Entities directly or indirectly secures any debt the
   interest on which is tax-exempt under Section 103(a) of the Code.


        (b)  For purposes of this Agreement, (i) "Taxes" shall mean all
   taxes, charges, fees, levies, penalties or other assessments imposed
   by any United States federal, state, local or foreign taxing
   authority, as applicable, including, but not limited to income,
   excise, property, sales, use, transfer, franchise, gross receipts,
   payroll, withholding, estimated, social security, unemployment
   insurance, stamp, workers' compensation or other taxes, including any
   interest, penalties or additions attributable thereto, and (ii) "Tax
   Return" shall mean any return, report, information return or other
   document (including any related or supporting information) with
   respect to Taxes.

        3.11.     Employee Benefits.  (a) Section 3.11 of the CSB
   Disclosure Schedule lists all employee benefit plans, arrangements and
   agreements to which any CSB Entity is a party or by which it is bound,
   legally or otherwise (collectively, the "Plans" and each individually
   a "Plan"), including, without limitation, (i) any profit-sharing,
   deferred compensation, bonus, stock option, stock purchase, pension,
   retainer, consulting, retirement, severance, welfare or incentive
   plan, agreement or arrangement (ii) any plan, agreement or arrangement
   providing for "fringe benefits" or perquisites to employees, officers,
   directors or agents, including but not limited to benefits relating to
   company automobiles, clubs, vacation, child care, parenting,
   sabbatical, sick leave, medical, dental, hospitalization, life
   insurance and other types of insurance, and (iii) any other "employee
   benefit plan" (within the meaning of Section 3(3) of the Employee
   Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended ("ERISA").  CSB has
   delivered to Midland true and complete copies of each Plan (including
   a summary description of any such Plan not otherwise in writing) and
   all related documents, including but not limited to (i) all summary
   plan descriptions (if applicable) relating to the Plan, (ii) the
   actuarial report for the Plan (if applicable) for each of the last two
   years, (iii) the most recent determination letter from the Internal
   Revenue Service (if applicable) for the Plan, and (iv) in the case of
   any and all such severance Plans, a listing setting forth the total
   dollar amount payable to each current employee of any CSB Entity under
   such Plans currently in effect based on the various assumptions set
   forth in such list.  Except as set forth in Section 3.11 of the CSB
   Disclosure Schedule, there are no negotiations, demands or proposals
   that are pending or have been made that concern matters now covered,
   or that would be covered, by the Plans.  Except as set forth in
   Section 3.11 of the CSB Disclosure Schedule, the CSB Entities are in
   full compliance with the applicable provisions of ERISA (as amended
   through the date of this Agreement), the regulations and published
   authorities thereunder, and all other laws, rules and regulations
   applicable with respect to all Plans that are subject to ERISA, except
   to the extent that any non-compliance would likely not have a Material
   Adverse Effect on CSB or the Plan in question.  The CSB Entities have
   performed all of their material obligations under all the Plans,
   including, but not limited to, the full payment when due of all
   amounts required to be made as contributions thereto or otherwise,
   except where such nonperformance would not have a Material Adverse


   Effect on CSB.  To the best knowledge of CSB, there are no actions,
   suits or claims (other than routine claims for benefits) pending or
   threatened against such Plans or their assets, or arising out of such
   Plans, and, to the best knowledge of CSB, no facts exist which could
   give rise to any such actions, suits or claims that might have a
   Material Adverse Effect on such Plans.  With respect to each such Plan
   which is an "employee benefit plan" (within the meaning of
   Section 3(3) of ERISA) or a "plan" (within the meaning of
   Section 4975(e)(1) of the Code), there has occurred no transaction
   prohibited by Section 406 of ERISA and no "prohibited transaction"
   (within the meaning of Section 4975(c) of the Code) for which no
   exemption under Section 408(b) of ERISA or Section 4975(d) of the Code
   exists or for which no administrative exemption has been granted under
   Section 408(a) of ERISA.

        (b)  Section 3.11 of the CSB Disclosure Schedule separately
   identifies all "employee pension benefit plans" (within the meaning of
   Section 3(2) of ERISA) which are also stock bonus, pension or profit-
   sharing plans within the meaning of Section 401(a) of the Code (each a
   "Qualified Plan").  Each such Qualified Plan has been duly authorized
   by the Board of Directors of CSB or CSB Bank, as appropriate, and is
   qualified in form and operation under Section 401(a) of the Code and
   each trust under each such Qualified Plan is exempt from tax under
   Section 501(a) of the Code.  No event has occurred that will or could
   give rise to disqualification or loss of tax-exempt status of any such
   Qualified Plan or related trust under such Sections.  No event has
   occurred that will or could subject any such Qualified Plan to tax
   under Section 511 of the Code.  In addition to those documents
   deliverable under Section 3.11(a), CSB has delivered to Midland for
   each such Qualified Plan copies of the following documents: (i) the
   Form 5500 filed in each of the most recent three plan years,
   including, if required under applicable law, all schedules thereto and
   financial statements with attached opinions of independent
   accountants, (ii) the consolidated statement of assets and liabilities
   of such Qualified Plan as of its most recent valuation date, and
   (iii) the statement of changes in fund balance and in financial
   position or the statement of changes in net assets available for
   benefits under such Qualified Plan for the most recently ended plan
   year.  The financial statements so delivered fairly present the
   financial condition and the results of operations of each such
   Qualified Plan as of such dates. "ERISA Affiliate", as applied to any
   person, means (i) any corporation which is a member of a controlled
   group of corporations within the meaning of Section 414(b) of the Code
   of which that person is a member, (ii) any trade or business (whether
   or not incorporated) which is a member of a group of trades or
   business under common control within the meaning of Section 414(c) of
   the Code of which that person is a member, and (iii) any member of an
   affiliated service group within the meaning of Section 414(m) and (o)
   of the Code of which that person, any corporation described in
   clause (i) above or any trade or business described in clause (ii)
   above is a member.


        (c)  No Plan listed in Section 3.11 of the CSB Disclosure
   Schedule is subject to Title IV of ERISA or Section 412 of the Code.
   No CSB Entity has ever contributed to or had an obligation to
   contribute to a plan subject to Title IV of ERISA or Section 412 of
   the Code.  No ERISA Affiliate has withdrawn from any such plan subject
   to Title IV of ERISA with respect to which there is any outstanding
   liability as of the date hereof.

        (d)  No Plan listed in Section 3.11 of the CSB Disclosure
   Schedule is a "multiemployer plan" (within the meaning of
   Section 3(37) of ERISA).  No CSB Entity has ever contributed to or had
   an obligation to contribute to any multiemployer plan.  No ERISA
   Affiliate has withdrawn from any such multiemployer plan in a complete
   or partial withdrawal under Subtitle E of Title IV of ERISA with
   respect to which there is any outstanding liability as of the date
   hereof, or received notice from any such multiemployer plan that it is
   in reorganization or insolvency pursuant to Sections 4241 or 4245 of
   ERISA or that it intends to terminate or has terminated under
   Section 4041A or 4042 or ERISA.

        (e)  All Plans that are group health plans of CSB and any ERISA
   Affiliate have been operated in material compliance with the group
   health plan continuation coverage requirements of Part 6 Subtitle B of
   Title I of ERISA and 4980B of the Code to the extent such requirements
   are applicable.  Except to the extent required under Section 4980B of
   the Code or as otherwise disclosed in Section 3.11 of the CSB
   Disclosure Schedule, no CSB Entity provides health or welfare benefits
   (through the purchase of insurance or otherwise) for any retired or
   former employees.

        (f)  There has been no act or omission by CSB or any ERISA
   Affiliate that has given rise to or may give rise to fines, penalties,
   taxes, or related changes under Section 502(c), (i) or (1)
   Section 4071 of ERISA or Chapter 43 of the Code.

        (g)  No representation and warranty sent forth in this Section
   3.11 shall be deemed to be breached unless such breach, individually
   or in the aggregate, has had or is reasonably likely to have a
   Material Adverse Effect on CSB.

        3.12.     Insurance.  Set forth in Section 3.12 of the CSB
   Disclosure Schedule is a list of all insurance policies maintained by
   or for the benefit of any of the CSB Entities or their respective
   directors, officers, employees or agents.

        3.13.     Year 2000.  None of the CSB Entities has received, or
   reasonably expects to receive, a "Year 2000 Deficiency Notification
   Letter" (as such term is employed in the Federal Reserve Board's
   Supervision and Regulation Letter No. SR98-3 (ISSUE P), dated March 4,
   1998).  CSB has made available to Midland a complete and accurate copy
   of Centralia Savings Bank's plan for addressing and complying with the
   issues set forth in the Interagency Statements of the Federal


   Financial Institutions Examination Council addressed to the Boards of
   Directors and Chief Executive Officers of all federally supervised
   financial institutions regarding Year 2000 safety and soundness for
   insured depository institutions.  As of the date hereof, Centralia
   Savings Bank has substantially completed the implementation of such
   plan and has complied in all material respects with the "Interagency
   Guidelines Establishing Year 2000 Standards for Safety and Soundness"
   issued pursuant to Section 39 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act.

        3.14.     Compliance with Applicable Law.  The CSB Entities
   collectively hold, and have at all times since September 30, 1999
   held, all material licenses, franchises, permits and authorizations
   necessary for the lawful conduct of their respective businesses under
   and pursuant to each, and, except as disclosed in Section 3.14 of the
   CSB Disclosure Schedule, have complied with and are not in default in
   any respect under any applicable law, statute, order, rule,
   regulation, policy and/or guideline of any Governmental Entity
   relating to the CSB Entity in question, except where the failure to
   hold such license, franchise, permit or authorization or such
   noncompliance or default would not, individually or in the aggregate,
   have or be reasonably likely to have a Material Adverse Effect on CSB,
   and CSB does not know of, and has received no notice of, any material
   violations of any of the above.  No CSB Entity is required by
   Section 32 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act or other applicable
   laws to give prior notice to any federal Governmental Entity of any
   proposed addition of an individual to its board of directors or the
   employment of an individual as an officer.

        3.15.     Certain Contracts. (a) Except as set forth in
   Section 3.15(a) of the CSB Disclosure Schedule, no CSB Entity is a
   party to or bound by any contract, arrangement, plan, commitment or
   understanding (whether written or oral) (i) with respect to the
   employment of any directors, officers, employees or consultants,
   (ii) which, upon the consummation of the transactions contemplated by
   this Agreement, will (either alone or upon the occurrence of any
   additional acts or events) result in any payment (whether of severance
   pay or otherwise) becoming due from Midland, CSB, any CSB Entity or
   Surviving Corporation to any officer or employee thereof, (iii) which
   is a material contract (as defined in Item 601(b)(10) of Regulation S-
   B of the SEC) to be performed after the date of this Agreement that
   has not been filed or incorporated by reference in CSB Reports,
   (iv) which is an agreement, not otherwise described by clause (iii)
   hereof, involving the payment by a CSB Entity of more than $100,000
   per annum, (v) which materially restricts the conduct of any line of
   business by the CSB Entity, or (vi) under which any of the benefits
   will be increased, or the vesting of the benefits will be accelerated,
   by the occurrence of any of the transactions contemplated by this
   Agreement, or the value of any of the benefits of which will be
   calculated on the basis of any of the transactions contemplated by
   this Agreement.  Each contract, arrangement, plan, commitment or
   understanding of the type described in this Section 3.15(a), whether
   or not set forth in Section 3.15(a) of the CSB Disclosure Schedule, is


   referred to herein as a "CSB Contract."  CSB has previously delivered
   to Midland true, complete and correct copies of each CSB Contract and
   any amendments or modifications thereof.

        (b)  (i) Each CSB Contract is valid and binding and in full force
   and effect, (ii) the applicable CSB Entity has in all material
   respects performed all obligations required to be performed by it to
   date under each CSB Contract, except where such noncompliance,
   individually or in the aggregate, would not have or be reasonably
   likely to have a Material Adverse Effect on CSB, (iii) no event or
   condition exists which constitutes or, after notice or lapse of time
   or both, would constitute, a material default on the part of a CSB
   Entity under any such CSB Contract, except where such default,
   individually or in the aggregate, would not have or be reasonably
   likely to have a Material Adverse Effect on CSB and (iv) no other
   party to such CSB Contract is, to the best knowledge of CSB, in
   default in any respect thereunder, except where such default,
   individually or in the aggregate, would not have or be reasonably
   likely to have a Material Adverse Effect on CSB.

        3.16.     Agreements with Regulatory Agencies.  No CSB Entity is
   subject to any cease-and-desist or other order issued by, and is not a
   party to any written agreement, consent agreement or memorandum of
   understanding with, or is a party to any commitment letter or similar
   undertaking to, or is subject to any written order or directive by, or
   a recipient of any extraordinary supervisory letter from, or has
   adopted any board resolutions at the request of (each of the
   foregoing, a "Regulatory Agreement"), any Governmental Entity that
   currently restricts the conduct of its business or that in any manner
   relates to its capital adequacy, its credit policies, its management
   or its business, nor has any CSB Entity been advised by any
   Governmental Entity that it is considering issuing or requesting any
   Regulatory Agreement.

        3.17.     Investment Securities.  Section 3.17 of the CSB
   Disclosure Schedule sets forth an investment securities report as of
   September 30, 1999 which includes security descriptions, CUSIP
   numbers, original and current face values, book values, coupon rates
   and current market values.  Section 3.17 of the CSB Disclosure
   Schedule sets forth all securities pledged by CSB Bank for any purpose
   as of September 30, 1999, if any.

        3.18.     Property.  The CSB Entities collectively have good and
   marketable title, free and clear of all liens, encumbrances,
   mortgages, pledges, charges, defaults or equitable, interests to all
   of the real property and personal property, whether tangible or
   intangible, which, individually or in the aggregate, are material, and
   which are reflected on the balance sheet of CSB as of September 30,
   1999 or acquired after such date, except (i) liens for taxes not yet
   due and payable, (ii) liens listed and described in Section 3.18 of
   the CSB Disclosure Schedule, (iii) pledges to secure deposits and
   other liens incurred in the ordinary course of banking business,


   (iv) such imperfections of title, easements and encumbrances, if any,
   as are not material in character, amount or extent, (v) for
   dispositions thereof and encumbrances thereon for adequate
   consideration in the ordinary course of business or (vi) with respect
   to assets classified as real estate owned.  All leases pursuant to
   which CSB, as lessee, leases real or personal property which,
   individually or in the aggregate, are material, are valid and
   enforceable in accordance with their respective terms and neither the
   CSB Entity being a party thereto nor, to the best knowledge of CSB,
   any other party thereto, is in default in any material respect
   thereunder.  Section 3.18 of the CSB Disclosure Schedule identifies
   the book value on the books of CSB as of September 30, 1999, of all
   interests of the CSB Entities in such real property.

        3.19.     Equity and Real Estate Investments.  The CSB Entities
   have no (i) equity investments, or (ii) investments in real estate,
   other than assets classified as "Real Estate Owned" and set forth in
   Section 3.23 of the CSB Disclosure Schedule.

        3.20.     Environmental Matters.  (a)  Neither the conduct nor
   operation of the CSB Entities nor any condition of any property
   presently owned, leased or operated by any CSB Entity, nor to the best
   knowledge of CSB, previously owned, leased or operated by any CSB
   Entity (each, a "Property") violates or violated Environmental Laws
   (as defined below), and no condition has existed or event has occurred
   with respect to the CSB Entities or any such Property that is
   reasonably likely to result in liability under Environmental Laws,
   except for any violations or conditions which, individually or in the
   aggregate, have not had and are not reasonably likely to have a
   Material Adverse Effect on CSB.  CSB will, upon the request of
   Midland, promptly provide Midland with copies of all documentation
   relative to the compliance with Environmental Laws with respect to any
   specific Property;

        (b)  No litigation, claim or other proceeding under any
   Environmental Law is pending before any court or governmental agency
   (and, to the best of CSB's knowledge, no such litigation, claim or
   other proceeding has been threatened) alleging noncompliance with or
   violation of any Environmental Laws by any CSB Entity, and none of the
   CSB Entities or any of their respective properties is a party to or is
   subject to any order, decree, agreement, memorandum of understanding
   or similar arrangement with any federal or state governmental agency
   or authority charged with monitoring or enforcing any Environmental
   Laws that has not been satisfactorily resolved and closed, and no CSB
   Entity has been advised by any such regulatory authority charged with
   monitoring or enforcing any Environmental Laws that such authority is
   contemplating issuing or requesting (or is considering the
   appropriateness of issuing or requesting) any such order, decree,
   agreement or memorandum of understanding (all of the above,
   collectively "Environmental Legal Matters"), except for any
   Environmental Legal Matter which, individually or in the aggregate,


   has not had, and is not reasonably likely to have, a Material Adverse
   Effect on CSB;

        (c)  No CSB Entity has received any notice from any person or
   entity that (i) such CSB Entity is or was in violation of, or (ii) the
   operation or condition of any property at any time owned, leased or
   operated by a CSB Entity or, to the best knowledge of CSB, held as
   collateral or held as a fiduciary by a CSB Entity is or was in
   violation of or is or has been alleged to give rise to liability on
   the part of such CSB Entity under, any Environmental Law, including
   but not limited to responsibility (or potential responsibility) for
   the cleanup or other remediation of any pollutants, contaminants, or
   hazardous or toxic wastes, substances or materials (collectively,
   "Hazardous Materials") at, on, beneath, or originating from any such
   property that has not been satisfactorily resolved and closed and,
   except for any of the above which, individually or in the aggregate,
   has not had, and is not reasonably likely to have, a Material Adverse
   Effect on CSB; and

        (d)  For purposes of this Section 3.20, "Environmental Laws"
   means all applicable local, state and federal environmental, health
   and safety laws and regulations, including, without limitation, the
   Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, the Comprehensive
   Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, the Clean
   Water Act, the Federal Clean Air Act, and the Occupational Safety and
   Health Act, each as amended, and all regulations promulgated
   thereunder, and all state law counterparts thereof.

        (e)  Within 45 days after the date hereof, CSB, at its expense,
   will furnish to Midland, with respect to each parcel of real property
   utilized by a CSB Entity for the conduct of business and each parcel
   of Real Property Owned, a written environmental audit prepared by an
   engineering firm or other qualified expert satisfactory to Midland,
   and prepared in accordance with the ASTM standard for Phase I
   environmental site assessments exclusive of the title search (as such
   search is being done independent of the environmental audit), and
   designed to meet the requirements of any applicable state law relating
   to an innocent owner defense to liability for releases of Hazardous
   Substances (the "Phase I Audits").  Midland may request by written
   notice to CSB within ten days following receipt of any Phase I Audit
   that additional investigation be performed ("Phase II Work").  Costs
   associated with Phase II Work with respect to those Phase I Audits
   which recommended that additional investigation be done shall be paid
   by CSB up to $15,000 and thereafter paid by Midland.  Any and all
   costs associated with other Phase II Work or other environmental
   investigation shall be borne solely by Midland.  Within ten days of
   receiving the results of any Phase II Work that confirms the presence
   of a significant environmental concern that may reasonably have a
   Material Adverse Effect on CSB, Midland and CSB will agree to
   negotiate a mutually agreeable resolution.  If a mutually agreeable
   resolution cannot be reached within ten days following Midland's
   receipt of such Phase II results, either CSB or Midland shall have the


   right to terminate this Agreement by providing written notice of the
   same to the other party.

        3.21.     Derivative Transactions.  (a) No CSB Entity has engaged
   in transactions in or involving, and does not own or hold and has no
   exposure to, any forwards, futures, options on futures, swaps or other
   derivative instruments (the foregoing being collectively called the
   "Derivative Securities") except for any such transactions entered into
   by the CSB Entity as agent on the order and for the account of others,
   or as principal for purposes of hedging interest rate risk on U.S.
   dollar denominated securities and other financial instruments.

        (b)  All Derivative Securities to which a CSB Entity is a party,
   or by which any of its respective properties or assets may be bound,
   were entered into in the ordinary course of business in accordance
   with prudent banking practice and applicable rules, regulations and
   policies of Regulatory Authorities and with counterparts believed to
   be financially responsible at the time, and are legal, valid and
   binding obligations and are in full force and effect.  Each CSB Entity
   has duly performed in all material respects all of its obligations
   thereunder to the extent that such obligations to perform have
   accrued, and there are no material breaches, violations or defaults or
   allegations or assertions of such by any party thereunder.

        3.22.     Loan Portfolio.  (a) Except as set forth in
   Section 3.22 of the CSB Disclosure Schedule, Centralia Savings Bank is
   not a party to any written or oral (i) loan agreement, note or
   borrowing arrangement (including, without limitation, leases, credit
   enhancements, commitments, guarantees and interest-bearing assets)
   (collectively, "Loans"), under the terms of which the obligor is, as
   of the date of this Agreement, over 90 days delinquent in payment of
   principal or interest or in default of any other material provision,
   or (ii) Loan with any director, executive officer or, to the best of
   CSB's knowledge, greater than five percent stockholder of CSB, or to
   the best knowledge of CSB, any person, corporation or enterprise
   controlling, controlled by or under common control with any of the
   foregoing.  Section 3.22 of the CSB Disclosure Schedule sets forth
   (i) all of the Loans of Centralia Savings Bank that as of the date of
   this Agreement are classified by any bank examiner (whether regulatory
   or internal) as "Other Loans Specially Mentioned", "Special Mention",
   "Substandard", "Doubtful", "Loss", "Classified", "Criticized", "Credit
   Risk Assets", "Concerned Loans", "Watch List" or words of similar
   import, together with the principal amount of and accrued and unpaid
   interest on each such Loan and the identity of the borrower
   thereunder, (ii) by category of Loan (i.e., commercial, consumer,
   etc.), all of the Loans of Centralia Savings Bank that as of the date
   of this Agreement are classified as such, together with the aggregate
   principal amount of and accrued and unpaid interest on such Loans by
   category, and (iii) each asset of Centralia Savings Bank that as of
   the date of this Agreement is classified as "Real Estate Owned" and
   the book value thereof.


        (b)  Each Loan (i) is evidenced by notes, agreements or other
   evidences of indebtedness which are true, genuine and what they
   purport to be, (ii) to the extent secured, has been secured by valid
   liens and security interests which have been perfected, and (iii) to
   the best knowledge of CSB, is the legal, valid and binding obligation
   of the obligor named therein, enforceable in accordance with its
   terms, subject to bankruptcy, insolvency, fraudulent conveyance and
   other laws of general applicability relating to or affecting
   creditors' rights and to general equity principles, in each case other
   than Loans as to which the failure to satisfy the foregoing standards
   would not have a Material Adverse Effect on CSB.

        3.23.     Other Activities.  (a) No CSB Entity other than SLA
   engages in any insurance activities other than acting as a principal,
   agent or broker for insurance that is directly related to the
   extension of credit by Centralia Savings Bank and limited to assuring
   the repayment of the balance due on the extension of credit by
   Centralia Savings Bank in the event of the death, disability or
   involuntary unemployment of the debtor.

        (b)  To the best knowledge of CSB, (i) any personal trust,
   corporate trust or other fiduciary activities performed by Centralia
   Savings Bank ("Trust Activities") has been performed with requisite
   authority under applicable law of Governmental Agencies and in all
   material respects in accordance with the agreements and instruments
   governing such Trust Activities, sound fiduciary principles and all
   applicable laws and regulations; (ii) there is no investigation or
   inquiry by any Governmental Entity pending or threatened against any
   CSB Entity relating to the compliance by it with sound fiduciary
   principles and applicable law and regulations; (iii) each employee of
   Centralia Savings Bank had the authority to act in the capacity in
   which such employee acted with respect to Trust Activities in each
   case in which such employee was held out as a representative of
   Centralia Savings Bank; and (iv) Centralia Savings Bank has
   established policies and procedures for the purpose of complying with
   applicable laws of Governmental Entities relating to Trust Activities,
   has followed such policies and procedures in all material respects and
   has performed appropriate internal audit reviews of Trust Activities,
   which audits have disclosed no material violations of applicable laws
   of Governmental Entities or such policies and procedures.

        3.24.     SEC Reports.  All  final registration statements,
   reports, schedules and definitive proxy statements filed since
   January 1, 1997 by CSB with the SEC pursuant to the Securities Act of
   1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"), or the Exchange Act
   (collectively, the "CSB Reports") complied in all material respects
   with the published rules and regulations of the SEC with respect

        3.25.     Opinion of Financial Advisor.  CSB has received a
   written opinion of Charles Webb, its financial advisor, to the effect
   that as of the date of the meeting of CSB's Board of Directors


   approving the Merger (referred to in Section 3.26), the Per Share
   Merger Consideration is fair to the stockholders of CSB from a
   financial point of view.

        3.26.     Certain Board Action.  Prior to the execution of this
   Agreement, the Board of Directors of CSB, at a meeting duly called and
   held, has by the required vote (i) determined that this Agreement and
   the transactions contemplated hereby, including the Merger and the
   transactions contemplated thereby, taken together, are advisable and
   in the best interest of CSB and its stockholders, and (ii) resolved to
   recommend that the holders of the shares of CSB Common Stock adopt
   this Agreement and the transactions contemplated herein, including the

                                 ARTICLE IV

        Midland and Merger Sub hereby represent and warrant to CSB as

        4.1. Corporate Organization.  (a) Each of Midland and Merger Sub
   is a corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good standing
   under the laws of the State of Delaware.  Each of Midland and Merger
   Sub has the corporate power and authority to own or lease all of its
   properties and assets and to carry on its business as it is now being
   conducted, and is duly licensed or qualified to do business in each
   jurisdiction in which the nature of the business conducted by it or
   the character or location of the properties and assets owned or leased
   by it makes such licensing or qualification necessary, except where
   the failure to be so licensed or qualified would not have a Material
   Adverse Effect on Midland or Merger Sub.  Midland is duly registered
   as a bank holding company under the Holding Company Act.  The
   Certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws of Midland and Merger Sub,
   copies of which previously have been delivered to CSB, are true and
   complete as of the date hereof.

        (b)  The only Subsidiaries of Midland consist of (i) Effingham
   State Bank, an Illinois state bank and wholly owned by Midland, and
   (ii) Merger Sub, a Delaware corporation and wholly owned by Midland.
   Merger Sub has no subsidiaries.

        4.2. Authority; No Violation.  (a) Each of Midland and Merger Sub
   has full corporate power and authority to execute and deliver this
   Agreement and, subject to the approval of this Agreement by the CSB
   stockholders and regulatory approvals, to consummate the transactions
   contemplated hereby.  The execution and delivery of this Agreement and
   the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby have been
   duly and validly approved by the Board of Directors of each of
   Midland, as a party to this Agreement and also as the sole stockholder
   of Merger Sub, and Merger Sub in accordance with the DGCL.  No other
   corporate proceedings on the part of Midland and Merger Sub are
   necessary to approve this Agreement and to consummate the transactions


   contemplated hereby.  This Agreement has been duly and validly
   executed and delivered by Midland and Merger Sub and (assuming due
   authorization, execution and delivery by CSB) constitutes a valid and
   binding obligation of each of Midland and Merger Sub, enforceable
   against each of Midland and Merger Sub in accordance with its terms,
   except as enforcement may be limited by general principles of equity,
   whether applied in a court of law or a court of equity, and by
   bankruptcy, insolvency and similar laws affecting creditors' rights
   and remedies generally.

        (b)  Assuming that the consents and approvals referred to in
   Section 4.3 are duly obtained, neither the execution and delivery of
   this Agreement by Midland or by Merger Sub, nor the consummation by
   Midland or Merger Sub, as the case may be, of the transactions
   contemplated hereby, nor compliance by Midland or Merger Sub, as the
   case may be, with any of the terms or provisions hereof, will
   (i) violate any provision of the Certificate of Incorporation or
   Bylaws of Midland, or bylaws or similar governing documents of any of
   its Subsidiaries (including Merger Sub), or (ii) (x) violate any
   statute, code, ordinance, rule, regulation, judgment, order, writ,
   decree or injunction applicable to Midland or any of its Subsidiaries
   (including Merger Sub) or any of their respective properties or
   assets, or (y) violate, conflict with, result in a breach of any
   provision of or the loss of any benefit under, constitute a default
   (or an event which, with notice or lapse of time, or both, would
   constitute a default) under, result in the termination of or a right
   of termination or cancellation under, accelerate the performance
   required by, or result in the creation of any lien, pledge, security
   interest, charge or other encumbrance upon any of the respective
   properties or assets of Midland or any of its Subsidiaries (including
   Merger Sub) under any of the terms, conditions or provisions of any
   note, bond, mortgage, indenture, deed of trust, license, lease,
   agreement or other instrument or obligation to which Midland or any of
   its Subsidiaries (including Merger Sub) is a party, or by which they
   or any of their respective properties or assets may be bound or
   affected, except, in the case of clause (y) above, for such
   violations, conflicts, breaches or defaults which either individually
   or in the aggregate would not have or be reasonably likely to have a
   Material Adverse Effect on Midland.

        4.3. Consents and Approvals.  (a) Except for (i) the filing of an
   application with the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
   (the "Federal Reserve Board") under the Holding Company Act for
   approval of the acquisition by Midland directly or indirectly of one
   hundred percent (100%) of the stock of CSB (the "Federal Reserve
   Application"), (ii) review of this Agreement and the transactions
   contemplated hereby by the DOJ under federal antitrust laws, and
   (iii) any required approvals or filings pursuant to any state statutes
   or regulations applicable to CSB, Midland or their respective
   Subsidiaries with respect to the transactions contemplated hereby, no
   consents or approvals of or filings or registrations with any
   Governmental Entity or with any third party are necessary on behalf of


   Midland or Merger Sub in connection with (1) the execution and
   delivery by Midland and Merger Sub of this Agreement, and (2) the
   consummation by Midland and Merger Sub of the Merger and the other
   transactions contemplated hereby.

        (b)  As of the date hereof, Midland is not aware of any reasons
   relating to Midland or its banking Subsidiary why all consents and
   approvals will not be procured from all Governmental Entities having
   jurisdiction over the transactions contemplated by this Agreement as
   shall be necessary for consummation of the transactions contemplated
   by this Agreement.

        4.4. Legal Proceedings.  Neither Midland nor any of its
   Subsidiaries (including Merger Sub) is a party to any, and there are
   no pending or, to the best of Midland's knowledge, threatened, legal,
   administrative, arbitral or other proceedings, claims, actions or
   governmental or regulatory investigations of any nature against
   Midland or any of its Subsidiaries (including Merger Sub) challenging
   the validity or propriety of the transactions contemplated by this

        4.5. Financial Resources.  Midland has the financial wherewithal,
   whether by using its internal funds, external financing, or both, to
   perform its obligations under this Agreement.  Midland and its
   Subsidiaries are, and to the best knowledge of Midland, will be
   following the Merger, adequately capitalized for all applicable
   regulatory purposes.  Midland has furnished to CSB true and complete
   copies of its consolidated balance sheets, statements of income,
   statements of cash flows and statements of shareholders' equity
   (collectively, the "Midland Financial Statements") at and for the
   years ended December 31, 1998 and 1997, and the Midland Financial
   Statements for the nine months ended September 30, 1999.

        4.6  Vote Required.  The approval by Midland, as the sole
   stockholder of Merger Sub, of this Agreement and the Merger is the
   only vote of the holders of any class or series of capital stock of
   Midland or Merger Sub required for any of the transactions
   contemplated by this Agreement.

                                  ARTICLE V

        5.1. Covenants of CSB.  During the period from the date of this
   Agreement and continuing until the Effective Time, except as expressly
   contemplated or permitted by this Agreement or with the prior written
   consent of Midland, CSB shall carry on its business, and shall cause
   each CSB Subsidiary to carry on its business, in the ordinary course
   consistent with past practice.  CSB will use its reasonable best
   efforts to (x) preserve its business organization and that of each CSB
   Subsidiary intact, (y) keep available to itself the present services
   of the employees of CSB and Centralia Savings Bank and (z) preserve
   for itself the goodwill of the customers of CSB and each CSB


   Subsidiary and others with whom such business relationships exist.
   Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, and except as set
   forth on Section 5.1 of the CSB Disclosure Schedule or as otherwise
   contemplated by this Agreement or consented to in writing by Midland,
   CSB shall not, and, where applicable, shall not permit a CSB
   Subsidiary to:

             (a)  declare or pay any dividends on, or make other
        distributions in respect of, any shares of CSB capital stock,
        other than dividends from wholly owned CSB Subsidiaries to CSB;

             (b)  (i) split, combine or reclassify any shares of its
        capital stock or (ii) repurchase, redeem or otherwise acquire
        (except for (A) the acquisition of Trust Account Shares and DPC
        Shares, or (B) as provided in Section 6.12 hereof) any shares of
        the capital stock of CSB, or any securities convertible into or
        exercisable for any shares of the capital stock of CSB;

             (c)  issue, deliver or sell, or authorize or propose the
        issuance, delivery or sale of, any shares of its capital stock or
        any securities convertible into or exercisable for, or any
        rights, warrants or options to acquire, any such shares, or enter
        into any agreement with respect to any of the foregoing, other
        than the issuance of CSB Common Stock pursuant to the exercise of
        CSB Stock Options outstanding as of the date hereof, if and as
        permitted pursuant to the terms of such CSB Stock Options as of
        the date hereof and Section 1.5;

             (d)  amend its Certificate of Incorporation, Bylaws or other
        similar governing documents;

             (e)  authorize or permit any of its officers, directors,
        employees or agents to directly or indirectly initiate, solicit,
        or entertain offers from, negotiate with or in any manner
        encourage, discuss, accept or consider any proposal of any other
        person relating to the acquisition of CSB Common Stock or CSB
        and/or any CSB Entity, their assets or business, in whole or in
        part, whether directly or indirectly, through purchase, merger,
        consolidation, or other transaction (other than the sale of
        loans, securities and other assets in the ordinary course) to
        achieve a similar purpose (any of the foregoing, a "Competing
        Transaction"), unless the Board of Directors of CSB determines in
        good faith (the "Good Faith Board Determination"), that failure
        to take such action will violate such Board of Directors'
        obligations or duties to CSB or its stockholders and that such
        proposal is a "Superior Competing Transaction" (defined in
        Section 8.2(b) hereof).  CSB will immediately cease and cause to
        be terminated any existing activities, discussions or
        negotiations previously conducted with any parties other than
        Midland with respect to any of the foregoing.  CSB will take all
        actions necessary or advisable to inform the appropriate
        individuals or entities referred to in the first clause of this


        Section 5.1(e) of the obligations undertaken in this
        Section 5.1(e).  CSB will notify Midland immediately if any such
        inquiries or proposals with respect to a potential Competing
        Transaction are received by, any such information is requested
        from, or any such negotiations or discussions are sought to be
        initiated or continued with, CSB and CSB will promptly inform
        Midland in writing of all of the relevant details with respect to
        the foregoing;

             (f)  make any capital expenditures other than expenditures
        which (i) are made in the ordinary course of business or are
        necessary to maintain existing assets in good repair and (ii) in
        any event are in an amount of no more than $50,000 individually
        and $200,000 in the aggregate, except in the case of emergency
        repairs or replacements;

             (g)  enter into any new line of business;

             (h)  acquire or agree to acquire, by merging or
        consolidating with, or by purchasing a material equity interest
        in or a material portion of the assets of, or by any other
        manner, any business or any corporation, partnership, association
        or other business organization or division thereof or otherwise
        acquire any assets, which would be material, individually or in
        the aggregate, to CSB, other than, in the case of Centralia
        Savings Bank, in connection with foreclosures, settlements in
        lieu of foreclosure or troubled loan or debt restructurings in
        the ordinary course of business consistent with prudent banking

             (i)  take any action that is intended or may reasonably be
        expected to result in any of its representations and warranties
        set forth in this Agreement being or becoming untrue in any
        material respect, or in any of the conditions to the Merger set
        forth in Article VII not being satisfied, or in a violation of
        any provision of this Agreement except, in every case, as may be
        required by applicable law;

             (j)  change its methods of accounting in effect at
        September 30, 1999, except as required by changes in GAAP or
        regulatory accounting principles as concurred in by CSB's
        independent auditors;

             (k)  (i) except as otherwise contemplated by this Agreement
        or as required by applicable law or to maintain qualification
        pursuant to the Code, adopt, amend, renew or terminate any Plan
        or any agreement, arrangement, plan or policy between any CSB
        Entity and one or more of its current or former directors,
        officers or employees or (ii) except for normal increases in the
        ordinary course of business consistent with past practice or
        except as required by applicable law or otherwise contemplated by
        this Agreement, increase in any manner the compensation or fringe


        benefits of any director, officer or employee or pay any benefit
        not required by any Plan as in effect as of the date hereof
        (including without limitation, the granting of stock options,
        stock appreciation rights, restricted stock, restricted stock
        units or performance units or shares);

             (l)  other than activities in the ordinary course of
        business consistent with past practice, sell, lease, encumber,
        assign or otherwise dispose of, or agree to sell, lease,
        encumber, assign or otherwise dispose of, any material portion of
        assets, properties or other rights or agreements;

             (m)  other than in the ordinary course of business
        consistent with past practice, incur any indebtedness for
        borrowed money, or assume, guarantee, endorse or otherwise as an
        accommodation become responsible for the obligations of any other
        individual, corporation or other entity;

             (n)  file any application to relocate or terminate the
        operations of any banking office of Centralia Savings Bank;

             (o)  make any material equity investment or commitment to
        make such an investment in real estate or in any real estate
        development project, other than in connection with foreclosures,
        settlements in lieu of foreclosure or troubled loan or debt
        restructurings in the ordinary course of business consistent with
        prudent banking practices;

             (p)  take any action which would cause the termination or
        cancellation by the FDIC of insurance in respect of Centralia
        Savings Bank's deposits;

             (q)  except as set forth in Section 5.1(q) of the CSB
        Disclosure Schedule, enter into, renew or increase any loan or
        other extension of credit (including guaranties and standby
        letters of credit), or commit to make any such loan or other
        extension of credit, to any person or entity, or modify any of
        the material provisions or renew or otherwise extend the maturity
        date of any existing loan or other extension of credit or
        commitment therefor (collectively, "Lend to") in an amount in
        excess of $150,000 or in an amount which, when aggregated with
        any and all existing loans, other extensions of credit or credit
        commitments to such person or entity, would be in excess of
        $500,000; (ii) Lend to any person or entity other than in
        accordance with the lending policies of Centralia Savings Bank as
        in effect on the date hereof; or (iii) without first consulting
        with Midland, Lend to any person or entity if any of the loans or
        other extensions of credit by Centralia Savings Bank to such
        person or entity are on Centralia Savings Bank's "watch list" or
        similar internal report of Centralia Savings Bank in an amount in
        excess of $75,000; provided, however, that nothing in this
        Section 5.1(q) shall prohibit any CSB Entity from honoring any


        contractual obligation in existence on the date of this

             (r)  Lend to (as defined in Section 5.1(q)) any director or
        officer of a CSB Entity; or

             (s)  subject to the permitted activities under
        paragraphs (e), (f), (h), (k), (l), (m), (o), (p), and (r) above,
        which are specifically excepted herefrom, create, renew, amend or
        terminate or give notice of a proposed renewal, amendment or
        termination of, any material contract, agreement or lease for
        goods, services or office space to which any CSB Entity is a
        party or by which any CSB Entity or their respective properties
        are bound; or

             (t)  agree to do any of the foregoing.

