

        This Confidential Separation Agreement and General Release
   (hereinafter referred to as "Agreement") is made this 20th day of
   March, 2001, by and between Daniel DalleMolle (hereinafter referred to
   as "DalleMolle") and Newell Rubbermaid Inc. (hereinafter referred to
   as "Newell").

        WHEREAS, Newell decided to terminate DalleMolle's employment and
   DalleMolle thereafter submitted his resignation as an employee of
   Newell to be effective February 28, 2001; and

        WHEREAS, DalleMolle desires to secure the severance benefits as
   provided below; and recognizes that this package includes valuable
   consideration to which he would not otherwise be entitled; and

        WHEREAS, the parties desire to effect a final settlement of all
   matters relating to DalleMolle's employment and his relationship with
   Newell and have arrived at a compromise of all such matters.

        NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the foregoing and in consideration of
   the mutual covenants and promises contained herein and other good and
   valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows:

        1.   Neither this Agreement nor any action taken by Newell
             pursuant to it shall in any way be construed as an admission
             by Newell of any liability, wrongdoing or violation of law,
             regulation, contract or policy.

        2.   Newell agrees to pay and/or provide to DalleMolle the
             following severance benefits in final settlement of all
             claims DalleMolle may have against Newell:

             a.   Severance pay will be paid to DalleMolle at his base
                  salary in effect on February 28, 2001 on normal pay
                  periods less all legally required withholding for taxes
                  and social security through November 30, 2001.  Such
                  payments will begin after the passage of seven (7) days
                  following DalleMolle's execution of this Agreement.

             b.   Medical group coverage, including coverage under the
                  Newell Medical Reimbursement Plan, will be continued
                  for DalleMolle through February 28, 2002, or, the date
                  DalleMolle secures other employment that provides
                  equivalent or better coverage, whichever event occurs
                  first.  The above-mentioned coverages will be provided
                  on the same basis as such benefits are provided to
                  existing employees at his level.  DalleMolle will
                  remain responsible for the partial payment of premiums
                  to the extent that existing employees pay such

                  premiums.  With regard to medical and dental coverage,
                  for the purposes of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget
                  Reconciliation Act (COBRA), the date of the qualifying
                  event will be February 28, 2002.

             c.   All vested stock options held by DalleMolle pursuant to
                  the Newell Rubbermaid Stock Option Plan as of February
                  28, 2001 may be exercised by DalleMolle at any time
                  prior to November 30, 2001, including those that vest
                  during the period from February 28, 2001 to November
                  30, 2001.  No further stock options will be granted to

             d.   DalleMolle will be allowed the use of his Newell lease
                  car until November 30, 2001.  DalleMolle may, at his
                  discretion, purchase his Newell leased car at any time
                  prior to November 30, 2001 at the buy-out price as
                  established by the leased automobile program as of the
                  date of purchase.

             e.   DalleMolle's rights to distribution from his account in
                  the Newell Co. Deferred Compensation Plan, if any, are
                  governed by the terms of that Plan.

             f.   In lieu of providing DalleMolle executive level out
                  placement services, Newell will pay DalleMolle $50,000.

             g.   DalleMolle shall receive twelve (12) weeks vacation

             h.   DalleMolle will be paid no further wages, bonuses,
                  benefits, compensation or remuneration of any kind
                  subsequent to February 28, 2001, other than those
                  specifically provided above.

        3.   DalleMolle hereby resigns from Newell as an employee
             effective February 28, 2001 and expressly declines
             reinstatement, employment and rehire by Newell and waives
             all rights to claim such relief and agrees never to seek or
             apply for employment with Newell or any of its subsidiaries,
             divisions, affiliated businesses or parent companies in the

        4.   DalleMolle agrees that this Agreement and all its terms and
             provisions are strictly confidential and shall not be
             divulged or disclosed in any way to any person other than
             his spouse, legal counsel and tax advisor if he so desires,
             and that he will protect the confidentiality of the
             Agreement in all regards.  Should DalleMolle choose to
             divulge the terms and conditions of the Agreement to his
             spouse, legal counsel or tax advisor, he shall ensure that
             they will be similarly bound to protect its confidentiality


             and that a breach of the paragraph by DalleMolle's spouse,
             legal counsel or tax advisor shall be considered a breach of
             the paragraph by DalleMolle.

        5.   DalleMolle represents that he has not filed any pending
             complaint, charge, claim or grievance against Newell with
             any local, state or federal agency, court or commission.

