

        THIS EMPLOYMENT SECURITY  AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is  entered
   into  this _____  day  of  ____________,  2009,  between  Consolidated
   Communications Holdings, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "Company"),
   and Robert J. Currey ("Executive").

        Executive is employed by the Company or one of its wholly-owned
   subsidiaries (referred to collectively as the "Company") and the
   Company desires to provide certain security to Executive in connection
   with any potential change in control of the Company.  Accordingly, the
   Company and Executive, for good and valuable consideration, the
   receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, hereby agree
   as follows:

        (2) years after a Change in Control (as defined below), (i) the
        Company shall terminate Executive's employment with the Company
        without Cause (as defined below), or (ii) Executive shall
        voluntarily terminate such employment with Good Reason (as
        defined below), the Company shall provide the benefits and,
        within thirty (30) days of Executive's Employment Termination (as
        defined below), make the payments, described below.

        (a)  CASH PAYMENT.  The Company shall make a lump sum cash
             payment to Executive equal to three times Executive's Annual
             Compensation (as defined below).

        (b)  SHORT-YEAR BONUS.  The Company shall make a lump sum cash
             payment to Executive equal to a pro rata portion (based on
             the date on which Executive's Employment Termination occurs)
             of the annual amounts payable to Executive under all cash-
             based incentive or bonus plans or arrangements of the
             Company, determined as if targeted performance goals under
             such plans or arrangements were attained at a 100% level,
             with respect to the fiscal year in which either Executive's
             Employment Termination occurs or the Change in Control
             occurs, whichever produces a higher amount.  Notwithstanding
             the foregoing provisions of this subsection (b), the short-
             year bonus payment described herein shall be paid to
             Executive only to the extent that as a result of Executive's
             Employment Termination, Executive is not eligible to receive
             a payment under a cash-based incentive plan or arrangement
             of the Company for the fiscal year in which the Employment
             Termination occurs.

        (c)  WELFARE BENEFIT PLANS.  With respect to each Welfare Benefit
             Plan (as defined below), for the period beginning on
             Executive's Employment Termination and ending on the earlier

             of (i) three years following Executive's Employment
             Termination, or (ii) the date Executive becomes covered by a
             welfare benefit plan or program maintained by an entity
             other than the Company which provides coverage or benefits
             at least equal, in all respects, to such Welfare Benefit
             Plan, Executive shall continue to participate in such
             Welfare Benefit Plan on the same basis and at the same cost
             to Executive as was the case immediately prior to the Change
             in Control (or, if more favorable to Executive, as was the
             case at any time hereafter), or, if any benefit or coverage
             cannot be provided under a Welfare Benefit Plan because of
             applicable law or contractual provisions, Executive shall be
             provided with substantially similar benefits and coverage
             for such period.  Immediately following the expiration of
             the continuation period required by the preceding sentence,
             Executive shall be entitled to continued group health
             benefit plan coverage (so-called "COBRA coverage") in
             accordance with Section 4980B of the Internal Revenue Code
             of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), it being intended that
             COBRA coverage shall be consecutive to the benefits and
             coverage provided for in the preceding sentence.

             pay to Executive any unpaid salary or other compensation of
             any kind earned with respect to any period prior to
             Executive's Employment Termination and a lump sum cash
             payment for accumulated but unused vacation earned through
             such Employment Termination.

   2.   DEFINITIONS.  For purposes of this Agreement:

        (a)  "Cause" shall mean:  (i) the conviction of, pleading guilty
             to, or confessing or otherwise admitting to any felony or
             any act of fraud, misappropriation or embezzlement; (ii) the
             act or omission by Executive involving malfeasance or gross
             negligence in the performance of Executive's duties and
             responsibilities to the material detriment of the Company;
             or (iii) the breach of any provision of any code of conduct
             adopted by the Company which applies to the Company if the
             consequence to such violation for any Executive subject to
             such code of conduct ordinarily would be a termination of
             his or her employment by the Company; provided however, no
             such act or omission or event shall be treated as "Cause"
             under this Agreement unless (a) Executive has been provided
             a detailed, written statement of the basis for belief that
             such act or omission or event constitutes "Cause" and an
             opportunity to meet with the Compensation Committee of the
             Board of Directors of the Company (the "Committee")
             (together with Executive's counsel if Executive chooses to
             have counsel present at such meeting) after Executive has
             had a reasonable period in which to review such statement
             and, if the act or omission or event is one which can be


             cured by Executive, Executive has had at least a thirty (30)
             day period to take corrective action and (b) a majority of
             the Committee after such meeting (if Executive exercises
             Executive's right to have a meeting) and after the end of
             such thirty (30) day correction period (if applicable)
             determines reasonably and in good faith that "Cause" does
             exist under this Agreement.