        5.2. Covenants of Midland.  Midland will use its reasonable best
   efforts to (x) preserve its business organization and that of its
   banking Subsidiary, (y) keep available to itself the present services
   of the employees of Midland and its banking Subsidiary and
   (z) preserve for itself the goodwill of the customers of Midland and
   its banking Subsidiary and others with whom such business
   relationships exist.  Except as set forth in Section 5.2 of the
   Midland Disclosure Schedule or as otherwise contemplated by this
   Agreement, between the date hereof and the Effective Time, neither
   Midland nor Merger Sub will take any action (i) which would adversely
   affect in any manner the ability of Midland or Merger Sub to
   consummate the Merger, or (ii) that is intended or may reasonably be
   expected to result in any of the representations and warranties of
   either entity set forth in this Agreement being or becoming untrue in
   any material respect, or any conditions to the Merger set forth in
   Article VII not being satisfied, or in violation of any provision of
   this Agreement except, in every case, as may be required by applicable

                                 ARTICLE VI
                            ADDITIONAL AGREEMENTS

        6.1. Regulatory Matters.  As soon as practicable following the
   execution of this Agreement, CSB shall prepare and, subject to the
   review of Midland with respect to matters involving Midland, file with
   the SEC a preliminary proxy statement and related materials
   (collectively, the "Proxy Statement") with respect to the
   Stockholders' Meeting (defined below).

        6.2. Stockholder Meeting.  CSB shall take all steps necessary to
   duly call, give notice of, convene and hold a special meeting of its
   stockholders to be held as soon as is reasonably practicable after the
   date on which the Proxy Statement is cleared by the SEC to disseminate
   the Proxy Statement to the stockholders of CSB for the purpose of
   voting upon the adoption of this Agreement (the "Stockholders'


   Meeting").  The Board of Directors of CSB hereby does and (subject to
   the fiduciary duties of CSB's Board of Directors, as advised by
   outside counsel to CSB) will recommend that stockholders of CSB vote
   to adopt this Agreement and the Merger and the other transactions
   contemplated by this Agreement.

        6.3. Access to Information.  (a) Upon reasonable notice and
   subject to applicable laws relating to the exchange of information,
   CSB shall afford to the officers, employees, accountants, counsel and
   other representatives of Midland, access, during normal business hours
   during the period prior to the Effective Time, to all its properties,
   books, contracts, commitments, records, officers, employees,
   accountants, counsel and other representatives and, during such
   period, CSB shall make available to Midland (i) a copy of each report,
   schedule, registration statement and other document filed or received
   by it during such period pursuant to the requirements of Federal
   securities laws or Federal or state banking laws (other than reports
   or documents which CSB is not permitted to disclose under applicable
   law) and (ii) all other information concerning its business,
   properties and personnel of CSB as Midland may reasonably request.
   CSB shall not be required to provide access to or to disclose
   information where such access or disclosure would violate or prejudice
   the rights of CSB's or Centralia Savings Bank's customers, jeopardize
   any attorney-client privilege or contravene any law, rule, regulation,
   order, judgment, decree, fiduciary duty or binding agreement entered
   into prior to the date of this Agreement.  The parties hereto will
   make appropriate substitute disclosure arrangements under
   circumstances in which the restrictions of the preceding sentence
   apply.  Midland will hold all such information in confidence to the
   extent required by, and in accordance with, the provisions of a
   certain letter agreement, dated August 30, 1999, between Midland and
   Charles Webb, acting as agent for CSB (the "Confidentiality

        (b)  To the extent that CSB obtains or becomes aware of any
   information that is confidential or proprietary to Midland or any of
   its Subsidiaries, CSB will hold all such information in strictest
   confidence and be otherwise bound by the terms of the Confidentiality
   Agreement as though all references therein to Midland (whether by use
   of the word "you" or otherwise) were to CSB.

        (c)  No investigation by either Midland, Merger Sub or CSB or
   their respective representatives shall affect the representations,
   warranties, covenants or agreements of the other set forth herein.

        6.4. Legal Conditions to Merger.  Subject to the terms and
   conditions of this Agreement, each of CSB, Midland and Merger Sub
   shall use all reasonable efforts (a) to take, or cause to be taken,
   all actions necessary, proper or advisable to comply promptly with all
   legal requirements which may be imposed on CSB, Midland or on Merger
   Sub, respectively, in regard to the Merger and to consummate the
   transactions contemplated by this Agreement and (b) to obtain (and to


   cooperate with the other party to obtain) any consent, authorization,
   order or approval of, or any exemption by, any Governmental Entity and
   any other third party which is required to be obtained by CSB,
   Midland, Merger Sub or any of their respective Subsidiaries in
   connection with the Merger and the other transactions contemplated by
   this Agreement, and to comply with the terms and conditions of such
   consent, authorization, order or approval.  Without limiting the
   generality of the foregoing, as soon as practicable following the
   execution and delivery of this Agreement, Midland and Merger Sub will
   prepare and file with the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
   System an application for approval of its acquisition of CSB and CSB's
   Subsidiaries under the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

        6.5. Additional Agreements.  In case at any time after the
   Effective Time any further action is necessary or desirable to carry
   out the purposes of this Agreement or to vest Surviving Corporation
   with full title to all properties, assets, rights, approvals,
   immunities and franchises of CSB, the officers and directors of CSB
   serving in such capacity at a particular time shall take all such
   necessary action as may be reasonably requested by Midland.

        6.6. Advice of Changes, Failure of Conditions.  Each of Midland,
   Merger Sub and CSB shall promptly advise the other party or parties of
   any change or event which it believes has caused or constitutes, or is
   reasonably likely to cause or constitute, a material breach of any of
   its representations, warranties or covenants contained herein or is
   reasonably likely to cause any condition in Article VII to the other
   party's obligation to consummate the Merger not to be satisfied.  From
   time to time prior to the Effective Time (and on the day prior to the
   Closing), each party will promptly supplement or amend the Disclosure
   Schedules delivered by it in connection with the execution of this
   Agreement to reflect any matter that, if existing, occurring or known
   at the date of this Agreement, would have been required to be set
   forth or described in such Disclosure Schedules or that is necessary
   to correct any information in such Disclosure Schedules which has been
   rendered inaccurate thereby.  No supplement or amendment to such
   Disclosure Schedules shall have any effect for the purpose of
   determining satisfaction of the conditions set forth in Sections
   7.2(a) or 7.3(a) hereof, as the case may be, or the compliance by CSB,
   Midland or Merger Sub, as the case may be, with the respective
   covenants and agreements of such parties contained herein.

        6.7. Subsequent Financial Statements.  Promptly following its
   filing thereof with the SEC between the date hereof and the Effective
   Time, CSB will deliver to Midland copies of any Quarterly or Annual
   Report on Form 10-QSB or 10-KSB.

        6.8. Current Information.  During the period from the date of
   this Agreement to the Effective Time, CSB will cause one or more of
   its designated representatives to confer on a regular and frequent
   basis (not less often than monthly) with representatives of Midland
   and to report the general status of the ongoing operations of CSB and


   Centralia Savings Bank.  CSB will promptly notify Midland of its
   receipt of any governmental complaints or the initiation of any
   governmental investigations or hearings (or communications indicating
   that the same may be contemplated) or institution or threat of
   significant litigation involving it or Centralia Savings Bank, and
   thereafter will keep Midland fully informed of such events.

        6.9. Merger Sub.  Midland shall cause Merger Sub to take all
   necessary action to complete the transactions contemplated hereby,
   subject to the terms and conditions hereof.

        6.10.  Support Agreements.  Promptly following the execution of
   this Agreement, CSB shall deliver to each of its directors and/or
   executive officers an agreement in the form attached hereto as
   EXHIBIT A (each, a "Support Agreement").

        6.11.  Employee Benefit Plans.  (a) As soon as practical
   following the Effective Time, the employees of each CSB Entity (the
   "CSB Employees") and their dependents shall be entitled to participate
   in each of Midland's employee benefit plans and welfare plans
   (excluding any agreement between Midland and an employee of Midland or
   any of its Subsidiaries) in which similarly situated employees of
   Midland Bank or any Midland Subsidiary and their dependents
   participate, to the same extent as comparable employees of Midland
   Bank or any Midland Subsidiary and their dependents (it being
   understood that inclusion of CSB Employees and their dependents in
   Midland's employee benefit plans may occur at different times with
   respect to different plans).  Midland shall be under no obligation to
   continue, or cause Surviving Corporation to continue, any of the
   existing employee benefit and welfare plans of any of the CSB
   Entities; provided, however, that no coverage of any CSB employee or
   dependent shall terminate under any existing employee benefit plan of
   a CSB Entity prior to the time such CSB employee or dependent becomes
   eligible to participate in the Midland employee benefit plans and
   welfare plans, as applicable.

        (b)  With respect to each employee and welfare plan of Midland
   and its Subsidiaries, for purposes of determining eligibility to
   participate and vesting, service with a CSB Entity prior to the
   Effective Time shall be treated as service with Midland; provided,
   however, that such service shall not be recognized to the extent that
   such recognition would result in a duplication of benefits for benefit
   accrual purposes.  Such service shall also apply for purpose of
   satisfying any waiting periods, actively-at-work requirements and
   evidence of insurability requirements.  No pre-existing condition
   limitations will apply to the CSB Employees and their dependents who
   were participants in the CSB plan comparable to the plan in question
   at the Effective Time.  CSB Employees and their dependents shall be
   given credit for amounts paid under a corresponding benefit plan
   during the same period for purposes of applying deductibles, co-
   payments and out-of-pocket maximums as though such amounts had been


   paid in accordance with the terms and conditions of the corresponding
   Midland plan.

        6.12.  Employee Stock Ownership Plan.  At the Effective Time, the
   ESOP shall be terminated on such terms and conditions as CSB shall
   determine, and the loan between Centralia Savings Bank and the ESOP
   shall be repaid in full from the cash consideration received for
   unallocated shares of CSB Common Stock held by the ESOP upon the
   conversion pursuant to the Merger of such shares of CSB Common Stock
   held by the ESOP.  Any remaining cash consideration received for such
   unallocated shares after such repayment shall be allocated as
   investment earnings to the ESOP accounts of those CSB Employees who
   are ESOP participants and beneficiaries (the "ESOP Participants") in
   accordance with the terms of the ESOP as amended with respect to such
   termination and as in effect on the Effective Time.  All ESOP
   Participants shall fully vest and have a nonforfeitable interest in
   their accounts under the ESOP (including allocations of the
   consideration received on the unallocated shares) determined as of the
   Effective Time.  As soon as practicable after the receipt of a
   favorable determination letter from the Internal Revenue Service
   ("IRS") as to the tax qualified status of the ESOP upon its
   termination under Section 401(a) and 4975(e) of the Code (the "Final
   Determination Letter"), distributions of the benefits under the ESOP
   shall be made to the ESOP Participants.  From and after the date of
   this Agreement, in anticipation of such termination and distribution,
   CSB shall cause Centralia Savings Bank and its representatives before
   the Effective Time to, and Midland and its representatives after the
   Effective Time, shall, use their best efforts to apply for and to
   obtain such favorable Final Determination Letter from the IRS.  If
   Centralia Savings Bank and its representatives, before the Effective
   Time, and Midland and its representatives, after the Effective Time,
   reasonably determine that the ESOP cannot obtain a favorable Final
   Determination Letter, or that the amounts held therein cannot be so
   applied, allocated or distributed without causing the ESOP to lose its
   tax qualified status, Midland, or Centralia Savings Bank at the
   direction of CSB, before the Effective Time, and Midland after the
   Effective Time, shall take such action as they may reasonably
   determine with respect to the distribution of benefits to the ESOP
   Participants.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the IRS imposes any
   requirement(s) on the ESOP, CSB or Midland as a condition to the
   issuance of a favorable Final Determination Letter, then such party
   shall take all actions as is necessary to meet such requirements even
   though such required action may be otherwise inconsistent with the
   foregoing.  Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary,
   if the assets of the ESOP shall be held for the benefit of the ESOP
   Participants, in no event shall any portion of the amounts held in the
   ESOP revert, directly or indirectly, to any CSB Entity, or to Midland
   or any affiliate thereof.  If the CSB Employees otherwise become
   eligible to participate in an employee stock ownership plan maintained
   by Midland or any affiliate thereof ("Midland ESOP"), each CSB
   Entity's employee's period of employment with a CSB Entity before the
   Effective Time shall be counted for all purposes under the Midland


   ESOP, including without limitation, for purposes of eligibility and
   vesting.  At the time distribution of benefits is made under the ESOP
   on or after the Effective Date, at the election of the participant,
   the amount thereof that constitutes an "eligible rollover
   distribution" (as defined in Section 402(f)(2)(A) of the Code) may be
   rolled over by such participant to any qualified Midland benefit plan
   or to any eligible individual retirement account.

        6.13.  Agreement with Optionees.  As soon as practicable
   following the mailing of the Proxy Statement to its stockholders, CSB
   will deliver to each holder of CSB Stock Options an agreement
   providing for the cancellation of such CSB Stock Options effective as
   of the Effective Time in exchange for the Per Share Option
   Consideration to be paid in connection therewith pursuant to
   Section 1.5, and providing for such other matters as deemed relevant
   or as reasonably requested by Midland.

        6.14.  Directors and Officers Liability Insurance and
   Indemnification.  (a) For a period of five years following the
   Effective Time (the "Indemnification Period"), Midland agrees to
   indemnify and hold harmless those individuals who are now or become
   before the Effective Time a director or officer of any CSB Entity
   (collectively, the "Indemnified Parties") with respect to actions
   occurring or facts, events or circumstances existing prior to the
   Effective Time which give rise to a claim for indemnification, to the
   extent such Indemnified Parties would be entitled to indemnification
   under, and to the full extent permitted by, the DGCL and the
   Certificate of Incorporation of CSB as existing on the date hereof;
   provided, however, that all rights to indemnification with respect of
   any claim asserted or made within such five-year period shall continue
   until the final disposition of such claim.

        (b)  CSB will purchase continued coverage under its current
   policy of directors' and officers' liability insurance ("D&O
   Coverage"), in amount and scope at least as favorable as CSB's
   existing D&O Coverage to be effective during the entire
   Indemnification Period.  The cost of such continued D&O Coverage shall
   be deemed a Transaction Cost to the extent of $17,880; provided,
   however, that any cost for such D&O Coverage in excess of $17,880
   shall not be considered a Transaction Cost and shall be disregarded
   for purposes of the Closing Balance Sheet.

        6.15.  COBRA.  Until the Effective Time, CSB shall be liable for
   all obligations for continued health coverage pursuant to
   Section 4980B of the Code and Sections 601 through 609 of ERISA
   ("COBRA") with respect to each qualified beneficiary (as defined in
   COBRA) of CSB who incurs a qualifying event (as defined in COBRA)
   before the Effective Time.  Midland shall be liable for (i) all
   obligations for continued health coverage under COBRA with respect to
   each qualified beneficiary (as defined in COBRA) who incurs a
   qualifying event (as defined in COBRA) from and after the Effective
   Time, and (ii) for continued health coverage under COBRA from and


   after the Effective Time for each CSB qualified beneficiary who incurs
   a qualifying event before the Effective Time.

        6.16.  Termination of Stock Options. Prior to the Effective Time
   and in recognition that Midland has expressly agreed not to assume the
   CSB Stock Option Plans, the Board of Directors of CSB shall terminate
   the CSB Stock Option Plans.

        6.17.  Treatment of Plan Share Awards.  All shares of CSB Common
   Stock subject to plan share awards under the CSB MRP, whether or not
   vested as of the Effective Time shall be treated as fully vested,
   issued and outstanding shares of CSB Common Stock for purposes of
   Section 1.4.  Prior to the Effective Time and in recognition that
   Midland has expressly agreed not to assume the CSB MRP, the Board of
   Directors of CSB shall terminate the CSB MRP, and shall direct the
   trustees of the CSB MRP to return to CSB any shares of CSB Common
   Stock then held by such trustees which are not subject to plan share
   awards (and thus not allocated) and all of such unallocated shares
   shall be canceled pursuant to Section 1.4(b) at the Effective Time.

        6.18.  Profit Sharing Plan.  (a) Immediately prior to the
   Effective Time, CSB shall cause the Centralia Savings Bank Employees'
   Profit Sharing Plan (the "Profit Sharing Plan") to be terminated, and
   in connection therewith to fully vest the accounts held for the Profit
   Sharing Plan participants on the date of such termination.  As soon as
   practicable after receipt of a favorable determination letter from the
   IRS as to the tax-qualified status of the Profit Sharing Plan under
   Sections 401(a) and 501(a) of the Code upon its termination (the
   "Profit Sharing Determination Letter"), all remaining account balances
   held under the Profit Sharing Plan shall be distributed to, or rolled
   over by, Profit Sharing Plan participants pursuant to the distribution
   options available to participants under the Profit Sharing Plan who
   terminate employment or otherwise separate from service.  CSB and its
   representatives prior to the Effective Time, and Midland and its
   representatives after the Effective Time, shall use their best efforts
   to apply for and obtain such Profit Sharing Determination Letter from
   the IRS.  In the event that CSB and its representatives prior to the
   Effective Time, and Midland and its representatives after the
   Effective Time, reasonably determine that the Profit Sharing Plan
   cannot obtain a favorable Profit Sharing Determination Letter, CSB and
   its representatives prior to the Effective Time, and Midland and its
   representatives after the Effective Time, shall take such actions as
   they may reasonably determine, with respect to the distribution of
   benefits to the Profit Sharing Participants, provided that the assets
   of the Profit Sharing Plan shall be held or paid only for the benefit
   of such Profit Sharing Participants; and provided further that in no
   event shall any portion of the amounts held in the Profit Sharing Plan
   revert, directly or indirectly, to CSB or any affiliate thereof, or to
   Midland or any affiliate thereof.

        (b)  If employees of CSB or any CSB affiliate become eligible to
   participate in a Midland profit sharing plan (the "Midland Plan"):


   (i) all such employees who are or were Profit Sharing Plan
   participants shall become participants in the Midland Plan on the date
   the Midland Plan is made available; and (ii) each such employee's
   period of employment with CSB or any CSB affiliate before the
   Effective Time shall be counted for all purposes under the Midland
   Plan, including, without limitation, for purposes of eligibility and

        6.19.  List of CSB Stockholders.  At the Effective Time, CSB
   shall deliver to Midland a list of holders of record of the
   outstanding CSB Common Stock as of the most recent reasonable
   practicable date, and the accuracy of such list shall be certified by
   the Chief Executive Officer of CSB.

        6.20.  CSB Rights Agreement.  The CSB Rights Agreement will be
   (or has been) timely amended and will remain amended (and no
   replacement plan shall be adopted) so as to provide that none of
   Midland and its Subsidiaries or affiliates will become an "Acquiring
   Person" and that no "Stock Acquisition Date" or "Distribution Date"
   (as such terms are defined in the CSB Rights Agreement) will occur as
   a result of the execution of this Agreement or the Support Agreements,
   or the consummation of the Merger pursuant to this Agreement.

                                 ARTICLE VII
                            CONDITIONS PRECEDENT

        7.1. Conditions to Each Party's Obligation to Effect the Merger.
   The respective obligation of each party to effect the Merger shall be
   subject to the satisfaction or waiver at or prior to the Effective
   Time of the following conditions:

        (a)  Stockholder Approval.  This Agreement and the Merger
   provided for herein shall have received the requisite approval by the
   stockholders of CSB.

        (b)  Regulatory Approvals.  All regulatory approvals required to
   consummate the transactions contemplated hereby (including the Merger)
   shall have been obtained and shall remain in full force and effect and
   all statutory waiting periods in respect thereof shall have expired
   (all such approvals and the expiration of all such waiting periods
   being referred to herein as the "Requisite Regulatory Approvals");
   provided, however, that Midland shall not be obligated to effect the
   Merger if, in the reasonable opinion of Midland, any Requisite
   Regulatory Approval contains or imposes any condition or requirement
   that would have a Material Adverse Effect on any party hereto.

        (c)  No Injunctions or Restraints; Illegality.  No order,
   injunction or decree issued by any court or agency of competent
   jurisdiction or other legal restraint or prohibition preventing the
   consummation of the Merger or any of the other transactions
   contemplated by this Agreement (an "Injunction") shall be in effect.
   No statute, rule, regulation, order, injunction or decree shall have


   been enacted, entered, promulgated or enforced by any Governmental
   Entity which prohibits, restricts or makes illegal the consummation of
   the Merger.

        7.2. Conditions to Obligations of Midland.  The obligations of
   Midland and Merger Sub to effect the Merger are also subject to the
   satisfaction or waiver by Midland or Merger Sub at or prior to the
   Effective Time of the following conditions:

        (a)  Representations and Warranties.  (i) The representations and
   warranties of CSB set forth in Sections 3.2 and 3.3(a) of this
   Agreement shall be true and correct in all material respects as of the
   date of this Agreement and (except to the extent such representations
   and warranties speak as of an earlier date) as of the Closing as
   though made on and as of the Closing; and (ii) all other
   representations and warranties of CSB set forth in this Agreement
   shall be true and correct in all material respects as of the date of
   this Agreement and (except to the extent such representations and
   warranties speak as of an earlier date) as of the Closing as though
   made on and as of the Closing; provided, however, that for purposes of
   determining the satisfaction of the condition contained in this
   clause (ii), such representations and warranties shall be deemed to be
   true and correct unless the failure or failures of such
   representations and warranties to be so true and correct, individually
   or in the aggregate, represent a Material Adverse Effect on CSB.
   Midland shall have received a certificate signed on behalf of CSB by
   the Chief Executive Officer of CSB to such effect.

        (b)  Performance of Obligations of CSB.  CSB shall have performed
   in all material respects all obligations required to be performed by
   it under this Agreement at or prior to the Effective Time, and Midland
   shall have received a certificate signed on behalf of CSB by the Chief
   Executive Officer of CSB to such effect.

        (c)  No Pending Governmental Actions.  No proceeding initiated by
   any Governmental Entity seeking an Injunction shall be pending.

        (d)  Legal Opinion.  Midland shall have received a legal opinion,
   dated as of the Effective Date, of Schiff Hardin & Waite ("CSB's
   Counsel"), substantially in the form attached hereto as EXHIBIT B.  In
   rendering such opinion, CSB's Counsel may rely upon representations
   and covenants contained in certificates of officers of Midland, Merger
   Sub, CSB and others.

        (e)  CSB Stock Options.  All of the CSB Stock Options shall
   either (i) be cancelled as of the Effective Time in exchange for the
   Per Share Option Consideration, or (ii) have been exercised in full.

        (f)  Outstanding Shares.  At the Effective Time, there shall be
   no more than 732,299 shares of CSB Common Stock outstanding, exclusive
   of any shares of CSB Common Stock issued from and after the date
   hereof pursuant to the exercise of a CSB Stock Option.


        (g)  Material Adverse Effect.  There shall not have occurred any
   event or circumstance that has or would reasonably to expected to
   result in a Material Adverse Effect on CSB.

        (h)  Appraisal Rights.  The holders of not more than ten percent
   (10%) of the outstanding shares of CSB Common Stock entitled to vote
   at Stockholders' Meeting shall have validly demanded and perfected
   their Appraisal Rights.

        7.3. Conditions to Obligations of CSB.  The obligation of CSB to
   effect the Merger is also subject to the satisfaction or waiver by CSB
   at or prior to the Effective Time of the following conditions:

        (a)  Representations and Warranties. The representations and
   warranties of Midland and Merger Sub set forth in this Agreement shall
   be true and correct in all material respects as of the date of this
   Agreement and (except to the extent such representations and
   warranties speak as of an earlier date) as of the Closing as though
   made on and as of the Closing; provided, however, that for purposes of
   determining the satisfaction of the condition contained in this
   subparagraph (a), such representations and warranties shall be deemed
   to be true and correct unless the failure or failures of such
   representations and warranties to be so true and correct, individually
   or in the aggregate, represent a Material Adverse Effect on Midland
   (after giving effect to the transactions contemplated hereby).  CSB
   shall have received a certificate signed on behalf of Midland and
   Merger Sub by their respective Chief Executive Officer to such effect.

        (b)  Performance of Obligations.  Each of Midland and Merger Sub
   shall have performed in all material respects all obligations required
   to be performed by them under this Agreement at or prior to the
   Effective Time, and CSB shall have received a certificate signed on
   behalf of Midland and Merger Sub by their respective Chief Executive
   Officer to such effect.

        (c)  No Pending Governmental Actions.  No proceeding initiated by
   any Governmental Entity seeking an Injunction shall be pending.

        (d)  Legal Opinion.  CSB shall have received a legal opinion,
   dated as of the Effective Date, of Gallop, Johnson & Neuman, L.C.
   ("Midland's Counsel") in substantially the form attached hereto as
   EXHIBIT C.  In rendering such opinion, Midland's Counsel may require
   and rely upon representations and covenants contained in certificates
   of officers of Midland, Merger Sub, CSB and others.

        (e)  Fairness Opinion.  CSB shall have received the written
   opinion of Charles Webb, as its financial advisor, to the effect that,
   as of the date of the definitive Proxy Statement, the Per Share Merger
   Consideration is fair to the stockholders of CSB from a financial
   point of view.


                                ARTICLE VIII
                          TERMINATION AND AMENDMENT

        8.1. Termination.  This Agreement may be terminated at any time
   prior to the Effective Time, whether before or after approval by the
   stockholders of CSB of the matters presented in connection with the

        (a)  by mutual consent of Midland and CSB in a written
   instrument, if the Board of Directors of each so determines by a vote
   of a majority of the members of its entire Board;

        (b)  by either Midland or CSB upon written notice to the other
   party if any Governmental Entity of competent jurisdiction shall have
   issued a final nonappealable order enjoining, denying approval of, or
   otherwise prohibiting the consummation of any of the transactions
   contemplated by this Agreement;

        (c)  by either Midland or CSB at any time after July 31, 2000 if
   the Merger shall not theretofore have been consummated, unless the
   failure of the Closing to occur by such date shall be due to the
   failure of the party seeking to terminate this Agreement to perform or
   observe the covenants and agreements of such party set forth herein;

        (d)  by either Midland or CSB if the approval of the stockholders
   of CSB required for the consummation of the Merger shall not have been
   obtained by reason of the failure to obtain the required vote at a
   duly held meeting of such stockholders or at any adjournment or
   postponement thereof;

        (e)  by either Midland or CSB (provided that the terminating
   party is not then in material breach of any representation, warranty,
   covenant or other agreement contained herein) if there shall have been
   a material breach of any of the representations or warranties set
   forth in this Agreement on the part of the other party, which breach
   is not cured within 30 days following written notice to the party
   committing such breach, or which breach, by its nature, cannot be
   cured prior to the Closing; provided, however, that neither party
   shall have the right to terminate this Agreement pursuant to this
   Section 8.1(e) unless the breach of any representation or warranty,
   together with all other such breaches, would entitle the party
   receiving such representation or warranty not to consummate the
   transactions contemplated hereby under Section 7.2(a) (in the case of
   a breach of a representation or warranty by CSB) or Section 7.3(a) (in
   the case of a breach of a representation or warranty by Midland or
   Merger Sub);

        (f)  by either Midland or CSB (provided that the terminating
   party is not then in material breach of any representation, warranty,
   covenant or other agreement contained herein) if there shall have been
   a material breach of any of the covenants or agreements set forth in
   this Agreement on the part of the other party, which breach shall not


   have been cured within 30 days following receipt by the breaching
   party of written notice of such breach from the other party hereto; or

        (g)  by Midland, if (i) the Board of Directors of CSB shall have
   (x) withdrawn or adversely modified its approval or recommendation of
   this Agreement or the Merger, or (y) approved or recommended any
   Competing Transaction involving CSB other than the Merger involving
   CSB, in each case, by or involving a party other than Midland or any
   of its Subsidiaries, or (ii) CSB shall have taken any of the actions
   described in Section 5.1(e) hereof unless:  (i) pursuant to a Good
   Faith Board Determination, and (ii) all discussions with the party in
   furtherance of a Competing Transaction have been terminated within 45
   calendar days of such Good Faith Board Determination.

        (h)  By CSB, upon two days' prior notice to Midland, if, as a
   result of an unsolicited proposal (including a tender offer) by a
   party other than Midland or its Subsidiaries for a Competing
   Transaction, the Board of Directors of CSB, pursuant to a Good Faith
   Board Determination, determines that such Competing Transaction be
   accepted; provided, however, that before delivering such two days'
   prior notice to Midland to effect a termination under this paragraph
   (h), CSB shall, and shall cause its financial and legal advisers to,
   negotiate with Midland for not less than three calendar days to make
   such adjustments in the terms and conditions of this Agreement as
   would enable CSB to proceed with the transactions contemplated herein
   on such adjusted terms.

        (i)  by either Midland or CSB, if, as a result of the adjustment
   to the Merger Consideration as provided Section 1.10 hereof, the Per
   Share Merger Consideration is less than $15.50; provided, however,
   that notwithstanding the foregoing, if, as a result of such
   adjustment, the Per Share Merger Consideration is less than $15.50,
   and notwithstanding such adjustment, Midland is willing to pay a Per
   Share Merger Consideration of $15.50, then CSB shall not have the
   right to terminate this Agreement pursuant to this Section 8.1(i).

        8.2  Effect of Termination; Expenses.  (a) Midland and CSB hereby
   agree that, subject to Section 8.2(b) hereof, the sole remedy
   available to a party terminating this Agreement pursuant to
   Section 8.1 hereof, shall be limited to such party's right not to
   effect the Merger and the other transactions provided for in or
   contemplated by this Agreement, it being understood and agreed that
   subject to the provisos to this sentence, the non-terminating party
   shall not be deemed in breach of this Agreement; provided, however,
   that notwithstanding the foregoing (i) the last sentence of each of
   Sections 6.3(a) and 6.3(b), this Section 8.2 and Section 9.4 shall
   survive any termination of this Agreement and (ii) no party shall be
   relieved or released, as a result of such termination, from any
   liabilities or damages arising out of its willful breach of any
   provision of this Agreement.


        (b)  (i)  Notwithstanding subparagraph (a) of this Section 8.2,
   if this Agreement is terminated (A) by Midland pursuant to
   Section 8.1(g), or (B) by CSB pursuant to Section 8.1 (other than
   pursuant to Section 8.1(h)) if, at the time of such termination by
   CSB, Midland would have had the right to terminate this Agreement
   pursuant to Section 8.1(g), or (C) by CSB pursuant to Section 8.1(h),
   regardless of whether or not Midland would then have had the right to
   terminate this Agreement pursuant to Section 8.1(g), then, in any such
   case, CSB shall promptly, but in no event later than two business days
   after the date of such termination, pay to Midland, as reimbursement
   of Midland's direct and indirect expenses and costs, including legal,
   accounting and administration costs, as well as the opportunity cost
   to Midland of business transactions foregone as a result of its
   efforts to effect the Merger, a fee equal to Five Hundred Thousand
   Dollars ($500,000) (the "Termination Fee").  Notwithstanding the
   preceding sentence, if this Agreement is terminated pursuant to
   Section 8.1(d) hereof by either party, or if this Agreement is
   terminated by Midland because of actions taken by CSB under
   Section 5.1(e) following a Good Faith Board Determination, then the
   Termination Fee shall be payable to Midland only if (A) a proposal
   with respect to a Competing Transaction shall have occurred prior to
   the meeting of CSB's stockholders referred to herein, and (B) within
   270 calendar days following such stockholders' meeting, (I) CSB shall
   have entered into an agreement with a third party providing for the
   consummation of a Superior Competing Transaction, or (II) a Superior
   Competing Transaction with a third party shall have occurred.  As used
   herein, the term "Superior Competing Transaction" means a Competing
   Transaction which provides for consideration (whether in the form of
   cash, securities or other property or mixture thereof) on a per share
   basis of more than the Per Share Merger Consideration.  The payment of
   the Termination Fee by or on behalf of CSB shall be in lieu of, and in
   full satisfaction of, any other rights or remedies otherwise available
   to Midland or Merger Sub as a result of a termination hereof.

             (ii) Notwithstanding the foregoing, to the extent that CSB
   shall be prohibited by applicable law or regulation, or by
   administrative actions or policy of any Governmental Entity, from
   satisfying in full its requirement to make the Termination Fee, it
   shall immediately so notify Midland and shall thereafter deliver or
   cause to be delivered, from time to time, to Midland, that portion of
   the payments required to be paid by it hereunder that it shall no
   longer be prohibited from paying, within five business days after the
   date on which CSB shall no longer be so prohibited; provided, however,
   that if CSB at any time shall be prohibited by applicable law or
   regulation, or by administrative actions or policy of any Governmental
   Entity, from making all or any portion of the Termination Fee required
   hereunder, it shall (A) use its reasonable best efforts to obtain all
   required regulatory and legal approvals and to file any required
   notices as promptly as practicable in order to make such payments,
   (B) within five days of the submission or receipt of any documents
   relating to such regulatory or legal approvals, provide Midland with
   copies of the same, and (C) keep Midland advised of both the status of


   any such request for regulatory and legal approvals, as well as any
   discussions with any relevant Governmental Entity or third party
   reasonably related to same.  Nothing contained in this
   subparagraph (b) shall be deemed to authorize CSB to breach any
   provision of this Agreement.

        8.3. Amendment.  Subject to compliance with applicable law, this
   Agreement may be amended by the parties hereto, by action taken or
   authorized by their respective Boards of Directors, at any time before
   or after approval by the stockholders of CSB of the Merger and the
   transactions provided for herein.  This Agreement may not be amended
   except by an instrument in writing signed on behalf of each of the
   parties hereto.

        8.4. Extension; Waiver.  At any time prior to the Effective Time,
   the parties hereto, by action taken or authorized by their respective
   Board of Directors, may, to the extent legally allowed, (a) extend the
   time for the performance of any of the obligations or other acts of
   the other parties hereto, (b) waive any inaccuracies in the
   representations and warranties contained herein or in any document
   delivered pursuant hereto and (c) waive compliance with any of the
   agreements or conditions contained herein.  Any agreement on the part
   of a party hereto to any such extension or waiver shall be valid only
   if set forth in a written instrument signed on behalf of such party,
   but such extension or waiver or failure to insist on strict compliance
   with an obligation, covenant, agreement or condition shall not operate
   as a waiver of, or estoppel with respect to, any subsequent or other

                                 ARTICLE IX
                             GENERAL PROVISIONS

        9.1. Closing.  Subject to the terms and conditions of this
   Agreement, including Section 1.2 hereof, the consummation of the
   Merger (the "Closing") will occur on the Effective Date at the offices
   of Midland, unless another place is agreed to in writing by the
   parties hereto.

        9.2. Subsidiary Bank Merger. Upon the request of Midland, CSB
   shall cause Centralia Savings Bank to enter into an agreement with
   Effingham State Bank and take all of the actions necessary and
   appropriate to cause the merger of Centralia Savings Bank with and
   into Effingham State Bank (the "Subsidiary Bank Merger") to be
   effective.  The Agreement pursuant to which the Subsidiary Bank Merger
   will be effected shall provide, in addition to customary terms for
   such a bank merger, (i) for the consummation of the Subsidiary Bank
   Merger on a date on or after the Effective Date, as may be selected by
   Effingham State Bank, and (ii) that the obligations of Centralia
   Savings Bank hereunder are conditioned on the prior or simultaneous
   consummation of the Merger pursuant to this Agreement.  The Merger
   shall not be conditioned upon the consummation of the Subsidiary Bank


        9.3. Nonsurvival of Representations, Warranties and Agreements.
   None of the representations, warranties, covenants and agreements in
   this Agreement or in any instrument delivered pursuant to this
   Agreement shall survive the Effective Time, except for those covenants
   and agreements contained herein which by their terms apply in whole or
   in part after the Effective Time.

        9.4. Expenses.  All costs and expenses incurred in connection
   with this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby shall be
   paid by the party incurring such expense, provided, however, that
   nothing contained herein shall limit either party's rights to recover
   any liabilities or damages arising out of the other party's willful
   breach of any provision of this Agreement, as provided in
   Section 8.2(a) hereof or Midland's rights under Section 8.2(b).

        9.5. Notices.  All notices and other communications hereunder
   shall be in writing and shall be deemed given if delivered personally,
   telecopied (with confirmation), mailed by registered or certified mail
   (return receipt requested) or delivered by an express courier (with
   confirmation) to the parties at the following addresses (or at such
   other address for a party as shall be specified by like notice):

        (a)  if to Midland and Merger Sub, to:
             Midland States Bancorp, Inc.
             133 West Jefferson Street
             Effingham, Illinois  62401
             Attention:     Randall J. Dempsey
                            President and Chief Executive Officer
             Telephone:     (217) 342-2141
             Telecopy:      (217) 342-9449

        with a copy to:

             Gallop, Johnson & Neuman, L.C.
             101 South Hanley Road
             St. Louis, Missouri 63105
             Attention:     Harold S. Goodman, Esq.
             Telephone:     (314) 862-1200
             Telecopy:      (314) 862-1219

        (b)  if to CSB, to:
             CSB Financial Group, Inc.
             200 South Poplar
             Centralia, Illinois  62801
             Attention:     K. Gary Reynolds
                            Chairman, President and Chief Executive
             Telephone:     (618) 532-1918
             Telecopy:      (618) 532-7857


        with a copy to:

             Schiff Hardin & Waite
             6600 Sears Tower
             Chicago, Illinois  60606-6473
             Attention:     Christopher J. Zinski, Esq.
             Telephone:     (312) 258-5548
             Telecopy:      (312) 258-5600

        9.6. Interpretation; Effect.  When a reference is made in this
   Agreement to Sections, Exhibits or Schedules, such reference shall be
   to a Section of or an Exhibit or Schedule to this Agreement unless
   otherwise indicated.  The table of contents and headings contained in
   this Agreement are for reference purposes only and shall not affect in
   any way the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.  The phrases
   "the date of this Agreement", "the date hereof" and terms of similar
   import, unless the context otherwise requires, shall be deemed to
   refer to January 26, 2000.  Whenever the words "include", "includes"
   or "including" are used in this Agreement, they shall be deemed to be
   followed by the words "without limitation".  No provision of this
   Agreement shall be construed to require CSB, Midland, Merger Sub or
   any of their respective Subsidiaries, affiliates or directors to take
   any action which would violate applicable law (whether statutory or
   common law), rule or regulation.  The phrases "to the knowledge of
   CSB" and "to the best knowledge of CSB" shall mean the actual
   knowledge of the Chief Executive Officer of CSB, or, after reasonable
   investigation and inquiry, facts or circumstances that such Chief
   Executive Officer should have known.