        6.   (a)  DalleMolle acknowledges that:

                  (i)  As a result of his employment with Newell he has
                       obtained secret and confidential information
                       concerning the business of Newell and its
                       subsidiaries and divisions, including, without
                       limitation, the operations and finances, the
                       business plan, the identity of potential
                       acquisitions, the identity of customers and
                       sources of supply, their needs and requirements,
                       the nature and extent of contracts with them,
                       product and process specifications and related
                       costs, price, profitability and sales information;

                  (ii) Newell and its subsidiaries and divisions will
                       suffer substantial damage which will be difficult
                       to compute if DalleMolle should enter into a
                       Competitive Business (as defined below), unless
                       approved by Newell in writing and in advance, or
                       if he should divulge secret and confidential
                       information relating to the business of Newell
                       heretofore acquired by him in the course of his
                       employment with Newell; and

                 (iii) The provisions of this Agreement are reasonable
                       and necessary for the protection of the business
                       of Newell and its subsidiaries and divisions.

             b.   DalleMolle agrees that he will not for a period of one
                  (1) years following the date of his resignation divulge
                  to any person, firm or corporation, or use for his own
                  benefit, any secret or confidential information
                  obtained or learned by him in the course of his
                  employment with Newell with regard to the operational,
                  financial, business or other affairs of Newell or its
                  subsidiaries and divisions, including, without
                  limitation, proprietary trade "know how" and secrets,
                  financial information and models, customer lists,
                  business, marketing, sales and acquisition plans,
                  identity and qualifications of Newell's employees,
                  sources of supply, pricing policies, proprietary
                  operational methods, product specifications or
                  technical processes, except (i) with Newell's express
                  written consent; or (ii) to the extent that any such


                  information is in or becomes part of the public domain
                  other than as a result of DalleMolle's breach of any of
                  his obligations hereunder.

             c.   Except as provided herein, DalleMolle represents that
                  he has no later than the date he signs this Agreement,
                  delivered to Newell all memoranda, notes, files,
                  computers, software, discs, memory storage records,
                  reports, manuals, drawings, blueprints, credit cards
                  and other documents (and all copies thereof) and other
                  tools provided to DalleMolle by Newell relating to the
                  business of Newell and its subsidiaries and divisions
                  and all property associated therewith which he may
                  possess or have under his control. DalleMolle further
                  represents that he has neither kept, created, nor
                  downloaded any copy of Newell's computer records.

             d.   For a period of one (1) years following the date of his
                  resignation, DalleMolle, without the prior express
                  written permission of Newell, shall not solicit, induce
                  or entice, or cause any other person or entity to
                  solicit, recruit, induce or entice to leave the employ
                  of Newell or any of its subsidiaries or divisions any
                  person employed or retained by Newell or any of its
                  subsidiaries or divisions.  Nothing in this provision
                  prevents DalleMolle from hiring any individual who has
                  without encouragement or suggestion by DalleMolle
                  initiated the contact with DalleMolle and who has on
                  his/her own accord affirmatively communicated to
                  DalleMolle that he/she has finalized a decision to
                  leave Newell or one of its subsidiaries or divisions.

             e.   For a period of two (2) years following the date
                  DalleMolle signed this Agreement, DalleMolle, without
                  the prior express written permission of Newell, shall
                  not (i) enter into the employ of or render any
                  services, in an executive, managerial, sales, financial
                  or strategic planning capacity, to any person, firm, or
                  corporation engaged in the manufacture, sale or
                  distribution of products currently being designed,
                  developed, manufactured, sold or distributed by Newell
                  or any of its subsidiaries or divisions which directly
                  or indirectly compete with the LeeRowan, BernzOmatic,
                  Amerock, Newell Hardware Europe, EZ Paintr, Anchor
                  Hocking Consumer Glass, and Anchor Hocking Specialty
                  Glass business operations as conducted as of the date
                  DalleMolle signed this Agreement (a "Competitive
                  Business"), or (ii) engage in any Competitive Business
                  for his own account or (iii) solicit, interfere with or
                  endeavor to entice away from Newell any of its
                  customers with which DalleMolle had contact or
                  communication during his employment with Newell.  The


                  covenants contained in paragraphs 6(e)(i) and (ii)
                  shall apply only as to Competitive Business located or
                  doing business in the United States, Canada or Europe.

             f.   DalleMolle agrees that he will conduct himself in a
                  professional manner and not make any disparaging or
                  negative statements regarding Newell, its subsidiaries
                  or divisions or their officers, directors or employees
                  at any time in the future.

             g.   If DalleMolle commits a breach, or threatens to commit
                  a breach, of any of the provisions of paragraph 6,
                  Newell shall have the right:

                  (i)  to have the provisions of this Agreement
                       specifically enforced by and obtain any other
                       relief to which it is entitled by law or equity
                       from any court having jurisdiction; and

                  (ii) to require DalleMolle to pay over to Newell and/or
                       forfeit all severance benefits provided in
                       paragraph 2 of this Agreement and to account for
                       and pay over to Newell all compensation, profits,
                       monies, accruals, increments or other benefits
                       (collectively "Benefits") derived or received by
                       him as the result of any transactions constituting
                       a breach of any of the provisions of paragraph 6,
                       and DalleMolle hereby agrees to account for and
                       pay over such Benefits to Newell.