        (b)  (i)   "Good Reason" shall exist if:

                   a.   there is any reduction after the Change Effective
                        Date (as defined below) in Executive's base salary
                        and/or bonus opportunity without Executive's
                        express written consent;

                   b.   there is any reduction after the Change Effective
                        Date in the scope, importance or prestige of
                        Executive's duties, responsibilities or powers at
                        the Company without Executive's express written
                        consent; or

                   c.   the Company transfers Executive's primary work
                        site to a new primary work site which is more than
                        30 miles (measured along a straight line) from
                        Executive's then current primary work site unless
                        such new primary work site is closer (measured
                        along a straight line) to Executive's primary
                        residence than Executive's then current primary
                        work site.

             (ii)  Notwithstanding the foregoing, no such act or omission
                   shall be treated as "Good Reason" under this Agreement

                   a.   (1) Executive delivers to the Committee a
                        detailed, written statement of the basis for the
                        Executive's belief that such act or omission
                        constitutes Good Reason, (2) Executive delivers
                        such statement before the later of (A) the end of
                        the ninety (90) day period which starts on the
                        date there is an act or omission which forms the
                        basis for Executive's belief that Good Reason
                        exists or (B) the end of the period mutually
                        agreed upon for purposes of this paragraph in
                        writing by Executive and the Committee, (3)
                        Executive gives the Committee a thirty (30) day
                        period after the delivery of such statement to
                        cure the basis for such belief and (4) Executive
                        actually submits his or her written resignation to
                        the Committee during the sixty (60) day period
                        which begins immediately after the end of such
                        thirty (30) day period if Executive reasonably and


                        in good faith determines that Good Reason
                        continues to exist after the end of such thirty
                        (30) day period; or

                   b.   The Company states in writing to Executive that
                        Executive has the right to treat any such act or
                        omission as Good Reason under this Agreement and
                        Executive resigns during the sixty (60) day period
                        which starts on date such statement is actually
                        delivered to Executive.

        (c)  "Change in Control" shall mean a change in control of the
             Company of a nature that would be required to be reported in
             response to Item 6(e) of Schedule 14A of Regulation 14A
             promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the
             "1934 Act") as in effect at the time of such "change in
             control", provided that such a change in control shall be
             deemed to have occurred on the earliest to occur of any of
             the following:

             (i)   any "person" (as that term is used in Sections 13(d)
                   and 14(d)(2) of the 1934 Act), other than an
                   "affiliate" (as that term is defined in Section 5 of
                   Article IV of the Company's amended and restated
                   certificate of incorporation) of Richard A. Lumpkin, is
                   or becomes the beneficial owner (as defined in Rule
                   13d-3 under the 1934 Act) directly or indirectly, of
                   securities representing a majority of the combined
                   voting power for election of directors of the then
                   outstanding securities of the Company or any successor
                   to the Company;

             (ii)  during any period of two consecutive years or less,
                   individuals who at the beginning of such period
                   constitute the Board cease, for any reason, to
                   constitute at least a majority of the Board, unless the
                   election or nomination for election of each new
                   director was approved by a vote of at least two-thirds
                   of the directors then still in office who were
                   directors at the beginning of the period;

             (iii) the shareholders of the Company approve any
                   reorganization, merger, consolidation or share
                   exchange as a result of which the common stock of
                   the Company shall be changed, converted or
                   exchanged into or for securities of another
                   corporation (other than a merger with a wholly-
                   owned subsidiary of the Company) or any
                   dissolution or liquidation of the Company or any
                   sale or the disposition of 50% or more of the
                   assets or business of the Company; or


             (iv)  shareholders of the Company approve any reorganization,
                   merger, consolidation or share exchange unless (A) the
                   persons who were the beneficial owners of the
                   outstanding shares of the common stock of the Company
                   immediately before the consummation of such transaction
                   beneficially own at least a majority of the outstanding
                   shares of the common stock of the successor or survivor
                   corporation in such transaction immediately following
                   the consummation of such transaction and (B) the number
                   of shares of the common stock of such successor or
                   survivor corporation beneficially owned by the persons
                   described in Section 2(c)(iv)(A) immediately following
                   the consummation of such transaction is beneficially
                   owned by each such person in substantially the same
                   proportion that each such person had beneficially owned
                   shares of the Company common stock immediately before
                   the consummation of such transaction, provided (C) the
                   percentage described in Section 2(c)(iv)(A) of the
                   beneficially owned shares of the successor or survivor
                   corporation and the number described in Section
                   2(c)(iv)(B) of the beneficially owned shares of the
                   successor or survivor corporation shall be determined
                   exclusively by reference to the shares of the successor
                   or survivor corporation which result from the
                   beneficial ownership of shares of common stock of the
                   Company by the persons described in Section 2(c)(iv)(A)
                   immediately before the consummation of such

        (d)  "Change Effective Date" shall mean either the date which
             includes the "closing" of the transaction which makes a
             Change in Control effective if the Change in Control is made
             effective through a transaction which has a "closing" or the
             date a Change in Control is reported in accordance with
             applicable law as effective to the Securities and Exchange
             Commission if the Change in Control is made effective other
             than through a transaction which has a "closing".