        9.7. Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in
   counterparts, all of which shall be considered one and the same
   agreement and shall become effective when counterparts have been
   signed by each of the parties and delivered to the other parties, it
   being understood that all parties need not sign the same counterpart.

        9.8. Entire Agreement.  This Agreement (including the documents
   and the instruments referred to herein) constitutes the entire
   agreement and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, both
   written and oral, among the parties hereto with respect to the subject
   matter hereof (other than with respect to the terms and conditions of
   the Confidentiality Agreement dated August 30, 1999, which also shall
   apply to CSB as though all references therein to Midland, whether by
   use of the word "you" or otherwise, were to CSB, and such
   Confidentiality Agreement as so construed shall remain in full force
   and effect) and any agreement or instrument referred to or
   contemplated herein or therein.

        9.9. Governing Law.  This Agreement shall be governed and
   construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware,
   without regard to any applicable conflicts of law, except to the
   extent specifically provided herein or otherwise required by law.


        9.10.     Enforcement of Agreement.  The parties hereto agree
   that irreparable damage would occur in the event that the provisions
   contained in the last sentence of each of Sections 6.3(a) and 6.3(b)
   of this Agreement were not performed in accordance with their
   respective specific terms or were otherwise breached.  It is
   accordingly agreed that the parties shall be entitled to an injunction
   or injunctions to prevent breaches of the last sentence of each of
   Sections 6.3(a) and 6.3(b) of this Agreement and to enforce
   specifically the terms and provisions thereof in any court of the
   United States or any state having jurisdiction, this being in addition
   to any other remedy to which they are entitled at law or in equity.

        9.11.     Severability.  If any term or provision of this
   Agreement shall be declared invalid or unenforceable in any
   jurisdiction shall, as to that jurisdiction, be ineffective to the
   extent of such invalidity or unenforceability without rendering
   invalid or unenforceable the remaining terms and provisions of this
   Agreement or affecting the validity or enforceability of any of the
   terms or provisions of this Agreement in any other jurisdiction.  If
   any provision of this Agreement shall be declared to be so broad as to
   be unenforceable, the provision shall be interpreted to be only so
   broad as is enforceable.

        9.12.     Publicity.  Except as otherwise required by law, so
   long as this Agreement is in effect, neither Midland, Merger Sub nor
   CSB shall issue or cause the publication of any press release or other
   public announcement with respect to, or otherwise make any public
   statement concerning, the transactions contemplated by this Agreement
   without the consent of the other party, which consent shall not be
   unreasonably withheld.

        9.13.     Assignment; No Third Party Beneficiaries.  Neither this
   Agreement nor any of the rights, interests or obligations hereunder
   shall be assigned by any of the parties hereto (whether by operation
   of law or otherwise) without the prior written consent of the other
   parties.  Subject to the preceding sentence, this Agreement will be
   binding upon, inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the
   parties and their respective successors and assigns.  Except as
   otherwise expressly provided herein, this Agreement (including the
   documents and instruments referred to herein) is not intended to
   confer upon any person other than the parties hereto any rights or
   remedies hereunder.


        IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Midland, Merger Sub and CSB have caused this
   Agreement to be executed by their respective officers thereunto duly
   authorized as of the date first above written.

                       MIDLAND STATES BANCORP, INC.

                       By:       /s/ Randall J. Dempsey
                       Name:  Randall J. Dempsey
                       Title:  President and Chief Executive Officer

                       CSB ACQUISITION CORPORATION

                       By:     /s/ Randall J. Dempsey
                       Name:  Randall J. Dempsey
                       Title:  President and Chief Executive Officer

                       CSB FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.

                       By:     /s/ K. Gary Reynolds
                       Name:  K. Gary Reynolds
                       Title:  President and Chief Executive Officer


                     Appendix B: Opinion of Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc.

                        KEEFE, BRUYETTE & WOODS, INC.

                    211 BRADENTON AVE.   DUBLIN, OH 43017

        PHONE                                                     FAX
   614-766-8400                                              614-766-8406

   June 19, 2000

   Board of Directors
   CSB Financial Group, Inc.
   200 South Poplar Street
   Centralia, Illinois  62801

   Dear Gentlemen:

   You have requested our opinion as an independent investment banking
   firm regarding the fairness, from a financial point of view, to the
   stockholders of CSB Financial Group, Inc. ("CSBF"), of the
   consideration to be received by such stockholders in the merger (the
   "Merger") between CSBF and Midland States Bancorp, Inc. ("Midland").
   We have not been requested to opine as to, and our opinion does not in
   any manner address, CSBF's underlying business decision to proceed
   with or effect the Merger.

   Pursuant to the Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated January 26, 2000,
   between CSBF and Midland and a wholly owned subsidiary thereof (the
   "Agreement"), at the effective time of the Merger, Midland will
   acquire all of CSBF's outstanding shares of common stock including all
   allocated and unallocated shares of common stock under the ESOP and
   all vested and unvested shares underlying awards under CSBF's
   management recognition and development plan.  The holders of CSBF
   common stock will receive $16.00 per share, in cash, upon surrender of
   stock certificates of CSBF representing the shares following the
   effective date of the merger.  In addition, all options to purchase
   shares outstanding on the effective date of the Merger would be
   cancelled in exchange for the purchase thereof by Midland in cash for
   an amount equal to the excess, if any, of the per share merger price
   over the per share exercise price, multiplied by the number of shares
   covered by the option in question.  The $16.00 per share merger
   consideration may be reduced as described in Section 1.10 of the
   Agreement.  The complete terms of the proposed transaction are
   described in the Agreement, and this summary is qualified in its
   entirety by reference thereto.

   Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., as part of its investment banking
   business, is regularly engaged in the evaluation of businesses and
   securities in connection with mergers and acquisitions, negotiated
   underwritings, and distributions of listed and unlisted securities.


   We are familiar with the market for common stocks of publicly traded
   banks, savings institutions and bank and savings institution holding

   In connection with this opinion we reviewed certain financial and
   other business data supplied to us by CSBF: Annual Reports for the
   years ended September 30, 1997, 1998, and 1999; Proxy Statements for
   the years ended September 30, 1997, 1998, and 1999; consolidated
   audited financial statements of CSBF at and for the year ended
   September 30, 1999; and other information we deemed relevant.  We
   discussed with senior management and the board of directors of CSBF
   the current position and prospective outlook for CSBF.  We reviewed
   financial and stock market data of other savings institutions,
   particularly in the CSBF region of the United States, and the
   financial and structural terms of several other recent transactions
   involving mergers and acquisitions of savings institutions or proposed
   changes of control of comparably situated companies.

   For Midland, we reviewed the annual report for the fiscal year ended
   December 31, 1998; financial statements (unaudited) for the nine
   months ended September 30, 1999;  and certain other information we
   deemed relevant.

   For purposes of this opinion we have relied, without independent
   verification, on the accuracy and completeness of the material
   furnished to us by CSBF and Midland and the material otherwise made
   available to us, including information from published sources, and we
   have not made any independent effort to verify such data.  With
   respect to the financial information, including asset valuations we
   received from CSBF, we assumed (with your consent) that they had been
   reasonably prepared reflecting the best currently available estimates
   and judgment of CSBF management.  In addition, we have not made or
   obtained any independent appraisals or evaluations of the assets or
   liabilities, and potential and/or contingent liabilities of CSBF and
   Midland.  We have further relied on the assurances of management of
   CSBF and Midland that they are not aware of any facts that would make
   such information inaccurate or misleading.  We express no opinion on
   matters of a legal, regulatory, tax or accounting nature or the
   ability of the Merger, as set forth in the Agreement, to be

   In rendering our opinion, we have assumed that in the course of
   obtaining the necessary approvals for the Merger, no restrictions or
   conditions will be imposed that would have a material adverse effect
   on the contemplated benefits of the Merger to CSBF or the ability to
   consummate the Merger.  Our opinion is based on the market, economic
   and other relevant considerations as they exist and can be evaluated
   on the date hereof.

   Consistent with the engagement letter with you, we have acted as
   financial advisor to CSBF in connection with the Merger and will
   receive a fee for such services, a portion of which is contingent upon


   the consummation of the Merger.  In addition, CSBF has agreed to
   indemnify us for certain liabilities arising out of our engagement by
   CSBF in connection with the Merger.

   Based upon and subject to the foregoing, as outlined in the foregoing
   paragraphs and based on such other matters as we considered relevant,
   it is our opinion that as of the date hereof, the consideration to be
   received by the stockholders of CSBF in the Merger under the terms of
   the Agreement is fair, from a financial point of view, to the
   stockholders of CSBF.

   This opinion may not, however, be summarized, excerpted from or
   otherwise publicly referred to without our prior written consent,
   although this opinion and any update thereof may be included in its
   entirety in the proxy statement of CSBF used to solicit stockholder
   approval of the Merger.  It is understood that this letter is directed
   to the Board of Directors of CSBF in its consideration of the
   Agreement, and is not intended to be and does not constitute a
   recommendation to any stockholder as to how such stockholder should
   vote with respect to the Merger.

   Very truly yours,

   /s/ Patricia A. McJoynt

   Keefe, Bruyette, & Woods, Inc.



                   U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
                           Washington, D.C. 20549

                                 FORM 10-KSB

   For the fiscal year ended September 30, 1999

   Commission file number 0-26650

   (Name of small business issuer in its charter)

                 DELAWARE                                 37-1336338
                 --------                                 ----------
       (State or other jurisdiction of                 (I.R.S. Employer
        incorporation or organization)                Identification No.)

     200 South Poplar, Centralia, Illinois                  62801
     -------------------------------------                  -----
   (Address or principal executive offices)              (Zip Code)

   Registrant's telephone number, including area code  (618) 532-1918

   Securities registered under Section 12(b) of the Exchange Act:  None

   Securities registered under Section 12(g) of the Exchange Act:

                   COMMON STOCK, PAR VALUE $0.01 PER SHARE
                              (Title of class)

        Check whether the issuer (1) filed all reports required to be
   filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act during the past 12
   months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to
   file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing
   requirements for the past 90 days.  Yes _X_      No ___

        Check if there is no disclosure of delinquent filers in response
   to Item 405 of Regulation S-B contained in this form, and no
   disclosure will be contained, to the best of registrant's knowledge,
   in definitive proxy or information statements incorporated by
   reference in Part III of this Form 10-KSB or any amendment to this
   Form 10-KSB.

        State issuer's revenues for its most recent fiscal year:


        The aggregate market value of the voting stock held by
   non-affiliates of the Registrant at December 17, 1999 was $8,239,770.
   For purposes of this determination only, directors and executive
   officers of the Registrant have been presumed to be affiliates.  The
   market value is based upon $14.50 per share, the last sales price as
   quoted on the OTC market for December 17, 1999.

        The Registrant had 732,299 shares of Common Stock outstanding at
   December 17, 1999, not including 21,870 shares held by the
   Registrant's Employee Stock Ownership Plan which have not been
   allocated to participants.

        Transitional Small Business Disclosure Format:   Yes ___  No _X_



        The registrant's Annual Report to Stockholders for the year ended
   September 30, 1999 is incorporated by reference to Part II of this
   Form 10-KSB.

        The registrant's proxy statement for its 2000 annual meeting of
   stockholders to be held on January 14, 2000 is incorporated by
   reference to Part III of this Form 10-KSB.

        The Exhibit Index is located at pages C-40 through C-42.



    PART I                                                 Page

       Item 1.    Description of Business               C-5 - C-37

       Item 2.    Description of Property               C-36 - C-37

       Item 3.    Legal Proceedings                        C-37

       Item 4.    Submission of Matters to a Vote of
                  Security Holders                         C-37


       Item 5.    Market for Common Equity and Related
                  Stockholder Matters                      C-38

       Item 6.    Management's Discussion and Analysis
                  or Plan of Operation                     C-38

       Item 7.    Financial Statements                     C-38

       Item 8.    Changes In and Disagreements With
                  Accountants on Accounting and
                  Financial Disclosure                     C-38


       Item 9.    Directors, Executive Officers,
                  Promoters and Control persons;
                  Compliance with Section 16(a) of the
                  Exchange Act                             C-38

       Item 10.   Executive Compensation

       Item 11.   Security Ownership of Certain
                  Beneficial Owners and Management         C-39

       Item 12.   Certain Relationships and Related
                  Transactions                             C-39

       Item 13.   Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K         C-39

    SIGNATURES                                             C-42


                                   PART I


        On October 5, 1995, CSB Financial Group, Inc. (the "Company")
   acquired all of the outstanding shares of Centralia Savings Bank (the
   "Bank") upon the Bank's conversion from a state chartered mutual
   savings bank to a state chartered stock savings bank.  The Company
   purchased 100% of the outstanding stock of the Bank using 50% of the
   net proceeds from the Company's initial stock offering which was
   completed on October 5, 1995.  The Company sold 1,035,000 shares of
   $0.01 par value common stock at a price of $8 per share, including
   82,800 shares purchased by the Bank's Employee Stock Ownership Plan
   ("ESOP").  The ESOP shares were acquired by the Bank with proceeds
   from a Company loan totaling $662,000.  The gross proceeds of the
   offering were $8,280,000.  After reducing gross proceeds for
   conversion costs of $696,000 net proceeds totaled $7,584,000.  The
   Company's stock trades on the NASDAQ Small Caps market under the
   symbol "CSBF".

        The acquisition of the Bank by the Company was accounted for
   similar to a "pooling of interests" under generally accepted
   accounting principles.  The application of the pooling of interests
   method records the assets and liabilities of the merged entities on an
   historical cost basis with no goodwill or other intangible assets
   being recorded.

        The Company's assets at September 30, 1999 consist primarily of
   the investment in the Bank of $10.0 million.  Currently, the Company
   does not transact any material business other than through its
   subsidiary, the Bank.


        The Bank is an Illinois-chartered stock savings bank regulated by
   the Illinois Commissioner of Savings and Residential Finance (the
   "Commissioner").  The Bank was originally chartered in 1879 as a
   federally chartered savings and loan association.  The deposits of the
   Bank are insured up to the applicable limits by the Federal Deposit
   Insurance Corporation ("FDIC") under the Savings Association Insurance
   Fund ("SAIF").  The Bank's primary market area consists of Marion
   County, Illinois, which includes the cities of Carlyle and Centralia.
   The Bank maintains two offices, one in Centralia and one in Carlyle,
   and provides a full range of retail banking services at each office,
   with emphasis on one- to four-family residential mortgage loans,
   consumer and commercial loans.  At September 30, 1999, the Bank had
   total assets, liabilities and stockholders' equity of $48.8 million,
   $38.8 million, and $10.0 million, respectively.

        The Bank's principal business consists of the acceptance of
   retail deposits from the residents and small businesses surrounding
   its offices and the investment of those deposits, together with funds


   generated from operations, primarily in one- to four-family
   residential mortgage loans.  The Bank also invests in multifamily
   mortgage, commercial real estate, construction, land development and
   other loans.  At September 30, 1999, the Bank's gross loan portfolio
   totaled $29.1 million or 59.69% of total assets.  In addition to its
   lending activities, the Bank also invests in U.S. Treasury securities,
   government agency securities, local municipal securities and
   mortgage-backed securities.  At September 30, 1999, the Bank's
   securities portfolio totaled $17.3 million or 35.52% of total assets
   with $17.1 million classified as available for sale and $216,000
   classified as nonmarketable equity securities.

        The Bank's revenues are derived principally from interest on its
   mortgage, consumer and commercial loans, and, to a lesser extent,
   interest and dividends on its securities.  The Bank's primary sources
   of funds are deposits, Federal Home Loan Bank advances, principal and
   interest payments, and principal prepayments on loans.  Through its
   wholly-owned subsidiary, Centralia SLA, Inc., the Bank engages in the
   sale of insurance services.

        The executive offices of the Company and Savings Bank are located
   at 200 South Poplar Street, Centralia, Illinois 62801 and the
   telephone number is (618) 532-1918.

        COMPOSITION OF THE LOAN PORTFOLIO.  The Bank's historical lending
   strategy has focused primarily on the origination of residential
   mortgage loans secured by one- to four-family mortgages and consumer
   loans to customers with whom the Bank already had a deposit or lending
   relationship.  Beginning in May, 1994, the Bank began offering
   consumer loans, primarily installment loans for the purchase of
   automobiles, to the general public.  The Bank also originates, from
   time to time, multi-family and commercial real estate loans and
   commercial non-real estate loans, although such loans presently
   constitute a relatively small percentage of the Bank's total loan
   portfolio.  The following table sets forth in greater detail the
   composition of the Bank's loan portfolio by type of loan as of the
   dates indicated:

                                                  At September 30,
                                           1999                    1998
                                           ----                    ----
                                                   (In Thousands)
                                     Amount     Percent      Amount    Percent
                                     ------     -------      ------    -------
 Mortgage Loans:
     One- to four-family         $   21,225     72.83%     $  19,037    72.42%
     Multi-family                       639      2.19%           258     0.98%
     Commercial real estate             519      1.78%         1,120     4.26%


                                                 At September 30,
                                         1999                    1998
                                         ----                    ----
                                                 (In Thousands)
                                   Amount     Percent      Amount      Percent
                                   ------     -------      ------      -------
     Other loans secured by
     real estate                      1,327      4.55%           283     1.07%
                                     ------      ----         ------    -----
     Total mortgage loans            23,710     81.35%        20,698    78.73%

 Commercial and Consumer Loans:
     Commercial                       1,164      3.99%           625     2.38%
     Consumer                         3,449     11.84%         4,095    15.58%
     Home equity lines of credit        649      2.23%           678     2.58%
     Share loans                        170      0.59%           193     0.73%
                                     ------     -----         ------    -----
          Total commercial and
          consumer loans              5,432     18.65%         5,591    21.27%
          Total loans                29,142    100.00%        26,289   100.00%
                                               ======                  ======

     Deferred fees                      --                         6
     Unearned income on                                            1
      consumer loans                    --
     Allowance for loan losses          222                      171
                                     ------                   ------
          Total loans, net       $   28,920              $    26,111
                                     ======                   ======

              The Bank had no loans held for sale at September 30, 1999 or
   1998.  As of September 30, 1999, 34.3% of the Bank's loans had
   adjustable interest rates.

        The types of loans that the Bank may originate are subject to
   federal and state laws and regulations.  Interest rates charged by the
   Bank are affected by the demand for such loans and the supply of
   money available for lending purposes and the rates offered by
   competitors.  These factors are, in turn, affected by, among other
   things, economic conditions, monetary policies of the federal
   government, including the Federal Reserve Board and legislative tax



        The following table shows the maturity of the Bank's loans at
   September 30, 1999.  The table does not include the effect of future
   loan repayment activity.  While the Bank cannot project future loan
   prepayment activity, the Bank anticipates that in periods of stable
   interest rates, prepayment activity would be lower than prepayment
   activity experienced in periods of declining interest rates.  In
   general, the Bank originates adjustable and fixed-rate one- to
   four-family loans with maturities from 15 to 30 years, one-to-four
   family loans with balloon features which mature from 1 to 5 years,
   multi-family loans with maturities from 1 to 5 years, adjustable-rate
   commercial real estate loans with maturities of 20 to 25 years,
   commercial loans with maturities of 90 days to one year, and consumer
   loans with maturities of 1 to 5 years.

                                                  At September 30, 1999
                                       Mortgage   Commercial  Consumer   Total
                                         Loans        Loans     Loans    Loans
                                       --------   ----------  --------   -----
                                                   (In Thousands)
  One year or less                     $  1,348     $ 413    $   430    $ 2,191
                                       ========     =====    =======    =======
  After one year:
  More than one year to five years     $  3,252     $ 662    $ 3,798    $ 7,712
  More than five years to ten years       3,816        89         40      3,945
  More than ten years                    15,294        --         --     15,294
                                       --------    ------     ------   --------
        Total due after
            September 30, 2000         $ 22,362     $ 751    $ 3,838    $26,951
                                       ========     =====    =======    =======

Interest rate terms on amounts due
  after one year:
     Fixed                             $ 12,671     $ 600    $ 3,838   $ 17,109
     Adjustable                           9,691       151         --      9,842

              ONE- TO FOUR-FAMILY LOANS.  The primary lending activity of the
   Bank has been the extension of first mortgage residential loans to
   enable borrowers to purchase existing one- to four-family homes or to
   construct new one- to four-family homes.  At September 30, 1999 and
   1998, the Bank's gross loan portfolio consisted of approximately $21.2
   million, or 72.83%, and $19.0 million, or 72.42%, respectively of
   loans secured by one- to four-family residential real estate.  The
   predominant type of first-mortgage residential loan currently offered
   by the Savings Bank to loan customers is an adjustable rate mortgage
   that adjusts on either a one-year or three-year basis with a 30 year

        Balloon loans were the predominant type of residential first
   mortgage loan offered by the Savings Bank prior to September, 1994.


   Such loans are amortized over a maximum period of 30 years for
   purposes of computing the borrower's monthly mortgage payments.  Under
   the terms of its standard balloon loan, the Savings Bank is generally
   obligated, at the option of the borrower, to refinance the loan at the
   time the balloon payment becomes due, provided that the loan is
   current at such time.  The initial interest rate on each balloon loan
   offered by the Savings Bank is fixed at the rate prevailing at the
   time that the loan is originated.  Most of the balloon loans in the
   Savings Bank's portfolio further provide that the interest rate will
   not increase by more than one to two percentage points at the end of
   each balloon period and that the maximum interest rate will not exceed
   the initial rate by more than three percentage points either over the
   life of the mortgage or for as long as the home that is being financed
   remains owner-occupied.

        The Bank has attempted to shift the balance between its ARMs and
   balloon loans by ceasing to offer balloon loans to new customers and
   encouraging the holders of existing balloon loans to replace such
   loans, upon maturity, with ARMs.  Management believes that the higher
   interest rate ceilings and the interest rate floor included in its
   ARMS will result in less interest rate risk to the Bank than the
   interest rate risk posed by its balloon loans.

        The Bank has extended, and expects to continue to extend, from
   time to time, fixed-rate loans to customers who prefer a fixed rate of
   interest.  The Bank will not originate a fixed-rate loan unless such
   loan complies with the underwriting standards of the Federal Home Loan
   Mortgage Corporation ("FHLMC") and the FNMA.  This will give the Bank
   the option of either holding such fixed-rate loans in its portfolio or
   selling such loans in the secondary mortgage market.

        The Bank's reliance on ARMs and balloon loans, rather than
   fixed-rate mortgage loans, makes the Bank's first-mortgage residential
   loan portfolio more interest-rate sensitive.  However, since the
   interest earned on ARMs or on balloon loans which are refinanced on a
   one-, three- or five-year cycle varies with prevailing interest rates,
   such loans do not offer the Bank as predictable a cash flow as do
   longer-term, fixed-rate loans.  ARMs and balloon loans which are
   subject to refinancing on a one-, three- or five-year cycle may also
   carry increased credit risk as the result of the imposition of higher
   monthly payments upon borrowers during periods of rising interest
   rates.  During such periods, the risk of default on such loans may
   increase, due to the upward adjustment of interest costs to the
   borrower.  Management has attempted to minimize such risk by
   qualifying borrowers at the maximum rate of interest payable under the
   terms of the ARM or the refinanced balloon loan.

        The loan-to-value ratio of most single-family first-mortgage
   loans made by the Bank is 80%.  If the loan-to-value ratio exceeds
   85%, the Bank requires private mortgage insurance to cover the excess
   over 85%.  If private mortgage insurance is obtained, the mortgage is
   limited to 95% of the lesser of the appraised value or purchase price.


   The maximum loan-to-value ratio on a loan for the construction of a
   new single-family residential home is 80%, and the maximum
   loan-to-value ratio on loans on two- to four-family dwellings is 75%.

        The Bank requires title insurance, or an attorney's opinion as to
   title, and fire and casualty insurance coverage of the property
   securing any mortgage loan originated or purchased by the Bank.  All
   of the Bank's real estate loans contain due-on-sale clauses which
   provide that if the mortgagor sells, conveys or alienates the property
   underlying the mortgage note, the Bank has the right at its option to
   declare the note immediately due and payable without notice.

        MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LENDING.  At September 30, 1999 and
   1998, the Bank's gross loan portfolio consisted of approximately
   $639,000 or 2.19% and $258,000 or .98% of loans secured by
   multi-family residential real estate, respectively.  Multi-family real
   estate loans are generally limited to 70% of the appraised value of
   the property or the selling price, whichever is less.  Loans secured
   by multi-family real estate are generally larger and, like commercial
   real estate loans, involve a greater degree of risk than one- to
   four-family residential loans.

        COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE LOANS.  The Bank has historically made
   commercial real estate loans on a limited basis.  At September 30,
   1999 and 1998, the Bank's commercial real estate loan portfolio
   amounted to $519,000, or 1.78%, and $1,120,000, or 4.26%, respectively
   of the Bank's gross loan portfolio.  The Bank's practice has been to
   underwrite such loans based on its analysis of the amount of cash flow
   generated by the business in which the real estate is used and the
   resulting ability of the borrower to meet its payment obligations.
   Although such loans are secured by a first mortgage on the underlying
   property, the Savings Bank also generally seeks to obtain a personal
   guarantee of the loan by the owner of the business in which the
   property is used.

        OTHER LOANS SECURED BY REAL ESTATE.  In addition to one- to- four
   family first mortgage loans, the Savings Bank also makes loans secured
   by real estate in the form of junior mortgages, interim construction
   loans, land development and vacant land loans.  At September 30, 1999
   and 1998, the Bank's loan portfolio consisted of $1.3 million, or
   4.55% and $283,000, or 1.07%, respectively of the Bank's gross loan
   portfolio.  Other real estate loans are made on terms similar to
   multi-family and commercial real estate loans.

        COMMERCIAL LOANS.  As of September 30, 1999 and 1998, the Bank's
   gross loan portfolio consisted of approximately $1.2 million or 3.99%
   and $625,000, or 2.38%, respectively of commercial loans secured by
   accounts receivable, inventory, farm land or outstanding stock issued
   by a corporation.  The Bank has also made, from time to time,
   unsecured personal loans to the sole proprietors of small businesses
   on the same terms and conditions on which it makes other unsecured
   personal loans.


        CONSUMER LOANS.  The Bank originates a variety of consumer loans,
   generally consisting of installment loans for the purchase of motor
   vehicles and boats, loans to purchase household goods, loans secured
   by savings accounts at the Bank and unsecured personal loans.  At
   September 30, 1999 and 1998, the Bank's portfolio of consumer loans
   totaled approximately $4.3 million, or 14.7%, and $5.0 million, or
   18.89%, respectively of the Bank's gross loan portfolio.  The Bank may
   make a loan to finance the purchase of a new and previously untitled
   motor vehicle or boat in an amount equal to the lesser of 5% over the
   factory invoice price or 90% of the sticker price of the motor vehicle
   or boat.  Loans for the purchase of used motor vehicles are limited to
   the amount of the wholesale price listed for the vehicle in the
   National Automobile Dealers' Association used car guide.  Any loan for
   the purchase of a motor vehicle or boat is secured by the purchased
   vehicle or boat and is written to amortize over a maximum period of
   between two and five years, depending on the age of the motor vehicle
   or boat offered as collateral.  Loans to finance the purchase of new
   household goods may be made in an amount equal to 100% of the sales
   price of such goods.  Such loans are secured by the goods purchase.
   Loans for the purchase of household goods may be amortized for a
   maximum period of five years.  Loans secured by a customer's savings
   account with the Savings Bank are limited to an amount equal to 90% of
   the amount of the deposit.  A loan that is secured by a deposit with a
   specific maturity date is written with a term matching the maturity
   date of the deposit.  Unsecured personal loans are limited to $15,000
   per borrower and to a term of three to five years.  As a practical
   matter, such loans do not exceed $10,000 and are amortized over a
   period of three years.

        LOAN PROCESSING.  Upon receipt of a completed loan application
   from a prospective borrower, the Savings Bank obtains a credit report
   from a credit reporting agency and, depending on the type of loan,
   verifies employment, income and other financial information received
   from the prospective borrower and requests additional financial
   information, if necessary.  If a loan in the amount of $50,000 or more
   is secured by real estate, the Bank requires an independent appraisal
   of the real estate.  Real estate securing a loan of $50,000 or less is
   appraised only by the Bank's internal appraisal committee.  Once such
   information and appraisals are complete, the application is submitted
   for underwriting by designated staff.  The application, together with
   the underwriter's recommendations, is then forwarded for review and
   action to the President of the Bank, the Loan Committee of the Board
   of Directors, or the Board of Directors as a whole, depending on the
   size and nature of the loan.

        The Board of Directors of the Bank has established the following
   guidelines for loan approval authority for all loans originated by the
   Bank:  (i) any lending officer of the Bank may approve loans up to
   $75,000, (ii) the Bank's President may approve loans up to $125,000,
   (iii) the Loan Committee of the Board of Directors may approve loans
   up to $300,000, and (iv) the Board of Directors may approve any loan
   in excess of $300,000 up to the Bank's applicable legal lending limit.


        LOAN PURCHASES AND SALES.  The Bank has occasionally purchased
   loans originated by other financial institutions, secured by one- to
   four-family residential properties or commercial real estate located
   outside of its primary market area.  At September 30, 1999 and 1998,
   the total balance outstanding on first mortgage loans purchased by the
   Bank was $187,000 and $287,000, respectively.  At September 30, 1999
   and 1998, the Bank did not have any loans held for sale.


        The Bank's collection procedures with respect to delinquent loans
   include written notice of delinquency contact by letter or telephone
   by Bank personnel.  Most loan delinquencies are cured within 90 days
   and no legal action is taken.  With respect to mortgage loans, if the
   delinquency exceeds 180 days, and in the case of consumer loans, if
   the delinquency exceeds 90 days, the Bank institutes measures to
   enforce its remedies resulting from the default, including the
   commencement of foreclosure action of the repossession of collateral.

        At September 30, 1999, delinquencies in the Bank's loan portfolio
   were as follows:

                                                            At September 30, 1999
                                      30-89 Days (1)           90 Days or More (1)      Total Delinquent Loans
                                      --------------           -------------------      ----------------------
                                                Principal                 Principal                 Principal
                                   Number        Balance      Number       Balance       Number      Balance
                                  of Loans      of Loans     of Loans     of Loans      of Loans    of Loans
                                  --------      ---------    --------      -------      --------    --------
                                                         (Dollars in Thousands)
       Real estate loans                4         $  91          5         $  145           9        $  236
       Commercial loans                 1             5         --             --           1             5
       Consumer loans                  20           135         10             60          30           195
                                     ----         -----       ----          -----       -----         -----
                                       25           231         15            205          40           436
                                     ====         =====       ====          =====       =====         =====
       Delinquent loans                           0.79%                     0.70%                     1.49%
         to gross loans                           =====                     =====                     =====


        At September 30, 1998, delinquencies in the Bank's loan portfolio
   were as follows:

                                                                At September 30, 1998
                                      30-89 Days (1)           90 Days or More (1)          Total Delinquent Loans
                                 -----------------------    -------------------------     --------------------------
                                               Principal                   Principal                      Principal
                                   Number     Balance of    Number of      Balance of     Number of      Balance of
                                  of Loans       Loans        Loans          Loans          Loans           Loans
                                  --------    ----------     --------      ----------     ---------      ----------
                                                                (Dollars in Thousands)
       Real estate loans               6         $  80           12          $  350            18           $  430
       Commercial loans               --           --           --              --            --               --
       Consumer loans                 11            48           14              60            25              108
                                    ----          ----         ----           -----          ----            -----

       Delinquent loans
         to gross loans               17           128           26             410            43              538
                                    ====          ====         ====           =====          ====            =====
                                                 0.49%                        1.56%                          2.05%

   (1)  The Bank discontinues the accrual of interest on loans when the
        borrower is delinquent as to a contractually due principal or
        interest payment and the Bank's management deems collection to be
        unlikely.  The number of loans and principal balance includes
        nonaccrual loans.


        The Bank places loans that are 90 days or more past due on
   nonaccrual status unless such loans are adequately collateralized and
   in the process of collection.  Accrual of interest on a nonaccrual
   loan is resumed only when all contractually past due payments are
   brought current and management believes that the outstanding loan
   principal and contractually due interest are no longer doubtful of

        Foreclosed properties are recorded at the fair value at the date
   of foreclosure.  Any subsequent reduction in the fair value of a
   foreclosed property, along with expenses to maintain or dispose of a
   foreclosed property, is charged against current earnings.  As of
   September 30, 1999 and 1998, the Bank had no "real estate owned."


        The following table sets forth information with respect to the
   Bank's nonperforming assets for the periods indicated.

                                                                                   At September 30,
                                                                                 1999            1998
                                                                                 ----            ----
                                                                                    (In Thousands)
       Loans accounted for on a nonaccrual basis
            One- to four-family loans                                          $  145          $  350
            Consumer loans                                                         60              60
                                                                                -----           -----
                 Total nonaccrual loans                                           205             410
                                                                                -----           -----
       Accruing loans which are contractually past
         due 90 days or more:
            One- to four-family loans                                              --              --
            Consumer loans                                                         --              --
                                                                                -----           -----
                  Total 90 days past due and accruing interest                     --              --
                                                                                -----           -----
                 Total nonaccrual and 90 days past due loans                      205          $  410

       Real estate owned                                                           --              --
                                                                                -----          ======
                 Total nonperforming assets                                    $  205          $  410
                                                                               ======          ======
                 Total nonperforming assets to total assets                     0.42%           0.88%
                                                                               ======          ======

              CLASSIFIED ASSETS.  FDIC policies require that each insured
   depository institution review and classify its assets on a regular
   basis.  In addition, in connection with examinations of insured
   institutions, regulatory examiners have the authority to identify
   problem assets and, if appropriate, require them to be classified.
   The Bank reviews and classifies its assets at least quarterly.  There
   are three classifications for problem assets:  substandard, doubtful
   and loss.  Substandard assets must have one or more defined weaknesses
   and are characterized by the distinct possibility that the insured
   institution will sustain some loss if the deficiencies are not
   corrected.  Doubtful assets have the weaknesses of substandard assets,
   with the additional characteristic that the weaknesses make collection
   or liquidation in full on the basis of currently existing facts,
   conditions and values, questionable, and there is a high possibility
   of loss.  An asset classified as loss is considered uncollectible and
   of such little value that continued treatment of the asset as an asset
   on the books of the institution is not warranted.

        An insured institution is required to establish prudent general
   allowances for the loan losses with respect to assets classified as
   substandard or doubtful.  The institution is required either to charge


   off assets classified as loss or to establish a specific allowance for
   100% of the portion of the asset classified as loss.

        The Company's policy is to discontinue the accrual of interest
   income on any loan when, in the opinion of management, there is
   reasonable doubt as to the timely collectibility of interest or
   principal.  Interest income on these loans is recognized to the extent
   payments are received, and the principal is considered fully

        Loans are considered impaired when, based on current information
   and events, it is probable the Company will not be able to collect all
   amounts due.  The portion of the allowance for loans losses applicable
   to impaired loans would be computed based on the present value of the
   estimated future cash flows of interest and principal discounted at
   the loan's effective interest rate or on the fair value of the
   collateral for collateral dependent loans.  The entire change in
   present value of expected cash flows of impaired loans or of
   collateral value is reported as bad debt expense in the same manner in
   which impairment initially was recognized or as a reduction in the
   amount of bad debt expense that otherwise would be reported.
   Management had not classified any loans as impaired as of September
   30, 1999 or 1998.

        ALLOWANCE FOR LOAN LOSSES.  The allowance for loan losses is
   established through a provision for loan losses based on management's
   evaluation of the risks inherent in its loan portfolio and the general
   economy.  The allowance for loan losses is maintained at an amount
   management considers adequate to cover estimated losses in loans
   receivable which are deemed probable and estimable based on
   information available to management at such time.  While management
   believes the Bank's allowance for loan losses is sufficient to cover
   losses inherent in its loan portfolio at this time, no assurances can
   be given that the Bank's level of allowance for loan losses will be
   sufficient to cover future loan losses incurred by the Bank or that
   future adjustments to the allowance for loan losses will not be
   necessary if economic and other conditions differ substantially from
   the economic and other conditions used by management to determine the
   current level of the allowance for loan losses.  The allowance is
   based upon a number of factors, including asset classifications,
   economic trends, industry experience and trends, industry and
   geographic concentrations, estimated collateral values, management's
   assessments of the credit risk inherent in the portfolio, historical
   loan loss experience, and the Bank's underwriting policies.  As of
   September 30, 1999 and 1998, the Bank's allowance for loan losses was
   0.76% and 0.65%, respectively, of gross loans.  The Bank will continue
   to monitor and modify its allowance for loan losses as conditions
   dictate.  Various regulatory agencies, as an integral part of their
   examination process, periodically review the Bank's valuation
   allowance.  These agencies may require the Bank to establish
   additional valuation allowances, based on their judgments of the
   information available at the time of the examination.


        It is the policy of the Bank to charge off customer loans when it
   is determined that they are no longer collectible.  The policy for
   loans secured by real estate, which comprise the bulk of the Bank's
   portfolio, is to establish loss reserves in accordance with the Bank's
   loan classification process, based on generally accepted accounting
   practices.  It is the policy of the Bank to obtain an appraisal on all
   real estate acquired through foreclosure at the time of foreclosure.

        The following table sets forth activity in the Bank's allowance
   for loan losses for the periods set forth in the table.