                 (iii) discontinue the payment of any further severance

             h.   Each of the rights and remedies enumerated in this
                  paragraph 6 shall be independent of the other, and
                  shall be severally enforceable, and such rights and
                  remedies shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of,
                  any other rights and remedies available to Newell in
                  law or equity at any time in the future.

        7.   Following his resignation and throughout his period of
             severance pay, DalleMolle shall, upon reasonable notice and
             at reasonable times, (having due regard for the conflicting
             obligations arising from any other employment or engagement
             of DalleMolle), advise and assist Newell in preparing such
             operational, financial or other reports or other filings as
             Newell may reasonably request, and to respond to inquiries
             concerning the operations, finances and business of Newell
             and otherwise cooperate with Newell and its affiliates as
             Newell shall reasonably request.  Furthermore, upon
             reasonable notice, DalleMolle agrees to cooperate with
             Newell at Newell's request in prosecuting or defending


             against any litigation, complaints or claims against or
             involving Newell or any of its subsidiaries, divisions or
             affiliated businesses at any time in the future.

        8.   As a material inducement to Newell to enter the Agreement,
             DalleMolle hereby irrevocably and unconditionally releases,
             acquits and forever discharges Newell, its successors,
             assigns, agents, directors, officers, employees,
             representatives, subsidiaries, divisions, parent
             corporations and affiliates, and all other persons acting
             by, through or in concert with any of them (collectively
             "Releasees") from any and all charges, complaints, claims,
             liabilities, obligations, promises, agreements, actions,
             damages, expenses (including attorneys' fees and costs
             actually incurred), or any rights of any and every kind or
             nature, accrued or unaccrued, known and unknown, which
             DalleMolle has or claims to have against each or any of the
             Releasees.  This release pertains to but is in no way
             limited to all matters relating to or arising out of
             DalleMolle's employment and termination of employment by
             Newell and all claims for severance benefits.  The release
             further pertains to but is in no way limited to rights and
             claims under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of
             1967 (29 U.S.C. 621, et seq.), Title VII of  the Civil
             Rights Act, as amended, the Americans With Disabilities Act,
             and all state, local or municipal fair employment laws.

        9.   The Agreement shall be binding upon DalleMolle and upon his
             heirs, administrators, representatives, executors,
             successors, and assigns and shall inure to the benefit of
             the Releasees and to their heirs, administrators,
             representatives, executors, successors, and assigns.

        10.  As a further material inducement to Newell to enter into
             this Agreement, DalleMolle hereby agrees to indemnify and
             hold each and all of the Releasees harmless from and against
             any and all loss, cost, damage or expense, including,
             without limitation, attorneys' fees incurred by Releasees,
             arising out of the breach of the Agreement by DalleMolle.

        11.  The parties understand and agree that the Agreement is final
             and binding and constitutes the complete and exclusive
             statement of the terms and conditions of settlement, that no
             representations or commitments were made by the parties to
             induce the Agreement other than as expressly set forth
             herein and that the Agreement is fully understood by the
             parties. DalleMolle further represents that he has had the
             opportunity and time to consult with legal counsel
             concerning the provisions of the Agreement and that he has
             been given twenty-one (21) days within which to execute the
             Agreement and seven (7) days following his execution to
             revoke the Agreement. The Agreement may not be modified or


             supplemented except by a subsequent written Agreement signed
             by the party against whom enforcement of the modification is

        12.  The validity, construction and enforceability of this
             Agreement shall be governed in all respects by the laws of
             the State of Illinois, without regard to its conflicts of
             laws rules.

        13.  DalleMolle acknowledges that he has carefully read the
             entire document, that a copy of the document was available
             to him prior to execution, that he knows and understands the
             provisions of the document, and that he has signed the
             document as his own free act and deed.

            [The rest of the page has been left purposely blank]


        IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties herein executed the Agreement as
   of the date appearing next to their signatures.

                                 NEWELL RUBBERMAID INC.

   Date:  March 23, 2001         By:  /s/ Dale L. Matschullat
                                      Name:  Dale L. Matschullat
                                      Title: Vice President   General


   Date:  March 21, 2001         /s/  Daniel DalleMolle
                                      Daniel DalleMolle

                       )  SS.

        On the 21st day of March, 2001, Daniel DalleMolle appeared before
   me and, after being duly sworn, did say that he acknowledged the
   instrument to be his voluntary act.

                       In witness whereof, I hereunto set my hand and
                       official seal:

                       /s/ Lisa R. Russo
                                 Notary Public