        (e)  "Annual Compensation" shall mean the sum of:  (i)
             Executive's salary for one year at the greater of (A)
             Executive's salary rate in effect immediately prior to the
             date of the Change in Control, or (B) Executive's salary
             rate in effect on Executive's Employment Termination; and
             (ii) the Amounts Payable Under Any Cash Bonus Plans (as
             defined below) in which Executive participates.

        (f)  "Employment Termination" shall mean the effective date of:
             (i) Executive's voluntary termination of employment with the
             Company with Good Reason; or (ii) the termination of
             Executive's employment by the Company without Good Cause.


        (g)  "Welfare Benefit Plan" shall mean each welfare benefit plan
             maintained or contributed to by the Company, including, but
             not limited to a plan that provides health (including
             medical and dental), life, accident or disability benefits
             or insurance, or similar coverage, in which Executive was
             participating immediately prior to the date of the Change in

        (h)  "Amounts Payable Under Any Cash Bonus Plans" shall mean the
             annual amounts payable to Executive under any cash-based
             incentive or bonus plans or arrangements in which Executive
             participates, determined as if targeted performance goals
             under such plans or arrangements were attained at a 100%
             level, with respect to the fiscal year in which either
             Executive's Employment Termination occurs or the Change in
             Control occurs, whichever produces a higher amount.


        Anything in this Agreement to the contrary notwithstanding, in
        the event that any payment or distribution by or on behalf of the
        Company to or for the benefit of Executive (whether paid or
        payable or distributed or distributable pursuant to the terms of
        this Agreement or otherwise) is determined to be a "parachute
        payment" pursuant to Section 280G of the Internal Revenue Code
        (the "Code") (the "Payments"), and if any portion of the Payments
        is determined to be an "excess parachute payment" pursuant to
        Code Section 280G, the Company shall reduce, eliminate or
        postpone the amount otherwise payable to Executive pursuant to
        Section 1 of the Agreement by an amount such that the aggregate
        "present value" (as defined in Code Section 280G) of the Payments
        is one dollar less than an amount equal to three times
        Executive's "base amount" (as defined in Code Sections 280G), so
        that Executive is not liable for any payment of the excise tax
        described in Code Section 4999.

   4.   CODE SECTION 409A COMPLIANCE.  Notwithstanding anything in this
        Agreement to the contrary:

        (a)  If at Executive's Employment Termination Executive is a "Key
             Employee" as defined in Code Section 416(i) (without
             reference to paragraph 5 thereof), to the extent any amounts
             payable to Executive pursuant to this Agreement are subject
             to Code Section 409A, payment of such amounts shall not be
             made until six months following Executive's Employment

        (b)  Reimbursements or in-kind benefits provided under this
             Agreement that are subject to Code Section 409A are subject
             to the following restrictions:  (i) the amount of expenses
             eligible for reimbursements, or in-kind benefits provided,
             to Executive during a calendar year shall not affect the


             expenses eligible for reimbursement or the in-kind benefits
             provided in any other calendar year, and (ii) reimbursement
             of an eligible expense shall be made as soon as practicable,
             but in no event later than the last day of the calendar year
             following the calendar year in which the expense was

   5.   MITIGATION AND SET-OFF.  Executive shall not be required to
        mitigate Executive's damages by seeking other employment or
        otherwise.  Except as provided in Section 1(c) of this Agreement,
        the Company's obligations under this Agreement shall not be
        reduced in any way by reason of any compensation or benefits
        received (or foregone) by Executive from sources other than the
        Company after Executive's Employment Termination, or any amounts
        that might have been received by Executive in other employment
        had Executive sought such other employment.  Executive's
        entitlement to benefits and coverage under this Agreement shall
        continue after, and shall not be affected by, Executive's
        obtaining other employment after his Employment Termination,
        provided that any such benefit or coverage shall not be furnished
        if Executive expressly waives the specific benefit or coverage by
        giving written notice of waiver to the Company.