                                                                                         For the Fiscal Year
                                                                                         Ended September 30,
                                                                                        1999           1998
                                                                                        ----           ----
                                                                                           (In Thousands)
       Balance at beginning of period                                                     $171          $165
       Provision for loan losses                                                            72            63
            Consumer loans                                                                  18             4
                                                                                          ----          ----
                 Total recoveries                                                           18             4
                                                                                          ----          ----
            Consumer loans                                                                  39            61
                                                                                          ----          ----
                 Total charge-offs                                                          39            61
                                                                                          ----          ----
                 Net charge-offs                                                           (21)          (57)
                                                                                          ----          ----

       Balance at end of period                                                           $222          $171
                                                                                          ====          ====
       Ratio of allowance for loan losses to gross
         loans outstanding at the end of the period                                       0.76%         0.65%
       Ratio of net charge offs to average loans
         outstanding during the period                                                    0.07%         0.21%
       Ratio of allowance for loan losses to total
         nonperforming lonas at the end of the period                                   108.29%        41.71%

              The following table sets forth the Bank's allocation of the
   allowance for loan losses by category and the percent of the allocated
   allowance to the total allowance for each specific loan category.  The
   portion of the allowance for loan losses allocated to each loan
   category does not represent the total available for future losses
   which may occur within the loan category since the total allowance for
   loan losses is a valuation reserve to the entire loan portfolio.


                                                                 At September 30,
                                                   1999                                    1998
                                                   ----                                    ----
                                                                % of                                    % of
                                                 As % of      Loans in                   As % of       Loans in
                                                  Gross       Category                    Gross       Category
                                                Loans in      to Gross                   Loans in      to Gross
                                   Amount       Category       Loans       Amount        Category       Loans
                                   ------       --------      --------     ------        --------     ---------
                                                           (Dollars in Thousands)
       Mortgage Loans:
          One- to four-family         $52         0.24%       72.83%          $62         0.32%        72.42%
          Multi-family                 --            --        2.19%           --            --         0.98%
       Commercial real
         estate                        --            --        1.78%           --            --         4.26%
          Other loans secured
          by real estate               --            --        4.55%           --            --         1.07%
                                     ----          ----       ------         ----         -----        ------
       Total mortgage loans            52         0.24%       81.35%           62         0.32%        78.73%
                                     ----         -----       ------         ----         -----        ------
       Commercial and
       Consumer Loans:
          Commercial                   26         2.23%        3.99%           17         2.72%         2.38%
          Consumer                     51         1.48%       11.84%           56         1.37%        15.58%
          Home equity lines
          of credit                    --            --        2.23%           --            --         2.58%
          Other consumer               --            --        0.59%           --            --         0.73%
          loans                      ----         -----       ------         ----         -----        ------

       Total commercial and
       consumer loans                  77         1.42%       18.65%           73         1.31%        21.27%
                                     ----         -----       ------         ----         -----        ------

       Total Allocated                129         0.44%       100.00          135         0.51%        100.00
                                                              ======                                   ======
       Unallocated                     93         0.32%                        36         0.14%
                                    -----         -----                      ----         -----
       Total allowance for
       loan losses                   $222         0.76%                      $171         0.65%
                                     ====         =====                      ====         =====


        The investment policies of the Company and the Bank, as
   established by the respective Board of Directors, attempts to provide
   and maintain liquidity, generate a favorable return on investments
   without incurring undue interest rate and credit risk, and complement
   the Company's lending activities.  The Company classifies all
   securities as available for sale.  The investment policies provide


   authority to invest in U.S. Treasury and U.S. Government guaranteed
   securities, securities backed by federal agencies such as Federal
   National Mortgage Association ("FNMA"), Federal Home Loan Mortgage
   Corporation ("FHLMC") and the Federal Farm Credit Bureau ("FFCB"),
   mortgage-backed securities with maximum maturities of 20 years which
   are backed by federal agency securities, obligations of state and
   political subdivisions with at least an "A" rating, certificates of
   deposit, and securities issued by mutual funds which invest in
   securities consistent with the Company's or Bank's allocable
   investments.  The investment policies provide that the President is
   authorized to execute all transactions within specified limits which
   are reviewed by the Board of Directors on a monthly basis.  From time
   to time, the Board of Directors may authorize the President to exceed
   the policy limitations.  The Bank's Interest Rate Risk Committee
   monitors compliance with the Bank's investment policy and generally
   meets on a quarterly basis.

        At September 30, 1999, the Company had $17.3 million in
   investment securities consisting of $.9 million invested in
   mortgage-backed securities, $1.0 million in U.S. Treasury, $13.1
   million invested in U.S. Government and agency, $1.6 million invested
   in obligations of state and political securities, $.5 million invested
   in corporate securities and $.2 million invested in FHLB stock.
   Investments in mortgage-backed securities involve a risk that actual
   prepayments will exceed prepayments estimated over the life of the
   security which may result in a loss of any premium paid for such
   instruments thereby reducing the net yield on such securities.  In
   addition, if interest rates increase the market value of such
   securities may be adversely affected, which, in turn, would adversely
   affect stockholders' equity to the extent such securities are held as
   available for sale.

        Mortgage-backed securities represent a participation interest in
   a pool of single-family or multi-family mortgages, the principal and
   interest payments on which are passed from the mortgage originators
   through intermediaries (generally federal government-sponsored
   enterprises) that pool and repackage the participation interest in the
   form of securities to investors such as the Bank.  Such federal
   government-sponsored enterprises, which guarantee the payment of
   principal and interest to investors, include the FHLMC, FNMA and GNMA.
   Mortgage-backed securities generally increase the quality of the
   Bank's assets by virtue of the guarantees that back them.  They are
   also more liquid than individual mortgage loans and may be used to
   collateralize borrowings or other obligations of the Bank.  The Bank
   has no investments in collateralized mortgage obligations or real
   estate investment conduits.

        The following tables set forth certain information regarding the
   amortized cost and market values of the Company's securities at the
   dates indicated.  The Company holds all securities as available for


                                                                            At September 30,
                                                                 1999                               1998
                                                    ------------------------------     -----------------------------
                                                                                      Amortized Cost
                                                    Amortized Cost     Fair Value          Cost          Fair Value
       AVAILABLE FOR SALE                           --------------     ----------     --------------     ------------
                                                                          (In Thousands)
       U.S. Government and agency                      $ 1,3182          $13,099          $ 9,752          $ 9,875
       U.S. Treasury                                      1,000            1,002            4,000            4,016
       Obligations of states and political                1,642            1,626            1,643            1,684
       Mortgage backed securities                           880              909            1,288            1,356
       Corporate securities                                 500              482               --               --
                                                        -------          -------          -------          -------
       Total Available for Sale                         $17,204          $17,118          $16,683          $16,931
                                                        =======          =======          =======          =======

        At September 30, 1999 and 1998, the Company had investments in
   FHLB stock of $216,000 and $215,000, respectively.

        The following table sets forth information concerning the
   carrying value, weighted average yields, and maturities of the
   Company's investment securities at September 30, 1999.  Maturities may
   differ from contractual maturities in mortgage backed securities
   because the mortgages underlying the securities may be called or
   repaid without any penalties.  Therefore, these securities have been
   excluded from the maturity schedule below.

        The Federal Home Loan Bank stock is considered a nonmarketable
   equity security for reporting purposes.  As such, the stock has no
   maturity date and therefore has been excluded from the maturity
   schedule below.


                             Less than
                             One Year        One to Five Years    Five to Ten Years      Over Ten Years            Total
                        ------------------   ------------------  -------------------  -------------------   -------------------
                                  Weighted            Weighted             Weighted              Weighted             Weighted
     AVAILABLE FOR       Fair     Average     Fair    Average      Fair     Average     Fair     Average     Fair     Average
     SALE (1)            Value   Yield (3)   Value   Yield (3)    Value    Yield (3)   Value    Yield (3)    Value   Yield (3)
                        -------  ---------- -------  ----------  -------- ----------  --------  ---------- --------  ----------
                                                                (Dollars in Thousands)
     U.S. Government
     and agency
     securities          $1,196    5.20%    $8,720      5.90%   $3,183       6.34%    $    --       --      $13,099     5.91%

     Treasury             1,002    5.50%        --        --        --         --          --       --        1,002     5.50%

     Obligations of
     states and
     Political sub-
     divisions (2)           --      --        141      4.62%    1,291       4.77%       $194     4.50%       1,626     4.51%

     Corporate               --      --        482      5.75%       --         --          --       --          482     5.75%
                         ------  ------     ------      -----   ------       -----       ----     -----     -------     -----
     Total Available
     for Sale            $2,198   10.70%    $9,343      5.88%   $4,474       5.89%       $194    4.50%      $16,209     5.94%
                         ======   =====     ======      =====   ======       =====       ====    =====      =======     =====

     (1)  Excludes mortgage-backed securities and FHLB stock.
     (2)  These investments yield lower interest rates as they
          are exempt from federal taxes.
     (3)  Weighted average yields are calculated based on amortized cost.


        GENERAL.  The Company's primary sources of funds for use in
   lending and investing and for other general purposes are deposits at
   the Bank, Federal Home Loan Bank advances and proceeds from principal
   and interest payments on loans, mortgage-backed securities, and
   investment securities.  Contractual loan repayments are a relatively
   stable source of funds, while deposit inflows and outflows and loan
   prepayments are significantly influenced by general interest rates and
   money market conditions.  Borrowings may be used on a short-term basis
   to compensate for reductions in the availability of funds from other

        DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS.  The Bank attracts deposits within its primary
   market area by offering a variety of deposit accounts, including
   noninterest bearing checking accounts, negotiable order of withdrawal
   ("NOW") accounts, money-market accounts, passbook savings accounts and
   certificates of deposit.  The flow of deposits is influenced
   significantly by general economic conditions, changes in money market
   and prevailing interest rates, and competition.  Management generally
   reviews on a weekly basis the interest rates set for its deposit


   accounts.  The Bank also relies on customer service and long-standing
   relationships with customers to attract and retain deposits.

        The following table sets forth the distribution of the Bank's
   deposit accounts at the dates indicated and the weighted average
   nominal rates on each category of deposits presented.

                                                                      At September 30,
                                                    1999                                            1998
                                ------------------------------------------     --------------------------------------------
                                 Average           Total          Average         Average         Total          Average
                                 Balance         Deposits      Interest Rate      Balance        Deposits     Interest Rate
                                 --------       ----------      -----------       -------        --------     -------------
                                                                (Dollars in Thousands)
  Demand Accounts:
    Non-interest bearing        $ 1,827            4.86%             --          $ 1,451              4.03%          --
    Interest bearing (NOW)        4,575           12.16%            1.55%          3,712             10.30%         1.75%
    Money Market                  2,960            7.87%            2.50%          3,550              9.85%         2.84%
    Passbook savings              3,604            9.58%            2.08%          3,435              9.53%         2.33%
    Time deposits                24,658           65.53%            5.09%         23,892             66.29%         5.71%
                                -------          -------            -----        -------            -------         -----
  Total Deposit Accounts        $37,624          100.00%            3.92%        $36,040            100.00%         4.47%
                                =======          =======            =====        =======            =======         =====

        The following table indicates the amount of the Bank's jumbo
   certificates of deposit and other time deposits of $100,000 or more by
   time remaining until maturity as of September 30, 1999.  Jumbo
   certificates of deposit require minimum deposits of $100,000 and rates
   paid on such accounts are negotiable.  At September 30, 1999, total
   jumbo certificates were $2,627,000.


                     Maturity Period             Deposits
                    ------------------        -------------
                                              (In Thousands)

                Less than three months             $591
                Three through six months            200
                Six through twelve months           524
                Over twelve months                1,312
                     Total                       ======

        BORROWINGS.  The Bank may rely on advances from the FHLB of
   Chicago in the event of a reduction in available funds from other
   sources.  The Bank is a member of the FHLB of Chicago, which functions
   as a central reserve bank providing credit for savings and loan
   associations and other member financial institutions.  As a member,
   the Bank is required to own capital stock in the FHLB of Chicago and
   is authorized to apply for advances on the security of such stock and
   certain of its mortgage-based loans and other assets, provided that
   certain standards relating to creditworthiness have been met.  The
   Bank has borrowed from the FHLB of Chicago, from time to time, on an
   overnight basis.  At September 30, 1999, the Bank had outstanding
   borrowings from the FHLB of $1.4 million.  At September 30, 1998, the
   Bank had no outstanding borrowings from the FHLB.


        The Bank has one wholly-owned service corporation, Centralia SLA,
   an Illinois corporation.  Centralia SLA is engaged in the business of
   selling mortgage life, mortgage disability, credit life and credit
   disability insurance to mortgage and consumer loan customers of the
   Bank.  As of September 30, 1999, the Bank's investment in Centralia
   SLA amounted to approximately $18,000 or .04% of the Bank's total
   assets.  Insurance commissions accounted for $12,000 or approximately
   2.4% of the Bank's pre-tax income during the year.  Management
   continues to place less emphasis on the sale of insurance and
   anticipates that the amount of such income will continue to decline
   over the next few years.


        The Bank's deposit and lending base is presently concentrated in
   the city of Centralia and the surrounding area, including Central City
   to the north, Wamac to the South, Salem to the east and Hoffman to the
   west.  This area includes portions of the Illinois counties of


   Washington, Jefferson, Marion and Clinton, which are primarily
   agricultural.  Population growth in those four counties has remained
   relatively flat in recent years.  Management believes that, in recent
   years, total deposits have grown only modestly and there has been
   relatively little new construction or real estate development in the
   four-county area.  Management further believes that, as a result, any
   growth in the mortgage lending business within the area has also been

        The Bank has five principal competitors for deposits and lending
   business within the city of Centralia.  All five competitors are
   branches or subsidiaries of commercial banks.  Of these five
   competitors, one is affiliated with a multi-bank holding company based
   in St. Louis, one is affiliated with a regional bank based in St.
   Louis, one is affiliated with a multi-bank holding based in Charlotte,
   N.C., and the remaining two are branches of independent community
   banks which have their main offices in the neighboring towns of
   Hoffman and Irvington.  The multi-bank holding companies and regional
   bank have substantially greater financial resources and currently
   offer a larger array of financial services than the Bank.  Each of the
   independent banks also has a slightly larger asset base than the Bank.

        Given the relative lack of growth in its market area and the
   number and greater resources of the banks with which it competes, the
   Bank has experienced, and expects to continue to experience, strong
   competition in attracting deposits and in its mortgage and consumer
   loan business.  In order to retain existing and attract new deposits,
   the Bank has historically paid deposit rates at the higher end of the
   range offered by its competitors.  All of the Bank's principal
   competitors in Centralia are, moreover, branches or subsidiaries of
   commercial banks with deposits insured under the BIF.  Unlike the
   Bank, such competitors are able to take advantage of the reduction in
   the insurance premiums to be paid on BIF-insured deposits.

        Management also believes that, in order to compete effectively
   for both deposits and lending business, the Bank must enhance the
   retail services it offers, so that its range of services is more
   comparable to the range offered by its larger competitors.  In
   providing such services, management hopes to be able to capitalize on
   the Bank's ability, as a community bank, to identify and respond more
   quickly to local customer needs.  The Bank has expanded the retail
   services it offers to customers to include, for example, travelers'
   checks, money orders, debit cards and ATM services.


        As of September 30, 1999, the Company had a total of 17 full-time
   employees and 3 part-time employees, all of whom were employed at the
   Bank level.  The Company's employees are not represented by a union or
   collective bargaining group.  The Company considers its relationship
   with its employees to be satisfactory.




        Financial institutions and their holding companies are
   extensively regulated under federal and state law by various
   regulatory authorities including the Board of Governors of the Federal
   Reserve System (the "Federal Reserve Board"), the FDIC and the
   Commissioner.  The financial performance of the Company and the
   Savings Bank may be affected by such regulation, although the extent
   to which they may be affected cannot be predicted with a high degree
   of certainty.

        Federal and state laws and regulations generally applicable to
   financial institutions and their holding companies regulate, among
   other things, the scope of business, investments, reserves against
   deposits, capital levels relative to operations, the nature and amount
   of collateral for loans, the establishment of branches, mergers,
   consolidations, and dividends.  The system of supervision and
   regulation applicable to the Company and the Savings Bank establishes
   a comprehensive framework for their operations and is intended
   primarily for the protection of the FDIC's deposit insurance funds and
   the depositors of the Savings Bank, rather than the stockholders of
   the Company.

        The following references to material statutes and regulations
   affecting the Company and the Bank are brief summaries thereof and are
   qualified in their entirety by reference to such statutes and
   regulations.  Any change in applicable law or regulations may have a
   material effect on the business of the Company and the Bank.


        GENERAL.  The Bank is an Illinois-chartered savings bank, the
   deposit accounts of which are insured by the SAIF of the FDIC.  As a
   SAIF-insured, Illinois-chartered savings bank, the Bank is subject to
   the examination, supervision, reporting and enforcement requirements
   of the Commissioner, as the chartering authority for Illinois savings
   banks, and the FDIC, as administrator of the SAIF, and to the statutes
   and regulations administered by the Commissioner and the FDIC
   governing such matters as capital standards, mergers, establishment of
   branch offices, subsidiary investments and activities and general
   investment authority.  The Bank is required to file reports with the
   Commissioner and the FDIC concerning its activities and financial
   condition and will be required to obtain regulatory approvals prior to
   entering into certain transactions, including mergers with, or
   acquisitions of, other financial institutions.

        The Commissioner and the FDIC have extensive enforcement
   authority over Illinois-chartered savings banks, such as the Bank.
   This enforcement authority includes, among other things, the ability
   to issue cease-and-desist or removal orders, to assess civil money


   penalties and to initiate injunctive actions.  In general, these
   enforcement actions may be initiated for violations of laws and
   regulations and unsafe and unsound practices.

        The Commissioner has established a schedule for the assessment of
   "supervisory fees" upon all Illinois savings banks to fund the
   operations of the Commissioner.  These supervisory fees are computed
   on the basis of each savings bank's total assets (including
   consolidated subsidiaries) and are payable at the end of each calendar
   quarter.  A schedule of fees has also been established for certain
   filings made by Illinois savings banks with the Commissioner.  The
   Commissioner also assesses fees for examinations conducted by the
   Commissioner's staff, based upon the number of hours spent by the
   Commissioner's staff performing the examination.

        The system of regulation and supervision applicable to the Bank
   establishes a comprehensive framework for its operations and is
   intended primarily for the protection of the FDIC's deposit insurance
   funds and the depositors of the Bank.  Changes in the regulatory
   framework could have a material adverse effect on the Bank and its
   operations which, in turn, could have a material adverse effect on the

        DEPOSIT INSURANCE PREMIUMS.  Deposits of the Bank are currently
   insured by the FDIC under the SAIF.  The FDIC also maintains another
   insurance fund, the BIF, which primarily insures commercial bank and
   some state savings bank deposits.  Applicable law requires that the
   SAIF and BIF funds each achieve and maintain a ratio of insurance
   reserves to total insured deposits equal to 1.25%.  In 1995, the BIF
   reached this 1.25% reserve level, and the FDIC announced a reduction
   in BIF premiums for most banks.  Based on this reduction, the highest
   rated institutions (approximately 92 percent of the nearly 11,000
   BIF-insured banks) will pay the statutory annual minimum of $2,000 for
   FDIC insurance.  Rates for all other institutions were reduced to $.04
   per $100 as well, leaving a premium range of $.03 to $.27 per $100
   instead of the previous $.04 to $.31 per $100.  Currently, SAIF-member
   institutions pay deposit insurance premiums based on a schedule of
   $0.00 to $0.27 per $100 of deposits.

        CAPITAL REQUIREMENTS.  Under the Illinois Savings Bank Act
   ("ISBA") and the regulations of the Commissioner, an Illinois savings
   bank must maintain a minimum level of total capital equal to the
   higher of 4% of total assets or the amount required to maintain
   insurance of deposits by the FDIC.  The Commissioner has the authority
   to require an Illinois savings bank to maintain a higher level of
   capital if the Commissioner deems such higher level necessary based on
   the savings bank's financial condition, history, management or
   earnings prospects.


        FDIC-insured institutions are required to follow certain capital
   adequacy guidelines which prescribe minimum levels of capital and
   require that institutions meet certain risk-based and leverage capital
   requirements.  Under the FDIC capital regulations, an FDIC-insured
   institution is required to meet the following capital standards:  (i)
   "Tier 1 capital" in an amount not less than 4% of average total
   assets; (ii) "Tier 1 capital" in an amount not less than 4% of
   risk-weighted assets; and (iii) "total capital" in an amount not less
   than 8% of risk-weighted assets.

        FDIC-insured institutions in the strongest financial and
   managerial condition (with a composite rating of "1" under the Uniform
   Financial Institutions Rating System established by the Federal
   Financial Institutions Examination Council) are required to maintain
   "Tier 1 capital" equal to at least 4% of total assets (the "leverage
   limit" requirement).  For all other FDIC-insured institutions, the
   minimum leverage limit requirement is 3% of total assets plus at least
   an additional 100 to 200 basis points.  Tier 1 capital is defined to
   include the sum of common stockholders' equity, noncumulative
   perpetual preferred stock (including any related surplus), and
   minority interests in consolidated subsidiaries, less all intangible
   assets (other than qualifying servicing rights, qualifying purchased
   credit-card relationships and qualifying supervisory goodwill),
   certain identified losses (as defined in the FDIC's regulations) and
   investments in certain subsidiaries.

        FDIC-insured institutions also are required to adhere to certain
   risk-based capital guidelines which are designed to provide a measure
   of capital more sensitive to the risk profiles of individual banks.
   Under the risk-based capital guidelines, capital is divided into two
   tiers:  core (Tier 1) capital, as defined above, and supplementary
   (Tier 2) capital.  Tier 2 capital is limited to 100% of core capital
   and includes cumulative perpetual preferred stock, perpetual preferred
   stock for which the dividend rate is reset periodically based on
   current credit standing, regardless of whether dividends are
   cumulative or noncumulative, mandatory convertible securities,
   subordinated debt, intermediate preferred stock and the allowance for
   possible loan and lease losses.  The allowance for possible loan and
   lease losses includable in Tier 2 capital is limited to a maximum of
   1.25% of risk-weighted assets.  Total capital is the sum of Tier 1 and
   Tier 2 capital.  The risk-based capital framework assigns balance
   sheet assets to one of four broad risk categories which are assigned
   risk-weights ranging from 0% to 100% based primarily on the degree of
   credit risk associated with the obligor.  Off-balance sheet items are
   converted to an on-balance sheet "credit equivalent" amount utilizing
   certain conversion factors.  The sum of the four risk-weighted
   categories equals risk-weighted assets.  The following table presents
   the Bank's capital position relative to its capital requirements on
   September 30, 1999 and 1998 ($ in thousands).


                                                                                                              To Be Well
                                                                                                          Capitalized Under
                                                                                   For Capital            Prompt Corrective
                                                             Actual             Adequacy Purposes         Action Provisions
                                                      --------------------     --------------------    ----------------------
                                                        Amount       Ratio      Amount       Ratio       Amount        Ratio
                                                      ----------    ------    ----------     ------    -----------    --------
       AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 1999:
       Total Capital (to Risk Weighted Assets)
          Consolidated                                  $ 10,014      43.9%      $1,825        8.0%          N/A
          Bank                                          $  9,769      42.8%      $1,825        8.0%      $  2,281        10.0%

       Tier I Capital (to Risk Weighted Assets)
          Consolidated                                  $  9,792      42.9%      $  913        4.0%          N/A
          Bank                                          $  9,547      41.9%      $  913        4.0%      $  1,369         6.0%

       Tier I Capital (to Average  Adjusted Assets)
          Consolidated                                  $  9,792      20.3%      $1,930        4.0%          N/A
          Bank                                          $  9,547      19.8%      $1.930        4.0%      $  2,412         5.0%

       AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 1998:

       Total Capital (to Risk Weighted Assets)
          Consolidated                                  $  9,546     46.2%       $1,655        8.0%          N/A
          Bank                                          $  9,239     44.7%       $1,655        8.0%     $   2,069        10.0%

       Tier I Capital (to Risk Weighted Assets)
          Consolidated                                  $  9,375     45.3%       $  827        4.0%          N/A
          Bank                                          $  9,067     43.8%       $  827        4.0%     $   1,241        6.0%

       Tier I Capital (to Average Adjusted Assets)
          Consolidated                                  $  9,375     19.8%       $1,899        4.0%          N/A
          Bank                                          $  9,067     19.4%       $1,869        4.0%     $   2,337        5.0%

        DIVIDENDS.  Under the ISBA, dividends may be paid by the Bank out
   of its net profits (i.e., earnings from current operations,
   investments, and other assets plus actual recoveries on loans, net of
   current expenses including dividends or interest on deposits,
   additions to reserves as required by the Commissioner, actual losses,


   accrued dividends on preferred stock, if any, and all state and
   federal taxes).  The written approval of the Commissioner must be
   obtained, however, before the Bank may declare dividends in any
   calendar year in an amount in excess of 50% of its net profits for
   that calendar year.  In addition, before declaring a dividend on its
   capital stock, the Bank must transfer no less than one-half of its net
   profits of the preceding half year to its paid-in surplus until it
   shall have paid-in surplus equal to 20% of its capital stock.
   Finally, the Bank will be unable to pay dividends in an amount which
   would reduce its capital below the greater of (i) the amount required
   by the FDIC, (ii) the amount required by the Commissioner or (iii) the
   amount required for the liquidation account to be established by the
   Bank in connection with the Conversion.  The Commissioner and the FDIC
   also have the authority to prohibit the payment of any dividends by
   the Savings Bank if the Commissioner or the FDIC determines that the
   distribution would constitute an unsafe or unsound practice.

   Reserve Board, the Office of Thrift Supervision ("OTS") and the Office
   of the Comptroller of the Currency ("OCC") have jointly issued a final
   rule (the "Final Rule") under the Community Reinvestment Act (the
   "CRA").  The Final Rule eliminates the existing CRA regulation's
   twelve assessment factors and substitutes a performance based
   evaluation system.  The Final Rule became fully effective July 1,

        Under the Final Rule, an institution's performance in meeting the
   credit needs of its entire community, including low- and
   moderate-income areas, as required by the CRA, are generally evaluated
   under three tests:  the "lending test," the "investment test," and the
   "service test."  However, an independent financial institution with
   assets of less than $250 million, or a financial institution with
   assets of less than $250 million that is a subsidiary of a holding
   company with assets of less than $1 billion, will be evaluated under a
   streamlined assessment method based primarily on its lending record.
   The streamlined test considers an institution's loan-to-deposit ratio
   adjusted for seasonal variation and special lending activities, its
   percentage of loans and other lending related activities in the
   assessment area, its record of lending to borrowers of different
   income levels and businesses and farms of different sizes, the
   geographic distribution of its loans, and its record of taking action,
   if warranted, in response to written complaints.  In lieu of being
   evaluated under the three assessment tests or the streamlined test, a
   financial institution can adopt a "strategic plan" and elect to be
   evaluated on the basis of achieving the goals and benchmarks outlined
   in the strategic plan.  Management of the Company does not believe
   that the new CRA regulations will adversely affect the Savings Bank.


        GENERAL.  On October 5, 1995, the Company became the sole
   stockholder of the Bank.  As such, the Company is a bank holding


   company.  As a bank holding company, the Company is subject to
   regulation by the Federal Reserve Board under the Bank Holding Company
   Act (BHCA).  In accordance with Federal Reserve Board policy, the
   Company is expected to act as a source of financial strength to the
   Bank and to commit resources to support the Bank in circumstances
   where the Company might not do so absent such policy.  Under the BHCA,
   the Company is subject to periodic examination by the Federal Reserve
   Board and is required to file periodic reports of its operations and
   such additional information as the Federal Reserve Board may require.
   Because the Bank is chartered under Illinois law, the Company is also
   subject to registration with, and regulation by, the Commissioner
   under the ISBA.

        The BHCA requires prior Federal Reserve Board approval for, among
   other things, the acquisition by a bank holding company of direct or
   indirect ownership or control of more than five percent of the voting
   shares or substantially all the assets of any bank, or for a merger or
   consolidation of a bank holding company with another bank holding
   company.  With certain exceptions, the BHCA prohibits a bank holding
   company from acquiring direct or indirect ownership or control of
   voting shares of any company which is not a bank or bank holding
   company and from engaging directly or indirectly in any activity other
   than banking or managing or controlling banks or performing services
   for its authorized subsidiaries.  A bank holding company may, however,
   engage in or acquire an interest in a company that engages in
   activities which the Federal Reserve Board has determined by
   regulation or order to be so closely related to banking or managing or
   controlling banks as to be a proper incident thereto.

        A bank holding company is a legal entity separate and distinct
   from its subsidiary bank or banks.  Normally, the major source of a
   holding company's revenue is dividends a holding company receives from
   its subsidiary banks.  The right of a bank holding company to
   participate as a stockholder in any distribution of assets of its
   subsidiary banks upon their liquidation or reorganization or otherwise
   is subject to the prior claims of creditors of such subsidiary banks.
   The subsidiary banks are subject to claims by creditors for long-term
   and short-term debt obligations, including substantial obligations for
   federal funds purchased and securities sold under repurchase
   agreements, as well as deposit liabilities.  Under the Financial
   Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act of 1989, in the
   event of a loss suffered by the FDIC in connection with a banking
   subsidiary of a bank holding company (whether due to a default or the
   provision of FDIC assistance), other banking subsidiaries of the
   holding company could be assessed for such loss.

        Federal laws limit the transfer of funds by a subsidiary bank to
   its holding company in the form of loans or extensions of credit,
   investments, or purchases of assets.  Transfers of this kind are
   limited to ten percent of a bank's capital and surplus with respect to
   each affiliate and to twenty percent to all affiliates in the
   aggregate, and are also subject to certain collateral requirements.


   These transactions, as well as other transactions between a subsidiary
   bank and its holding company, must also be on terms substantially the
   same as, or at least as favorable as, those prevailing at the time for
   comparable transactions with non-affiliated companies or, in the
   absence of comparable transactions, on terms or under circumstances,
   including credit standards, that would be offered to, or would apply
   to, non-affiliated companies.

        CAPITAL REQUIREMENTS.  The Federal Reserve Board has adopted
   capital adequacy guidelines for bank holding companies (on a
   consolidated basis) substantially similar to those of the FDIC for the
   Savings Bank.  The Company's Tier 1 and total capital significantly
   exceed the Federal Reserve Board's capital adequacy requirements.

        In June, 1999, the Board of Directors authorized management to
   retain an independent third party to evaluate strategic alternatives
   for the Company.  This action resulted from an unsolicited offer that
   was declined by the Board of Directors.


        FDICIA.  FDICIA was enacted on December 19, 1991.  In addition to
   providing for the recapitalization of the Bank Insurance Fund ("BIF")
   of the FDIC, FDICIA represents a comprehensive and fundamental change
   to banking supervision.  FDICIA imposes relatively detailed standards
   and mandates the development of additional regulations governing
   nearly every aspect of the operations, management and supervision of
   banks and bank holding companies like the Company and the Bank.

        As required by FDICIA, and subsequently amended by the Riegle
   Community Development and Regulatory Improvement Act of 1994, the
   federal banking regulators adopted (effective August 9, 1995)
   interagency guidelines establishing standards for safety and soundness
   for depository institutions on matters such as internal controls, loan
   documentation, credit underwriting, interest-rate risk exposure, asset
   growth, and compensation and other benefits (the "Guidelines").  In
   addition, the federal banking regulators have proposed asset quality
   and earnings standards to be added to the Guidelines.  The agencies
   expect to request a compliance plan from an institution whose failure
   to meet one or more of the standards is of such severity that it could
   threaten the safe and sound operation of the institution.  FDIC
   regulations enacted under FDICIA also require all depository
   institutions to be examined annually by the banking regulators and
   depository institutions having $500 million or more in total assets to
   have an annual independent audit, an audit committee comprised solely
   of outside directors, and to hire outside auditors to evaluate the
   institution's internal control structure and procedures and compliance
   with laws and regulations relating to safety and soundness.  The FDIC,
   in adopting the regulations, reiterated its belief that every
   depository institution, regardless of size, should have an annual
   independent audit and an independent audit committee.


        FDICIA requires the banking regulators to take prompt corrective
   action with respect to depository institutions that fall below certain
   capital levels and prohibits any depository institution from making
   any capital distribution that would cause it to be considered
   undercapitalized.  Regulations establishing five capital categories of
   well capitalized, adequately capitalized, undercapitalized,
   significantly undercapitalized and critically undercapitalized became
   effective December 19, 1992.  Institutions that are not adequately
   capitalized may be subjected to a broad range of restrictions on their
   activities and will be required to submit a capital restoration plan
   which, to be accepted by the regulators, must be guaranteed in part by
   any company having control of the institution.  Only well capitalized
   institutions and adequately capitalized institutions receiving a
   waiver from the FDIC will be permitted to accept brokered deposits,
   and only those institutions eligible to accept brokered deposits may
   provide pass-through deposit insurance for participants in employee
   benefit plans.  In other respects, FDICIA provides for enhanced
   supervisory authority, including greater authority for the appointment
   of a conservator or receiver for undercapitalized institutions.

        A range of other regulations adopted as a result of FDICIA
   include requirements applicable to closure of branches; additional
   disclosures to depositors with respect to terms and interest rates
   applicable to deposit accounts; requirements for the banking agencies
   to adopt uniform regulations for extensions of credit secured by real
   estate; modification of accounting standards to conform to generally
   accepted accounting principles including the reporting of off-balance
   sheet items and supplemental disclosure of estimated fair market value
   of assets and liabilities in financial statements filed with the
   banking regulators; increased penalties in making or failing to file
   assessment reports with the FDIC; greater restrictions on extensions
   of credit to directors, officers and principal stockholders; and
   increased reporting requirements on agricultural loans and loans to
   small businesses.

        As required by FDICIA, the FDIC has established a risk-based
   assessment system for the deposit insurance provided to depositors at
   depository institutions whereby assessments to each institution are
   calculated upon the probability that the insurance fund will incur a
   loss with respect to the institution, the likely amount of such loss,
   and the revenue needs of the insurance fund.  Under the system,
   deposit insurance premiums are based upon an institution's assignment
   to one of three capital categories and a further assignment to one of
   three supervisory subcategories within each capital category.  The
   result is a nine category assessment system with initial assessment
   rates ranging from twenty-three cents to thirty-one cents per one
   hundred dollars of deposits in an institution.  The classification of
   an institution into a category will depend, among other things, on the
   results of off-site surveillance systems, capital ratio, and CAMELS
   rating (a supervisory rating of capital, asset quality, management,
   earnings, liquidity and sensitivity to market risk).


        THE CDR ACT.  On September 23, 1994, the Riegle Community
   Development and Regulatory Improvement Act of 1994 (the "CDR Act") was
   enacted.  The CDR Act includes more than 50 regulatory relief
   provisions designed to streamline the regulatory process for banks and
   thrifts and to eliminate certain duplicative regulations and paperwork
   requirements established after, and largely as a result of, the
   savings and loan debacle.  Well-run community banks with less than
   $250 million in assets will be examined every 18 months rather than
   annually.  The application process for forming a bank holding company
   has been greatly reduced.  Also, the requirement that call report data
   be published in local newspapers has been eliminated.

        Also, the CDR Act establishes dual programs and provides funding
   in the amount of $382 million to provide for development services,
   lending and investment in distressed urban and rural areas by
   community development financial institutions and banks.  In addition,
   the CDR Act includes provisions relating to flood insurance reform,
   money laundering, regulation of high-cost mortgages, and small
   business and commercial real estate loan securitization.

        THE BRANCHING ACT.  On September 29, 1994, the Riegle-Neal
   Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act of 1994 (the
   "Branching Act") was enacted.  Under the Branching Act, beginning
   September 29, 1995, adequately capitalized and adequately managed bank
   holding companies are allowed to acquire banks across state lines,
   without regard to whether the transaction is prohibited by state law,
   however, they are required to maintain the acquired institutions as
   separately chartered institutions.  Any state law relating to the
   minimum age of target banks (not to exceed five years) will be
   preserved.  Under the Branching Act, the Federal Reserve Board will
   not be permitted to approve any acquisition if, after the acquisition,
   the bank holding company would control more than 10% of the deposits
   of insured depository institutions nationwide or 30% or more of the
   deposits in the state where the target bank is located.  The Federal
   Reserve Board could approve an acquisition, notwithstanding the 30%
   limit, if the state waives the limit either by statute, regulation or
   order of the appropriate state official.

        In addition, under the Branching Act beginning on June 1, 1997,
   banks are permitted to merge with one another across state lines and
   thereby create a main bank with branches in separate states.  After
   establishing branches in a state through an interstate merger
   transaction, the bank could establish and acquire additional branches
   at any location in the state where any bank involved in the merger
   could have established or acquired branches under applicable federal
   or state law.

        The responsible federal agency will not be permitted to approve
   any merger if, after the merger, the resulting entity would control
   more than 10% of the deposits of insured depository institutions
   nationwide or 30% or more of the deposits in any state affected by the
   merger.  The responsible agency could approve a merger,


   notwithstanding the 30% limit, if the home state waives the limit
   either by statute, regulation or order of the appropriate state

        PENDING LEGISLATION.  On November 4, 1999, the United States
   Congress approved legislation that would allow bank holding companies
   to engage in a wider range of nonbanking activities, including greater
   authority to engage in securities and insurance activities. Under the
   Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (the "Act"), a bank holding company that elects
   to become a financial holding company may engage in any activity that
   the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (the "Federal
   Reserve"), in consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury,
   determines by regulation or order is (i) financial in nature, (ii)
   incidental to any such financial activity, or (iii) complementary to
   any such financial activity and does not pose a substantial risk to
   the safety or soundness of depository institutions or the financial
   system generally.  The Act specifies certain activities that are
   deemed to be financial in nature, including lending, exchanging,
   transferring, investing for others, or safeguarding money or
   securities; underwriting and selling insurance; providing financial,
   investment, or economic advisory services; underwriting, dealing in or
   making a market in, securities; and any activity currently permitted
   for bank holding companies by the Federal Reserve under section
   4(c)(8) of the Bank Holding Company Act.  A bank holding company may
   elect to be treated as a financial holding company only if all
   depository institution subsidiaries of the holding company are
   well-capitalized, well-managed and have at least a satisfactory rating
   under the Community Reinvestment Act.

        National banks are also authorized by the Act to engage, through
   "financial subsidiaries," in any activity that is permissible for a
   financial holding company (as described above) and any activity that
   the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Federal
   Reserve, determines is financial in nature or incidental to any such
   financial activity, except (i) insurance underwriting, (ii) real
   estate development or real estate investment activities (unless
   otherwise permitted by law), (iii) insurance company portfolio
   investments and (iv) merchant banking.  The authority of a national
   bank to invest in a financial subsidiary is subject to a number of
   conditions, including, among other things, requirements that the bank
   must be well-managed and well-capitalized (after deducting from
   capital the bank's outstanding investments in financial subsidiaries).
   The Act provides that state banks may invest in financial subsidiaries
   (assuming they have the requisite investment authority under
   applicable state law) subject to the same conditions that apply to
   national bank investments in financial subsidiaries.

         The Act must be signed by the President before it will take
   effect.  At this time, the Company is unable to predict the impact the
   Act may have on the Company and its subsidiary.



   Statement of Financial Accounting Standard No. 133, "Accounting for
   Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities" (FAS 133) establishes
   accounting and reporting standards for derivative instruments,
   including certain derivative instruments embedded in other contracts
   and for hedging activities.  It requires that an entity recognize all
   derivatives as either assets or liabilities in the statement of
   financial position and measure those instruments at fair value.  The
   accounting for changes in the fair value of a derivative depends on
   the intended use of the derivative and the resulting designation.
   This statement applies to all entities.  FAS 133 is effective for all
   fiscal quarters of fiscal years beginning after June 15, 1999.
   Earlier application is encouraged.  The statement is not to be applied
   retroactively to financial statements of prior periods.  In June 1999,
   Statement of Financial Accounting Standard No. 137 was issued to
   extend the effective date by one year to all fiscal quarters of fiscal
   years beginning after June 15, 2000.  The Company does not believe the
   adoption of FAS 133, as amended by FAS 137,  will have a material
   impact on the consolidated financial statements.

   ENTERPRISE.  Statement of Financial Accounting Standard No. 134,
   "Accounting for Mortgage-Backed Securities Retained after the
   Securitization of Mortgage Loans Held for Sale by a Mortgage Banking
   Enterprise" (FAS 134) changes the way mortgage banking firms account
   for certain securities and other interests  they retain after
   securitizing mortgage loans that were held for sale.  The Statement is
   effective for financial statements for the first fiscal quarter
   beginning after December 15, 1998.  The Company does not securitize
   mortgages and is not a Mortgage Banking Enterprise and therefore, FAS
   134 will not have an impact on the consolidated financial statements.

        RECLASSIFICATIONS.  Certain reclassifications have been made to
   the balances as of September 30, 1999, with no effect on net income,
   to be consistent with the classifications adopted for September 30,


        The year 2000 has posed a unique set of challenges to those
   industries reliant on information technology.  As a result of methods
   employed by early programmers, many software applications and
   operational programs may be unable to distinguish the year 2000 from
   the year 1900.  If not effectively addressed, this problem could
   result in the production of inaccurate data, or, in the worst cases,
   the inability of the systems to continue to function altogether.
   Financial institutions are particularly vulnerable due to the
   industry's dependence on electronic data processing systems.  In 1997,
   the Company started the process of identifying the hardware and


   software issues required to be addressed to assure year 2000
   compliance.  The Company began by assessing the issues related to the
   year 2000 and the potential for those issues to adversely affect the
   Company's operations and those of its subsidiaries.

        Since that time, the Company has established a Year 2000
   Compliance Team (the Team) composed of representatives from key areas
   throughout the organization.  It is the mission of this Team to
   identify areas subject to complications related to the year 2000 and
   to initiate remedial measures designed to eliminate any adverse
   effects on the Company's operations.  The Team has identified all
   mission-critical software and hardware that may be adversely affected
   by the year 2000 and has required vendors to represent that the
   systems and products provided are or will be year 2000 compliant.

        All mission critical software was upgraded and tested to achieve
   year 2000 compliance.  In addition, the Team developed contingency
   plans to address systems which do not become year 2000 compliant.

        Management has determined that if a business interruption as a
   result of Year 2000 issue occurred, such an interruption could be
   material.  The primary effort required to prevent a potential business
   interruption is to assure the Company's third party processor is year
   2000 compliant.  As a cost saving measure, management contracted with
   a different third party processor and converted data during the
   quarter ended June 30, 1999.  This third party processor has stated
   that Year 2000 remediation and testing efforts have been successfully

        The Company is committed to a plan for achieving compliance,
   focusing not only on its own data processing systems, but also on its
   loan customers.  The Team has taken steps to educate and assist its
   customers with identifying their year 2000 compliance problems.  In
   addition, the Team has proposed policy and procedure changes to help
   identify potential risks to the Company and to gain an understanding
   of how customers are managing the risks associated with the year 2000.

        Management believes that the organization has an effective year
   2000 compliance program in place and that additional expenditures
   required to bring its systems into compliance will not have a
   materially adverse effect on the Company's operations, cash flow, or
   financial condition.  To date, year 2000 compliance expenditures have
   amounted to $40,000.  Management expects total additional
   out-of-pocket expenditures to be less than $25,000.  This includes
   costs to upgrade equipment specifically for the purpose of year 2000
   compliance and certain administrative expenditures.  However, the year
   2000 problem is pervasive and complex and can potentially affect any
   computer process.  Accordingly, no assurance can be given that year
   2000 compliance can be achieved without additional unanticipated
   expenditures and uncertainties that might affect future financial


        The Federal banking regulators have established standards for
   achieving year 2000 compliance for federally insured depository
   institutions.  If an institution fails to meet any of the established
   standards, its primary regulator may issue an order directing the
   institution to cure the deficiency.  Until the deficiency cited in the
   regulator's order is cured, the regulator may restrict the
   institution's growth rate and take any action the regulator deems


        The following table sets forth certain information as of
   September 30, 1999 with respect to the executive officers of the
   Company and the Savings Bank.

           NAME           AGE      POSITION
    ------------------   -----    --------------------------------------

    K. Gary Reynolds       48     President & Chief Executive Officer of
                                  the Company and the Savings Bank

    Stephen J. Greene      41     Vice President of the Savings Bank
    Larry D. Griffin       52     Branch Manager, Centralia Savings Bank

         K. Gary Reynolds has been the president and chief executive
   officer of the Savings Bank since May, 1994 and the president and
   chief executive officer of the Company since its formation.  Prior to
   that time, he was an examiner with the OCC.

         Stephen J. Greene has been a vice president of the Savings Bank
   since January, 1995.  Mr. Greene was an examiner with the OCC from
   November, 1993 to December, 1994.  Prior to that time, he was a vice
   president of Mercantile Bank of Centralia, N.A. where his
   responsibilities included managing a $25 million loan portfolio
   consisting of residential real estate loans and consumer loans.

         Larry D. Griffin has been the manager and loan officer of the
   Carlyle branch since his employment in February 1997.  Prior to that
   time, he was employed by Banker's Systems, Inc. as an account
   executive for over 15 years, where he was responsible for providing
   regulatory assistance and legal documentation to financial
   institutions throughout central and southern Illinois.

                                   ITEM 2.
                           DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY

         The following table sets forth information concerning the main
   office and the branch office of the Bank at September 30, 1999.  At
   September 30, 1999, the Company's premises had an aggregate net book
   value of approximately $337,000.


                                         Year                          Expiration         Net Book
       Location                         Opened      Owned/Leased          Date             Value
       --------                         ------      ------------      -----------     ----------------
                                                                                       (In Thousands)
       Main Office
       200 South Poplar Street           1975          Owned              N/A                $ 97
       Centralia, Illinois

       Branch office
       801 12th Street                   1996(1)       Owned              N/A                 240
       Carlyle, Illinois                                                                     ----

   (1)  The Carlyle branch was purchased during September 1996.  The
        branch's original opening date was 1989.

                                   ITEM 3.
                              LEGAL PROCEEDINGS

        The Company is, from time to time, a party to legal proceedings
   arising in the ordinary course of its business, including legal
   proceedings to enforce its rights against borrowers.  The Company is
   not currently a party to any legal proceedings which could reasonably
   be expected to have a material adverse effect on the consolidated
   financial condition or operations of the Company.

        In May 1999, a shareholder of CSB Financial Inc. filed a class
   action lawsuit in a Delaware court against the Company, its top
   executive and its directors for breach of fiduciary duty for failure
   to put an acquisition offer to shareholder vote.  The class action is
   seeking buyout of current shares at $14.75 (offered purchase price).

                                   ITEM 4.

        No matter was submitted to a vote of security holders, through
   the solicitation of proxies or otherwise, during the quarter ended
   September 30, 1999.


                                   PART II

                                   ITEM 5.

        Information relating to the market for Registrant's common stock
   and related stockholder matters appears under "Corporate Information"
   in the 1999 Annual Report to stockholders and is incorporated herein
   by reference.

                                   ITEM 6.

        The above captioned information appears under the caption
   "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
   Results of Operations" in the 1999 Annual Report to Stockholders and
   is incorporated herein by reference.

                                   ITEM 7.
                            FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

        The consolidated financial statements of CSB Financial Group,
   Inc. and subsidiary as of September 30, 1999 and 1998, together with
   the report of McGladrey & Pullen, LLP appears in the 1999 Annual
   Report to Stockholders and is incorporated herein by reference.

                                   ITEM 8.
                            FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE


                                  PART III

                                   ITEM 9.

        The information relating to directors and executive officers of
   the Registrant is incorporated herein by reference to the Registrant's
   Proxy Statement for the Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held on
   January 14, 2000.

                                  ITEM 10.
                           EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

        The information relating to executive compensation is
   incorporated herein by reference to the Registrant's Proxy Statement
   for the Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held on January 14, 2000.


                                  ITEM 11.

        The information relating to security ownership of certain
   beneficial owners and management is incorporated herein by reference
   to the Registrant's Proxy Statement for the Annual Meeting of
   Stockholders to be held on January 14, 2000.

                                  ITEM 12.

        The information relating to certain relationships and related
   transactions is incorporated herein by reference to the Registrant's
   Proxy Statement for the Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held on
   January 14, 2000.

                                  ITEM 13.
                      EXHIBITS AND REPORTS ON FORM 8-K

        (a)  Exhibits

        See Exhibit Index below and exhibits attached.

        (b)  Form 8-K

        No Reports on Form 8-K were filed during the last quarter of the
   fiscal year covered by this  Form 10-KSB.

    EXHIBIT                                                  PAGE
      NO.                       EXHIBIT                      NO.
     ------   ------------------------------------------    ------

    3.1      Certificate of Incorporation of CSB              -
             Financial Group, Inc. (incorporated herein
             by reference to Exhibit 3.1 to the
             Registrant's Registration Statement on Form
             SB-2 as originally filed on March 1, 1995,
             Registration No. 33-89842)

    3.2      Bylaws of CSB Financial Group, Inc.              -
             (incorporated herein by reference to
             Exhibit 3.2 to the Registrant's
             Registration Statement on Form SB-2 as
             originally filed on March 1, 1995,
             Registration No. 33-89842)

    4.1      Specimen Stock Certificate of CSB Financial      -
             Group, Inc. (incorporated herein by
             reference to Exhibit 1 to the Registrant's
             Registration Statement on Form 8-A filed on
             August 21, 1995, Registration No. 0-26650)


    4.2      Articles IV, V, VI, XIV and XVI of CSB           -
             Financial Group, Inc.'s Certificate of
             Incorporation (see Exhibit 3.1 above)

    4.3      Articles II and IV of CSB Financial Group,       -
             Inc.'s Bylaws (see Exhibit 3.2 above)

    4.4      Rights Agreement dates June 13, 1997             -
             between CSB Financial Group, Inc. and
             Registrar and Transfer Company, as Rights
             Agent.  Included as Exhibit A to such
             Rights Agreement is a form of Rights
             Certificate (incorporated herein by
             reference to Exhibit 1 to the Registrant's
             Registration statement in form 8-A filed on
             June 13, 1997)

    10.1     Centralia Savings Bank Employee Stock            -
             Ownership Plan (incorporated herein by
             reference to Exhibit 10.1 to the
             Registrant's Registration Statement on Form
             SB-2 as originally filed on March 1, 1995,
             Registration No. 33-89842)

    10.2     Credit Agreement between CSB Financial           -
             Group, Inc. and Centralia Savings Bank
             Employee Stock Ownership Plan (incorporated
             herein by reference to Exhibit 10.2 to the
             Registrant's Registration Statement on Form
             SB-2 as originally filed on March 1, 1995,
             Registration No. 33-89842)

    10.3     CSB Financial Group, Inc. 1995 Stock Option      -
             and Incentive Plan (incorporated herein by
             reference to Exhibit 10.3 to the
             Registrant's Registration Statement on Form
             SB-2 as originally filed on March 1, 1995,
             Registration No. 33-89842)

    10.4     CSB Financial Group, Inc. 1997 Nonqualified      -
             Stock Option Plan (incorporated herein by
             reference to Exhibit 10.4 to Form 10-KSB
             for the period ending September 30, 1997 as
             originally filed on December 29, 1997)

    10.5     CSB Financial Group, Inc. Management             -
             Development and Recognition Plan and Trust
             Agreement, as amended (incorporated herein
             by reference to Exhibit 10.4 to Form 10-KSB
             for the period ending September 30, 1997 as
             originally filed on December 29, 1997)


    10.6     Employment Agreement between Centralia           -
             Savings Bank and K. Gary Reynolds
             (incorporated herein by reference to
             Exhibit 10.7 to the Registrant's
             Registration Statement on Form SB-2 as
             originally filed on March 1, 1995,
             Registration No. 33-89842)

    13.1     CSB Financial Group, Inc. 1999 Annual          C-44
             Report to Stockholders

    21.1     Subsidiaries of the Registrant                   -
             (incorporated herein by reference to
             Exhibit 21.1 to the Registrant's
             Registration Statement on Form SB-2 as
             originally filed on March 1, 1995,
             Registration No. 33-89842)

    23.1     Consent of McGladrey & Pullen, LLP               -

    27.1     Financial Data Schedule                          -



        In accordance with Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange
   Act of 1934, as amended, the Registrant caused this report to be
   signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                 CSB FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.

   Date:  December 23, 1999      By: /s/ K. Gary Reynolds
                                     K. Gary Reynolds, President,
                                     Chief Executive Officer and Director

        In accordance with the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
   amended, this report has been signed below by the following persons on
   behalf of the Registrant and in the capacities and on the dates

   /s/ K. Gary Reynolds
   K. Gary Reynolds, President, Chief
   Executive Officer and Director (Principal
   Executive Officer, Principal Financial
   Officer and Principal Accounting Officer)

   /s/ A. John Byrne
   A. John Byrne, Director

   /s/ Wesley N. Breeze
   Wesley N. Breeze, Director

   /s/ Michael Donnewald
   Michael Donnewald, Director

   /s/ Larry M. Irvin
   Larry M. Irvin, Director

   /s/ W. Harold Monken
   W. Harold Monken, Director


                         BUSINESS OF THE CORPORATION

        CSB Financial Group, Inc. (the "Company") was organized as a
   Delaware corporation on December 12, 1994 to acquire all of the
   capital stock issued by Centralia Savings Bank (the "Bank").  The
   Company is engaged in the business of directing, planning and
   coordinating the business activities of the Bank.  In the future, the
   Company may acquire or organize other operating subsidiaries, although
   there are no current plans or agreements to do so.

        The Bank is an Illinois-chartered stock savings bank.  The Bank's
   deposits are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (the
   "FDIC") through the Savings Association Insurance Fund (the "SAIF").
   The Bank was originally chartered in 1879 as a federally chartered
   savings and loan association, merged with another savings association
   in the 1970's and converted to a state-chartered savings bank on July
   1, 1993 under its current name of Centralia Savings Bank.  The Bank
   conducts its business through its office located at 200 South Poplar
   Street, Centralia, Illinois 62801, and its telephone number is (618)

        The Bank provides its customers with a broad range of community
   banking services.  The Bank is primarily engaged in the business of
   attracting deposits from the general public and using such deposits to
   invest in one- to four-family residential mortgage loans, and, to a
   lesser extent, multi-family residential, consumer, commercial business
   and commercial real estate loans.  In addition, the Bank invests in
   U.S. Government and Agency securities, state and municipal obligations
   and mortgage-backed securities.


                          CSB FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.
                              200 SOUTH POPLAR
                          CENTRALIA, ILLINOIS 62801
                               (618) 532-1918

                             PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE

   Dear Fellow Shareholders:

   Highlights for 1999 include growth in total assets of $2.5 million,
   total deposits of $1.1 million and gross loans of $2.9 million with an
   additional $1.0 million in loan commitments at year-end.  Our loan
   department had a productive year with loan originations of $15.4
   million in new loans compared to $10.1 million in 1998, led primarily
   by the refinancing of residential real estate loans and new commercial
   loans.  Quality of the loan portfolio improved during the fiscal year,
   with non-performing assets declining by 50% to $205,000.  Our
   allowance for loan losses to total non-performing assets ratio also
   improved significantly from 42% to 108%.

   The consolidated net income declined $46,000, or 13%, to $299,000 at
   September 30, 1999.  The decrease in income represented a $0.01
   decrease in diluted earnings per share from 1998.  Consolidated income
   before income taxes (excluding non-recurring items) for 1999 increased
   11% to $516,000 as compared to $464,000 in 1998.  The non-recurring
   items were related to the data processing and the Year-2000 conversion
   expenses of $85,000 incurred during the last six months of the fiscal
   year ended September 30, 1999.  These non-recurring items approximated
   a $0.07 per share decline in the diluted earnings per share.

   The market price for CSB Financial Group, Inc.'s stock as of November
   26, 1999 was $11.25 per share, an increase of 14% from the close of
   November 23, 1998.  This is encouraging, due to the market volatility
   of bank stocks in the NASDAQ index.  Our strategic plans for improving
   shareholders' return on equity were briefly delayed by isolated
   shareholder actions.  The Board of Directors is committed to improving
   return on equity and implementing these strategic plans.

   In May 1999, the Company changed data processing servicers.  The cost
   of the conversion of data to another servicer was significant.  These
   costs were attributable to 12% of the noninterest expenses for the
   year.  Of course, this change was made for three primary reasons: (1)
   to provide our customer base with enhanced services at a reasonable
   cost, (2) to ensure continued data processing capabilities during the
   century date change, and (3) to reduce our labor costs.  We expect the
   data processing expenses to remain at prior year's levels, while
   providing more products and service benefits to our customers.  One
   such service enhancement that saves time and labor for our checking
   account customers is the implementation of the imaging system for


   checking accountholders.  This system provides a digital-image of
   every check and deposit on a customer's monthly checking account
   statement for easy retrieval and storage.  When customers experienced
   the convenience of this statement, which was pre-punched to fit a
   provided binder, many commented they would not be satisfied with any
   other type of statement.  The customer can also arrange to have a
   monthly statement prepared that combines the banking activities of
   several accounts on one statement.

   The century-date change, commonly referred to as "Year 2000" or "Y2K,"
   is an event that has placed unusual demands on all businesses,
   especially those in the financial industry.  As a result, the Company
   has devoted much time and resources to ensure our ability to meet our
   customers' financial needs.  Our current data processing service
   completed its testing and achieved compliance in early 1998.
   Centralia Savings Bank developed, tested and implemented backup
   procedures to address ongoing operations in the unusual event there is
   a malfunction in the electrical or telecommunication systems.  We
   completed an evaluation of all equipment, software applications, and
   third-party vendors to ensure there will be no interruptions in
   services.  We have also evaluated all significant credit accounts to
   determine if alternate procedures are warranted to diminish any Y2K
   risks they may pose to the Company.  We are confident in the results
   of our Y2K evaluations and we look forward to the New Year.

   The financial service industry will be experiencing a great deal of
   change due to the recent repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act.  The
   offering of insurance and investment products/services will become an
   increasing portion of a bank's product offerings to its customer base.
   Technological advances will give customers access to their accounts
   through Internet services.  The continued merger and acquisition
   between financial institutions will continue to change the landscape
   of the banking community.

   Through the coming months, our greatest challenge is to maintain a
   competitive advantage, identify the customer products and services to
   offer, select the means of distributing these products/services and
   improve the value of our shareholders' investment in this Company.
   Our greatest competitive advantage is that our customers know we are
   accessible and that decisions are made locally by managers and
   directors that live, work and participate in this community.

   The employees of the Company are well trained, experienced and loyal.
   They are dedicated to serving our customers and shareholders.  Our
   success continues to be linked to the commitment and dedication of our
   employees and the support of our customers and shareholders.  The
   Board of Directors has committed to programs targeting asset growth,
   leveraging capital and evaluating strategic alliance opportunities
   with the singular goal of providing the best value to our


   We are confident and excited about our future as a community bank.  We
   look forward to opportunities the future brings.  On behalf of the
   board of directors, officers and staff of the Company, we thank you
   our shareholders for their investment and our customers for their


   /s/ A. John Byrne

   A. John Byrne
   Chairman of the Board

   /s/ K. Gary Reynolds

   K. Gary Reynolds
   President and Chief Executive Officer



        Management's discussion and analysis of financial condition and
   results of operations is intended to assist the reader in
   understanding the financial condition, changes in financial condition
   and results of operation for CSB Financial Group, Inc. (the
   "Company").  The information contained in this section should be read
   in conjunction with the Consolidated Financial Statements and the
   other sections contained herein.


        On December 12, 1994, CSB Financial Group, Inc. was organized for
   the purpose of acquiring all of the outstanding stock of Centralia
   Savings Bank (the "Bank") upon conversion of the Bank from a mutual to
   a stock savings bank.  The conversion was completed on October 5,
   1995.  The Company sold 1,035,000 shares of common stock in the
   initial stock offering at $8 per share.  The Company purchased 100% of
   the outstanding common stock of the Bank using 50% of the $7,584,000
   in net proceeds generated from the initial offering.

        The Company conducts no significant business other than through
   the Bank.  The Bank has a wholly owned subsidiary, Centralia SLA,
   Inc., which provides insurance services.  All references to the
   Company include the Bank and its subsidiary, unless otherwise
   indicated. References to the Company prior to October 5, 1995 are to
   the Bank and Centralia SLA, Inc., on a consolidated basis.

        In June, 1999, the Board of Directors authorized management to
   retain an independent third party to evaluate strategic alternatives
   for the Company.  This action resulted from an unsolicited offer that
   was declined by the Board of Directors.

   30, 1999 AND 1998

        GENERAL.  The operating results of the Company depend primarily
   on its net interest income, which is the difference between the
   interest income earned on interest-earning assets (primarily loans,
   investment securities and mortgage-backed securities) and interest
   expense incurred on interest-bearing liabilities (primarily deposits).
   The Company's net income also is affected by the establishment of
   provision for loan losses and the level of its non-interest income,
   including loan fees, deposit service charges, insurance commissions,
   gains and losses from the sale of assets as well as its other
   non-interest expenses and provisions for income taxes.

        The Company's net income for the fiscal year ended September 30,
   1999 was $299,000 as compared to $345,000 for the fiscal year ended


   September 30, 1998.  This represents a $46,000, or 13.3%, decrease in
   net income.

        NET INTEREST INCOME.  The Company's net interest income for the
   fiscal years ended September 30, 1999 and 1998 were $1,718,000 and
   $1,666,000, respectively.  This represents a $52,000, or 3.1%,
   increase in net interest income.  This is primarily due to an increase
   in the net interest rate spread.

        Interest income decreased $51,000, or 1.54%, from $3,304,000 for
   the fiscal year ended September 30, 1998 compared to $3,253,000 for
   the fiscal year ended September 30, 1999.  The decrease resulted
   primarily from a 29 basis point decrease in the average rate earned on
   the Company's interest-earning assets.

        The $99,000 decrease in interest on securities and other interest
   earning assets was partially offset by the $48,000 increase in
   interest and fees on loans.  The decrease in interest on securities
   and other interest earning assets was a result of a decrease in
   average balances of $490,000 and yields of 40 basis points.  As yields
   on investment securities continued to decline, management chose to
   invest funds in loans with an average yield of 7.84% rather than
   mortgage backed securities or investment securities with average
   yields of 8.13% and 5.69%, respectively.

        Interest expense decreased $103,000, or 6.29%, to $1,535,000 for
   the fiscal year ended September 30, 1999 from $1,638,000 for fiscal
   year ended September 30, 1998.  The $1.2 million increase in average
   balances was more than offset by the 47 basis point decrease in cost
   of funds.

        PROVISION FOR LOAN LOSSES.  The Company's provision for loan
   losses for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1999 was $72,000,
   compared to $63,000 for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1998.
   Management evaluates the adequacy of the Company's allowance for loan
   losses on a quarterly basis and may, based on such review, adjust the
   amount of the provision for loan losses.  Classified loans are
   considered as part of this review.

        NON-INTEREST INCOME.  The Company's non-interest income for the
   fiscal year ended September 30, 1999 was $132,000, as compared to
   $134,000 for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1998.  This
   represents a decrease of $2,000, or 1.49%, in non-interest income.
   The decrease resulted primarily from a $5,000 decrease in gains on
   sale of securities offset by a $1,000  increase in service charges on
   deposits and a $2,000 increase in other non-interest income.

        NON-INTEREST EXPENSE.  The Company's non-interest expense for the
   fiscal year ended September 30, 1999 was $1,347,000, as compared to
   $1,273,000 for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1998.  The $74,000,
   or 5.81%, increase in non-interest expense is principally due to


   additional costs incurred in the conversion of data processing service

        Compensation and Employee Benefits expense increased $20,000, or
   3.17%, to $651,000 for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1999.  This
   increase was primarily due to an increase of $17,000 in group
   insurance premiums.

        Data processing expense increased $55,000, or 53.40%, to $158,000
   for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1999.  This increase was
   primarily attributable to costs associated with the conversion of data
   processing service centers.

        Other non-interest expenses decreased $14,000, or 4.06%, to
   $331,000 for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1999 as compared to
   $345,000 for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1998.

        PROVISION FOR INCOME TAXES.  The Company's provision for income
   taxes for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1999 was $132,000, as
   compared to $119,000 for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1998.
   This represents a $13,000, or 10.9%, increase in the provision for
   income taxes.


        GENERAL.  At September 30, 1999, the Company's total assets were
   $48.9 million, an increase of $2.5 million, or 5.4%, as compared to
   $46.4 million at September 30, 1998.  The increase resulted from a
   $2.8 million increase in loans receivable, net of the allowance for
   loan losses, which offset the $.7 decrease in cash and cash
   equivalents.  The increase in loans was funded by a $1.1 million
   increase in deposits and $1.4 million in borrowings.

        LOANS.  Loans, net of the allowance for loan losses, at September
   30, 1999 were $28.9 million, an increase of $2.8 million, or 10.8%,
   compared to $26.1 million for the fiscal year ended September 30,
   1998.  Mortgage loans increased $3.0 million, or 14.55%, consumer
   loans decreased $646,000, or 15.78%, as compared to the fiscal year
   ended September 30, 1998.  Commercial loans increased $539,000, or
   86.24%, to $1.2 million for the year ended September 30, 1999 as
   compared to $625,000 for the year ended September 30, 1998.  Home
   equity lines of credit and share loans remained relatively stable.

        Average loan balances for 1999 amounted to $28.5 million as
   compared to $26.9 million in the previous fiscal year.  The Company
   continues to emphasize mortgage lending, however, management is also
   making more loans on commercial real estate and commercial operations.

        The residential mortgage loans increased $1.9 million during
   1999, or 10.00%, to $21.2 million as compared to $19.3 million for the
   fiscal year ended September 30, 1998.  During 1999, loan originations


   for residential mortgage loans amounted to $7.6 million as compared to
   $5.2 million in originations for the prior fiscal year.

        Residential mortgage loans represent 72.83% of gross loans.
   Consumer loans, consisting primarily of automobile loans, made up
   11.84% of gross loans, commercial loans made up 3.99% of gross loans,
   home equity lines of credit and share loans made up 2.81% of gross
   loans, commercial real estate loans made up 1.78% of gross loans, and
   non-residential real estate loans comprised 6.75% of the portfolio at
   September 30, 1999.

        ALLOWANCE FOR LOAN LOSSES.  An allowance for loan losses is
   maintained at a level considered adequate by management to absorb
   potential loan losses as determined by evaluations of the loan
   portfolio on a continuing basis.  This evaluation by management
   includes consideration of past loan loss experience, changes in the
   composition of the loan portfolio, the volume and condition of the
   loan portfolio as well as the financial condition of specific
   borrowers and current economic conditions.  Loans with principal and
   interest payments contractually due but not yet paid are reviewed at
   least semimonthly and are placed on a nonaccrual status when scheduled
   payments remain unpaid for 90 days or more, unless the loan is both
   well secured and is in the process of collection.

        Nonperforming loans as of September 30, 1999 amounted to $205,000
   or .42% of total assets as compared to $410,000 or .88% of total
   assets as of September 30, 1998.


        The following table sets forth an analysis of the Company's gross
   allowance for loan losses for the periods indicated.

                                                                       For the Fiscal Year
                                                                       Ended September 30,
                                                                    1999               1998
                                                               ---------------   -----------------
                                                                        (In Thousands)
       Allowance at beginning of period                              $171            $165
       Provision for loan losses                                       72              63
           Consumer loans                                              18               4
                                                                     ----            ----
               Total recoveries                                        18               4
                                                                     ----            ----
           Consumer loans                                              39              61
                                                                     ----            ----
               Total charge-offs                                       39              61
                                                                     ----            ----
               Net charge-offs                                        (21)            (57)
                                                                     ----            ----
               Balance at end of period                              $222            $171
                                                                     ====            ====

       Ratio of allowance for loan losses to
       gross loans outstanding at the end of the period              0.76%           0.65%
       Ratio of net charge offs to average loans
       outstanding net during the period                             0.07%           0.21%
       Ratio of allowance for loan losses to total
       nonperforming assets at the end of the period               108.29%          41.71%

        INVESTMENT SECURITIES.  Investment securities represented 35.43%
   of total assets as of September 30, 1999 compared to 36.93% of total
   assets as of September 30, 1998.  Investment securities increased
   $188,000, 1.10%, from $17.1 million to $17.3 million as of September
   30, 1999.  At September 30, 1999, the Company held approximately $17.3
   million in investment securities of which $17.1 million were held as
   available for sale, and $216,000 were non-marketable equity
   securities.  Of the $17.3 million in investment securities, $13.1
   million, or 75.57%, were U. S. Government and agency securities, $1.0
   million, or 5.78%, were U.S. Treasury securities, $1.6 million, or
   9.38%, were obligations of state and political subdivisions, $216,000,
   or 1.25%, were non-marketable equity securities, $482,000, or 2.78%
   were corporate securities and $909,000, or 5.24%, were mortgage-backed

        DEPOSITS.  At September 30, 1999, total deposits amounted to
   $36.9 million, or 75.44%, of total assets.  Total deposits increased


   $1.1 million, or 2.93% from September 30, 1998.  The increase resulted
   from an increase of $947,000, $407,000 and $20,000 in time deposits
   greater than $100,000, savings and demand deposits, respectively,
   offset by a $323,000 decrease in other time deposits.

        BORROWINGS.  At September 30, 1999, total borrowings totaled $1.4
   million, or 2.86% of total assets, and consisted of advances on a line
   of credit from the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago.  The borrowings
   were made in September 1999 to fund loan growth.  The Company had no
   borrowings outstanding at September 30, 1998.


        Net income for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1999 was
   $299,000 as compared to $345,000 for the fiscal year ended September
   30, 1998.

        Return on average assets (ROA) for the year ended September 30,
   1999 was .62% as compared to .73% for the year ended September 30,
   1998.  The cause for the decrease in ROA was principally due to an
   increase in noninterest expenses.

        Return on average equity (ROE) for the year ended September 30,
   1999 was 2.93% as compared to 3.24% for the year ended September 30,
   1998.  The cause for the decrease in ROE was due to decreased net
   income and a decrease in the fair value of securities available for

        The average equity to average assets ratio as of September 30,
   1999 was 21.18% as compared to 22.35% as of September 30, 1998.  The
   primary cause for the decrease was the decreased net income and the
   decrease in the fair value of securities available for sale.


        The following table presents the average balance sheet for the
   Company for the years ended September 30, 1999 and 1998, the interest
   on interest earning assets and interest bearing liabilities and the
   related average yield or cost.  The yields and costs are derived by
   dividing income or expense by the average balance of the related asset
   or liability for the periods shown.  Average balances were determined
   from averaging month-end balances.


                                                             FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30,
                                                            1999                                 1998
                                              --------------------------------    ---------------------------------
                                                                         (IN THOUSANDS)
                                               AVERAGE     INTEREST &    YIELD/     AVERAGE     INTEREST &    YIELD/
                                               BALANCE     DIVIDENDS      COST      BALANCE      DIVIDENDS     COST
                                               -------     ----------    ------     -------     ----------    ------
      Interest-earnings assets:
        Mortgage loans (5)                    $   22,506     $   1,634     7.26%   $   20,201    $    1,630     8.07%
        Commercial loans (5)                       1,968           210    10.67%          961            96     9.99%
        Consumer loans (5)                         4,045           391     9.67%        5,736           461     8.04%
                                              ----------      --------             ----------    ----------
              Total loans, net                $   28,519     $   2,235     7.84%   $   26,898    $    2,187     8.13%

          Mortgage-backed securities (3)      $    1,046     $      85     8.13%   $    1,048    $       98     9.35%
          Investment securities (2)(3)            15,312           871     5.69%       15,712           943     6.00%
          Daily interest-bearing deposits            617            48     7.78%          706            62     8.78%
          FHLB stock                                 214            14     6.54%          213            14     6.57%
                                              ----------      --------             ----------    ----------
              Total interest-earning
              assets                          $   45,708     $   3,253     7.12%   $   44,577    $    3,304     7.41%
      Non-interest earning assets:
        Office properties and equipment,
          net                                 $      630                           $      603
        Real estate, net                               7                                    5
        Other non-interest earning assets          1,911                                2,377
                                             -----------                           ----------
              Total assets                    $   48,256                           $   47,562
                                             ===========                           ==========
      Interest-bearing liabilities:
        Passbook accounts                     $    3,604     $      74     2.05%   $    3,435   $        82     2.39%
        NOW accounts                               4,575            86     1.88%        3,712            69     1.86%
        Money market accounts                      2,960            99     3.34%        3,550           134     3.77%
        Certificates of deposit                   24,658         1,274     5.17%       23,892         1,353     5.66%
                                              ----------     ---------             ----------   -----------
              Total deposits                  $   35,797     $   1,533     4.28%   $   34,589   $     1,638     4.74%
        FHLB Advances                                 34             2     5.88%            -             -         -
                                               ---------     ---------             ----------   -----------
               Total interest-bearing
               liabilities                    $   35,831     $   1,535     4.28%   $   34,589   $     1,638     4.74%


                                                             FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30,
                                                            1999                                 1998
                                              --------------------------------    ---------------------------------
                                                                         (IN THOUSANDS)
                                               AVERAGE     INTEREST &    YIELD/     AVERAGE     INTEREST &    YIELD/
                                               BALANCE     DIVIDENDS      COST      BALANCE      DIVIDENDS     COST
                                               -------     ----------    ------     -------     ----------    ------
      Non-interest bearing liabilities:
        Non-interest bearing deposits         $    1,827                           $    1,451
        Other liabilities                            378                                  890
                                               ---------                            ---------
              Total liabilities               $   38,036                           $   36,930
      Stockholders' equity                        10,220                               10,632
                                               ---------                            ---------
              Total liabilities and
                  stockholders' equity        $   48,256                           $   47,562
                                               =========                            =========
      Net interest income                                    $   1,718                          $     1,666
                                                             =========                          ===========
      Interest rate spread (4)                                             2.84%                                2.67%
      Net interest margin (1)                                              3.76%                                3.74%
      Ratio of average interest-earning
      assets to average interest-bearing
         liabilities                             127.57%                              128.88%

   (1)  Net interest income as a percentage of average interest-earning
   (2)  Includes available for sale investment securities.
   (3)  Interest is classified as interest income on securities in the
        Consolidated Statement of Income.
   (4)  Difference between weighted average yield on interest-earning
        assets and weighted average cost of interest-bearing liabilities.
   (5)  Average volume includes nonaccrual loans.


        The following table sets forth the effects of changing interest
   rates and volumes of interest earning assets and interest bearing
   liabilities on net interest income for the Company.  The combined
   rate-volume variances are included in the total volume variance.  In
   addition to this schedule, a two year average balance sheet and an
   analysis of net interest income setting forth (i) average assets,
   liabilities and stockholder's equity; (ii) interest income earned on
   interest earning assets and interest expense incurred on
   interest-bearing liabilities; (iii) average yields earned on
   interest-earning assets and average rates incurred on interest-bearing
   liabilities; (iv) the net interest margin (i.e. the average yield
   earned on interest earning assets less the average rate incurred on
   interest-bearing liabilities); and (v) the net yield on


   interest-earning assets (i.e. net interest income divided by average
   interest-earning assets).

                                               1999 Compared to 1998                  1998 Compared to 1997
                                             Increase (Decrease) Due to            Increase (Decrease) Due to
                                           Rate         Volume        Net        Rate        Volume         Net
                                        ---------     ---------     -------     -------    ----------     -------
                                                   (In Thousands)                        (In Thousands)
       Interest-earning assets:
         Mortgage loans                 $    (163)       $   167     $     4      $   80       $     6     $    86
         Commercial loans                        7           107         114          15          (18)         (3)
         Consumer loans                         93         (163)        (70)        (43)          (17)        (60)
                                         ---------       -------     -------      ------       -------     -------
               Total loans                    (63)           111          48          52          (29)          23

         Mortgage-backed securities           (13)             -        (13)         (3)          (34)        (37)
         Investment and other
           securities                         (49)          (23)        (72)          29            91         120
         Interest-bearing deposits             (7)           (7)        (14)          83         (139)        (56)
         FHLB stock                              -             -           -         (1)             2           1
                                         ---------       -------     -------      ------       -------     -------
               Total net change
               income on interest-
               earning assets                (132)            81        (51)         160         (109)          51
                                         ---------       -------     -------      ------       -------     -------

       Interest-bearing liabilities:
         Passbook                             (11)             3         (8)         (6)           (4)        (10)
         Interest-bearing demand
           (NOW) accounts                        1            16          17           -          (26)        (26)
         Money market deposit
           accounts                           (15)          (20)        (35)          23          (10)          13
         Certificates of deposit             (117)            38        (79)        (76)            95          19
         FHLB Advances                           -             2           2           -             -           -
                                         ---------      --------     -------      ------       -------     -------
               Total net change in
                 expense on interest-
                 bearing liabilities         (142)            39       (103)        (59)            55         (4)
                                         ---------       -------     -------      ------       -------     -------
               Net change in
                interest income          $      10       $    42     $    52      $  219     $   (164)     $    55
                                         =========       =======     =======      ======      ========     =======



        The matching of assets and liabilities may be analyzed by
   examining the extent to which such assets and liabilities are
   "interest-rate sensitive", and by monitoring an institution's
   interest-rate sensitivity gap.  An asset or liability can be
   considered to be interest-rate sensitive within a specific time period
   if it will mature or reprice within that time period.  The
   interest-rate sensitivity gap is defined as the difference between the
   amount of interest-earning assets anticipated, based upon certain
   assumptions, to mature or reprice within a specific time period, and
   the amount of interest-bearing liabilities anticipated, based upon
   certain assumptions, to mature or reprice within that same time
   period.  A gap is considered positive when the amount of interest-rate
   sensitive assets exceeds the amount of interest-rate sensitive
   liabilities.  A gap is considered negative when the amount of
   interest-rate sensitive liabilities exceeds the amount of
   interest-rate sensitive assets.