   6.   LITIGATION EXPENSES.  The Company shall pay to Executive all out-
        of-pocket expenses, including attorneys' fees, incurred by
        Executive in the event Executive successfully enforces any
        provision of this Agreement in any action, arbitration or

   7.   RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS.  Executive agrees that of the amount paid
        to Executive pursuant to Section 1(a) of the Agreement, a portion
        equal to one times Executive's Annual Compensation shall serve as
        adequate consideration for the restrictive covenants described

        (a)  NON-COMPETE.  Executive agrees that he shall not, while
             Executive is employed by the Company and for one year
             following any Employment Termination, be associated,
             directly or indirectly, as an employee, proprietor,
             stockholder, partner, agent, representative, officer, or
             otherwise, with the operation of any business that is
             competitive with any line of business of the Company for
             which Executive has provided substantial services, in any
             geographic area in which such line of business was active at
             the time of Executive's Employment Termination, without the
             prior written consent of the Company, which shall not
             unreasonably be withheld, except that Executive's ownership
             (or that of his wife and children)  of less than 1% of any
             class of publicly-traded securities of any such business
             shall not be considered a violation of this Section.  For
             purposes of the preceding sentence, Executive shall be
             considered as the "stockholder" of any equity securities


             owned by his spouse and all relatives and children residing
             in Executive's principal residence.

             EMPLOYEES.  Executive agrees that he shall not, while
             Executive is employed by the Company and for one year
             following any Employment Termination, directly or
             indirectly, in his individual capacity or otherwise, induce,
             cause, persuade, or attempt to do any of the foregoing in
             order to cause, any customer, representative, agent or
             employee of the Company to terminate such person's
             relationship with the Company or to violate the terms of any
             agreement between said customer, representative, agent or
             employee and the Company.

   8.   CONFIDENTIALITY.  Executive acknowledges that preservation of a
        continuing business relationship between the Company and its
        customers, representative, and employees is of critical
        importance to the continued business success of the Company and
        that it is the active policy of the Company to guard as
        confidential the identity of its customers, trade secrets,
        pricing policies, business affairs, representatives and
        employees.  In view of the foregoing, Executive agrees that he
        shall not, while employed by the Company and thereafter, without
        the prior written consent of the Company (which consent shall not
        be withheld unreasonably), disclose to any person or entity any
        information concerning the business of, or any customer,
        representative, agent or employee of, the Company which was
        obtained by Executive in the course of his employment by the
        Company.  This section shall not be applicable if and to the
        extent Executive is required to testify in a legislative,
        judicial or regulatory proceeding pursuant to an order of
        Congress, any state or local legislature, a judge, or an
        administrative law judge.

   9.   ASSIGNMENT; SUCCESSORS.  This Agreement may not be assigned by
        the Company without the written consent of Executive but the
        obligations of the Company under this Agreement shall be the
        binding legal obligations of any successor to the Company by
        merger, consolidation or otherwise, and in the event of any
        business combination or transaction that results in the transfer
        or substantially all of the assets or business of the Company,
        the Company will cause the transferee to assume the obligations
        of the Company under this Agreement.  This Agreement may not be
        assigned by Executive during Executive's life, and upon
        Executive's death will inure to the benefit of Executive's heirs,
        legatees and legal representatives of Executive's estate.

   10.  WITHHOLDING.  The Company may withhold from any payment that it
        is required to make under this Agreement amounts sufficient to
        satisfy applicable withholding requirements under any federal,
        state or local law.


   11.  AMENDMENT OR TERMINATION.  This Agreement may be amended at any
        time by written agreement between the Company and Executive.  The
        Company may terminate this Agreement by written notice given to
        Executive at least two years prior to the effective date of such
        termination, provided that, if a Change in Control occurs prior
        to the effective date of such termination, the termination of
        this Agreement shall not be effective and Executive shall be
        entitled to the full benefits of this Agreement.  Any such
        amendment or termination shall be made pursuant to a resolution
        of the Board.

   12.  FINANCING.  Cash and benefit payments under this Agreement shall
        constitute general obligations of the Company.  Executive shall
        have only an unsecured right to payment thereof out of the
        general assets of the Company.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,
        the Company may, by agreement with one or more trustees to be
        selected by the Company, create a trust on such terms as the
        Company shall determine to make payments to Executive in
        accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

   13.  INTERPRETATION.  The validity, interpretation, construction and
        performance of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of
        the State of Illinois, without regard to the conflict of law
        principles thereof.

   14.  SEVERABILITY.  In the event that any provision or portion of this
        Agreement shall be determined to be invalid or unenforceable for
        any reason, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall be
        unaffected thereby and shall remain in full force and effect.

   15.  OTHER AGREEMENTS.  This Agreement supersedes and cancels any
        prior written or oral agreements and understandings relating to
        the terms of this Agreement including any prior Employment
        Security Agreement between Executive and the Company.

   IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on
   the day and year first written above.

   Consolidated Communications
   Holdings, Inc.


     Its:                                    Executive