        During a period of rising interest rates, a negative gap would
   tend to adversely affect net interest income while a positive gap
   would tend to result in an increase in net interest income. During a
   period of falling interest rates, a negative gap would tend to result
   in an increase in net interest income while a positive gap would tend
   to adversely affect net interest income.

        At September 30, 1999, the Company's interest-bearing liabilities
   either maturing or repricing within one year exceeded its
   interest-earning assets either maturing or repricing within one year
   by $(1.6) million, representing a cumulative one-year interest-rate
   sensitivity gap of negative (3.25)%.  During periods of rising
   interest rates, it is expected that the yield on the Company's
   interest-earning assets would rise more slowly than the cost on its
   interest-bearing liabilities, which would be expected to have a
   negative effect on net interest income.  A decrease in interest rates
   would have the opposite effect on net interest income, as the interest
   rates paid on interest-bearing liabilities would fall more rapidly
   than would the interest rates earned on interest-earning assets.

        The primary function of asset and liability management is to
   maintain an appropriate balance between liquidity on the one hand, and
   interest-earning assets and liabilities on the other.  The appropriate
   balance will enable the Company to produce stable net income during
   changing interest-rate cycles.

        In recent years, the Company's assets have been comprised
   primarily of one-to-four-family residential mortgage balloon payment
   notes along with long-term investment and mortgage-backed securities,
   while its liabilities have been comprised primarily of short-term
   certificates of deposit.  The majority of the Company's balloon
   payment notes have maturities of three years, while a small number
   have maturities of either one or five years.  The balloon payment


   notes are not interest-rate sensitive in a rapidly increasing
   interest-rate environment because the interest rate remains fixed for
   up to five years regardless of an increase in market interest rates.
   Furthermore, although the interest rate on the balloon payment notes
   may be changed if the note is renewed at the end of the term, the
   balloon payment notes have interest rate caps of one or two percentage
   points over the initial rate of interest.  Consequently, if interest
   rates increase by an amount exceeding the interest rate cap during the
   term of the note, the Company may be forced to renew the notes at
   interest rates below the prevailing market rate.

        Since the first calendar quarter of 1995, the
   adjustable-rate-mortgage (ARM) has replaced the standard balloon
   payment loan as the principal type of mortgage loan offered to new
   residential first-mortgage customers of the Company.  The ARM's have
   higher interest rate ceilings than the balloon payment loans, along
   with interest rate floors, and will accordingly provide the Company
   with increased interest rate protection.  Beginning in February 1996,
   the Company initiated a program of converting the balloon mortgage
   loans to comparable ARM mortgage loans.  As the balloon mortgage loans
   mature, they are converted to an ARM.

        Because the majority of the Company's deposits are in higher
   yielding short-term certificates of deposit (which can be expected to
   reprice upon maturity), an increase in market interest rates will have
   a more dramatic effect on the Company's cost of funds than if such
   deposits were in transaction or passbook savings account.  The
   interest rates on the Company's certificates of deposit tend to
   increase more quickly and in greater increments than the interest
   rates on its transaction or passbook savings accounts.

        The Company's investment securities portfolio had an average
   maturity of 4.4 years, excluding mortgage-backed securities, as of
   September 30, 1999.  Accordingly, the Company's investment securities
   portfolio could be made less interest-rate sensitive by increasing the
   average maturity of the portfolio.


        The Company's primary sources of funds are customer deposits,
   proceeds from principal and interest payments on loans, payments on
   investment and mortgage-backed securities and sales of Company stock.
   While scheduled maturities of loans and investment and mortgage-backed
   securities are predictable sources of funds, deposit flows, mortgage
   prepayments and the Company's ability to renew balloon payment notes
   are greatly influenced by general interest rates, economic conditions
   and competition.

        The primary investing activity of the Company is the origination
   of one-to-four-family residential mortgage loans.  During each of the
   fiscal years ended September 30, 1999 and 1998, the Company originated
   one-to-four-family residential mortgage loans in the amount of $7.6


   million and $5.2 million, respectively.  These activities were funded
   primarily by Federal Home Loan Bank advances and deposit growth.

        The net cash used in investing activities for the fiscal year
   ended September 30, 1999 totaled $3.5 million.  Investment activities
   included the purchase of investment securities which totaled $7.1
   million and $13.0 million for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1999
   and 1998, respectively and the origination of loans, net of paydowns,
   of $2.9 million for the year ended September 30, 1999.  Sources of
   cash for investing activities was provided by operating activities,
   maturities and sales of securities, and cash and cash equivalents held
   at the beginning of the fiscal year.  Investment activities included
   the sale of investment securities which totaled $500,000 and $5.2
   million for the fiscal years ended September 30, 1999 and 1998,
   respectively.  Investment activities also included maturities and
   paydowns on investment securities which totaled $6.1 million and $7.8
   million for the fiscal years ended September 30, 1999 and 1998,

        The Company must maintain an adequate level of liquidity to
   ensure the availability of sufficient funds to support loan growth and
   deposit withdrawals, satisfy financial commitments and take advantage
   of investment opportunities.  During the fiscal year ended September
   30, 1999 and 1998, the Company used its sources of funds primarily to
   fund loan commitments.  At September 30, 1999, the Company had
   commitments to extend credit in the amount of $2.3 million.  These
   commitments were comprised of variable-rate and fixed-rate commitments
   in the amounts of $1,173,000 and $1,146,000, respectively.  The range
   of rates on fixed-rate commitments was 7.75% to 10.5%.

        At September 30, 1999, certificates of deposits totaled $24.5
   million, or 66.52% of total deposits, as compared to $23.9 million, or
   66.73% of total deposits for fiscal year ended September 30, 1998.
   Time deposits over $100,000 accounted for $2.6 million and $1.7
   million, respectively, of the certificate of deposit totals.
   Historically, the Company has been able to retain a significant amount
   of its maturing deposits by increasing the interest rates earned by
   the certificates of deposit.  Because deposit insurance premiums paid
   by commercial banks on BIF-insured deposits have been drastically
   reduced, the Company may find it more difficult to retain such
   deposits.  Management believes it will have adequate resources to fund
   maturing deposits and withdrawals from additional deposits, proceeds
   of scheduled repayments of loans as well as from payments received on
   investment and mortgage-backed securities.

        CAPITAL.  The Company is required to maintain a specific amount
   of capital pursuant to the regulations of the Commissioner of Savings
   and Residential Finance and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
   (FDIC).  As of September 30, 1999, the Company was in compliance with
   all regulatory capital requirements with a Tier 1 capital to
   risk-weighted assets ratio of 42.93%, compared to the minimum ratio
   required of 4.0%, total capital to risk-weighted assets ratio of


   43.90% compared to the minimum ratio required of 8.0% and a Tier 1
   capital to average assets ratio of 20.29% compared to the minimum
   ratio required of 4.0%.

        The Company continues to maintain a strong capital position to
   support its capital requirements.  Stockholders' equity increased
   $149,000 to $10.3 million as of September 30, 1999.  This increase was
   due primarily to net income of $299,000 offset by a decrease in
   unrealized gain on securities available for sale of $207,000.


   Statement of Financial Accounting Standard No. 133, "Accounting for
   Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities" (FAS 133) establishes
   accounting and reporting standards for derivative instruments,
   including certain derivative instruments embedded in other contracts
   and for hedging activities.  It requires that an entity recognize all
   derivatives as either assets or liabilities in the statement of
   financial position and measure those instruments at fair value.  The
   accounting for changes in the fair value of a derivative depends on
   the intended use of the derivative and the resulting designation.
   This statement applies to all entities.  FAS 133 is effective for all
   fiscal quarters of fiscal years beginning after June 15, 1999.
   Earlier application is encouraged.  The statement is not to be applied
   retroactively to financial statements of prior periods.  In June 1999,
   Statement of Financial Accounting Standard No. 137 was issued to
   extend the effective date by one year to all fiscal quarters of fiscal
   years beginning after June 15, 2000.  The Company does not believe the
   adoption of FAS 133, as amended by FAS 137,  will have a material
   impact on the consolidated financial statements.

   ENTERPRISE   Statement of Financial Accounting Standard No. 134,
   "Accounting for Mortgage-Backed Securities Retained after the
   Securitization of Mortgage Loans Held for Sale by a Mortgage Banking
   Enterprise" (FAS 134) changes the way mortgage banking firms account
   for certain securities and other interests  they retain after
   securitizing mortgage loans that were held for sale.  The Statement is
   effective for financial statements for the first fiscal quarter
   beginning after December 15, 1998.  The Company does not securitze
   mortgages and is not a Mortgage Banking Enterprise and therefore, FAS
   134 will not have an impact on the consolidated financial statements.


        DEPOSIT INSURANCE PREMIUMS.  Deposits of the Bank are currently
   insured by the FDIC under the SAIF.  The FDIC also maintains another
   insurance fund, the BIF, which primarily insures commercial bank and
   some state savings bank deposits.  Applicable law requires that the
   SAIF and BIF funds each achieve and maintain a ratio of insurance


   reserves to total insured deposits equal to 1.25%.  In 1995, the BIF
   reached this 1.25% reserve level, and the FDIC announced a reduction
   in BIF premiums for most banks.  Based on this reduction, the highest
   rated institutions (approximately 92 percent of the nearly 11,000
   BIF-insured banks) will pay the statutory annual minimum of $2,000 for
   FDIC insurance.  Rates for all other institutions were reduced to $.04
   per $100 as well, leaving a premium range of $.03 to $.27 per $100
   instead of the previous $.04 to $.31 per $100.  Currently, SAIF-member
   institutions pay deposit insurance premiums based on a schedule of
   $0.00 to $0.27 per $100 of deposits.

        The assessment for the Bank was $21,000 as of September 30, 1999.

        FICO ASSESSMENT.  The Financing Corporation (FICO), established
   by the Competitive Equality Banking Act of 1987, is a mixed-ownership
   government corporation whose sole purpose was to function as a
   financing vehicle for the Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corporation
   (FSLIC).  Effective December 12, 1991, as provided by the Resolution
   Trust Corporation Refinancing, Restructuring and Improvement Act of
   1991, the FICO's ability to issue new debt was terminated.
   Outstanding FICO bonds, which are 30-year noncallable bonds with a
   principal amount of approximately $8.1 billion, mature in 2017 through

        The FICO has assessment authority, separate from the FDIC's
   authority to assess risk-based premiums for deposit insurance, to
   collect funds from FDIC-insured institutions sufficient to pay
   interest on FICO bonds.  The FDIC acts as collection agent for the
   FICO.  The Deposit Insurance Funds Act 1996 (DIFA) authorized the FICO
   to assess both BIF- and SAIF-insured deposits, and required the BIF
   rate to equal one-fifth the SAIF rate through year-end 1999, or until
   the insurance funds are merged, whichever occurs first.  Thereafter,
   BIF- and SAIF-insured deposits will be assessed at the same rate by

        The FICO assessment rate is adjusted quarterly to reflect changes
   in the assessment bases of the respective funds based on quarterly
   Call Report and Thrift Financial Report submissions.  The quarterly
   FICO rates since enactment of DIFA have ranged from 1.164 to 1.30
   basis points for BIF institutions and 5.82 to 6.50 basis points for
   SAIF institutions.

   existing provisions of the Internal Revenue Code and similar sections
   of the Illinois income tax law, qualifying thrifts may claim bad debt
   deductions based on the greater of (1) a specified percentage of
   taxable income, as defined, or (2) actual loss experience.  If, in the
   future, any of the accumulated bad debt deductions are used for any
   purpose other than to absorb bad debt losses, gross taxable income may
   result and income taxes may be payable.


        The Small Business Job Protection Act became law on August 20,
   1996.  One of the provisions in this law repealed the reserve method
   of accounting for bad debts for thrift institutions so that the bad
   debt deduction described in the preceding paragraph will no longer be
   effective for tax years beginning after December 31, 1995.  The change
   in the law requires that the tax bad debt reserves accumulated after
   September 30, 1988 be recaptured into taxable income over a six-year
   period.  The start of the six-year period can be delayed for up to two
   years if the Company meets certain residential lending thresholds.
   Deferred taxes have been provided on the portion of the tax reserve
   for loan loss that must be recaptured.

        PENDING LEGISLATION.  On November 4, 1999, the United States
   Congress approved legislation that would allow bank holding companies
   to engage in a wider range of nonbanking activities, including greater
   authority to engage in securities and insurance activities. Under the
   Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (the "Act"), a bank holding company that elects
   to become a financial holding company may engage in any activity that
   the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (the "Federal
   Reserve"), in consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury,
   determines by regulation or order is (i) financial in nature, (ii)
   incidental to any such financial activity, or (iii) complementary to
   any such financial activity and does not pose a substantial risk to
   the safety or soundness of depository institutions or the financial
   system generally.  The Act specifies certain activities that are
   deemed to be financial in nature, including lending, exchanging,
   transferring, investing for others, or safeguarding money or
   securities; underwriting and selling insurance; providing financial,
   investment, or economic advisory services; underwriting, dealing in or
   making a market in, securities; and any activity currently permitted
   for bank holding companies by the Federal Reserve under section
   4(c)(8) of the Bank Holding Company Act.  A bank holding company may
   elect to be treated as a financial holding company only if all
   depository institution subsidiaries of the holding company are
   well-capitalized, well-managed and have at least a satisfactory rating
   under the Community Reinvestment Act.

        National banks are also authorized by the Act to engage, through
   "financial subsidiaries," in any activity that is permissible for a
   financial holding company (as described above) and any activity that
   the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Federal
   Reserve, determines is financial in nature or incidental to any such
   financial activity, except (i) insurance underwriting, (ii) real
   estate development or real estate investment activities (unless
   otherwise permitted by law), (iii) insurance company portfolio
   investments and (iv) merchant banking.  The authority of a national
   bank to invest in a financial subsidiary is subject to a number of
   conditions, including, among other things, requirements that the bank
   must be well-managed and well-capitalized (after deducting from
   capital the bank's outstanding investments in financial subsidiaries).
   The Act provides that state banks may invest in financial subsidiaries
   (assuming they have the requisite investment authority under


   applicable state law) subject to the same conditions that apply to
   national bank investments in financial subsidiaries.

        The Act must be signed by the President before it will take
   effect.  At this time, the Company is unable to predict the impact the
   Act may have on the Company and its subsidiary.


        The Consolidated Financial Statements and Notes thereto included
   herein have been prepared in accordance with GAAP, which require the
   measurement of financial position and operating results in terms of
   historical dollars without considering changes in the relative
   purchasing power of money over time due to inflation.  The impact of
   inflation is reflected in the increased cost of the Company's
   operations.  Unlike industrial companies, nearly all of the assets and
   liabilities of the Company are monetary in nature.  As a result,
   interest rates have a greater impact on the Company's performance than
   do the effects of general levels of inflation.  Interest rates do not
   necessarily move in the same direction or the same extent as the
   prices of goods and services.


        The year 2000 has posed a unique set of challenges to those
   industries reliant on information technology.  As a result of methods
   employed by early programmers, many software applications and
   operational programs may be unable to distinguish the year 2000 from
   the year 1900.  If not effectively addressed, this problem could
   result in the production of inaccurate data, or, in the worst cases,
   the inability of the systems to continue to function altogether.
   Financial institutions are particularly vulnerable due to the
   industry's dependence on electronic data processing systems.  In 1997,
   the Company started the process of identifying the hardware and
   software issues required to be addressed to assure year 2000
   compliance.  The Company began by assessing the issues related to the
   year 2000 and the potential for those issues to adversely affect the
   Company's operations and those of its subsidiaries.

        Since that time, the Company has established a Year 2000
   Compliance Team (the Team) composed of representatives from key areas
   throughout the organization.  It is the mission of this Team to
   identify areas subject to complications related to the year 2000 and
   to initiate remedial measures designed to eliminate any adverse
   effects on the Company's operations.  The Team has identified all
   mission-critical software and hardware that may be adversely affected
   by the year 2000 and has required vendors to represent that the
   systems and products provided are or will be year 2000 compliant.

        All mission critical software was upgraded and tested to achieve
   year 2000 compliance.  In addition, the Team developed contingency
   plans to address systems which do not become year 2000 compliant.


        Management has determined that if a business interruption as a
   result of Year 2000 issue occurred, such an interruption could be
   material.  The primary effort required to prevent a potential business
   interruption is to assure the Company's third party processor is year
   2000 compliant.  As a cost saving measure, management contracted with
   a different third party processor and converted data during the
   quarter ended June 30, 1999.  This third party processor has stated
   that Year 2000 remediation and testing efforts have been successfully

        The Company is committed to a plan for achieving compliance,
   focusing not only on its own data processing systems, but also on its
   loan customers.  The Team has taken steps to educate and assist its
   customers with identifying their year 2000 compliance problems.  In
   addition, the Team has proposed policy and procedure changes to help
   identify potential risks to the Company and to gain an understanding
   of how customers are managing the risks associated with the year 2000.

        Management believes that the organization has an effective year
   2000 compliance program in place and that additional expenditures
   required to bring its systems into compliance will not have a
   materially adverse effect on the Company's operations, cash flow, or
   financial condition.  To date, year 2000 compliance expenditures have
   amounted to $40,000.  Management expects total additional
   out-of-pocket expenditures to be less than $25,000.  This includes
   costs to upgrade equipment specifically for the purpose of year 2000
   compliance and certain administrative expenditures.  However, the year
   2000 problem is pervasive and complex and can potentially affect any
   computer process.  Accordingly, no assurance can be given that year
   2000 compliance can be achieved without additional unanticipated
   expenditures and uncertainties that might affect future financial

        The Federal banking regulators have established standards for
   achieving year 2000 compliance for federally insured depository
   institutions.  If an institution fails to meet any of the established
   standards, its primary regulator may issue an order directing the
   institution to cure the deficiency.  Until the deficiency cited in the
   regulator's order is cured, the regulator may restrict the
   institution's growth rate and take any action the regulator deems


                          CSB FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.

                      Consolidated Financial Statements
                      With Independent Auditor's Report

                   Years Ended September 30, 1999 and 1998


                          CSB FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.


    INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT                        C-63


    Consolidated balance sheets                         C-64 and

    Consolidated statements of income                   C-66

    Consolidated statements of stockholders' equity     C-67 and

    Consolidated statements of cash flows               C-69 and

    Notes to consolidated financial statements          C-71 -


                        INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT

   To the Stockholders and Board of Directors
   CSB Financial Group, Inc.
   Centralia, Illinois

   We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of CSB
   Financial Group, Inc. and subsidiary as of September 30, 1999 and
   1998, and the related consolidated statements of income, stockholders'
   equity, and cash flows for the years then ended.  These consolidated
   financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's
   management.  Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these
   consolidated financial statements based on our audits.

   We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing
   standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit
   to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements
   are free of material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a
   test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the
   financial statements.  An audit also includes assessing the accounting
   principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well
   as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.  We
   believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

   In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to
   above present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated
   financial position of CSB Financial Group, Inc. and subsidiary as of
   September 30, 1999 and 1998, and the results of their operations and
   their cash flows for the years then ended in conformity with generally
   accepted accounting principles.

   /s/ McGladrey & Pullen, LLP

   Champaign, Illinois
   October 28, 1999


       September 30, 1999 and 1998
       (in thousands, except share data)

                                                           1999              1998
                                                           ----              ----
       Cash and cash equivalents                         $   871           $ 1,542
          Available for sale                              17,118            16,931
          Nonmarketable equity securities                    216               215
       Loans, net of allowance for loan losses
          of $222 in 1999 and $171 in 1998                28,920            26,111
       Premises and equipment                                683               607
       Accrued interest receivable                           318               304
       Intangible assets                                     539               600
       Other assets                                          255               113
                                                         -------           -------
                       Total assets                      $48,920           $46,423
                                                         =======           =======



     September 30, 1999 and 1998
     (in thousands, except share data)

                                                         1999              1998
                                                         ----              ----

        Demand                                           $ 8,563           $ 8,543
        Savings                                            3,794             3,387
        Time deposits of $100,000 or more                  2,627             1,680
        Other time deposits                               21,922            22,245
                                                         -------           -------
             TOTAL DEPOSITS                               36,906            35,855
        Other liabilities                                    191               169
        Advances from the Federal Home Loan Bank           1,400                 -
        Deferred income taxes                                145               270
                                                         -------           -------
             TOTAL LIABILITIES                            38,642            36,294
                                                         -------           -------

     Preferred stock, $0.01 par value; 100,000
        shares authorized; none is issued and
        outstanding                                           -                 -
     Common stock, $0.01 par value; authorized
        2,000,000 shares;                                    10                10
        1,035,000 shares issued
     Paid-in capital                                      7,829             7,823
     Retained earnings                                    6,683             6,384
     Accumulated other comprehensive income                (53)              154
     Unearned employee stock ownership plan shares        (160)             (180)
     Management recognition plan                          (514)             (551)
                                                        -------           -------
                                                         13,795            13,640
     Less cost of treasury stock;
        1999 302,701 shares;
        1998 302,080 shares                             (3,517)           (3,511)
                                                        -------           -------
             TOTAL STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                  10,278            10,129
                                                        -------           -------
                STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                    $48,920           $46,423
                                                        =======           =======

     See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


     Years Ended September 30, 1999 and 1998
     (in thousands, except share data)

                                                         1999               1998
                                                         ----               ----
     Interest income:
        Loans and fees on loans                        $ 2,235             $2,187
            Taxable                                        880                988
            Nontaxable                                      76                 53
            Other                                           62                 76
                                                        ------             ------
                                                         3,253              3,304
                                                        ------             ------
     Interest expense:
        Deposits                                         1,533              1,638
        Borrowings                                           2                --
                                                        ------             ------
                                                         1,535              1,638
                                                        ------             ------
                  NET INTEREST INCOME                    1,718              1,666
                                                            72                 63
     Provision for loan losses                          ------             ------

                    PROVISION FOR LOAN LOSSES            1,646              1,603
                                                        ------             ------
     Noninterest income:
        Service charges on deposits                         82                 81
        Gain on sale of securities                          --                  5
        Other                                               50                 48
                                                        ------             ------
                                                           132                134
                                                        ------             ------
     Noninterest expense:
        Compensation and employee benefits                 651                631
        Occupancy and equipment                            106                 89
        Data processing                                    158                103
        SAIF deposit insurance                              21                 22
        Professional fees                                   80                 83
        Other                                              331                345
                                                        ------             ------
                                                         1,347              1,273
                                                        ------             ------
                  INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES               431                464
     Income taxes                                          132                119
                                                        ------             ------
                 NET INCOME                             $  299             $  345
                                                        ======             ======
     Earnings per share:
        Basic                                           $ 0.42             $ 0.43
                                                        ======             ======
        Diluted                                         $ 0.41             $ 0.42
                                                        ======             ======

     See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


       Years Ended September 30, 1999 and 1998
       (In thousands, except share data)

                                                                      Preferred          Common            Paid-In
                                                                        Stock            Stock             Capital
                                                                      ---------          ------            -------

       Balance at September 30, 1997                                   $  -                $ 10             $ 7,813

          Net income                                                      -                   -                   -
          Comprehensive Income:
            Change in unrealized gain (loss) on securities
                available for sale, net of tax of $26                     -                   -                   -
            Realized gain on securities sold during the
                 year, net of tax of $2
          Comprehensive income
          Employee stock ownership plan shares allocated                  -                   -                  10
          Management recognition plan shares allocated                    -                   -                   -
          Purchase of treasury stock                                      -                   -                   -
                                                                       -----               ----              ------

       Balance at September 30, 1998                                      -                  10               7,823

          Net income                                                      -                   -                   -
          Comprehensive Income:
          Change in unrealized gain (loss) on securities
             available for sale, net of tax of $(127)                     -                   -                   -
          Comprehensive income                                            -                   -                   -
          Employee stock ownership plan shares allocated                  -                   -                   6
          Management recognition plan shares allocated                    -                   -                   -
          Purchase of treasury stock                                      -                   -                   -

       Balance at September 30, 1999                                   $  -                $ 10              $7,829
                                                                       =====               ====              ======

     See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


       Years Ended September 30, 1999 and 1998
       (in thousands, except share data)

                                   Accumulated           Employee
                                      Other                Stock           Management
              Retained            Comprehensive          Ownership        Recognition        Treasury
              Earnings               Income            Plan Shares           Plan              Stock             Total
              --------            -------------        -----------        -----------        --------            -----
                $6,039                 $110              $(202)             $(589)          $(1,529)           $11,652
                   345                    -                  -                  -                -                 345
                     -                   47                  -                  -                -                  47
                     -                   (3)                 -                  -                -                  (3)
                                       ----                                                                      -----
                     -                   44                  -                  -                -                 389
                                       ----                                                                      -----
                     -                    -                 22                  -                -                  32
                     -                    -                  -                 38                -                  38
                     -                    -                  -                  -           (1,982)             (1,982)
                ------                 ----               ----               ----          -------             -------
                 6,384                  154               (180)              (551)          (3,511)             10,129

                   299                    -                  -                  -                -                 299
                     -                 (207)                 -                  -                -                (207)
                                       ----                                                                     ------
                     -                 (207)                 -                  -                -                  92
                                       ----                                                                     ------
                     -                    -                 20                  -                -                  26
                     -                    -                  -                 37                -                  37
                     -                    -                  -                  -              (6)                  (6)
                ------                 ----              -----              -----         -------              -------
                $6,683                 $(53)             $(160)             $(514)        $(3,517)             $10,278
                ======                 ====              =====              =====         =======              =======


       Years Ended September 30, 1999 and 1998
       (in thousands)

                                                                                         1999                   1998
                                                                                         ----                   ----
       Net income                                                                      $ 299                  $ 345
       Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by
          operating activities:
          Provision for loan losses                                                       72                     63
          Provision for depreciation                                                      49                     38
          Amortization of intangible assets                                               61                     60
          Employee stock ownership plan compensation expense                              26                     32
          Management recognition plan compensation expense                                37                     38
          Deferred income taxes                                                            2                      -
          Gain on sale of securities                                                       -                     (5)
          Loss on sale of other real estate owned                                          -                      3
          Amortization and accretion of securities                                        11                     (1)
          Change in assets and liabilities:
             (Increase) in accrued interest receivable                                   (14)                   (14)
             (Increase) decrease in other assets                                        (142)                    46
             Increase in other liabilities                                                22                    117
                                                                                      ------                 ------
                 NET CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES                                423                    722
                                                                                      ------                 ------


       Securities available for sale:
          Purchases                                                                   (7,143)               (13,004)
          Proceeds from sales                                                            500                  5,154
          Proceeds from maturities and paydowns                                        6,111                  7,772
       Nonmarketable equity securities:
          Purchases of nonmarketable equity securities                                    (1)                    (5)
       Loan originations, net of principal payments on loans                          (2,881)                   981
       Proceeds from the sale of other real estate owned                                   -                      3
       Purchases of premises and equipment                                              (125)                   (43)
                                                                                      ------                 ------
                NET CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES                              (3,539)                   858
                                                                                      ======                 ======



       Years Ended September 30, 1999 and 1998
       (in thousands)

                                                                                            1999                 1998
                                                                                            ----                 ----

       Net increase (decrease) in demand deposits and savings
            accounts                                                                    $   427            $    (538)
       Net increase (decrease) in time deposits                                             624                 (193)
       Purchase of treasury stock                                                            (6)              (1,982)
       Proceeds from Federal Home Loan Bank advances                                      1,400                    -
                                                                                        -------              -------
                NET CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES                                  2,445               (2,713)
                                                                                        -------              -------
                NET DECREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS                                  (671)              (1,133)

       Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year                                       1,542                 2,675
                                                                                        -------               -------
       Cash and cash equivalents, end of year                                            $  871               $ 1,542
                                                                                        =======               =======
       Cash paid during the year for:
          Interest                                                                      $ 1,526               $ 1,626
                                                                                        =======               =======
          Income taxes, net of refunds                                                  $    59               $    15
                                                                                        =======               =======
       Supplemental Disclosures of Investing and
          Financing Activities:
          Change in unrealized gain (loss) on securities available
              for sale                                                                  $  (334)               $   70
                                                                                        =======                ======
          Change in deferred income taxes attributable to the
              unrealized gain (loss) on securities available for sale                   $  (127)               $   26
                                                                                        =======                ======

       Loans originated to facilitate sale of other real estate owned                   $     -                $   21
                                                                                        =======                ======

     See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.





   NATURE OF OPERATIONS  CSB Financial Group, Inc. (the Company) is the
   holding company of its wholly-owned subsidiary, Centralia Savings Bank
   (the Bank).  Centralia Savings Bank is a state chartered stock savings
   bank, converted from mutual form on October 5, 1995, located in Marion
   County, Illinois.  The Bank's deposits are insured by the Federal
   Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) through the Savings Association
   Insurance Fund (SAIF).  The Bank is subject to the regulations of
   certain federal and state agencies and undergoes periodic examinations
   by those agencies.

   PRINCIPLES OF PRESENTATION  The accompanying consolidated financial
   statements include the accounts of the Company and its wholly-owned
   subsidiary, the Bank, and the Bank's wholly-owned subsidiary,
   Centralia SLA.  Centralia SLA, Inc.'s principal business activity is
   to provide insurance services.  For purposes of the consolidated
   financial statements, all material intercompany amounts have been

   In preparing the consolidated financial statements, Company management
   is required to make estimates and assumptions which significantly
   affect the amounts reported in the consolidated financial statements.
   Significant estimates which are particularly susceptible to change in
   a short period of time include the determination of the allowance for
   loan losses and valuation of real estate and other properties acquired
   in connection with foreclosures or in satisfaction of amounts due from
   borrowers on loans.  Actual results could differ from those estimates.

   Effective October 1, 1998, the Company adopted Financial Accounting
   Standards Board Statement No. 130, "Comprehensive Income," which was
   issued in June of 1997.  Statement No. 130 establishes new rules for
   the reporting and display of comprehensive income and its components,
   but has no effect on the Company's net income or total stockholders'
   equity.  Statement No. 130 requires unrealized gains and losses on the
   Company's available for sale securities, which prior to adoption were
   reported separately in stockholders' equity, to be included in
   comprehensive income.  Prior year financial statements have been
   reclassified to conform to the requirements of Statement No. 130.

   The accounting and reporting policies of the Company conform to
   generally accepted accounting principles and general practice within
   the banking industry.  Following is a description of the more
   significant policies which the Company follows in preparing and
   presenting its financial statements.




   CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS  For purposes of reporting cash flows, the
   Company considers all cash on hand, deposit accounts and money-market
   funds to be cash equivalents.

   SECURITIES AVAILABLE FOR SALE  Securities classified as available for
   sale are those debt securities that the Company intends to hold for an
   indefinite period of time, but not necessarily to maturity.  Any
   decision to sell a security classified as available for sale would be
   based on various factors, including significant movements in interest
   rates, changes in the maturity mix of the Company's assets and
   liabilities, liquidity needs, regulatory capital considerations, and
   other similar factors.  Securities available for sale are carried at
   fair value.  The difference between fair value and amortized cost,
   adjusted for amortization of premium and accretion of discounts, which
   are recognized in interest income using the interest method over their
   contractual lives, results in an unrealized gain or loss.  Unrealized
   gains or losses are reported as accumulated other comprehensive
   income, net of the related deferred tax effect.  Realized gains or
   losses, determined on the basis of the cost of specific securities
   sold, are included in earnings.

   NONMARKETABLE EQUITY SECURITIES  Nonmarketable equity securities
   consist of the Bank's required investment in the capital stock of the
   Federal Home Loan Bank.  This investment is carried at cost as the
   fair value is not readily determinable.

   LOANS  Loans are stated at the principal amount outstanding less
   unearned interest income and an allowance for loan losses.  Interest
   income on principally all loans is credited to income based on the
   principal balance outstanding.

   The Company's policy is to discontinue the accrual of interest income
   on any loan when, in the opinion of management, there is reasonable
   doubt as to the timely collectibility of interest or principal.
   Interest income on these loans is recognized to the extent payments
   are received, and the principal is considered fully collectible.

   Loans are considered impaired when, based on current information and
   events, it is probable the Company will not be able to collect all
   amounts due.  The portion of the allowance for loans losses applicable
   to impaired loans would be computed based on the present value of the
   estimated future cash flows of interest and principal discounted at
   the loan's effective interest rate or on the fair value of the
   collateral for collateral dependent loans.  The entire change in
   present value of expected cash flows of impaired loans or of
   collateral value is reported as part of the provision for loan losses




   expense in the same manner in which impairment initially was
   recognized or as a reduction in the amount of provision for loan
   losses expense that otherwise would be reported.  Management had not
   classified any loans as impaired as of September 30, 1999 or 1998.

   ALLOWANCE FOR LOAN LOSSES  The allowance for loan losses is
   established through a provision for loan losses charged to operating
   expenses.  Loans are charged against the allowance for loan losses
   when management believes that the collectibility of the principal is
   unlikely.  The allowance is an amount that management believes will be
   adequate to absorb losses on existing loans that may become
   uncollectible, based on evaluations of the collectibility of loans and
   prior loan loss experience.  The evaluations take into consideration
   such factors as changes in the nature and volume of the loan
   portfolio, overall portfolio quality, review of specific problem loans
   and current economic conditions that may affect the borrowers' ability
   to pay.  While management uses the best information available to make
   its evaluation, future adjustments to the allowance may be necessary
   if there are significant changes in economic conditions.  In addition,
   regulatory agencies, as an integral part of their examination process,
   periodically review the Bank's allowance for loan losses, and may
   require the Bank to make additions to the allowance based on their
   judgment about information available to them at the time of their

   PREMISES AND EQUIPMENT  Premises and equipment are stated at cost less
   accumulated depreciation.  Depreciation is provided over the estimated
   useful lives of the related assets principally on the straight-line

   INTANGIBLE ASSETS  Core deposit intangible and goodwill were recorded
   as part of the acquisition of the Carlyle branch.  Core deposit
   intangible is being amortized by the straight line method over a ten
   year period.  Goodwill is being amortized by the straight line method
   over a fifteen year period.

   INCOME TAXES  Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are computed
   annually for differences between the financial statement and tax bases
   of assets and liabilities that will result in taxable or deductible
   amounts in the future based on enacted tax laws and rates applicable
   to the periods in which the differences are expected to affect taxable
   income.  Deferred tax assets are reduced by a valuation allowance
   when, in the opinion of management, it is more likely than not that
   some portion or all of the deferred tax assets will not be realized.
   Deferred tax assets and liabilities are adjusted for the effects of
   changes in tax laws and rates on the date of enactment.  Income tax




   expense is the tax payable or refundable for the period plus or minus
   the change during the period in deferred tax assets and liabilities.

   EARNINGS PER COMMON SHARE   Basic earnings per share is computed by
   dividing net income for the year by the weighted average number of
   shares outstanding of 719,245 and 797,237 for 1999 and 1998,
   respectively.  Diluted earnings per share is determined by dividing
   net income for the year by the weighted average number of shares of
   common stock and common stock equivalents outstanding.  Common stock
   equivalents assume exercise of stock options and use of proceeds to
   purchase treasury stock at the average market price for the period.
   Unallocated shares of the ESOP are not considered outstanding.  The
   weighted average shares outstanding for purposes of computing diluted
   earnings per share were 728,767 and 824,296 for 1999 and 1998,

   RECLASSIFICATIONS  Certain reclassifications have been made to the
   balances as of September 30, 1998, with no effect on net income, to be
   consistent with the classifications adopted for September 30, 1999.


   Statement of Financial Accounting Standard No. 133, "Accounting for
   Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities" (FAS 133) establishes
   accounting and reporting standards for derivative instruments,
   including certain derivative instruments embedded in other contracts
   and for hedging activities.  It requires that an entity recognize all
   derivatives as either assets or liabilities in the statement of
   financial position and measure those instruments at fair value.  The
   accounting for changes in the fair value of a derivative depends on
   the intended use of the derivative and the resulting designation.
   This Statement applies to all entities.  FAS 133 is effective for all
   fiscal quarters of fiscal years beginning after June 15, 1999.
   Earlier application is encouraged.  The Statement is not to be applied
   retroactively to financial statements of prior periods.  In June 1999,
   Statement of Financial Accounting Standard No. 137 was issued to
   extend the effective date by one year to all fiscal quarters of fiscal
   years beginning after June 15, 2000.  The Company does not believe the
   adoption of FAS 133, as amended by FAS 137, will have a material
   impact on the consolidated financial statements.

   ENTERPRISE  Statement of Financial Accounting Standard No. 134,
   "Accounting for Mortgage-Backed Securities Retained after the




   Securitization of Mortgage Loans Held for Sale by a Mortgage Banking
   Enterprise" (FAS 134) changes the way mortgage banking firms account
   for certain securities and other interests they retain after
   securitizing mortgage loans that were held for sale.  The Statement is
   effective for financial statements for the first fiscal quarter
   beginning after December 15, 1998.  The Company does not securitize
   mortgages and is not a Mortgage Banking Enterprise and therefore, FAS
   134 will not have an impact on the consolidated financial statements.


   Amortized cost and fair values of securities available for sale are as

                                                                                  Gross             Gross
                                                             Amortized          Unrealized        Unrealized         Fair
       September 30, 1999                                       Cost              Gains             Losses          Value
       ------------------                                    ---------          ----------        ----------        -----
       Obligations of states and political
          subdivisions                                        $  1,642              $  12            $  28       $  1,626
       U.S. Government and agency                               13,182                 25              108         13,099
       U.S. Treasury                                             1,000                  2                -          1,002
       Mortgage backed securities                                  880                 39               10            909
       Corporate Securities                                        500                  -               18            482
                                                               -------              -----            -----        -------
                                                               $17,204              $  78            $ 164        $17,118
                                                               =======              =====            =====        =======

       September 30, 1998
       Obligations of states and political
          subdivisions                                         $ 1,643             $   44             $  3        $ 1,684
       U.S. Government and agency                                9,752                123                -          9,875
       U.S. Treasury                                             4,000                 16                -          4,016
       Mortgage backed securities                                1,288                 73                5          1,356
                                                               -------               ----             ----        -------
                                                               $16,683               $256             $  8        $16,931
                                                               =======               ====             ====        =======

     The amortized cost and fair value of securities available for sale, by
   contractual maturity, are shown below.  Maturities may differ from
   contractual maturities in mortgage-backed securities because the
   mortgages underlying the securities may be called or repaid without




   any penalties.  Therefore, these securities are not included in the
   maturity categories in the following maturity summary:

                                                As of September 30, 1999
                                                 Amortized          Fair
                                                    Cost           Value
                                                  --------         -----

    Less than one year                            $  2,205     $   2,198
    Due after one year through five years            9,369         9,343
    Due after five years through ten years           4,546         4,475
    Due after ten years                                204           193
    Mortgage-backed securities                         880           909
                                                   -------       -------
                                                   $17,204       $17,118
                                                   =======       =======

   As a member of the Federal Home Loan Bank system, the Bank is required
   to maintain an investment in capital stock of the Federal Home Loan
   Bank in an amount equal to 1% of its outstanding home loans.  No ready
   market exists for the Bank stock, and it has no quoted market value.
   For disclosure purposes, such stock is assumed to have a market value
   which is equal to cost.

   The Company had securities with a carrying value of $200 and $150,
   respectively, pledged as collateral for public deposits for the years
   ended September 30, 1999 and 1998.

   Gross realized gains and losses from the sale of securities available
   for sale follow:

                                                   Years Ended
                                                  September 30,
                                                 1999       1998
                                                 ----       ----
   Gross gains                                   $  -         6
   Gross losses                                     -        (1)
                                                 ----        --
             NET GAIN                            $  -         5
                                                 ====        ==




   NOTE 3.      LOANS

   Loans are summarized as follows:

                                                     September 30,
                                                   1999        1998
                                                   ----        ----
    Mortgage loans:
       One to four family                         $21,225     $19,037
       Commercial real estate                         519       1,120
       Other loans secured by real estate           1,966         541
                                                  -------     -------
           TOTAL MORTGAGE LOANS                    23,710      20,698
                                                  -------     -------

    Commercial and consumer loans:
       Commercial loans                             1,164         625
       Consumer loans                               3,449       4,095
       Home equity lines of credit                    649         678
       Share loans                                    170         193
                                                  -------     -------
           TOTAL COMMERCIAL AND CONSUMER LOANS      5,432       5,591
                                                  -------     -------

       Allowance for loan losses                     (222)       (171)
       Deferred loan fees                               -          (6)
       Unearned income on consumer loans                -          (1)
                                                  -------     -------
                                                     (222)       (178)
                                                  -------     -------
           LOANS, NET                             $28,920     $26,111
                                                  =======     =======

   The Bank generally originates single-family residential loans within
   its primary lending area, Marion County.  The Bank's underwriting
   policies require such loans to be made at 80% loan-to-value based upon
   appraised values unless private mortgage insurance is obtained.  These
   loans are secured by the underlying properties.

   At September 30, 1999 and 1998, the Company had approximately $205 and
   $410 of loans for which the accrual of interest had been discontinued.

   In the normal course of business, the Bank makes loans to its
   executive officers, directors and employees, and to companies and




   individuals affiliated with officers, directors and employees of the
   Bank and the Company.  In the opinion of management, these loans were
   made on substantially the same terms, including interest rates and
   collateral, as those prevailing at the time for comparable
   transactions with unrelated parties.  The activity in these loans is
   as follows:

    Balance as of October 1, 1998                            $ 1,050

       New loans                                               2,174
       Repayments                                             (2,012)
    Balance as of September 30, 1999                         $ 1,212


   The following is an analysis of the allowance for loan losses:

                                              Year Ended September 30
                                               1999             1998
                                               ----             ----
    Balance, beginning                         $171             $165

       Provision charged to income               72               63
       Charge-offs                              (39)             (61)
       Recoveries                                18                4
                                               ----             ----
    Balance, ending                            $222             $171
                                               ====             ====





   Premises and equipment consist of:
                                                     September 30,

                                                  1999           1998
                                                  ----           ----

    Land                                        $  136         $  136
    Office building                                492            479
    Furniture and equipment                        541            429
                                                ------         ------
                                                 1,169          1,044
    Less accumulated decprecation                 (486)          (437)
                                                ------         ------
                                                $  683         $  607
                                                ======         ======


   At September 30, 1999, the scheduled maturities of time deposits are
   as follows:

    Year Ended September 30:                                   Amount
    -----------------------                                    ------

            2000                                              $11,972
            2001                                                8,982
            2002                                                2,091
            2003                                                  954
            2004                                                  464
         Thereafter                                                86





   At September 30, 1999, the Company had $1,400 of advances on its line
   of credit with the Federal Home Loan Bank at a rate of 5.89%, interest
   payable monthly.  The investment securities held in safekeeping at the
   Federal Home Loan Bank are used as collateral on the line and their
   carrying value dictates the total amount the Company is allowed to
   borrow on their line.


   Income taxes consist of:

                                                   For the Year Ended
                                                     September 30,
                                                    1999       1998
                                                    ----       ----

    Current                                         $130       $119
    Deferred                                           2         -
                                                    ----       ----
    Total                                           $132       $119
                                                    ====       ====

   The Company and its subsidiary file consolidated federal income tax
   returns.  Under provisions of the Internal Revenue Code and similar
   sections of the Illinois income tax law for the years beginning before
   January 1, 1996, qualifying thrifts could claim bad debt deductions
   based on the greater of (1) a specified percentage of taxable income,
   as defined, or (2) actual loss experience.

   The Small Business Job Protection Act became law on August 20, 1996.
   One of the provisions in this law repealed the reserve method of
   accounting for bad debts for thrift institutions so that the bad debt
   deduction described in the preceding paragraph will no longer be
   effective for tax years beginning after December 31, 1995.  The change
   in the law requires that the tax bad debt reserves accumulated after
   September 30, 1988 be recaptured into taxable income over a six-year
   period.  The start of the six-year period can be delayed for up to two
   years if the Company meets certain residential lending thresholds.
   Deferred taxes have been provided on the portion of the tax reserve
   for loan loss that must be recaptured.




   Retained earnings at September 30, 1999 and 1998, includes approxi-
   mately $867 of the tax reserve which accumulated prior to 1988,
   for which no deferred federal income tax liability has been
   recognized.  This amount represents an allocation of income to bad
   debt deductions for tax purposes only.  Reduction of amounts so
   allocated for purposes other than tax bad debt losses or adjustments
   arising from carryback of net operating losses would create income for
   tax purposes only, which would be subject to the then current
   corporate income tax rate.  The unrecorded deferred income tax
   liability on the above amounts was approximately $336 as of September
   30, 1999 and 1998.

   Income tax expense differed as follows:

                                                     Year Ended
                                                     1999   1998
                                                     ----   ----
    Maximum statutory rate applied to earnings
    before income tax                               $151   $162
    Increase in income taxes resulting from:
       Tax exempt interest income                    (27)   (19)
       Other                                           8    (24)
                                                     ----   ----
                                                     $132   $119
                                                     ====   ====




   The tax effects of temporary differences that give rise to the
   deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are as follows:

                                                                                       Year Ended September 30,
                                                                                       1999               1998
                                                                                       ----               ----
       Allowance for loan losses - book                                               $   86             $   66
       Illinois net operating loss carryforward                                           37                 22
       Unrealized loss on securities available for sale                                   33                  -
                                                                                      ------             ------
           TOTAL DEFERRED TAX ASSETS                                                     156                 88
                                                                                      ------             ------

       Unrealized gain on securities available for sale                                    -                (94)
       Allowance for loan losses - tax                                                   (76)               (92)
       Cash basis adjustment                                                            (119)               (95)
       FHLB stock basis                                                                   (7)                (7)
       Premises and equipment basis                                                      (36)               (23)
       Other                                                                             (63)               (47)
                                                                                      ------             ------
                                                                                        (301)              (358)
           TOTAL DEFERRED TAX LIABILITIES                                             ------             ------

           NET DEFERRED TAX LIABILITIES                                               $ (145)            $ (270)
                                                                                      ======             ======


   The Company provides disclosure of fair value information about
   financial instruments, whether or not recognized in the balance sheet,
   for which it is practicable to estimate that value.  In cases where
   quoted market prices are not available, fair values are based on
   estimates using present value or other valuation techniques.  Those
   techniques are significantly affected by the assumptions used,
   including the discount rate and estimates of future cash flows.  In
   that regard, the derived fair value estimates cannot be substantiated
   by comparison to independent markets and, in many cases, could not be




   realized in immediate settlement of the instrument.  Certain financial
   instruments and all nonfinancial instruments are excluded from the
   disclosure.  Accordingly, the aggregate fair value amounts presented
   do not represent the underlying value of the Company and its

   The following table reflects a comparison of carrying values and the
   fair values of the financial instruments:

                                                      September 30, 1999                 September 30, 1998
                                                  ----------------------------    -------------------------------
                                                   Carrying           Fair           Carrying            Fair
                                                     Value           Value            Value             Value
                                                  -----------     ------------    -------------     -------------
          Cash and cash equivalents               $   871         $   871          $  1,542            $  1,542
          Securities available for sale            17,118          17,118            16,931              16,931
          Nonmarketable equity securities             216             216               215                 215
          Accrued interest receivable                 318             318               304                 304
          Loans                                    28,920          27,770            26,111              26,013

          Deposits                                 36,906          36,996            35,855              35,909
          Advances from FHLB                        1,400           1,400               -                    -
          Accrued interest payable                     21              21                12                  12

     The following methods and assumptions were used by the Company in
   estimating the fair value disclosures for financial instruments:

   CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS  The carrying values reported in the balance
   sheet for cash and cash equivalents, including cash and due from banks
   and interest earning deposits approximate their fair values.

   SECURITIES  Fair values for securities are based on quoted market
   prices, where available.  If quoted market prices are not available,
   fair values are based on quoted market prices of comparable
   instruments.  The carrying value of accrued interest receivable
   approximates its fair value.  The carrying value for nonmarketable
   equity securities approximates their fair values.

   LOANS  For variable-rate loans that reprice frequently and with no
   significant change in credit risk, fair values are based on carrying
   values.  The fair values for fixed-rate loans are estimated using
   discounted cash flow analyses using interest rates currently being
   offered for loans with similar terms to borrowers of similar credit




   quality.  The carrying value of accrued interest receivable
   approximates its fair value.

   DEPOSITS  The fair value disclosed for demand deposits are, by
   definition, equal to the amount payable on demand at the balance sheet
   date.  The carrying values for variable-rate, demand deposits and
   savings deposit accounts approximate their fair values at the balance
   sheet date.  Fair values for fixed-rate certificates of deposit are
   estimated using a discounted cash flow calculation that applies
   interest rates currently being offered on certificates to a schedule
   of aggregated expected monthly maturities on time deposits.  The
   carrying value of accrued interest payable approximates its fair

   advances on the line of credit from the Federal Home Loan Bank
   approximates their fair values.

   OFF-BALANCE-SHEET INSTRUMENTS  Fair values for the Bank's
   off-balance-sheet instruments, which consist of commitments to extend
   credit and standby letters of credit, are based on fees currently
   charged to enter into similar agreements, taking into account the
   remaining terms of the agreements and the counterparties' credit
   standing.  The fair value for such financial instruments is nominal.


   The Company is subject to various regulatory capital requirements
   administered by the federal banking agencies.  Failure to meet minimum
   capital requirements can initiate certain mandatory--and possibly
   additional discretionary--actions by regulators that, if undertaken,
   could have a direct material effect on the Company's financial
   statements.  Under capital adequacy guidelines and the regulatory
   framework for prompt corrective action, the Company must meet specific
   capital guidelines that involve quantitative measures of the Company's
   assets, liabilities, and certain off-balance-sheet items as calculated
   under regulatory accounting practices.  The Company's capital amounts
   and classification are also subject to qualitative judgments by the
   regulators about components, risk weightings, and other factors.

   Quantitative measures established by regulation to ensure capital
   adequacy require the Company to maintain minimum amounts and ratios
   (set forth in the table below) of total and Tier I capital (as defined
   in the regulations) to risk-weighted assets (as defined), and of Tier
   I capital (as defined) to average assets (as defined).  Management




   believes, as of September 30, 1999, that the Company meets all capital
   adequacy requirements to which it is subject.

    As of September 30, 1999, the most recent notification from the
   Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation categorized the Bank as well
   capitalized under the regulatory framework for prompt corrective
   action.  To be categorized as adequately capitalized, the Bank must
   maintain minimum total risk-based, Tier I risk-based, and Tier I
   leverage ratios as set forth in the table.  There are no conditions or
   events since that notification that management believes have changed
   the Bank's category.

                                                                                                           To Be Well
                                                                                                       Capitalized Under
                                                                                  For Capital          Prompt Corrective
                                                             Actual            Adequacy Purposes       Action Provisions
                                                             ------            -----------------       ------------------
                                                       Amount       Ratio      Amount      Ratio      Amount       Ratio
                                                       ------       -----      ------      -----      ------       -----
       AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 1999:
       Total Capital (to Risk Weighted Assets)
          Consolidated                                 $10,014      43.9%      $1,825       8.0%          N/A
          Bank                                         $ 9,769      42.8%      $1,825       8.0%       $2,281       10.0%
       Tier I Capital (to Risk Weighted Assets)
          Consolidated                                 $ 9,792      42.9%      $  913       4.0%          N/A
          Bank                                         $ 9,547      41.9%      $  913       4.0%       $1,369        6.0%
       Tier I Capital (to Average
          Adjusted Assets)
          Consolidated                                 $ 9,792      20.3%      $1,930       4.0%          N/A
          Bank                                         $ 9,547      19.8%      $1,930       4.0%       $2,412        5.0%

       AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 1998:

       Total Capital (to Risk Weighted Assets)
          Consolidated                                 $ 9,546      46.2%      $1,655       8.0%          N/A
          Bank                                         $ 9,239      44.7%      $1,655       8.0%       $2,069       10.0%
       Tier I Capital (to Risk Weighted Assets)
          Consolidated                                 $ 9,375      45.3%      $  827       4.0%          N/A
          Bank                                         $ 9,067      43.8%      $  827       4.0%       $1,241        6.0%
       Tier I Capital (to Average Adjusted Assets)
          Consolidated                                 $ 9,375      19.8%      $1,899       4.0%          N/A
          Bank                                         $ 9,067      19.4%      $1,899       4.0%       $2,337        5.0%





   EMPLOYEE STOCK OWNERSHIP PLAN (ESOP)  The ESOP holds 41,400 shares of
   the Company's common stock for allocation to employees.  The ESOP
   borrowed from the Company to purchase the common stock.  The loan
   obligation is considered unearned employee stock ownership plan shares
   and is reflected as a reduction of stockholders' equity.

   The following table reflects the status of the shares held by the

                                                           September 30,
                                                          1999       1998
                                                          ----       ----

   Shares allocated                                      19,530    17,029
   Shares released to be allocated                        1,849     1,842
   Unreleased shares (Fair value as of
       September 30, 1999 and 1998 $195 and $281)        20,021    22,529
                                                         ------    ------
                                                         41,400    41,400
                                                         ======    ======

     Shares are allocated to all eligible employees as the debt is repaid
   based on a prorata share of total eligible compensation.  Employees 21
   or older with at least 1,000 hours of service in a twelve month period
   are eligible to participate.  Benefits will vest over a five year
   period and in full after five years of qualified service.

   As shares are committed to be released from unallocated shares, the
   Bank recognizes compensation expense equal to the current market price
   of the shares, and the shares become outstanding for purposes of
   calculating earnings per share.  The Bank recognized compensation
   expense for the ESOP of $26 and $32 for the years ended September 30,
   1999 and 1998, respectively.

   The Board of Directors of the Company may direct payment of cash
   dividends, if any, be paid in cash to the participants or be credited
   to participant accounts and invested.  Dividends received, if any, by
   the ESOP on unallocated shares are used for debt service.




   PROFIT SHARING PLAN  The Bank has a noncontributory defined
   contribution profit-sharing plan for all employees who have attained
   age 21 and one year of service.  Nondeductible voluntary contributions
   are permitted, but none have been made to date.  The Board of
   Directors determines the annual contribution to the plan which is
   allocated to those employees who worked more than 500 hours during the
   plan year or who are employed at the end of the plan year based on the
   prorata share of eligible compensation for the plan year.  There have
   been no contributions for the years ended September 30, 1999 and 1998.

   MANAGEMENT RECOGNITION PLAN (MRP)  The MRP purchased, with funds
   provided by the Company, 62,100 shares.  Directors, officers, and
   employees become vested in the shares of common stock awarded to them
   under the MRP at a rate of 20 percent per year, commencing one year
   after the grant date, and 20 percent on each anniversary date thereof
   for the following four years.  As of September 30, 1999 and 1998,
   17,388 shares and 18,009 shares, respectively, have been awarded to
   officers, directors, and employees.  Compensation expense is
   recognized on a straight line basis over the vesting period for shares
   awarded under the plan.  Compensation expense of $37 and $38 was
   recognized for the years ended September 30, 1999 and 1998,

   STOCK RIGHTS  In June 1997, the Board of Directors adopted a Rights
   Agreement.  Under the Agreement, the Board declared a dividend of one
   right for each outstanding share of Common Stock to stockholders of
   record on June 23, 1997.  There was no fair value attached to these
   rights as of the grant date.  The rights are not exercisable until the
   Distribution date which is defined as the earlier of  the tenth
   business day after a public announcement that a person or group of
   affiliated or associated persons acquired, or obtained the right to
   acquire, beneficial ownership of 15% or more of the outstanding shares
   of Common Stock of the Company or the tenth business day after the
   commencement or announcement of an intention to  make a tender offer
   or exchange offer that would result in any person or group or
   affiliated or associated persons becoming an acquiring person.  Each
   right enables the registered holder to purchase from the Company one
   share of Common Stock at a price of $36.

   STOCK OPTION PLANS  The Company has two stock option plans which may
   grant options to purchase common stock at the market price on the date
   of the grant.  The options will be granted by a committee comprised of

   Options for up to 103,500 shares may be granted to employees and
   directors under the Stock Option Plan approved May 22, 1996 and




   options for up to 103,500 shares may be granted to key employees and
   directors under the 1997 Nonqualified Stock Option Plan.

   The options under the Stock Option Plan become exercisable at a rate
   of 20 percent per year commencing one year after the grant date.  At
   September 30, 1999 and 1998, 35,875 options had been granted.

   The terms of the options under the Nonqualified Stock Option Plan and
   the exercise schedule are at the discretion of the Committee.  At
   September 30, 1999 and 1998, 25,875 options had been granted.

   A summary of the status of the Company's fixed stock option plan and
   changes during the years ending September 30, 1999 and 1998 is
   presented below:

                                                                                September 30,

                                                                   1999                           1998
                                                                   ----                           -----

                                                                          Weighted                        Weighted
                                                                          Average                         Average
                                                                          Exercise                        Exercise
                                                          Shares           Price           Shares          Price
                                                          ------         ---------         ------        ---------
       Options outstanding, beginning                     61,750          $   9.75        51,750           $ 9.22
          of the year
       Options granted                                       -                   -        10,000           12.51
       Options exercised                                     -                   -           -               -
                                                          ------            ------       -------           -----
       Options outstanding, end of year                   61,750           $  9.75        61,750           $ 9.75
                                                          ======           =======        ======           ======

       Options exercisable                                27,875                          15,525
       Weighted-average fair value of options
          granted during the year                        $    -                           $ 4.37

     The fair value of each grant is estimated at the grant date using the
   Black-Sholes option-pricing model with the following weighted-average
   assumptions for grants in 1998:  dividend rate of 0%; price volatility
   of 20.44% and a risk free interest rate of 4.59%.




   As permitted by generally accepted accounting principles, grants under
   these plans are accounted for following APB Opinion No. 25 and related
   interpretations.  Had compensation cost for the stock-based
   compensation plan been determined based on the grant date fair values
   of awards (the method described in FASB Statement No. 123), reported
   net income and earnings per common share would have been reduced to
   the proforma amounts shown below.

                                                   1999          1998
                                                   ----          ----
           Net income:
              As reported                          $299          $345
              Proforma                              273           302

           Basic earnings per share:
              As reported                         $0.42         $0.43
              Proforma                             0.38          0.38

           Diluted earnings per share:
              As reported                         $0.41         $0.42
              Proforma                             0.37          0.37

          The following table summarizes information about fixed stock
          options outstanding at September 30, 1999:

                                   Options Outstanding      Exercisable

                  Exercise        Number      Contractual      Number
                    Price       Outstanding      Life        Exercisable
                  ========      ===========   ==========     ===========

                   $  9.08        25,875          6.7          15,525
                      9.36        25,875          7.1          10,350
                     12.51        10,000          8.0           2,000
                                  ------                       ------

                                  61,750                       27,875
                                  ======                       ======





   The Company is, from time to time, a party to legal proceedings
   arising in the ordinary course of its business, including legal
   proceedings to enforce its rights against borrowers.  The Company is
   not currently a party to any legal proceedings which could reasonably
   be expected to have a material adverse effect on the consolidated
   financial condition or operations of the Company.

   In May 1999, a shareholder of CSB Financial Inc. filed a class action
   lawsuit in a Delaware court against the Company, its top executive and
   its directors for breach of fiduciary duty for failure to put an
   acquisition offer to shareholder vote.  The class action is seeking
   buyout of current shares at $14.75 (offered purchase price).

   The Bank is a party to financial instruments with off-balance-sheet
   risk in the normal course of business to meet the financing needs of
   its customers.  These financial instruments include commitments to
   extend credit and standby letters of credit.  Those instruments
   involve, to varying degrees, elements of credit risk in excess of the
   amount recognized in the balance sheet.  The contractual amounts of
   those instruments reflect the extent of involvement the Bank has in
   particular classes of financial instruments.

   The Bank's exposure to credit loss in the event of nonperformance by
   the other party to the financial instrument for commitments to extend
   credit and standby letters of credit written is represented by the
   contractual amount of those instruments.  The Bank uses the same
   credit policies in making commitments and conditional obligations as
   it does for on-balance-sheet instruments.  Financial instruments whose
   contract amounts represent credit risk at September 30, 1999 and 1998




                                                                                                      Range of
                                                                                                      on Fixed
                                          Variable Rate          Fixed Rate            Total            Rate
                                           Commitments          Commitments         Commitments     Commitments
                                          ------------          -----------         -----------     -----------
       Commitment to extend credit:
          1999                                $1,173               $1,146             $2,319       7.75% - 10.5%
          1998                                   275                1,008              1,283       8.25% - 11.5%

     The Bank generally originates single-family residential loans within
   its primary lending area, Marion County.  The Bank's underwriting
   policies require such fixed rate loans to be made at 80% loan-to-value
   and variable rate loans to be made at 85% loan-to-value based upon
   appraised values unless private mortgage insurance is obtained.  These
   loans are secured by the underlying properties.

   The Company does not engage in the use of interest rate swaps,
   futures, forwards or option contracts, or other financial instruments
   with similar characteristics.

                                 CORPORATE INFORMATION
        HOLDING COMPANY                      STOCK INFORMATION
        CSB Financial Group, Inc.            The Common Stock of the Holding
        200 South Poplar Street              Company was quoted on the Nasdaq
        Centralia, Illinois 62801            "SmallCap" market under the
                                             symbol "CSBF" until December 31,
                                             1998, at which time the Company
        SUBSIDIARIES                         transferred the quotation to the
        Centralia Savings Bank               Bulletin Board under the same
        200 South Poplar Street              symbol.
        Centralia, Illinois 62801
                                             On October 5, 1995, the Company
        Centralia SLA, Inc.                  issued 1,035,000 shares of its
        200 South Poplar Street              Common Stock at a purchase price
        Centralia, Illinois 62801            of $8.00 per share in connection
                                             with the conversion of the
                                             Savings Bank from a state
                                             chartered mutual savings bank to


        a state chartered capital stock
        savings bank.  The closing price
        per share for the Holding
        Company's Common Stock as
        reported on the OTC Bulletin
        Board market on November 26,
        1999 was $11.25.  The Holding
        Company has not paid cash
        dividends on its Common Stock.

        The following table sets forth
        the high and low sales prices as
        reported on the Nasdaq
        "SmallCap" and OTC Bulletin
        Board market during the past

        FISCAL 1999    HIGH     LOW
        -----------    ----    ---
        First         $10.50  $8.75

        Second       $  9.25  $8.875

        Third        $12.875  $9.125

        Fourth       $10.625  $9.875

        FORM 10-KSB ANNUAL REPORT            questions, please contact
        Copies of CSB Financial Group,       Registrar by mail or phone:
        Inc.'s Form
        10-KSB annual report as filed        Registrar and Transfer Company
        with the Securities and Exchange     10 Commerce Drive
        Commission and other published       Cranford, New Jersey  07016
        reports may be obtained without
        charge by writing our corporate
        headquarters:                        ANNUAL MEETING
                                             The annual meeting of
        CSB Financial Group, Inc.            stockholders of CSB Financial
        200 South Poplar Street              Group, Inc. will be held on
        Centralia, Illinois 62801            January 14, 2000 at 10:00 a.m.
        Attention:  K. Gary Reynolds         at 801 12th Street, Carlyle,

        The Registrar and Transfer           INDEPENDENT AUDITORS
        Company ("Registrar") maintains      McGladrey & Pullen, LLP
        all stockholder records.             1806 Fox Drive
        Registrar handles stock transfer     Champaign, Illinois  61820
        and registration, address
        changes, corrections/changes in
        taxpayer identification numbers,     SPECIAL COUNSEL
        and Form 1099 tax reporting          Schiff Hardin & Waite
        questions.  If you require           7200 Sears Tower
        assistance or have any               Chicago, Illinois  60606



                          CSB FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.
                           CENTRALIA SAVINGS BANK

                              Wesley N. Breeze
                 Owner and Operator, Byrd Watson Drug Store

                                A. John Byrne

                              Michael Donnewald
                    President, Donnewald Distributing Co.

                               Larry M. Irvin
                Chairman of the Board, Centralia Savings Bank
                Owner and Operator, Irvin Funeral Homes, Ltd.

                              W. Harold Monken
                      Auto Dealer, Centralia, Illinois

                              K. Gary Reynolds
        President and Chief Executive Officer, Centralia Savings Bank

                          CSB FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.

                              K. Gary Reynolds
                    President and Chief Executive Officer

                           CENTRALIA SAVINGS BANK

                              K. Gary Reynolds
                    President and Chief Executive Officer

                              Stephen J. Greene
                               Vice President

                              Joanne S. Ticknor
                           Secretary and Treasurer


                      Security and Exchange Commission
                           Washington, D.C. 20549

                                 FORM 10-QSB

   (Mark One)

        For the quarterly period ended      March 31, 2000



        For the transition period from ______________ to _______________

                      Commission File Number:  0-26650

                          CSB FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.
           (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                 United States                           37-1336338
          -----------------------------            ---------------------
          (State or other jurisdiction            (I.R.S. Employer ID
        of incorporation or organization)               Number)

      200 South Poplar, Centralia, Illinois              62801
      -------------------------------------             -------
    (Address of principal executive offices)          (Zip code)

   Registrant's telephone number, including area code (618) 532-1918

   Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all
   reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
   Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such
   shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports),
   and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90
   days.          YES      X           NO _______

   Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the registrant's
   classes of common stock, as of the latest practicable date.

                  Class              Shares outstanding at May 1, 2000
    -----------------------------   ----------------------------------
    Common Stock, Par Value $0.01                 732,299



     Item 1.  Financial Statements

              - Consolidated Balance Sheets                                                        C-99 and C-100

              - Consolidated Statements of Income and Comprehensive                                C-101 - C-105

              - Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows                                              C-106 and C-107

              - Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements                                         C-108 - C-114

     Item 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition                          C-117 - C-121
                      and Results of Operations


     Item 1.  Legal Proceedings                                                                    C-122

     Item 2.  Changes in Securities                                                                C-122

     Item 3.  Defaults Upon Senior Securities                                                      C-122

     Item 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders                                  C-122

     Item 5.  Other Information                                                                    C-122

     Item 6.   Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K                                                    C-122



                         CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                    March 31, 2000 and September 30, 1999
                      (in thousands, except share data)

                                               March 31,   September 30,
    ASSETS                                        2000          1999
    ------                                    ----------   -------------

    Cash and cash equivalents . . . . .        $  1,444       $     871
         Available for sale . . . . . .          15,798          17,118
         Nonmarketable equity securities
                                                    216             216
    Loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          30,110          29,142
    Allowance for loan losses . . . . .            (220)           (222)
                                                --------       ---------
              Loans, net  . . . . . . .          29,890          28,920
    Premises and equipment  . . . . . .             659             683
    Accrued interest receivable . . . .             336             318
    Intangible assets . . . . . . . . .             509             539
    Other assets  . . . . . . . . . . .             208             255
                                               --------        --------
              Total assets  . . . . . .        $ 49,060        $ 48,920
                                               ========        ========


                                             CSB FINANCIAL GROUP, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
                                                   CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                                              March 31, 2000 and September 30, 1999
                                                (in thousands, except share data)
                                                                                          March 31,              September 30,
       LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                                                 2000                      1999
       -------------------------------------                                             ---------              --------------
               Demand  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                      $  8,946                   $  8,563
               Savings   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                       3,553                      3,794
             Time deposits > $100,000  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                       3,090                      2,627
               Other time deposits   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                      22,992                     21,922
                                                                                         ---------                   --------
                                Total deposits   . . . . . . . . . . .                      38,581                     36,906
       Advances from the Federal Home Loan Bank  . . . . . . . . . . .                          --                      1,400
       Other liabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                         163                        191
       Deferred income taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                          23                        145
                                                                                         ---------                     -------
                                Total liabilities  . . . . . . . . . .                      38,767                     38,642


               Preferred stock, $0.01 par value; 100,000 shares
                        none issued  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                          --                         --
               Common stock, $0.01 par value; authorized
               2,000,000                                                                        10                         10
                        1,035,000 shares issued  . . . . . . . . . . .                       6,822                      6,683
               Paid-in capital   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                        (210)                       (53)
               Retained earnings   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                        (150)                      (160)
               Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)   . . . .                        (496)                      (514)
               Unearned employee stock ownership plan shares   . . . .                     -------                   ---------
               Management recognition plan   . . . . . . . . . . . . .                      13,810                     13,795
               Less cost of treasury stock; 302,701 shares at March
                  31, 2000 and September 30, 1999  . . . . . . . . . .                      (3,517)                    (3,517)
                                                                                          --------                    --------
                        Total stockholders' equity   . . . . .                              10,293                     10,278

                        Total liabilities and stockholders' equity . .                    $ 49,060                   $ 48,920
                                                                                          ========                   ========

     See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


                                                      CSB FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.
                                                  CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME
                                              SIX MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 2000 AND 1999
                                          (UNAUDITED, IN THOUSANDS, EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA)
                                                                                                       Months Ended
                                                                                                         March 31,
                                                                                                 2000                1999
                                                                                                ------              ------
       Interest income:
               Loans and fees on loans   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .            $1,153              $1,094
               Securities  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .               539                 528
                                                                                               -------              ------
                           Total interest income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .             1,692               1,622
                                                                                               -------               -----

       Interest expense:
               Deposits  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .               782                 797
               Borrowings  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                36                  --
                                                                                                ------               -----
                           Total interest expense  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .               818                 797
                                                                                                -------               -----

                           Net interest income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .               874                 825
       Provision for loan losses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                17                  36
                                                                                               -------               -----
                           Net interest income after provision for loan losses                     857                 789
                                                                                               -------               -----

       Non-interest income:
               Service charges on deposits   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                50                  39
               Gain on sale of securities, net   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                 1                  --
               Other   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                17                  25
                                                                                               -------               -----
                           Total non-interest income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                68                  64
                                                                                               -------               -----

       Non-interest expense:
               Compensation and employee benefits  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .               336                 326
               Occupancy and equipment   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                52                  47
               Data processing   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                84                  73
               Audit, legal and other professional   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .               122                  46
               Other   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .               171                 178
                                                                                               -------               -----
                           Total non-interest expense  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .               765                 670
                                                                                               -------            --------

                           Income before income taxes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .               160                 183
       Income taxes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                21                  54
                                                                                               -------            --------

                           Net income  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           $   139             $   129
                                                                                               =======            ========


       Earnings per share
               Basic   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           $  0.19             $  0.18
               Diluted   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           =======            =======
                                                                                               $  0.19            $  0.18
                                                                                               =======            =======
       Weighted average shares outstanding
               Basic   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           722,941             717,178
               Diluted   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           =======             =======
                                                                                               747,187             728,356
                                                                                               =======             =======

     See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


                             CSB FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.
                      SIX MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 2000 AND 1999

                                                           Months Ended
                                                             March 31,

                                                        2000           1999
                                                       ------         -----

    Net income  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      $  139         $  129
    Change in unrealized gain on securities
    available for sale, net of tax of $(97) and
    $(31) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        (157)           (51)
                                                      --------       --------
    Comprehensive income  . . . . . . . . . . . .     $   (18)       $    78
                                                      ========       ========

   See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


                              CSB FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.
                     THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 2000 AND 1999

                                                            Months Ended
                                                              March 31,
                                                         2000         1999
                                                         ----         ----
     Interest income:
              Loans and fees on loans  . . . . . .      $ 582       $    564
              Securities . . . . . . . . . . . . .        266            254
                                                        -----         ------
                      Total interest expense . . .        848            818
                                                        =====         ======
     Interest expense:
              Deposits . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        392            392
              Borrowings . . . . . . . . . . . . .         20             --
                                                        -----         ------
                      Total interest expense              412            392
                                                        =====         ======
                      Net interest income  . . . .        436            426
     Provision for loan losses . . . . . . . . . .          3             18
                                                        -----          -----
                      Net interest income after
                         provision for loan losses        433            408
                                                        =====          =====
     Noninterest income:
              Service charges on deposits  . . . .         24             19
              Gain on sale of securities, net  . .          1             --
              Other                                         9             10
                                                        -----          -----
                      Total noninterest income . .         34             29
                                                        =====          =====
     Nointerest expense:
              Compensation and employee benefits .        167            157
              Occupancy and equipment  . . . . . .         31             23
              Data processing  . . . . . . . . . .         32             48
              Audit, legal and other professional          78             15
              Other                                        72             82
                       Total noninterest expense .        380            325
                       Income before income taxes          87            112
     Income taxes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         32             31
                       Net income  . . . . . . . .     $   55         $   81
     Earnings per share                                $ 0.08         $ 0.11
              Basic  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     $ 0.08         $ 0.11
              Diluted  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     $ 0.07         $ 0.11
     Weighted average shares outstanding
              Basic  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    723,249        717,349
              Diluted  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    751,273        728,527

              See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


                               CSB FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.
                    Three Months Ended March 31, 2000 and 1999
                 (Unaudited, in thousands, except per share data)

                                                            Months Ended
                                                              March 31,

                                                        2000           1999
                                                        ----           -----

       Net income  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $   55         $   81
       Change in unrealized gain on securities a
               available for sale, net of tax of
               $ (59) and $ (30) . . . . . . . . . .     (97)           (49)
                                                       ------        -------

       Comprehensive income  . . . . . . . . . . . .   $ (42)       $    32
                                                       ======        =======

                          See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


                                                          CSB FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.
                                                    CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS
                                                   SIX MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 2000 AND 1999
                                                          (UNAUDITED, IN THOUSANDS)

                                                                                         Months Ended
                                                                                           March 31,

                                                                                        2000         1999
                                                                                        ----         ----
     Cash Flows from Operating Activities:

              Net income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      $    139       $     129

     Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating

              Provision for loan losses                                                   17              36
              Provision for depreciation                                                  35              21
              Deferred income taxes                                                      (25)             (4)
              Amortization of intangible assets                                           30              31
              Employee stock ownership plan compensation
                         expense                                                          15              13
              Management recognition plan compensation expense                            18              18
              Gain on sale of securities                                                  (1)             --
              Amortization and accretion on securities                                     1               6
              Change in assets and liabilities:
                      (Increase) in accrued interest receivable                          (18)             (2)
                      (Decrease) in other liabilities                                    (28)            (28)
                                                                                      ------          ------
                      Net cash provided by operating activities  . . . . . .             230             270
                                                                                      ------          ------

     Cash Flows from Investing Activities:
            Securities available for sale:

                  Purchases  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          (1,783)         (3,453)
                  Proceeds from sales  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           1,794              --
                  Proceeds from maturities and paydowns  . . . . . . . . . .           1,055           4,741
                  Proceeds from sales of nonmarketable equity
                  securities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .              --               4
                  (Increase) in loans  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .            (987)         (2,478)


                                              CSB FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.
                                        CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS
                                      SIX MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 2000 AND 1999
                                              (UNAUDITED, IN THOUSANDS)

                                                                                          Months Ended
                                                                                             March 31,
                                                                                        2000         1999
                                                                                      ------        ------

                  Purchase of premises and equipment . . . . . . . . . . . .             (11)             (8)
                                                                                     -------         -------
                      Net cash provided by (used in) investing
                      activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .              68          (1,194)
                                                                                     -------         -------
     Cash Flows from Financing Activities:
            Increase in deposits   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          $1,675          $1,323
            Repayment of FHLB advances   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          (1,400)            - -
            Purchase of treasury stock   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .             - -              (5)
                                                                                     -------         -------

                      Net cash provided by financing activities  . . . . . .             275           1,318
                                                                                     -------         -------
                      Increase in cash and cash equivalents  . . . . . . . .             573             394

     Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period  . . . . . . . . . . .             871           1,542
                                                                                     -------         -------
     Cash and cash equivalents at end of period  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          $1,444          $1,936
                                                                                     =======         =======
     Supplemental Disclosures:
            Cash paid for:

                  Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         $   791          $  797
                  Income taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         $     9          $    9

            Change in gross unrealized gain/loss on securities available
            for sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         $  (254)         $  (82)
            Change in deferred taxes on unrealized gain/loss on securities
            available for sale   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         $    97          $   31

                      See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


                          CSB FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.



        On October 5, 1995, CSB Financial Group, Inc. (the "Company")
   acquired all of the outstanding shares of Centralia Savings Bank (the
   "Bank") upon the Bank's conversion from a state chartered mutual
   savings bank to a state chartered capital stock savings bank.
   Centralia Savings Bank is located in Marion County, Illinois.  The
   Company purchased 100% of the outstanding capital stock of the Bank
   using 50% of the net proceeds from the Company's initial stock
   offering which was completed on October 5, 1995.  The Company sold
   1,035,000 shares of $0.01 par value common stock at a price of $8 per
   share, including 82,800 shares purchased by the Bank's Employee Stock
   Ownership Plan ("ESOP").  The ESOP shares were acquired by the Bank
   with proceeds from a Company loan totaling $662,400.  The gross
   proceeds of the offering were $8,280,000.  After reducing gross
   proceeds for conversion costs of $696,000, net proceeds totaled
   $7,584,000.  The Company's stock was traded on the NASDAQ Small Caps
   market under the symbol "CSBF" until December 31, 1998, at which time
   the Company transferred the quotation of its common stock to the OTC
   Bulletin Board under the same symbol.

        The acquisition of the Bank by the Company was accounted for as a
   "pooling of interests" under generally accepted accounting principles.
   The application of the pooling of interests method records the assets
   and liabilities of the merged entities on a historical cost basis with
   no goodwill or other intangible assets being recorded.


        The accompanying consolidated financial statements include the
   accounts of CSB Financial Group, Inc., its wholly-owned subsidiary,
   Centralia Savings Bank, the Bank, and the Bank's wholly-owned
   subsidiary, Centralia SLA.  Centralia SLA, Inc.'s principal business
   activity is to provide insurance services.  All significant
   intercompany accounts and transactions have been eliminated in
   consolidation.  The accompanying consolidated financial statements are
   unaudited and should be read in conjunction with the consolidated
   financial statements and notes thereto included in the Bank's annual
   report on Form 10-KSB for the year ended September 30, 1999.  The
   accompanying unaudited consolidated financial statements have been
   prepared in accordance with the instructions for Form 10-QSB and,
   therefore, do not include information or footnotes necessary for a


   complete presentation of financial condition, results of operations,
   and cash flows in conformity with generally accepted accounting
   principles.  In the opinion of management of the Company, the
   unaudited consolidated financial statements reflect all adjustments
   necessary to present fairly the financial position of the Company at
   March 31, 2000, the results of operations for the three months ended
   March 31, 2000 and 1999, and the results of operations and cash flows
   for the six months ended March 31, 2000 and 1999. All adjustments to
   the financial statements were normal and recurring in nature.

        Operating results for the six months ended March 31, 2000 are not
   necessarily indicative of the results that may be expected for the
   year ending September 30, 2000.


        Basic earnings per share ("EPS") is computed as net income
   available to common stockholders divided by the weighted average
   common shares outstanding and vested shares of the Management
   Recognition Plan.

        Diluted EPS is computed as net income available to common
   stockholders divided by the weighted average common shares
   outstanding, common stock equivalents, and shares awarded under the
   Management Recognition Plan weighted to reflect the portion of the
   period the shares were outstanding.


                          CSB FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.


        The following reflects earnings per share calculations for basic
   and diluted methods:

                                                          For the Six
                                                          Months Ended
                                                           March 31,

                                                        2000         1999
                                                       -----         ----

   Net income available to common shareholders       $   139      $   129

   Basic diluted potential common shares:
      Weighted average shares outstanding  .         713,005      710,968
      Management recognition plan shares vested        9,936        6,210
                                                     -------      -------

   Basic average shares outstanding  . . . .         722,941      717,178
                                                     -------      -------

   Diluted potential common shares:
      Management recognition plan shares               7,452       11,178
   granted, but not vested
      Stock option equivalents . . . . . . .          16,794           --
                                                     -------      -------

   Diluted average shares outstanding  . . .         747,187      728,356
                                                     -------      -------
   Basic earnings per share  . . . . . . . .        $   0.19    $    0.18
                                                     =======     ========
   Diluted earnings per share  . . . . . . .        $   0.19    $    0.18
                                                     =======     ========


                          CSB FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.


                                                            For the Six
                                                            Months Ended
                                                             March 31,

                                                          2000          1999
                                                          ----          ----

   Net income available to common shareholders         $     55      $     81

   Basic diluted potential common shares:
      Weighted average shares outstanding. .            713,313       711,139
      Management recognition plan shares vested           9,936         6,210
                                                        -------       -------

   Basic weighted average shares outstanding            723,249       717,349
                                                        -------       -------
   Diluted potential common shares:
      Management recognition plan shares granted,         7,452        11,178
         but not vested
      Stock option equivalents . . . . . . .             20,572           - -
   Diluted average shares outstanding  . . .            751,273       728,527
   Basic earnings per share  . . . . . . . .           $   0.08      $   0.11
                                                       ========      ========

   Diluted earnings per share  . . . . . . .           $   0.07      $   0.08
                                                       ========      ========


        The ESOP acquired 82,800 shares of the Company's stock for future
   allocation to employees as part of the mutual to stock conversion
   process.  The purchase was funded with a loan from the Company.

        Shares are allocated to all eligible employees as the debt is
   repaid based on a prorata share of total eligible compensation.
   Employees 21 or older with at least 1,000 hours of service in a twelve
   month period are eligible to participate.  Benefits will vest over a
   five year period and in full after five years of qualified service.

        As shares are committed to be released from unallocated shares,
   the Bank recognizes compensation expense equal to the current market
   price of the shares, and the shares become outstanding for purposes of
   calculating earnings per share. The Bank recognized compensation


                          CSB FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.


   expense for the ESOP of $15 and $13 for the six months ended March 31,
   2000 and 1999, respectively.

        Dividends received, if any, by the ESOP on unallocated shares
   will be used for debt service.

        In July 1997, the Company repurchased 41,400 shares of common
   stock from the ESOP.  The ESOP used the proceeds received from the
   repurchase to reduce outstanding debt to the Company. The balance in
   unearned ESOP shares was reduced by the cost of the shares sold to the
   Company.  As of March 31, 2000 and September 30, 1999, the ESOP held
   18,785 and 20,021, respectively, of non-committed shares with a fair
   value of $274 and $195, respectively.


        The Company has a stock option plan (SOP) which was established
   in 1996 with 103,500 shares of common stock.  The options are granted
   by a Committee, comprised of directors, to key employees and directors
   based on their services.  The exercise price of options granted must
   be at least equal to the fair market value of the common stock on the
   date the option is granted. The options granted under the plan become
   exercisable at a rate of 20 percent per year commencing one year after
   the grant date and 20 percent on each anniversary date for the
   following four years. As of March 31, 2000, 61,750 options had been

        A Nonqualified Stock Option Plan (NSOP) was established in 1997
   with 103,500 shares of common stock.  The options are granted by a
   Committee, comprised of directors, to key employees and directors
   based on their services.  The exercise price of the option granted
   must be at least equal to the fair market value of the common stock on
   the date the option is granted. The terms of the options and the
   exercise schedule are at the discretion of the committee and option
   agreements need not be identical.  As of March 31, 2000, no options
   had been granted.


        The Management Recognition Plan ("MRP") was approved October 10,
   1996 and amended on January 9, 1997. Directors, officers, and
   employees become vested in the shares of common stock awarded to them
   under the MRP at a rate of 20% per year, commencing one year after the


                          CSB FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.


   grant date, and 20% on the anniversary date thereof for the following
   four years.  As of March 31, 2000, 17,388 shares have been awarded and
   remain outstanding to officers, directors, and employees. MRP
   compensation expense was $18 for the six months ended March 31, 2000
   and 1999.  Compensation expense is recognized over the vesting period
   for shares awarded under the plan.


        Certain reclassifications have been made to the balances for the
   period ending March 31, 1999, with no effect on net income, to be
   consistent with the classifications adopted for March 31, 2000.


        Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities
   Statement of Financial Accounting Standard No. 133, "Accounting for
   Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities" (FAS 133) establishes
   accounting and reporting standards for derivative instruments,
   including certain derivative instruments embedded in other contracts
   and for hedging activities. It requires that an entity recognize all
   derivatives as either assets or liabilities in the statement of
   financial position and measure those instruments at fair value. The
   accounting for changes in the fair value of a derivative depends on
   the intended use of the derivative and the resulting designation.
   This Statement applies to all entities. FAS 133 is effective for all
   fiscal quarters of fiscal years beginning after June 15, 1999.
   Earlier application is encouraged.  The Statement is not to be applied
   retroactively to financial statements of prior periods. In June 1999,
   Statement of Financial Accounting Standard No. 137 was issued to
   extend the effective date by one year to all fiscal quarters of fiscal
   years beginning after June 15, 2000.  The Company does not believe the
   adoption of FAS 133, as amended by FAS 137, will have a material
   impact on the consolidated financial statements.

        Accounting for Mortgage-Backed Securities Retained after the
   Securitization of Mortgage Loans Held for Sale by a Mortgage Banking
   Enterprise Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standard No. 134,
   "Accounting for Mortgage-Backed Securities Retained after the
   Securitization of Mortgage Loans Held for Sale by a Mortgage Banking
   Enterprise" (FAS 134) changes the way mortgage banking firms account
   for certain  securities  and other  interests they retain after
   securitizing mortgage loans that were held for sale. The Statement is


                          CSB FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.


   effective for financial statements for the first fiscal quarter
   beginning after December 15, 1998.  The Company does not securitize
   mortgages and is not a Mortgage Banking Enterprise and therefore, FAS
   134 will not have an impact on the consolidated financial statements.


                          CSB FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.



        The principal assets of the Company are its investment in the
   Bank's common stock. The Company's principal revenue source is
   interest and dividends on its investments. The principal business of
   the Bank consists of attracting deposits from the general public and
   using these funds to originate mortgage loans secured by one- to
   four-family residences located primarily in Centralia, Illinois and
   surrounding areas.  The Bank engages in various forms of consumer and
   commercial lending and invests in mortgage-backed U.S. Government and
   federal agency securities,  local municipal issues, and
   interest-bearing deposits. The Bank's profitability depends primarily
   on its net interest income, which is the difference between the
   interest income it earns on its loans and investment portfolio and its
   cost of funds, which consists mainly of interest paid on deposits.
   Net interest income is affected by the relative amounts of
   interest-earning assets, interest-bearing liabilities, and the
   interest rates earned or paid on these balances.

        The Company's profitability is also affected by the level of
   noninterest income and expense.  Noninterest income consists primarily
   of late charges and other fees.  Noninterest expense consists of
   salaries and benefits, occupancy related expenses, deposit insurance
   premiums paid to the SAIF, and other operating expenses.

        The operations of the Company are significantly influenced by
   general economic conditions and related monetary and fiscal policies
   of financial institutions' regulatory agencies.  Deposit flows and the
   cost of funds are influenced by interest rates on competing
   investments and general market rates of interest.  Lending activities
   are affected by the demand for financing real estate and other types
   of loans, which in turn is affected by the interest rates at which
   such financing may be offered and other factors affecting loan demand
   and the availability of funds.


        The Company's business strategy is to operate the bank as a well
   capitalized, profitable and independent community savings bank
   dedicated to financing home ownership and consumer needs in its
   primary market area.  The Company has implemented this strategy by:
   (1) closely monitoring the needs of customers and providing quality
   service; (2) emphasizing  consumer-oriented  banking by originating
   construction and permanent loans on residential and commercial real
   estate and consumer loans, and by offering other financial services


                          CSB FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.


   and products; (3) improving and maintaining high asset quality; (4)
   maintaining capital in excess of regulatory requirements; and (5)
   managing interest rate risk by emphasizing the origination of loans
   with adjustable rates or shorter terms and investments in short-term
   and liquid investments.  The Company has adopted various new business
   strategies intended to increase its presence in its primary market
   area, thereby increasing its lending activities and sources of income.


        On January 26, 2000, the Company signed a definitive agreement
   with Midland States Bancorp, Inc. Under the terms of the agreement,
   Midland States Bancorp, Inc. has agreed to purchase all of the issued
   and outstanding shares of common stock of CSB Financial Group, Inc.
   for an aggregate cash consideration of $11.7 million, or $16.00 per
   share, subject to certain adjustments.  This transaction is expected
   to be completed by July 31, 2000.


        The Company's primary sources of funds consists of deposits,
   repayment and prepayment of loans, maturities of investments and
   interest-bearing deposits.  Scheduled repayments of loans and
   mortgage-backed securities and maturities of investment securities are
   predictable, influenced by general interest rates, economic
   conditions, and competition.  The Company uses its liquidity resources
   principally to fund existing and future loan commitments, to fund
   maturing certificates of deposit and demand deposit withdrawals, to
   invest in other interest-earning assets, to maintain liquidity, and to
   meet operating expenses. Management believes that loan repayments and
   other sources of funds will be adequate to meet the Company's
   liquidity needs for the immediate future.

        A portion of the Company's liquidity consists of cash and cash
   equivalents, which include investments in highly liquid, short-term
   deposits.  The level of these assets is dependent on the Company's
   operating, investing, lending, and financing activities during any
   given period.  At March 31, 2000 and September 30, 1999, cash and cash
   equivalents  totaled $1,444 and $871, respectively. The increase in
   cash and cash equivalents is due to an increase in deposits and the
   sale of investment securities to repay borrowings and fund loan

        Liquidity management is both a daily and long-term function of
   business management.  If the Company requires funds beyond its ability


                          CSB FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.


   to generate them internally, the Company may borrow additional funds
   from the FHLB.  At March 31, 2000, the Company had no outstanding
   advances from the FHLB.

        At March 31, 2000, the Company had $1.8 million of outstanding
   commitments on revolving lines of credit.


        Federally insured savings associations are required to maintain a
   minimum level of regulatory capital.  The Company and its subsidiary
   have capital ratios which substantially exceed all regulatory
   requirements.  The Company's capital ratios are shown below.

                                                       March 31,     September 30,        Minimum
                                                         2000            1999          Requirements
                                                       ---------     -------------     ------------
       Total capital to risk weighted assets             39.1%          43.9%              8.0%
       Tier I capital to risk weighted assets            38.2%          42.9%              4.0%
       Tier I capital to average assets                  20.3%          20.3%              4.0%


        Total assets increased $140 to $49,060 at March 31, 2000 from
   $48,920 at September 30, 1999.  The increase resulted from an increase
   of $573 in cash and cash equivalents due to sales, calls and
   maturities of investments and a net increase in deposit accounts of
   $1,675, offset by an increase in loans of $970 and repayment of FHLB
   Advances of $1,400.

        Gross loans have increased $968 from $29,142 at September 30,
   1999 to $30,110 at March 31, 2000.  The growth in the loan portfolio
   is comprised primarily of commercial lending.

        Securities decreased $1,320 since September 30, 1999.  The
   decrease is due to maturities of U.S. Treasury securities, sale of
   mortgage backed securities and an overall decline in market values.
   All securities are held as available for sale.


                          CSB FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.



   31, 1999

   NET INCOME - The Company's net income for the three months ended March
   31, 2000 was $55 compared to $81 for the three months ended March 31,
   1999. The principal cause of the decrease in net income resulted from
   an increase in professional fees related to the pending sale of the
   Company.  This decrease was mitigated by a modest increase in net
   interest margin and a slight reduction of other noninterest expense.

   INTEREST INCOME - Interest income increased for the three months ended
   March 31, 2000 by $30 to $848 from $818 for the three months ended
   March 31, 1999.  The increase is due to consistent yields and an
   increase in the average balance of interest earning assets for the
   respective periods.

   INTEREST EXPENSE - Interest expense increased for the three months
   ended March 31, 2000 by $20 to $412 from $392 for the three months
   ended March 31, 1999. The increase in interest expense is solely
   attributed to interest expense on borrowed funds that were not
   necessary in 1999.

   NET INTEREST INCOME - Net interest income for the three months ended
   March 31, 2000 increased by $10 to $436 from $426 for the three months
   ended March 31, 1999.  The increase is attributable to the increase in
   the Company's average balance of loans for the respective period.

   NONINTEREST EXPENSE - Noninterest expense increased for the three
   months ended March 31, 2000 by $55 to $380 from $325 for the three
   months ended March 31, 1999.  Compensation cost increased for the
   quarter by $10 and audit, legal and other professional costs increased
   $63. These increases were partially offset by a $16 decrease in data
   processing expenses and a $10 decrease in other noninterest expense.


   NET INCOME -The Company's net income for the six months ended March
   31, 2000 was $139 compared to $129 for the six months ended March 31,
   1999.  The increase is mainly attributable to an increase in net
   interest income, offset by an increase in noninterest expenses.


                          CSB FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.


   INTEREST INCOME - Interest income increased $70 from $1,622 to $1,692
   or by 4.32%, during the six months ended March 31, 2000 compared to
   the respective period of 1999.  This increase resulted from an
   increase in the average balance of interest earning assets and a
   consistent yield.

   INTEREST EXPENSE - Interest expense increased $21 or 2.63%, to $818
   for the six months ended March 31, 2000 from $797 for the same period
   in 1999.  The increase in interest expense on borrowings of $36 was
   offset by a decrease in interest expense on deposits of $15 due to
   decreasing cost of funds which is consistent with market conditions.

   NET INTEREST INCOME - Net interest income for the six months ended
   March 31, 2000 was $874 compared to $825 for the six months ended
   March 31, 1999.  The increase is attributable to an increase in loans
   and deposits during the period combined with a slight increase in the
   net interest margin.

   NONINTEREST EXPENSE - Noninterest expense increased for the six months
   ended March 31, 2000 by $95 to $765 from $670 for the six months ended
   March 31, 1999.  Audit, legal and other professional costs increased
   $76 due to the pending merger. In addition, compensation costs
   increased $10 and data processing costs increased $11. These increases
   were partially offset by a $7 decrease in other noninterest expense.

   PROVISION FOR LOAN LOSSES - The allowance for loan losses is
   established through a provision for loan losses based on management's
   evaluation of the risk inherent in its loan portfolio and the general
   economy.  Such evaluation considers numerous factors including,
   general economic conditions, loan portfolio composition, prior loss
   experience, the estimated fair value of the underlying collateral and
   other factors that warrant recognition in providing for an adequate
   loan loss allowance. During the six months ended March 31, 2000 and
   1999, the provision for loan losses was $17 and $36, respectively.

   ALLOWANCE FOR LOAN LOSSES - The allowance for loan losses was $220 or
   .73% of loans receivable at March 31, 2000, compared to $222, or .76%
   of loans receivable at September 30, 1999. The level of nonperforming
   loans was .40% of total loans at March 31, 2000 compared to .70% as of
   September 30, 1999.  Based on the relationship of the allowance for
   loan losses to total loans and classified assets and the focus on
   identifying and resolving problem loan situations, management believes
   the allowance for loan losses is adequate.


                          CSB FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.


        Net charge-offs amounted to $19 during the first six months of
   fiscal year 2000, compared to net charge-offs of $11 during the first
   six months of fiscal year 1999.

        The allowance for loan losses is established through a provision
   for loan losses charged to expense. Loans are charged against the
   allowance for loan losses when management believes that the
   collectibility of the principal is unlikely.  The allowance is an
   amount that management believes will be adequate to absorb losses on
   existing loans that may become uncollectible, based on evaluation of
   the collectibility of loans and prior loss experience. The evaluation
   also takes into consideration such factors as changes in the nature
   and volume of the loan portfolio, overall portfolio quality, review of
   specific problem loans and current economic conditions that may affect
   the borrowers' ability to pay. While management uses the best
   information available to make its evaluation, future adjustments to
   the allowance may be necessary if there are significant changes in
   economic conditions. In addition, regulatory agencies, as an integral
   part of their examination process, periodically review the Bank's
   allowance for loan losses, and may require the Bank to make additions
   to the allowance based on their judgment about information available
   to them at the time of their examinations.

        Loans are considered impaired when, based on current information
   and events, it is probable that the Bank will not be able to collect
   all amounts due.  The portion of the allowance for loan losses
   applicable to impaired loans has been computed based on the present
   value of the estimated future cash flows of interest and principal
   discounted at the loan's effective interest rate or on the fair value
   of the collateral for collateral dependent loans.  The entire change
   in present value of expected cash flows of impaired loans or of
   collateral value is reported as bad debt expense in the same manner in
   which impairment initially was recognized or as a reduction in the
   amount of bad debt expense that otherwise would be reported. As of
   March 31, 2000 and September 30, 1999, management had not identified
   any loans as impaired.


        At March 31, 2000, the Bank had $121 of nonperforming assets,
   representing .25% of total assets.  On September 30, 1999, the Bank
   had $205 of nonperforming assets, representing .42% of total assets.


                          CSB FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.



        The unaudited consolidated financial statements and related data
   presented herein have been prepared in accordance with generally
   accepted accounting principles, which require the measurement of
   financial position and results of operations in terms of historical
   dollars without considering changes in the relative purchasing power
   of money over time because of inflation.  Unlike most industrial
   companies, virtually all of the assets and liabilities of the Company
   are monetary in nature.  As a result, interest rates have a more
   significant impact on the Company's performance than the effects of
   general levels of inflation.  Interest rates do not necessarily move
   in the same direction or in the same magnitude as the prices of goods
   and services.




        The Company is, from time to time, a party to legal proceedings
   arising in the ordinary course of its business, including legal
   proceedings to enforce its rights against borrowers.  The Company is
   not currently a party to any legal proceedings which could reasonably
   be expected to have a material adverse effect on the consolidated
   financial condition or operations of the Company.

        In May 1999, a shareholder of CSB Financial Group, Inc. filed a
   class action lawsuit in a Delaware court against the Company, its top
   executive and its directors for breach of fiduciary duty for failure
   to put an acquisition offer to shareholder vote.  The class action is
   seeking buyout of current shares at $14.75 (offered purchase price).












        Reports on Form 8K:

        Form 8K was filed on January 27, 2000 announcing that CSB
        Financial Group, Inc. had signed a definitive Merger Agreement
        providing for Midland States Bancorp's acquisition of CSB
        Financial Group, Inc.



        Pursuant to the requirement of the Securities Exchange Act of
   1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its
   behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                 CSB Financial Group, Inc.

   Date:     May 15, 2000        /s/ K. Gary Reynolds
             ---------------     -------------------------------
                                 K. Gary Reynolds
                                 Chief Executive Officer and Director

   Date:     May 15, 2000        /s/ Joanne Ticknor
             ---------------     -------------------------------
                                 Joanne Ticknor
                                 Secretary and Treasurer



        262 APPRAISAL RIGHTS.  (a) Any stockholder of a corporation of
   this State who holds shares of stock on the date of the making of a
   demand pursuant to subsection (d) of this section with respect to such
   shares, who continuously holds such shares through the effective date
   of the merger or consolidation, who has otherwise complied with
   subsection (d) of this section and who has neither voted in favor of
   the merger or consolidation nor consented thereto in writing pursuant
   to Section 228 of this title shall be entitled to an appraisal by the
   Court of Chancery of the fair value of the stockholder's shares of
   stock under the circumstances described in subsections (b) and (c) of
   this section. As used in this section, the word "stockholder" means a
   holder of record of stock in a stock corporation and also a member of
   record of a nonstock corporation; the words "stock" and "share" mean
   and include what is ordinarily meant by those words and also
   membership or membership interest of a member of a nonstock
   corporation; and the words "depository receipt" mean a receipt or
   other instrument issued by a depository representing an interest in
   one or more shares, or fractions thereof, solely of stock of a
   corporation, which stock is deposited with the depository.

        (b)  Appraisal rights shall be available for the shares of any
   class or series of stock of a constituent corporation in a merger or
   consolidation to be effected pursuant to Section 251 (other than a
   merger effected pursuant to Section 251(g) of this title), Section
   252, Section 254, Section 257, Section 258, Section 263 or Section 264
   of this title:

             (1)  Provided, however, that no appraisal rights under this
        section shall be available for the shares of any class or series
        of stock, which stock, or depository receipts in respect thereof,
        at the record date fixed to determine the stockholders entitled
        to receive notice of and to vote at the meeting of stockholders
        to act upon the agreement of merger or consolidation, were either
        (i) listed on a national securities exchange or designated as a
        national market system security on an interdealer quotation
        system by the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. or
        (ii) held of record by more than 2,000 holders; and further
        provided that no appraisal rights shall be available for any
        shares of stock of the constituent corporation surviving a merger
        if the merger did not require for its approval the vote of the
        stockholders of the surviving corporation as provided in
        subsection (f) of Section 251 of this title.

             (2)  Notwithstanding paragraph (1) of this subsection,
        appraisal rights under this section shall be available for the
        shares  of any class or series of stock of a constituent
        corporation if the  holders thereof are required by the terms of
        an agreement of merger or consolidation pursuant to Section 251,
        252, 254, 257, 258, 263 and 264 of this title to accept for such
        stock anything except:


                  a.   Shares of stock of the corporation surviving or
             resulting from such merger or consolidation, or depository
             receipts in respect thereof;

                  b.   Shares of stock of any other corporation, or
             depository receipts in respect thereof, which shares of
             stock  (or depository receipts in respect thereof) or
             depository receipts at the effective date of the merger or
             consolidation  will be either listed on a national
             securities exchange or  designated as a national market
             system security on an interdealer quotation system by the
             National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. or held of
             record by more than 2,000 holders;

                  c.   Cash in lieu of fractional shares or fractional
             depository receipts described in the foregoing subparagraphs
             a. and b. of this paragraph; or

                  d.   Any combination of the shares of stock, depository
             receipts and cash in lieu  of fractional shares or
             fractional depository receipts described in the foregoing
             subparagraphs  a., b. and c. of this paragraph.

             (3)  In the event all of the stock of a subsidiary Delaware
        corporation party to a merger effected under Section 253 of this
        title is not owned by the parent corporation immediately prior to
        the merger, appraisal rights shall be available for the shares of
        the subsidiary Delaware corporation.

        (c)  Any corporation may provide in its certificate of
   incorporation that appraisal rights under this section shall be
   available for the shares of any class or series of its stock as a
   result of an amendment to its certificate of incorporation, any merger
   or consolidation in which the corporation is a constituent corporation
   or the sale of all or substantially all of the assets of the
   corporation. If the certificate of incorporation contains such a
   provision, the procedures of this section, including those set forth
   in subsections (d) and (e) of this section, shall apply as nearly as
   is practicable.

        (d)  Appraisal rights shall be perfected as follows:

             (1)  If a proposed merger or consolidation for which
        appraisal rights are provided under this section is to be
        submitted for approval at a meeting of stockholders, the
        corporation, not less than 20 days prior to the meeting, shall
        notify each of its stockholders who was such on the record date
        for such meeting with respect to shares for which appraisal
        rights are available pursuant to subsections (b) or (c) hereof
        that appraisal rights are available for any or all of the shares
        of the constituent corporations, and shall include in such notice
        a copy of this section. Each stockholder electing to demand the


        appraisal of such stockholder's shares shall deliver to the
        corporation, before the taking of the vote on the merger or
        consolidation, a written demand for appraisal of such
        stockholder's shares. Such demand will be sufficient if it
        reasonably informs the corporation of the identity of the
        stockholder and that the stockholder intends thereby to demand
        the appraisal of such stockholder's shares. A proxy or vote
        against the merger or consolidation shall not constitute such a
        demand. A stockholder electing to take such action must do so by
        a separate written demand as herein provided. Within 10 days
        after the effective date of such merger or consolidation, the
        surviving or resulting  corporation shall notify each stockholder
        of each constituent corporation who has complied with this
        subsection and has not voted in favor of or consented to the
        merger or consolidation of the date that the merger or
        consolidation has become effective; or

             (2)  If the merger or consolidation was approved pursuant to
        Section 228 or Section 253 of this title, each constituent
        corporation, either before the effective date of the merger or
        consolidation or within ten days thereafter, shall notify each of
        the holders of any class or series of stock of such constituent
        corporation who are entitled to appraisal rights of the approval
        of the merger or consolidation and that appraisal rights are
        available for any or all shares of such class or series of stock
        of such constituent corporation, and shall include in such notice
        a copy of this section; provided that, if the notice is given on
        or after the effective date of the merger or consolidation, such
        notice shall be given by the surviving or resulting corporation
        to all such holders of any class or series of stock of a
        constituent corporation that are entitled to appraisal rights.
        Such notice may, and, if given on or after the effective date of
        the merger or consolidation, shall, also notify such stockholders
        of the effective date of the merger or consolidation. Any
        stockholder entitled to appraisal rights may, within 20 days
        after the date of mailing of such notice, demand in writing from
        the surviving or resulting corporation the appraisal of such
        holder's shares. Such demand will be sufficient if it reasonably
        informs the corporation of the identity of the stockholder and
        that the stockholder intends thereby to demand the appraisal of
        such holder's shares. If such notice did not notify stockholders
        of the effective date of the merger or consolidation, either
        (i) each such constituent corporation shall send a second notice
        before the effective date of the merger or consolidation
        notifying each of the holders of any class or series of stock of
        such constituent corporation that are entitled to appraisal
        rights of the effective date of the merger or consolidation or
        (ii) the surviving or resulting corporation shall send such a
        second notice to all such holders on or within 10 days after such
        effective date; provided, however, that if such second notice is
        sent more than 20 days following the sending of the first notice,
        such second notice need only be sent to each stockholder who is


        entitled to appraisal rights and who has demanded appraisal of
        such holder's shares in accordance with this subsection. An
        affidavit of the secretary or assistant secretary or of the
        transfer agent of the corporation that is required to give either
        notice that such notice has been given shall, in the absence of
        fraud, be prima facie evidence of the facts stated therein. For
        purposes of determining the stockholders entitled to receive
        either notice, each constituent corporation may fix, in advance,
        a record date that shall be not more than 10 days prior to the
        date the notice is given, provided, that if the notice is given
        on or after the effective date of the merger or consolidation,
        the record date shall be such effective date. If no record date
        is fixed and the notice is given prior to the effective date, the
        record date shall be the close of business on the day next
        preceding the day on which the notice is given.

        (e)  Within 120 days after the effective date of the merger or
   consolidation, the surviving or resulting corporation or any
   stockholder who has complied with subsections (a) and (d) hereof and
   who is otherwise entitled to appraisal rights, may file a petition in
   the Court of Chancery demanding a determination of the value of the
   stock of all such stockholders. Notwithstanding the foregoing, at any
   time within 60 days after the effective date of the merger or
   consolidation, any stockholder shall have the right to withdraw such
   stockholder's demand for appraisal and to accept the terms offered
   upon the merger or consolidation. Within 120 days after the effective
   date of the merger or consolidation, any stockholder who has complied
   with the requirements of subsections (a) and (d) hereof, upon written
   request, shall be entitled to receive from the corporation surviving
   the merger or resulting from the consolidation a statement setting
   forth the aggregate number of shares not voted in favor of the merger
   or consolidation and with respect to which demands for appraisal have
   been received and the aggregate number of holders of such shares. Such
   written statement shall be mailed to the stockholder within 10 days
   after such stockholder's written request for such a statement is
   received by the surviving or resulting corporation or within 10 days
   after expiration of the period for delivery of demands for appraisal
   under subsection (d) hereof, whichever is later.

        (f)  Upon the filing of any such petition by a stockholder,
   service of a copy thereof shall be made upon the surviving or
   resulting corporation, which shall within 20 days after such service
   file in the office of the Register in Chancery in which the petition
   was filed a duly verified list containing the names and addresses of
   all stockholders who have demanded payment for their shares and with
   whom agreements as to the value of their shares have not been reached
   by the surviving or resulting corporation. If the petition shall be
   filed by the surviving or resulting corporation, the petition shall be
   accompanied by such a duly verified list. The Register in Chancery, if
   so ordered by the Court, shall give notice of the time and place fixed
   for the hearing of such petition by registered or certified mail to
   the surviving or resulting corporation and to the stockholders shown


   on the list at the addresses therein stated. Such notice shall also be
   given by 1 or more publications at least 1 week before the day of the
   hearing, in a newspaper of general circulation published in the City
   of Wilmington, Delaware or such publication as the Court deems
   advisable. The forms of the notices by mail and by publication shall
   be approved by the Court, and the costs thereof shall be borne by the
   surviving or resulting corporation.

        (g)  At the hearing on such petition, the Court shall determine
   the stockholders who have complied with this section and who have
   become entitled to appraisal rights. The Court may require the
   stockholders who have demanded an appraisal for their shares and who
   hold stock represented by certificates to submit their certificates of
   stock to the Register in Chancery for notation thereon of the pendency
   of the appraisal proceedings; and if any stockholder fails to comply
   with such direction, the Court may dismiss the proceedings as to such

        (h)  After determining the stockholders entitled to an appraisal,
   the Court shall appraise the shares, determining their fair value
   exclusive of any element of value arising from the accomplishment or
   expectation of the merger or consolidation, together with a fair rate
   of interest, if any, to be paid upon the amount determined to be the
   fair value. In determining such fair value, the Court shall take into
   account all relevant factors. In determining the fair rate of
   interest, the Court may consider all relevant factors, including the
   rate of interest which the surviving or resulting corporation would
   have had to pay to borrow money during the pendency of the proceeding.
   Upon application by the surviving or resulting corporation or by any
   stockholder entitled to participate in the appraisal proceeding, the
   Court may, in its discretion, permit discovery or other pretrial
   proceedings and may proceed to trial upon the appraisal prior to the
   final determination of the stockholder entitled to an appraisal. Any
   stockholder whose name appears on the list filed by the surviving or
   resulting corporation pursuant to subsection (f) of this section and
   who has submitted such stockholder's certificates of stock to the
   Register in Chancery, if such is required, may participate fully in
   all proceedings until it is finally determined that such stockholder
   is not entitled to appraisal rights under this section.

        (i)  The Court shall direct the payment of the fair value of the
   shares, together with interest, if any, by the surviving or resulting
   corporation to the stockholders entitled thereto. Interest may be
   simple or compound, as the Court may direct. Payment shall be so made
   to each such stockholder, in the case of holders of uncertificated
   stock forthwith, and the case of holders of shares represented by
   certificates upon the surrender to the corporation of the certificates
   representing such stock. The Court's decree may be enforced as other
   decrees in the Court of Chancery may be enforced, whether such
   surviving or resulting corporation be a corporation of this State or
   of any state.


        (j)  The costs of the proceeding may be determined by the Court
   and taxed upon the parties as the Court deems equitable in the
   circumstances. Upon application of a stockholder, the Court may order
   all or a portion of the expenses incurred by any stockholder in
   connection with the appraisal proceeding, including, without
   limitation, reasonable attorney's fees and the fees and expenses of
   experts, to be charged pro rata against the value of all the shares
   entitled to an appraisal.

        (k)  From and after the effective date of the merger or
   consolidation, no stockholder who has demanded appraisal rights as
   provided in subsection (d) of this section shall be entitled to vote
   such stock for any purpose or to receive payment of dividends or other
   distributions on the stock (except dividends or other distributions
   payable to stockholders of record at a date which is prior to the
   effective date of the merger or consolidation); provided, however,
   that if no petition for an appraisal shall be filed within the time
   provided in subsection (e) of this section, or if such stockholder
   shall deliver to the surviving or resulting corporation a written
   withdrawal of such stockholder's demand for an appraisal and an
   acceptance of the merger or consolidation, either within 60 days after
   the effective date of the merger or consolidation as provided in
   subsection (e) of this section or thereafter with the written approval
   of the corporation, then the right of such stockholder to an appraisal
   shall cease.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, no appraisal proceeding
   in the Court of Chancery shall be dismissed as to any stockholder
   without the approval of the Court, and such approval may be
   conditioned upon such terms as the Court deems just.

        (l)  The shares of the surviving or resulting corporation to
   which the shares of such objecting stockholders would have been
   converted had they assented to the merger or consolidation shall have
   the status of authorized and unissued shares of the surviving or
   resulting corporation. (Last amended by Ch. 339, L. '98, eff. 7-1-98.)


                               REVOCABLE PROXY

                        OF CSB FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.

        The undersigned hereby appoint(s) W. Harold Monken and A. John
   Byrne, or either of them, as proxies for the undersigned, with full
   power of substitution, and hereby authorize(s) them or either of them
   to act and to vote all the shares of common stock of CSB Financial
   Group, Inc. held by the undersigned on June 8, 2000, at the special
   meeting of stockholders to be held at 801 12th Street, Carlyle,
   Illinois, on July 14, 2000, at 10:00 a.m., local time, or at any
   adjournment or postponement of the meeting.  Said proxies are directed
   to vote as instructed on the matters shown on this card and otherwise
   at their discretion.  Receipt of a copy of the notice of said meeting
   and proxy statement are hereby acknowledged.


        (Please sign, date and mail in the enclosed return envelope.)

   INK ONLY  /X/


   1.   To approve and adopt the agreement and plan of merger, dated as
   of January 26, 2000, by and among Midland States Bancorp, Inc., CSB
   Acquisition Corporation (a wholly owned subsidiary of Midland) and CSB
   Financial Group, Inc., as more fully described in the accompanying
   proxy statement.

   ___  FOR approval           ___  AGAINST                    ___  ABSTAIN from
        and adoption of the         approval and adoption           vote on the merger
        merger agreement            of the merger agreement         agreement

     2.   In his/her discretion, a proxy is authorized to vote upon such
   other business as may properly come before the meeting; PROVIDED,
   HOWEVER, if a proposal to adjourn the meeting is properly presented, a
   proxy will not have discretion to vote in favor of the adjournment
   proposal any shares of common stock which have been voted against
   approval and adoption of the merger agreement.

   Dated:_______________, 2000             _________________________
                                           Signature of Stockholder

                                           Signature of Stockholder
                                           (if held jointly)

                                           IMPORTANT:  Please sign
                                           exactly as your name or names
                                           appear on the left.  If stock
                                           is held jointly, all joint
                                           owners must sign.  Executors,
                                           administrators, trustees,
                                           guardians, custodians,
                                           corporate officers and others
                                           signing in a representative
                                           capacity should put their full

                                           PLEASE CHECK THE FOLLOWING BOX
                                           IF YOU PLAN TO ATTEND THE
                                           MEETING.  ____